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White Paper:

                      THE 21ST CENTURY INSURANCE FIRM

    IN THIS WHITE PAPER:                    INTRODUCTION

    INTRODUCTION                       1    Insurance executives in many ways must feel like the
    A NEW ERA FOR INSURANCE            2    proverbial kid in a candy shop. Aging populations
                                            in Western nations, deregulation of key markets,
    FROM 20TH TO 21ST CENTURIES        3    spectacular growth of the middle class in Asia and
                                            consumers embracing the use of new technologies
       IT/BUSINESS ALIGNMENT            4   are among the major trends creating huge growth
       STANDARDIZATION, WORKFLOW AND        opportunities for insurance companies—at least for
       NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES          5   those that can scale to take advantage.
    A VIEW ON THE GROUND               5    Therein lies the problem, however. For some insurers,
       CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT              5   these opportunities—these shelves of sweet good-
       PROCESS                          6
                                            ies—may be just beyond reach. Many insurance
                                            executives feel that technology infrastructure—espe-
                                            cially legacy systems—is a significant impediment
       INFORMATION                      8
                                            to progress as they attempt to take advantage of an
       CHANNELS                         9   increasingly global insurance industry. It is for this
       COMMUNICATIONS                   9   reason that insurance companies, especially many in
       SOURCING                        10   Europe and North America, are investing in enabling
    CONCLUSION                         11   new systems.

    TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING FOR               Which types of systems are leading insurers invest-
    TODAY’S BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT       12   ing in and for what purpose? What is their vision for
                                            leveraging technology in the first decades of the 21st
    ABOUT THE AUTHORS                  12
                                            century as the industry landscape rapidly changes? Is
                                            too much emphasis being placed on problems asso-
                                            ciated with legacy systems? To find out, BearingPoint
                                            contracted with Datamonitor to interview technol-
                                            ogy executives at leading global insurance companies.
                                            The goals of this qualitative research were to find out
                                            how these insurers are transforming their operations
                                            for the new century and articulate a vision of how
                                            they can succeed in the new century’s challenging


This global survey report explores the direction of the   are increasingly entering into novel strategic alli-
global insurance industry over the next five to 10         ances that position them in new markets according
years. The observations of industry leaders presented     to the strengths of both or all parties.
here provide a vision of what the 21st century insur-
ance company may look like and how IT is being            Technological evolution. The innovation spurred
used to achieve that vision.                              by the creation and expansion of the Internet has
                                                          changed the business landscape in profound ways.
                                                          It has enabled an entirely new business operating
A NEW ERA FOR INSURANCE                                   model and fundamentally altered consumer behav-
                                                          ior. The most important advance for IT may be the
The evolution of the global insurance industry is a       development of networking technology that is poised
reaction to the forces reshaping everything from global   to deliver greater economies of scale and efficiency
supply and demand to market competition to technol-       and reduce some operating costs to the vanishing
ogy. The most progressive insurers are taking steps       point. Meanwhile, wireline and wireless communi-
to capitalize on unprecedented growth opportunities       cations based on Internet Protocol will enable much
while avoiding the risks. The major trends affecting      greater flexibility in connecting the insurers with
insurance in the 21st century are:                        clients, sellers and each other.

Socioeconomic change. The aging of populations
                                                          To capitalize on the opportunities in this market-
in Western nations, combined with the reduction or
                                                          place, the best insurers are lining up to realize all the
elimination of state and corporate pension plans, will
                                                          advantages—new markets, scale economies, open
create vast new opportunities for life insurance in the
                                                          computing, automation and multisource opera-
United States and Europe. Meanwhile, the moderni-
                                                          tions—while avoiding the downside—increased risk,
zation of the large Asian economies will create a
                                                          commoditization, and more demanding and disloyal
new, multibillion-member middle class. China may
                                                          customers. Figure 1 highlights the changing charac-
offer the most dramatic example of the growth of
                                                          teristics of the global technology industry.
wealth because the inclusion of China in the World
Trade Organization (WTO) has sped its transition to
free-market capitalism. According to China Pacific         Although regional and niche insurers will remain viable
Insurance Company Group CIO Richard Cheng, the            in the 21st century, economies of scale will concen-
“Chinese government benefit program will not be            trate premiums, assets and global market share among
sufficient to this middle class,” leaving the door open   a smaller group of very large insurers. Technology will
for domestic and foreign insurers.                        ensure that they are able to develop and distribute
                                                          products on a mass scale. Partnerships and strategic
                                                          agreements, rather than mergers and acquisitions, will
(De)regulation. The convergence of financial services
                                                          enable the “one-stop shop” model.
set in motion by industry deregulation, such as the
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the deregulation of
the Chinese market, has resulted in consolidation,        Independent channels will increasingly be the source
new markets, new competitors and the creation of          for life products. In the next 10 years, captive agents
interrelated, cross-industry value chains. To estab-      will have largely disappeared in the West, while, in
lish operations in high-growth geographies, insurers      developing economies, they will gradually be over-
                                                          taken by banks, in alliance with both domestic and


foreign carriers. Novel partnerships between insurers               Furthermore, the notion of “distribution” itself will
may also emerge, particularly in a rapidly denation-                change, as it becomes less about transferring and sell-
alizing China.                                                      ing products and more about sharing information,
                                                                    whether in a B2B or B2B2C context.
The Internet and wireless communications will likely
emerge as serious sales channels; they are beginning to
make inroads in non-life sales today and, in 10 years,              THE EVOLUTION OF IT:
will begin to take market share from independent                    FROM 20TH TO 21ST CENTURIES
channels. Insurers in Japan and China, where the use
of wireless transactions is ahead of that in the West,              The insurance industry is poised to benefit from a
have begun to offer travel insurance via wireless                   number of new technologies, as well as the novel
accounts, allowing for “impulse” purchases on the fly.               application of existing techniques, to realize greater


                                         20TH CENTURY                                             21ST CENTURY

  MARKETS                   • National concentration                                • Global concentration
                            • Growth in developed markets                           • Growth in developing markets
                            • Insurance/some FS integration                         • Cross FS global alliances

  COMPETITION               • Polarized: life and non-life                          • Dynamic: life vs. non-life
                            • Insurer vs. insurer                                   • Insurer vs. ???
                            • Mutual model                                          • Total demutualization

  DISTRIBUTION              • Channel segregation                                   • Channel integration
                            • Direct/independent on unique platforms                • Direct/independent on common platforms
                            • Distributing products                                 • Distributing information

  PRODUCTS                  • Internal strategic/internal development               • Internal strategic/external development
                            • Complex                                               • Simple/standardized
                            • Insurer-driven                                        • Customer-driven

  RISK MANAGEMENT/          • Affinity groups/some tiered underwriting              • Fully tiered underwriting/automated
  UNDERWRITING              • Reactive modeling                                     • Predictive modeling
                            • Actuarial risk focus                                  • Operational risk focus

  TECHNOLOGY                • Group: decentralized                                  • Group: centralized
  STRATEGY                  • Business: isolated/some integration                   • Business line federation/mainly integrated
                            • Geography-defined                                      • Geography-agnostic
                            • IT as “client”                                        • IT as “partner”

Source: Datamonitor

                                                                                                             WHITE PAPER           3

customer-centricity, improve IT flexibility and remain               would negotiate, or in some cases battle, over strategy
competitive in a rapidly changing industry. Figure 2                and budget dollars came to an end. Among the lead-
highlights how these key technologies can change in                 ing insurers today, IT is becoming so fully integrated
the next five to 10 years.                                           into the business decision-making process as to appear
                                                                    almost invisible.
                                                                    Our conversations with insurers repeatedly illustrate
During the last 20 years or so, an understanding of                 the importance of IT and business alignment in
the importance of better integration of business and                establishing effective long-term technology strategy.
IT strategies emerged. In some cases, it was the gal-               General insurer ING Canada began the process of
vanizing onset of the year 2000; for others, it was                 implementing a central IT function in 1996 that
the buy-in of technological promise amid the dotcom                 paralleled its strategy of common platforms across
hype. Nevertheless, for many of the largest financial                insurance lines. ING Canada currently sees itself as
services companies, the days when business and IT                   highly centralized in IT infrastructure, applications


                                     20TH CENTURY               VISIONARIES                     21ST CENTURY

    CUSTOMER              • Imperative: channel provision                     • Imperative: analytics
    MANAGEMENT            • Price-led                                         • Price- and service-led
                          • Acquisition                                       • Retention

    PROCESS               • Largely manual                                    • Largely automated
                          • Workflow/digital documents                         • Business process management engines/straight-
                                                                                through processing

    ENTERPRISE            • Point-to-point networking                         • Service-oriented architecture
    ARCHITECTURE          • Back-office functionality resides                 • Reference-/event-driven (portfolio management,
                            in legacy                                           underwriting)
                          • Centralized computing                             • Distributed/grid computing

    INFORMATION           • Siloed                                            • Integrated
                          • Product-defined                                    • Customer-defined
                          • Structured vs. unstructured                       • Automated and dynamic taxonomy
                          • External fraud detection/claims                   • Internal/auto fraud/claims, identity theft

    CHANNELS              • Manual interaction                                • Portal front end (B2B2C)
                          • Disconnected operations                           • Shared back office
                          • Limited partner interaction                       • Partner network (claims, underwriting)

    COMMUNICATIONS        • PBX                                               • Voice over Internet Protocol
                          • Phone/fax                                         • Wireless LAN, field agents, claims settlement
                          • Manual transactions                               • Electronic transactions

    SOURCING              • Internal dominant — tactical                      • Best sourcing — strategic
                          • Long-term outsourcing contracts                   • Centralized procurement
                                                                              • Standardized

Source: Datamonitor


and strategy, despite leaving some decision-making       from here? Or, as some in the industry might lament,
authority to regional offices. This centralization has   can we get there from here? Many of the technologies
allowed it to consolidate legacy systems on a common     cited by our respondents are not new. The concept
platform while driving long-term project develop-        of service-oriented architecture (SOA), for example,
ment, including four- to six-year plans for enterprise   has existed for years, but only with the recent devel-
data integration and electronic transactions.            opment of Web services has it become a practical
                                                         proposition. Claim notification enabled by radio fre-
A large European life insurer indicated that its inte-   quency identification (RFID) and real-time, driver-
gration efforts led to an enterprisewide, “two-track     directed premium adjustments are tantalizing ideas
process”—continual evaluation of all infrastructure      to technologists, but with the industry still address-
(to ensure lower costs) and processes (to ensure flex-    ing core systems, it is unlikely these solutions will
ibility). The insurer believes that by establishing      reach the mainstream for at least another decade.
ongoing enterprisewide IT evaluation, “we will be
able to build unique and new capabilities five, 10,       Clearly, the insurance industry remains in a transition
15 years into the future.”                               period, with most major carriers taking the necessary
                                                         steps to prepare, perhaps, for the “science fiction”
STANDARDIZATION, WORKFLOW AND                            possibilities sometime in the future. By implement-
NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES                                  ing technology change in a steady and measurable
                                                         fashion, with business objectives driving strategy,
While the centralization of business and IT strategy     insurers will be able to achieve the balance between
has fostered more effective strategic thinking, the      maintaining profitability and solvency while estab-
development of the Internet, Web services and middle-    lishing the flexibility necessary to keep pace with
ware are enabling the execution. Standards in IT         industry change. The leaders in this area are making
infrastructure, networking, Web services, and, most      progress toward the 21st century vision by estab-
important, the evolution of open and componen-           lishing new techniques to address the most pressing
tized architectures are enabling the separation of       business concerns.
IT management and IT strategy—a huge step in
the evolution of a 21st century vision. Business and     CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT
IT executives can now realistically envision the day
when it will be possible to remove the management,       The primacy of the customer has arrived in the
maintenance and even development of technol-             insurance industry. In the next 10 years, insurers will
ogy applications from an organization, leaving the       likely have established a uniform channel strategy in
insurer to concentrate on customer service, product      which consumers can choose between an agent, bank,
innovation, sales and marketing, branding, and cor-      Internet or wireless/PDA as their means of buying
porate strategy.                                         insurance. The attention will begin to shift to more
                                                         advanced customer analytics that record, analyze and
                                                         manage all aspects of the customer/insurer relation-
WHO IS LEADING THE WAY?                                  ship, thus improving cross-sell opportunities and
A VIEW ON THE GROUND                                     fraud detection.

With the vision of the next five to 10 years taking       Before the analytics can be used effectively, however,
form, the question remains, how do we get there          insurers must make sure channels are well estab-

                                                                                            WHITE PAPER       5

lished. The industry’s experience with customer             CIO Scott McKay, there is “an entirely new opera-
relationship management (CRM) several years ago             ting environment being created for insurers, with
has left IT departments wary. In what has become a          many not having the capabilities to service this new
lesson on the dangers of embracing technological            landscape. The companies that do will be in an advan-
hype without an understanding of its real business          tageous competitive position.”
implications, the failure of CRM projects to deliver
the expected return on investment has left some             ING’s U.S. life insurance division is actively plan-
insurers dubious of expectations laid out by vendors.       ning its Web strategy around the changing needs of
According to a leading Italian non-life insurer, the        these customers—“certainly, servicing targets in the
failure was likely due in large part to confusion over      upper-middle/upper class who are saving for retire-
what CRM could deliver. “I am afraid of speaking            ment is a priority,” says Catherine Smith, COO. The
about CRM. We are assuming CRM tools cannot                 key for ING is to enable the direct channel not for
address all the points in a customer life cycle. You need   sales, but for more streamlined access to account
to have a CRM architecture across different informa-        information on an increasingly diverse and complex
tion systems, so it’s more than just tools. We have to      product portfolio. Furthermore, ING Direct’s success
think about something that is more along the lines          in online retail banking will be a model for greater
of business process automation.”                            customer “intimacy” in insurance, including initia-
                                                            tives like “click-to-call” contact centers.
The use of CRM does, in fact, hold significant prom-
ise for establishing a deeper customer relationship,        McKay is also keen on these automation technologies,
but it is clear that insurers must establish the frame-     citing voice recognition as one that is enabling sig-
work before they can use the tools. For the Italian         nificant efficiency and security in Genworth’s long-
non-life insurer, establishing what they call a “par-       term care applications. “This is an industry known
allel channel strategy” is the key to customer service      for telling people, ‘Let me send you the form.’ With
in the industry over the next five years. The only           voice recognition software, I record that voice on the
expectation insurers should have, says the insurer, “is     phone and I attach it to the file, so that conversation
that the channel between the insurer and the client         is an even better authentication than a signature. It
will not always be the same.” Therefore, enabling as        proves who they are and that you are performing the
much interaction as possible between the various            task they asked you to. I think this technology has
channels is of utmost importance. It is essentially         been significantly underutilized in the industry.”
placing the customer, rather than the channel, at
the center of an insurer’s customer service strategy.
This will be achieved by establishing a number of
other priorities for technology initiatives, such as        Currently, imaging and workflow technologies enable
architecture, automation and data integration, that         the digitization of documents and, by extension, add
enable “a greater global view of the customer.”             a degree of automation to business processes. Insurers
                                                            are introducing automation into routine tasks such
The need for a global view will be essential in the 21st    as simple auto claims, insurance policy changes, or
century. Insurers will increasingly need to have a full     ratings/pricing adjustments in underwriting. The next
understanding of their customers’ buying patterns           phase of automation, however, will be to enable true
and evolving needs and provide more consultation on         straight-through processing in most insurance proc-
a growing product portfolio. According to Genworth          esses, at both the processing and analytical levels.


The advent of business process management technol-         environment. In the 21st century, legacy issues will
ogy is already having an impact on so many areas of        not demand nearly the attention or budget from
both manual and electronic workflow. The multi-             business managers that they do today.
contact-point and labor-intensive claims-processing
function is the primary target of automation in non-       Most of the leading insurers are already well along in
life operations. The Italian non-life insurer is making    rationalization of their legacy operations, with the
a commitment to automation in this area, and               most popular approach being the migration of func-
believes that the healthcare claims process will be        tionality to a middle tier. Aviva remains in an “attic
the next big opportunity for automation.                   cleaning phase,” reducing the duplication and cost of
                                                           legacy where systems cannot be replaced. ING USFS
Perhaps because of the intensive process focus in the      and ING Canada have largely tackled systems ration-
insurance industry, automation was cited as a break-       alization, the former dealing with the culmination of
through technology idea by several respondents.            several years of mergers and acquisitions activity, and
According to several of our participants, the under-       the latter doing so as part of the overall move to com-
writing process stands to reap early benefits from auto-    mon platforms.
mation, given the reliance on actuarial models and
the classification of numerous types of data and the        Although these efforts largely serve to reduce cost and
manual processes still necessary for generating pricing/   duplication from core systems operations, they stream-
rating tables. However, participants cautioned that        line numerous processes and pave the way for much
process must not be confused with enablement.              greater functionality between old systems and new
                                                           applications. The ability to increase functionality
In order for automation to finally replace manual proc-     between disparate systems within a common platform
esses, the industry will have to move beyond simple        is the essence of enterprise architecture and serves to
enabling technologies, such as imaging, that perform       execute on the centralized decision-making process.
some necessary functions but are not true automation.      Because the establishment of enterprise architecture
“When I use imaging,” says Genworth’s McKay, “I am         supports the very notion of IT/business strategy
in essence locked in to using electronic paper, causing    alignment, it may be the most important long-term
me to still have people sitting there analyzing every      technology investment an organization can make.
piece of data coming in front of me. Contrast that
with getting 100 percent of my data into a system.         Although there are a number of technologies cur-
Now I can turn loose and use all kinds of digital deci-    rently supporting the application of enterprise archi-
sion engines, process simulation tools and unlock layer    tecture, and several likely scenarios, executives see
upon layer of additional productivity and service lev-     enterprise architecture as practically synonymous with
els by being able to automate things.”                     SOA. The way SOA is spoken of these days gives it
                                                           the allure of a technology holy grail. One of our
ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE                                    respondents believes this will be the most signifi-
                                                           cant technology development in the next 10 years.
If the aim of the 21st century insurer is to be more       Despite the seemingly sudden interest in the indus-
comprehensive in the collection of information, more       try, the idea of SOA is not new, but the technologies
creative in its use and more nimble in its application,    that enable it, such as Web services and open systems
it will need to establish a far more predictable IT        development environments such as J2EE and .Net,
                                                           have recently made SOA a more realistic proposition.

                                                                                              WHITE PAPER       7

In the context of an SOA, these technologies enable an     outsourced framework. Risk is integrated into the
unprecedented amount of flexibility within an organi-       day-to-day operations and fed back into the system
zation’s operating environment, enabling heretofore        to develop more accurate modeling and pricing strat-
unprecedented speed, flexibility and efficiency.            egies. In fact, a combination of greater government
                                                           oversight and distributed/grid computing may yet
The largest insurers have already embraced the idea        shift the risk burden from underwriting to opera-
of Web services. The Italian non-life insurer sees SOA     tions, including network security and consumer/
as the true enabler of automation in processes and         agent privacy.
data management because the entire enterprise will
be an open book. “Only with open architectures             The establishment of enterprise architecture means
will the business be made flexible enough to enable         that disparate business needs will be far easier to inte-
more automation.” Aviva is beginning to implement          grate. However, the development of architecture is
SOA across individual business units where appli-          but one piece of the technology puzzle for insurers.
cations, or services, are either available or easily       Globalization of all economic activity will lead to a
developed. Currently, these organizations are focus-       continued rise in the severity and volatility of high-
ing on transition, setting up common guidelines and        impact risk exposures, while compliance requirements
integration with existing lines. At the same time,         will require regular and reliable reporting capabilities.
they are eliminating point-to-point connections in         Furthermore, the underwriting process will be increas-
favor of process management engines, considered an         ingly fine-tuned to incorporate more precise risk factors
important—though more tactical—component of                among insureds. All these pieces of data will need to
enterprise architecture. A large European non-life         be stored, classified and callable for use in numerous
insurer believes “the step before full SOA is to use       risk profiling operations.
the message broker and business integrator—a type
of technology that allows this type of applications        Data management is essentially the collection and
communications.”                                           proper use of knowledge. McKay believes that once
                                                           the governance and process focus are in place,
A U.S. life insurer said, “We think IT architecture        knowledge is the most important overarching factor
must be based on SOA and Web services to make the          in success. “You have the strategic discipline and
business more flexible and enable more automation.”         incorporate a lot of knowledge of what you’re
                                                           doing, whether it’s technology knowledge or actu-
The insurer of the 21st century will almost certainly      arial knowledge or risk management knowledge. All
employ some form of enterprise architecture, likely        of those areas come together to make these things
with elements of reference architecture, that will allow   successful.”
more-dynamic, even real-time, decision making that
will be driven by events, such as market fluctuations.      The implementation and use of both structured
                                                           (defined and classified data, such as corporate policy
INFORMATION                                                or financial results) and semistructured data (e-mails
                                                           and telephone conversations) will emerge as impera-
All tasks coming into the organization are directed,       tive to realize the benefits of the feedback loop. The
monitored and managed in real time, and data is            key at this stage is moving data to a warehouse,
stored and reused for underwriting, modeling and           essentially a component, or service, within an archi-
compliance, either within the organization or in an        tecture, from which it can be organized and extracted


to meet business objectives, such as the pricing of a        as the spokes, able to initiate or respond to requests
new policy or product according to a risk profile in          independently. Third parties on both the sales (agents
a given growth demographic or the risk associated            and financial advisers) and service (fulfillment and
with a certain asset class in a portfolio. These appli-      settlement operations) sides will also have access, as
cations will be increasingly useful in the modeling          claims increasingly become automated.
of catastrophe or terrorism risk. In this scenario, models
may be cross-referenced against corporate databases          Many of the leading insurers we spoke with have had
to measure risk precisely across an entire group of          agent portals up and running for several years as
policyholders.                                               part of their acquisition integration or captive agent
                                                             replacement strategies. A large U.S. property and
The visionaries are implementing technologies that           casualty company recently completed this project for
enable the processing of information. Distributed or         its agents in all 50 states and is now addressing an
grid computing is already being used by a number             updated Web access for customer information that
of large non-life insurers for risk modeling or catas-       will allow them to obtain information on everything
trophe forecasting, allowing for much more precise           from new products, to policy changes, to claims status.
risk calculations. McKay says that Genworth, using
grid computing for risk analytics in comparing liabil-       The biggest challenge as we approach the end of the
ities in the asset portfolio, “has realized faster cycle     decade, however, will be in China, where both life and
times and pricing runs, which has led to a measurable        non-life insurance are still sold through company-
competitive advantage.”                                      employed agents. Deregulation is providing an oppor-
                                                             tunity for Japanese, European and U.S. carriers to
CHANNELS                                                     enter the Chinese insurance market in novel ways. For
                                                             example, ING currently provides pension insurance
Captive agents in the West will begin to disappear           via an agreement with China Steel, filling a void left
in developing markets in the next five to 10 years, while     by denationalization of Chinese industry. However,
the growth of direct-to-customer sales via the Inter-        the most popular method of entry into developing
net and wireless will continue to fragment insurance         markets is via other financial services channels, such
distribution. Increasing attention to customer serv-         as banks. China’s largest insurers will find it difficult
ice will also require significant investment in non-          to compete with foreign insurers in an increasingly
acquisitional information, as policyholders become           independent agent framework, according to China
more directly involved with account management               Pacific Insurance Company’s Cheng. “Insurers will
and claims.                                                  have to improve their product design, internal con-
                                                             trol, and management and technology to compete
According to the survey respondents, the greatest dis-       for, let alone maintain, market share.”
tribution challenge for insurers over the next five to
10 years will be to provide competitively differenti-        COMMUNICATIONS
ated access to information. A large European insurer
believes that because of the B2B2C nature of insurance       Insurers remain concerned mainly with investments in
sales, it will be imperative for insurers to open their      transforming core systems to improve operational
back office to agents and policyholders alike. An insur-     efficiency, considering the enthusiasm in the areas
ance company will essentially act as an information          of architecture and process automation. However,
network hub, with agents, banks and policyholders            advances in communications technology are giving

                                                                                                 WHITE PAPER       9

the insurers the ability to realize a host of new appli-   In order to meet rapidly changing demand curves and
cations in everything from internal communications         run a pan-European business more efficiently, Zurich
to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) to wireless.        decided to move the application development off-
According to a large European non-life carrier that has    shore where it could more easily scale production to
implemented a VoIP initiative to strengthen the link       meet demand, thus increasing staff productivity while
with its agents, “VoIP will happen. Having voice and       realizing a significant cost savings. According to Chief
data on the same network enables more flexible com-         Information Technology Officer Michael Paravicini,
munication between employees and cost reduction.”          this agreement meant “getting access to the right
                                                           skills at the right price at the right time” in order to
The Asian market is at the forefront of wireless           speed time-to-market.
business communications, both for information shar-
ing and for transactions. According to China Pacific        This desire for efficiency over cost savings suggests
Insurance Company’s Cheng, only enterprise archi-          a shift in thinking. Another large European insurer
tecture is a more important technology idea than           is currently considering an application testing arrange-
mobile in the emerging Chinese insurance market.           ment that will integrate the development function
“Mobile is part of the Chinese culture, plus the infra-    across geographies. However, there remains some
structure is here. Everyone has cell phones and PDAs,      reluctance to outsourcing due to the complexity in
which will be the key information contact points with      sharing intellectual property and the difficulty in
the consumer. They can pay premiums or get policy          measuring service levels. Furthermore, many insurers
information or click to a call center for more help.”      feel that sending too many jobs offshore could be
The great advantage of mobile, according to Cheng,         detrimental to customer relationships or organiza-
is that the technology can be used anywhere, where-        tional morale. A large U.S. life insurer said that, for
as face-to-face contact and even computers cannot.         this reason, it seeks to keep many jobs, such as produ-
                                                           cers and dedicated service representatives, onshore.
SOURCING                                                   However, it continues to look for opportunities to
                                                           send commoditized functions outside the organiza-
Insurers have long accepted outsourcing as a means         tion. This reflects the mixed feelings on outsourcing
of leveraging economies of scale to lower costs. Claims    and echoes the pros/cons argument surrounding out-
processing has been outsourced to third parties for        sourcing in the media—what goes and what stays?
years, while the outsourcing of IT, including network
and call center management, is now commonplace             Until recently, application development was consi-
in global insurance. Recently, however, insurers have      dered a strategic insurance business function, whereas
begun to view outsourcing as more than a foundational      call center outsourcing was a service-agnostic, labor-
cost-cutting measure. The separation of IT manage-         arbitrage play. The contrary thinking among our
ment from IT strategy is allowing carriers much            visionaries indicates that, while faith in outsourcing
greater flexibility in moving other operations and          agreements will increase, outsourcing itself will remain
processing functions outside of the organization.          an option, determined by strategic factors unique to
                                                           each organization.
Zurich Financial Services is among the pioneers in this
area, having entered into a unique agreement that
separates functions within application development.


                                                          Be realistic about what capabilities and resources
                                                          need to be in place. Management needs to understand
                                                          what types of competencies, skills and resources are
With the global financial services industry at the         necessary to execute toward the vision. A company’s
leading edge of a once-in-a-generation growth oppor-      planning processes must encompass the IT initia-
tunity, leading insurers are showing how technology       tives to make sure the organization is equipped to
may become a competitive sweet spot for true trans-       carry them out.
formational change. Re-engineering of core systems
will gradually give way to new priorities and mark
                                                          Develop a culture of follow-through on a long-term
the end of a transitional period from the 20th to the
                                                          basis. How many times have companies launched
21st century.
                                                          ambitious IT initiatives, only to abandon them “when
                                                          the going gets rough” or when the next major reor-
The emergence of uniform IT/business strategy             ganization weakens or eliminates executive support.
promises to pay dividends in long-term, enterprise-       It is critical that senior management understands the
wide technology strategy—one that can address the         full price of failing to see projects to their conclusion.
demands of agents and policyholders, more easily
adjust to risk and help firms adapt to and scale for
                                                          Overcome organizational inertia. In many com-
a rapidly changing global business environment.
                                                          panies, people act like antibodies when new and
However, to reap these rewards, insurance companies
                                                          unfamiliar technologies are introduced; they come
must address several key issues:
                                                          from all directions and try to eradicate it. If trans-
                                                          formational projects are to survive, senior executives
Establish a clear, achievable vision that includes        must provide strong, unwavering support. Commu-
measurable steps. Increasingly, corporate boards          nication must be clear and consistent from project
and senior executives are requiring detailed business     inception to completion. Education and training must
cases for new IT initiatives, including the ability to    be thorough.
show that projects will generate a healthy return on
investment within very tight time frames. The trans-
                                                          Learn to cut losses when necessary. Many insurers
formation plan cannot be a “big bang” approach.
                                                          have trouble shutting projects down midstream if they
CIOs must be able to articulate clearly—in tangi-
                                                          realize that the initiative is out of alignment with
ble business terms—the scope of their vision, the
                                                          the broader vision. CIOs and senior executives need
iterative steps that will be taken to get there and the
                                                          to reevaluate their portfolio of projects continually
value that will be created along the way. As Genworth’s
                                                          to make sure they are on track and that both near-
McKay says, “I think the industry whines way too
                                                          term and long-term objectives are being met.
much about legacy systems. The issue is not one of
legacy systems versus new technology. It’s about
IT organizations that strategically position their        Long-term, comprehensive IT strategies that include
platforms to evolve forward in stage execution, not       enterprise architecture, process automation and cus-
thinking somebody is going to suddenly bring you          tomer analytics will be essential to insurance com-
a magic bullet and replace your legacy systems.”          panies as they bridge the gap between the 20th and
                                                          21st centuries. Still, to realize the benefits of these
                                                          projects, industry leaders must first recognize their
                                                          limitations and properly understand their potential
                                                          impact on meeting business objectives.

                                                                                               WHITE PAPER       11

Encouragingly, technologies such as open source com-
                                                           ABOUT THE AUTHORS
puting and SOA are reaching the stage of maturity
at which they can contribute to project success.
Leveraging these technologies and staying the course       Marcel Nickler leads BearingPoint’s global insurance
once momentum is gained, leading insurance com-            segment and is based in Zurich, Switzerland. He has
panies can, perhaps, be first in line to enjoy the sweet    been with BearingPoint since 2000, and his insur-
taste of success as the new global opportunities unfold.   ance industry track record includes more than 20
                                                           years of experience in corporate strategy, IT/business
                                                           alignment, process re-engineering and technology
GLOBAL MANAGEMENT AND                                      management. Marcel earned a university degree in
TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING FOR                                  actuarial mathematics. For more information, con-
TODAY’S BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT                               tact Marcel at +41 43 299 7310.

BearingPoint is a leading global management and            Edward Blomquist is a senior analyst with Data-
technology consulting company that serves the              monitor’s Technology practice, where he specializes
Global 2000 and many of the world’s largest public         in financial services technology. His work has been
services organizations. Our experienced professionals      cited in numerous industry and trade publications,
help organizations around the world set direction          including A.M. Best; National Underwriters, Insurance
to reach their goals and create enterprise value.          & Technology Magazine; and Banking Systems and
By aligning their business processes and informa-          Technology Magazine.
tion systems, we help our clients gain competitive
leadership advantage — delivering results in an
accelerated time frame. To learn more, contact us at
1.866.BRNGPNT (+1.703.747.6748 from outside
the United States and Canada) or visit our Web site


                                    BearingPoint         |   1676 International Drive            |   McLean, VA 22102


   ©2005 BearingPoint, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. C3317-1005-02-USRD630

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21 st century insurance firm bearing point

  • 2. HOW TO CREATE A PLATFORM FOR THE 21ST CENTURY INSURANCE FIRM IN THIS WHITE PAPER: INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION 1 Insurance executives in many ways must feel like the A NEW ERA FOR INSURANCE 2 proverbial kid in a candy shop. Aging populations in Western nations, deregulation of key markets, THE EVOLUTION OF IT: FROM 20TH TO 21ST CENTURIES 3 spectacular growth of the middle class in Asia and consumers embracing the use of new technologies IT/BUSINESS ALIGNMENT 4 are among the major trends creating huge growth STANDARDIZATION, WORKFLOW AND opportunities for insurance companies—at least for NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES 5 those that can scale to take advantage. WHO IS LEADING THE WAY? A VIEW ON THE GROUND 5 Therein lies the problem, however. For some insurers, CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT 5 these opportunities—these shelves of sweet good- PROCESS 6 ies—may be just beyond reach. Many insurance executives feel that technology infrastructure—espe- ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE 7 cially legacy systems—is a significant impediment INFORMATION 8 to progress as they attempt to take advantage of an CHANNELS 9 increasingly global insurance industry. It is for this COMMUNICATIONS 9 reason that insurance companies, especially many in SOURCING 10 Europe and North America, are investing in enabling CONCLUSION 11 new systems. GLOBAL MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING FOR Which types of systems are leading insurers invest- TODAY’S BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT 12 ing in and for what purpose? What is their vision for leveraging technology in the first decades of the 21st ABOUT THE AUTHORS 12 century as the industry landscape rapidly changes? Is too much emphasis being placed on problems asso- ciated with legacy systems? To find out, BearingPoint contracted with Datamonitor to interview technol- ogy executives at leading global insurance companies. The goals of this qualitative research were to find out how these insurers are transforming their operations for the new century and articulate a vision of how they can succeed in the new century’s challenging environment. 1 BEARINGPOINT
  • 3. HOW TO CREATE A PLATFORM FOR THE 21ST CENTURY INSURANCE FIRM This global survey report explores the direction of the are increasingly entering into novel strategic alli- global insurance industry over the next five to 10 ances that position them in new markets according years. The observations of industry leaders presented to the strengths of both or all parties. here provide a vision of what the 21st century insur- ance company may look like and how IT is being Technological evolution. The innovation spurred used to achieve that vision. by the creation and expansion of the Internet has changed the business landscape in profound ways. It has enabled an entirely new business operating A NEW ERA FOR INSURANCE model and fundamentally altered consumer behav- ior. The most important advance for IT may be the The evolution of the global insurance industry is a development of networking technology that is poised reaction to the forces reshaping everything from global to deliver greater economies of scale and efficiency supply and demand to market competition to technol- and reduce some operating costs to the vanishing ogy. The most progressive insurers are taking steps point. Meanwhile, wireline and wireless communi- to capitalize on unprecedented growth opportunities cations based on Internet Protocol will enable much while avoiding the risks. The major trends affecting greater flexibility in connecting the insurers with insurance in the 21st century are: clients, sellers and each other. Socioeconomic change. The aging of populations To capitalize on the opportunities in this market- in Western nations, combined with the reduction or place, the best insurers are lining up to realize all the elimination of state and corporate pension plans, will advantages—new markets, scale economies, open create vast new opportunities for life insurance in the computing, automation and multisource opera- United States and Europe. Meanwhile, the moderni- tions—while avoiding the downside—increased risk, zation of the large Asian economies will create a commoditization, and more demanding and disloyal new, multibillion-member middle class. China may customers. Figure 1 highlights the changing charac- offer the most dramatic example of the growth of teristics of the global technology industry. wealth because the inclusion of China in the World Trade Organization (WTO) has sped its transition to free-market capitalism. According to China Pacific Although regional and niche insurers will remain viable Insurance Company Group CIO Richard Cheng, the in the 21st century, economies of scale will concen- “Chinese government benefit program will not be trate premiums, assets and global market share among sufficient to this middle class,” leaving the door open a smaller group of very large insurers. Technology will for domestic and foreign insurers. ensure that they are able to develop and distribute products on a mass scale. Partnerships and strategic agreements, rather than mergers and acquisitions, will (De)regulation. The convergence of financial services enable the “one-stop shop” model. set in motion by industry deregulation, such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the deregulation of the Chinese market, has resulted in consolidation, Independent channels will increasingly be the source new markets, new competitors and the creation of for life products. In the next 10 years, captive agents interrelated, cross-industry value chains. To estab- will have largely disappeared in the West, while, in lish operations in high-growth geographies, insurers developing economies, they will gradually be over- taken by banks, in alliance with both domestic and 2 BEARINGPOINT
  • 4. HOW TO CREATE A PLATFORM FOR THE 21ST CENTURY INSURANCE FIRM foreign carriers. Novel partnerships between insurers Furthermore, the notion of “distribution” itself will may also emerge, particularly in a rapidly denation- change, as it becomes less about transferring and sell- alizing China. ing products and more about sharing information, whether in a B2B or B2B2C context. The Internet and wireless communications will likely emerge as serious sales channels; they are beginning to make inroads in non-life sales today and, in 10 years, THE EVOLUTION OF IT: will begin to take market share from independent FROM 20TH TO 21ST CENTURIES channels. Insurers in Japan and China, where the use of wireless transactions is ahead of that in the West, The insurance industry is poised to benefit from a have begun to offer travel insurance via wireless number of new technologies, as well as the novel accounts, allowing for “impulse” purchases on the fly. application of existing techniques, to realize greater FIGURE 1. THE INDUSTRY VISION 20TH CENTURY 21ST CENTURY MARKETS • National concentration • Global concentration • Growth in developed markets • Growth in developing markets • Insurance/some FS integration • Cross FS global alliances COMPETITION • Polarized: life and non-life • Dynamic: life vs. non-life • Insurer vs. insurer • Insurer vs. ??? • Mutual model • Total demutualization DISTRIBUTION • Channel segregation • Channel integration • Direct/independent on unique platforms • Direct/independent on common platforms • Distributing products • Distributing information PRODUCTS • Internal strategic/internal development • Internal strategic/external development • Complex • Simple/standardized • Insurer-driven • Customer-driven RISK MANAGEMENT/ • Affinity groups/some tiered underwriting • Fully tiered underwriting/automated UNDERWRITING • Reactive modeling • Predictive modeling • Actuarial risk focus • Operational risk focus TECHNOLOGY • Group: decentralized • Group: centralized STRATEGY • Business: isolated/some integration • Business line federation/mainly integrated • Geography-defined • Geography-agnostic • IT as “client” • IT as “partner” Source: Datamonitor WHITE PAPER 3
  • 5. HOW TO CREATE A PLATFORM FOR THE 21ST CENTURY INSURANCE FIRM customer-centricity, improve IT flexibility and remain would negotiate, or in some cases battle, over strategy competitive in a rapidly changing industry. Figure 2 and budget dollars came to an end. Among the lead- highlights how these key technologies can change in ing insurers today, IT is becoming so fully integrated the next five to 10 years. into the business decision-making process as to appear almost invisible. IT/BUSINESS ALIGNMENT Our conversations with insurers repeatedly illustrate During the last 20 years or so, an understanding of the importance of IT and business alignment in the importance of better integration of business and establishing effective long-term technology strategy. IT strategies emerged. In some cases, it was the gal- General insurer ING Canada began the process of vanizing onset of the year 2000; for others, it was implementing a central IT function in 1996 that the buy-in of technological promise amid the dotcom paralleled its strategy of common platforms across hype. Nevertheless, for many of the largest financial insurance lines. ING Canada currently sees itself as services companies, the days when business and IT highly centralized in IT infrastructure, applications FIGURE 2. THE STRATEGIC VISION 20TH CENTURY VISIONARIES 21ST CENTURY CUSTOMER • Imperative: channel provision • Imperative: analytics MANAGEMENT • Price-led • Price- and service-led • Acquisition • Retention PROCESS • Largely manual • Largely automated • Workflow/digital documents • Business process management engines/straight- through processing ENTERPRISE • Point-to-point networking • Service-oriented architecture ARCHITECTURE • Back-office functionality resides • Reference-/event-driven (portfolio management, in legacy underwriting) • Centralized computing • Distributed/grid computing INFORMATION • Siloed • Integrated • Product-defined • Customer-defined • Structured vs. unstructured • Automated and dynamic taxonomy • External fraud detection/claims • Internal/auto fraud/claims, identity theft CHANNELS • Manual interaction • Portal front end (B2B2C) • Disconnected operations • Shared back office • Limited partner interaction • Partner network (claims, underwriting) COMMUNICATIONS • PBX • Voice over Internet Protocol • Phone/fax • Wireless LAN, field agents, claims settlement • Manual transactions • Electronic transactions SOURCING • Internal dominant — tactical • Best sourcing — strategic • Long-term outsourcing contracts • Centralized procurement • Standardized Source: Datamonitor 4 BEARINGPOINT
  • 6. HOW TO CREATE A PLATFORM FOR THE 21ST CENTURY INSURANCE FIRM and strategy, despite leaving some decision-making from here? Or, as some in the industry might lament, authority to regional offices. This centralization has can we get there from here? Many of the technologies allowed it to consolidate legacy systems on a common cited by our respondents are not new. The concept platform while driving long-term project develop- of service-oriented architecture (SOA), for example, ment, including four- to six-year plans for enterprise has existed for years, but only with the recent devel- data integration and electronic transactions. opment of Web services has it become a practical proposition. Claim notification enabled by radio fre- A large European life insurer indicated that its inte- quency identification (RFID) and real-time, driver- gration efforts led to an enterprisewide, “two-track directed premium adjustments are tantalizing ideas process”—continual evaluation of all infrastructure to technologists, but with the industry still address- (to ensure lower costs) and processes (to ensure flex- ing core systems, it is unlikely these solutions will ibility). The insurer believes that by establishing reach the mainstream for at least another decade. ongoing enterprisewide IT evaluation, “we will be able to build unique and new capabilities five, 10, Clearly, the insurance industry remains in a transition 15 years into the future.” period, with most major carriers taking the necessary steps to prepare, perhaps, for the “science fiction” STANDARDIZATION, WORKFLOW AND possibilities sometime in the future. By implement- NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES ing technology change in a steady and measurable fashion, with business objectives driving strategy, While the centralization of business and IT strategy insurers will be able to achieve the balance between has fostered more effective strategic thinking, the maintaining profitability and solvency while estab- development of the Internet, Web services and middle- lishing the flexibility necessary to keep pace with ware are enabling the execution. Standards in IT industry change. The leaders in this area are making infrastructure, networking, Web services, and, most progress toward the 21st century vision by estab- important, the evolution of open and componen- lishing new techniques to address the most pressing tized architectures are enabling the separation of business concerns. IT management and IT strategy—a huge step in the evolution of a 21st century vision. Business and CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT IT executives can now realistically envision the day when it will be possible to remove the management, The primacy of the customer has arrived in the maintenance and even development of technol- insurance industry. In the next 10 years, insurers will ogy applications from an organization, leaving the likely have established a uniform channel strategy in insurer to concentrate on customer service, product which consumers can choose between an agent, bank, innovation, sales and marketing, branding, and cor- Internet or wireless/PDA as their means of buying porate strategy. insurance. The attention will begin to shift to more advanced customer analytics that record, analyze and manage all aspects of the customer/insurer relation- WHO IS LEADING THE WAY? ship, thus improving cross-sell opportunities and A VIEW ON THE GROUND fraud detection. With the vision of the next five to 10 years taking Before the analytics can be used effectively, however, form, the question remains, how do we get there insurers must make sure channels are well estab- WHITE PAPER 5
  • 7. HOW TO CREATE A PLATFORM FOR THE 21ST CENTURY INSURANCE FIRM lished. The industry’s experience with customer CIO Scott McKay, there is “an entirely new opera- relationship management (CRM) several years ago ting environment being created for insurers, with has left IT departments wary. In what has become a many not having the capabilities to service this new lesson on the dangers of embracing technological landscape. The companies that do will be in an advan- hype without an understanding of its real business tageous competitive position.” implications, the failure of CRM projects to deliver the expected return on investment has left some ING’s U.S. life insurance division is actively plan- insurers dubious of expectations laid out by vendors. ning its Web strategy around the changing needs of According to a leading Italian non-life insurer, the these customers—“certainly, servicing targets in the failure was likely due in large part to confusion over upper-middle/upper class who are saving for retire- what CRM could deliver. “I am afraid of speaking ment is a priority,” says Catherine Smith, COO. The about CRM. We are assuming CRM tools cannot key for ING is to enable the direct channel not for address all the points in a customer life cycle. You need sales, but for more streamlined access to account to have a CRM architecture across different informa- information on an increasingly diverse and complex tion systems, so it’s more than just tools. We have to product portfolio. Furthermore, ING Direct’s success think about something that is more along the lines in online retail banking will be a model for greater of business process automation.” customer “intimacy” in insurance, including initia- tives like “click-to-call” contact centers. The use of CRM does, in fact, hold significant prom- ise for establishing a deeper customer relationship, McKay is also keen on these automation technologies, but it is clear that insurers must establish the frame- citing voice recognition as one that is enabling sig- work before they can use the tools. For the Italian nificant efficiency and security in Genworth’s long- non-life insurer, establishing what they call a “par- term care applications. “This is an industry known allel channel strategy” is the key to customer service for telling people, ‘Let me send you the form.’ With in the industry over the next five years. The only voice recognition software, I record that voice on the expectation insurers should have, says the insurer, “is phone and I attach it to the file, so that conversation that the channel between the insurer and the client is an even better authentication than a signature. It will not always be the same.” Therefore, enabling as proves who they are and that you are performing the much interaction as possible between the various task they asked you to. I think this technology has channels is of utmost importance. It is essentially been significantly underutilized in the industry.” placing the customer, rather than the channel, at the center of an insurer’s customer service strategy. PROCESS This will be achieved by establishing a number of other priorities for technology initiatives, such as Currently, imaging and workflow technologies enable architecture, automation and data integration, that the digitization of documents and, by extension, add enable “a greater global view of the customer.” a degree of automation to business processes. Insurers are introducing automation into routine tasks such The need for a global view will be essential in the 21st as simple auto claims, insurance policy changes, or century. Insurers will increasingly need to have a full ratings/pricing adjustments in underwriting. The next understanding of their customers’ buying patterns phase of automation, however, will be to enable true and evolving needs and provide more consultation on straight-through processing in most insurance proc- a growing product portfolio. According to Genworth esses, at both the processing and analytical levels. 6 BEARINGPOINT
  • 8. HOW TO CREATE A PLATFORM FOR THE 21ST CENTURY INSURANCE FIRM The advent of business process management technol- environment. In the 21st century, legacy issues will ogy is already having an impact on so many areas of not demand nearly the attention or budget from both manual and electronic workflow. The multi- business managers that they do today. contact-point and labor-intensive claims-processing function is the primary target of automation in non- Most of the leading insurers are already well along in life operations. The Italian non-life insurer is making rationalization of their legacy operations, with the a commitment to automation in this area, and most popular approach being the migration of func- believes that the healthcare claims process will be tionality to a middle tier. Aviva remains in an “attic the next big opportunity for automation. cleaning phase,” reducing the duplication and cost of legacy where systems cannot be replaced. ING USFS Perhaps because of the intensive process focus in the and ING Canada have largely tackled systems ration- insurance industry, automation was cited as a break- alization, the former dealing with the culmination of through technology idea by several respondents. several years of mergers and acquisitions activity, and According to several of our participants, the under- the latter doing so as part of the overall move to com- writing process stands to reap early benefits from auto- mon platforms. mation, given the reliance on actuarial models and the classification of numerous types of data and the Although these efforts largely serve to reduce cost and manual processes still necessary for generating pricing/ duplication from core systems operations, they stream- rating tables. However, participants cautioned that line numerous processes and pave the way for much process must not be confused with enablement. greater functionality between old systems and new applications. The ability to increase functionality In order for automation to finally replace manual proc- between disparate systems within a common platform esses, the industry will have to move beyond simple is the essence of enterprise architecture and serves to enabling technologies, such as imaging, that perform execute on the centralized decision-making process. some necessary functions but are not true automation. Because the establishment of enterprise architecture “When I use imaging,” says Genworth’s McKay, “I am supports the very notion of IT/business strategy in essence locked in to using electronic paper, causing alignment, it may be the most important long-term me to still have people sitting there analyzing every technology investment an organization can make. piece of data coming in front of me. Contrast that with getting 100 percent of my data into a system. Although there are a number of technologies cur- Now I can turn loose and use all kinds of digital deci- rently supporting the application of enterprise archi- sion engines, process simulation tools and unlock layer tecture, and several likely scenarios, executives see upon layer of additional productivity and service lev- enterprise architecture as practically synonymous with els by being able to automate things.” SOA. The way SOA is spoken of these days gives it the allure of a technology holy grail. One of our ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE respondents believes this will be the most signifi- cant technology development in the next 10 years. If the aim of the 21st century insurer is to be more Despite the seemingly sudden interest in the indus- comprehensive in the collection of information, more try, the idea of SOA is not new, but the technologies creative in its use and more nimble in its application, that enable it, such as Web services and open systems it will need to establish a far more predictable IT development environments such as J2EE and .Net, have recently made SOA a more realistic proposition. WHITE PAPER 7
  • 9. HOW TO CREATE A PLATFORM FOR THE 21ST CENTURY INSURANCE FIRM In the context of an SOA, these technologies enable an outsourced framework. Risk is integrated into the unprecedented amount of flexibility within an organi- day-to-day operations and fed back into the system zation’s operating environment, enabling heretofore to develop more accurate modeling and pricing strat- unprecedented speed, flexibility and efficiency. egies. In fact, a combination of greater government oversight and distributed/grid computing may yet The largest insurers have already embraced the idea shift the risk burden from underwriting to opera- of Web services. The Italian non-life insurer sees SOA tions, including network security and consumer/ as the true enabler of automation in processes and agent privacy. data management because the entire enterprise will be an open book. “Only with open architectures The establishment of enterprise architecture means will the business be made flexible enough to enable that disparate business needs will be far easier to inte- more automation.” Aviva is beginning to implement grate. However, the development of architecture is SOA across individual business units where appli- but one piece of the technology puzzle for insurers. cations, or services, are either available or easily Globalization of all economic activity will lead to a developed. Currently, these organizations are focus- continued rise in the severity and volatility of high- ing on transition, setting up common guidelines and impact risk exposures, while compliance requirements integration with existing lines. At the same time, will require regular and reliable reporting capabilities. they are eliminating point-to-point connections in Furthermore, the underwriting process will be increas- favor of process management engines, considered an ingly fine-tuned to incorporate more precise risk factors important—though more tactical—component of among insureds. All these pieces of data will need to enterprise architecture. A large European non-life be stored, classified and callable for use in numerous insurer believes “the step before full SOA is to use risk profiling operations. the message broker and business integrator—a type of technology that allows this type of applications Data management is essentially the collection and communications.” proper use of knowledge. McKay believes that once the governance and process focus are in place, A U.S. life insurer said, “We think IT architecture knowledge is the most important overarching factor must be based on SOA and Web services to make the in success. “You have the strategic discipline and business more flexible and enable more automation.” incorporate a lot of knowledge of what you’re doing, whether it’s technology knowledge or actu- The insurer of the 21st century will almost certainly arial knowledge or risk management knowledge. All employ some form of enterprise architecture, likely of those areas come together to make these things with elements of reference architecture, that will allow successful.” more-dynamic, even real-time, decision making that will be driven by events, such as market fluctuations. The implementation and use of both structured (defined and classified data, such as corporate policy INFORMATION or financial results) and semistructured data (e-mails and telephone conversations) will emerge as impera- All tasks coming into the organization are directed, tive to realize the benefits of the feedback loop. The monitored and managed in real time, and data is key at this stage is moving data to a warehouse, stored and reused for underwriting, modeling and essentially a component, or service, within an archi- compliance, either within the organization or in an tecture, from which it can be organized and extracted 8 BEARINGPOINT
  • 10. HOW TO CREATE A PLATFORM FOR THE 21ST CENTURY INSURANCE FIRM to meet business objectives, such as the pricing of a as the spokes, able to initiate or respond to requests new policy or product according to a risk profile in independently. Third parties on both the sales (agents a given growth demographic or the risk associated and financial advisers) and service (fulfillment and with a certain asset class in a portfolio. These appli- settlement operations) sides will also have access, as cations will be increasingly useful in the modeling claims increasingly become automated. of catastrophe or terrorism risk. In this scenario, models may be cross-referenced against corporate databases Many of the leading insurers we spoke with have had to measure risk precisely across an entire group of agent portals up and running for several years as policyholders. part of their acquisition integration or captive agent replacement strategies. A large U.S. property and The visionaries are implementing technologies that casualty company recently completed this project for enable the processing of information. Distributed or its agents in all 50 states and is now addressing an grid computing is already being used by a number updated Web access for customer information that of large non-life insurers for risk modeling or catas- will allow them to obtain information on everything trophe forecasting, allowing for much more precise from new products, to policy changes, to claims status. risk calculations. McKay says that Genworth, using grid computing for risk analytics in comparing liabil- The biggest challenge as we approach the end of the ities in the asset portfolio, “has realized faster cycle decade, however, will be in China, where both life and times and pricing runs, which has led to a measurable non-life insurance are still sold through company- competitive advantage.” employed agents. Deregulation is providing an oppor- tunity for Japanese, European and U.S. carriers to CHANNELS enter the Chinese insurance market in novel ways. For example, ING currently provides pension insurance Captive agents in the West will begin to disappear via an agreement with China Steel, filling a void left in developing markets in the next five to 10 years, while by denationalization of Chinese industry. However, the growth of direct-to-customer sales via the Inter- the most popular method of entry into developing net and wireless will continue to fragment insurance markets is via other financial services channels, such distribution. Increasing attention to customer serv- as banks. China’s largest insurers will find it difficult ice will also require significant investment in non- to compete with foreign insurers in an increasingly acquisitional information, as policyholders become independent agent framework, according to China more directly involved with account management Pacific Insurance Company’s Cheng. “Insurers will and claims. have to improve their product design, internal con- trol, and management and technology to compete According to the survey respondents, the greatest dis- for, let alone maintain, market share.” tribution challenge for insurers over the next five to 10 years will be to provide competitively differenti- COMMUNICATIONS ated access to information. A large European insurer believes that because of the B2B2C nature of insurance Insurers remain concerned mainly with investments in sales, it will be imperative for insurers to open their transforming core systems to improve operational back office to agents and policyholders alike. An insur- efficiency, considering the enthusiasm in the areas ance company will essentially act as an information of architecture and process automation. However, network hub, with agents, banks and policyholders advances in communications technology are giving WHITE PAPER 9
  • 11. HOW TO CREATE A PLATFORM FOR THE 21ST CENTURY INSURANCE FIRM the insurers the ability to realize a host of new appli- In order to meet rapidly changing demand curves and cations in everything from internal communications run a pan-European business more efficiently, Zurich to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) to wireless. decided to move the application development off- According to a large European non-life carrier that has shore where it could more easily scale production to implemented a VoIP initiative to strengthen the link meet demand, thus increasing staff productivity while with its agents, “VoIP will happen. Having voice and realizing a significant cost savings. According to Chief data on the same network enables more flexible com- Information Technology Officer Michael Paravicini, munication between employees and cost reduction.” this agreement meant “getting access to the right skills at the right price at the right time” in order to The Asian market is at the forefront of wireless speed time-to-market. business communications, both for information shar- ing and for transactions. According to China Pacific This desire for efficiency over cost savings suggests Insurance Company’s Cheng, only enterprise archi- a shift in thinking. Another large European insurer tecture is a more important technology idea than is currently considering an application testing arrange- mobile in the emerging Chinese insurance market. ment that will integrate the development function “Mobile is part of the Chinese culture, plus the infra- across geographies. However, there remains some structure is here. Everyone has cell phones and PDAs, reluctance to outsourcing due to the complexity in which will be the key information contact points with sharing intellectual property and the difficulty in the consumer. They can pay premiums or get policy measuring service levels. Furthermore, many insurers information or click to a call center for more help.” feel that sending too many jobs offshore could be The great advantage of mobile, according to Cheng, detrimental to customer relationships or organiza- is that the technology can be used anywhere, where- tional morale. A large U.S. life insurer said that, for as face-to-face contact and even computers cannot. this reason, it seeks to keep many jobs, such as produ- cers and dedicated service representatives, onshore. SOURCING However, it continues to look for opportunities to send commoditized functions outside the organiza- Insurers have long accepted outsourcing as a means tion. This reflects the mixed feelings on outsourcing of leveraging economies of scale to lower costs. Claims and echoes the pros/cons argument surrounding out- processing has been outsourced to third parties for sourcing in the media—what goes and what stays? years, while the outsourcing of IT, including network and call center management, is now commonplace Until recently, application development was consi- in global insurance. Recently, however, insurers have dered a strategic insurance business function, whereas begun to view outsourcing as more than a foundational call center outsourcing was a service-agnostic, labor- cost-cutting measure. The separation of IT manage- arbitrage play. The contrary thinking among our ment from IT strategy is allowing carriers much visionaries indicates that, while faith in outsourcing greater flexibility in moving other operations and agreements will increase, outsourcing itself will remain processing functions outside of the organization. an option, determined by strategic factors unique to each organization. Zurich Financial Services is among the pioneers in this area, having entered into a unique agreement that separates functions within application development. 10 BEARINGPOINT
  • 12. HOW TO CREATE A PLATFORM FOR THE 21ST CENTURY INSURANCE FIRM Be realistic about what capabilities and resources CONCLUSION need to be in place. Management needs to understand what types of competencies, skills and resources are With the global financial services industry at the necessary to execute toward the vision. A company’s leading edge of a once-in-a-generation growth oppor- planning processes must encompass the IT initia- tunity, leading insurers are showing how technology tives to make sure the organization is equipped to may become a competitive sweet spot for true trans- carry them out. formational change. Re-engineering of core systems will gradually give way to new priorities and mark Develop a culture of follow-through on a long-term the end of a transitional period from the 20th to the basis. How many times have companies launched 21st century. ambitious IT initiatives, only to abandon them “when the going gets rough” or when the next major reor- The emergence of uniform IT/business strategy ganization weakens or eliminates executive support. promises to pay dividends in long-term, enterprise- It is critical that senior management understands the wide technology strategy—one that can address the full price of failing to see projects to their conclusion. demands of agents and policyholders, more easily adjust to risk and help firms adapt to and scale for Overcome organizational inertia. In many com- a rapidly changing global business environment. panies, people act like antibodies when new and However, to reap these rewards, insurance companies unfamiliar technologies are introduced; they come must address several key issues: from all directions and try to eradicate it. If trans- formational projects are to survive, senior executives Establish a clear, achievable vision that includes must provide strong, unwavering support. Commu- measurable steps. Increasingly, corporate boards nication must be clear and consistent from project and senior executives are requiring detailed business inception to completion. Education and training must cases for new IT initiatives, including the ability to be thorough. show that projects will generate a healthy return on investment within very tight time frames. The trans- Learn to cut losses when necessary. Many insurers formation plan cannot be a “big bang” approach. have trouble shutting projects down midstream if they CIOs must be able to articulate clearly—in tangi- realize that the initiative is out of alignment with ble business terms—the scope of their vision, the the broader vision. CIOs and senior executives need iterative steps that will be taken to get there and the to reevaluate their portfolio of projects continually value that will be created along the way. As Genworth’s to make sure they are on track and that both near- McKay says, “I think the industry whines way too term and long-term objectives are being met. much about legacy systems. The issue is not one of legacy systems versus new technology. It’s about IT organizations that strategically position their Long-term, comprehensive IT strategies that include platforms to evolve forward in stage execution, not enterprise architecture, process automation and cus- thinking somebody is going to suddenly bring you tomer analytics will be essential to insurance com- a magic bullet and replace your legacy systems.” panies as they bridge the gap between the 20th and 21st centuries. Still, to realize the benefits of these projects, industry leaders must first recognize their limitations and properly understand their potential impact on meeting business objectives. WHITE PAPER 11
  • 13. HOW TO CREATE A PLATFORM FOR THE 21ST CENTURY INSURANCE FIRM Encouragingly, technologies such as open source com- ABOUT THE AUTHORS puting and SOA are reaching the stage of maturity at which they can contribute to project success. Leveraging these technologies and staying the course Marcel Nickler leads BearingPoint’s global insurance once momentum is gained, leading insurance com- segment and is based in Zurich, Switzerland. He has panies can, perhaps, be first in line to enjoy the sweet been with BearingPoint since 2000, and his insur- taste of success as the new global opportunities unfold. ance industry track record includes more than 20 years of experience in corporate strategy, IT/business alignment, process re-engineering and technology GLOBAL MANAGEMENT AND management. Marcel earned a university degree in TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING FOR actuarial mathematics. For more information, con- TODAY’S BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT tact Marcel at +41 43 299 7310. BearingPoint is a leading global management and Edward Blomquist is a senior analyst with Data- technology consulting company that serves the monitor’s Technology practice, where he specializes Global 2000 and many of the world’s largest public in financial services technology. His work has been services organizations. Our experienced professionals cited in numerous industry and trade publications, help organizations around the world set direction including A.M. Best; National Underwriters, Insurance to reach their goals and create enterprise value. & Technology Magazine; and Banking Systems and By aligning their business processes and informa- Technology Magazine. tion systems, we help our clients gain competitive leadership advantage — delivering results in an accelerated time frame. To learn more, contact us at 1.866.BRNGPNT (+1.703.747.6748 from outside the United States and Canada) or visit our Web site at 12 BEARINGPOINT
  • 14. STRATEGY, PROCESS & TRANSFORMATION | CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT | SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS | TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE & INTEGRATION | MANAGED SERVICES BearingPoint | 1676 International Drive | McLean, VA 22102 1.866.BRNGPNT ©2005 BearingPoint, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. C3317-1005-02-USRD630