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Tech Update
September 2015
Blue Mountain Data Systems
For CTOs, CIOs & CISOs
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For CTOs, CIOs & CISOs
Every business day, we publish a Daily Tech Update for Federal & State CTOs ,CIOs & CISOs on the Blue
Mountain Data Systems Blog. We hope you will visit our blog for the latest information.
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Here’s the summary of the Daily Tech Updates for September 2015. Hope the information and ideas
prove useful.
Paul Vesely
President and Principal Architect
Blue Mountain Data Systems Inc.
Digital Government
SOCIAL MEDIA: Top Takeaways From Some Of The Best Fed Facebook Pages.
Federal agency and department presence on social media varies widely–some
have multiple accounts on various platforms while others have just a page or
two that is updated infrequently. GovLoop’s Heather Kerrigan wanted to find out
what makes some sites more useful than others, so she set out to look at as
many federal social media pages as she could to make a determination about
which are doing well and which could use a little help. Read more
SURVEY RESULTS: Customer Experience Is Winning (And Losing) In Government.
In the past year, the Obama administration has increasingly pushed for better
customer experience between federal agencies and their stakeholders, without a
single plan to accomplish this massive goal. And make no mistake, improving
federal customer experience is an utterly massive undertaking. Read more
Digital Government
LESSONS LEARNED: US Digital Service Founder Warns Against Big IT After
Bracken’s Exit. Within a year of setting up the Government Digital Service in the
UK, Mike Bracken’s vision was already getting people talking in the United States.
This is largely the result of a visit from Jennifer Pahlka, whom we now know as
the founder and director of Code for America — an organisation that uses open
source technologies to help bridge the gap between the private and public
sector — but who is also one of the founders of the US government’s Digital
Service. Read more
DIGITAL SERVICE: UK Eyes New Digital Platform For Govt Licensing Programs. A
British digital service agency has said it is examining the feasibility of using
“government as a platform” to help businesses and individuals acquire permits
or licenses. Read more
Application Development
APP DEVELOPMENT: Did You Know About the Node.js Tools for Visual Studio?
Node.js Tools for Visual Studio, or just NTVS, was launched in March 2014 with
an initial Alpha version, being greeted at the time of its launch with high praises
from both the Microsoft and Node.js communities. Read more
PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATIONS: Edge Performs Better than Chrome and
Firefox. As detailed in A Developer’s View on Microsoft Edge, the Redmond
browser maker has changed their attitude towards web technologies, web
standards and compliance with other browsers. Not only they discarded some
old IE components and decided to implement HTML, JavaScript and CSS
standards to the letter with the new rendering engine, but they started to
address an issue that was long due: performance. Read more
Application Development
SECTION 508: Making Online and e-Learning Accessible to All. American teens
spend an average of seven hours a day connected to their electronic devices
(computers, phones, etc.). So it you want to get into the hearts and minds of
young people today, you have to where they are: online. That’s why websites,
emails and e-learning tools need to be accessible to all, including people with
hearing and vision impairments who use screen readers or who need captions on
videos or other assistive technologies. Read more
LOSING STEAM: Don’t Drop Everything To Learn Ruby On Rails. Using U.S. job
listing data collected by Burning Glass and the Brookings Institution, Quartz found
that the most valuable programming skill to have today is Ruby on Rails (AKA Rails
or RoR) experience, with an average salary of $109,460. However, before you run
out and buy Ruby on Rails for Dummies, you might want to consider some other
data which indicate that Rails (and Ruby) usage is not trending upwards.
Read more
Application Development
APPLE NEWS: What Open-Sourcing Swift 2 Means For App Makers. Apple dropped
a bomb at the recent Worldwide Developers Conference—and it’s a doozy. Among
other things, the company is open-sourcing the second version of its programming
language. In other words, the company will make Swift’s source code freely
available, which means others may be able to redistribute it and even modify it.
Read more
OPEN SOURCE: Docker Certification Program Eyes Long-Term Partnerships. ETP
status is being granted to companies that have worked with Docker to
demonstrate integration with Docker containers. The first group of businesses to
achieve ETP status are companies that have integrated their monitoring tools with
the Docker Platform via its application programming interfaces (APIs). Read more
Application Development
MOBILE APP LANDSCAPE 2015: Who Will Be The Winners? As we watch the
enterprise mobile app landscape develop, we have begun to formulate a thesis on
the evolving ecosystem of SDKs (software development kits), APIs and
development platforms that mobile entrepreneurs are utilizing to accelerate the
development, marketing and monetization of their mobile apps. Collectively, we
are referring to these companies as the mobile app enablers, and we are starting
to see some early trends. Read more
CALLING IT QUITS: Uh-Oh! Facebook, Inc. Just “Unfriended” Microsoft, Inc. It was
the end of 2013 when Microsoft announced the good news: In cooperation with
Facebook, its Windows applications and Windows Phone OS officially supported
the wildly popular social media king. As the partnership matured, Microsoft
expanded its integration and began referring to it as “Facebook Connect.”
Read more
Application Development
INFORMATION SHARING: NASA Launches API Portal To Explore Vast Amounts Of
Agency Data. NASA launched a vehicle of a different kind recently — one that
encourages developers to explore the space agency’s database and begin using or
contributing application programming interfaces. Read more
STRATEGY: No Mobile App Developers? Turn To Low-Code Tools. With so many
enterprises looking to adopt mobile apps, it’s getting harder to find qualified
developers, but the vendor market is adjusting to provide IT with tools to simplify
mobile app dev. Read more
Application Development
PROS AND CONS: 5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Build A Custom App. People have
become accustomed to having everything they need immediately at their
fingertips. This may seem unreasonable, but today if you cannot give your clients
instant gratification it reflects poorly on your business and competency. As a result,
many operations are turning to software applications to keep up. Read more
NEW DEV TOOLS: How Containers Change Everything. Modern application
development owes much to the growth of the devops movement and the
automation tools it has delivered. Instead of just writing code, developers now
need to think in terms the tools they’re using — and how they fit together in a flow
from initial idea to a live application. Read more
Application Development
THINK MOBILE: Users Won’t Tolerate Sub-Quality Enterprise Apps. There is
certainly no shortage of enterprise software, but there is a shortage of enterprise
software that is actually used by employees. Why? Read more
Web 2.0
WEB 2.0 (AND BEYOND): Developing the Next Generation of Connectivity. It was
sometime in 1998 that most people suddenly became familiar with the Internet. In
1997, people called it “that Web thing,” and they would confuse email addresses
and URLs — generally no one paid the whole affair too much mind. The transition
that people talk about today — between spending hours trying to remember some
fact to just looking it up online — happened in less than a year. Read more
VALUE OF DATA: Crunching Big Data and Analytics from Web 2.0. The use of data
and its analyses are becoming ubiquitous practices. As a result, there has been a
dramatic surge in the use of business intelligence and analytics. These
developments have inevitably led to endless opportunities for marketers to
leverage themselves and gain a competitive advantage by untangling big data.
Read more
Web 2.0
311 SERVICES: Why Can’t Our Cities Be More Like Video Games? Cities are real-
world grids: you can see that instantly on a Google map. But it’s not so easy to see
the city as a civic entity. The stuff that counts — the interaction between people
and city services — is hidden in plain view, invisible to almost everyone. That may
be about to change. The opportunity: make it possible for cities to show their work
and engage with citizens in a meaningful way, using the existing idea of 311. Read
TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT: The FCC Wants To Know How Mobile Data,
Broadband Caps, And High Prices Shape Broadband Access. In the two decades
since 1996, there has been an extraordinary amount of change in the tech and
telecom space. The first web gave way to Web 2.0 and now, depending who you
ask, to web 3.0 or a post-web era entirely. Broadband access that in the late 1990s
meant “a modem that can do 33.6K or better and maybe AOL and EarthLink
numbers to dial in town” is now something else altogether. Read more
For the CTO, CIO & CISO
RECRUITMENT: State IT Workforce – Facing Reality with Innovation. A major
concern for state CIOs continues to be the significant number of state IT employees
who are eligible for retirement or have been eligible, but have postponed
retirement due to the economic downturn. In spite of this, there is evidence that
the economy is recovering and some states are experiencing record numbers of
retirement. This report outlines the current data on the state IT workforce and
focuses on innovation, best practices and recommendations. Read more
BIG NEWS: Chief Data Officers Make Gradual Gains. Roughly 60 percent of chief
information officers hope to hire CDOs within the next 12 months to help their
organizations gather, manage, protect, optimize and monetize data, according to
Experian. The early movers include big manufacturing companies; media and
advertising companies; government agencies; and financial services firms.
Read more
For the CTO, CIO & CISO
OPINION: Cybersecurity Job Market To Suffer Severe Workforce Shortage. An
analysis of the cybersecurity job market looking back at 2014, the first half of 2015,
and projecting out to 2019, reveals some interesting figures. For instance, the top
paying cybersecurity job is a security software engineer with an average annual
salary of $233,333, according to a recent report from the job board Dice. Read more
EXPERT TIPS: Transform Difficult Stakeholders Into Project Partners. Business
projects almost always create change, which can also bring about significant
disruption, stress and fear. That anxiety can translate into difficult project
stakeholders – not to mention at-risk projects and unmet goals. Knowing how to
turn these problematic partners into committed collaborators is essential skill all
project managers should master. Read more
For the CTO, CIO & CISO
BIG DATA: Top Four Challenges Frustrating the C-Suite. The big data market is on
track to reach more than $46 billion by 2018. It’s no surprise; the term is used
across industries and verticals alike with every provider offering their own take on
how companies can leverage this stream of constantly generated information and
get ahead of the curve. What many don’t talk about, however, are the big
challenges that come with big data. Read more
TOP ISSUE: CIO Role Is Crucial To Federal Data Governance. As data piles up across
the federal government, insiders agree that it falls to the CIO to manage
competing interests and ensure that data becomes an asset that serves the
mission objectives. Read more
For the CTO, CIO & CISO
EXPERIAN STUDY: The Chief Data Officer Is Becoming a Staple of the C-Suite.
Many CIOs are failing to live up to their responsibility for managing data and
realizing its true value for their companies, according to a newly released Experian
Data Quality report. The study, The Chief Data Officer: Bridging the gap between
data and decision-making, finds that too many organizations are failing to use data
intelligence effectively, so they’re missing out on potential revenue and customer
experience benefits, as well as putting themselves at regulatory risk. Read more
ACCOUNTABILITY: CISOs Caught In A Catch-22. Nearly half of US CEOs and other
C-level executives at US enterprises say CISOs should be held responsible when a
data breach occurs, yet just 38% say CISOs should head up security strategy and
purchasing decisions in their organizations. So a CISO can be a scapegoat even
without the full authority to direct his or her company’s security. Read more
For the CTO, CIO & CISO
HIRING/RECRUITMENT: How To Use Culture Interviews To Build A Better Team.
Determining how well a job candidate will mesh with an existing team’s culture is
one of the great challenges businesses face when recruiting and hiring talent. Some
organizations, like Pinterest and customer experience software provider SPLICE
software, address the issue by performing “culture interviews” to ensure their hires’
strengths and attributes will positively impact team dynamics. Read more
NEW CIO CHALLENGE: Implementing The Digital EnterpriseAs CIOs architect the
digital enterprise, it’s critical that they prioritise effective management and control
across the whole organisation. Digital transformation will be short lived if everyone
in the organisation does not feel the benefits from the performance, integrity,
efficiency and agility which digital services can offer. This can only be achieved if
CIOs work with, rather than against business stakeholders. Read more
For the CTO, CIO & CISO
SECURITY LEADERSHIP ADVICE: Hack Yourself First (Before The Bad Guys Do). If
you can’t think like a hacker, it’s difficult to defend against them. Such is the
premise of this free, nine-part online course, presented by Computerworld and
training company Pluralsight, about how to go on the cyber-offensive by using
some of the same techniques and tools the bad guys do. Read more
RESEARCH STUDY RESULTS: How Many CIOs Actually Want Chief Data Officers?
The value of data has increased dramatically among the business community,
bringing about the rise of the chief data officer (CDO), according to a new study
by Experian Data Quality, a provider of software and services. The research
study, which interviewed more than 250 CIOs and CDOs from large
organizations, found that data is a critical asset that has been largely untapped.
Read more
For the CTO, CIO & CISO
CISO IN THE WILD: Stepping out of the C-Suite to Take on Server Compliance. The
CISOs of the world, particularly those in large organizations, often sit high above
the daily operational fray of systems management. They stay out of the wild, so to
speak, of technical administration and compliance activities. Their days are
frequently consumed with reacting to various issues and the management of
policies, projects and personnel. Read more
STATE CIO ADVICE: Building Successful Relationships With IT Partners. Given
today’s fiscal environment, states are turning to their IT partners to provide cost-
effective delivery of citizen services. This brief focuses on the best strategies for IT
partners to engage with state CIOs while building successful business
relationships. Read more
For the CTO, CIO & CISO
CLOUD-ENABLED SAAS: SEC CIO Leads Efforts To Move Agency To The Cloud. Pamela
Dyson is shepherding a determined, if incremental, effort to move her agency’s
applications to the cloud. Dyson was named the CIO at the Securities and Exchange
Commission in February, after having joined the agency in 2010, when she joined an
ambitious initiative to modernize and improve efficiencies in the SEC’s IT
infrastructure. Read more
SECURITY AWARENESS: 5 Reasons Why Newer Hires Are The Company’s Biggest Data
Security Risk. A study on U.S. mobile security by Absolute Software shows that
Millennials – many of whom are now joining the workforce — hold the greatest risk to
data security over other age groups. Shorter-tenure and younger respondents tend to
have lower expectations of their own responsibility for corporate security, according to
the study of 762 U.S. workers who use employer-issued mobile devices, including
laptops, smartphones and tablets. Read more
Agile Operations
GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT: Top Feds Talk Agile. Federal CIO Tony Scott noted
that agile is not a “jump in the pool, learn how to swim” situation, especially for
government veterans unused to continuous delivery, rapid sprints and constant
change. Read more
AGILE METHODOLOGY: The World’s Most Popular Innovation Engine.
“Innovation,” says Curtis Carlson, former president of Stanford Research Institute
(SRI) and author of the classic book, Innovation, “is the primary driver of
prosperity, job growth, social responsibility, environmental sustainability and
national security.” And yet today, across the economy as a whole, by almost every
measure, innovative performance is poor. Read more
Agile Operations
PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Adopting An Agile Mind-Set Versus Implementing It As
Just Another Process. It’s fair to say that Scrum is the best known and widest-used
framework of the Agile methodologies around the world. It’s the main source of
thinking behind the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto, which forms a
common basis for all of these approaches. Read more
SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT: How Workload Automation Can Bring DevOps Up To
Speed. One of the most buzzed about software development methods today is
DevOps, which concentrates on an agile, rapid release cycle by acting at the
intersection of developers and operations staff. Research from Gartner estimates
that the DevOps methodology will grow in popularity, such that 25% of Global
2000 organisations will employ DevOps by 2016. Read more
USAGE POLICIES: How Can IT Managers Prevent Negative BYOD Network Impact?
To ensure that BYOD is a benefit to your business, IT must treat end users as
partners in how the network is used, rather than bandwidth consumers who need
to be managed. The legacy model of command-and-control IT is out of step with
today’s technology. Read more
POSITIVE RESULTS: How To Remove The Dangers Of BYOD With Private Cloud.
Today our working lives are almost 24/7 and often we’re working away from the
office. To stay connected we use our mobile phones for email and business, even
on holiday. So, it’s not surprising then, that Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is on
the rise in the enterprise. Read more
LEGAL ADVICE: How To Craft An Effective BYOD Policy. A BYOD program can
provide several benefits. Employees, who often develop preferences toward
particular devices or brands, can use whatever devices they prefer. Instead of
having to acclimate to company-issued devices, employees can use devices with
which they are already familiar. Read more
MOBILE SECURITY: Users Worry Employers Can’t Keep Private Data SafeWorkplace
smartphone and tablet users worry a lot about their personal information
remaining private from their employers — and only a relatively slim majority
trusts their employer to keep that data safe, according to a Harris Poll survey.
Read more
Virtual Desktop
NEW TECHNOLOGY: IT Managers Say Desktop VDI’s Time Has Finally Arrived.
While the advantages of desktop virtualization, like increased security and easier
support, have been known for years, many IT departments have been reluctant to
adopt the technology, mainly due to concerns about cost and performance. Read
THE INFRASTRUGGLE: Whatever Happened to the VDI Revolution? Storage
revolution is once again in the air — at least in the branding of a lot of annual IT
conferences this fall. Both VMware and Microsoft have been crowing about
improvements in their virtualization products that will enable the revolution in
“virtual desktops” that has been promised, but never delivered, over the past
decade or so. Read more
Virtual Desktop
WEBCAST: Army IT Agency Says Virtualization Will Cut IT Costs In Half. Converting
the Army’s Pentagon-based headquarters from a traditional desktop environment
to a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is expected to slash total operating costs
for those computers by about 50 percent. Read more
HYBRID FLASH OPTIONS: When Is Some Flash Not Enough? When it comes to
choosing between hybrid flash and all-flash storage, the question is increasingly
not how much flash is enough, but whether you still need any disk at all. Read
REVENUE SOURCE: In Chicago, Tax Dollars Rain Down from the Cloud. When most
IT managers look at virtualization, they see increased administrative efficiencies,
lower capital costs and the like. But as city fathers begin looking at virtualization,
they may start to see something else entirely: A new revenue stream. Read more
VIRTUAL SPOTLIGHT: Google’s Preemptible Offers Virtual Machine-for-Hire
Service on the Cheap. With virtual machines, as in life, you get what you pay for.
So if a service provider is offering very cheap virtualized servers in the public
cloud, it’s a pretty sure bet that they won’t be reliable ones. But sometimes
cheap is just what you are looking for, and reliability be damned. Read more
GARTNER NEWS: VMware, Microsoft Stay On Top In Latest Virtualization Quadrant.
As things stand, VMware retains its commanding lead, while Microsoft is the only
other company to squeeze into the “Leaders” quadrant. VMware stays out in front
even without the help of vSphere 6.0, which was not considered in this year’s
quadrant due to its late release. Gartner says vSphere 6.0 was released after the
cutoff date for its analysis, but it should be noted that Microsoft didn’t release any
new products either, with Windows Server 2012 r2 still its main offering. Read more
DISASTER RECOVERY: Not Dead Yet. One doesn’t need to look very far to find
hypervisor vendor marketing materials, analyst opinions and even a few trade press
articles declaring the death of disaster recovery planning. Most are following a line
of reasoning from the server virtualization evangelists to make the case that
building server hosts with high availability (HA) in mind — using active-passive
failover clustering models, for example… Read more
Application Development
GARTNER FINDINGS: Hadoop Adoption Remains Steady, But Slow. Is your company
planning to invest in Hadoop in the next two years? Well, 54% of Gartner Research
Circle members said no. That also means 46% said yes, but that little inversion is
turning into a terabyte of commentary, full of sound and fury, signifying business as
usual. Read more
AGILE DEVELOPMENT: Reversibility, Communication and Collaboration. At the
inaugural O’Reilly Software Architecture conference, Molly Dishman and Martin
Fowler discussed the role of architecture within agile software development. Key
takeaways included; architects must remain ‘hands on’; architecture should focus
on reducing irreversibility; adaptable documentation is essential in order to ensure
clear communication of the architecture… Read more
Programming & Scripting Development
Client & Server-Side
APP DEVELOPMENT: Once-Declining Java Cements Its Lead In Language Popularity
Index. Once-faltering Java is beginning to run away with the Tiobe language
popularity index, with the language getting a shot in the arm from last year’s Java 8
release. Previously mired in second place behind the C language for more than a
year, Java resumed the top spot in the Tiobe index in April and continues to put
distance between itself and C. Read more
SOFTWARE: The 2015 Top Ten Programming Languages. What are the most
popular programming languages? The only honest answer: It depends. Are you
trying to land a job at a hot mobile app startup, model electricity flows across a
continent, or create an electronic art project? Languages are tools, and what’s a
“must have” in one domain can be a “whatever” in another. Read more
Programming & Scripting Development
Client & Server-Side
REPORT FINDINGS: Coverity Claims Open-Source Is “Significantly” More Vulnerable.
The latest Coverity scan open-source report (PDF) claims that static analysis defect
density scans reveal how open-source software has outpaced proprietary software in
terms of quality through 2013 and 2014. In addition, the 2014 report also did a
comparison of security compliance standards like the Open Web Application Security
Project (Owasp) top 10 and the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) 25 most
dangerous errors, finding that proprietary code is more compliant with such standards
than open-source. Read more
JAVASCRIPT AND AWS: Benefits Of Developing With Node.js. JavaScript’s Node.js has
become popular with cloud-based programmers because it allows them to write one
language for both server-side and client-side applications. JavaScript’s asynchronous
nature and different patterns for handling event-driven and responsive programs
makes it easy to get hooked into this new language. Read more
Programming & Scripting Development
Client & Server-Side
RESPONSIVE APPLICATIONS: Learning SynchronizationContext, Async, And Await.
Asynchronous programming is a form of parallel programming that enables you to
execute tasks separate from the main application thread and then notifies the
thread when its execution is over. Asynchrony helps you to execute tasks sans the
need of holding up the execution flow or responsiveness of your application. Read
WEB PROJECTS: ng-admin Can Add an AngularJS Admin Interface to Any RESTful
API. Since almost every client wants a backend for their applications, an admin
panel from where they can view and control their data, developers need to either
craft one on their own or deploy an open-source or commercial solution written
for that peculiar programming language. Read more
Programming & Scripting Development
Client & Server-Side
SLIDESHOW: 5 Legacy Technologies Still In High Demand Today. f it ain’t broke, don’t fix
it, as the saying goes. While technology continues to evolve and new languages and
technologies like Ruby, Hadoop and cloud containers dominate headlines, proven
legacy solutions continue to work quietly behind the scenes, powering much of the
digital world. Here are five legacy technologies and skills we still rely on in 2015. Read
APP DEVELOPMENT: Building The Next WhatsApp? An Idea And Two People Is All
You Need. Foofys said it takes at least five people to work on an app full time —
the user interface/user experience person, an Android developer, a tester, a coder
(who works on Ruby on Rails, Java and related technologies) and a project
manager (in case of services firms). There is no step-by-step approach or a hand-
over phenomenon. Read more
Programming & Scripting Development
Client & Server-Side
DEVELOPERS: Rating Programming Languages – Swift is Hot, Dart is Not. Apple’s
Swift programming language is enjoying a meteoric rise in popularity and gaining
new followers at an unprecedented rate, according to a recent study. Read more
JAVASCRIPT: The JavaScript Encyclopedia Work In Progress. Douglas Crockford has
been working single-handed on a mammoth task to document JavaScript. Now he
has allowed his unfinished project to go live as a work in progress that others can
contribute to. Read more
Programming & Scripting Development
Client & Server-Side
JAVA: Web Page Scraping with Jsoup. A lot of sites make their content available via
APIs, RSS feeds, or other forms of structured data. For those that don’t there’s Web
Scraping. It’s a technique whereby you extract data from website content. Read
MERGE: jQuery And Dojo Foundations To Merge . This is a story that is difficult to
fathom and it raises far more questions than it answers. The jQuery and Dojo
foundations are indeed merging, but what exactly this means is a puzzle. Read
Cloud Computing
DEVELOPERS’ NEW ROLE: Hold The Enterprise’s Hand With Cloud Computing.
Ultimately, decisions around cloud application or platform development and
adoption are driven by the business. But the people bringing cloud in and
enlightening their enterprises are the “developer visionaries” who understand the
implications it brings to businesses, as well as keeping the whole thing from
becoming a tangled, hairy and expensive mess. Read more
CLOUD WORLD FORUM: Five Ways To Make Cloud Success A Reality For Your
Business. Everyone is looking for that silver bullet which makes their cloud
implementations a success. It’s little wonder that events such as Cloud World
Forum and Cloud Expo are at the forefront of executives’ minds. Read more
Cloud Computing
WHITEPAPER: Buyer’s Guide – Enterprise Platform as a Service (PaaS). With an
array of options from public IaaS to private PaaS, organizations often find it
difficult to discern where different cloud technologies fit. This document provides
guidance on using private PaaS in an enterprise and will introduce key concepts,
business values, and preparations necessary for acquiring and implementing an
enterprise Platform as a Service tier. Read more
ENTERPRISE MANAGERS: Oracle Offers Software To Ease Hybrid Cloud
Management. Oracle wants to make it easy for its enterprise customers to move
some of their software-based workloads from the vendor to the cloud. To the
Oracle Cloud, that is. Read more
Mobile Technology
REVENUE PREDICTIONS: 84% Of Execs Say They Will Meet Or Beat Targets With
Mobile Technology. The KPMG Technology Industry Outlook Survey, A Tale of Two
Disruptions: Tech Innovation and Cybersecurity brought forth this prediction.
KPMG completed surveys with 111 tech industry leaders in the United States
during March & April, 2015. Respondents are from a mix of public and private
companies, ranging in size from $100M to more than $1B. Read more
GOOGLE PROJECT FI: Little Things Mean Big Changes In Mobile Services; For The
Better. Lost in the alphabet soup that is Google’s new holding company is one of
its many experiments in changing the business rules for network services while
nudging the technology in a direction that ultimately benefits consumers. No, not
Fiber, although it’s a fantastic broadband disruptor for those that can get it, but
Project Fi, Google’s mobile service. Read more
Mobile Technology
GOOD TECH STRATEGY: Enterprises Adopt Various Mobile Apps for Secure Data
Access. A new report by Good Technology says 67 percent of enterprises are
increasing the usage of different mobile applications to secure corporate data.
GT’s Mobility Index Report has found that custom apps, secure browser,
document access, instant messaging and document editing are the top app
categories among corporate organizations. Read more
MOBILE SECURITY STRATEGY: Look Beyond the Device. When we think of mobile
security, the first thought that pops into our heads is securing the device and the
content on the device. While this approach has worked well for many companies
in the mobile security space, it covers only 20 percent of the threat. To understand
why we need to look beyond just securing the device, we must understand how a
mobile device gets compromised. Read more
Mobile Technology
***OOD TECH STRATEGY: Enterprises Adopt Various Mobile Apps for Secure Data
Access. A new report by Good Technology says 67 percent of enterprises are
increasing the usage of different mobile applications to secure corporate data.
GT’s Mobility Index Report has found that custom apps, secure browser,
document access, instant messaging and document editing are the top app
categories among corporate organizations. Read more
MOBILE SECURITY STRATEGY: Look Beyond the Device. When we think of mobile
security, the first thought that pops into our heads is securing the device and the
content on the device. While this approach has worked well for many companies
in the mobile security space, it covers only 20 percent of the threat. To understand
why we need to look beyond just securing the device, we must understand how a
mobile device gets compromised. Read more
Enterprise Security
NETWORK-CENTRIC STRATEGY: Enterprise Data Security Best Practices Mean IT
Teamwork. Security administrators often implement specific, individual data
security measures in an effort to protect the enterprise’s network. Some of
these measures are network-centric concepts such as intrusion detection
system (IDS) rules, firewall rules, or virtual local area network configurations.
Read more
BLACK HAT SURVEY: Poor Priorities, Lack Of Resources Put Enterprises At Risk.
IT security professionals are becoming increasingly frustrated because the
priorities of the business frequently leave the security department short of the
time and resources it needs to fight the most critical threats, according to a new
study released today. Read more
Enterprise Security
SLIDESHOW: Eight Key Facts About Email Security in the Enterprise. It comes as
no surprise that, in today’s business environment, protecting a company from
security threats is a top issue facing IT departments. Managing the complexity
of security remains a key challenge facing businesses. A common way attackers
are able to penetrate a network is through employee email, which can be a
major pain point for organizations. Read more
UNLIKELY PARTNERSHIP: Google And Blackberry Team On Android For The
Enterprise. When it comes to unexpected partnerships, a BlackBerry-Android
mashup is surely at the top of the list. But Google and BlackBerry have
announced they will be joining forces to create a version of the Android system
designed for enterprise applications. Read more
Business Intelligence
INTERACTIVE CONTENT: How It Can Cut Your Bounce Rate In Half. If you only
look at the overall amount of traffic visiting your site, you can easily be misled
into thinking that your site is super popular and that everyone loves it. In reality,
people might like the idea of your site but be less than impressed once they
actually visit. Read more
HOW-TO: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Data Quality and Business
Intelligence. Today’s marketers are becoming technically savvier. They
understand the need to improve customer experiences or implement digital
marketing strategies to engage consumers across channels. Customer retention
and acquisition, Big Data, social media marketing, and content marketing are
just a few of the goals and strategies in today’s marketing toolbox. Read more
Business Intelligence
ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE: Microsoft’s Business Intelligence Service Gets a Power
Boost. An updated version of Microsoft’s Power BI service was released in July.
The goal of the updated service is to enable business users to benefit from
business intelligence Relevant Products/Services and analytics without requiring
sophisticated help from analysts, data Relevant Products/Services scientists, or
other tech staff. Read more
DATA INSIGHTS: 2 Ways To Expand Business Intelligence To The Outside World.
Most organizations have implemented some type of business intelligence: data
collection and aggregation, reporting, dashboards, analytics, etc. These projects
have reached various states of maturity as far as the type of outcome and insight
they provide, but most share one commonality: they primarily deal with
information and serve consumers inside the four (virtual) walls of the enterprise.
Read more
Business Intelligence
***NTERPRISE SOFTWARE: Microsoft’s Business Intelligence Service Gets a Power
Boost. An updated version of Microsoft’s Power BI service was released in July.
The goal of the updated service is to enable business users to benefit from
business intelligence Relevant Products/Services and analytics without requiring
sophisticated help from analysts, data Relevant Products/Services scientists, or
other tech staff. Read more
DATA INSIGHTS: 2 Ways To Expand Business Intelligence To The Outside World.
Most organizations have implemented some type of business intelligence: data
collection and aggregation, reporting, dashboards, analytics, etc. These projects
have reached various states of maturity as far as the type of outcome and insight
they provide, but most share one commonality: they primarily deal with
information and serve consumers inside the four (virtual) walls of the enterprise.
Read more
Federal Agencies
EXEC TECH: Are Agencies Really Ready For The Internet Of Things? Cisco Systems
predicts the IoT will generate $4.6 trillion for the public sector before 2025, in value
added and costs saved. And although the General Services Administration has not
yet come close to those sorts of returns, the agency — which manages nearly
10,000 government-owned buildings around the country — has pioneered IoT
building management with its GSALink initiative. Read more
GOVERNMENT IT INVESTMENT: The Circle Of Life For DOD IT. When it comes to
providing full lifecycle support for Defense Department software systems, we’ve
found that the key to maximizing the government’s IT investment is a holistic
approach that emphasizes clarity and customer engagement. Read more
Federal Agencies
TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM: This DHS Computer System Will Cost $2 Billion
More Than Healthcare.Gov. Federal auditors are blasting a decade-in-the-
making government computer system that was supposed to simplify the
immigration application process and improve national security.
The so-called “Transformation Program” the Department of Homeland Security
conceived in 2005 should have transformed paper-based transactions into
online forms years ago. Read more
COMMENTARY: 3 Keys To Building A Federal DevOps Culture. DevOps is
certainly not new, but it is becoming more important every day. This is
especially true in federal IT. The private sector has embraced DevOps, and it has
changed the way businesses operate. Read more
Federal Agencies
DIGITAL DEMOCRACY PROJECT: Governments Could Pay High Price For Lagging
On Tech. To hear the 2015 California Technology Forum’s keynote speaker tell it,
government is straddling the divide between potential successes and missed
opportunities when it comes to technology.
Sam Blakeslee, who heads up the Institute for Advanced Technology and Public
Policy at California Polytechnic State University, addressed government and
technology industry officials at a recent forum and spoke to the challenges and
opportunities presented through advancing technology. Read more
Federal Agencies
SECURING GOVERNMENT: Lessons From The Cyber Frontlines [DOWNLOAD].
Nearly every state experienced a government network breach during 2014, while
simultaneously managing disruptions in commerce caused by hacks of companies
such as Home Depot, Staples, and Target. Even localities were not exempt — Rapid
City, N.D., and Napa, Calif., are just two cities whose websites were hacked. Read
STRONG AUTHENTICATION: OMB Cites Progress With Hardware-Based
Verification. Agencies have made significant progress instituting hardware-based
personal identity verification cards or alternative forms of strong authentication
for access to cyber systems, OMB has said. Read more
Federal Agencies
IG NEWS: Lack Of Cybersecurity Staff, Technology Left USPS Vulnerable To
2014 Attack. A lack of properly trained cybersecurity workers and a
comprehensive cyber strategy were major reasons why the U.S. Postal Service
experienced a data breach late last year, a new report found. Read more
MEANINGFUL USE: Critics Warn Of $11 Billion Pentagon Health Records
Fiasco. As the Pentagon prepares the biggest federal IT contract
announcement since, critics are warning of an even bigger
fiasco, a record system that’s obsolete before it’s even finished.
Read more
IT - State & Local Governments
MICHIGAN: Unveils ‘City’ For Testing Autonomous Cars. The Mobility
Transformation Center, a University of Michigan initiative to propel
transportation into the future, on Monday unveiled Mcity, the world’s first
specially designed, cordoned testing grounds for autonomous vehicle
technology. Read more
VERMONT: State Unable To Escape Tech Albatross. Vermonters’ gateway to food
benefits, home heating help and child health care is a computer program that’s
32 years old. It’s called ACCESS, built before Steve Jobs debuted the first
Macintosh computer, before Netscape and other early Web browsers connected
users to the Internet, and long before state officials thought to create a
department for technology. Read more
IT - State & Local Governments
CALIFORNIA: Company Shows Off Tech To Pull Water From Air At State Capitol. New
drought busting technology promises to generate water out of thin air, and
lawmakers got a chance to check it out on recently.
Matt Gray is the pitchman for Pacific AirWell Incorporated. His company produces
the massive machines call atmospheric water generators. He says the drinking water
coming from thin air is actually unseen humidity. Read more
KANSAS: AT&T To Offer Statewide Cloud-Based 911 Communications. The
telecommunications company has been awarded a contract to provide a next
generation 911 emergency communications system statewide.
The system is designed to provide access to emergency services from virtually all
communications sources and provide multimedia data capabilities for emergency
dispatch call centers — often called public safety answering points — and other
emergency service organizations. Read more
IT - State & Local Governments
MINNESOTA: Minneapolis Moves Forward with Analytics. Otto Doll, a former CIO
for the state of South Dakota, has led IT initiatives for the city of Minneapolis since
early 2011. Minneapolis has outsourced IT services for more than a decade and is in
the process of transitioning to a new supplier and bringing desktop and help desk
services back in-house. Read more
HAWAII: Old Technology Blamed For More Than $1M Over Payment To State
Employees. Hawaii lawmakers say aging technology at the state government is
costing millions. A state sponsored steering committee will meet next month to
design a blueprint to replace old computers and information systems. Meantime
state agencies, schools and hospitals are susceptible to system failure. Read more
IT - State & Local Governments
ARIZONA: Local And State Policymakers Should Be Prepared To Deal With
Emerging Technologies. The rapid growth of technology will impact our lives in
meaningful ways. At the same time it poses a challenge for state and local
governments that are charged with establishing rules and regulations that often
draw important revenue. Read more
GEORGIA: 7 State Assistance Programs To Utilize Fraud Detection Services.
Fraud costs government assistance programs billions each year, and the state of
Georgia is doing something about it. Read more
IT - State & Local Governments
CALIFORNIA: Other States Are Using Technology That Could Save Cali From
Drought. With California facing a fourth grueling year of drought, Gov. Jerry
Brown declared a state of emergency in January. Worse, a recent report claims
that inefficient practices by state water agencies do little to provide relief.
However, using the water detection technology that other cities across the
nation are currently testing could be a solution. Read more
NORTH CAROLINA: Making Transparency A Top Priority. here are some really
good things on the table as the budget conferees discuss, debate, compromise,
and finalize North Carolina’s government spending for the next two years.
Allocating more than $22 billion each year in General Fund revenue is a big deal.
Adding money from the federal government and other sources, state spending
each year becomes a $50 billion big deal. Read more
IT - State & Local Governments
KANSAS: State Committee Looks To Update Open Records Act For Digital Age.
After news stories that exposed loopholes in the Kansas Open Records Act, a
special committee is exploring how the 30-year-old KORA ought to be updated for
a digital world. Questions raised include whether personal cellphones and text
messages of public employees should be subject to the act, or whether private
messages sent via Facebook or Twitter ought to be treated the same as e-mail if
they concern official business. Read more
LOUISIANA: How Its Supreme Court Supported IT Staff Through a Disaster. On
Friday, Aug. 26, 2005, Frank DiFulco received a call from his wife while he was
shopping at Wal-Mart. She told him to pick up some water, batteries and other
supplies, as forecasters warned that Hurricane Katrina was headed to New
Orleans. DiFulco, court management information systems director for the
Louisiana Supreme Court, boarded up his and his parents’ houses Saturday and
evacuated town on Sunday. Read more
IT - State & Local Governments
ATLANTA: Intel To Collaborate With Georgia Tech. Intel Corporation recently
announced it will invest $5 million over the next five years to deepen its
engineering pipeline partnership with the Georgia Institute of Technology and
deploy research-driven solutions to inspire and retain women and
underrepresented minorities to start and complete computer science and
engineering degrees. Read more
VIRGINIA: New Civic Tech Initiatives Include Datathons And Open Data Portals.
Virginia residents now have the chance to make their state government more
efficient, transparent and responsive to all: A hackathon challenges everyone to
use the state’s open data to develop cutting-edge tools and applications that, if
selected, could be presented to Gov. Terry McAuliffe and over 300 local
government innovators. Read more
IT - State & Local Governments
COLORADO: Good Ideas From Government’s Front Lines. It is no surprise that front-
line employees often have the best ideas for making an organization work better,
faster and cheaper. And when a process falls short, they see it firsthand. Led by Chief
Performance Officer David Edinger, Denver’s Peak Academy is one of the country’s
most successful efforts to turn the insights of municipal workers into meaningful
results. Read more
MASSACHUSETTS: Without Pacheco Law, Can We Trust The MBTA To Undertake
Privatization? The “Pacheco Law” has been cited as an obstacle to the goal of a more
efficient, less costly mass transit system for Boston. As the state official charged with
ensuring that plans for having private companies run certain government operations
meet the requirements of that law, I find such statements baffling. If government is
to act more like a business, as some believe it should, then long-range planning,
effective allocation of assets, and a focus on outcomes should be among
management’s priorities. Read more
IT - State & Local Governments
VIRGINIA: State Shows Commitment to Improving State IT by Extending Data
Internship Program. The Commonwealth showed its ongoing dedication to
bolstering state IT by continuing its data internship initiative into the 2015-16 school
year. Gov. Terry McAuliffe established the program last year to enhance government
efficiency, and the first year proved to be so effective that the state will recruit
another batch of graduate interns to help implement IT best practices. Read more
CALIFORNIA: Facial Recognition Software Moves From Overseas Wars to Local
Police. Facial recognition software, which American military and intelligence
agencies used for years in Iraq and Afghanistan to identify potential terrorists, is
being eagerly adopted by dozens of police departments around the country to
pursue drug dealers, prostitutes and other conventional criminal suspects. But
because it is being used with few guidelines and with little oversight or public
disclosure, it is raising questions of privacy and concerns about potential misuse.
Read more
IT - State & Local Governments
ILLINOIS: Chicago’s Data-Powered Recipe for Food Safety (Pilot Program). A
breakthrough of enormous importance has now emerged from Chicago, a city that
continues to set the standard for others by using data to improve government. The
city is leading the way in harnessing advanced data analytics to improve public
health, with high-level leadership from the mayor and day-to-day leadership from
the talented pair of Chief Information Officer Brenna Berman and Chief Data Officer
Tom Schenk. Read more
WASHINGTON, DC: COBOL And Outdated Technology Cited As Factors In OPM Hack.
The recent news that the personal data of more than 4 million current and former
federal employees may have been exposed as the result of a data breach at the
Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has left the federal IT community searching
for answers. Congress had leaders from the OPM and other agencies on Capitol Hill
on June 16 to answer detailed questions about the hack, including how it happened
and, more specifically, why encryption technologies weren’t in place to
prevent the hacks. Read more [FEDTECHMAGAZINE.COM]
IT - State & Local Governments
MAINE: Twenty-four is the number keeps Maine CIO Jim Smith up at night because
it’s the percentage of the state’s 480 IT workers who are eligible to retire in the next
two years. “When you get to those numbers, your response has to be
transformational, not incremental,” Smith says. The wave of baby boomers nearing
retirement age includes Smith and half of his senior management team. “If you have
24 percent of your workforce leaving and it’s taking you four to six months to fill
jobs, that’s a real problem.” Read more
MASSACHUSETTS: Consortium Including MIT Awarded $110M National Grant To
Promote Photonics Manufacturing. MIT is a key player in a new $600 million public-
private partnership announced today by the Obama administration to help
strengthen high-tech U.S.-based manufacturing. Federal funding of $110 million will
be combined with some $500 million from AIM Photonics’ consortium of state and
local governments, manufacturing firms, universities, community colleges, and
nonprofit organizations across the country. Read more
IT Security | Cybersecurity
SANS INSTITUTE TRAINING: Attend Cyber Defense Initiative 2015. You are invited to
attend SANS Cyber Defense Initiative 2015 (CDI), SANS is the one educational
organization known for developing the cybersecurity skills most in need right now. SANS
Cyber Defense Initiative 2015 will feature courses in IT security, security management, IT
audit, penetration testing, and computer forensics, including short courses that can be
taken with a long course to enhance your training. Read more
INFORMATION SHARING ACT: Congress’ Cybersecurity Plan Has Some Major Flaws. After
being flooded with millions of faxes and phone calls, the U.S. Senate postponed voting on
the controversial cybersecurity bill that privacy advocates warn could be a backdoor to
more government surveillance. Read more
IT Security | Cybersecurity
VULNERABILITY: Easily Exploitable Certifi-Gate Bug Opens Android Devices To Hijacking.
Check Point’s mobile security research team discovered a vulnerability in Android that
affects phones, tablets and devices made by major manufacturers including LG, Samsung,
HTC and ZTE. The team disclosed its findings during a briefing session at Black Hat USA
2015. Read more
SMB RELAY: Researchers Find Way To Steal Windows Active Directory Credentials From
The Internet. An attack using the SMB file sharing protocol that has been believed to
work only within local area networks for over a decade can also be executed over the
Internet, two researchers showed at the Black Hat security conference. Read more
IT Security | Cybersecurity
THREAT INTELLIGENCE: Cloud Security Sector Leads Cybersecurity Mergers And
Acquisition Report. The cyber sector is white hot. According to IDC, the hot
areas for growth are security analytics/SIEM, threat intelligence, mobile
security, and cloud security. Corporations are investing heavily in these areas to
combat cybercrime. Read more
POST OPM HACK: 4 Charts That Explain The State Of Agency Cybersecurity.
Following the massive breach of federal employee files precipitated by a series
of cyberintrusions at the Office of Personnel Management, the Obama
administration ordered agencies to immediately tighten network defenses
during a 30-day “cybersecurity sprint.” The results are now in. The White House
recently posted details from the cyber review online. Read more
IT Security | Cybersecurity
SANS INSTITUTE WHITEPAPER: Observation And Response – An Intelligent
Approach. This paper explains why network-based observation and tracking are
important to faster response, where observation outside the network is
important, and what types of intelligence can augment network observation
data for more timely and accurate classification and containment. Read more
MITIGATE FALLOUT: 11 Tips for Effective Cybersecurity. With major data
breaches making headlines on a near-weekly basis, many in the securities
industry have wisely begun to focus on developing an effective approach to
cybersecurity. Although cybersecurity plans can vary widely among firms
depending upon their business, clientele and technical architecture, among
other things, effective plans include the following features. Read more
IT Security | Cybersecurity
INTERACTIVE TESTING PRODUCTS: Software Security Is Hard But Not impossible.
There’s little debate about the danger posed by software security vulnerabilities,
but there is healthy dialogue around how organizations can respond. The
application security market as we know it has existed for about 15 years,
emerging alongside interactive web applications and hackers who quickly
identified those systems as easy targets. Read more
PRIVACY SURVEY: Federal IT Pros Challenged By The Explosion Of Mobile Devices,
Growth Of Shadow IT. Federal information technology professionals lack control
and confidence in their ability to mange the risks associate with the growth of
mobile devices and shadow IT, finds a recent survey. Read more
IT Security | Cybersecurity
WHITEPAPER: An Executive Business Case for Network Security. Security is an
important topic for all levels of management. This document provides the C-
level with a comprehensive guide to lowering security costs while also
increasing company ROI. You will learn the true costs of investing and NOT
investing in a resilient defense to shield your company from growing threats.
Read more
IG VERDICT: Department of the Interior Has 3,000 Vulnerabilities. At a hearing
on the role the Interior Department played in a recent breach at the Office of
Personnel Management, the Interior deputy inspector general painted a picture
of how a hacker might have breached the agency’s computer system. Read more
Network Security
THREAT INTELLIGENCE: Enterprises are Analyzing Lots of Internal Cybersecurity
Data. The cybersecurity industry has been talking about the intersection of big data
and cybersecurity analytics for years, but is this actually a reality or nothing more
than marketing hype? The recently published ESG research report titled, Threat
Intelligence and Its Role Within Enterprise Cybersecurity Practices, only reinforces
my belief that big data security is tangible today… Read more
BEST PRACTICES: Closing The Gap Between Security & Networking Ops. IT
networking operations and security operations centers are often misaligned.
According to Gartner, Security is seen more as a bolt-on appendage to IT rather
than an integral component that should be baked into all architectures. This leads
to end-user frustration and fosters kingdom-building versus deep integration
between teams. Read more
Network Security
NETWORK SECURITY: VMware Rolls Out Service To Support Windows 10. The
technology world is buzzing about Windows 10 — and VMware is putting its full
force behind the new operating system. The VMware Workspace Suite aims to
make it easier for enterprises to manage the new version of Microsoft Relevant
Products/Services’s flagship software. Read more
CHANGE MANAGEMENT: How To Leverage Networks To Boost Security. The breach
at the Office of Personnel Management has put security top of mind for nearly
every government IT manager. Many agencies are already practicing excellent cyber
hygiene; others are still in implementation phases. Regardless of where you are in
the process, it is critical to understand that security is not a one-product solution,
and it requires constant attention. Read more
Agile Development
FOR DEVELOPERS: How To Make Your (Entire) Enterprise More Agile. In the current
software development parlance, “agile” has become synonymous with innovation
and speed. But many organizations limit their agile approaches to one or two siloed
departments out of a mistaken belief that they’re too big, too ‘legacy,’ too process-
oriented to scale the approach across the larger business. Read more
TEAM BUILDING: 4 Tips To Make Any Team Agile. The goal of agile programming is
to provide early and continuous delivery of valuable software. But it’s not so easy to
implement methodologies that can deliver on the agile promise, and the blame
typically lands on people: they’re just not the tech elite. Read more
Agile Development
BEST PRACTICES: Things CIOs Must Know About Agile Development. CIOs are under
pressure to support fast-evolving digital business scenarios but are finding
traditional project and development methods unsuitable, according to Gartner.
Read more
BIMODAL IT: Provides New Requirements For Agile App Development. For years IT
organizations have been criticized for being too slow, too restrictive and
unresponsive to the business. Analysts and vendors have pushed IT to transform
itself as a whole, and encouraged the adoption of technologies that enable agility.
Read more
Agile Development
AGILE DEVELOPMENT: Take Agile Methodology Beyond the Team. A quick guide to
scaling an agile software delivery lifecycle across your organization. Read more
ENTERPRISE: The Next Wave of Software Delivery: Integrating Agile and DevOps.
Interview with Pradeep Prabhu, co-founder and CEO of CloudMunch, who discusses
the opportunities and challenges of adopting Agile and DevOps methodologies.
Read more
Agile Development
SCALING THE ENTERPRISE: Four Must-Have Rules for Scaling Enterprise Agile. To
adopt Agile practices, specifically Scrum, no organization is too big, complex or
distributed. Read more
DATA PROTECTION: Rugged DevOps: In Search of the Defensible Infrastructure.
DevOps moves too fast to build security into the process, some say. Not true, say
others who believe one just needs to get a little Rugged. Read more
Enterprise Security
EXPERT ADVICE: Four Enterprise Scenarios For Deploying Database Security Tools.
Database security tools are incredibly versatile, offering benefits for security,
compliance and even operations. These products, available from third parties,
provide a level of database security well beyond what relational database
management system (RDBMS) vendors offer customers. Read more
PRIVACY: Companies Averaging 4 Insider-Threat Attacks Per Year. When it comes to
insider IT security threats, the third time is definitely not the charm. In fact, the
typical organization now experiences 3.8 insider security incidents on an annual
basis. Read more
Enterprise Security
SURVEY FINDINGS: Most Enterprises Don’t Fix 60 Percent of Security
Vulnerabilities. Waratek, the application protection and management company,
announced the results of a survey conducted at the Gartner Security and Risk
Management Summit 2015. Two-thirds of senior security professionals polled said
they remediate 40 percent or less of the security vulnerabilities discovered by
software application security testing tools. Read more
BREACH PREVENTION: Big Security Breaches and How Big Data Can Prevent Them.
In the abstract, network and systems security is easy. We all agree that keeping bad
actors out of your electronic world is a no-brainer. We also all agree that there are
different rights levels that should be assigned to different user groups. Finally, we
all agree that certain systems contain more valuable data than others. Read more
Business Continuity
CRITICAL PLANNING: Systems Are Changing And Business Continuity Must Keep Up.
Today, IT systems are at the center of the successful operation of many business
processes. As we move into higher levels of automation, data collection through the
IoT and more use of compute power than we’ve yet to even image, the importance
of our systems becomes critical to revenue generation and cost control. This is true
across every business. Read more
FILL IN THE GAPS: Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Data Centers. To
mitigate a wide range of business risks, including those involving data centers, many
organizations establish business-continuity (BC) or disaster-recovery (DR) plans.
Fewer, however, write plans that focus on specific threats, keep those plans current
or even test them. To ensure success, companies need to do better. Working with
the right advanced data center is one way to fill those gaps. Read more
Business Continuity
AVOID COMPLACENCY: Time Matters When It Comes to Disaster Recovery.
Disasters can strike at any time. They may be caused by human error, cyber-attacks
or by natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, floods and hurricanes. Even so it’s
quite tempting to sit back and relax, to not worry about the consequences of these
upon one’s business — perhaps for cost reasons, but investments in business
continuity are like an insurance policy. Read more
VIRTUALIZATION: Disaster Recovery Is Not Dead Yet. One doesn’t need to look very
far to find hypervisor vendor marketing materials, analyst opinions and even a few
trade press articles declaring the death of disaster recovery planning. Most are
following a line of reasoning from the server virtualization evangelists to make the
case that building server hosts with high availability (HA) in mind — using active-
passive failover clustering models, for example — obviates the need for disaster
recovery planning. Read more
Encryption & VPN
A REAL DILEMMA: When Phone Encryption Blocks Justice. With a killer on the loose
and few leads at their disposal, investigators in Cook County, which includes
Evanston, were encouraged when they found two smartphones alongside the body
of the deceased: an iPhone 6 running on Apple’s iOS 8 operating system, and a
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge running on Google’s Android operating system. Both
devices were passcode protected. Read more
VULNERABLE TO ATTACK: Study Shows That Many Virtual Private Networks Leak
User Information. A study conducted by researchers at Queen Mary University of
London has shown that many VPN networks leak information about their users.
This information could be as broad in scope as the websites users were visiting, and
as detailed as the actual content of messages they were sending to other parties.
Read more
Encryption & VPN
SECURE VPN: NSA-Grade Encryption For Mobile Over Untrusted Networks. The only
term being thrown around government more than “2016 elections” these days is
“cybersecurity,” particularly following a rash of damaging and high-profile data
breaches. With that focus on protecting information top of mind in agencies,
USMobile officials hope to find a ready market for their commercial app, which lets
government workers use their personal smartphones for top-secret
communications. Read more
LASTPASS: Password Manager Breached — Is There a Safe Alternative? In these
days of endless breaches, requiring the use of complex passwords is imperative. Yet
for many users, managing different passwords and remembering them is a hassle.
In order to minimize the number of passwords to remember, some will reuse the
same password. Read more
Windows 10
COMPARISON: Windows 10 Vs 8 Vs 7 — What’s The Difference? Let’s weigh up the
main differences between Windows 10, Windows 7 and Windows 8. There are a
large number of pros but also some significant cons, including a few potential deal
breakers. Read more
QUESTION: Should You Upgrade To Windows 10? It Depends. Microsoft is billing
Windows 10 as “the last version of Windows”. That doesn’t mean the company is
going to quit making it, but rather there aren’t plans for any massive, overhauled
releases of its flagship operating system. From here on out, Microsoft is treating
Windows as a service, rather than as a monolithic piece of software. Read more
Windows 10
WI-FI SENSE: Why This Windows 10 Feature Is Freaking Everyone Out. Wi-Fi Sense
allows you to automatically log your friends onto your Wi-Fi network without ever
giving them your password. It’s a convenient solution to the awkward “what’s your
Wi-Fi password?” conversations. In turn, you can use Wi-Fi Sense to automatically
connect your Windows 10 PC to your friends’ Wi-Fi networks without knowing their
passwords. Read more
W10 OVERVIEW: The New Start Menu, Edge Browser, New Apps And Cortana. So
Windows 10 is here. You should see pop-up messages appear on your computers
running Windows, prompting you to upgrade. We’ve been running it since the early
builds and now we have the ‘final’ version. Read more
FOR NON-PROGRAMMERS: FileMaker 14 – A Database For DIY Apps. n the
enterprise software world we spend a lot of time talking about the big guns —
Oracle, IBM DB2, SAP HANA, and the like. Those are critical as the foundations for
large enterprise applications, but there are thousands of applications that
organizations need that require a database. Read more
TIME FOR CHANGE: How Amazon’s DynamoDB Helped Reinvent Databases. In the
earliest days of SQL databases weren’t cutting it, so the company
created DynamoDB and in doing so helped usher in the NoSQL market. Read more
INNOVATION: Coding, Agile & Scrum Go Mainstream. “Software,” we learned from
Mark Andreessen in 2011, “is eating the world.” In the process, software is eating
up organizations and executives who don’t understand it or know how to manage it.
Read more
ANALYTICS: Building a Data Storage Scalable Platform. In the beginning there were
files, a lot of files. People were trying to utilize them for all of their data needs. They
would store spreadsheets (and they keep doing it even now), data tables,
structured and unstructured data, binary data — and anything their wonderful
computer programs would produce. And there were business transactions, a lot of
them. Read more
BIG DATA: Oracle’s Biggest Database Foe: Could It Be Postgres? Once upon a time,
Oracle could dismiss open-source databases as test and development toys that
couldn’t compete when it came to mission-critical production. Unfortunately,
reality hasn’t been kind to that supposition. Read more
MICROSOFT AZURE: Is It A Threat To, Inc. Web Services?, Inc.’s Web Services (AWS) currently has 11 geographic locations and a
large portion of the public cloud storage for enterprises and other organizations.
Moreover, it has three popular cloud server models widely used in the world:
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS), and Software as a
service (SaaS). Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) Azure also offers similar
services with a few technical differences compared to AWS. Read more
2016 RELEASE: SQL Server Management Studio Now Has Its Own Upgrade Path. For
years we’ve been lamenting the lack of modernization and updates applied to SQL
Server Management Studio. It appears Microsoft has listened and is not providing a
pipeline for separating upgrade cadences of SQL Server Management Studio from
the full product suite. Read more
POWER BI: Getting Data from Analysis Services. Microsoft Power BI is a cloud based
self-service BI solution for the enterprise. Power BI provides capabilities that can be
leveraged by people with all level of skills including data analyst, power users,
business users, data stewards and folks from the IT department. Read more
Software As a Service (SaaS)
EVENT MONITORING: Salesforce Raises Governance Shield. In a development that
has broad implications for how compliance with be managed in the era of the
cloud, Salesforce recently unfurled Salesforce Shield, a set of data governance
services optimized for Salesforce applications. Read more
NETWORK SECURITY: Man in the Cloud Attack Leverages SaaS Vulnerability.
Software-as-a-service applications that enable cloud data synchronization, including
programs like Google Drive and Dropbox, are among the most popular uses of the
cloud for enterprises. Unfortunately, according to Amichai Schulman, CTO of
Imperva, a new potential type of attack he has dubbed “man in the cloud” could
enable attackers to use cloud synchronization to exploit organizations. Read more
Software As a Service (SaaS)
RADICAL CHANGE: Next Wave Of Enterprise Software Powered By Machine
Learning. Enterprise software is about to undergo radical transformation — a
substantial change that will make the shift to software as a service (SaaS) look like a
simple facelift. This transformation is being powered by machine learning. Read
INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVES: SaaS Steps Over the Line — and Closer to Customers.
Software-as-a-Service is transforming the relationship between software providers
and their customers. Vendors and customers are increasingly designing and building
software products and services more collaboratively–even mission-critical business
applications like ERP. Read more
Personal Tech
FACIAL RECOGNITION: States Crack Down On Driver’s License Fraud. One driver,
one license, that’s how it’s supposed to be. But some fraudsters or drivers with
serious violations try to beat the system by getting multiple licenses using different
names. States increasingly are foiling the crooks and scam artists by employing a
high-tech tool… Read more
QUIZ: How Many Times Has Your Personal Information Been Exposed to Hackers?
Half of American adults had their personal information exposed to hackers last year
alone. In a recent attack at the federal Office of Personnel Management, hackers
stole the most sensitive personal data for 21.5 million people. Read more
Personal Tech
NEW GADGETS: Unboxing The Hero 4 Session, The Smallest GP Ever. Words can’t
properly convey just how small the GoPro Hero 4 Session is, but a video can. GoPro
gave Mashable a first look at the Session ahead of its release. The $399 action
camera measures roughly 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 inches and weighs just 2.6 ounces (0.16
pounds). Read more
QUALCOMM’S WIPOWER: Charge Smartphones With Metal Cases Wirelessly.
Qualcomm is set to bring a new trend in the smartphone space: wireless charging
for handsets with metal casing. The chipset maker has patented a new technology
dubbed WiPower, which will make it possible to charge a device that has a metal
rear cover. Read more
Personal Tech
PROJECT FI: Google Improves Transcriptions For Google Voice. Tech giant Google
said it has reduced transcription errors by 49 percent with the latest improvements
it’s rolled out to Google Voice and Project Fi. The search giant’s researchers and
engineers achieved the performance upgrade using something called a “long short-
term memory deep recurrent neural network.” Read more
PATENT INFRINGEMENT: Samsung Prepares To Battle Apple In The Supreme Court.
Samsung has taken the battle again and have decided to take on Apple for a fine
charged for alleged infringement of two-dozen Apple patents. But the Korean giant
just came to know that the US Federal Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected their
appeal. Based on the data provided by CNET, Samsung now has two sets of options
— throw up a weighty sum of cash to Apple, or take the case all the way to the US
Supreme Court. Read more
Personal Tech
ELECTRIC CAR GARAGES: Tesla Is Installing Rapid Charging Stations In Manhattan.
Owning any car in Manhattan is a huge challenge, but electric cars impose their
own set of unique difficulties. Tesla recently announced a new plan to ease some of
the stress with the installation of fast-charging stations for electric vehicles in 30
Manhattan parking garages. Read more
FUN FACTS: 7 Things You Definitely Didn’t Know About Google. Google isn’t the
same little search engine you remember. It’s now part of Alphabet, a new
conglomerate started by Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page. In honor
of this coming-of-age, HuffPost pays homage to Google’s history with a few fun
facts about the company. Read more
Personal Tech
TALKING TECH ROUNDTABLE: New Verizon Plans — Good For Consumers? The
move by Verizon was so swift, it caught many people by surprise. That two-year
contract you’ve come to know and despise for years with Verizon, is suddenly gone.
Now, if you want a new phone, you’ll have to buy it outright, and choose from a
new way of ordering wireless service. Will you have to pay way more? Read more
Internet of Things (IoT)
HEALTH IT: DHA Explores Internet Of Things Tech For Military Healthcare Delivery.
The Defense Health Agency is exploring potential applications of the Internet of
Things and other smart technologies on military healthcare as part of several
projects that seek to bolster soldier readiness and survivability. Technologies such
as mobile computing and self-powered biosensors can help improve the quality and
speed of delivery of health services. Read more
IoT CORE: Microsoft Drops A Slimmed Down Windows 10 For The Internet Of
Things. Well, hell has frozen over for the Wintel franchise because with Windows 10
IoT Core, Microsoft has publicly released a version of the iconic Windows software
that runs on an ARM processor that isn’t designed for a smartphone. Nope, this
software, first announced in February and publicly released on Monday, is designed
to run on Raspberry Pi 2 boards and Arduinos, the low-power computers that
hobbyists use to build and prototype connected devices. Read more
Internet of Things (IoT)
MACHINE DATA: Marketers Put Internet Of Things Data To Use–And It Works.
Marketers are leveraging the internet of things (IoT) to track and reach the cross-
everywhere consumer. In a July 2015 study by 2nd Watch, nearly six in 10 US IT and
business executives said they leveraged machine data/the IoT for digital marketing.
However, for most, it was still early days for doing so, as two-thirds of users said
they were in the beginning stages. Read more
VIDEO: Internet Of Things And Big Data, Not Big Brother. Data protection regulators
across Europe are conscious of the challenge posed by the emerging internet of
things, Ireland’s Data Protection Commissioner Helen Dixon has said. Read more
Technology News
WIFI EXPLOIT: Security Flaw Lets Attackers Cripple Your iPhone And There’s No Way
To Stop Them. Wondering how difficult it is for attackers to cripple your iPhone?
The answer isn’t going to make you happy — in a nutshell, all the have to do is
create a Wi-Fi network. That’s right, thanks to a newly detailed security flaw in iOS,
malicious hackers can send an iPhone into an endless reboot loop simply by
creating a Wi-Fi network. Read more
ADD-ONS: Disney Is Using Ultrasonic Sound-Waves To Develop Next Generation
Smartphone Accessories. Companies and researchers are always trying to find
innovative ways to expand the smartphones and tablets we use everyday, whether
it’s a new app or some kind of hardware accessory. And now, a team of researchers
from Carnegie Mellon University and Disney Research are leveraging ultrasonic
audio coming from our devices in order to develop new kinds of interactive mobile
controllers. Read more
Technology News
TECH AND PAY: How Technology Has Affected Wages for the Last 200 Years. Today’s
great paradox is that we feel the impact of technology everywhere — in our cars,
our phones, the supermarket, the doctor’s office — but not in our paychecks. Read
TECH JOBS: Why People Who Put Data Scientist On Their Linkedin Profiles Earn
More Money. As the White House’s first chief data scientist, Patil — widely credited
with coining the term “data scientist” — has become a high-profile champion of the
Obama administration’s open data efforts. The possibilities are seemingly endless
for data science, Patil explained during his speech. And a lot of that has to do with
ambiguous nature of the role. Read more
Technology News
STRATEGY: How A Jacksonville Tech Firm Doubled Its Workforce In Less Than A Year.
What do you do when you’re a Jacksonville tech company competing in the same
niche space as a Panama City tech company that’s going under? Read more
Technology Trends
A NEW PLATFORM: YouTube CEO Says The Future Is Mobile. A redesign of
YouTube’s mobile platform was one of a number of key announcements made by
Susan Wojcicki, the company’s CEO, recently. Wojcicki gave the keynote address at
VidCon in Anaheim, Calif., for the second straight year. She was greeted as a hero at
the annual online video conference, receiving numerous rounds of applause during
her talk. Read more
NO ORDINARY DISRUPTION: 12 Disruptive Tech Trends You Need To Know. People
pay plenty of money for consulting giants to help them figure out which technology
trends are fads and which will stick. You could go that route, or get the same thing
from the McKinsey Global Institute’s in-house think-tank for the cost of a new book.
Read more
Technology Trends
RESHAPING CONNECTIVITY: The Need For IoT And Social Media Mix. People and
smart sensors or the Internet of Everything. The world has changed in the last
decade more than it has changed in the last century. Nowadays connectivity is
ubiquitous, reshaping verticals, horizontals, industries, landscapes and roles. Once
again. Read more
GREEN TECHNOLOGY: Car Manufacturers Make Their Own Choices Regardless Of
Policy. Over the last few decades the automotive industry has experienced a
number of challenges including fluctuating oil prices, air quality issues and the
effects of vehicle emissions on global warming. Previous studies have emphasised
the strong role that global policy plays in influencing manufacturers to develop low
emission technologies such as vehicles powered by batteries and fuel cells. Read
Technology Trends
SAFE CITIES: New York City Asks Google Maps To Discourage Left Turns. Seventeen
pedestrians and three bicyclists were killed in the city last year by vehicles making
left-hand turns, according to WNYC data.
To help reduce the number of deaths, several NYC officials reportedly wrote Google
a letter on July 1, asking it to include an option on Google Maps that reduces the
number of left-hand turns suggested by the navigation app when driving to a
destination. Read more
WRIST READY: The Future For Wearable Growth Will Be In The Workplace.
Business, not consumers, will grow wearables sector. Wearables in the workplace
may not have the media profile enjoyed by their consumer siblings, but the market
for business-facing devices is expected to reach $8.5 billion by 2020, says a recent
report. Read more
Search Engines & Servers
OPEN SOURCE PROJECTS: Elastic Rolls Out ElasticSearch-As-A-Service. Elastic is the
commercial entity behind the Elasticsearch and Apache Lucene open source
projects. As such, its mission is to wrap commercial service around already hugely
successful open source offerings. Elastic packages up a number of discrete
technologies — Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana — to power a number of
applications. The open source stack itself has achieved more than 25 million
downloads. Read more
APACHE SPARK: Lucidworks Brings Its Open-Core Enterprise Search Engine. The
latest player to jump aboard the Apache Spark bandwagon is bound to turn some
heads in the upstream ecosystem. Lucidworks Inc. has added integration with the
speedy data crunching framework in the new version of its flagship enterprise
search engine that debuted this morning as part of an effort to catch up with the
changing requirements of CIOs embarking on analytics projects. Read more
Search Engines & Servers
APP DEVELOPERS: Which Freaking Hadoop Engine Should I Use? In 2015, Hadoop
no longer means MapReduce on HDFS. Instead, it refers to a whole ecosystem of
technologies for working with “unstructured,” semi-structured, and structured data
for complex processing at scale. Read more
MICROSOFT: Start Your (Search) Engines – Windows 10 vs. Third-Party Alternatives.
Finding files on your computer can be a bit of a hassle, since there are a lot of
criteria to include, besides the file name. The basic tool that Windows provides
used to take a bit too much to show results, especially when the index wasn’t
saved. This led to the creation of third-party alternatives. Read more
Enterprise News
USABILITY: Enterprise Software Companies Need to be Customer Centric. Many
enterprise software firms are working at improving the usability of their solutions.
Further, many enterprise software firms, have embraced the cloud. Read more
UX NEWS: 4 Consumerization Trends That Are Changing Enterprise Software as We
Know It. Enterprise software is in the midst of a revolution. In the early 2000s,
businesses were the primary users of technology, and they set the rules for how it
should be built. The result was clunky, feature-rich software that no one apart from
a few power users knew how to use. Read more
Enterprise News
GOOGLE’S SCHMIDT TO DEVS: Challenge Legacy Enterprise Software. Google
executive chairman Eric Schmidt believes there is a big opportunity for software
developers building enterprise solutions that combine mobility, ultra-fast
connectivity, and true cloud-based services. Read more
TRANSFORMATION: Connecting Architecture to Business Strategy. Enterprise
Architecture, when done well, is a business transformation practice. Transforming a
business is not about slogans, mission statements, slick PowerPoints or in-depth
strategy documents. It’s about execution and actually changing business
operations. Read more
Enterprise News
BIG DATA: Much Ado about Hyperscale Architectures. Many organizations are
looking forward to the future of hyperscale networking. Even if you are not a cloud-
scale enterprise like Amazon and Google, you can still capitalize on the ability to
manage and manipulate large data stores over a highly commoditized, distributed
architecture. Read more
IT BUDGETS: The Enterprise Technologies To Watch In 2015. It is impressive how
much the enterprise technology landscape has changed in just a year. While some
priorities remain unchanged, important new players have emerged that business
and IT leaders must consider in their plans this year. Read more
Enterprise News
C-SUITE GOALS: New Battleground In Enterprise Technology. Businesses today are
grabbling with the challenge of using new technologies and new sets of data to
improve performance, create excellent customer experiences, and empower their
staff to innovate and collaborate more fluidly, says Vishal Barapatre, CTO In2IT
Technologies South Africa. Read more
Enterprise Architecture
MODERNIZATION PROGRAM: DoD Portfolio Managers Critical of Business
Enterprise Architecture. DOD’s business enterprise architecture and process
reengineering efforts are not fully achieving the intended outcomes described in
statute, GAO has said after interviewing 24 military department portfolio managers
and interviewing other officials. Read more
MySQL ALTERNATIVE: What’s Available And What’s Missing In Amazon Aurora.
Amazon is targeting AWS customers running large database workloads to drive the
adoption of Amazon Aurora, which became generally available on July 28, 2015. At
the database’s launch in November 2014, Andy Jassy, Senior VP, AWS claimed that
Amazon Aurora was at least as available, durable, and fault tolerant as the
enterprise editions of the proprietary commercial database engines and high-end
SANs available at a 10th of the cost. Read more
Enterprise Architecture
ENTERPRISE MOBILITY: Is It A Promise Unfulfilled? Despite the ascent of mobile
devices in the workplace, fewer than 25% of companies have built or bought a
mobile app beyond PIM apps. Despite the high demand from employees to access
corporate systems from mobile endpoints, enterprises are woefully unable to
deliver the “consumer-like” user experiences their employees expect. Read more
RED HAT SURVEY: Enterprise Mobility Hiring Demand Favors Developers. Time to
update those resumes. Mobile developers looking to land a new job have chosen
their career path wisely, suggests a new study from Red Hat. As a result, half of all
companies will be hiring mobile-savvy IT workers this year — and developers have
an edge. Read more
Legacy Systems Management
BIMODAL IT: Migrating to New Technology While Maintaining Old IT. Federal
agencies hold on to IT systems like few other organizations. The research firm IDC
estimates that more than 75 percent of all federal technology spending goes
toward maintaining legacy systems, but the reasons why can be complex and
unavoidable. Read more
LESSONS FROM A PRO: What Golf Teaches Us About Evaluating Legacy Systems. A
decade ago, a 72-hole score of 10 under par could win the PGA championship.
Today, it’s a new game, where 20 under par clinches the trophy. As in golf, the right
software and information technologies – when used strategically by skilled pros –
can make a business more competitive. Read more
Legacy Systems Management
RISKY BUSINESS: Trusting Sensitive Customer Identity Data To Legacy Systems. As
the amount of data generated by always-connected consumers continues to
increase, IT departments are scrambling to deploy technologies that are able to put
said data to use. Understanding how to safely use this data with established
business systems is a major challenge. Read more
OPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS: Server-Side Flash Storage Systems Can Reduce
Latency. Before the widespread adoption of SSDs, the hard disk limited storage I/O
performance. Today, many SSDs can handle a greater number of IOPS than what the
controller can accommodate. Hence, the disk controller has become the limiting
Read more
Mobile Apps & Development
ENTERPRISE APPS: 7 Mobile App Development Best Practices. The enterprise
mobile app developer is under constant pressure. There is a growing backlog of
mobile apps to build and expectations to deliver faster than ever. Technology and
tools are evolving rapidly and making it difficult to even get started, let alone
deliver fast. Read more
DIGITAL ADS: Amazon Unveils Advertising Platform for Mobile-App Developers. Inc. unveiled a new advertising platform for mobile-applications
developers, a push by the largest Web retailer to grab a bigger piece of the
smartphone advertising market dominated by Google Inc. and Facebook Inc.
Read more
Mobile Apps & Development
STARBUCKS VERDICT: Mobile App Not Hacked, Get a Stronger Password. According
to a report from blogger Bob Sullivan, some Starbucks app-using customers have
found that nefarious folk have found a way to break into their online accounts.
Once inside, they add new gift cards and transfer funds from a person’s bank, taking
advantage of Starbucks’ auto-reloading feature to basically siphon hundreds of
dollars from a person. Read more
MOBILE APPS: Codeless Development Is One Solution To Rising Costs, Delays In
Enterprise App Deployment. The demand for mobile apps in the enterprise has
surged, but companies have trouble keeping up with demand due to a lack of
skilled in-house mobile programmers, as well as app development costs and delays.
Read more
Mobile Apps & Development
HYBRID VS. NATIVE: Understanding The Hybrid Technology Of Mobile Application
Development. We all are aware of the term hybrid. It’s mixture two or more. In
mobile application development, hybrid means the same. An application based on
hybrid technology is the blend two technologies known as web development and
native mobile application development. Read more
GROWTH AND CHANGE: Trends Emerge In The World Of App Development. The
app development world is always growing and changing. As more people turn to
apps on their mobile devices, it’s only natural that app development should grow
and change with the times, too. Read more
Mobile Apps & Development
LATEST GENERATION: The New Era Of App Development – Mobile Vs. Legacy.
Mobile applications have come a long way. Just 15 years ago you were lucky to have
the game Snake installed on your phone – today, mobile apps have become so
integral to both working and daily lives that it’s hard to believe people were happy
with such limited options. Read more
BUSINESS SPIN-OFF: PayPal’s New Chief Promises New Services for a Mobile World.
As PayPal prepares to split from its corporate parent, its new chief executive is
promising to expand the popular online payment system, adding a variety of
services for consumers to use when shopping on their phones or in traditional
stores. Read more
Mobile Apps & Development
TECH REPORT: Next Version Of Android Will Let You Log Into Apps With A
Fingerprint. Say goodbye to remembering long passwords. The next version of
Android — tentatively called Android M — will reportedly include “native
fingerprint authentication,” according to a report from BuzzFeed. Read more
From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog
Three-Dimensional Governance for the CIO
7 Reasons to Take Control of IT Incidents
Breach Mitigation Response Time Too Long, Survey Says
Six Tactics for Cyberdefense
From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog
Feds Report Mixed Responses to Shared Services
Federal Employees Are Not Security Experts
Survival Guide for Network Administrators
DBaaS: OpenStack Trove Changes DB Management
From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog
Help Wanted: Certified Cybersecurity Professionals
Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center Preview
Cloud Moves in 1-2-3
Change Management for Disaster Recovery
From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog
Jeffersonian Advice For C-Suite Career Advancement
Ways To Survive The “Mobile-Pocalypse”
Microsoft Cloud Services Receive FedRAMP Authority to Operate
Hiring Pentesters? Here Are 10 Things You Need to Know
From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog
Home Router Malware Alert
Threat Model Deconstruction
Business Email Scam Nets $214 Million
How to Prevent Unauthorized Software from Taking Over Your Organization
From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog
Digital Marketing Predictions for 2015
SDN: Network Administrator’s Friend or Foe?
Mobile Payments: A Must for Federal Agencies
Soft Skills Are A Must-Have For Careers In IT
From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog
Security Risks Most Prevalent in Younger Workers
The Security World’s Maturation
Data Breach Concerns Keep CISOs Up At Night
Personalized Govt Equals Instant Gratification for Citizens
From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog
People-Centric Security
Pentagon Tries BYOD To Strike Work/Life Balance
Open Source Model Considered for MS Windows
Open Internet: To Be or Not to Be?
Tech Update Summary from Blue Mountain Data Systems September 2015
Tech Update Summary from Blue Mountain Data Systems September 2015
Tech Update Summary from Blue Mountain Data Systems September 2015
Tech Update Summary from Blue Mountain Data Systems September 2015
Tech Update Summary from Blue Mountain Data Systems September 2015
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Tech Update Summary from Blue Mountain Data Systems September 2015

  • 2.
  • 3. For CTOs, CIOs & CISOs Visit Blue Mountain Data Systems
  • 4. For CTOs, CIOs & CISOs Every business day, we publish a Daily Tech Update for Federal & State CTOs ,CIOs & CISOs on the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog. We hope you will visit our blog for the latest information. You can also receive these updates via email. Click here to subscribe. Here’s the summary of the Daily Tech Updates for September 2015. Hope the information and ideas prove useful. Best, Paul Vesely President and Principal Architect Blue Mountain Data Systems Inc.
  • 5. Digital Government SOCIAL MEDIA: Top Takeaways From Some Of The Best Fed Facebook Pages. Federal agency and department presence on social media varies widely–some have multiple accounts on various platforms while others have just a page or two that is updated infrequently. GovLoop’s Heather Kerrigan wanted to find out what makes some sites more useful than others, so she set out to look at as many federal social media pages as she could to make a determination about which are doing well and which could use a little help. Read more [GOVLOOP.COM] SURVEY RESULTS: Customer Experience Is Winning (And Losing) In Government. In the past year, the Obama administration has increasingly pushed for better customer experience between federal agencies and their stakeholders, without a single plan to accomplish this massive goal. And make no mistake, improving federal customer experience is an utterly massive undertaking. Read more [NEXTGOV.COM]
  • 6. Digital Government LESSONS LEARNED: US Digital Service Founder Warns Against Big IT After Bracken’s Exit. Within a year of setting up the Government Digital Service in the UK, Mike Bracken’s vision was already getting people talking in the United States. This is largely the result of a visit from Jennifer Pahlka, whom we now know as the founder and director of Code for America — an organisation that uses open source technologies to help bridge the gap between the private and public sector — but who is also one of the founders of the US government’s Digital Service. Read more [DIGINOMICA.COM] DIGITAL SERVICE: UK Eyes New Digital Platform For Govt Licensing Programs. A British digital service agency has said it is examining the feasibility of using “government as a platform” to help businesses and individuals acquire permits or licenses. Read more [EXECUTIVEGOV.COM]
  • 7. Application Development APP DEVELOPMENT: Did You Know About the Node.js Tools for Visual Studio? Node.js Tools for Visual Studio, or just NTVS, was launched in March 2014 with an initial Alpha version, being greeted at the time of its launch with high praises from both the Microsoft and Node.js communities. Read more [SOFTPEDIA.COM] PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATIONS: Edge Performs Better than Chrome and Firefox. As detailed in A Developer’s View on Microsoft Edge, the Redmond browser maker has changed their attitude towards web technologies, web standards and compliance with other browsers. Not only they discarded some old IE components and decided to implement HTML, JavaScript and CSS standards to the letter with the new rendering engine, but they started to address an issue that was long due: performance. Read more [INFOQ.COM]
  • 8. Application Development SECTION 508: Making Online and e-Learning Accessible to All. American teens spend an average of seven hours a day connected to their electronic devices (computers, phones, etc.). So it you want to get into the hearts and minds of young people today, you have to where they are: online. That’s why websites, emails and e-learning tools need to be accessible to all, including people with hearing and vision impairments who use screen readers or who need captions on videos or other assistive technologies. Read more [HUFFINGTONPOST.COM] LOSING STEAM: Don’t Drop Everything To Learn Ruby On Rails. Using U.S. job listing data collected by Burning Glass and the Brookings Institution, Quartz found that the most valuable programming skill to have today is Ruby on Rails (AKA Rails or RoR) experience, with an average salary of $109,460. However, before you run out and buy Ruby on Rails for Dummies, you might want to consider some other data which indicate that Rails (and Ruby) usage is not trending upwards. Read more [ITWORLD.COM]
  • 9. Application Development APPLE NEWS: What Open-Sourcing Swift 2 Means For App Makers. Apple dropped a bomb at the recent Worldwide Developers Conference—and it’s a doozy. Among other things, the company is open-sourcing the second version of its programming language. In other words, the company will make Swift’s source code freely available, which means others may be able to redistribute it and even modify it. Read more [READWRITE.COM] OPEN SOURCE: Docker Certification Program Eyes Long-Term Partnerships. ETP status is being granted to companies that have worked with Docker to demonstrate integration with Docker containers. The first group of businesses to achieve ETP status are companies that have integrated their monitoring tools with the Docker Platform via its application programming interfaces (APIs). Read more [ZDNET.COM]
  • 10. Application Development MOBILE APP LANDSCAPE 2015: Who Will Be The Winners? As we watch the enterprise mobile app landscape develop, we have begun to formulate a thesis on the evolving ecosystem of SDKs (software development kits), APIs and development platforms that mobile entrepreneurs are utilizing to accelerate the development, marketing and monetization of their mobile apps. Collectively, we are referring to these companies as the mobile app enablers, and we are starting to see some early trends. Read more [TECHCRUNCH.COM] CALLING IT QUITS: Uh-Oh! Facebook, Inc. Just “Unfriended” Microsoft, Inc. It was the end of 2013 when Microsoft announced the good news: In cooperation with Facebook, its Windows applications and Windows Phone OS officially supported the wildly popular social media king. As the partnership matured, Microsoft expanded its integration and began referring to it as “Facebook Connect.” Read more [FOOL.COM]
  • 11. Application Development INFORMATION SHARING: NASA Launches API Portal To Explore Vast Amounts Of Agency Data. NASA launched a vehicle of a different kind recently — one that encourages developers to explore the space agency’s database and begin using or contributing application programming interfaces. Read more [FIERCEGOVERNMENTIT.COM] STRATEGY: No Mobile App Developers? Turn To Low-Code Tools. With so many enterprises looking to adopt mobile apps, it’s getting harder to find qualified developers, but the vendor market is adjusting to provide IT with tools to simplify mobile app dev. Read more [TECHTARGET.COM]
  • 12. Application Development PROS AND CONS: 5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Build A Custom App. People have become accustomed to having everything they need immediately at their fingertips. This may seem unreasonable, but today if you cannot give your clients instant gratification it reflects poorly on your business and competency. As a result, many operations are turning to software applications to keep up. Read more [BUSINESS2COMMUNITY.COM] NEW DEV TOOLS: How Containers Change Everything. Modern application development owes much to the growth of the devops movement and the automation tools it has delivered. Instead of just writing code, developers now need to think in terms the tools they’re using — and how they fit together in a flow from initial idea to a live application. Read more [INFOWORLD.COM]
  • 13. Application Development THINK MOBILE: Users Won’t Tolerate Sub-Quality Enterprise Apps. There is certainly no shortage of enterprise software, but there is a shortage of enterprise software that is actually used by employees. Why? Read more [DEVELOPER-TECH.COM]
  • 14. Web 2.0 WEB 2.0 (AND BEYOND): Developing the Next Generation of Connectivity. It was sometime in 1998 that most people suddenly became familiar with the Internet. In 1997, people called it “that Web thing,” and they would confuse email addresses and URLs — generally no one paid the whole affair too much mind. The transition that people talk about today — between spending hours trying to remember some fact to just looking it up online — happened in less than a year. Read more [GOVTECH.COM] VALUE OF DATA: Crunching Big Data and Analytics from Web 2.0. The use of data and its analyses are becoming ubiquitous practices. As a result, there has been a dramatic surge in the use of business intelligence and analytics. These developments have inevitably led to endless opportunities for marketers to leverage themselves and gain a competitive advantage by untangling big data. Read more [BUSINESS2COMMUNITY.COM]
  • 15. Web 2.0 311 SERVICES: Why Can’t Our Cities Be More Like Video Games? Cities are real- world grids: you can see that instantly on a Google map. But it’s not so easy to see the city as a civic entity. The stuff that counts — the interaction between people and city services — is hidden in plain view, invisible to almost everyone. That may be about to change. The opportunity: make it possible for cities to show their work and engage with citizens in a meaningful way, using the existing idea of 311. Read more [MEDIUM.COM] TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT: The FCC Wants To Know How Mobile Data, Broadband Caps, And High Prices Shape Broadband Access. In the two decades since 1996, there has been an extraordinary amount of change in the tech and telecom space. The first web gave way to Web 2.0 and now, depending who you ask, to web 3.0 or a post-web era entirely. Broadband access that in the late 1990s meant “a modem that can do 33.6K or better and maybe AOL and EarthLink numbers to dial in town” is now something else altogether. Read more [CONSUMERIST.COM]
  • 16. For the CTO, CIO & CISO RECRUITMENT: State IT Workforce – Facing Reality with Innovation. A major concern for state CIOs continues to be the significant number of state IT employees who are eligible for retirement or have been eligible, but have postponed retirement due to the economic downturn. In spite of this, there is evidence that the economy is recovering and some states are experiencing record numbers of retirement. This report outlines the current data on the state IT workforce and focuses on innovation, best practices and recommendations. Read more [NASCIO.COM] BIG NEWS: Chief Data Officers Make Gradual Gains. Roughly 60 percent of chief information officers hope to hire CDOs within the next 12 months to help their organizations gather, manage, protect, optimize and monetize data, according to Experian. The early movers include big manufacturing companies; media and advertising companies; government agencies; and financial services firms. Read more [INFORMATION-MANAGEMENT.COM]
  • 17. For the CTO, CIO & CISO OPINION: Cybersecurity Job Market To Suffer Severe Workforce Shortage. An analysis of the cybersecurity job market looking back at 2014, the first half of 2015, and projecting out to 2019, reveals some interesting figures. For instance, the top paying cybersecurity job is a security software engineer with an average annual salary of $233,333, according to a recent report from the job board Dice. Read more [CSOONLINE.COM] EXPERT TIPS: Transform Difficult Stakeholders Into Project Partners. Business projects almost always create change, which can also bring about significant disruption, stress and fear. That anxiety can translate into difficult project stakeholders – not to mention at-risk projects and unmet goals. Knowing how to turn these problematic partners into committed collaborators is essential skill all project managers should master. Read more [CIO.COM]
  • 18. For the CTO, CIO & CISO BIG DATA: Top Four Challenges Frustrating the C-Suite. The big data market is on track to reach more than $46 billion by 2018. It’s no surprise; the term is used across industries and verticals alike with every provider offering their own take on how companies can leverage this stream of constantly generated information and get ahead of the curve. What many don’t talk about, however, are the big challenges that come with big data. Read more [INSIDEBIGDATA.COM] TOP ISSUE: CIO Role Is Crucial To Federal Data Governance. As data piles up across the federal government, insiders agree that it falls to the CIO to manage competing interests and ensure that data becomes an asset that serves the mission objectives. Read more [CIO.COM]
  • 19. For the CTO, CIO & CISO EXPERIAN STUDY: The Chief Data Officer Is Becoming a Staple of the C-Suite. Many CIOs are failing to live up to their responsibility for managing data and realizing its true value for their companies, according to a newly released Experian Data Quality report. The study, The Chief Data Officer: Bridging the gap between data and decision-making, finds that too many organizations are failing to use data intelligence effectively, so they’re missing out on potential revenue and customer experience benefits, as well as putting themselves at regulatory risk. Read more [DMNEWS.COM] ACCOUNTABILITY: CISOs Caught In A Catch-22. Nearly half of US CEOs and other C-level executives at US enterprises say CISOs should be held responsible when a data breach occurs, yet just 38% say CISOs should head up security strategy and purchasing decisions in their organizations. So a CISO can be a scapegoat even without the full authority to direct his or her company’s security. Read more [DARKREADING.COM]
  • 20. For the CTO, CIO & CISO HIRING/RECRUITMENT: How To Use Culture Interviews To Build A Better Team. Determining how well a job candidate will mesh with an existing team’s culture is one of the great challenges businesses face when recruiting and hiring talent. Some organizations, like Pinterest and customer experience software provider SPLICE software, address the issue by performing “culture interviews” to ensure their hires’ strengths and attributes will positively impact team dynamics. Read more [CIO.COM] NEW CIO CHALLENGE: Implementing The Digital EnterpriseAs CIOs architect the digital enterprise, it’s critical that they prioritise effective management and control across the whole organisation. Digital transformation will be short lived if everyone in the organisation does not feel the benefits from the performance, integrity, efficiency and agility which digital services can offer. This can only be achieved if CIOs work with, rather than against business stakeholders. Read more [ITPORTAL.COM]
  • 21. For the CTO, CIO & CISO SECURITY LEADERSHIP ADVICE: Hack Yourself First (Before The Bad Guys Do). If you can’t think like a hacker, it’s difficult to defend against them. Such is the premise of this free, nine-part online course, presented by Computerworld and training company Pluralsight, about how to go on the cyber-offensive by using some of the same techniques and tools the bad guys do. Read more [CSOONLINE.COM] RESEARCH STUDY RESULTS: How Many CIOs Actually Want Chief Data Officers? The value of data has increased dramatically among the business community, bringing about the rise of the chief data officer (CDO), according to a new study by Experian Data Quality, a provider of software and services. The research study, which interviewed more than 250 CIOs and CDOs from large organizations, found that data is a critical asset that has been largely untapped. Read more [INFORMATION-MANAGEMENT.COM]
  • 22. For the CTO, CIO & CISO CISO IN THE WILD: Stepping out of the C-Suite to Take on Server Compliance. The CISOs of the world, particularly those in large organizations, often sit high above the daily operational fray of systems management. They stay out of the wild, so to speak, of technical administration and compliance activities. Their days are frequently consumed with reacting to various issues and the management of policies, projects and personnel. Read more [SECURITYINTELLIGENCE.COM] STATE CIO ADVICE: Building Successful Relationships With IT Partners. Given today’s fiscal environment, states are turning to their IT partners to provide cost- effective delivery of citizen services. This brief focuses on the best strategies for IT partners to engage with state CIOs while building successful business relationships. Read more []
  • 23. For the CTO, CIO & CISO CLOUD-ENABLED SAAS: SEC CIO Leads Efforts To Move Agency To The Cloud. Pamela Dyson is shepherding a determined, if incremental, effort to move her agency’s applications to the cloud. Dyson was named the CIO at the Securities and Exchange Commission in February, after having joined the agency in 2010, when she joined an ambitious initiative to modernize and improve efficiencies in the SEC’s IT infrastructure. Read more [CIO.COM] SECURITY AWARENESS: 5 Reasons Why Newer Hires Are The Company’s Biggest Data Security Risk. A study on U.S. mobile security by Absolute Software shows that Millennials – many of whom are now joining the workforce — hold the greatest risk to data security over other age groups. Shorter-tenure and younger respondents tend to have lower expectations of their own responsibility for corporate security, according to the study of 762 U.S. workers who use employer-issued mobile devices, including laptops, smartphones and tablets. Read more [CSOONLINE.COM]
  • 24. Agile Operations GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT: Top Feds Talk Agile. Federal CIO Tony Scott noted that agile is not a “jump in the pool, learn how to swim” situation, especially for government veterans unused to continuous delivery, rapid sprints and constant change. Read more [FCW.COM] AGILE METHODOLOGY: The World’s Most Popular Innovation Engine. “Innovation,” says Curtis Carlson, former president of Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and author of the classic book, Innovation, “is the primary driver of prosperity, job growth, social responsibility, environmental sustainability and national security.” And yet today, across the economy as a whole, by almost every measure, innovative performance is poor. Read more [FORBES.COM]
  • 25. Agile Operations PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Adopting An Agile Mind-Set Versus Implementing It As Just Another Process. It’s fair to say that Scrum is the best known and widest-used framework of the Agile methodologies around the world. It’s the main source of thinking behind the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto, which forms a common basis for all of these approaches. Read more [ITWEB.CO.ZA] SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT: How Workload Automation Can Bring DevOps Up To Speed. One of the most buzzed about software development methods today is DevOps, which concentrates on an agile, rapid release cycle by acting at the intersection of developers and operations staff. Research from Gartner estimates that the DevOps methodology will grow in popularity, such that 25% of Global 2000 organisations will employ DevOps by 2016. Read more [INFORMATION-AGE.COM]
  • 26. BYOD USAGE POLICIES: How Can IT Managers Prevent Negative BYOD Network Impact? To ensure that BYOD is a benefit to your business, IT must treat end users as partners in how the network is used, rather than bandwidth consumers who need to be managed. The legacy model of command-and-control IT is out of step with today’s technology. Read more [TECHTARGET.COM] POSITIVE RESULTS: How To Remove The Dangers Of BYOD With Private Cloud. Today our working lives are almost 24/7 and often we’re working away from the office. To stay connected we use our mobile phones for email and business, even on holiday. So, it’s not surprising then, that Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is on the rise in the enterprise. Read more [INFORMATION-AGE.COM]
  • 27. BYOD LEGAL ADVICE: How To Craft An Effective BYOD Policy. A BYOD program can provide several benefits. Employees, who often develop preferences toward particular devices or brands, can use whatever devices they prefer. Instead of having to acclimate to company-issued devices, employees can use devices with which they are already familiar. Read more [LAW360.COM] MOBILE SECURITY: Users Worry Employers Can’t Keep Private Data SafeWorkplace smartphone and tablet users worry a lot about their personal information remaining private from their employers — and only a relatively slim majority trusts their employer to keep that data safe, according to a Harris Poll survey. Read more [NETWORKWORLD.COM]
  • 28. Virtual Desktop NEW TECHNOLOGY: IT Managers Say Desktop VDI’s Time Has Finally Arrived. While the advantages of desktop virtualization, like increased security and easier support, have been known for years, many IT departments have been reluctant to adopt the technology, mainly due to concerns about cost and performance. Read more [WINDOWSITPRO.COM] THE INFRASTRUGGLE: Whatever Happened to the VDI Revolution? Storage revolution is once again in the air — at least in the branding of a lot of annual IT conferences this fall. Both VMware and Microsoft have been crowing about improvements in their virtualization products that will enable the revolution in “virtual desktops” that has been promised, but never delivered, over the past decade or so. Read more [VIRTUALIZATIONREVIEW.COM]
  • 29. Virtual Desktop WEBCAST: Army IT Agency Says Virtualization Will Cut IT Costs In Half. Converting the Army’s Pentagon-based headquarters from a traditional desktop environment to a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is expected to slash total operating costs for those computers by about 50 percent. Read more [C4ISRNET.COM] HYBRID FLASH OPTIONS: When Is Some Flash Not Enough? When it comes to choosing between hybrid flash and all-flash storage, the question is increasingly not how much flash is enough, but whether you still need any disk at all. Read more [I-PROGRAMMER.COM]
  • 30. Virtualization REVENUE SOURCE: In Chicago, Tax Dollars Rain Down from the Cloud. When most IT managers look at virtualization, they see increased administrative efficiencies, lower capital costs and the like. But as city fathers begin looking at virtualization, they may start to see something else entirely: A new revenue stream. Read more [WINDOWSITPRO.COM] VIRTUAL SPOTLIGHT: Google’s Preemptible Offers Virtual Machine-for-Hire Service on the Cheap. With virtual machines, as in life, you get what you pay for. So if a service provider is offering very cheap virtualized servers in the public cloud, it’s a pretty sure bet that they won’t be reliable ones. But sometimes cheap is just what you are looking for, and reliability be damned. Read more [SERVERWATCH.COM]
  • 31. Virtualization GARTNER NEWS: VMware, Microsoft Stay On Top In Latest Virtualization Quadrant. As things stand, VMware retains its commanding lead, while Microsoft is the only other company to squeeze into the “Leaders” quadrant. VMware stays out in front even without the help of vSphere 6.0, which was not considered in this year’s quadrant due to its late release. Gartner says vSphere 6.0 was released after the cutoff date for its analysis, but it should be noted that Microsoft didn’t release any new products either, with Windows Server 2012 r2 still its main offering. Read more [SILICONANGLE.COM] DISASTER RECOVERY: Not Dead Yet. One doesn’t need to look very far to find hypervisor vendor marketing materials, analyst opinions and even a few trade press articles declaring the death of disaster recovery planning. Most are following a line of reasoning from the server virtualization evangelists to make the case that building server hosts with high availability (HA) in mind — using active-passive failover clustering models, for example… Read more [VIRTUALIZATIONREVIEW.COM]
  • 32. Application Development GARTNER FINDINGS: Hadoop Adoption Remains Steady, But Slow. Is your company planning to invest in Hadoop in the next two years? Well, 54% of Gartner Research Circle members said no. That also means 46% said yes, but that little inversion is turning into a terabyte of commentary, full of sound and fury, signifying business as usual. Read more [INFORMATIONWEEK.COM] AGILE DEVELOPMENT: Reversibility, Communication and Collaboration. At the inaugural O’Reilly Software Architecture conference, Molly Dishman and Martin Fowler discussed the role of architecture within agile software development. Key takeaways included; architects must remain ‘hands on’; architecture should focus on reducing irreversibility; adaptable documentation is essential in order to ensure clear communication of the architecture… Read more [INFOQ.COM]
  • 33. Programming & Scripting Development Client & Server-Side APP DEVELOPMENT: Once-Declining Java Cements Its Lead In Language Popularity Index. Once-faltering Java is beginning to run away with the Tiobe language popularity index, with the language getting a shot in the arm from last year’s Java 8 release. Previously mired in second place behind the C language for more than a year, Java resumed the top spot in the Tiobe index in April and continues to put distance between itself and C. Read more [INFOWORLD.COM] SOFTWARE: The 2015 Top Ten Programming Languages. What are the most popular programming languages? The only honest answer: It depends. Are you trying to land a job at a hot mobile app startup, model electricity flows across a continent, or create an electronic art project? Languages are tools, and what’s a “must have” in one domain can be a “whatever” in another. Read more [SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG]
  • 34. Programming & Scripting Development Client & Server-Side REPORT FINDINGS: Coverity Claims Open-Source Is “Significantly” More Vulnerable. The latest Coverity scan open-source report (PDF) claims that static analysis defect density scans reveal how open-source software has outpaced proprietary software in terms of quality through 2013 and 2014. In addition, the 2014 report also did a comparison of security compliance standards like the Open Web Application Security Project (Owasp) top 10 and the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) 25 most dangerous errors, finding that proprietary code is more compliant with such standards than open-source. Read more [SILICONANGLE.COM] JAVASCRIPT AND AWS: Benefits Of Developing With Node.js. JavaScript’s Node.js has become popular with cloud-based programmers because it allows them to write one language for both server-side and client-side applications. JavaScript’s asynchronous nature and different patterns for handling event-driven and responsive programs makes it easy to get hooked into this new language. Read more [TECHTARGET.COM]
  • 35. Programming & Scripting Development Client & Server-Side RESPONSIVE APPLICATIONS: Learning SynchronizationContext, Async, And Await. Asynchronous programming is a form of parallel programming that enables you to execute tasks separate from the main application thread and then notifies the thread when its execution is over. Asynchrony helps you to execute tasks sans the need of holding up the execution flow or responsiveness of your application. Read more [NEXTGOV.COM] WEB PROJECTS: ng-admin Can Add an AngularJS Admin Interface to Any RESTful API. Since almost every client wants a backend for their applications, an admin panel from where they can view and control their data, developers need to either craft one on their own or deploy an open-source or commercial solution written for that peculiar programming language. Read more [SOFTPEDIA.COM]
  • 36. Programming & Scripting Development Client & Server-Side SLIDESHOW: 5 Legacy Technologies Still In High Demand Today. f it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, as the saying goes. While technology continues to evolve and new languages and technologies like Ruby, Hadoop and cloud containers dominate headlines, proven legacy solutions continue to work quietly behind the scenes, powering much of the digital world. Here are five legacy technologies and skills we still rely on in 2015. Read more [CIO.COM] APP DEVELOPMENT: Building The Next WhatsApp? An Idea And Two People Is All You Need. Foofys said it takes at least five people to work on an app full time — the user interface/user experience person, an Android developer, a tester, a coder (who works on Ruby on Rails, Java and related technologies) and a project manager (in case of services firms). There is no step-by-step approach or a hand- over phenomenon. Read more [ECONOMICTIMES.COM]
  • 37. Programming & Scripting Development Client & Server-Side DEVELOPERS: Rating Programming Languages – Swift is Hot, Dart is Not. Apple’s Swift programming language is enjoying a meteoric rise in popularity and gaining new followers at an unprecedented rate, according to a recent study. Read more [CIO.COM] JAVASCRIPT: The JavaScript Encyclopedia Work In Progress. Douglas Crockford has been working single-handed on a mammoth task to document JavaScript. Now he has allowed his unfinished project to go live as a work in progress that others can contribute to. Read more [I-PROGRAMMER.INFO]
  • 38. Programming & Scripting Development Client & Server-Side JAVA: Web Page Scraping with Jsoup. A lot of sites make their content available via APIs, RSS feeds, or other forms of structured data. For those that don’t there’s Web Scraping. It’s a technique whereby you extract data from website content. Read more [HTMLGOODIES.COM] MERGE: jQuery And Dojo Foundations To Merge . This is a story that is difficult to fathom and it raises far more questions than it answers. The jQuery and Dojo foundations are indeed merging, but what exactly this means is a puzzle. Read more [I-PROGRAMMER.INFO]
  • 39. Cloud Computing DEVELOPERS’ NEW ROLE: Hold The Enterprise’s Hand With Cloud Computing. Ultimately, decisions around cloud application or platform development and adoption are driven by the business. But the people bringing cloud in and enlightening their enterprises are the “developer visionaries” who understand the implications it brings to businesses, as well as keeping the whole thing from becoming a tangled, hairy and expensive mess. Read more [ZDNET.COM] CLOUD WORLD FORUM: Five Ways To Make Cloud Success A Reality For Your Business. Everyone is looking for that silver bullet which makes their cloud implementations a success. It’s little wonder that events such as Cloud World Forum and Cloud Expo are at the forefront of executives’ minds. Read more [CLOUDCOMPUTING-NEWS.NET]
  • 40. Cloud Computing WHITEPAPER: Buyer’s Guide – Enterprise Platform as a Service (PaaS). With an array of options from public IaaS to private PaaS, organizations often find it difficult to discern where different cloud technologies fit. This document provides guidance on using private PaaS in an enterprise and will introduce key concepts, business values, and preparations necessary for acquiring and implementing an enterprise Platform as a Service tier. Read more [CIO.COM] ENTERPRISE MANAGERS: Oracle Offers Software To Ease Hybrid Cloud Management. Oracle wants to make it easy for its enterprise customers to move some of their software-based workloads from the vendor to the cloud. To the Oracle Cloud, that is. Read more [COMPUTERWORLD.COM]
  • 41. Mobile Technology REVENUE PREDICTIONS: 84% Of Execs Say They Will Meet Or Beat Targets With Mobile Technology. The KPMG Technology Industry Outlook Survey, A Tale of Two Disruptions: Tech Innovation and Cybersecurity brought forth this prediction. KPMG completed surveys with 111 tech industry leaders in the United States during March & April, 2015. Respondents are from a mix of public and private companies, ranging in size from $100M to more than $1B. Read more [FORBES.COM] GOOGLE PROJECT FI: Little Things Mean Big Changes In Mobile Services; For The Better. Lost in the alphabet soup that is Google’s new holding company is one of its many experiments in changing the business rules for network services while nudging the technology in a direction that ultimately benefits consumers. No, not Fiber, although it’s a fantastic broadband disruptor for those that can get it, but Project Fi, Google’s mobile service. Read more [FORBES.COM]
  • 42. Mobile Technology GOOD TECH STRATEGY: Enterprises Adopt Various Mobile Apps for Secure Data Access. A new report by Good Technology says 67 percent of enterprises are increasing the usage of different mobile applications to secure corporate data. GT’s Mobility Index Report has found that custom apps, secure browser, document access, instant messaging and document editing are the top app categories among corporate organizations. Read more [EXECUTIVEBIZ.COM] MOBILE SECURITY STRATEGY: Look Beyond the Device. When we think of mobile security, the first thought that pops into our heads is securing the device and the content on the device. While this approach has worked well for many companies in the mobile security space, it covers only 20 percent of the threat. To understand why we need to look beyond just securing the device, we must understand how a mobile device gets compromised. Read more [SECURITYINTELLIGENCE.COM]
  • 43. Mobile Technology ***OOD TECH STRATEGY: Enterprises Adopt Various Mobile Apps for Secure Data Access. A new report by Good Technology says 67 percent of enterprises are increasing the usage of different mobile applications to secure corporate data. GT’s Mobility Index Report has found that custom apps, secure browser, document access, instant messaging and document editing are the top app categories among corporate organizations. Read more [EXECUTIVEBIZ.COM] MOBILE SECURITY STRATEGY: Look Beyond the Device. When we think of mobile security, the first thought that pops into our heads is securing the device and the content on the device. While this approach has worked well for many companies in the mobile security space, it covers only 20 percent of the threat. To understand why we need to look beyond just securing the device, we must understand how a mobile device gets compromised. Read more [SECURITYINTELLIGENCE.COM]
  • 44. Enterprise Security NETWORK-CENTRIC STRATEGY: Enterprise Data Security Best Practices Mean IT Teamwork. Security administrators often implement specific, individual data security measures in an effort to protect the enterprise’s network. Some of these measures are network-centric concepts such as intrusion detection system (IDS) rules, firewall rules, or virtual local area network configurations. Read more [TECHTARGET.COM] BLACK HAT SURVEY: Poor Priorities, Lack Of Resources Put Enterprises At Risk. IT security professionals are becoming increasingly frustrated because the priorities of the business frequently leave the security department short of the time and resources it needs to fight the most critical threats, according to a new study released today. Read more [DARKREADING.COM]
  • 45. Enterprise Security SLIDESHOW: Eight Key Facts About Email Security in the Enterprise. It comes as no surprise that, in today’s business environment, protecting a company from security threats is a top issue facing IT departments. Managing the complexity of security remains a key challenge facing businesses. A common way attackers are able to penetrate a network is through employee email, which can be a major pain point for organizations. Read more [EWEEK.COM] UNLIKELY PARTNERSHIP: Google And Blackberry Team On Android For The Enterprise. When it comes to unexpected partnerships, a BlackBerry-Android mashup is surely at the top of the list. But Google and BlackBerry have announced they will be joining forces to create a version of the Android system designed for enterprise applications. Read more [TOPTECHNEWS.COM]
  • 46. Business Intelligence INTERACTIVE CONTENT: How It Can Cut Your Bounce Rate In Half. If you only look at the overall amount of traffic visiting your site, you can easily be misled into thinking that your site is super popular and that everyone loves it. In reality, people might like the idea of your site but be less than impressed once they actually visit. Read more [IT.TOOLBOX.COM] HOW-TO: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Data Quality and Business Intelligence. Today’s marketers are becoming technically savvier. They understand the need to improve customer experiences or implement digital marketing strategies to engage consumers across channels. Customer retention and acquisition, Big Data, social media marketing, and content marketing are just a few of the goals and strategies in today’s marketing toolbox. Read more [SMARTDATACOLLECTIVE.COM]
  • 47. Business Intelligence ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE: Microsoft’s Business Intelligence Service Gets a Power Boost. An updated version of Microsoft’s Power BI service was released in July. The goal of the updated service is to enable business users to benefit from business intelligence Relevant Products/Services and analytics without requiring sophisticated help from analysts, data Relevant Products/Services scientists, or other tech staff. Read more [CIO-TODAY.COM] DATA INSIGHTS: 2 Ways To Expand Business Intelligence To The Outside World. Most organizations have implemented some type of business intelligence: data collection and aggregation, reporting, dashboards, analytics, etc. These projects have reached various states of maturity as far as the type of outcome and insight they provide, but most share one commonality: they primarily deal with information and serve consumers inside the four (virtual) walls of the enterprise. Read more [INFOWORLD.COM]
  • 48. Business Intelligence ***NTERPRISE SOFTWARE: Microsoft’s Business Intelligence Service Gets a Power Boost. An updated version of Microsoft’s Power BI service was released in July. The goal of the updated service is to enable business users to benefit from business intelligence Relevant Products/Services and analytics without requiring sophisticated help from analysts, data Relevant Products/Services scientists, or other tech staff. Read more [CIO-TODAY.COM] DATA INSIGHTS: 2 Ways To Expand Business Intelligence To The Outside World. Most organizations have implemented some type of business intelligence: data collection and aggregation, reporting, dashboards, analytics, etc. These projects have reached various states of maturity as far as the type of outcome and insight they provide, but most share one commonality: they primarily deal with information and serve consumers inside the four (virtual) walls of the enterprise. Read more [INFOWORLD.COM]
  • 49. Federal Agencies EXEC TECH: Are Agencies Really Ready For The Internet Of Things? Cisco Systems predicts the IoT will generate $4.6 trillion for the public sector before 2025, in value added and costs saved. And although the General Services Administration has not yet come close to those sorts of returns, the agency — which manages nearly 10,000 government-owned buildings around the country — has pioneered IoT building management with its GSALink initiative. Read more [FCW.COM] GOVERNMENT IT INVESTMENT: The Circle Of Life For DOD IT. When it comes to providing full lifecycle support for Defense Department software systems, we’ve found that the key to maximizing the government’s IT investment is a holistic approach that emphasizes clarity and customer engagement. Read more [GCN.COM]
  • 50. Federal Agencies TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM: This DHS Computer System Will Cost $2 Billion More Than Healthcare.Gov. Federal auditors are blasting a decade-in-the- making government computer system that was supposed to simplify the immigration application process and improve national security. The so-called “Transformation Program” the Department of Homeland Security conceived in 2005 should have transformed paper-based transactions into online forms years ago. Read more [NEXTGOV.COM] COMMENTARY: 3 Keys To Building A Federal DevOps Culture. DevOps is certainly not new, but it is becoming more important every day. This is especially true in federal IT. The private sector has embraced DevOps, and it has changed the way businesses operate. Read more [FCW.COM]
  • 51. Federal Agencies DIGITAL DEMOCRACY PROJECT: Governments Could Pay High Price For Lagging On Tech. To hear the 2015 California Technology Forum’s keynote speaker tell it, government is straddling the divide between potential successes and missed opportunities when it comes to technology. Sam Blakeslee, who heads up the Institute for Advanced Technology and Public Policy at California Polytechnic State University, addressed government and technology industry officials at a recent forum and spoke to the challenges and opportunities presented through advancing technology. Read more [GOVTECH.COM]
  • 52. Federal Agencies SECURING GOVERNMENT: Lessons From The Cyber Frontlines [DOWNLOAD]. Nearly every state experienced a government network breach during 2014, while simultaneously managing disruptions in commerce caused by hacks of companies such as Home Depot, Staples, and Target. Even localities were not exempt — Rapid City, N.D., and Napa, Calif., are just two cities whose websites were hacked. Read more [GOVLOOP.COM] STRONG AUTHENTICATION: OMB Cites Progress With Hardware-Based Verification. Agencies have made significant progress instituting hardware-based personal identity verification cards or alternative forms of strong authentication for access to cyber systems, OMB has said. Read more [FEDWEEK.COM]
  • 53. Federal Agencies IG NEWS: Lack Of Cybersecurity Staff, Technology Left USPS Vulnerable To 2014 Attack. A lack of properly trained cybersecurity workers and a comprehensive cyber strategy were major reasons why the U.S. Postal Service experienced a data breach late last year, a new report found. Read more [FIERCEGOVERNMENTIT.COM] MEANINGFUL USE: Critics Warn Of $11 Billion Pentagon Health Records Fiasco. As the Pentagon prepares the biggest federal IT contract announcement since, critics are warning of an even bigger fiasco, a record system that’s obsolete before it’s even finished. Read more [POLITICO.COM]
  • 54. IT - State & Local Governments MICHIGAN: Unveils ‘City’ For Testing Autonomous Cars. The Mobility Transformation Center, a University of Michigan initiative to propel transportation into the future, on Monday unveiled Mcity, the world’s first specially designed, cordoned testing grounds for autonomous vehicle technology. Read more [STATESCOOP.COM] VERMONT: State Unable To Escape Tech Albatross. Vermonters’ gateway to food benefits, home heating help and child health care is a computer program that’s 32 years old. It’s called ACCESS, built before Steve Jobs debuted the first Macintosh computer, before Netscape and other early Web browsers connected users to the Internet, and long before state officials thought to create a department for technology. Read more [BURLINGTONFREEPRESS.COM]
  • 55. IT - State & Local Governments CALIFORNIA: Company Shows Off Tech To Pull Water From Air At State Capitol. New drought busting technology promises to generate water out of thin air, and lawmakers got a chance to check it out on recently. Matt Gray is the pitchman for Pacific AirWell Incorporated. His company produces the massive machines call atmospheric water generators. He says the drinking water coming from thin air is actually unseen humidity. Read more [CBSLOCAL.COM] KANSAS: AT&T To Offer Statewide Cloud-Based 911 Communications. The telecommunications company has been awarded a contract to provide a next generation 911 emergency communications system statewide. The system is designed to provide access to emergency services from virtually all communications sources and provide multimedia data capabilities for emergency dispatch call centers — often called public safety answering points — and other emergency service organizations. Read more [BIZJOURNALS.COM]
  • 56. IT - State & Local Governments MINNESOTA: Minneapolis Moves Forward with Analytics. Otto Doll, a former CIO for the state of South Dakota, has led IT initiatives for the city of Minneapolis since early 2011. Minneapolis has outsourced IT services for more than a decade and is in the process of transitioning to a new supplier and bringing desktop and help desk services back in-house. Read more [STATETECHMAGAZINE.COM] HAWAII: Old Technology Blamed For More Than $1M Over Payment To State Employees. Hawaii lawmakers say aging technology at the state government is costing millions. A state sponsored steering committee will meet next month to design a blueprint to replace old computers and information systems. Meantime state agencies, schools and hospitals are susceptible to system failure. Read more [HAWAIINEWSNOW.COM]
  • 57. IT - State & Local Governments ARIZONA: Local And State Policymakers Should Be Prepared To Deal With Emerging Technologies. The rapid growth of technology will impact our lives in meaningful ways. At the same time it poses a challenge for state and local governments that are charged with establishing rules and regulations that often draw important revenue. Read more [AZCAPITOLTIMES.COM] GEORGIA: 7 State Assistance Programs To Utilize Fraud Detection Services. Fraud costs government assistance programs billions each year, and the state of Georgia is doing something about it. Read more [GOVTECH.COM]
  • 58. IT - State & Local Governments CALIFORNIA: Other States Are Using Technology That Could Save Cali From Drought. With California facing a fourth grueling year of drought, Gov. Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency in January. Worse, a recent report claims that inefficient practices by state water agencies do little to provide relief. However, using the water detection technology that other cities across the nation are currently testing could be a solution. Read more [STATETECHMAGAZINE.COM] NORTH CAROLINA: Making Transparency A Top Priority. here are some really good things on the table as the budget conferees discuss, debate, compromise, and finalize North Carolina’s government spending for the next two years. Allocating more than $22 billion each year in General Fund revenue is a big deal. Adding money from the federal government and other sources, state spending each year becomes a $50 billion big deal. Read more [CAROLINA.COM]
  • 59. IT - State & Local Governments KANSAS: State Committee Looks To Update Open Records Act For Digital Age. After news stories that exposed loopholes in the Kansas Open Records Act, a special committee is exploring how the 30-year-old KORA ought to be updated for a digital world. Questions raised include whether personal cellphones and text messages of public employees should be subject to the act, or whether private messages sent via Facebook or Twitter ought to be treated the same as e-mail if they concern official business. Read more [KANSAS.COM] LOUISIANA: How Its Supreme Court Supported IT Staff Through a Disaster. On Friday, Aug. 26, 2005, Frank DiFulco received a call from his wife while he was shopping at Wal-Mart. She told him to pick up some water, batteries and other supplies, as forecasters warned that Hurricane Katrina was headed to New Orleans. DiFulco, court management information systems director for the Louisiana Supreme Court, boarded up his and his parents’ houses Saturday and evacuated town on Sunday. Read more [STATETECHMAGAZINE.COM]
  • 60. IT - State & Local Governments ATLANTA: Intel To Collaborate With Georgia Tech. Intel Corporation recently announced it will invest $5 million over the next five years to deepen its engineering pipeline partnership with the Georgia Institute of Technology and deploy research-driven solutions to inspire and retain women and underrepresented minorities to start and complete computer science and engineering degrees. Read more [ELECTROIQ.COM] VIRGINIA: New Civic Tech Initiatives Include Datathons And Open Data Portals. Virginia residents now have the chance to make their state government more efficient, transparent and responsive to all: A hackathon challenges everyone to use the state’s open data to develop cutting-edge tools and applications that, if selected, could be presented to Gov. Terry McAuliffe and over 300 local government innovators. Read more [SUNLIGHTFOUNDATION.COM]
  • 61. IT - State & Local Governments COLORADO: Good Ideas From Government’s Front Lines. It is no surprise that front- line employees often have the best ideas for making an organization work better, faster and cheaper. And when a process falls short, they see it firsthand. Led by Chief Performance Officer David Edinger, Denver’s Peak Academy is one of the country’s most successful efforts to turn the insights of municipal workers into meaningful results. Read more [GOVERNING.COM] MASSACHUSETTS: Without Pacheco Law, Can We Trust The MBTA To Undertake Privatization? The “Pacheco Law” has been cited as an obstacle to the goal of a more efficient, less costly mass transit system for Boston. As the state official charged with ensuring that plans for having private companies run certain government operations meet the requirements of that law, I find such statements baffling. If government is to act more like a business, as some believe it should, then long-range planning, effective allocation of assets, and a focus on outcomes should be among management’s priorities. Read more [BOSTONGLOBE.COM]
  • 62. IT - State & Local Governments VIRGINIA: State Shows Commitment to Improving State IT by Extending Data Internship Program. The Commonwealth showed its ongoing dedication to bolstering state IT by continuing its data internship initiative into the 2015-16 school year. Gov. Terry McAuliffe established the program last year to enhance government efficiency, and the first year proved to be so effective that the state will recruit another batch of graduate interns to help implement IT best practices. Read more [STATETECHMAGAZINE.COM] CALIFORNIA: Facial Recognition Software Moves From Overseas Wars to Local Police. Facial recognition software, which American military and intelligence agencies used for years in Iraq and Afghanistan to identify potential terrorists, is being eagerly adopted by dozens of police departments around the country to pursue drug dealers, prostitutes and other conventional criminal suspects. But because it is being used with few guidelines and with little oversight or public disclosure, it is raising questions of privacy and concerns about potential misuse. Read more [NYTIMES.COM]
  • 63. IT - State & Local Governments ILLINOIS: Chicago’s Data-Powered Recipe for Food Safety (Pilot Program). A breakthrough of enormous importance has now emerged from Chicago, a city that continues to set the standard for others by using data to improve government. The city is leading the way in harnessing advanced data analytics to improve public health, with high-level leadership from the mayor and day-to-day leadership from the talented pair of Chief Information Officer Brenna Berman and Chief Data Officer Tom Schenk. Read more [GOVERNING.COM] WASHINGTON, DC: COBOL And Outdated Technology Cited As Factors In OPM Hack. The recent news that the personal data of more than 4 million current and former federal employees may have been exposed as the result of a data breach at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has left the federal IT community searching for answers. Congress had leaders from the OPM and other agencies on Capitol Hill on June 16 to answer detailed questions about the hack, including how it happened and, more specifically, why encryption technologies weren’t in place to prevent the hacks. Read more [FEDTECHMAGAZINE.COM]
  • 64. IT - State & Local Governments MAINE: Twenty-four is the number keeps Maine CIO Jim Smith up at night because it’s the percentage of the state’s 480 IT workers who are eligible to retire in the next two years. “When you get to those numbers, your response has to be transformational, not incremental,” Smith says. The wave of baby boomers nearing retirement age includes Smith and half of his senior management team. “If you have 24 percent of your workforce leaving and it’s taking you four to six months to fill jobs, that’s a real problem.” Read more [STATETECHMAGAZINE.COM] MASSACHUSETTS: Consortium Including MIT Awarded $110M National Grant To Promote Photonics Manufacturing. MIT is a key player in a new $600 million public- private partnership announced today by the Obama administration to help strengthen high-tech U.S.-based manufacturing. Federal funding of $110 million will be combined with some $500 million from AIM Photonics’ consortium of state and local governments, manufacturing firms, universities, community colleges, and nonprofit organizations across the country. Read more [MIT.EDU]
  • 65. IT Security | Cybersecurity SANS INSTITUTE TRAINING: Attend Cyber Defense Initiative 2015. You are invited to attend SANS Cyber Defense Initiative 2015 (CDI), SANS is the one educational organization known for developing the cybersecurity skills most in need right now. SANS Cyber Defense Initiative 2015 will feature courses in IT security, security management, IT audit, penetration testing, and computer forensics, including short courses that can be taken with a long course to enhance your training. Read more [SANS.ORG] INFORMATION SHARING ACT: Congress’ Cybersecurity Plan Has Some Major Flaws. After being flooded with millions of faxes and phone calls, the U.S. Senate postponed voting on the controversial cybersecurity bill that privacy advocates warn could be a backdoor to more government surveillance. Read more [THINKPROGRESS.COM]
  • 66. IT Security | Cybersecurity VULNERABILITY: Easily Exploitable Certifi-Gate Bug Opens Android Devices To Hijacking. Check Point’s mobile security research team discovered a vulnerability in Android that affects phones, tablets and devices made by major manufacturers including LG, Samsung, HTC and ZTE. The team disclosed its findings during a briefing session at Black Hat USA 2015. Read more [NET-SECURITY.ORG] SMB RELAY: Researchers Find Way To Steal Windows Active Directory Credentials From The Internet. An attack using the SMB file sharing protocol that has been believed to work only within local area networks for over a decade can also be executed over the Internet, two researchers showed at the Black Hat security conference. Read more [CSOONLINE.COM]
  • 67. IT Security | Cybersecurity THREAT INTELLIGENCE: Cloud Security Sector Leads Cybersecurity Mergers And Acquisition Report. The cyber sector is white hot. According to IDC, the hot areas for growth are security analytics/SIEM, threat intelligence, mobile security, and cloud security. Corporations are investing heavily in these areas to combat cybercrime. Read more [CSOONLINE.COM] POST OPM HACK: 4 Charts That Explain The State Of Agency Cybersecurity. Following the massive breach of federal employee files precipitated by a series of cyberintrusions at the Office of Personnel Management, the Obama administration ordered agencies to immediately tighten network defenses during a 30-day “cybersecurity sprint.” The results are now in. The White House recently posted details from the cyber review online. Read more [NEXTGOV.COM]
  • 68. IT Security | Cybersecurity SANS INSTITUTE WHITEPAPER: Observation And Response – An Intelligent Approach. This paper explains why network-based observation and tracking are important to faster response, where observation outside the network is important, and what types of intelligence can augment network observation data for more timely and accurate classification and containment. Read more [SANS.ORG] MITIGATE FALLOUT: 11 Tips for Effective Cybersecurity. With major data breaches making headlines on a near-weekly basis, many in the securities industry have wisely begun to focus on developing an effective approach to cybersecurity. Although cybersecurity plans can vary widely among firms depending upon their business, clientele and technical architecture, among other things, effective plans include the following features. Read more [THINKADVISOR.COM]
  • 69. IT Security | Cybersecurity INTERACTIVE TESTING PRODUCTS: Software Security Is Hard But Not impossible. There’s little debate about the danger posed by software security vulnerabilities, but there is healthy dialogue around how organizations can respond. The application security market as we know it has existed for about 15 years, emerging alongside interactive web applications and hackers who quickly identified those systems as easy targets. Read more [DARKREADING.COM] PRIVACY SURVEY: Federal IT Pros Challenged By The Explosion Of Mobile Devices, Growth Of Shadow IT. Federal information technology professionals lack control and confidence in their ability to mange the risks associate with the growth of mobile devices and shadow IT, finds a recent survey. Read more [FIERCEMOBILEGOVERNMENT.COM]
  • 70. IT Security | Cybersecurity WHITEPAPER: An Executive Business Case for Network Security. Security is an important topic for all levels of management. This document provides the C- level with a comprehensive guide to lowering security costs while also increasing company ROI. You will learn the true costs of investing and NOT investing in a resilient defense to shield your company from growing threats. Read more [DATABREACHTODAY.COM] IG VERDICT: Department of the Interior Has 3,000 Vulnerabilities. At a hearing on the role the Interior Department played in a recent breach at the Office of Personnel Management, the Interior deputy inspector general painted a picture of how a hacker might have breached the agency’s computer system. Read more [SILICONREPUBLIC.COM]
  • 71. Network Security THREAT INTELLIGENCE: Enterprises are Analyzing Lots of Internal Cybersecurity Data. The cybersecurity industry has been talking about the intersection of big data and cybersecurity analytics for years, but is this actually a reality or nothing more than marketing hype? The recently published ESG research report titled, Threat Intelligence and Its Role Within Enterprise Cybersecurity Practices, only reinforces my belief that big data security is tangible today… Read more [NETWORKWORLD.COM] BEST PRACTICES: Closing The Gap Between Security & Networking Ops. IT networking operations and security operations centers are often misaligned. According to Gartner, Security is seen more as a bolt-on appendage to IT rather than an integral component that should be baked into all architectures. This leads to end-user frustration and fosters kingdom-building versus deep integration between teams. Read more [DARKREADING.COM]
  • 72. Network Security NETWORK SECURITY: VMware Rolls Out Service To Support Windows 10. The technology world is buzzing about Windows 10 — and VMware is putting its full force behind the new operating system. The VMware Workspace Suite aims to make it easier for enterprises to manage the new version of Microsoft Relevant Products/Services’s flagship software. Read more [TOPTECHNEWS.COM] CHANGE MANAGEMENT: How To Leverage Networks To Boost Security. The breach at the Office of Personnel Management has put security top of mind for nearly every government IT manager. Many agencies are already practicing excellent cyber hygiene; others are still in implementation phases. Regardless of where you are in the process, it is critical to understand that security is not a one-product solution, and it requires constant attention. Read more [GCN.COM]
  • 73. Agile Development FOR DEVELOPERS: How To Make Your (Entire) Enterprise More Agile. In the current software development parlance, “agile” has become synonymous with innovation and speed. But many organizations limit their agile approaches to one or two siloed departments out of a mistaken belief that they’re too big, too ‘legacy,’ too process- oriented to scale the approach across the larger business. Read more [CIO.COM] TEAM BUILDING: 4 Tips To Make Any Team Agile. The goal of agile programming is to provide early and continuous delivery of valuable software. But it’s not so easy to implement methodologies that can deliver on the agile promise, and the blame typically lands on people: they’re just not the tech elite. Read more [THENEXTWEB.COM]
  • 74. Agile Development BEST PRACTICES: Things CIOs Must Know About Agile Development. CIOs are under pressure to support fast-evolving digital business scenarios but are finding traditional project and development methods unsuitable, according to Gartner. Read more [ENTERPRISEINNOVATION.COM] BIMODAL IT: Provides New Requirements For Agile App Development. For years IT organizations have been criticized for being too slow, too restrictive and unresponsive to the business. Analysts and vendors have pushed IT to transform itself as a whole, and encouraged the adoption of technologies that enable agility. Read more [SDTIMES.COM]
  • 75. Agile Development AGILE DEVELOPMENT: Take Agile Methodology Beyond the Team. A quick guide to scaling an agile software delivery lifecycle across your organization. Read more [INFOWORLD.COM] ENTERPRISE: The Next Wave of Software Delivery: Integrating Agile and DevOps. Interview with Pradeep Prabhu, co-founder and CEO of CloudMunch, who discusses the opportunities and challenges of adopting Agile and DevOps methodologies. Read more [APPDEVELOPERMAGAZINE.COM]
  • 76. Agile Development SCALING THE ENTERPRISE: Four Must-Have Rules for Scaling Enterprise Agile. To adopt Agile practices, specifically Scrum, no organization is too big, complex or distributed. Read more [INFOQ.COM] DATA PROTECTION: Rugged DevOps: In Search of the Defensible Infrastructure. DevOps moves too fast to build security into the process, some say. Not true, say others who believe one just needs to get a little Rugged. Read more [ITWORLD.COM]
  • 77. Enterprise Security EXPERT ADVICE: Four Enterprise Scenarios For Deploying Database Security Tools. Database security tools are incredibly versatile, offering benefits for security, compliance and even operations. These products, available from third parties, provide a level of database security well beyond what relational database management system (RDBMS) vendors offer customers. Read more [TECHTARGET.COM] PRIVACY: Companies Averaging 4 Insider-Threat Attacks Per Year. When it comes to insider IT security threats, the third time is definitely not the charm. In fact, the typical organization now experiences 3.8 insider security incidents on an annual basis. Read more [FIERCECIO.COM]
  • 78. Enterprise Security SURVEY FINDINGS: Most Enterprises Don’t Fix 60 Percent of Security Vulnerabilities. Waratek, the application protection and management company, announced the results of a survey conducted at the Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit 2015. Two-thirds of senior security professionals polled said they remediate 40 percent or less of the security vulnerabilities discovered by software application security testing tools. Read more [DARKREADING.COM] BREACH PREVENTION: Big Security Breaches and How Big Data Can Prevent Them. In the abstract, network and systems security is easy. We all agree that keeping bad actors out of your electronic world is a no-brainer. We also all agree that there are different rights levels that should be assigned to different user groups. Finally, we all agree that certain systems contain more valuable data than others. Read more [ENTERPRISENETWORKINGPLANET.COM]
  • 79. Business Continuity CRITICAL PLANNING: Systems Are Changing And Business Continuity Must Keep Up. Today, IT systems are at the center of the successful operation of many business processes. As we move into higher levels of automation, data collection through the IoT and more use of compute power than we’ve yet to even image, the importance of our systems becomes critical to revenue generation and cost control. This is true across every business. Read more [DIGINOMICA.COM] FILL IN THE GAPS: Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Data Centers. To mitigate a wide range of business risks, including those involving data centers, many organizations establish business-continuity (BC) or disaster-recovery (DR) plans. Fewer, however, write plans that focus on specific threats, keep those plans current or even test them. To ensure success, companies need to do better. Working with the right advanced data center is one way to fill those gaps. Read more [DATACENTERJOURNAL.COM]
  • 80. Business Continuity AVOID COMPLACENCY: Time Matters When It Comes to Disaster Recovery. Disasters can strike at any time. They may be caused by human error, cyber-attacks or by natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, floods and hurricanes. Even so it’s quite tempting to sit back and relax, to not worry about the consequences of these upon one’s business — perhaps for cost reasons, but investments in business continuity are like an insurance policy. Read more [CLOUDCOMPUTING-NEWS.NET] VIRTUALIZATION: Disaster Recovery Is Not Dead Yet. One doesn’t need to look very far to find hypervisor vendor marketing materials, analyst opinions and even a few trade press articles declaring the death of disaster recovery planning. Most are following a line of reasoning from the server virtualization evangelists to make the case that building server hosts with high availability (HA) in mind — using active- passive failover clustering models, for example — obviates the need for disaster recovery planning. Read more [VIRTUALIZATIONREVIEW.COM]
  • 81. Encryption & VPN A REAL DILEMMA: When Phone Encryption Blocks Justice. With a killer on the loose and few leads at their disposal, investigators in Cook County, which includes Evanston, were encouraged when they found two smartphones alongside the body of the deceased: an iPhone 6 running on Apple’s iOS 8 operating system, and a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge running on Google’s Android operating system. Both devices were passcode protected. Read more [NYTIMES.COM] VULNERABLE TO ATTACK: Study Shows That Many Virtual Private Networks Leak User Information. A study conducted by researchers at Queen Mary University of London has shown that many VPN networks leak information about their users. This information could be as broad in scope as the websites users were visiting, and as detailed as the actual content of messages they were sending to other parties. Read more [CONSUMERAFFAIRS.COM]
  • 82. Encryption & VPN SECURE VPN: NSA-Grade Encryption For Mobile Over Untrusted Networks. The only term being thrown around government more than “2016 elections” these days is “cybersecurity,” particularly following a rash of damaging and high-profile data breaches. With that focus on protecting information top of mind in agencies, USMobile officials hope to find a ready market for their commercial app, which lets government workers use their personal smartphones for top-secret communications. Read more [GCN.COM] LASTPASS: Password Manager Breached — Is There a Safe Alternative? In these days of endless breaches, requiring the use of complex passwords is imperative. Yet for many users, managing different passwords and remembering them is a hassle. In order to minimize the number of passwords to remember, some will reuse the same password. Read more [SECURITYINTELLIGENCE.COM]
  • 83. Windows 10 COMPARISON: Windows 10 Vs 8 Vs 7 — What’s The Difference? Let’s weigh up the main differences between Windows 10, Windows 7 and Windows 8. There are a large number of pros but also some significant cons, including a few potential deal breakers. Read more [FORBES.COM] QUESTION: Should You Upgrade To Windows 10? It Depends. Microsoft is billing Windows 10 as “the last version of Windows”. That doesn’t mean the company is going to quit making it, but rather there aren’t plans for any massive, overhauled releases of its flagship operating system. From here on out, Microsoft is treating Windows as a service, rather than as a monolithic piece of software. Read more [SEATTLEPI.COM]
  • 84. Windows 10 WI-FI SENSE: Why This Windows 10 Feature Is Freaking Everyone Out. Wi-Fi Sense allows you to automatically log your friends onto your Wi-Fi network without ever giving them your password. It’s a convenient solution to the awkward “what’s your Wi-Fi password?” conversations. In turn, you can use Wi-Fi Sense to automatically connect your Windows 10 PC to your friends’ Wi-Fi networks without knowing their passwords. Read more [CNN.COM] W10 OVERVIEW: The New Start Menu, Edge Browser, New Apps And Cortana. So Windows 10 is here. You should see pop-up messages appear on your computers running Windows, prompting you to upgrade. We’ve been running it since the early builds and now we have the ‘final’ version. Read more [PCADVISOR.CO.UK]
  • 85. Databases FOR NON-PROGRAMMERS: FileMaker 14 – A Database For DIY Apps. n the enterprise software world we spend a lot of time talking about the big guns — Oracle, IBM DB2, SAP HANA, and the like. Those are critical as the foundations for large enterprise applications, but there are thousands of applications that organizations need that require a database. Read more [INFORMATIONWEEK.COM] TIME FOR CHANGE: How Amazon’s DynamoDB Helped Reinvent Databases. In the earliest days of SQL databases weren’t cutting it, so the company created DynamoDB and in doing so helped usher in the NoSQL market. Read more [NETWORK.COM]
  • 86. Databases INNOVATION: Coding, Agile & Scrum Go Mainstream. “Software,” we learned from Mark Andreessen in 2011, “is eating the world.” In the process, software is eating up organizations and executives who don’t understand it or know how to manage it. Read more [FORBES.COM] ANALYTICS: Building a Data Storage Scalable Platform. In the beginning there were files, a lot of files. People were trying to utilize them for all of their data needs. They would store spreadsheets (and they keep doing it even now), data tables, structured and unstructured data, binary data — and anything their wonderful computer programs would produce. And there were business transactions, a lot of them. Read more [ICRUNCHDATANEWS.COM]
  • 87. Databases BIG DATA: Oracle’s Biggest Database Foe: Could It Be Postgres? Once upon a time, Oracle could dismiss open-source databases as test and development toys that couldn’t compete when it came to mission-critical production. Unfortunately, reality hasn’t been kind to that supposition. Read more [TECHREPUBLIC.COM] MICROSOFT AZURE: Is It A Threat To, Inc. Web Services?, Inc.’s Web Services (AWS) currently has 11 geographic locations and a large portion of the public cloud storage for enterprises and other organizations. Moreover, it has three popular cloud server models widely used in the world: Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS), and Software as a service (SaaS). Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) Azure also offers similar services with a few technical differences compared to AWS. Read more [CIO.COM]
  • 88. Databases 2016 RELEASE: SQL Server Management Studio Now Has Its Own Upgrade Path. For years we’ve been lamenting the lack of modernization and updates applied to SQL Server Management Studio. It appears Microsoft has listened and is not providing a pipeline for separating upgrade cadences of SQL Server Management Studio from the full product suite. Read more [SQLMAG.COM] POWER BI: Getting Data from Analysis Services. Microsoft Power BI is a cloud based self-service BI solution for the enterprise. Power BI provides capabilities that can be leveraged by people with all level of skills including data analyst, power users, business users, data stewards and folks from the IT department. Read more [DATABASEJOURNAL.COM]
  • 89. Software As a Service (SaaS) EVENT MONITORING: Salesforce Raises Governance Shield. In a development that has broad implications for how compliance with be managed in the era of the cloud, Salesforce recently unfurled Salesforce Shield, a set of data governance services optimized for Salesforce applications. Read more [TALKINGCLOUD.COM] NETWORK SECURITY: Man in the Cloud Attack Leverages SaaS Vulnerability. Software-as-a-service applications that enable cloud data synchronization, including programs like Google Drive and Dropbox, are among the most popular uses of the cloud for enterprises. Unfortunately, according to Amichai Schulman, CTO of Imperva, a new potential type of attack he has dubbed “man in the cloud” could enable attackers to use cloud synchronization to exploit organizations. Read more [ESECURITYPLANET.COM]
  • 90. Software As a Service (SaaS) RADICAL CHANGE: Next Wave Of Enterprise Software Powered By Machine Learning. Enterprise software is about to undergo radical transformation — a substantial change that will make the shift to software as a service (SaaS) look like a simple facelift. This transformation is being powered by machine learning. Read more [TECHCRUNCH.COM] INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVES: SaaS Steps Over the Line — and Closer to Customers. Software-as-a-Service is transforming the relationship between software providers and their customers. Vendors and customers are increasingly designing and building software products and services more collaboratively–even mission-critical business applications like ERP. Read more [DATACENTERKNOWLEGE.COM]
  • 91. Personal Tech FACIAL RECOGNITION: States Crack Down On Driver’s License Fraud. One driver, one license, that’s how it’s supposed to be. But some fraudsters or drivers with serious violations try to beat the system by getting multiple licenses using different names. States increasingly are foiling the crooks and scam artists by employing a high-tech tool… Read more [GCN.COM] QUIZ: How Many Times Has Your Personal Information Been Exposed to Hackers? Half of American adults had their personal information exposed to hackers last year alone. In a recent attack at the federal Office of Personnel Management, hackers stole the most sensitive personal data for 21.5 million people. Read more [NYTIMES.COM]
  • 92. Personal Tech NEW GADGETS: Unboxing The Hero 4 Session, The Smallest GP Ever. Words can’t properly convey just how small the GoPro Hero 4 Session is, but a video can. GoPro gave Mashable a first look at the Session ahead of its release. The $399 action camera measures roughly 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 inches and weighs just 2.6 ounces (0.16 pounds). Read more [MASHABLE.COM] QUALCOMM’S WIPOWER: Charge Smartphones With Metal Cases Wirelessly. Qualcomm is set to bring a new trend in the smartphone space: wireless charging for handsets with metal casing. The chipset maker has patented a new technology dubbed WiPower, which will make it possible to charge a device that has a metal rear cover. Read more [TECHTIMES.COM]
  • 93. Personal Tech PROJECT FI: Google Improves Transcriptions For Google Voice. Tech giant Google said it has reduced transcription errors by 49 percent with the latest improvements it’s rolled out to Google Voice and Project Fi. The search giant’s researchers and engineers achieved the performance upgrade using something called a “long short- term memory deep recurrent neural network.” Read more [TOPTECHNEWS.COM] PATENT INFRINGEMENT: Samsung Prepares To Battle Apple In The Supreme Court. Samsung has taken the battle again and have decided to take on Apple for a fine charged for alleged infringement of two-dozen Apple patents. But the Korean giant just came to know that the US Federal Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected their appeal. Based on the data provided by CNET, Samsung now has two sets of options — throw up a weighty sum of cash to Apple, or take the case all the way to the US Supreme Court. Read more [BENCHMARKREPORTER.COM]
  • 94. Personal Tech ELECTRIC CAR GARAGES: Tesla Is Installing Rapid Charging Stations In Manhattan. Owning any car in Manhattan is a huge challenge, but electric cars impose their own set of unique difficulties. Tesla recently announced a new plan to ease some of the stress with the installation of fast-charging stations for electric vehicles in 30 Manhattan parking garages. Read more [MASHABLE.COM] FUN FACTS: 7 Things You Definitely Didn’t Know About Google. Google isn’t the same little search engine you remember. It’s now part of Alphabet, a new conglomerate started by Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page. In honor of this coming-of-age, HuffPost pays homage to Google’s history with a few fun facts about the company. Read more [HUFFINGTONPOST.COM]
  • 95. Personal Tech TALKING TECH ROUNDTABLE: New Verizon Plans — Good For Consumers? The move by Verizon was so swift, it caught many people by surprise. That two-year contract you’ve come to know and despise for years with Verizon, is suddenly gone. Now, if you want a new phone, you’ll have to buy it outright, and choose from a new way of ordering wireless service. Will you have to pay way more? Read more [USATODAY.COM]
  • 96. Internet of Things (IoT) HEALTH IT: DHA Explores Internet Of Things Tech For Military Healthcare Delivery. The Defense Health Agency is exploring potential applications of the Internet of Things and other smart technologies on military healthcare as part of several projects that seek to bolster soldier readiness and survivability. Technologies such as mobile computing and self-powered biosensors can help improve the quality and speed of delivery of health services. Read more [EXECUTIVEGOV.COM] IoT CORE: Microsoft Drops A Slimmed Down Windows 10 For The Internet Of Things. Well, hell has frozen over for the Wintel franchise because with Windows 10 IoT Core, Microsoft has publicly released a version of the iconic Windows software that runs on an ARM processor that isn’t designed for a smartphone. Nope, this software, first announced in February and publicly released on Monday, is designed to run on Raspberry Pi 2 boards and Arduinos, the low-power computers that hobbyists use to build and prototype connected devices. Read more [FORTUNE.COM]
  • 97. Internet of Things (IoT) MACHINE DATA: Marketers Put Internet Of Things Data To Use–And It Works. Marketers are leveraging the internet of things (IoT) to track and reach the cross- everywhere consumer. In a July 2015 study by 2nd Watch, nearly six in 10 US IT and business executives said they leveraged machine data/the IoT for digital marketing. However, for most, it was still early days for doing so, as two-thirds of users said they were in the beginning stages. Read more [EMARKETER.COM] VIDEO: Internet Of Things And Big Data, Not Big Brother. Data protection regulators across Europe are conscious of the challenge posed by the emerging internet of things, Ireland’s Data Protection Commissioner Helen Dixon has said. Read more [SILICONREPUBLIC.COM]
  • 98. Technology News WIFI EXPLOIT: Security Flaw Lets Attackers Cripple Your iPhone And There’s No Way To Stop Them. Wondering how difficult it is for attackers to cripple your iPhone? The answer isn’t going to make you happy — in a nutshell, all the have to do is create a Wi-Fi network. That’s right, thanks to a newly detailed security flaw in iOS, malicious hackers can send an iPhone into an endless reboot loop simply by creating a Wi-Fi network. Read more [BGR.COM] ADD-ONS: Disney Is Using Ultrasonic Sound-Waves To Develop Next Generation Smartphone Accessories. Companies and researchers are always trying to find innovative ways to expand the smartphones and tablets we use everyday, whether it’s a new app or some kind of hardware accessory. And now, a team of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and Disney Research are leveraging ultrasonic audio coming from our devices in order to develop new kinds of interactive mobile controllers. Read more [CSOONLINE.COM]
  • 99. Technology News TECH AND PAY: How Technology Has Affected Wages for the Last 200 Years. Today’s great paradox is that we feel the impact of technology everywhere — in our cars, our phones, the supermarket, the doctor’s office — but not in our paychecks. Read more [HBR.ORG] TECH JOBS: Why People Who Put Data Scientist On Their Linkedin Profiles Earn More Money. As the White House’s first chief data scientist, Patil — widely credited with coining the term “data scientist” — has become a high-profile champion of the Obama administration’s open data efforts. The possibilities are seemingly endless for data science, Patil explained during his speech. And a lot of that has to do with ambiguous nature of the role. Read more [NEXTGOV.COM]
  • 100. Technology News STRATEGY: How A Jacksonville Tech Firm Doubled Its Workforce In Less Than A Year. What do you do when you’re a Jacksonville tech company competing in the same niche space as a Panama City tech company that’s going under? Read more [BIZJOURNALS.COM]
  • 101. Technology Trends A NEW PLATFORM: YouTube CEO Says The Future Is Mobile. A redesign of YouTube’s mobile platform was one of a number of key announcements made by Susan Wojcicki, the company’s CEO, recently. Wojcicki gave the keynote address at VidCon in Anaheim, Calif., for the second straight year. She was greeted as a hero at the annual online video conference, receiving numerous rounds of applause during her talk. Read more [CIO-TODAY.COM] NO ORDINARY DISRUPTION: 12 Disruptive Tech Trends You Need To Know. People pay plenty of money for consulting giants to help them figure out which technology trends are fads and which will stick. You could go that route, or get the same thing from the McKinsey Global Institute’s in-house think-tank for the cost of a new book. Read more [FORTUNE.COM]
  • 102. Technology Trends RESHAPING CONNECTIVITY: The Need For IoT And Social Media Mix. People and smart sensors or the Internet of Everything. The world has changed in the last decade more than it has changed in the last century. Nowadays connectivity is ubiquitous, reshaping verticals, horizontals, industries, landscapes and roles. Once again. Read more [WTVOX.COM] GREEN TECHNOLOGY: Car Manufacturers Make Their Own Choices Regardless Of Policy. Over the last few decades the automotive industry has experienced a number of challenges including fluctuating oil prices, air quality issues and the effects of vehicle emissions on global warming. Previous studies have emphasised the strong role that global policy plays in influencing manufacturers to develop low emission technologies such as vehicles powered by batteries and fuel cells. Read more [IMPERIAL.AC.UK]
  • 103. Technology Trends SAFE CITIES: New York City Asks Google Maps To Discourage Left Turns. Seventeen pedestrians and three bicyclists were killed in the city last year by vehicles making left-hand turns, according to WNYC data. To help reduce the number of deaths, several NYC officials reportedly wrote Google a letter on July 1, asking it to include an option on Google Maps that reduces the number of left-hand turns suggested by the navigation app when driving to a destination. Read more [MASHABLE.COM] WRIST READY: The Future For Wearable Growth Will Be In The Workplace. Business, not consumers, will grow wearables sector. Wearables in the workplace may not have the media profile enjoyed by their consumer siblings, but the market for business-facing devices is expected to reach $8.5 billion by 2020, says a recent report. Read more [APPLAUSE.COM]
  • 104. Search Engines & Servers OPEN SOURCE PROJECTS: Elastic Rolls Out ElasticSearch-As-A-Service. Elastic is the commercial entity behind the Elasticsearch and Apache Lucene open source projects. As such, its mission is to wrap commercial service around already hugely successful open source offerings. Elastic packages up a number of discrete technologies — Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana — to power a number of applications. The open source stack itself has achieved more than 25 million downloads. Read more [FORBES.COM] APACHE SPARK: Lucidworks Brings Its Open-Core Enterprise Search Engine. The latest player to jump aboard the Apache Spark bandwagon is bound to turn some heads in the upstream ecosystem. Lucidworks Inc. has added integration with the speedy data crunching framework in the new version of its flagship enterprise search engine that debuted this morning as part of an effort to catch up with the changing requirements of CIOs embarking on analytics projects. Read more [SILICONANGLE.COM]
  • 105. Search Engines & Servers APP DEVELOPERS: Which Freaking Hadoop Engine Should I Use? In 2015, Hadoop no longer means MapReduce on HDFS. Instead, it refers to a whole ecosystem of technologies for working with “unstructured,” semi-structured, and structured data for complex processing at scale. Read more [INFORWORLD.COM] MICROSOFT: Start Your (Search) Engines – Windows 10 vs. Third-Party Alternatives. Finding files on your computer can be a bit of a hassle, since there are a lot of criteria to include, besides the file name. The basic tool that Windows provides used to take a bit too much to show results, especially when the index wasn’t saved. This led to the creation of third-party alternatives. Read more [SOFTPEDIA.COM]
  • 106. Enterprise News USABILITY: Enterprise Software Companies Need to be Customer Centric. Many enterprise software firms are working at improving the usability of their solutions. Further, many enterprise software firms, have embraced the cloud. Read more [FORBES.COM] UX NEWS: 4 Consumerization Trends That Are Changing Enterprise Software as We Know It. Enterprise software is in the midst of a revolution. In the early 2000s, businesses were the primary users of technology, and they set the rules for how it should be built. The result was clunky, feature-rich software that no one apart from a few power users knew how to use. Read more [ENTREPRENEUR.COM]
  • 107. Enterprise News GOOGLE’S SCHMIDT TO DEVS: Challenge Legacy Enterprise Software. Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt believes there is a big opportunity for software developers building enterprise solutions that combine mobility, ultra-fast connectivity, and true cloud-based services. Read more [PCMAG.COM] TRANSFORMATION: Connecting Architecture to Business Strategy. Enterprise Architecture, when done well, is a business transformation practice. Transforming a business is not about slogans, mission statements, slick PowerPoints or in-depth strategy documents. It’s about execution and actually changing business operations. Read more [COMPUTERWORLD.COM]
  • 108. Enterprise News BIG DATA: Much Ado about Hyperscale Architectures. Many organizations are looking forward to the future of hyperscale networking. Even if you are not a cloud- scale enterprise like Amazon and Google, you can still capitalize on the ability to manage and manipulate large data stores over a highly commoditized, distributed architecture. Read more [ENTERPRISENETWORKINGPLANET.COM] IT BUDGETS: The Enterprise Technologies To Watch In 2015. It is impressive how much the enterprise technology landscape has changed in just a year. While some priorities remain unchanged, important new players have emerged that business and IT leaders must consider in their plans this year. Read more [ZDNET.COM]
  • 109. Enterprise News C-SUITE GOALS: New Battleground In Enterprise Technology. Businesses today are grabbling with the challenge of using new technologies and new sets of data to improve performance, create excellent customer experiences, and empower their staff to innovate and collaborate more fluidly, says Vishal Barapatre, CTO In2IT Technologies South Africa. Read more [IT-ONLINE.COM]
  • 110. Enterprise Architecture MODERNIZATION PROGRAM: DoD Portfolio Managers Critical of Business Enterprise Architecture. DOD’s business enterprise architecture and process reengineering efforts are not fully achieving the intended outcomes described in statute, GAO has said after interviewing 24 military department portfolio managers and interviewing other officials. Read more [FEDWEEK.COM] MySQL ALTERNATIVE: What’s Available And What’s Missing In Amazon Aurora. Amazon is targeting AWS customers running large database workloads to drive the adoption of Amazon Aurora, which became generally available on July 28, 2015. At the database’s launch in November 2014, Andy Jassy, Senior VP, AWS claimed that Amazon Aurora was at least as available, durable, and fault tolerant as the enterprise editions of the proprietary commercial database engines and high-end SANs available at a 10th of the cost. Read more [TECHREPUBLIC.COM]
  • 111. Enterprise Architecture ENTERPRISE MOBILITY: Is It A Promise Unfulfilled? Despite the ascent of mobile devices in the workplace, fewer than 25% of companies have built or bought a mobile app beyond PIM apps. Despite the high demand from employees to access corporate systems from mobile endpoints, enterprises are woefully unable to deliver the “consumer-like” user experiences their employees expect. Read more [SDTIMES.COM] RED HAT SURVEY: Enterprise Mobility Hiring Demand Favors Developers. Time to update those resumes. Mobile developers looking to land a new job have chosen their career path wisely, suggests a new study from Red Hat. As a result, half of all companies will be hiring mobile-savvy IT workers this year — and developers have an edge. Read more [CNET.COM]
  • 112. Legacy Systems Management BIMODAL IT: Migrating to New Technology While Maintaining Old IT. Federal agencies hold on to IT systems like few other organizations. The research firm IDC estimates that more than 75 percent of all federal technology spending goes toward maintaining legacy systems, but the reasons why can be complex and unavoidable. Read more [FEDTECHMAGAZINE.COM] LESSONS FROM A PRO: What Golf Teaches Us About Evaluating Legacy Systems. A decade ago, a 72-hole score of 10 under par could win the PGA championship. Today, it’s a new game, where 20 under par clinches the trophy. As in golf, the right software and information technologies – when used strategically by skilled pros – can make a business more competitive. Read more [CIO.COM]
  • 113. Legacy Systems Management RISKY BUSINESS: Trusting Sensitive Customer Identity Data To Legacy Systems. As the amount of data generated by always-connected consumers continues to increase, IT departments are scrambling to deploy technologies that are able to put said data to use. Understanding how to safely use this data with established business systems is a major challenge. Read more [INFORMATION-AGE.COM] OPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS: Server-Side Flash Storage Systems Can Reduce Latency. Before the widespread adoption of SSDs, the hard disk limited storage I/O performance. Today, many SSDs can handle a greater number of IOPS than what the controller can accommodate. Hence, the disk controller has become the limiting factor. Read more [TECHTARGET.COM]
  • 114. Mobile Apps & Development ENTERPRISE APPS: 7 Mobile App Development Best Practices. The enterprise mobile app developer is under constant pressure. There is a growing backlog of mobile apps to build and expectations to deliver faster than ever. Technology and tools are evolving rapidly and making it difficult to even get started, let alone deliver fast. Read more [ENTERPRISEAPPSTODAY.COM] DIGITAL ADS: Amazon Unveils Advertising Platform for Mobile-App Developers. Inc. unveiled a new advertising platform for mobile-applications developers, a push by the largest Web retailer to grab a bigger piece of the smartphone advertising market dominated by Google Inc. and Facebook Inc. Read more [BLOOMBERG.COM]
  • 115. Mobile Apps & Development STARBUCKS VERDICT: Mobile App Not Hacked, Get a Stronger Password. According to a report from blogger Bob Sullivan, some Starbucks app-using customers have found that nefarious folk have found a way to break into their online accounts. Once inside, they add new gift cards and transfer funds from a person’s bank, taking advantage of Starbucks’ auto-reloading feature to basically siphon hundreds of dollars from a person. Read more [PCMAG.COM] MOBILE APPS: Codeless Development Is One Solution To Rising Costs, Delays In Enterprise App Deployment. The demand for mobile apps in the enterprise has surged, but companies have trouble keeping up with demand due to a lack of skilled in-house mobile programmers, as well as app development costs and delays. Read more [FIERCEMOBILEIT.COM]
  • 116. Mobile Apps & Development HYBRID VS. NATIVE: Understanding The Hybrid Technology Of Mobile Application Development. We all are aware of the term hybrid. It’s mixture two or more. In mobile application development, hybrid means the same. An application based on hybrid technology is the blend two technologies known as web development and native mobile application development. Read more [WHATECH.COM] GROWTH AND CHANGE: Trends Emerge In The World Of App Development. The app development world is always growing and changing. As more people turn to apps on their mobile devices, it’s only natural that app development should grow and change with the times, too. Read more [HOSTREVIEW.COM]
  • 117. Mobile Apps & Development LATEST GENERATION: The New Era Of App Development – Mobile Vs. Legacy. Mobile applications have come a long way. Just 15 years ago you were lucky to have the game Snake installed on your phone – today, mobile apps have become so integral to both working and daily lives that it’s hard to believe people were happy with such limited options. Read more [INFORMATION-AGE.COM] BUSINESS SPIN-OFF: PayPal’s New Chief Promises New Services for a Mobile World. As PayPal prepares to split from its corporate parent, its new chief executive is promising to expand the popular online payment system, adding a variety of services for consumers to use when shopping on their phones or in traditional stores. Read more [TOPTECHNEWS.COM]
  • 118. Mobile Apps & Development TECH REPORT: Next Version Of Android Will Let You Log Into Apps With A Fingerprint. Say goodbye to remembering long passwords. The next version of Android — tentatively called Android M — will reportedly include “native fingerprint authentication,” according to a report from BuzzFeed. Read more [MASHABLE.COM]
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