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First Quarter Review of
Monetary Policy 2012-13

      Dr. D. Subbarao

        July 31, 2012


                                                                                                   Page No.

I.	    The State of the Economy

		Global Economy..........................................................................2

		Domestic Economy......................................................................3

II.	 Domestic Outlook and Projections



		Monetary Aggregates...................................................................8

		Risk Factors.................................................................................9

III.	 The Policy Stance............................................................................9

IV.	 Monetary and Liquidity Measures......................................... 11


bps 	     - 	 Basis Points
BRICS	    -	 Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
CAD	      -	 Current Account Deficit
CI	       -	 Confidence Interval
CPI	      -	 Consumer Price Index
CRR	      -	 Cash Reserve Ratio
EC	       -	 European Commission
EDEs	     -	 Emerging and Developing Economies
GDP	      -	 Gross Domestic Product
IIP	      -	 Index of Industrial Production
IMF	      -	 International Monetary Fund
IOS	      -	 Industrial Outlook Survey
LAF	      -	 Liquidity Adjustment Facility
LPA	      -	 Long Period Average
M 3	      -	 Broad Money
MQR	      - 	 Mid-Quarter Review
MSF	      -	 Marginal Standing Facility
NDTL	     -	 Net Demand and Time Liabilities
OBICUS	   -	 Order Books, Inventories and Capacity Utilisation Survey
OMO	      -	 Open Market Operation
PMI	      -	 Purchasing Managers’ Index
POL	      -	 Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants
PWRI	     -	 Production Weighted Rainfall Index
Q	        -	Quarter
REER	     -	 Real Effective Exchange Rate
SCBs	     -	 Scheduled Commercial Banks
SLR	      -	 Statutory Liquidity Ratio
UK	       - 	 United Kingdom
US	       -	 United States of America
WALR	     -	 Weighted Average Lending Rate
WEO	      -	 World Economic Outlook
WPI	      -	 Wholesale Price Index
Y-o-Y	    -	Year-on-Year
Reserve Bank of India
           First Quarter Review of Monetary Policy 2012-13

                                 Dr. D. Subbarao

Introduction                                      account deficit (CAD) and fiscal deficit,
	       Since the Monetary Policy                 pose significant risks to macroeconomic
Statement for 2012-13 in April 2012,              stability. Against this backdrop of
macroeconomic conditions have                     heightened global uncertainty and
deteriorated. Much of the global economy          domestic macroeconomic pressures, the
is in a synchronised slowdown, having             challenge for monetary policy is to
lost the upward momentum seen in the              maintain its priority of containing
early months of the year. Despite the             inflation and lowering inflation
slowing global economy, the outlook for           expectations. At the same time, monetary
commodity prices is uncertain. The                policy has also to be sensitive to risks to
situation in the euro area continues to           growth and financial stability.
cause concern even as the prospects of            3.	    In the above context, this
immediate default have been averted.              Statement should be read and understood
While exports of emerging and                     together with the detailed review in
developing economies (EDEs) have been             M a c ro e c o n o m i c a n d M o n e t a r y
dented by the weak global economic                Developments released yesterday by the
activity, capital flows into them have            Reserve Bank.
declined markedly because of the strains          4.	      This Statement is organised in
in the euro area financial market                 four Sections: Section I provides an
conditions.                                       overview of global and domestic
2.	     Domestically, the macroeconomic           macroeconomic developments. Section
situation continues to raise concerns.            II sets out the outlook and projections for
While growth has slowed down                      growth, inflation and monetary
significantly, inflation remains well             aggregates. Section III explains the stance
above the comfort zone of the Reserve             of monetary policy. Section IV specifies
Bank. The large twin deficits, viz. current       the monetary and liquidity measures.

I. The State of the Economy

Global Economy                                             inter-linked, fiscal and financial stability
5.	         The global economy is slowing                  pressures in the euro area remain the
down. In its latest update of the World                    most significant source of systemic
Economic Outlook (WEO), the                                global risk. In recent weeks, renewed
International Monetary Fund (IMF) has                      concerns about Greece and the need for
revised its projection for global growth                   greater collective support to Spain and
in 2012 marginally downwards to 3.5 per                    Italy have amplified these risks.
cent, but has emphasised further                           Consequently, the potential for negative
downside risks to growth. In the US,                       spillovers to the euro area core countries
output growth decelerated to 1.5 per cent                  and to the rest of the world have also
(seasonally adjusted annualised rate) in                   increased.
Q2 from 2.0 per cent in Q1 of 2012. In                     7.	     Importantly, risks to global
the euro area, growth was flat in Q1 after
                                                           growth, which stem from persistent
a contraction by 1.2 per cent in the
                                                           weakness in advanced economies, have
previous quarter. In the UK, growth
                                                           increased with EDEs also exhibiting
contracted by 2.8 per cent in Q2 of 2012
                                                           moderation in growth. Among the
and 1.3 per cent in Q1. Output in Japan
                                                           BRICS countries, growth in China fell
expanded by 4.7 per cent in Q1 after a
                                                           from 8.1 per cent in Q1 of 2012 to 7.6
low growth of 0.1 per cent in the previous
                                                           per cent in Q2. Growth also moderated
quarter, supported by reconstruction
                                                           significantly in Brazil and South Africa
related demand. The global manufacturing
purchasing managers’ index (PMI) fell                      in Q1. According to the IMF, growth in
below the neutral level of 50.0 to 48.9 in                 a number of major EDEs turned out to
June 2012 - the lowest in 3 years -                        be lower than forecast by it earlier.
suggesting contraction in manufacturing                    8.	       Inflationary pressures softened
a c t i v i t y. T h e g l o b a l c o m p o s i t e       a c r o s s a d v a n c e d a n d e m e rg i n g
(manufacturing and services) PMI at                        economies, reflecting both weaker
50.3 in June 2012 suggests near                            growth prospects and moderation in
stagnation.                                                commodity prices. International (Brent)
6.	    The decisions by the European                       crude oil prices declined from an average
Commission (EC) Summit on July 2,                          of about US$ 125 per barrel in March
2012 improved market confidence, but                       2012 to an average of about US$ 95
only temporarily. Without a sustained                      per barrel in June 2012. In July, however,
recovery in growth or moderation in                        the average price increased to above
sovereign debt stress, which are highly                    US$ 100 per barrel. In advanced

economies, spare capacity in both                    significantly lower than the expansion of
product and labour markets limits risks              5.7 per cent registered in the
to core inflation. Among the BRICS                   corresponding period of last year. The
countries, inflation fell significantly in           PMI rose marginally to 55.0 in June 2012
China and Russia. It also eased in Brazil            from 54.8 in May. The composite
and South Africa. Even as growth in                  (manufacturing and services) PMI also
India is slowing, it is clearly an outlier           rose to 55.7 in June from 55.3 in May.
insofar as inflation is concerned.
                                                     12.	 During the ongoing monsoon
Domestic Economy                                     season, rainfall up to July 25, 2012 was
9.	    Gross Domestic Product (GDP)                  22 per cent below its long period average
growth decelerated over four successive              (LPA). The Reserve Bank’s production
quarters from 9.2 per cent in Q4 of                  weighted rainfall index (PWRI) showed
2010-11 to 5.3 per cent in Q4 of                     an even higher deficit of 24 per cent.
2011-12. Significant slowdown in                     Further, the distribution of rainfall was
industrial growth as well as deceleration            very uneven, with the North-West region
in services sector activity pulled down              registering the highest deficit of about 39
the overall GDP growth to 6.5 per cent               per cent of LPA. If the rainfall deficiency
for 2011-12, below the Reserve Bank’s                persists, agricultural production could be
baseline projection of 7 per cent.                   adversely impacted.
10.	 O n t h e e x p e n d i t u r e s i d e ,       13.	 Capacity utilisation levels in Q4
significant weakness in investment
                                                     of 2011-12 as reflected in the results of
activity was the main cause of the
                                                     the Reserve Bank’s order book,
slowdown. Gross fixed capital formation,
                                                     inventories and capacity utilisation
which grew by 14.7 per cent in Q1 of
                                                     survey (OBICUS) revealed the usual
2011-12, moderated to 5.0 per cent in Q2
                                                     seasonal improvement over the previous
and then contracted by 0.3 per cent in Q3
before recovering to a growth of 3.6 per             quarter. However, lead information from
cent in Q4. Growth in private consumption            the Reserve Bank’s industrial outlook
also decelerated in 2011-12, even as it              survey (IOS) indicates that capacity
remained the key driver of growth. The               utilisation dropped in Q1 and Q2 of
positive impact of the rupee depreciation            2012-13. Moreover, overall business
on exports is yet to be seen.                        sentiment also moderated in both the
11.	 Growth in the index of industrial
production (IIP) decelerated from 8.2 per            14.	 Headline Wholesale Price Index
cent in 2010-11 to 2.9 per cent in                   (WPI) inflation increased from 7.5 per
2011-12. Further, IIP growth during                  cent in April to 7.6 per cent in May before
April-May 2012, at 0.8 per cent, was                 moderating to 7.3 per cent in June 2012.
The stickiness in inflation, despite the         weights of commodities, especially of
significant growth slowdown, was                 food items in the two indices. Second,
largely on account of high primary food          even in respect of similar items, inflation
inflation, which was in double-digits            was higher in CPI than in WPI, suggesting
during Q1 of 2012-13 due to an unusual           that besides the incidence of higher
spike in vegetable prices and sustained          service taxes, moderation in non-food
high inflation in protein items.                 manufactured products prices has not yet
                                                 been transmitted to the retail level. The
15.	 Fuel group inflation moderated
                                                 rate of increase in the prices of services,
from 12.1 per cent in April 2012 to 11.5
                                                 which is included in CPI but not in WPI,
per cent in May and further to 10.3 per          was also high.
cent in June on account of decrease in
non-administered fuel prices, which in           18.	 Among other factors, urban
turn was due to decline in global crude          households’ inflation expectations, as per
oil prices. However, the reversal in crude       the latest survey conducted by the
                                                 Reserve Bank, increased slightly in Q1
oil prices in recent weeks may add to
                                                 of 2012-13 after a decline in the previous
domestic inflationary pressure.
                                                 q u a r t e r. N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g s o m e
16.	 Non-food manufactured products              moderation, wage inflation in rural and
inflation was at 4.8 per cent in May and         urban areas remains relatively high.
June 2012. The momentum indicator of
                                                 19.	 A n a n a l y s i s o f c o r p o r a t e
non-food manufactured products
                                                 performance in 2011-12, based on a
inflation (seasonally adjusted 3-month
                                                 common sample of 2,273 non-
moving average annualised inflation
                                                 government non-financial companies,
rate), however, showed an upturn.                indicates that the sales growth remained
Moreover, input price pressures persist          positive for the year even after adjusting
due to both exchange rate movements              for inflation. However, earnings
and supply side constraints. Going               decelerated due to an increase in
forward, further pressure on non-food            expenditure, indicating decline in pricing
manufactured products inflation cannot           power. Early results for Q1 of 2012-13
be ruled out.                                    suggest that pricing power remained
17.	 The Consumer Price Index (CPI               subdued.
new series) inflation remained in double-        20.	 While the money supply (M3)
digits in Q1 of 2012-13, driven by both          growth, at 14.3 per cent in mid-July, was
food and non-food prices. The divergence         marginally lower than the indicative
between WPI and CPI inflation was on             trajectory of 15 per cent, non-food credit
account of two factors. First, there are         growth at 17.4 per cent was slightly
differences in the composition and               above the indicative projection of 17 per
cent. If we include banks’ investment in          conditions was due to a decline in
commercial paper and other instruments,           government cash balances with the
non-food credit growth was even higher            Reserve Bank, injection of liquidity of
at 17.7 per cent.                                 about `860 billion by way of open
21.	 The flow of resources to the                 market operation (OMO) purchases of
commercial sector, from both bank and             securities and increased use of the export
non-bank sources, increased to `1.9               credit refinance facility by banks after
trillion in 2012-13 so far (up to July 13,        the increase in the limit effected in the
2012) as compared with `1.4 trillion              June Mid-Quarter Review. Reflecting the
during the corresponding period of last           improvement in the liquidity situation,
year. Amongst non-bank sources,                   the weighted average call money rate,
resources raised through commercial               which is the operating target of the
paper increased significantly.                    Reserve Bank, stayed close to the policy
                                                  repo rate.
22.	 Following the reduction in the
repo rate in April, several commercial            24.	 During Q1 of 2012-13, yields on
banks reduced their lending rates. The            government securities softened reflecting
modal base rate of scheduled commercial           an improvement in liquidity, moderation
banks (SCBs) declined by 25 bps to                in inflation and concerns about weakening
10.50 per cent during April-June 2012.            of domestic and global growth. The
Significantly, on the basis of the weighted       10-year benchmark yield was
average lending rate (WALR) of                    significantly lower at 8.11 per cent on
commercial banks, adjusted for inflation,         July 26, 2012 as compared with 8.63 per
real rates are now lower than they were           cent at end-March 2012.
during the high growth five-year period           25.	 Housing prices continued to rise
of 2003-08. Banks’ actions on deposit             despite the decline in volume of
rates, however, were muted due to the             transactions. The Reserve Bank’s
slowdown in deposit growth.                       quarterly housing price index suggests
                                                  that prices increased in Q4 of 2011-12 in
23.	 Liquidity conditions have eased
                                                  most of the 9 cities for which the index
considerably since the April Policy. The
                                                  is compiled.
average daily net borrowing under the
liquidity adjustment facility (LAF),              26.	 During April-May 2012, while
which was 2.2 per cent of average net             food subsidies were lower, fertiliser
demand and time liabilities (NDTL) in             subsidies were more than twice the
Q4 of 2011-12, declined sharply to 1.3            previous year’s level. Clearly, if the
per cent in Q1 of 2012-13 and further to          target of restricting the expenditure on
0.7 per cent in July 2012 (up to July 26,         subsidies to under 2 per cent of GDP in
2012). The turnaround in liquidity                2012-13, as set out in the Union Budget,
is to be achieved, immediate action on            previous year. Based on preliminary
fuel and fertiliser subsidies will be             data, services exports rose moderately by
required.                                         3 per cent to US$ 35 billion, while
27.	 In 2011-12, the CAD rose to                  services imports surged by 19 per cent
US$ 78 billion (4.2 per cent of GDP)              to US$ 21 billion in Q1. Accordingly, net
from US$ 46 billion (2.7 per cent of              services exports of US$ 14 billion in Q1
GDP) in the previous year, largely                of 2012-13 were lower by 12 per cent as
reflecting a higher trade deficit on              compared with Q1 of 2011-12.
account of subdued external demand and            29.	 During 2012-13 so far (July 20,
relatively inelastic imports of petroleum,        2012), the 6-, 30- and 36-currency trade
oil and lubricants (POL) as well as gold          weighted real effective exchange rates
and silver. As capital inflows fell short         (REER) depreciated in the range of 7-10
of the CAD, there was a net drawdown              per cent, primarily reflecting the nominal
of reserves (on a BoP basis) to the extent        depreciation of the rupee against the US
of US$ 13 billion in contrast to a net            dollar by around 9 per cent. The
accretion to reserves of more or less of          depreciation was mainly on account of
the same order in the previous year.              the slowdown in capital inflows, the large
28.	 Reflecting the fragile global                current account deficit, domestic
situation, India’s merchandise exports            economic uncertainty and growing
declined by 1.7 per cent to US$ 75 billion        apprehensions about the euro area
during Q1 of 2012-13. However, imports            problem.
declined even more sharply, by 6.1 per            30.	 Exchange rate depreciation in Q1
cent, to US$ 115 billions led by a decline        of 2012-13 was not specific to India;
in imports of non-oil non-gold                    most EDE currencies also depreciated.
commodities. As a result, the trade deficit       However, among the EDEs with large
was lower at US$ 40 billion in Q1 of              current account deficits, the depreciation
2012-13 as compared with US$ 46                   of the Indian rupee was relatively large,
billion in the corresponding period of the        reflecting moderation in capital inflows.

                   II. Domestic Outlook and Projections

Growth                                            in industrial activity. Both theses
31.	 In the April Policy, the Reserve             assumptions did not hold. The monsoon
Bank had projected GDP growth for                 has been deficient and uneven so far.
2012-13 at 7.3 per cent on the assumption         Also, data on industrial production for
of a normal monsoon and improvement               April-May suggest that industrial

activity, despite some recovery, remains           On the basis of the above considerations,
weak. In addition, several risks to                the growth projection for 2012-13 is
domestic growth have intensified. First,           revised downwards from 7.3 per cent to
global growth and trade volume are now             6.5 per cent (Chart 1).
expected to be lower than projected                Inflation
earlier. Given the greater integration of
                                                   32.	 In the April Policy, the Reserve
the Indian economy with the global
                                                   Bank made a baseline projection of WPI
economy, this will have an adverse
                                                   inflation for March 2013 of 6.5 per cent.
impact on growth, particularly in industry
                                                   This was based, in part, on an assumption
and the services sector. However, the              of normal monsoon. The deficient and
lagged impact of depreciation of the               uneven monsoon performance so far
exchange rate could partly offset this.            will have an adverse impact on food
The impending “fiscal cliff” in the US in          inflation. Notwithstanding some
2013, when temporary tax concessions               moderation, international crude oil
expire and automatic spending cuts take            prices remain elevated. This, coupled
effect, also entails additional risks to the       with the pass- thr ough of r upee
growth outlook. Second, reflecting the             depreciation to import prices, continues
lagged impact of weak industrial activity          to put upward pressure on domestic fuel
and global slowdown, the services sector           price inflation. In addition, with the
growth is also expected to slow down.              adjustment of domestic prices of

petroleum products to international price        34.	 Although inflation has remained
changes still incomplete, embedded risks         persistently high over the past two years,
of suppressed inflation could also impact        it averaged around 5.5 per cent during
fuel prices in India going forward. The          the 2000s, both in terms of WPI and CPI,
decline in non-food manufactured                 down from its earlier trend rate of about
products inflation has not been                  7.5 per cent. Given this record, the
commensurate with the moderation in              conduct of monetary policy will continue
growth. Input price pressures on account         to condition and contain perception of
of exchange rate movements and                   inflation in the range of 4.0-4.5 per cent.
infrastructural bottlenecks in coal,             This is in line with the medium-term
minerals and power may exert upside              objective of 3.0 per cent inflation
pressure on non-food manufactured
                                                 consistent with India’s broader integration
products inflation.
                                                 into the global economy.
33.	 Keeping in view the recent trends
                                                 Monetary Aggregates
in food inflation, trends in global
commodity prices and the likely demand           35.	 With nominal growth remaining
scenario, the baseline projection for WPI        broadly at the level envisaged in the
inflation for March 2013 is now raised           April Policy, monetary aggregates are
from 6.5 per cent, as set out in the April       expected to move along the trajectories
Policy, to 7.0 per cent (Chart 2).               projected in the Monetary Policy

Statement 2012-13. Accordingly, M3                      adversities in several parts of the
growth projection for 2012-13 has been                  world, the outlook for food and
retained at 15 per cent and the growth                  commodity prices, especially crude
in non-food credit of SCBs at 17 per                    oil, has turned uncertain. These
cent. As always, these numbers are                      developments have adverse
indicative projections and not targets.                 implications for domestic growth
                                                        and inflation.
Risk Factors
36.	 The projections of growth and                 iii)	 While inflation in protein items
inflation for 2012-13 are subject to a                   remains elevated due to structural
number of risks as indicated below:                      demand supply imbalances,
                                                         additional risks to food inflation
i)	   External risks to the outlook for the              have emerged from the deficient and
      Indian economy are intensifying.                   uneven monsoon. This has the
      Adverse feedback loops between                     potential of aggravating inflation
      sovereign and financial market                     and inflation expectations.
      stress in the euro area are resulting
                                                   iv) 	 At current levels of the CAD and
      in increased risk aversion, financial
                                                         the fiscal deficit, the Indian economy
      market volatility, and perverse
                                                         faces the “twin deficit” risk.
      movements in capital flows. With
                                                         Financing the latter from domestic
      the deteriorating macroeconomic
                                                         saving crowds out private
      situation in the euro area interacting
                                                         investment, thus lowering growth
      with a loss of growth momentum
                                                         prospects. This, in turn, deters
      in the US and in EDEs, the risks of
                                                         capital inflows, making it more
      potentially large negative spillovers
                                                         difficult to finance the former.
      have increased. India’s growth
                                                         Failure to narrow twin deficits with
      prospects too will be hurt by this.
                                                         appropriate policy actions threatens
ii)	 Reflecting the setback to the global                both macroeconomic stability and
     recovery as also weather-related                    growth sustainability.

                               III. The Policy Stance
37.	 Keeping in view the slowdown                  developments suggested that even as
in growth, the Reserve Bank front-                 growth moderated, inflation remained
loaded the policy rate reduction in April          sticky. Keeping in view the heightening
with a cut of 50 basis points. Subsequent          risks to inflation, the Reserve Bank

decided to pause in the Mid-Quarter               implications. In this context, investment
Review (MQR) of June 2012, even in                activity has remained subdued over the
the face of slowing growth.                       last two years. External demand has also
38.	 Against the backdrop of global               remained weak due to the slowdown in
and domestic macroeconomic conditions,            global growth. Consequently, the post
outlook and risks, the policy stance in           crisis trend rate of growth, which was
this review is shaped by three major              earlier estimated at 8.0 per cent, has
considerations.                                   dropped to 7.5 per cent. While the current
                                                  rate of growth is clearly lower than trend,
39.	 First, after moderating for a short
                                                  the output gap will remain relatively
period during December-January,
                                                  small. Under these conditions, demand
headline WPI inflation edged up again
                                                  pressures on inflation can re-emerge
beginning February 2012 and has
                                                  quite quickly, exacerbating the existing
remained sticky, above 7 per cent, on
account of increase in food prices,               supply pressures.
increase in input costs, and upward               41.	 Third, liquidity conditions play
revision in prices of some administered           an important role in the transmission of
items such as coal. Headline inflation has        monetary policy signals. Although the
persisted even as demand has moderated            situation has eased significantly in the
and the pricing power of corporates               recent period, it is necessary to ensure
weakened. Non-food manufactured                   that liquidity pressures do not constrain
products inflation has also not declined          the flow of credit to productive sectors
to the extent warranted by the growth             of the economy.
moderation. This reflects severe supply
constraints and entrenchment of inflation         42.	 Against this backdrop, the stance
expectations.                                     of monetary policy is intended to:

40.	 Second, growth decelerated                   •	   contain inflation and anchor inflation
significantly to 6.5 per cent in 2011-12.              expectations;
Although more recent data suggest some
                                                  •	   support a sustainable growth path
pick up, overall economic activity
                                                       over the 	medium-term; and
remains subdued. Importantly, the
current growth performance has to be              •	   continue to provide liquidity to
seen in reference to the trend rate of                 facilitate credit availability to
growth in order to assess its inflationary             productive sectors.

IV. Monetary and Liquidity Measures

43.	 On the basis of the current                   Guidance
assessment and in line with the policy
stance outlined in Section III, the                50.	 The primary focus of monetary
Reserve Bank announces the following               policy remains inflation control in order
policy measures.                                   to secure a sustainable growth path over
Repo Rate                                          the medium-term. While monetary
                                                   actions over the past two years may have
44.	 It has been decided to retain the
repo rate under the liquidity adjustment           contributed to the growth slowdown – an
facility (LAF) at 8.0 per cent.                    unavoidable consequence – several other
Reverse Repo Rate                                  factors have played a significant role. In
                                                   the current circumstances, lowering
45.	 The reverse repo rate under the
                                                   policy rates will only aggravate
LAF, determined with a spread of 100
basis points below the repo rate, stands           inflationary impulses without necessarily
at 7.0 per cent.                                   stimulating growth. As the multiple
Marginal Standing Facility (MSF)                   constraints to growth are addressed, the
Rate                                               Reserve Bank will stand ready to act
46.	 The MSF rate, determined with a               appropriately.
spread of 100 basis points above the repo          51.	 Meanwhile, managing liquidity
rate, stands at 9.0 per cent.                      within the comfort zone remains an
Bank Rate                                          objective and the Reserve Bank will
47.	 The Bank Rate stands at 9.0                   respond to liquidity pressures, including
per cent.                                          by way of OMOs.
Cash Reserve Ratio
                                                   52.	 In a turbulent global environment,
48.	 The cash reserve ratio (CRR) of               the risks of external shocks are high and
scheduled banks has been retained at               the Reserve Bank stands ready to respond
4.75 per cent of their net demand and
                                                   to any such shocks swiftly, using all
time liabilities (NDTL).
                                                   available instruments.
Statutory Liquidity Ratio
49.	     It has been decided to:                   Expected Outcomes
•	     reduce the statutory liquidity ratio        53.	 The policy actions taken are
       (SLR) of scheduled commercial               expected to:
       banks from 24.0 per cent to 23.0 per
       cent of their NDTL with effect from         •	   anchor inflation expectations based
       the fortnight beginning August                   on the commitment of monetary
       11, 2012.                                        policy to inflation control; and
•	   maintain liquidity to facilitate           out through a press release on Monday,
     smooth flow of credit to productive        September 17, 2012.
     sectors to support growth.                 Second Quarter Review of Monetary
Mid-Quarter Review of Monetary                  Policy 2012-13
Policy 2012-13                                  55.	 The Second Quarter Review of
54.	 The next Mid-Quarter Review of             Monetary Policy for 2012-13 is scheduled
Monetary Policy for 2012-13 will be put         for Tuesday, October 30, 2012.

July 31, 2012


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First Quarter Review of Monetary Policy 2012-13

  • 1. RESERVE BANK OF INDIA First Quarter Review of Monetary Policy 2012-13 Dr. D. Subbarao Governor July 31, 2012 Mumbai i
  • 2. ii
  • 3. CONTENTS Page No. I. The State of the Economy Global Economy..........................................................................2 Domestic Economy......................................................................3 II. Domestic Outlook and Projections Growth.........................................................................................6 Inflation........................................................................................7 Monetary Aggregates...................................................................8 Risk Factors.................................................................................9 III. The Policy Stance............................................................................9 IV. Monetary and Liquidity Measures......................................... 11 iii
  • 4. iv
  • 5. ABBREVIATIONS bps - Basis Points BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa CAD - Current Account Deficit CI - Confidence Interval CPI - Consumer Price Index CRR - Cash Reserve Ratio EC - European Commission EDEs - Emerging and Developing Economies GDP - Gross Domestic Product IIP - Index of Industrial Production IMF - International Monetary Fund IOS - Industrial Outlook Survey LAF - Liquidity Adjustment Facility LPA - Long Period Average M 3 - Broad Money MQR - Mid-Quarter Review MSF - Marginal Standing Facility NDTL - Net Demand and Time Liabilities OBICUS - Order Books, Inventories and Capacity Utilisation Survey OMO - Open Market Operation PMI - Purchasing Managers’ Index POL - Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants PWRI - Production Weighted Rainfall Index Q - Quarter REER - Real Effective Exchange Rate SCBs - Scheduled Commercial Banks SLR - Statutory Liquidity Ratio UK - United Kingdom US - United States of America WALR - Weighted Average Lending Rate WEO - World Economic Outlook WPI - Wholesale Price Index Y-o-Y - Year-on-Year v i
  • 6. vi
  • 7. Reserve Bank of India First Quarter Review of Monetary Policy 2012-13 By Dr. D. Subbarao Governor Introduction account deficit (CAD) and fiscal deficit, Since the Monetary Policy pose significant risks to macroeconomic Statement for 2012-13 in April 2012, stability. Against this backdrop of macroeconomic conditions have heightened global uncertainty and deteriorated. Much of the global economy domestic macroeconomic pressures, the is in a synchronised slowdown, having challenge for monetary policy is to lost the upward momentum seen in the maintain its priority of containing early months of the year. Despite the inflation and lowering inflation slowing global economy, the outlook for expectations. At the same time, monetary commodity prices is uncertain. The policy has also to be sensitive to risks to situation in the euro area continues to growth and financial stability. cause concern even as the prospects of 3. In the above context, this immediate default have been averted. Statement should be read and understood While exports of emerging and together with the detailed review in developing economies (EDEs) have been M a c ro e c o n o m i c a n d M o n e t a r y dented by the weak global economic Developments released yesterday by the activity, capital flows into them have Reserve Bank. declined markedly because of the strains 4. This Statement is organised in in the euro area financial market four Sections: Section I provides an conditions. overview of global and domestic 2. Domestically, the macroeconomic macroeconomic developments. Section situation continues to raise concerns. II sets out the outlook and projections for While growth has slowed down growth, inflation and monetary significantly, inflation remains well aggregates. Section III explains the stance above the comfort zone of the Reserve of monetary policy. Section IV specifies Bank. The large twin deficits, viz. current the monetary and liquidity measures. 1
  • 8. I. The State of the Economy Global Economy inter-linked, fiscal and financial stability 5. The global economy is slowing pressures in the euro area remain the down. In its latest update of the World most significant source of systemic Economic Outlook (WEO), the global risk. In recent weeks, renewed International Monetary Fund (IMF) has concerns about Greece and the need for revised its projection for global growth greater collective support to Spain and in 2012 marginally downwards to 3.5 per Italy have amplified these risks. cent, but has emphasised further Consequently, the potential for negative downside risks to growth. In the US, spillovers to the euro area core countries output growth decelerated to 1.5 per cent and to the rest of the world have also (seasonally adjusted annualised rate) in increased. Q2 from 2.0 per cent in Q1 of 2012. In 7. Importantly, risks to global the euro area, growth was flat in Q1 after growth, which stem from persistent a contraction by 1.2 per cent in the weakness in advanced economies, have previous quarter. In the UK, growth increased with EDEs also exhibiting contracted by 2.8 per cent in Q2 of 2012 moderation in growth. Among the and 1.3 per cent in Q1. Output in Japan BRICS countries, growth in China fell expanded by 4.7 per cent in Q1 after a from 8.1 per cent in Q1 of 2012 to 7.6 low growth of 0.1 per cent in the previous per cent in Q2. Growth also moderated quarter, supported by reconstruction significantly in Brazil and South Africa related demand. The global manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) fell in Q1. According to the IMF, growth in below the neutral level of 50.0 to 48.9 in a number of major EDEs turned out to June 2012 - the lowest in 3 years - be lower than forecast by it earlier. suggesting contraction in manufacturing 8. Inflationary pressures softened a c t i v i t y. T h e g l o b a l c o m p o s i t e a c r o s s a d v a n c e d a n d e m e rg i n g (manufacturing and services) PMI at economies, reflecting both weaker 50.3 in June 2012 suggests near growth prospects and moderation in stagnation. commodity prices. International (Brent) 6. The decisions by the European crude oil prices declined from an average Commission (EC) Summit on July 2, of about US$ 125 per barrel in March 2012 improved market confidence, but 2012 to an average of about US$ 95 only temporarily. Without a sustained per barrel in June 2012. In July, however, recovery in growth or moderation in the average price increased to above sovereign debt stress, which are highly US$ 100 per barrel. In advanced 2
  • 9. economies, spare capacity in both significantly lower than the expansion of product and labour markets limits risks 5.7 per cent registered in the to core inflation. Among the BRICS corresponding period of last year. The countries, inflation fell significantly in PMI rose marginally to 55.0 in June 2012 China and Russia. It also eased in Brazil from 54.8 in May. The composite and South Africa. Even as growth in (manufacturing and services) PMI also India is slowing, it is clearly an outlier rose to 55.7 in June from 55.3 in May. insofar as inflation is concerned. 12. During the ongoing monsoon Domestic Economy season, rainfall up to July 25, 2012 was 9. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 22 per cent below its long period average growth decelerated over four successive (LPA). The Reserve Bank’s production quarters from 9.2 per cent in Q4 of weighted rainfall index (PWRI) showed 2010-11 to 5.3 per cent in Q4 of an even higher deficit of 24 per cent. 2011-12. Significant slowdown in Further, the distribution of rainfall was industrial growth as well as deceleration very uneven, with the North-West region in services sector activity pulled down registering the highest deficit of about 39 the overall GDP growth to 6.5 per cent per cent of LPA. If the rainfall deficiency for 2011-12, below the Reserve Bank’s persists, agricultural production could be baseline projection of 7 per cent. adversely impacted. 10. O n t h e e x p e n d i t u r e s i d e , 13. Capacity utilisation levels in Q4 significant weakness in investment of 2011-12 as reflected in the results of activity was the main cause of the the Reserve Bank’s order book, slowdown. Gross fixed capital formation, inventories and capacity utilisation which grew by 14.7 per cent in Q1 of survey (OBICUS) revealed the usual 2011-12, moderated to 5.0 per cent in Q2 seasonal improvement over the previous and then contracted by 0.3 per cent in Q3 before recovering to a growth of 3.6 per quarter. However, lead information from cent in Q4. Growth in private consumption the Reserve Bank’s industrial outlook also decelerated in 2011-12, even as it survey (IOS) indicates that capacity remained the key driver of growth. The utilisation dropped in Q1 and Q2 of positive impact of the rupee depreciation 2012-13. Moreover, overall business on exports is yet to be seen. sentiment also moderated in both the quarters. 11. Growth in the index of industrial production (IIP) decelerated from 8.2 per 14. Headline Wholesale Price Index cent in 2010-11 to 2.9 per cent in (WPI) inflation increased from 7.5 per 2011-12. Further, IIP growth during cent in April to 7.6 per cent in May before April-May 2012, at 0.8 per cent, was moderating to 7.3 per cent in June 2012. 3
  • 10. The stickiness in inflation, despite the weights of commodities, especially of significant growth slowdown, was food items in the two indices. Second, largely on account of high primary food even in respect of similar items, inflation inflation, which was in double-digits was higher in CPI than in WPI, suggesting during Q1 of 2012-13 due to an unusual that besides the incidence of higher spike in vegetable prices and sustained service taxes, moderation in non-food high inflation in protein items. manufactured products prices has not yet been transmitted to the retail level. The 15. Fuel group inflation moderated rate of increase in the prices of services, from 12.1 per cent in April 2012 to 11.5 which is included in CPI but not in WPI, per cent in May and further to 10.3 per was also high. cent in June on account of decrease in non-administered fuel prices, which in 18. Among other factors, urban turn was due to decline in global crude households’ inflation expectations, as per oil prices. However, the reversal in crude the latest survey conducted by the Reserve Bank, increased slightly in Q1 oil prices in recent weeks may add to of 2012-13 after a decline in the previous domestic inflationary pressure. q u a r t e r. N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g s o m e 16. Non-food manufactured products moderation, wage inflation in rural and inflation was at 4.8 per cent in May and urban areas remains relatively high. June 2012. The momentum indicator of 19. A n a n a l y s i s o f c o r p o r a t e non-food manufactured products performance in 2011-12, based on a inflation (seasonally adjusted 3-month common sample of 2,273 non- moving average annualised inflation government non-financial companies, rate), however, showed an upturn. indicates that the sales growth remained Moreover, input price pressures persist positive for the year even after adjusting due to both exchange rate movements for inflation. However, earnings and supply side constraints. Going decelerated due to an increase in forward, further pressure on non-food expenditure, indicating decline in pricing manufactured products inflation cannot power. Early results for Q1 of 2012-13 be ruled out. suggest that pricing power remained 17. The Consumer Price Index (CPI subdued. new series) inflation remained in double- 20. While the money supply (M3) digits in Q1 of 2012-13, driven by both growth, at 14.3 per cent in mid-July, was food and non-food prices. The divergence marginally lower than the indicative between WPI and CPI inflation was on trajectory of 15 per cent, non-food credit account of two factors. First, there are growth at 17.4 per cent was slightly differences in the composition and above the indicative projection of 17 per 4
  • 11. cent. If we include banks’ investment in conditions was due to a decline in commercial paper and other instruments, government cash balances with the non-food credit growth was even higher Reserve Bank, injection of liquidity of at 17.7 per cent. about `860 billion by way of open 21. The flow of resources to the market operation (OMO) purchases of commercial sector, from both bank and securities and increased use of the export non-bank sources, increased to `1.9 credit refinance facility by banks after trillion in 2012-13 so far (up to July 13, the increase in the limit effected in the 2012) as compared with `1.4 trillion June Mid-Quarter Review. Reflecting the during the corresponding period of last improvement in the liquidity situation, year. Amongst non-bank sources, the weighted average call money rate, resources raised through commercial which is the operating target of the paper increased significantly. Reserve Bank, stayed close to the policy repo rate. 22. Following the reduction in the repo rate in April, several commercial 24. During Q1 of 2012-13, yields on banks reduced their lending rates. The government securities softened reflecting modal base rate of scheduled commercial an improvement in liquidity, moderation banks (SCBs) declined by 25 bps to in inflation and concerns about weakening 10.50 per cent during April-June 2012. of domestic and global growth. The Significantly, on the basis of the weighted 10-year benchmark yield was average lending rate (WALR) of significantly lower at 8.11 per cent on commercial banks, adjusted for inflation, July 26, 2012 as compared with 8.63 per real rates are now lower than they were cent at end-March 2012. during the high growth five-year period 25. Housing prices continued to rise of 2003-08. Banks’ actions on deposit despite the decline in volume of rates, however, were muted due to the transactions. The Reserve Bank’s slowdown in deposit growth. quarterly housing price index suggests that prices increased in Q4 of 2011-12 in 23. Liquidity conditions have eased most of the 9 cities for which the index considerably since the April Policy. The is compiled. average daily net borrowing under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF), 26. During April-May 2012, while which was 2.2 per cent of average net food subsidies were lower, fertiliser demand and time liabilities (NDTL) in subsidies were more than twice the Q4 of 2011-12, declined sharply to 1.3 previous year’s level. Clearly, if the per cent in Q1 of 2012-13 and further to target of restricting the expenditure on 0.7 per cent in July 2012 (up to July 26, subsidies to under 2 per cent of GDP in 2012). The turnaround in liquidity 2012-13, as set out in the Union Budget, 5
  • 12. is to be achieved, immediate action on previous year. Based on preliminary fuel and fertiliser subsidies will be data, services exports rose moderately by required. 3 per cent to US$ 35 billion, while 27. In 2011-12, the CAD rose to services imports surged by 19 per cent US$ 78 billion (4.2 per cent of GDP) to US$ 21 billion in Q1. Accordingly, net from US$ 46 billion (2.7 per cent of services exports of US$ 14 billion in Q1 GDP) in the previous year, largely of 2012-13 were lower by 12 per cent as reflecting a higher trade deficit on compared with Q1 of 2011-12. account of subdued external demand and 29. During 2012-13 so far (July 20, relatively inelastic imports of petroleum, 2012), the 6-, 30- and 36-currency trade oil and lubricants (POL) as well as gold weighted real effective exchange rates and silver. As capital inflows fell short (REER) depreciated in the range of 7-10 of the CAD, there was a net drawdown per cent, primarily reflecting the nominal of reserves (on a BoP basis) to the extent depreciation of the rupee against the US of US$ 13 billion in contrast to a net dollar by around 9 per cent. The accretion to reserves of more or less of depreciation was mainly on account of the same order in the previous year. the slowdown in capital inflows, the large 28. Reflecting the fragile global current account deficit, domestic situation, India’s merchandise exports economic uncertainty and growing declined by 1.7 per cent to US$ 75 billion apprehensions about the euro area during Q1 of 2012-13. However, imports problem. declined even more sharply, by 6.1 per 30. Exchange rate depreciation in Q1 cent, to US$ 115 billions led by a decline of 2012-13 was not specific to India; in imports of non-oil non-gold most EDE currencies also depreciated. commodities. As a result, the trade deficit However, among the EDEs with large was lower at US$ 40 billion in Q1 of current account deficits, the depreciation 2012-13 as compared with US$ 46 of the Indian rupee was relatively large, billion in the corresponding period of the reflecting moderation in capital inflows. II. Domestic Outlook and Projections Growth in industrial activity. Both theses 31. In the April Policy, the Reserve assumptions did not hold. The monsoon Bank had projected GDP growth for has been deficient and uneven so far. 2012-13 at 7.3 per cent on the assumption Also, data on industrial production for of a normal monsoon and improvement April-May suggest that industrial 6
  • 13. activity, despite some recovery, remains On the basis of the above considerations, weak. In addition, several risks to the growth projection for 2012-13 is domestic growth have intensified. First, revised downwards from 7.3 per cent to global growth and trade volume are now 6.5 per cent (Chart 1). expected to be lower than projected Inflation earlier. Given the greater integration of 32. In the April Policy, the Reserve the Indian economy with the global Bank made a baseline projection of WPI economy, this will have an adverse inflation for March 2013 of 6.5 per cent. impact on growth, particularly in industry This was based, in part, on an assumption and the services sector. However, the of normal monsoon. The deficient and lagged impact of depreciation of the uneven monsoon performance so far exchange rate could partly offset this. will have an adverse impact on food The impending “fiscal cliff” in the US in inflation. Notwithstanding some 2013, when temporary tax concessions moderation, international crude oil expire and automatic spending cuts take prices remain elevated. This, coupled effect, also entails additional risks to the with the pass- thr ough of r upee growth outlook. Second, reflecting the depreciation to import prices, continues lagged impact of weak industrial activity to put upward pressure on domestic fuel and global slowdown, the services sector price inflation. In addition, with the growth is also expected to slow down. adjustment of domestic prices of 7
  • 14. petroleum products to international price 34. Although inflation has remained changes still incomplete, embedded risks persistently high over the past two years, of suppressed inflation could also impact it averaged around 5.5 per cent during fuel prices in India going forward. The the 2000s, both in terms of WPI and CPI, decline in non-food manufactured down from its earlier trend rate of about products inflation has not been 7.5 per cent. Given this record, the commensurate with the moderation in conduct of monetary policy will continue growth. Input price pressures on account to condition and contain perception of of exchange rate movements and inflation in the range of 4.0-4.5 per cent. infrastructural bottlenecks in coal, This is in line with the medium-term minerals and power may exert upside objective of 3.0 per cent inflation pressure on non-food manufactured consistent with India’s broader integration products inflation. into the global economy. 33. Keeping in view the recent trends Monetary Aggregates in food inflation, trends in global commodity prices and the likely demand 35. With nominal growth remaining scenario, the baseline projection for WPI broadly at the level envisaged in the inflation for March 2013 is now raised April Policy, monetary aggregates are from 6.5 per cent, as set out in the April expected to move along the trajectories Policy, to 7.0 per cent (Chart 2). projected in the Monetary Policy 8
  • 15. Statement 2012-13. Accordingly, M3 adversities in several parts of the growth projection for 2012-13 has been world, the outlook for food and retained at 15 per cent and the growth commodity prices, especially crude in non-food credit of SCBs at 17 per oil, has turned uncertain. These cent. As always, these numbers are developments have adverse indicative projections and not targets. implications for domestic growth and inflation. Risk Factors 36. The projections of growth and iii) While inflation in protein items inflation for 2012-13 are subject to a remains elevated due to structural number of risks as indicated below: demand supply imbalances, additional risks to food inflation i) External risks to the outlook for the have emerged from the deficient and Indian economy are intensifying. uneven monsoon. This has the Adverse feedback loops between potential of aggravating inflation sovereign and financial market and inflation expectations. stress in the euro area are resulting iv) At current levels of the CAD and in increased risk aversion, financial the fiscal deficit, the Indian economy market volatility, and perverse faces the “twin deficit” risk. movements in capital flows. With Financing the latter from domestic the deteriorating macroeconomic saving crowds out private situation in the euro area interacting investment, thus lowering growth with a loss of growth momentum prospects. This, in turn, deters in the US and in EDEs, the risks of capital inflows, making it more potentially large negative spillovers difficult to finance the former. have increased. India’s growth Failure to narrow twin deficits with prospects too will be hurt by this. appropriate policy actions threatens ii) Reflecting the setback to the global both macroeconomic stability and recovery as also weather-related growth sustainability. III. The Policy Stance 37. Keeping in view the slowdown developments suggested that even as in growth, the Reserve Bank front- growth moderated, inflation remained loaded the policy rate reduction in April sticky. Keeping in view the heightening with a cut of 50 basis points. Subsequent risks to inflation, the Reserve Bank 9
  • 16. decided to pause in the Mid-Quarter implications. In this context, investment Review (MQR) of June 2012, even in activity has remained subdued over the the face of slowing growth. last two years. External demand has also 38. Against the backdrop of global remained weak due to the slowdown in and domestic macroeconomic conditions, global growth. Consequently, the post outlook and risks, the policy stance in crisis trend rate of growth, which was this review is shaped by three major earlier estimated at 8.0 per cent, has considerations. dropped to 7.5 per cent. While the current rate of growth is clearly lower than trend, 39. First, after moderating for a short the output gap will remain relatively period during December-January, small. Under these conditions, demand headline WPI inflation edged up again pressures on inflation can re-emerge beginning February 2012 and has quite quickly, exacerbating the existing remained sticky, above 7 per cent, on account of increase in food prices, supply pressures. increase in input costs, and upward 41. Third, liquidity conditions play revision in prices of some administered an important role in the transmission of items such as coal. Headline inflation has monetary policy signals. Although the persisted even as demand has moderated situation has eased significantly in the and the pricing power of corporates recent period, it is necessary to ensure weakened. Non-food manufactured that liquidity pressures do not constrain products inflation has also not declined the flow of credit to productive sectors to the extent warranted by the growth of the economy. moderation. This reflects severe supply constraints and entrenchment of inflation 42. Against this backdrop, the stance expectations. of monetary policy is intended to: 40. Second, growth decelerated • contain inflation and anchor inflation significantly to 6.5 per cent in 2011-12. expectations; Although more recent data suggest some • support a sustainable growth path pick up, overall economic activity over the medium-term; and remains subdued. Importantly, the current growth performance has to be • continue to provide liquidity to seen in reference to the trend rate of facilitate credit availability to growth in order to assess its inflationary productive sectors. 10
  • 17. IV. Monetary and Liquidity Measures 43. On the basis of the current Guidance assessment and in line with the policy stance outlined in Section III, the 50. The primary focus of monetary Reserve Bank announces the following policy remains inflation control in order policy measures. to secure a sustainable growth path over Repo Rate the medium-term. While monetary actions over the past two years may have 44. It has been decided to retain the repo rate under the liquidity adjustment contributed to the growth slowdown – an facility (LAF) at 8.0 per cent. unavoidable consequence – several other Reverse Repo Rate factors have played a significant role. In the current circumstances, lowering 45. The reverse repo rate under the policy rates will only aggravate LAF, determined with a spread of 100 basis points below the repo rate, stands inflationary impulses without necessarily at 7.0 per cent. stimulating growth. As the multiple Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) constraints to growth are addressed, the Rate Reserve Bank will stand ready to act 46. The MSF rate, determined with a appropriately. spread of 100 basis points above the repo 51. Meanwhile, managing liquidity rate, stands at 9.0 per cent. within the comfort zone remains an Bank Rate objective and the Reserve Bank will 47. The Bank Rate stands at 9.0 respond to liquidity pressures, including per cent. by way of OMOs. Cash Reserve Ratio 52. In a turbulent global environment, 48. The cash reserve ratio (CRR) of the risks of external shocks are high and scheduled banks has been retained at the Reserve Bank stands ready to respond 4.75 per cent of their net demand and to any such shocks swiftly, using all time liabilities (NDTL). available instruments. Statutory Liquidity Ratio 49. It has been decided to: Expected Outcomes • reduce the statutory liquidity ratio 53. The policy actions taken are (SLR) of scheduled commercial expected to: banks from 24.0 per cent to 23.0 per cent of their NDTL with effect from • anchor inflation expectations based the fortnight beginning August on the commitment of monetary 11, 2012. policy to inflation control; and 11
  • 18. maintain liquidity to facilitate out through a press release on Monday, smooth flow of credit to productive September 17, 2012. sectors to support growth. Second Quarter Review of Monetary Mid-Quarter Review of Monetary Policy 2012-13 Policy 2012-13 55. The Second Quarter Review of 54. The next Mid-Quarter Review of Monetary Policy for 2012-13 is scheduled Monetary Policy for 2012-13 will be put for Tuesday, October 30, 2012. Mumbai July 31, 2012 12