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Learning is not passive consumption, but active creation.
Purpose •
Introduction •
Team •
3. Sapporo City University Design Department •
4. Ikishima Commercial Highschool •
5. Kyushu University Entrepreneurship Center (QREC) • QREC
6. Museomix International Collaboration (with Ulotamlo)• ( )
2. Osaka City University Urban Business Deparment •
1. Fukuoka City University Business Department •
- - Roland HALLER •
- - Alice BALLE •
ENdemic movement
NOMADO Project
The ENdemic movement, as championed by Tsunagaru Ltd., is a concerted effort to improve
society through the fusion of communication, art, engineering, and research. We fervently
believe that life is enriched when connections are forged between disparate communities,
environments, and disciplines. We also believe that tearing down the barriers that divide us
will facilitate the creation of meaningful connections that were previously unimaginable. In
accordance with this philosophy, we actively design connections in a variety of forms.
Through our flagship project, the "NOMADO Project," we host workshops to explore the
transformative power of connections and the powerful social value they bring.
There are many kinds of people who come to our workshops to learn about us, to learn
knowledge, just because their teachers told them to, or because they followed their friends.
No matter how they got here, they are welcome. This is not a school, they are not our
students, and we are not their teachers. We are here to meet them all, to play with ideas, to
create new ones, to build an exciting and worthy future together.
So, what kind of future can we create together?
To fit the needs of each class and professor, we cautiously adapt the content of our workshop to each
request. Depending on the profiles and the outcome expected, as well as the time available and the
number of participants, we design a series of sessions usually based on: an icebreaker - a priming
(energy/mood) - a scientific input - a divergent thinking session - a convergent session - a
prototyping phase - a final presentation. Our main goal is to broaden and diversify the approaches of
the participants, empower their thinking processes and boast their creativity. To this end, we rely on a
large diversify of exercises using collaboration, roleplay, gamification, sketching, etc.
We warm up the mind
and the body, we
appropriate the space,
we reduce any trace of
intimidation and train
our voices.
We set the basics
concepts and theories
that will be used during
the sessions.
We broaden our
perspective and diversify
our approaches in order to
identify and share as many
ideas as possible.
We deepen, improve
and refine the ideas.
Then we compare,
merge and select the
best proposals.
We focus on the selected ideas and
we design their concrete aspects by
sketching a first prototype.
Finally, we ask each
group of participants to
present their
prototypes and we
discuss them through
various creative ways.
The value of our workshops mainly relied on the diversity of the ENdemic team. With a broad
variety of expertises and backgrounds, we can provide a high value content and qualitative
facilitation. When needed and relevant, we also include additional collaborators, especially
for the scientific input, or the presentation phases.
Production director
DX Mr. Takebayashi has many years of
experience in large-scale project
management in the field of DX and
tourism promotion for government and
public agencies. As a producer, he is in
charge of formulating the strategy, and
manage its execution, nevertheless, he
prefers to describe himself simply as a
designer. He excels at building
intangible projects, businesses,
organizations, communications,
experiences, and relationships. Ken is a
serial entrepreneur and has a track
record of successes through deep and
interesting projects. Most recently, he
has balanced his own spirit of challenge
with his calling to charity by working on
social design to reduce inequality.
Alice BALLÉ, is a multi-disciplinary
researcher with a PhD about heritage
enhancement and new technologies.
She is also a graphic designer, a dancer,
a calligrapher, and many other things.
Alice is an empathic optimist who excels
at weaving relationships. Reasonable,
encouraging, and open to the team, she
is the linchpin that ensures the stability
and depth of the project. She came to
Japan after working in France, Poland,
and Brazil. She has spent many years
researching how to develop cultural
heritage through the use of technology,
especially mixed realities. She also
theorizes the concepts of relationship
design as well as community
development models for this project.
Scientific director
Roland Haller, is a central figure in the
ENdemic movement. With a diverse
background as a lumberjack, homeless
person, actor, cook, writer, Japanese
interpreter, guide, international tourism
consultant, and most recently
experience designer, he has seen many
facets of diversity and marginalization.
He has worked as a cultural tourism
consultant creating connections
between local governments and
overseas markets, and as an experience
designer utilizing local resources. He
incorporates creativity and scientific
knowledge to create social impact.
Roland now strives to break down
preconceptions and connect people
and culture through his unique vision,
creativity, and boundless energy.
Creative director
• Target : 3,4 • 3rd and 4th year university students
• Theme : • Designing the relationship between companies and students
• Duration : • Half a day
• Participants : 12 • 12 people
This seminar aimed to foster entrepreneurship through internships and
business creation experiences in regional scales. The workshops was focused
on "co-creation experience," "idea creation methods," and "future learning".
Preliminary interviews were conducted to gain student insight and adapt the
content. The main issue raised through those interviews was "finding
employment at a local company and starting a business". In order to deepen
the students' awareness of the issues and help them to tackel it, the sessions
focused on the design of an internship that enhanced the relationship between
the company and the students. The students were divided into groups to
diverge, converge, and present their ideas.
"Thank you so much for this valuable opportunity and for all the
preparation you have done for this workshop. I was a little
doubtful about the fact that I enjoyed learning so much despite
the difficulty level of what we were doing. Originally, it was
difficult. But I enjoyed it very much and the time passed
quickly. It was an experience that changed my future life
choices. I realized that I have creativity within me!"
"Thank you for allowing me to participate in your workshop. It
was more difficult and interesting than I expected, and the
time went by very quickly. This time, I came up with ideas and
thoughts, but I couldn't communicate them well, so I will train
myself to communicate my thoughts better from now on!"
"The workshop was a stimulating experience that
made me globally conscious. Unlike workshops
held only in Japanese, there were various
languages spoken such as Japanese, English, and
French. It also made me think that I would like to
be active on the global stage. Thank you very
"I really enjoyed it! I'm not usually
good at talking about myself or my
opinions, but this opportunity gave
me the chance to enjoy talking,
listening to other people's opinions,
and thinking fully using both my right
and left brain! Thank you very much."
• Target : • Graduate students
• Theme : Relationship design and identity shift •
• Duration : 2 • 2 hours
• Participants : 25 • 25 people
Osaka City University Urban Business Deparment
The core of NOMADO is to design experiences that will lead to an identity
shift. The workshop consisted of two parts: a lecture to unpack how these
experiences are designed, and a relationship design exercise for future
application in companies. A high-level exchange of ideas for management
was conducted, including an analysis of individual identity-shifting
experiences and demonstration of emotional design techniques.
"It was a theme that I've always been aware of,
but verbalizing and visualizing it in a session like
this made me aware of it again."
"The ice-breaking game in which everyone participated was
well-designed (activities that get harder and harder are
unusual). The workgroups activities by three were
interesting, participants went debating naturally. I was
asked why there wasn’t music being played in Japanese
companies, but the fact of playing music in a company
actually never came to my mind before."
"The concept of relationship
design is quite new!"
"I enjoyed the way they
made sure we don’t forget
the wisdom and human
relationships we earned
during the event."
• Target : 2,3 • 2nd and 3rd year university students
• Theme : ENdemic Thinking Workshop •
• Duration : 2 • 2 days
• Participants : 8 • 8 people
Sapporo City University Design Department
The goal of the workshop was to master the cycle of divergence, convergence,
prototyping, and presentation, as well as the fundamentals of design thinking,
through multiple cycles of exercises. Several preliminary sessions were held to
break down the barrier of the relationship between organizers, participants,
and professors. All participants co-created the preparation and management
of the workshop. The two-day experience was designed so that the
participants could rotate various roles within the group, notice a different side
of themselves than usual, notice aspects of each other that they did not know,
and renew their relationships with each other.
"It was like traveling through a sea of ideas. The students,
who were nervous and anxious at first, relied on the
compass and map-reading skills they received from the
Tsunagaru team, who were their guides, as well as the
sense of style each brought to the project, to read the
terrain and pave the way. No one could see where they
were going, but when they looked back, they were
impressed by the scenery they could see, wondering how
far they had come. I feel it gives me the fun of adventure
and the courage to enjoy the unknown."
"I usually think I am good at selling my own character,
but this time I enjoyed finding a single goal by utilizing
the personalities of those around me. I hope to continue
the project by combining the creativity of Tsunagaru's
international team and the School of Design."
"I felt that there are many ways to be active in a team. There is a
person who becomes the center of the conversation as a
moderator, a person who summarizes as a scribe, and a person
who observes the opinions of others written on sticky notes and
makes suggestions. I am not usually a loud person, but my
presence was recognized as valuable, and I was able to take on
the role of organizing everyone's opinions. I feel that by continuing
this training, I can become someone I have never envisioned
( )
"At first, I was skeptical about what was going to happen and I wanted to
skip it (lol). I was not the type to be interested in the people around me,
but through the workshop I think I found a new character, combining my
opinion with other people's ideas and taking on the role of presenter. I
found many things that I will be able to use in group work in college."
• Target : 3 • 3rd year high school students • young entrepreneur from Tsushima
• Theme : Multifaceted Attractiveness of Isolated Islands •
• Duration : 90 • 90min
• Participants : 12 • 12 people
Ikishima commercial High School
This workshop of ENdemic Thinking was aiming at solving issues in isolated
islands, in an entrepreneurship class at Ikishima Commercial High School. The
objective was to help the high school students from Ikishima and the young
entrepreneurs from Tsushima to consider and verbalize the attractiveness of
the island while using multiple and relative perspectives (ENdemic Thinking
and multifaceted approach)
This workshop was an attempt to verbalize one's innermost thoughts, deepen understanding
among participants, and create new values through fast-paced, repeated communication by
improvisation. It was a moment when I felt as if the level of language spoken by the high
school students had been raised to a higher level. I was also impressed by the uniformly
refreshed faces of all the participants. This is the second time I have attended a workshop
facilitated by M. Haller, and I strongly felt that this service itself, even though it is still in the
prototype stage, has been well thought out. The location and shape of the "window," the way it
communicates with the participants, and the message it conveys are all plotted out in detail.
The students also excelled in their ability to strive for and execute maximum performance
within a limited time frame. The content was convincing to the high school teachers as well as
the high school students' reactions brought about by the class. I, myself, learned a lot.
I thought it was important to
build a circle of people in order
to tell others about the charms
of the island that I had noticed.
I realized that there are still
many attractions of Iki that I do
not know about. Even though I
was nervous, I realized the
importance of expressing my
own opinion.
It was challenging to learn fun
and interesting things, and put
my thoughts into words.
• Target : 1 4 • 1st to 4th year university students and graduate students
• Theme : Relationship Design as a Marketing Technique •
• Duration : 90 • 90min
• Participants : 40 • 40 people
Kyushu University Entrepreneurship Center (QREC)
This lecture on "Relationship Design Theory" was part of the Entrepreneurship
Education curriculum promoted by Kyushu University. The class's long-term
theme was to come up with a marketing plan for a new product of a real
company in the community. The students learned the essence of relationship
design, such as "defining the relationship between the product and society"
and "creating a fan base by nurturing relationships between people.
I felt that recognizing people as real human people is
important not only in marketing but also in our daily lives. I
believe that by not treating people like machines, we can
lighten their hearts. To give a concrete example, even if
you are shopping at a convenience store, saying "Hello" or
saying "Thank you" may help that person a little. I would
like to be a person who can recognize people as human.
I was able to reconfirm that the value of a product is
not only in its function, but also in the connections
between people through that product. I was particularly
interested in the idea that when communicating with
others, we are bound by preconceived ideas and fixed
scripts about how to get information out of them. I
think this could be one of the guiding principles in
future communication and social activities.
I understand now that marketing, in a nutshell, is about thinking, "Who do I want
to please, and by what?". I felt that "relationship design" is a method of building
relationships that develops the marketing frame. What I have learned is to
observe and understand the other person well, and to think about what approach
to take in order to build a good relationship with that person. I would like to use
this approach actively in my job search and in student organizations.
• Target : • • • Artistic producers, mediator and museum curators
• Theme : Artistic international collaboration •
• Duration : 2 • 2h
• Participants : 30 • 30 people
( )
MUSEOMIX international collaboration (Ulotamlo in Itoshima)
2011 3
We organized an international facilitation during the Museomix event at the
Museum of Vire Normandie and we connected the participants to Japanese
producers and curators in the art bookstore "Ulotamlo" of the city of Itoshima in
Japan. Museomix is an international creative hackathon organized since 2011
lasting three days. The teams were able to gather comments, questions,
references to explore, but above all a unique perspective outside of the
European-centric spectrum. This also allowed the Japanese professionals to
discover the concept and to consider the implementation of the first Japanese
The feedback we received during the experience were very relevant. They
used the nuances, they thought about the senses, they were also concerned
by the ecology, all in all we felt very understood through our projects. There
was something very moving and almost confusing to get a contact so
immediate and so natural while they were many kilometers away. It felt like
they were right here with us, in the same space, the experience is very
natural. We felt very lucky !
Such a refreshing time to hear
someone's ideas from the source
It's a initiative that provides a
platform of human discovery. It
democratization of opportunity.
Let's do it ! Join the ENdemic movement !
ENdemic !
Osaka Head Office
Tokyo Office
Fukuoka Office
Hokkaido Office
Oita Office
Company name: TSUNAGARU INC.
Representative: Takeshi KANAOKA, Representative
Establishment: May 7, 2010
Capital: 10,000,000 yens
Banks: The Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
Number of employees: ~50
201 Toei Building, 1-12-2 Minamihorie, Nishi-ku,
Osaka 550-0015, Japan
1-6-10-9F Nihonbashi Ningyocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-
0013, Japan
603 ST Building, 1-11-36 Haruyoshi, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
City, Fukuoka 810-0003, Japan
6F, Tategiseki Building, 3-8 Minami 1-jo Nishi, Chuo-
ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0061, Japan
4F, 3-7 Tanoyu-cho, Beppu City, Oita Prefecture 874-
0909, Japan
2010 5 7
550-0015 1-12-2 201
103-0013 1-6-10-9F
810-0003 1-11-36 ST
060-0061 1 3 8
874-0909 -7-4F

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ENdemic workshops

  • 1.
  • 3. Learning is not passive consumption, but active creation.
  • 4. CONTENT Purpose • 1 3 7 8 9 10 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 Introduction • Team • 3. Sapporo City University Design Department • 4. Ikishima Commercial Highschool • 5. Kyushu University Entrepreneurship Center (QREC) • QREC 6. Museomix International Collaboration (with Ulotamlo)• ( ) 2. Osaka City University Urban Business Deparment • 1. Fukuoka City University Business Department • Contact - - Ken TAKEBAYASHI • - - Roland HALLER • - - Alice BALLE •
  • 6. INTRODUCTION A WINDOW THROUGH THE SOCIAL WALLS. The ENdemic movement, as championed by Tsunagaru Ltd., is a concerted effort to improve society through the fusion of communication, art, engineering, and research. We fervently believe that life is enriched when connections are forged between disparate communities, environments, and disciplines. We also believe that tearing down the barriers that divide us will facilitate the creation of meaningful connections that were previously unimaginable. In accordance with this philosophy, we actively design connections in a variety of forms. Through our flagship project, the "NOMADO Project," we host workshops to explore the transformative power of connections and the powerful social value they bring. There are many kinds of people who come to our workshops to learn about us, to learn knowledge, just because their teachers told them to, or because they followed their friends. No matter how they got here, they are welcome. This is not a school, they are not our students, and we are not their teachers. We are here to meet them all, to play with ideas, to create new ones, to build an exciting and worthy future together. So, what kind of future can we create together? 2
  • 7. To fit the needs of each class and professor, we cautiously adapt the content of our workshop to each request. Depending on the profiles and the outcome expected, as well as the time available and the number of participants, we design a series of sessions usually based on: an icebreaker - a priming (energy/mood) - a scientific input - a divergent thinking session - a convergent session - a prototyping phase - a final presentation. Our main goal is to broaden and diversify the approaches of the participants, empower their thinking processes and boast their creativity. To this end, we rely on a large diversify of exercises using collaboration, roleplay, gamification, sketching, etc. PURPOSE 3
  • 8. ICEBREAKER - PRIMING 1 2 SCIENTIFIC INPUT We warm up the mind and the body, we appropriate the space, we reduce any trace of intimidation and train our voices. We set the basics concepts and theories that will be used during the sessions. 4
  • 9. DIVERGENT THINKING CONVERGENT THINKING 3 4 We broaden our perspective and diversify our approaches in order to identify and share as many ideas as possible. We deepen, improve and refine the ideas. Then we compare, merge and select the best proposals. 5
  • 10. 5 6 PROTOTYPING PRESENTATION We focus on the selected ideas and we design their concrete aspects by sketching a first prototype. Finally, we ask each group of participants to present their prototypes and we discuss them through various creative ways. 6
  • 11. TEAM HALLER Roland • BALLE Alice • TAKEBAYASHI Ken ENdemic The value of our workshops mainly relied on the diversity of the ENdemic team. With a broad variety of expertises and backgrounds, we can provide a high value content and qualitative facilitation. When needed and relevant, we also include additional collaborators, especially for the scientific input, or the presentation phases. 7
  • 12. Production director PORTRAIT Ken TAKEBAYASHI DX Mr. Takebayashi has many years of experience in large-scale project management in the field of DX and tourism promotion for government and public agencies. As a producer, he is in charge of formulating the strategy, and manage its execution, nevertheless, he prefers to describe himself simply as a designer. He excels at building intangible projects, businesses, organizations, communications, experiences, and relationships. Ken is a serial entrepreneur and has a track record of successes through deep and interesting projects. Most recently, he has balanced his own spirit of challenge with his calling to charity by working on social design to reduce inequality. 8
  • 13. PORTRAIT Alice BALLÉ, is a multi-disciplinary researcher with a PhD about heritage enhancement and new technologies. She is also a graphic designer, a dancer, a calligrapher, and many other things. Alice is an empathic optimist who excels at weaving relationships. Reasonable, encouraging, and open to the team, she is the linchpin that ensures the stability and depth of the project. She came to Japan after working in France, Poland, and Brazil. She has spent many years researching how to develop cultural heritage through the use of technology, especially mixed realities. She also theorizes the concepts of relationship design as well as community development models for this project. ENdemic Alice BALLE Scientific director 9
  • 14. PORTRAIT HALLER Roland • Roland Haller, is a central figure in the ENdemic movement. With a diverse background as a lumberjack, homeless person, actor, cook, writer, Japanese interpreter, guide, international tourism consultant, and most recently experience designer, he has seen many facets of diversity and marginalization. He has worked as a cultural tourism consultant creating connections between local governments and overseas markets, and as an experience designer utilizing local resources. He incorporates creativity and scientific knowledge to create social impact. Roland now strives to break down preconceptions and connect people and culture through his unique vision, creativity, and boundless energy. ENdemic Creative director 10
  • 15. CASES • Target : 3,4 • 3rd and 4th year university students • Theme : • Designing the relationship between companies and students • Duration : • Half a day • Participants : 12 • 12 people FUKUOKA CITY UNIVERSITY BUSINESS DEPARTMENT 1 This seminar aimed to foster entrepreneurship through internships and business creation experiences in regional scales. The workshops was focused on "co-creation experience," "idea creation methods," and "future learning". Preliminary interviews were conducted to gain student insight and adapt the content. The main issue raised through those interviews was "finding employment at a local company and starting a business". In order to deepen the students' awareness of the issues and help them to tackel it, the sessions focused on the design of an internship that enhanced the relationship between the company and the students. The students were divided into groups to diverge, converge, and present their ideas. 11
  • 16. CASES "Thank you so much for this valuable opportunity and for all the preparation you have done for this workshop. I was a little doubtful about the fact that I enjoyed learning so much despite the difficulty level of what we were doing. Originally, it was difficult. But I enjoyed it very much and the time passed quickly. It was an experience that changed my future life choices. I realized that I have creativity within me!" "Thank you for allowing me to participate in your workshop. It was more difficult and interesting than I expected, and the time went by very quickly. This time, I came up with ideas and thoughts, but I couldn't communicate them well, so I will train myself to communicate my thoughts better from now on!" "The workshop was a stimulating experience that made me globally conscious. Unlike workshops held only in Japanese, there were various languages spoken such as Japanese, English, and French. It also made me think that I would like to be active on the global stage. Thank you very much!" "I really enjoyed it! I'm not usually good at talking about myself or my opinions, but this opportunity gave me the chance to enjoy talking, listening to other people's opinions, and thinking fully using both my right and left brain! Thank you very much." 12
  • 17. CASES • Target : • Graduate students • Theme : Relationship design and identity shift • • Duration : 2 • 2 hours • Participants : 25 • 25 people Osaka City University Urban Business Deparment 2 NOMADO 2 The core of NOMADO is to design experiences that will lead to an identity shift. The workshop consisted of two parts: a lecture to unpack how these experiences are designed, and a relationship design exercise for future application in companies. A high-level exchange of ideas for management was conducted, including an analysis of individual identity-shifting experiences and demonstration of emotional design techniques. 13
  • 18. CASES "It was a theme that I've always been aware of, but verbalizing and visualizing it in a session like this made me aware of it again." "The ice-breaking game in which everyone participated was well-designed (activities that get harder and harder are unusual). The workgroups activities by three were interesting, participants went debating naturally. I was asked why there wasn’t music being played in Japanese companies, but the fact of playing music in a company actually never came to my mind before." ! "The concept of relationship design is quite new!" "I enjoyed the way they made sure we don’t forget the wisdom and human relationships we earned during the event." 14
  • 19. CASES • Target : 2,3 • 2nd and 3rd year university students • Theme : ENdemic Thinking Workshop • • Duration : 2 • 2 days • Participants : 8 • 8 people Sapporo City University Design Department 3 2 The goal of the workshop was to master the cycle of divergence, convergence, prototyping, and presentation, as well as the fundamentals of design thinking, through multiple cycles of exercises. Several preliminary sessions were held to break down the barrier of the relationship between organizers, participants, and professors. All participants co-created the preparation and management of the workshop. The two-day experience was designed so that the participants could rotate various roles within the group, notice a different side of themselves than usual, notice aspects of each other that they did not know, and renew their relationships with each other. 15
  • 20. CASES "It was like traveling through a sea of ideas. The students, who were nervous and anxious at first, relied on the compass and map-reading skills they received from the Tsunagaru team, who were their guides, as well as the sense of style each brought to the project, to read the terrain and pave the way. No one could see where they were going, but when they looked back, they were impressed by the scenery they could see, wondering how far they had come. I feel it gives me the fun of adventure and the courage to enjoy the unknown." "I usually think I am good at selling my own character, but this time I enjoyed finding a single goal by utilizing the personalities of those around me. I hope to continue the project by combining the creativity of Tsunagaru's international team and the School of Design." "I felt that there are many ways to be active in a team. There is a person who becomes the center of the conversation as a moderator, a person who summarizes as a scribe, and a person who observes the opinions of others written on sticky notes and makes suggestions. I am not usually a loud person, but my presence was recognized as valuable, and I was able to take on the role of organizing everyone's opinions. I feel that by continuing this training, I can become someone I have never envisioned before." ( ) "At first, I was skeptical about what was going to happen and I wanted to skip it (lol). I was not the type to be interested in the people around me, but through the workshop I think I found a new character, combining my opinion with other people's ideas and taking on the role of presenter. I found many things that I will be able to use in group work in college." 16
  • 21. CASES • Target : 3 • 3rd year high school students • young entrepreneur from Tsushima • Theme : Multifaceted Attractiveness of Isolated Islands • • Duration : 90 • 90min • Participants : 12 • 12 people Ikishima commercial High School 4 ENdemic Thinking× This workshop of ENdemic Thinking was aiming at solving issues in isolated islands, in an entrepreneurship class at Ikishima Commercial High School. The objective was to help the high school students from Ikishima and the young entrepreneurs from Tsushima to consider and verbalize the attractiveness of the island while using multiple and relative perspectives (ENdemic Thinking and multifaceted approach) 17
  • 22. CASES Haller 2 This workshop was an attempt to verbalize one's innermost thoughts, deepen understanding among participants, and create new values through fast-paced, repeated communication by improvisation. It was a moment when I felt as if the level of language spoken by the high school students had been raised to a higher level. I was also impressed by the uniformly refreshed faces of all the participants. This is the second time I have attended a workshop facilitated by M. Haller, and I strongly felt that this service itself, even though it is still in the prototype stage, has been well thought out. The location and shape of the "window," the way it communicates with the participants, and the message it conveys are all plotted out in detail. The students also excelled in their ability to strive for and execute maximum performance within a limited time frame. The content was convincing to the high school teachers as well as the high school students' reactions brought about by the class. I, myself, learned a lot. I thought it was important to build a circle of people in order to tell others about the charms of the island that I had noticed. I realized that there are still many attractions of Iki that I do not know about. Even though I was nervous, I realized the importance of expressing my own opinion. It was challenging to learn fun and interesting things, and put my thoughts into words. 18
  • 23. CASES • Target : 1 4 • 1st to 4th year university students and graduate students • Theme : Relationship Design as a Marketing Technique • • Duration : 90 • 90min • Participants : 40 • 40 people QREC Kyushu University Entrepreneurship Center (QREC) 5 This lecture on "Relationship Design Theory" was part of the Entrepreneurship Education curriculum promoted by Kyushu University. The class's long-term theme was to come up with a marketing plan for a new product of a real company in the community. The students learned the essence of relationship design, such as "defining the relationship between the product and society" and "creating a fan base by nurturing relationships between people. 19
  • 24. CASES I felt that recognizing people as real human people is important not only in marketing but also in our daily lives. I believe that by not treating people like machines, we can lighten their hearts. To give a concrete example, even if you are shopping at a convenience store, saying "Hello" or saying "Thank you" may help that person a little. I would like to be a person who can recognize people as human. 1 I was able to reconfirm that the value of a product is not only in its function, but also in the connections between people through that product. I was particularly interested in the idea that when communicating with others, we are bound by preconceived ideas and fixed scripts about how to get information out of them. I think this could be one of the guiding principles in future communication and social activities. I understand now that marketing, in a nutshell, is about thinking, "Who do I want to please, and by what?". I felt that "relationship design" is a method of building relationships that develops the marketing frame. What I have learned is to observe and understand the other person well, and to think about what approach to take in order to build a good relationship with that person. I would like to use this approach actively in my job search and in student organizations. 20
  • 25. CASES • Target : • • • Artistic producers, mediator and museum curators • Theme : Artistic international collaboration • • Duration : 2 • 2h • Participants : 30 • 30 people ( ) MUSEOMIX international collaboration (Ulotamlo in Itoshima) 6 Museomix Museomix 2011 3 1 We organized an international facilitation during the Museomix event at the Museum of Vire Normandie and we connected the participants to Japanese producers and curators in the art bookstore "Ulotamlo" of the city of Itoshima in Japan. Museomix is an international creative hackathon organized since 2011 lasting three days. The teams were able to gather comments, questions, references to explore, but above all a unique perspective outside of the European-centric spectrum. This also allowed the Japanese professionals to discover the concept and to consider the implementation of the first Japanese edition. 21
  • 26. CASES The feedback we received during the experience were very relevant. They used the nuances, they thought about the senses, they were also concerned by the ecology, all in all we felt very understood through our projects. There was something very moving and almost confusing to get a contact so immediate and so natural while they were many kilometers away. It felt like they were right here with us, in the same space, the experience is very natural. We felt very lucky ! Such a refreshing time to hear someone's ideas from the source It's a initiative that provides a platform of human discovery. It democratization of opportunity. 22
  • 27. 23 Let's do it ! Join the ENdemic movement ! ENdemic ! CONTACT • •
  • 28. Osaka Head Office Tokyo Office Fukuoka Office Hokkaido Office Oita Office Company name: TSUNAGARU INC. Representative: Takeshi KANAOKA, Representative Director Establishment: May 7, 2010 Capital: 10,000,000 yens Banks: The Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. Number of employees: ~50 Location: 201 Toei Building, 1-12-2 Minamihorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0015, Japan 1-6-10-9F Nihonbashi Ningyocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103- 0013, Japan 603 ST Building, 1-11-36 Haruyoshi, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka 810-0003, Japan 6F, Tategiseki Building, 3-8 Minami 1-jo Nishi, Chuo- ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0061, Japan 4F, 3-7 Tanoyu-cho, Beppu City, Oita Prefecture 874- 0909, Japan TSUNAGARU INC. 2010 5 7 10,000,000 UFJ ~50 550-0015 1-12-2 201 103-0013 1-6-10-9F 810-0003 1-11-36 ST 603 060-0061 1 3 8 6F 874-0909 -7-4F