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We would like to offer our gratitude, mostly to Almighty
God, our Lord. For giving us the ample time, enough knowledge
and healthy immunity that helped and made a big role on us.
Without him, we can‟t sustain every chapters of our story and
wouldn‟t be intact.
Second, to our professor, for her hard work and for being an
inspiration for us. For her who gave stately ideas, through her
guidance, this story will not be achieved and our little skills in
writing will not be shown.
Third, to our parents. We sent them our serene Thank You, for
supporting us financially. And lastly, for our group mates and for
ourselves, we built our unity and perseverance to achieve our main
goal and who have been dedicated and willing to fulfil the story.
This story helped us to know more of ourselves and let out our
talents on imagining things and writing a story plot.
The Authors
The novel “Tears from Heaven” is dedicated for selfless
people, who are willing to sacrifice self satisfaction than seeing
significant people suffering. For those who are in state of suffering,
for people who are totally down after the lost oh his/her loved
ones. For those persons, who want to recover and renew their
selves after struggles.
This fictional story engages and set to know that everyone
,no matter who you are, are falling in love not just with who we
see, but also with who are invisible to our naked eyes, that our
world is not just a physical world but also a realm of spirituality.
It doesn‟t only talk about romance just like a typical teen
fiction but also letting the readers to know more about life, to
witness faith and fate and to let people understand the circle of
life, our ups and downs and how to deal with them.
We dedicate this story for all the people who are seeking
hope and granting to love them back, recover from pain and
transform ourselves through the work of faith, hope and love.
Table of Contents.................................................III
Chapter 1: Reminiscing..........................................1
Chapter 2: Sick Advices..........................................4
Chapter 3: Stranged.............................................10
Chapter 4: Gift?...................................................15
Chapter 5: Stranged Again....................................18
Chapter 6: Margaux.............................................22
Chapter 7: Stalker...............................................27
Chapter 8: Friended.............................................38
Chapter 9: Nathan the Weird.................................45
Chapter 10: Aunt Sally.........................................50
Chapter 11: First Step..........................................59
Chapter 12: Pristine.............................................66
Chapter 13: FAITH...............................................76
Chapter 14: Second Step......................................80
A comfortable, large and spacious place, I am in my
favourite resto, my family‟s favourite resto. Memories of yesterday
were glancing inside my head, recalling the past makes me grin for
a while.
I ordered a frappe and a mini hot cake; this was Mom‟s,
Dad‟s and my favourite breakfast here. I sat on a table near to the
facade of a family, who were happily eating their meal. Traced on
their faces how glad they are.
While chewing a slice of cake, I did not realize that tears
were falling out from my eyes down to the table, I wipe it. But
things become much heavier, when music was played all over the
Would you know my name,
If I saw you in Heaven?
Would it be the same,
If I saw you in Heaven?
I must be strong and carry on
coz I know I don‟t belong here
in Heaven.
Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton, made me reminisce the
past and bring it back to me through tears. I don‟t know how I
should respond to this gloomed life.
I questioned God several times to the point that I am
losing my faith in him, I don‟t believe him anymore, I asked him
why is it happening in my life, why do I have to be the most
unfortunate of all the unfortunates. Why should I bear and suffer
these fate, I know this is not my destiny, even if it‟s really for me,
I won‟t accept it till the last breath of my body.
It is God, who is the ultimate reason for this and I‟d never
put my trust to him again.
Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in heaven?
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven?
I‟ll find my way, through night and day
Coz I know I just can‟t stay
Here in heaven.
I promised my parents that I‟ll be the one who will hear
every wound and every pain they will perceive. But that is now a
snatched expectation.
Time can bring you down
Time can bend your knees
Time can break your heart
Have you begging please, begging please
Behind the door.
There‟s peace, I‟m, and I know there‟ll be no
Tears in Heaven.
If only I could go to heaven, I would take them back here
on earth and do all the works of joy that we used to have.
Just a final step with them, will please me, I know God
would prohibit it and if does, he don‟t do it usually. But I‟m dying
because of all these heartaches.
It‟s like that someone stole your important aid and will
never be back to you again but the scene still remained together
with the person who stole it. I sighed deeply and focus back on my
My class has not yet started, so I used to visit and have a
meal here. I used to have this little engagement alone, no one‟s
besides me instead of my books.
I can‟t share my life with others since I don‟t have anyone
who will consistently and will never leave me behind. I don‟t have
somebody to lean on, I never and will never trust anyone, I‟d
become an introvert after all these times.
I can‟t find a genuine friend perhaps when somebody
reviews me, they will leave sick advices and I don‟t want
somebody to intricate my view.
One thing for them, being the studious is a big deal. How
come they don‟t find how significant education is? Maybe I‟m
fortunate because I have granted a scholarship opportunity and I
don‟t want to disposed that only thing, I know in the end, I can
treasured of.
There‟s nothing left to me just me, myself and I, nothing
I look to my watch and it‟s time to prepare for school.
After all what I‟ve done at the resto, I move towards my
school. It was just a normal day, normal to prepare for school,
normal to go there alone and no one wants to have friendly
conversations with me.
“Good morning!” perhaps only school guards are greeting me here
I am not talkative or friendly and I don‟t even know how to
smile. No one can appreciate me, I used to impress them but I‟m
always fallen behind.
I keep myself occupied through studies, nothing more. No
flirt, no romance, no make-ups, don‟t have any extracurricular or
Just studies.
They call me nerd, weird, mega mind, alien, as I have said
it‟s a big deal for them for being a studious. I was just sitting on
my desk at the front when somebody sits beside me.
“Hi Lorraine!” she greeted.
She‟s Lorraine, one of the famous girls inside our campus;
she had that elegant, charm beauty, kind, humble and friendly
personality that every guy wished to have.
But she does not want to enter a relationship again after
her first heartbreak with her first love.
“Hello” my thrifty reply.
“Lorraine!” she introduced.
“Yah, I know you, you don‟t have to introduce yourself” I replied
without staring at her.
“Really? Ughh, I thought you don‟t even know me, since you‟re
just sticking your whole body in this chair and have your own
world!” she said to me in a sarcastic way.
I know where this conversation will go; they will take bad
shots, give hard advices and treat me like the deepest person on
earth or a one less lonely woman. So I‟d rather keep myself silent
and tune out those sick advices.
“You know what girl?! Why don‟t you try to be with us, to be with
others? Get out from your own world, go back to earth and enjoy
all things here! Hang out with guys, prioritize your self-enjoyment,
put out these weirdly notes and spare time with the society.”
And the last thing that she said is the most deafening
phrase for me.
“Besides, YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!” This phrase makes me irritated
especially to those who says it every time. So I stand up and
“Stop it! I‟m sick of those words, you don‟t have any difference
from every people.”
“Because it‟s true, Mira, those words are true!! That‟s what we see
from you and we tend to help you to get out of your shell” she
shouted that everyone in our room catches our attention.
“I have my own way Lorraine; you don‟t have to care for me.” she
replied in a cold manner, I grab my bag and gave her my final
“Yes, You Only Live Once, we only live once, but the thing is, we
also die once, and You Only Die Once. What if I say you‟re gonna
die tomorrow morning, can you set right all the wrongs you‟ve
done within 24 hours? Why would I waste my time doing worthless
And find myself a place where I could be in silence.
I have still this annoyance every time people will stub me
as a loner, the one with no friends or peers. So I put my ear
phones on and play music in shuffle mode.
The music seems to concur with my situation and it makes
me get more annoyed, I put it off and daydream of nothing within
the noise inside the room, waiting for our professor.
Until everything was in peace, our professor Mr. Falkner
entered the room, he did not leave any greetings, and instead he
taught directly. I did not even notice that he already gave us a
group work; I just heard at the front that they are starting to
count off then everyone with the same number will be your
Unluckily, I‟ve been paired with Lorraine, to tell you the
truth, she‟s totally nice but I hate her officious personality. She will
talk, putting herself on one‟s shoes even she does not know
everything and I don‟t even know what‟s her problem towards me
She approached me but I did not lend my ears to her first,
but put my attention first to what Mr. Falkner is saying.
We will be sharing our experience about the topic
“Forgiveness”, I thought deeply and asked myself
“Did I already forgive someone?”
The other pairs started to share their experiences while I
and Lorraine has not started yet. I don‟t know how to start the
discussion since she‟s busy on her phone, until she broke the
moment of awkwardness towards each other.
“What‟s your plan now, you go share first!” I was not on my
inkling back then so she asked me if I really listened to Mr.
Falkner‟s instructions.
“Why should I? It seems that you have so much to share?” I
replied innocently, I can still feel my perversity towards her.
“Alright I get it, you don‟t have friends or peer groups. Certainly,
you don‟t have adversaries and you can‟t relate to the topic since
you‟re just all by yourself” she said in sarcastically which is too
offensive for me.
“Well, I don‟t have anything to discuss coz actually I don‟t know
how to forgive!” she continued.
I was shocked to what she has said.
How come she doesn‟t even know how to forgive? Why?
To whom? I want to all her reasons behind it.
“How can‟t you forgive?” I asked her.
“You‟re asking too much!” she said aggravated.
“Well this is sharing, so I can interrogate you hmm.”
She rolled her eyes and say “It‟s not easy to forgive
anyone, it‟s easy to utter a sorry but difficult when you‟re in front
of someone. Why do we need to forgive others if they already
mean it?” It looks like she‟s pulling out to something make me
more curious about her.
“Huh?? Are you pulling out to something? Wait!! I don‟t get your
It looks like she‟s pulling out to something makes me more
curious about her.
“Huh?? Are you pulling out to something? Wait!! I don‟t get your
“You will not understand Mira, you don‟t have any idea. Stop
asking me and perhaps we need to pretend that were finished.”
Lorraine said.
“Enough Mira, shut up and go back to your seat, and I‟ll go back to
my seat.” She did not let me finish my words, I have nothing to do
but to follow her, to shut up and go back to my seat.
I can‟t imagine that our conversation would be like that, I
thought that I would be wordless during this pair-thingy of Mr.
I saw myself on Lorraine‟s; I saw the grief and the hatred
beyond her eyes. I feel better to her now, my mood lightens to
her. It looks like I found something who have the same situation
with me.
But the questions are really bugging me..... Why? Who?
How? Things I want to grasp.
Mr. Falkner‟s time has ended, the noise inside the room
started to take its place again. I look for Lorraine and found her
mum on her desk.
I want to approach her but it would be much better if I
would just disregard her and thought of going first to the
I was on the restroom when a cold air come up to me and
at the same time a little girl pass through me, she looks pitiful and
I can see from her a need for justice. She‟s a spirit, ghost and a
strange being.
To tell you the truth, I had a special sense, sense of seeing
unseen things, things inside the spiritual dimension. Back when
my parents died, things started to get strange; I have seen many
souls of the dead, spiritual beings and apparitions.
At first, I was scared because souls are always
approaching me for help, for a need and for supplications but when
time passes by I accept it.
I keep it only to myself coz I know people will not believe
me, I made my own studies, discover it and in fact I have a book
about these phenomena.
The soul of the little girl faded so quick that I did not
notice her. Sometimes, I wished that my Mama and Papa will
appear to me and that my sense will unveil their souls. I missed
them so much, and if ever that my wish will be granted, I will hug
them, kiss them, and let them stay with me.
I watched my face over the mirror; I have changed so
much, my blissful face of the past turns into a displeased face, it
seems ruined, I gently washed my face and went back to my
After me is our Biology Professor, but he just stayed for a
while for attendance and left the room. I look again for Lorraine
and I found her still in silent mode. I also am still troubled about
her problem, until she stands up and leave the room. Where is she
Hours passed by, Lorraine did not yet return. Our next
professor comes along, time moves so fast until our last class hour
up to our recession still she did not return. But her bag, she left it
alone. Due to my concern, I will not leave this room up until she
won‟t return. And I did not know that I have fallen asleep but the
bag, the bag was not there anymore.
Meaning Lorraine returned and left me sleeping. I was
aggravated on what she did when a man suddenly got my
attention. He‟s sitting in front and reading a book, I ignored him
and hurriedly fix myself, and for sure Aunt Sally is drunk again.
Before I had left the room, the man on the front seat left
too, he looked at me before leaving and left me initiating his face.
His tender eyes, honed nose and rosy lips, it was the first time I
saw him here inside the campus and it seems he is so famous here
due to his handsomeness.
I go home but Aunt was not there, maybe she‟s gambling
again. Aunt Sally is the older sister of my Papa, and the black
sheep of their family since birth, I think. Because of hatred, she
started to waste her own life, she grow as a drunkard, gambler
and unfaithful.
She does not care for me, i just don‟t know if she still
knows my name haha.
I go now to my room and set the alarm for tomorrow
morning, but before I ended my day, I used to study about my
special sense, my experiences and my encounters between the
spiritual and paranormal realm. I remembered the little girl and
identify her state, I opened my special book and look for it, and for
me, according to my own study, she‟s a Benign, since she does not
show any actions of danger.
My study has continued so far that I had made
classifications of souls and spirits.
First Soul: The Benigns
-These are harmless souls, they don‟t bother human
beings. Sometimes they appear as an apparition to people while
the others transfigure as a human. They attract people to help
them get through the Light.
Second Soul: The Folks
-These are souls who do not want to move towards the
Light, they‟re just here on earth; some of them were staying here
for a decade. They don‟t want to leave their riches and wealth;
they live on their houses which we considered as haunted. They
are also harmless like the Benigns but when people start to
possess and steal their wealth, they will also start to be aggressive
and sometimes dangerous.
Third Soul: The Raucouses
-They are the most dangerous type of souls. They bother
people most of the times. Some of them were so harsh that they
can put people to death. They are happy seeing people scared of
them, the more the people are scared, the more they get stronger.
They are the only type of soul that can possess inside human‟s
I also wrote a study about the Light. The Light, I think, is
the place for souls and spirits, only those who want to be there
and who had moved on are allowed to get there. Its colour and
brightness is unexplainable.
Another one, souls don‟t have a physical body, their body
was just an illusion but they have faces. And if they‟re going
towards the Light, their faces will vanish and they will change as a
full spiritual being.
Souls can‟t talk but they can communicate people through
eye contact, they are not like those on the movies. They have no
expressions except of being in grief, anger, hatred and sorrow. You
can tell a soul in happiness, if it‟s spirited body will glow like a
Candles are the material being of a soul, they can turn
themselves as a candle, telling that they can‟t easily accept their
state. They need to be lit, and when the candle has been lit, for
sure that soul is now towards the light.
Salts are their material food, these are purifiers; souls are
purified through salt. Souls need to be pure before going towards
the Light.
This study made my life exciting in a little way. There are
times that souls become my friends; they let my situation become
lighter just like real friends but for only a day since they want to
get through the Light.
Written in this book are apparitions of spiritual beings not
known on earth. I have seen spirits with four wings; they look like
angels but for me they are not since I don‟t believe God anymore.
I call them the Advocates; their function is to call for souls
called to be like them.
There are also the Guardians, who lead souls towards the
And the last things I know are the Ebonies or the black
spirits, they are soul catcher, they imprison souls, I don‟t know
what their purpose is.
Believe or not, these things are true, it looks like a bit
mythological but for people granted with special senses, these are
amazing unknown facts.
Suddenly, I remember the man who is reading the book
inside the classroom. Is he a soul?
Uhmmmm.. Maybe not, he‟s handsome and has a body but
for a human being, he‟s so mysterious.
I was in a deep sleep when I jump out of bed without
knowing the reason, I look for my clock and face what time is it?
2:15 AM
It‟s still in the midnight, so I go back to my bed and after a
while I jumped out again at
2:30 AM
I started to sleep again and woke up
2:45 AM
When a woman was on my foot, I thought it was my Aunt
Sally but she has no expressions and a body. Certainly, she‟s a
soul and what makes me bug, is that she‟s staring at me. I ignored
her and go back to sleep. But I woke up again, 15 minutes after.
3:00 AM
The woman is still staring at me, but this time she‟s
weeping, she has no expressions but tears were falling from her
eyes. Due to my lenity for her, I started to make a contact with
her. Imagine me having a third eye on my forehead slowly
She‟s a Benign, from her eyes, through my eyes, all
through my mind; she‟s telling me that she asks for justice.
I close my eyes and found myself in a scene where her
death occurs. She was killed helplessly, her mouth is taped,
blindfolded and tied on a chair and then suddenly she was shot
once on her core align within her heart. That‟s the reason behind
her need for justice. But all I just can do is to let her accept her
fate and forgive.
I applied what Mr. Falkner has taught us that forgiveness
is a good cure for justice. I stand up and look for a candle and salt
to prepare for her purification.
I contact her and tell “forgive.” But she‟s telling me that she can‟t.
“There‟s nothing you can do except through forgiveness” after my
advice she started to scream on my mind. I put my hands on my
ears; the scream was so loud, louder than an airplane‟s sound.
But still I continue to say it “If you can‟t, you can‟t get the
one you want!!”
Lights on my room started to turn on and off
“FORGIVE!!” I screamed but the tension becomes much more
“FORGIVE!!!!!!” I throw the candle towards her and then suddenly
she vanished.
I sprinkled the salt to the candle and say,
“You are now purified”
I lit the candle and made a supplication for the soul. After
the happening, I saw her going to the Light together with the
Guardian; her face is flourishing making her a full spiritual being.
“Good work, Mira” I congratulated myself for helping souls
get through the Light where eternal happiness reigns.
Suddenly, I asked myself if this sense is a gift or an occult,
If it‟s bad demonic or good as what good is.
This special sense made me attach to a place where no
humans being are allowed to be in. I am foreseeing a world which
we consider as a mythical belief.
I have the purpose of this sense, but the essence? Who
give this? Why do I have to do these things? But the thing is, I can
help those helpless souls, they can approach me for help just as
how a true friend does.
I sighed deeply and said,
“This is not bad, this is good, you are good and from now on you
are a gift.” This special sense is a gift and not an act of occult.
I look at my clock to check the time that makes me
Its 5:00 AM at dawn. I have to hurry for school.

I‟m late now; I never thought that my encounter between
that soul takes too much time. I‟m on the bus trapped between
the heavy traffic outside. If only I could put it into flight.
I have only ten minutes remaining before my first class
starts. While I‟m busy thinking about many things, two guys were
also busy talking with each other. I tried not to listen to them but
my ears can‟t resist hearing it.
“Bro, have you heard about the latest news for Nathan?” asked the
first guy.
“That??” replied the second guy.
“That up until now, his family has no idea if where he is now, they
still can‟t contact his number.” The first guy said worriedly.
The second guy look at him wondering,
“Huh? I thought he‟s in Austria for three years?”
“That‟s all that we know about him, but I‟m still worried for our
buddy, I missed him badly bro. We never heard his name for many
many years, what‟s going on him?” the first guy.
“Maybe, he‟s just super busy there. I missed him too bro but not
that badly.” The second guy,
“Not to perceive bro but what if he‟s dead....” said the first guy
that made the second guy crumb.
“Hey, stop it!! He‟s just busy, nothing more and please you should
never think of it..” sighed the second guy.
That‟s it; they miss their best friend I guess?! But what
makes me yearn over them is that they have not yet talked to him
for years. If I‟m on their place, I would really find a way just to call
him and ask him if he‟s okay.
7:20 AM when I arrived at school, I‟m super late errrrrrr.
I ran so fast after my entry towards the school gate until I
reach my room, but there are no people inside, no classmates, no
professor except to the guy I saw yesterday, and the one reading
a book.
He‟s still reading his book, I go to the back side of the
room, and I think he did not notice my arrival. But the thing is my
classmates are not here...
Where are they??
I nodded for a while; I got tired running towards here. I
thought of going to the cafeteria for a breakfast since I have not
taken yet my breakfast.
Lifting my head, I was shocked when the guy earlier is
now beside me. He‟s looking at me sincerely but when I look at
him too, he avoided it.
“Ehy! Do you have a problem?” I asked him.
Instead of answering my question, he suddenly turns away
from me, leaving me here alone. Just weird.
And then suddenly my stomach started to sound like a
burp so I decided to go to the cafeteria. I was just eating my
snack when a guy entered the cafe and sit in front of me, but the
thing that made me surprise is that, the one in front of me is the
one I saw earlier.
He‟s still reading his book and shortly, he‟s looking at me
again, his looks tell that he wants to talk to me. What‟s the matter
with this guy?
So I look at him also, eye to eye if ever he wants to have a
conversation with me.
But still, he‟s not saying a word even an “uhmmm”. Our
gazing with each other took a lot of seconds so I stop it.
I stand up, move through the cashier to pay all my food
and go away from him. He‟s really weird.
As I went back to my classroom, one of my classmates
approached me and said,
“Hey Mira!! You‟re really weird, where did you go? Earlier we saw
you entered a wrong room and then you were gone so quickly.
You‟re just really weird!”
I don‟t know if she‟s teasing me or concern about me. And
I don‟t enter a wrong room earlier; eh they are the ones who are
not here.
Anyways, I sit on my usual seat and just spent my day
focusing on what my every professor are saying and talking.
After our class, I went to the library to find a new book to
read. Even though, its recessional time, there are a lot of students
here inside, some of them were doing projects and others are
spending times there.
I was on the shelves when I saw a guy leaning beside the shelves,
he‟s just busy reading a book when I found out that he‟s the weird
guy that I saw earlier on our room and inside the cafeteria.
Why do we always meet each other??
He looked at me and leave again, did I just disturbed him?
Hayy it doesn‟t matter, I move towards the librarian for
the book and leave and for Pete‟s sake I saw him again in front of
the library‟s door but this time I did not look at him, things are
getting strange now.
I was on my way home when I start thinking that guy.
He‟s handsome but kinda weird. What‟s the matter with him?
And why do I always see him?
What‟s his name?
How old he is?
And what‟s his problem?
Ughh never mind him.
But I had this strange feeling for him, I never saw him
smiling, frowning or laughing. Is he a soul?
No, he‟s not, he‟s handsome, and he has a body. I hope
we can be friends.
Hey!! Just friends!! Ahh.
Margaux’s P.O.V
Margaux Sebastian, that‟s my name, born as a family
oriented girl. My parents and I were so close that we used to have
this strong family bond, we love to travel.
But those things were just an immediate satisfaction, my
father was no longer with us, he‟s with her mistress.
Before that thing happens, his contact with us started to
cool; he had excuses for everything like,
“Im busy”
“Im tired”
“Please don‟t bother me first”
That‟s the time when my mother started to suspect him.
And then one day, Mom and I went for a shopping. We passed by
on a restaurant, we saw him, within our both eyes, with his other
I got numb and upset, I can‟t moved, all I want to do is
slap that woman and cry to Dad. But my Mom gripped me while
crying and saying,
“Let your Dad be happy” one of the most stupid words I‟ve ever
For me it‟s painful and If I were on her shoes, I will fight
for him and will not flow with that affection.
Dad chose his second family; he had a child on that
woman 6 months old.
Without hesitation he put their marriage down and up for a
Due to that part, I forlorn my studies, I felt broken and
unwanted. Every night, I could hear my mother crying for my Dad.
To relieve and remove all the pains I have inside and lift
myself up again, I joined on a modelling workshop. My Mom
worked abroad and left me independently in a condominium.
Now, Mom and I are both Canadian citizens. Even though
we had moved from the past, the pain is still there, especially to
The song “Dance with my Father” by Luther Vandross
makes my situation heavier and tenser.
I know I‟m praying for too much
But could you send back
The only men she‟d love.
I know you don‟t do it usually but dear Lord, she‟s dying
to dance with my father again.
That was the heaviest part in it that made my cry again
and again. But thanks to that song, because of it, I met Nathan
Paul Sebastian.
I was on a plane when that song played all over the
travellers. It made me cry so hard, Nathan noticed me, offer his
handkerchief and asked me if I was fine.
At first sight, I fell for him, he has this charm that every
girls would want to be throughout her whole life and from what he
had done, I‟m find him kind and caring.
From that, we started to have a long conversation,
introduce ourselves and eat together on a place where the plane
We shared a lot about our lives. We share the same
experience; we have this very close relationship after all.
Both of us were in Canada back then, when he starts
courting me, he became the best suitor and do anything for me.
My heart beats so fast when I‟m with him, his pleasant
smiles and eyes made me realize that this guy is a big catch and I
will never abandon this type of fate.
I gave him the sweetest “YES” after doing his hardships
and sacrificing his time just to titillate me. We‟ve been together for
more than two years, and those two years was so perfect every
part of it has memorable stories.
He‟s a man every girl‟s dream, a faithful, intelligent and
handsome guy. I never thought of adverting him, or make him feel
Within those two years, we‟ve started to plan our future
and what do we want someday, the marriage, children and our
I never think of Dad anymore, he‟s not a man, Nathan lift
me higher and changed my life.
Months passed, he are asked by his family to go back to
Philippines, he came back here in Canada just to say a farewell to
me, because he will be working in Austria as an architect. He left
me too but it would just be temporary.
And I know he would not be like Dad, he loves me and for
sure he will come back again and do our plans in life.
“I will be back, understand? I‟m doing this for our future and for
my family.”
“I know, but this time, I‟m missing you immediately”
“Hey, don‟t cry. I‟ll call you after this and just always remember, I
will come back for you”
“I understand”
“I love you,Margaux”
“I love you too, Nathan”
That was my last convo with him, last hug and last kiss
from him.
I waited for his call that day and the next day after, but I
haven‟t received any, even a simple text from him. I started to
worry, I can‟t sleep that time.
And now, I‟m a famous model here in Canada and in fact, I
bring the crown to this country as Ms. International.
I‟ve been busy on showbiz and modelling, photo shoots here,
photo shoot there, photo shoot everywhere. But up until now, I
have not yet received news about Nathan. Questions are bothering
my own self,
“What happened to him?”
“Is he still okay?”
I only think that he‟s just busy there. He‟s persevering
every time for our future. But negative vibes make everything
“What if he found a girl that is more beautiful than me?”
“What if he‟s busy with his family there, a family of his own?
Lot of what if‟s, lot of imputations.
One thing I‟m still holding of,
“He will come back; he promised me he will come back.”
I arrived home and I can‟t stop thinking of that weird guy,
he‟s always on my mind.
From the beginning when I saw him, everything seems
strange. I just can‟t explain but there‟s really something about
The house was in silence when I enter inside, Aunt Sally
was not around and for sure she‟s wasting her money again.
I went to my room, put my things on my table and lie on
my bed. This day was so stressful. From my subjects, to my life
status, my gift down through that weird guy sigh..
Yes, I‟m still thinking of him, the way he looks at me, the
way he see things, he makes me confused. So I close my eyes and
stop thinking all the stress for a moment.
I never thought that I fell in a deep sleep and then
I woke up crying, reason? I dreamt about my Mom and
Dad. It says that I was on a train station waiting for the train to
leave; I don‟t have any idea why am I there, waiting for its
The train started to run, as I was looking on it, I saw Mom
and Dad waving their hands to me, pertaining to a goodbye.
I can‟t accept that they‟re going to leave me alone, so I
tried to follow the train and run as fast as I can, but....
A guy reached for my hands saying “Don‟t follow it”.
Surprisingly, it was the guy who I always see, the guy with no
I want to release his hands off me but he‟s too strong and
can carry me.
“MOM!!!!!! DAD!!!!!!”
I cry out loud, even I‟m hopeless and despaired, I want to
scream their names they might return to me. Then, the guy
hugged me so tight and try to calm me.
My dream wants me to realize that my parents will never
return anyhow, but I can‟t!! All I want is to bring them back to me,
coz they are my life, things won‟t be easy if I don‟t have them.
I will not be given a chance to smile again, and it‟s
because of God, if he‟s truly loving and powerful, he won‟t let me
suffer all these things, I don‟t believe in his purpose anymore,
He cursed me.
But this guy....
What is he doing inside my dreams?
How is he connected to my life?
But still I don‟t want to stress myself so I go back where I
used to, a deep sleep.
I woke up lonely, its Saturday and don‟t have anything to
do but to clean this house. I went out to my room; go to the
refrigerator if Aunt had left a note for me.
I left you money here, It‟s up to you how will you budget
it, buy your food first at the market, clean this house. Be sure
after my return, all are set and clean. I will return late in the
Together with the note is a five hundred peso bill, she‟s
going to be late, from where?
Ughhh. Never mind, maybe she‟s going to gamble again.
I set off directly to the bathroom and bath, after that I
move to the market to buy my food for the whole day.
While I was finding a store, I saw a soul, a female soul,
together with the family she left, her husband I think and their
son. She never abandoned her son even she‟s dead, how I think
Mom and Dad would be like her too.
There are few souls here, but they are just Benigns, they
don‟t harm people. I thought there are no souls inside a crowded
place, but they‟re here.
I bought a kilo of `chicken for adobo, it‟s been a long time
since my last time eating adobo. I also bought a bottle of vinegar
and soy sauce, pepper and potatoes.
I‟m finished already, I bought no more so I decided to
return home.
I‟m on my way through the terminal when someone hit
and crash towards me.
All my items fell on the ground but the one who hits me,
picked them up and astonishingly he‟s the weird guy again.
I thanked him and walked away quickly apart from him
but before that I heard him calling my name.
“Mira, right?” how could he know my name? So i did not
answer his call,
“Please, wait Mira!”
What‟s the matter with this weird guy?
“First of all Mr, don‟t call my name coz I don‟t even know you,
second how did you know my name and third are you stalking
me?” I asked him irritably.
But he just laughed and said,
“Easy Mira, I‟m not stalking you!” he replied.
“Then, I won‟t waste my time for you!” I turned away from him
but he‟s not stopping.
I did not let him finish his words and shut him up
“Stop calling me Mira!! I don‟t even know you, crazy”
How come that he know my name? I never tell my name
to him or talking to him either. Anyways, he‟s just crazy.
There are no jeepneys, when I got here at the terminal,
I‟ve been waiting for five minutes but no jeeps are coming! Im an
impatient girl and I don‟t want to waste my time waiting for a
So I decided to walk from here to our home, I‟m not a
stagey type of a girl, I can walk a distance, since its my family‟s
favourite bond.
Back when I was a child, after attending Mass at the
church, we will walk a kilometre from the church to our home; we
will eat whenever we will see a pick-a food store.
Sometimes, we stay at the park, there we play and picnic
for a long time especially during their pay days.But that was in the
past, right now,
I‟m all by myself now, no one to share with my pick-a
food, even my Piattos. Minutes passed, I finally made it to my
favourite park.
I sat on my favourite part of the park, the swing, I was
just happy back then swinging here, but now everything seems so
gray, no happiness, no excitement.
“There are still many ways to comfort your soul, you can never be
that always” a voice talked behind me.
Guess where it‟s from?
From the weird guy! He‟s here again but right now he has
expressions of concern for me.
“Nathan!” he lend his hands to me but I just look at it, I look at his
face, he was so cute, he has this charisma that everybody loves,
his smiles and his teeth, he looks like a demi god but he‟s just so
“Hey, I‟m Nathan!” he said waving his hands as I was an idiot.
“And then,,, how should I care” I haught.
“Mira, I‟m Nathan Sebastian” he said in a very cute way, shocks
his charm, why is he doing this?
“How did you know my name? Nathan Sebastian?” I asked him, he
sat on the other swing and talked to me.
“Well....” he‟s going to explain but I outran him.
“You‟re stalking me?” I asked but he did not reply.
“I‟m right!! You‟re stalking me, silence means yes!” but he still
don‟t have his answer.
“Hayyyssstt,, you‟re stalking me Mr. Nathan”
“Okay, you win, I admit it, I‟m stalking you” I suddenly laugh out
“Why??” I‟m still laughing so hard because of his confession.
“See, I made you laugh, you‟re beautiful when you‟re smiling” he
said in a serious way.
From that, I started to frown again.
“Hey!! You‟re frowning again!” he said.
“What‟s your purpose” I asked him hurriedly
“I said, what‟s your purpose, why do you want me to smile? How
did you know me? What is your purpose?” that was my most
serious question I‟d ever ask, I think?!
“Well, look, every time I see you inside the campus, you‟re always
alone, you‟re just walking and studying you by yourself,
sometimes you are bullied, you‟re teased by your classmates. I
never saw you smiling even a single smirk, I never saw that to
you. So I came here to you as a...”
“As a?”
“As a friend, Mira!” he said.
“I don‟t trust everyone, I‟m an introvert and I don‟t usually talk to
others, but this time you‟re stepping of my character..” I replied to
him, now.
I have this smile on my face.
“But wait” I continued, “Are you a student?”
“A teacher?”
“Then what?”
“Let‟s just say I‟m one of the staff.” He replied while looking at the
Then there a silence between us,
“Tell me about your story!” I asked him interestingly.
“You first!”
“eh?! I asked you first!” I grumbled.
“Faster... I wanna know more about you!” Nathan.
“Fine.... I am Almira Faith Salvador, a nursing student. As a
student, I experienced a lot of mocking and scorns from my
classmates towards my personality and character.
They call me weird, nerd and I don‟t think what their
problem is, I used to focus myself studying but their words really
hurt a lot. These things would not happen if my parents didn‟t
“Wait! Your parents are both dead?” he asked me like he was just
“Yes, and because of that happening, everything in my life turns
into ruins, I had never rebuilt myself again.
I used to smile back then, I used to belong with people
and I used to enjoy my life with my family.
Until, this so called “CREATOR” takes my family‟s lives and
joy. That God put them into an accident; he let them die in an
unknown time.”
“Are you mad to God?” he asked.
“Who am I going to blame? Myself? You? Or the other people who
also caught in accident? It‟s he who is responsible for every
human‟s life, he made it and he should take care of it.”
“But he has plans!” he debated
“Plans for what? At first, I believe that he has plans but then
things start to change. Did he plan this? If he truly cares for me,
then why did he put me here!” tears again started to fall out from
my eyes.
I can‟t handle this situation I had.
“Sorry for that!” he asked
“No, you don‟t have to, it‟s normal for me to cry and weep every
“Alright, we have the same story?” he said while nodded.
“Same? I think were not” I disagreed to him, to his face, how can
be that way too?
“Let‟s just say that we have the same situation but I‟m the one
who got lost” I look at him, he has this gloomy face after saying
But I don‟t understand him,
“Ahhh... get lost? Meaning I‟m the one who moved, uhhmmm I
became a prodigal son” he added.
“Why, tell me your story?” I asked, he just look at me and it takes
couple of seconds before he start to tell it.
“I won‟t.” He thriftily said but I opposed him, it‟s unfair for me, I
told my story to him.
“Hey!! I have told my story to you, tell yours too!”
“Maybe at the right time?” and now he‟s getting strange again.
“I‟m just playing safe” he continued.
“Playing safe?” I started to doubt him, what‟s the matter with him
and I think there is something that I should know about him.
“Who are you?” I asked him curiously, it‟s not a literal question, I
want to know his real purpose and identity, I know that there is
some strange thing happening between me and Nathan.
“You‟ll know my purpose!” he said and at fast pace, he suddenly
What‟s with that guy? He‟s really weird. I look around the
park to find Nathan, but he‟s not there anymore just a cold air
surrounded me when I got up.
I stayed at the park for 30 minutes, I really miss this place
but one thing is not unbelievable, from the start where I met
Nathan, there are no kids here, there are no children playing.
I‟m just the only one swinging here. But Nathan, he made
me smile, I won‟t forget this feeling and day.
After 30 minutes, I started to walk again from the park
down through our home.
While walking, I decided to pass by the cemetery to visit
my parents‟ tomb. I first went some flowers, while walking; I
remembered all anger and resentment when they left me.
I saw counted people visiting their loved ones here; I can
also see souls behind some of them. I come near to my parent‟s
tomb and clean it.
I talked to them although I knew they won‟t answer me
“Mom, Dad,” tears started to fall again before saying their names.
“I missed you so much *sniff* it‟s been years since you left me
*sniff* and I think I will never be the same again *sniff* I will
never move on, the pain here in my heart *sniff* is permanent.
I am completely lost, unable to express what had just
happened to you *sniff* and refused to allow the process of
healing begin by closing myself off from everyone around me
*sniff*. There are no nights *sniff* that I would cry for you, I
never show to everyone my smile, I became weak.
If only *sniff* I could set an expiration date for this pain
and heal myself but I could not *sniff*. I was in denial and did not
face the fact that it all happened in just a single snap.”
I know I‟m crying so much, but I didn‟t care about my
“Mom *sniff* Dad *sniff*, please go back!!! I love you!!”
Then cold winds passed by me, making my cry get loud,
“MOOM!!!!” I screamed out.
Saturday, when I thought of visiting my grandpa on the
cemetery. While driving my car inside the cemetery, I saw Mira
inside also, I keep on watching her.
She‟s mourning and out of nowhere, she‟s sitting on a
tomb, who‟s buried there?
I decided to visit first my grandpa and go back to Mira, so
I can talk to her. After almost 20 minutes, I saw her leaving the
tomb; I watched over her, open my car‟s glass shield and call
“Mira!” she turned back to me while wiping his eyes that used to
be in tears
“Lorraine?? What are you doing here?” she seems surprised.
“I visited my grandpa? How about you?”
She took a long time answering my question,
“ahhh...uhmmm..Nothing, I just visited a friend.” She replied that
looks untruly in her ways.
“Ride on!” I asked her, I want to talk to her, I want to befriend
Mira. I want to know her more, and from now on, I am feeling this
guilt back when I became one of her haters.
Right now, I want to repent and be a friend for her. I want
to influence her in a way she would be a perfect woman, but in a
good way hehe.
“Mira, hop on!!”
Without a word, she hopped on my car and ride with me.
“Why are you doing this?” she asked.
“Is it bad? I‟ll treat you!”
“Lorraine, look we‟re not friends and I don‟t trust people. How can
I be sure you won‟t harm me?”
This is the fruit of pissing her off, she will not trust me
cause I‟d become so mean to her.
“Later, you will know, trust me; this is not a trap, just a friendly
treat. I‟ll explain it to you!”
She locked in her seatbelts meaning she wants to go with
me. I pulled up the hoop and start to drive. We went to a
restaurant and when we were there, I saw teardrops slowly flowing
down to her face, what‟s the matter with her?
We went inside and sat in a table where there are no
people besides it, a perfect place for reconciliation haha.
The waiter offered the menu, I picked our food and wait
for its preparation.
“So what are we going to discuss?” she asked.
“I want to say sorry” while nodding; I said it sincerely to her.
“Sorry for what?”
“For everything, from being a mean gal, pisser and....” I‟m not
finish with my words when,....
“Okay, I get it”
“What?” I surprisingly asked.
“Apology accepted.” She pardoned
“Really? Why?”
“Forgiveness?? By Mr. Falkner!”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Go on, you‟re my acquaintance now!”
“Before we enter this resto, I saw you teary? What‟s wrong with
you?” I asked.
“Nothing, my eyes hurts only.” She replied without looking at me.
“I know you have something to tell, honestly, I‟m pushing myself
just to understand you. Tell me, what‟s your problem?”
“You don‟t have to push yourself, Lorraine. Besides, I‟m well-
trained of understanding myself and nothing more” Mira said.
“Mira! Stop being stupid! You‟re not the only one, I am also like
you! I don‟t have someone who will consistently be on my side, to
lean of.” I also explained her myself, she seemed flabbergasted
with my words but these are all true.
“I‟m sorry to hear that. To tell you the truth, I visited my parents
in the cemetery, not a friend. My parents died last year and still I
can‟t move on, I disclosed myself to everyone, became an
introvert and never trust anyone. I can‟t accept every happening in
my life, I love my parents, I hope for a perfect future with them
and have faith.
But these faith, hope and love that people believe have
not been granted to me. Faith became doubt, I never believed
hope until it turns into despair, and love turns me into an
untouchable person. And I‟m touched when my story looks like you
too.” Mira.
“We have the same life set, but what makes us different is that my
parents are alive, but they have no place for me, they‟d never
consider me as their child, business here, business there.
Only my grandfather understands me. I had my first love
but he broke it, nobody wants to be part of my life, I‟m a hopeless
child, a hopeless romantic and a hopeless like you too.”
“Mira, I‟m sorry if I judged you, for running of against you. But
now, I finally understand that I am not the only one suffering from
seclusion, we have the same status, and I think we can
understand each other” I added.
“Can we be friends? Close friends?” I asked her.
“Close friends” she lend her hand as a sign of our friendship.
“Thank you, Mira!” I hugged her, “For whatever will happen, I‟ll be
always here to lend my sympathy. Maybe I‟m a mean girl but in
fact I still have my moral attitude in my heart. They were just
covered by pains and problems”
She massaged my back to comfort me, I can‟t believe that
we have the stuff and I think we can help each other.
“Mira, whenever you need help, I‟m always here and I hope we
can help each other.”
“Of course, you know what?” she asked.
“You‟re my first friend after the death of my parents” she smirked.
“Really? Im touched.. Well look, you‟re smirking!!” I teased her,
that‟s the first time I saw her smiling even at her simplest way.
“You know what too? You‟re beautiful, you just need to transform!”
I said.
“Yes, a brand new transformation. I can help you with that!”
“Maybe, sooner, but not now.”
And after that, our orders are well present on our table.
We tackled everything, our favourites, hobbies and everything that
will know us deeper. By then my feelings soften for her.
We used to discuss more but she said that she needs to go
home, she needs to clean their house so I brought her to their
house and after that I went back home.
Mira is neither weird nor nerd; she‟s a loving woman and
may be a good friend.
I love her personality and we have this mutual
characteristics and attitude towards other people and I think this
will be my first step of taking her to a brand new side of her.
This is a weird day. First, that weird guy named Nathan
that I encountered at the market and at the park and my
conversation with him and leave suddenly in just a blink of an eye.
Second, with Lorraine, it was impossible to talk with her and
probably now we became friends.
I can‟t believe but honestly I felt afraid and happy. Afraid,
because I thought that this will only be an immediate situation,
again. Happy because my feelings now has soften.
I have now a friend that I could issue forth my
supplications. Despite, I‟ll be no longer will experience sorrow and
never be alone again, I hope.
I already finished cooking our food; I sat on our sofa and
did not notice that I already fallen asleep. It‟s like I‟m dreaming,
my mind was awake but my body is physically sleeping. I saw the
Light!! Am I dreaming? I saw an image of a human but...
I can‟t recognize who she is or who he is. Until, the door
was knocked, Aunt Sally woke me up. She‟s drunk, I stand
immediately and help her enter our house, she‟s swaying and I
have to carry her.
One thing, I did not tell is that she started wasting her life
when her husband died because of a car accident.
After that, I never had a serious talk with her, just like me,
I never saw her smiling but she never neglected me.
I laid her on her room and wiped her face. She‟s deep
asleep, she‟s only coming back home when she‟s already drunk but
I never saw her wild again.
Unlike before, she imprisoned herself on her room and
broke everything inside.
I left her and locked her door.
I ate and lie on my bed after but I can‟t sleep; I can‟t calm
down. I sit and think about it. I suddenly remembered Nathan the
weird, who really is he? And at the first place why did he know my
He‟s always watching over me and like a dog, always
following me and its really good for me to call him STALKER.
I mean he always following me, whenever I go, he‟s
always there, and wait what if he knows my location too?
I feel nervous and frightened maybe now he‟s there
outside the window watching over me. No, I‟m not a paranoid, and
then I go to sleep.
I woke up at 5:30 AM and Aunt Sally was not around but
she left me a note
Mira, here‟s your pocket money. Take care always 
We don‟t talk too personal but despite, I feel her concern
and care for me. Hopefully she could turn back who she used to be
Aunt Sally owes the responsibility to take care of me, she
doesn‟t have a child so when my parents died, they did not
hesitate to adopt me.
I‟ve arrived at school around 6:30 in the morning. I
decided to go at the school garden. At this moment, it‟s refreshing
to smell the breeze of air.
I sat on a bench and felt the peace, beauty and freshness
of my surrounding. I wish my life would be like this ahhhhh.
While walking on the corridor, someone hold my hand, It
was Lorraine!
“Hey! Mira, let‟s enter the room together” she said happily.
“You scared me?!”
“I‟m sorry hehe!”
. Before entering the room, I already saw Nathan inside our room
since he‟s the only one not wearing his uniform. He was just sitting
alone, but I manage to sit with Lorraine first.
Our class starts when Mr. Falkner entered our room,
minutes passed. Nathan was not yet introduced by our professor,
maybe he‟s just only an observer here, he‟s looking at me times
but I don‟t to ask him in the first place.
“Hey Mira! What‟s your problem? You‟re always looking at the
back?” Lorraine suddenly asked me.
“uhmmm nothing” I replied
“Are you sure? Are you really okay? If you‟re ill just tell me huh?”
she requested.
“No, don‟t worry, Im fine.” She just put her attention to what our
professor is saying.
I look at him again and at this time he‟s smiling, I don‟t
know how would respond, if I‟m going to pay him a smile or just
ignore his weirdness but the thing is, I think I‟m blushing.
Our class has finished and I‟m about to go home, I packed
up my things and step out from our room.
Lorraine said she have to go coz she‟s going somewhere. I
hurriedly step on the elevator then come Nathan the weird.
We were just two here inside, my heart‟s beating fast due
to anxiousness, silence broke when he call my name.
“Mira” in just a soft voice, my body fur started to prickle. I just
looked at him and did not say a thing.
„Mira” he‟s calling me again.
„Yes, why? Do you have anything to say?” without looking at him.
“Are you scared of me? Why can‟t you stare at me?” he asked.
“huh? Why should I be scared? You‟re not a ghost?” I replied.
“So you‟re afraid of ghosts?” he asked again but I did not mind his
question and just frown on him.
“you have so many questions!”
When the elevator has opened, I quickly ran of him.
That night, Aunt Sally went home again drunk.
I carry her to her room and wipe her face, then leave her
sleeping. But before I leave I look unto her and,,,
“Hayyy, Auntie, when will you stop all your vices?! When are we
going to have a serious talk, do I matter to you? Hayyy”
Then I close the door and go to my room and have sleep.
I woke late at exactly 10 AM, it‟s Sunday and again, I have
nothing to do but to stay here and do chores that I have not yet
done yesterday.
I went out to my room and saw Aunt sitting on the dining
table; she‟s having her coffee and reading a newspaper,
“Mira, have you cleaned the house?” she asked while continuing
reading her tabloid.
“Not yet po.” I replied
“WHAT?? What have you done yesterday?!”
“I‟m sorry Auntie!”
“I‟m sorry” That‟s all I can just say for now, since it was really my
“errrr..WHY DO I HATE THIS LIFE??!!” she throw her tabloid and
steps out from the house.
Do I become a burden to her? Hope not. Maybe she‟s still
drunk. I grab the broom and dustpan and start cleaning the house.
For an easier work, I also do cleaning and cooking rice.
From my room, to the living room, I carefully clean all the
dirt and mess inside, I did not remember that I was also cooking
the rice and did not smell it burning.
“MIRA!! THE RICE!!” Aunt hurriedly ran off through the kitchen and
switch off the gasoline tank.
I ran also towards the kitchen,
“I was just cleaning, and I forget about it.”
”I‟m sorry.”
These words really pierced my feelings, it hurts, it really
hurts but I will accept it, it‟s my fault.
I just followed her instructions and do the other chores.
While washing my clothes, I feel I‟m about to weep, I can‟t take
this any longer.
After all the chores, I went to my room and dressed, I
should go out so I can relieve this all.
Since its Sunday and I don‟t have nothing else to do
inside, I will spend my time outside.
There are a lot of people when I step out from our house,
It‟s church day and people are going to church, bells were jingling
all over our place, there were also lots of business stores around
the church temple, food stalls and religious stores.
I was just sitting on a bench when I saw Nathan walking
towards me, with his killer smile and charm; I could not get over
on his face.
“Hey Nathan!” he sat beside me.
“What are you doing here?” I asked.
“Church!” he thriftily said
“How about you? Aren‟t you going there?”
“No, I don‟t believe him anymore!” I said sarcastically.
“Huh?” he asked in awe.
“I said I don‟t believe him anymore.”
“Hey I told it to you when were at the park!”
“Aww sorry” Nathan
A moment of silence took place between us and then he
asked me to go with him.
“Where are we going, hey!” he‟s just holding my arm and take me
to a place that I don‟t know, I can feel his hands on me and its
We‟re heading towards the church temple.
“Nathan! What we are going to do there?”
“God has plans why he has put you in that place, and the only
thing you could do is to accept your fate because at the end you
will know his purpose!” he said while hauling me.
I put his hands off me and started to debate him.
“Plans? Purpose? Is these all his plans, to let people suffer?” I
“Yes he has his plans, he has his purpose. But he does not want us
to suffer, he wants us to understand and follow his will” he
“If he‟s all loving, why did he let people suffer and allowed death?”
We reach the church door while talking and debating
“It‟s not a right question, but I‟ll answer it”
“Well if you know he‟s the one who made your sufferings, it only
means that you still believe in him. God is not responsible for the
wars, crimes, the oppression or even the natural disaster that
cause people to suffer.
It‟s ours, it‟s our responsibility, imagine if the thieves will
not be thieves, then crimes would not take place. If the pilot on
that plane secured the plane, then there would be no plane crush.
Another is that, all things are planned, we have each one
a calling or a call for purpose, we have to deal with it because it
has been written.
Look, these people inside this church also have sufferings,
maybe some of them is heavier than your sufferings, some of
them are all alone, and some of them are always crying because of
But look, did they stop believing? Did they stop
No, actually all their sufferings helped them to be more
faithful, some of them became more courageous and some of
them became strong. Sufferings are not made for people to suffer
but to know more about our faith and let God‟s will be done unto
He looked at me sincerely but I felt guilty that time, but
what‟s my calling?
“Let‟s go” we entered the church and kneel at the front pew, the
nearest part towards the altar.
I missed going here, ever since my parents died, I never
visited here; I miss the ambiance, the atmosphere and its sanctity
that made my feelings lighter.
I was just looking around kneeling when the choir start to
practice a song for the next service, and it‟s really a solemn song
Huwag Kang mangamba,
Di ka nag iisa
Sasamahan kita
Saan man magpunta.
Ika‟y mahalaga sa king mga mata
Minamahal kita, Minamahal kita
Tinawag kita sa yong pangalan
Ikaw ay akin magpakilanman
Ako ang Panginoon mo at Diyos
Tagapagligtas mo at tagatubos.
The song helped me to reconcile with him, I pray for his
guidance, to renew myself and accept my life status, coz I know it
would be hard for me to move on.
I want to stand up after my fall, and that my faith to him
will be back as I used to back then.
Thanks to Nathan.
I ended my prayer and sit back and feel the presence of
God inside this church.
“Are you okay now?” Nathan looked at me asking if I was okay.
“Do you believe in him again?” Nathan.
“I‟m still doubting, Nathan. Can you help me please?” I asked him
“I will do my best but I bet you can do it by yourself quickly, this
will be your recovery, Mira.” He supported cheerfully.
“I hope so”
“Mira, I have to go” he suddenly fared to me, looks like he has
many things to do first so I also send my farewell and bye each
I am still inside the church when I saw Aunt Sally; she‟s
kneeling in my prayer and she‟s crying.
I want to approach her but I think she‟s still mad at me,
so it would be better if I will not come up to her.
I was on my way outside when I saw Advocates, spiritual
beings with four wings; they are guarding the church and then
suddenly the service started.
I saw also numerous souls attending the mass service. But
one that catches my sense is the soul of my uncle, his face.
I quickly ran off to him but he‟d gone so fast. I‟d never
mind it and went outside.
Then suddenly, the soul of uncle appeared on a garden
outside the church, I follow him until we met faces.
His face looks he did not die from cancer, he renewed and
had expressed peace. I look him eye to eye and tried to contact
“Mira, you‟ve grown up”
“Uncle, why are you here? Don‟t you wanna go there up the
Light?” I asked.
“What Light?” they did not know Light? Ohhh..
“The eternal place?”
“Heaven” he said. Heaven, the eternal happiness, maybe it‟s the
same with the Light.
I used to term it Light, the time when I started
disbelieving God.
“Yes, heaven, don‟t you wanna go there?”
“Not now, my mission is not yet finished” he said.
“As long as you and your Aunt can‟t recover, I will be always
here.” He said
So he‟s guiding us every day, how about my parents?
“How abou......” I am about to ask my parents to when he started
to move apart from me.
“Uncle!!!! Wait......” but he‟s gone
“How about my parents” I lose hope again to my parents.
How I wish I could see their souls.
Aunt Sally is lucky to have Uncle as her husband, though
he‟s dead, he is still there to protect and see her.
Monday again, start of class, I was on a bench inside the campus
waiting for my time when,
“HEY!!” Lorraine stunned me at the bench.
“Whew, you scared me!!”
“I‟m sorry, what are you doing here?” I‟m still catching my breath
after I shout out of surprise.
“wheewww...just waiting for our time...wheeeww..”
“Why don‟t you hang out with our classmates in our room?” she
“You know what my reason is!” I replied.
“Okay, fine! You want to take the FIRST STEP!!”
“First Step?”
“Yah, FIRST STEP to Stardom---eh--- RECOVERY!! Woop woop”
she said, acting too weird.
“So what‟s the first step hmmm?”
“After our class, I‟ll take you there. Let‟s go my friend”
“Okay, my friend” and we laughed together. It‟s so pleasant to
have a friend now, at least it will not be the guards but also
When we entered the room, all of the attention inside
belongs to us alone, some of them were surprised, others were
murmuring while the others see as weird gals.
“What are you looking to?” Lorraine asked meanly.
And then they turned back to their own businesses,
eavesdropper hmmm..
We sit beside each other and talk and talk.
All of our professors came here to teach our lectures, two
weeks more before our Midterms exam, that‟s why all of them
were rushing their lessons.
Then came our recession and time to go home, but I and
Lorraine are off to somewhere to do my FIRST STEP- thingy.
While on the hallway, Lorraine heard some of our
classmates murmuring about us.
“Lorraine used to befriend with Mira coz midterms is coming, she‟s
going to use Mira to pass the exam” she looks mad while she‟s
hearing it.
“What did you said?” she asked to our two classmates.
“WHAT?” they asked like they were not talking.
“Damn you both!!” Lorraine finalized and walked away.
We hopped on her car and go to that First step place,
In a just 20 minutes we reached the place, at the mall. I
don‟t get this woman.
“What are we doing here?” I asked her.
“Just follow me. Let‟s go”
We headed towards it and went to an optical store.
“What are we doing here? Lorraine.”
“Mira has a lot of questions? Hayyss. Just go with me!”
“Fine” we heads toward it and go to the clerk.
“Where are your contact lenses, Can we check it, thank you!”
She‟s checking for a contact lens, but to whom?
“Contact lenses?” I asked her.
“Maam, what grade?” the clerk asked.
“What‟s your eye grade? She asked me.
“250 – 500”
“Miss, 250-500” Lorraine said to the clerk.
“We‟re gonna buy you a contact lens as a replacement to this
weird eyeglasses” she put off my eyeglasses and throw it away,
people look at it but she never think of it.
“Lorraine?! My eyeglasses!!” I whined to her.
“Don‟t care about it, I said we‟re gonna buy you a contact lens”
“But I don‟t have money to buy it?” then the clerk offered the
contacts with many colors, red, brown, black and blue.
“Pick your colour” she said.
“But I don‟t have mon....”
“I said, pick your colour. I‟m going to buy it for you!!” she looks
I picked the contact lens with a brown colour coz I think
the others would not fit in to me.
Lorraine asked me to put it on and I do so.
At first, it‟s kinda irritable to wear but Lorraine said that I
will sooner adopt it.
We stepped out of the store and went to another. At the
“TADA!!! Step 1.2, you have the eyes and now it‟s time for
MAKEOVER!!” Lorraine said.
“You know, you don‟t have to do this, Lorraine; how can I pay you
“Look, Mira, I‟m doing this for you, I just want to transform you in
a way that everyone will admire you. You have the beauty both
inside and outside, but people never saw it because you‟re always
alone; and consider me now not as a friend, not as a best friend
but a fairy godmother!” I don‟t how should I react but I find him
sincere in her own way.
“Let‟s go!” she held my hand and went inside the salon
“MS. LORRAINE!!!” the clerk said and he‟s gay.
“The usual thing?” the clerk asked.
“Yes but this time, for two!” Lorraine replied.
“Oww, you‟re maid?” the gay asked that made me slight mad
“Hey, she‟s my best friend!” then the looked surprised
about that.
I rolled my face and gave her the fiercest face.
“aah..uhmm. Sarah!! Take Ms. Lorraine inside!” said by Mr. Gay
“This way Maam” one of the staff said and leadus inside the spa
“Are you ready, Mira?” Lorraine asked to me.
I nod my head as a sign of agreement, here I come, a
brand new me is coming!!
But the other side of me asks if this is right, if is it alright
to recover from pain and breathe again normally.
We were first introduced to a facial spa, where facial
scrubbing is undergoing.
It took about 30 minutes to finish a session. But after that
long session, I never thought of seeing my face, I transformed into
a whiter one from oily to smooth ones..
“Look at that, Mira! You are now a demigod!!” Lorraine frauds on
“No comment.. ahahahahah”
“Well that‟s only the beginning” Lorraine.
Next, we moved to the salon area, this is where hair
cutting and hair colouring are done. The staff cut first my hair, cut
off my bangs and into a V style.
Then hair colouring, Lorraine decided to use chestnut
brown on some parts, she said it would not be good if all my hair
parts will be coloured.
It took so long to cut and colour my hair since I rarely
combing it. There are also a lot of dandruffs there, but no lice
Then after all the session, I look at the mirror and find myself
awesome, Lorraine sits beside me and look also at the mirror.
“Hey, you‟re more beautiful than me now, Mira!”
“Is it really me?” while touching my face, I asked myself if it‟s
really me.
“Yes it‟s you, the true you. Now that is step 1.2, let‟s move on to
step 1.3!!” she said to me and pulled me outside.
“BYE MS.LORRAINE!!” screamed by Mr. Gay.
“Where are we going next, Lorraine?” I asked her.
“Just wait and see, dear!!”
We are on the fifth floor of the mall, this is where cinemas
are located.
“Cinema?” I asked.
So we went inside it, there are lot of people inside waiting
for the movie to start. We sat on the uppermost part of the cinema
and wait too.
After a minute, the movie starts. With a popcorn on our
hands, Lorraine and I are excited to watch this much awaited
movie of one of the famous artist comedian in the country.
Since the beginning up to the climax, the movie is so much
funny and laughable; there are no scenes that you will laugh and
scream caused by tons of shaggy dag stories and gags.
Lorraine was just looking at me while laughing,
“You‟re smiling now, my dear!!” she said happily just like Nathan.
“Pssshh, just watch first!”
It took almost two hours watching the movie and for sure it would
be a big hit, and until the end, the movie is still funny, leaving big
smiles on every audience that exits the cinema.
“Aren‟t we finished yet?” I asked Lorraine after we egress from the
“One last Step, this is step 1.4!!” she replied.
I‟ve always been a kind of girl
that hid my face.
So afraid to tell the world
what I‟ve I got to say
But I have this dream bright inside of me
I‟m gonna let it show, it‟s time to let you know
To let you know
This is real, This is me
I‟m exactly where I‟m supposed to be now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I found who I am, there‟s no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I wanna be
this is me.
I‟m walking inside the campus, along the hallway, listening
to this music. Well, this is me now, a brand new me, the pristine
one, but I still lack confidence.
I had my contacts on, no more nerdy eyeglasses.
I had my hair fallen, no more bangs that nearly covers my
whole forehead.
I had my smile now, but just 50%, I still have the sword
in my heart. Everyone‟s looking at me and I‟m still shy.
The Step 1.4? Ahhh yeah, well I‟m wearing it now.
Lorraine bought me clothes, skirts and a pair of doll shoes.
It took almost an hour to find the best suit for me;
Lorraine was so choosy; I had to go in and out of the dressing
room just to find the right fit.
I am now on my way to my classroom, walking in
inhibition and shyness.
I have this beautiful aura yet I don‟t have confidence to
carry this, but I know in the mean time I can handle it.
When i entered the room, everyone caught my attention;
they‟re staring at me, multiplying my shyness overload.
They continue to look at me until I reach my desk. Then
Kim, one of our classmates approached me,
“Hi! I‟m Kim” she introduced herself as if I was new here. But
Lorraine spoiled her initiation.
“Hey! Kim! She knows you!” Lorraine said.
“What are you trying to say?” Kim in doubt.
“That‟s Mira!!” all of our classmates look at us in disbelief after
what Lorraine had said.
“woahhh woahh, I don‟t believe you?” Kim said,
“Believe it or not, it‟s Lorraine!” our classmates began to murmur
with each other, others were amazed and others were really in
“Then, prove it!” Kim challenged Lorraine to prove that I am really
“Ask a question, she will answer it!” Lorraine accepted the
“Well, well! Hmm..Classmates?” Kim looked towards our
classmates for a question that will prove me.
“Kim!” Nick raised his hands for a question, Nick is my contender
here in our room, he‟s always mad at me because I am always at
the first top.
He‟s always for a competition making him so competitive
and always ready for an action.
Nick went on the front and started to test me
“Well, if you really are Mira, what are the scientific methods used
in Sociology?” while smirking, he asked me the question that is
really hard for me to answer, but not this time!
“Go, Mira!”
While sitting, I intellectually answer his question.
“All phenomena can be studied scientifically. Scientific
methodology is a carefully planned, systematic and objective
investigation of some question or problem connected with
phenomena. The methods of sociological research are basically the
same, but techniques according to the materials being studied.
Today, anyone with a serious interest in understanding
society should think of ways by which social facts can be gathered
and properly evaluated. Three basic techniques are commonly
used on sociological research.
These are 1.)Observation,
2.)Case study and
3.) Statistical Method.
Observation, as one of the most important tools of the
social researcher, should be utilized after some degree of training.
Case study is a complete detailed account of phenomenon,
as a religious movement.
And statistical method refers also to the quantitative
method because it utilizes mathematics in interpreting social
Then finished my answer with a smile.
Nick, Kim together with my classmates were amazed,
imagine their mouths open wide, just how funny.
Well, it really boosts my confidence now. Lorraine put her
hands interfaced while saying,
“Close your mouths go back to your respective seats for what you
see is just Almira Faith Salvador.”
Then all of them took their seats in shock and
flabbergasted, Look took her seat also and then stood up again.
“Quote for the day: Be careful who you bully” she gave her final
words and sit again.
Our classmates were in silent mode after all what
“You did great Mira! Congratulations” Lorraine greeted me.
“Thank you” I replied warily.
20 minutes has passed, Mr. Falkner entered our class and
start to call for attendance.
“Present, Sir!”
“Salvador” I raised my hands but Mr. Falkner ignored me,
“Salvador!” I‟m still raising my hands but he‟s still ignoring me.
“Where is Ms. Salvador?! You, raise down your hands, I won‟t
entertain questions first!!” he said.
“Ms. Salvador!!” he called again.
“But she‟s Salvador sir!!” Lorraine shouts out
Mr. Falkner looked at her then at me wandering if it‟s
really me, he put off his eyeglasses and squint, then cleaned it and
put back.
But he did not say any word,
“Present” and just continue his call for attendance; Lorraine just
All of our professors didn‟t believe that I am Mira, our prof.
in Caregiving laughed at me but when I proved myself, just like
my classmates earlier, she had his mouth wide open.
Lorraine and I were walking o the hallway, discussing all
the things that happened earlier.
“Have you seen the face of Mrs. Calla? Just a little wide more, flies
will surely go through it ahahhaha!!” she said while laughing out
“Hey, stop it but ahahhaahahaha.” I burst into laughter also, a
silent laugh, I‟m still me in the inside.
Our talk keeps on when Kim and Ailyra approached us with
both eyebrows raised.
“How much did you spend?” asked Kim. I don‟t get her, but
Lorraine just smirked at her
“Look...” Lorraine did not finish her words because Kim blocked
“Let Mira, answer my question, I‟m not talking to you!”
“Answer us, how much did you spend?” Kim asked me for the
second time.
“huh?” I still don‟t get her point.
“Gosh, how much did you spend for your PLASTIC SURGERY?!”
she‟s intimidating me.
“It‟s not” I replied.
“Don‟t tell us a joke, Mira!!” Ailyra blotted,
“But, I‟m not kidding!”
“Tssss..just tell the truth.” Kim
“I‟m telling the truth” I answered back
“Hey stop it!!” Lorraine put me at her back and slabs me from Kim
and Ailyra,
“Don‟t try to......”Kim
“I said STOP!!” Lorraine rebuked her from being coercing the both
of us,
“She did not undergo PLASTIC SURGERY, it‟s her beauty hidden
inside and you have nothing to do with that, let‟s go!!”
Lorraine pulled my hands and escaped from them,
“And wait, I think it‟s not Mira who did plastic surgery, it‟s you, I
know your dirty secrets Kim, so shut up or else.....”
Lorraine gave her final words and Kim looks threatened by
her words.
We go down and go back to our homes. I accompanied
Lorraine to her car.
“Thank you for all, Lorraine, how should I pay you back?”
“No, you don‟t have to, next week, we will step on to the second
“hayyy,okay I‟ll wait for it, but seriously, why are you doing this?”
I asked her.
“Cause you‟re special” she replied
“Thank you, Lorraine, I owe you these”
We hugged each other, I never thought that Lorraine will
be my friend, a super best friend.
I never thought of having a close tie with her.
“Hey! Let‟s stop this drama! I‟ll deliver you at your house!”
“No, I‟m fine, I still have to go somewhere, go first, I will be taking
a bus” I refused
“Okay, bye best friend! Mwaah” she hopped on her car and starts
I was waiting for a bus to stop over when Nathan, the
weird guy, stood beside me.
“Mira!” he‟s calling my name again!
“What?” I asked irritably.
“You‟ve changed!” he said
“Now what?”
“Nothing, I just noticed” he said while smiling, he‟s so handsome.
“Bye!!” he ran off again and for the second time, he‟s gone in just
a snap.
After a minute, a bus stopped over and delivered me
home. As usual, Aunt Sally is not inside so I go directly to my
room and look at the mirror.
This is the real me, this is that I used to be and it came
back to me again.
My eyes, face, hair and my smile, they come back, this is
recovery and I hope it will improve more.
I was looking myself at the mirror, when the door opened.
“Mir.......who are you?” It‟s Aunt Sally, and it looks she‟s surprised
“Why are you at my niece‟s room? Who are you?”
“Auntie, relax!”
“Who are you? You‟re a thief hmmm.” She‟s getting suspicious
“THIEF!!!” Auntie screamed looking for a help
“Auntie, it‟s me Mira!”
“It‟s me, Aunt SALLY!!” I said stressing her name.
“What happened to you?” she asked
“Next time!” I replied, I‟m still not ready to have a talk with her. I
still have this guilt of being a burden for her.
I locked my room and prepare for sleep.
Well this is really me now; I sighed deeply and imagine things
sooner. Future, here I am.
Do you know what it‟s like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about life
Where you‟re the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it‟s too far away
I have to believe in myself
Its the only way
This is real, this is me
I‟m exactly where I‟m supposed to be now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I found who I am, there‟s no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I wanna be
this is me.
I am Almira Faith Salvador, this is real, this is me.
Who are you now Mira? A man asked me, he‟s all in white,
he has a pure white skin toe, his face is inexpressible.
Then he took me to a high plateau where the lowlands are
covered by clouds, then suddenly the clouds move apart showing
the lowlands
“That‟s earth!” he pointed his hands to the lowlands
“What you‟re seeing now is the whole earth, its people and its
nature” I don‟t get his point why is he telling me this. I looked at
him but he‟s not staring at me.
“Look at this!” I looked to the one he‟s pointing too. Then I saw a
mountain moving, amazingly he can move mountains, the way he
moved his hands, that‟s how the mountains move also.
“Now, do the same things!” he said, how can I do that? But
without uncertainty, I did the same thing. I point my hand to that
mountain and try to move it.
The mountain is slowly moving, but my hands feel like I‟m
pulling a heavy piece, it‟s so heavy.
Then the man put off my arms, looks at me and smile.
“How does it feel?” he asked.
“It‟s heavy!”
“You still have to make yourself stronger” he said
“huh?” Really, I did not get his point.
I look at the mountain and then suddenly the man touched
my shoulders and
Wings spread out from his back, his body turned into a
spirit, and then he flew away from me, an Advocate? Angel?
Arghhhh .....
Dreams!! Those were just only dreams, but there‟s
something that the Advocate wants to tell.
I looked at my watch and what the............ It‟s 10 AM, I
did not attend my class, shocks. What can I do? I‟m already late,
as in super late.
I stepped to my room and pee, Aunt Sally invited me to
join her breakfast. So I do, I think this would be the right time to
have a serious talk with her.
“You‟re absent in your class, aren‟t you?” she asked
“Yes, Auntie, I did not notice my alarm!”I replied
“What have you done to yourself?”
“What did you do to yourself? I‟m happy to see you like that!” she
said happily.
“Thank you, Auntie but I‟m sorry........” I replied while nodding my
“Sorry for what?” she asked
“If I‟m being a burden to you”
“shshhhhhhh..Don‟t ever think of that, I‟m just stressed that day
when I‟ve said that. I adopted you not because it‟s my
responsibility but because I know you need someone to treat as
your guardian, I‟m here not as an aunt but as your both mother
and father.” She said in a sincere way
“I should have said that to you, I‟m sorry, if I‟m a drunkard, a
gambler and I‟m addicted to it. I don‟t know how to stop this,
every time I would think about your uncle, it makes me hurt and
that is the only way to forget it, I‟m sorry.”
She continued, I can feel her devotion inside her together
with the grieves within her heart.
“Last Sunday, I saw you inside the church, and you‟re crying too,
may I know what‟s the reason behind?”
“Your uncle, we have the same situation, I can‟t still move
forward, and that was the first time I visited the church after his
I prayed and shout out to the Lord, to help me recover,
remove all the vices and reconcile myself with him. I want to stop
all these; I want to stop blaming him and for multiple times,
forgive me.
I want to recover my faith with his help, with his guidance
and his power. I want him to move me”
“You know what Auntie that was also the reason of visiting once
again the church to help me recover”
“And from what I see you‟re helping yourself, you‟re moving
towards recover, that‟s a good character Mira.
Continue it and you will be fulfilled” Auntie advised me
“And after that you can move mountains!” Auntie said in a point
that I don‟t get it.
“Mira, always remember, Faith can move mountains”
Faith can move mountains, wait., the one I dreamt of, the
Advocate. That‟s why it‟s hard for me to control that mountain,
meaning I still lacks faith.
Okay I get it!
Faith!!! Nathan?! I have to find Nathan?!
“Mira! Why are you absent yesterday?” Lorraine asked me while
waiting for our professor.
“I woke up at 10:00 in the morning” I replied.
“Fine! Later, we‟re going to have your Second Step huh?”
Oh yes, the second step, I forgot. It should be yesterday
but since I was absent, we postpone it later.
I also saw Nathan, inside the classroom but he‟s not
talking to anyone, I want to have a conversation with him, but
there‟s a force inside that tells me no.
Lorraine and I took all our vacant times, talking with each
other, we are really in a stage of friendship where we can trust
each other.
After our class, Lorraine takes me to her home, she‟s rich,
they have house maids, but where are her parents,
“Hey! Where are your parents?” I asked her while watching the
television inside her room.
“Just don‟t mind them” she answered like she‟s irritated. Maybe
she doesn‟t want to talk about it since she‟s not close with them.
“Mira, turn the TV off; I‟m going to be your teacher for Step 2” she
said while posing like a super model.
“Ok!” I stand up and wait for her to start her lesson.
“Now, since this is your second step training, your dear fairy
godmother wants you to boost your confidence in such a way that
people will admire you the most, gets it?!” she said while holding a
“Yes, fairy godmother!!”
Then she wave her stick like it does have a power on it
“bibidi badibi BOO!!”
She showed me the way of walking, it‟s a simple walk that
would really attract people, I imitate her but her walk is still more
beautiful than me.
“Straight body, Chest in, then butt out”
I will let you listen to my heart
through my own style
oh listen listen girl
I put my chest in then butt out, now this time I made the
most confident walk
“Hi, my name is Mira Faith Salvador, from the Philippines and I
believe in saying Time is not Gold, its Copper”
“Hi, my name is Lorraine Jane Concepcion, from the country of
Philippines and I believe in a saying that KEEP OF THE GRASS,
thank you!!”
` We were just like that during step 1.2 modelling around
her room and doing crazy things connected to it.
So beautiful my girl
Oh oh girl
Even if time goes by
Compared to anyone else in the world
I will cherish you my girl I will give you my all
I can run to you anywhere you are
I always think about you
“Making friends to someone must be nice and pleasant, Mira! Now
what I want you is to let out your most pleasant smile first”
I smiled at her, an awkward smile. She scowled on me
saying it‟s not right.
“Your smile is too nasty!!”
“How about this?” I showed her another shot of my smile,
“SPITEFUL!!”, I bobbed my head imagining the most pleasant
smile. Then I think, of Nathan, his smiles, it kills me; I imagine
myself paying back his smiles. I put my heads up and give
Lorraine the most pleasant smile.
“That‟s it!!” Lorraine said out of joy.
“After giving that smile, you should now make the first move;
people sometimes want others to do the first move. If you will do
that, I am 99.9% sure that they will give their response.”Lorraine
“Third, Avoid dead airs, they will certainly feel bored when talking
to you, you should be talkative in a way that you can make them
amused and interested to know more about you”
“Now, try it! Example I am a girl like you before, a loner one.”
I started to think how I could approach someone who‟s like
that, and then suddenly I remembered our first conversation, she
was so mean back then when she introduced herself and tried to
mock her.
“Hi!” I said.
“Hello?” her thrifty reply.
“I‟m Mira!”
But she ignored it, saying it‟s boring
“I think you don‟t know me since you‟re just sticking your whole
body in this chair and have your own world!” I said to her in a
sarcastic way.
Lorraine burst into laughter when I imitate her line when
we first met.
“Hey, that‟s my line!!” she said.
““You know what girl?! Why don‟t you try to be with us, to be with
others? Get out from your own world, go back to earth and enjoy
all things here! Hang out with guys; prioritize your self-enjoyment,
put out these weirdly notes and spare time with the society.”
And for the second time, she burst into hilarity and held
her tummy.
“That‟s it!! You did it! You got me there. I remember the first time
we talk.” Lorraine said.
“Next thing, always share who you are, share them your feelings
and disclose yourself.”
But it‟s hard for me to do that thing, I‟m afraid to know by
everyone my situation and life status, I don‟t want them to treat
me as a down woman.
I can‟t
“I know it‟s difficult for you to unveil yourself to others, but trust
me, it will surely help you recover from your past.” Lorraine held
my hand and sought me for concern.
“Will you help me?” I asked her.
“I will.”
It‟s so nice that I‟ve already found a friend to lean on from
my recovery. I have Nathan and Auntie to help me reconcile my
faith, now I have Lorraine to alter me.
“Tomorrow, I want you to do all the things that fairy godmother
taught you, okay?”
I just nod my head and cheered for myself, you can do it
Mira! You can!
Lorraine delivered me home after all the things that we‟ve
done, she asked me to prepare for tomorrow so that I‟m ready to
face the people and show the new Mira.
She went home while I go to my room and prepared my
things as what Lorraine have said.
I woke up early to prepare myself, get my hair combed
and put my contacts on, it‟s now my daily routine not like before
that I used to go to school haggardly.
I dressed simply, a simple plain white shirt, skinny jeans
and rubber shoes. Fixed my things and get ready for school.
I went out from my room and go directly to the
refrigerator to see if Auntie left a note for me.
I gave you incentives for your allowance, I want you to
persevere more for your future. Take care and just always
remember that I love you. I‟ll be going to your Aunt Isabel, I will
be back tomorrow. 
I was touched through her words; she‟s also lifting me up
making my feelings lighter now. I grabbed my allowance she gave
and stepped out from our house, locked it.
6:30 AM when I got to school, this is it, this is really is it,
is it. This is my time to show how I will dwell with others
“Mira, are you ready?” Lorraine surprised me again and asked if
I‟m ready to show off. Well, I think I can but there‟s a part of me
that it‟s not the right time.
I just dozed my head even there‟s a little hesitation inside
me coz I know this will be a great step for me towards my ultimate
“Let‟s go!” Lorraine and I went inside together and as
usual we caught the attention of our room. We sat on our desks,
while Lorraine is still looking for something or someone??
“Mira! I have your first customer!” Lorraine sits back and
whispers on me.
I asked her who, in a lip sync way. She points to Emi, our
class president, she looks tired and lonely.
Lorraine asked me to approach her, without any
hesitations, I draw near to Emi.
“Emi?” I diffidently call her attention but she just look at me
smiling unpleasantly.
“Do you have any problem?” I asked her now I can feel the
bursting confidence inside me.
Lorraine‟s lesson yesterday are true, at first it‟s kinda
difficult to come off with someone but when you know you‟re safe
and sound with him/her, confidence will burst inside your
Emi put her head up and looks like she‟s starting to have a
conversation with me.
“What‟s the matter, Emi?” I asked her.
“Mira? Is it really you?” she asked doubtfully and looks at me from
head to foot, examining me carefully.
“Yes? Ahaha” I replied.
“You‟ve changed a lot!” she said in awe
“Yeah, I just want to recover from all things”
“Recover from what?
“I don‟t want to disclose myself first, maybe after I have fully
recover, I‟ll tell you but for now, I want to know your problem” I
said to her.
“Family problem!” she said timidly.
“I feel you!” I replied
“The feeling of being hated by everyone because of your family,
for me was the biggest and meanest words you would ever hear.
Having a bad ties with your family is like a brain with no stock
knowledge at all for some people, and I„m feeling it right now,
Mira, it really hurts”
She cried on my shoulder and comfort her since I can
sense that she had a hard time with her family.
I comfort her for a while before I could advise her; I
should make her feelings lighter first.
While comforting Emi, Lorraine is looking at me and smiles
for an achievement that I made.
After Emi cried I advise her to stay strong for her family, if
she will not, then the problem will go worst. Let them feel sought,
loved and forgiven.
Just like what I always say to souls that I may encounter,
“Just forgive; forgiveness is the only way Emi. You cannot get
what you want, if you did not do so. She thanked me and then I
leave her glowing back again.
“You did great!” Lorraine clapped her hands after what I have done
to Emi.
“Your teachings are true, I feel the confidence tho.”
“Keep up the good work, well this is your first time, many things
will come upon you as you walk through recovery.”
Lorraine also feels amazed at me because this is my first
time, and I made my first customer cry.
She said that when someone cries on you, it only says
that she can put her trust on you, she can consider you as a friend
to lean on, and a person she can disclosed with.
Our class ended and I have talked with my five classmates
so far, and all of them are happy to see me converting to a
thoughtful one.
Lorraine and I are walking along the hallway, when Kim,
Ailyra and Zhantal , the mean girls blocked our way.
“Stop it right there!” Kim said to us.
“We‟re going home” I calmly said to them
“Oh look!! Who‟s talking now?” Ailyra moves in front of me boldly
“You‟re changing now little girl!!” she flapped my head like a baby
“and now you are now the dumbest of all dumbs” Zhantal
“Hey, Zhanty stop it!” Lorraine shouted.
“Don‟t you ever try to call me that way!” Zhantal told Lorraine.
“Zhanty!!” Lorraine still says it making Zhantal more irritated.
“Zhanty!!!”Lorraine continued, until Zhantal is so irritated, irritated
to the point she‟s tweaking her own hair like a fool.
Lorraine and I ruptured into laughter seeing her like that
while the two were just looking at us mouth open.
“Ailyra, Kim!” I call their names; they looked at me with their
eyebrows up still have their mouths open
“Close your mouths, or else flies will never hesitate to enter
there!” and then Lorraine and I laugh again,
“Besides, it‟s also stinky!!” Lorraine added, we give five to each
other, laugh while leaving them embarrassed.
“We win over them!” Lorraine said.
“Yeah, and we won‟t let them take us down again”
“Peers for that!” Lorraine said.
“I said, peers for that!!”
“Isn‟t it cheers for that?”
“Just go with me, Peers with me!” she said crazily
“Okay, peers for that!”
After all things that happened, my hope for the future
brings back, thanks to Lorraine without her, I could never been
her, without her my life will be totally ruined now.
Thanks to her, Aunt and I became close again, we had our
first serious talk about my faith and my hope for the future. I am
now reconciling as what I promised to myself and I will never be
hopeless anymore.
I started to accept all things within from who aI am and
what I am, I started to dwell with others although I‟ve just talk
only five of my classmates this morning.
But the thing is, I‟m really recovering from my past.
And it does not mean that I forgot my missing for my
parents, although I‟m now getting better, I still missed them but I
never cry anymore, my gift?
That‟s the thing, when I transform into a new me, my gift
did not work, I can‟t see souls neither souls approaching me or is it
just me who did not noticing them.
Well I don‟t want to problem them first; I have to find
myself first.
I put my phone on play a music to entertain myself, and
then suddenly it fits me who am I right now and what am I
experiencing right now.
All of the songs I‟ve ever heard, this is now my favourite
song of my life.
All those days watching from the windows
All those years outside looking in
All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I've been
Now I'm here blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here suddenly I see
Standing here it's all so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be
Just like Rapunzel, I was trapped too but not by my
mother or Auntie but I was trapped by the past,.
I was trapped inside the pains of the past, I let myself be
imprisoned and get mad to all the things that for me is their fault.
And now, I‟m suddenly here, had my contacts on, cut off
my hair bangs and dressed it was like it was never me.
And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you
My Flynn is my hope, I‟m not thinking of romance first,
just studies. Remember that I promised my parents that I will
persevere for them, for my future and for their legacy.
I just remembered that when I was not this before, I
always wished that I could turn back time, that I could spent a
lifetime with my parents or if God forbid that, I want to kill myself
too and be with them.
I am always chasing daydreams and night dreams when I
always dreamt of them.
All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
Tears from Heaven
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Tears from Heaven

  • 1.
  • 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ________________________________ We would like to offer our gratitude, mostly to Almighty God, our Lord. For giving us the ample time, enough knowledge and healthy immunity that helped and made a big role on us. Without him, we can‟t sustain every chapters of our story and wouldn‟t be intact. Second, to our professor, for her hard work and for being an inspiration for us. For her who gave stately ideas, through her guidance, this story will not be achieved and our little skills in writing will not be shown. Third, to our parents. We sent them our serene Thank You, for supporting us financially. And lastly, for our group mates and for ourselves, we built our unity and perseverance to achieve our main goal and who have been dedicated and willing to fulfil the story. This story helped us to know more of ourselves and let out our talents on imagining things and writing a story plot. The Authors DEDICATION ________________________________ The novel “Tears from Heaven” is dedicated for selfless people, who are willing to sacrifice self satisfaction than seeing significant people suffering. For those who are in state of suffering, for people who are totally down after the lost oh his/her loved ones. For those persons, who want to recover and renew their selves after struggles. This fictional story engages and set to know that everyone ,no matter who you are, are falling in love not just with who we see, but also with who are invisible to our naked eyes, that our world is not just a physical world but also a realm of spirituality. It doesn‟t only talk about romance just like a typical teen fiction but also letting the readers to know more about life, to witness faith and fate and to let people understand the circle of life, our ups and downs and how to deal with them. We dedicate this story for all the people who are seeking hope and granting to love them back, recover from pain and transform ourselves through the work of faith, hope and love.
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS ________________________________ Acknowledgement..................................................I Dedication............................................................II Table of Contents.................................................III Prologue.............................................................IV Chapter 1: Reminiscing..........................................1 Chapter 2: Sick Advices..........................................4 Chapter 3: Stranged.............................................10 Chapter 4: Gift?...................................................15 Chapter 5: Stranged Again....................................18 Chapter 6: Margaux.............................................22 Chapter 7: Stalker...............................................27 Chapter 8: Friended.............................................38 Chapter 9: Nathan the Weird.................................45 Chapter 10: Aunt Sally.........................................50 Chapter 11: First Step..........................................59 Chapter 12: Pristine.............................................66 Chapter 13: FAITH...............................................76 Chapter 14: Second Step......................................80
  • 4. CHAPTER 1: REMINISCING ________________________________ Monday A comfortable, large and spacious place, I am in my favourite resto, my family‟s favourite resto. Memories of yesterday were glancing inside my head, recalling the past makes me grin for a while. I ordered a frappe and a mini hot cake; this was Mom‟s, Dad‟s and my favourite breakfast here. I sat on a table near to the facade of a family, who were happily eating their meal. Traced on their faces how glad they are. While chewing a slice of cake, I did not realize that tears were falling out from my eyes down to the table, I wipe it. But things become much heavier, when music was played all over the place. Would you know my name, If I saw you in Heaven? Would it be the same, If I saw you in Heaven? I must be strong and carry on coz I know I don‟t belong here in Heaven. Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton, made me reminisce the past and bring it back to me through tears. I don‟t know how I should respond to this gloomed life. I questioned God several times to the point that I am losing my faith in him, I don‟t believe him anymore, I asked him why is it happening in my life, why do I have to be the most unfortunate of all the unfortunates. Why should I bear and suffer these fate, I know this is not my destiny, even if it‟s really for me, I won‟t accept it till the last breath of my body. It is God, who is the ultimate reason for this and I‟d never put my trust to him again. Would you hold my hand If I saw you in heaven? Would you help me stand If I saw you in heaven? I‟ll find my way, through night and day Coz I know I just can‟t stay Here in heaven. I promised my parents that I‟ll be the one who will hear every wound and every pain they will perceive. But that is now a snatched expectation. Time can bring you down Time can bend your knees Time can break your heart Have you begging please, begging please Behind the door. There‟s peace, I‟m, and I know there‟ll be no Tears in Heaven. If only I could go to heaven, I would take them back here on earth and do all the works of joy that we used to have. Just a final step with them, will please me, I know God would prohibit it and if does, he don‟t do it usually. But I‟m dying because of all these heartaches. It‟s like that someone stole your important aid and will never be back to you again but the scene still remained together with the person who stole it. I sighed deeply and focus back on my meal.
  • 5. My class has not yet started, so I used to visit and have a meal here. I used to have this little engagement alone, no one‟s besides me instead of my books. I can‟t share my life with others since I don‟t have anyone who will consistently and will never leave me behind. I don‟t have somebody to lean on, I never and will never trust anyone, I‟d become an introvert after all these times. I can‟t find a genuine friend perhaps when somebody reviews me, they will leave sick advices and I don‟t want somebody to intricate my view. One thing for them, being the studious is a big deal. How come they don‟t find how significant education is? Maybe I‟m fortunate because I have granted a scholarship opportunity and I don‟t want to disposed that only thing, I know in the end, I can treasured of. There‟s nothing left to me just me, myself and I, nothing more. I look to my watch and it‟s time to prepare for school. CHAPTER 2: SICK ADVICES ________________________________ After all what I‟ve done at the resto, I move towards my school. It was just a normal day, normal to prepare for school, normal to go there alone and no one wants to have friendly conversations with me. “Good morning!” perhaps only school guards are greeting me here I am not talkative or friendly and I don‟t even know how to smile. No one can appreciate me, I used to impress them but I‟m always fallen behind. I keep myself occupied through studies, nothing more. No flirt, no romance, no make-ups, don‟t have any extracurricular or clubs. Just studies. They call me nerd, weird, mega mind, alien, as I have said it‟s a big deal for them for being a studious. I was just sitting on my desk at the front when somebody sits beside me. “Hi Lorraine!” she greeted. She‟s Lorraine, one of the famous girls inside our campus; she had that elegant, charm beauty, kind, humble and friendly personality that every guy wished to have. But she does not want to enter a relationship again after her first heartbreak with her first love. “Hello” my thrifty reply. “Lorraine!” she introduced. “Yah, I know you, you don‟t have to introduce yourself” I replied without staring at her. “Really? Ughh, I thought you don‟t even know me, since you‟re just sticking your whole body in this chair and have your own world!” she said to me in a sarcastic way. I know where this conversation will go; they will take bad shots, give hard advices and treat me like the deepest person on
  • 6. earth or a one less lonely woman. So I‟d rather keep myself silent and tune out those sick advices. “You know what girl?! Why don‟t you try to be with us, to be with others? Get out from your own world, go back to earth and enjoy all things here! Hang out with guys, prioritize your self-enjoyment, put out these weirdly notes and spare time with the society.” And the last thing that she said is the most deafening phrase for me. “Besides, YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!” This phrase makes me irritated especially to those who says it every time. So I stand up and replied. “Stop it! I‟m sick of those words, you don‟t have any difference from every people.” “Because it‟s true, Mira, those words are true!! That‟s what we see from you and we tend to help you to get out of your shell” she shouted that everyone in our room catches our attention. “I have my own way Lorraine; you don‟t have to care for me.” she replied in a cold manner, I grab my bag and gave her my final words. “Yes, You Only Live Once, we only live once, but the thing is, we also die once, and You Only Die Once. What if I say you‟re gonna die tomorrow morning, can you set right all the wrongs you‟ve done within 24 hours? Why would I waste my time doing worthless things?” And find myself a place where I could be in silence. I have still this annoyance every time people will stub me as a loner, the one with no friends or peers. So I put my ear phones on and play music in shuffle mode. The music seems to concur with my situation and it makes me get more annoyed, I put it off and daydream of nothing within the noise inside the room, waiting for our professor. Until everything was in peace, our professor Mr. Falkner entered the room, he did not leave any greetings, and instead he taught directly. I did not even notice that he already gave us a group work; I just heard at the front that they are starting to count off then everyone with the same number will be your partner. Unluckily, I‟ve been paired with Lorraine, to tell you the truth, she‟s totally nice but I hate her officious personality. She will talk, putting herself on one‟s shoes even she does not know everything and I don‟t even know what‟s her problem towards me is. She approached me but I did not lend my ears to her first, but put my attention first to what Mr. Falkner is saying. We will be sharing our experience about the topic “Forgiveness”, I thought deeply and asked myself “Did I already forgive someone?” The other pairs started to share their experiences while I and Lorraine has not started yet. I don‟t know how to start the discussion since she‟s busy on her phone, until she broke the moment of awkwardness towards each other. “What‟s your plan now, you go share first!” I was not on my inkling back then so she asked me if I really listened to Mr. Falkner‟s instructions. “Why should I? It seems that you have so much to share?” I replied innocently, I can still feel my perversity towards her. “Alright I get it, you don‟t have friends or peer groups. Certainly, you don‟t have adversaries and you can‟t relate to the topic since
  • 7. you‟re just all by yourself” she said in sarcastically which is too offensive for me. “Well, I don‟t have anything to discuss coz actually I don‟t know how to forgive!” she continued. I was shocked to what she has said. How come she doesn‟t even know how to forgive? Why? To whom? I want to all her reasons behind it. “How can‟t you forgive?” I asked her. “You‟re asking too much!” she said aggravated. “Well this is sharing, so I can interrogate you hmm.” She rolled her eyes and say “It‟s not easy to forgive anyone, it‟s easy to utter a sorry but difficult when you‟re in front of someone. Why do we need to forgive others if they already mean it?” It looks like she‟s pulling out to something make me more curious about her. “Huh?? Are you pulling out to something? Wait!! I don‟t get your point?” It looks like she‟s pulling out to something makes me more curious about her. “Huh?? Are you pulling out to something? Wait!! I don‟t get your point?” “You will not understand Mira, you don‟t have any idea. Stop asking me and perhaps we need to pretend that were finished.” Lorraine said. “But.......” “Enough Mira, shut up and go back to your seat, and I‟ll go back to my seat.” She did not let me finish my words, I have nothing to do but to follow her, to shut up and go back to my seat. I can‟t imagine that our conversation would be like that, I thought that I would be wordless during this pair-thingy of Mr. Falkner. I saw myself on Lorraine‟s; I saw the grief and the hatred beyond her eyes. I feel better to her now, my mood lightens to her. It looks like I found something who have the same situation with me. But the questions are really bugging me..... Why? Who? How? Things I want to grasp. Mr. Falkner‟s time has ended, the noise inside the room started to take its place again. I look for Lorraine and found her mum on her desk. I want to approach her but it would be much better if I would just disregard her and thought of going first to the restroom.
  • 8. CHAPTER 3: STRANGED ________________________________ I was on the restroom when a cold air come up to me and at the same time a little girl pass through me, she looks pitiful and I can see from her a need for justice. She‟s a spirit, ghost and a strange being. To tell you the truth, I had a special sense, sense of seeing unseen things, things inside the spiritual dimension. Back when my parents died, things started to get strange; I have seen many souls of the dead, spiritual beings and apparitions. At first, I was scared because souls are always approaching me for help, for a need and for supplications but when time passes by I accept it. I keep it only to myself coz I know people will not believe me, I made my own studies, discover it and in fact I have a book about these phenomena. The soul of the little girl faded so quick that I did not notice her. Sometimes, I wished that my Mama and Papa will appear to me and that my sense will unveil their souls. I missed them so much, and if ever that my wish will be granted, I will hug them, kiss them, and let them stay with me. I watched my face over the mirror; I have changed so much, my blissful face of the past turns into a displeased face, it seems ruined, I gently washed my face and went back to my room. After me is our Biology Professor, but he just stayed for a while for attendance and left the room. I look again for Lorraine and I found her still in silent mode. I also am still troubled about her problem, until she stands up and leave the room. Where is she going? Hours passed by, Lorraine did not yet return. Our next professor comes along, time moves so fast until our last class hour up to our recession still she did not return. But her bag, she left it alone. Due to my concern, I will not leave this room up until she won‟t return. And I did not know that I have fallen asleep but the bag, the bag was not there anymore. Meaning Lorraine returned and left me sleeping. I was aggravated on what she did when a man suddenly got my attention. He‟s sitting in front and reading a book, I ignored him and hurriedly fix myself, and for sure Aunt Sally is drunk again. Before I had left the room, the man on the front seat left too, he looked at me before leaving and left me initiating his face. His tender eyes, honed nose and rosy lips, it was the first time I saw him here inside the campus and it seems he is so famous here due to his handsomeness. I go home but Aunt was not there, maybe she‟s gambling again. Aunt Sally is the older sister of my Papa, and the black sheep of their family since birth, I think. Because of hatred, she started to waste her own life, she grow as a drunkard, gambler and unfaithful.
  • 9. She does not care for me, i just don‟t know if she still knows my name haha. I go now to my room and set the alarm for tomorrow morning, but before I ended my day, I used to study about my special sense, my experiences and my encounters between the spiritual and paranormal realm. I remembered the little girl and identify her state, I opened my special book and look for it, and for me, according to my own study, she‟s a Benign, since she does not show any actions of danger. My study has continued so far that I had made classifications of souls and spirits. First Soul: The Benigns -These are harmless souls, they don‟t bother human beings. Sometimes they appear as an apparition to people while the others transfigure as a human. They attract people to help them get through the Light. Second Soul: The Folks -These are souls who do not want to move towards the Light, they‟re just here on earth; some of them were staying here for a decade. They don‟t want to leave their riches and wealth; they live on their houses which we considered as haunted. They are also harmless like the Benigns but when people start to possess and steal their wealth, they will also start to be aggressive and sometimes dangerous. Third Soul: The Raucouses -They are the most dangerous type of souls. They bother people most of the times. Some of them were so harsh that they can put people to death. They are happy seeing people scared of them, the more the people are scared, the more they get stronger. They are the only type of soul that can possess inside human‟s body. I also wrote a study about the Light. The Light, I think, is the place for souls and spirits, only those who want to be there and who had moved on are allowed to get there. Its colour and brightness is unexplainable. Another one, souls don‟t have a physical body, their body was just an illusion but they have faces. And if they‟re going towards the Light, their faces will vanish and they will change as a full spiritual being. Souls can‟t talk but they can communicate people through eye contact, they are not like those on the movies. They have no expressions except of being in grief, anger, hatred and sorrow. You can tell a soul in happiness, if it‟s spirited body will glow like a star. Candles are the material being of a soul, they can turn themselves as a candle, telling that they can‟t easily accept their state. They need to be lit, and when the candle has been lit, for sure that soul is now towards the light. Salts are their material food, these are purifiers; souls are purified through salt. Souls need to be pure before going towards the Light. This study made my life exciting in a little way. There are times that souls become my friends; they let my situation become lighter just like real friends but for only a day since they want to get through the Light. Written in this book are apparitions of spiritual beings not known on earth. I have seen spirits with four wings; they look like angels but for me they are not since I don‟t believe God anymore.
  • 10. I call them the Advocates; their function is to call for souls called to be like them. There are also the Guardians, who lead souls towards the Light. And the last things I know are the Ebonies or the black spirits, they are soul catcher, they imprison souls, I don‟t know what their purpose is. Believe or not, these things are true, it looks like a bit mythological but for people granted with special senses, these are amazing unknown facts. Suddenly, I remember the man who is reading the book inside the classroom. Is he a soul? Uhmmmm.. Maybe not, he‟s handsome and has a body but for a human being, he‟s so mysterious. CHAPTER 4: GIFT? ________________________________ I was in a deep sleep when I jump out of bed without knowing the reason, I look for my clock and face what time is it? 2:15 AM It‟s still in the midnight, so I go back to my bed and after a while I jumped out again at 2:30 AM I started to sleep again and woke up 2:45 AM When a woman was on my foot, I thought it was my Aunt Sally but she has no expressions and a body. Certainly, she‟s a soul and what makes me bug, is that she‟s staring at me. I ignored her and go back to sleep. But I woke up again, 15 minutes after. 3:00 AM The woman is still staring at me, but this time she‟s weeping, she has no expressions but tears were falling from her eyes. Due to my lenity for her, I started to make a contact with her. Imagine me having a third eye on my forehead slowly opening. She‟s a Benign, from her eyes, through my eyes, all through my mind; she‟s telling me that she asks for justice. I close my eyes and found myself in a scene where her death occurs. She was killed helplessly, her mouth is taped, blindfolded and tied on a chair and then suddenly she was shot once on her core align within her heart. That‟s the reason behind her need for justice. But all I just can do is to let her accept her fate and forgive.
  • 11. I applied what Mr. Falkner has taught us that forgiveness is a good cure for justice. I stand up and look for a candle and salt to prepare for her purification. I contact her and tell “forgive.” But she‟s telling me that she can‟t. “There‟s nothing you can do except through forgiveness” after my advice she started to scream on my mind. I put my hands on my ears; the scream was so loud, louder than an airplane‟s sound. But still I continue to say it “If you can‟t, you can‟t get the one you want!!” Lights on my room started to turn on and off “FORGIVE!!” I screamed but the tension becomes much more intense. “FORGIVE!!!!!!” I throw the candle towards her and then suddenly she vanished. I sprinkled the salt to the candle and say, “You are now purified” I lit the candle and made a supplication for the soul. After the happening, I saw her going to the Light together with the Guardian; her face is flourishing making her a full spiritual being. “Good work, Mira” I congratulated myself for helping souls get through the Light where eternal happiness reigns. Suddenly, I asked myself if this sense is a gift or an occult, If it‟s bad demonic or good as what good is. This special sense made me attach to a place where no humans being are allowed to be in. I am foreseeing a world which we consider as a mythical belief. I have the purpose of this sense, but the essence? Who give this? Why do I have to do these things? But the thing is, I can help those helpless souls, they can approach me for help just as how a true friend does. I sighed deeply and said, “This is not bad, this is good, you are good and from now on you are a gift.” This special sense is a gift and not an act of occult. I look at my clock to check the time that makes me shocked. “Wait!!What?!!” Its 5:00 AM at dawn. I have to hurry for school. CHAPTER 5: STRANGED AGAIN ________________________________ I‟m late now; I never thought that my encounter between that soul takes too much time. I‟m on the bus trapped between the heavy traffic outside. If only I could put it into flight. I have only ten minutes remaining before my first class starts. While I‟m busy thinking about many things, two guys were also busy talking with each other. I tried not to listen to them but my ears can‟t resist hearing it. “Bro, have you heard about the latest news for Nathan?” asked the first guy.
  • 12. “That??” replied the second guy. “That up until now, his family has no idea if where he is now, they still can‟t contact his number.” The first guy said worriedly. The second guy look at him wondering, “Huh? I thought he‟s in Austria for three years?” “That‟s all that we know about him, but I‟m still worried for our buddy, I missed him badly bro. We never heard his name for many many years, what‟s going on him?” the first guy. “Maybe, he‟s just super busy there. I missed him too bro but not that badly.” The second guy, “Not to perceive bro but what if he‟s dead....” said the first guy that made the second guy crumb. “Hey, stop it!! He‟s just busy, nothing more and please you should never think of it..” sighed the second guy. That‟s it; they miss their best friend I guess?! But what makes me yearn over them is that they have not yet talked to him for years. If I‟m on their place, I would really find a way just to call him and ask him if he‟s okay. 7:20 AM when I arrived at school, I‟m super late errrrrrr. I ran so fast after my entry towards the school gate until I reach my room, but there are no people inside, no classmates, no professor except to the guy I saw yesterday, and the one reading a book. He‟s still reading his book, I go to the back side of the room, and I think he did not notice my arrival. But the thing is my classmates are not here... Where are they?? I nodded for a while; I got tired running towards here. I thought of going to the cafeteria for a breakfast since I have not taken yet my breakfast. Lifting my head, I was shocked when the guy earlier is now beside me. He‟s looking at me sincerely but when I look at him too, he avoided it. “Ehy! Do you have a problem?” I asked him. Instead of answering my question, he suddenly turns away from me, leaving me here alone. Just weird. And then suddenly my stomach started to sound like a burp so I decided to go to the cafeteria. I was just eating my snack when a guy entered the cafe and sit in front of me, but the thing that made me surprise is that, the one in front of me is the one I saw earlier. He‟s still reading his book and shortly, he‟s looking at me again, his looks tell that he wants to talk to me. What‟s the matter with this guy? So I look at him also, eye to eye if ever he wants to have a conversation with me. But still, he‟s not saying a word even an “uhmmm”. Our gazing with each other took a lot of seconds so I stop it. I stand up, move through the cashier to pay all my food and go away from him. He‟s really weird. As I went back to my classroom, one of my classmates approached me and said, “Hey Mira!! You‟re really weird, where did you go? Earlier we saw you entered a wrong room and then you were gone so quickly. You‟re just really weird!”
  • 13. I don‟t know if she‟s teasing me or concern about me. And I don‟t enter a wrong room earlier; eh they are the ones who are not here. Anyways, I sit on my usual seat and just spent my day focusing on what my every professor are saying and talking. After our class, I went to the library to find a new book to read. Even though, its recessional time, there are a lot of students here inside, some of them were doing projects and others are spending times there. I was on the shelves when I saw a guy leaning beside the shelves, he‟s just busy reading a book when I found out that he‟s the weird guy that I saw earlier on our room and inside the cafeteria. Why do we always meet each other?? He looked at me and leave again, did I just disturbed him? Hayy it doesn‟t matter, I move towards the librarian for the book and leave and for Pete‟s sake I saw him again in front of the library‟s door but this time I did not look at him, things are getting strange now. I was on my way home when I start thinking that guy. He‟s handsome but kinda weird. What‟s the matter with him? And why do I always see him? What‟s his name? How old he is? And what‟s his problem? Ughh never mind him. But I had this strange feeling for him, I never saw him smiling, frowning or laughing. Is he a soul? No, he‟s not, he‟s handsome, and he has a body. I hope we can be friends. Hey!! Just friends!! Ahh. CHAPTER 6: MARGAUX ________________________________ Margaux’s P.O.V Margaux Sebastian, that‟s my name, born as a family oriented girl. My parents and I were so close that we used to have this strong family bond, we love to travel. But those things were just an immediate satisfaction, my father was no longer with us, he‟s with her mistress. Before that thing happens, his contact with us started to cool; he had excuses for everything like, “Im busy” “Im tired” “Please don‟t bother me first” That‟s the time when my mother started to suspect him. And then one day, Mom and I went for a shopping. We passed by on a restaurant, we saw him, within our both eyes, with his other woman. I got numb and upset, I can‟t moved, all I want to do is slap that woman and cry to Dad. But my Mom gripped me while crying and saying,
  • 14. “Let your Dad be happy” one of the most stupid words I‟ve ever heard. For me it‟s painful and If I were on her shoes, I will fight for him and will not flow with that affection. Dad chose his second family; he had a child on that woman 6 months old. Without hesitation he put their marriage down and up for a separation. Due to that part, I forlorn my studies, I felt broken and unwanted. Every night, I could hear my mother crying for my Dad. To relieve and remove all the pains I have inside and lift myself up again, I joined on a modelling workshop. My Mom worked abroad and left me independently in a condominium. Now, Mom and I are both Canadian citizens. Even though we had moved from the past, the pain is still there, especially to Mom. The song “Dance with my Father” by Luther Vandross makes my situation heavier and tenser. I know I‟m praying for too much But could you send back The only men she‟d love. I know you don‟t do it usually but dear Lord, she‟s dying to dance with my father again. That was the heaviest part in it that made my cry again and again. But thanks to that song, because of it, I met Nathan Paul Sebastian. I was on a plane when that song played all over the travellers. It made me cry so hard, Nathan noticed me, offer his handkerchief and asked me if I was fine. At first sight, I fell for him, he has this charm that every girls would want to be throughout her whole life and from what he had done, I‟m find him kind and caring. From that, we started to have a long conversation, introduce ourselves and eat together on a place where the plane landed. We shared a lot about our lives. We share the same experience; we have this very close relationship after all. Both of us were in Canada back then, when he starts courting me, he became the best suitor and do anything for me. My heart beats so fast when I‟m with him, his pleasant smiles and eyes made me realize that this guy is a big catch and I will never abandon this type of fate. I gave him the sweetest “YES” after doing his hardships and sacrificing his time just to titillate me. We‟ve been together for more than two years, and those two years was so perfect every part of it has memorable stories. He‟s a man every girl‟s dream, a faithful, intelligent and handsome guy. I never thought of adverting him, or make him feel bad. Within those two years, we‟ve started to plan our future and what do we want someday, the marriage, children and our house. I never think of Dad anymore, he‟s not a man, Nathan lift me higher and changed my life.
  • 15. Months passed, he are asked by his family to go back to Philippines, he came back here in Canada just to say a farewell to me, because he will be working in Austria as an architect. He left me too but it would just be temporary. And I know he would not be like Dad, he loves me and for sure he will come back again and do our plans in life. “I will be back, understand? I‟m doing this for our future and for my family.” “I know, but this time, I‟m missing you immediately” “Hey, don‟t cry. I‟ll call you after this and just always remember, I will come back for you” “I understand” “I love you,Margaux” “I love you too, Nathan” That was my last convo with him, last hug and last kiss from him. I waited for his call that day and the next day after, but I haven‟t received any, even a simple text from him. I started to worry, I can‟t sleep that time. And now, I‟m a famous model here in Canada and in fact, I bring the crown to this country as Ms. International. I‟ve been busy on showbiz and modelling, photo shoots here, photo shoot there, photo shoot everywhere. But up until now, I have not yet received news about Nathan. Questions are bothering my own self, “What happened to him?” “Is he still okay?” I only think that he‟s just busy there. He‟s persevering every time for our future. But negative vibes make everything heavier, “What if he found a girl that is more beautiful than me?” “What if he‟s busy with his family there, a family of his own? Lot of what if‟s, lot of imputations. One thing I‟m still holding of, “He will come back; he promised me he will come back.” CHAPTER 7: STALKER ________________________________ MIRA’S P.O.V I arrived home and I can‟t stop thinking of that weird guy, he‟s always on my mind. From the beginning when I saw him, everything seems strange. I just can‟t explain but there‟s really something about him.
  • 16. The house was in silence when I enter inside, Aunt Sally was not around and for sure she‟s wasting her money again. I went to my room, put my things on my table and lie on my bed. This day was so stressful. From my subjects, to my life status, my gift down through that weird guy sigh.. Yes, I‟m still thinking of him, the way he looks at me, the way he see things, he makes me confused. So I close my eyes and stop thinking all the stress for a moment. I never thought that I fell in a deep sleep and then suddenly. . . . . I woke up crying, reason? I dreamt about my Mom and Dad. It says that I was on a train station waiting for the train to leave; I don‟t have any idea why am I there, waiting for its departure. The train started to run, as I was looking on it, I saw Mom and Dad waving their hands to me, pertaining to a goodbye. I can‟t accept that they‟re going to leave me alone, so I tried to follow the train and run as fast as I can, but.... A guy reached for my hands saying “Don‟t follow it”. Surprisingly, it was the guy who I always see, the guy with no expressions. I want to release his hands off me but he‟s too strong and can carry me. “MOM!!!!!! DAD!!!!!!” I cry out loud, even I‟m hopeless and despaired, I want to scream their names they might return to me. Then, the guy hugged me so tight and try to calm me. My dream wants me to realize that my parents will never return anyhow, but I can‟t!! All I want is to bring them back to me, coz they are my life, things won‟t be easy if I don‟t have them. I will not be given a chance to smile again, and it‟s because of God, if he‟s truly loving and powerful, he won‟t let me suffer all these things, I don‟t believe in his purpose anymore, He cursed me. But this guy.... What is he doing inside my dreams? How is he connected to my life? But still I don‟t want to stress myself so I go back where I used to, a deep sleep. SATURDAY I woke up lonely, its Saturday and don‟t have anything to do but to clean this house. I went out to my room; go to the refrigerator if Aunt had left a note for me. Faith, I left you money here, It‟s up to you how will you budget it, buy your food first at the market, clean this house. Be sure
  • 17. after my return, all are set and clean. I will return late in the evening. Together with the note is a five hundred peso bill, she‟s going to be late, from where? Ughhh. Never mind, maybe she‟s going to gamble again. I set off directly to the bathroom and bath, after that I move to the market to buy my food for the whole day. While I was finding a store, I saw a soul, a female soul, together with the family she left, her husband I think and their son. She never abandoned her son even she‟s dead, how I think Mom and Dad would be like her too. There are few souls here, but they are just Benigns, they don‟t harm people. I thought there are no souls inside a crowded place, but they‟re here. I bought a kilo of `chicken for adobo, it‟s been a long time since my last time eating adobo. I also bought a bottle of vinegar and soy sauce, pepper and potatoes. I‟m finished already, I bought no more so I decided to return home. I‟m on my way through the terminal when someone hit and crash towards me. All my items fell on the ground but the one who hits me, picked them up and astonishingly he‟s the weird guy again. I thanked him and walked away quickly apart from him but before that I heard him calling my name. “Mira, right?” how could he know my name? So i did not answer his call, “Please, wait Mira!” What‟s the matter with this weird guy? “First of all Mr, don‟t call my name coz I don‟t even know you, second how did you know my name and third are you stalking me?” I asked him irritably. But he just laughed and said, “Easy Mira, I‟m not stalking you!” he replied. “Then, I won‟t waste my time for you!” I turned away from him but he‟s not stopping. “Mira!!........” I did not let him finish his words and shut him up “Stop calling me Mira!! I don‟t even know you, crazy” How come that he know my name? I never tell my name to him or talking to him either. Anyways, he‟s just crazy. There are no jeepneys, when I got here at the terminal, I‟ve been waiting for five minutes but no jeeps are coming! Im an impatient girl and I don‟t want to waste my time waiting for a thing. So I decided to walk from here to our home, I‟m not a stagey type of a girl, I can walk a distance, since its my family‟s favourite bond. Back when I was a child, after attending Mass at the church, we will walk a kilometre from the church to our home; we will eat whenever we will see a pick-a food store.
  • 18. Sometimes, we stay at the park, there we play and picnic for a long time especially during their pay days.But that was in the past, right now, I‟m all by myself now, no one to share with my pick-a food, even my Piattos. Minutes passed, I finally made it to my favourite park. I sat on my favourite part of the park, the swing, I was just happy back then swinging here, but now everything seems so gray, no happiness, no excitement. “There are still many ways to comfort your soul, you can never be that always” a voice talked behind me. Guess where it‟s from? From the weird guy! He‟s here again but right now he has expressions of concern for me. “Nathan!” he lend his hands to me but I just look at it, I look at his face, he was so cute, he has this charisma that everybody loves, his smiles and his teeth, he looks like a demi god but he‟s just so intrusive!! “Hey, I‟m Nathan!” he said waving his hands as I was an idiot. “And then,,, how should I care” I haught. “Mira, I‟m Nathan Sebastian” he said in a very cute way, shocks his charm, why is he doing this? “How did you know my name? Nathan Sebastian?” I asked him, he sat on the other swing and talked to me. “Well....” he‟s going to explain but I outran him. “You‟re stalking me?” I asked but he did not reply. “I‟m right!! You‟re stalking me, silence means yes!” but he still don‟t have his answer. “Hayyyssstt,, you‟re stalking me Mr. Nathan” “Okay, you win, I admit it, I‟m stalking you” I suddenly laugh out loud, “Why??” I‟m still laughing so hard because of his confession. “See, I made you laugh, you‟re beautiful when you‟re smiling” he said in a serious way. From that, I started to frown again. “Hey!! You‟re frowning again!” he said. “What‟s your purpose” I asked him hurriedly “huh?” “I said, what‟s your purpose, why do you want me to smile? How did you know me? What is your purpose?” that was my most serious question I‟d ever ask, I think?! “Well, look, every time I see you inside the campus, you‟re always alone, you‟re just walking and studying you by yourself, sometimes you are bullied, you‟re teased by your classmates. I never saw you smiling even a single smirk, I never saw that to you. So I came here to you as a...” “As a?” “As a friend, Mira!” he said. “I don‟t trust everyone, I‟m an introvert and I don‟t usually talk to others, but this time you‟re stepping of my character..” I replied to him, now. I have this smile on my face.
  • 19. “But wait” I continued, “Are you a student?” “Nope!” “A teacher?” “Nope!” “Then what?” “Let‟s just say I‟m one of the staff.” He replied while looking at the sky. Then there a silence between us, “Tell me about your story!” I asked him interestingly. “You first!” “eh?! I asked you first!” I grumbled. “Faster... I wanna know more about you!” Nathan. “Fine.... I am Almira Faith Salvador, a nursing student. As a student, I experienced a lot of mocking and scorns from my classmates towards my personality and character. They call me weird, nerd and I don‟t think what their problem is, I used to focus myself studying but their words really hurt a lot. These things would not happen if my parents didn‟t died...” “Wait! Your parents are both dead?” he asked me like he was just concern. “Yes, and because of that happening, everything in my life turns into ruins, I had never rebuilt myself again. I used to smile back then, I used to belong with people and I used to enjoy my life with my family. Until, this so called “CREATOR” takes my family‟s lives and joy. That God put them into an accident; he let them die in an unknown time.” “Are you mad to God?” he asked. “Who am I going to blame? Myself? You? Or the other people who also caught in accident? It‟s he who is responsible for every human‟s life, he made it and he should take care of it.” “But he has plans!” he debated “Plans for what? At first, I believe that he has plans but then things start to change. Did he plan this? If he truly cares for me, then why did he put me here!” tears again started to fall out from my eyes. I can‟t handle this situation I had. “Sorry for that!” he asked “No, you don‟t have to, it‟s normal for me to cry and weep every time.” “Alright, we have the same story?” he said while nodded. “Same? I think were not” I disagreed to him, to his face, how can be that way too? “Let‟s just say that we have the same situation but I‟m the one who got lost” I look at him, he has this gloomy face after saying words. But I don‟t understand him,
  • 20. “Ahhh... get lost? Meaning I‟m the one who moved, uhhmmm I became a prodigal son” he added. “Why, tell me your story?” I asked, he just look at me and it takes couple of seconds before he start to tell it. “I won‟t.” He thriftily said but I opposed him, it‟s unfair for me, I told my story to him. “Hey!! I have told my story to you, tell yours too!” “Maybe at the right time?” and now he‟s getting strange again. “I‟m just playing safe” he continued. “Playing safe?” I started to doubt him, what‟s the matter with him and I think there is something that I should know about him. “Who are you?” I asked him curiously, it‟s not a literal question, I want to know his real purpose and identity, I know that there is some strange thing happening between me and Nathan. “You‟ll know my purpose!” he said and at fast pace, he suddenly vanished. What‟s with that guy? He‟s really weird. I look around the park to find Nathan, but he‟s not there anymore just a cold air surrounded me when I got up. I stayed at the park for 30 minutes, I really miss this place but one thing is not unbelievable, from the start where I met Nathan, there are no kids here, there are no children playing. I‟m just the only one swinging here. But Nathan, he made me smile, I won‟t forget this feeling and day. After 30 minutes, I started to walk again from the park down through our home. CHAPTER 8: FRIENDED _______________________________ While walking, I decided to pass by the cemetery to visit my parents‟ tomb. I first went some flowers, while walking; I remembered all anger and resentment when they left me.
  • 21. I saw counted people visiting their loved ones here; I can also see souls behind some of them. I come near to my parent‟s tomb and clean it. I talked to them although I knew they won‟t answer me back. “Mom, Dad,” tears started to fall again before saying their names. “I missed you so much *sniff* it‟s been years since you left me *sniff* and I think I will never be the same again *sniff* I will never move on, the pain here in my heart *sniff* is permanent. I am completely lost, unable to express what had just happened to you *sniff* and refused to allow the process of healing begin by closing myself off from everyone around me *sniff*. There are no nights *sniff* that I would cry for you, I never show to everyone my smile, I became weak. If only *sniff* I could set an expiration date for this pain and heal myself but I could not *sniff*. I was in denial and did not face the fact that it all happened in just a single snap.” I know I‟m crying so much, but I didn‟t care about my surroundings. “Mom *sniff* Dad *sniff*, please go back!!! I love you!!” Then cold winds passed by me, making my cry get loud, “MOOM!!!!” I screamed out. “DAAAD!!!” LORRAINE’S P.O.V Saturday, when I thought of visiting my grandpa on the cemetery. While driving my car inside the cemetery, I saw Mira inside also, I keep on watching her. She‟s mourning and out of nowhere, she‟s sitting on a tomb, who‟s buried there? I decided to visit first my grandpa and go back to Mira, so I can talk to her. After almost 20 minutes, I saw her leaving the tomb; I watched over her, open my car‟s glass shield and call her.... “Mira!” she turned back to me while wiping his eyes that used to be in tears “Lorraine?? What are you doing here?” she seems surprised. “I visited my grandpa? How about you?” She took a long time answering my question, “ahhh...uhmmm..Nothing, I just visited a friend.” She replied that looks untruly in her ways. “Ride on!” I asked her, I want to talk to her, I want to befriend Mira. I want to know her more, and from now on, I am feeling this guilt back when I became one of her haters. Right now, I want to repent and be a friend for her. I want to influence her in a way she would be a perfect woman, but in a good way hehe. “Huh?” “Mira, hop on!!” Without a word, she hopped on my car and ride with me. “Why are you doing this?” she asked.
  • 22. “Is it bad? I‟ll treat you!” “Lorraine, look we‟re not friends and I don‟t trust people. How can I be sure you won‟t harm me?” This is the fruit of pissing her off, she will not trust me cause I‟d become so mean to her. “Later, you will know, trust me; this is not a trap, just a friendly treat. I‟ll explain it to you!” She locked in her seatbelts meaning she wants to go with me. I pulled up the hoop and start to drive. We went to a restaurant and when we were there, I saw teardrops slowly flowing down to her face, what‟s the matter with her? We went inside and sat in a table where there are no people besides it, a perfect place for reconciliation haha. The waiter offered the menu, I picked our food and wait for its preparation. “So what are we going to discuss?” she asked. “I want to say sorry” while nodding; I said it sincerely to her. “Sorry for what?” “For everything, from being a mean gal, pisser and....” I‟m not finish with my words when,.... “Okay, I get it” “What?” I surprisingly asked. “Apology accepted.” She pardoned “Really? Why?” “Forgiveness?? By Mr. Falkner!” “Can I ask you something?” “Go on, you‟re my acquaintance now!” “Before we enter this resto, I saw you teary? What‟s wrong with you?” I asked. “Nothing, my eyes hurts only.” She replied without looking at me. “I know you have something to tell, honestly, I‟m pushing myself just to understand you. Tell me, what‟s your problem?” “You don‟t have to push yourself, Lorraine. Besides, I‟m well- trained of understanding myself and nothing more” Mira said. “Mira! Stop being stupid! You‟re not the only one, I am also like you! I don‟t have someone who will consistently be on my side, to lean of.” I also explained her myself, she seemed flabbergasted with my words but these are all true. “I‟m sorry to hear that. To tell you the truth, I visited my parents in the cemetery, not a friend. My parents died last year and still I can‟t move on, I disclosed myself to everyone, became an introvert and never trust anyone. I can‟t accept every happening in my life, I love my parents, I hope for a perfect future with them and have faith. But these faith, hope and love that people believe have not been granted to me. Faith became doubt, I never believed hope until it turns into despair, and love turns me into an untouchable person. And I‟m touched when my story looks like you too.” Mira. “We have the same life set, but what makes us different is that my parents are alive, but they have no place for me, they‟d never consider me as their child, business here, business there.
  • 23. Only my grandfather understands me. I had my first love but he broke it, nobody wants to be part of my life, I‟m a hopeless child, a hopeless romantic and a hopeless like you too.” “Mira, I‟m sorry if I judged you, for running of against you. But now, I finally understand that I am not the only one suffering from seclusion, we have the same status, and I think we can understand each other” I added. “Can we be friends? Close friends?” I asked her. “Close friends” she lend her hand as a sign of our friendship. “Thank you, Mira!” I hugged her, “For whatever will happen, I‟ll be always here to lend my sympathy. Maybe I‟m a mean girl but in fact I still have my moral attitude in my heart. They were just covered by pains and problems” She massaged my back to comfort me, I can‟t believe that we have the stuff and I think we can help each other. “Mira, whenever you need help, I‟m always here and I hope we can help each other.” “Of course, you know what?” she asked. “What?” “You‟re my first friend after the death of my parents” she smirked. “Really? Im touched.. Well look, you‟re smirking!!” I teased her, that‟s the first time I saw her smiling even at her simplest way. “You know what too? You‟re beautiful, you just need to transform!” I said. “Transform?” “Yes, a brand new transformation. I can help you with that!” “Maybe, sooner, but not now.” “Okay!!” And after that, our orders are well present on our table. We tackled everything, our favourites, hobbies and everything that will know us deeper. By then my feelings soften for her. We used to discuss more but she said that she needs to go home, she needs to clean their house so I brought her to their house and after that I went back home. Mira is neither weird nor nerd; she‟s a loving woman and may be a good friend. I love her personality and we have this mutual characteristics and attitude towards other people and I think this will be my first step of taking her to a brand new side of her.
  • 24. CHAPTER 9: NATHAN THE WEIRD ________________________________ MIRA’S P.O.V This is a weird day. First, that weird guy named Nathan that I encountered at the market and at the park and my conversation with him and leave suddenly in just a blink of an eye. Second, with Lorraine, it was impossible to talk with her and probably now we became friends. I can‟t believe but honestly I felt afraid and happy. Afraid, because I thought that this will only be an immediate situation, again. Happy because my feelings now has soften. I have now a friend that I could issue forth my supplications. Despite, I‟ll be no longer will experience sorrow and never be alone again, I hope. I already finished cooking our food; I sat on our sofa and did not notice that I already fallen asleep. It‟s like I‟m dreaming, my mind was awake but my body is physically sleeping. I saw the Light!! Am I dreaming? I saw an image of a human but... I can‟t recognize who she is or who he is. Until, the door was knocked, Aunt Sally woke me up. She‟s drunk, I stand immediately and help her enter our house, she‟s swaying and I have to carry her. One thing, I did not tell is that she started wasting her life when her husband died because of a car accident. After that, I never had a serious talk with her, just like me, I never saw her smiling but she never neglected me. I laid her on her room and wiped her face. She‟s deep asleep, she‟s only coming back home when she‟s already drunk but I never saw her wild again. Unlike before, she imprisoned herself on her room and broke everything inside. I left her and locked her door. I ate and lie on my bed after but I can‟t sleep; I can‟t calm down. I sit and think about it. I suddenly remembered Nathan the weird, who really is he? And at the first place why did he know my name? He‟s always watching over me and like a dog, always following me and its really good for me to call him STALKER. I mean he always following me, whenever I go, he‟s always there, and wait what if he knows my location too? I feel nervous and frightened maybe now he‟s there outside the window watching over me. No, I‟m not a paranoid, and then I go to sleep. I woke up at 5:30 AM and Aunt Sally was not around but she left me a note Mira, here‟s your pocket money. Take care always  We don‟t talk too personal but despite, I feel her concern and care for me. Hopefully she could turn back who she used to be before. Aunt Sally owes the responsibility to take care of me, she doesn‟t have a child so when my parents died, they did not hesitate to adopt me.
  • 25. I‟ve arrived at school around 6:30 in the morning. I decided to go at the school garden. At this moment, it‟s refreshing to smell the breeze of air. I sat on a bench and felt the peace, beauty and freshness of my surrounding. I wish my life would be like this ahhhhh. While walking on the corridor, someone hold my hand, It was Lorraine! “Hey! Mira, let‟s enter the room together” she said happily. “You scared me?!” “I‟m sorry hehe!” . Before entering the room, I already saw Nathan inside our room since he‟s the only one not wearing his uniform. He was just sitting alone, but I manage to sit with Lorraine first. Our class starts when Mr. Falkner entered our room, minutes passed. Nathan was not yet introduced by our professor, maybe he‟s just only an observer here, he‟s looking at me times but I don‟t to ask him in the first place. “Hey Mira! What‟s your problem? You‟re always looking at the back?” Lorraine suddenly asked me. “uhmmm nothing” I replied “Are you sure? Are you really okay? If you‟re ill just tell me huh?” she requested. “No, don‟t worry, Im fine.” She just put her attention to what our professor is saying. I look at him again and at this time he‟s smiling, I don‟t know how would respond, if I‟m going to pay him a smile or just ignore his weirdness but the thing is, I think I‟m blushing. Our class has finished and I‟m about to go home, I packed up my things and step out from our room. Lorraine said she have to go coz she‟s going somewhere. I hurriedly step on the elevator then come Nathan the weird. We were just two here inside, my heart‟s beating fast due to anxiousness, silence broke when he call my name. “Mira” in just a soft voice, my body fur started to prickle. I just looked at him and did not say a thing. „Mira” he‟s calling me again. „Yes, why? Do you have anything to say?” without looking at him. “Are you scared of me? Why can‟t you stare at me?” he asked. “huh? Why should I be scared? You‟re not a ghost?” I replied. “So you‟re afraid of ghosts?” he asked again but I did not mind his question and just frown on him. “you have so many questions!” When the elevator has opened, I quickly ran of him.
  • 26. CHAPTER 10: AUNT SALLY ________________________________ That night, Aunt Sally went home again drunk. I carry her to her room and wipe her face, then leave her sleeping. But before I leave I look unto her and,,, “Hayyy, Auntie, when will you stop all your vices?! When are we going to have a serious talk, do I matter to you? Hayyy” Then I close the door and go to my room and have sleep. Sunday I woke late at exactly 10 AM, it‟s Sunday and again, I have nothing to do but to stay here and do chores that I have not yet done yesterday. I went out to my room and saw Aunt sitting on the dining table; she‟s having her coffee and reading a newspaper, “Mira, have you cleaned the house?” she asked while continuing reading her tabloid. “Not yet po.” I replied “WHAT?? What have you done yesterday?!” “I‟m sorry Auntie!” “NO!! WHAT DID I SAY TO YOU?? MIRA!! YOU‟RE PURSUING ME AGAIN TO CONSIDER YOU A BURDEN HERE!!!” she scolded. “I‟m sorry” That‟s all I can just say for now, since it was really my fault. “errrr..WHY DO I HATE THIS LIFE??!!” she throw her tabloid and steps out from the house. Do I become a burden to her? Hope not. Maybe she‟s still drunk. I grab the broom and dustpan and start cleaning the house. For an easier work, I also do cleaning and cooking rice. From my room, to the living room, I carefully clean all the dirt and mess inside, I did not remember that I was also cooking the rice and did not smell it burning. “MIRA!! THE RICE!!” Aunt hurriedly ran off through the kitchen and switch off the gasoline tank. I ran also towards the kitchen, “WHAT‟S HAPPENING TO YOU?”
  • 27. “I was just cleaning, and I forget about it.” “LOOK!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE MIRA?!!” ”I‟m sorry.” “HOW LONG WILL YOU SAY THAT WORD, ACT PROPERLY MIRA!!! YOU‟RE BEING DUMB AGAIN!!!” These words really pierced my feelings, it hurts, it really hurts but I will accept it, it‟s my fault. “GO DO THE OTHER CHORES!!” I just followed her instructions and do the other chores. While washing my clothes, I feel I‟m about to weep, I can‟t take this any longer. After all the chores, I went to my room and dressed, I should go out so I can relieve this all. Since its Sunday and I don‟t have nothing else to do inside, I will spend my time outside. There are a lot of people when I step out from our house, It‟s church day and people are going to church, bells were jingling all over our place, there were also lots of business stores around the church temple, food stalls and religious stores. I was just sitting on a bench when I saw Nathan walking towards me, with his killer smile and charm; I could not get over on his face. “Mira!” “Hey Nathan!” he sat beside me. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “Church!” he thriftily said “How about you? Aren‟t you going there?” “No, I don‟t believe him anymore!” I said sarcastically. “Huh?” he asked in awe. “I said I don‟t believe him anymore.” “Why?” “Hey I told it to you when were at the park!” “Aww sorry” Nathan A moment of silence took place between us and then he asked me to go with him. “Where are we going, hey!” he‟s just holding my arm and take me to a place that I don‟t know, I can feel his hands on me and its cold. We‟re heading towards the church temple. “Nathan! What we are going to do there?” “God has plans why he has put you in that place, and the only thing you could do is to accept your fate because at the end you will know his purpose!” he said while hauling me. I put his hands off me and started to debate him. “Plans? Purpose? Is these all his plans, to let people suffer?” I asked. “Yes he has his plans, he has his purpose. But he does not want us to suffer, he wants us to understand and follow his will” he answered. “If he‟s all loving, why did he let people suffer and allowed death?”
  • 28. We reach the church door while talking and debating “It‟s not a right question, but I‟ll answer it” “Well if you know he‟s the one who made your sufferings, it only means that you still believe in him. God is not responsible for the wars, crimes, the oppression or even the natural disaster that cause people to suffer. It‟s ours, it‟s our responsibility, imagine if the thieves will not be thieves, then crimes would not take place. If the pilot on that plane secured the plane, then there would be no plane crush. Another is that, all things are planned, we have each one a calling or a call for purpose, we have to deal with it because it has been written. Look, these people inside this church also have sufferings, maybe some of them is heavier than your sufferings, some of them are all alone, and some of them are always crying because of lost. But look, did they stop believing? Did they stop worshipping? No, actually all their sufferings helped them to be more faithful, some of them became more courageous and some of them became strong. Sufferings are not made for people to suffer but to know more about our faith and let God‟s will be done unto them.” He looked at me sincerely but I felt guilty that time, but what‟s my calling? “Let‟s go” we entered the church and kneel at the front pew, the nearest part towards the altar. I missed going here, ever since my parents died, I never visited here; I miss the ambiance, the atmosphere and its sanctity that made my feelings lighter. I was just looking around kneeling when the choir start to practice a song for the next service, and it‟s really a solemn song Huwag Kang mangamba, Di ka nag iisa Sasamahan kita Saan man magpunta. Ika‟y mahalaga sa king mga mata Minamahal kita, Minamahal kita Tinawag kita sa yong pangalan Ikaw ay akin magpakilanman Ako ang Panginoon mo at Diyos Tagapagligtas mo at tagatubos. The song helped me to reconcile with him, I pray for his guidance, to renew myself and accept my life status, coz I know it would be hard for me to move on. I want to stand up after my fall, and that my faith to him will be back as I used to back then. Thanks to Nathan. I ended my prayer and sit back and feel the presence of God inside this church. “Are you okay now?” Nathan looked at me asking if I was okay.
  • 29. “Yeah” “Do you believe in him again?” Nathan. “I‟m still doubting, Nathan. Can you help me please?” I asked him sincerely. “I will do my best but I bet you can do it by yourself quickly, this will be your recovery, Mira.” He supported cheerfully. “I hope so” “Mira, I have to go” he suddenly fared to me, looks like he has many things to do first so I also send my farewell and bye each other. I am still inside the church when I saw Aunt Sally; she‟s kneeling in my prayer and she‟s crying. I want to approach her but I think she‟s still mad at me, so it would be better if I will not come up to her. I was on my way outside when I saw Advocates, spiritual beings with four wings; they are guarding the church and then suddenly the service started. I saw also numerous souls attending the mass service. But one that catches my sense is the soul of my uncle, his face. I quickly ran off to him but he‟d gone so fast. I‟d never mind it and went outside. Then suddenly, the soul of uncle appeared on a garden outside the church, I follow him until we met faces. His face looks he did not die from cancer, he renewed and had expressed peace. I look him eye to eye and tried to contact him. “Uncle.” “Mira, you‟ve grown up” “Uncle, why are you here? Don‟t you wanna go there up the Light?” I asked. “What Light?” they did not know Light? Ohhh.. “The eternal place?” “Heaven” he said. Heaven, the eternal happiness, maybe it‟s the same with the Light. I used to term it Light, the time when I started disbelieving God. “Yes, heaven, don‟t you wanna go there?” “Not now, my mission is not yet finished” he said. “Mission?” “As long as you and your Aunt can‟t recover, I will be always here.” He said So he‟s guiding us every day, how about my parents? “How abou......” I am about to ask my parents to when he started to move apart from me. “Uncle!!!! Wait......” but he‟s gone “How about my parents” I lose hope again to my parents. How I wish I could see their souls. Aunt Sally is lucky to have Uncle as her husband, though he‟s dead, he is still there to protect and see her.
  • 30. CHAPTER 11: FIRST STEP ________________________________ Monday again, start of class, I was on a bench inside the campus waiting for my time when, “HEY!!” Lorraine stunned me at the bench. “Whew, you scared me!!” “I‟m sorry, what are you doing here?” I‟m still catching my breath after I shout out of surprise. “wheewww...just waiting for our time...wheeeww..” “Why don‟t you hang out with our classmates in our room?” she asked. “You know what my reason is!” I replied. “Okay, fine! You want to take the FIRST STEP!!” “First Step?” “Yah, FIRST STEP to Stardom---eh--- RECOVERY!! Woop woop” she said, acting too weird. “So what‟s the first step hmmm?” “After our class, I‟ll take you there. Let‟s go my friend” “Okay, my friend” and we laughed together. It‟s so pleasant to have a friend now, at least it will not be the guards but also Lorraine. When we entered the room, all of the attention inside belongs to us alone, some of them were surprised, others were murmuring while the others see as weird gals. “What are you looking to?” Lorraine asked meanly. And then they turned back to their own businesses, eavesdropper hmmm.. We sit beside each other and talk and talk.
  • 31. All of our professors came here to teach our lectures, two weeks more before our Midterms exam, that‟s why all of them were rushing their lessons. Then came our recession and time to go home, but I and Lorraine are off to somewhere to do my FIRST STEP- thingy. While on the hallway, Lorraine heard some of our classmates murmuring about us. “Lorraine used to befriend with Mira coz midterms is coming, she‟s going to use Mira to pass the exam” she looks mad while she‟s hearing it. “What did you said?” she asked to our two classmates. “WHAT?” they asked like they were not talking. “Damn you both!!” Lorraine finalized and walked away. We hopped on her car and go to that First step place, In a just 20 minutes we reached the place, at the mall. I don‟t get this woman. “What are we doing here?” I asked her. “Just follow me. Let‟s go” We headed towards it and went to an optical store. “What are we doing here? Lorraine.” “Mira has a lot of questions? Hayyss. Just go with me!” “Fine” we heads toward it and go to the clerk. “Where are your contact lenses, Can we check it, thank you!” She‟s checking for a contact lens, but to whom? “Contact lenses?” I asked her. “Maam, what grade?” the clerk asked. “What‟s your eye grade? She asked me. “Why?” “WHAT‟S YOUR EYE GRADE?” “250 – 500” “Miss, 250-500” Lorraine said to the clerk. “We‟re gonna buy you a contact lens as a replacement to this weird eyeglasses” she put off my eyeglasses and throw it away, people look at it but she never think of it. “Lorraine?! My eyeglasses!!” I whined to her. “Don‟t care about it, I said we‟re gonna buy you a contact lens” “But I don‟t have money to buy it?” then the clerk offered the contacts with many colors, red, brown, black and blue. “Pick your colour” she said. “But I don‟t have mon....” “I said, pick your colour. I‟m going to buy it for you!!” she looks irritated. I picked the contact lens with a brown colour coz I think the others would not fit in to me. Lorraine asked me to put it on and I do so. At first, it‟s kinda irritable to wear but Lorraine said that I will sooner adopt it.
  • 32. We stepped out of the store and went to another. At the salon, “TADA!!! Step 1.2, you have the eyes and now it‟s time for MAKEOVER!!” Lorraine said. “You know, you don‟t have to do this, Lorraine; how can I pay you back?” “Look, Mira, I‟m doing this for you, I just want to transform you in a way that everyone will admire you. You have the beauty both inside and outside, but people never saw it because you‟re always alone; and consider me now not as a friend, not as a best friend but a fairy godmother!” I don‟t how should I react but I find him sincere in her own way. “Let‟s go!” she held my hand and went inside the salon “MS. LORRAINE!!!” the clerk said and he‟s gay. “The usual thing?” the clerk asked. “Yes but this time, for two!” Lorraine replied. “Oww, you‟re maid?” the gay asked that made me slight mad “Hey, she‟s my best friend!” then the looked surprised about that. I rolled my face and gave her the fiercest face. “aah..uhmm. Sarah!! Take Ms. Lorraine inside!” said by Mr. Gay “This way Maam” one of the staff said and leadus inside the spa salon. “Are you ready, Mira?” Lorraine asked to me. I nod my head as a sign of agreement, here I come, a brand new me is coming!! But the other side of me asks if this is right, if is it alright to recover from pain and breathe again normally. We were first introduced to a facial spa, where facial scrubbing is undergoing. It took about 30 minutes to finish a session. But after that long session, I never thought of seeing my face, I transformed into a whiter one from oily to smooth ones.. “Look at that, Mira! You are now a demigod!!” Lorraine frauds on me. “No comment.. ahahahahah” “Well that‟s only the beginning” Lorraine. Next, we moved to the salon area, this is where hair cutting and hair colouring are done. The staff cut first my hair, cut off my bangs and into a V style. Then hair colouring, Lorraine decided to use chestnut brown on some parts, she said it would not be good if all my hair parts will be coloured. It took so long to cut and colour my hair since I rarely combing it. There are also a lot of dandruffs there, but no lice hehe.. Then after all the session, I look at the mirror and find myself awesome, Lorraine sits beside me and look also at the mirror. “Hey, you‟re more beautiful than me now, Mira!” “Is it really me?” while touching my face, I asked myself if it‟s really me.
  • 33. “Yes it‟s you, the true you. Now that is step 1.2, let‟s move on to step 1.3!!” she said to me and pulled me outside. “BYE MS.LORRAINE!!” screamed by Mr. Gay. “Where are we going next, Lorraine?” I asked her. “Just wait and see, dear!!” We are on the fifth floor of the mall, this is where cinemas are located. “Cinema?” I asked. “Yah!!” So we went inside it, there are lot of people inside waiting for the movie to start. We sat on the uppermost part of the cinema and wait too. After a minute, the movie starts. With a popcorn on our hands, Lorraine and I are excited to watch this much awaited movie of one of the famous artist comedian in the country. Since the beginning up to the climax, the movie is so much funny and laughable; there are no scenes that you will laugh and scream caused by tons of shaggy dag stories and gags. Lorraine was just looking at me while laughing, “You‟re smiling now, my dear!!” she said happily just like Nathan. “Pssshh, just watch first!” It took almost two hours watching the movie and for sure it would be a big hit, and until the end, the movie is still funny, leaving big smiles on every audience that exits the cinema. “Aren‟t we finished yet?” I asked Lorraine after we egress from the cinema. “One last Step, this is step 1.4!!” she replied. CHAPTER 12: PRISTINE _______________________________ I‟ve always been a kind of girl that hid my face. So afraid to tell the world what I‟ve I got to say But I have this dream bright inside of me I‟m gonna let it show, it‟s time to let you know To let you know This is real, This is me I‟m exactly where I‟m supposed to be now Gonna let the light, shine on me Now I found who I am, there‟s no way to hold it in No more hiding who I wanna be this is me.
  • 34. I‟m walking inside the campus, along the hallway, listening to this music. Well, this is me now, a brand new me, the pristine one, but I still lack confidence. I had my contacts on, no more nerdy eyeglasses. I had my hair fallen, no more bangs that nearly covers my whole forehead. I had my smile now, but just 50%, I still have the sword in my heart. Everyone‟s looking at me and I‟m still shy. The Step 1.4? Ahhh yeah, well I‟m wearing it now. Lorraine bought me clothes, skirts and a pair of doll shoes. It took almost an hour to find the best suit for me; Lorraine was so choosy; I had to go in and out of the dressing room just to find the right fit. I am now on my way to my classroom, walking in inhibition and shyness. I have this beautiful aura yet I don‟t have confidence to carry this, but I know in the mean time I can handle it. When i entered the room, everyone caught my attention; they‟re staring at me, multiplying my shyness overload. They continue to look at me until I reach my desk. Then Kim, one of our classmates approached me, “Hi! I‟m Kim” she introduced herself as if I was new here. But Lorraine spoiled her initiation. “Hey! Kim! She knows you!” Lorraine said. “What are you trying to say?” Kim in doubt. “That‟s Mira!!” all of our classmates look at us in disbelief after what Lorraine had said. “woahhh woahh, I don‟t believe you?” Kim said, “Believe it or not, it‟s Lorraine!” our classmates began to murmur with each other, others were amazed and others were really in disbelief. “Then, prove it!” Kim challenged Lorraine to prove that I am really Mira. “Ask a question, she will answer it!” Lorraine accepted the challenge. “Well, well! Hmm..Classmates?” Kim looked towards our classmates for a question that will prove me. “Kim!” Nick raised his hands for a question, Nick is my contender here in our room, he‟s always mad at me because I am always at the first top. He‟s always for a competition making him so competitive and always ready for an action. Nick went on the front and started to test me “Well, if you really are Mira, what are the scientific methods used in Sociology?” while smirking, he asked me the question that is really hard for me to answer, but not this time! “Go, Mira!” While sitting, I intellectually answer his question.
  • 35. “All phenomena can be studied scientifically. Scientific methodology is a carefully planned, systematic and objective investigation of some question or problem connected with phenomena. The methods of sociological research are basically the same, but techniques according to the materials being studied. Today, anyone with a serious interest in understanding society should think of ways by which social facts can be gathered and properly evaluated. Three basic techniques are commonly used on sociological research. These are 1.)Observation, 2.)Case study and 3.) Statistical Method. Observation, as one of the most important tools of the social researcher, should be utilized after some degree of training. Case study is a complete detailed account of phenomenon, as a religious movement. And statistical method refers also to the quantitative method because it utilizes mathematics in interpreting social phenomena.” Then finished my answer with a smile. Nick, Kim together with my classmates were amazed, imagine their mouths open wide, just how funny. Well, it really boosts my confidence now. Lorraine put her hands interfaced while saying, “Close your mouths go back to your respective seats for what you see is just Almira Faith Salvador.” Then all of them took their seats in shock and flabbergasted, Look took her seat also and then stood up again. “Quote for the day: Be careful who you bully” she gave her final words and sit again. Our classmates were in silent mode after all what happened. “You did great Mira! Congratulations” Lorraine greeted me. “Thank you” I replied warily. 20 minutes has passed, Mr. Falkner entered our class and start to call for attendance. “Pretoria!” “Present, Sir!” “Quizon” “Present” “Quesada!” “Present” “Ramos!” “Present” “Salvador” I raised my hands but Mr. Falkner ignored me, “Salvador!” I‟m still raising my hands but he‟s still ignoring me. “Where is Ms. Salvador?! You, raise down your hands, I won‟t entertain questions first!!” he said. “Ms. Salvador!!” he called again.
  • 36. “But she‟s Salvador sir!!” Lorraine shouts out Mr. Falkner looked at her then at me wandering if it‟s really me, he put off his eyeglasses and squint, then cleaned it and put back. But he did not say any word, “Sellona” “Present” and just continue his call for attendance; Lorraine just laugh All of our professors didn‟t believe that I am Mira, our prof. in Caregiving laughed at me but when I proved myself, just like my classmates earlier, she had his mouth wide open. Lorraine and I were walking o the hallway, discussing all the things that happened earlier. “Have you seen the face of Mrs. Calla? Just a little wide more, flies will surely go through it ahahhaha!!” she said while laughing out loud. “Hey, stop it but ahahhaahahaha.” I burst into laughter also, a silent laugh, I‟m still me in the inside. Our talk keeps on when Kim and Ailyra approached us with both eyebrows raised. “How much did you spend?” asked Kim. I don‟t get her, but Lorraine just smirked at her “Look...” Lorraine did not finish her words because Kim blocked her. “Let Mira, answer my question, I‟m not talking to you!” “Answer us, how much did you spend?” Kim asked me for the second time. “huh?” I still don‟t get her point. “Gosh, how much did you spend for your PLASTIC SURGERY?!” she‟s intimidating me. “It‟s not” I replied. “Don‟t tell us a joke, Mira!!” Ailyra blotted, “But, I‟m not kidding!” “Tssss..just tell the truth.” Kim “I‟m telling the truth” I answered back “How...........” “Hey stop it!!” Lorraine put me at her back and slabs me from Kim and Ailyra, “Don‟t try to......”Kim “I said STOP!!” Lorraine rebuked her from being coercing the both of us, “She did not undergo PLASTIC SURGERY, it‟s her beauty hidden inside and you have nothing to do with that, let‟s go!!” Lorraine pulled my hands and escaped from them, “And wait, I think it‟s not Mira who did plastic surgery, it‟s you, I know your dirty secrets Kim, so shut up or else.....” Lorraine gave her final words and Kim looks threatened by her words. We go down and go back to our homes. I accompanied Lorraine to her car. “Thank you for all, Lorraine, how should I pay you back?”
  • 37. “No, you don‟t have to, next week, we will step on to the second step.” “hayyy,okay I‟ll wait for it, but seriously, why are you doing this?” I asked her. “Cause you‟re special” she replied “Thank you, Lorraine, I owe you these” We hugged each other, I never thought that Lorraine will be my friend, a super best friend. I never thought of having a close tie with her. “Hey! Let‟s stop this drama! I‟ll deliver you at your house!” “No, I‟m fine, I still have to go somewhere, go first, I will be taking a bus” I refused “Okay, bye best friend! Mwaah” she hopped on her car and starts it. I was waiting for a bus to stop over when Nathan, the weird guy, stood beside me. “Mira!” he‟s calling my name again! “What?” I asked irritably. “You‟ve changed!” he said “Now what?” “Nothing, I just noticed” he said while smiling, he‟s so handsome. “Then?” “Bye!!” he ran off again and for the second time, he‟s gone in just a snap. After a minute, a bus stopped over and delivered me home. As usual, Aunt Sally is not inside so I go directly to my room and look at the mirror. This is the real me, this is that I used to be and it came back to me again. My eyes, face, hair and my smile, they come back, this is recovery and I hope it will improve more. I was looking myself at the mirror, when the door opened. “Mir.......who are you?” It‟s Aunt Sally, and it looks she‟s surprised too. “Why are you at my niece‟s room? Who are you?” “Auntie, relax!” “Who are you? You‟re a thief hmmm.” She‟s getting suspicious “THIEF!!!” Auntie screamed looking for a help “Auntie, it‟s me Mira!” “Really?” “It‟s me, Aunt SALLY!!” I said stressing her name. “What happened to you?” she asked “Next time!” I replied, I‟m still not ready to have a talk with her. I still have this guilt of being a burden for her. I locked my room and prepare for sleep. Well this is really me now; I sighed deeply and imagine things sooner. Future, here I am. Do you know what it‟s like To feel so in the dark To dream about life Where you‟re the shining star
  • 38. Even though it seems Like it‟s too far away I have to believe in myself Its the only way This is real, this is me I‟m exactly where I‟m supposed to be now Gonna let the light, shine on me Now I found who I am, there‟s no way to hold it in No more hiding who I wanna be this is me. I am Almira Faith Salvador, this is real, this is me. CHAPTER 13: FAITH ________________________________ Who are you now Mira? A man asked me, he‟s all in white, he has a pure white skin toe, his face is inexpressible. Then he took me to a high plateau where the lowlands are covered by clouds, then suddenly the clouds move apart showing the lowlands “That‟s earth!” he pointed his hands to the lowlands “What you‟re seeing now is the whole earth, its people and its nature” I don‟t get his point why is he telling me this. I looked at him but he‟s not staring at me. “Look at this!” I looked to the one he‟s pointing too. Then I saw a mountain moving, amazingly he can move mountains, the way he moved his hands, that‟s how the mountains move also. “Now, do the same things!” he said, how can I do that? But without uncertainty, I did the same thing. I point my hand to that mountain and try to move it. The mountain is slowly moving, but my hands feel like I‟m pulling a heavy piece, it‟s so heavy. Then the man put off my arms, looks at me and smile. “How does it feel?” he asked. “It‟s heavy!” “You still have to make yourself stronger” he said “huh?” Really, I did not get his point. I look at the mountain and then suddenly the man touched my shoulders and Wings spread out from his back, his body turned into a spirit, and then he flew away from me, an Advocate? Angel? Arghhhh ..... . . . Dreams!! Those were just only dreams, but there‟s something that the Advocate wants to tell. I looked at my watch and what the............ It‟s 10 AM, I did not attend my class, shocks. What can I do? I‟m already late, as in super late.
  • 39. I stepped to my room and pee, Aunt Sally invited me to join her breakfast. So I do, I think this would be the right time to have a serious talk with her. “You‟re absent in your class, aren‟t you?” she asked “Yes, Auntie, I did not notice my alarm!”I replied “What have you done to yourself?” “Auntie?” “What did you do to yourself? I‟m happy to see you like that!” she said happily. “Thank you, Auntie but I‟m sorry........” I replied while nodding my head. “Sorry for what?” she asked “If I‟m being a burden to you” “shshhhhhhh..Don‟t ever think of that, I‟m just stressed that day when I‟ve said that. I adopted you not because it‟s my responsibility but because I know you need someone to treat as your guardian, I‟m here not as an aunt but as your both mother and father.” She said in a sincere way “I should have said that to you, I‟m sorry, if I‟m a drunkard, a gambler and I‟m addicted to it. I don‟t know how to stop this, every time I would think about your uncle, it makes me hurt and that is the only way to forget it, I‟m sorry.” She continued, I can feel her devotion inside her together with the grieves within her heart. “Auntie?” “Yes?” “Last Sunday, I saw you inside the church, and you‟re crying too, may I know what‟s the reason behind?” “Your uncle, we have the same situation, I can‟t still move forward, and that was the first time I visited the church after his death. I prayed and shout out to the Lord, to help me recover, remove all the vices and reconcile myself with him. I want to stop all these; I want to stop blaming him and for multiple times, forgive me. I want to recover my faith with his help, with his guidance and his power. I want him to move me” “You know what Auntie that was also the reason of visiting once again the church to help me recover” “And from what I see you‟re helping yourself, you‟re moving towards recover, that‟s a good character Mira. Continue it and you will be fulfilled” Auntie advised me “And after that you can move mountains!” Auntie said in a point that I don‟t get it. “huh?” “Mira, always remember, Faith can move mountains” Faith can move mountains, wait., the one I dreamt of, the Advocate. That‟s why it‟s hard for me to control that mountain, meaning I still lacks faith. Okay I get it! Faith!!! Nathan?! I have to find Nathan?!
  • 40. CHAPTER 14: SECOND STEP ________________________________ “Mira! Why are you absent yesterday?” Lorraine asked me while waiting for our professor. “I woke up at 10:00 in the morning” I replied. “Fine! Later, we‟re going to have your Second Step huh?” Oh yes, the second step, I forgot. It should be yesterday but since I was absent, we postpone it later. I also saw Nathan, inside the classroom but he‟s not talking to anyone, I want to have a conversation with him, but there‟s a force inside that tells me no. Lorraine and I took all our vacant times, talking with each other, we are really in a stage of friendship where we can trust each other. After our class, Lorraine takes me to her home, she‟s rich, they have house maids, but where are her parents, “Hey! Where are your parents?” I asked her while watching the television inside her room. “Just don‟t mind them” she answered like she‟s irritated. Maybe she doesn‟t want to talk about it since she‟s not close with them. “Mira, turn the TV off; I‟m going to be your teacher for Step 2” she said while posing like a super model. “Ok!” I stand up and wait for her to start her lesson. “Now, since this is your second step training, your dear fairy godmother wants you to boost your confidence in such a way that people will admire you the most, gets it?!” she said while holding a stick. “Yes, fairy godmother!!” Then she wave her stick like it does have a power on it “bibidi badibi BOO!!” “Step 2.1 HOW TO WALK IN CONFIDENCE!” She showed me the way of walking, it‟s a simple walk that would really attract people, I imitate her but her walk is still more beautiful than me. “Straight body, Chest in, then butt out” I will let you listen to my heart
  • 41. through my own style oh listen listen girl “MIRA! DON‟T BE SILLY!! I put my chest in then butt out, now this time I made the most confident walk “Hi, my name is Mira Faith Salvador, from the Philippines and I believe in saying Time is not Gold, its Copper” “Hi, my name is Lorraine Jane Concepcion, from the country of Philippines and I believe in a saying that KEEP OF THE GRASS, thank you!!” ` We were just like that during step 1.2 modelling around her room and doing crazy things connected to it. So beautiful my girl Oh oh girl Even if time goes by Compared to anyone else in the world I will cherish you my girl I will give you my all “Step 2.2 HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS!” I can run to you anywhere you are I always think about you “Making friends to someone must be nice and pleasant, Mira! Now what I want you is to let out your most pleasant smile first” I smiled at her, an awkward smile. She scowled on me saying it‟s not right. “WHAATT?” “Your smile is too nasty!!” “How about this?” I showed her another shot of my smile, “SPITEFUL!!”, I bobbed my head imagining the most pleasant smile. Then I think, of Nathan, his smiles, it kills me; I imagine myself paying back his smiles. I put my heads up and give Lorraine the most pleasant smile. “That‟s it!!” Lorraine said out of joy. “After giving that smile, you should now make the first move; people sometimes want others to do the first move. If you will do that, I am 99.9% sure that they will give their response.”Lorraine continued. “Okay!” “Third, Avoid dead airs, they will certainly feel bored when talking to you, you should be talkative in a way that you can make them amused and interested to know more about you” “Okay!” “Now, try it! Example I am a girl like you before, a loner one.” I started to think how I could approach someone who‟s like that, and then suddenly I remembered our first conversation, she was so mean back then when she introduced herself and tried to mock her. “Hi!” I said. “Hello?” her thrifty reply.
  • 42. “I‟m Mira!” But she ignored it, saying it‟s boring “I think you don‟t know me since you‟re just sticking your whole body in this chair and have your own world!” I said to her in a sarcastic way. Lorraine burst into laughter when I imitate her line when we first met. “Hey, that‟s my line!!” she said. ““You know what girl?! Why don‟t you try to be with us, to be with others? Get out from your own world, go back to earth and enjoy all things here! Hang out with guys; prioritize your self-enjoyment, put out these weirdly notes and spare time with the society.” And for the second time, she burst into hilarity and held her tummy. “That‟s it!! You did it! You got me there. I remember the first time we talk.” Lorraine said. “Next thing, always share who you are, share them your feelings and disclose yourself.” But it‟s hard for me to do that thing, I‟m afraid to know by everyone my situation and life status, I don‟t want them to treat me as a down woman. I can‟t “I know it‟s difficult for you to unveil yourself to others, but trust me, it will surely help you recover from your past.” Lorraine held my hand and sought me for concern. “Will you help me?” I asked her. “I will.” It‟s so nice that I‟ve already found a friend to lean on from my recovery. I have Nathan and Auntie to help me reconcile my faith, now I have Lorraine to alter me. “Tomorrow, I want you to do all the things that fairy godmother taught you, okay?” I just nod my head and cheered for myself, you can do it Mira! You can! Lorraine delivered me home after all the things that we‟ve done, she asked me to prepare for tomorrow so that I‟m ready to face the people and show the new Mira. She went home while I go to my room and prepared my things as what Lorraine have said. CHAPTER 15: PEERS ________________________________
  • 43. I woke up early to prepare myself, get my hair combed and put my contacts on, it‟s now my daily routine not like before that I used to go to school haggardly. I dressed simply, a simple plain white shirt, skinny jeans and rubber shoes. Fixed my things and get ready for school. I went out from my room and go directly to the refrigerator to see if Auntie left a note for me. Mira, I gave you incentives for your allowance, I want you to persevere more for your future. Take care and just always remember that I love you. I‟ll be going to your Aunt Isabel, I will be back tomorrow.  Auntie I was touched through her words; she‟s also lifting me up making my feelings lighter now. I grabbed my allowance she gave and stepped out from our house, locked it. 6:30 AM when I got to school, this is it, this is really is it, is it. This is my time to show how I will dwell with others “Mira, are you ready?” Lorraine surprised me again and asked if I‟m ready to show off. Well, I think I can but there‟s a part of me that it‟s not the right time. I just dozed my head even there‟s a little hesitation inside me coz I know this will be a great step for me towards my ultimate transformation. “Let‟s go!” Lorraine and I went inside together and as usual we caught the attention of our room. We sat on our desks, while Lorraine is still looking for something or someone?? “Mira! I have your first customer!” Lorraine sits back and whispers on me. I asked her who, in a lip sync way. She points to Emi, our class president, she looks tired and lonely. Lorraine asked me to approach her, without any hesitations, I draw near to Emi. “Emi?” I diffidently call her attention but she just look at me smiling unpleasantly. “Do you have any problem?” I asked her now I can feel the bursting confidence inside me. Lorraine‟s lesson yesterday are true, at first it‟s kinda difficult to come off with someone but when you know you‟re safe and sound with him/her, confidence will burst inside your wholeness. Emi put her head up and looks like she‟s starting to have a conversation with me. “What‟s the matter, Emi?” I asked her. “Mira? Is it really you?” she asked doubtfully and looks at me from head to foot, examining me carefully. “Yes? Ahaha” I replied. “You‟ve changed a lot!” she said in awe “Yeah, I just want to recover from all things” “Recover from what? “I don‟t want to disclose myself first, maybe after I have fully recover, I‟ll tell you but for now, I want to know your problem” I said to her.
  • 44. “Family problem!” she said timidly. “I feel you!” I replied “The feeling of being hated by everyone because of your family, for me was the biggest and meanest words you would ever hear. Having a bad ties with your family is like a brain with no stock knowledge at all for some people, and I„m feeling it right now, Mira, it really hurts” She cried on my shoulder and comfort her since I can sense that she had a hard time with her family. I comfort her for a while before I could advise her; I should make her feelings lighter first. While comforting Emi, Lorraine is looking at me and smiles for an achievement that I made. After Emi cried I advise her to stay strong for her family, if she will not, then the problem will go worst. Let them feel sought, loved and forgiven. Just like what I always say to souls that I may encounter, “Just forgive; forgiveness is the only way Emi. You cannot get what you want, if you did not do so. She thanked me and then I leave her glowing back again. “You did great!” Lorraine clapped her hands after what I have done to Emi. “Your teachings are true, I feel the confidence tho.” “Keep up the good work, well this is your first time, many things will come upon you as you walk through recovery.” Lorraine also feels amazed at me because this is my first time, and I made my first customer cry. She said that when someone cries on you, it only says that she can put her trust on you, she can consider you as a friend to lean on, and a person she can disclosed with. Our class ended and I have talked with my five classmates so far, and all of them are happy to see me converting to a thoughtful one. Lorraine and I are walking along the hallway, when Kim, Ailyra and Zhantal , the mean girls blocked our way. “Stop it right there!” Kim said to us. “We‟re going home” I calmly said to them “Oh look!! Who‟s talking now?” Ailyra moves in front of me boldly “You‟re changing now little girl!!” she flapped my head like a baby “and now you are now the dumbest of all dumbs” Zhantal commented. “Hey, Zhanty stop it!” Lorraine shouted. “Don‟t you ever try to call me that way!” Zhantal told Lorraine. “Zhanty!!” Lorraine still says it making Zhantal more irritated. “Zhanty!!!”Lorraine continued, until Zhantal is so irritated, irritated to the point she‟s tweaking her own hair like a fool. Lorraine and I ruptured into laughter seeing her like that while the two were just looking at us mouth open. “Ailyra, Kim!” I call their names; they looked at me with their eyebrows up still have their mouths open “Close your mouths, or else flies will never hesitate to enter there!” and then Lorraine and I laugh again,
  • 45. “Besides, it‟s also stinky!!” Lorraine added, we give five to each other, laugh while leaving them embarrassed. “We win over them!” Lorraine said. “Yeah, and we won‟t let them take us down again” “Peers for that!” Lorraine said. “huh?” “I said, peers for that!!” “Isn‟t it cheers for that?” “Just go with me, Peers with me!” she said crazily “Okay, peers for that!” CHAPTER 16: HOPE ________________________________ After all things that happened, my hope for the future brings back, thanks to Lorraine without her, I could never been her, without her my life will be totally ruined now. Thanks to her, Aunt and I became close again, we had our first serious talk about my faith and my hope for the future. I am now reconciling as what I promised to myself and I will never be hopeless anymore. I started to accept all things within from who aI am and what I am, I started to dwell with others although I‟ve just talk only five of my classmates this morning. But the thing is, I‟m really recovering from my past. And it does not mean that I forgot my missing for my parents, although I‟m now getting better, I still missed them but I never cry anymore, my gift?
  • 46. That‟s the thing, when I transform into a new me, my gift did not work, I can‟t see souls neither souls approaching me or is it just me who did not noticing them. Well I don‟t want to problem them first; I have to find myself first. I put my phone on play a music to entertain myself, and then suddenly it fits me who am I right now and what am I experiencing right now. All of the songs I‟ve ever heard, this is now my favourite song of my life. All those days watching from the windows All those years outside looking in All that time never even knowing Just how blind I've been Now I'm here blinking in the starlight Now I'm here suddenly I see Standing here it's all so clear I'm where I'm meant to be Just like Rapunzel, I was trapped too but not by my mother or Auntie but I was trapped by the past,. I was trapped inside the pains of the past, I let myself be imprisoned and get mad to all the things that for me is their fault. And now, I‟m suddenly here, had my contacts on, cut off my hair bangs and dressed it was like it was never me. And at last I see the light And it's like the fog has lifted And at last I see the light And it's like the sky is new And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted All at once everything looks different Now that I see you My Flynn is my hope, I‟m not thinking of romance first, just studies. Remember that I promised my parents that I will persevere for them, for my future and for their legacy. I just remembered that when I was not this before, I always wished that I could turn back time, that I could spent a lifetime with my parents or if God forbid that, I want to kill myself too and be with them. I am always chasing daydreams and night dreams when I always dreamt of them. All those days chasing down a daydream All those years living in a blur All that time never truly seeing Things, the way they were