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Proceedings of the Institution of
    Civil Engineers
    Engineering Sustainability 160
    March 2007 Issue ES1
    Pages 4–10
    doi: 10.1680/ensu.2007.160.1.4

    Paper 2007269

       Why civil engineers should address the sustainability
    ICE’s ‘Telford Apprentices’ are 13 young engineers from around         My generation of engineers lives with ancient and modern
    the UK. Here they discuss sustainability and the role of young         engineered infrastructure—the basis of our civilisation. From
    engineers in advancing and delivering the sustainability               the workings of our water/wastewater systems—analysed
    agenda.                                                                publicly when problems arise—to the recently built flat I lived in
                                                                           that was chilly in winter and baking in the summer, decisions
                                                                           made by yesterday’s designers and contractors continue to
    1. Foreword: Quentin Leiper, President, ICE                            resonate with today’s owners and users. We are educated by these
    During his presidential year, Gordon Masterton introduced the          good and bad decisions. This is why engineers must address the
    apprentice scheme to enable young engineers to gain a greater          sustainability agenda. Our exposure to existing buildings and
    understanding of the workings of ICE and the role of the               infrastructure means we cannot be ignorant of the effects of our
    President. This initiative was a great success and one I wish to       decisions.
    continue. This year is the 250th anniversary of the birth of
    Thomas Telford and therefore I decided to name the 13 successful       At the start of a project, good development policies and
    candidates ‘Telford Apprentices’.                                      careful consideration of how the project will work in its
                                                                           surroundings will affect its environmental impact. The chosen
    The apprentices were all eager to get off to a flying start, so task    materials and construction processes also make a huge
    one was set: what can young engineers do to best promote and           difference to the environmental impact of construction.
    deliver the sustainability agenda? They each produced an               However, sustainability goes beyond the current environmental
    excellent response and their work is published in this issue of        credibility of a project. The three drivers of projects are cost,
    Engineering Sustainability. This is an excellent result and a real     time and quality. Cost and time are important to us; they
    example of how well they work together.                                reflect our design skills and success at managing projects.
                                                                           A more critical assessment will reveal the success of a project
    It is my full expectation that, as well as other tasks (and they are   in terms of sustainability. It may be a decade or more into the
    currently on number eight), they will produce further                  life of a project before its ability to meet the needs of future
    contributions for publication. Later on in the year, the apprentice    owners/users becomes obvious. Sustainability is a quality
    programme will be going international, with prospective                criteria felt not only at the beginning of a project, but throughout
    apprentices joining from Australia and New Zealand.                    its life cycle.

    I congratulate them for becoming the successful candidates and         Infrastructure from previous eras demonstrates the resilience of
    thank them for the enthusiastic way they have taken up the             good design. Some of our engineering forefathers, by chance or
    challenges set them and for their contributions to date during my      (over)design have created sewers that are coping with our
    visits. They have already developed into a great team and I’m sure     massively increased flows, bridges that carry not only pedestrians
    will do well in the future. Finally, my thanks go to their             and horses but lorries their designers could not have imagined.
    companies for allowing them to participate in the programme.           Adaptability and the ability to modify extends the useful life of a
    They have already made a valuable contribution and will                structure, making it more sustainable.
    continue to do so.
                                                                           Engineers are too well informed to have a defence of
                                                                           ignorance. It is not good enough to add environmental
    2. Trina de Silva, London region                                       performance targets as an afterthought. As engineers, it is our
    Sustainability, a current buzz-word, is not a new idea. Roman-era      duty to really make the difference, create the buildings that stay
    drains, unearthed during construction of buildings at the              cool with less effort despite rising temperatures, take
    Guildhall, show a silt trap—evidence the designer was                  brave decisions on our energy and water supply
    thinking about how to extend the life of the drain and make            concerns and ensure our transport network continues to
    it easier to maintain. I believe this is an example of                 service our needs without creating problems for future
    sustainable thinking.                                                  generations.

4   Engineering Sustainability 160 Issue ES1                 Why civil engineers should address the sustainability agenda
3. A. Feretzakis, West of Scotland region                              carried out well? The influence of engineers of the past and
It is essential for civil engineers to understand the duty of their    present has had wide-ranging social benefits in transportation,
profession in the contexts of the environment and society, and in      natural and physical security, safety, resource management
understanding this duty they must try to create changes in             and heritage, all of which improve the quality of life. The
thought and action. This essential change can come through             social benefits of these are immeasurable but need to be
design and construction processes but in order to be successful        considered together with the impact on the environment and the
everyone involved needs to support and promote sustainable             economy.
                                                                       Civil engineers have the potential to address all three facets of
Design sustainability is not an easy process as it must be applied     sustainability. We are in a privileged position because our work
in every design principle. Starting from the conception of the         involves a wide range of positions and responsibilities. In these
design and moving to the location, the structural materials, the       various roles our profession is currently attempting to create
structural methods and finally the possible demolition of the           sustainable environmental, social and economic conditions for
project, design sustainability must be applied in many areas. On       tomorrow. The biggest challenge is to ensure that we attain a
the other hand sustainable construction must aim to use less           balance. It is dangerous to focus on one element to the detriment
natural materials and also less energy to decrease the amount of       of the other two, as has often been the case in the past. As civil
waste and minimise the environmental pollution without                 engineers, we must harness our profession to develop our
compromising the quality of the projects.                              imagination—shaping projects by addressing full sustainability.
                                                                       We must actively use that creativity to ensure that today’s needs
Sustainable thinking, planning and acting must be involved             are met without compromising tomorrow’s.
in civil engineering to minimise the environmental impact
projects have over their entire design life. Only through this
                                                                       5. Katerina Fytopoulou, North east region
process, and by adopting sustainable thinking at every stage in a
project, can a set of principles to improve the quality of life be     The built environment is inevitably influenced by socio-political
created.                                                               context. Sustainability as a series of ideals is a concept
                                                                       grounded in the ethics of environmental responsibility.
All the relevant elements that go into the design and construction     The techniques and technologies of green design are now
of a project must be considered, making it a hard task, but we         generally understood. What is still lacking is an architecture
must all try in order to succeed. Clearly, it is going to be a long    profession which gives priority to ecological issues and a
and difficult process before these principles are established, since    construction industry which puts sustainability at the heart of its
all the information, the values and the resources available to both    operations.
design and construction teams develop constantly, but from
project to project it will become easier.                              Evidence that global warming exists appears to be increasingly
                                                                       overwhelming. It features frequently in the media as well as in
The civil engineering profession has a unique opportunity to           multi-million-dollar Hollywood productions. Climate science has
create a progression of change that will improve and sustain the       established the correlation between burning fossil fuels,
environment and our planet in the long term. These are the very        planetary warming and weather instability. However, other
actions that make civil engineering a unique and very important        human activities are also accelerating the rise in global
profession for our planet and for our lives.                           temperatures, such as the creation of landfill waste or the
                                                                       destruction of rainforests, often to supply the construction
                                                                       industry and despite regular protests from organisations like
4. Doug Forbes, East of Scotland region                                Greenpeace. This all creates an uncomfortable reality for many
The environmental dimension of sustainability is probably the          species, whose habitats are threatened by sea-level rise,
most frequently discussed, and is the aspect which receives the        desertification and so on.
most attention. As civil engineers we are responsible for
designing, constructing, maintaining, operating and changing           Additionally, a drift to cities by the human population puts
both the built and natural environment. Civil engineers have           pressure on housing land, water and energy supplies, and sewage
been involved in many projects that impact on the environment,         and waste capacity. The year 2000 marked the first time in human
affecting individuals and organisations, both today and in the         history that the urban population exceeded the rural one. This not
future. These projects account for a significant proportion of the      only entails an intensification of urban problems (pollution,
world’s resource usage and impact. As civil engineers we must          space, crowding and resource stress), but urban living also raises
accept responsibility for our actions.                                 expectations of an enhanced lifestyle. The personal goals of air-
                                                                       conditioning, cars and energy-consuming gadgets of various
The economic component of sustainability has been the main             kinds require resources whose supplies seem increasingly finite.
driver of projects. As civil engineers addressing the sustainability   So we consume more, waste more and pollute more, a reality
agenda we need to consider more than today alone. It is vital to       which inevitably shifts the emphasis from simple choices (such as
account for costs over a whole life cycle and the impact on            energy) to complex ones (such as sustainability) and from a
future developments. These costs must be considered in tandem          profit-driven agenda to an ethical one. Global warming is an
with the social consequences and environmental impacts.                uncomfortable fact for politicians, designers and the construction
The social aspect of sustainability is one that has only               industry, even though acting in accordance with sustainability
recently come to the forefront, but has this not been part of          principles nowadays is a defining characteristic of being a
the civil engineer’s role for many years—one which has been            professional.

  Engineering Sustainability 160 Issue ES1                   Why civil engineers should address the sustainability agenda                    5
One of the principal barriers to the wider adoption of more            to our prosperity, our public services and our quality of life.
    sustainable design and construction solutions has been the             As engineers we possess the ability to influence and
    perception that they incur substantial additional costs; too           shape society and, as such, should be leading the sustainability
    high to justify their application in this competitive market.          agenda.
    As a result there has been a lag in the application of
    more sustainable solutions that improve performance                    Engineers are well equipped to play a vital role in ensuring the
    beyond that required by regulations. Reaching the highest              longevity of the planet, being at the forefront of all new
    standards of current practice does incur some cost premium,            development and capable of creating innovative solutions in
    but recent research and successful ‘green’ projects around the         consideration of the following key aspects.
    globe show that careful consideration of designs and
    specifications at an early design stage can minimise these cost
    premiums.                                                              6.1. Design
                                                                            (a) Energy: carbon targets: on-site renewable energy sources.
    Often the most powerful and direct driver for addressing                (b) Environmental issues: biodiversity, open space provision,
    sustainability is that the client, funder or planning authority has          contaminated land, flood risk, drainage strategy.
    made it a key project requirement. For example                          (c) Materials: embodied environmental impact.
                                                                           (d) Transport: access to other modes of transport, reduce need
    (a) the Housing Corporation requires an EcoHomes                             to travel.
        ‘good’ rating on any scheme they fund or English                    (e) Water: maximise grey water reuse, water efficiency,
        Partnerships require partner developers to achieve a                     rainwater harvesting, sustainable urban drainage schemes
        minimum Building Research Establishment environmental                    (SUDS).
        assessment method (BREEAM)/EcoHomes ‘very good’                    ( f ) Waste: reuse demolition waste, segregate for recycling, ICE
        rating                                                                   demolition protocol.
    (b) public sector contractors should achieve a BREEAM
        ‘excellent’ rating for all new buildings and their proposals
                                                                           6.2. Construction
        are often critically evaluated according to the extent to
        which they address sustainability issues                            (a) Waste: on-site waste management, separation for recycling,
    (c) local authorities become confident to adopt sustainability in            ‘just in time’ site management.
        transportation and other civil engineering projects (e.g.           (b) Environmental: minimise impact during construction.
        Newcastle City Council achieved a sustainable design and
        construction approach related to the award winning                 6.3. Operation
        development works of Scottswood Road)                               (a)  Access: car parking standards and restrictions.
    (d) many high-profile private developers and landowners are              (b)  Economic benefit: national/regional/local strategies.
        seeking higher standards of sustainability performance from         (c)  Energy: sustainability performance—BREEAM.
        their partners                                                      (d)  Environment: noise management.
    (e) investors are becoming increasingly interested in                   (e)  Social capital: safe streets, fear of crime, affordable housing,
        sustainability and are engaging with major property
                                                                                 quality of public realm.
        industry partners to understand how they contribute to the
                                                                           ( f ) Water: SUDS, long term water management.
        wider sustainability agenda.
                                                                           In order to succeed in addressing the sustainability agenda,
    Engineers have always been pioneers in society; they have driven       engineers need to have a broader understanding of issues which
    advances in development and made things happen. There is               impact on development and communities if they are to make
    significant advantage to be gained from actively addressing the         better places, where people want to live and work. This means
    sustainability agenda, by accepting the ethical responsibility and     today’s engineer will have to be knowledgeable in different
    understanding the financial and programming implications of
                                                                           disciplines as outlined in the Egan review, Skills for Sustainable
    committing to sustainability issues.
                                                                           Communities1 that recognises the need for better training. We
                                                                           should be encouraging students to follow such an influential
    More initiatives should be created from governments, cultural
                                                                           career path and support universities to provide the characteristics
    education promoted and additional research funded to explore
    how change can be achieved effectively in the industry within the
    short amount of time we have available before it is too late for the
                                                                           A multi-discipline perspective is being promoted by the
    future of the planet.”
                                                                           Academy of Sustainable Communities (ASC) and for
                                                                           engineers to influence the sustainability agenda it is
                                                                           imperative to gain such an appreciation. In this respect, Thomas
    6. Christopher Paul Jones, Yorkshire and                               Telford practiced as an architect and engineer, and was an early
    Humber region                                                          exponent of a multi-disciplinary professionl, well ahead of his
    It is without doubt that a profession which designs, builds and        time.
    manages the built environment, underpinning aspects of civilised
    society, has a key role to play in environmental performance and       In conclusion, engineers are well placed to devise and implement
    meeting the challenges of sustainability. In addition, the             strategies for sustainable development and drive worldwide
    construction industry consumes resources on a massive scale to         collaborative input from a wide range of stakeholders. We are all
    create the infrastructure which society craves and is essential        custodians of the environment and have a collective

6   Engineering Sustainability 160 Issue ES1                 Why civil engineers should address the sustainability agenda
responsibility to ensure sustainability is achieved; but as             Sustainability is every person’s responsibility and as engineers
members of ICE our contribution is pivotal.                             we have the fundamental role of ensuring projects are
                                                                        intertwined with the reality of sustainability. In doing so we
                                                                        enable the sustainability agenda to be brought to the forefront of
7. Ben Maltby, West Midlands region                                     the design and delivery of all infrastructure projects in which we
                                                                        are involved. This needs to be from conception to implementation
The most vital elements of our economy and in fact much of the
                                                                        as the future of our planet depends on addressing the current
way we live our daily lives, are delivered by engineers, and in
                                                                        issues, ensuring that the sustainable agenda is approached and
particular it could be argued, civil engineers. Energy, power,
                                                                        that in all areas it is implemented. The construction industry is
water and travel are among many other vital services that the
                                                                        traditionally and by its very nature a high usage sector of
modern world depends on. How can we best address these
elements, that are so key to our economic and natural survival,
to provide them in a sustainable manner? In particular,
                                                                        As an engineer the first introduction to the concept of
why should it be the responsibility of civil engineers to
                                                                        sustainability was during civil engineering design. The concept
ensure problems are tackled to a level not only to halt, but
                                                                        was simple; the sustainability agenda was to be included as an
reverse, damage caused to our small and fragile planet
                                                                        integral part of the design process. As a concept sustainability
through years of neglect stemming from ill-education? There
                                                                        was easy to define but when it came to the actual application
is, of course, a short answer to the question posed in the
                                                                        to the project it became more difficult. In retrospect application
original specification for this article which would bring it to an
                                                                        of sustainability is more difficult than a definition.
all too abrupt end. That answer is: ‘If we as civil engineers do
not address the sustainability agenda, who else will?’ To put
                                                                        In achieving sustainable infrastructure we have the chance to use
it into a simpler context, the question may be reformulated
                                                                        lessons learned over time from innovative high profile
to: ‘Why should civil engineers design the first bridge, road,
                                                                        sustainable construction projects and to implement new and
railway or sewage system?’ Civil engineers have a vital role
                                                                        improved systems of construction to schemes in which we are
in creating a world where there is no shortage of energy,
                                                                        involved. As engineers we have the opportunity to influence
pollution is under control and unwanted climate change has been
                                                                        others by innovative and modern approaches to delivery of
                                                                        projects and to forge the way ahead for other industries. This
                                                                        cannot be about appearing to fulfill the objectives, it must be
There is a grim reality that the economic risks of not dealing with
                                                                        a holistic approach for ideas to work and this will not happen
the environmental challenges faced by the modern world are
unimaginable. As civil engineers struggle with some of the
world’s most pressing environmental problems, the general
                                                                        In the long term everyone is aware that adopting a more mature
public must support their efforts by making sensible, informed
                                                                        and active approach to the sustainability agenda is really the only
choices about personal lifestyle.
                                                                        sensible option. I do believe that it is essential that civil engineers
                                                                        address this issue as well. We are the designers and constructors
Something must be done to make the world a better, less
                                                                        of the future infrastructure and as such have a greater
polluting, place. The media will continue to argue, politicians will
                                                                        responsibility to the population and indeed the environment, but
continue to set targets, protesters will continue to hold placards
                                                                        it is believed there is a bigger question to be posed to engineers
and distribute leaflets, but ultimately civil engineers have the
                                                                        everywhere: ‘Why are we not?’
skills and knowledge to provide practical solutions to the world’s
greatest environmental challenges. To do so is a ‘heroic
challenge’ which will take a blend of creativity from the greatest      9. Tim O’Brien, Wales region
artist, with the technical skill of the greatest mathematician. With
                                                                        The most efficient way of solving any problem, such as resource
my early impressions of the civil engineering industry, it would
                                                                        use, is to tackle it at source. Engineers are in a unique position to
appear as if there is an abundance of talent and skill waiting
                                                                        tackle sustainability as they have roles in both public and private
to meet the world’s problems ‘every step of the way’.
                                                                        sectors, being able to influence construction from conception to
                                                                        completion. As a profession we can use ICE to lobby and advise
                                                                        governments on sustainable development issues. Therefore our
8. Patricia McElduff, Northern Ireland region                           position in society is a good reason why we should consider the
We are all witnesses and accomplices to the continual                   sustainability agenda.
degradation of our local and global environment. Issues such as
deforestation, global warming, waste and rising sea levels are all      Replacing and maintaining structures can be costly, and so it has
testimony to the fact. The management of sustainable                    been realised that a sustainable development would have in-built
construction must integrate the four dimensions: cost, time,            longevity. A good example of longevity is Telford’s Menai
quality and the environment. There is a number of aspects               suspension bridge, first built in 1829, which has so far lasted for
involved in the area of sustainability. Each of which has local,        nearly 200 years. Conversely the current average design life of
national, international and global implications. In assessing the       structures is around 50–100 years. We can do much to improve
sustainability agenda many differing aspects of the project must        the longevity of our designs and finished products by considering
be addressed. In order to do this communication is required             the ease with which buildings can be maintained or altered
between personnel, projects and companies to ensure the lessons         alongside the quality of materials used. This should include
learned and the information gathered is passed on and used to           weighing up the value of using materials that last longer against
address the issue of sustainability.                                    those that require regular replacement, while considering the

  Engineering Sustainability 160 Issue ES1                    Why civil engineers should address the sustainability agenda                        7
embodied energy of the materials from a whole life (and               against deterioration of the natural world. Businesses must
    replacement) perspective.                                             acknowledge that they exist within the earth’s eco-system, and
                                                                          rely on it for their profits. Unlike politicians, companies’ boards
    Our work covers many aspects such as infrastructure, transport,       and directors have an obligation to act in the best long-term
    power generation and general construction. With such a wide           interests of their firm, which must include addressing issues
    breadth of working areas, civil engineers are in a key place to       about how that business interacts with its surroundings.
    influence sustainability issues having both the opportunity and        As engineers, with our ability to analyse problems from first
    the knowledge to make a difference.                                   principles, we need to highlight both the long- and short-term
                                                                          consequences of solutions to our clients. We need to highlight the
    In addition to the embodied energy of buildings, civil engineers      potential financial rewards for investing in a design that
    are in a position to influence overall design of buildings.            minimises future impacts, in other words, that sustainability
    Buildings can be designed to be very energy efficient in use, far      is essentially good business practice.
    more efficient than the present average. The BREEAM ratings are
    one example where engineers should lobby clients and architects       Engineers operate using the ‘precautionary principle’—that is,
    to meet high standards and go further than simply installing          you do not hope for the best, but plan for the worst. This simple
    ‘super’ insulation. Consistently combining low energy                 principle has been expanded into an entire area of study, known
    construction, with buildings that have low lifetime energy usage,     as ‘risk management’, now a key part of every business’ strategy
    would be a major advance towards sustainable development and          formation.
    is another reason why civil engineers should consider the
    sustainability agenda.                                                For civil engineers, ‘planning for the worst’ means that we are
                                                                          forced to consider the long-term impacts of solutions to
    Finally, civil engineers should address the sustainability            problems, and mitigate the negative consequences on the
    issue to raise their public profile. Currently the civil engineer      environment that will simply require more costly work down the
    has a poor status in society, being misunderstood and                 line. Take climate change as an example: some people may
    unable to command high fees. It is the responsibility of all          welcome the prospect of a Mediterranean climate in the UK, but
    civil engineers to promote the profession and educate the public      not many will relish the thought of living and working in
    about the contribution that civil engineers make to modern            buildings designed for northern Europe.
                                                                          Our ability to look at the bigger, long-term picture means that
                                                                          engineers are in an ideal position to ensure sustainability is
    10. Katie Symons, East of England region                              debated properly, and show that embracing sustainability is
    When planning and building the London to Holyhead road,               essential to risk management.
    Thomas Telford would have had to make many decisions about
    the route that would have required analysis of the short and long
    term consequences. As the route forms most of the A5 trunk road       11. Sally Walters, South west region
    still used today, he obviously considered the latter as important,    It is hard to answer or address a question, when the answer seems
    if not more important, than the former.                               so obviously to be within the question itself. Why should
                                                                          engineers address the sustainability agenda? Surely the answer
    Engineers benefit from having the analytical skills to use when        must simply be, because we are engineers.
    solving problems, as we are trained to understand the physical
    principles that drive everyday processes. Our designs are the         There are many reasons for believing that simply being engineers
    result of a solid understanding of the problem, and deciding on       means we should address sustainability; from the fundamental
    the most effective, efficient and suitable solution. Through this,     basic reasons to being an engineer through to the ethical codes
    we have the ability to look at the long term consequences of a        and rule of professional conduct that any member of ICE agrees
    solution or policy, rather than just the short term results. We are   to abide by.
    trained to think: is the solution sustainable?
                                                                          Examining the basic qualities of engineers, we have a skill, ability
    Contrast this with politicians, the traditional policy makers.        or what could even be described as a talent for working with
    By the nature of democracy, their time frames are short and           problems and challenges to provide the solutions. Engineers
    irregular, with no guarantee of power, and therefore                  often think beyond the convention, achieving the innovative.
    responsibility, beyond the next election date.                        At our core, is the fascination with investigating problems and
                                                                          a strong desire to solve them. The sustainability agenda poses one
    Commercial activity provides the link between engineers and           of the biggest challenges facing modern engineers, the necessity
    policy makers. As designers of technology or infrastructure,          to balance the needs of a continually developing, fast-paced
    we contribute to, and influence our local, national and global         world, with changing global conditions, while considering the
    economies, the drivers of government policies. The traditional        needs of our future generations. These factors alone should surely
    business person’s view is that if pursuing a sustainable approach     have any engineer eager to become involved.
    to business activity harms their commercial position, they are
    unlikely to adopt it unless forced to.                                Much of our world has developed, or is developing, at a rapid
                                                                          pace. Expectations of societies for better standards of living and
    Yet this ignores the environmental issues that need to be factored    basic rights are continually growing, yet across the world our
    into mainstream business thinking, including how to mitigate          climates are altering and land space is becoming more fiercely

8   Engineering Sustainability 160 Issue ES1                Why civil engineers should address the sustainability agenda
competed for. The challenge is how to address all these needs for     The engineering community and its associated policy makers
now and for our future.                                               such as ICE should tackle the challenges of the sustainability
                                                                      agenda by enhancing their mechanisms and supporting the
There are social and ethical considerations and responsibilities      training and education of engineers and investing in research and
that are part of being an engineer and why we should adopt            innovation to aid their members who can make a difference to
sustainability. We become engineers to solve problems and aid         this global issue.
the development of society. Part of a desire to become engineers
is to utilise our skills to help others; this is also a value upon    Once a well-educated industry is established, within markets that
which the Institution has developed and is permanently recorded       environmental pressures such as global warming, investor
within the rules of professional conduct.                             interest, competition for resources and legislation have grown,
                                                                      engineers can act to develop sustainable approaches and
The challenges that faced the great engineers such as Brunel          technologies for their industry. Furthermore, engineers can
and Telford are still the same challenges that face us today;         educate both government and clients of the technological
to meet the needs of a rapidly changing world with higher             advances created and benefits in order to motivate them into
expectations and daily demands. Engineers are now, just as            devoting prominent precedence to sustainable development and
then, required to actively take hold of the challenge                 the business that governs its economy.
with the same sense of pride, enthusiasm, commitment and
drive that saw Brunel and Telford become famous names                 In my opinion, engineers must act in a sustainable manner, as it is
worldwide.                                                            they who, through providing the world with its modern
                                                                      requirements, can have the biggest influence upon how these
Rather than the question being ‘why should engineers address the      requirements are created and utilised. The ultimate aim must be
sustainability agenda?’ the question is surely ‘why would             education, in order to develop a new generation of engineers
engineers not address the sustainability agenda?’                     within a sustainability-conscious industry that can develop and
                                                                      foster a new generation of living.

12. Paula Farshim, South east England region
Engineers utilise vast amounts of energy and resources to create      13. James Wallace, North west region
what is required for the human race to live a 21st century            On the 250th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Telford, we are
lifestyle, and this makes the construction industry one of the        reminded of his illustrious engineering legacy. In 1820, Telford
biggest threats to the future security of our planet. What is worse   designed and constructed an innovative iron bridge; one of the
is the unavoidable realisation that everything engineers create       earliest of its kind, carrying the West Coast Great North Road, to
has a finite life, therefore producing waste and compounding the       span the main arterial link between North West England and
problem.                                                              Glasgow, the River Esk Bridge, known as ‘Metal Bridge’.

The utilisation of resources and energy to create waste               Telford considered and calculated not only the engineering
opposes the very basic rules of life, humanity and                    difficulties of the area, as the span at the River Esk is as wide as
sustainability. That is to say that even if the processes             the Thames, but additionally, the huge tidal range of the River
involved are necessary to provide for humans to live and              Esk, which is over 5 m. He also assessed the socio-economic
function, the end waste product is often more damaging than any       needs of the region, in the middle of the UK’s industrial
benefit it may have given.                                             revolution. Remarkably, the bridge lasted 95 years, before being
                                                                      replaced by Cumbria County Council in 1916, due to the
These simple facts portray the reasons why the work of engineers      emergence of the automobile. This bridge is testimony to Telford
and their associated industries have a critical impact on the         as a visionary of sustainability; he had comprehensively designed
principles of sustainability. An engineer is responsible for the      a project that would be sustainable in almost every facet.
design, construction, maintenance and disposal of the
infrastructure required for today’s lifestyle. It is the duty of      In his day, Telford recognised the importance of sustainability
engineers to consider the concept carefully and aim to tackle the     in engineering. In today’s world the importance of
associated problems effectively and throughout the entire cycle.      sustainability is becoming increasingly paramount, because of
Although the reasons behind the need for engineers to address         issues ranging from carbon emissions, depleting natural energy
such issues is very simple, the challenge in making the               resources, continuing pollution of the environment, to
necessary changes in order to ‘meet the needs of today                changing socio-economic world markets. It is imperative that we
without compromising those of tomorrow’ may not be so                 engineers exercise our influence on society to address
straightforward.                                                      sustainability issues, while advancing engineering knowledge.
                                                                      We must build upon the foundations laid by engineers such as
That is why even following the simple realisation that the            Telford. Telford had engineering foresight; he constructed
resources of our planet are limited and fast diminishing, it has      projects for the needs of future generations.
been difficult to establish and action a global strategy to
encourage sustainable approaches to life. In fact, within the         Today, a modern Telford is challenged with the same engineering
construction industry itself much has been said about                 principles, but must take in hand the many advances in
the principles of sustainability, but it is only very                 knowledge and sustainability. Presently I am concerned with
recently that the industry has been actively contributing             ensuring the new River Esk Bridge is sustainable in every
towards its aims.                                                     element. We engineers are working on environmental,

  Engineering Sustainability 160 Issue ES1                  Why civil engineers should address the sustainability agenda                    9
geomorphological and hydrological studies of the new bridge’s          debate we have now reached a world consensus that many of the
     impact (which was not a concern for Telford, apart from the high       technologies in use today are unsustainable. It would be futile
     tides!) to ensure that the integrated engineering solution             to attempt to restrict the expansion of the world’s growing
     minimises the environmental impact on tomorrow’s                       economies in order to save the planet. Through the power of
     environment. We have adopted new techniques to reduce risk             sustainable technology, however, we can mitigate the impact
     to health and safety and improve productivity, by for instance         of this growth.
     launching the steel deck superstructure across the piers. The
     project must also be economically viable; the early contractor         At the other end of the economic scale, underdeveloped
     involvement team is set up to deliver value for money on               countries desperately need affordable and appropriate
     behalf of the Highways Agency, funded by government.                   engineering solutions. These will form the foundations
     In conclusion, if engineers don’t address the sustainability           on which to build and sustain a steady economy, essential
     agenda today, we pay the price tomorrow.                               to meet the basic requirements of the world’s
                                                                            poorest citizens. Solutions appropriate to the local
                                                                            population are needed to meet the global objective for
     14. Joseph Roberts, East Midlands region
                                                                            sustainable living.
     When broken down to its most basic meaning, life is about
     survival. Whichever civilisation one considers throughout time,        As outlined in ICE’s strategy and action plan, 2002–2003,
     engineering solutions have shaped the way people survive. From         the business case for sustainability needs to be clear
     sanitation to power to transport and shelter it has been the task of   and credible to ensure it is always considered.
     civil engineers to use the tools of innovation and knowledge to        Environmental management systems can help companies
     implement solutions making the task of survival achievable.            to cut waste and reduce costs. Ideas such as the use of local
                                                                            suppliers to cut down on transport costs will also cut carbon
     In the late 1700s the solutions provided by Telford and his peers      emissions.
     included vast networks of canals and roads. The newly connected
     corners of Britain kick-started and sustained the country’s            Politicians, activists and film makers can continue to raise
     industrial revolution.                                                 awareness of the dangers of climate change and push the
                                                                            sustainability agenda but it is the engineering community
     The engineering world has moved on since the time of Telford but       that will address it. It is therefore the responsibility of
     the fact that we are still reliant on solutions provided by these      each individual engineer to keep up to date with current
     master builders should provide inspiration to all designers. Civil     practice through continuous professional development in order
     engineering solutions will often be required to outlive the            to provide the sustainable solutions which legislation should
     designer. In this time of economic prosperity we must also build       insist upon.
     with the needs of the future firmly in mind.
                                                                            The answer to the question above is simple: because we have to.
     This does not mean that every building or infrastructure project       Our task, as civil engineers, is to continually answer the question
     needs to last forever, but through whole life costing the solutions    how can the construction industry address the sustainability
     engineers prescribe can achieve a design life that justifies            agenda?
     construction and eventual disassembly. Wherever possible,
     solutions should be adoptable with maintenance issues designed
     in at conception.
     The booming economies of China and India are modern day                1. OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER . The Egan Review—Skills
     examples of man’s insatiable thirst for growth. After years of            for Sustainable Communities. ODPM, London, 2004.

      What do you think?
      To comment on this paper, please email up to 500 words to the editor at
      Proceedings journals rely entirely on contributions sent in by civil engineers and related professionals, academics and students. Papers
      should be 2000–5000 words long, with adequate illustrations and references. Please visit for author
      guidelines and further details.

10   Engineering Sustainability 160 Issue ES1                 Why civil engineers should address the sustainability agenda

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Telford Apprentices 2006 07 Why should civil engineers address the Sustainability Agenda?

  • 1. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Engineering Sustainability 160 March 2007 Issue ES1 Pages 4–10 doi: 10.1680/ensu.2007.160.1.4 Paper 2007269 Why civil engineers should address the sustainability agenda ICE’s ‘Telford Apprentices’ are 13 young engineers from around My generation of engineers lives with ancient and modern the UK. Here they discuss sustainability and the role of young engineered infrastructure—the basis of our civilisation. From engineers in advancing and delivering the sustainability the workings of our water/wastewater systems—analysed agenda. publicly when problems arise—to the recently built flat I lived in that was chilly in winter and baking in the summer, decisions made by yesterday’s designers and contractors continue to 1. Foreword: Quentin Leiper, President, ICE resonate with today’s owners and users. We are educated by these During his presidential year, Gordon Masterton introduced the good and bad decisions. This is why engineers must address the apprentice scheme to enable young engineers to gain a greater sustainability agenda. Our exposure to existing buildings and understanding of the workings of ICE and the role of the infrastructure means we cannot be ignorant of the effects of our President. This initiative was a great success and one I wish to decisions. continue. This year is the 250th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Telford and therefore I decided to name the 13 successful At the start of a project, good development policies and candidates ‘Telford Apprentices’. careful consideration of how the project will work in its surroundings will affect its environmental impact. The chosen The apprentices were all eager to get off to a flying start, so task materials and construction processes also make a huge one was set: what can young engineers do to best promote and difference to the environmental impact of construction. deliver the sustainability agenda? They each produced an However, sustainability goes beyond the current environmental excellent response and their work is published in this issue of credibility of a project. The three drivers of projects are cost, Engineering Sustainability. This is an excellent result and a real time and quality. Cost and time are important to us; they example of how well they work together. reflect our design skills and success at managing projects. A more critical assessment will reveal the success of a project It is my full expectation that, as well as other tasks (and they are in terms of sustainability. It may be a decade or more into the currently on number eight), they will produce further life of a project before its ability to meet the needs of future contributions for publication. Later on in the year, the apprentice owners/users becomes obvious. Sustainability is a quality programme will be going international, with prospective criteria felt not only at the beginning of a project, but throughout apprentices joining from Australia and New Zealand. its life cycle. I congratulate them for becoming the successful candidates and Infrastructure from previous eras demonstrates the resilience of thank them for the enthusiastic way they have taken up the good design. Some of our engineering forefathers, by chance or challenges set them and for their contributions to date during my (over)design have created sewers that are coping with our visits. They have already developed into a great team and I’m sure massively increased flows, bridges that carry not only pedestrians will do well in the future. Finally, my thanks go to their and horses but lorries their designers could not have imagined. companies for allowing them to participate in the programme. Adaptability and the ability to modify extends the useful life of a They have already made a valuable contribution and will structure, making it more sustainable. continue to do so. Engineers are too well informed to have a defence of ignorance. It is not good enough to add environmental 2. Trina de Silva, London region performance targets as an afterthought. As engineers, it is our Sustainability, a current buzz-word, is not a new idea. Roman-era duty to really make the difference, create the buildings that stay drains, unearthed during construction of buildings at the cool with less effort despite rising temperatures, take Guildhall, show a silt trap—evidence the designer was brave decisions on our energy and water supply thinking about how to extend the life of the drain and make concerns and ensure our transport network continues to it easier to maintain. I believe this is an example of service our needs without creating problems for future sustainable thinking. generations. 4 Engineering Sustainability 160 Issue ES1 Why civil engineers should address the sustainability agenda
  • 2. 3. A. Feretzakis, West of Scotland region carried out well? The influence of engineers of the past and It is essential for civil engineers to understand the duty of their present has had wide-ranging social benefits in transportation, profession in the contexts of the environment and society, and in natural and physical security, safety, resource management understanding this duty they must try to create changes in and heritage, all of which improve the quality of life. The thought and action. This essential change can come through social benefits of these are immeasurable but need to be design and construction processes but in order to be successful considered together with the impact on the environment and the everyone involved needs to support and promote sustainable economy. thinking. Civil engineers have the potential to address all three facets of Design sustainability is not an easy process as it must be applied sustainability. We are in a privileged position because our work in every design principle. Starting from the conception of the involves a wide range of positions and responsibilities. In these design and moving to the location, the structural materials, the various roles our profession is currently attempting to create structural methods and finally the possible demolition of the sustainable environmental, social and economic conditions for project, design sustainability must be applied in many areas. On tomorrow. The biggest challenge is to ensure that we attain a the other hand sustainable construction must aim to use less balance. It is dangerous to focus on one element to the detriment natural materials and also less energy to decrease the amount of of the other two, as has often been the case in the past. As civil waste and minimise the environmental pollution without engineers, we must harness our profession to develop our compromising the quality of the projects. imagination—shaping projects by addressing full sustainability. We must actively use that creativity to ensure that today’s needs Sustainable thinking, planning and acting must be involved are met without compromising tomorrow’s. in civil engineering to minimise the environmental impact projects have over their entire design life. Only through this 5. Katerina Fytopoulou, North east region process, and by adopting sustainable thinking at every stage in a project, can a set of principles to improve the quality of life be The built environment is inevitably influenced by socio-political created. context. Sustainability as a series of ideals is a concept grounded in the ethics of environmental responsibility. All the relevant elements that go into the design and construction The techniques and technologies of green design are now of a project must be considered, making it a hard task, but we generally understood. What is still lacking is an architecture must all try in order to succeed. Clearly, it is going to be a long profession which gives priority to ecological issues and a and difficult process before these principles are established, since construction industry which puts sustainability at the heart of its all the information, the values and the resources available to both operations. design and construction teams develop constantly, but from project to project it will become easier. Evidence that global warming exists appears to be increasingly overwhelming. It features frequently in the media as well as in The civil engineering profession has a unique opportunity to multi-million-dollar Hollywood productions. Climate science has create a progression of change that will improve and sustain the established the correlation between burning fossil fuels, environment and our planet in the long term. These are the very planetary warming and weather instability. However, other actions that make civil engineering a unique and very important human activities are also accelerating the rise in global profession for our planet and for our lives. temperatures, such as the creation of landfill waste or the destruction of rainforests, often to supply the construction industry and despite regular protests from organisations like 4. Doug Forbes, East of Scotland region Greenpeace. This all creates an uncomfortable reality for many The environmental dimension of sustainability is probably the species, whose habitats are threatened by sea-level rise, most frequently discussed, and is the aspect which receives the desertification and so on. most attention. As civil engineers we are responsible for designing, constructing, maintaining, operating and changing Additionally, a drift to cities by the human population puts both the built and natural environment. Civil engineers have pressure on housing land, water and energy supplies, and sewage been involved in many projects that impact on the environment, and waste capacity. The year 2000 marked the first time in human affecting individuals and organisations, both today and in the history that the urban population exceeded the rural one. This not future. These projects account for a significant proportion of the only entails an intensification of urban problems (pollution, world’s resource usage and impact. As civil engineers we must space, crowding and resource stress), but urban living also raises accept responsibility for our actions. expectations of an enhanced lifestyle. The personal goals of air- conditioning, cars and energy-consuming gadgets of various The economic component of sustainability has been the main kinds require resources whose supplies seem increasingly finite. driver of projects. As civil engineers addressing the sustainability So we consume more, waste more and pollute more, a reality agenda we need to consider more than today alone. It is vital to which inevitably shifts the emphasis from simple choices (such as account for costs over a whole life cycle and the impact on energy) to complex ones (such as sustainability) and from a future developments. These costs must be considered in tandem profit-driven agenda to an ethical one. Global warming is an with the social consequences and environmental impacts. uncomfortable fact for politicians, designers and the construction The social aspect of sustainability is one that has only industry, even though acting in accordance with sustainability recently come to the forefront, but has this not been part of principles nowadays is a defining characteristic of being a the civil engineer’s role for many years—one which has been professional. Engineering Sustainability 160 Issue ES1 Why civil engineers should address the sustainability agenda 5
  • 3. One of the principal barriers to the wider adoption of more to our prosperity, our public services and our quality of life. sustainable design and construction solutions has been the As engineers we possess the ability to influence and perception that they incur substantial additional costs; too shape society and, as such, should be leading the sustainability high to justify their application in this competitive market. agenda. As a result there has been a lag in the application of more sustainable solutions that improve performance Engineers are well equipped to play a vital role in ensuring the beyond that required by regulations. Reaching the highest longevity of the planet, being at the forefront of all new standards of current practice does incur some cost premium, development and capable of creating innovative solutions in but recent research and successful ‘green’ projects around the consideration of the following key aspects. globe show that careful consideration of designs and specifications at an early design stage can minimise these cost premiums. 6.1. Design (a) Energy: carbon targets: on-site renewable energy sources. Often the most powerful and direct driver for addressing (b) Environmental issues: biodiversity, open space provision, sustainability is that the client, funder or planning authority has contaminated land, flood risk, drainage strategy. made it a key project requirement. For example (c) Materials: embodied environmental impact. (d) Transport: access to other modes of transport, reduce need (a) the Housing Corporation requires an EcoHomes to travel. ‘good’ rating on any scheme they fund or English (e) Water: maximise grey water reuse, water efficiency, Partnerships require partner developers to achieve a rainwater harvesting, sustainable urban drainage schemes minimum Building Research Establishment environmental (SUDS). assessment method (BREEAM)/EcoHomes ‘very good’ ( f ) Waste: reuse demolition waste, segregate for recycling, ICE rating demolition protocol. (b) public sector contractors should achieve a BREEAM ‘excellent’ rating for all new buildings and their proposals 6.2. Construction are often critically evaluated according to the extent to which they address sustainability issues (a) Waste: on-site waste management, separation for recycling, (c) local authorities become confident to adopt sustainability in ‘just in time’ site management. transportation and other civil engineering projects (e.g. (b) Environmental: minimise impact during construction. Newcastle City Council achieved a sustainable design and construction approach related to the award winning 6.3. Operation development works of Scottswood Road) (a) Access: car parking standards and restrictions. (d) many high-profile private developers and landowners are (b) Economic benefit: national/regional/local strategies. seeking higher standards of sustainability performance from (c) Energy: sustainability performance—BREEAM. their partners (d) Environment: noise management. (e) investors are becoming increasingly interested in (e) Social capital: safe streets, fear of crime, affordable housing, sustainability and are engaging with major property quality of public realm. industry partners to understand how they contribute to the ( f ) Water: SUDS, long term water management. wider sustainability agenda. In order to succeed in addressing the sustainability agenda, Engineers have always been pioneers in society; they have driven engineers need to have a broader understanding of issues which advances in development and made things happen. There is impact on development and communities if they are to make significant advantage to be gained from actively addressing the better places, where people want to live and work. This means sustainability agenda, by accepting the ethical responsibility and today’s engineer will have to be knowledgeable in different understanding the financial and programming implications of disciplines as outlined in the Egan review, Skills for Sustainable committing to sustainability issues. Communities1 that recognises the need for better training. We should be encouraging students to follow such an influential More initiatives should be created from governments, cultural career path and support universities to provide the characteristics education promoted and additional research funded to explore required. how change can be achieved effectively in the industry within the short amount of time we have available before it is too late for the A multi-discipline perspective is being promoted by the future of the planet.” Academy of Sustainable Communities (ASC) and for engineers to influence the sustainability agenda it is imperative to gain such an appreciation. In this respect, Thomas 6. Christopher Paul Jones, Yorkshire and Telford practiced as an architect and engineer, and was an early Humber region exponent of a multi-disciplinary professionl, well ahead of his It is without doubt that a profession which designs, builds and time. manages the built environment, underpinning aspects of civilised society, has a key role to play in environmental performance and In conclusion, engineers are well placed to devise and implement meeting the challenges of sustainability. In addition, the strategies for sustainable development and drive worldwide construction industry consumes resources on a massive scale to collaborative input from a wide range of stakeholders. We are all create the infrastructure which society craves and is essential custodians of the environment and have a collective 6 Engineering Sustainability 160 Issue ES1 Why civil engineers should address the sustainability agenda
  • 4. responsibility to ensure sustainability is achieved; but as Sustainability is every person’s responsibility and as engineers members of ICE our contribution is pivotal. we have the fundamental role of ensuring projects are intertwined with the reality of sustainability. In doing so we enable the sustainability agenda to be brought to the forefront of 7. Ben Maltby, West Midlands region the design and delivery of all infrastructure projects in which we are involved. This needs to be from conception to implementation The most vital elements of our economy and in fact much of the as the future of our planet depends on addressing the current way we live our daily lives, are delivered by engineers, and in issues, ensuring that the sustainable agenda is approached and particular it could be argued, civil engineers. Energy, power, that in all areas it is implemented. The construction industry is water and travel are among many other vital services that the traditionally and by its very nature a high usage sector of modern world depends on. How can we best address these resources. elements, that are so key to our economic and natural survival, to provide them in a sustainable manner? In particular, As an engineer the first introduction to the concept of why should it be the responsibility of civil engineers to sustainability was during civil engineering design. The concept ensure problems are tackled to a level not only to halt, but was simple; the sustainability agenda was to be included as an reverse, damage caused to our small and fragile planet integral part of the design process. As a concept sustainability through years of neglect stemming from ill-education? There was easy to define but when it came to the actual application is, of course, a short answer to the question posed in the to the project it became more difficult. In retrospect application original specification for this article which would bring it to an of sustainability is more difficult than a definition. all too abrupt end. That answer is: ‘If we as civil engineers do not address the sustainability agenda, who else will?’ To put In achieving sustainable infrastructure we have the chance to use it into a simpler context, the question may be reformulated lessons learned over time from innovative high profile to: ‘Why should civil engineers design the first bridge, road, sustainable construction projects and to implement new and railway or sewage system?’ Civil engineers have a vital role improved systems of construction to schemes in which we are in creating a world where there is no shortage of energy, involved. As engineers we have the opportunity to influence pollution is under control and unwanted climate change has been others by innovative and modern approaches to delivery of reversed. projects and to forge the way ahead for other industries. This cannot be about appearing to fulfill the objectives, it must be There is a grim reality that the economic risks of not dealing with a holistic approach for ideas to work and this will not happen the environmental challenges faced by the modern world are overnight. unimaginable. As civil engineers struggle with some of the world’s most pressing environmental problems, the general In the long term everyone is aware that adopting a more mature public must support their efforts by making sensible, informed and active approach to the sustainability agenda is really the only choices about personal lifestyle. sensible option. I do believe that it is essential that civil engineers address this issue as well. We are the designers and constructors Something must be done to make the world a better, less of the future infrastructure and as such have a greater polluting, place. The media will continue to argue, politicians will responsibility to the population and indeed the environment, but continue to set targets, protesters will continue to hold placards it is believed there is a bigger question to be posed to engineers and distribute leaflets, but ultimately civil engineers have the everywhere: ‘Why are we not?’ skills and knowledge to provide practical solutions to the world’s greatest environmental challenges. To do so is a ‘heroic challenge’ which will take a blend of creativity from the greatest 9. Tim O’Brien, Wales region artist, with the technical skill of the greatest mathematician. With The most efficient way of solving any problem, such as resource my early impressions of the civil engineering industry, it would use, is to tackle it at source. Engineers are in a unique position to appear as if there is an abundance of talent and skill waiting tackle sustainability as they have roles in both public and private to meet the world’s problems ‘every step of the way’. sectors, being able to influence construction from conception to completion. As a profession we can use ICE to lobby and advise governments on sustainable development issues. Therefore our 8. Patricia McElduff, Northern Ireland region position in society is a good reason why we should consider the We are all witnesses and accomplices to the continual sustainability agenda. degradation of our local and global environment. Issues such as deforestation, global warming, waste and rising sea levels are all Replacing and maintaining structures can be costly, and so it has testimony to the fact. The management of sustainable been realised that a sustainable development would have in-built construction must integrate the four dimensions: cost, time, longevity. A good example of longevity is Telford’s Menai quality and the environment. There is a number of aspects suspension bridge, first built in 1829, which has so far lasted for involved in the area of sustainability. Each of which has local, nearly 200 years. Conversely the current average design life of national, international and global implications. In assessing the structures is around 50–100 years. We can do much to improve sustainability agenda many differing aspects of the project must the longevity of our designs and finished products by considering be addressed. In order to do this communication is required the ease with which buildings can be maintained or altered between personnel, projects and companies to ensure the lessons alongside the quality of materials used. This should include learned and the information gathered is passed on and used to weighing up the value of using materials that last longer against address the issue of sustainability. those that require regular replacement, while considering the Engineering Sustainability 160 Issue ES1 Why civil engineers should address the sustainability agenda 7
  • 5. embodied energy of the materials from a whole life (and against deterioration of the natural world. Businesses must replacement) perspective. acknowledge that they exist within the earth’s eco-system, and rely on it for their profits. Unlike politicians, companies’ boards Our work covers many aspects such as infrastructure, transport, and directors have an obligation to act in the best long-term power generation and general construction. With such a wide interests of their firm, which must include addressing issues breadth of working areas, civil engineers are in a key place to about how that business interacts with its surroundings. influence sustainability issues having both the opportunity and As engineers, with our ability to analyse problems from first the knowledge to make a difference. principles, we need to highlight both the long- and short-term consequences of solutions to our clients. We need to highlight the In addition to the embodied energy of buildings, civil engineers potential financial rewards for investing in a design that are in a position to influence overall design of buildings. minimises future impacts, in other words, that sustainability Buildings can be designed to be very energy efficient in use, far is essentially good business practice. more efficient than the present average. The BREEAM ratings are one example where engineers should lobby clients and architects Engineers operate using the ‘precautionary principle’—that is, to meet high standards and go further than simply installing you do not hope for the best, but plan for the worst. This simple ‘super’ insulation. Consistently combining low energy principle has been expanded into an entire area of study, known construction, with buildings that have low lifetime energy usage, as ‘risk management’, now a key part of every business’ strategy would be a major advance towards sustainable development and formation. is another reason why civil engineers should consider the sustainability agenda. For civil engineers, ‘planning for the worst’ means that we are forced to consider the long-term impacts of solutions to Finally, civil engineers should address the sustainability problems, and mitigate the negative consequences on the issue to raise their public profile. Currently the civil engineer environment that will simply require more costly work down the has a poor status in society, being misunderstood and line. Take climate change as an example: some people may unable to command high fees. It is the responsibility of all welcome the prospect of a Mediterranean climate in the UK, but civil engineers to promote the profession and educate the public not many will relish the thought of living and working in about the contribution that civil engineers make to modern buildings designed for northern Europe. society. Our ability to look at the bigger, long-term picture means that engineers are in an ideal position to ensure sustainability is 10. Katie Symons, East of England region debated properly, and show that embracing sustainability is When planning and building the London to Holyhead road, essential to risk management. Thomas Telford would have had to make many decisions about the route that would have required analysis of the short and long term consequences. As the route forms most of the A5 trunk road 11. Sally Walters, South west region still used today, he obviously considered the latter as important, It is hard to answer or address a question, when the answer seems if not more important, than the former. so obviously to be within the question itself. Why should engineers address the sustainability agenda? Surely the answer Engineers benefit from having the analytical skills to use when must simply be, because we are engineers. solving problems, as we are trained to understand the physical principles that drive everyday processes. Our designs are the There are many reasons for believing that simply being engineers result of a solid understanding of the problem, and deciding on means we should address sustainability; from the fundamental the most effective, efficient and suitable solution. Through this, basic reasons to being an engineer through to the ethical codes we have the ability to look at the long term consequences of a and rule of professional conduct that any member of ICE agrees solution or policy, rather than just the short term results. We are to abide by. trained to think: is the solution sustainable? Examining the basic qualities of engineers, we have a skill, ability Contrast this with politicians, the traditional policy makers. or what could even be described as a talent for working with By the nature of democracy, their time frames are short and problems and challenges to provide the solutions. Engineers irregular, with no guarantee of power, and therefore often think beyond the convention, achieving the innovative. responsibility, beyond the next election date. At our core, is the fascination with investigating problems and a strong desire to solve them. The sustainability agenda poses one Commercial activity provides the link between engineers and of the biggest challenges facing modern engineers, the necessity policy makers. As designers of technology or infrastructure, to balance the needs of a continually developing, fast-paced we contribute to, and influence our local, national and global world, with changing global conditions, while considering the economies, the drivers of government policies. The traditional needs of our future generations. These factors alone should surely business person’s view is that if pursuing a sustainable approach have any engineer eager to become involved. to business activity harms their commercial position, they are unlikely to adopt it unless forced to. Much of our world has developed, or is developing, at a rapid pace. Expectations of societies for better standards of living and Yet this ignores the environmental issues that need to be factored basic rights are continually growing, yet across the world our into mainstream business thinking, including how to mitigate climates are altering and land space is becoming more fiercely 8 Engineering Sustainability 160 Issue ES1 Why civil engineers should address the sustainability agenda
  • 6. competed for. The challenge is how to address all these needs for The engineering community and its associated policy makers now and for our future. such as ICE should tackle the challenges of the sustainability agenda by enhancing their mechanisms and supporting the There are social and ethical considerations and responsibilities training and education of engineers and investing in research and that are part of being an engineer and why we should adopt innovation to aid their members who can make a difference to sustainability. We become engineers to solve problems and aid this global issue. the development of society. Part of a desire to become engineers is to utilise our skills to help others; this is also a value upon Once a well-educated industry is established, within markets that which the Institution has developed and is permanently recorded environmental pressures such as global warming, investor within the rules of professional conduct. interest, competition for resources and legislation have grown, engineers can act to develop sustainable approaches and The challenges that faced the great engineers such as Brunel technologies for their industry. Furthermore, engineers can and Telford are still the same challenges that face us today; educate both government and clients of the technological to meet the needs of a rapidly changing world with higher advances created and benefits in order to motivate them into expectations and daily demands. Engineers are now, just as devoting prominent precedence to sustainable development and then, required to actively take hold of the challenge the business that governs its economy. with the same sense of pride, enthusiasm, commitment and drive that saw Brunel and Telford become famous names In my opinion, engineers must act in a sustainable manner, as it is worldwide. they who, through providing the world with its modern requirements, can have the biggest influence upon how these Rather than the question being ‘why should engineers address the requirements are created and utilised. The ultimate aim must be sustainability agenda?’ the question is surely ‘why would education, in order to develop a new generation of engineers engineers not address the sustainability agenda?’ within a sustainability-conscious industry that can develop and foster a new generation of living. 12. Paula Farshim, South east England region Engineers utilise vast amounts of energy and resources to create 13. James Wallace, North west region what is required for the human race to live a 21st century On the 250th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Telford, we are lifestyle, and this makes the construction industry one of the reminded of his illustrious engineering legacy. In 1820, Telford biggest threats to the future security of our planet. What is worse designed and constructed an innovative iron bridge; one of the is the unavoidable realisation that everything engineers create earliest of its kind, carrying the West Coast Great North Road, to has a finite life, therefore producing waste and compounding the span the main arterial link between North West England and problem. Glasgow, the River Esk Bridge, known as ‘Metal Bridge’. The utilisation of resources and energy to create waste Telford considered and calculated not only the engineering opposes the very basic rules of life, humanity and difficulties of the area, as the span at the River Esk is as wide as sustainability. That is to say that even if the processes the Thames, but additionally, the huge tidal range of the River involved are necessary to provide for humans to live and Esk, which is over 5 m. He also assessed the socio-economic function, the end waste product is often more damaging than any needs of the region, in the middle of the UK’s industrial benefit it may have given. revolution. Remarkably, the bridge lasted 95 years, before being replaced by Cumbria County Council in 1916, due to the These simple facts portray the reasons why the work of engineers emergence of the automobile. This bridge is testimony to Telford and their associated industries have a critical impact on the as a visionary of sustainability; he had comprehensively designed principles of sustainability. An engineer is responsible for the a project that would be sustainable in almost every facet. design, construction, maintenance and disposal of the infrastructure required for today’s lifestyle. It is the duty of In his day, Telford recognised the importance of sustainability engineers to consider the concept carefully and aim to tackle the in engineering. In today’s world the importance of associated problems effectively and throughout the entire cycle. sustainability is becoming increasingly paramount, because of Although the reasons behind the need for engineers to address issues ranging from carbon emissions, depleting natural energy such issues is very simple, the challenge in making the resources, continuing pollution of the environment, to necessary changes in order to ‘meet the needs of today changing socio-economic world markets. It is imperative that we without compromising those of tomorrow’ may not be so engineers exercise our influence on society to address straightforward. sustainability issues, while advancing engineering knowledge. We must build upon the foundations laid by engineers such as That is why even following the simple realisation that the Telford. Telford had engineering foresight; he constructed resources of our planet are limited and fast diminishing, it has projects for the needs of future generations. been difficult to establish and action a global strategy to encourage sustainable approaches to life. In fact, within the Today, a modern Telford is challenged with the same engineering construction industry itself much has been said about principles, but must take in hand the many advances in the principles of sustainability, but it is only very knowledge and sustainability. Presently I am concerned with recently that the industry has been actively contributing ensuring the new River Esk Bridge is sustainable in every towards its aims. element. We engineers are working on environmental, Engineering Sustainability 160 Issue ES1 Why civil engineers should address the sustainability agenda 9
  • 7. geomorphological and hydrological studies of the new bridge’s debate we have now reached a world consensus that many of the impact (which was not a concern for Telford, apart from the high technologies in use today are unsustainable. It would be futile tides!) to ensure that the integrated engineering solution to attempt to restrict the expansion of the world’s growing minimises the environmental impact on tomorrow’s economies in order to save the planet. Through the power of environment. We have adopted new techniques to reduce risk sustainable technology, however, we can mitigate the impact to health and safety and improve productivity, by for instance of this growth. launching the steel deck superstructure across the piers. The project must also be economically viable; the early contractor At the other end of the economic scale, underdeveloped involvement team is set up to deliver value for money on countries desperately need affordable and appropriate behalf of the Highways Agency, funded by government. engineering solutions. These will form the foundations In conclusion, if engineers don’t address the sustainability on which to build and sustain a steady economy, essential agenda today, we pay the price tomorrow. to meet the basic requirements of the world’s poorest citizens. Solutions appropriate to the local population are needed to meet the global objective for 14. Joseph Roberts, East Midlands region sustainable living. When broken down to its most basic meaning, life is about survival. Whichever civilisation one considers throughout time, As outlined in ICE’s strategy and action plan, 2002–2003, engineering solutions have shaped the way people survive. From the business case for sustainability needs to be clear sanitation to power to transport and shelter it has been the task of and credible to ensure it is always considered. civil engineers to use the tools of innovation and knowledge to Environmental management systems can help companies implement solutions making the task of survival achievable. to cut waste and reduce costs. Ideas such as the use of local suppliers to cut down on transport costs will also cut carbon In the late 1700s the solutions provided by Telford and his peers emissions. included vast networks of canals and roads. The newly connected corners of Britain kick-started and sustained the country’s Politicians, activists and film makers can continue to raise industrial revolution. awareness of the dangers of climate change and push the sustainability agenda but it is the engineering community The engineering world has moved on since the time of Telford but that will address it. It is therefore the responsibility of the fact that we are still reliant on solutions provided by these each individual engineer to keep up to date with current master builders should provide inspiration to all designers. Civil practice through continuous professional development in order engineering solutions will often be required to outlive the to provide the sustainable solutions which legislation should designer. In this time of economic prosperity we must also build insist upon. with the needs of the future firmly in mind. The answer to the question above is simple: because we have to. This does not mean that every building or infrastructure project Our task, as civil engineers, is to continually answer the question needs to last forever, but through whole life costing the solutions how can the construction industry address the sustainability engineers prescribe can achieve a design life that justifies agenda? construction and eventual disassembly. Wherever possible, solutions should be adoptable with maintenance issues designed in at conception. REFERENCE The booming economies of China and India are modern day 1. OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER . The Egan Review—Skills examples of man’s insatiable thirst for growth. After years of for Sustainable Communities. ODPM, London, 2004. What do you think? To comment on this paper, please email up to 500 words to the editor at Proceedings journals rely entirely on contributions sent in by civil engineers and related professionals, academics and students. Papers should be 2000–5000 words long, with adequate illustrations and references. Please visit for author guidelines and further details. 10 Engineering Sustainability 160 Issue ES1 Why civil engineers should address the sustainability agenda