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A quarterly journal

          06                            34                 54
2012      Exploiting the growing        Consumerization    Embracing open IT:
Issue 2   value from information:       of APIs: Scaling   Enabling the permeable
          Creating an operating         integrations       enterprise
          model for permeability

            The business value of APIs

            David Zanca (on right)
            Senior Vice President
            FedEx Services

            Thomas Wicinski (on left)
            Vice President
            FedEx Services

Issue 2              Exploiting the growing
                     value from information:
                     Creating an operating model
                     for permeability
                     Creating open interfaces to engage a
                     growing digital ecosystem will empower
                     enterprises to embrace social, mobile,
                     analytics, and cloud (SMAC) trends.

                     Consumerization of APIs:
                     Scaling integrations
                     A new generation of tools based on
                     RESTful APIs will help enterprise
                     IT to scale integrations.

                     Embracing open IT: Enabling
                     the permeable enterprise
                     By positioning IT capabilities as a
                     platform composed of open, self-
                     describing, modular services, CIOs
                     enable the permeable enterprise.

Interviews                                   Departments

21                                           02
APIs: An architecture for speed              Acknowledgments
John Donovan, Sanjay Macwan,
and Jacob Feinstein of AT&T detail           04                                  Social
how the API program is a driver of           Message from the editor
speed in their innovation efforts.

24                                           Subtext
Tapping value in information
David Zanca and Thomas Wicinski
of FedEx Services describe how
FedEx is a connected enterprise
and provides digital access to its
services on the customer’s terms.

30                                                 Mobile
The rising value of
linked information
Mark Noworolski and Peter Leiser
of Streetline detail how they are
transforming the parking ecosystem
with cloud, mobility, and analytics
technologies using RESTful APIs.
                                                                       Value from atoms
The digital indirect channel
Sam Ramji of Apigee explains why
APIs are of strategic importance
to all businesses.
                                                                                  b   i ts
                                                                       Value from
Getting into the
customer’s context
Devon Biondi of Mashery details
how APIs allow businesses to engage
with customers in their context.

Creating a platform
Laura Merling and John Musser of
Alcatel-Lucent share how enterprises
can use APIs to create platforms from
existing assets to unlock new value.
Users as partners
Brian Katz of Sanofi discusses how
consumerization of IT means enterprise
IT should treat users as partners.

                                         	                                        The business value of APIs	   01

                                             Advisory                        Center for Technology
                                             Principal & Technology Leader   & Innovation
                                             Tom DeGarmo                     Managing Editor
                                                                             Bo Parker
                                             US Thought Leadership
                                             Partner-in-Charge               Editors
                                             Tom Craren                      Vinod Baya
                                                                             Alan Morrison
                                             Strategic Marketing
                                             Natalie Kontra                  Contributors
                                             Jordana Marx                    Galen Gruman
                                                                             Carol Hildebrand
                                                                             Bud Mathaisel
                                                                             Bill Roberts

                                                                             Editorial Advisor
                                                                             Larry Marion

                                                                             Copy Editor
                                                                             Lea Anne Bantsari

                                                                             Dawn Regan

02	   PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
US studio                            Industry perspectives                   Mark Noworolski
Design Lead                          During the preparation of this          Chief Technology Officer
Colleen Donato                       publication, we benefited greatly       Streetline
                                     from interviews and conversations
Illustrators                         with the following executives:          Sam Ramji
Don Bernhardt                                                                Vice President of Strategy
Tatiana Pechenik                     Randi Barshack                          Apigee
                                     Vice President of Marketing
Production                           Mashery                                 Andy Ruskin
Jeff Ginsburg                                                                Director of Marketing
                                     Devon Biondi                            Mashery
Online                               Vice President of Strategy Services
Managing Director Online Marketing   Mashery                                 Ted Shelton
Jack Teuber                                                                  Managing Director
                                     John Donovan                            PwC
Designer and Producer                Senior Executive Vice President
Scott Schmidt                        Technology and Network Operations       Thomas Wicinski
                                     AT&T                                    Vice President of
Reviewers                                                                    Digital Access Marketing
Lowell E. Billings                   Jacob Feinstein                         FedEx Services
Daniel M. Cameron                    Executive Director, New Technology
Christopher Curran                   AT&T                                    David Zanca
Manish S. Dharnidharka                                                       Senior Vice President of IT, Customer
Daniel Eckert                        Brian Katz                              Access, and Revenue Systems
Kevin A. Hecht                       Director, Head of Mobility              FedEx Services
Christopher Isaac                    Industrialization & Engineering Group
Simrit S. Kamboe                     Sanofi
Surajit Kar
Eoin Russell                         Peter Leiser
Patrick Shankland                    Vice President of Engineering,
Alejandro Trujillo                   Platforms, and Applications
Special thanks
Natashia Gregoire                    Sanjay Macwan
FedEx Global Media                   Assistant Vice President
                                     AT&T Chief Technology Office

                                     Laura Merling
                                     Senior Vice President of
                                     Application Enablement

                                     John Musser
                                     Founder of ProgrammableWeb

                                     	                                              The business value of APIs	      03

1. The business value of APIs

2. Exploiting the growing value
   from information: Creating an
   operating model for

3. Consumerization of APIs:
   Scaling integrations

4. Embracing open IT: Enabling
   the permeable enterprise

5. APIs: An architecture for speed

6. Tapping value in information

7. The rising value of linked

8. The digital indirect channel
9. Getting into the customer's

10.Creating a platform

11. Users as partners
Resurgence of APIs:
                                               super-linear scaling
                                               in digital ecosystems

                                               Message from the editor                                      stations. This is sub-linear scaling. It
                                               Successful businesses grow almost by                         appears to be true in a city context across
                                               definition. But what comes with being                        almost all of a city’s infrastructure.
                                               larger? Certainly there are benefits,
                                               the most prominent being economies                           But cities also produce more than
                                               of scale. But size has its downside.                         linear scaling in other domains. West
                                               The enterprise R&D function has                              found that whenever a city doubles
                                               been a frequent target of research in                        in size, many measures of economic
                                               academia because of its well-known                           activity, such as construction spending,
                                               pattern of becoming less productive                          wealth, patents, and bank deposits,
                                               (fewer patents) on a per dollar basis as                     increase by approximately 15 percent
                                               it grows larger.1 Creating benefits from                     per capita.3 In other words, cities
                                               scale seems to be automatic in some                          become more productive as they grow.
                                               circumstances, but creating waste from                       This is called super-linear scaling.
                                               scale seems just as automatic in others.
                                                                                                            West lays this all at the feet of networks.
                                               Dr. Geoffrey West and his colleagues at                      The power of networks can produce
Tom DeGarmo
                                               the Santa Fe Institute have published                        sublinear scaling and superlinear
Principal & Technology Leader                  insightful results on the way many                           scaling. Neither is inherently better—                    different domains scale. He charts the                       some things you want less of, and other
                                               relationship between size and metabolic                      things you want more of as you grow.
                                               rate across species to convincingly
                                               demonstrate that doubling in size                            This issue of the Technology Forecast
                                               requires only 75 percent more energy                         examines the question of scaling in
                                               rather than a doubling of energy.2 In a                      the context of four major disruptions
                                               totally different domain, West found                         penetrating enterprise operations
                                               a similar pattern with gas stations in                       simultaneously—social computing,
                                               cities—doubling the size of the city                         mobile computing, advanced analytics,
                                               results in only 75 percent more gas                          and cloud computing (in short, SMAC).

                                               1	 Wesley M. Cohen and Steven Klepper, “Firm Size and        2
                                                  the Nature of Innovation within Industries: The Case of     surprising_math_of_cities_and_corporations.html
                                                  Process and Product R&D,” The Review of Economics
                                                  and Statistics 78, no. 2 (May 1996): 232–243.             3

04	     PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
Our use of the term SMAC includes            of digital services will more than         This issue also includes interviews
the four technologies called out             double the business value created.         with executives at enterprises that are
here as well as related emerging             As West would say, it’s because of the     leading the practice of tapping value in
technologies that take advantage of          network effect. And digital business       information, having a digital operating
them, such as the Internet of Things.        ecosystems can grow businesses in          model, and enabling permeability:
                                             terms of revenue and profits much
Individually, these disruptions              faster than headcount and expenses.        •	 John Donovan, Sanjay Macwan,
are themselves about scale. Social                                                         and Jacob Feinstein of AT&T detail
computing scales business collaboration      We call it building the permeable             how the API program is a driver of
from a few to hundreds or thousands of       enterprise, where business capabilities       speed in their innovation efforts.
others. Mobile computing scales process      are abstracted as open programmable
and data management into almost any          interfaces and scaling integrations in a   •	 David Zanca and Thomas Wicinski
business context. Advanced analytics—        digital ecosystem is incorporated into        of FedEx Services describe how
with big data, terabytes of in-memory        strategic thinking so that value scales       FedEx taps value in information
databases, and visualization—scales          in superlinear ways while cost scales         with a digital operating model.
business intelligence into every             in sublinear ways. The reemergence of
aspect of business operations. And           application programming interfaces         •	 Mark Noworolski and Peter Leiser of
cloud computing promises more                (APIs) in general and the rise of             Streetline share how they are trans-
compute power than ever before.              the RESTful style of integrations             forming the parking ecosystem with
                                             in particular bring this promise by           SMAC technologies using RESTful APIs.
These disruptions are all delivered          providing an architecture and systematic
over digital networks as digital             approach to engaging with SMAC             •	 Sam Ramji of Apigee explains why APIs
services, usually from outside the           and other emerging technologies.              are the first digital indirect channel.
enterprise. For many business and
IT executives, the potential value of        This issue of the Technology Forecast      •	 Devon Biondi of Mashery describes
engaging with these four trends is           examines how enterprises can engage           how APIs allow businesses to engage
transparent. The challenge is scaling        with the challenges and opportunities         with customers in their context.
their integration with traditional IT.       stemming from SMAC trends by
In the best of circumstances, internal       scaling integrations and participating     •	 Laura Merling and John Musser
legacy systems integrate well with           in expanding digital ecosystems.              of Alcatel-Lucent share how
each other. But they rarely were                                                           creating platforms from existing
designed to rapidly integrate with           The article, “Exploiting the growing          assets can unlock new value.
digitally delivered external services.       value from information,” on page
                                             06 examines how creating open              •	 Brian Katz of Sanofi discusses why
That’s job one. Job two is recognizing       interfaces to engage a growing digital        enterprise IT should treat users as partners.
that offering digitally delivered services   ecosystem will empower enterprises
is a big opportunity, very often through     to build a digital operating model         Please visit to
the co-creative efforts of third parties.    and progress toward becoming               find these articles and other issues of
Almost certainly these services will         a permeable enterprise.                    the Technology Forecast online. If you would
force a rethink of vertical business                                                    like to receive future issues of this quarterly
processes. Refining tightly coupled end-     “Consumerization of APIs” on page 34       publication as a PDF attachment, you can
to-end processes into loosely coupled,       explains why a new generation of tools     sign up at
modular activities creates the building      based on RESTful APIs scales the ability
blocks third parties are looking for as      to make digital connections by sharply     As always, we welcome your feedback
they build new businesses. But business      reducing the cost and complexity of        and your ideas for future research and
partners and consumers of those              integrations in digital ecosystems.        analysis topics to cover.
services expect the same rapid, seamless
setup already demonstrated in web-           The article, “Embracing open IT,” on
centric digital ecosystems. Otherwise        page 54 examines how, by positioning IT
the services go wanting for customers.       capabilities as a platform composed of
                                             open, self-describing, modular services,
In short, the rise of digital business       CIOs can manage challenges from SMAC
ecosystems is creating superlinear           and enable the permeable enterprise.
scaling effects; doubling the number

                                             	                                                  The business value of APIs	       05
06	   PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
Exploiting the growing
value from information:
Creating an operating
model for permeability
Creating open interfaces to engage a growing
digital ecosystem will empower enterprises to
systematically embrace emerging technology trends
and to benefit from the accelerating information
value expectations of their customers.
By Vinod Baya, Galen Gruman, and Bo Parker

Streetline, a startup based in Foster         All three examples (detailed later)
City, California, uses mobile sensors,        illustrate how leading companies are
web applications, and analytics to            capitalizing on digital ecosystems that
collect, transmit, and analyze data from      are expanding due to the confluence
parking meters and parking spaces.            of social networks, mobile computing,
The company is transforming parking           analytics, and cloud computing
operations into digital ecosystems to the     (SMAC).1 SMAC challenges enterprises
benefit of the cities, the drivers, parking   to take advantage of the positive
lot operators, and local merchants.           disruptions it portends, while they
                                              operate at the rapid pace of innovation
At FedEx, an evolving digital operating       and change that SMAC demands.
model allows customers to stay in
continuous contact with their packages        SMAC and other emerging technologies
and to initiate changes to their              create the possibility for new ways
shipments and other orders previously         to develop products, interact with
viewed as strictly internal operations.       customers, partner with others,
The operating model also supports the         compete, and succeed. More than a
efforts of business partners to create        strategy for any individual technology
new services using FedEx information.         trend or for combining more than one
                                              of them, companies need a systematic
And AT&T is transforming its network          approach to engage with these
into a permeable digital platform with        technologies. Companies that have
software interfaces that third-party          the most success engaging with SMAC
developers can use to tap into network        are, in PwC’s view, rethinking their
capabilities to create applications and       business and enterprise architectures and
services that add value for customers,        emphasizing three fundamental changes.
the third parties themselves, and AT&T.
                                              1	 Our use of the term SMAC includes the four
                                                 technologies called out here as well as related
                                                 emerging technologies that take advantage of
                                                 them, such as the Internet of Things.

	                                                       The business value of APIs	                07
Figure 1: A permeable enterprise exposes modular capabilities with
                                                open software interfaces to enable interactions (internally and externally)

  What is an API?                               in digital ecosystems.

  When talking to colleagues in the
  IT organization or to technology                                     API
  providers about ways to participate
  in the digital ecosystem, you’ll hear
  the term API. It is the acronym
  for application programming
  interface, a technology term that
  means the specifications for how                 Enterprise
  software programs are able to                                                                                                         Business
  exchange information with each
  other even if designed and run
  by different organizations.

  APIs are everywhere. The Google
  Maps API, for instance, is an
  interface used by developers to add
  content on a map of any region.
  Businesses can also embed the maps
  in their applications or services.

  There are several types of APIs, but
  the one worth noting to a business
  audience today is a RESTful API,              First, they acknowledge the SMAC           digital relationships with customers
  which stands for representational             trends are the strongest signal yet that   and partners, and reorganize for speed.
  state transfer API. Although not              business ecosystems are becoming
  appropriate in all use cases,                 more digitized, where information          Permeability and successful engagement
  RESTful APIs have changed the                 content accounts for a rising proportion   with SMAC improves overall
  economics of performing software              of the entire value of any product or      performance. PwC’s fourth annual
  integrations by sharply reducing              service. Second, they understand that      survey of enterprises’ digital IQ—the
  the associated cost and complexity.           successfully tapping the new drivers       way companies use digital technology
  This change creates the potential to          of value requires a digital operating      and channels to meet customer needs
  rethink IT architectures for scaling          model, a model attuned to participating    as well as the needs of employees and
  integrations and pursuing strategies          in or integrating with expanding digital   business partners—finds that top-
  that take advantage of them.                  ecosystems. And third, successful          performing2 US organizations show
                                                companies are adjusting their business     greater mastery in how they leverage
  Today, web companies and social
                                                and enterprise architectures to become     the digital technologies of SMAC to plan,
  networking providers are heavy
                                                what PwC calls the permeable enterprise.   innovate, measure results, interact with
  providers and users of RESTful APIs,
                                                                                           customers, and ultimately create value.3
  which is how they quickly connect
                                                Permeable means the use of open
  to so many data sources and services
                                                software interfaces on modular             This issue of the Technology Forecast
  and let others rely on the data and
  services they provide. Google,                capabilities to allow easy digital         describes ways that enterprises can
  Facebook, and Twitter are examples            connections with other capabilities,       engage with SMAC trends by using
  of companies that quickly became              the way web-based companies                RESTful APIs to become a permeable
  providers beyond their own services           do. (See Figure 1.) Specifically,          enterprise and participate in digital
  through the use of RESTful APIs.              leading companies use application          ecosystems. The issue details the rise of
                                                programming interfaces (APIs)—             RESTful API management technology
  By using and offering APIs, you do not        especially RESTful, or representational
  forgo the ability to control or manage        state transfer, APIs (see the sidebar,
                                                                                           2	 Top-performing organizations are defined as those
  users of them. An API may be exposed          “What is an API?” on this page)—              rated in the highest quartile for annual revenue, growth,
  internally or externally, and designed        as interface-oriented abstractions of         profitability, and innovation as well as those that have
                                                                                              revenue growth of more than 5 percent in the last
  so only those with valid credentials          enterprise capabilities. In doing so,         12 months.
  can transact through them.                    they rethink their assets as platforms     3	 Raising your digital IQ, PwC’s 4th annual digital IQ
                                                for co-creation, maintain persistent          survey, 2012,

08	      PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
Figure 2: The confluence of SMAC trends creates a shift in value drivers,
as the value from bits (information content) grows faster than the value
from atoms (the physical product or human-delivered service).



                    Value from atoms

Cloud                                                           Mobile
                    Value from

                                Time                              Atoms: physical product
                                                                  or human-delivered service

                                                                  Bits: information content


from new vendors (see the article,             value of the physical product or human-
“Consumerization of APIs,” on page             delivered analog service (atoms).4
34) and examines how the CIO should            The confluence of SMAC trends is
think about permeability as it impacts         driving this shift in business value. PwC
the IT organization (see the article,          anticipates that information associated
“Embracing open IT,” on page 54).              with products and services will
                                               increasingly account for a rising share
Digital transformation of                      in the customer’s experience of value
ecosystems: How bits increasingly              delivered, as illustrated in Figure 2.
complement atoms
The notion of the digital company              Streetline uses bits to transform
has been around for years. Gains in            a business built on atoms
operational efficiency can be credited to      Parking spaces and parking meters have
a more expansive use of IT to make the         always been part of the atoms world.
business run faster and more effectively.      One space was available to one car,
That’s a powerful benefit of IT. However,      and a meter was a simple device with
few companies outside the pure                 a coin slot, a timer, and sometimes a
web space have become truly digital            credit card capability. The user and
companies in which information and             the owner dealt with the meter in a
the ability to act on it creates significant   one-to-one relationship and had to be
economic and competitive value.                physically present to use or manage it.

The examples of Streetline, FedEx,             Now, Streetline5 digitally manages
and AT&T suggest what a company                parking spaces and meters in Los
can do when it starts to realize that          Angeles, Indianapolis, and several other
information itself is a product or             cities. It embeds sensors in parking
service. Some, including Rob Carter,
CIO of FedEx, use bits and atoms as an
                                               4	 Rob Carter, CIO of FedEx, keynote address at Location
analogy to highlight the growing value            and Beyond Summit, 2010,
of information (bits) to complement the           watch?v=Ljs28Rokwnk.


                                               	                                                          The business value of APIs	   09
Today, many everyday products and
                                                                                             services, such as shoes, wristbands,
      Social, mobile, analytics, and cloud                                                   golf clubs, appliances, and cars,
      (SMAC) trends are the strongest signal yet                                             include sensors to collect and transmit
                                                                                             information that can enhance the user
      that business ecosystems are becoming                                                  experience in a digital ecosystem. For
      more digitized, where information content                                              example, Nike augments select running
                                                                                             shoes with an embedded sensor—called
      accounts for a rising proportion of the                                                the Nike+ system7—that allows athletes
      entire value of any product or service.                                                to track running habits, assess progress
                                                                                             against personal goals, collaborate
                                                                                             with other runners, and improve
                                                                                             performance, thereby enhancing the
                                                                                             running experience. A wristband from
                                                                                             Basis8 has multiple sensors to track heart
                                                                                             rate, physical activity, sleep patterns,
                                                                                             and galvanic skin response (through
Figure 3: The Parker app from                     spaces on the street and in municipal      perspiration) for personalized tracking
Streetline helps customers                        and privately owned garages to collect     and feedback on physical conditioning.
navigate to open parking spots.                   information about availability and
                                                  wirelessly transmit the data via a         Why new value will be
                                                  mesh network to Streetline’s servers.      increasingly driven from bits
                                                  “We use this information to create a       Where should a company look to create
                                                  smart parking ecosystem,” says Mark        value from information? Figure 4 shows
                                                  Noworolski, CTO of Streetline.             a high-level taxonomy of potential
                                                                                             sources of value spanning atoms and
                                                  The bits bring new value to a formerly     bits. A general way to think about
                                                  atoms-only parking ecosystem. Drivers      information value-add is that it directly
                                                  can use Parker, a mobile application       engages the customer’s experience
                                                  available from app stores, to identify     of the product or service by surfacing
                                                  and navigate to an open spot, get alerts   data about that experience. Once data
                                                  on meter expiration, or reserve spaces.    has been collected, it can be used for
                                                  (See Figure 3.) Parking enforcement        multiple purposes by the customer, the
                                                  officers no longer need to patrol for      vendor, or other interested parties.
                                                  violations; they can go directly to
                                                  the spot of an expired meter. Cities
                                                  can implement demand-responsive
                                                  pricing6 and establish federated              “We use this [parking
                                                  payment systems across jurisdictions.
                                                                                                 spot availability and
                                                  Because the information is no longer           payment] information
                                                  trapped in the meter, local businesses
                                                  can become value-added partners                to create a smart
                                                  by paying to give their customers              parking ecosystem.”
                                                  priority access to nearby meters or
                                                  by subscribing to the meter data for             —Mark Noworolski,
Source: Streetline
                                                  inclusion in navigation services. The
                                                  app also reduces traffic and pollution           Streetline
                                                  as fewer drivers need to circle for
                                                  parking. All this new value emanates
                                                  from the world of bits made possible
                                                  by digitally transforming the parking
                                                  ecosystem and liberating analog            7

                                                  information from the atoms world.          8

10	        PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
Figure 4: The emerging domains of value are driven more by bits (information content) than atoms (physical product).

                                                    Value of experience:
                                                     product or service

        Known                                                                                                Emerging
                                            Value from                  Value from
     domain of value                                                                                       domain of value
                                              atoms                        bits

                                                      Content                                      Content
              Form              Function            (unchanging                                     (related
                                                    information)                                 information)

                      Components,                                   Telemetry                                    Linking
                                        Specifications,                              Non-telemetry
                       integrated                                    (location,                                 contexts
                                         performance                                  information
                         system                                     time, etc.)                                   (APIs)

                                                                     Internal           External
             Design             Usability                                                                      Digital
                                                                   to enterprise      to enterprise
                                                                        use                use


        Progress toward a permeable enterprise

                                            	                                                    The business value of APIs	   11
Figure 5: The ability to link information nodes (bits) in an information network means value rises quickly as the number
of nodes increases (Metcalfe’s Law).
An impact of SMAC is that more and more processes and activities will create a digital footprint and surface new information.
The ability to link this information to create an information network provides the potential to grow new value exponentially.

                         Enterprise                     Ecosystem

                                                                                                                                                  io n
                                                                                                                            f ro
                                                                                                                   l   ue

There are many reasons why                        appliances, cars, homes, and                  Figure 6.) Such growth manifests
emerging domains of value are based               parking meters. This increasing               the advantage of Metcalfe’s Law,12
more on bits than on atoms. Some                  instrumentation, connectivity,                which recognizes that the value of a
reasons include the following:                    and digitization deliver more and             network is proportional to the square
                                                  more bits into the value system.11            of the entities in the network.
•	 Bits are increasing—With a
   phenomenon such as the Internet of           •	 Bits are fungible and limitless—          •	 Bits persist over time—Whereas
   Things,9 products become smarter                They can be repurposed, reused,              a consumer eventually replaces
   through embedded sensors, which                 duplicated, or deployed in any               a car or shoes, the information
   produce digital representations                 number of use cases without being            accumulated around that product
   of the analog activities. Sensors               “used up.” This flexibility multiplies       will persist beyond the life of the
   convert any type of analog signal,              the options created by bits for ongoing      atoms. As new hardware endpoints
   such as temperature, pressure, or               innovation and value extraction. The         arrive, bits can be adapted to new
   acceleration, into electrical signals           value of the bits increases the more         values and new endpoints. The
   that digitize that information.                 that multiple parties exploit them,          value accumulates over time.
   These sensors are increasingly                  as demonstrated by Streetline.
   ubiquitous, and their usage grows
   as they continue to become cheaper           •	 Bits can be linked—As RESTful API
                                                                                             10	 Caroline Kazmierski, “Semiconductor Industry Posts
   and smaller. According to the                   technologies gain wider adoption,             Record-Breaking Revenues Despite 2011 Challenges,”
   Semiconductor Industry Association,             an information network made of                Semiconductor Industry Association, February 6, 2012,
   sensors and actuators are the smallest          information nodes likely will develop         sales-report-2012/semiconductor-industry-posts-
   semiconductor market segment                    internally and externally to an               record-breaking-revenues-despite-2011-challenges/.

   but showed the highest year-to-                 enterprise, much like the network of      11	 See the article, “Consumerization of APIs,” on page 34
   year growth of any segment, at                  devices on the Internet. (See Figure          for more details on sensors.

   15.5 percent to $8 billion in 2011.10           5.) ProgrammableWeb, which tracks         12	 Although initially defined in relation to
                                                                                                 telecommunications networks, Metcalfe’s Law today
   Today, sensors are in a wide range              externally published APIs, already            applies to all networks, and it states that the value of a
   of devices and environments,                    reports more than 6,000 APIs, and             network is proportional to the square of the number of
                                                                                                 nodes in the network. See
   including wristbands, toothbrushes,             the number is quickly increasing. (See        Metcalfe's_law for more details.

12	      PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
Figure 6: Use of APIs to interact in digital ecosystems has
been growing and has accelerated in the past few years.
Growth in number of APIs over time


                             8 years

     2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Source: ProgrammableWeb

Scaling integrations requires                to think about the SMAC technologies       Table 1: The interdependent and
a digital operating model                    as an integrated whole from a              complementary roles of SMAC in
While each SMAC technology has its           strategic viewpoint. (See Table 1.)        doing work
own unique impact, the technologies
are complementary in support of work         But as a collective whole they also
                                                                                        Trend              Relationship with work
getting done. The cloud increasingly         represent an unusual, perhaps
contains more of the information and         unprecedented challenge: how to            Social             Who we work with
applications that people use. Mobile         embrace the comprehensive challenge
devices give people access to the cloud,     they create at a technological level       Mobile             How we get to work
to other data sources, and to each other.    without being overwhelmed. Leading
Analytics help them make actionable          companies are overcoming this              Analytics          What we work on, the
                                                                                                           meaning of work
sense of all that data. Social media helps   challenge by adopting what PwC calls
people find colleagues with whom to          a digital operating model. This model is
                                                                                        Cloud              Where we do the work
collaborate and co-create. The collective    inspired by the open linking tradition
impact of SMAC on the enterprise             evident in the web marketplace that is
operating model is so broad that it helps    accelerating, driven by SMAC trends.

   Despite decades of technology investments,
   most companies do not have a digital
   operating model today.

                                             	                                                   The business value of APIs	        13
Scalable integration strategy: Why most companies
 don’t have a digital operating model—yet
 Having adopted IT solutions to drive             limited resources—web companies have             to as a service-oriented architecture
 automation and efficiencies for decades,         naturally moved to a low-maintenance,            (SOA). (See Figure A2.) Adoption of
 many companies will argue that they              self-describing, open communication style        SOA can address many of the issues
 are already digital. Their back-office           of integration facilitated by RESTful APIs,      surfaced in Figure A1 by conforming to its
 processes, in particular, are likely to be       which are a scalable way to integrate.           principles of loose coupling, abstraction
 highly digital, and they pay increasing                                                           of services, modularity, and reusability.
 attention to digitizing information about        Using a loose taxonomy of back-office,           While this approach has greatly reduced
 customers and suppliers. However, at most        front-office, and middle-office systems          the unintended complexity of the early
 companies the digital footprint is uneven.       and applications, Figure A depicts how, as       days of integration, scaling for and
                                                  integration scales, digitization can spread in   coordinating with a digitizing business
 Extending digitization depends on                an enterprise. Historically, the integration     ecosystem remains burdensome as SOA
 making connections digital, which in turn        technologies were entirely point to point,       has largely remained internally focused.
 depends on integrating tasks, activities,        as shown in Figure A1. These integration
 and processes. Therefore, the central issue      points grew organically without concerns         RESTful APIs, an architectural and
 that keeps IT from meeting the demands           or considerations for reuse, consistent          programming model that sharply reduces
 of social, mobile, analytics, and cloud          architecture, or agility. They also required     the cost and complexity of integrations,
 (SMAC) or having a digital operating             external documentation, demanded a               deliver a scalable approach for both
 model is the long lead time and high cost        deep understanding of data types and             internal and external use. (See Figure A3.)
 of integrating one piece of software with        logic on both sides of the connection, and       Many companies will start by exposing
 another. IT investments of the past did not      moved data in binary form unreadable             data and services using RESTful APIs
 anticipate the need for scaling integrations.    to programmers. As the integrations              to their external digital ecosystem of
                                                  proliferated to number in the hundreds,          partners and customers. But a RESTful
 For this reason, lessons from web                a new approach became necessary.                 API approach for internal integration
 companies are relevant. With business                                                             creates many of the same benefits of
 motivations to integrate with as many other This need led to the emergence of an                  highly scalable linking and coordinating
 web companies as possible—and with          approach to internal integration that adopts          of business processes at very low cost.
                                             architectural principles, usually referred

 Figure A: Despite decades of IT investments, most companies do not have a digital operating model
 because they could not scale integrations easily, an opportunity possible today with RESTful APIs.
 A1                                    A2                                                 A3
 Historically, the front, middle,      With SOA, enterprises adopted an                   The new architectural principle and programming
 and back offices of an enterprise     architecture using a service bus for               model based on RESTful APIs reduces integration
 were integrated point to point by     integration, creating loose coupling and           cost and complexity, so integrations can scale for
 tight coupling, suitable only for a   the potential for reuse and flexibility. The       many internal as well as external uses.
 small number of integrations.         complexity of integration meant use
                                       remained largely internal to the enterprise.                                              API

              Front office

                                                         service bus





                   EDI                                 EDI         EDI

        Business ecosystem                           Business ecosystem                                   Business ecosystem

14	        PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
Companies embracing a digital
                                                               operating model organize
                                                               themselves around atoms plus bits
                                                               as the source of new value.

To be successful, web companies
had to solve a fundamental problem:
linking to and being linked by other
web properties at scale. The solution                  genesis of the SMAC trends. The web
was open, self-describing APIs                         marketplace has become known for
communicating over standard HTTP13                     constant, unpredictable change, robust
protocols—in short, RESTful APIs.                      innovation, agility, modular capabilities,
                                                       and co-creation of value. The web
Despite decades of technology                          is inherently digital and organized
investments, most companies do                         around an architecture that facilitates
not have a digital operating model                     these dynamics. With RESTful APIs, all
today. Many feel overwhelmed by                        companies have the opportunity to bring
the demands from SMAC trends.                          these capabilities to their operations.
The problem for most companies is                      And this is the inspiration for a digital
that they cannot scale their existing                  operating model, which should have
integration architecture and methods                   the following key characteristics:
to the demands created by a digital
ecosystem. (See the sidebar, “Scalable                 •	 Instrumentation to digitize
integration strategy,” on page 14.)                       operations—The use of sensors
                                                          transforms analog activities into
So far, companies that have acted on                      digital representations to surface
the digital ecosystem in a big way                        and use valuable information.
tend to be web-native enterprises,
such as Facebook, Google, and several                  •	 Loosely coupled modular
other companies offering mobile or                        capabilities—Internal capabilities
social apps. Web-native companies                         and processes are broken into
extend their capabilities and their                       modular service components that
reach almost as a matter of course by                     have standard open interfaces.
exposing their capabilities via APIs to                   Loose coupling makes it possible
others. In many ways, the web is the                      to change the components without
                                                          affecting the system, as long as
                                                          the interface is kept stable.
13	 HyperText Transport Protocol is the standard for
    transmitting information on the World Wide Web.

                                                       	                                            The business value of APIs	   15
Table 2: Key characteristics of the digital operating model contrasted with the way many companies typically operate

 Characteristic                Typical operating model                                Digital operating model

 Key source of value           Organized around atoms as the source of value          Organized around atoms plus bits as the source
                                                                                      of new value

 Extent of                     Mostly analog activities (except digital native        Mostly instrumented, connected, digital activities
 digitization                  companies)

 Asset strategy                Assets exist to fulfill a particular function          Assets are platforms and therefore extensible
                               and are not extensible                                 by others

 Architecture                  Largely closed and monolithic                          Open, accessible, and modular

 Responsiveness                Static, inflexible, slow to evolve                     Dynamic, agile, evolving
 to change

 Key performance               Efficiency-centric: resistance to new value creation   Customer-centric: increasing value to customer
 indicator (KPI)

 Nature of                     Tight coupling among systems of coordination           Loose coupling among systems of coordination

 Participants in               Largely the enterprise itself                          Co-creation and collaboration with the ecosystem
 value creation

 Business creation             High barrier to new business creation                  Low barrier to new business creation

                                                •	 Addressable platform with low              A culture of valuing information gives
                                                   interaction costs—The capabilities         FedEx a digital operating model
“Information about the                             are available for others to use by         FedEx has organized around
 package helps us run                              means of stable interfaces that have a     information from its inception. “In the
                                                   low or no barrier to usage. Enabling       late 1970s, our founder and CEO Fred
 our business better.                              technologies, including RESTful APIs       Smith said, ‘The information about
 That comes from a                                 and API management platforms,              the package is just as important as the
                                                   make addressability efficient.             package itself,’” says David Zanca, senior
 digital operating model                                                                      vice president of IT, customer access,
 where all our assets are                       •	 The ability to co-create in a              and revenue systems at FedEx Services.
                                                   digital ecosystem—A co-creation            “It’s a vision that has given our company
 connected and surface                             strategy treats customers, channel         a culture that values information,
 information to increase                           partners, suppliers, and industry          and that uses it in all we do.”
                                                   ecosystem participants as active agents
 overall value to us and                           who have permission to combine the         FedEx’s journey to a digital operating
 the customer.”                                    modular capabilities exposed in a          model is decades old. “Information
                                                   platform to create new experiences.        about the package helps us run our
  —David Zanca,                                                                               business better. That comes from a
                                                There are other characteristics,              digital operating model where all
  FedEx Services                                and Table 2 contrasts the prevalent           our assets are connected and surface
                                                traditional operating model to a              information to increase overall value
                                                digital operating model. Companies            to us and the customer,” Zanca says.
                                                embracing a digital operating model           “Almost every piece of our business
                                                organize themselves around atoms              is instrumented; it has some degree
                                                plus bits as the source of new value.         of intelligence and automation on it.

16	      PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
Our planes are all intelligent, and they      With its new SenseAware product
tell us where they are. The trucks,           line, FedEx has recently driven the         “Not only do our
the couriers, the knowledge workers,          digital operating model deeper into
the hubs—almost everything has                the customer’s context. “Not only do         customers want more
technology embedded in it and tells           our customers want more information          information about
us where it is or what its state is.”         about the packages, but they also now
                                              want more interaction with FedEx and         the packages, but they
FedEx has used a transportation logistics     expect us to react to changes and resolve    also now want more
information system called COSMOS              problems if they occur, ” says Thomas
(Customer, Operations, Service Master         Wicinski, vice president of digital          interaction with FedEx
On-line System) since 1979 to keep            access marketing for FedEx Services.
                                                                                           and expect us to react
track of all packages. While it used          Customers can request operational
the information to allow dynamic              actions such as return shipment,             to changes and resolve
management of its delivery system, it         reroute, reship, and repackage. Its
                                                                                           problems if they occur.”
also innovated many times to present          digital operating model gives FedEx the
an interface to its customers and bring       flexibility to adapt to these requests.     —Thomas Wicinski,
them into the FedEx digital ecosystem.
                                              Transformation to a                         FedEx Services
In 1984, before the web, FedEx released       permeable enterprise
PowerShip (now part of FedEx Ship),           The digital operating model enables
which used modems over circuit-               what PwC calls the permeable enterprise,
switched telephone lines to allow             in which latent capabilities and assets
high-volume customers to link with            inside the enterprise are permitted
COSMOS, so they could place shipping          to reach outside and be combined
orders electronically and print air           with other assets and capabilities.
bills. In 1994, was the first       External innovators also can reach
site to give customers the ability to         into the enterprise and tap into its
monitor shipments on the web.                 capabilities to create new value. Both
                                              are facilitated by the sharply lower cost
FedEx also maintains a website for            of interactions in a digital ecosystem.
developers (FedEx Developer Resource
Center14), where third parties can            A company will need to develop
tap into FedEx capabilities offered as        many new capabilities to adopt a
modular web services for shipping,            digital operating model and become
office and print services, and other tasks.   a permeable enterprise. As Figure 7
                                              shows, these new capabilities address
FedEx layers the customer experience          partner strategies, assumptions
services on top of the enterprise services    about the frequency and intensity
with the help of RESTful APIs.                of customer engagement, and a
                                              business and enterprise architecture
                                              built for speed, all while balancing
                                              their use internally and externally.

                                              	                                             The business value of APIs	   17
Platform for co-creation:                   The platform approach is a different
                                             Scaling integrations                        way of thinking about value. It requires
“If you are going to
                                             Until recently, organizational structures   a step back from the product or service’s
 operate at a pace                           and IT systems were designed to             obvious value and an assessment of
                                             support the enterprise as the sole          how others might add value if they
 at which the external
                                             creator of products and services. In        had access to attributes beyond the
 market is moving,                           a world of value co-creation, these         immediate ones. “The ability to create
                                             structures and systems often do not         self-service interactions, enable
 you have to take
                                             work well. Too much knowledge about         co-creation, and provide a vehicle
 capabilities, industry                      how processes work must be acquired         where information is flowing from
                                             before anything can be added. This          a leaf node to every other leaf node
 specific or not, and
                                             barrier can be significant for third        radically transforms our ideas about
 make platforms                              parties, even if huge latent value is       how to organize production, innovation,
                                             inside the enterprise. Reducing the         and transactions,” says Ted Shelton,
 from them.”
                                             learning curve requires a new strategy.     managing director in the PwC Advisory
                                             “If you are going to operate at a pace at   practice. Product design, development,
 —John Donovan, AT&T
                                             which the external market is moving,        and customer service must take into
                                             you have to take capabilities, industry     account the growing possibilities for
                                             specific or not, and make platforms         surfacing and using information.
                                             from them,” says John Donovan, senior
                                             executive vice president of technology      In this context, the word platform
                                             and network operations at AT&T. By          means programmable interfaces or
                                             allowing third-party developers to tap      APIs. “APIs are the building blocks of the
                                             into its network capabilities, AT&T has     digital economy,” says Laura Merling,
                                             transformed its network into a digital      senior vice president of the application
                                             platform. (See the sidebar, “APIs: An       enablement business unit at Alcatel-
                                             architecture for speed,” on page 21.)       Lucent. APIs become the language with
                                                                                         which interactions and communication
                                                                                         occur in a SMAC-driven digital
                                                                                         ecosystem, supporting permeability.

18	   PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
AT&T seeks to expand the value               Figure 7: Enterprises will require a digital operating model to tap into the
realized from its telecommunications         shift in value drivers that results from SMAC. The digital operating model
network and associated services.             on the inside will enable the permeable enterprise on the outside.
Jacob Feinstein, executive director
of new technology at AT&T, says
AT&T asked itself, “If we architect
our network so that it comprises a
number of loosely coupled modules
connected through open interfaces,                                         Value

could we expose those interfaces to
third parties to foster openness in                                           Value from atoms
a broader sense, leading to greater
                                                            Cloud                                                   Mobile
innovation, and ultimately get more
apps on more devices on our network?”                                         Value from

For example, because AT&T exposed its                                                     Time

Internet Protocol telephony capabilities
to web developers, its users can
initiate an online phone session from
a restaurant review website to make a
reservation, potentially driving more
business to AT&T’s network. AT&T could                                               requires
provide access to different quality-of-
service levels that provide a range of
service options for third parties, letting                                   Digital operating model
them offer, for example, premium
connections for a higher fee, in which
AT&T might share the extra revenue.                        Instrumented      Modular             Addressable Low interaction
                                                           operations        capabilities        platform    cost

Rethinking the customer relationship:
Persistent digital engagement                                                       results in
Because of SMAC, a new consumer
reality is emerging, defined by an any-
where/anytime/any device expectation                                          Permeable enterprise
of accessibility and engagement.
Consumers have the ability to be
online all the time and expect what
PwC calls persistent digital engagement
with whomever they conduct business.
“To address the new consumer state
of persistent digital engagement,
companies will need to develop fluency
in digital product development and
social technologies, and they will need
                                                                          • Platform for co-creation
to create collaboration across groups
                                                                          • Persistent digital engagement
that have often worked separately from                                    • Architecture for speed
one another,” PwC’s Shelton advises.

                                             	                                                          The business value of APIs	   19
Figure 8: The digital operating model promotes a customer-centric
                                             approach over a product-centric one.

                                                                          s fu n ct                       Business functions
                                                             s   in e s               io n
                                                          Bu                                 s



                                                          Product-centric                                 Customer-centric

                                             Enterprises must reorganize in a                    Architecture for speed
                                             manner that puts customers at the                   Speed is essential in the digital
“Agility and accessibility
                                             center of the digital operating model,              ecosystem to meet the pace with which
 will make the successful                    instead of thinking of them only                    the business environment is changing.
                                             as end-of-the-chain recipients of                   Speed was a driving force in AT&T’s
 organization of the
                                             delivered value. Figure 8 shows this                RESTful API program, Donovan says.
 future.”                                    distinction between a product-centric               By exposing RESTful APIs, AT&T has
                                             and customer-centric enterprise.                    cut the time it takes developers to place
 —Ted Shelton, PwC                                                                               new capabilities on the network from
                                             Customers are already altering the                  months to hours. The API program is a
                                             dynamics of their relationships with                key pillar in AT&T’s broader innovation
                                             providers through their rapid adoption              strategy. (See the sidebar, “APIs: An
                                             of new technologies that move them                  architecture for speed,” on page 21.)
                                             toward the center. “The customer is
                                             able to have a tighter, longer-lasting              Establishing a business and IT
                                             relationship with the business even                 architecture around RESTful APIs is
                                             though the way they interact with                   not just about speed. It is the best way
                                             that business might change,” says Sam               to prepare for future waves of change
                                             Ramji, vice president of strategy at API            in technologies, products, and business
                                             management solution vendor Apigee.                  strategies. “Agility and accessibility will
                                             Bits allow stickier relationships in the            make the successful organization of
                                             value network because their mutability              the future,” Shelton says. “With APIs
                                             means they can persist even as they are             modularizing every function at the right
                                             adapted to new services and use cases.              level of granularity, one can enable
                                                                                                 more agility and more accessibility.”

20	   PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
APIs: An architecture for speed at AT&T
John Donovan, Sanjay Macwan, and Jacob Feinstein of AT&T detail how the API program
is a driver of speed in their innovation efforts.

Navigating the far-flung functional,         than 150 startups. As a result of this        care for AT&T, new revenue opportunity
organizational, and technical structure      outreach, 40 projects are in the works        for SundaySky, and increased satisfaction
to bring new ideas to any large company      and 11 are deployed commercially,             for the customer. AT&T and SundaySky
can be slow and confounding. For a           generating revenue for AT&T and               co-created a solution facilitated by the
company the size of AT&T, this had the       its collaborators or delivering new           transparency and ease of programming
potential to create lengthy delays for       efficiencies that benefit customers.          to the billing API. Without that, such an
developers seeking to test innovations                                                     endeavor might have taken too long.
against the network. Today, external         APIs are the key
innovators and developers access             The underlying enabler to increase the        Making AT&T addressable:
much of AT&T’s network and other             pace of innovation is the company’s           Network as a platform
capabilities in a self-service manner,       application programming interface             AT&T has opened up several categories
allowing them to bring new offerings to      (API) program. By opening up core             of RESTful APIs so far and processes
market three times faster than before.       horizontal and vertical capabilities          about 4.5 billion API calls every month.
                                             through RESTful public APIs, AT&T             AT&T has an aggressive road map to
This new speed is central to AT&T’s          has established a digital platform that       open new APIs across several service
innovation strategy. Whether ideas           drives an ecosystem of network-centric        categories. This plan makes the network
are generated internally or co-created       services. “It is an architectural choice      an intrinsic part of an innovation
with outside innovators, AT&T wants to       one makes for speed,” Donovan says.           ecosystem and gives AT&T an opportunity
match the pace at which the market is                                                      for new monetization by serving
changing and innovating—particularly         When a company has the size and               consumers and business customers.
around mobile and cloud technologies.        scale of AT&T, speed is not easy or
                                             a given. The API program removes              Ultimately, the goal of an API program is
“If you have infrastructure assets and       organizational, functional, and technical     to make internal capabilities addressable
are going to operate at a pace at which      barriers to accessing AT&T’s network          by others. “Many people think API equals
the external market is moving, you           and information assets. Extensive             open and open equals free; that’s not the
have to take capabilities—industry-          documentation, sample code, immediate         case at all. What is needed is a thoughtful
specific or not—and make platforms           access to RESTful APIs, and sandboxes         architecture that allows you to take layers
from them. And then make them easy           for testing are some of the features          above and below your platform, and make
to address,” says John Donovan, senior       that reduce the friction for a thriving       them modular and addressable,” Donovan
executive vice president of technology       ecosystem of developers and innovators.       says. AT&T’s goal is to make its network
and network operations at AT&T.                                                            the most addressable network globally.
                                             Consider the case of SundaySky, a
The emphasis on speed extends beyond         company AT&T chose to work with               With APIs making capabilities addressable,
technology. Startups participate in “speed   after a speed dating session. Telecom         the network becomes a platform that
dating” sessions with AT&T executives,       bills can be difficult to understand for      accrues many advantages. Developers
a fast-paced 20 minutes in which they        some customers, particularly when they        save time and resources and build on
have a deal or an understanding of           start or change services. AT&T’s billing      top of AT&T’s assets instead of investing
why not. “We always have some of our         system has more than 1,000 elements.          in network and telecom equipment
top decision makers in the room—not          Confusion stemming from a bill leads to       themselves. A platform approach
just the technology leadership, but our      high call volume to customer care. Using      positions legacy assets for the future
business unit leaders, chief marketing       AT&T’s billing API, SundaySky created a       by abstracting and combining them to
officers for enterprise and consumer,        service that dynamically builds a custom      increase their relevance to emerging
and others. Because the key decision         video to address customers by name and        trends in cloud, mobile, and social
makers are listening to the pitch at the     walk them through their bills. In a trial     technologies. “APIs give you the ability
same time, we can decide whether to          of new subscribers for the IPTV service       to better manage the legacy environment
move forward immediately after the           (U-verse), the call volume to customer        and future-proof them,” Donovan says.
speed dating session,” says Sanjay           care dropped by 20 percent among
Macwan, assistant vice president in          customers who had access to the video         A well-executed API program reorganizes
the AT&T chief technology office.            review service developed at the AT&T          capabilities to establish consistency and
                                             innovation center with SundaySky.             ease of use. It makes an organization’s
In 2011, AT&T met with more than                                                           internal knowledge accessible in a
500 startups, and in early 2012, the         The result is a three-way win: cost savings
company already has met with more            from fewer or shorter calls into customer     continues to next page ›

                                             	                                                      The business value of APIs	        21
semantically consistent manner. “APIs          reconstitute their work in a more modular,
                                            simplify things architecturally and create     fungible, and co-creation–centric manner.
                                            a better story and capabilities for the
                                            developers by having a common taxonomy,”      As a result, APIs are increasingly coming
                                            says Jacob Feinstein, executive director      from all parts of the organization and not
                                            of new technology. “If you have a more        just from the API program group. The
                                            educated community, they’ll think of new      consumer marketing organization, the
                                            things that they might do with the network    enterprise marketing organization, the
                                            that they wouldn’t have thought of doing.”    product organization, and the emerging
                                                                                          devices organization feed the API pipeline.
                                            The platform strategy extends beyond          Teams are also proposing APIs out of
                                            the network assets. “Our APIs cut across      the gate with new solutions, including
                                            capabilities such as payment, device          teams from AT&T’s network equipment
                                            characteristics, location, messaging, speech providers. “APIs are being thought of at
                                            recognition, and others,” Macwan says.        the outset, and they influence the early
                                            “Any developers who want to embed speech ideation around network release and
                                            recognition in their services can just call a road map planning. Now we actively
                                            speech API to access our speech engine.”      look at what the API opportunities are
                                                                                          as we roll out each next generation of
                                            “Most of the things we do are candidates      network technology,” Feinstein says.
                                            for the new architecture,” Donovan says.
                                                                                          Speed is also a function of an
                                                              External outreach           organization’s operating model.
                                                              changes internal            “We’re pivoting toward thinking about
      “[The API program] is                                   operating model             architecting everything we do in a
       an architectural choice                                Donovan cautions against more API-centric way,” Feinstein adds.
                                                                                          APIs impose modular thinking on the
                                                              the common notion that
       one makes for speed.”                                  APIs are for giving away    enterprise. They have allowed AT&T to
                                                              data free just to be nice.  reconstitute its capabilities and assets in
      —John Donovan, AT&T                                     That thinking limits the    modular chunks with stable interfaces.
                                                              internal potential of APIs. They have digitized the operations that
                                                              “The use of APIs and        take place around the company’s network
                                                              their impact is not just    and the value-added services it delivers.
                                            for outreach to the external developer        Being digital, these capabilities are easier
                                            community. It changes how you operate,”       to engage with and now operate at a faster
                                            he explains. “You literally put APIs          pace with a large number of partners.
                                            everywhere. That’s how you do internal
                                            development, that’s how the IT shop           The single principle: Speed
                                            works, that’s how your provider should        Despite the size and scale of its
                                            do development for you, that’s how your       infrastructure and operations, the
                                            offshore stuff lands into your environment, architecture changes enabled by API
                                            and that’s how you build services.”           thinking, API technology, and an API
                                                                                          platform strategy can have a real impact
                                            AT&T is changing on the inside, too, as a     on innovation, growth, and the AT&T
                                            result of the API program. The thinking       bottom line. “We’re getting faster, and one
                                            and architecture the program represents       result is that the architecture is shifting to
                                            are seeping deeper into company               one that allows more partnerships. You’ll
                                            operations. Many teams now understand         see us do more technology partnerships
                                            the change in thinking the API architecture and move faster, both at the pace of
                                            requires. “People are applying an API lens    the market and in terms of innovating
                                            whether they’re in the labs, the network      on our own. There will be efficiency
                                            teams, or what traditionally have been        benefits as well,” Donovan says.
                                            finished product groups. They offer an
                                            API-centric view of their work,” Feinstein    His advice on how to think about APIs:
                                            says. As these diverse groups think about     “Operate under one principle and then
                                            ways to support the API program, they         architect around it; ours was speed.”

22	      PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
“APIs are the building blocks of the
    digital economy.”
    —Laura Merling, Alcatel-Lucent

Conclusion                                  This transformation is possible by
The SMAC trends provide strong signals      understanding and using RESTful APIs
that business ecosystems are moving         and API management technologies.
toward digital ubiquity. As this digital    (See the article, “Consumerization
ubiquity evolves, information (bits) will   of APIs,” on page 34.) Companies
make up a growing proportion of the         that apply modern APIs and PwC’s
overall value that customers experience     proposed digital operating model
from any product or service (atoms).        thinking have the opportunity to
Successful companies are adjusting their    gain competitive advantage through
business and enterprise architectures to    reduced friction in co-creating new
be more attuned to participating in or      value, building persistent digital
integrating with these expanding digital    engagements, and increased agility.
ecosystems. Companies leading in their
engagements with SMAC are adopting          Leading software companies have long
a digital operating model, which            known that being the dominant platform
supports the permeable enterprise.          for an ecosystem creates direct and
                                            indirect demand for their offerings and
Few enterprises are completely ignoring     long-term competitive advantage. SMAC
SMAC developments. However, the             trends suggest that every company
demands SMAC creates on IT can              is, in part (or should try to be), like a
overwhelm CIOs and other business           software company in how it creates
executives. In part, that’s because         and engages with a digital ecosystem.
business executives are accustomed
to viewing technology opportunities         Establishing a platform in the center
through the old lens of being responsible   of a robust digital ecosystem requires
for all the end-to-end application logic    a digital operating model, one that
and performance. This approach does         is appropriately permeable to third
not scale when engaging with SMAC,          parties that can co-create new value
as described in the sidebar “Scalable       from what a company and others have
integration strategy.” They need a new      to offer. It means taking advantage of
model—one based on lower integration        the interconnectedness and the rise
and interaction costs—similar to the        of empowered customers who will
one web companies have been using.          engage actively with a company if it lets
                                            them. It’s time for more companies to
A key transformation is to make a           become like a software company within
company’s value-add capabilities            their habitat of the digital ecosystem.
addressable in digital ecosystems.          And perhaps in some new habitats.

                                            	                                           The business value of APIs	   23
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Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
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Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
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Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
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Techforecast 2012-issue-2
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Techforecast 2012-issue-2
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Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
Techforecast 2012-issue-2
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Techforecast 2012-issue-2

  • 1. A quarterly journal 06 34 54 2012 Exploiting the growing Consumerization Embracing open IT: Issue 2 value from information: of APIs: Scaling Enabling the permeable Creating an operating integrations enterprise model for permeability The business value of APIs David Zanca (on right) Senior Vice President FedEx Services Thomas Wicinski (on left) Vice President FedEx Services
  • 2. Contents Features 2012 Issue 2 Exploiting the growing value from information: Creating an operating model for permeability Creating open interfaces to engage a growing digital ecosystem will empower enterprises to embrace social, mobile, analytics, and cloud (SMAC) trends. 06 Consumerization of APIs: Scaling integrations A new generation of tools based on RESTful APIs will help enterprise IT to scale integrations. 34 Embracing open IT: Enabling the permeable enterprise By positioning IT capabilities as a platform composed of open, self- describing, modular services, CIOs enable the permeable enterprise. 54
  • 3. Interviews Departments 21 02 APIs: An architecture for speed Acknowledgments John Donovan, Sanjay Macwan, and Jacob Feinstein of AT&T detail 04 Social how the API program is a driver of Message from the editor speed in their innovation efforts. 74 24 Subtext Tapping value in information David Zanca and Thomas Wicinski of FedEx Services describe how FedEx is a connected enterprise and provides digital access to its services on the customer’s terms. 30 Mobile The rising value of linked information Mark Noworolski and Peter Leiser of Streetline detail how they are transforming the parking ecosystem with cloud, mobility, and analytics technologies using RESTful APIs. Value from atoms 46 The digital indirect channel Sam Ramji of Apigee explains why APIs are of strategic importance to all businesses. b i ts Value from 50 Getting into the Analytics customer’s context Devon Biondi of Mashery details how APIs allow businesses to engage with customers in their context. 64 Creating a platform Laura Merling and John Musser of Alcatel-Lucent share how enterprises can use APIs to create platforms from existing assets to unlock new value. Cloud 68 Users as partners Brian Katz of Sanofi discusses how consumerization of IT means enterprise IT should treat users as partners. The business value of APIs 01
  • 4. Acknowledgments Advisory Center for Technology Principal & Technology Leader & Innovation Tom DeGarmo Managing Editor Bo Parker US Thought Leadership Partner-in-Charge Editors Tom Craren Vinod Baya Alan Morrison Strategic Marketing Natalie Kontra Contributors Jordana Marx Galen Gruman Carol Hildebrand Bud Mathaisel Bill Roberts Editorial Advisor Larry Marion Copy Editor Lea Anne Bantsari Transcriber Dawn Regan 02 PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
  • 5. US studio Industry perspectives Mark Noworolski Design Lead During the preparation of this Chief Technology Officer Colleen Donato publication, we benefited greatly Streetline from interviews and conversations Illustrators with the following executives: Sam Ramji Don Bernhardt Vice President of Strategy Tatiana Pechenik Randi Barshack Apigee Vice President of Marketing Production Mashery Andy Ruskin Jeff Ginsburg Director of Marketing Devon Biondi Mashery Online Vice President of Strategy Services Managing Director Online Marketing Mashery Ted Shelton Jack Teuber Managing Director John Donovan PwC Designer and Producer Senior Executive Vice President Scott Schmidt Technology and Network Operations Thomas Wicinski AT&T Vice President of Reviewers Digital Access Marketing Lowell E. Billings Jacob Feinstein FedEx Services Daniel M. Cameron Executive Director, New Technology Christopher Curran AT&T David Zanca Manish S. Dharnidharka Senior Vice President of IT, Customer Daniel Eckert Brian Katz Access, and Revenue Systems Kevin A. Hecht Director, Head of Mobility FedEx Services Christopher Isaac Industrialization & Engineering Group Simrit S. Kamboe Sanofi Surajit Kar Eoin Russell Peter Leiser Patrick Shankland Vice President of Engineering, Alejandro Trujillo Platforms, and Applications Streetline Special thanks Natashia Gregoire Sanjay Macwan FedEx Global Media Assistant Vice President AT&T Chief Technology Office AT&T Laura Merling Senior Vice President of Application Enablement Alcatel-Lucent John Musser Founder of ProgrammableWeb Alcatel-Lucent The business value of APIs 03
  • 6. Contents 1. The business value of APIs 2. Exploiting the growing value from information: Creating an operating model for permeability 3. Consumerization of APIs: Scaling integrations 4. Embracing open IT: Enabling the permeable enterprise 5. APIs: An architecture for speed 6. Tapping value in information 7. The rising value of linked information 8. The digital indirect channel
  • 7. 9. Getting into the customer's context 10.Creating a platform 11. Users as partners
  • 8. Resurgence of APIs: super-linear scaling in digital ecosystems Message from the editor stations. This is sub-linear scaling. It Successful businesses grow almost by appears to be true in a city context across definition. But what comes with being almost all of a city’s infrastructure. larger? Certainly there are benefits, the most prominent being economies But cities also produce more than of scale. But size has its downside. linear scaling in other domains. West The enterprise R&D function has found that whenever a city doubles been a frequent target of research in in size, many measures of economic academia because of its well-known activity, such as construction spending, pattern of becoming less productive wealth, patents, and bank deposits, (fewer patents) on a per dollar basis as increase by approximately 15 percent it grows larger.1 Creating benefits from per capita.3 In other words, cities scale seems to be automatic in some become more productive as they grow. circumstances, but creating waste from This is called super-linear scaling. scale seems just as automatic in others. West lays this all at the feet of networks. Dr. Geoffrey West and his colleagues at The power of networks can produce Tom DeGarmo the Santa Fe Institute have published sublinear scaling and superlinear Principal & Technology Leader insightful results on the way many scaling. Neither is inherently better— different domains scale. He charts the some things you want less of, and other relationship between size and metabolic things you want more of as you grow. rate across species to convincingly demonstrate that doubling in size This issue of the Technology Forecast requires only 75 percent more energy examines the question of scaling in rather than a doubling of energy.2 In a the context of four major disruptions totally different domain, West found penetrating enterprise operations a similar pattern with gas stations in simultaneously—social computing, cities—doubling the size of the city mobile computing, advanced analytics, results in only 75 percent more gas and cloud computing (in short, SMAC). 1 Wesley M. Cohen and Steven Klepper, “Firm Size and 2 the Nature of Innovation within Industries: The Case of surprising_math_of_cities_and_corporations.html Process and Product R&D,” The Review of Economics and Statistics 78, no. 2 (May 1996): 232–243. 3 magazine/19Urban_West-t.html?pagewanted=all 04 PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
  • 9. Our use of the term SMAC includes of digital services will more than This issue also includes interviews the four technologies called out double the business value created. with executives at enterprises that are here as well as related emerging As West would say, it’s because of the leading the practice of tapping value in technologies that take advantage of network effect. And digital business information, having a digital operating them, such as the Internet of Things. ecosystems can grow businesses in model, and enabling permeability: terms of revenue and profits much Individually, these disruptions faster than headcount and expenses. • John Donovan, Sanjay Macwan, are themselves about scale. Social and Jacob Feinstein of AT&T detail computing scales business collaboration We call it building the permeable how the API program is a driver of from a few to hundreds or thousands of enterprise, where business capabilities speed in their innovation efforts. others. Mobile computing scales process are abstracted as open programmable and data management into almost any interfaces and scaling integrations in a • David Zanca and Thomas Wicinski business context. Advanced analytics— digital ecosystem is incorporated into of FedEx Services describe how with big data, terabytes of in-memory strategic thinking so that value scales FedEx taps value in information databases, and visualization—scales in superlinear ways while cost scales with a digital operating model. business intelligence into every in sublinear ways. The reemergence of aspect of business operations. And application programming interfaces • Mark Noworolski and Peter Leiser of cloud computing promises more (APIs) in general and the rise of Streetline share how they are trans- compute power than ever before. the RESTful style of integrations forming the parking ecosystem with in particular bring this promise by SMAC technologies using RESTful APIs. These disruptions are all delivered providing an architecture and systematic over digital networks as digital approach to engaging with SMAC • Sam Ramji of Apigee explains why APIs services, usually from outside the and other emerging technologies. are the first digital indirect channel. enterprise. For many business and IT executives, the potential value of This issue of the Technology Forecast • Devon Biondi of Mashery describes engaging with these four trends is examines how enterprises can engage how APIs allow businesses to engage transparent. The challenge is scaling with the challenges and opportunities with customers in their context. their integration with traditional IT. stemming from SMAC trends by In the best of circumstances, internal scaling integrations and participating • Laura Merling and John Musser legacy systems integrate well with in expanding digital ecosystems. of Alcatel-Lucent share how each other. But they rarely were creating platforms from existing designed to rapidly integrate with The article, “Exploiting the growing assets can unlock new value. digitally delivered external services. value from information,” on page 06 examines how creating open • Brian Katz of Sanofi discusses why That’s job one. Job two is recognizing interfaces to engage a growing digital enterprise IT should treat users as partners. that offering digitally delivered services ecosystem will empower enterprises is a big opportunity, very often through to build a digital operating model Please visit to the co-creative efforts of third parties. and progress toward becoming find these articles and other issues of Almost certainly these services will a permeable enterprise. the Technology Forecast online. If you would force a rethink of vertical business like to receive future issues of this quarterly processes. Refining tightly coupled end- “Consumerization of APIs” on page 34 publication as a PDF attachment, you can to-end processes into loosely coupled, explains why a new generation of tools sign up at modular activities creates the building based on RESTful APIs scales the ability blocks third parties are looking for as to make digital connections by sharply As always, we welcome your feedback they build new businesses. But business reducing the cost and complexity of and your ideas for future research and partners and consumers of those integrations in digital ecosystems. analysis topics to cover. services expect the same rapid, seamless setup already demonstrated in web- The article, “Embracing open IT,” on centric digital ecosystems. Otherwise page 54 examines how, by positioning IT the services go wanting for customers. capabilities as a platform composed of open, self-describing, modular services, In short, the rise of digital business CIOs can manage challenges from SMAC ecosystems is creating superlinear and enable the permeable enterprise. scaling effects; doubling the number The business value of APIs 05
  • 10. 06 PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
  • 11. Exploiting the growing value from information: Creating an operating model for permeability Creating open interfaces to engage a growing digital ecosystem will empower enterprises to systematically embrace emerging technology trends and to benefit from the accelerating information value expectations of their customers. By Vinod Baya, Galen Gruman, and Bo Parker Streetline, a startup based in Foster All three examples (detailed later) City, California, uses mobile sensors, illustrate how leading companies are web applications, and analytics to capitalizing on digital ecosystems that collect, transmit, and analyze data from are expanding due to the confluence parking meters and parking spaces. of social networks, mobile computing, The company is transforming parking analytics, and cloud computing operations into digital ecosystems to the (SMAC).1 SMAC challenges enterprises benefit of the cities, the drivers, parking to take advantage of the positive lot operators, and local merchants. disruptions it portends, while they operate at the rapid pace of innovation At FedEx, an evolving digital operating and change that SMAC demands. model allows customers to stay in continuous contact with their packages SMAC and other emerging technologies and to initiate changes to their create the possibility for new ways shipments and other orders previously to develop products, interact with viewed as strictly internal operations. customers, partner with others, The operating model also supports the compete, and succeed. More than a efforts of business partners to create strategy for any individual technology new services using FedEx information. trend or for combining more than one of them, companies need a systematic And AT&T is transforming its network approach to engage with these into a permeable digital platform with technologies. Companies that have software interfaces that third-party the most success engaging with SMAC developers can use to tap into network are, in PwC’s view, rethinking their capabilities to create applications and business and enterprise architectures and services that add value for customers, emphasizing three fundamental changes. the third parties themselves, and AT&T. 1 Our use of the term SMAC includes the four technologies called out here as well as related emerging technologies that take advantage of them, such as the Internet of Things. The business value of APIs 07
  • 12. Figure 1: A permeable enterprise exposes modular capabilities with open software interfaces to enable interactions (internally and externally) What is an API? in digital ecosystems. When talking to colleagues in the IT organization or to technology API providers about ways to participate in the digital ecosystem, you’ll hear the term API. It is the acronym for application programming interface, a technology term that means the specifications for how Enterprise software programs are able to Business ecosystem exchange information with each other even if designed and run by different organizations. APIs are everywhere. The Google Maps API, for instance, is an interface used by developers to add content on a map of any region. Businesses can also embed the maps in their applications or services. There are several types of APIs, but the one worth noting to a business audience today is a RESTful API, First, they acknowledge the SMAC digital relationships with customers which stands for representational trends are the strongest signal yet that and partners, and reorganize for speed. state transfer API. Although not business ecosystems are becoming appropriate in all use cases, more digitized, where information Permeability and successful engagement RESTful APIs have changed the content accounts for a rising proportion with SMAC improves overall economics of performing software of the entire value of any product or performance. PwC’s fourth annual integrations by sharply reducing service. Second, they understand that survey of enterprises’ digital IQ—the the associated cost and complexity. successfully tapping the new drivers way companies use digital technology This change creates the potential to of value requires a digital operating and channels to meet customer needs rethink IT architectures for scaling model, a model attuned to participating as well as the needs of employees and integrations and pursuing strategies in or integrating with expanding digital business partners—finds that top- that take advantage of them. ecosystems. And third, successful performing2 US organizations show companies are adjusting their business greater mastery in how they leverage Today, web companies and social and enterprise architectures to become the digital technologies of SMAC to plan, networking providers are heavy what PwC calls the permeable enterprise. innovate, measure results, interact with providers and users of RESTful APIs, customers, and ultimately create value.3 which is how they quickly connect Permeable means the use of open to so many data sources and services software interfaces on modular This issue of the Technology Forecast and let others rely on the data and services they provide. Google, capabilities to allow easy digital describes ways that enterprises can Facebook, and Twitter are examples connections with other capabilities, engage with SMAC trends by using of companies that quickly became the way web-based companies RESTful APIs to become a permeable providers beyond their own services do. (See Figure 1.) Specifically, enterprise and participate in digital through the use of RESTful APIs. leading companies use application ecosystems. The issue details the rise of programming interfaces (APIs)— RESTful API management technology By using and offering APIs, you do not especially RESTful, or representational forgo the ability to control or manage state transfer, APIs (see the sidebar, 2 Top-performing organizations are defined as those users of them. An API may be exposed “What is an API?” on this page)— rated in the highest quartile for annual revenue, growth, internally or externally, and designed as interface-oriented abstractions of profitability, and innovation as well as those that have revenue growth of more than 5 percent in the last so only those with valid credentials enterprise capabilities. In doing so, 12 months. can transact through them. they rethink their assets as platforms 3 Raising your digital IQ, PwC’s 4th annual digital IQ for co-creation, maintain persistent survey, 2012, 08 PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
  • 13. Figure 2: The confluence of SMAC trends creates a shift in value drivers, as the value from bits (information content) grows faster than the value from atoms (the physical product or human-delivered service). Social Value Value from atoms Cloud Mobile bits Value from Time Atoms: physical product or human-delivered service Bits: information content Analytics from new vendors (see the article, value of the physical product or human- “Consumerization of APIs,” on page delivered analog service (atoms).4 34) and examines how the CIO should The confluence of SMAC trends is think about permeability as it impacts driving this shift in business value. PwC the IT organization (see the article, anticipates that information associated “Embracing open IT,” on page 54). with products and services will increasingly account for a rising share Digital transformation of in the customer’s experience of value ecosystems: How bits increasingly delivered, as illustrated in Figure 2. complement atoms The notion of the digital company Streetline uses bits to transform has been around for years. Gains in a business built on atoms operational efficiency can be credited to Parking spaces and parking meters have a more expansive use of IT to make the always been part of the atoms world. business run faster and more effectively. One space was available to one car, That’s a powerful benefit of IT. However, and a meter was a simple device with few companies outside the pure a coin slot, a timer, and sometimes a web space have become truly digital credit card capability. The user and companies in which information and the owner dealt with the meter in a the ability to act on it creates significant one-to-one relationship and had to be economic and competitive value. physically present to use or manage it. The examples of Streetline, FedEx, Now, Streetline5 digitally manages and AT&T suggest what a company parking spaces and meters in Los can do when it starts to realize that Angeles, Indianapolis, and several other information itself is a product or cities. It embeds sensors in parking service. Some, including Rob Carter, CIO of FedEx, use bits and atoms as an 4 Rob Carter, CIO of FedEx, keynote address at Location analogy to highlight the growing value and Beyond Summit, 2010, of information (bits) to complement the watch?v=Ljs28Rokwnk. 5 The business value of APIs 09
  • 14. Today, many everyday products and services, such as shoes, wristbands, Social, mobile, analytics, and cloud golf clubs, appliances, and cars, (SMAC) trends are the strongest signal yet include sensors to collect and transmit information that can enhance the user that business ecosystems are becoming experience in a digital ecosystem. For more digitized, where information content example, Nike augments select running shoes with an embedded sensor—called accounts for a rising proportion of the the Nike+ system7—that allows athletes entire value of any product or service. to track running habits, assess progress against personal goals, collaborate with other runners, and improve performance, thereby enhancing the running experience. A wristband from Basis8 has multiple sensors to track heart rate, physical activity, sleep patterns, and galvanic skin response (through Figure 3: The Parker app from spaces on the street and in municipal perspiration) for personalized tracking Streetline helps customers and privately owned garages to collect and feedback on physical conditioning. navigate to open parking spots. information about availability and wirelessly transmit the data via a Why new value will be mesh network to Streetline’s servers. increasingly driven from bits “We use this information to create a Where should a company look to create smart parking ecosystem,” says Mark value from information? Figure 4 shows Noworolski, CTO of Streetline. a high-level taxonomy of potential sources of value spanning atoms and The bits bring new value to a formerly bits. A general way to think about atoms-only parking ecosystem. Drivers information value-add is that it directly can use Parker, a mobile application engages the customer’s experience available from app stores, to identify of the product or service by surfacing and navigate to an open spot, get alerts data about that experience. Once data on meter expiration, or reserve spaces. has been collected, it can be used for (See Figure 3.) Parking enforcement multiple purposes by the customer, the officers no longer need to patrol for vendor, or other interested parties. violations; they can go directly to the spot of an expired meter. Cities can implement demand-responsive pricing6 and establish federated “We use this [parking payment systems across jurisdictions. spot availability and Because the information is no longer payment] information trapped in the meter, local businesses can become value-added partners to create a smart by paying to give their customers parking ecosystem.” priority access to nearby meters or by subscribing to the meter data for —Mark Noworolski, Source: Streetline inclusion in navigation services. The app also reduces traffic and pollution Streetline as fewer drivers need to circle for parking. All this new value emanates from the world of bits made possible 6 by digitally transforming the parking ecosystem and liberating analog 7 information from the atoms world. 8 10 PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
  • 15. Figure 4: The emerging domains of value are driven more by bits (information content) than atoms (physical product). Value of experience: product or service Known Emerging Value from Value from domain of value domain of value atoms bits Content Content Communication Form Function (unchanging (related (changing information) information) information) Components, Telemetry Linking Specifications, Non-telemetry integrated (location, contexts performance information system time, etc.) (APIs) (state) Internal External Design Usability Digital to enterprise to enterprise operations use use Permeability Progress toward a permeable enterprise The business value of APIs 11
  • 16. Figure 5: The ability to link information nodes (bits) in an information network means value rises quickly as the number of nodes increases (Metcalfe’s Law). An impact of SMAC is that more and more processes and activities will create a digital footprint and surface new information. The ability to link this information to create an information network provides the potential to grow new value exponentially. Enterprise Ecosystem des no io n at rm fo in g in nk li m f ro l ue Va There are many reasons why appliances, cars, homes, and Figure 6.) Such growth manifests emerging domains of value are based parking meters. This increasing the advantage of Metcalfe’s Law,12 more on bits than on atoms. Some instrumentation, connectivity, which recognizes that the value of a reasons include the following: and digitization deliver more and network is proportional to the square more bits into the value system.11 of the entities in the network. • Bits are increasing—With a phenomenon such as the Internet of • Bits are fungible and limitless— • Bits persist over time—Whereas Things,9 products become smarter They can be repurposed, reused, a consumer eventually replaces through embedded sensors, which duplicated, or deployed in any a car or shoes, the information produce digital representations number of use cases without being accumulated around that product of the analog activities. Sensors “used up.” This flexibility multiplies will persist beyond the life of the convert any type of analog signal, the options created by bits for ongoing atoms. As new hardware endpoints such as temperature, pressure, or innovation and value extraction. The arrive, bits can be adapted to new acceleration, into electrical signals value of the bits increases the more values and new endpoints. The that digitize that information. that multiple parties exploit them, value accumulates over time. These sensors are increasingly as demonstrated by Streetline. ubiquitous, and their usage grows 9 as they continue to become cheaper • Bits can be linked—As RESTful API 10 Caroline Kazmierski, “Semiconductor Industry Posts and smaller. According to the technologies gain wider adoption, Record-Breaking Revenues Despite 2011 Challenges,” Semiconductor Industry Association, an information network made of Semiconductor Industry Association, February 6, 2012, sensors and actuators are the smallest information nodes likely will develop sales-report-2012/semiconductor-industry-posts- semiconductor market segment internally and externally to an record-breaking-revenues-despite-2011-challenges/. but showed the highest year-to- enterprise, much like the network of 11 See the article, “Consumerization of APIs,” on page 34 year growth of any segment, at devices on the Internet. (See Figure for more details on sensors. 15.5 percent to $8 billion in 2011.10 5.) ProgrammableWeb, which tracks 12 Although initially defined in relation to telecommunications networks, Metcalfe’s Law today Today, sensors are in a wide range externally published APIs, already applies to all networks, and it states that the value of a of devices and environments, reports more than 6,000 APIs, and network is proportional to the square of the number of nodes in the network. See including wristbands, toothbrushes, the number is quickly increasing. (See Metcalfe's_law for more details. 12 PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
  • 17. Figure 6: Use of APIs to interact in digital ecosystems has been growing and has accelerated in the past few years. Growth in number of APIs over time 3 mo 6,000 4 mo 5,000 6 mo 4,000 9 mo 3,000 18 months 2,000 8 years 1,000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source: ProgrammableWeb Scaling integrations requires to think about the SMAC technologies Table 1: The interdependent and a digital operating model as an integrated whole from a complementary roles of SMAC in While each SMAC technology has its strategic viewpoint. (See Table 1.) doing work own unique impact, the technologies are complementary in support of work But as a collective whole they also Trend Relationship with work getting done. The cloud increasingly represent an unusual, perhaps contains more of the information and unprecedented challenge: how to Social Who we work with applications that people use. Mobile embrace the comprehensive challenge devices give people access to the cloud, they create at a technological level Mobile How we get to work to other data sources, and to each other. without being overwhelmed. Leading Analytics help them make actionable companies are overcoming this Analytics What we work on, the meaning of work sense of all that data. Social media helps challenge by adopting what PwC calls people find colleagues with whom to a digital operating model. This model is Cloud Where we do the work collaborate and co-create. The collective inspired by the open linking tradition impact of SMAC on the enterprise evident in the web marketplace that is operating model is so broad that it helps accelerating, driven by SMAC trends. Despite decades of technology investments, most companies do not have a digital operating model today. The business value of APIs 13
  • 18. Scalable integration strategy: Why most companies don’t have a digital operating model—yet Having adopted IT solutions to drive limited resources—web companies have to as a service-oriented architecture automation and efficiencies for decades, naturally moved to a low-maintenance, (SOA). (See Figure A2.) Adoption of many companies will argue that they self-describing, open communication style SOA can address many of the issues are already digital. Their back-office of integration facilitated by RESTful APIs, surfaced in Figure A1 by conforming to its processes, in particular, are likely to be which are a scalable way to integrate. principles of loose coupling, abstraction highly digital, and they pay increasing of services, modularity, and reusability. attention to digitizing information about Using a loose taxonomy of back-office, While this approach has greatly reduced customers and suppliers. However, at most front-office, and middle-office systems the unintended complexity of the early companies the digital footprint is uneven. and applications, Figure A depicts how, as days of integration, scaling for and integration scales, digitization can spread in coordinating with a digitizing business Extending digitization depends on an enterprise. Historically, the integration ecosystem remains burdensome as SOA making connections digital, which in turn technologies were entirely point to point, has largely remained internally focused. depends on integrating tasks, activities, as shown in Figure A1. These integration and processes. Therefore, the central issue points grew organically without concerns RESTful APIs, an architectural and that keeps IT from meeting the demands or considerations for reuse, consistent programming model that sharply reduces of social, mobile, analytics, and cloud architecture, or agility. They also required the cost and complexity of integrations, (SMAC) or having a digital operating external documentation, demanded a deliver a scalable approach for both model is the long lead time and high cost deep understanding of data types and internal and external use. (See Figure A3.) of integrating one piece of software with logic on both sides of the connection, and Many companies will start by exposing another. IT investments of the past did not moved data in binary form unreadable data and services using RESTful APIs anticipate the need for scaling integrations. to programmers. As the integrations to their external digital ecosystem of proliferated to number in the hundreds, partners and customers. But a RESTful For this reason, lessons from web a new approach became necessary. API approach for internal integration companies are relevant. With business creates many of the same benefits of motivations to integrate with as many other This need led to the emergence of an highly scalable linking and coordinating web companies as possible—and with approach to internal integration that adopts of business processes at very low cost. architectural principles, usually referred Figure A: Despite decades of IT investments, most companies do not have a digital operating model because they could not scale integrations easily, an opportunity possible today with RESTful APIs. A1 A2 A3 Historically, the front, middle, With SOA, enterprises adopted an The new architectural principle and programming and back offices of an enterprise architecture using a service bus for model based on RESTful APIs reduces integration were integrated point to point by integration, creating loose coupling and cost and complexity, so integrations can scale for tight coupling, suitable only for a the potential for reuse and flexibility. The many internal as well as external uses. small number of integrations. complexity of integration meant use remained largely internal to the enterprise. API Front office Enterprise service bus ice Ba (SOA) off ck le off dd ice Mi EDI EDI EDI Business ecosystem Business ecosystem Business ecosystem 14 PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
  • 19. Companies embracing a digital operating model organize themselves around atoms plus bits as the source of new value. To be successful, web companies had to solve a fundamental problem: linking to and being linked by other web properties at scale. The solution genesis of the SMAC trends. The web was open, self-describing APIs marketplace has become known for communicating over standard HTTP13 constant, unpredictable change, robust protocols—in short, RESTful APIs. innovation, agility, modular capabilities, and co-creation of value. The web Despite decades of technology is inherently digital and organized investments, most companies do around an architecture that facilitates not have a digital operating model these dynamics. With RESTful APIs, all today. Many feel overwhelmed by companies have the opportunity to bring the demands from SMAC trends. these capabilities to their operations. The problem for most companies is And this is the inspiration for a digital that they cannot scale their existing operating model, which should have integration architecture and methods the following key characteristics: to the demands created by a digital ecosystem. (See the sidebar, “Scalable • Instrumentation to digitize integration strategy,” on page 14.) operations—The use of sensors transforms analog activities into So far, companies that have acted on digital representations to surface the digital ecosystem in a big way and use valuable information. tend to be web-native enterprises, such as Facebook, Google, and several • Loosely coupled modular other companies offering mobile or capabilities—Internal capabilities social apps. Web-native companies and processes are broken into extend their capabilities and their modular service components that reach almost as a matter of course by have standard open interfaces. exposing their capabilities via APIs to Loose coupling makes it possible others. In many ways, the web is the to change the components without affecting the system, as long as the interface is kept stable. 13 HyperText Transport Protocol is the standard for transmitting information on the World Wide Web. The business value of APIs 15
  • 20. Table 2: Key characteristics of the digital operating model contrasted with the way many companies typically operate Characteristic Typical operating model Digital operating model Key source of value Organized around atoms as the source of value Organized around atoms plus bits as the source of new value Extent of Mostly analog activities (except digital native Mostly instrumented, connected, digital activities digitization companies) Asset strategy Assets exist to fulfill a particular function Assets are platforms and therefore extensible and are not extensible by others Architecture Largely closed and monolithic Open, accessible, and modular Responsiveness Static, inflexible, slow to evolve Dynamic, agile, evolving to change Key performance Efficiency-centric: resistance to new value creation Customer-centric: increasing value to customer indicator (KPI) Nature of Tight coupling among systems of coordination Loose coupling among systems of coordination interdependencies Participants in Largely the enterprise itself Co-creation and collaboration with the ecosystem value creation Business creation High barrier to new business creation Low barrier to new business creation potential • Addressable platform with low A culture of valuing information gives interaction costs—The capabilities FedEx a digital operating model “Information about the are available for others to use by FedEx has organized around package helps us run means of stable interfaces that have a information from its inception. “In the low or no barrier to usage. Enabling late 1970s, our founder and CEO Fred our business better. technologies, including RESTful APIs Smith said, ‘The information about That comes from a and API management platforms, the package is just as important as the make addressability efficient. package itself,’” says David Zanca, senior digital operating model vice president of IT, customer access, where all our assets are • The ability to co-create in a and revenue systems at FedEx Services. digital ecosystem—A co-creation “It’s a vision that has given our company connected and surface strategy treats customers, channel a culture that values information, information to increase partners, suppliers, and industry and that uses it in all we do.” ecosystem participants as active agents overall value to us and who have permission to combine the FedEx’s journey to a digital operating the customer.” modular capabilities exposed in a model is decades old. “Information platform to create new experiences. about the package helps us run our —David Zanca, business better. That comes from a There are other characteristics, digital operating model where all FedEx Services and Table 2 contrasts the prevalent our assets are connected and surface traditional operating model to a information to increase overall value digital operating model. Companies to us and the customer,” Zanca says. embracing a digital operating model “Almost every piece of our business organize themselves around atoms is instrumented; it has some degree plus bits as the source of new value. of intelligence and automation on it. 16 PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
  • 21. Our planes are all intelligent, and they With its new SenseAware product tell us where they are. The trucks, line, FedEx has recently driven the “Not only do our the couriers, the knowledge workers, digital operating model deeper into the hubs—almost everything has the customer’s context. “Not only do customers want more technology embedded in it and tells our customers want more information information about us where it is or what its state is.” about the packages, but they also now want more interaction with FedEx and the packages, but they FedEx has used a transportation logistics expect us to react to changes and resolve also now want more information system called COSMOS problems if they occur, ” says Thomas (Customer, Operations, Service Master Wicinski, vice president of digital interaction with FedEx On-line System) since 1979 to keep access marketing for FedEx Services. and expect us to react track of all packages. While it used Customers can request operational the information to allow dynamic actions such as return shipment, to changes and resolve management of its delivery system, it reroute, reship, and repackage. Its problems if they occur.” also innovated many times to present digital operating model gives FedEx the an interface to its customers and bring flexibility to adapt to these requests. —Thomas Wicinski, them into the FedEx digital ecosystem. Transformation to a FedEx Services In 1984, before the web, FedEx released permeable enterprise PowerShip (now part of FedEx Ship), The digital operating model enables which used modems over circuit- what PwC calls the permeable enterprise, switched telephone lines to allow in which latent capabilities and assets high-volume customers to link with inside the enterprise are permitted COSMOS, so they could place shipping to reach outside and be combined orders electronically and print air with other assets and capabilities. bills. In 1994, was the first External innovators also can reach site to give customers the ability to into the enterprise and tap into its monitor shipments on the web. capabilities to create new value. Both are facilitated by the sharply lower cost FedEx also maintains a website for of interactions in a digital ecosystem. developers (FedEx Developer Resource Center14), where third parties can A company will need to develop tap into FedEx capabilities offered as many new capabilities to adopt a modular web services for shipping, digital operating model and become office and print services, and other tasks. a permeable enterprise. As Figure 7 shows, these new capabilities address FedEx layers the customer experience partner strategies, assumptions services on top of the enterprise services about the frequency and intensity with the help of RESTful APIs. of customer engagement, and a business and enterprise architecture built for speed, all while balancing 14 their use internally and externally. The business value of APIs 17
  • 22. Platform for co-creation: The platform approach is a different Scaling integrations way of thinking about value. It requires “If you are going to Until recently, organizational structures a step back from the product or service’s operate at a pace and IT systems were designed to obvious value and an assessment of support the enterprise as the sole how others might add value if they at which the external creator of products and services. In had access to attributes beyond the market is moving, a world of value co-creation, these immediate ones. “The ability to create structures and systems often do not self-service interactions, enable you have to take work well. Too much knowledge about co-creation, and provide a vehicle capabilities, industry how processes work must be acquired where information is flowing from before anything can be added. This a leaf node to every other leaf node specific or not, and barrier can be significant for third radically transforms our ideas about make platforms parties, even if huge latent value is how to organize production, innovation, inside the enterprise. Reducing the and transactions,” says Ted Shelton, from them.” learning curve requires a new strategy. managing director in the PwC Advisory “If you are going to operate at a pace at practice. Product design, development, —John Donovan, AT&T which the external market is moving, and customer service must take into you have to take capabilities, industry account the growing possibilities for specific or not, and make platforms surfacing and using information. from them,” says John Donovan, senior executive vice president of technology In this context, the word platform and network operations at AT&T. By means programmable interfaces or allowing third-party developers to tap APIs. “APIs are the building blocks of the into its network capabilities, AT&T has digital economy,” says Laura Merling, transformed its network into a digital senior vice president of the application platform. (See the sidebar, “APIs: An enablement business unit at Alcatel- architecture for speed,” on page 21.) Lucent. APIs become the language with which interactions and communication occur in a SMAC-driven digital ecosystem, supporting permeability. 18 PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
  • 23. AT&T seeks to expand the value Figure 7: Enterprises will require a digital operating model to tap into the realized from its telecommunications shift in value drivers that results from SMAC. The digital operating model network and associated services. on the inside will enable the permeable enterprise on the outside. Jacob Feinstein, executive director of new technology at AT&T, says Social AT&T asked itself, “If we architect our network so that it comprises a number of loosely coupled modules connected through open interfaces, Value could we expose those interfaces to third parties to foster openness in Value from atoms a broader sense, leading to greater Cloud Mobile innovation, and ultimately get more bits apps on more devices on our network?” Value from For example, because AT&T exposed its Time Internet Protocol telephony capabilities to web developers, its users can initiate an online phone session from Analytics a restaurant review website to make a reservation, potentially driving more business to AT&T’s network. AT&T could requires provide access to different quality-of- service levels that provide a range of service options for third parties, letting Digital operating model them offer, for example, premium connections for a higher fee, in which AT&T might share the extra revenue. Instrumented Modular Addressable Low interaction operations capabilities platform cost Rethinking the customer relationship: Persistent digital engagement results in Because of SMAC, a new consumer reality is emerging, defined by an any- where/anytime/any device expectation Permeable enterprise of accessibility and engagement. Consumers have the ability to be online all the time and expect what PwC calls persistent digital engagement with whomever they conduct business. “To address the new consumer state of persistent digital engagement, companies will need to develop fluency in digital product development and social technologies, and they will need • Platform for co-creation to create collaboration across groups • Persistent digital engagement that have often worked separately from • Architecture for speed one another,” PwC’s Shelton advises. The business value of APIs 19
  • 24. Figure 8: The digital operating model promotes a customer-centric approach over a product-centric one. s fu n ct Business functions s in e s io n Bu s The product The customer Customers Product-centric Customer-centric Enterprises must reorganize in a Architecture for speed manner that puts customers at the Speed is essential in the digital “Agility and accessibility center of the digital operating model, ecosystem to meet the pace with which will make the successful instead of thinking of them only the business environment is changing. as end-of-the-chain recipients of Speed was a driving force in AT&T’s organization of the delivered value. Figure 8 shows this RESTful API program, Donovan says. future.” distinction between a product-centric By exposing RESTful APIs, AT&T has and customer-centric enterprise. cut the time it takes developers to place —Ted Shelton, PwC new capabilities on the network from Customers are already altering the months to hours. The API program is a dynamics of their relationships with key pillar in AT&T’s broader innovation providers through their rapid adoption strategy. (See the sidebar, “APIs: An of new technologies that move them architecture for speed,” on page 21.) toward the center. “The customer is able to have a tighter, longer-lasting Establishing a business and IT relationship with the business even architecture around RESTful APIs is though the way they interact with not just about speed. It is the best way that business might change,” says Sam to prepare for future waves of change Ramji, vice president of strategy at API in technologies, products, and business management solution vendor Apigee. strategies. “Agility and accessibility will Bits allow stickier relationships in the make the successful organization of value network because their mutability the future,” Shelton says. “With APIs means they can persist even as they are modularizing every function at the right adapted to new services and use cases. level of granularity, one can enable more agility and more accessibility.” 20 PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
  • 25. APIs: An architecture for speed at AT&T John Donovan, Sanjay Macwan, and Jacob Feinstein of AT&T detail how the API program is a driver of speed in their innovation efforts. Navigating the far-flung functional, than 150 startups. As a result of this care for AT&T, new revenue opportunity organizational, and technical structure outreach, 40 projects are in the works for SundaySky, and increased satisfaction to bring new ideas to any large company and 11 are deployed commercially, for the customer. AT&T and SundaySky can be slow and confounding. For a generating revenue for AT&T and co-created a solution facilitated by the company the size of AT&T, this had the its collaborators or delivering new transparency and ease of programming potential to create lengthy delays for efficiencies that benefit customers. to the billing API. Without that, such an developers seeking to test innovations endeavor might have taken too long. against the network. Today, external APIs are the key innovators and developers access The underlying enabler to increase the Making AT&T addressable: much of AT&T’s network and other pace of innovation is the company’s Network as a platform capabilities in a self-service manner, application programming interface AT&T has opened up several categories allowing them to bring new offerings to (API) program. By opening up core of RESTful APIs so far and processes market three times faster than before. horizontal and vertical capabilities about 4.5 billion API calls every month. through RESTful public APIs, AT&T AT&T has an aggressive road map to This new speed is central to AT&T’s has established a digital platform that open new APIs across several service innovation strategy. Whether ideas drives an ecosystem of network-centric categories. This plan makes the network are generated internally or co-created services. “It is an architectural choice an intrinsic part of an innovation with outside innovators, AT&T wants to one makes for speed,” Donovan says. ecosystem and gives AT&T an opportunity match the pace at which the market is for new monetization by serving changing and innovating—particularly When a company has the size and consumers and business customers. around mobile and cloud technologies. scale of AT&T, speed is not easy or a given. The API program removes Ultimately, the goal of an API program is “If you have infrastructure assets and organizational, functional, and technical to make internal capabilities addressable are going to operate at a pace at which barriers to accessing AT&T’s network by others. “Many people think API equals the external market is moving, you and information assets. Extensive open and open equals free; that’s not the have to take capabilities—industry- documentation, sample code, immediate case at all. What is needed is a thoughtful specific or not—and make platforms access to RESTful APIs, and sandboxes architecture that allows you to take layers from them. And then make them easy for testing are some of the features above and below your platform, and make to address,” says John Donovan, senior that reduce the friction for a thriving them modular and addressable,” Donovan executive vice president of technology ecosystem of developers and innovators. says. AT&T’s goal is to make its network and network operations at AT&T. the most addressable network globally. Consider the case of SundaySky, a The emphasis on speed extends beyond company AT&T chose to work with With APIs making capabilities addressable, technology. Startups participate in “speed after a speed dating session. Telecom the network becomes a platform that dating” sessions with AT&T executives, bills can be difficult to understand for accrues many advantages. Developers a fast-paced 20 minutes in which they some customers, particularly when they save time and resources and build on have a deal or an understanding of start or change services. AT&T’s billing top of AT&T’s assets instead of investing why not. “We always have some of our system has more than 1,000 elements. in network and telecom equipment top decision makers in the room—not Confusion stemming from a bill leads to themselves. A platform approach just the technology leadership, but our high call volume to customer care. Using positions legacy assets for the future business unit leaders, chief marketing AT&T’s billing API, SundaySky created a by abstracting and combining them to officers for enterprise and consumer, service that dynamically builds a custom increase their relevance to emerging and others. Because the key decision video to address customers by name and trends in cloud, mobile, and social makers are listening to the pitch at the walk them through their bills. In a trial technologies. “APIs give you the ability same time, we can decide whether to of new subscribers for the IPTV service to better manage the legacy environment move forward immediately after the (U-verse), the call volume to customer and future-proof them,” Donovan says. speed dating session,” says Sanjay care dropped by 20 percent among Macwan, assistant vice president in customers who had access to the video A well-executed API program reorganizes the AT&T chief technology office. review service developed at the AT&T capabilities to establish consistency and innovation center with SundaySky. ease of use. It makes an organization’s In 2011, AT&T met with more than internal knowledge accessible in a 500 startups, and in early 2012, the The result is a three-way win: cost savings company already has met with more from fewer or shorter calls into customer continues to next page › The business value of APIs 21
  • 26. semantically consistent manner. “APIs reconstitute their work in a more modular, simplify things architecturally and create fungible, and co-creation–centric manner. a better story and capabilities for the developers by having a common taxonomy,” As a result, APIs are increasingly coming says Jacob Feinstein, executive director from all parts of the organization and not of new technology. “If you have a more just from the API program group. The educated community, they’ll think of new consumer marketing organization, the things that they might do with the network enterprise marketing organization, the that they wouldn’t have thought of doing.” product organization, and the emerging devices organization feed the API pipeline. The platform strategy extends beyond Teams are also proposing APIs out of the network assets. “Our APIs cut across the gate with new solutions, including capabilities such as payment, device teams from AT&T’s network equipment characteristics, location, messaging, speech providers. “APIs are being thought of at recognition, and others,” Macwan says. the outset, and they influence the early “Any developers who want to embed speech ideation around network release and recognition in their services can just call a road map planning. Now we actively speech API to access our speech engine.” look at what the API opportunities are as we roll out each next generation of “Most of the things we do are candidates network technology,” Feinstein says. for the new architecture,” Donovan says. Speed is also a function of an External outreach organization’s operating model. changes internal “We’re pivoting toward thinking about “[The API program] is operating model architecting everything we do in a an architectural choice Donovan cautions against more API-centric way,” Feinstein adds. APIs impose modular thinking on the the common notion that one makes for speed.” APIs are for giving away enterprise. They have allowed AT&T to data free just to be nice. reconstitute its capabilities and assets in —John Donovan, AT&T That thinking limits the modular chunks with stable interfaces. internal potential of APIs. They have digitized the operations that “The use of APIs and take place around the company’s network their impact is not just and the value-added services it delivers. for outreach to the external developer Being digital, these capabilities are easier community. It changes how you operate,” to engage with and now operate at a faster he explains. “You literally put APIs pace with a large number of partners. everywhere. That’s how you do internal development, that’s how the IT shop The single principle: Speed works, that’s how your provider should Despite the size and scale of its do development for you, that’s how your infrastructure and operations, the offshore stuff lands into your environment, architecture changes enabled by API and that’s how you build services.” thinking, API technology, and an API platform strategy can have a real impact AT&T is changing on the inside, too, as a on innovation, growth, and the AT&T result of the API program. The thinking bottom line. “We’re getting faster, and one and architecture the program represents result is that the architecture is shifting to are seeping deeper into company one that allows more partnerships. You’ll operations. Many teams now understand see us do more technology partnerships the change in thinking the API architecture and move faster, both at the pace of requires. “People are applying an API lens the market and in terms of innovating whether they’re in the labs, the network on our own. There will be efficiency teams, or what traditionally have been benefits as well,” Donovan says. finished product groups. They offer an API-centric view of their work,” Feinstein His advice on how to think about APIs: says. As these diverse groups think about “Operate under one principle and then ways to support the API program, they architect around it; ours was speed.” 22 PwC Technology Forecast 2012 Issue 2
  • 27. “APIs are the building blocks of the digital economy.” —Laura Merling, Alcatel-Lucent Conclusion This transformation is possible by The SMAC trends provide strong signals understanding and using RESTful APIs that business ecosystems are moving and API management technologies. toward digital ubiquity. As this digital (See the article, “Consumerization ubiquity evolves, information (bits) will of APIs,” on page 34.) Companies make up a growing proportion of the that apply modern APIs and PwC’s overall value that customers experience proposed digital operating model from any product or service (atoms). thinking have the opportunity to Successful companies are adjusting their gain competitive advantage through business and enterprise architectures to reduced friction in co-creating new be more attuned to participating in or value, building persistent digital integrating with these expanding digital engagements, and increased agility. ecosystems. Companies leading in their engagements with SMAC are adopting Leading software companies have long a digital operating model, which known that being the dominant platform supports the permeable enterprise. for an ecosystem creates direct and indirect demand for their offerings and Few enterprises are completely ignoring long-term competitive advantage. SMAC SMAC developments. However, the trends suggest that every company demands SMAC creates on IT can is, in part (or should try to be), like a overwhelm CIOs and other business software company in how it creates executives. In part, that’s because and engages with a digital ecosystem. business executives are accustomed to viewing technology opportunities Establishing a platform in the center through the old lens of being responsible of a robust digital ecosystem requires for all the end-to-end application logic a digital operating model, one that and performance. This approach does is appropriately permeable to third not scale when engaging with SMAC, parties that can co-create new value as described in the sidebar “Scalable from what a company and others have integration strategy.” They need a new to offer. It means taking advantage of model—one based on lower integration the interconnectedness and the rise and interaction costs—similar to the of empowered customers who will one web companies have been using. engage actively with a company if it lets them. It’s time for more companies to A key transformation is to make a become like a software company within company’s value-add capabilities their habitat of the digital ecosystem. addressable in digital ecosystems. And perhaps in some new habitats. The business value of APIs 23