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The Asian engine
for global growth
Prepared by PwC for APEC CEO Summit 2010 Yokohama
robust economic recovery in the
    To APEC CEO Summit 2010                                                     region. Even in the West, corporate
                                                                                profits are up, financial stocks have
    participants,                                                               rallied at the prospect of substantive
                                                                                reform, and deal-making is
                                                                                accelerating. So, businesses are not
                                                                                allowing a sluggish and uncertain
                                                                                recovery to derail their plans – and
                                                                                those plans invariably include
                                         We live in challenging times. From     changed strategic priorities in the
                                         recession to recovery, from trade      Asia-Pacific region.
                                         imbalances to Basel III, from fiscal
                                         stimulus to austerity and fiscal        That most of the region defied
                                         restraint – a dizzying menu of         economic contraction in 2009 helped
                                         unfolding and contradictory events     vault Asian companies higher in
                                         has fuelled uncertainty about the      global rankings: the largest banks in
                                         direction of the world economy and     the world (by market cap) are based
                                         how global business leaders should     in China, for example, and Japan,
                                         react. There’ s no question that the   Korea and China combined are now
                                         optimism we felt in January about      home to nearly the same number of
                                         the global recovery has been           Fortune Global 500 companies as the
                                         dampened by a turnaround that is       US. It’ s clear that Asia-Pacific is
                                         slower than expected. In North         increasingly taking the lead.
                                         America and Europe, unemployment
                                         remains stubbornly high, housing       Asian companies have taken up the
                                         markets are stagnant, and fiscal        mantle of leadership and are
                                         deficits are raging.                    investing in growth initiatives.
                                                                                Asia-Pacific investment in clean
                                         Yet those developments don’ t          energy rose in 2009, for example,
                                         characterise the entire global         while the economic crisis eroded
                                         business story. Many Asian             similar investments in Europe and
                                         companies are doing well; riding a     North America. These investments

1   The Asian engine for global growth
could simultaneously build                the strong economic recovery in the
Asia-Pacific’ s position in a high         region into sustainable growth
growth, value-added sector, and play      globally.
a vital role in addressing global
climate change.                           I look forward to seeing you at the
                                          Summit to discuss these and other
Over the past few months, my              important topics.
conversations with CEOs have borne
out the growing focus on Asia as the      Sincerely yours,
source of future growth. Some
companies are using the recession as
a pretext to accelerate their strategic
agendas. They are retooling to adapt
to new circumstances and taking
advantage of opportunities in
technology, cost containment, talent      Dennis M Nally,
availability, and global markets that     Chairman, PricewaterhouseCoopers
didn’ t exist before the recession.
This is particularly true here in Asia.

That’ s one reason why the theme of
the APEC CEO Summit – Asia-Pacific
as the Driving Force for Global
Growth: Seeking Prosperity after
Crisis – is so timely and important.
With a growing middle class of
consumers in Asia, new opportunities
will bloom in a variety of sectors,
from consumer electronics to natural
resources. APEC plays an essential
role in making sure trade and
economic policies in Asia translate

                                                          Over the past few months,
                                                          my conversations with CEOs have
                                                          borne out the growing focus on Asia
                                                          as the source of future growth

                                                                                The Asian engine for global growth   2
forecast to deliver 2.4% growth in
    The Asian engine for                                                         2011, while the European Union will
                                                                                 crawl along at 1.5%. By comparison,
    global growth                                                                growth across APEC (which includes
                                                                                 the US) will surge ahead at 3.8% in
                                                                                 2011. Driving growth in the region is
                                                                                 the powerful momentum generated
                                         Just a few years ago, the US economy    by China and the ASEAN economies:
                                         was considered the locomotive of        China is projected to grow 9.3%
                                         global growth, with US consumption      percent in 2011 while the six largest
                                         said to fuel output from the rest of    countries of ASEAN are forecast to
                                         the world. Now, Asia-Pacific is in the   grow between 4.3% and 7.1%. (See
                                         lead position, while many other         figure.) The only soft spot in
                                         major economies still struggle with     Asia-Pacific is Japan. Even still,
                                         the after-effects of the economic        Japan’ s 1.7% growth forecast for
                                         crisis.                                 2011 seems like good news in that
                                                                                 it’ s more than twice the average
                                         Based on the most recent estimates      growth rate over the years
                                         from PwC, the United States is          1992-2009.

          Most countries in Asia Pacific boast much
          stronger economic fundamentals and
          significantly improved supervision of
          their financial institutions

3   The Asian engine for global growth
What has made the economic recovery                 Such strong fundamentals were          government balance sheets, building
 in Asia-Pacific so fast and impressive?              achieved largely as a result of an     up foreign exchange reserves to
                                                     expensive and painful lesson: the      self-insure against external shocks,
 It’ s hard to make broad                            1997-98 East Asian financial crisis     intensifying supervision of financial
 generalisations across such a large                 that caused near meltdown of the       institutions, and deepening regional
 and diverse region. Yet, some themes                financial system in the region, and a   economic integration. As a result,
 do emerge in the aggregate, even if                 short but deep recession in some of    when the global economic crisis
 different countries vary in their fit.                the key economies in Asia-Pacific. In   broke out in 2008, the governments
 And those themes may surprise those                 the wake of that crisis, governments   in Asia-Pacific had enviably strong
 accustomed to the view that                         in many Asia-Pacific countries          fiscal positions; banks there had
 developing countries have weak fiscal                undertook a series of steps that, in   robust balance sheets; central banks
 discipline, loose supervision of                    retrospect, made the region as a       in were in possession of trillions of
 financial institutions, and insufficient               whole better prepared for the global   dollars of foreign exchange reserves
 economic integration with one                       economic crisis relative to many       to stave off financial panic; and
 another. Notably, most countries in                 Western counterparts.                  integrated regional trade
 Asia-Pacific actually boast much                                                            compensated for some of the lost
 stronger economic fundamentals and                  Specifically, many Asia-Pacific          demand from the United States and
 significantly improved supervision of                countries undertook combinations of    Europe.
 their financial institutions.                        measures including strengthening

                                   Forecast GDP growth, 2011
                                                    World       APEC           EU
                                                    3.1%        3.8%        1.5%

                               4.5%                                                            2.5%

                       Korea                 Japan
            China                           JAPAN
            9.3%       3.9%                  1.7%
                                SOUTH KOREA
                                 Chinese Taipei
                                CHINESE TAIPEI
    7.1%                          Hong Kong SAR
                                  PHILIPPINES                                                Mexico
  Thailand                                                                                    3.7%
    4.3%                          Brunei      Philippines
                                   1.0%           4.8%
Singapore     Indonesia                           Papua New Guinea                                           Peru
  4.8%          6.2%                                     5.5%                                                5.7%
                                                                 New Zealand

 Source: IMF; PwC forecasts

                                                                                                 The Asian engine for global growth   4
Putting f iscal houses in                experiencing the same level of debtor
                                         order                                    pressure that countries such as
                                         Asia-Pacific entered the global           Greece and Ireland suffered.
                                         economic crisis with relatively strong   As growth returns, economies in
                                         public finances. In 2004-08, fiscal        Asia-Pacific are also reporting
                                         balances in 10 major Asian               improved fiscal positions. In fact,
                                         economies (China, Hong Kong, India,      on average, their fiscal deficits are
                                         Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia,        shrinking at a much faster rate than
                                         Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, the         those of many European economies.
                                         Philippines) averaged -0.6%,
                                         compared with a -3.2% average for        Stashing rainy-day reserves
                                         G-7 economies.*1 The overall level of    One key lesson learned by
                                         public debt is similarly low.            policy-makers in the major
                                         For example, public debt in China is     economies in Asia-Pacific from the
                                         under 20% of GDP (excluding              East Asian financial crisis is that they
                                         non-performing loans in the banking      must have sufficient foreign exchange
                                         system); Hong Kong has virtually no      reserves to combat financial panic.
                                         public debt, South Korea’ s public       Thus, through tighter financial
                                         debt is 24% of GDP, Indonesia’ s is      management and pro-export policies,
                                         27%, and Thailand’ s is 40%.*2           Asian economies have amassed more
                                         The health of public finance allowed      than enough reserves to prevent
                                         governments in these countries to        similar runs on their currencies.
                                         implement substantial fiscal stimulus     Hoarding low-yielding foreign
                                         packages to revive growth in the         exchange reserves is arguably not the
                                         depth of the crisis without              most productive way of investing

5   The Asian engine for global growth
scarce capital. But the crisis
vindicated stability-minded
policy-makers (even though they for                       Asia-Pacific has earned
the most part did not actually dip into
reserves to prop up their currencies):
                                                          a reputation as the world's
most Asian currencies remained                            most dynamic exporting zone,
remarkably stable over the past two
years.                                                    yet it is also becoming
Reining in household debt
                                                          a more closely integrated
Another source of vigour for the                          economic bloc
region is the overall low level of
household debt. In Asia’ s most
developed economies, such as Japan,
Korea and Taiwan, household debt is
roughly 70% of GDP (significantly
lower than in the US and parts of
Europe). In developing Asia,              South Korea, Thailand and
household debt is much lower (due to      Indonesia). Consequently, most
the limited availability of consumer      financial institutions avoided
finance), roughly 10% of GDP in            high-risk financial engineering and
China and Indonesia, for example.*3       deal-making before the crisis.
Low household debt levels in these        Overall leverage was low, and direct
countries are one reason why              exposure to risky financial
consumer demand throughout the            instruments originated in the West
region has remained steady during         was minimal. So, while many
the crisis. It also provides scope for    Western financial giants enfeebled by
faster growth in consumer spending        the crisis grew reluctant to lend,
in the coming years.                      access to credit in Asia-Pacific
                                          remained largely unimpaired during
Keeping close watch                       the recession and recovery.
Long derided for having
‘under-developed’ (if not primitive)      Working together
financial systems, countries in            Asia-Pacific has earned a reputation
Asia-Pacific significantly improved         as the world’ s most dynamic
the supervision of their financial         exporting economic zone, with the
institutions following the short but      US and Europe accounting for 46%
devastating East Asian financial crisis    percent of Asia’ s total exports in
(which originated, in part, from          terms of final demand.*4 Yet the        *1 : ADB, Asian Development Outlook 2010 Update.
massive borrowing by poorly               region is also becoming a more         *2 : 2009 estimates from CIA World Factbook.
                                                                                 *3 : Economist Intelligence Unit.
supervised financial institutions in       closely integrated economic bloc,      *4 : ADB, Asian Development Outlook 2010 Update.

                                                                                        The Asian engine for global growth          6
thanks mostly to growth in
                                         intra-regional trade and investment.
                                         In the early 1990s, Asian economies
                                         had few linkages with one another.
                                         Since 1997, economic integration in
                                         Asia (as measured by the correlation
                                         of output) has approached
                                         intra-European levels.*5 Greater
                                         intra-Asia interdependence helped
                                         cushion the region from the fall in
                                         global trade during the crisis. Seen
                                         another way, multinationals from Asia    Among the short-term risks, the most
                                         are confident of their growth             prominent is that posed by large
                                         prospects going forward – but they       capital inflows (driven by low interest
                                         expect their growth to come from         rates and anaemic growth in
                                         within the region. Four out of five       developed economies). Such inflows
                                         Asia-Pacific CEOs expect their Asian      could fuel inflation, generate asset
                                         operations to grow in 2010, while only   bubbles, and put upward pressures
                                         two of five believe their European        on exchange rates. China, for
                                         operations will expand.*6 An unsung      instance, is now combating both
                                         hero in Asia-Pacific’ s economic          rising inflation and a significant real
                                         integration is Japan. Even though the    estate bubble. Trade protectionism is
                                         Japanese economy has stagnated           another risk. As trade surplus
                                         since the early 1990s, large Japanese    nations, often with artificially
                                         companies have been pioneers in not      under-valued currencies, countries in
                                         only technological innovation at         Asia-Pacific, especially export
                                         home, but also expansion of off-shore     powerhouses like China and South
                                         investment and production.               Korea, are facing a backlash from
                                                                                  their trading partners in the West.
                                         Those economic fundamentals,             A third risk is that of financial
                                         products of both fortuitous              contagion originating in renewed
                                         circumstances (such as high savings      financial panic caused by the debt
                                         and restrained public spending) and      crisis in the Eurozone. Asia-Pacific
                                         effective government policies, have       may be resilient, but it is not entirely
                                         made most economies in Asia-Pacific       immune to such external financial
                                         resilient and dynamic. But to            shocks.
                                         maintain their momentum, they need
                                         to address both short-term risks and     Longer-term challenges for
                                         long-term constraints on growth.         Asia-Pacific are more daunting.

7   The Asian engine for global growth
Chief executives from the region are
                                                           simultaneously more concerned about
Asian economies have grown                                 a greater range of threats to growth
accustomed to unlimited access to
the markets in developed economies.                        and more confident than their global peers
But their export-dependent growth
model has to change as part of the
global economic re-balancing
process. Exports to developed
                                              Asia-Pacific can't lead the world
economies are bound to slow or fall,          through a fragile recovery by
so Asian countries might choose to
boost domestic demand, especially             itself; the region and the rest of
household consumption, to generate
                                              the world have to agree to get on
new sources of growth. A second
long-term challenge is investment in          the same track together
human capital. Asian countries have
done relatively well in their
accumulation of physical capital, but
to sustain growth and avoid the          build large reserves are considered
so-called ‘middle-income trap’           unsustainable. In October, G-20
(a term referring to economic growth     nations agreed to “pursue the full
stalling before per capita income        range of policies conducive to
reaches US$ 10,000), broadly             reducing excessive imbalances.”
speaking, the region might need to
boost productivity and build growth      Indeed, the more Asia-Pacific’ s
on knowledge and innovation, not on      economic clout grows, the more
investment in capital stock.             attention there will be on its
                                         integration in global economic
Asia-Pacific’ s leaders seem acutely      governance. It is hard to imagine that
aware of these challenges, and are       the world will regain its pre-crisis
certain they can manage them. Chief      prosperity without leadership from
executives from the region, for          the rising economic stars in
example, are simultaneously more         Asia-Pacific. But Asia-Pacific can’ t
concerned about a greater range of       lead the world through a fragile
threats to that growth and more          recovery by itself; the region and the
confident than their global peers.*7      rest of world have to agree to get on
Lessons learned from past crisis have    the same track together.
served the region well to date. Still,
the region may not be able to rely on
                                         *5 : ADB, Asian Development Outlook 2010 Update.
the same tactics forever. For example,   *6 : PwC 13th Annual Global CEO Survey (2010)
measures that allowed exporters to       *7 : PwC 13th Annual Global CEO Survey (2010)

                                                                                            The Asian engine for global growth   8
Recent publications:

           See the future
           The old economic order is shifting. As the global economy recovers some
           emerging markets are likely to grow faster than traditional economic powers.
           At the industry level, these shifts are even more apparent with accelerating
           capital flows, fundamental demographic changes, and the rise of state
           capitalism reshaping the world map for many sectors.

           PwC’s Global economic outlook
           Developing economies carry on powering the growth of the global economy,
           whilst some developed economies continue to exhibit weakness. Confidence
           amongst consumers and businesses is weak, but increasing levels of exports
           should create growth opportunities.

           Economy briefs: BRIC
           Economic growth for BRIC economies is likely to accelerate in 2010, boosted
           by the global recovery as well as monetary and fiscal stimulus measures.
           The key medium term challenge for the BRICs will be to gradually re-balance
           growth towards domestic demand and away from reliance on exports to
           developed markets - where only muted growth expected.

           For our latest thinking, please see

           About PwC:
             PwC firms provide industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services to enhance value for
             their clients. More than 161,000 people in 154 countries in firms across the PwC network share
             their thinking, experience and solutions to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice.
             We build relationships and use our expertise to work with our clients and our people to create
             the value they are looking for.

9   The Asian engine for global growth
Contacts for further information:
Cynara Tan                    Masataka Mitsuhashi                  Sophie Lambin
Regional Marketing Director   Executive Officer, Clients & Markets   Global Thought Leadership & External Affairs
PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd.   PwC Japan                            PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited         
+852 2289 8888                +81 3 3546 8650                      +44 20 7213 3160

                                                                         The Asian engine for global growth   10
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The Asian Engine Pwc

  • 1. The Asian engine for global growth Prepared by PwC for APEC CEO Summit 2010 Yokohama
  • 2. robust economic recovery in the To APEC CEO Summit 2010 region. Even in the West, corporate profits are up, financial stocks have participants, rallied at the prospect of substantive reform, and deal-making is accelerating. So, businesses are not allowing a sluggish and uncertain recovery to derail their plans – and those plans invariably include We live in challenging times. From changed strategic priorities in the recession to recovery, from trade Asia-Pacific region. imbalances to Basel III, from fiscal stimulus to austerity and fiscal That most of the region defied restraint – a dizzying menu of economic contraction in 2009 helped unfolding and contradictory events vault Asian companies higher in has fuelled uncertainty about the global rankings: the largest banks in direction of the world economy and the world (by market cap) are based how global business leaders should in China, for example, and Japan, react. There’ s no question that the Korea and China combined are now optimism we felt in January about home to nearly the same number of the global recovery has been Fortune Global 500 companies as the dampened by a turnaround that is US. It’ s clear that Asia-Pacific is slower than expected. In North increasingly taking the lead. America and Europe, unemployment remains stubbornly high, housing Asian companies have taken up the markets are stagnant, and fiscal mantle of leadership and are deficits are raging. investing in growth initiatives. Asia-Pacific investment in clean Yet those developments don’ t energy rose in 2009, for example, characterise the entire global while the economic crisis eroded business story. Many Asian similar investments in Europe and companies are doing well; riding a North America. These investments 1 The Asian engine for global growth
  • 3. could simultaneously build the strong economic recovery in the Asia-Pacific’ s position in a high region into sustainable growth growth, value-added sector, and play globally. a vital role in addressing global climate change. I look forward to seeing you at the Summit to discuss these and other Over the past few months, my important topics. conversations with CEOs have borne out the growing focus on Asia as the Sincerely yours, source of future growth. Some companies are using the recession as a pretext to accelerate their strategic agendas. They are retooling to adapt to new circumstances and taking advantage of opportunities in technology, cost containment, talent Dennis M Nally, availability, and global markets that Chairman, PricewaterhouseCoopers International didn’ t exist before the recession. This is particularly true here in Asia. That’ s one reason why the theme of the APEC CEO Summit – Asia-Pacific as the Driving Force for Global Growth: Seeking Prosperity after Crisis – is so timely and important. With a growing middle class of consumers in Asia, new opportunities will bloom in a variety of sectors, from consumer electronics to natural resources. APEC plays an essential role in making sure trade and economic policies in Asia translate Over the past few months, my conversations with CEOs have borne out the growing focus on Asia as the source of future growth The Asian engine for global growth 2
  • 4. forecast to deliver 2.4% growth in The Asian engine for 2011, while the European Union will crawl along at 1.5%. By comparison, global growth growth across APEC (which includes the US) will surge ahead at 3.8% in 2011. Driving growth in the region is the powerful momentum generated Just a few years ago, the US economy by China and the ASEAN economies: was considered the locomotive of China is projected to grow 9.3% global growth, with US consumption percent in 2011 while the six largest said to fuel output from the rest of countries of ASEAN are forecast to the world. Now, Asia-Pacific is in the grow between 4.3% and 7.1%. (See lead position, while many other figure.) The only soft spot in major economies still struggle with Asia-Pacific is Japan. Even still, the after-effects of the economic Japan’ s 1.7% growth forecast for crisis. 2011 seems like good news in that it’ s more than twice the average Based on the most recent estimates growth rate over the years from PwC, the United States is 1992-2009. Most countries in Asia Pacific boast much stronger economic fundamentals and significantly improved supervision of their financial institutions 3 The Asian engine for global growth
  • 5. What has made the economic recovery Such strong fundamentals were government balance sheets, building in Asia-Pacific so fast and impressive? achieved largely as a result of an up foreign exchange reserves to expensive and painful lesson: the self-insure against external shocks, It’ s hard to make broad 1997-98 East Asian financial crisis intensifying supervision of financial generalisations across such a large that caused near meltdown of the institutions, and deepening regional and diverse region. Yet, some themes financial system in the region, and a economic integration. As a result, do emerge in the aggregate, even if short but deep recession in some of when the global economic crisis different countries vary in their fit. the key economies in Asia-Pacific. In broke out in 2008, the governments And those themes may surprise those the wake of that crisis, governments in Asia-Pacific had enviably strong accustomed to the view that in many Asia-Pacific countries fiscal positions; banks there had developing countries have weak fiscal undertook a series of steps that, in robust balance sheets; central banks discipline, loose supervision of retrospect, made the region as a in were in possession of trillions of financial institutions, and insufficient whole better prepared for the global dollars of foreign exchange reserves economic integration with one economic crisis relative to many to stave off financial panic; and another. Notably, most countries in Western counterparts. integrated regional trade Asia-Pacific actually boast much compensated for some of the lost stronger economic fundamentals and Specifically, many Asia-Pacific demand from the United States and significantly improved supervision of countries undertook combinations of Europe. their financial institutions. measures including strengthening Forecast GDP growth, 2011 World APEC EU 3.1% 3.8% 1.5% Russia Canada 4.5% 2.5% US 2.4% Korea Japan China JAPAN 9.3% 3.9% 1.7% SOUTH KOREA Chinese Taipei CHINESE TAIPEI 4.2% Vietnam 7.1% Hong Kong SAR THAILAND 4.5% PHILIPPINES Mexico Thailand 3.7% 4.3% Brunei Philippines 1.0% 4.8% Malaysia MALAYSIA 5.0% Singapore Indonesia Papua New Guinea Peru 4.8% 6.2% 5.5% 5.7% Australia AUSTRALIA 3.3% Chile 5.9% New Zealand 3.2% Source: IMF; PwC forecasts The Asian engine for global growth 4
  • 6. Putting f iscal houses in experiencing the same level of debtor order pressure that countries such as Asia-Pacific entered the global Greece and Ireland suffered. economic crisis with relatively strong As growth returns, economies in public finances. In 2004-08, fiscal Asia-Pacific are also reporting balances in 10 major Asian improved fiscal positions. In fact, economies (China, Hong Kong, India, on average, their fiscal deficits are Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, shrinking at a much faster rate than Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, the those of many European economies. Philippines) averaged -0.6%, compared with a -3.2% average for Stashing rainy-day reserves G-7 economies.*1 The overall level of One key lesson learned by public debt is similarly low. policy-makers in the major For example, public debt in China is economies in Asia-Pacific from the under 20% of GDP (excluding East Asian financial crisis is that they non-performing loans in the banking must have sufficient foreign exchange system); Hong Kong has virtually no reserves to combat financial panic. public debt, South Korea’ s public Thus, through tighter financial debt is 24% of GDP, Indonesia’ s is management and pro-export policies, 27%, and Thailand’ s is 40%.*2 Asian economies have amassed more The health of public finance allowed than enough reserves to prevent governments in these countries to similar runs on their currencies. implement substantial fiscal stimulus Hoarding low-yielding foreign packages to revive growth in the exchange reserves is arguably not the depth of the crisis without most productive way of investing 5 The Asian engine for global growth
  • 7. scarce capital. But the crisis vindicated stability-minded policy-makers (even though they for Asia-Pacific has earned the most part did not actually dip into reserves to prop up their currencies): a reputation as the world's most Asian currencies remained most dynamic exporting zone, remarkably stable over the past two years. yet it is also becoming Reining in household debt a more closely integrated Another source of vigour for the economic bloc region is the overall low level of household debt. In Asia’ s most developed economies, such as Japan, Korea and Taiwan, household debt is roughly 70% of GDP (significantly lower than in the US and parts of Europe). In developing Asia, South Korea, Thailand and household debt is much lower (due to Indonesia). Consequently, most the limited availability of consumer financial institutions avoided finance), roughly 10% of GDP in high-risk financial engineering and China and Indonesia, for example.*3 deal-making before the crisis. Low household debt levels in these Overall leverage was low, and direct countries are one reason why exposure to risky financial consumer demand throughout the instruments originated in the West region has remained steady during was minimal. So, while many the crisis. It also provides scope for Western financial giants enfeebled by faster growth in consumer spending the crisis grew reluctant to lend, in the coming years. access to credit in Asia-Pacific remained largely unimpaired during Keeping close watch the recession and recovery. Long derided for having ‘under-developed’ (if not primitive) Working together financial systems, countries in Asia-Pacific has earned a reputation Asia-Pacific significantly improved as the world’ s most dynamic the supervision of their financial exporting economic zone, with the institutions following the short but US and Europe accounting for 46% devastating East Asian financial crisis percent of Asia’ s total exports in (which originated, in part, from terms of final demand.*4 Yet the *1 : ADB, Asian Development Outlook 2010 Update. massive borrowing by poorly region is also becoming a more *2 : 2009 estimates from CIA World Factbook. *3 : Economist Intelligence Unit. supervised financial institutions in closely integrated economic bloc, *4 : ADB, Asian Development Outlook 2010 Update. The Asian engine for global growth 6
  • 8. thanks mostly to growth in intra-regional trade and investment. In the early 1990s, Asian economies had few linkages with one another. Since 1997, economic integration in Asia (as measured by the correlation of output) has approached intra-European levels.*5 Greater intra-Asia interdependence helped cushion the region from the fall in global trade during the crisis. Seen another way, multinationals from Asia Among the short-term risks, the most are confident of their growth prominent is that posed by large prospects going forward – but they capital inflows (driven by low interest expect their growth to come from rates and anaemic growth in within the region. Four out of five developed economies). Such inflows Asia-Pacific CEOs expect their Asian could fuel inflation, generate asset operations to grow in 2010, while only bubbles, and put upward pressures two of five believe their European on exchange rates. China, for operations will expand.*6 An unsung instance, is now combating both hero in Asia-Pacific’ s economic rising inflation and a significant real integration is Japan. Even though the estate bubble. Trade protectionism is Japanese economy has stagnated another risk. As trade surplus since the early 1990s, large Japanese nations, often with artificially companies have been pioneers in not under-valued currencies, countries in only technological innovation at Asia-Pacific, especially export home, but also expansion of off-shore powerhouses like China and South investment and production. Korea, are facing a backlash from their trading partners in the West. Those economic fundamentals, A third risk is that of financial products of both fortuitous contagion originating in renewed circumstances (such as high savings financial panic caused by the debt and restrained public spending) and crisis in the Eurozone. Asia-Pacific effective government policies, have may be resilient, but it is not entirely made most economies in Asia-Pacific immune to such external financial resilient and dynamic. But to shocks. maintain their momentum, they need to address both short-term risks and Longer-term challenges for long-term constraints on growth. Asia-Pacific are more daunting. 7 The Asian engine for global growth
  • 9. Chief executives from the region are simultaneously more concerned about Asian economies have grown a greater range of threats to growth accustomed to unlimited access to the markets in developed economies. and more confident than their global peers But their export-dependent growth model has to change as part of the global economic re-balancing process. Exports to developed Asia-Pacific can't lead the world economies are bound to slow or fall, through a fragile recovery by so Asian countries might choose to boost domestic demand, especially itself; the region and the rest of household consumption, to generate the world have to agree to get on new sources of growth. A second long-term challenge is investment in the same track together human capital. Asian countries have done relatively well in their accumulation of physical capital, but to sustain growth and avoid the build large reserves are considered so-called ‘middle-income trap’ unsustainable. In October, G-20 (a term referring to economic growth nations agreed to “pursue the full stalling before per capita income range of policies conducive to reaches US$ 10,000), broadly reducing excessive imbalances.” speaking, the region might need to boost productivity and build growth Indeed, the more Asia-Pacific’ s on knowledge and innovation, not on economic clout grows, the more investment in capital stock. attention there will be on its integration in global economic Asia-Pacific’ s leaders seem acutely governance. It is hard to imagine that aware of these challenges, and are the world will regain its pre-crisis certain they can manage them. Chief prosperity without leadership from executives from the region, for the rising economic stars in example, are simultaneously more Asia-Pacific. But Asia-Pacific can’ t concerned about a greater range of lead the world through a fragile threats to that growth and more recovery by itself; the region and the confident than their global peers.*7 rest of world have to agree to get on Lessons learned from past crisis have the same track together. served the region well to date. Still, the region may not be able to rely on *5 : ADB, Asian Development Outlook 2010 Update. the same tactics forever. For example, *6 : PwC 13th Annual Global CEO Survey (2010) measures that allowed exporters to *7 : PwC 13th Annual Global CEO Survey (2010) The Asian engine for global growth 8
  • 10. Recent publications: See the future The old economic order is shifting. As the global economy recovers some emerging markets are likely to grow faster than traditional economic powers. At the industry level, these shifts are even more apparent with accelerating capital flows, fundamental demographic changes, and the rise of state capitalism reshaping the world map for many sectors. PwC’s Global economic outlook Developing economies carry on powering the growth of the global economy, whilst some developed economies continue to exhibit weakness. Confidence amongst consumers and businesses is weak, but increasing levels of exports should create growth opportunities. Economy briefs: BRIC Economic growth for BRIC economies is likely to accelerate in 2010, boosted by the global recovery as well as monetary and fiscal stimulus measures. The key medium term challenge for the BRICs will be to gradually re-balance growth towards domestic demand and away from reliance on exports to developed markets - where only muted growth expected. For our latest thinking, please see About PwC: PwC firms provide industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services to enhance value for their clients. More than 161,000 people in 154 countries in firms across the PwC network share their thinking, experience and solutions to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice. We build relationships and use our expertise to work with our clients and our people to create the value they are looking for. 9 The Asian engine for global growth
  • 11. Contacts for further information: Cynara Tan Masataka Mitsuhashi Sophie Lambin Regional Marketing Director Executive Officer, Clients & Markets Global Thought Leadership & External Affairs PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd. PwC Japan PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited +852 2289 8888 +81 3 3546 8650 +44 20 7213 3160 The Asian engine for global growth 10
  • 12. Produced by the Global Thought Leadership Group This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PricewaterhouseCoopers does not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it. © 2010 PwC. All rights reserved. Not for further distribution without the permission of PwC. “PwC” refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL), or, as the context requires, individual member firms of the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other member firm. PwCIL does not provide any services to clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any of its member firms nor can it control the exercise of their professional judgment or bind them in any way. No member firm is responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any other member firm nor can it control the exercise of another member firm’ s professional judgment or bind another member firm or PwCIL in any way.