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The Future of
Modern Medicare
Chapter 9- Chatbots, Websites,
and Digital Management
Platforms, Oh My!
Technology-Enabled Medicare Marketing Part 3-
Chat-bots, Websites, and Digital Management
Platforms, Oh My!
Part 9 of "The Future Of Modern Medicare Marketing
Back to the Future of Modern Medicare Marketing as we discuss modern marketing technology that
enables marketers to develop, maintain, and optimize websites, web pages and landing pages.
For direct mail’s call to action for Medicare-eligible prospects, a phone call is where the rubber meets the
road. Agents or brokers or inside sales are tasked with converting the inquiry or lead to an enrollee. For
some direct mail, since another call to action will be directed at a website or landing page, and for all email
and digital media advertising, the landing page, or website is where the rubber meets the road, and in the
future, we have many ways to ensure that our website or landing page is optimized to convert.
And, of course, all the bells and whistles that technology has provided in the way of web page
improvements and capabilities are also explored here.
We’re in the future again, and this time a suspect comes to your Medicare plan website, where you have
an assessment tool. Based on the user’s inputs, your web tool has the capabilities of providing a
personalized experience for the user. Website Personalization was made famous by Amazon and Netflix’s
recommendation engines. (818) 703-8775
Website Personalization Real time dynamic
website personalization is something you are
quite familiar with, even if not by the
terminology. Made famous by Amazon’s and
Netflix’ personal recommendations, this
technology allows marketers to serve up
personalized messages to entire experiences
based on the visitor. “Recommended for you” is
by far the most common phrase served up by
this technology.
Vendors include Evergage, Smart Focus, Enecto,
SailThru, Rich Relevance. B2B website
personalization is accomplished by firms such as
Demand Base, and the B2B enablement which
makes ABM (Account Based Marketing) viable, is
important for EGWPs and Small and Large group
marketing in healthcare insurance.
Where is that recommendation assessment application housed online? Remember, we’re in the future, so you’ll have a DAM
(Digital Asset Management Platform) or an ECM (Enterprise Content Management Platform) or a CMS (Content
Management System)yes, we know- it’s not that CMS (Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services) as acronyms are all over
the place in Medicare marketing.
In the future, this is no longer a “nice-to-have” it is a must-have. Your Medicare marketing operations team will need to
switch out or have easy access to marketing assets, in various formats, such as video, digital, photographs, forms, or any
digital asset that can be stored and recalled within a DAM or ECM or CMS platform.
DAM: Digital Asset Management Platforms, ECM (Enterprise Content Management) Digital Asset Management platforms
allow organizations to manage their digital content for downloading, serving, archiving, optimizing, maintaining and exporting
files. While users are most likely unaware, DAM’s serve up e-books, Netflix, Instagram, I-everything, 3-D printing on demand,
mass personalization, digital signage, online videos and much more. There are variations on this technology, namely VAM’s
(Video Asset Management) and ECM’s (Enterprise Content Management) and CMS (Content Management Systems) which are
platforms that are specific to the needs of their namesakes. Additionally there are different types of VAM’s, which are
platforms designed to enable the storage and retrieval of large amounts of media assets such as videos or photos, which are
designated as Library type DAM’s. Another type of DAM is specifically for marketing purposes and is also referred to as CMS
(Content Management Systems), brand asset or product asset DAM’s store and retrieve content that is sales or marketing
related including marketing collateral (assets,) product descriptions, brand logos or images, or marketing campaign assets.
And another type of DAM is designed to facilitate production flow of digital media production companies, such as video clips,
titles, animations, video game components, allowing for easy access from the companies video editors, designers, engineers
and software developers. The proliferation of DAM’s and the importance of the technology specifically to marketing
organizations have lead to the formation of DAM trade or user organizations that gather for events such as DAM LA in Los
Angeles which is dedicated to: “The Art and Practice of Managing Digital
DAM Platforms are an essential piece of the marketing organization technology stack, and companies that produce DAM
Platforms include Adobe, OpenText, ADAM Software, Adgistics, WebDAM Solutions, Widen, Canto, North Plains, MediaSilo,
AssetBank, SDL, MediaBeacon, IBM Enterprise Content Management.
3 (818) 703-8775
Chapter 2: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2017 KERN Health, An Omnicom AgencyChapter 9: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2018 KERN Health, An Omnicom Agency
Your Medicare
marketing operations
team will need to
switch out or have
easy access to
marketing assets, in
various formats, such
as video, digital,
photographs, forms,
or any digital asset
that can be stored
and recalled within a
Content Management Systems (CMS) Website content management tools range
from simple blog site creation technologies such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal
to sophisticated all-encompassing Content Management Systems. The latter (CMS)
provides a system for those managing websites or web properties to create,
manage, edit, and manipulate content in real time without the need of a
coder. CMS enables users to facilitate the administration, creation, distribution,
publication and syndication of the content held within the system. Content
Management Systems offer the functionality to users to create, store and access
the various types of content owned by the organization, and distribute the content
dynamically though the software’s user interface, allowing those who are not IT, or
coders to manage content.
The outward appearance of the website is usually managed through templates of
which the content is placed or distributed. The difference between a DAM (Digital
Asset Management) platform and a CMS (Content Management System) platform
is that the DAM enables you to store, access and inventory your digital assets, while
the all-encompassing CMS platform allows you to collaborate, store, create, access,
inventory and distribute your informational along with digital assets.
WCMS and CMS vendors include the aforementioned WordPress, Joomla, Drupal,
along with LightCMS, OpenText, Adobe, Sitecore, Huddle, Accrisoft, Agility CMS,
Contegro, Ektron, Percussion Software.
Mobile Apps & Mobile Web By next year, 2018, the time spent per day for the average adult in the United States on their
mobile device will nearly equal the amount of time spent watching television per day. People are already spending more time
on their mobile devices than with Desktop computers, Radio and Print.
Mobile is rapidly becoming the channel of choice for all Americans, and the Medicare eligible segments are included.
For Medicare marketers, the focus is definitely on mobile websites, not mobile apps. Mobile search eclipsed and surpassed
desktop search in 2015, and for our Medicare eligible audience this holds true as well. Mobile App usage in “time spent” is
significantly greater than Mobile Web usage. However, don’t let the fact that people spend more time in Apps than Mobile
Web dissuade you from realizing that Mobile Web is the channel that is most important for Medicare marketers and here’s
The way that people are exposed to Mobile Web and Mobile Apps are completely different. On the mobile web, people are
coming to your website as a result of search and social media. Even though Apps account for 96.4% of the most popular
activity on a smartphone, search is close behind at 89%.
And for those Medicare marketing organizations who are on the technological cutting edge of what’s possible in mobile web,
they are likely to have their mobile web pages coded with AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) which can produce an increase in
traffic from mobile search since Google favors AMP content.
In order for Apps to be a relevant piece of your Medicare marketing program, you will need to identify and engage users first,
through outbound marketing or search, display and social, have them engage with your organization, and then implore them
to download and more importantly USE your organization’s Medicare marketing plan app. If that seems like a lot of steps, it is,
and if you guessed that this sequence of events is unlikely to take place at your behest through marketing communications,
you’re correct.
If you’ve been able to form relationships through engagement with members, who are not only willing, but anxious to
download and use your app, then, and only then can you hope to deliver marketing messages to your member audience
through a mobile app.
Understanding what content works best on certain devices compared to others, is essential to the success of mobile website
4 (818) 703-8775
Chapter 2: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2017 KERN Health, An Omnicom AgencyChapter 9: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2018 KERN Health, An Omnicom Agency
While we won’t discuss the ubiquity of smartphones or the state of the adoption curve of smartphones, every marketer knows
that the statistics about those who are connected from these mobile devices is increasing at warp speed, and most experts
agree that within just a few years, use of mobile to connect to the web will likely exceed traditional web use. Marketers can
choose from technologies that enable their current website to be created for mobile use, or to build a mobile site from the
ground up which is best practice. Mobile web is outpacing mobile app usage and marketers are now tasked with providing
robust, rich user experiences to outpace their competitors. Mobile web technology is available from Mobify, Trilibis,
Usablenet, bMobilized, netbiscuits.
5 (818) 703-8775
Chapter 2: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2017 KERN Health, An Omnicom AgencyChapter 9: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2018 KERN Health, An Omnicom Agency
Survey & Voice of The Customer Intelligence Surveys and “voter feedback campaigns” rely heavily on Survey and Feedback
technology. Collecting feedback from users and customers provides marketers with near instant insights especially for those
organizations that consider themselves “customer centric organizations.”
While the technology enables marketing organizations to receive the feedback, the benefits of using the technology include
fostering customer satisfaction and loyalty, maximizing lifetime value, and for service organizations, allows for the preemptive
resolution of customer complaints or issues before they go viral on social media. If your organization would like to know what
your customers are thinking right now- or how organizations can improve the customer experience overall, survey and
feedback technology when used correctly can provide tremendous assistance. Vendors include: Medallia, OpinionLab,
UserVoice, Vizu (Nielsen), Allegiance.
Website Real Time Offers and Messages Real time web messages or offer technology can create “takeover” or “pop up” web
ads that can be programmed to deploy specifically during or following a user action. Real time messages or offers enable sales
conversions from currently engaged users. Vendors include Steelhouse, Commerce Sciences, TellApart.
Translation While global marketing organizations have always been concerned with having their message understood,
increasingly, as the business world becomes more “global” marketing organizations have needed to consider providing
language translation of their marketing communications online. As you might expect, these technology providers provide
instant dynamic real time translation across a variety of languages. Vendors include LioNBridge, Systran, Babylon, Translution,
Multivariate Testing And Optimization “Optimization is a core competency for digital marketers.” Forrester Research
2013. “Online testing is appealing not only because it is efficient and measureable but also because it cuts through noise and
assumptions to help marketers present the most effective content, promotions, and experiences to customers and
Multivariate Testing and Optimization technology has evolved into a highly sophisticated enablement for marketers to test,
often in real time, to optimize content, messaging, design, websites across multiple channels such as online, email, mobile,
social to profiled, segmented visitors on a granular level. The availability of this technology in basic to extremely complex
variants requires organizations to research carefully before reaching a consideration set. Capabilities also include rule and
algorithm based targeting, recommendations, and A-B testing. Some providers include Adobe Marketing Cloud, Wingify,
SiteSpect, Optimizely, Monetate.
SEO Platforms SEO Platforms automate the process of auditing website’s content for the purpose of gaining top or high
positions in organic search. This technology is capable of identifying opportunities to lift rankings organically while managing
the SEO process. The foundation of SEO is a robust and researched keyword strategy. Using the keyword strategy, the three
most important ingredients of lifting organic search results are content optimization, links and social media presence and
activity, specifically engagement, and interactive sharing. SEO is becoming increasingly difficult to manage manually, especially
for larger sites, and SEO Platforms provide a solution. Providers include Rio SEO, BrightEdge, Conductor, Moz.
Chat bots, Website Chat A system that allows for two way communications through a standard web browser or through a
downloadable application, although most operate through standard web browers. Web chat allows for instantaneous
proactive communication from an organizations agents to engage and entice website visitors. Popular vendors include:
Liveperson, Boldchat, Needle, Activa Live (
Landing Page Testing and Optimization Landing Page Testing and Optimization technology allows marketers to build and test
(either A/B or Multivariate) without the aid of IT. Solutions run from basic to complex with the top end of the spectrum
offering heatmaps, mobile heatmaps, scroll maps, confetti reports, eye movement mapping and sophisticated behavioral
capture and reporting. Available from Lander, Unbounce, Instapage, CrazyEgg,
6 (818) 703-8775
Chapter 2: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2017 KERN Health, An Omnicom AgencyChapter 9: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2018 KERN Health, An Omnicom Agency
Web Analytics A vast category of technology encompassing all that provide analysis and insights derived from the collection of
digital information on a website or web property. From the most popular Google Analytics to obscure and specialized variants
of this technology, all enable marketers to gain the intelligence that is “table stakes” in the modern digital era about web
traffic, users, and user behaviors. Hits, visits, bounces, page views, new visitors, session duration, exit rates are all part of our
everyday marketing jargon, however, it is web analytics that provides these important metrics to us each and every day
through the tags that web analytics utilize to transmit and record these actions and behaviors. Capabilities of web analytics
technology include: multiple site monitoring, customizable dashboards, Bot/Spider filtering, mobile access, click thru’s,
downloads, cookies, location and more. Vendors are Google Analytics, Adobe SiteCatalyst, Adobe Insight, Webtrends,
Quantcast, Comscore, Coremetrics, Unica.
7 (818) 703-8775
Chapter 2: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2017 KERN Health, An Omnicom AgencyChapter 9: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2018 KERN Health, An Omnicom Agency
TMS (Tag Management Systems) As with many other
technologies, Tag Management Systems have been
prophesized to be “The future of digital marketing.” Tags are
javascript codes added to web pages that collect data about
visitors to the site and of the site itself. Website analytics,
online advertising, third party marketing services such as
marketing automation and social media sharing are all
enabled by the code (tags) that are added to the web page
Any marketing organization that utilizes technologies such as
Adobe’s SiteCatalyst, Eloqua Marketing Automation, Google
Analytics, Google +, Facebook Like, Bizo or any third party
marketing analytics has tags placed on their websites,
including non-hosted digital assets. Web analytics, PPC,
affiliate tracking, content optimization are not possible
without the placement of tags. Tags are referred to as web
beacons, tracking bugs, pixels, ad tag or clear GIF’s.
Tags collect and transmit data that will be analyzed, such as visitor data, time spent on pages, links followed, and also work to
allow services to be provided to web pages or to browsers in the form of cookies. A typical website can have anywhere between
25 to 150 tags, with larger more complex sites using many times that amount. Managing tags up until a few years ago required
manual one at a time effort, and Tag Management Systems help organizations by automating the process of changing tags. Tag
Management Systems allow organizations to streamline the amount and complexity of tags on each page, speeding up the
delivery of web pages as poor tag management can result in slow website performance due to the transmittal and receipt to and
from 3rd party technologies. Manual tagging is time consuming, slow, and can result in inaccurate tags which hamper the
organization’s ability to capture and analyze web and user data.
Tag management systems can replace literally hundreds of tags with one uniform single line of code (a master tag) which
positively affects the speed of web page delivery dramatically while allowing organizations to replace, or update or change tags in
a much shorter cycle than previously available through manual means. To marketing organizations, according to Forrester: “Tag
management systems do put the management of marketing tags, and therefore digital campaigns, in the hands of marketers and
enable them to be much more responsive to the changing needs of the business and its customers.
These benefits alone provide ample justification for the investment in tag management systems.” Forrester goes on to declare:
“Enthusiasm for Tag Management Systems stems from the simple fact that these solutions address very real and tangible pain
points felt by nearly all companies doing business on the web. I believe that the effective use of tag management technology and
governance practices can deliver significant efficiency, performance, and financial gains,” reports Forrester Research Senior
Intelligence Analyst Joseph Stanhope. TMS technology is available from ensighten, Tealium, Adobe SiteCatalyst, Google, Qubit,
BrightTag, Impact Radius, SuperTag, TagMan, DC Storm, UberTags, Site Tagger.
If you're still with me, you're a trooper! There is a lot to digest here.
Next time- I look at Social Media and the technology used to conquer it!

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Technology-Enabled Medicare Marketing Part 3- Chatbots, Websites, and Digital Management Platforms, Oh My!

  • 1. 1 (818) 703-8775 The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing Chapter 9- Chatbots, Websites, and Digital Management Platforms, Oh My!
  • 2. Technology-Enabled Medicare Marketing Part 3- Chat-bots, Websites, and Digital Management Platforms, Oh My! Part 9 of "The Future Of Modern Medicare Marketing Series Back to the Future of Modern Medicare Marketing as we discuss modern marketing technology that enables marketers to develop, maintain, and optimize websites, web pages and landing pages. For direct mail’s call to action for Medicare-eligible prospects, a phone call is where the rubber meets the road. Agents or brokers or inside sales are tasked with converting the inquiry or lead to an enrollee. For some direct mail, since another call to action will be directed at a website or landing page, and for all email and digital media advertising, the landing page, or website is where the rubber meets the road, and in the future, we have many ways to ensure that our website or landing page is optimized to convert. And, of course, all the bells and whistles that technology has provided in the way of web page improvements and capabilities are also explored here. We’re in the future again, and this time a suspect comes to your Medicare plan website, where you have an assessment tool. Based on the user’s inputs, your web tool has the capabilities of providing a personalized experience for the user. Website Personalization was made famous by Amazon and Netflix’s recommendation engines. (818) 703-8775 Website Personalization Real time dynamic website personalization is something you are quite familiar with, even if not by the terminology. Made famous by Amazon’s and Netflix’ personal recommendations, this technology allows marketers to serve up personalized messages to entire experiences based on the visitor. “Recommended for you” is by far the most common phrase served up by this technology. Vendors include Evergage, Smart Focus, Enecto, SailThru, Rich Relevance. B2B website personalization is accomplished by firms such as Demand Base, and the B2B enablement which makes ABM (Account Based Marketing) viable, is important for EGWPs and Small and Large group marketing in healthcare insurance.
  • 3. Where is that recommendation assessment application housed online? Remember, we’re in the future, so you’ll have a DAM (Digital Asset Management Platform) or an ECM (Enterprise Content Management Platform) or a CMS (Content Management System)yes, we know- it’s not that CMS (Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services) as acronyms are all over the place in Medicare marketing. In the future, this is no longer a “nice-to-have” it is a must-have. Your Medicare marketing operations team will need to switch out or have easy access to marketing assets, in various formats, such as video, digital, photographs, forms, or any digital asset that can be stored and recalled within a DAM or ECM or CMS platform. DAM: Digital Asset Management Platforms, ECM (Enterprise Content Management) Digital Asset Management platforms allow organizations to manage their digital content for downloading, serving, archiving, optimizing, maintaining and exporting files. While users are most likely unaware, DAM’s serve up e-books, Netflix, Instagram, I-everything, 3-D printing on demand, mass personalization, digital signage, online videos and much more. There are variations on this technology, namely VAM’s (Video Asset Management) and ECM’s (Enterprise Content Management) and CMS (Content Management Systems) which are platforms that are specific to the needs of their namesakes. Additionally there are different types of VAM’s, which are platforms designed to enable the storage and retrieval of large amounts of media assets such as videos or photos, which are designated as Library type DAM’s. Another type of DAM is specifically for marketing purposes and is also referred to as CMS (Content Management Systems), brand asset or product asset DAM’s store and retrieve content that is sales or marketing related including marketing collateral (assets,) product descriptions, brand logos or images, or marketing campaign assets. And another type of DAM is designed to facilitate production flow of digital media production companies, such as video clips, titles, animations, video game components, allowing for easy access from the companies video editors, designers, engineers and software developers. The proliferation of DAM’s and the importance of the technology specifically to marketing organizations have lead to the formation of DAM trade or user organizations that gather for events such as DAM LA in Los Angeles which is dedicated to: “The Art and Practice of Managing Digital Media.” DAM Platforms are an essential piece of the marketing organization technology stack, and companies that produce DAM Platforms include Adobe, OpenText, ADAM Software, Adgistics, WebDAM Solutions, Widen, Canto, North Plains, MediaSilo, AssetBank, SDL, MediaBeacon, IBM Enterprise Content Management. 3 (818) 703-8775 Chapter 2: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2017 KERN Health, An Omnicom AgencyChapter 9: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2018 KERN Health, An Omnicom Agency Your Medicare marketing operations team will need to switch out or have easy access to marketing assets, in various formats, such as video, digital, photographs, forms, or any digital asset that can be stored and recalled within a DAM or ECM or CMS platform. Content Management Systems (CMS) Website content management tools range from simple blog site creation technologies such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal to sophisticated all-encompassing Content Management Systems. The latter (CMS) provides a system for those managing websites or web properties to create, manage, edit, and manipulate content in real time without the need of a coder. CMS enables users to facilitate the administration, creation, distribution, publication and syndication of the content held within the system. Content Management Systems offer the functionality to users to create, store and access the various types of content owned by the organization, and distribute the content dynamically though the software’s user interface, allowing those who are not IT, or coders to manage content. The outward appearance of the website is usually managed through templates of which the content is placed or distributed. The difference between a DAM (Digital Asset Management) platform and a CMS (Content Management System) platform is that the DAM enables you to store, access and inventory your digital assets, while the all-encompassing CMS platform allows you to collaborate, store, create, access, inventory and distribute your informational along with digital assets. WCMS and CMS vendors include the aforementioned WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, along with LightCMS, OpenText, Adobe, Sitecore, Huddle, Accrisoft, Agility CMS, Contegro, Ektron, Percussion Software.
  • 4. Mobile Apps & Mobile Web By next year, 2018, the time spent per day for the average adult in the United States on their mobile device will nearly equal the amount of time spent watching television per day. People are already spending more time on their mobile devices than with Desktop computers, Radio and Print. Mobile is rapidly becoming the channel of choice for all Americans, and the Medicare eligible segments are included. For Medicare marketers, the focus is definitely on mobile websites, not mobile apps. Mobile search eclipsed and surpassed desktop search in 2015, and for our Medicare eligible audience this holds true as well. Mobile App usage in “time spent” is significantly greater than Mobile Web usage. However, don’t let the fact that people spend more time in Apps than Mobile Web dissuade you from realizing that Mobile Web is the channel that is most important for Medicare marketers and here’s why. The way that people are exposed to Mobile Web and Mobile Apps are completely different. On the mobile web, people are coming to your website as a result of search and social media. Even though Apps account for 96.4% of the most popular activity on a smartphone, search is close behind at 89%. And for those Medicare marketing organizations who are on the technological cutting edge of what’s possible in mobile web, they are likely to have their mobile web pages coded with AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) which can produce an increase in traffic from mobile search since Google favors AMP content. In order for Apps to be a relevant piece of your Medicare marketing program, you will need to identify and engage users first, through outbound marketing or search, display and social, have them engage with your organization, and then implore them to download and more importantly USE your organization’s Medicare marketing plan app. If that seems like a lot of steps, it is, and if you guessed that this sequence of events is unlikely to take place at your behest through marketing communications, you’re correct. If you’ve been able to form relationships through engagement with members, who are not only willing, but anxious to download and use your app, then, and only then can you hope to deliver marketing messages to your member audience through a mobile app. Understanding what content works best on certain devices compared to others, is essential to the success of mobile website marketing. 4 (818) 703-8775 Chapter 2: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2017 KERN Health, An Omnicom AgencyChapter 9: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2018 KERN Health, An Omnicom Agency
  • 5. While we won’t discuss the ubiquity of smartphones or the state of the adoption curve of smartphones, every marketer knows that the statistics about those who are connected from these mobile devices is increasing at warp speed, and most experts agree that within just a few years, use of mobile to connect to the web will likely exceed traditional web use. Marketers can choose from technologies that enable their current website to be created for mobile use, or to build a mobile site from the ground up which is best practice. Mobile web is outpacing mobile app usage and marketers are now tasked with providing robust, rich user experiences to outpace their competitors. Mobile web technology is available from Mobify, Trilibis, Usablenet, bMobilized, netbiscuits. 5 (818) 703-8775 Chapter 2: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2017 KERN Health, An Omnicom AgencyChapter 9: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2018 KERN Health, An Omnicom Agency Survey & Voice of The Customer Intelligence Surveys and “voter feedback campaigns” rely heavily on Survey and Feedback technology. Collecting feedback from users and customers provides marketers with near instant insights especially for those organizations that consider themselves “customer centric organizations.” While the technology enables marketing organizations to receive the feedback, the benefits of using the technology include fostering customer satisfaction and loyalty, maximizing lifetime value, and for service organizations, allows for the preemptive resolution of customer complaints or issues before they go viral on social media. If your organization would like to know what your customers are thinking right now- or how organizations can improve the customer experience overall, survey and feedback technology when used correctly can provide tremendous assistance. Vendors include: Medallia, OpinionLab, UserVoice, Vizu (Nielsen), Allegiance. Website Real Time Offers and Messages Real time web messages or offer technology can create “takeover” or “pop up” web ads that can be programmed to deploy specifically during or following a user action. Real time messages or offers enable sales conversions from currently engaged users. Vendors include Steelhouse, Commerce Sciences, TellApart. Translation While global marketing organizations have always been concerned with having their message understood, increasingly, as the business world becomes more “global” marketing organizations have needed to consider providing language translation of their marketing communications online. As you might expect, these technology providers provide instant dynamic real time translation across a variety of languages. Vendors include LioNBridge, Systran, Babylon, Translution, SpeakLike.
  • 6. Multivariate Testing And Optimization “Optimization is a core competency for digital marketers.” Forrester Research 2013. “Online testing is appealing not only because it is efficient and measureable but also because it cuts through noise and assumptions to help marketers present the most effective content, promotions, and experiences to customers and prospects.” Multivariate Testing and Optimization technology has evolved into a highly sophisticated enablement for marketers to test, often in real time, to optimize content, messaging, design, websites across multiple channels such as online, email, mobile, social to profiled, segmented visitors on a granular level. The availability of this technology in basic to extremely complex variants requires organizations to research carefully before reaching a consideration set. Capabilities also include rule and algorithm based targeting, recommendations, and A-B testing. Some providers include Adobe Marketing Cloud, Wingify, SiteSpect, Optimizely, Monetate. SEO Platforms SEO Platforms automate the process of auditing website’s content for the purpose of gaining top or high positions in organic search. This technology is capable of identifying opportunities to lift rankings organically while managing the SEO process. The foundation of SEO is a robust and researched keyword strategy. Using the keyword strategy, the three most important ingredients of lifting organic search results are content optimization, links and social media presence and activity, specifically engagement, and interactive sharing. SEO is becoming increasingly difficult to manage manually, especially for larger sites, and SEO Platforms provide a solution. Providers include Rio SEO, BrightEdge, Conductor, Moz. Chat bots, Website Chat A system that allows for two way communications through a standard web browser or through a downloadable application, although most operate through standard web browers. Web chat allows for instantaneous proactive communication from an organizations agents to engage and entice website visitors. Popular vendors include: Liveperson, Boldchat, Needle, Activa Live ( Landing Page Testing and Optimization Landing Page Testing and Optimization technology allows marketers to build and test (either A/B or Multivariate) without the aid of IT. Solutions run from basic to complex with the top end of the spectrum offering heatmaps, mobile heatmaps, scroll maps, confetti reports, eye movement mapping and sophisticated behavioral capture and reporting. Available from Lander, Unbounce, Instapage, CrazyEgg, 6 (818) 703-8775 Chapter 2: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2017 KERN Health, An Omnicom AgencyChapter 9: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2018 KERN Health, An Omnicom Agency
  • 7. Web Analytics A vast category of technology encompassing all that provide analysis and insights derived from the collection of digital information on a website or web property. From the most popular Google Analytics to obscure and specialized variants of this technology, all enable marketers to gain the intelligence that is “table stakes” in the modern digital era about web traffic, users, and user behaviors. Hits, visits, bounces, page views, new visitors, session duration, exit rates are all part of our everyday marketing jargon, however, it is web analytics that provides these important metrics to us each and every day through the tags that web analytics utilize to transmit and record these actions and behaviors. Capabilities of web analytics technology include: multiple site monitoring, customizable dashboards, Bot/Spider filtering, mobile access, click thru’s, downloads, cookies, location and more. Vendors are Google Analytics, Adobe SiteCatalyst, Adobe Insight, Webtrends, Quantcast, Comscore, Coremetrics, Unica. 7 (818) 703-8775 Chapter 2: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2017 KERN Health, An Omnicom AgencyChapter 9: The Future of Modern Medicare Marketing © 2018 KERN Health, An Omnicom Agency TMS (Tag Management Systems) As with many other technologies, Tag Management Systems have been prophesized to be “The future of digital marketing.” Tags are javascript codes added to web pages that collect data about visitors to the site and of the site itself. Website analytics, online advertising, third party marketing services such as marketing automation and social media sharing are all enabled by the code (tags) that are added to the web page code. Any marketing organization that utilizes technologies such as Adobe’s SiteCatalyst, Eloqua Marketing Automation, Google Analytics, Google +, Facebook Like, Bizo or any third party marketing analytics has tags placed on their websites, including non-hosted digital assets. Web analytics, PPC, affiliate tracking, content optimization are not possible without the placement of tags. Tags are referred to as web beacons, tracking bugs, pixels, ad tag or clear GIF’s. Tags collect and transmit data that will be analyzed, such as visitor data, time spent on pages, links followed, and also work to allow services to be provided to web pages or to browsers in the form of cookies. A typical website can have anywhere between 25 to 150 tags, with larger more complex sites using many times that amount. Managing tags up until a few years ago required manual one at a time effort, and Tag Management Systems help organizations by automating the process of changing tags. Tag Management Systems allow organizations to streamline the amount and complexity of tags on each page, speeding up the delivery of web pages as poor tag management can result in slow website performance due to the transmittal and receipt to and from 3rd party technologies. Manual tagging is time consuming, slow, and can result in inaccurate tags which hamper the organization’s ability to capture and analyze web and user data. Tag management systems can replace literally hundreds of tags with one uniform single line of code (a master tag) which positively affects the speed of web page delivery dramatically while allowing organizations to replace, or update or change tags in a much shorter cycle than previously available through manual means. To marketing organizations, according to Forrester: “Tag management systems do put the management of marketing tags, and therefore digital campaigns, in the hands of marketers and enable them to be much more responsive to the changing needs of the business and its customers. These benefits alone provide ample justification for the investment in tag management systems.” Forrester goes on to declare: “Enthusiasm for Tag Management Systems stems from the simple fact that these solutions address very real and tangible pain points felt by nearly all companies doing business on the web. I believe that the effective use of tag management technology and governance practices can deliver significant efficiency, performance, and financial gains,” reports Forrester Research Senior Intelligence Analyst Joseph Stanhope. TMS technology is available from ensighten, Tealium, Adobe SiteCatalyst, Google, Qubit, BrightTag, Impact Radius, SuperTag, TagMan, DC Storm, UberTags, Site Tagger. If you're still with me, you're a trooper! There is a lot to digest here. Next time- I look at Social Media and the technology used to conquer it!