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Teacher to students
Find the electronic address of the student next to you. Then write him/her a message inviting
him/her to come to our Halloween party.
1) Leia o texto abaixo.
The teacher asks the students to send
A) a fax.
B) a postcard.
C) an airmail message.
D) an e-mail.
2) Observe a imagem abaixo.
(From w w w
Look at the picture and choose a sentence that describes Lucy.
A) Lucy has black hair, wears a dress, and looks content.
B) Lucy has very short hair, wears a dress, and looks sad.
C) Lucy wears a robe, has long straight hair, and looks mad.
D) Lucy wears trousers, is blonde, and looks upset.
Bob’s Vacation
Tess:What did you do on your vacation?
Bob: I visited my cousins in the countryside.
Tess:Did you enjoy your trip?
Bob: Yes, I did. In fact I did a lot of things that I never do here.
Tess:Really?! What did you do?
Bob: In the morning I walked along a lake. In the afternoon I watched the birds and the sunset.
And at night I played cards.
Tess:Did you do the same every day?
Bob: Of course not. On weekends we organized parties. My cousins played the guitar and I
prepared the food.
Tess:Prepared the food on weekends?! Thank God I didn’t go with you.
3) Leia o texto abaixo.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 maio 2015.
O diálogo tem como assunto principal o fato de os amigos
A) conversarem sobre as regras dos jogos de cartas.
B) dialogarem acerca do que um deles fez nas férias.
C) disputarem para ver quem teve as férias mais divertidas.
D) trocarem as receitas que fizeram no tempo livre.
4) Leia o texto abaixo.
A finalidade desse texto é
A) anunciar produtos.
B) atrair novos vendedores.
C) convocar jogadores.
D) orientar o uso de jogos.
( Acesso: 11/08/2013.)
5) Este trecho foi retirado de um diário que descreve a rotina de uma menina francesa. No
trecho, ela utiliza a palavra bakery.
( Acesso: 01/09/2013.)
A palavra bakery corresponde a:
A) um doce.
B) um lugar.
C) uma comida.
D) uma pessoa.
6) Leia o texto abaixo.
( Acesso: 21/03/2014.)
Qual a reação do Garfield em relação à atitude de Odie?
A) Ele a aprova.
B) Ele a censura.
C) Ele a ignora.
D) Ele a questiona.
Leia o texto abaixo.
What are you doing to help nature?
This year our school, “Edinburgh Castle School” is taking part in the program “Let’s Save Nature”.
This program tries to help both animals and plants in our countryside, beaches and mountains.
Animals and plants are disappearing because we humans are not taking care of them. We are
throwing our rubbish1
in the sea, on the streets and in the country. The animals are getting trapped
in the plastic bags or getting ill2
because they eat plastic wrappers3
. Plants are dying because
we are throwing chemicals and rubbish in the forests. Forest fires are also killing thousands of
animals and plants.
Our school is now helping. We are collecting rubbish from the beaches in our city and telling
people not to throw anything on them. […]
And you? What are you doing to help animals and plants? Are you littering4
the beaches and
the country or are you putting your rubbish in the correct places? Please, help animals; don’t litter.
getting ill:ficando doentes.
wrappers: embalagens.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 maio 2022. Adaptado para fins didáticos. (LEM070136I7_SUP)
10) Esse texto foi escrito, principalmente, para
A) pessoas que desejam adotar animais de estimação.
B) pessoas que planejam viajar com animais de estimação.
C) pessoas que pretendem vacinar animais de estimação.
D) pessoas que querem passear com animais de estimação.
Leia o texto abaixo.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 9 maio 2022. Fragmento. (LEM070132I7_SUP)
11) De acordo com esse texto, o que a escola está coletando na praia?
A) Animals.
B) Chemicals.
C) Plants.
D) Rubbish.
Leia novamente o texto “What are you doing to help nature?” para responder às questões abaixo.
12) O objetivo desse texto é
A) anunciar um produto.
B) contar uma história.
C) divulgar uma informação.
D) ensinar uma tarefa.
13) No quarto parágrafo dessetexto, no trecho“Are you littering the beaches and the country or
are you putting your rubbish in the correctplaces?”, a palavra em destaque marcaideia de
A) alternância.
B) conclusão.
C) oposição.
D) tempo.
14) Qual é o assuntodessetexto?
A) A utilização de produtos químicos perto de escolas.
B) As ações de uma escola para proteger o meio ambiente.
C) O passeio ao longo da praia promovido por uma escola.
D) Os perigos das sacolas plásticas abandonadas na natureza.
Leiao texto abaixo.
Disponível em: <>. Acessoem: 9 maio 2022. (LEM070137I7_SUP)
15) Conclui-se desse texto que
A) a biblioteca deve estar localizada próxima à casa do leitor.
B) a leitura deve ser feita coletivamente.
C) o celular atrapalha a concentração durante a leitura.
D) o livro deve ser lido em locais silenciosos.
Leia os textos abaixo.
Disponível: < E>. Acesso em: 12 maio 2022.
What happens to your body when you don’t drink enough water
Water is super important for good health and, really, it helps with everything. Since about 60%
of the human body is actually water, it needs to maintain hydration levels to fuel cells and keep the
brain and body functioning.
You can stay hydrated by drinking water and certain foods can also help you stay hydrated,
especially those with a high water content, such as cucumbers, watermelon, bell peppers and
tomatoes. However, many of us aren’t drinkingnearlyenoughdailyandareevendrinkingdehydrating
sources, like sugar-sweetened beverages [...], which can strip the body of hydration too.
When dehydrated, you might notice your energy levels plummet, as water helps keep your mind
alert and the body balanced. If you’re not drinking enough during the day, that afternoon slump will
hit even harder, and you might feel too tired to continue on with work or make it to your evening
workout. Keep a water bottle on hand to remind you to consistently drink throughout the day. [...]
BAUM, Isadora. What happens to your body w hen you don’t drinkenough w ater. 2022. In: EatingWell.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 maio 2022. Fragmento.
19) Esses textos são semelhantes, pois
A) abordam os benefícios da água para o corpo humano.
B) apontam a queda de energia causada pela falta de água.
C) indicam que bebidas doces podem contribuir para a desidratação.
D) mostram como o consumo de água reduz o nível de toxinas do corpo.
CLIMO, Liz. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 maio 2022. (LEM080141I7_SUP)
20) Entende-se desse texto que
A) o urso doou suas meias para os outros animais.
B) o urso não encontra suas meias porque os outros animais as pegaram.
C) o urso não sabe como costurar seus pares de meia.
D) o urso pediu ajuda ao coelho para encontrar suas meias desaparecidas.
21) O objetivo desse texto é
A) divertir o leitor.
B) fazer uma crítica.
C) informar o leitor.
D) narrar uma história.
Stan, the world’s most expensive t. Rex fossil, has a new home
In 2020, Stan, one of the world’s largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex (T. rex)
skeletons, was auctioned1
for a record $27.5 million ($31.8 million with fees and costs). The
precious fossil, bought by an anonymous private buyer, led many paleontologists to fret2
that the
T. rex was lost to science forever. As it turns out, they had nothing to worry about.
On March 23, 2022, the officials of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, revealed
that the 39-foot-long (11.7-meter-long) T. rex will be a star attraction in their new Natural History
Museum scheduled to open in 2025.
“Now that ‘Stan’ has a new home at the Natural History Museum Abu Dhabi, this 67 million-
year-old dinosaur will be in the care of expert scientists and will continue to contribute to
education and research and inspire future explorers,” the Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and
Tourism said in a news release. [...]
auctioned: leiloado.
to fret: preocupar-se.
DOLÁSIA, Kavi. Stan, the w orld’s most expensive t. Rex fossil, has a new home. 2022. In: Dogo News. 2022.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 maio 2022. Fragmento. (LEM080144I7_SUP)
22) O assunto desse texto é
A) a descoberta de um fóssil de T. Rex por cientistas do Museu de História Natural de Abu Dhabi.
B) a transferência de um fóssil de T. Rex para o Museu de História Natural de Abu Dhabi.
C) o acervo pré-histórico disponível para o público no Museu de História Natural de Abu Dhabi.
D) o cuidado dos especialistas do Departamento de Cultura e de Turismo de Abu Dhabi.
23) De acordo com esse texto, quantos metros tinha o T. Rex?A) 11.7.
B) 23.
C) 31.8.
D) 67.
Disponível em: < DUxY>. Acesso em: 12 maio 2022. Adaptado para fins didáticos. (LEM080146I7_SUP)
24) Esse texto foi escrito, principalmente, para
A) estudantes de Inglês.
B) estudantes europeus.
C) professores de Inglês.
D) professores universitários.
Leia o texto abaixo.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my dismay at the service at your Eden Hill branch on Saturday 14
I often collect prescriptions from the pharmacy on behalf of my grandmother, Mrs Elaine
Bingham. On this occasion there were two prescriptions: one for 10 x 50 mg Kendomol and
one for 50 x 100 mg Leoprone. I was served quickly even though there appeared to be only one
pharmacist on duty. However, as I was leaving I saw that I had been given 500 mg tablets of
Kendomol. This is ten times stronger than the prescription called for. [...]
The pharmacist apologised and corrected the mistake but I wanted to bring it to your attention.
I think it happened because there were not enough staff on duty. I understand that mistakes
happen but there needs to be a minimum of two pharmacists at all times so all prescriptions can
be checked.
I hope you can take steps to make sure this mistake does not happen again.
Yours faithfully,
Roger Bingham
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 maio 2022. Fragmento. (LEM090150I7_SUP)
19) O assunto desse texto é
A) a composição e fabricação de um remédio.
B) a reclamação por um serviço prestado.
C) o pedido de um serviço farmacêutico.
D) o processo de compra e venda de remédios.
20) Nesse texto, o trecho que apresenta uma opinião é:
A) “I often collect prescriptions from the pharmacy on behalf of my grandmother,...”. (2º parágrafo)
B) “This is ten times stronger than the prescription called for.”. (2º parágrafo)
C) “The pharmacist apologised and corrected the mistake...”. (3º parágrafo)
D) “I think it happened because there were not enough staff on duty.”. (3º parágrafo)
21) Nesse texto, no trecho “However,as Iwas leaving...” (2º parágrafo), a palavra destacada foi utilizada
A) indicar adição.
B) marcar oposição.
C) mostrar conclusão.
D) revelar alternância.
On the Move
How do roads appear?It is not by magic.Atransportationengineerplans them.YungKoprowskiis
a transportationengineer.“Wemakeitsaferand easierforpeople to travel,”shetold TIME for Kids.
Koprowski runs a company in Arizona. She helps towns plan new transportation systems. She
also finds ways to make older systems better.
Transportation engineers have a lot to think about. They plan road signs and markings. They
set the timing on traffic signals. They plan bike lanes. They also plan sidewalks.
Math and science skills are needed for this job. So are problem-solving skills. Creativity is
important, too. “We do a lot of writing and research,” Koprowski says.
TIME FOR KIDS. On the Move. 2022. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 17 maio 2022.
22) O assunto desse texto é
A) a pesquisa sobre a construção de estradas.
B) as dificuldades de uma engenheira de transportes.
C) o trabalho realizado por uma engenheira de transportes.
D) os processos que envolvem a construção de uma estrada.
CLIMO, Liz. Hi, I’m Liz! 2022. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 maio 2022. (LEM090153I7_SUP)
23) Entende-se desse texto que
A) o cachorro quis mostrar um truque de mágica diferente para o gato.
B) o cachorro se sentiu melhor após ganhar o presente do gato.
C) o gato pediu ajuda ao cachorro para fazer biscoitos.
D) o gato se ofereceu para brincar com o cachorro.
Leia o texto abaixo.
Giving Children an Opinion – Allowing them to Express Themselves
Children have opinions. About everything. And often in today’s world, the opinions of children
are taking on more weight than the opinions of the adults. In the old days, it used to be that what
mom and dad said went. End of conversation. Today, however most parents strive to entitle their
child to an opinion and in order to show respect and compassion, and listen to it intently. The
question is, is giving children an opinion or a say so in things the best way to parent? And how
much weight should your child’s opinion carry. [..]
The easiest way to balance your authority with compassion for your child’s feelings and opinion
is to teach your child how to discuss things. Giving your child an opinion, doesn’t mean that they
should have the right to argue or debate when and how they do their homework or the rules of the
house. However, they should be encouraged to talk about their feelings. [...] The point is that both
parties are listening to each other and both feel valued for their input. [...]
DANIEL, Stef. Giving Children an Opinion – Allow ing themto Express Themselves. In: Professor’sHouse.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 17 maio 2022. Fragmento. (LEM090154I7_SUP)
24) O trecho que apresenta a tese desse texto é:
A) “Children have opinions. About everything.”. (1º parágrafo)
B) “In the old days, it used to be that what mom and dad said went.”. (1º parágrafo)
C) “Today, however mostparents strive to entitle their child to an opinion and in order to show respectand
compassion, and listen to it intently.”. (1º parágrafo)
D) “The easiest way to balance your authority with compassion for your child’s feelings and opinion is to
teach your child how to discuss things.”. (2º parágrafo)
textos diversos.docx

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textos diversos.docx

  • 1. BL01I06 1 Teacher to students Find the electronic address of the student next to you. Then write him/her a message inviting him/her to come to our Halloween party. 1) Leia o texto abaixo. The teacher asks the students to send A) a fax. B) a postcard. C) an airmail message. D) an e-mail. 2) Observe a imagem abaixo. (From w w w Look at the picture and choose a sentence that describes Lucy. A) Lucy has black hair, wears a dress, and looks content. B) Lucy has very short hair, wears a dress, and looks sad. C) Lucy wears a robe, has long straight hair, and looks mad. D) Lucy wears trousers, is blonde, and looks upset. NOME: EEEFM ANTÔNIO LEMOS JÚNIOR
  • 2. P0601 Bob’s Vacation Tess:What did you do on your vacation? Bob: I visited my cousins in the countryside. Tess:Did you enjoy your trip? Bob: Yes, I did. In fact I did a lot of things that I never do here. Tess:Really?! What did you do? Bob: In the morning I walked along a lake. In the afternoon I watched the birds and the sunset. And at night I played cards. Tess:Did you do the same every day? Bob: Of course not. On weekends we organized parties. My cousins played the guitar and I prepared the food. Tess:Prepared the food on weekends?! Thank God I didn’t go with you. 3) Leia o texto abaixo. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 maio 2015. O diálogo tem como assunto principal o fato de os amigos A) conversarem sobre as regras dos jogos de cartas. B) dialogarem acerca do que um deles fez nas férias. C) disputarem para ver quem teve as férias mais divertidas. D) trocarem as receitas que fizeram no tempo livre. 4) Leia o texto abaixo. A finalidade desse texto é A) anunciar produtos. B) atrair novos vendedores. C) convocar jogadores. D) orientar o uso de jogos. ( Acesso: 11/08/2013.) 12 BL01I06
  • 3. P0601 5) Este trecho foi retirado de um diário que descreve a rotina de uma menina francesa. No trecho, ela utiliza a palavra bakery. ( Acesso: 01/09/2013.) A palavra bakery corresponde a: A) um doce. B) um lugar. C) uma comida. D) uma pessoa. 6) Leia o texto abaixo. ( Acesso: 21/03/2014.) Qual a reação do Garfield em relação à atitude de Odie? A) Ele a aprova. B) Ele a censura. C) Ele a ignora. D) Ele a questiona. Leia o texto abaixo.
  • 4. P0601 What are you doing to help nature? This year our school, “Edinburgh Castle School” is taking part in the program “Let’s Save Nature”. This program tries to help both animals and plants in our countryside, beaches and mountains. Animals and plants are disappearing because we humans are not taking care of them. We are throwing our rubbish1 in the sea, on the streets and in the country. The animals are getting trapped in the plastic bags or getting ill2 because they eat plastic wrappers3 . Plants are dying because we are throwing chemicals and rubbish in the forests. Forest fires are also killing thousands of animals and plants. Our school is now helping. We are collecting rubbish from the beaches in our city and telling people not to throw anything on them. […] And you? What are you doing to help animals and plants? Are you littering4 the beaches and the country or are you putting your rubbish in the correct places? Please, help animals; don’t litter. *Vocabulário: 1 rubbish:lixo,resíduo. 2 getting ill:ficando doentes. 3 wrappers: embalagens. 4 littering:sujando. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 maio 2022. Adaptado para fins didáticos. (LEM070136I7_SUP) 10) Esse texto foi escrito, principalmente, para A) pessoas que desejam adotar animais de estimação. B) pessoas que planejam viajar com animais de estimação. C) pessoas que pretendem vacinar animais de estimação. D) pessoas que querem passear com animais de estimação. Leia o texto abaixo. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 9 maio 2022. Fragmento. (LEM070132I7_SUP) 11) De acordo com esse texto, o que a escola está coletando na praia? A) Animals. B) Chemicals. C) Plants. D) Rubbish.
  • 5. P0601 Leia novamente o texto “What are you doing to help nature?” para responder às questões abaixo. 12) O objetivo desse texto é A) anunciar um produto. B) contar uma história. C) divulgar uma informação. D) ensinar uma tarefa. 13) No quarto parágrafo dessetexto, no trecho“Are you littering the beaches and the country or are you putting your rubbish in the correctplaces?”, a palavra em destaque marcaideia de A) alternância. B) conclusão. C) oposição. D) tempo. 14) Qual é o assuntodessetexto? A) A utilização de produtos químicos perto de escolas. B) As ações de uma escola para proteger o meio ambiente. C) O passeio ao longo da praia promovido por uma escola. D) Os perigos das sacolas plásticas abandonadas na natureza. Leiao texto abaixo. Disponível em: <>. Acessoem: 9 maio 2022. (LEM070137I7_SUP) 15) Conclui-se desse texto que A) a biblioteca deve estar localizada próxima à casa do leitor. B) a leitura deve ser feita coletivamente. C) o celular atrapalha a concentração durante a leitura. D) o livro deve ser lido em locais silenciosos.
  • 6. P0601 Leia os textos abaixo. Texto1 Disponível: < E>. Acesso em: 12 maio 2022. Texto2 What happens to your body when you don’t drink enough water Water is super important for good health and, really, it helps with everything. Since about 60% of the human body is actually water, it needs to maintain hydration levels to fuel cells and keep the brain and body functioning. You can stay hydrated by drinking water and certain foods can also help you stay hydrated, especially those with a high water content, such as cucumbers, watermelon, bell peppers and tomatoes. However, many of us aren’t drinkingnearlyenoughdailyandareevendrinkingdehydrating sources, like sugar-sweetened beverages [...], which can strip the body of hydration too. When dehydrated, you might notice your energy levels plummet, as water helps keep your mind alert and the body balanced. If you’re not drinking enough during the day, that afternoon slump will hit even harder, and you might feel too tired to continue on with work or make it to your evening workout. Keep a water bottle on hand to remind you to consistently drink throughout the day. [...] BAUM, Isadora. What happens to your body w hen you don’t drinkenough w ater. 2022. In: EatingWell. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 maio 2022. Fragmento. (LEM080135I7_SUP) 19) Esses textos são semelhantes, pois A) abordam os benefícios da água para o corpo humano. B) apontam a queda de energia causada pela falta de água. C) indicam que bebidas doces podem contribuir para a desidratação. D) mostram como o consumo de água reduz o nível de toxinas do corpo.
  • 7. P0601 CLIMO, Liz. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 maio 2022. (LEM080141I7_SUP) 20) Entende-se desse texto que A) o urso doou suas meias para os outros animais. B) o urso não encontra suas meias porque os outros animais as pegaram. C) o urso não sabe como costurar seus pares de meia. D) o urso pediu ajuda ao coelho para encontrar suas meias desaparecidas. 21) O objetivo desse texto é A) divertir o leitor. B) fazer uma crítica. C) informar o leitor. D) narrar uma história.
  • 8. P0601 Stan, the world’s most expensive t. Rex fossil, has a new home In 2020, Stan, one of the world’s largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex (T. rex) skeletons, was auctioned1 for a record $27.5 million ($31.8 million with fees and costs). The precious fossil, bought by an anonymous private buyer, led many paleontologists to fret2 that the T. rex was lost to science forever. As it turns out, they had nothing to worry about. On March 23, 2022, the officials of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, revealed that the 39-foot-long (11.7-meter-long) T. rex will be a star attraction in their new Natural History Museum scheduled to open in 2025. “Now that ‘Stan’ has a new home at the Natural History Museum Abu Dhabi, this 67 million- year-old dinosaur will be in the care of expert scientists and will continue to contribute to education and research and inspire future explorers,” the Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism said in a news release. [...] *Vocabulário: 1 auctioned: leiloado. 2 to fret: preocupar-se. DOLÁSIA, Kavi. Stan, the w orld’s most expensive t. Rex fossil, has a new home. 2022. In: Dogo News. 2022. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 maio 2022. Fragmento. (LEM080144I7_SUP) 22) O assunto desse texto é A) a descoberta de um fóssil de T. Rex por cientistas do Museu de História Natural de Abu Dhabi. B) a transferência de um fóssil de T. Rex para o Museu de História Natural de Abu Dhabi. C) o acervo pré-histórico disponível para o público no Museu de História Natural de Abu Dhabi. D) o cuidado dos especialistas do Departamento de Cultura e de Turismo de Abu Dhabi. 23) De acordo com esse texto, quantos metros tinha o T. Rex?A) 11.7. B) 23. C) 31.8. D) 67.
  • 9. P0601 Disponível em: < DUxY>. Acesso em: 12 maio 2022. Adaptado para fins didáticos. (LEM080146I7_SUP) 24) Esse texto foi escrito, principalmente, para A) estudantes de Inglês. B) estudantes europeus. C) professores de Inglês. D) professores universitários. Leia o texto abaixo. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my dismay at the service at your Eden Hill branch on Saturday 14 January. I often collect prescriptions from the pharmacy on behalf of my grandmother, Mrs Elaine Bingham. On this occasion there were two prescriptions: one for 10 x 50 mg Kendomol and one for 50 x 100 mg Leoprone. I was served quickly even though there appeared to be only one pharmacist on duty. However, as I was leaving I saw that I had been given 500 mg tablets of Kendomol. This is ten times stronger than the prescription called for. [...] The pharmacist apologised and corrected the mistake but I wanted to bring it to your attention. I think it happened because there were not enough staff on duty. I understand that mistakes happen but there needs to be a minimum of two pharmacists at all times so all prescriptions can be checked. I hope you can take steps to make sure this mistake does not happen again. Yours faithfully, Roger Bingham Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 maio 2022. Fragmento. (LEM090150I7_SUP)
  • 10. P0601 19) O assunto desse texto é A) a composição e fabricação de um remédio. B) a reclamação por um serviço prestado. C) o pedido de um serviço farmacêutico. D) o processo de compra e venda de remédios. 20) Nesse texto, o trecho que apresenta uma opinião é: A) “I often collect prescriptions from the pharmacy on behalf of my grandmother,...”. (2º parágrafo) B) “This is ten times stronger than the prescription called for.”. (2º parágrafo) C) “The pharmacist apologised and corrected the mistake...”. (3º parágrafo) D) “I think it happened because there were not enough staff on duty.”. (3º parágrafo) 21) Nesse texto, no trecho “However,as Iwas leaving...” (2º parágrafo), a palavra destacada foi utilizada para A) indicar adição. B) marcar oposição. C) mostrar conclusão. D) revelar alternância.
  • 11. P0601 On the Move How do roads appear?It is not by magic.Atransportationengineerplans them.YungKoprowskiis a transportationengineer.“Wemakeitsaferand easierforpeople to travel,”shetold TIME for Kids. Koprowski runs a company in Arizona. She helps towns plan new transportation systems. She also finds ways to make older systems better. Transportation engineers have a lot to think about. They plan road signs and markings. They set the timing on traffic signals. They plan bike lanes. They also plan sidewalks. Math and science skills are needed for this job. So are problem-solving skills. Creativity is important, too. “We do a lot of writing and research,” Koprowski says. TIME FOR KIDS. On the Move. 2022. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 17 maio 2022. (LEM090155I7_SUP) 22) O assunto desse texto é A) a pesquisa sobre a construção de estradas. B) as dificuldades de uma engenheira de transportes. C) o trabalho realizado por uma engenheira de transportes. D) os processos que envolvem a construção de uma estrada.
  • 12. P0601 CLIMO, Liz. Hi, I’m Liz! 2022. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 maio 2022. (LEM090153I7_SUP) 23) Entende-se desse texto que A) o cachorro quis mostrar um truque de mágica diferente para o gato. B) o cachorro se sentiu melhor após ganhar o presente do gato. C) o gato pediu ajuda ao cachorro para fazer biscoitos. D) o gato se ofereceu para brincar com o cachorro. Leia o texto abaixo. Giving Children an Opinion – Allowing them to Express Themselves Children have opinions. About everything. And often in today’s world, the opinions of children are taking on more weight than the opinions of the adults. In the old days, it used to be that what mom and dad said went. End of conversation. Today, however most parents strive to entitle their child to an opinion and in order to show respect and compassion, and listen to it intently. The question is, is giving children an opinion or a say so in things the best way to parent? And how much weight should your child’s opinion carry. [..] The easiest way to balance your authority with compassion for your child’s feelings and opinion is to teach your child how to discuss things. Giving your child an opinion, doesn’t mean that they should have the right to argue or debate when and how they do their homework or the rules of the house. However, they should be encouraged to talk about their feelings. [...] The point is that both parties are listening to each other and both feel valued for their input. [...] DANIEL, Stef. Giving Children an Opinion – Allow ing themto Express Themselves. In: Professor’sHouse. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 17 maio 2022. Fragmento. (LEM090154I7_SUP) 24) O trecho que apresenta a tese desse texto é: A) “Children have opinions. About everything.”. (1º parágrafo) B) “In the old days, it used to be that what mom and dad said went.”. (1º parágrafo) C) “Today, however mostparents strive to entitle their child to an opinion and in order to show respectand compassion, and listen to it intently.”. (1º parágrafo) D) “The easiest way to balance your authority with compassion for your child’s feelings and opinion is to teach your child how to discuss things.”. (2º parágrafo)