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                                                                              Future Traveller Tribes
                                                                              Report for the Travel Industry
                                                                              Developed by Henley Centre HeadLightVision in partnership with Amadeus
                            Future Traveller Tribes
                                                             2020    tribes

                            Report for the Air Travel Industry
                                 Developed by Henley Centre HeadlightVision
                                                in partnership with Amadeus

                                                                              The Austere Traveller
The austere traveller:
                                                                              The effect of corporate cutbacks on hotels
the effect of corporate cutbacks on hotels
A report from the Economist Intelligence Unit

Executive Summary
                                                                              A report from the Economist Intelligence Unit

Sponsored by

The Amateur-Expert Traveller
Three important trends in travel which are being accelerated by the recession.

For more information:
The Amateur-Expert Traveller
     Three important trends in travel which
      are being accelerated by the recession
Foreword, by Ian Wheeler 	                         1

The Amateur-Expert Traveller 	                     2

>	   New destinations 	                            4

>	   The rise of the BRIC economies 	              5

Building the brand in the online world 	           6

The Responsive Journey	                            8

>	   Technology and the total trip experience 	    9

>	   Waiting for mobile 	                         12

>	   Looking further into the future 	            14

>	   …but it’s so much nicer to [stay] home? 	    15

The consumer booking experience	                  16

All Niches Great and Small 	                      18	

Appendix	                                         22
The Amateur-Expert Traveller 

Foreword, by Ian Wheeler                                                      started during the Great Depression; Microsoft and The Gap Limited
                                                                              were founded during more recent recessions. Indeed, in some ways,
                                                                              recessions make starting new businesses easier – there is a larger
                                                                              number of talented people looking for work, suppliers are more
                                                                              open to negotiation and customers may be more open to trying a
                                                                              new product or service that promises cost savings.

                                                                              Niall Ferguson, a financial historian at Harvard University, draws a
                                                                              similar parallel between biological and business evolution: “…often,
                                                                              the real drivers [of financial history] are the process of speciation -
                                                                              when new types of company are created - and the equally recurrent
                                                                              process of “creative destruction” - whereby weaker companies die
                                                                              out or, more commonly, get ‘eaten’.” 2

                                                                              In this paper, we describe three broad trends influencing the travel
                                                                              industry today – increasingly expert customers, the ever more
                                                                              technological trip experience and the growth of “niche” travel
                                                                              – that we believe are being accelerated by the current downturn.
                                                                              To reach these findings, we interviewed thirty leading executives
                                                                              and thought-leaders in the travel industry and polled 2,719 travel
                                                                              professionals worldwide about a series of key trends in the travel
                                                                              industry. We then conducted extensive desk research to understand
                                                                              how these trends might be affected by the recession.

                                                                              The amateur-expert traveller: the Internet has put much more
                                                                              information at the fingertips of the average traveller – whether from
                                                                              professionally produced content or user reviews and other social
                                                                              media. With business and personal budgets squeezed, the incentive
                                                                              to put all that knowledge to good use has never been greater.

                                                                              The responsive journey: technology has improved the booking
                                                                              experience immeasurably but the trip itself remains ripe for
                                                                              technological innovation. Such innovation may be provided by
                                                                              talented executives using the recession as an opportunity for a
                                                                              change in direction.

                                                                              All niches great and small: travel companies will increasingly look
In the summer of 2007, as the first cracks in Wall Street’s mighty
                                                                              at opportunities in travel niches or selling niche travel services or
financial edifice began to appear, a natural disaster was already well
                                                                              additional offer opportunities for additional revenue as well as
under way on the other side of the United States. Millions of acres
                                                                              higher margins for in-depth expert advice.
of the American West were ablaze in what would turn out to be the
second most destructive summer of forest fires since records began
in 1960 1. On the other side of the Atlantic, the European Forest Fire        Just as forest fires form an important part of the regeneration
Information System called July 2007 the worst on record.                      process, we believe that the current recession will clear the way for a
                                                                              fresh burst of innovation in the travel industry.
Forest fires, like recessions, are both painful and tragic. In this report,
we have tried to look beyond the immediate devastation of the
credit crisis and ensuing global recession, to the future. We have
tried to look at the trends and innovations which might flourish in
the post-recessionary environment.                                                                                                    Ian Wheeler
Recessions – and even depressions – do not always smother                                Group Vice President, Marketing  Distribution, Amadeus
innovation as much as we are sometimes told. Hewlett-Packard,                                                      
Geophysical Service (now Texas Instruments), Polaroid and Revlon all
The Amateur-Expert Traveller

                                   The Amateur-Expert Traveller

    The Amateur-Expert
The Amateur-Expert Traveller 

     The Amateur-Expert Traveller

Towards the late 1990’s doctors began to notice a curious trend: increasingly, patients
knew almost as much about their illnesses as their doctors did3 , who, after all, have the
benefit of years of university study.

This is the result of two factors: as people live longer, more            Just as the Internet has empowered patients with knowledge, social
suffer from long-term illness meaning that people live with their         networks, user-reviews and other Internet resources have, and will
condition for years whereas doctors have merely studied it. The           continue to, devolve to travellers the power of knowledge. Over
medical industry has dubbed these the “Expert Patient”. Second,           the next ten years, half of the experts in our panel expect to see a
the Internet has given patients more access to information and            “major change” in travellers’ level of knowledge about their travel
helped them to diagnose their condition. This has given rise to           options (see chart).
“participatory medicine”, in which the rational relationship between
an all-knowing doctor and a dutifully passive patient is replaced
by a team which includes a knowledgeable and actively engaged             The corollary to this is that half of our experts expect a similarly
patient, specialized social networks, and clinical researchers in a       significant change in the level of service which travellers will
“collaborative relationship of mutual respect”4 .                         demand over the next ten years. This is partly a function of a
                                                                          customer service “arms race” in which travel companies compete to
                                                                          give better customer service, which in turn sets a higher expectation
Something similar is happening in the travel industry. The current        among customers. “The challenge there is, the more you give the
recession notwithstanding, travel has increased enormously over           customers the more they demand,” as Paul Ellerby of easyCruise
the past 10 to 15 years. Similar to someone with a long-term illness      puts it. A smaller – but still significant – proportion of our experts
– though, one hopes, not suffering quite as much – the frequent           expect travellers to become less likely to seek professional advice in
traveller will often know more about their destination and how best       the future.
to get there than a travel agent. This applies as much to business as
it does to leisure travel.

Looking to the future, to what extent do you think consumer behaviour will change over the next 10 years in each
of the following ways?

              More knowledgeable about options                               50%                                43%               7%

              More demanding in terms of service                             50%                             36%               14%

    Less likely to seek professional offline advice              25%                           50%                    11%      14%

               Major change            Reasonable change                Slight change         No change            Don`t know

                                                                                                  (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 28)
The Amateur-Expert Traveller

                                                                                     The Amateur-Expert Traveller

New destinationsDescription

Travellers are expected to become more adventurous in the future         Organisation, the current top three travel destinations globally
too. This makes sense: if fore-warned is fore-armed, then more           are France, Spain and the United States. Although our panel do
knowledgeable travellers will feel more confident about travelling to    not expect a major shift, they do anticipate that China is likely to
places about which, previously, there was little information.            become a major travel destination. Asked what they think the top
                                                                         three destinations will be in 2020, most popular choices were the
                                                                         USA (76%), France (66%) and China (52%). Spain was relegated to
According to the UN World Tourism Organisation 5 growing demand          fourth position (28%).
for new and unusual destinations continues despite the broader
recessionary trend of falling global visitor numbers. Globally,
international tourism declined by 8% between the first four months
of 2008 and the first four months of 2009; but tourism to Africa
increased by 3% over the same period, driven by North Africa (+6%)
and the return of tourism to Kenya following unrest in 2008.

Indeed, according to Gerard Bellino, a vice president at Carlson
Wagonlit’s leisure division, quoted in Business Week, the recession
may even be accelerating the growth in travel to non-traditional
destinations: “People are taking advantage of a down market for
things they may have had to save more and longer for in the past.” 6

Perhaps unsurprisingly, China also looks set to benefit from
changing patterns of tourism. According to the World Tourism

                                             Looking to the future, to what extent do you think consumer behaviour will
                                             change over the next 10 years in each of the following ways?

                                                    More travel abroad             29%                      43%               14%    7% 7%

                                                     More adventurous              25%              29%                 29%          14% 4%

                                                   More cost-conscious             25%           21%              29%               21%    4%

                                        More short-term booking ahead        11%              43%                       29%          11% 7%

                                            Major change         Reasonable change          Slight change         No change         Don`t know

                                         (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 28)
The Amateur-Expert Traveller 

     The Amateur-Expert Traveller

The rise of the BRIC economies

Not only will the traveller of the future be more knowledgeable         respectively in 2009. The economies of China and India, by contrast,
and more willing to try new destinations, they will increasingly        are expected to grow by “only” 6.7% and 5.1% in 2009.
arrive from different countries too, as the growing middle classes of
                                                                        As Western households rein in spending and rediscover the
developing economies such as Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC),
                                                                        virtue of living within their means, Chinese consumers are taking
lead to an increase in tourism from those countries.
                                                                        full advantage of their higher savings rates and an enormous
Developing countries are playing a growing role as a source of          government stimulus package. Consequently, excluding Sports
tourists and business travellers. Tourism from China grew by an         Utility Vehicles, almost as many cars have been sold in China as in
average of 27% a year between 2002 and 2008 7 . Each year, the          America in 2009 11 . In 2006 Americans bought twice as many. In the
world receives 45 million tourists from China – that is more than the   airline sector, Air China, China Eastern and China Southern posted
entire population of Spain, the world’s second most popular tourist     16%, 25% and 6% growth in revenue per passenger kilometre on
destination 8 . Between 2000 and 2007, Russian outbound tourist         domestic Chinese routes for the first four months of 2009 12 .
numbers increased by 9.4% a year and the money spent in foreign
                                                                        The growing importance of non-Western cultures in the make-up
countries by Russian tourists increased by 14% each year over the
                                                                        of the world’s travellers has very real consequences for the travel
same period. In 2007, Russia was the 9th largest outbound tourism
                                                                        industry. An Amadeus-sponsored Economist Intelligence Unit survey
market 9 .
                                                                        published in early 2009 found Asian business travellers to be more
Eye-popping statistics about growth and opportunity in emerging         influenced by the respectability of a hotel’s brand than Europeans or
markets – especially Brazil, China, India and Russia – have been a      North Americans.
staple of management consultants and journalists for much of the
                                                                        With more travellers taking more, longer and more adventurous
21st century. So far, though, this has been a pre-recessionary story.
                                                                        trips, increasing numbers of travellers from the emerging economies
Will the growth in developing economies continue through – and
                                                                        and the all-pervasive impact of the Internet on the travel experience,
beyond – the recession?
                                                                        it will become an increasingly global marketplace, breaking down
The story is mixed, but overall the recession may well accelerate       geographical boundaries. In this context, customers will need to
the global economy’s shift Eastwards. While the current recession       be segmented across new lines. An 18-year-old male from China
is undoubtedly global, its effect is not equal. Generally-speaking,     may have more in common with an 18-year-old male from the US
Western economies have been pushed into reverse whereas the             than with a 40-year-old male from his own country. Over 80% of
BRIC countries have merely had hitherto spectacular growth rates        our expert panel accept this proposition, most of them strongly
clipped. The International Monetary Fund 10 expects the economies       agreeing.
of the United States and Europe to contract by 1.6% and 2.0%

            Key findings
             The Amateur-Expert Traveller is much more knowledgable about
            his or her destination and what to expect when they get there.
            Their expectations of service have diverged: they either expect a
            totally touchless online experience or they expect a very high level of
            personalised service.
             The Amateur-Expert Traveller is more adventurous about trying new
            destinations. Africa and Asia are more accessible and popular than ever.
             The North Americans and Northern Europeans who have traditionally
            dominated the travel industry will increasingly make way for Brazilian,
            Russian, Indian and Chinese tourists and business travellers.
The Amateur-Expert Traveller

Building the brand in the online world

                                                                                                                    tation of the market, the
                                                                                   They cite the increased fragmen
                                          online brands take a larger                                               accessible to the customer,
    As more business goes online and                                               wide number of options readily
                                        ket, the relationship of travel                                              s, the volume of user-
    and larger share of the travel mar                                             the loss of personal relationship
                                        becomes more fragile.                                                         price competitiveness.
    companies with their customers                                                 generated comment and greater
                                                                                                                    at Forrester Research,
    Most of our expert panel acknowl
                                          edge that it is harder to                According to Henry Harteveldt,
                                         was offline. Marilu Ngo, of                                                to discover options that
    build brand loyalty online than it                                             “It is so much easier for people
                                                                                                                      much easier for them to
    Griffin Sierra Travel in the Philippi
                                          nes sums it up thus, “In the              they may not be aware of. … It is
                                            ent, customer loyalty is                                                  others’ opinions and be
     proliferation of user-generated cont                                           share their opinions and to read
                                            ronment because now, it is                                                  the Internet to find new
     inadvertently lost in the online envi                                          swayed by them, and then to use
     mostly price-driven.”                                                           options.”
                                        uld you say that                                                              most important factors
                                                                                     According to our panel, the two
     Compared to the offline world, wo                                                                                   ther online or offline,
                                           ine world is                              in building an effective brand, whe
     building brand loyalty in today’s onl                                                                            promise and delivery and
                                                                                     are consistency between brand
     easier or harder?                                                                                                  . Word of mouth and
                                                                                     the quality of the user experience
                                                                                      effective promotion are both  considered to be marginally
                                                                                                                        building an emotional
                                                                                      more important online, whereas
                                                                                                                         ght to be more
                                                                                      connection with the brand is thou
                             10%                                                      important offline.
                                   3%                Much easier                                                               h of the
                                     7%                                               How important would you say eac
                                                                                                                              e brand in
                                                     A bit easier
                                                                                      following is in building an effectiv
                                                                                                                          online and
                                                     The same                         today’s travel industry for both
                                                                                                                         all responding: 30)
                                                     A bit harder                     offline? (Expert interviews: Base:
                                    40%              Much harder

                                                                                      Consistency between brand
                                                                                     promise and product delivery
                                          onding: 30)
       (Expert interviews: Base: all resp
                                                                                        Quality of user experience

                                                                                      Peer-to-peer word of mouth

                                                                             Effective brand and product promotion

                                                                              Emotional connection with the brand
                                    Average score based on
                                    scale 5 = vital, 4 = very importa
                                                                                                                         1        2    3   4       5
                                    3 = fairly important, 2 = not
                                    important, 1 = not imp   ortant at all
                                                                                                                Online       Offline
The Amateur-Expert Traveller 

                                                                                                           a company has             over its
                                                                            s actually reduce the control
                                  the  question of whether user-review                                  terms of  the service       and product
We explored in our interviews                                           e other parts of the brand in
                                        ingi at in India, “Th                                            ” For Mr Shringi, user
own  brand. According to Dhruv Shr                 trol. The user generated con   tent just reflects these factors.                           e
                                 company’s con                                                               ed content is just an outcom
are still very much within the                                           trol the others, the user generat
                                  cause,  “…so if the company can con
reviews are a symptom, not a
                                        an impact.”
and  won’t really have too much of
                                                                                                        quality and expectations of bra
                                                                      are a positive force, driving up
                                 eve  that user-generated reviews                                           erally refl ect this view. Most
 Most of our expert panel beli                                               part in the online survey gen
                                          reputation (13%). Those taking                                                      %). Fewer than
 (73%),  rather than a threat to brand                              itive’ vs. 27% overall ) and online travel agencies (39
                                   panies (42% see it as ‘very pos
 positive are the car rental com                                            s are more likely to do so (25
                                          ough the offline travel agencie
 one  in five regard it as a threat, alth

                             ed content with respect                                                    27%            Very positive 27%
 How do you see user-generat
                                                                                                                       Moderately positive 55%
 to your brand?
                                 onding: 2,646)                                                                        Moderate threat 16%
 (Online survey: Base: all resp
                                                                                                                       Severe threat 3%


                                        rs are going to get into the
       “I think that the travel provide
                                        k they’re going to let their
       review business as well. I thin                               on
                                       share the demographic data
       customers read a review and
                                      customers.  ”
       the reviews with their other
                                            Brian Harniman, Kayak, USA

                                                                                                   e even more pressure to
                                                                   “I think that hoteliers will hav
                                                                                                     to ensure that a customer still
                                                                   upgrade their experiences and
                                                                                                      er has that much more of an
                                                                   comes to them, when a custom
                                                                                                   erience in advance.”
                                                                   ability to understand the exp
                                                                                                                             rs, UK
                                                                                               Alan Josephs, formerly ebooke
The Amateur-Expert Traveller

                                   The Responsive Journey

             The Responsive
The Amateur-Expert Traveller 

          The Responsive Journey

Technology’s impact has largely been concentrated around searching for, and booking, the
journey, not the journey itself. That, according to our panel, is about to change.

The 1987 film, Planes, Trains and Automobiles, tells the story of Neal Page, an uptight advertising executive, trying to get home to see his
family in Chicago for Thanksgiving after a business trip in New York. Among the many absurd misfortunes which turn a 1 hour 45 minute
flight into a three day epic, he suffers a downgrade from business to economy, a diverted – then cancelled – flight, an awful motel room, an
abortive train journey and an irritating travel companion. Despite the considerable impact of technology on the travel experience, the story
is no less plausible today.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the elements included in the statement?

 Technology hasn’t changed what the
                                                  17%                   45%                   14%           24%
  consumer experiences on a journey

                That`s about to change                    41%                         34%           3%    14%      7%

    Totally agree          Partially agree         Neither          Partially disagree         Totally disagree

                                                                                                (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 29)

Technology and the total trip experience

Technology offers significant immediate opportunities to improve the customer experience before,
during and after a trip. The travel professionals on our expert panel acknowledge that this will generate
additional revenue and 79% agree that it will solve the problem of online customer loyalty.

To what extent would you agree or disagree with the following statements from your own perspective?

            Services beyond the booking stage will
                         generate further revenue                                 69%                                   28%        3%

           Services beyond the booking stage will
     solve the problem of online customer loyalty                    34%                            45%             3% 7% 10%

    Completely agree            Agree to some extent            Neither          Disagree to some extent             Completely disagree

                                                                                                 (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 29)
10   The Amateur-Expert Traveller

                                                                                                 The Responsive Journey

Technology and the total trip experience Description

According to our panel, the opportunities        Looking ahead, to what extent would you say each of the following
are most evident in researching the trip,        elements offers an opportunity for technology to improve the customer
finding price and availability information       experience before, during and after a trip in the immediate future?
and booking the trip.

If the industry is to make the most of
                                                                    Researching the trip              66%                                 17%        10% 7%
these opportunities, then it will have to
embrace new technology solutions that will       Finding price / availability information               52%                             34%             14%
help to make the travel experience more
comfortable, secure and personalised for the                              Booking a trip              48%                       38%                   7% 7%

traveller – the ‘humanisation of technology’.
                                                           Researching / choosing hotel               45%                                52%                  3%

With the pace of technological change                              Choosing destination               45%                       38%                  10% 7%

accelerating, our expert panel feel that
                                                          Comparing price information                 41%                       38%                  17%      3%
the impact will be greatest for those tools
which particularly address the issues around                     Acitivities upon return        21%                41%                         31%           7%
poor user experience, making the online
experience more personalised and easier to
use.                                                      Major opportunity          Reasonable opportunity        Slight opportunity          None / D.K.

Foremost among these are likely to be more
                                                                                                            (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 29)
sophisticated customer information systems
which select destination information based
on customer preferences, and intuitive
interfaces, which will provide new ways to
interact with computing devices, such as
next-generation touch-screens and voice          Which of the following will have the biggest impact on humanising the
interaction. Nearly one-third also anticipate    travel experience? (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 29)
the role that virtual reality may play in
humanising the travel experience.
                                                                      Personalised destination information                              55%
But the Internet is a continually evolving
phenomenon, and, even in mature markets,                                                    Intuitive interfaces                41%
the likes of Web 2.0, social networking and
mobile technology continue to be drivers of                                                      Virtual reality             28%
growth. Our expert panel predict that, by
2020, technology will have brought about                                       Geo-localisation technologies              21%
significant improvements in capabilities for
travel providers, sellers and consumers in all                                  Tailored loyalty programmes               17%
areas of the travel industry – in particular,
the ability of travel sellers to make more                                                   Social computing            17%
travel options available to the public and the
ability for consumers to share information                                                    Digital concierge        14%
about travel providers with other consumers
– both themes picked up in other places                                                       Digital identities     7%
throughout this research.
                                                                            Sensory airport / airline systems        7%
The Amateur-Expert Traveller 11

          The Responsive Journey

Thinking ahead to 2020, what would you say the further impact of technology will be on the following …

                            Ability of travel sellers to make more
                            travel options available to the public              31%                          59%                     10%

                      Ability for consumers to share information                28%                          66%                      3% 3%
                    about travel providers with other consumers
            Ability for travel providers and sellers to make pricing
             and availability information available to the public       10%                           76%                           10% 3%

                       Ability for consumers to find information
                   about the quality of travel providers’ products      7%                             79%                           14%

                        Ability of travel providers to manage the
                                           logistics of travel better   7%                             79%                          7% 7%

                         Ability for independent travel providers
                             and sellers to increase market share         14%               41%                        38%            7%

                          Improve beyond all recognition            Improve a lot        Improve a little     Hardly / not at all
                                                                                                                (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 29)

Nearly all of our expert panel agree that Web 2.0 improves                            As with many of the changes associated with the Internet, it is not
information transparency ‘a lot’ (69%) or ‘a little’ (28%), although                  so much the technology itself but the way that technology enables
one disagrees, believing that it actually makes information less                      behaviour which is important. Kerry Cannon Jr., at iM@, captures
transparent. Around 80% of them have already added or are                             the essence of this when he says: “There’s always been user-
considering adding social computing or user review functionality to                   generated content; it was called word of mouth. Technology has
their own websites. Airlines are perhaps a little behind others, but                  just empowered that word of mouth… technology has absolutely
they too are generally considering taking this step.                                  changed the game in terms of how many other mouths you can
Without exception, our experts agree that Web 2.0 will improve                        hear from.” Or, in the words of media consultant and author, Clay
the customer’s travel experience between now and 2020, whether                        Shirky, “[social media] tools don’t get socially interesting until they
‘beyond recognition’ (17%), ‘a lot’ (59%) or ‘a little’ (24%). In                     get technologically boring.” 13
particular, they see Web 2.0 as an answer to user experience issues                   Looking forward to how user-generated content itself will evolve,
which may be hindering the growth of online travel services.                          Nikos Goulis, of E Travel SA, in Greece, sees the proliferation of UGC
Primarily, it will give the user more and better information that will                continuing unabated, “User generated content will have more data,
be better organised, easier and faster to access and more interactive,                both in text and picture, video and music. I believe we will have
leading to greater satisfaction with the whole online experience.                     content for destinations that are not very popular right now and
“There will be a dramatic change in the way the content is searched                   there isn’t much … and, for the popular destinations, we will have
and organised. It is still extremely hard for customers to find                       a plurality of the content which might be missing today.” (Nikos
content, define content easily and to actually use it. Going forward,                 Goulis, E Travel SA, Greece)
all these factors will change tremendously and … it will be very
easily accessible. … The technology will add a lot of value in terms of               Joe Bous, at US travel agency, Wholesale Travel Center, thinks the
how data gets collated and presented to the end consumer.” (Dhruv                     challenge is not so much to get more content, but to find meaning
Shringi,, India)                                                            in the content you have, “there might be 4000 reviews – what are
                                                                                      you going to do with 4000 reviews? And it all, of course, comes
Some also point to the increased opportunities to personalise                         down to 3.5 stars. It’s sort of worthless.” Part of the answer is
and select the information that is most relevant to the user’s own                    knowing who wrote a given review, as Brian Harniman, Kayak,
circumstances and to share experiences. According to Timir Bhose                      points out, “I can look for people that seem to be like me and really
and Pia Viljaniemi of Finnair, reading user reviews, “…supports better                trust their judgement more than the rest of the great unwashed
pre-planning so that the customer will be able to plan better ahead                   reviews. If someone is travelling for a different reason from me, a
and get more knowledge about other customers’ opinions.”                              hotel may be good for them but by the same token horrible for me.”
12   The Amateur-Expert Traveller

                                                                                          The Responsive Journey

Technology and the total trip experience Description

For Mr Bous, there is an opportunity for smart technology to             panel see potential – as yet unfulfilled – for user-generated content
pluck meaning from the mass of content already available, “the           to add value to the business travel experience.
next generation of technology will look at something that can do
                                                                         With corporations under more pressure than ever to keep costs to a
semantic analysis and come up with some sort of metric or analytic
                                                                         minimum, a mechanism which allows employees to share cost-
that can make sense of all that drivel that people write.”
                                                                         saving tips and for travel managers to aggregate feedback from
A final word on business travel. Until now, leisure travel has           travellers which can be used in supplier negotiations, becomes all
benefitted most from user-generated content, but two thirds of our       the more attractive.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements?                                        (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 29)

                      User-generated content has yet to improve
                                  the business travel experience               31%              34%                   7%      21%        7%

    User-generated content would be beneficial to the business
traveller in much the same way that it is to the leisure customer                 41%                    21%     3%             31%       3%

                                Totally agree        Partially agree        Neither         Partially disagree        Totally disagree

Waiting for mobileription

Nearly a third of respondents to our online survey felt that mobile devices will have a greater impact on the way the next generation
researches and books travel than social networking, user reviews, video sharing or visualisation tools. According to the International
Telecommunications Union, the number of mobile phone subscriptions exceeded 50% of the world’s population in 2008. Once again, the
BRIC countries are responsible for a large share of this: over 1/3 of the world’s mobile phone subscriptions are accounted for by these four
countries .14

Which of the following do you think will have the                        2% 10%
                                                                    8%                                 N/A
greatest impact on the way the next generation
researches and books travel?                                                                           Visualisation tools (ie Second life)
                                                                                                       Users reviews
                                                                                                       Mobile devices
(online survey: Base: 2719)
                                                                                                       Social networking

                                                                                                       Video-sharing (eg YouTube)
The Amateur-Expert Traveller 13

          The Responsive Journey

Waiting for mobileription

In a March 2009 report, PhoCusWright calls mobile, “The Next Platform for Travel” 15 and Samsung, the electronics group, expects the
market for smart phones – which combine voice calling with email and Internet access – to grow from 170 million in 2009 to 500 million in
2012 16.

Long anticipated, mobile internet really does seem about to take off. As PhoCusWright has pointed out, “the more compelling opportunity
[than simply shifting reservations from fixed Internet to mobile] will be to create mobile-specific applications that go beyond shifting share
to a new channel, and thus generate ancillary revenue that was not previously available.” 17

This is certainly not lost on application developers. Today, Apple’s website lists over 3,700 travel-specific applications for its iPhone, for
everything from checking flight delays to finding the cheapest
petrol station to a mobile travel map of China specifically for fans
of kung fu.

Henry Harteveldt of Forrester Research points out that the nexus
between mobile Internet and user-generated content will be
increasingly important. “Travel is one of the businesses that lends
itself to user generated content and the sharing of ideas, opinions
and suggestions. … A big factor behind this increase will be the
growth and evolution of mobile internet devices that are geared
more for data than voice. These will allow person-to-person or
group messaging that might be written word or voice, SMS text or
other data, and along with this will be the emergence of new types
of internet sites.”

Indeed, some of the most interesting iPhone applications combine
mobile with user-generated content. Roadtrippr is like a wiki of
interesting destinations for people to visit while on a road trip.
Users contribute information about interesting attractions in their
home town and, in turn, use it as a resource when they are on the
road. When used from an iPhone, the application is aware of the
user’s location and tailors (user-generated) content accordingly.
14   The Amateur-Expert Traveller

                                                                                           The Responsive Journey

Looking further into the future

The futurologist Ray Kurzweil (The Age of Spiritual Machines:             by private individuals or delivery fleets 20 . Such applications are
Timeline) predicts that, in ten years’ time, computers will be largely    even changing the way we think about cars: Zipcar is a car-sharing
invisible and embedded in walls, furniture, clothing and even bodies.     service billed as an alternative to car ownership or rental. Members
Mr Kurzweil accurately predicted the emergence of the Internet and        of the service are given an electronic card which they can use to
the fall of the Soviet Union, so he is worth listening to.                access any one of 6,000 cars in North America and London 21 . The
                                                                          cars themselves report their positions back to head office so agents
What is more, his vision of embedded computing is already
                                                                          can tell customers where their nearest car is. Customers rent the
becoming a reality. Cars are a case in point: the 1978 Cadillac Seville
                                                                          cars by the hour or for days at a time, picking them up from where
was the first car to include a – single – microprocessor, to power its
                                                                          the previous customer left them. Such a model potentially releases
trip computer18 . Thirty years later, even the world’s cheapest new
                                                                          car rental companies from the necessity of renting out large car
car – the Tata Nano – carries twelve microprocessors. Car rental
                                                                          parks; the problem is, in effect, crowd-sourced. Similarly, a car rental
companies already offer optional GPS devices which not only show
                                                                          company could aggregate historical location data of all the cars
you the way to your hotel but can also suggest nearby tourist
                                                                          in its rental network, combine this with the real-time locations of
                                                                          the cars in its network and put such data to commercial use. They
As with personal computers in the nineties, treating cars as nodes        could recommend services not just on the basis of their geographic
in a network is revealing valuable new applications 19 . Inrix is         proximity but also on the basis of how popular such services have
a start-up which aggregates information on traffic flows from             been with other drivers in the network: “drivers who stayed at this
GPS systems installed in vehicles, fixed traffic sensors and other        motel ate at Chez Gerard’s Bar and Grill”.
sources. This is then delivered to in-car GPS systems used either
The Amateur-Expert Traveller 15

          The Responsive Journey

…but it’s so much nicer to [stay] home?

The ultimate travel technology would enable all the benefits of
travel without leaving the comfort of your home or office. Mr
Kurzweil predicts that within a few short years, three-dimensional
virtual reality displays embedded in glasses and contact lenses
will be used routinely as primary communication interfaces,
and that high resolution virtual reality and all-encompassing
tactile environments will enable people to do virtually anything
with anybody, regardless of physical proximity. And the rise in
visualisation tools and virtual reality may change the whole concept
of travel. Travellers can experience the travel sensation while
making their choices, whilst “virtual” travel (video conferencing,
hologram meeting, etc.) may completely change travel patterns.

The technology of the moment, in this respect, is TelePresence.
Launched by Cisco three years ago, TelePresence is basically a high-
quality video conference system. It is still used mostly by larger
companies because the technology is still expensive. Of course,
this is no reason to write it off; as adoption increases the cost will     It remains unlikely that TelePresence will completely replace the
fall. The question is, will it replace business travel? Starwood and       business trip; much less the holiday abroad. Since the invention
Marriott think not: both have announced TelePresence services              of the telegraph, advancing communications technologies have
at their hotels . The target market is smaller companies or local          tended to go hand-in-hand with a global growth in travel, driven
branches which can’t afford their own dedicated TelePresence               by among other things advancing transport technology, the
set-ups but would still like the virtual face-to-face experience.          internationalisation followed by the globalisation of business and,
At 500USD an hour the service still isn’t cheap, but it is a lot cheaper   simply, the desire to get away from it all. After all, it’s still nice to go
than flying from New York to London, for example.                          travelling.

                         Key findings
                          We are about to see a significant amount of technological innovation
                         to streamline the experience of travellers during their trip.
                          Mobile internet will combine with social networking to offer new
                         opportunities for travel companies to offer an improved trip experience
                         for business and leisure travellers.
                          TelePresence technologies will complement, but not replace, business
16    The Amateur-Expert Traveller

The consumer booking experience

                                                                                             s must work hard to improve
                                                          out this research is that provider
 One of the clearest messages we have heard through                                  is the most important element in
                                                erts felt that the user experience
 the user exp erience. Indeed, our panel of exp
 creating brand loyalty online.
                                                             nd                       loyalty in the online world?
                                 have the most impact on bra
     Which of the following will
                                     responding: 30)          Improved user experience
     (Expert interviews: Base: all
                                                               Personalised web content

                                                           Offer better value for money

                                                                                      rests              40%
                                           Segment products to target niche inte

                                                                                         ile           30%
                                               Support multiple platforms, e.g. mob

                                                    Incorporate user-generated content

                                                                                                                  alisation, using customer
                                                                                     Customisation and person
                                      how travel companies can                      intelligence to address per sonal needs, offer relevant
      In this sub-section, we look at                                   s                                             nt suggestions.
                                       erience in the online world. Thi             information and make intellige
      achieve excellent customer exp
      must increasingly include:
                                                                                                                  Andy Bateman of Interbrand,
                                                                                    This is neatly summed up by
                                        , speed and ease of access                                                that reflects the needs of
        A smooth online experience                                                 USA: “Provide a great service                             of
                                            freedom from technical                                               content that gets in the way
       through multiple channels, and                                               customers rather than push
       hitches;                                                                     what customers are trying to
                                          of MakeMyTrip, India: “The
       In the words of Jasmeet Singh
                                         anisation is the time when a
       moment of truth for every org                                           l.
                                           iness, irrespective of the channe
        customer interacts with the bus                             vide a top
                                            it is imperative to pro
        In the case of online businesses,                         ortant at
        class user experience . This experience is not only imp
                                           payme    nt) but it must begin with
        the latter part of the funnel (at
         the word Go.”

                                            delivery, making it easy to find
          Comprehensive information
                                         t price, transparency, and the
         the right product at the righ                                     e.
                                           rmation required in one plac
         ability to access all of the info
                                           okers, says, “It should be 100
         Alan Josephs, formerly of ebo                   the ability to easily
                                          … Speed and
         focused on user experience.
          find the right product.”
The Amateur-Expert Traveller 17

                                                            tak        e
                             specific actions companies can
Below we outline some more
to improve customer loyalty

                                                                t and
                                  ld consumer confidence, trus
 Especially in Asia-Pacific, bui                 ments and personal
                                  credit card pay
comfort with security around                   about giving credit card
details: “Ma ke the customer comfortable                            will
                                    not happen all of a sudden, it
details over the Internet. It will
                                MakeMyTrip, India)
be gradual.” (Jasmeet Singh,

                                     incentives, such as financial
  Creating urgency and offering
                                  ed value, to do the deal: “If the
 incentives, discounts and add                                   there is a
                                 d user experience first time,
 customer has had a very goo                                  er coming
                                 referral and for the custom
 lot of possibility for positive                               g.” (Helen
  back. I think user experie nce is the most important thin
  Demetriou, Wotif Group, Aus
                                      ediately – the old tried and test
  “Offer an incentive to book imm
                                   en, Kan oo Travel, Saudi Arabia)
  method.” (Abdulla Abikhamse

                                    just transparency but, where
   Reassurance on pricing – not                                    even
                                tees and promises: “Customers,
  possible, lowest price guaran                           from different
                                 price, still tend to ask
  if they are getting the lowest                      Have a ‘Lowest
  sources, ‘are there any lower prices available?’.
                                your pro   ducts well.”
  Fare Guarantee’ and explain
                                        air, Finland)
   (Tim ir Bhose  Pia Viljaniemi, Finn

                                                                         erent                               ering niche products and
                                   aggregating products from diff                 Quality of products – off
    Providing a ‘one-stop shop’,                                 customer                                                         rket
   providers, including competitive
                                       product, allowing the
                                                                                 differentiation, not just commodity mass ma
                       tailored package without hav
                                                          ing to visit                                         honest  products. Many new
   to build their own                                                            offerings: “Offer niche and            rators which have
                                        g con  tent. … Travel suppliers                  travel agencies and tour ope
   multiple sites: “More far-reachin                                             online                                                     ,
                                           ts into their site to generate                                     ’t know what they sell and
   nee d to aggregate different produc                                           a lot of mass products don               year after the client
                                    pliers need to have metasearch                while they may get one boo
                                                                                                                king, the
   customer interest. These sup                                             or                                            ent is ‘class instead
                                       show real time seat inventories                      return to them. Our statem
    properties in their site that can                                lippines)    does not
                                        , Griffin Sierra Travel, Phi
    room availabilities.” (Marilu Ngo                                             of mass’.”
                                                                                                                , Germany)
                                                                                  (Pascal Zahn, Olimar Reisen
                                     only for travel but also for anc
    “Make it a one-stop shop, not                                 tomer can                                                             ,
                                    supermarket where the cus                                                 h the process step-by-step
    processes. … It needs to be a                                                  Helping customers throug           reached, providing
                              gs he wants.”                                                                  has been
    go in with a list of thin                                                     making it clear what stage          haps allowing for
    (Ratan Ratnaker, Kingfisher Airl
                                      ines, India)                                reassuran ce where required and per
                                                                                  offline support if needed.
18   The Amateur-Expert Traveller

                                    All Niches Great and Small

     All Niches Great and
The Amateur-Expert Traveller 19

           All Niches Great and Small

 Reports of the death of the travel agency have, by and large, been       extent. Even if the products will become a humanised experience
 exaggerated. According to PhoCusWright, “The dramatic shift in           when they surf the web, the customers will still feel they need
 online share towards supplier Web sites that took place in the earlier   something extra by talking to someone … you cannot take that
 part of the decade has slowed or stopped.” 22 Indeed, PhoCusWright       away.”
 expects share to shift from supplier websites back to online travel
                                                                          Regardless of where the online / offline equilibrium eventually rests,
 agencies as the economic downturn puts a premium on finding
                                                                          our panel expect to increase the proportion of their IT spend which
 deals and comparing different suppliers.
                                                                          is allocated to supporting their online strategy.
 Moreover, there is still a significant proportion of travel booked
                                                                          The Internet has enabled other industries to increase the length of
 offline. PhoCusWright estimates that in 2007, 49% (by value) of
                                                                          the distribution curve – i.e. sell more of the small-volume products
 travel booked in the US – the most advanced in terms of Internet
                                                                          – a phenomenon made popular by Wired editor Chris Anderson in
 penetration in travel – was booked offline. Will the shift to online
                                                                          his book, The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of
 level off or will we carry on all the way to 100% online booking?
                                                                          More. For example, makes 30% of its revenue selling
 Three-quarters of respondents to our global online survey think          books which are not cost-effective for the world’s largest offline
 100% penetration will never be reached.                                  bookseller, Walmart, to stock.

                                                                          In our online survey, less than a third of respondents follow the
 Do you think the proportion of travel booked online will
                                                                          traditional retail model, deriving 80% of their revenue from only the
 ever reach 100%?
                                                                          top 20% of their product portfolio. However, for nearly 4 out of 10 of
                                                                          respondents, 80% of revenue is spread across 60% or more of their
                                                                          product portfolio, which is much closer to the long-tail model.
No, the proportion is as high as it will get   10%

         No, there will always be a small
      proportion of travel booked offline                                 What percentage of your company’s IT spend would
  Yes, but a long, long time in the future     10%
                                                                          you estimate is allocated to technology to support your
                                                                          online strategy?
                                 Yes, soon      15%

 (Online survey: Base: all responding: 2,731)

 Indeed, one in ten suggest that it has already peaked or will
 even start to fall. This view is most likely to be held by those in
                                                                                                                        91% - 100%
 traditional travel agencies – and nearly one in five of those in North
                                                                                                                        81% - 90%
 America believe that the peak has been reached. Kerry Cannon Jr.,
 at iM@ thinks, “There is and there will always be a cross-section                                                      71% - 80%

 of the public that just won’t ever use [the Internet to book travel].                                                  61% - 70%
 Regardless of how much you humanise it, there will always be a                                                         51% - 60%
 cross-section of people that will hire people to do that stuff for
                                                                                                                        41% - 50%
 them. … There are certain things that the Internet has definitely
 changed, but human nature, no.”                                                                                        Up to 40%

 However, the majority – 65% – of respondents think the proportion
 of travel booked offline will only be small.

 Marilu Ngo of Griffin Sierra Travel in the Philippines suggests that                     Currently     In 2020
 cultural differences may lead to asymmetric penetration of Internet
 travel around the world: “In South East Asia, clients prefer person-
 to-person communication or a personalised service … it is this
 preference that inhibits growth of online travel services to a larger
20    The Amateur-Expert Traveller

                                                                                                      All Niches Great and Small

All Niches Great and Small

Online travel agencies are more likely to be at the “long-tail” end of                             Travel 1975                                      Travel 2009
the spectrum, with 30% saying that the top 80% of products account                            The Old Marketplace                            The New Marketplace
for 80% of their revenue.                                                                                                                        Scheduled Airlines, Cars,
                                                                                                  Scheduled Airlines
                                                                                                                                                 Hotels, Cruises

                                                                                                                                                          Low-cost Carriers


                                                                                             Head                                            Head         Tours and Activities
Which of the following best describes your business?                                                     Cars, Hotels                                     Adventure Tours
                                                                                                                                                          Vacation Homes
                                                                                                       Long Tail                                          Long Tail
                        28%           Top 20% products = 80% revenue
                                                                                                     Products                                            Products
                                      Top 40% products = 80% revenue
                                      Top 60% products = 80% revenue        Source: PhoCusWright, Inc.

                                      Top 80% products = 80% revenue
                                                                            What might those niches be? Although family-friendly travel is still
                 34%                                                        reckoned to offer the greatest opportunity – and is not exactly niche
                          (Online survey: Base: all responding: 2,515)      – our panel did see opportunity in, among other things, adventure
                                                                            travel (83%), religious travel (55%) and weddings (45%).

                                                                            Selling niche content has two obvious challenges: low volume
Our expert panel generally agreed with the view that “the future of         and finding enough customers. By definition, a company will not
the travel business is in the millions of niche markets at the shallow      sell a high volume of a niche product. To become large, a business
end of the distribution curve” (illustrated in the PhoCusWright             must work out how to standardise across a number of niches
diagram right). Two thirds agree with the statement, and only one           to gain sufficient economies of scale to make low volumes on a
in four disagree (airlines in particular).                                  number of niches add up to a large and profitable business. Low-
Although most of our panel still see big-selling products as their          cost carriers operating a network of routes to secondary cities are
greatest opportunity, around half see significant opportunity in            a good example of this in the travel industry: the absolute volume
selling more niche content and selling to niche customers.                  of passengers on each route may be small but so long as they are
                                                                            profitable, the carrier’s total volume may be large.

Which of the following do you think offers the greatest financial opportunity for your own business?

         Selling more of existing big-selling products                     41%                            17%             28%                       14%

                           Selling more niche content                31%                           21%                  34%                         14%

                            Selling to niche customers               24%                      24%               17%                        34%

           Selling more to existing biggest customers       7%                            48%                           24%                      21%

                                Greatest opportunity          Second                      Third          Least opportunity

                                                                                                                   (Expert interviews. Base: all responding, 29)
The Amateur-Expert Traveller 21

       All Niches Great and Small

Specialisation is another strategy.             How would you rate the business opportunity in each of the following
Companies like Trailfinders, which              areas?
specialises in adventure travel, or Griffin
Marine, which specialises in marine travel          Family friendly travel                      56%                                 39%              6%

and participated in this study, can offer
                                                          Lifestyle travel                    50%                             39%               6% 6%
specialised knowledge of a specific sector
which elevates the decision process beyond         Groups and meetings                        50%                           28%               17%    6%
                                                        Adventure travel                 39%                            44%                   11% 6%
It also builds loyalty. Outside the travel
industry, the carmaker Subaru has                        Aircraft charter               33%                     28%               22%         6% 11%
successfully operated in a niche; the
company specialises in vehicles for outdoors           Eco / green travel          22%                          50%                     22%          6%
enthusiasts and ‘experience-seekers’. An
article in the Financial Times quotes Tim                Religious travel          22%                    33%                     33%               11%
Mahoney, US chief marketing officer at
                                                  Ground transportation           17%                     44%                      28%          6% 6%
Subaru, “We’re a niche brand but that has
nothing to do with size, it’s more about                       Weddings           17%               28%                     39%               6% 11%
finding a relatively safe place where we can
exist comfortably.” 23                               Dining reservations                  39%                         33%               17%         11%

The same article quotes John Wolkonowicz,                   Travel goods            28%                          44%                    17%         11%
an analyst at financial analysis and market
intelligence consultancy, IHS Global Insight,
explaining, “I don’t think you could find a       Major opportunity          Some opportunity         Limited opportunity          No opportunity         Don`t know
more fiercely loyal body of customers [than
Subaru’s], except perhaps for BMW.”
                                                                                                      (Expert interviews. Base: all travel agencies: 18)
In an increasingly online world, where
loyalty is hard to earn and easy to lose,
and barriers to entry are low, scale or
specialisation or a combination of the two
are rare routes to profitable growth.

            Key findings
             The shift to online will continue but will most likely
            plateau before 100%: some travel will always be booked
             The millions of niche markets at the shallow end of the
            distribution curve represent a significant opportunity for
            travel companies to increase revenue and loyalty.
22   The Amateur-Expert Traveller

Technical Appendix

                      Amadeus commissioned independent research consultancy, David Burton Associates (DBA), to undertake a
                      programme of research within the global travel industry in autumn 2008.

                      30 in-depth interviews were conducted with key senior opinion-leaders in travel and travel-related companies
                      worldwide – our ‘expert panel’ – offering a broad-based and informed insight into trends in the travel business.
                      Interviews were conducted between September 2008 and January 2009. These were principally conducted by
                      telephone by senior DBA executives and associates, with one or two interviews being completed by correspondence.

                      Our expert panel comprised:

                      	       Saudi Arabia, Abdulla Abikhamseen, Executive General Manager, Kanoo Travel, Online travel agency

                      	       USA, Andy Bateman, Chief Executive Officer, Interbrand, New York, Branding agency

                      	       Finland, Timir Bhose, Director  Pia Viljaniemi, Development Manager – e-commerce, Finnair, Airline

                      	       USA, Joe Bous, Director, Wholesale Travel Center, Online travel agency

                      	       USA, Kerry J. Cannon Jr., Chief Executive Officer, iM@ (interactive MOBILE @dvertising), Travel information

                      	       Taiwan, Jeff Chu, Managing Director, Grand Travel Inc, Travel agency

                      	       Australia, Helen Demetriou, Executive General Manager, Flights Business Unit, Wotif Group, Online travel


                      	       UK, Paul Ellerby, Sales  Marketing Director – UK  USA, easyCruise, Cruise

                      	       USA, Robert Gallagher, Chief Operating Officer, AIG Travel, Travel insurance

                      	       Greece, Nikos Goulis, Managing Director, E Travel SA, Online travel agency

                      	       USA, Brian Harniman, Executive Vice President, Marketing  Distribution, Kayak, Travel search engine

                      	       USA, Henry Harteveldt, Vice President, Principal Analyst, Airline  Travel Industry Research, Forrester

                      	        Research INC., Travel research

                      	       Colombia, Maria Claudia Isaza, Vice-President – e-business, Aviatur Group, Travel agency

                      	       UK, Alan Josephs, Managing Director, formerly ebookers, Online travel agency

                      	       Malaysia, Shivanathan Kesavan, Travel Manager, Gem Travel, Travel agency

                      	       Canada, Guylaine Lavoie, Director – Marketing Innovations, Air Canada, Airline

                      	       UK, Ignacio Martos, Chief Executive Officer, Opodo, Online travel agency

                      	       Philippines, Marilu Ngo, Vice-President  General Manager, Griffin Sierra Travel Inc., Travel agency / marine

                      	        crew  corporate travel

                      	       Qatar, Peter Pohlschmidt, Manager – E-commerce, Qatar Airways, Airline
The Amateur-Expert Traveller 23

	       USA, Alexander Pyhan, Director – Global e-Commerce Channels, Marriott International Inc., Hotels

	       Lithuania, Audrius Ramanauskas, Chairman, Interneto Partneris UAB, Online travel agency

	       India, Ratan Ratnaker, Vice President – Revenue Optimisation, Kingfisher Airlines, Airline

	       India, Dhruv Shringi, Chief Executive Officer,, Online travel agency

	       USA, Lorraine Sileo, Vice-President – Research, PhoCusWright Inc., Travel research

	       India, Jasmeet Singh, Manager – International Air, MakeMyTrip, Online travel agency

	       Japan, Mr Takano, H.I.S. Co, Travel agency / Online travel agency

	       Chile, Gonzalo Undurruga, Vice-President – e-commerce, LAN, Airline

	       Poland, Janusz Wierbowski, Owner, Sonata Travel, Travel agency / Online travel agency

	       Germany, Pascal Zahn, Executive Officer, Olimar Reisen GmbH, Tour operator

One additional panel expert asked to remain anonymous.

This was supported by an online survey, conducted in November 2008. Invitations were e-mailed to Amadeus
contacts throughout the worldwide travel industry, and a short questionnaire was completed by nearly 3,000
travel professionals, covering all regions of the world and a spread of business sectors.

The profile of the sample was as follows:

BY SECTOR:				                                 BY REGION:	

Airline				                          19%	      Western Europe			                     34%

Car rental company		                 2%	       Eastern Europe			                     5%

Hotel				                            15%	      Southern Europe			                    4%

Travel agency			                     52%	      USA  Canada			                       25%

Online travel agency		               3%	       Central America  Caribbean	          3%

Cruise				                           1%	       Latin America			                      11%

Other				                            9%	       Middle East  North Africa		          4%

					                                          Subsaharan Africa			                  2%

					                                          North Asia			                         1%

					                                          South Asia			                         1%

					                                          South East Asia			                    6%

					                                          Central Asia			                       1%

					                                          Pacific				                           4%
24     The Amateur-Expert Traveller




3. DH_4006801














17.	      Mobile: The Next Platform for Travel, PhoCusWright, March 2009





22.	      U.S. Online travel overview, Eighth Edition, PhoCusWright, November 2008


Amadeus IT Group, SA


Amadeus IT Group, SA

Daniel Greaves

Alejandra Contreras

Amadeus Image Bank

David Burton Associates

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The amateur expert traveller

  • 1. Previous publications Future Traveller Tribes Report for the Travel Industry Developed by Henley Centre HeadLightVision in partnership with Amadeus Future Traveller Tribes 2020 tribes Report for the Air Travel Industry Developed by Henley Centre HeadlightVision in partnership with Amadeus The Austere Traveller The austere traveller: The effect of corporate cutbacks on hotels the effect of corporate cutbacks on hotels A report from the Economist Intelligence Unit Executive Summary A report from the Economist Intelligence Unit Sponsored by The Amateur-Expert Traveller Three important trends in travel which are being accelerated by the recession. For more information:
  • 2. The Amateur-Expert Traveller Three important trends in travel which are being accelerated by the recession
  • 3. Content Foreword, by Ian Wheeler 1 The Amateur-Expert Traveller 2 > New destinations 4 > The rise of the BRIC economies 5 Building the brand in the online world 6 The Responsive Journey 8 > Technology and the total trip experience 9 > Waiting for mobile 12 > Looking further into the future 14 > …but it’s so much nicer to [stay] home? 15 The consumer booking experience 16 All Niches Great and Small 18 Appendix 22
  • 4. The Amateur-Expert Traveller Foreword, by Ian Wheeler started during the Great Depression; Microsoft and The Gap Limited were founded during more recent recessions. Indeed, in some ways, recessions make starting new businesses easier – there is a larger number of talented people looking for work, suppliers are more open to negotiation and customers may be more open to trying a new product or service that promises cost savings. Niall Ferguson, a financial historian at Harvard University, draws a similar parallel between biological and business evolution: “…often, the real drivers [of financial history] are the process of speciation - when new types of company are created - and the equally recurrent process of “creative destruction” - whereby weaker companies die out or, more commonly, get ‘eaten’.” 2 In this paper, we describe three broad trends influencing the travel industry today – increasingly expert customers, the ever more technological trip experience and the growth of “niche” travel – that we believe are being accelerated by the current downturn. To reach these findings, we interviewed thirty leading executives and thought-leaders in the travel industry and polled 2,719 travel professionals worldwide about a series of key trends in the travel industry. We then conducted extensive desk research to understand how these trends might be affected by the recession. The amateur-expert traveller: the Internet has put much more information at the fingertips of the average traveller – whether from professionally produced content or user reviews and other social media. With business and personal budgets squeezed, the incentive to put all that knowledge to good use has never been greater. The responsive journey: technology has improved the booking experience immeasurably but the trip itself remains ripe for technological innovation. Such innovation may be provided by talented executives using the recession as an opportunity for a change in direction. All niches great and small: travel companies will increasingly look In the summer of 2007, as the first cracks in Wall Street’s mighty at opportunities in travel niches or selling niche travel services or financial edifice began to appear, a natural disaster was already well additional offer opportunities for additional revenue as well as under way on the other side of the United States. Millions of acres higher margins for in-depth expert advice. of the American West were ablaze in what would turn out to be the second most destructive summer of forest fires since records began in 1960 1. On the other side of the Atlantic, the European Forest Fire Just as forest fires form an important part of the regeneration Information System called July 2007 the worst on record. process, we believe that the current recession will clear the way for a fresh burst of innovation in the travel industry. Forest fires, like recessions, are both painful and tragic. In this report, we have tried to look beyond the immediate devastation of the credit crisis and ensuing global recession, to the future. We have tried to look at the trends and innovations which might flourish in the post-recessionary environment. Ian Wheeler Recessions – and even depressions – do not always smother Group Vice President, Marketing Distribution, Amadeus innovation as much as we are sometimes told. Hewlett-Packard, Geophysical Service (now Texas Instruments), Polaroid and Revlon all
  • 5. The Amateur-Expert Traveller The Amateur-Expert Traveller The Amateur-Expert Traveller
  • 6. The Amateur-Expert Traveller The Amateur-Expert Traveller Towards the late 1990’s doctors began to notice a curious trend: increasingly, patients knew almost as much about their illnesses as their doctors did3 , who, after all, have the benefit of years of university study. This is the result of two factors: as people live longer, more Just as the Internet has empowered patients with knowledge, social suffer from long-term illness meaning that people live with their networks, user-reviews and other Internet resources have, and will condition for years whereas doctors have merely studied it. The continue to, devolve to travellers the power of knowledge. Over medical industry has dubbed these the “Expert Patient”. Second, the next ten years, half of the experts in our panel expect to see a the Internet has given patients more access to information and “major change” in travellers’ level of knowledge about their travel helped them to diagnose their condition. This has given rise to options (see chart). “participatory medicine”, in which the rational relationship between an all-knowing doctor and a dutifully passive patient is replaced by a team which includes a knowledgeable and actively engaged The corollary to this is that half of our experts expect a similarly patient, specialized social networks, and clinical researchers in a significant change in the level of service which travellers will “collaborative relationship of mutual respect”4 . demand over the next ten years. This is partly a function of a customer service “arms race” in which travel companies compete to give better customer service, which in turn sets a higher expectation Something similar is happening in the travel industry. The current among customers. “The challenge there is, the more you give the recession notwithstanding, travel has increased enormously over customers the more they demand,” as Paul Ellerby of easyCruise the past 10 to 15 years. Similar to someone with a long-term illness puts it. A smaller – but still significant – proportion of our experts – though, one hopes, not suffering quite as much – the frequent expect travellers to become less likely to seek professional advice in traveller will often know more about their destination and how best the future. to get there than a travel agent. This applies as much to business as it does to leisure travel. Looking to the future, to what extent do you think consumer behaviour will change over the next 10 years in each of the following ways? More knowledgeable about options 50% 43% 7% More demanding in terms of service 50% 36% 14% Less likely to seek professional offline advice 25% 50% 11% 14% Major change Reasonable change Slight change No change Don`t know (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 28)
  • 7. The Amateur-Expert Traveller The Amateur-Expert Traveller New destinationsDescription Travellers are expected to become more adventurous in the future Organisation, the current top three travel destinations globally too. This makes sense: if fore-warned is fore-armed, then more are France, Spain and the United States. Although our panel do knowledgeable travellers will feel more confident about travelling to not expect a major shift, they do anticipate that China is likely to places about which, previously, there was little information. become a major travel destination. Asked what they think the top three destinations will be in 2020, most popular choices were the USA (76%), France (66%) and China (52%). Spain was relegated to According to the UN World Tourism Organisation 5 growing demand fourth position (28%). for new and unusual destinations continues despite the broader recessionary trend of falling global visitor numbers. Globally, international tourism declined by 8% between the first four months of 2008 and the first four months of 2009; but tourism to Africa increased by 3% over the same period, driven by North Africa (+6%) and the return of tourism to Kenya following unrest in 2008. Indeed, according to Gerard Bellino, a vice president at Carlson Wagonlit’s leisure division, quoted in Business Week, the recession may even be accelerating the growth in travel to non-traditional destinations: “People are taking advantage of a down market for things they may have had to save more and longer for in the past.” 6 Perhaps unsurprisingly, China also looks set to benefit from changing patterns of tourism. According to the World Tourism Looking to the future, to what extent do you think consumer behaviour will change over the next 10 years in each of the following ways? More travel abroad 29% 43% 14% 7% 7% More adventurous 25% 29% 29% 14% 4% More cost-conscious 25% 21% 29% 21% 4% More short-term booking ahead 11% 43% 29% 11% 7% Major change Reasonable change Slight change No change Don`t know (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 28)
  • 8. The Amateur-Expert Traveller The Amateur-Expert Traveller The rise of the BRIC economies Not only will the traveller of the future be more knowledgeable respectively in 2009. The economies of China and India, by contrast, and more willing to try new destinations, they will increasingly are expected to grow by “only” 6.7% and 5.1% in 2009. arrive from different countries too, as the growing middle classes of As Western households rein in spending and rediscover the developing economies such as Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC), virtue of living within their means, Chinese consumers are taking lead to an increase in tourism from those countries. full advantage of their higher savings rates and an enormous Developing countries are playing a growing role as a source of government stimulus package. Consequently, excluding Sports tourists and business travellers. Tourism from China grew by an Utility Vehicles, almost as many cars have been sold in China as in average of 27% a year between 2002 and 2008 7 . Each year, the America in 2009 11 . In 2006 Americans bought twice as many. In the world receives 45 million tourists from China – that is more than the airline sector, Air China, China Eastern and China Southern posted entire population of Spain, the world’s second most popular tourist 16%, 25% and 6% growth in revenue per passenger kilometre on destination 8 . Between 2000 and 2007, Russian outbound tourist domestic Chinese routes for the first four months of 2009 12 . numbers increased by 9.4% a year and the money spent in foreign The growing importance of non-Western cultures in the make-up countries by Russian tourists increased by 14% each year over the of the world’s travellers has very real consequences for the travel same period. In 2007, Russia was the 9th largest outbound tourism industry. An Amadeus-sponsored Economist Intelligence Unit survey market 9 . published in early 2009 found Asian business travellers to be more Eye-popping statistics about growth and opportunity in emerging influenced by the respectability of a hotel’s brand than Europeans or markets – especially Brazil, China, India and Russia – have been a North Americans. staple of management consultants and journalists for much of the With more travellers taking more, longer and more adventurous 21st century. So far, though, this has been a pre-recessionary story. trips, increasing numbers of travellers from the emerging economies Will the growth in developing economies continue through – and and the all-pervasive impact of the Internet on the travel experience, beyond – the recession? it will become an increasingly global marketplace, breaking down The story is mixed, but overall the recession may well accelerate geographical boundaries. In this context, customers will need to the global economy’s shift Eastwards. While the current recession be segmented across new lines. An 18-year-old male from China is undoubtedly global, its effect is not equal. Generally-speaking, may have more in common with an 18-year-old male from the US Western economies have been pushed into reverse whereas the than with a 40-year-old male from his own country. Over 80% of BRIC countries have merely had hitherto spectacular growth rates our expert panel accept this proposition, most of them strongly clipped. The International Monetary Fund 10 expects the economies agreeing. of the United States and Europe to contract by 1.6% and 2.0% Key findings The Amateur-Expert Traveller is much more knowledgable about his or her destination and what to expect when they get there. Their expectations of service have diverged: they either expect a totally touchless online experience or they expect a very high level of personalised service. The Amateur-Expert Traveller is more adventurous about trying new destinations. Africa and Asia are more accessible and popular than ever. The North Americans and Northern Europeans who have traditionally dominated the travel industry will increasingly make way for Brazilian, Russian, Indian and Chinese tourists and business travellers.
  • 9. The Amateur-Expert Traveller Building the brand in the online world tation of the market, the They cite the increased fragmen online brands take a larger accessible to the customer, As more business goes online and wide number of options readily ket, the relationship of travel s, the volume of user- and larger share of the travel mar the loss of personal relationship becomes more fragile. price competitiveness. companies with their customers generated comment and greater at Forrester Research, Most of our expert panel acknowl edge that it is harder to According to Henry Harteveldt, was offline. Marilu Ngo, of to discover options that build brand loyalty online than it “It is so much easier for people much easier for them to Griffin Sierra Travel in the Philippi nes sums it up thus, “In the they may not be aware of. … It is ent, customer loyalty is others’ opinions and be proliferation of user-generated cont share their opinions and to read ronment because now, it is the Internet to find new inadvertently lost in the online envi swayed by them, and then to use mostly price-driven.” options.” uld you say that most important factors According to our panel, the two Compared to the offline world, wo ther online or offline, ine world is in building an effective brand, whe building brand loyalty in today’s onl promise and delivery and are consistency between brand easier or harder? . Word of mouth and the quality of the user experience effective promotion are both considered to be marginally building an emotional more important online, whereas ght to be more connection with the brand is thou 10% important offline. 3% Much easier h of the 7% How important would you say eac e brand in A bit easier following is in building an effectiv online and 40% The same today’s travel industry for both all responding: 30) A bit harder offline? (Expert interviews: Base: 40% Much harder Consistency between brand promise and product delivery onding: 30) (Expert interviews: Base: all resp Quality of user experience Peer-to-peer word of mouth Effective brand and product promotion Emotional connection with the brand Average score based on nt, scale 5 = vital, 4 = very importa 1 2 3 4 5 very 3 = fairly important, 2 = not important, 1 = not imp ortant at all Online Offline
  • 10. The Amateur-Expert Traveller a company has over its s actually reduce the control the question of whether user-review terms of the service and product We explored in our interviews e other parts of the brand in ingi at in India, “Th ” For Mr Shringi, user own brand. According to Dhruv Shr trol. The user generated con tent just reflects these factors. e company’s con ed content is just an outcom are still very much within the trol the others, the user generat cause, “…so if the company can con reviews are a symptom, not a an impact.” and won’t really have too much of nds quality and expectations of bra are a positive force, driving up eve that user-generated reviews erally refl ect this view. Most Most of our expert panel beli part in the online survey gen reputation (13%). Those taking %). Fewer than (73%), rather than a threat to brand itive’ vs. 27% overall ) and online travel agencies (39 panies (42% see it as ‘very pos positive are the car rental com s are more likely to do so (25 %). ough the offline travel agencie one in five regard it as a threat, alth 3% 16% ed content with respect 27% Very positive 27% How do you see user-generat Moderately positive 55% to your brand? onding: 2,646) Moderate threat 16% (Online survey: Base: all resp Severe threat 3% 55% rs are going to get into the “I think that the travel provide k they’re going to let their review business as well. I thin on share the demographic data customers read a review and customers. ” the reviews with their other Brian Harniman, Kayak, USA e even more pressure to “I think that hoteliers will hav to ensure that a customer still upgrade their experiences and er has that much more of an comes to them, when a custom erience in advance.” ability to understand the exp rs, UK Alan Josephs, formerly ebooke
  • 11. The Amateur-Expert Traveller The Responsive Journey The Responsive Journey
  • 12. The Amateur-Expert Traveller The Responsive Journey Technology’s impact has largely been concentrated around searching for, and booking, the journey, not the journey itself. That, according to our panel, is about to change. The 1987 film, Planes, Trains and Automobiles, tells the story of Neal Page, an uptight advertising executive, trying to get home to see his family in Chicago for Thanksgiving after a business trip in New York. Among the many absurd misfortunes which turn a 1 hour 45 minute flight into a three day epic, he suffers a downgrade from business to economy, a diverted – then cancelled – flight, an awful motel room, an abortive train journey and an irritating travel companion. Despite the considerable impact of technology on the travel experience, the story is no less plausible today. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the elements included in the statement? Technology hasn’t changed what the 17% 45% 14% 24% consumer experiences on a journey That`s about to change 41% 34% 3% 14% 7% Totally agree Partially agree Neither Partially disagree Totally disagree (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 29) Technology and the total trip experience Technology offers significant immediate opportunities to improve the customer experience before, during and after a trip. The travel professionals on our expert panel acknowledge that this will generate additional revenue and 79% agree that it will solve the problem of online customer loyalty. To what extent would you agree or disagree with the following statements from your own perspective? Services beyond the booking stage will generate further revenue 69% 28% 3% Services beyond the booking stage will solve the problem of online customer loyalty 34% 45% 3% 7% 10% Completely agree Agree to some extent Neither Disagree to some extent Completely disagree (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 29)
  • 13. 10 The Amateur-Expert Traveller The Responsive Journey Technology and the total trip experience Description According to our panel, the opportunities Looking ahead, to what extent would you say each of the following are most evident in researching the trip, elements offers an opportunity for technology to improve the customer finding price and availability information experience before, during and after a trip in the immediate future? and booking the trip. If the industry is to make the most of Researching the trip 66% 17% 10% 7% these opportunities, then it will have to embrace new technology solutions that will Finding price / availability information 52% 34% 14% help to make the travel experience more comfortable, secure and personalised for the Booking a trip 48% 38% 7% 7% traveller – the ‘humanisation of technology’. Researching / choosing hotel 45% 52% 3% With the pace of technological change Choosing destination 45% 38% 10% 7% accelerating, our expert panel feel that Comparing price information 41% 38% 17% 3% the impact will be greatest for those tools which particularly address the issues around Acitivities upon return 21% 41% 31% 7% poor user experience, making the online experience more personalised and easier to use. Major opportunity Reasonable opportunity Slight opportunity None / D.K. Foremost among these are likely to be more (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 29) sophisticated customer information systems which select destination information based on customer preferences, and intuitive interfaces, which will provide new ways to interact with computing devices, such as next-generation touch-screens and voice Which of the following will have the biggest impact on humanising the interaction. Nearly one-third also anticipate travel experience? (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 29) the role that virtual reality may play in humanising the travel experience. Personalised destination information 55% But the Internet is a continually evolving phenomenon, and, even in mature markets, Intuitive interfaces 41% the likes of Web 2.0, social networking and mobile technology continue to be drivers of Virtual reality 28% growth. Our expert panel predict that, by 2020, technology will have brought about Geo-localisation technologies 21% significant improvements in capabilities for travel providers, sellers and consumers in all Tailored loyalty programmes 17% areas of the travel industry – in particular, the ability of travel sellers to make more Social computing 17% travel options available to the public and the ability for consumers to share information Digital concierge 14% about travel providers with other consumers – both themes picked up in other places Digital identities 7% throughout this research. Sensory airport / airline systems 7%
  • 14. The Amateur-Expert Traveller 11 The Responsive Journey Thinking ahead to 2020, what would you say the further impact of technology will be on the following … Ability of travel sellers to make more travel options available to the public 31% 59% 10% Ability for consumers to share information 28% 66% 3% 3% about travel providers with other consumers Ability for travel providers and sellers to make pricing and availability information available to the public 10% 76% 10% 3% Ability for consumers to find information about the quality of travel providers’ products 7% 79% 14% Ability of travel providers to manage the logistics of travel better 7% 79% 7% 7% Ability for independent travel providers and sellers to increase market share 14% 41% 38% 7% Improve beyond all recognition Improve a lot Improve a little Hardly / not at all (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 29) Nearly all of our expert panel agree that Web 2.0 improves As with many of the changes associated with the Internet, it is not information transparency ‘a lot’ (69%) or ‘a little’ (28%), although so much the technology itself but the way that technology enables one disagrees, believing that it actually makes information less behaviour which is important. Kerry Cannon Jr., at iM@, captures transparent. Around 80% of them have already added or are the essence of this when he says: “There’s always been user- considering adding social computing or user review functionality to generated content; it was called word of mouth. Technology has their own websites. Airlines are perhaps a little behind others, but just empowered that word of mouth… technology has absolutely they too are generally considering taking this step. changed the game in terms of how many other mouths you can Without exception, our experts agree that Web 2.0 will improve hear from.” Or, in the words of media consultant and author, Clay the customer’s travel experience between now and 2020, whether Shirky, “[social media] tools don’t get socially interesting until they ‘beyond recognition’ (17%), ‘a lot’ (59%) or ‘a little’ (24%). In get technologically boring.” 13 particular, they see Web 2.0 as an answer to user experience issues Looking forward to how user-generated content itself will evolve, which may be hindering the growth of online travel services. Nikos Goulis, of E Travel SA, in Greece, sees the proliferation of UGC Primarily, it will give the user more and better information that will continuing unabated, “User generated content will have more data, be better organised, easier and faster to access and more interactive, both in text and picture, video and music. I believe we will have leading to greater satisfaction with the whole online experience. content for destinations that are not very popular right now and “There will be a dramatic change in the way the content is searched there isn’t much … and, for the popular destinations, we will have and organised. It is still extremely hard for customers to find a plurality of the content which might be missing today.” (Nikos content, define content easily and to actually use it. Going forward, Goulis, E Travel SA, Greece) all these factors will change tremendously and … it will be very easily accessible. … The technology will add a lot of value in terms of Joe Bous, at US travel agency, Wholesale Travel Center, thinks the how data gets collated and presented to the end consumer.” (Dhruv challenge is not so much to get more content, but to find meaning Shringi,, India) in the content you have, “there might be 4000 reviews – what are you going to do with 4000 reviews? And it all, of course, comes Some also point to the increased opportunities to personalise down to 3.5 stars. It’s sort of worthless.” Part of the answer is and select the information that is most relevant to the user’s own knowing who wrote a given review, as Brian Harniman, Kayak, circumstances and to share experiences. According to Timir Bhose points out, “I can look for people that seem to be like me and really and Pia Viljaniemi of Finnair, reading user reviews, “…supports better trust their judgement more than the rest of the great unwashed pre-planning so that the customer will be able to plan better ahead reviews. If someone is travelling for a different reason from me, a and get more knowledge about other customers’ opinions.” hotel may be good for them but by the same token horrible for me.”
  • 15. 12 The Amateur-Expert Traveller The Responsive Journey Technology and the total trip experience Description For Mr Bous, there is an opportunity for smart technology to panel see potential – as yet unfulfilled – for user-generated content pluck meaning from the mass of content already available, “the to add value to the business travel experience. next generation of technology will look at something that can do With corporations under more pressure than ever to keep costs to a semantic analysis and come up with some sort of metric or analytic minimum, a mechanism which allows employees to share cost- that can make sense of all that drivel that people write.” saving tips and for travel managers to aggregate feedback from A final word on business travel. Until now, leisure travel has travellers which can be used in supplier negotiations, becomes all benefitted most from user-generated content, but two thirds of our the more attractive. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? (Expert interviews: Base: all responding: 29) User-generated content has yet to improve the business travel experience 31% 34% 7% 21% 7% User-generated content would be beneficial to the business traveller in much the same way that it is to the leisure customer 41% 21% 3% 31% 3% Totally agree Partially agree Neither Partially disagree Totally disagree Waiting for mobileription Nearly a third of respondents to our online survey felt that mobile devices will have a greater impact on the way the next generation researches and books travel than social networking, user reviews, video sharing or visualisation tools. According to the International Telecommunications Union, the number of mobile phone subscriptions exceeded 50% of the world’s population in 2008. Once again, the BRIC countries are responsible for a large share of this: over 1/3 of the world’s mobile phone subscriptions are accounted for by these four countries .14 Which of the following do you think will have the 2% 10% 8% N/A greatest impact on the way the next generation researches and books travel? Visualisation tools (ie Second life) 22% Users reviews 26% Mobile devices (online survey: Base: 2719) Social networking Video-sharing (eg YouTube) 32%
  • 16. The Amateur-Expert Traveller 13 The Responsive Journey Waiting for mobileription In a March 2009 report, PhoCusWright calls mobile, “The Next Platform for Travel” 15 and Samsung, the electronics group, expects the market for smart phones – which combine voice calling with email and Internet access – to grow from 170 million in 2009 to 500 million in 2012 16. Long anticipated, mobile internet really does seem about to take off. As PhoCusWright has pointed out, “the more compelling opportunity [than simply shifting reservations from fixed Internet to mobile] will be to create mobile-specific applications that go beyond shifting share to a new channel, and thus generate ancillary revenue that was not previously available.” 17 This is certainly not lost on application developers. Today, Apple’s website lists over 3,700 travel-specific applications for its iPhone, for everything from checking flight delays to finding the cheapest petrol station to a mobile travel map of China specifically for fans of kung fu. Henry Harteveldt of Forrester Research points out that the nexus between mobile Internet and user-generated content will be increasingly important. “Travel is one of the businesses that lends itself to user generated content and the sharing of ideas, opinions and suggestions. … A big factor behind this increase will be the growth and evolution of mobile internet devices that are geared more for data than voice. These will allow person-to-person or group messaging that might be written word or voice, SMS text or other data, and along with this will be the emergence of new types of internet sites.” Indeed, some of the most interesting iPhone applications combine mobile with user-generated content. Roadtrippr is like a wiki of interesting destinations for people to visit while on a road trip. Users contribute information about interesting attractions in their home town and, in turn, use it as a resource when they are on the road. When used from an iPhone, the application is aware of the user’s location and tailors (user-generated) content accordingly.
  • 17. 14 The Amateur-Expert Traveller The Responsive Journey Looking further into the future The futurologist Ray Kurzweil (The Age of Spiritual Machines: by private individuals or delivery fleets 20 . Such applications are Timeline) predicts that, in ten years’ time, computers will be largely even changing the way we think about cars: Zipcar is a car-sharing invisible and embedded in walls, furniture, clothing and even bodies. service billed as an alternative to car ownership or rental. Members Mr Kurzweil accurately predicted the emergence of the Internet and of the service are given an electronic card which they can use to the fall of the Soviet Union, so he is worth listening to. access any one of 6,000 cars in North America and London 21 . The cars themselves report their positions back to head office so agents What is more, his vision of embedded computing is already can tell customers where their nearest car is. Customers rent the becoming a reality. Cars are a case in point: the 1978 Cadillac Seville cars by the hour or for days at a time, picking them up from where was the first car to include a – single – microprocessor, to power its the previous customer left them. Such a model potentially releases trip computer18 . Thirty years later, even the world’s cheapest new car rental companies from the necessity of renting out large car car – the Tata Nano – carries twelve microprocessors. Car rental parks; the problem is, in effect, crowd-sourced. Similarly, a car rental companies already offer optional GPS devices which not only show company could aggregate historical location data of all the cars you the way to your hotel but can also suggest nearby tourist in its rental network, combine this with the real-time locations of attractions. the cars in its network and put such data to commercial use. They As with personal computers in the nineties, treating cars as nodes could recommend services not just on the basis of their geographic in a network is revealing valuable new applications 19 . Inrix is proximity but also on the basis of how popular such services have a start-up which aggregates information on traffic flows from been with other drivers in the network: “drivers who stayed at this GPS systems installed in vehicles, fixed traffic sensors and other motel ate at Chez Gerard’s Bar and Grill”. sources. This is then delivered to in-car GPS systems used either
  • 18. The Amateur-Expert Traveller 15 The Responsive Journey …but it’s so much nicer to [stay] home? The ultimate travel technology would enable all the benefits of travel without leaving the comfort of your home or office. Mr Kurzweil predicts that within a few short years, three-dimensional virtual reality displays embedded in glasses and contact lenses will be used routinely as primary communication interfaces, and that high resolution virtual reality and all-encompassing tactile environments will enable people to do virtually anything with anybody, regardless of physical proximity. And the rise in visualisation tools and virtual reality may change the whole concept of travel. Travellers can experience the travel sensation while making their choices, whilst “virtual” travel (video conferencing, hologram meeting, etc.) may completely change travel patterns. The technology of the moment, in this respect, is TelePresence. Launched by Cisco three years ago, TelePresence is basically a high- quality video conference system. It is still used mostly by larger companies because the technology is still expensive. Of course, this is no reason to write it off; as adoption increases the cost will It remains unlikely that TelePresence will completely replace the fall. The question is, will it replace business travel? Starwood and business trip; much less the holiday abroad. Since the invention Marriott think not: both have announced TelePresence services of the telegraph, advancing communications technologies have at their hotels . The target market is smaller companies or local tended to go hand-in-hand with a global growth in travel, driven branches which can’t afford their own dedicated TelePresence by among other things advancing transport technology, the set-ups but would still like the virtual face-to-face experience. internationalisation followed by the globalisation of business and, At 500USD an hour the service still isn’t cheap, but it is a lot cheaper simply, the desire to get away from it all. After all, it’s still nice to go than flying from New York to London, for example. travelling. Key findings We are about to see a significant amount of technological innovation to streamline the experience of travellers during their trip. Mobile internet will combine with social networking to offer new opportunities for travel companies to offer an improved trip experience for business and leisure travellers. TelePresence technologies will complement, but not replace, business travel.
  • 19. 16 The Amateur-Expert Traveller The consumer booking experience s must work hard to improve out this research is that provider One of the clearest messages we have heard through is the most important element in erts felt that the user experience the user exp erience. Indeed, our panel of exp creating brand loyalty online. nd loyalty in the online world? have the most impact on bra Which of the following will 73% responding: 30) Improved user experience (Expert interviews: Base: all 43% Personalised web content 40% Offer better value for money rests 40% Segment products to target niche inte ile 30% Support multiple platforms, e.g. mob 30% Incorporate user-generated content alisation, using customer Customisation and person how travel companies can intelligence to address per sonal needs, offer relevant In this sub-section, we look at s nt suggestions. erience in the online world. Thi information and make intellige achieve excellent customer exp must increasingly include: Andy Bateman of Interbrand, This is neatly summed up by , speed and ease of access that reflects the needs of A smooth online experience USA: “Provide a great service of freedom from technical content that gets in the way through multiple channels, and customers rather than push do.” hitches; what customers are trying to of MakeMyTrip, India: “The In the words of Jasmeet Singh anisation is the time when a moment of truth for every org l. iness, irrespective of the channe customer interacts with the bus vide a top it is imperative to pro In the case of online businesses, ortant at class user experience . This experience is not only imp payme nt) but it must begin with the latter part of the funnel (at the word Go.” delivery, making it easy to find Comprehensive information t price, transparency, and the the right product at the righ e. rmation required in one plac ability to access all of the info % okers, says, “It should be 100 Alan Josephs, formerly of ebo the ability to easily … Speed and focused on user experience. find the right product.”
  • 20. The Amateur-Expert Traveller 17 tak e specific actions companies can Below we outline some more online. to improve customer loyalty t and ld consumer confidence, trus Especially in Asia-Pacific, bui ments and personal credit card pay comfort with security around about giving credit card details: “Ma ke the customer comfortable will not happen all of a sudden, it details over the Internet. It will MakeMyTrip, India) be gradual.” (Jasmeet Singh, incentives, such as financial Creating urgency and offering ed value, to do the deal: “If the incentives, discounts and add there is a d user experience first time, customer has had a very goo er coming referral and for the custom lot of possibility for positive g.” (Helen back. I think user experie nce is the most important thin tralia) Demetriou, Wotif Group, Aus ed ediately – the old tried and test “Offer an incentive to book imm en, Kan oo Travel, Saudi Arabia) method.” (Abdulla Abikhamse just transparency but, where Reassurance on pricing – not even tees and promises: “Customers, possible, lowest price guaran from different price, still tend to ask if they are getting the lowest Have a ‘Lowest sources, ‘are there any lower prices available?’. your pro ducts well.” Fare Guarantee’ and explain air, Finland) (Tim ir Bhose Pia Viljaniemi, Finn erent ering niche products and aggregating products from diff Quality of products – off Providing a ‘one-stop shop’, customer rket providers, including competitive product, allowing the differentiation, not just commodity mass ma tailored package without hav ing to visit honest products. Many new to build their own offerings: “Offer niche and rators which have g con tent. … Travel suppliers travel agencies and tour ope multiple sites: “More far-reachin online , ts into their site to generate ’t know what they sell and nee d to aggregate different produc a lot of mass products don year after the client pliers need to have metasearch while they may get one boo king, the customer interest. These sup or ent is ‘class instead show real time seat inventories return to them. Our statem properties in their site that can lippines) does not , Griffin Sierra Travel, Phi room availabilities.” (Marilu Ngo of mass’.” , Germany) (Pascal Zahn, Olimar Reisen illary only for travel but also for anc “Make it a one-stop shop, not tomer can , supermarket where the cus h the process step-by-step processes. … It needs to be a Helping customers throug reached, providing gs he wants.” has been go in with a list of thin making it clear what stage haps allowing for (Ratan Ratnaker, Kingfisher Airl ines, India) reassuran ce where required and per offline support if needed.
  • 21. 18 The Amateur-Expert Traveller All Niches Great and Small All Niches Great and Small
  • 22. The Amateur-Expert Traveller 19 All Niches Great and Small Reports of the death of the travel agency have, by and large, been extent. Even if the products will become a humanised experience exaggerated. According to PhoCusWright, “The dramatic shift in when they surf the web, the customers will still feel they need online share towards supplier Web sites that took place in the earlier something extra by talking to someone … you cannot take that part of the decade has slowed or stopped.” 22 Indeed, PhoCusWright away.” expects share to shift from supplier websites back to online travel Regardless of where the online / offline equilibrium eventually rests, agencies as the economic downturn puts a premium on finding our panel expect to increase the proportion of their IT spend which deals and comparing different suppliers. is allocated to supporting their online strategy. Moreover, there is still a significant proportion of travel booked The Internet has enabled other industries to increase the length of offline. PhoCusWright estimates that in 2007, 49% (by value) of the distribution curve – i.e. sell more of the small-volume products travel booked in the US – the most advanced in terms of Internet – a phenomenon made popular by Wired editor Chris Anderson in penetration in travel – was booked offline. Will the shift to online his book, The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of level off or will we carry on all the way to 100% online booking? More. For example, makes 30% of its revenue selling Three-quarters of respondents to our global online survey think books which are not cost-effective for the world’s largest offline 100% penetration will never be reached. bookseller, Walmart, to stock. In our online survey, less than a third of respondents follow the Do you think the proportion of travel booked online will traditional retail model, deriving 80% of their revenue from only the ever reach 100%? top 20% of their product portfolio. However, for nearly 4 out of 10 of respondents, 80% of revenue is spread across 60% or more of their product portfolio, which is much closer to the long-tail model. No, the proportion is as high as it will get 10% No, there will always be a small 65% proportion of travel booked offline What percentage of your company’s IT spend would Yes, but a long, long time in the future 10% you estimate is allocated to technology to support your online strategy? Yes, soon 15% (Online survey: Base: all responding: 2,731) Indeed, one in ten suggest that it has already peaked or will even start to fall. This view is most likely to be held by those in 91% - 100% traditional travel agencies – and nearly one in five of those in North 81% - 90% America believe that the peak has been reached. Kerry Cannon Jr., at iM@ thinks, “There is and there will always be a cross-section 71% - 80% of the public that just won’t ever use [the Internet to book travel]. 61% - 70% Regardless of how much you humanise it, there will always be a 51% - 60% cross-section of people that will hire people to do that stuff for 41% - 50% them. … There are certain things that the Internet has definitely changed, but human nature, no.” Up to 40% However, the majority – 65% – of respondents think the proportion of travel booked offline will only be small. Marilu Ngo of Griffin Sierra Travel in the Philippines suggests that Currently In 2020 cultural differences may lead to asymmetric penetration of Internet travel around the world: “In South East Asia, clients prefer person- to-person communication or a personalised service … it is this preference that inhibits growth of online travel services to a larger
  • 23. 20 The Amateur-Expert Traveller All Niches Great and Small All Niches Great and Small Online travel agencies are more likely to be at the “long-tail” end of Travel 1975 Travel 2009 the spectrum, with 30% saying that the top 80% of products account The Old Marketplace The New Marketplace for 80% of their revenue. Scheduled Airlines, Cars, Scheduled Airlines Hotels, Cruises Low-cost Carriers Popularity Popularity Head Head Tours and Activities Which of the following best describes your business? Cars, Hotels Adventure Tours Vacation Homes Spas 15% Long Tail Long Tail 28% Top 20% products = 80% revenue Products Products Top 40% products = 80% revenue 23% Top 60% products = 80% revenue Source: PhoCusWright, Inc. Top 80% products = 80% revenue What might those niches be? Although family-friendly travel is still 34% reckoned to offer the greatest opportunity – and is not exactly niche (Online survey: Base: all responding: 2,515) – our panel did see opportunity in, among other things, adventure travel (83%), religious travel (55%) and weddings (45%). Selling niche content has two obvious challenges: low volume Our expert panel generally agreed with the view that “the future of and finding enough customers. By definition, a company will not the travel business is in the millions of niche markets at the shallow sell a high volume of a niche product. To become large, a business end of the distribution curve” (illustrated in the PhoCusWright must work out how to standardise across a number of niches diagram right). Two thirds agree with the statement, and only one to gain sufficient economies of scale to make low volumes on a in four disagree (airlines in particular). number of niches add up to a large and profitable business. Low- Although most of our panel still see big-selling products as their cost carriers operating a network of routes to secondary cities are greatest opportunity, around half see significant opportunity in a good example of this in the travel industry: the absolute volume selling more niche content and selling to niche customers. of passengers on each route may be small but so long as they are profitable, the carrier’s total volume may be large. Which of the following do you think offers the greatest financial opportunity for your own business? Selling more of existing big-selling products 41% 17% 28% 14% Selling more niche content 31% 21% 34% 14% Selling to niche customers 24% 24% 17% 34% Selling more to existing biggest customers 7% 48% 24% 21% Greatest opportunity Second Third Least opportunity (Expert interviews. Base: all responding, 29)
  • 24. The Amateur-Expert Traveller 21 All Niches Great and Small Specialisation is another strategy. How would you rate the business opportunity in each of the following Companies like Trailfinders, which areas? specialises in adventure travel, or Griffin Marine, which specialises in marine travel Family friendly travel 56% 39% 6% and participated in this study, can offer Lifestyle travel 50% 39% 6% 6% specialised knowledge of a specific sector which elevates the decision process beyond Groups and meetings 50% 28% 17% 6% price. Adventure travel 39% 44% 11% 6% It also builds loyalty. Outside the travel industry, the carmaker Subaru has Aircraft charter 33% 28% 22% 6% 11% successfully operated in a niche; the company specialises in vehicles for outdoors Eco / green travel 22% 50% 22% 6% enthusiasts and ‘experience-seekers’. An article in the Financial Times quotes Tim Religious travel 22% 33% 33% 11% Mahoney, US chief marketing officer at Ground transportation 17% 44% 28% 6% 6% Subaru, “We’re a niche brand but that has nothing to do with size, it’s more about Weddings 17% 28% 39% 6% 11% finding a relatively safe place where we can exist comfortably.” 23 Dining reservations 39% 33% 17% 11% The same article quotes John Wolkonowicz, Travel goods 28% 44% 17% 11% an analyst at financial analysis and market intelligence consultancy, IHS Global Insight, explaining, “I don’t think you could find a Major opportunity Some opportunity Limited opportunity No opportunity Don`t know more fiercely loyal body of customers [than Subaru’s], except perhaps for BMW.” (Expert interviews. Base: all travel agencies: 18) In an increasingly online world, where loyalty is hard to earn and easy to lose, and barriers to entry are low, scale or specialisation or a combination of the two are rare routes to profitable growth. Key findings The shift to online will continue but will most likely plateau before 100%: some travel will always be booked offline. The millions of niche markets at the shallow end of the distribution curve represent a significant opportunity for travel companies to increase revenue and loyalty.
  • 25. 22 The Amateur-Expert Traveller Technical Appendix Amadeus commissioned independent research consultancy, David Burton Associates (DBA), to undertake a programme of research within the global travel industry in autumn 2008. 30 in-depth interviews were conducted with key senior opinion-leaders in travel and travel-related companies worldwide – our ‘expert panel’ – offering a broad-based and informed insight into trends in the travel business. Interviews were conducted between September 2008 and January 2009. These were principally conducted by telephone by senior DBA executives and associates, with one or two interviews being completed by correspondence. Our expert panel comprised: Saudi Arabia, Abdulla Abikhamseen, Executive General Manager, Kanoo Travel, Online travel agency USA, Andy Bateman, Chief Executive Officer, Interbrand, New York, Branding agency Finland, Timir Bhose, Director Pia Viljaniemi, Development Manager – e-commerce, Finnair, Airline USA, Joe Bous, Director, Wholesale Travel Center, Online travel agency USA, Kerry J. Cannon Jr., Chief Executive Officer, iM@ (interactive MOBILE @dvertising), Travel information Taiwan, Jeff Chu, Managing Director, Grand Travel Inc, Travel agency Australia, Helen Demetriou, Executive General Manager, Flights Business Unit, Wotif Group, Online travel agency UK, Paul Ellerby, Sales Marketing Director – UK USA, easyCruise, Cruise USA, Robert Gallagher, Chief Operating Officer, AIG Travel, Travel insurance Greece, Nikos Goulis, Managing Director, E Travel SA, Online travel agency USA, Brian Harniman, Executive Vice President, Marketing Distribution, Kayak, Travel search engine USA, Henry Harteveldt, Vice President, Principal Analyst, Airline Travel Industry Research, Forrester Research INC., Travel research Colombia, Maria Claudia Isaza, Vice-President – e-business, Aviatur Group, Travel agency UK, Alan Josephs, Managing Director, formerly ebookers, Online travel agency Malaysia, Shivanathan Kesavan, Travel Manager, Gem Travel, Travel agency Canada, Guylaine Lavoie, Director – Marketing Innovations, Air Canada, Airline UK, Ignacio Martos, Chief Executive Officer, Opodo, Online travel agency Philippines, Marilu Ngo, Vice-President General Manager, Griffin Sierra Travel Inc., Travel agency / marine crew corporate travel Qatar, Peter Pohlschmidt, Manager – E-commerce, Qatar Airways, Airline
  • 26. The Amateur-Expert Traveller 23 USA, Alexander Pyhan, Director – Global e-Commerce Channels, Marriott International Inc., Hotels Lithuania, Audrius Ramanauskas, Chairman, Interneto Partneris UAB, Online travel agency India, Ratan Ratnaker, Vice President – Revenue Optimisation, Kingfisher Airlines, Airline India, Dhruv Shringi, Chief Executive Officer,, Online travel agency USA, Lorraine Sileo, Vice-President – Research, PhoCusWright Inc., Travel research India, Jasmeet Singh, Manager – International Air, MakeMyTrip, Online travel agency Japan, Mr Takano, H.I.S. Co, Travel agency / Online travel agency Chile, Gonzalo Undurruga, Vice-President – e-commerce, LAN, Airline Poland, Janusz Wierbowski, Owner, Sonata Travel, Travel agency / Online travel agency Germany, Pascal Zahn, Executive Officer, Olimar Reisen GmbH, Tour operator One additional panel expert asked to remain anonymous. This was supported by an online survey, conducted in November 2008. Invitations were e-mailed to Amadeus contacts throughout the worldwide travel industry, and a short questionnaire was completed by nearly 3,000 travel professionals, covering all regions of the world and a spread of business sectors. The profile of the sample was as follows: BY SECTOR: BY REGION: Airline 19% Western Europe 34% Car rental company 2% Eastern Europe 5% Hotel 15% Southern Europe 4% Travel agency 52% USA Canada 25% Online travel agency 3% Central America Caribbean 3% Cruise 1% Latin America 11% Other 9% Middle East North Africa 4% Subsaharan Africa 2% North Asia 1% South Asia 1% South East Asia 6% Central Asia 1% Pacific 4%
  • 27. 24 The Amateur-Expert Traveller Appendix 1. 2. 3. DH_4006801 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Mobile: The Next Platform for Travel, PhoCusWright, March 2009 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. U.S. Online travel overview, Eighth Edition, PhoCusWright, November 2008 23.
  • 28. Acknowledgements PUBLISHED BY Amadeus IT Group, SA DESIGN PRODUCTION Amadeus IT Group, SA PHOTOGRAPHY Daniel Greaves Alejandra Contreras Amadeus Image Bank RESEARCH David Burton Associates