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The Cause of the Dinosaur Extinction Essay
The Cause of the Dinosaur Extinction
The biggest mystery surrounding the dinosaur is how did they die? For over 130 million years
dinosaurs ruled the earth. Then 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period, they died
out. Nobody can really say what actually eliminated the species, although everyone has their very
own idea. Asteroid impact, atmospheric changes (hot to cold), catastrophic eruptions and
astronomical events (supernovas etc.). Some have ventured that early mammal inhabitation slowly
"pushed" the dinosaurs to extinction. The most favored theory in the scientific field is that of the
meteor impact. As always though, knowing when is part of discovering how and why.
THE TIMING OF THINGS One problem ... Show more content on ...
By testing sediment and recording whether it was deposited under conditions of normal polarity and
then measuring successive layers, we can build a time chart. By matching different charts from
different areas with similar fossils, a more global correlation can be made. These techniques led to
the discovery of the boundary between the two eras. A single thin layer of clay found within
predominantly limestone rocks established this. By comparing the marine life found in, above, and
below the clay, the marine life, like the dinosaurs, had been terribly affected by the extinction event.
The percentage of life in the upper layers was dramatically lower than that in the lower. This was far
more compelling than what was suggested by dinosaur's fossils. Other samples of the clay were
taken to laboratories to be analyzed. Part of the results showed a large concentration of platinum and
iridium. These elements are very rare on the surface of the earth at the moment but they are present
in meteoric dust that rains down from space at a known rate. That rate allowed for a measurement of
how long it took for the clay to form. Surprisingly, the clay held almost 30 times more iridium than
the limestone layers above and below the clay. Similar layers in other parts of the world gave the
same results. The conclusion was that a giant meteorite hit the Earth 65 million years ago and had
released a large
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Impact Of Dinosaurs Research Paper
Imagine dinosaurs roaming the Earth minding their own business. Imagine them looking up to see a
fiery, red ball of death. Imagine realizing that the blazing ball is an asteroid. Imagine it hitting the
ground and nothing can be seen. The dinosaurs didn't have to imagine that an asteroid was
propelling down at them. They experienced it. Scientists have studied and calculated everything to
know about the asteroid, the proof that it happened, what happened at the first impact, what resulted
after the impact, and the evidence of how life of the dinosaurs changed before and after the colossal
collision that eradicated the dinosaurs. The preponderance of evidence leaves little to no doubt that
the dinosaurs went extinct due to an enormous ... Show more content on ...
The dinosaurs were abundant at the end of the Cretaceous Period. There was no gradual decline of
the dinosaurs. During the time where there was no light, footprints of land dinosaurs were
discovered. The footprints showed that the dinosaurs were running away from something, more
specifically a tsunami. Scientists also found fossilized fish. The fish's gills were filled with the glass
created from the explosion. Because the fish's gills were filled with glass, means that the fish were
alive and swimming and inhaled the glass particles. The fish were the first known victims of the
impact. Fish were crushed under the sediment that the tsunamis picked up and brought towards land
such as the Hells Creek Formation. After the whole ordeal finished, there were a few dinosaurs still
on the earth. The living dinosaurs were few and far between. Even though a few dinosaurs were still
alive, more than ninety percent of all of them died in the inescapable night that followed the impact.
It is believed that the only reason some smaller dinosaurs survived is because they lived in habitable
areas that did not suffer extreme cooling like those that inhabited the equatorial
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Benefits Of Access For Quality Care
Access to quality care can mean everything to healthy living for individuals in a community.
Veterans living in rural areas are no exception and in particular make up an extraordinary
demographic that often have specialized mental and health care needs due to various war traumas.
(Rural Health, 2016) states that "there are 22 million Veterans nationwide, with 5.3 million who live
in rural communities." (Rural Health, 2016) continues that "fifty–seven percent of these rural
Veterans are enrolled in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system." (Rural
Health, 2016) also asserts that "between fiscal years 2006–2014, there was a seven percent increase
in VA–enrolled rural Veterans." It is important to ... Show more content on ...
HanleyBrown et al.'s (2012) also assert that data must be collected and evaluated consistently with
all contributors with each person holding each other accountable so that all efforts stay in line.
HanleyBrown et al.'s (2012) maintain also that contributor actions need to be distinguished while
still engaging and enforcing the plan of action. With these concepts in mind it goes without saying
that reliable and robust communication must be maintained from all contributors in order to build
trust, increase motivation and guarantee that goals are met. HanleyBrown et al.'s (2012) finally
surmise that an independent organization(s) must be utilized in order to ensure that coordination of
activities and support of all endeavors stay on track and are met.
As the student researcher keeps these concepts in mind it is important to think about empowerment
since it can mean everything to veterans in a community, but so can disempowerment as well.
Toomey (2011) ascertains that while change agents and organizations may endure a calamity of self,
usually, it is the folks who are to be 'built up' who must put up with the bigger outcomes of such
interventions, whether they slip into poverty more or become better off, become more content or
miserable, or less or more needy. It's evident that when
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Three Major Theories Explaining The Extinction Of The...
The Three Major Theories Explaining the Extinction of the
There are many theories explaining the extinction of the dinosaur. The Most probable theories are: a
massive meteor hit the earth causing the extinction. B. A chain of volcano's erupted and caused acid
rain, shortage of sunlight and any other number of atmospheric problems that brought about the
extinction of dinosaurs. C. Rapid Climate Change in a short period of time would have brought the
dinosaurs to extinction because of an inability to evolve to the new environment. All these theories
are possible but it is clear that it was a combination of all three theories working together that
produced a worldwide extinction event.
Around 65 million years ago; there was barely ... Show more content on ...
But there's more new studies say that there could have been more then one impact that was left
undiscovered because of continental drifting
So as the planet cools the cloud of ash dissolving in the years to come what is left of the dinosaurs?
Well almost all natural drinkable waters are polluted leaving no water for the dinosaurs, even the
rainwater is made of poison acid and dust so if they find a watering hole inside a cave or water
seeping out of the ground the area is most likely to be a trap the air around it could be poisoned with
hydrogen sulfide (it will stop your muscles from working and ultimately suffocate
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Analysis of “The Moon: Cold, Wet, and Breathing.” Essay
Analysis of "The Moon: Cold, Wet, and Breathing."
The article "Top 100 Stories of 2009 #16: The Moon: Cold, Wet, and Breathing" from discusses the LCROSS mission of 2009. This is a Moon mission
conducted to search for the presence of water (Barone 2009). The mission is an important part of the
ultimate goal of visiting the Moon and establishing a Moon base (NASA 2005).
The article is written to expand upon what occurred during the LCROSS mission (Barone 2009).
LCROSS stands for Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Spacecraft. The mission was designed to
search for water on the surface of the Moon. Water on the Moon has long been theorized, but
previous moon missions have not found any (Lutgens 2008). The ... Show more content on ...
NASA used the LCROSS module to take the 2.8 ton upper stage of an old Centaur rocket out of
Earth's orbit. LCROSS then accelerated the Centaur portion towards a dark crater. The best
examples of craters that don't receive light are those on the Moon's south pole.
The LCROSS project according to the article involved three portions (Barone 2009). This includes
the LCROSS module, the Centaur rocket portion, and the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter or LRO.
The LCROSS orbiter sped the Centaur rocket up to 6500 MPH and impacted it with a crater near the
Moon's south pole (LCROSS 2010). LCROSS followed behind it and analyzed the plume from the
Centaur portion, sending information back to Earth, until it also impacted with the Moon (Barone
2009). The impact plume stretched to ten miles above the rim of the crater (Braukus 2010). Four
minutes after the impact, the LRO flew through the debris cloud ejected by the impacts. It collected
the raw data of what the cloud plume was composed of and transferred the information back to
LCROSS control where computers received the data and started the analysis.
Computers at NASA's Ames Research Center tore apart the ultraviolet, visual, and infrared
spectroscopy images (LCROSS 2010). This was done under the careful supervision of NASA
researchers who together with these high–powered computers took numbers and turned them into a
breakdown of what the plume is
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An explication of Mina Loy's poem "Lunar Baedeker".
When read top to bottom, Mina Loy's poem "Lunar Baedeker" may sound like a story of drugs, sex,
and desperation. In reality, it is an encrypted biography of part of Loy's life, as well as symbolic of
the cycles of life. Let's start with the title, shall we?
"Lunar Baedeker," the word 'lunar' means moon. It can also mean relating to the moon, but more
importantly it can mean measured by the moon's cycles. What in the world is a "Baedeker" though?
Baedeker is actually one Karl Baedeker, a German who, in 1859, published a series of guidebooks.
Mina Loy's title, therefore, translates to either "a guide to the moon" or a " a guide to the moon's
cycle or cycles."
The first stanza is very autobiographical; it refers to Loy's falling in love ... Show more content on ...
At the time that the poem was written, she was probably already dabbling in the art. The "Delirious
Avenues" is a reference to her constantly searching blindly, with no clues, in every place or pathway
her husband could be. The people who are a part of Cravan, Fabienne and Mina herself brighten the
avenues; they are the "chandelier souls," branches, pieces of Cravan. The "Pharaoh's tombstone"
indicates that Loy finally coming to terms with the fact that her husband is most likely dead.
The acceptance of the loss of Cravan comes in the next stanza: "lead/ to mercurial doomsdays/
Odious oasis/ in furrowed phosphorous" "Lead" can be interpreted in more than one–way. It can
indicate that Loy was brought to a conclusion by the previous stanza, but it can also be defined as
the first punch in a boxing match. This is important because Cravan was known as the "boxer poet"
because he was really only a second rate poet and used prize fighting to supplement his income.
"Mercurial" is a reference to Mercury, who is the Greek god of travel, cunning, and theft, and is also
associated with swiftness. Mercury is also the second reference in the poem to a shiny, silver colored
element; in this case it is a poisonous element. In keeping with Loy's celestial theme, Mercury is
also the closest planet to the sun. Therefore, this doomsday, the loss of her husband, came swiftly, is
like poison to her heart, and the heat of the planet Mercury can be paralleled to the fire
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Martian Volcanos Last Eruption
I found a recent article on Astronomy Magazine entitled, "New Study Find Martian Volcano's Last
Eruption". The article discusses how new research from NASA shows a large volcano known as
Arsia Mons has been inactive for about 50 million years. This was at the time of the extinction of
dinosaurs. Arsia Mons, which is located just south of Mars' equator, the last eruption was in the
bowl–shaped depression on top of the volcano known as the caldera. The caldera is roughly 68 miles
across and has plenty of room to hold Lake Huron in it. Scientific research revealed that Arsia Mons
has 29 crust openings where the lava can pour out. During its peak, these vents spewed 0.25 to 2
cubic miles of magma, which assisted in shaping the volcano over
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The Battle of the Crater
Introduction The Battle of the Crater was supposed to be an unexpected attempt by
Union forces to break through the Confederate defenses south of a critical hub near Petersburg,
Virginia. The battle took place on the morning of July 30 1864, and consisted of 16,500 IX Corps
Union soldiers and approximately 9,500 Confederate soldiers.1 Ambrose E. Burnside lead the IX
Corps soldiers but overall command of the Union soldiers known as Grant's Army of the Potomac
was by General George G. Meade. The confederate soldiers were mostly made up of elements of the
Army of Northern Virginia and South Carolina and were led by William Mahone under the direct
order of Robert E. Lee. The Union decided to explode a mine under the Confederates and blow a
gap into their defensive lines. Petersburg, Virginia was an important location due to the railheads
that merged together there. The railhead then continued to Richmond the capital to deliver supplies
to the Confederate Army. 2
History Some of the worst fighting between Ulysses S. Grant's Army of the Potomac and General
Robert E. Lee's Army happened in the months leading up to the Battle of the Crater near Petersburg,
Virginia. The two armies clashed at such places as the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, the
North Anna River, Cold Harbor, and along the defensive perimeter around Petersburg.3 The
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The Extinction Of Dinosaurs
Cribbins 1 Hook. The extinction of dinosaurs is a mystery in itself that has stumped scientists all
over the world for decades, and they still look for new answers every day. Scientists know some
background information, but cannot connect the dots to see the bigger picture. There was little
interest in the topic until Luis and Walter Alvarez proposed a groundbreaking hypothesis, which
today we call the "Alvarez Hypothesis". This new idea of the Alvarez's was exciting, and therefore
got the media talking about it, which in turn started the search of how the dinosaurs went extinct.
Another popular theory of how dinosaurs went extinct is the Volcanism Theory. Scientists have
recently found new evidence supporting both sides of this debate. Although many dinosaur
extinction theories exist, only the Alvarez Hypothesis is correct. Scientists abase their extinction
theories off one of commonly known piece of information: that there was a change in climate
around the time of the K–T boundary. Both major theories support this idea, and both believe that
something blocked out the Sun for many months. This stopped the photosynthesis in plants, the base
of the food chain. Without plants, the food chain was majorly affected. A domino effect happened,
and one species died out after another. Eventually all species of dinosaurs died out. Scientists know
that there was a global climatic change, but are not sure how it happened. The topic of the K–T
Extinction received little
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How does the drop height of the marble affect the size of...
To determine whether the height at which a marble is dropped affect the size of the crater.
Scientific knowledge
Impact craters are geologic structures formed when a large meteorite, asteroid or comet smashes in
to a planet or a satellite. Meteorites are small rocks in space that hit the earth's atmosphere at a high
velocity. Throughout their history they have heavily bombarded all the inner bodies in our solar
system. In this experiment we will use marbles as our meteorites, these will be free falling objects
that will be used to copy an asteroid impact. The surfaces of the Moon, Mars and Mercury, where
other geologic processes stopped millions of years ago, record this bombardment clearly. On the
Earth, however, which has been ... Show more content on ...
Below is a diagram showing all the energy conversions involved: –
Some important factors that affect the size of the crater are, the weight of the marble, the size and
shape of the marble, the depth and type of sand, the material of the marble and the speed at which
the marble is thrown.
I predict that as the height at which the marble is dropped increases, the size of the crater will also
increase. This will be the same with both marbles. The reason for the increase is due to the increase
in kinetic energy as indicated by PE = mgh. Also as the height increases so does the potential energy
and consequently so does the kinetic and impact energy. The marble has gravitational potential
energy and when it is higher it gains more energy and so this has a greater force on the sand making
the crater bigger. Therefore I predict the graph to look like this: –
o Plastic tub
o Fine sand
o Large marble
o Small marble
o Clamp
o Ring stand
o Table
o Meter stick
o Notebook
o Pen
o Weighing scales
o Set up apparatus as shown, making sure that the meter stick is placed vertical near the edge of the
sand tub and. It should also be level with the sand.
o Start with the small marble and drop it from 10cm, do not apply any force to the marble and make
sure it lands somewhere in the middle of the tub.
o Once it has landed in the sand, carefully remove the marble and
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Dinosaur Extinction Essay
BIOL2110– Vertebrate Zoology
Word count: 1056
Dinosaur extinction: An analysis of events and theories that possibly led to the dinosaurs' demise.
Ever since the history of Earth has been studied using fossil records, extinctions have always been
the object of fascination and interest, particularly the mass extinctions that occurred throughout
Earth's history. A mass extinction can be caused by disruptive global environmental changes, where
large numbers of species have become extinct (Urry et al. 2008). There have been five major
extinctions documented based on fossil records over the past 500 million years, but the Cretaceous
(KT boundary extinction – a name that meant it began the Tertiary era) extinction caught a lot of ...
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According to the research made by Alvarez (1980), it was due to an asteroid impact that single–
handedly destroyed dinosaurs to extinction. Advocacy of this mechanism has been aided by the
availability and tangibility of supporting evidence in the form of impact craters– the Chicxulub
crater in the Yucatan Peninsula's date and timing of impact (dating produced an almost exact date of
65 million years ago), location, enormous size–170 km (Hildebrand et al.1991) and its high iridium
content ( a metal not commonly found at the Earth's surface) make it seem that with a theoretical
asteroid 10 km big caused the crater great damage at the end of the Cretaceous (Alvarez et al. 1980).
How exactly the asteroid damaged the Earth remains unclear, but the power released by such an
impact is unquestionable. Effects possibly include reduced sunlight over a period of several months
which possibly led to the decline or even total halt of primary production (via photosynthesis). One
of the dominant signatures of the extinction at the KT boundary was the low activity of primary
production, the possibility of reduced sunlight is high (Schulte et al. 2010) . Even if the primary
production proved to be on a decline when this impact occurred, there is still some uncertainties as
to where exactly the impact hit. This was why asymmetries in subsurface features of the Chicxulub
crater were observed via geophysical methods were analyzed and it was calculated from estimates
that the
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Magma Contamination And Sulfide Immiscibility Of The...
WILLIAMS, Jane B. (University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire,
Sudbury, Canada is the location of a world class Ni–Cu deposit phenomena. Numerous studies have
produced an explanation for the complex evolution of its deposition and enrichment thanks to the
impaction of a meteorite 1.85 million years ago. The impact of the meteorite is thought to have
caused fracturing that led to the generation of magma from deep in the crust that helped in later
filling the crater and producing the igneous complex (Faggart et. al., 1985). The igneous complex
(Figure 1a) has an elongated shape (60 km long and 27 km wide) with circular deposits surrounding
it similar to a bulls–eye. Evidence of the meteoric impact includes brecciation located in the center
of the basin (Onaping Formation), deformation of the margin of the intrusive complex (Huronian
Group), shatter cones, and pseudotachylite. The meteor is thought to have flash melted the crust
which proceeded to differentiate into a granophyre and a leuconorite to norite composition. The
granophyre makes up 60% of the complex and the leuconorite and norite make up the remaining
40% (Figure 1b)(Barnes et. al., 2005). About 50% of the ore is found in the sublayer norite and the
breccia that is associated with the norite. This ore is mainly disseminated sulphides. The massive
sulphides are located in the center
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Meteor Crater Research Paper–mystery–arizona–meteor–crater–solved.html
Published on March 9, 2005 by Robert Roy Britt there is a new theory that explains how the meteor
crater near Winslow Arizona was formed. The asteroid that created the crater is believed to have
been traveling much slower than originally thought. The article suggests that the meteor was
traveling at speeds greater than ten time the speed of a bullet shot from a rifle. The main mystery
surrounding this impact event concerns the fact that the liquefied rock in the crater is significantly
less than anticipated because of the impact. The size of the crater measures a depth of 570 feet with
a diameter of 4,100 feet. The crater was created approximately fifty thousand years ago
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Explaining Dinosaur Extinction
There have been many theories to explain the dinosaur extinction. However, Walter Alvarez and
colleagues had discovered the evidence for dinosaur extinction. They found the rocks laid down
precisely at the K–T boundary contain extraordinary amounts of the metal iridium. And those
materials of the rocks would not normally found on Earth's surface. Then, they discovered those
rocks were asteroids. Scientist discovered the K–T impact crater was deeply buried under in Yucatan
peninsula of Mexico. The crater was 150–kilometer–wide. Scientists calculated that it likely caused
by an object about 6 miles (10 km) across, would have released as much energy as 100 trillion tons
of TNT. (Choi & Contributor, 2016) Moreover, scientists have concluded that
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The Evolution Of The Moon's Craters
Not that many people know how our moon's craters were created, some scientists say there were
asteroids that had hit the newly created satellite. And those asteroids formed circular holes on the
surface of this new satellite. After the new satellite was created it was being pulled around a planet
which we know as our home planet Earth. Have you ever wondered about how the craters on the
moon were created. Like that rabbit that everybody sees but yet I can't!There are many different
types of hypothesis on how the moon's craters . But today I will try to recreate how the moon's
craters were created or formed. You're probably saying as you read this "Didn't he say there are
many different hypothesis on how the moon's craters were created ?" Yes ... Show more content on ...
There are many astrologers in the world , but some astrologers don't really know how the moon's
mysterious craters suddenly appeared all over the moon. So I thought "hey" "I should help out these
astronomers who don't really know who the moon's craters were actually created" so I decided to
help out these astronomers , by creating my own project which surface would be best for craters?
Some astrologers say the moon's surface has many types of material. But I will be testing out which
one would be best or the the surface that looks like a moon! I am going to use a rubber and sponge
ball to reenact as asteroids that are going to hit the moon from billions of years ago. To start the
investigation we first need to find out how high we will drop the ball , we will drop it around my
height , so about 5 feet 7 inches then we will continuously be dropping the ball in the 4 different
type of surfaces such as gravel (small rocks) , flour , soil, dirt, and we will be dropping the ball five
times from the same height for each surface and we'll go on from there . And some important
vocabulary words for this experiment are Astronomy, Asteroids, Gravity Diameter , height , sponge
ball , rubber ball , craters , and yes it is a lot of words but guess what? It's all worth it at the end you
all are really going to enjoy this project , I guarantee it. If you don't like you'll get your money
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Extinction of Dinosaurs due to Asteroid Impact Essay
Extinction of Dinosaurs due to Asteroid Impact
Nobody knows for sure exactly how the dinosaurs became extinct. However scientists have
speculated for decades about possible events that caused the dinosaurs to die out. Possibilities range
from asteroids, to volcanoes, to climate changes. One of the more popular or well–known extinction
theories involves the belief that an asteroid struck the Earth, causing devastating effects, and
triggering mass extinctions around the end of the Cretaceous period.
The asteroid impact extinction theory began in 1980 with Luis and Walter Alvarez, a father and son
team. They theorized that an asteroid struck the Earth at the close of the Cretaceous period, causing
devastating effects and mass ... Show more content on ...
Gerta Keller, professor of geosciences at Princeton University, has recently conducted research on
the Chicxulub asteroid in which she analyzed new core samples taken from the asteroid site (Botzer
2004). These samples indicate that the impact that occurred at Chicxulub actually predated the mass
extinction of the dinosaurs, which occurred at the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary about sixty–five
million years ago. Keller claims that the Chicxulub impact occurred approximately 300,000 years
before the extinction (Keller 2004). Although previous researchers estimated that the Chicxulub
asteroid was the cause of the extinctions, there had always been doubts about the exact age and size
of the crater, and about the origin of the "mega tsunami deposits" that were located within the crater
(Keller 2004). The focus of Keller's recent research was on finding some answers to these questions.
To do so she analyzed Cretaceous limestone, dolomite, and anhydrite deposits as the site of the
Chicxulub crater (Keller 2004).
The fossil deposits at the Chicxulub site suggest that the mineral layer in the crater was deposited
after the impact, but before the extinction of the dinosaurs and other species. Keller proposes two
possible explanations for this. The first explanation is that the sediments were deposited as the
backwash of a giant tsunami that occurred after the impact (Keller 2004).
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Creative Writing: America's Greatest Space Achievements
"Three, two, one, blast–off!" Johnathan and Matthew were headed to the moon to become the first
astronauts to ever walk on the dark side of the moon. They would also be the first astronauts to go to
outer space without needing a space mask, thanks to 2030 technology. his day would go down in
history as one of the greatest space achievements of all time, assuming that they will make it.
"Are you ready for this?" John asked Matt in an unsure tone.
"No, not at all," replied Matt confidently, "but I'll do it anyway, I'll do it for my country."
Three hours later, John and Matt lurched forward in their seats. "We're here, we're here!" They
exclaimed joyfully.
The light level was blinding at first when the astronauts took their first step on ... Show more
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He got water into his system, and then tried to start the space shuttle.
After a couple of tries, the shuttle finally started to rumble. After a minute or two of waiting for the
engine to become ready to take off, John's shuttle left the moon for good.
He couldn't wait to see the bright faces so many Americans. He was so excited to receive a round of
applause from the space station crew. But most of all, he was extremely eager to see his two
daughters and his wife. He was very loyal to his family and was a great father. Now that John was in
the space shuttle, the space crew could now see and speak with John.
"Watch out!" the whole space crew shouted in unison.
Just out the front window of the shuttle, John could see a giant asteroid, and he was headed right
towards it! John veered out of the pathway of the asteroid just in time.
Soon, John realized that something was wrong. The shuttle had been moving for 5 minutes
alongside of the giant asteroid. When John veered out of the way of the asteroid, he was actually
traveling faster than the asteroid towards earth. That meant that the asteroid was headed right
towards the
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Asteroid Theory
In the early nineteen hundreds, dinosaur fossils were discovered and recognized around the globe.
Scientists and paleontologists began contemplating how such densely populated creatures vanished.
Currently, paleontologists debate the two main hypotheses of how the dinosaurs died from either the
volcano activity or the asteroid impact. Both theories resulted in the same outcome yet differ in key
elements such as, the physical evidence left behind encourages every conceivable clarification for
the termination in charge of wiping out the dinosaurs.
As a matter of fact the theory that has gained wide acceptance today is that an asteroid collided with
Earth. A large meteor–like ball striking the Earth ejecting enough debris and dust that it resulted
sunlight blockage long enough to modify the atmospheres climate, executing a comparability of the
"nuclear winter." These events occurred in a sort of domino effect, plants were the first to die out,
followed by the herbivores that ate them, and finally the carnivores that fed on the herbivores.
Walter and Luis Alvarez from the University of California at Berkeley proposed the main hypothesis
in 1980. Team Alvarez firmly believed that the iridium layer is to blame an asteroid ... Show more
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For instance, the "150–kilometer–wide crater lies just off the Yucatan peninsula. Paleontologist
calculated that is was blasted into earth by a 10–Kilometer–wide asteroid at a speed of 30 kilometers
per second" 2. Scientists have concluded that the impact that created this crater occurred 65 million
years ago. The date corresponds perfectly to the date of the dinosaur extinction. These pieces of
molten rock, known as impact ejecta, were found more than a hundred miles from its genesis
Cretaceous boundary; this demonstrates that the explosion was intense enough to melt the surface
layer, proclaiming the extinction of
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Impact Craters Experiment
In this lab the researchers were testing how different massed "meteorites" dropped at the same
distance affect the depth of an impact crater. The researchers predicted that if the mass of the object
in the egg increases than the depth of the impact crater will also increase because gravity will pull
down harder on the heavier object than it will the lighter object. The hypothesis was supported
because the greater the mass of an object than the deeper the impact crater will be because the
greater the mass the more gravity pulls on that object downward. The data shows that the empty
egg's average is 1.23cm, the wooden block/cube's average is 2.2cm, the steel ball's average is 4.3cm,
and the white acrylic beads average is 1.6cm. This
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A Short Story : A Story?
High above a wasteland, in a remote part of the planet, Vigiti, the sky itself began to bend. With the
sound of thunder, three beings slammed into the planet's surface, the air rippling around the impact
crater that had been made. The shortest one, a white haired and silver eyed man, floated above the
crater rim and scanned the horizon. His silver eyes widening and narrowing as they focused in the
vast distance, his ears picking up every sound made across the planet. After two seconds had passed,
he waved the other two forward and they followed him as he took off into the air. The tallest one, a
green haired and green eyed woman, flew to his right while a black haired and red eyed man flew to
his left. The power of the trio was so great that the trees and water they flew over bent under the
pressure of their presence, they were as gods... almost.
The silvered haired one, Atmas, stopped, and the other two followed. "What do you see?" The black
haired man, Darus, said outloud. Atmas shook his head, "I don't see it... I can hear it." The green
haired woman, Jeirni, whipped around just in time to see Bane and Theia morph into being. Atmas
and Darus turned around slowly, both letting out their breath's to control their anger. Jeirni took this
opportunity to settle the situation down, "Hello you two! I thought you were supposed to be in Sol's
realm? What happened?" She looked pointedly at Bane. Theia jumped in front of him and waved her
hands, "We came to help, is all! Besides"
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Egg Drop Challenge Research Paper
You are twenty five feet– or approximately seven meters– in the air, plummeting to a concrete
ground. Your only protection is the vehicle in which you are sitting in. You will not survive based on
luck, but rather science. The Egg Drop Challenge is an Engineering Design Challenge, which will
be using the concepts of Force, Momentum, Gravity, and Energy. In partners of two we must create
a vehicle that can minimize the force of impact from a high drop while protecting the egg inside.
Nevertheless, these goals do not come without constraints. Not only must we complete this project
in exactly nine days, but we must also stick to the rules given. Such rules include; only using the
materials allotted, and the vehicle built cannot exceed the width or height of 60 centimeters. With
these constraints given, the participants in the challenge must make sure that their goals can still be
met. Like stated in the introduction, this challenge will not be completed by using plain ... Show
more content on ...
The first product was a phone case. While when shopping, people tend to pick cases partly on how
they look, though we also check how protective they are. This is because we want to make sure that
our phones will be safe incase of an impact. The main protection put in place, is the system in a
secure phone case, that allows it to absorb the energy from the crash. There are energy absorbing
systems in the sides of the phone case, which will keep the actual phone from harm. The second
product that faces similar would be a car. The main protection system in a car would be the crush
zone. This is a system in the front of the car, which upon collision will scrunch up, and absorb
energy similar to the phone case. With these two products in mind, we are able to create a better
vehicle that will increase the chances of the egg
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Analysis Of Impact Crater Linked To Martian Tsunamis
On Earth, tsunamis are usually a result of an earthquake however, there may be a different case on
Mars. Over the past few years, scientists have theorized how an impact crater was created, and have
determined the most plausible theory to be two tsunamis colliding. The two tsunamis would have
been triggered by an asteroid shower and have projected heights of approximately 100m (330 ft) and
150m (490 ft). The details discussed at the 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference have
prophesied that the event would have occurred as long as three billion years ago and also suggests
that Mars would have a northern ocean. Correspondingly, scientists at the Université Paris–Sud have
located sediment deposits in the Southern Hemisphere that originated in the Northern Hemisphere
adding more evidence to this theory. The article, Impact Crater Linked to Martian Tsunamis by Paul
Rincon was published on March 26th 2017. ... Show more content on ...
For instance, this adds heaps of evidence to the possibility that there were oceans on Mars. "The
predictions of the numerical modelling that François and his colleagues have done provide a very
persuasive case for an ocean at this time," said Dr. Clifford from the Lunar and Planetary Institute.
Meaning, if there were oceans, the red planet may be able sustain life. Furthermore, I chose this
article because tsunamis or water means that we could live on Mars. Plus, reading an article about
space discoveries links to what we are learning about in the Social Studies (we are learning the Cold
War). Overall, having an ocean on Mars will activate a new era of space exploration and
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Taking a Look at Tunguska Explosion
In June of 1908, a fireball descended towards Earth leaving a fiery white trail in its path. It landed in
Siberia but it wasn't like any other asteroid. This one appeared to have exploded in mid air causing
Hiroshima like effects. There is no evidence that it hit Earth, but there is a crater shaped lake about
five miles from where the suspected spot it landed. The fire ball left thousands of trees on fire,
seemingly blowing over millions. This force killed local people as well as animals and there is only
one thing that we can conclude about it... it was an asteroid.
At exactly 7:17 A.M. local time on June 30,1908 an asteroid came plummeting down toward Earth's
surface. This occurrence happened around the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Russia. "Recent
scientific studies by meteorite researcher Christopher Chyba have estimated that the Tunguska event
may have been caused by the explosion of a stony meteorite about 30 meters in diameter traveling at
about 15 km/s. Compare the energy released by such an object with that of an atomic bomb such as
those dropped on Japan in World War II." (Planetary Science Institute) Although it took scientists
many years after the explosion to get out to the suspected site of where it landed, they are not able to
find any evidence of it hitting Earth.
Reports have been taken about the effects of the explosion. They have done things that would have
been thought impossible."One older man at about this distance was reportedly blown
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Surviving Dinosaur Extinction
The species that survived the dinosaur extinction are believed to be what life on this planet is
descended from. Aligators, crocodiles, lizards and snakes are among the reptiles that survived what
dinosaurs couldn't. Birds also survived, and are the only descendants of dinosaurs that survived the
mass extinction other than lizards. Frogs and salamanders are among the few small amphibians that
survived. Mammals also survived and they are the largest group to survive the extinction. Over 50%
of the world's population were thought to have died out in the course of this event. Many species
became extinct, some of these were marine reptiles, big amphibians, some reef–building creatures
and some cephalopod molluscs.
Some possible theories for extinction
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The Extinction Of The Dinosaurs Extinction
Imagine you were a dinosaur, living 65 million years ago. One day, you are going around doing
what you do on a normal basis, when suddenly you see a giant object coming towards the ground a
few hundred miles away from you. Then suddenly, it goes black as gases block out all light except
for one light coming rapidly towards you. Other dinosaurs are running away from the light as you
start following them. You look behind you to see the light is quickly catching up to you as suddenly
it catches you. You feel immense pain and then you are dead. I believe that the mass extinction of
the dinosaurs sixty–five million years ago was caused by an asteroid ten kilometers wide striking
just off of the coast of the Yucatan peninsula, that caused smoke to block out the sun and for
fireballs to shoot across the sky. About 65 million years ago, an asteroid is said to have crashed off
the coast of the Yucatan peninsula. This crash is what some scientists believe to be the reason the
dinosaurs went extinct. The first to believe that impact was the cause of the extinction were the
father–son duo of Luis and Walter Alvarez. They think that because of the crash the sun was blocked
out by dense clouds of dust. The crash also most likely didn't kill just the dinosaurs but, according to
PBS, "...caused the extinction of just the dinosaurs, but of up to 70 percent of all plants and animals
living at the time." The asteroid was also most likely not traveling very slowly. It is believed it was
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Death Of Dinosaurs Research Paper
Dinosaurs: Destroyed by an Asteroid
After the extinction of dinosaurs, intelligent scientists have come together to study the devastating
event. The debate surrounding the death of the dinosaurs has intensified due to many recent theories.
Some people believed that an extremely devastating ice age froze the dinosaurs across the world and
brought massive extinction. Others believe that a volcanic eruption occurred due to climate change
and natural disasters, while some say aliens abducted the dinosaurs. None of these theories seem
proven to be accurate and in alignment with historical events. Now many experts and
paleontologists are concluding that dinosaurs were killed by a massive rocky body asteroid.
Although many people believe an ice age ... Show more content on ...
Many amounts of asteroid elements such as iridium were found in rock debris along with other
asteroid particles. The discovery of Iridium sparked the attention of multiple scientists and
researchers. Iridium is rare in the Earth's crust, but it is plentiful in most asteroids and large
meteorites. With Iridium found in the Earth's crust, researchers have concluded that an asteroid
composed of Iridium struck Earth at its boundaries of layers. Further studies have indicated that this
Iridium layer has been found in more than 100 locations around the globe, providing data that this
event was truly universal ("Dinosaurs."). In addition, the measurements and evidence are accurate
with the asteroid that made impact. After many decades of research and searching scientists
identified a massive crater associated with materials of Iridium. Many pieces Iridium are buried
beneath sentiments of rock, many surrounding the coast of Yucatan. Debris and sediments are
revealed by high graphing the strength and power of gravity over that area. With these statistics and
drilling methods to observe the area, it is concluded that a relatively large impact happened 65
million years ago. After the calculations and drilling, astronomers charted many asteroids that have
crossed Earth's orbit and atmosphere. From abundant study efforts and orbital data, it is estimated
that asteroids of
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Trip To The Budson Fair-Personal Narrative
It was another monotonous, scorching summer Friday. We had burgers and hot dogs on the grill
sizzling and calling our taste buds. Then we had finished supper. Dad had a gig at Hudson Booster
Days later that night. We went back outside to shoot some hoops. Jonah, Hannah, Eli, and I played a
pickup basketball game and then got bored again. We went in to cool off a little and took a little
At about 7 o'clock we drove to the Hudson fair. I saw some of my church friends there, and went
with them. My mom got us cheesy fries before we went to play. After we finished them, we let them
settle and then went to the rides. We were excited and ready to start. My mom put bug spray on my
first because at that time there were a lot of bugs in Wisconsin. ... Show more content on ...
But we weren't stopping there! We went over again to ride some more rides. Then we got hungry
again. So my mom got us some funnel cake! It was delicious! Then we went to the Ferris wheel to
cool off a little. By this time we kind of split up and now it was only me and my best friend Nate.
Nate and I have been friends since the 2nd grade. We would do everything together.
Nate went to watch, but I wanted to go on some more rides. So I went with my other church friend
named Gabe. We were the "dare devils" of the group. We both wanted to ride the craters! The craters
were the scariest, most dangerous rides. You got into a big metal crate and your crate is loose while
it spins you around. So you can change whether or not you want to go fast or slow. Gabe and I
started spinning it a ton and were super dizzy afterward.
Then the Hudson Lacrosse hat that I was wearing that night fell off my head onto the floor of the
crater! I didn't know it at first, but after the ride it was nowhere to be seen. I started to panic a little.
That was one of my favorite hats! So I started looking everywhere for it. But I couldn't find it! Then
the other people went on the ride and I was just watching them go sadly. I loved that hat. Then the
people who took our crater found a Hudson lacrosse hat! It was my hat!
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Explaining Dinosaurs' Extintion
Though there is not one definitive explanation to explain dinosaurs' extinction, there are various
theories that attempt to account for the mystery of their extinction. The theories that explain their
extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period are the asteroid, the volcanoes, and the major climatic
changes. The most popular theory for the extinction of the dinosaurs is that the Earth was hit by an
asteroid or a comet. Was the impact actually the cause behind the dinosaur's extinction? Or was it
something completely different? An analysis of the evidence surrounding the extinction of
dinosaur's reveals that there are several different hypothesis that give theory on what might have
Over 65 million years ago, planet Earth consisted of an extraordinary species known as dinosaurs.
During this time something extremely large hit the earth, causing global devastation. "65% of all life
on the face of the planet was snuffed out of existence and the dinosaurs that roamed the planet up to
that point were no more" (O'Neill, 2009). Curiosity has grown over the past hundred years, and
scientists and researchers have given their life to find out what exactly happened on that mysterious
day. "A dinosaur extinction hypothesis is a testable statement describing factors that may have
contributed to the dinosaurs' demise and how long the process may have taken. Evidence,
observation, and experimentation can serve to support or disprove a hypothesis. Regardless of its
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Cat 5 Craft Research Papers
Five crafts tilt to vertical and circle up with their bellies facing the circle center, they're Cat–1, 4, 5,
6 and 10. They just have a few feet apart between their wings but they're keeping their high speed.
You could see from top–view the craft noses evenly spread 72 degrees apart, each craft's left wing
goes under the next craft's right wing to overlap each other forming a cover. Their aim is to block
the satellites and the coming twenty five US spaceships' visions, even the telescope can't observe
David team's activities. Henry presses the door button to open then presses close, he uses the closing
time gap to float out the space to grab the line from Gary's craft. Gary on Cat–6 collects two lines,
one is for Henry from David's Cat–1, ... Show more content on ...
I thought Chris called in the great force. Ok Yuen, I call Chris now. Hello Chris...' Chris says: 'Hello
President Tang.' Tang says: 'didn't you call some force for help?' Chris says: 'I did,' 'but I could only
see five Moon crafts and they were being chased by the US spaceships, it looks like not a friendly
group.' Chris asks: 'is there a Japanese Mouse Type spaceship?' Tang says: 'no,' Chris says: 'ok, I
turn on the Russian satellite vision, hold on a second... President Tang you were right, I didn't see
my messenger return, there must be trouble, at least a double on the number of crafts. Ok, see what I
can do from the Russian and Japanese air forces. But beware the strategy of diversion, just simple
we all know Indochina is now the world's granary, so we put all force to defense, but they may play
the tactic, look one way and row another.' Tang so worries and asks: 'so what do you think?' Chris
says: 'if you put too much force in Indochina, how about your
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David Wesley's Five Healthy Patterns
The argument/thesis/main idea of the book David Wesley's main idea is a set of best practices, or
what he terms "healthy patterns," in congregational mission partnerships. Wesley observes that in
the emerging "third way" of missions that began at the end of the 20th century and is coming into its
own in the early 21st century is focusing on congregational partnerships. As such, Wesley seeks to
lay out "common patterns for healthy global partnerships observed in these congregational
partnerships." Consequently, Wesley presents five healthy patterns around which common mission
can flourish.
An evaluation of the sources used for the study The primary source used for this study is based on
Wesley's own observation and research of the partnership ... Show more content on
A pattern of reciprocity is a partnership that includes mutually reinforcing activities that allow each
partner to teach and learn from one another that avoids dependency and paternalism. Wesley
interacts with the work of Philip Thomas and his typology of communication moving from one–
direction relationships to transformative relationships. However, Wesley concludes with
Yoshikawa's dialogical relationship model that describes a synthesis of the donor and recipient into
something greater than the sum of its parts. This is the pinnacle of congregational partnerships
where reciprocity becomes the very nature of the relationship and challenges the approaches
traditionally taken by denominations and mission
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The Wells Creek Impact Structure
The Wells Creek Impact Structure: Impact Melts produces shock metamorphism in the target rock.
Michael A. Burklow
Department of Geology, University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin, Tennessee 38237, USA
The Wells Creek structure was formed by a meteorite impact in Cumberland, Tennessee (36°〖23〗
^ ' N,87°40 'W) which is the northern part of Middle Tennessee. This region is known as the
highland rim. The younger and older strata is exposed in two areas in the highland rim which means
the older sediment has been eroded and much of the younger sediment remains. The impact
produced a variety of structural features. The circular central block contains a circular core of
megabreccia about 1520 meters (Ford, 2012). The impacted breccia is monomitic breccia, which is
the result of rock deformation from the impact event. The breccia from Wells Creek is homogenous
breccia that has been under intense movement and very high confining pressures. The angular Horst
is an upthrown block between the two fault blocks and the inner Graben is a downthrown block near
the central block (Ford, 2012). The larger impact structure is an anticline which is boarded by a
second ring Syncline of the wells creek basin structure (Ford, 2012). The shock wave releases are
large amounts of energy from the central point of impact moving outward forming ring anticlines
and synclines. The impacted breccia matrix consists of angular fragmented chert, limestone, and
dolomite. The wells creek
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Callisto the Satellite of Jupiter Essay
It's easy to see why not much attention is paid to Callisto. For four hundred years,
Callisto appeared only as the fourth dot away when gazing at Jupiter through a telescope. It also
didn't help Callisto gain attention by orbiting Jupiter. Jupiter may be one of the most intriguing
objects that astronomers have yet to study. Jupiter is the king of the planets. With its complex bands
and zones, Great Red Spot, and sheer size, Jupiter has captured our imaginations and has pushed us
to learn and explore all we can about it. Now, with our Pioneer, Voyager, and especially Galileo
spacecrafts, we have uncovered mysteries of Callisto that give our minds and imaginations quite a
John D. Anderson used Radio Doppler data collected by ... Show more content on ...
Either the atmosphere is transient and was formed recently or some process is currently supplying
carbon dioxide to the atmosphere (Carlson, 1999).
As the Galileo spacecraft flew by Callisto, it detected a slight magnetic field. This is explained only
through a model where Callisto has a salt–water ocean below its crust, with the magnetic field being
induced by the Jovian field (Thomas et al., 2002). Callisto's moment of inertia C/MR² is calculated
to be 0.3549 ± 0.0042. This figure is too small for Callisto to be completely undifferentiated, but it
is too large to have separated completely into a rock core, water mantle, and ice crust (Thomas et al.,
2002). The interior of Callisto is partially differentiated into six different layers; an ice layer, a water
ocean, a three–layer ice–rock mantle, and a rock–iron core (Kuskov 2005).
Constantine Thomas has created a model of the interior of Callisto called the
ONIONSKIN model because it calculates moment of inertia of a satellite based on many thin
concentric shells. The ONIONSKIN model uses 10,000 equally spaced shells from core to surface,
and then uses the summation of these figures to determine the moment of inertia for the whole of
Callisto. (Thomas et al., 2002)
The silicate rock core is the point of major uncertainty in the internal structure of Callisto.
It is related to the equation of state of rock–iron
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Extinction Of The Dinosaurs
The mass extinction of the Cretaceous period
The debate over what happened to the dinosaurs have been one of the most controversial research
topics in history. One minute, the earth was blooming with countless trees and a healthy
environment, then, in the period of seconds, all life on earth was wiped out, creating a mass
extinction across the globe (Bond, 2017). Discovering what ended the cretaceous period has been a
major priority in the scientific world, however, with enough modern day research, scientists have
nailed the extinction of the Dinosaurs down to two major theories; the asteroid impact theory, and
the volcanic eruption theory, both being extremely alike.
As research has been undertaken, scientists have evaluated all possible theories, distinguishing that
there are two major possibilities; the volcano theory and the asteroid impact theory. Both theories
are highly comparable, yet both have distinguishing qualities that indicate their differences. The
Volcano theory, affecting the wide–spread area of India has been proven as a major factor to the
discovery of why the dinosaurs became extinct. Research indicates that 65 million years ago,
monstrous lava beds called Deccan traps covered the surface of the earth, over an area of 500 000
square kilometres (Weishampel, 2017).
Each lava bed released unimaginable amounts of noxious gases, leading to a block of sunlight in the
atmosphere, resulting in all plant life on earth dying out. As a result of all plants having
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Theories Of What Happened To The Dinosaurs
In this task I will be talking about "What Happened to the Dinosaurs?". I will be discussing and
explaining two different theories about how the dinosaur became extinct and see what theory has
more evidence to prove that's how the dinosaurs became extinct.
My First theory is the Asteroid Impact Theory. I choose this theory because it has a lot of evidence
suggesting that this is one way that the dinosaurs became extinct. The asteroid that hit 65 million
years ago was approximately 6–15km in diameter, hit the earth with the force of five billion atomic
bombs. The crater of that asteroid was 180km in diameter, was found buried at Chicxulub in Mexico
in 1990 (Oxford Big Ideas, 2012). That Asteroid wiped out three–quarters of a species of earth
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Lucynell Cratet's Interactions With The Outsiders Short Story
In his interactions with the Lucynell Craters, Tom Shiftlet has a chance to achieve Grace. He has
been wandering and has no friends, and has found in this household a chance to work hard, watch a
beautiful sunset every night, and live a quiet life. This opportunity is hinted at when he first
approaches the two women sitting on the porch and turns his back to them to face the sunset: "He
swung both his whole and his short arm up slowly so that they indicated an expanse of sky and his
figure formed a crooked cross." That crooked cross embodied in his figure represents his chance at
salvation. As he drives toward Mobile, having missed his chance, he prays, "Oh Lord! Break forth
and wash the slime from this earth!"
Tom Shiftlet, like many ... Show more content on ...
Siftlet's head like a group of buzzards in the top of a tree." As he gets the idea to take the car and
abandon her daughter, his "smile stretched like a weary snake waking up by a fire." The snake simile
suggests the devil, as opposed to his chance at salvation. He will choose to listen to this devil as he
abandons Lucynell at The Hot Spot.
As in many of Flannery O'Connor's stories, weather is an important indicator of characters' moods
and important moments. As Tom Shiftlet drives off with the younger Lucynell Crater in the car,
supposedly to go on a honeymoon, "The early afternoon was clear and open and surrounded by pale
blue sky;" he still has a chance to redeem himself. But after he abandons her at The Hot Spot, he has
lost his chance at salvation; this moment is enforced by the weather: "Deep in the sky a storm was
preparing very slowly and without thunder as if it meant to drain every drop of air from the earth
before it broke." After the hitchhiking boy has thrown himself out the passenger door, all is really
lost for Tom Shiftlet, and "there was a guffawing peal of thunder from behind and fantastic
raindrops, like tin–can tops, crashed over the rear of Mr. Shiftlet's car."
The intensity of the weather is increased by its personification throughout the
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Why Did Dinosaurs Become Extinct Research Paper
How did dinosaurs become extinct? This has been a question of society for 340 years and counting.
Back in 1676 Robert plot who was the curator of an English museum described and drew a thigh
bone that he believed belonged to a giant man. Despite the fact that the fossil disappeared without a
trace the illustration Robert Plot had drew suggests that it could have been part of a Megalosaurus.
Large teeth were later discovered in England by Mary Ann Mantell and her husband Gideon. The
remains they had found were thought to be from an iguana. Richard Owen a British scientist
realized that these fossils earlier found were very distinct and like no other living creature. Owen
believed because these ancient animals were so different that they deserved their own name so
Owen designated the group "Dinosauria" which means "terrible lizard". From this point forward
more and more dinosaur fossils are being found and the question still remains how did the dinosaurs
become extinct? ... Show more content on ...
"Maybe a torrid climate dried up the available sources of water, some say. Maybe it was lava that
covered the land, poisoned the air, and brought on an ice age. Maybe too many early mammals
dined on too many dino eggs, or the meat–eating dinosaurs ate up all the vegetarian ones. Maybe the
need to find water led to massive migrations that spread diseases. Maybe the real problem was a
reconfiguration of land masses, caused by tectonic shifts" ( DeGrasse Tyson, Neil. "Knock 'Em
Dead." Alabama Virtual Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.). Father–and–son scientists Luis and
Walter Alvarez discovered a distinct layer of iridium that corresponds to the precise time the
dinosaurs died. With this information it suggests that a comet, asteroid or meteor impact could be
the cause of the extinction of
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Adler Planetarium Essays
Adler Planetarium. This paper would discuss about the hand on experience that was obtained when I
toured the Adler Planetarium located in Chicago and witnessed the exhibits and the show about the
"Cosmic Collision", which was a breathtaking tour around the space. The tour to the planetarium
was really a wonderful experience in adding more value and flavor to the wide range of knowledge
gained in the class, and it did really help me in grasping the real world experience. The show
"Cosmic Collision", about 20 minutes long and narrated by Robert Redford was a life time
experience that portrayed the birth of several important members of our universe. And the Adler's
Definiti Space Theatre features an all digital 360 degrees ... Show more content on
Then the movie focused on the question what did really happen to the dinosaurs? Sixty five million
years ago, a six mile wide asteroid hurtling through space at 15 kilometers per second slammed into
what is now Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula at a site known as Chicxulub. The impact had left a crater
110 to 170 miles in diameter buried nearly a kilometer underground and sparked massive volumes
of ash into Earth's atmosphere. This impact is believed to end the existence of the dinosaur and
paved the way for the rise of mammals and other species which is now in existence. Scientists have
identified 139 impact craters scattered over the surface of the Earth as a result of the main impact.
The collision was so catastrophic and enriched dust high into the atmosphere, shutting off sunlight
for weeks or months and cooling the planet. Acid rain and wildfires also followed the collision,
many plants died, as did many of the animals that ate them including the dinosaurs. Then the movie
was focus on the questions, could such a collision happen again? and is there anything we can do to
prevent another major collision if imminent? Although there are many asteroids that strike the Earth
everyday, their size and impacts are very small which goes unnoticed in most cases. Some of the
asteroids even burns off in the atmosphere before it strike the Earth's surface. But the crater in the
Northern Arizona is one of crater that has attracted us
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Permian and Cretaceous Mass Extinctions Essay
Assess the different hypotheses put forward for the mass extinctions at the end of the Permian and
Cretaceous (KT) Periods.
A mass extinction is an event in which at least 25–75% of species in the global environment are
eradicated in a short period of time. Where as a regional extinction event is when the extinction is
confined to a specific zone. Five mass extinctions have occurred throughout time, two of the most
well known of these are the Permian and Cretaceous extinction events.
There are several hypotheses that are used to explain the causes of mass extinctions. Climate
change, the warming or cooling of global environments over a short period of time, can lead to other
occurrences. Shifts in climate can cause extinction by ... Show more content on ...
A crater, the Bedout crater, in Australia has been discovered. A bolide impact would have lead to
mass death of marine and terrestrial organisms. The force of the impact could have released methane
from stored organic matter and large earthquakes. These earthquakes would have triggered the
volcanism in the Siberian traps, leading to the release of large amounts of CO2 and sulfur dioxide.
These gases combined with methane previously released would have created a noxious atmosphere,
combined with climate change that killed a large scale of life.
It is most likely that a simultaneous occurrence of the different global environmental changes was
responsible for ending the Permian period, and the lives of 96% of species. Each environmental
issue is a major geological event, and amplified the other events, leading to catastrophic
environmental situation, in which barely any life could survive.
The Cretaceous – Tertiary mass extinction, commonly referred to as the KT extinction, occurred 65
million years ago. As the most recant extinction event it is more easily studied as more evidence has
been preserved than for the earlier extinctions. This extinction is the most commonly known, as it is
the extinction of the dinosaurs, but the smallest scale mass extinction with only 76% of species
dying out.
Evidence for catastrophism at the KT boundary can be found in a layer of greenish
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Thesis Statement On Natural Lakes
Thesis Statement: Natural lakes can be classified into four types on the basis of their geographical
formation: tectonic, volcanic, landslide and alluvial lakes.
I. The first type of natural lakes are tectonic lakes which are formed from the movement of fault
lines between mountains. A. Formation of tectonic lakes 1. soil movements 2. water collection in
sunk land B. Effects of tectonic lakes –water content a. freshwater b. mineralized II. Volcanic lakes
are the second type of natural lakes which are formed from volcanic activity. A. Formation of
volcanic lakes 1. water collection in a volcanic crater 2. natural dam formed by lava 3. explosion of
volcanic gas B. Effects of volcanic lakes – increasingly mineralized III. Landslide lakes are the third
type of natural lakes which are formed from collapse of a valley on a river.
A. Formation of landslide lakes
– collapsed side of the valley blocks the river
B. Effects of ... Show more content on ...
Volcanic lakes can be created in three ways. Water collection in a crater formed by vulcanism is the
first way. Nemrut crater is a good example for that kind of lakes. The lava can create a natural dam
which means its a good opportunity to collect water and form into a volcanic lake such as Lake Van.
The other way is the explosion of gas which creates a hole on the surface. And water filling the hole
helps becoming a lake. This kind of volcanic lakes are called maar such as Lake Abant. Generally,
volcanic lakes have not an outlet, and they are increasingly mineralized because the mineralized
water flows from mountains fills the hole and then it evaporates. (Yusuf T.
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The Cause Of The Dinosaur Extinction Essay

  • 1. The Cause of the Dinosaur Extinction Essay The Cause of the Dinosaur Extinction The biggest mystery surrounding the dinosaur is how did they die? For over 130 million years dinosaurs ruled the earth. Then 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period, they died out. Nobody can really say what actually eliminated the species, although everyone has their very own idea. Asteroid impact, atmospheric changes (hot to cold), catastrophic eruptions and astronomical events (supernovas etc.). Some have ventured that early mammal inhabitation slowly "pushed" the dinosaurs to extinction. The most favored theory in the scientific field is that of the meteor impact. As always though, knowing when is part of discovering how and why. THE TIMING OF THINGS One problem ... Show more content on ... By testing sediment and recording whether it was deposited under conditions of normal polarity and then measuring successive layers, we can build a time chart. By matching different charts from different areas with similar fossils, a more global correlation can be made. These techniques led to the discovery of the boundary between the two eras. A single thin layer of clay found within predominantly limestone rocks established this. By comparing the marine life found in, above, and below the clay, the marine life, like the dinosaurs, had been terribly affected by the extinction event. The percentage of life in the upper layers was dramatically lower than that in the lower. This was far more compelling than what was suggested by dinosaur's fossils. Other samples of the clay were taken to laboratories to be analyzed. Part of the results showed a large concentration of platinum and iridium. These elements are very rare on the surface of the earth at the moment but they are present in meteoric dust that rains down from space at a known rate. That rate allowed for a measurement of how long it took for the clay to form. Surprisingly, the clay held almost 30 times more iridium than the limestone layers above and below the clay. Similar layers in other parts of the world gave the same results. The conclusion was that a giant meteorite hit the Earth 65 million years ago and had released a large ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Impact Of Dinosaurs Research Paper Imagine dinosaurs roaming the Earth minding their own business. Imagine them looking up to see a fiery, red ball of death. Imagine realizing that the blazing ball is an asteroid. Imagine it hitting the ground and nothing can be seen. The dinosaurs didn't have to imagine that an asteroid was propelling down at them. They experienced it. Scientists have studied and calculated everything to know about the asteroid, the proof that it happened, what happened at the first impact, what resulted after the impact, and the evidence of how life of the dinosaurs changed before and after the colossal collision that eradicated the dinosaurs. The preponderance of evidence leaves little to no doubt that the dinosaurs went extinct due to an enormous ... Show more content on ... The dinosaurs were abundant at the end of the Cretaceous Period. There was no gradual decline of the dinosaurs. During the time where there was no light, footprints of land dinosaurs were discovered. The footprints showed that the dinosaurs were running away from something, more specifically a tsunami. Scientists also found fossilized fish. The fish's gills were filled with the glass created from the explosion. Because the fish's gills were filled with glass, means that the fish were alive and swimming and inhaled the glass particles. The fish were the first known victims of the impact. Fish were crushed under the sediment that the tsunamis picked up and brought towards land such as the Hells Creek Formation. After the whole ordeal finished, there were a few dinosaurs still on the earth. The living dinosaurs were few and far between. Even though a few dinosaurs were still alive, more than ninety percent of all of them died in the inescapable night that followed the impact. It is believed that the only reason some smaller dinosaurs survived is because they lived in habitable areas that did not suffer extreme cooling like those that inhabited the equatorial ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Benefits Of Access For Quality Care Introduction Access to quality care can mean everything to healthy living for individuals in a community. Veterans living in rural areas are no exception and in particular make up an extraordinary demographic that often have specialized mental and health care needs due to various war traumas. (Rural Health, 2016) states that "there are 22 million Veterans nationwide, with 5.3 million who live in rural communities." (Rural Health, 2016) continues that "fifty–seven percent of these rural Veterans are enrolled in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system." (Rural Health, 2016) also asserts that "between fiscal years 2006–2014, there was a seven percent increase in VA–enrolled rural Veterans." It is important to ... Show more content on ... HanleyBrown et al.'s (2012) also assert that data must be collected and evaluated consistently with all contributors with each person holding each other accountable so that all efforts stay in line. HanleyBrown et al.'s (2012) maintain also that contributor actions need to be distinguished while still engaging and enforcing the plan of action. With these concepts in mind it goes without saying that reliable and robust communication must be maintained from all contributors in order to build trust, increase motivation and guarantee that goals are met. HanleyBrown et al.'s (2012) finally surmise that an independent organization(s) must be utilized in order to ensure that coordination of activities and support of all endeavors stay on track and are met. As the student researcher keeps these concepts in mind it is important to think about empowerment since it can mean everything to veterans in a community, but so can disempowerment as well. Toomey (2011) ascertains that while change agents and organizations may endure a calamity of self, usually, it is the folks who are to be 'built up' who must put up with the bigger outcomes of such interventions, whether they slip into poverty more or become better off, become more content or miserable, or less or more needy. It's evident that when ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Three Major Theories Explaining The Extinction Of The... The Three Major Theories Explaining the Extinction of the Dinosaurs There are many theories explaining the extinction of the dinosaur. The Most probable theories are: a massive meteor hit the earth causing the extinction. B. A chain of volcano's erupted and caused acid rain, shortage of sunlight and any other number of atmospheric problems that brought about the extinction of dinosaurs. C. Rapid Climate Change in a short period of time would have brought the dinosaurs to extinction because of an inability to evolve to the new environment. All these theories are possible but it is clear that it was a combination of all three theories working together that produced a worldwide extinction event. Around 65 million years ago; there was barely ... Show more content on ... But there's more new studies say that there could have been more then one impact that was left undiscovered because of continental drifting So as the planet cools the cloud of ash dissolving in the years to come what is left of the dinosaurs? Well almost all natural drinkable waters are polluted leaving no water for the dinosaurs, even the rainwater is made of poison acid and dust so if they find a watering hole inside a cave or water seeping out of the ground the area is most likely to be a trap the air around it could be poisoned with hydrogen sulfide (it will stop your muscles from working and ultimately suffocate ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Analysis of “The Moon: Cold, Wet, and Breathing.” Essay Analysis of "The Moon: Cold, Wet, and Breathing." The article "Top 100 Stories of 2009 #16: The Moon: Cold, Wet, and Breathing" from discusses the LCROSS mission of 2009. This is a Moon mission conducted to search for the presence of water (Barone 2009). The mission is an important part of the ultimate goal of visiting the Moon and establishing a Moon base (NASA 2005). The article is written to expand upon what occurred during the LCROSS mission (Barone 2009). LCROSS stands for Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Spacecraft. The mission was designed to search for water on the surface of the Moon. Water on the Moon has long been theorized, but previous moon missions have not found any (Lutgens 2008). The ... Show more content on ... NASA used the LCROSS module to take the 2.8 ton upper stage of an old Centaur rocket out of Earth's orbit. LCROSS then accelerated the Centaur portion towards a dark crater. The best examples of craters that don't receive light are those on the Moon's south pole. The LCROSS project according to the article involved three portions (Barone 2009). This includes the LCROSS module, the Centaur rocket portion, and the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter or LRO. The LCROSS orbiter sped the Centaur rocket up to 6500 MPH and impacted it with a crater near the Moon's south pole (LCROSS 2010). LCROSS followed behind it and analyzed the plume from the Centaur portion, sending information back to Earth, until it also impacted with the Moon (Barone 2009). The impact plume stretched to ten miles above the rim of the crater (Braukus 2010). Four minutes after the impact, the LRO flew through the debris cloud ejected by the impacts. It collected the raw data of what the cloud plume was composed of and transferred the information back to LCROSS control where computers received the data and started the analysis. Computers at NASA's Ames Research Center tore apart the ultraviolet, visual, and infrared spectroscopy images (LCROSS 2010). This was done under the careful supervision of NASA researchers who together with these high–powered computers took numbers and turned them into a breakdown of what the plume is ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. An explication of Mina Loy's poem "Lunar Baedeker". When read top to bottom, Mina Loy's poem "Lunar Baedeker" may sound like a story of drugs, sex, and desperation. In reality, it is an encrypted biography of part of Loy's life, as well as symbolic of the cycles of life. Let's start with the title, shall we? "Lunar Baedeker," the word 'lunar' means moon. It can also mean relating to the moon, but more importantly it can mean measured by the moon's cycles. What in the world is a "Baedeker" though? Baedeker is actually one Karl Baedeker, a German who, in 1859, published a series of guidebooks. Mina Loy's title, therefore, translates to either "a guide to the moon" or a " a guide to the moon's cycle or cycles." The first stanza is very autobiographical; it refers to Loy's falling in love ... Show more content on ... At the time that the poem was written, she was probably already dabbling in the art. The "Delirious Avenues" is a reference to her constantly searching blindly, with no clues, in every place or pathway her husband could be. The people who are a part of Cravan, Fabienne and Mina herself brighten the avenues; they are the "chandelier souls," branches, pieces of Cravan. The "Pharaoh's tombstone" indicates that Loy finally coming to terms with the fact that her husband is most likely dead. The acceptance of the loss of Cravan comes in the next stanza: "lead/ to mercurial doomsdays/ Odious oasis/ in furrowed phosphorous" "Lead" can be interpreted in more than one–way. It can indicate that Loy was brought to a conclusion by the previous stanza, but it can also be defined as the first punch in a boxing match. This is important because Cravan was known as the "boxer poet" because he was really only a second rate poet and used prize fighting to supplement his income. "Mercurial" is a reference to Mercury, who is the Greek god of travel, cunning, and theft, and is also associated with swiftness. Mercury is also the second reference in the poem to a shiny, silver colored element; in this case it is a poisonous element. In keeping with Loy's celestial theme, Mercury is also the closest planet to the sun. Therefore, this doomsday, the loss of her husband, came swiftly, is like poison to her heart, and the heat of the planet Mercury can be paralleled to the fire ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Martian Volcanos Last Eruption I found a recent article on Astronomy Magazine entitled, "New Study Find Martian Volcano's Last Eruption". The article discusses how new research from NASA shows a large volcano known as Arsia Mons has been inactive for about 50 million years. This was at the time of the extinction of dinosaurs. Arsia Mons, which is located just south of Mars' equator, the last eruption was in the bowl–shaped depression on top of the volcano known as the caldera. The caldera is roughly 68 miles across and has plenty of room to hold Lake Huron in it. Scientific research revealed that Arsia Mons has 29 crust openings where the lava can pour out. During its peak, these vents spewed 0.25 to 2 cubic miles of magma, which assisted in shaping the volcano over ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Battle of the Crater Introduction The Battle of the Crater was supposed to be an unexpected attempt by Union forces to break through the Confederate defenses south of a critical hub near Petersburg, Virginia. The battle took place on the morning of July 30 1864, and consisted of 16,500 IX Corps Union soldiers and approximately 9,500 Confederate soldiers.1 Ambrose E. Burnside lead the IX Corps soldiers but overall command of the Union soldiers known as Grant's Army of the Potomac was by General George G. Meade. The confederate soldiers were mostly made up of elements of the Army of Northern Virginia and South Carolina and were led by William Mahone under the direct order of Robert E. Lee. The Union decided to explode a mine under the Confederates and blow a gap into their defensive lines. Petersburg, Virginia was an important location due to the railheads that merged together there. The railhead then continued to Richmond the capital to deliver supplies to the Confederate Army. 2 History Some of the worst fighting between Ulysses S. Grant's Army of the Potomac and General Robert E. Lee's Army happened in the months leading up to the Battle of the Crater near Petersburg, Virginia. The two armies clashed at such places as the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, the North Anna River, Cold Harbor, and along the defensive perimeter around Petersburg.3 The ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Extinction Of Dinosaurs Cribbins 1 Hook. The extinction of dinosaurs is a mystery in itself that has stumped scientists all over the world for decades, and they still look for new answers every day. Scientists know some background information, but cannot connect the dots to see the bigger picture. There was little interest in the topic until Luis and Walter Alvarez proposed a groundbreaking hypothesis, which today we call the "Alvarez Hypothesis". This new idea of the Alvarez's was exciting, and therefore got the media talking about it, which in turn started the search of how the dinosaurs went extinct. Another popular theory of how dinosaurs went extinct is the Volcanism Theory. Scientists have recently found new evidence supporting both sides of this debate. Although many dinosaur extinction theories exist, only the Alvarez Hypothesis is correct. Scientists abase their extinction theories off one of commonly known piece of information: that there was a change in climate around the time of the K–T boundary. Both major theories support this idea, and both believe that something blocked out the Sun for many months. This stopped the photosynthesis in plants, the base of the food chain. Without plants, the food chain was majorly affected. A domino effect happened, and one species died out after another. Eventually all species of dinosaurs died out. Scientists know that there was a global climatic change, but are not sure how it happened. The topic of the K–T Extinction received little ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. How does the drop height of the marble affect the size of... Aim To determine whether the height at which a marble is dropped affect the size of the crater. Scientific knowledge Impact craters are geologic structures formed when a large meteorite, asteroid or comet smashes in to a planet or a satellite. Meteorites are small rocks in space that hit the earth's atmosphere at a high velocity. Throughout their history they have heavily bombarded all the inner bodies in our solar system. In this experiment we will use marbles as our meteorites, these will be free falling objects that will be used to copy an asteroid impact. The surfaces of the Moon, Mars and Mercury, where other geologic processes stopped millions of years ago, record this bombardment clearly. On the Earth, however, which has been ... Show more content on ... Below is a diagram showing all the energy conversions involved: – Some important factors that affect the size of the crater are, the weight of the marble, the size and shape of the marble, the depth and type of sand, the material of the marble and the speed at which the marble is thrown. Prediction I predict that as the height at which the marble is dropped increases, the size of the crater will also increase. This will be the same with both marbles. The reason for the increase is due to the increase in kinetic energy as indicated by PE = mgh. Also as the height increases so does the potential energy and consequently so does the kinetic and impact energy. The marble has gravitational potential energy and when it is higher it gains more energy and so this has a greater force on the sand making the crater bigger. Therefore I predict the graph to look like this: – Apparatus o Plastic tub o Fine sand o Large marble
  • 38. o Small marble o Clamp o Ring stand o Table o Meter stick o Notebook o Pen o Weighing scales Diagram Method o Set up apparatus as shown, making sure that the meter stick is placed vertical near the edge of the sand tub and. It should also be level with the sand. o Start with the small marble and drop it from 10cm, do not apply any force to the marble and make sure it lands somewhere in the middle of the tub. o Once it has landed in the sand, carefully remove the marble and ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Dinosaur Extinction Essay BIOL2110– Vertebrate Zoology Word count: 1056 Dinosaur extinction: An analysis of events and theories that possibly led to the dinosaurs' demise. Ever since the history of Earth has been studied using fossil records, extinctions have always been the object of fascination and interest, particularly the mass extinctions that occurred throughout Earth's history. A mass extinction can be caused by disruptive global environmental changes, where large numbers of species have become extinct (Urry et al. 2008). There have been five major extinctions documented based on fossil records over the past 500 million years, but the Cretaceous (KT boundary extinction – a name that meant it began the Tertiary era) extinction caught a lot of ... Show more content on ... According to the research made by Alvarez (1980), it was due to an asteroid impact that single– handedly destroyed dinosaurs to extinction. Advocacy of this mechanism has been aided by the availability and tangibility of supporting evidence in the form of impact craters– the Chicxulub crater in the Yucatan Peninsula's date and timing of impact (dating produced an almost exact date of 65 million years ago), location, enormous size–170 km (Hildebrand et al.1991) and its high iridium content ( a metal not commonly found at the Earth's surface) make it seem that with a theoretical asteroid 10 km big caused the crater great damage at the end of the Cretaceous (Alvarez et al. 1980). How exactly the asteroid damaged the Earth remains unclear, but the power released by such an impact is unquestionable. Effects possibly include reduced sunlight over a period of several months which possibly led to the decline or even total halt of primary production (via photosynthesis). One of the dominant signatures of the extinction at the KT boundary was the low activity of primary production, the possibility of reduced sunlight is high (Schulte et al. 2010) . Even if the primary production proved to be on a decline when this impact occurred, there is still some uncertainties as to where exactly the impact hit. This was why asymmetries in subsurface features of the Chicxulub crater were observed via geophysical methods were analyzed and it was calculated from estimates that the ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Magma Contamination And Sulfide Immiscibility Of The... MAGMA CONTAMINATION AND SULFIDE IMMISCIBILITY OF THE METEORIC IMPACT ZONE IN THE SUDBURY NI–CU DEPOSITS: ONTARIO, CANADA WILLIAMS, Jane B. (University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, Sudbury, Canada is the location of a world class Ni–Cu deposit phenomena. Numerous studies have produced an explanation for the complex evolution of its deposition and enrichment thanks to the impaction of a meteorite 1.85 million years ago. The impact of the meteorite is thought to have caused fracturing that led to the generation of magma from deep in the crust that helped in later filling the crater and producing the igneous complex (Faggart et. al., 1985). The igneous complex (Figure 1a) has an elongated shape (60 km long and 27 km wide) with circular deposits surrounding it similar to a bulls–eye. Evidence of the meteoric impact includes brecciation located in the center of the basin (Onaping Formation), deformation of the margin of the intrusive complex (Huronian Group), shatter cones, and pseudotachylite. The meteor is thought to have flash melted the crust which proceeded to differentiate into a granophyre and a leuconorite to norite composition. The granophyre makes up 60% of the complex and the leuconorite and norite make up the remaining 40% (Figure 1b)(Barnes et. al., 2005). About 50% of the ore is found in the sublayer norite and the breccia that is associated with the norite. This ore is mainly disseminated sulphides. The massive sulphides are located in the center ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Meteor Crater Research Paper–mystery–arizona–meteor–crater–solved.html Published on March 9, 2005 by Robert Roy Britt there is a new theory that explains how the meteor crater near Winslow Arizona was formed. The asteroid that created the crater is believed to have been traveling much slower than originally thought. The article suggests that the meteor was traveling at speeds greater than ten time the speed of a bullet shot from a rifle. The main mystery surrounding this impact event concerns the fact that the liquefied rock in the crater is significantly less than anticipated because of the impact. The size of the crater measures a depth of 570 feet with a diameter of 4,100 feet. The crater was created approximately fifty thousand years ago ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Explaining Dinosaur Extinction There have been many theories to explain the dinosaur extinction. However, Walter Alvarez and colleagues had discovered the evidence for dinosaur extinction. They found the rocks laid down precisely at the K–T boundary contain extraordinary amounts of the metal iridium. And those materials of the rocks would not normally found on Earth's surface. Then, they discovered those rocks were asteroids. Scientist discovered the K–T impact crater was deeply buried under in Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. The crater was 150–kilometer–wide. Scientists calculated that it likely caused by an object about 6 miles (10 km) across, would have released as much energy as 100 trillion tons of TNT. (Choi & Contributor, 2016) Moreover, scientists have concluded that ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Evolution Of The Moon's Craters Not that many people know how our moon's craters were created, some scientists say there were asteroids that had hit the newly created satellite. And those asteroids formed circular holes on the surface of this new satellite. After the new satellite was created it was being pulled around a planet which we know as our home planet Earth. Have you ever wondered about how the craters on the moon were created. Like that rabbit that everybody sees but yet I can't!There are many different types of hypothesis on how the moon's craters . But today I will try to recreate how the moon's craters were created or formed. You're probably saying as you read this "Didn't he say there are many different hypothesis on how the moon's craters were created ?" Yes ... Show more content on ... There are many astrologers in the world , but some astrologers don't really know how the moon's mysterious craters suddenly appeared all over the moon. So I thought "hey" "I should help out these astronomers who don't really know who the moon's craters were actually created" so I decided to help out these astronomers , by creating my own project which surface would be best for craters? Some astrologers say the moon's surface has many types of material. But I will be testing out which one would be best or the the surface that looks like a moon! I am going to use a rubber and sponge ball to reenact as asteroids that are going to hit the moon from billions of years ago. To start the investigation we first need to find out how high we will drop the ball , we will drop it around my height , so about 5 feet 7 inches then we will continuously be dropping the ball in the 4 different type of surfaces such as gravel (small rocks) , flour , soil, dirt, and we will be dropping the ball five times from the same height for each surface and we'll go on from there . And some important vocabulary words for this experiment are Astronomy, Asteroids, Gravity Diameter , height , sponge ball , rubber ball , craters , and yes it is a lot of words but guess what? It's all worth it at the end you all are really going to enjoy this project , I guarantee it. If you don't like you'll get your money ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Extinction of Dinosaurs due to Asteroid Impact Essay Extinction of Dinosaurs due to Asteroid Impact Nobody knows for sure exactly how the dinosaurs became extinct. However scientists have speculated for decades about possible events that caused the dinosaurs to die out. Possibilities range from asteroids, to volcanoes, to climate changes. One of the more popular or well–known extinction theories involves the belief that an asteroid struck the Earth, causing devastating effects, and triggering mass extinctions around the end of the Cretaceous period. The asteroid impact extinction theory began in 1980 with Luis and Walter Alvarez, a father and son team. They theorized that an asteroid struck the Earth at the close of the Cretaceous period, causing devastating effects and mass ... Show more content on ... Gerta Keller, professor of geosciences at Princeton University, has recently conducted research on the Chicxulub asteroid in which she analyzed new core samples taken from the asteroid site (Botzer 2004). These samples indicate that the impact that occurred at Chicxulub actually predated the mass extinction of the dinosaurs, which occurred at the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary about sixty–five million years ago. Keller claims that the Chicxulub impact occurred approximately 300,000 years before the extinction (Keller 2004). Although previous researchers estimated that the Chicxulub asteroid was the cause of the extinctions, there had always been doubts about the exact age and size of the crater, and about the origin of the "mega tsunami deposits" that were located within the crater (Keller 2004). The focus of Keller's recent research was on finding some answers to these questions. To do so she analyzed Cretaceous limestone, dolomite, and anhydrite deposits as the site of the Chicxulub crater (Keller 2004). The fossil deposits at the Chicxulub site suggest that the mineral layer in the crater was deposited after the impact, but before the extinction of the dinosaurs and other species. Keller proposes two possible explanations for this. The first explanation is that the sediments were deposited as the backwash of a giant tsunami that occurred after the impact (Keller 2004). ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Creative Writing: America's Greatest Space Achievements "Three, two, one, blast–off!" Johnathan and Matthew were headed to the moon to become the first astronauts to ever walk on the dark side of the moon. They would also be the first astronauts to go to outer space without needing a space mask, thanks to 2030 technology. his day would go down in history as one of the greatest space achievements of all time, assuming that they will make it. "Are you ready for this?" John asked Matt in an unsure tone. "No, not at all," replied Matt confidently, "but I'll do it anyway, I'll do it for my country." Three hours later, John and Matt lurched forward in their seats. "We're here, we're here!" They exclaimed joyfully. The light level was blinding at first when the astronauts took their first step on ... Show more content on ... He got water into his system, and then tried to start the space shuttle. After a couple of tries, the shuttle finally started to rumble. After a minute or two of waiting for the engine to become ready to take off, John's shuttle left the moon for good. He couldn't wait to see the bright faces so many Americans. He was so excited to receive a round of applause from the space station crew. But most of all, he was extremely eager to see his two daughters and his wife. He was very loyal to his family and was a great father. Now that John was in the space shuttle, the space crew could now see and speak with John. "Watch out!" the whole space crew shouted in unison. Just out the front window of the shuttle, John could see a giant asteroid, and he was headed right towards it! John veered out of the pathway of the asteroid just in time. Soon, John realized that something was wrong. The shuttle had been moving for 5 minutes alongside of the giant asteroid. When John veered out of the way of the asteroid, he was actually traveling faster than the asteroid towards earth. That meant that the asteroid was headed right towards the ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Asteroid Theory In the early nineteen hundreds, dinosaur fossils were discovered and recognized around the globe. Scientists and paleontologists began contemplating how such densely populated creatures vanished. Currently, paleontologists debate the two main hypotheses of how the dinosaurs died from either the volcano activity or the asteroid impact. Both theories resulted in the same outcome yet differ in key elements such as, the physical evidence left behind encourages every conceivable clarification for the termination in charge of wiping out the dinosaurs. As a matter of fact the theory that has gained wide acceptance today is that an asteroid collided with Earth. A large meteor–like ball striking the Earth ejecting enough debris and dust that it resulted sunlight blockage long enough to modify the atmospheres climate, executing a comparability of the "nuclear winter." These events occurred in a sort of domino effect, plants were the first to die out, followed by the herbivores that ate them, and finally the carnivores that fed on the herbivores. Walter and Luis Alvarez from the University of California at Berkeley proposed the main hypothesis in 1980. Team Alvarez firmly believed that the iridium layer is to blame an asteroid ... Show more content on ... For instance, the "150–kilometer–wide crater lies just off the Yucatan peninsula. Paleontologist calculated that is was blasted into earth by a 10–Kilometer–wide asteroid at a speed of 30 kilometers per second" 2. Scientists have concluded that the impact that created this crater occurred 65 million years ago. The date corresponds perfectly to the date of the dinosaur extinction. These pieces of molten rock, known as impact ejecta, were found more than a hundred miles from its genesis Cretaceous boundary; this demonstrates that the explosion was intense enough to melt the surface layer, proclaiming the extinction of ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Impact Craters Experiment In this lab the researchers were testing how different massed "meteorites" dropped at the same distance affect the depth of an impact crater. The researchers predicted that if the mass of the object in the egg increases than the depth of the impact crater will also increase because gravity will pull down harder on the heavier object than it will the lighter object. The hypothesis was supported because the greater the mass of an object than the deeper the impact crater will be because the greater the mass the more gravity pulls on that object downward. The data shows that the empty egg's average is 1.23cm, the wooden block/cube's average is 2.2cm, the steel ball's average is 4.3cm, and the white acrylic beads average is 1.6cm. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. A Short Story : A Story? High above a wasteland, in a remote part of the planet, Vigiti, the sky itself began to bend. With the sound of thunder, three beings slammed into the planet's surface, the air rippling around the impact crater that had been made. The shortest one, a white haired and silver eyed man, floated above the crater rim and scanned the horizon. His silver eyes widening and narrowing as they focused in the vast distance, his ears picking up every sound made across the planet. After two seconds had passed, he waved the other two forward and they followed him as he took off into the air. The tallest one, a green haired and green eyed woman, flew to his right while a black haired and red eyed man flew to his left. The power of the trio was so great that the trees and water they flew over bent under the pressure of their presence, they were as gods... almost. The silvered haired one, Atmas, stopped, and the other two followed. "What do you see?" The black haired man, Darus, said outloud. Atmas shook his head, "I don't see it... I can hear it." The green haired woman, Jeirni, whipped around just in time to see Bane and Theia morph into being. Atmas and Darus turned around slowly, both letting out their breath's to control their anger. Jeirni took this opportunity to settle the situation down, "Hello you two! I thought you were supposed to be in Sol's realm? What happened?" She looked pointedly at Bane. Theia jumped in front of him and waved her hands, "We came to help, is all! Besides" ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Egg Drop Challenge Research Paper You are twenty five feet– or approximately seven meters– in the air, plummeting to a concrete ground. Your only protection is the vehicle in which you are sitting in. You will not survive based on luck, but rather science. The Egg Drop Challenge is an Engineering Design Challenge, which will be using the concepts of Force, Momentum, Gravity, and Energy. In partners of two we must create a vehicle that can minimize the force of impact from a high drop while protecting the egg inside. Nevertheless, these goals do not come without constraints. Not only must we complete this project in exactly nine days, but we must also stick to the rules given. Such rules include; only using the materials allotted, and the vehicle built cannot exceed the width or height of 60 centimeters. With these constraints given, the participants in the challenge must make sure that their goals can still be met. Like stated in the introduction, this challenge will not be completed by using plain ... Show more content on ... The first product was a phone case. While when shopping, people tend to pick cases partly on how they look, though we also check how protective they are. This is because we want to make sure that our phones will be safe incase of an impact. The main protection put in place, is the system in a secure phone case, that allows it to absorb the energy from the crash. There are energy absorbing systems in the sides of the phone case, which will keep the actual phone from harm. The second product that faces similar would be a car. The main protection system in a car would be the crush zone. This is a system in the front of the car, which upon collision will scrunch up, and absorb energy similar to the phone case. With these two products in mind, we are able to create a better vehicle that will increase the chances of the egg ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Analysis Of Impact Crater Linked To Martian Tsunamis On Earth, tsunamis are usually a result of an earthquake however, there may be a different case on Mars. Over the past few years, scientists have theorized how an impact crater was created, and have determined the most plausible theory to be two tsunamis colliding. The two tsunamis would have been triggered by an asteroid shower and have projected heights of approximately 100m (330 ft) and 150m (490 ft). The details discussed at the 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference have prophesied that the event would have occurred as long as three billion years ago and also suggests that Mars would have a northern ocean. Correspondingly, scientists at the Université Paris–Sud have located sediment deposits in the Southern Hemisphere that originated in the Northern Hemisphere adding more evidence to this theory. The article, Impact Crater Linked to Martian Tsunamis by Paul Rincon was published on March 26th 2017. ... Show more content on ... For instance, this adds heaps of evidence to the possibility that there were oceans on Mars. "The predictions of the numerical modelling that François and his colleagues have done provide a very persuasive case for an ocean at this time," said Dr. Clifford from the Lunar and Planetary Institute. Meaning, if there were oceans, the red planet may be able sustain life. Furthermore, I chose this article because tsunamis or water means that we could live on Mars. Plus, reading an article about space discoveries links to what we are learning about in the Social Studies (we are learning the Cold War). Overall, having an ocean on Mars will activate a new era of space exploration and ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Taking a Look at Tunguska Explosion In June of 1908, a fireball descended towards Earth leaving a fiery white trail in its path. It landed in Siberia but it wasn't like any other asteroid. This one appeared to have exploded in mid air causing Hiroshima like effects. There is no evidence that it hit Earth, but there is a crater shaped lake about five miles from where the suspected spot it landed. The fire ball left thousands of trees on fire, seemingly blowing over millions. This force killed local people as well as animals and there is only one thing that we can conclude about it... it was an asteroid. At exactly 7:17 A.M. local time on June 30,1908 an asteroid came plummeting down toward Earth's surface. This occurrence happened around the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Russia. "Recent scientific studies by meteorite researcher Christopher Chyba have estimated that the Tunguska event may have been caused by the explosion of a stony meteorite about 30 meters in diameter traveling at about 15 km/s. Compare the energy released by such an object with that of an atomic bomb such as those dropped on Japan in World War II." (Planetary Science Institute) Although it took scientists many years after the explosion to get out to the suspected site of where it landed, they are not able to find any evidence of it hitting Earth. Reports have been taken about the effects of the explosion. They have done things that would have been thought impossible."One older man at about this distance was reportedly blown ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Surviving Dinosaur Extinction The species that survived the dinosaur extinction are believed to be what life on this planet is descended from. Aligators, crocodiles, lizards and snakes are among the reptiles that survived what dinosaurs couldn't. Birds also survived, and are the only descendants of dinosaurs that survived the mass extinction other than lizards. Frogs and salamanders are among the few small amphibians that survived. Mammals also survived and they are the largest group to survive the extinction. Over 50% of the world's population were thought to have died out in the course of this event. Many species became extinct, some of these were marine reptiles, big amphibians, some reef–building creatures and some cephalopod molluscs. Some possible theories for extinction ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. The Extinction Of The Dinosaurs Extinction Imagine you were a dinosaur, living 65 million years ago. One day, you are going around doing what you do on a normal basis, when suddenly you see a giant object coming towards the ground a few hundred miles away from you. Then suddenly, it goes black as gases block out all light except for one light coming rapidly towards you. Other dinosaurs are running away from the light as you start following them. You look behind you to see the light is quickly catching up to you as suddenly it catches you. You feel immense pain and then you are dead. I believe that the mass extinction of the dinosaurs sixty–five million years ago was caused by an asteroid ten kilometers wide striking just off of the coast of the Yucatan peninsula, that caused smoke to block out the sun and for fireballs to shoot across the sky. About 65 million years ago, an asteroid is said to have crashed off the coast of the Yucatan peninsula. This crash is what some scientists believe to be the reason the dinosaurs went extinct. The first to believe that impact was the cause of the extinction were the father–son duo of Luis and Walter Alvarez. They think that because of the crash the sun was blocked out by dense clouds of dust. The crash also most likely didn't kill just the dinosaurs but, according to PBS, "...caused the extinction of just the dinosaurs, but of up to 70 percent of all plants and animals living at the time." The asteroid was also most likely not traveling very slowly. It is believed it was ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Death Of Dinosaurs Research Paper Dinosaurs: Destroyed by an Asteroid After the extinction of dinosaurs, intelligent scientists have come together to study the devastating event. The debate surrounding the death of the dinosaurs has intensified due to many recent theories. Some people believed that an extremely devastating ice age froze the dinosaurs across the world and brought massive extinction. Others believe that a volcanic eruption occurred due to climate change and natural disasters, while some say aliens abducted the dinosaurs. None of these theories seem proven to be accurate and in alignment with historical events. Now many experts and paleontologists are concluding that dinosaurs were killed by a massive rocky body asteroid. Although many people believe an ice age ... Show more content on ... Many amounts of asteroid elements such as iridium were found in rock debris along with other asteroid particles. The discovery of Iridium sparked the attention of multiple scientists and researchers. Iridium is rare in the Earth's crust, but it is plentiful in most asteroids and large meteorites. With Iridium found in the Earth's crust, researchers have concluded that an asteroid composed of Iridium struck Earth at its boundaries of layers. Further studies have indicated that this Iridium layer has been found in more than 100 locations around the globe, providing data that this event was truly universal ("Dinosaurs."). In addition, the measurements and evidence are accurate with the asteroid that made impact. After many decades of research and searching scientists identified a massive crater associated with materials of Iridium. Many pieces Iridium are buried beneath sentiments of rock, many surrounding the coast of Yucatan. Debris and sediments are revealed by high graphing the strength and power of gravity over that area. With these statistics and drilling methods to observe the area, it is concluded that a relatively large impact happened 65 million years ago. After the calculations and drilling, astronomers charted many asteroids that have crossed Earth's orbit and atmosphere. From abundant study efforts and orbital data, it is estimated that asteroids of ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Trip To The Budson Fair-Personal Narrative It was another monotonous, scorching summer Friday. We had burgers and hot dogs on the grill sizzling and calling our taste buds. Then we had finished supper. Dad had a gig at Hudson Booster Days later that night. We went back outside to shoot some hoops. Jonah, Hannah, Eli, and I played a pickup basketball game and then got bored again. We went in to cool off a little and took a little break. At about 7 o'clock we drove to the Hudson fair. I saw some of my church friends there, and went with them. My mom got us cheesy fries before we went to play. After we finished them, we let them settle and then went to the rides. We were excited and ready to start. My mom put bug spray on my first because at that time there were a lot of bugs in Wisconsin. ... Show more content on ... But we weren't stopping there! We went over again to ride some more rides. Then we got hungry again. So my mom got us some funnel cake! It was delicious! Then we went to the Ferris wheel to cool off a little. By this time we kind of split up and now it was only me and my best friend Nate. Nate and I have been friends since the 2nd grade. We would do everything together. Nate went to watch, but I wanted to go on some more rides. So I went with my other church friend named Gabe. We were the "dare devils" of the group. We both wanted to ride the craters! The craters were the scariest, most dangerous rides. You got into a big metal crate and your crate is loose while it spins you around. So you can change whether or not you want to go fast or slow. Gabe and I started spinning it a ton and were super dizzy afterward. Then the Hudson Lacrosse hat that I was wearing that night fell off my head onto the floor of the crater! I didn't know it at first, but after the ride it was nowhere to be seen. I started to panic a little. That was one of my favorite hats! So I started looking everywhere for it. But I couldn't find it! Then the other people went on the ride and I was just watching them go sadly. I loved that hat. Then the people who took our crater found a Hudson lacrosse hat! It was my hat! ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Explaining Dinosaurs' Extintion Though there is not one definitive explanation to explain dinosaurs' extinction, there are various theories that attempt to account for the mystery of their extinction. The theories that explain their extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period are the asteroid, the volcanoes, and the major climatic changes. The most popular theory for the extinction of the dinosaurs is that the Earth was hit by an asteroid or a comet. Was the impact actually the cause behind the dinosaur's extinction? Or was it something completely different? An analysis of the evidence surrounding the extinction of dinosaur's reveals that there are several different hypothesis that give theory on what might have happened. Over 65 million years ago, planet Earth consisted of an extraordinary species known as dinosaurs. During this time something extremely large hit the earth, causing global devastation. "65% of all life on the face of the planet was snuffed out of existence and the dinosaurs that roamed the planet up to that point were no more" (O'Neill, 2009). Curiosity has grown over the past hundred years, and scientists and researchers have given their life to find out what exactly happened on that mysterious day. "A dinosaur extinction hypothesis is a testable statement describing factors that may have contributed to the dinosaurs' demise and how long the process may have taken. Evidence, observation, and experimentation can serve to support or disprove a hypothesis. Regardless of its ultimate ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Cat 5 Craft Research Papers Five crafts tilt to vertical and circle up with their bellies facing the circle center, they're Cat–1, 4, 5, 6 and 10. They just have a few feet apart between their wings but they're keeping their high speed. You could see from top–view the craft noses evenly spread 72 degrees apart, each craft's left wing goes under the next craft's right wing to overlap each other forming a cover. Their aim is to block the satellites and the coming twenty five US spaceships' visions, even the telescope can't observe David team's activities. Henry presses the door button to open then presses close, he uses the closing time gap to float out the space to grab the line from Gary's craft. Gary on Cat–6 collects two lines, one is for Henry from David's Cat–1, ... Show more content on ... I thought Chris called in the great force. Ok Yuen, I call Chris now. Hello Chris...' Chris says: 'Hello President Tang.' Tang says: 'didn't you call some force for help?' Chris says: 'I did,' 'but I could only see five Moon crafts and they were being chased by the US spaceships, it looks like not a friendly group.' Chris asks: 'is there a Japanese Mouse Type spaceship?' Tang says: 'no,' Chris says: 'ok, I turn on the Russian satellite vision, hold on a second... President Tang you were right, I didn't see my messenger return, there must be trouble, at least a double on the number of crafts. Ok, see what I can do from the Russian and Japanese air forces. But beware the strategy of diversion, just simple we all know Indochina is now the world's granary, so we put all force to defense, but they may play the tactic, look one way and row another.' Tang so worries and asks: 'so what do you think?' Chris says: 'if you put too much force in Indochina, how about your ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. David Wesley's Five Healthy Patterns The argument/thesis/main idea of the book David Wesley's main idea is a set of best practices, or what he terms "healthy patterns," in congregational mission partnerships. Wesley observes that in the emerging "third way" of missions that began at the end of the 20th century and is coming into its own in the early 21st century is focusing on congregational partnerships. As such, Wesley seeks to lay out "common patterns for healthy global partnerships observed in these congregational partnerships." Consequently, Wesley presents five healthy patterns around which common mission can flourish. An evaluation of the sources used for the study The primary source used for this study is based on Wesley's own observation and research of the partnership ... Show more content on ... A pattern of reciprocity is a partnership that includes mutually reinforcing activities that allow each partner to teach and learn from one another that avoids dependency and paternalism. Wesley interacts with the work of Philip Thomas and his typology of communication moving from one– direction relationships to transformative relationships. However, Wesley concludes with Yoshikawa's dialogical relationship model that describes a synthesis of the donor and recipient into something greater than the sum of its parts. This is the pinnacle of congregational partnerships where reciprocity becomes the very nature of the relationship and challenges the approaches traditionally taken by denominations and mission ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. The Wells Creek Impact Structure The Wells Creek Impact Structure: Impact Melts produces shock metamorphism in the target rock. Michael A. Burklow Department of Geology, University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin, Tennessee 38237, USA Abstract The Wells Creek structure was formed by a meteorite impact in Cumberland, Tennessee (36°〖23〗 ^ ' N,87°40 'W) which is the northern part of Middle Tennessee. This region is known as the highland rim. The younger and older strata is exposed in two areas in the highland rim which means the older sediment has been eroded and much of the younger sediment remains. The impact produced a variety of structural features. The circular central block contains a circular core of megabreccia about 1520 meters (Ford, 2012). The impacted breccia is monomitic breccia, which is the result of rock deformation from the impact event. The breccia from Wells Creek is homogenous breccia that has been under intense movement and very high confining pressures. The angular Horst is an upthrown block between the two fault blocks and the inner Graben is a downthrown block near the central block (Ford, 2012). The larger impact structure is an anticline which is boarded by a second ring Syncline of the wells creek basin structure (Ford, 2012). The shock wave releases are large amounts of energy from the central point of impact moving outward forming ring anticlines and synclines. The impacted breccia matrix consists of angular fragmented chert, limestone, and dolomite. The wells creek ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Callisto the Satellite of Jupiter Essay It's easy to see why not much attention is paid to Callisto. For four hundred years, Callisto appeared only as the fourth dot away when gazing at Jupiter through a telescope. It also didn't help Callisto gain attention by orbiting Jupiter. Jupiter may be one of the most intriguing objects that astronomers have yet to study. Jupiter is the king of the planets. With its complex bands and zones, Great Red Spot, and sheer size, Jupiter has captured our imaginations and has pushed us to learn and explore all we can about it. Now, with our Pioneer, Voyager, and especially Galileo spacecrafts, we have uncovered mysteries of Callisto that give our minds and imaginations quite a workout. John D. Anderson used Radio Doppler data collected by ... Show more content on ... Either the atmosphere is transient and was formed recently or some process is currently supplying carbon dioxide to the atmosphere (Carlson, 1999). As the Galileo spacecraft flew by Callisto, it detected a slight magnetic field. This is explained only through a model where Callisto has a salt–water ocean below its crust, with the magnetic field being induced by the Jovian field (Thomas et al., 2002). Callisto's moment of inertia C/MR² is calculated to be 0.3549 ± 0.0042. This figure is too small for Callisto to be completely undifferentiated, but it is too large to have separated completely into a rock core, water mantle, and ice crust (Thomas et al., 2002). The interior of Callisto is partially differentiated into six different layers; an ice layer, a water ocean, a three–layer ice–rock mantle, and a rock–iron core (Kuskov 2005). Constantine Thomas has created a model of the interior of Callisto called the ONIONSKIN model because it calculates moment of inertia of a satellite based on many thin concentric shells. The ONIONSKIN model uses 10,000 equally spaced shells from core to surface, and then uses the summation of these figures to determine the moment of inertia for the whole of Callisto. (Thomas et al., 2002) The silicate rock core is the point of major uncertainty in the internal structure of Callisto. It is related to the equation of state of rock–iron ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Extinction Of The Dinosaurs The mass extinction of the Cretaceous period The debate over what happened to the dinosaurs have been one of the most controversial research topics in history. One minute, the earth was blooming with countless trees and a healthy environment, then, in the period of seconds, all life on earth was wiped out, creating a mass extinction across the globe (Bond, 2017). Discovering what ended the cretaceous period has been a major priority in the scientific world, however, with enough modern day research, scientists have nailed the extinction of the Dinosaurs down to two major theories; the asteroid impact theory, and the volcanic eruption theory, both being extremely alike. As research has been undertaken, scientists have evaluated all possible theories, distinguishing that there are two major possibilities; the volcano theory and the asteroid impact theory. Both theories are highly comparable, yet both have distinguishing qualities that indicate their differences. The Volcano theory, affecting the wide–spread area of India has been proven as a major factor to the discovery of why the dinosaurs became extinct. Research indicates that 65 million years ago, monstrous lava beds called Deccan traps covered the surface of the earth, over an area of 500 000 square kilometres (Weishampel, 2017). Each lava bed released unimaginable amounts of noxious gases, leading to a block of sunlight in the atmosphere, resulting in all plant life on earth dying out. As a result of all plants having ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Theories Of What Happened To The Dinosaurs In this task I will be talking about "What Happened to the Dinosaurs?". I will be discussing and explaining two different theories about how the dinosaur became extinct and see what theory has more evidence to prove that's how the dinosaurs became extinct. My First theory is the Asteroid Impact Theory. I choose this theory because it has a lot of evidence suggesting that this is one way that the dinosaurs became extinct. The asteroid that hit 65 million years ago was approximately 6–15km in diameter, hit the earth with the force of five billion atomic bombs. The crater of that asteroid was 180km in diameter, was found buried at Chicxulub in Mexico in 1990 (Oxford Big Ideas, 2012). That Asteroid wiped out three–quarters of a species of earth ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Lucynell Cratet's Interactions With The Outsiders Short Story In his interactions with the Lucynell Craters, Tom Shiftlet has a chance to achieve Grace. He has been wandering and has no friends, and has found in this household a chance to work hard, watch a beautiful sunset every night, and live a quiet life. This opportunity is hinted at when he first approaches the two women sitting on the porch and turns his back to them to face the sunset: "He swung both his whole and his short arm up slowly so that they indicated an expanse of sky and his figure formed a crooked cross." That crooked cross embodied in his figure represents his chance at salvation. As he drives toward Mobile, having missed his chance, he prays, "Oh Lord! Break forth and wash the slime from this earth!" Tom Shiftlet, like many ... Show more content on ... Siftlet's head like a group of buzzards in the top of a tree." As he gets the idea to take the car and abandon her daughter, his "smile stretched like a weary snake waking up by a fire." The snake simile suggests the devil, as opposed to his chance at salvation. He will choose to listen to this devil as he abandons Lucynell at The Hot Spot. As in many of Flannery O'Connor's stories, weather is an important indicator of characters' moods and important moments. As Tom Shiftlet drives off with the younger Lucynell Crater in the car, supposedly to go on a honeymoon, "The early afternoon was clear and open and surrounded by pale blue sky;" he still has a chance to redeem himself. But after he abandons her at The Hot Spot, he has lost his chance at salvation; this moment is enforced by the weather: "Deep in the sky a storm was preparing very slowly and without thunder as if it meant to drain every drop of air from the earth before it broke." After the hitchhiking boy has thrown himself out the passenger door, all is really lost for Tom Shiftlet, and "there was a guffawing peal of thunder from behind and fantastic raindrops, like tin–can tops, crashed over the rear of Mr. Shiftlet's car." The intensity of the weather is increased by its personification throughout the ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Why Did Dinosaurs Become Extinct Research Paper How did dinosaurs become extinct? This has been a question of society for 340 years and counting. Back in 1676 Robert plot who was the curator of an English museum described and drew a thigh bone that he believed belonged to a giant man. Despite the fact that the fossil disappeared without a trace the illustration Robert Plot had drew suggests that it could have been part of a Megalosaurus. Large teeth were later discovered in England by Mary Ann Mantell and her husband Gideon. The remains they had found were thought to be from an iguana. Richard Owen a British scientist realized that these fossils earlier found were very distinct and like no other living creature. Owen believed because these ancient animals were so different that they deserved their own name so Owen designated the group "Dinosauria" which means "terrible lizard". From this point forward more and more dinosaur fossils are being found and the question still remains how did the dinosaurs become extinct? ... Show more content on ... "Maybe a torrid climate dried up the available sources of water, some say. Maybe it was lava that covered the land, poisoned the air, and brought on an ice age. Maybe too many early mammals dined on too many dino eggs, or the meat–eating dinosaurs ate up all the vegetarian ones. Maybe the need to find water led to massive migrations that spread diseases. Maybe the real problem was a reconfiguration of land masses, caused by tectonic shifts" ( DeGrasse Tyson, Neil. "Knock 'Em Dead." Alabama Virtual Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.). Father–and–son scientists Luis and Walter Alvarez discovered a distinct layer of iridium that corresponds to the precise time the dinosaurs died. With this information it suggests that a comet, asteroid or meteor impact could be the cause of the extinction of ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Adler Planetarium Essays Adler Planetarium. This paper would discuss about the hand on experience that was obtained when I toured the Adler Planetarium located in Chicago and witnessed the exhibits and the show about the "Cosmic Collision", which was a breathtaking tour around the space. The tour to the planetarium was really a wonderful experience in adding more value and flavor to the wide range of knowledge gained in the class, and it did really help me in grasping the real world experience. The show "Cosmic Collision", about 20 minutes long and narrated by Robert Redford was a life time experience that portrayed the birth of several important members of our universe. And the Adler's Definiti Space Theatre features an all digital 360 degrees ... Show more content on ... Then the movie focused on the question what did really happen to the dinosaurs? Sixty five million years ago, a six mile wide asteroid hurtling through space at 15 kilometers per second slammed into what is now Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula at a site known as Chicxulub. The impact had left a crater 110 to 170 miles in diameter buried nearly a kilometer underground and sparked massive volumes of ash into Earth's atmosphere. This impact is believed to end the existence of the dinosaur and paved the way for the rise of mammals and other species which is now in existence. Scientists have identified 139 impact craters scattered over the surface of the Earth as a result of the main impact. The collision was so catastrophic and enriched dust high into the atmosphere, shutting off sunlight for weeks or months and cooling the planet. Acid rain and wildfires also followed the collision, many plants died, as did many of the animals that ate them including the dinosaurs. Then the movie was focus on the questions, could such a collision happen again? and is there anything we can do to prevent another major collision if imminent? Although there are many asteroids that strike the Earth everyday, their size and impacts are very small which goes unnoticed in most cases. Some of the asteroids even burns off in the atmosphere before it strike the Earth's surface. But the crater in the Northern Arizona is one of crater that has attracted us ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Permian and Cretaceous Mass Extinctions Essay Assess the different hypotheses put forward for the mass extinctions at the end of the Permian and Cretaceous (KT) Periods. A mass extinction is an event in which at least 25–75% of species in the global environment are eradicated in a short period of time. Where as a regional extinction event is when the extinction is confined to a specific zone. Five mass extinctions have occurred throughout time, two of the most well known of these are the Permian and Cretaceous extinction events. There are several hypotheses that are used to explain the causes of mass extinctions. Climate change, the warming or cooling of global environments over a short period of time, can lead to other occurrences. Shifts in climate can cause extinction by ... Show more content on ... A crater, the Bedout crater, in Australia has been discovered. A bolide impact would have lead to mass death of marine and terrestrial organisms. The force of the impact could have released methane from stored organic matter and large earthquakes. These earthquakes would have triggered the volcanism in the Siberian traps, leading to the release of large amounts of CO2 and sulfur dioxide. These gases combined with methane previously released would have created a noxious atmosphere, combined with climate change that killed a large scale of life. It is most likely that a simultaneous occurrence of the different global environmental changes was responsible for ending the Permian period, and the lives of 96% of species. Each environmental issue is a major geological event, and amplified the other events, leading to catastrophic environmental situation, in which barely any life could survive. The Cretaceous – Tertiary mass extinction, commonly referred to as the KT extinction, occurred 65 million years ago. As the most recant extinction event it is more easily studied as more evidence has been preserved than for the earlier extinctions. This extinction is the most commonly known, as it is the extinction of the dinosaurs, but the smallest scale mass extinction with only 76% of species dying out. Evidence for catastrophism at the KT boundary can be found in a layer of greenish ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Thesis Statement On Natural Lakes OUTLINE CRN:10868 NATURAL LAKES IN TURKEY Thesis Statement: Natural lakes can be classified into four types on the basis of their geographical formation: tectonic, volcanic, landslide and alluvial lakes. I. The first type of natural lakes are tectonic lakes which are formed from the movement of fault lines between mountains. A. Formation of tectonic lakes 1. soil movements 2. water collection in sunk land B. Effects of tectonic lakes –water content a. freshwater b. mineralized II. Volcanic lakes are the second type of natural lakes which are formed from volcanic activity. A. Formation of volcanic lakes 1. water collection in a volcanic crater 2. natural dam formed by lava 3. explosion of volcanic gas B. Effects of volcanic lakes – increasingly mineralized III. Landslide lakes are the third type of natural lakes which are formed from collapse of a valley on a river. A. Formation of landslide lakes – collapsed side of the valley blocks the river B. Effects of ... Show more content on ... Volcanic lakes can be created in three ways. Water collection in a crater formed by vulcanism is the first way. Nemrut crater is a good example for that kind of lakes. The lava can create a natural dam which means its a good opportunity to collect water and form into a volcanic lake such as Lake Van. The other way is the explosion of gas which creates a hole on the surface. And water filling the hole helps becoming a lake. This kind of volcanic lakes are called maar such as Lake Abant. Generally, volcanic lakes have not an outlet, and they are increasingly mineralized because the mineralized water flows from mountains fills the hole and then it evaporates. (Yusuf T. ... Get more on ...