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Textbook Information
Rasinski, Timothy V. (2011) Rebuilding the foundation:
Effective reading instruction for 21st century literacy.
Tree Press; Bloomington, IN. ISBN: 978-1-935542-00-1
(Additional readings assigned in class)
Course Description
Focuses on the study of theoretical foundations, past and
present, for the teaching of reading and how these theories
influence classroom practices. Research concerning theory and
practice will be emphasized as it concerns emergent literacy and
developmental reading.
Credit Hours: 3
Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this course, students will be able to:
· identify major learning theories and connect each to reading
instructional practices
· describe the influences of key reading theory on historical
reading instructional practice
· align key components of reading (phonemic awareness,
phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension) with
research-based models and methods of instruction
· demonstrate depth of professional reflection in analyzing their
own teaching practice in light of qualities of effective literacy
· describe and support a developing theoretical stance for
reading instruction citing both learning and reading theory, and
including web-based examples
· outline specific and intentional strategies for supporting
literacy needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students
Course Assessment
Assessment Overview
Outcomes will be achieved and demonstrated through discussion
forums, written assignments, quizzes, and electronic
Threaded Discussions
Written Assignments
Electronic audio/visual presentations
Requirements for Papers and Written Assignments
All papers and written assignments are to be double-spaced and
in 11 or 12 point font. It must follow the guidelines as
described in the 6thedition of the Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association (APA).In addition, all
written work will be assessed using an evaluation rubric which
students are expected to use when completing the assignment.
Graduate level/professional writing is free of grammatical and
mechanical errors. Grammar and mechanics are to be of
graduate/professional level for highest rating on any
Module 2 Discussion Forum
This week your post will be to provide explanation of the
relationship between a given learning theory and a reading
theory. You will also include a metaphor for the confluence of
those learning theories. For example, after describing the
relationship between the Constructivist learning theory and
the Transactional Reading theory I would use a metaphor to
illustrate them such as:
"The Constructivist and Transactional Reading theories are like
a climbing team scaling a cliff with varied ledges and pull offs.
The climbers have the same goal (to reach the summit: to
develop in literacy skills), but each brings a differing level of
prerequisite skills and understanding (schema). This will
determine how they climb, the rate at which they climb, and the
confidence with which they proceed. It will be most successful
if they have purposeful dialogue as they climb so as to learn
from one another. The climbing guide (teacher) will provide
varied scaffolds to assist the climbers based on their assessed
incoming level of skill, and will adjust those supports as needed
along the way.”
Please respond to one other post in addition to submitting your
own response*
1. First, select one of the following Learning Theories
(Cognitive, Behaviorist, Constructivist) and one Reading
Theory which is aligned with the Learning Theory you selected
(Interactive, Traditional, Transactional).
2. Next, briefly explain how the two are related.
3. Then, explain a metaphor you have created which illustrates
the two. You may convey this in words or an annotated
4. Don't forget to respond to at least one of your peer's posts as
Weekly Forum evaluation
Forum post content
Response reflects correct understanding of question(s)
10 points
Forum word count
200 words minimum count
5 points
Response to classmates
Participant responds to at least one classmate, and response
furthers the discussion, (e.g., asks a question, provides further
information or examples, or introduces a different opinion).
50 words minimum word count for reply post; professionally
5 points
20 points total
Bottom of Form
What I wrote
Behaviorism and Interactive
Behaviorism and Interactive go together.
Behaviorism’s most famous practitioner was B.F. Skinner. For
him and others, learning took place when the learner got
“operant conditioning,” what is often called positive
reinforcement and negative reinforcement. The learner behaves
in a good, approved way, and the teacher or parent smiles and
nods their head. That’s positive reinforcement. The learner is
looking around the room and not thinking about what they are
doing. The teacher refuses to acknowledge the bad behavior,
and turns their attention elsewhere. That’s negative
reinforcement. If the child wants the adult’s attention, they
learn to act appropriately.
Interactive learning works in a number of ways. It can involve
one-on-one interaction with a parent, teacher, or other person.
There is immediate feedback or reinforcement to what they do.
That is why interactive learning is often talked about in the
context of machine learning. A child is reading on a computer
or similar device, and the design of the software allows the
child to get immediate feedback or reinforcement on the choices
they make. Whether you are reading with another person or a
machine, there is or at least should be immediate reinforcement
of your reading behavior, either positive or negative.
A good metaphor for interactive behaviorism is being a
comedian. You spend a lot of time with pen and paper writing
what you hope are funny jokes. Sometimes it is a struggle, and
sometimes you come across something great. A comedian
practices their delivery in the mirror and tries out different
speeds and emphasis and gestures. But he or she never really
knows if it is good or not until they perform their jokes in front
of an audience. The audience provides reinforcement
interactively. If they laugh and are engaged with the comedian,
that is positive reinforcement. If they are silent and look at
their drink, that’s negative reinforcement. The comedian
reflects on what got laughs and says, I will do more of that.
The comedian reflects on what was a flop, and thinks, what can
I do to make that better? Maybe I’ll get rid of that completely.
Module 2 Discussion Forum-Grade and Feedback
16.67 %10.000–2050.00 %
Your description of Behavioral Learning Theory is perfect.
However, your connection to Interactive Reading Theory and
your metaphor do not fit (Interactive Reading Theory is not a
theory that is connected to the Behavioral General Learning
Please view the short video below to see more about the
"Interactive Reading Theory"
Your connection would only fit an Interactive Reading Theory
if the comedian knew their audience in advance (ex: teachers);
knew their interest was in students and standardized tests; knew
their motivation for listening to the comedian (their principal
brought her in for stress relief) and the comedian could thus be
confident she could engage the teacher audience with her jokes
... and fit the other components of Interactive Reading Theory.
Your example and metaphor are a much closer fit to Traditional
Reading Theory:
According to Dole et al. (1991), in the traditional view of
reading, novice readers acquire a set of hierarchically ordered
sub-skills that sequentially build toward comprehension ability.
Having mastered these skills, readers are viewed as experts who
comprehend what they read.
If you would like to clarify your post and resubmit, I am happy
to assign the full points based on your revised draft.
Unit 9
BU224 | Microeconomics
Unit 9 Assignment: Monopoly Pricing
Course Number and Section: BU224–0X
General Instructions for all Assignments
1. Unless specified differently by your course instructor, save
this assignment template to your computer with the following
file naming format: Course number_section
number_Last_First_unit number
2. At the top of the template, insert the appropriate information:
Your Name, Course Number and Section, and the Date
3. Insert your answers below, or in the appropriate space
provided for in the question. Your answers should follow APA
format with citations to your sources and, at the bottom of your
last page, a list of references. Your answers should also be in
Standard English with correct spelling, punctuation, grammar,
and style (double spaced, in Times New Roman, 12–point, and
black font). Respond to questions in a thorough manner,
providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and
other elements asked for in the questions.
4. Upload the completed Assignment to the appropriate
5. Any questions about the Assignment, or format questions,
should be directed to your course instructor.
In this Assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of
monopoly pricing, based on different management criteria, the
impact of price regulation of monopolies, and provide detailed
explanations of how price effect and quantity effect cause
marginal revenue to be different from the price.
1. The Gulf Sea Turtle Conservation Group (GSTCG), a 501(c)
(3) non–profit group of volunteers working to collect data on
nesting sea turtles and to promote sea turtle conservation, is
considering creating a video to educate people about sea turtle
conservation. The cost of duplicating the video on a DVD and
mailing the DVD is $6.58. In a GSTCG member meeting, the
video plan was discussed. Table 1. shows the expected demand
for the DVD at different suggested donation levels, and they can
act as a single-price monopolist if they choose to. The receipts
will be used to fund GSTCG supplies for their data collection
and conservation work. At the end of each sea turtle nesting
season, any excess funds are donated by the GSTCG to a local
non-profit sea turtle research and rehabilitation facility.
Table 1.
Suggested Donation per DVD Request
Anticipated Number of DVD Requests
a. Complete Table 2. by computing the Total Revenue, Marginal
Revenue, and Profit columns.
Table 2.
Suggested Donation per DVD Request
Anticipated Number of DVD Requests
Total Revenue
Marginal Revenue
b. The President wants the GSTCG to provide videos to
generate the most possible donations (Total Revenue). What
price is the President of the GSTCG favoring and how many
people will receive the DVD if this becomes the price of the
suggested donation? Explain your answers.
c. The Education Outreach Committee wants the GSTCG to
provide videos to the most possible number of people. What
price is the Educational Outreach Committee favoring and how
many people will receive the DVD if this becomes the price of
the suggested donation? Explain your answers.
d. The Treasurer of the GSTCG wants the DVD program to be
as efficient as possible so that the marginal revenue equals
marginal cost. What price is the Treasurer favoring and how
many people will receive the DVD if this becomes the price of
the suggested donation? Explain your answers.
e. The Fund Raising Committee wants the DVD program to
generate as much profit in donations as possible. What price is
the Fund Raising Committee favoring and how many people will
receive the DVD if this becomes the price of the suggested
donation? Explain your answers.
2. A business has been created to provide needed services to its
market. As the only provider of this service, it functions as a
monopoly, with the ability to set prices and having the entire
market demand schedule as its demand curve. Because the
monopoly is newly formed, there is no government intervention
into the monopoly’s pricing actions. Examine Diagram 2. and
answer each of the following questions with complete
a. What is quantity (a) and why is it important?
b. What is the value at point (b) and why is it important?
c. What is the value at point (c) and why is it important?
d. What is the value at point (d) and why is it important?
e. What is the meaning of the green rectangle labeled (e)?
f. If there were no monopoly and this was a perfectly
competitive market, what would quantity at point (f) be and why
is it important?
g. If there were no monopoly and this was a perfectly
competitive market, what would point (g) be and why is it
h. For the market in which the monopoly now operates, what
does the red triangle labeled (h) mean, and why is it important?
3. A governmental regulating agency was created to oversee the
monopoly in Question 2’s operations and pricing. Diagram 3.
depicts a new price ceiling set by the regulators. Answer each
of the following questions with complete explanations:
a. What is quantity (a) and why is it important?
b. What is the value at point (b) and why is it important?
c. At what level was the price ceiling set?
d. What is the value at point (c) and why is it important?
e. At this price ceiling level, will the monopoly make any
monopoly profits?
f. At this price ceiling level, will the monopoly cover its costs?
g. At this price ceiling level, will the monopoly continue in
business in the long run?
4. Diagram 4. depicts a different price ceiling set by the
regulators for the monopoly in Question 2. Answer each of the
following questions with complete explanations:
a. What is quantity (a) and why is it important?
b. What is the value at point (b) and why is it important?
c. At what level was the price ceiling set?
d. At this price ceiling level, will the monopoly make any
monopoly profits?
e. At this price ceiling level, will the monopoly cover its costs?
f. At this price ceiling level, will the monopoly continue in
business in the long run?
5. Explain your understanding of how price effect contributes to
the fact that, for a monopoly, marginal revenue is always less
than the price.
6. Explain your understanding of how quantity effect
contributes to the fact that, for a monopoly, marginal revenue is
always less than the price.
Unit 9 Assignment: Monopoly Pricing Grading Rubric:
Percent Possible
Points Possible
Full Assignment
Overall Writing:
Correct coversheet information at the top of 1st page
APA format for answers
Correct citations
Standard English no errors
At least one, or more, references
Answers: provides complete information demonstrating analysis
and critical thinking:
Individual Questions:
1. a. Computer TR, MR and Profit
1. b. Most donations
1. c. Most people get DVD's
1. d. Most efficient price
1. e. Most profit
2. a.–h. Evaluate monopoly – no price ceiling
3. a.–g. Evaluate monopoly – 1st price ceiling
4. a.–f. Evaluate monopoly – 2nd price ceiling
5. Explain price effect and MR not equal price
6. Explain quantity effect and MR not equal price
Sub-total for Individual Questions:
v.6.16.171 of 8
Hints for Unit 9 Assignment
Price effect is the difference in revenue caused by changing the
price on existing customers.
Quantity effect is the difference in revenue caused by a change
in the total number of customers
Using a bakery example, assume you are selling pies and you
have 50 customers a week and they pay $10.00 per pie for a
total revenue of $500.
You figure that if you lower your price to $8 per pie that you
will sell more, so you lower your price. The next week you have
70 customers, each paying $8 per pie, and giving you a total
revenue of $560. You gained $60 on that change in price.
The original 50 customers now paying $8 each give you revenue
of $400. The price effect is a loss of $100 ($500 the 50 were
paying last week, minus the $400 that those same 50 customers
are now paying this week = $100 PRICE effect loss).
The 20 NEW customers are paying $8 each giving you an
additional $160 in revenue from new customers; we call that
$160 of new customer revenue the QUANTITY effect gain in
Total Revenue = Number of sales multiplied by the price
Marginal Revenue at each price = Total revenue at the price
minus the total revenue at the previous price for the last
SINGLE sale (must divide difference in total cost by the number
of units sold at that price).
Quantity produced = the quantity at which the Marginal COST
is equal to the Marginal REVENUE
Monopoly price (with NO government intervention) =
HIGHEST price at which buyers will buy the SAME quantity
produced (see the demand schedule/curve) when Marginal Cost
is equal to Marginal Revenue.
Monopoly profits are maximized at a quantity at which marginal
cost is equal to marginal revenue.
Monopoly profits exist when the price is ABOVE the Average
Total cost for that quantity.
Monopoly Deadweight loss occurs because the monopoly
quantity produced is LESS than the quantity that would be what
consumers would demand at a PRICE that equals Marginal Cost.
If a price ceiling is imposed on a monopoly and the price
ceiling is equal to, or above, the Average Total Cost for the
quantity at which PRICE equals the Demand schedule/curve,
then the monopolist will continue to produce. Any price ceiling
below Average Total Cost will result in shutdown over the long
The area of a triangle is computed by the formula:
(base * height)/2
where Height = high price – low price
and Base = high quantity - low quantity
Hints for Unit 8 Assignment
- Fixed cost (FC) = total costs (TC) when NOTHING is
- Variable cost (VC) = total cost (TC) MINUS fixed cost (FC)
- Total costs (TC) = fixed cost (FC) PLUS variable costs (VC)
- Average variable cost (AVC) = Variable cost (VC) divided by
the NUMBER of units
- Average total cost (ATC) = total cost (TC) divided by the
NUMBER of units
- Average fixed cost (AFC) = fixed cost (FC) divided by the
NUMBER of units
-Minimum cost output = the number of units you would produce
when your costs are the LOWEST. It is found by finding the
LOWEST AVERAGE TOTAL cost and making that NUMBER
of units.
- Break-even price is the PRICE that is the same as your
breakeven price will create an economic PROFIT for the
-Shut-down price is the PRICE that is the same as your
shut-down price will mean that you are not even getting enough
revenue to cover even the variable cost (ingredients to make
your product).
Note: any price between the shut-down price and the break-even
price creates enough revenue to cover variable costs
(ingredients to make your product), and will make a
contribution to your fixed costs (like the rent for the building),
but will not cover ALL of your FIXED costs and will NOT
create any economic PROFIT.
Unit 8
BU224 | Microeconomics
Unit 8 Assignment: Break–even Price and Shut–down Price
Course Number and Section: BU224–0X
General Instructions for all Assignments
1. Unless specified differently by your course instructor, save
this assignment template to your computer with the following
file naming format: Course number_section
number_Last_First_unit number
2. At the top of the template, insert the appropriate information:
Your Name, Course Number and Section, and the Date
3. Insert your answers below, or in the appropriate space
provided for in the question. Your answers should follow APA
format with citations to your sources and, at the bottom of your
last page, a list of references. Your answers should also be in
Standard English with correct spelling, punctuation, grammar,
and style (double spaced, in Times New Roman, 12–point, and
black font). Respond to questions in a thorough manner,
providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and
other elements asked for in the questions.
4. Upload the completed Assignment to the appropriate
5. Any questions about the Assignment, or format questions,
should be directed to your course instructor.
In this Assignment, you will be assessed on the following
BU224-3: Examine how changes in the cost of production affect
pricing and production quantity decisions of a firm in a
perfectly competitive market.
GEL-8.5: Apply critical thinking to the field of study.
In this Assignment, you will define and calculate the remaining
six major cost elements of a business, when given the Total
Costs and the Quantity Produced, as well as to use the computed
costs to determine a minimum cost output level for that
business. In addition, you will compute both the break-even
price and the shut-down price for a hypothetical business in a
perfectly competitive market, and determine if that business
would incur an economic profit at various market prices, and
should the firm continue to produce at each of those price
Table 2.a. shows an LED light bulb manufacturer’s total cost of
producing LED light bulbs.
Table 2.a.
Cases of LED light bulbs produced in an hour
Total Cost
1. What is this manufacturer’s fixed cost? Explain why. The
manufactured fixed is $4,500. Fixed cost is the cost at zero
quanity, neither does it not depend on the quanity.
2. Assuming that you only know the Total Costs (TC) (as is
shown in the Table 2.a. above) explain how you would calculate
each of the following:
a. Variable Cost (VC); Total Cost – Fixed Cost = Variable Cost
b. Average Variable Cost (AVC); Total Cost – Fixed
Cost/Quantity= Average Variable Cost
c. Average Total Cost (ATC); Total Costs / Quantity = Average
Total Cost
d. Average Fixed Cost (AFC); and, Total Costs – Variable Cost
/ Quantity = Average Fixed Cost
e. Marginal Costs (of a single case). Change in the Total Costs /
Change in Quantity = Marginal Costs
3. In Table 3.a., for each level of output, insert into the table
the values for:
a. the Variable Cost (VC);
b. the Average Variable Cost (AVC);
c. the Average Total Cost (ATC); and,
d. the Average Fixed Cost (AFC).
Table 3.a.
Cases of LED light bulbs produced in an hour
Total Cost
Variable Costs
Average Variable Costs
Average Total Costs
Average Fixed Cost
e. Given the information you computed in Table 3.a., what is
the minimum cost output Level? Explain why. The minimum
cost output Level is 60. The minimum cost output is the
quantity of output that corresponds to the minimum average
total cost of $111.67.
4. Brenda Smith operates her own farm, raising chickens and
producing eggs. She sells her eggs at the local farmers’ market,
where there are several other egg producers’ also selling eggs
by the dozen. (Brenda operates in a perfectly competitive
market in which she is a “price taker.”) In order to make sure
she does not lose money on selling eggs, she does an analysis of
her costs for producing eggs as shown on Table 4.a.
Table 4.a.
Dozens of eggs
Fixed Cost
Total Cost
Variable Costs
Average Variable Costs per dozen
Average Total Costs per dozen
a. What is Brenda’s break-even price for a dozen of eggs?
Explain how you found that answer.
b. What is Brenda’s shut-down price for a dozen of eggs?
Explain how you found that answer.
c. If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers’
market is $1.45 per dozen, will Brenda make an economic
profit? Explain how you determined your answer.
d. If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers’
market is $1.45 per dozen, should Brenda continue producing
eggs in the short run? Explain how you determined your answer.
e. If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers’
market is 72 cents per dozen, will Brenda make an economic
profit? Explain how you determined your answer.
f. If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers’
market is 72 cents per dozen, should Brenda continue producing
eggs in the short run? Explain how you determined your answer.
g. If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers’
market is 64 cents per dozen, will Brenda make an economic
profit? Explain how you determined your answer.
h. If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers’
market is 64 cents per dozen, should Brenda continue producing
eggs in the short run? Explain how you determined your answer.
Unit 8 Assignment: Break–even Price and Shut–down Price
Grading Rubric:
Percent Possible
Points Possible
Full Assignment
Overall Writing:
Correct coversheet information at the top of 1st page
APA format for answers
Correct citations
Standard English no errors
At least one, or more, references
Answers: provides complete information demonstrating analysis
and critical thinking:
Individual Questions:
1. Calculate this manufacturer’s fixed cost
2. a.–d. Define how this manufacturer’s variable cost, average
variable cost, average total cost, average fixed cost, and
marginal cost are calculated.
3. a.–d. Compute this manufacturer's variable cost, average
variable cost, average total cost, and average fixed cost
3. e. Determine this manufacturer's minimum cost output level
and explain.
4. a. – Brenda's break-even price?
4. b. – Brenda's shut-down price?
4. c. – Any economic profit at $1.45 per dozen?
4. d. – Continue producing at $1.45 per dozen?
4. e. – Any economic profit at $0.72 per dozen?
4. f. – Continue producing at $0.72 per dozen?
4. g. – Any economic profit at $0.64 per dozen?
4. h. – Continue producing at $0.64 per dozen?
Sub-total for Individual Questions:
v.6.16.171 of 6

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  • 1. Textbook Information Rasinski, Timothy V. (2011) Rebuilding the foundation: Effective reading instruction for 21st century literacy. Solution Tree Press; Bloomington, IN. ISBN: 978-1-935542-00-1 (Additional readings assigned in class) Course Description Focuses on the study of theoretical foundations, past and present, for the teaching of reading and how these theories influence classroom practices. Research concerning theory and practice will be emphasized as it concerns emergent literacy and developmental reading. Credit Hours: 3 Student Learning Outcomes
  • 2. At the completion of this course, students will be able to: · identify major learning theories and connect each to reading instructional practices · describe the influences of key reading theory on historical reading instructional practice · align key components of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension) with research-based models and methods of instruction · demonstrate depth of professional reflection in analyzing their own teaching practice in light of qualities of effective literacy instruction · describe and support a developing theoretical stance for reading instruction citing both learning and reading theory, and including web-based examples · outline specific and intentional strategies for supporting literacy needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students Course Assessment Assessment Overview Outcomes will be achieved and demonstrated through discussion forums, written assignments, quizzes, and electronic presentations.
  • 3. Threaded Discussions Written Assignments Quizzes Electronic audio/visual presentations Requirements for Papers and Written Assignments All papers and written assignments are to be double-spaced and in 11 or 12 point font. It must follow the guidelines as described in the 6thedition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).In addition, all written work will be assessed using an evaluation rubric which students are expected to use when completing the assignment. Graduate level/professional writing is free of grammatical and mechanical errors. Grammar and mechanics are to be of graduate/professional level for highest rating on any assignment. Module 2 Discussion Forum This week your post will be to provide explanation of the relationship between a given learning theory and a reading
  • 4. theory. You will also include a metaphor for the confluence of those learning theories. For example, after describing the relationship between the Constructivist learning theory and the Transactional Reading theory I would use a metaphor to illustrate them such as: "The Constructivist and Transactional Reading theories are like a climbing team scaling a cliff with varied ledges and pull offs. The climbers have the same goal (to reach the summit: to develop in literacy skills), but each brings a differing level of prerequisite skills and understanding (schema). This will determine how they climb, the rate at which they climb, and the confidence with which they proceed. It will be most successful if they have purposeful dialogue as they climb so as to learn from one another. The climbing guide (teacher) will provide varied scaffolds to assist the climbers based on their assessed incoming level of skill, and will adjust those supports as needed along the way.” Please respond to one other post in addition to submitting your own response* 1. First, select one of the following Learning Theories (Cognitive, Behaviorist, Constructivist) and one Reading Theory which is aligned with the Learning Theory you selected (Interactive, Traditional, Transactional). 2. Next, briefly explain how the two are related. 3. Then, explain a metaphor you have created which illustrates
  • 5. the two. You may convey this in words or an annotated illustration. 4. Don't forget to respond to at least one of your peer's posts as well. Weekly Forum evaluation Forum post content Response reflects correct understanding of question(s) presented. 10 points Forum word count 200 words minimum count 5 points Response to classmates Participant responds to at least one classmate, and response furthers the discussion, (e.g., asks a question, provides further information or examples, or introduces a different opinion). 50 words minimum word count for reply post; professionally written 5 points 20 points total Bottom of Form
  • 6. What I wrote Behaviorism and Interactive Behaviorism and Interactive go together. Behaviorism’s most famous practitioner was B.F. Skinner. For him and others, learning took place when the learner got “operant conditioning,” what is often called positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. The learner behaves in a good, approved way, and the teacher or parent smiles and nods their head. That’s positive reinforcement. The learner is looking around the room and not thinking about what they are doing. The teacher refuses to acknowledge the bad behavior, and turns their attention elsewhere. That’s negative
  • 7. reinforcement. If the child wants the adult’s attention, they learn to act appropriately. Interactive learning works in a number of ways. It can involve one-on-one interaction with a parent, teacher, or other person. There is immediate feedback or reinforcement to what they do. That is why interactive learning is often talked about in the context of machine learning. A child is reading on a computer or similar device, and the design of the software allows the child to get immediate feedback or reinforcement on the choices they make. Whether you are reading with another person or a machine, there is or at least should be immediate reinforcement of your reading behavior, either positive or negative. A good metaphor for interactive behaviorism is being a comedian. You spend a lot of time with pen and paper writing what you hope are funny jokes. Sometimes it is a struggle, and sometimes you come across something great. A comedian practices their delivery in the mirror and tries out different speeds and emphasis and gestures. But he or she never really knows if it is good or not until they perform their jokes in front of an audience. The audience provides reinforcement interactively. If they laugh and are engaged with the comedian, that is positive reinforcement. If they are silent and look at their drink, that’s negative reinforcement. The comedian reflects on what got laughs and says, I will do more of that. The comedian reflects on what was a flop, and thinks, what can
  • 8. I do to make that better? Maybe I’ll get rid of that completely. Module 2 Discussion Forum-Grade and Feedback 16.67 %10.000–2050.00 % Your description of Behavioral Learning Theory is perfect. However, your connection to Interactive Reading Theory and your metaphor do not fit (Interactive Reading Theory is not a theory that is connected to the Behavioral General Learning Theory. Please view the short video below to see more about the "Interactive Reading Theory" Your connection would only fit an Interactive Reading Theory if the comedian knew their audience in advance (ex: teachers); knew their interest was in students and standardized tests; knew their motivation for listening to the comedian (their principal brought her in for stress relief) and the comedian could thus be confident she could engage the teacher audience with her jokes ... and fit the other components of Interactive Reading Theory. Your example and metaphor are a much closer fit to Traditional
  • 9. Reading Theory: According to Dole et al. (1991), in the traditional view of reading, novice readers acquire a set of hierarchically ordered sub-skills that sequentially build toward comprehension ability. Having mastered these skills, readers are viewed as experts who comprehend what they read. If you would like to clarify your post and resubmit, I am happy to assign the full points based on your revised draft. Unit 9 BU224 | Microeconomics Unit 9 Assignment: Monopoly Pricing Name: Course Number and Section: BU224–0X Date: General Instructions for all Assignments 1. Unless specified differently by your course instructor, save
  • 10. this assignment template to your computer with the following file naming format: Course number_section number_Last_First_unit number 2. At the top of the template, insert the appropriate information: Your Name, Course Number and Section, and the Date 3. Insert your answers below, or in the appropriate space provided for in the question. Your answers should follow APA format with citations to your sources and, at the bottom of your last page, a list of references. Your answers should also be in Standard English with correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and style (double spaced, in Times New Roman, 12–point, and black font). Respond to questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. 4. Upload the completed Assignment to the appropriate Dropbox. 5. Any questions about the Assignment, or format questions, should be directed to your course instructor. Assignment
  • 11. In this Assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of monopoly pricing, based on different management criteria, the impact of price regulation of monopolies, and provide detailed explanations of how price effect and quantity effect cause marginal revenue to be different from the price. Questions 1. The Gulf Sea Turtle Conservation Group (GSTCG), a 501(c) (3) non–profit group of volunteers working to collect data on nesting sea turtles and to promote sea turtle conservation, is considering creating a video to educate people about sea turtle conservation. The cost of duplicating the video on a DVD and mailing the DVD is $6.58. In a GSTCG member meeting, the video plan was discussed. Table 1. shows the expected demand for the DVD at different suggested donation levels, and they can act as a single-price monopolist if they choose to. The receipts will be used to fund GSTCG supplies for their data collection and conservation work. At the end of each sea turtle nesting season, any excess funds are donated by the GSTCG to a local non-profit sea turtle research and rehabilitation facility. Table 1. Suggested Donation per DVD Request Anticipated Number of DVD Requests
  • 12. $19.00 0 $15.00 2 $9.50 4 $7.75 10 $3.00 15 $0.00 20 a. Complete Table 2. by computing the Total Revenue, Marginal Revenue, and Profit columns. Table 2. Suggested Donation per DVD Request Anticipated Number of DVD Requests Total Revenue Marginal Revenue PROFIT $19.00 0
  • 14. b. The President wants the GSTCG to provide videos to generate the most possible donations (Total Revenue). What price is the President of the GSTCG favoring and how many people will receive the DVD if this becomes the price of the suggested donation? Explain your answers. c. The Education Outreach Committee wants the GSTCG to provide videos to the most possible number of people. What price is the Educational Outreach Committee favoring and how many people will receive the DVD if this becomes the price of the suggested donation? Explain your answers. d. The Treasurer of the GSTCG wants the DVD program to be as efficient as possible so that the marginal revenue equals marginal cost. What price is the Treasurer favoring and how many people will receive the DVD if this becomes the price of the suggested donation? Explain your answers. e. The Fund Raising Committee wants the DVD program to generate as much profit in donations as possible. What price is
  • 15. the Fund Raising Committee favoring and how many people will receive the DVD if this becomes the price of the suggested donation? Explain your answers. 2. A business has been created to provide needed services to its market. As the only provider of this service, it functions as a monopoly, with the ability to set prices and having the entire market demand schedule as its demand curve. Because the monopoly is newly formed, there is no government intervention into the monopoly’s pricing actions. Examine Diagram 2. and answer each of the following questions with complete explanations: a. What is quantity (a) and why is it important? b. What is the value at point (b) and why is it important? c. What is the value at point (c) and why is it important?
  • 16. d. What is the value at point (d) and why is it important? e. What is the meaning of the green rectangle labeled (e)? f. If there were no monopoly and this was a perfectly competitive market, what would quantity at point (f) be and why is it important? g. If there were no monopoly and this was a perfectly competitive market, what would point (g) be and why is it important? h. For the market in which the monopoly now operates, what does the red triangle labeled (h) mean, and why is it important?
  • 17. 3. A governmental regulating agency was created to oversee the monopoly in Question 2’s operations and pricing. Diagram 3. depicts a new price ceiling set by the regulators. Answer each of the following questions with complete explanations: a. What is quantity (a) and why is it important? b. What is the value at point (b) and why is it important? c. At what level was the price ceiling set? d. What is the value at point (c) and why is it important? e. At this price ceiling level, will the monopoly make any monopoly profits? f. At this price ceiling level, will the monopoly cover its costs? g. At this price ceiling level, will the monopoly continue in business in the long run?
  • 18. 4. Diagram 4. depicts a different price ceiling set by the regulators for the monopoly in Question 2. Answer each of the following questions with complete explanations: a. What is quantity (a) and why is it important? b. What is the value at point (b) and why is it important? c. At what level was the price ceiling set? d. At this price ceiling level, will the monopoly make any monopoly profits? e. At this price ceiling level, will the monopoly cover its costs? f. At this price ceiling level, will the monopoly continue in business in the long run?
  • 19. 5. Explain your understanding of how price effect contributes to the fact that, for a monopoly, marginal revenue is always less than the price. 6. Explain your understanding of how quantity effect contributes to the fact that, for a monopoly, marginal revenue is always less than the price. ------------------------------- References: Unit 9 Assignment: Monopoly Pricing Grading Rubric:
  • 20. Content Percent Possible Points Possible Full Assignment 100% 40 Overall Writing: 20% 8 Correct coversheet information at the top of 1st page 5% 2.00 APA format for answers 3% 1.20 Correct citations 3% 1.20 Standard English no errors 4% 1.60 At least one, or more, references
  • 21. 5% 2.00 Answers: provides complete information demonstrating analysis and critical thinking: 80% 32 Individual Questions: 1. a. Computer TR, MR and Profit 5% 2.00 1. b. Most donations 3% 1.20 1. c. Most people get DVD's 3% 1.20 1. d. Most efficient price 4% 1.60 1. e. Most profit
  • 22. 3% 1.20 2. a.–h. Evaluate monopoly – no price ceiling 16% 6.40 3. a.–g. Evaluate monopoly – 1st price ceiling 14% 5.60 4. a.–f. Evaluate monopoly – 2nd price ceiling 12% 4.80 5. Explain price effect and MR not equal price 10% 4.00 6. Explain quantity effect and MR not equal price 10% 4.00 Sub-total for Individual Questions: 80% 32 v.6.16.171 of 8
  • 23. Hints for Unit 9 Assignment Price effect is the difference in revenue caused by changing the price on existing customers. Quantity effect is the difference in revenue caused by a change in the total number of customers Using a bakery example, assume you are selling pies and you have 50 customers a week and they pay $10.00 per pie for a total revenue of $500. You figure that if you lower your price to $8 per pie that you will sell more, so you lower your price. The next week you have 70 customers, each paying $8 per pie, and giving you a total revenue of $560. You gained $60 on that change in price. The original 50 customers now paying $8 each give you revenue of $400. The price effect is a loss of $100 ($500 the 50 were paying last week, minus the $400 that those same 50 customers are now paying this week = $100 PRICE effect loss). The 20 NEW customers are paying $8 each giving you an additional $160 in revenue from new customers; we call that $160 of new customer revenue the QUANTITY effect gain in
  • 24. revenue. =============================================== === Total Revenue = Number of sales multiplied by the price Marginal Revenue at each price = Total revenue at the price minus the total revenue at the previous price for the last SINGLE sale (must divide difference in total cost by the number of units sold at that price). Quantity produced = the quantity at which the Marginal COST is equal to the Marginal REVENUE Monopoly price (with NO government intervention) = HIGHEST price at which buyers will buy the SAME quantity produced (see the demand schedule/curve) when Marginal Cost is equal to Marginal Revenue. Monopoly profits are maximized at a quantity at which marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue. Monopoly profits exist when the price is ABOVE the Average Total cost for that quantity.
  • 25. Monopoly Deadweight loss occurs because the monopoly quantity produced is LESS than the quantity that would be what consumers would demand at a PRICE that equals Marginal Cost. If a price ceiling is imposed on a monopoly and the price ceiling is equal to, or above, the Average Total Cost for the quantity at which PRICE equals the Demand schedule/curve, then the monopolist will continue to produce. Any price ceiling below Average Total Cost will result in shutdown over the long run. The area of a triangle is computed by the formula: (base * height)/2 where Height = high price – low price and Base = high quantity - low quantity v.6.8.17 Hints for Unit 8 Assignment - Fixed cost (FC) = total costs (TC) when NOTHING is produced - Variable cost (VC) = total cost (TC) MINUS fixed cost (FC) - Total costs (TC) = fixed cost (FC) PLUS variable costs (VC) - Average variable cost (AVC) = Variable cost (VC) divided by the NUMBER of units
  • 26. - Average total cost (ATC) = total cost (TC) divided by the NUMBER of units - Average fixed cost (AFC) = fixed cost (FC) divided by the NUMBER of units -Minimum cost output = the number of units you would produce when your costs are the LOWEST. It is found by finding the LOWEST AVERAGE TOTAL cost and making that NUMBER of units. - Break-even price is the PRICE that is the same as your LOWEST AVERAGE TOTAL COST. Any price ABOVE the breakeven price will create an economic PROFIT for the business. -Shut-down price is the PRICE that is the same as your LOWEST AVERAGE VARIABLE COST. Any price below that shut-down price will mean that you are not even getting enough revenue to cover even the variable cost (ingredients to make your product). Note: any price between the shut-down price and the break-even price creates enough revenue to cover variable costs (ingredients to make your product), and will make a contribution to your fixed costs (like the rent for the building),
  • 27. but will not cover ALL of your FIXED costs and will NOT create any economic PROFIT. v.6.8.17 Unit 8 BU224 | Microeconomics Unit 8 Assignment: Break–even Price and Shut–down Price Name: Course Number and Section: BU224–0X Date: General Instructions for all Assignments 1. Unless specified differently by your course instructor, save this assignment template to your computer with the following file naming format: Course number_section number_Last_First_unit number 2. At the top of the template, insert the appropriate information: Your Name, Course Number and Section, and the Date 3. Insert your answers below, or in the appropriate space
  • 28. provided for in the question. Your answers should follow APA format with citations to your sources and, at the bottom of your last page, a list of references. Your answers should also be in Standard English with correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and style (double spaced, in Times New Roman, 12–point, and black font). Respond to questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. 4. Upload the completed Assignment to the appropriate Dropbox. 5. Any questions about the Assignment, or format questions, should be directed to your course instructor. In this Assignment, you will be assessed on the following outcomes: BU224-3: Examine how changes in the cost of production affect pricing and production quantity decisions of a firm in a perfectly competitive market. GEL-8.5: Apply critical thinking to the field of study. Assignment In this Assignment, you will define and calculate the remaining
  • 29. six major cost elements of a business, when given the Total Costs and the Quantity Produced, as well as to use the computed costs to determine a minimum cost output level for that business. In addition, you will compute both the break-even price and the shut-down price for a hypothetical business in a perfectly competitive market, and determine if that business would incur an economic profit at various market prices, and should the firm continue to produce at each of those price levels. Questions Table 2.a. shows an LED light bulb manufacturer’s total cost of producing LED light bulbs. Table 2.a. Cases of LED light bulbs produced in an hour Total Cost 0 $4,500 10 $4,900 20 $5,100 30
  • 30. $5,300 40 $5,400 50 $5,700 60 $6,700 70 $7,900 80 $9,700 90 $11,800 1. What is this manufacturer’s fixed cost? Explain why. The manufactured fixed is $4,500. Fixed cost is the cost at zero quanity, neither does it not depend on the quanity. 2. Assuming that you only know the Total Costs (TC) (as is shown in the Table 2.a. above) explain how you would calculate each of the following:
  • 31. a. Variable Cost (VC); Total Cost – Fixed Cost = Variable Cost b. Average Variable Cost (AVC); Total Cost – Fixed Cost/Quantity= Average Variable Cost c. Average Total Cost (ATC); Total Costs / Quantity = Average Total Cost d. Average Fixed Cost (AFC); and, Total Costs – Variable Cost / Quantity = Average Fixed Cost e. Marginal Costs (of a single case). Change in the Total Costs / Change in Quantity = Marginal Costs
  • 32. 3. In Table 3.a., for each level of output, insert into the table the values for: a. the Variable Cost (VC); b. the Average Variable Cost (AVC); c. the Average Total Cost (ATC); and, d. the Average Fixed Cost (AFC). Table 3.a. Cases of LED light bulbs produced in an hour Total Cost
  • 33. Variable Costs Average Variable Costs Average Total Costs Average Fixed Cost a. b. c. d. 0 $4,500 n/a n/a n/a 10 $4,900 20 $5,100
  • 35. 70 $7,900 80 $9,700 90 $11,800 e. Given the information you computed in Table 3.a., what is the minimum cost output Level? Explain why. The minimum cost output Level is 60. The minimum cost output is the quantity of output that corresponds to the minimum average
  • 36. total cost of $111.67. 4. Brenda Smith operates her own farm, raising chickens and producing eggs. She sells her eggs at the local farmers’ market, where there are several other egg producers’ also selling eggs by the dozen. (Brenda operates in a perfectly competitive market in which she is a “price taker.”) In order to make sure she does not lose money on selling eggs, she does an analysis of her costs for producing eggs as shown on Table 4.a. Table 4.a. Dozens of eggs Fixed Cost Total Cost Variable Costs Average Variable Costs per dozen Average Total Costs per dozen 0 $3.35 $3.35 n/a n/a n/a 10 $3.35
  • 39. $1.46 $1.50 a. What is Brenda’s break-even price for a dozen of eggs? Explain how you found that answer. b. What is Brenda’s shut-down price for a dozen of eggs? Explain how you found that answer. c. If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers’ market is $1.45 per dozen, will Brenda make an economic profit? Explain how you determined your answer. d. If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers’ market is $1.45 per dozen, should Brenda continue producing eggs in the short run? Explain how you determined your answer. e. If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers’ market is 72 cents per dozen, will Brenda make an economic profit? Explain how you determined your answer.
  • 40. f. If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers’ market is 72 cents per dozen, should Brenda continue producing eggs in the short run? Explain how you determined your answer. g. If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers’ market is 64 cents per dozen, will Brenda make an economic profit? Explain how you determined your answer. h. If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers’ market is 64 cents per dozen, should Brenda continue producing eggs in the short run? Explain how you determined your answer. -------------------------------------------- References: Unit 8 Assignment: Break–even Price and Shut–down Price Grading Rubric:
  • 41. Content Percent Possible Points Possible Full Assignment 100% 80 Overall Writing: 20% 16 Correct coversheet information at the top of 1st page 5% 4.00 APA format for answers 3% 2.40 Correct citations 3% 2.40 Standard English no errors 4% 3.20
  • 42. At least one, or more, references 5% 4.00 Answers: provides complete information demonstrating analysis and critical thinking: 80% 64 Individual Questions: 1. Calculate this manufacturer’s fixed cost 5% 4.00 2. a.–d. Define how this manufacturer’s variable cost, average variable cost, average total cost, average fixed cost, and marginal cost are calculated. 9% 7.20 3. a.–d. Compute this manufacturer's variable cost, average variable cost, average total cost, and average fixed cost 9% 7.20
  • 43. 3. e. Determine this manufacturer's minimum cost output level and explain. 6% 4.80 4. a. – Brenda's break-even price? 8% 6.40 4. b. – Brenda's shut-down price? 8% 6.40 4. c. – Any economic profit at $1.45 per dozen? 5% 4.00 4. d. – Continue producing at $1.45 per dozen? 6% 4.80 4. e. – Any economic profit at $0.72 per dozen? 6% 4.80 4. f. – Continue producing at $0.72 per dozen? 6% 4.80 4. g. – Any economic profit at $0.64 per dozen? 6% 4.80
  • 44. 4. h. – Continue producing at $0.64 per dozen? 6% 4.80 Sub-total for Individual Questions: 80% 64 v.6.16.171 of 6