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34 | month 2010 | conStruction manager
conStruction manager | april 2011 | 35
• Creating strong relationships within teams
• Understanding motivational value systems (MVS)
• ApplyingMVS to strengthen project performance
The art of building
a winning team
The construction industry is built on
relationships which will be tested in the
next few years due to the ongoing slump
in public and private sector spending.
In addition, recent reports, such as last
December’s Cost Review from
Infrastructure UK have highlighted the
inefficiency and high cost of delivering
major projects, particularly in rail, roads
and infrastructure, leading to an industry
drive to deliver 10-30% efficiency
savings. This will require a different
mindset and way of working for many.
Project managers will often be at the
sharp end of these changes, needing to
deliver even when there are multiple
technical challenges and relationships are
under strain. It is therefore critical that
project managers develop strong
and sustainable relationships to allow
them to influence others and deal
effectively with these challenges. This
will require them to understand:
• the impact they have on the feelings
of others;
• what makes others “tick” and how they
react in certain circumstances;
• what makes them tick as individuals.
This increased awareness will allow
project managers to create more effective
personal and professional relationships. In
a project context, this will allow you to
manage risk more effectively, to adapt
project management to suit the project,
Donnie MacNicol and Keith Robinson explain
how management models can help build productive
relationships and manage conflicts effectively

deal more easily with conflict and engage
with stakeholders. Each of these three
areas will be discussed later in this article.
Building self-awareness
But first we will discuss a model that can
help facilitate self-awareness. This model
is one of several we use with individuals,
teams and organisations to provide a
vocabulary and common basis around
which performance can be improved.
The Strength Deployment Inventory
(SDI), developed by US psychologist Elias
Porter, is a self-development tool based
on relationship awareness theory (RAT).
It has been in use for 40 years worldwide
in all sectors and industries. The theory
helps people build productive
relationships and manage conflict by
providing a window into the motivation
that drives others.
We use the SDI extensively in both
public and private sector organisations.
A worldwide “community of practice” for
project managers is now being developed
around the common structure and
language of SDI, around which
relationships can be strengthened, in
locations from California to China.
The underlying assumption of the
inventory is that “all human beings need
to interact with others in a way that
makes them feel good about themselves”.
SDI looks at our motivations in good times
as well as when faced with conflict.
The SDI distinguishes our underlying
motivations by introducing four main
motivational value systems (MVS), which
describe how we seek to be valued by
ourselves, others and in all life situations
(see Figure 1, overleaf).
Developing awareness of different
individuals’ MVS offers opportunities to
improve relationships, increase the
effectiveness of our delivery processes
and highlight the way we deal with
conflict. With the challenges facing the
construction industry, this is a valuable
business advantage that should be
embraced by all, helping the industry to
innovate and build the alliances that are
so critical for success.
The four MVSs dictate that we seek to
Successful teams
— such as Alex
Ferguson’s Manchester
United — are built
on good people
This led to multiple layers
of management doing the job
of those below, leading to
inefficiency and creating a
source of conflict.
Red goes to green
As we tend to perceive others’
behaviours through our own
MVS, this often prevents us
from appreciating the
strength and opportunity that
diversity within a team can
provide. This insight provided
the senior management team
with the opportunity to
borrow other members’
behaviours to help identify
new decision-making
strategies. For example, a Red
may borrow Green behaviours
when looking for alternative
options and seeking evidence,
rather than just focusing
purely on delivery.
Finally, as it’s a truism
that “people like people
who are like themselves”,
this has also led the
senior team to review its
recruitment policy, ensuring
that there is diversity within
the professional team.
Donnie MacNicol,
Team Animation
Management consultant Team
Animation has worked with a
£30m medium-sized specialist
construction contractor over a
number of years to improve
the performance of
individuals through coaching,
and the effectiveness of
teams using the SDI. We have
also helped improve
decision-making around their
investment strategy, as well
as the relationships they have
with alliance partners.
We also assisted the senior
management team to develop
the collective capability of the
board. The SDI provided an
objective and impersonal way
for the directors to discuss
their different motivations
and the impact these had on
relationships and performance.
Lack of influence
The senior management team
had four strong Reds, all
directly involved in the
operational delivery of
projects, the strongest of
which was the managing
director. The other three
members of the senior team
(each of which had a different
MVS) regularly challenged
decisions but, as their focus
was not shared by the Reds,
36 | april 2011 | conStruction manager
conStruction manager | april 2011 | 37
be recognised for being:
• of genuine help to others — Blue;
• focused on achieving results — Red;
• self-reliant and orderly — Green;
• part of an effective group – Hub.
Our behaviour may vary due to
circumstances and the environment,
but our individual MVS will remain as an
anchor when things are going well. It is
therefore important to understand a
person’s intention and motivations as
this allows us to relate more effectively
to them and their actions.
Using the MVS diagram allows project
teams or management groups to view
each others’ motivational value systems
so that they can see their diversity,
explore this as a source of strength, and
highlight how these same differences
may lead to misunderstanding and conflict
with others. Alternatively, for a team
which has similar MVSs, this may identify
an opportunity to view situations from a
different perspective, improving
innovation and decision-making.
Exploring the MVSs within a team is
particularly useful at the start of new
projects or when conflict arises within a
team or between different teams.
Similarly, it can be helpful in developing
senior management teams and project
boards, who may not have the opportunity
to meet regularly, but must function
effectively when they do. Given the
importance of the decisions made by
these groups, this should be a primary
area of focus at the start of any project.
Below are four ways in which these
awareness skills can help you with
common challenges on a project.
1. Engaging the team in the
management of risk
Planning for future eventualities,
including the identification and
management of risk (as either a threat
or an opportunity), is a core project
management skill. There are infinite
variations in the way people perceive risk,
and assess its impact and probability
before identifying appropriate courses of
action. It is therefore critical that the
project manager appreciates these
project team helped the project office
manager identify the need to adopt a less
systematic and inflexible approach to
project management. The bulk of the
team had a Hub MVS, and did not feel the
group was consulted enough or that the
project management style was flexible
enough. A “command and control” regime
and rigid comprehensive monitoring and
reporting meant that factual information
on the project was available, but little was
identified or discussed around the
engagement of the team towards
achieving the end goal.
3. Identifying and dealing with conflict
Relationship awareness theory defines
conflict as a reaction to a perceived
threat to self-worth. So, typically,
people are willing to go into conflict
about things that are important to them.
This allows you to identify their conflict
“triggers”. For example, for a Green MVS
individual this may be working in an
unstructured way without reference to
supporting information.
It is important to view conflict, when it
surfaces and is dealt with in an effective
manner, as a positive. Conflict can serve
as a safety valve, act as the spur needed
for change and potentially end
unproductive associations.
In the case study (see box, right) we
facilitated a series of Strength Deployment
Inventory workshops with a construction
company’s key supply chain partner to
resolve a crisis in their relationship. These
workshops allowed both organisations to
understand why, in part, conflict had arisen
through misunderstanding each others’
motives. For example, when a decision was
made to delay an element of one
organisation’s work that resulted in
Nailing its colours to the mast
Using the Strength Deployment Inventory, Team Animation
helped improve performance at a specialist contractor,
starting with boosting the board’s communication skills
differences and implements a process
that engages the different team
For example, when first identifying risk,
a person with a Hub MVS will be
motivated to involve the team on an
ongoing basis, so that the risks are owned
by the team. If risk on a project is
managed by an individual with a Green
MVS, then the identification, recording,
assessment and ongoing management is
likely to be done in a far more structured
and analytical manner than if a person
with a different MVS had the
responsibility. A Red MVS, meanwhile,
may take on the role of identifying risks
and then delegating responsibility to
team members in developing mitigation
plans. This may appear to be effective
from a time perspective, but would not
engage the team to own risk.
2. Adapting the style of project
The project manager should identify the
type of project (based on factors such as
the complexity of the task, and the pace
and capability of the team) and also the
culture of the organisation before
considering the appropriate style of
project management, for instance
“command and control” or “open and
trusting”. These two considerations will
most effectively support the team in
delivering success.
On a recent client assignment, we
worked with a team charged with
delivering a programme that was key to
the organisation’s future. The style of
project management was having a
detrimental effect on relationships and,
in turn, performance. Using SDI and
understanding the motivations of the
Concern for
flexibility and
adapting to other people.
Focused on the group, making
sure everyone is included.
Provides alternative
viewpoints and considers
multiple topics
they could not exert
influence, leaving them
feeling isolated and unvalued.
One such decision resulted
in the use of considerable
resources on a procedural
mapping project that brought
no real benefit, which was
identified as a risk by the
non-Red members of the
senior management team.
Recognising that a
“personal weakness” is no
more than the overdoing or
misapplying of a personal
strength, the senior team
experienced a number of
“a-ha!” moments. One
included the impact of having
a Red-focused leadership
style and the way it was
stifling the development
of all layers of management.

Concern for the protection,
growth and welfare of
others. Helps others make a
difference in their lives
Wants to engage and build
rapport with others
Concern for
assurance that things
have been properly
thought out, for meaningful
order being established
and maintained.
Thinks things
through and is
Concern for task
accomplishment, the
organisation of people, time,
money and other resources
to achieve desired results
Motivational Value Systems: which one describes you?
© Personal Strengths
Alex Ferguson (left) and Martin O’Neill have shown how good management can bring success
38 | april 2011 | conStruction manager
conStruction manager | month 2010 | 39
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disruption to the other, no rationale was
provided. Opposing project managers who
were not communicating and had become
hostile to each other, realised during the
workshop process that thinking their
opposite number was intentionally
delaying the project was illogical: in reality
they were doing what they believed was
in the best interests of the project.
Another useful insight from relationship
awareness theory is that we approach
conflict with a predictable sequence of
motivational changes and related
behaviours. Initially, we tend to focus
on the problem, the other person and
ourselves. If the conflict is not resolved,
then we enter a second stage where our
behaviour changes and we tend to focus
only on the problem and ourselves (not
the other person). If still not resolved,
then at the third stage the individual
focuses only on self-preservation.
Conflict is rarely resolved at this stage.
Therefore it is critical that we identify
conflict early on, something that is not
as easy as it sounds. A Green MVS
individual, for example, may withdraw
and become quiet, which may be
perceived as acceptance. Also the change
in an individual from things going well to
being in conflict may be subtle, resulting
in no obvious change in behaviour. This
does not mean they are not in conflict —
just that it’s not obvious. The answer is to
listen carefully and openly discuss their
feelings towards the situation by first
sharing yours.
4. Engaging with stakeholders
including sponsors
Strong relationships with stakeholders
often characterise successful projects.
The project manager must understand
their motivation, which is shaped by the
stakeholder’s role on the project and the
culture of their organisation.
Understanding how each stakeholder
views success is critical, both in terms of
what is delivered and in the way it is
achieved. For example, if the project
manager was a Red MVS and the project
sponsor a Blue MVS, it would be important
for the project manager to understand
that they may appear pushy and
insensitive if conversations with the
sponsor focus on the delivery of
outcomes. In this scenario, a project
manager might be well advised to listen
to not only what is being said, but how it
is being said.
Donnie MacNicol is visiting fellow at
Kingston Business School, and a
director of management consultant
Team Animation. Keith Robinson is
managing director for Integrated
Systems and Strategies and a Visiting
Professor at University College London.

1. The Strength Deployment Inventory is a
self-development tool based on:
	Relationship awareness theory	
	Motivational Value Systems
	Self-awareness theory
	Freudian psychoanalysis
2. If your motivational value system is Blue, you will
typically seek recognition for being:
	Self reliant and orderly
	Focused on achieving results
	Part of an effective group
	Of genuine help to others
3. Relationship awareness theory defines conflict as:
	A perceived threat to to self-worth
	A perceived threat to an individual’s company
	A perceived threat to colleagues
	A perceived threat to an individual’s job
4. If a conflict is not resolved at the first stage,
an individual will focus on:
	The problem and themselves
	Self preservation
	The problem, the other person and themselves
	The other person only
5. In a conflict situation an individual with a
Green MVS may:
	Become aggressive and antagonistic
	Withdraw and become quiet
	Exhibit no outward change
	Seek a resolution with superiors
Good managers will
reap the rewards of
a motivated and
focused team

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  • 1. 34 | month 2010 | conStruction manager FeatureDetails conStruction manager | april 2011 | 35 ContinuingProfessionalDevelopment Peoplemanagement • Creating strong relationships within teams • Understanding motivational value systems (MVS) • ApplyingMVS to strengthen project performance The art of building a winning team The construction industry is built on relationships which will be tested in the next few years due to the ongoing slump in public and private sector spending. In addition, recent reports, such as last December’s Cost Review from Infrastructure UK have highlighted the inefficiency and high cost of delivering major projects, particularly in rail, roads and infrastructure, leading to an industry drive to deliver 10-30% efficiency savings. This will require a different mindset and way of working for many. Project managers will often be at the sharp end of these changes, needing to deliver even when there are multiple technical challenges and relationships are under strain. It is therefore critical that project managers develop strong and sustainable relationships to allow them to influence others and deal effectively with these challenges. This will require them to understand: • the impact they have on the feelings of others; • what makes others “tick” and how they react in certain circumstances; • what makes them tick as individuals. This increased awareness will allow project managers to create more effective personal and professional relationships. In a project context, this will allow you to manage risk more effectively, to adapt project management to suit the project, Donnie MacNicol and Keith Robinson explain how management models can help build productive relationships and manage conflicts effectively CPD deal more easily with conflict and engage with stakeholders. Each of these three areas will be discussed later in this article. Building self-awareness But first we will discuss a model that can help facilitate self-awareness. This model is one of several we use with individuals, teams and organisations to provide a vocabulary and common basis around which performance can be improved. The Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI), developed by US psychologist Elias Porter, is a self-development tool based on relationship awareness theory (RAT). It has been in use for 40 years worldwide in all sectors and industries. The theory helps people build productive relationships and manage conflict by providing a window into the motivation that drives others. We use the SDI extensively in both public and private sector organisations. A worldwide “community of practice” for project managers is now being developed around the common structure and language of SDI, around which relationships can be strengthened, in locations from California to China. The underlying assumption of the inventory is that “all human beings need to interact with others in a way that makes them feel good about themselves”. SDI looks at our motivations in good times as well as when faced with conflict. The SDI distinguishes our underlying motivations by introducing four main motivational value systems (MVS), which describe how we seek to be valued by ourselves, others and in all life situations (see Figure 1, overleaf). Developing awareness of different individuals’ MVS offers opportunities to improve relationships, increase the effectiveness of our delivery processes and highlight the way we deal with conflict. With the challenges facing the construction industry, this is a valuable business advantage that should be embraced by all, helping the industry to innovate and build the alliances that are so critical for success. The four MVSs dictate that we seek to Successful teams — such as Alex Ferguson’s Manchester United — are built on good people management Getty
  • 2. This led to multiple layers of management doing the job of those below, leading to inefficiency and creating a source of conflict. Red goes to green As we tend to perceive others’ behaviours through our own MVS, this often prevents us from appreciating the strength and opportunity that diversity within a team can provide. This insight provided the senior management team with the opportunity to borrow other members’ behaviours to help identify new decision-making strategies. For example, a Red may borrow Green behaviours when looking for alternative options and seeking evidence, rather than just focusing purely on delivery. Finally, as it’s a truism that “people like people who are like themselves”, this has also led the senior team to review its recruitment policy, ensuring that there is diversity within the professional team. Donnie MacNicol, Team Animation Management consultant Team Animation has worked with a £30m medium-sized specialist construction contractor over a number of years to improve the performance of individuals through coaching, and the effectiveness of teams using the SDI. We have also helped improve decision-making around their investment strategy, as well as the relationships they have with alliance partners. We also assisted the senior management team to develop the collective capability of the board. The SDI provided an objective and impersonal way for the directors to discuss their different motivations and the impact these had on relationships and performance. Lack of influence The senior management team had four strong Reds, all directly involved in the operational delivery of projects, the strongest of which was the managing director. The other three members of the senior team (each of which had a different MVS) regularly challenged decisions but, as their focus was not shared by the Reds, 36 | april 2011 | conStruction manager ContinuingProfessionalDevelopment Peoplemanagement conStruction manager | april 2011 | 37 be recognised for being: • of genuine help to others — Blue; • focused on achieving results — Red; • self-reliant and orderly — Green; • part of an effective group – Hub. Our behaviour may vary due to circumstances and the environment, but our individual MVS will remain as an anchor when things are going well. It is therefore important to understand a person’s intention and motivations as this allows us to relate more effectively to them and their actions. Using the MVS diagram allows project teams or management groups to view each others’ motivational value systems so that they can see their diversity, explore this as a source of strength, and highlight how these same differences may lead to misunderstanding and conflict with others. Alternatively, for a team which has similar MVSs, this may identify an opportunity to view situations from a different perspective, improving innovation and decision-making. Exploring the MVSs within a team is particularly useful at the start of new projects or when conflict arises within a team or between different teams. Similarly, it can be helpful in developing senior management teams and project boards, who may not have the opportunity to meet regularly, but must function effectively when they do. Given the importance of the decisions made by these groups, this should be a primary area of focus at the start of any project. Below are four ways in which these awareness skills can help you with common challenges on a project. 1. Engaging the team in the management of risk Planning for future eventualities, including the identification and management of risk (as either a threat or an opportunity), is a core project management skill. There are infinite variations in the way people perceive risk, and assess its impact and probability before identifying appropriate courses of action. It is therefore critical that the project manager appreciates these project team helped the project office manager identify the need to adopt a less systematic and inflexible approach to project management. The bulk of the team had a Hub MVS, and did not feel the group was consulted enough or that the project management style was flexible enough. A “command and control” regime and rigid comprehensive monitoring and reporting meant that factual information on the project was available, but little was identified or discussed around the engagement of the team towards achieving the end goal. 3. Identifying and dealing with conflict Relationship awareness theory defines conflict as a reaction to a perceived threat to self-worth. So, typically, people are willing to go into conflict about things that are important to them. This allows you to identify their conflict “triggers”. For example, for a Green MVS individual this may be working in an unstructured way without reference to supporting information. It is important to view conflict, when it surfaces and is dealt with in an effective manner, as a positive. Conflict can serve as a safety valve, act as the spur needed for change and potentially end unproductive associations. In the case study (see box, right) we facilitated a series of Strength Deployment Inventory workshops with a construction company’s key supply chain partner to resolve a crisis in their relationship. These workshops allowed both organisations to understand why, in part, conflict had arisen through misunderstanding each others’ motives. For example, when a decision was made to delay an element of one organisation’s work that resulted in Nailing its colours to the mast Exploringthemotivationalvalue systemswithinateamisparticularly usefulatthestartofnewprojectsor whenconflictariseswithinateamor betweendifferentteams. Using the Strength Deployment Inventory, Team Animation helped improve performance at a specialist contractor, starting with boosting the board’s communication skills ARedmay borrowGreen behaviours whenlooking foralternative optionsand seeking evidence. differences and implements a process that engages the different team members. For example, when first identifying risk, a person with a Hub MVS will be motivated to involve the team on an ongoing basis, so that the risks are owned by the team. If risk on a project is managed by an individual with a Green MVS, then the identification, recording, assessment and ongoing management is likely to be done in a far more structured and analytical manner than if a person with a different MVS had the responsibility. A Red MVS, meanwhile, may take on the role of identifying risks and then delegating responsibility to team members in developing mitigation plans. This may appear to be effective from a time perspective, but would not engage the team to own risk. 2. Adapting the style of project management The project manager should identify the type of project (based on factors such as the complexity of the task, and the pace and capability of the team) and also the culture of the organisation before considering the appropriate style of project management, for instance “command and control” or “open and trusting”. These two considerations will most effectively support the team in delivering success. On a recent client assignment, we worked with a team charged with delivering a programme that was key to the organisation’s future. The style of project management was having a detrimental effect on relationships and, in turn, performance. Using SDI and understanding the motivations of the Hub Concern for flexibility and adapting to other people. Focused on the group, making sure everyone is included. Provides alternative viewpoints and considers multiple topics simultaneously. they could not exert influence, leaving them feeling isolated and unvalued. One such decision resulted in the use of considerable resources on a procedural mapping project that brought no real benefit, which was identified as a risk by the non-Red members of the senior management team. Recognising that a “personal weakness” is no more than the overdoing or misapplying of a personal strength, the senior team experienced a number of “a-ha!” moments. One included the impact of having a Red-focused leadership style and the way it was stifling the development of all layers of management. Blue Concern for the protection, growth and welfare of others. Helps others make a difference in their lives Wants to engage and build rapport with others Green Concern for assurance that things have been properly thought out, for meaningful order being established and maintained. Thinks things through and is self-reliant Red Concern for task accomplishment, the organisation of people, time, money and other resources to achieve desired results Motivational Value Systems: which one describes you? © Personal Strengths Alex Ferguson (left) and Martin O’Neill have shown how good management can bring success Getty
  • 3. 38 | april 2011 | conStruction manager FeatureDetails conStruction manager | month 2010 | 39 FeatureDetailsContinuingProfessionalDevelopment Peoplemanagement CPD test paper People management The CIOB requires members to assess and fulfil their own CPD needs. Members can therefore choose to study the CPD articles published in CM as a valid part of their personal record of CPD activity. To complete the questionnaire printed below, members should log on to then click on this month’s CPD article. Scroll down to the end of the article, and you will find a link to the online questionnaire (see example pictured below) and the five multiple choice questions printed here. Select your answers, fill in your contact details, then click “submit”. If all five questions are answered correctly, you will be invited to download and print a PDF document confirming your successful completion of the questionnaire. If one or more questions is answered incorrectly, please reread the article and try again, pressing “submit” to resend the amended form. The questionnaire for the April edition will be available on the website until July. We are no longer offer the facility to send questionnaires by fax or post. Please email any questions regarding this CPD service to disruption to the other, no rationale was provided. Opposing project managers who were not communicating and had become hostile to each other, realised during the workshop process that thinking their opposite number was intentionally delaying the project was illogical: in reality they were doing what they believed was in the best interests of the project. Another useful insight from relationship awareness theory is that we approach conflict with a predictable sequence of motivational changes and related behaviours. Initially, we tend to focus on the problem, the other person and ourselves. If the conflict is not resolved, then we enter a second stage where our behaviour changes and we tend to focus only on the problem and ourselves (not the other person). If still not resolved, then at the third stage the individual focuses only on self-preservation. Conflict is rarely resolved at this stage. Therefore it is critical that we identify conflict early on, something that is not as easy as it sounds. A Green MVS individual, for example, may withdraw and become quiet, which may be perceived as acceptance. Also the change in an individual from things going well to being in conflict may be subtle, resulting in no obvious change in behaviour. This does not mean they are not in conflict — just that it’s not obvious. The answer is to listen carefully and openly discuss their feelings towards the situation by first sharing yours. 4. Engaging with stakeholders including sponsors Strong relationships with stakeholders often characterise successful projects. The project manager must understand their motivation, which is shaped by the stakeholder’s role on the project and the culture of their organisation. Understanding how each stakeholder views success is critical, both in terms of what is delivered and in the way it is achieved. For example, if the project manager was a Red MVS and the project sponsor a Blue MVS, it would be important for the project manager to understand that they may appear pushy and insensitive if conversations with the sponsor focus on the delivery of outcomes. In this scenario, a project manager might be well advised to listen to not only what is being said, but how it is being said. Donnie MacNicol is visiting fellow at Kingston Business School, and a director of management consultant Team Animation. Keith Robinson is managing director for Integrated Systems and Strategies and a Visiting Professor at University College London. 1. The Strength Deployment Inventory is a self-development tool based on: Relationship awareness theory Motivational Value Systems Self-awareness theory Freudian psychoanalysis 2. If your motivational value system is Blue, you will typically seek recognition for being: Self reliant and orderly Focused on achieving results Part of an effective group Of genuine help to others 3. Relationship awareness theory defines conflict as: A perceived threat to to self-worth A perceived threat to an individual’s company A perceived threat to colleagues A perceived threat to an individual’s job 4. If a conflict is not resolved at the first stage, an individual will focus on: The problem and themselves Self preservation The problem, the other person and themselves The other person only 5. In a conflict situation an individual with a Green MVS may: Become aggressive and antagonistic Withdraw and become quiet Exhibit no outward change Seek a resolution with superiors Good managers will reap the rewards of a motivated and focused team Alamy