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This simple solution is now being used by
thousands of women all over the world to
erase wrinkles, even out dark spots,
rejuvenate crepey skin, and slash years from
How A Humiliating Lunch Date
With Her Husband Led One
Woman To
And Finally Win The
Battle Against Visible
Signs Of Aging
I can’t believe in such a short period of time
I’m seeing softer, more hydrated skin.  Plus
the lines are fading away. Not just on my face
but my entire body.
Fran T. Age 62
rejuvenate crepey skin, and slash years from
their appearance.
Even better — it doesn’t require invasive
surgeries, painful beauty treatments, or
expensive creams and serums that rarely
deliver results.
In fact, countless women are using this
secret from the comfort of their very own
homes to restore their youthful beauty and
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I started using the Ageless Skin secret 5
months ago and I can’t believe how my skin
is aging backwards. Friends, family and
colleagues are also noticing my baby-
smooth skin.
Karen P.  Age 56
My skin is no longer dry.  I’m noticing the lines
under my eyes are better and I look brighter
… fresher.  I can’t wait to see what two
months does.
Susan D. Age 51
Hi, my name is
Mary Johnson.
In the next few minutes
I’m going to tell you the
humiliating true story
about a lunch date with
my husband…
It was the moment I
realized I looked a lot
older than my real age…
And everyone around
me could see it.
Honestly, my aging skin
had been staring me in
the face every time I
looked in the mirror…
And men no longer
turned their heads to
look at me the way they
used to.
I guess I’d just chosen
to blissfully ignore these
Because, in my mind, I
still pictured myself as
how I looked in my 30s.
A desperate journey
to look and feel
young that led to the
discovery of an
unusual skin
But after that humiliating lunch date, I couldn’t
keep lying to myself…
I spent nearly an hour truly studying my face…
Looking at all the deep forehead wrinkles… the
crow’s feet around my eyes… the dark spots and
uneven skin tones… and the thin, crepey texture
around my eyes, cheekbones and neck.
What had happened to the young and desirable
woman I used to be?
Right then, I decided to 몭ght back against Father
Time and reclaim my youthful looks.
And let me tell you…
This decision forever changed my life, because it
You see, about six
months ago I was in a
local restaurant with my
husband, Tom.
And I was having a
wonderful time…
Because it wasn’t often
he took me out to lunch
like this.
The food was delicious...
The wine was amazing…
And I was really enjoying
our time together.
It even took me back to
how things used to be
when we 몭rst began
Something that
helped me erase
years of aging and
finally feel
confident about my
appearance again
She placed the check
on the table…
Then draped an arm
around Tom’s
What she said to him
next still haunts me
to this day:
“Isn’t it just so
sweet of you to take
your mother out for
lunch like this.”
Because what our
waitress did next
stunned me.
It humiliated
Honestly, it really had
been a perfect day out…
Until our check arrived.
Even though he does have a bit of a baby
And many people assume he is about 50…
How old must this waitress think I am to be
his mother… late 60’s? 70?
I was honestly so shocked and upset that I
didn’t even know what to say.
But before I could say anything, Tom jumped
“This is actually my
wife, not my mother.”
I literally sat there
confused for what
felt like minutes (but
was probably 10
Before it hit me… she
was talking about
Mother? Seriously?
The truth is, Tom and
I are both 58 and
college sweethearts.
A look of shock
spread over the
waitress’s face.
“Oh my God, I’m so
sorry,” she replied.
And at 몭rst I
thought she was
apologizing to me…
But then I realized
she was still looking
at Tom when she
said it…
As if what she had
really meant to say
“I’m so sorry that
you have a wife
who looks this
And to top it all off…
The fact this girl was
in her early 20s...
with a svelte 몭gure…
and perfect
porcelain skin…
wife, not my mother.”
What if it’s not
just strangers
who think I
look so old,
but my
husband too?
Like she was the embodiment of the youth
and beauty I no longer had.
I turned my head to see the customers at
other tables staring. The look of pity on their
faces was unmistakable.
My cheeks 몭ushed red with embarrassment…
And I desperately wanted to dive under the
table and hide from the world.
Instead, I sat there in silence...
Too upset to even speak.
I couldn’t even look Tom in the eye, because I
was afraid of one thing:
Somehow just
made the whole
ordeal that much
But now, sitting
there in that
restaurant… I felt
the doubts start to
I mean, I was sure that he
still loved me… but did he
몭nd me desirable?
The passion and intimacy
wasn’t like it used to be.
But that’s only natural...
On the other hand, my
best friend’s husband
recently left her for a
younger woman.
And she confessed that it
took her completely by
While I did my best to
help her through that
trying time…
I also assumed that it’d
never happen to me. That
Tom was different, and
we’d be together forever.
husband too?
creep in.
“C’mon, let’s get
out of here,” Tom
I’m sure he could
sense how
embarrassed I felt.
On the ride home, I
몭nally blurted out
the question I was
scared to ask:
“Do you think I
really look that
My heart skipped a
beat, waiting for
him to answer.
“Of course not.
You’re much better
looking than my
mom,” he joked.
Typical Tom. Always
trying to make light
of a bad situation.
That was part of
why I loved him so
But I wasn’t in the
I knew he was trying to
reassure me, but his
words hit me hard.
What I longed to hear
was that he still saw
me as the sexy young
woman he fell in love
with all those years
But I’d just been given
a cold, hard reality
I no longer resembled
the same woman that
mood for his jokes.
“Tell me the truth,” I
He let out a sigh,
like this was a
conversation he
wanted to avoid.
“Look, many people
start looking older
at our age. What
really matters is
that I love you for
Or I could fight back
against aging...
and do everything in
my power to look like
my younger self
Sure, I was using a few skin creams and
moisturizers (like every woman), but clearly they
weren’t doing much good.
So as I looked at my many wrinkles, crow’s feet, and
dark spots…
I realized in that moment that I had two choices.
I could either accept what was happening to me,
and wake up each day looking older than the day
he married...
And when I studied my
face in the mirror that
night, I couldn’t keep
lying to myself.
My age really had
caught up with me…
how had I not noticed
it sooner?
It wasn’t a hard choice.
So I went online to
search for a proven
And spent a couple of
weeks scouring
everything I could 몭nd
about skincare and anti-
The more I read, the
more I realized there
were countless other
women suffering just
like I was...
But nobody had found
anything that erased
visible signs of aging,
naturally and safely.
Because, while there
were options like Botox,
몭llers or plastic surgery…
I didn’t want to end up
looking “fake” or
Besides, I came across a
ton of horror stories
Claiming it’s just a
money-maker for
doctors and the beauty
industry, and not nearly
as safe as it’s made to
It was a similar story
with chemical peels. I
saw pictures of women
with badly-burned or
scarred skin because of
a reaction to the
I also heard a lot of talk
about collagen
And while that was safe
compared to the more
invasive procedures…
Most people said they
And some even had such bad reactions, they
ended up in the ER and their health was never the
same again.
There were even nurses and medical professionals
cautioning against the use of Botox…
where women
damaged their skin
permanently from
these treatments…
I remembered a
woman named Beth I
used to work with a
couple of years back.
Beth was around my
age, but she looked so
young and beautiful.
In fact, she used to keep
a picture from her
wedding day on her
But just as I was
thinking about giving up
and accepting my fate, I
had an idea
didn’t see any
difference even after
months of use.
So after weeks of
research, I was really
It seemed like the
solution I was hoping
for didn’t actually exist.
But what if it
was something more
than that?
I don't know why, but I
had this nagging
feeling that maybe
she could help...
So I looked her up on
Facebook.  And there
she was, just as
stunning as ever.
We exchanged a few
messages to "catch
up" on the past
couple of years...
And she’d barely aged a
day, even though the
photo was taken over
20 years ago.
She even had to show
her driver’s license to
people because they
never believed her age.
At the time I just
assumed she was
blessed with good
Beth, we’re
about the
same age…
but you look
20 years
And - even though it
was humiliating to
admit - I told her what
had happened in the
How it had destroyed
my con몭dence, and
how I was no longer
sure if Tom was even
still attracted to me.
Then I asked her the
one question I prayed
she would answer ...
I honestly didn’t know
how I expected her to
But what she said next
shocked me…
Um, it’s not that I don’t
want to tell you. But I’ve
been sworn to secrecy.
I couldn’t believe it.
It wasn’t just that she
had good genes...
There was something
else that kept her
looking so young and
I pleaded with Beth to
share her secret with
Until 몭nally, she
And this is how I 몭rst
heard about…
Beth confessed that she
hadn’t always looked this
And that only a year
before I met her, she
actually had wrinkles,
crow’s feet and crepey
She said she looked no
better or worse than
most women the same
But that changed after a
high-pro몭le family
member introduced
Beth to the woman
The “Ageless Skin”
breakthrough that
erases years of visible
without Botox,
surgery, or any
traditional kind of
It meant she was
The formulas she created got such amazing results
for the doctor’s clients, that word quickly spread
Sandy was the real expert.
That’s why a select number of wealthy clients —
including celebrities — reached out to work with
her directly.
behind the “Ageless Skin”
Her name is Sandy
Sandy spent years
working by the side of
one of the world’s most
renowned anti-aging
Her job was to develop
and create the formulas
used in the doctor’s
skincare products.
That meant she had
studied just about every
scienti몭c journal and
paper on skin aging…
And she knew more
about this topic than
arguably anybody else on
the planet.
booked months in
advance. The only
reason Beth was able
to get an appointment
was because of that
high-pro몭le family
And that was when
Sandy showed Beth
the “Ageless Skin”
“Within a couple of
months, I looked at
least 10 years younger,”
Beth told me.
“And by 6 months,
people were convinced
I was still in my 30’s.”
I have to admit, the
results didn’t lie. Beth
DID look incredible.
And it was exciting to
imagine experiencing
the same kind of
results she did.
Beth said the best
she could do was
give me the contact
number for Sandy’s
personal assistant…
But said my chances
of securing an
appointment would
be slim to none.
The very next day, I
phoned the number
and spoke to her
I explained my
dilemma, and said it
was urgent that I
have an online
appointment with
But I was told that
However, I still
needed to know
HOW the Ageless
Skin Secret
And that I’d love to
interview Sandy over
the phone to get her
It felt like I was so close to discovering the
solution and restoring my youthful looks… yet
still so far away.
But I couldn’t risk giving up.
That would mean a lifetime of being unhappy
every time I looked in the mirror…
Of feeling like my best days were well behind
me, and that my husband no longer found
me desirable.
That’s when I had another idea.
It was a little out there, but I decided to give it
a shot anyway.
I phoned the clinic back the next day. And I
told them I was a reporter writing a story
about anti-aging in Hollywood…
wouldn’t be possible.
Sandy wasn’t taking
on new clients.
I pleaded that I
would do anything…
but got nowhere.
I hung up, de몭ated.
To be honest, I felt
uneasy about making
up that story. But I just
didn’t know what else
to do.
Luckily it worked, and
a few days later I had a
brief call scheduled
with Sandy.
I was shaking with
nerves as I dialed the
number, unsure what I
was going to say.
When Sandy
answered, guilt got the
better of me and I
blurted out the truth:
“I’m sorry but I’m not
actually a reporter. My
friend Beth told me
about the Ageless Skin
secret and I need to
know what it is.”
There was a moment
of silence.
I thought Sandy might
be mad that I’d tricked
her and hang up on
She told me there was really only one main
Instead, she let out a
little chuckle and said
that it must be pretty
important if I’d gone
to these lengths.
She didn’t sound mad
at all... quite the
opposite, in fact.
So that’s when I told
her about the
humiliating incident
in the restaurant…
And how I was
desperate to not only
hit pause on my
aging skin, but to
rewind it.
Sandy told me it was
indeed possible, and
began talking
excitedly about what
really causes skin to
Even though skin is
quite complex…
“So how do I know if
my lipid levels have
dropped?” I asked.
Sandy went on to
explain that lipid levels
naturally decline as we
Starting at about 20
years of age, we lose 10-
15% of our lipids every
decade. [3]
thing to focus on:
Lipids are simply the skin’s natural fats.
They play a crucial role in maintaining its
natural protective barrier.
Sandy explained how this protective barrier
has a few vital roles…
Such as keeping out external attacks… helping
the skin to retain moisture… and assisting in
the natural self-repair process.
But when lipid levels drop…
The skin becomes dry and thin, is more prone
to damage, and can’t adequately repair itself.
As Sandy told me,
our skin is constantly
attacked each day...
And It’s not just from
UV exposure, either.
There are 85,000
known chemical
What that means is
that by the time you
reach your 50s...
About half of your
skin’s natural lipids are
already gone.
It’s why the aging
process seems to really
accelerate at this point
Because not only does
the skin become more
But thin and dry skin
makes that damage
even more visible to
the naked eye.
And unfortunately, it’s
not really possible to
avoid damage to the
pollutants that can
damage the skin,
many of which are in
our homes and
everyday items.
At the same time,
even changing your
facial expression
causes minor tears in
the skin.
When we're young,
these tears are easily
repaired by the
natural lipids.
But as we age, our
lipids become
depleted and can’t
make the same
And we end up with
wrinkles that
gradually become
more and more
Now, Sandy made it
pretty clear just how
important lipids are
for youthful skin…
However, there was
You see, ceramides
make up 50% of the
skin’s protective barrier.
The way Sandy
explained it to me,
ceramides are kind of
like the mortar between
Where, in this case, the
bricks are your skin cells.
And just like mortar
holds bricks together
and keeps the structure
Ceramides hold your
skin’s protective barrier
Ceramides are the
main lipid
responsible for how
well our skin ages
one lipid in particular
that she said was the
real secret...
Now, what’s really
amazing about
Is we can take them
from plants and use
them to boost our own
ceramide levels.
And Sandy said this is
all completely backed
by scienti몭c studies.
In fact, a 2017 clinical
trial in France showed
something pretty
There was a group of
Helping to prevent
damage, as well as
keeping moisture from
However, ceramides
aren’t only found in
human skin.
Plants also contain
Which are known as
While decreasing skin
wrinkledness, and
water loss. [8]
And the researchers measured different skin
markers at 15, 30, and 60 days.
Now, the 몭nal results really blew everyone away —
both the researchers and the participants.
Because what they discovered is that even after 15
The group taking the phytoceramides experienced
“signi몭cantly increased” skin hydration, elasticity,
and smoothness…
60 human volunteers,
all of whom had dry
and wrinkled skin.
The researchers divided
these people up into
two groups.
The 몭rst group was
given a daily dose of
While the second
group was given a
placebo. (Basically, a
sugar pill.)
You see, there are a lot
of skin creams and
moisturizers on the
However the group
taking the placebo
didn’t experience any
of these same bene몭ts.
Now, let me pause
here for just a second…
Because when Sandy
told me this, my head
was spinning.
This was scienti몭c
proof people can
reduce wrinkles in
the space of a couple
of weeks…
Without Botox or any
type of surgery or
invasive procedure.
This was exactly the
type of thing I’d been
hoping to discover
when I contacted
However, what she told
me next was even
more crucial.
And Sandy made it easy for me to understand why.
“Imagine you were in a desert,” she said. “And that
you were completely dehydrated.
“By some miracle you happen to 몭nd a bottle of
water. What are you going to do with that water…
market that contain
But Sandy had been
through all the
research papers…
And she couldn’t 몭nd
any evidence that
topical application of
worked at all.
Scientists doubted that
it could get deep
enough into the skin to
But studies — like the
French one I just
mentioned — proved
phytoceramides really
do produce visible
I saw where she was
going with this.
Splashing the water on
your skin may cool you
down for a minute or
But drinking the water
would rehydrate you at
the cellular level and be
much more bene몭cial.
Sandy revealed that it’s
exactly the same with
our skin.
Using skin creams and
moisturizers that
phytoceramides is like
splashing water on the
At best, you might add
a bit of moisture to the
surface temporarily.
But it quickly dries out
However, when you
“Splash it all over your skin… or drink it?”
It made so much sense
when Sandy explained
this to me, even though
I’d never heard this
anywhere else before.
So I asked her how I
could go about getting
my hands on some
And that was when
Sandy asked if she could
video-call me back via
Facetime. There was
something she needed
to show me.
It’s like restoring the
natural ceramide levels
you had when you were
younger …
Allowing the skin to
repair and protect itself
at the cellular level
I was more convinced
than ever that I HAD to
try phytoceramides for
Sandy walked over to
her desk and pulled
something from the top
And pointed the
phone’s camera down
so I could see it.
She explained that
inside the bottle were
the very
phytoceramides she’d
told me about.
You simply take one
capsule per day with
water and it reverses
visible signs of skin
A few minutes later she
called back, and this was
my 몭rst time seeing her.
I couldn’t believe how
much younger she
looked than her real age.
Just like my friend Beth.
I took one capsule with
water, just like Sandy
And made sure to repeat
that once a day.
And because it’s like resetting your skin back to
a younger version of yourself…
Women refer to it as their “Ageless Skin” secret.
Sandy promised that she would go ahead and
send me a few bottles so I could try it myself.
I was honestly so excited that I had trouble sleeping
that night.
Every time I closed my eyes I saw myself as young
and beautiful again…
And I imagined Tom looking at me again with that
same glint in his eye from our honeymoon days.
Luckily I didn’t have to wait long, because my
package arrived just two days later…
And I’ve never opened a package so fast in all my
Whether it’s wrinkles…
dark spots… crepey skin…
or anything else that
gives that “old and worn
out” look.
I had more energy and
drive throughout the
What really surprised
me was that I started
to feel younger and
more vibrant…
Now, I wasn’t sure how
quickly I would see
But it was really in that
second week when I
began to notice a
My skin was visibly less
And some of the crow’s
feet around my eyes were
harder to see.
After three weeks, some
of my wrinkles were
smoothing out…
And my skin felt more
plump and soft.
And I know it sounds
silly, but I started to feel
like “his girl” again - the
one he originally fell in
love with.
Friends and colleagues
I wasn’t sure if it was
just in my head or not…
Until my husband Tom
asked me if I was doing
something different
You see, I never actually
told him about my
phone call with Sandy
or about the
supplement she had
sent me...
Because I wanted to
see if he’d notice a
difference on his own.
And he really did!
By the end of the 몭rst
month he was
complimenting me
more than I could
In only a
month her
h erased at
least 5 years
off my face
were clearly seeing a
difference too.
They were remarking on
how “refreshed” I
And wanted to know if
I’d started using some
new anti-aging cream.
I just laughed and told
them those creams
don’t do anything
(which I now know is
I couldn’t believe how
well Sandy’s solution
was working...
It felt amazing to wake
up each day and look
at myself in the mirror…
And visibly see the
wrinkles, 몭ne lines, and
age spots retreating.
The best description I
can give is that it was
like I was aging in
Yet it was around the
end of the third month
when the results
became more
Men much younger
than me were
checking me out like
they used to when I
was in my 20s and
And you better believe
Tom noticed that!
It’s not like I was trying
to make him jealous or
off my face
And I don’t like to get
too personal here…
But we’ve been
enjoying more intimacy
than at any time since
the last millennium. To
think, I’d almost given
up hope that the
passion and romance
would ever be reignited.
Yet that was only one
example of how my life
I’d stayed in touch with
Beth ever since she
introduced me to
And one day I invited
her out to see a movie.
The cinema offered a
senior’s discount for
anyone over the age of
But it didn’t hurt once
in a while for him to be
reminded that other
men found me
Beth just laughed as
we both looked at the
So by the time the cashier asked for ID, Beth
already had hers in hand...
While I was still fumbling in my purse trying to
몭nd it.
When I showed it to him, he handed it back
“I’m sorry ma’am but that clearly isn’t you in the
picture. If you want to use a fake ID, at least try
to make it realistic.”
So I asked for two
senior tickets.
“Are you joking?” the
cashier asked.
“No, what’s the
problem?” I replied.
“Well, I mean… you
two are obviously well
under 50.”
Honestly, I was still
getting used to this…
even though for Beth
she was accustomed
to it by now.
But I couldn’t even pass
as myself in a photo
from a couple of years
It couldn’t have been
more than two years
But I must have looked
at least 15 to 20 years
older than I did right
I really couldn’t blame
the cashier for not
believing it was me.
God, I couldn’t believe
how old and tired I
looked in that photo.
And that’s when it hit
Even though I used to
be envious of how
young and glamorous
Beth looked…
I was now in the exact
same position.
Not only did people
refuse to believe that I
was 58…
I honestly felt like a
brand new woman…
and I loved it.
And here’s what’s even
more amazing…
I’m not a special case or
a one-off.
Women all over the
world are seeing years
wiped away from their
appearance, just like I
And in case you’re
They’re doing it with
zero negative side
Plus, anyone can afford
And best of all, it works
for everyone.
There’s one good reason
why that’s the case…
Like I mentioned
earlier, Sandy
DeRose has studied
all of the scienti몭c
literature on skin
And she’s given me
permission to share
some of the of몭cial
studies with you
One of them we’ve
already talked
The French study
that showed a
signi몭cant reduction
in wrinkles,
roughness, and
moisture loss in as
little as 15 days.
However, that’s just
The Ageless Skin
breakthrough is
backed by rigorous
scientific evidence
The researchers took
33 people who always
had rough and dry
skin and placed them
in two groups.
And again, one group
was given a daily dose
of phytoceramides…
While the other group
was given a placebo.
When the results
came back, the
doctors were
They were hoping to
see that the people
taking the
phytoceramides would
have more moisture in
their skin… which they
did, by a signi몭cant
But what they also
found is that the
the beginning.
Another study out of
Japan was just as
It led the
to conclude:
“The 몭ndings
showed that
a long-term
ingestion of
de is
effective in
of the skin,
and thus, is
an effective
So as you
can see, it
really is
exfoliation, and texture
of the skin were
dramatically improved
as well.
And without harmful
chemical treatments.
These women are living
their best life... and no
doubt making their
friends green with envy!
proven to
It’s how
thousands of
women all
over the
world have
몭nally put a
stop to their
aging skin…
And are
to look better
than they
have in
many years…
She didn’t advertise
and never mentioned
the formula in
So millions of women
were missing out on
her incredible secret!
Now YOU can too —
phytoceramides work
the same way for
Now, here’s the crazy
The lucky women who
secured appointments
with Sandy got their
hands on her Ageless
Skin secret...
And they were having
amazing results…
Yet they were the only
people who knew about
It was only available to
the rich, famous, and
I told her I’d love to
help every woman feel
like this…
And asked if she ever
But I’ve seen 몭rst-
hand how effective it
is — looking better
than I have in the
past two decades.
I felt compelled to
help all the women
who were in the
same shoes I’d been
Experience the same
kind of life-changing
transformation I’d
been blessed with.
So I sent a text
message to Sandy…
Telling her how
happy I was now to
see a young and
beautiful re몭ection
every time I looked in
the mirror… instead of
the tired, old woman I
used to see.
considered making it
available on a much
larger scale.
She called me half an
hour later, sounding
Even though her
formula was only ever
intended to be for her
private clients…
She saw the way it
changed lives, and
agreed that everyday
women had the right
to experience this too.
Which is why now you
can get your hands on
Sandy’s Ageless Skin
At a price ANYONE can
So, if you’ll allow me, I’d
like to tell you about it:
Take it from me, if you
want to restore your
youthful looks and
To 몭nally smooth out
and erase those
stubborn wrinkles…
To get rid of dark spots
and uneven skin
Introducing the
Ageless II by DeRose Health
No matter your age,
how bad your skin
looks right now, or
what you’ve tried
The 몭rst thing you’ll
notice is that
wrinkles, crow’s feet,
and age lines will
And to put an end to
thin and crepey skin…
Then Ageless II is your
only solution.
It’s the only product
featuring Sandy’s
proprietary Ageless
Skin formula…
And it’s been proven to
work over and over
In fact, Ageless II works
so well…
That you can expect to
start seeing results
within a couple of
And not long after
that, other women
will be begging to
know your secret.
Of course it’s up to you
if you tell them or not…
smooth out…
Then any dark spots
and uneven tones will
begin to fade away.
Next, your skin will
feel softer and more
plump… just like it did
in your youth.
You’ll feel a new surge
of youthful energy
and con몭dence that
comes with knowing
you look your best.
And trust me, people
WILL notice.
Within the 몭rst few
weeks you’ll be
surprised by the
amount of
compliments coming
your way…
Ageless II has
been upgraded to
make it even
more potent and
But they won’t believe
it could be something
so simple.
And it really is simple —
just take one capsule of
Ageless II each day
with some water. That’s
Before you know it,
you’ll be joining the
hundreds of other
women who are raving
about their incredible
However, I’ve got a
huge surprise that
makes Ageless II even
better at erasing years
from your appearance.
So while there is triple the amount of
phytoceramides, which is the main ingredient…
You see, at the time I
was speaking to Sandy
about making her
solution more widely
She was also in the
process of improving
the proprietary
That’s because her
manufacturer 몭nally
몭gured out a way to
pack three times as
many phytoceramides
into each capsule…
Meaning each serving
is more potent at
rehydrating and
repairing the skin…
Which leads to even
better results, in less
That’s why it’s called
Ageless II… because it’s
the new and improved
2.0 version that’s even
more effective than the
It’s called Vitamin A
When you think of
vitamin A, you probably
imagine a single
But it actually refers to
a family of fat-soluble
chemical compounds...
one of which is Vitamin
A Palmitate.
Unlike other forms of
Vitamin A, this one is a
The first bonus
ingredient has been
described as a miracle
skin solution
Sandy has also packed Ageless II with some other
all-natural ingredients that are proven to replenish
the skin...
And they work alongside phytoceramides to
accelerate your results even further.
One study, out of
Britain, a few years
back wanted to see
the effect Vitamin A
Palmitate would
have on aged skin.
This was a controlled
study, meaning
some of the
participants were
given the
supplement, while
others weren't.
And after 12 weeks,
the differences
between the two
groups were
The people who were
Retinoids are “cell-
ingredients. This means
their job is to talk to
skin cells and
encourage healthier,
younger cells to
make their way to the
surface of the skin. [11]
And this applied to not
only the face, but also
neck, decolletage, arms
and legs.
In other words, at the
end of the study… their
entire bodies looked
younger from head to
So even if Ageless II
only contained
phytoceramides and
Vitamin A Palmitate…
You’d have an effective
solution to erase a
decade or more from
your appearance.
However, there are
taking Vitamin A
Palmitate showed
improvement in 몭ne
lines, coarse wrinkles,
uneven skin tone,
skin roughness,
dryness and crepey
skin texture. [12]
I’m referring to Ascorbic
Researchers from
multiple universities
discovered that
supplementing with
Ascorbic Acid could lead
to greater skin
Not only does it promote
wound healing…
But they found it protects
damage done to the very
DNA of skin cells.
Basically, how it works is
The second bonus
ingredient improves
skin by repairing
more ingredients that
help rejuvenate your
skin even further.
And while roaming
through your body,
they cause damage to
DNA and cells.
However, Ascorbic Acid
works to “mop up”
these free radicals and
protect us…
Plus, it can also remove
any DNA damage that
has already taken
That makes it
invaluable in repairing
skin damage like
wrinkles and age
And when combined
with the other
ingredients inside
Ageless II, it’s not
surprising so many
DNA gets damaged by
free radicals.
These are unstable atoms
that roam through the
body looking for other
atoms to pair with.
There’s also MIRIAM M, from Henderson
“I have been using Ageless for some time. It
really does work!! it is the best alternative for a
youthful appearance.I see a huge
improvement in my facial appearance. My
husband thinks I look younger and he cannot
몭gure out why. Why turn to botox when you
can provide yourself with the same or even
better results. I will continue to use this
Like Fran T, who is 62 and from ASHEVILLE,
North Carolina…
“This product really works.  I can’t believe in
such a short period of time I’m seeing softer,
more hydrated skin.  Plus the lines are fading
away. Not just on my face but my entire body.
In fact, Sandy even shared some success stories
from women experiencing these results.
women are looking up
to 10 to 20 years
younger in a matter of
And HAZEL H., from Malanda in Australia,
who is 72 years young…
“I got a bottle and in two weeks I started to
see the difference on my face.”
Hazel quickly ordered more bottles, and here
is what she found after three months of use:
“This is a photo taken today - no makeup.
What the product has done for me is 몭lled in
the vertical lines around my mouth.
And most importantly 몭lled in a drop-gap
crease at the right side of my mouth where I
was feeling moisture leak from my mouth.
The dentist said there was nothing he could
do. But the product seems to have 몭xed it.
I have thin lips but they had gone to a slit but
now are 몭lling again. Thank you for your
product and enjoy the compliments that I
receive from other people.”
Like I said earlier, Sandy
wanted to make
Ageless II as potent as
That’s why she added
two further ingredients
that are backed by
The 몭rst is Vitamin D3.
Studies have shown
that levels of Vitamin
D3 play a crucial role in
In fact, one trial
showed the difference
between high and low
levels of Vitamin D3…
Was the equivalent of
about 5 years of aging.
Now of course, the
most well-known
source of Vitamin D3 is
the sun.
However, the UV
exposure that comes
with that isn’t great for
And that’s why so
many doctors and
scientists say a
supplement that
contains Vitamin D3 is
the best option.
Now, the 몭nal
ingredient is Vitamin
And it performs a
function in protecting
the skin that is pretty
Remember before how
we saw that free
radicals damage DNA
and cells in the body?
Well, there’s a term
called “peroxidation”...
And that refers to a
process where free
radicals speci몭cally
damage lipids.
And just to remind you,
lipids are the natural
fats that keep skin
hydrated and
your skin…
So if we don’t have
enough of it, then
our skin is at risk of
becoming dry and
damaged even
And while we do get
some Vitamin E
naturally in foods…
Data shows that
virtually no women
get the
recommended daily
However, each
serving of Ageless II
contains the entire
recommended daily
serving of Vitamin E…
plus a little extra just
for added protection.
With ceramides being
the most abundant
type of lipid.
Well, Vitamin E is the
몭rst line of defense
against peroxidation…
I now feel I have
regained my youthful
looks and con몭dence
without Botox, surgery,
or creams and
And so many other
women are already
experiencing the same
You can finally
reverse visible
aging in almost
no time at all
So I’m sure you can
see by now why
women are overjoyed
at their results with
Ageless II.
Because with the
unique combination
of phytoceramides,
and the other potent
nutrients we
Or that you’re old,
tired, and “past it”?
And forgive me for
being so blunt, but it
would break my heart
to see you miss out on
this opportunity.
Because the truth is, if
you don’t get your
hands on Ageless II
today we both know
things won’t improve.
kind of life-changing
And now you know
the proven science
behind every
ingredient inside
Ageless II.
So let me ask you a
What will people
think when they look
at you a month from
That you’re young,
beautiful, and full of
And you may reminisce over old pictures,
wishing you were still the same young and
beautiful woman…
Perhaps even fearing for the future of your
relationship, like I did.
I just pray you don’t ever feel the shame of
everyone in a room staring at you in your most
vulnerable and embarrassing moment.
Yet it doesn’t need to be like this.
With Sandy’s help, you can 몭ght back against
your aging skin and start looking younger
almost right away.
In fact, they’ll almost
certainly get worse.
Wrinkles you can
already see will
deepen. New ones will
appear out of
Your skin may get
even drier and
thinner, feeling more
and more like tissue
Imagine for a
moment the look of
shock on the faces of
your friends,
colleagues, and
husband when they
see the new younger
All because of
breakthrough, and
the other potent
nutrients, inside
Ageless II.
And here’s some
great news:
Because you’ve
proven you’re
committed to
slashing years off
your appearance by
reading this far…
Sandy has agreed to
reserve the next
batch of Ageless II for
readers of this letter.
Ageless II is so powerful
and so effective that
word has already
gotten out…
Women across the
world are discovering
this incredible formula
for themselves…
And, unfortunately, this
often means that
demand outpaces
And Sandy is always at
risk of running out of
The next 237 bottles of
Ageless II are reserved
for readers of this
… but you
must act
before stock
runs out!
As long as you’re one of
the 몭rst 237 people
who order today, you’ll
receive your supply of
Ageless II
(Oh, and I know how
annoying it can be to
order something
online, only to be
charged every month
automatically. So I’ve
made sure that you
won’t be charged again
unless you make
another order.)
Though I urge you to
Which means women
are forced to wait until
the next batch is
Now, we’re being
honest and open with
each other, so I don’t
want you to miss out…
So I’ve spoken with
Sandy and she’s
promised to reserve
the next batch for
women who order
through this letter.
When your package
arrives, I’m sure you’ll
be eager to open it
up and put it to the
test right away.
So go ahead.
Simply open up one
of your bottles and
take one capsule
with a glass of water.
Then do the same
again once every day.
You’ll notice a
difference with each
day that goes by.
be quick. This batch
will be snapped up in
no time at all. Plus…
It’s guaranteed you’ll
start looking noticeably
younger within a
matter of weeks
Sandy’s team at
DeRose Health will get
your order of Ageless II
in the mail as soon as
you reserve your bottle.
Then Sandy has promised to offer you a full,
Your skin will
become more
hydrated and supple.
The wrinkles will start
to smooth out and
fade. Any dark spots
will brighten and
blend into your skin’s
natural color.
Within the 몭rst
month, people will
be complimenting
you about how
amazing you look.
By the third
month most of your
friends will be green
with envy and
demanding to know
your secret.
Yet, if you’re not 100%
If your family, friends,
and husband AREN’T
telling you how
incredible you look…
Best Value
prompt refund at any point within your 몭rst
90 days of using Ageless II.
All you need to do is return the bottles - no
questions asked.
So simply put, you ONLY pay once you’re totally
convinced it works for you.
Sound fair?
Then place your order of
Ageless II
 CLICK the button below
You risk nothing by
trying Ageless II today...
*(Special Discounted Pricing
Available For A Limited Time
90-day money-back
U.S. Shipping $9.95
Per Bottle
$120 Savings
FREE Shipping
in the U.S.
Per Bottle
Encrypted, Safe &
90-day money-back
U.S. Shipping $9.95 
And after six months,
don’t be surprised if
your husband gets
Yet you will look
younger than you have
in years.
And I have no doubt
you’ll begin to see life-
changing results within
the 몭rst month.
In fact, I’m living proof
of that!
However, I continued
to get even better
results because I kept
taking Ageless II well
after that 몭rst month…
Which isn’t a surprise,
since all of the research
shows these
ingredients work better
the longer you take
That’s why, after three
months, most people
will be shocked when
you tell them your real
age. They simply won’t
believe it’s possible to
still look so beautiful.
That’s because we want you to experience the
BEST results possible -- just like hundreds of
jealous over the
younger men who
can’t keep their eyes off
you. (Of course I’d
never cheat on my
husband, but I DID feel
him start to appreciate
me more.)
Bottom line is, the
longer you use it, the
better your results
will be.
So, I’ve worked with
Sandy to make it really
simple to get the
full age-reversing
power from Ageless II.
When you order today,
you have the choice of
a 6-month, 3-month or
1-month supply.
Of course, you’re
welcomed to choose
any option, though
Sandy is offering an
even bigger discount
when you secure your
6-month supply.
women are enjoying right now.
You WON’T be enrolled in an automatic-billing
And you’re covered by a 90-day, money-back
Click the “ORDER NOW” button below to be taken
to a secure checkout page.
You can have your smooth, youthful skin back and
become the envy of your friends for the cost of a
cheap dinner.
So I urge you: claim one of the 237 bottles available
Click the “ORDER NOW” button below
I can’t wait to hear your success story too,
Mary Johnson and Sandy DeRose
*(Special Discounted Pricing
Available For A Limited Time
90-day money-back
U.S. Shipping $9.95
Per Bottle
Best Value
FREE Shipping
in the U.S.
Per Bottle
Encrypted, Safe &
90-day money-back
U.S. Shipping $9.95
Ageless II is the upgraded new skin supplement
released by Sandy DeRose. The new formula
contains 3X as many phytoceramides as the 몭rst
version of Ageless, which was already incredibly
effective at reversing visible signs of aging.
What is Ageless II again?
Q: 
What are phytoceramides and how do
they help my skin?
P.S. Sandy often
hears the same
questions from
many of her
private clients. So
she’s answered
the most
common ones
below in case you
were wondering
the same.
Frequently Asked
How long does it take to see results?
Q: 
What if it doesn’t work for me?
Q: 
How do I take Ageless II?
Q: 
How do I order Ageless II?
Q: 
*(Special Discounted Pricing
Available For A Limited Time
90-day money-back
U.S. Shipping $9.95
Per Bottle
$98 Total
Best Value
FREE Shipping
in the U.S.
Per Bottle
$175 Total
Encrypted, Safe &
90-day money-back
U.S. Shipping $9.95
Disclaimer: Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure
or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or
have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.
Scienti몭c References 
Not intended for children.
You should always consult with your healthcare practitioner prior to starting
any new dietary supplement or program.
The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is
not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other
healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product
label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for
diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any
medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional
before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking
any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
You should not stop taking any medication without 몭rst consulting your
As individuals differ, so will results. DeRose Health distributes a product line
made with natural ingredients. Always check with your doctor for risks
associated with dietary supplements and your speci몭c health conditions
and/or allergies.
Resale: Products are not allowed to be resold without prior written consent.
Customs: International shipments may incur additional import duties and
fees. DeRose Health is not responsible for any additional charges incurred.
Please contact your local customs of몭ce for current policies and procedures.
*Return Policy: All bottles ordered need to be returned for a full refund on
every bottle, empty, unopened or partially used. For more on DeRose Health
refund policy, please click here.
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Copyright © 2020. DeRose Health.

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  • 1. This simple solution is now being used by thousands of women all over the world to erase wrinkles, even out dark spots, rejuvenate crepey skin, and slash years from How A Humiliating Lunch Date With Her Husband Led One Woman To DISCOVER THE “AGELESS SKIN” SECRET And Finally Win The Battle Against Visible Signs Of Aging S E C U R E O R D E R
  • 2. I can’t believe in such a short period of time I’m seeing softer, more hydrated skin.  Plus the lines are fading away. Not just on my face but my entire body. Fran T. Age 62 ASHEVILLE, NC. rejuvenate crepey skin, and slash years from their appearance. Even better — it doesn’t require invasive surgeries, painful beauty treatments, or expensive creams and serums that rarely deliver results. In fact, countless women are using this secret from the comfort of their very own homes to restore their youthful beauty and allure! 2021 © Digistore24 Inc., United States Inc. and/or its licensors. Review legal terms of use here and privacy policy here. Contact us here.
  • 3. I started using the Ageless Skin secret 5 months ago and I can’t believe how my skin is aging backwards. Friends, family and colleagues are also noticing my baby- smooth skin. Karen P.  Age 56 LOS ANGELES, CA My skin is no longer dry.  I’m noticing the lines under my eyes are better and I look brighter … fresher.  I can’t wait to see what two months does. Susan D. Age 51 COLUMBUS, OH
  • 4. Hi, my name is Mary Johnson. In the next few minutes I’m going to tell you the humiliating true story about a lunch date with my husband… It was the moment I realized I looked a lot older than my real age… And everyone around me could see it. Honestly, my aging skin had been staring me in the face every time I looked in the mirror… And men no longer turned their heads to look at me the way they used to. I guess I’d just chosen to blissfully ignore these facts… Because, in my mind, I still pictured myself as how I looked in my 30s.
  • 5. A desperate journey to look and feel young that led to the discovery of an unusual skin secret… But after that humiliating lunch date, I couldn’t keep lying to myself… I spent nearly an hour truly studying my face… Looking at all the deep forehead wrinkles… the crow’s feet around my eyes… the dark spots and uneven skin tones… and the thin, crepey texture around my eyes, cheekbones and neck. What had happened to the young and desirable woman I used to be? Right then, I decided to 몭ght back against Father Time and reclaim my youthful looks. And let me tell you… This decision forever changed my life, because it triggered…
  • 6. You see, about six months ago I was in a local restaurant with my husband, Tom. And I was having a wonderful time… Because it wasn’t often he took me out to lunch like this. The food was delicious... The wine was amazing… And I was really enjoying our time together. It even took me back to how things used to be when we 몭rst began dating. Something that helped me erase years of aging and finally feel confident about my appearance again
  • 7. She placed the check on the table… Then draped an arm around Tom’s shoulder. What she said to him next still haunts me to this day: “Isn’t it just so sweet of you to take your mother out for lunch like this.” Because what our waitress did next stunned me. It humiliated me. Honestly, it really had been a perfect day out… Until our check arrived.
  • 8. Even though he does have a bit of a baby face... And many people assume he is about 50… How old must this waitress think I am to be his mother… late 60’s? 70? I was honestly so shocked and upset that I didn’t even know what to say. But before I could say anything, Tom jumped in: “This is actually my wife, not my mother.” I literally sat there confused for what felt like minutes (but was probably 10 seconds)... Before it hit me… she was talking about me! Mother? Seriously? The truth is, Tom and I are both 58 and college sweethearts.
  • 9. A look of shock spread over the waitress’s face. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” she replied. And at 몭rst I thought she was apologizing to me… But then I realized she was still looking at Tom when she said it… As if what she had really meant to say was: “I’m so sorry that you have a wife who looks this old.” And to top it all off… The fact this girl was in her early 20s... with a svelte 몭gure… and perfect porcelain skin… wife, not my mother.”
  • 10. What if it’s not just strangers who think I look so old, but my husband too? Like she was the embodiment of the youth and beauty I no longer had. I turned my head to see the customers at other tables staring. The look of pity on their faces was unmistakable. My cheeks 몭ushed red with embarrassment… And I desperately wanted to dive under the table and hide from the world. Instead, I sat there in silence... Too upset to even speak. I couldn’t even look Tom in the eye, because I was afraid of one thing: Somehow just made the whole ordeal that much worse…
  • 11. But now, sitting there in that restaurant… I felt the doubts start to I mean, I was sure that he still loved me… but did he 몭nd me desirable? The passion and intimacy wasn’t like it used to be. But that’s only natural... right? On the other hand, my best friend’s husband recently left her for a younger woman. And she confessed that it took her completely by surprise. While I did my best to help her through that trying time… I also assumed that it’d never happen to me. That Tom was different, and we’d be together forever. husband too?
  • 12. creep in. “C’mon, let’s get out of here,” Tom said. I’m sure he could sense how embarrassed I felt. On the ride home, I 몭nally blurted out the question I was scared to ask: “Do you think I really look that old?” My heart skipped a beat, waiting for him to answer. “Of course not. You’re much better looking than my mom,” he joked. Typical Tom. Always trying to make light of a bad situation. That was part of why I loved him so much. But I wasn’t in the
  • 13. I knew he was trying to reassure me, but his words hit me hard. What I longed to hear was that he still saw me as the sexy young woman he fell in love with all those years ago. But I’d just been given a cold, hard reality check… I no longer resembled the same woman that mood for his jokes. “Tell me the truth,” I pressed. He let out a sigh, like this was a conversation he wanted to avoid. “Look, many people start looking older at our age. What really matters is that I love you for YOU.”
  • 14. Or I could fight back against aging... and do everything in my power to look like my younger self again Sure, I was using a few skin creams and moisturizers (like every woman), but clearly they weren’t doing much good. So as I looked at my many wrinkles, crow’s feet, and dark spots… I realized in that moment that I had two choices. I could either accept what was happening to me, and wake up each day looking older than the day before… he married... And when I studied my face in the mirror that night, I couldn’t keep lying to myself. My age really had caught up with me… how had I not noticed it sooner?
  • 15. It wasn’t a hard choice. So I went online to search for a proven solution... And spent a couple of weeks scouring everything I could 몭nd about skincare and anti- aging. The more I read, the more I realized there were countless other women suffering just like I was... But nobody had found anything that erased visible signs of aging, naturally and safely. Because, while there were options like Botox, 몭llers or plastic surgery… I didn’t want to end up looking “fake” or “plastic”. Besides, I came across a ton of horror stories again
  • 16. Claiming it’s just a money-maker for doctors and the beauty industry, and not nearly as safe as it’s made to sound. It was a similar story with chemical peels. I saw pictures of women with badly-burned or scarred skin because of a reaction to the ingredients. I also heard a lot of talk about collagen supplements. And while that was safe compared to the more invasive procedures… Most people said they [1] And some even had such bad reactions, they ended up in the ER and their health was never the same again. There were even nurses and medical professionals cautioning against the use of Botox… where women damaged their skin permanently from these treatments…
  • 17. I remembered a woman named Beth I used to work with a couple of years back. Beth was around my age, but she looked so young and beautiful. In fact, she used to keep a picture from her wedding day on her But just as I was thinking about giving up and accepting my fate, I had an idea didn’t see any difference even after months of use. So after weeks of research, I was really de몭ated. It seemed like the solution I was hoping for didn’t actually exist.
  • 18. But what if it was something more than that? I don't know why, but I had this nagging feeling that maybe she could help... So I looked her up on Facebook.  And there she was, just as stunning as ever. We exchanged a few messages to "catch up" on the past couple of years... desk… And she’d barely aged a day, even though the photo was taken over 20 years ago. She even had to show her driver’s license to people because they never believed her age. At the time I just assumed she was blessed with good genes.
  • 19. Beth, we’re about the same age… but you look 20 years younger. What’s your secret? And - even though it was humiliating to admit - I told her what had happened in the restaurant... How it had destroyed my con몭dence, and how I was no longer sure if Tom was even still attracted to me. Then I asked her the one question I prayed she would answer ...
  • 20. I honestly didn’t know how I expected her to reply. But what she said next shocked me… Um, it’s not that I don’t want to tell you. But I’ve been sworn to secrecy. I couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t just that she had good genes... There was something else that kept her looking so young and vibrant. I pleaded with Beth to share her secret with me… Until 몭nally, she relented. And this is how I 몭rst heard about… secret?
  • 21. Beth confessed that she hadn’t always looked this young... And that only a year before I met her, she actually had wrinkles, crow’s feet and crepey skin. She said she looked no better or worse than most women the same age. But that changed after a high-pro몭le family member introduced Beth to the woman The “Ageless Skin” breakthrough that erases years of visible aging… without Botox, surgery, or any traditional kind of treatment
  • 22. It meant she was The formulas she created got such amazing results for the doctor’s clients, that word quickly spread Sandy was the real expert. That’s why a select number of wealthy clients — including celebrities — reached out to work with her directly. behind the “Ageless Skin” discovery. Her name is Sandy DeRose. Sandy spent years working by the side of one of the world’s most renowned anti-aging doctors. Her job was to develop and create the formulas used in the doctor’s skincare products. That meant she had studied just about every scienti몭c journal and paper on skin aging… And she knew more about this topic than arguably anybody else on the planet.
  • 23. booked months in advance. The only reason Beth was able to get an appointment was because of that high-pro몭le family member. And that was when Sandy showed Beth the “Ageless Skin” secret. “Within a couple of months, I looked at least 10 years younger,” Beth told me. “And by 6 months, people were convinced I was still in my 30’s.” I have to admit, the results didn’t lie. Beth DID look incredible. And it was exciting to imagine experiencing the same kind of results she did.
  • 24. Beth said the best she could do was give me the contact number for Sandy’s personal assistant… But said my chances of securing an appointment would be slim to none. The very next day, I phoned the number and spoke to her assistant. I explained my dilemma, and said it was urgent that I have an online appointment with Sandy. But I was told that However, I still needed to know HOW the Ageless Skin Secret worked...
  • 25. And that I’d love to interview Sandy over the phone to get her It felt like I was so close to discovering the solution and restoring my youthful looks… yet still so far away. But I couldn’t risk giving up. That would mean a lifetime of being unhappy every time I looked in the mirror… Of feeling like my best days were well behind me, and that my husband no longer found me desirable. That’s when I had another idea. It was a little out there, but I decided to give it a shot anyway. I phoned the clinic back the next day. And I told them I was a reporter writing a story about anti-aging in Hollywood… wouldn’t be possible. Sandy wasn’t taking on new clients. I pleaded that I would do anything… but got nowhere. I hung up, de몭ated.
  • 26. thoughts. To be honest, I felt uneasy about making up that story. But I just didn’t know what else to do. Luckily it worked, and a few days later I had a brief call scheduled with Sandy. I was shaking with nerves as I dialed the number, unsure what I was going to say. When Sandy answered, guilt got the better of me and I blurted out the truth: “I’m sorry but I’m not actually a reporter. My friend Beth told me about the Ageless Skin secret and I need to know what it is.” There was a moment of silence. I thought Sandy might be mad that I’d tricked her and hang up on
  • 27. She told me there was really only one main Instead, she let out a little chuckle and said that it must be pretty important if I’d gone to these lengths. She didn’t sound mad at all... quite the opposite, in fact. So that’s when I told her about the humiliating incident in the restaurant… And how I was desperate to not only hit pause on my aging skin, but to rewind it. Sandy told me it was indeed possible, and began talking excitedly about what really causes skin to age. Even though skin is quite complex… me.
  • 28. “So how do I know if my lipid levels have dropped?” I asked. Sandy went on to explain that lipid levels naturally decline as we age… Starting at about 20 years of age, we lose 10- 15% of our lipids every decade. [3] thing to focus on: Lipids. Lipids are simply the skin’s natural fats. They play a crucial role in maintaining its natural protective barrier. Sandy explained how this protective barrier has a few vital roles… Such as keeping out external attacks… helping the skin to retain moisture… and assisting in the natural self-repair process. But when lipid levels drop… The skin becomes dry and thin, is more prone to damage, and can’t adequately repair itself. [2]
  • 29. As Sandy told me, our skin is constantly attacked each day... And It’s not just from UV exposure, either. There are 85,000 known chemical What that means is that by the time you reach your 50s... About half of your skin’s natural lipids are already gone. It’s why the aging process seems to really accelerate at this point Because not only does the skin become more damaged… But thin and dry skin makes that damage even more visible to the naked eye. And unfortunately, it’s not really possible to avoid damage to the skin.
  • 30. pollutants that can damage the skin, many of which are in our homes and everyday items. At the same time, even changing your facial expression causes minor tears in the skin. When we're young, these tears are easily repaired by the natural lipids. But as we age, our lipids become depleted and can’t make the same repairs... And we end up with wrinkles that gradually become more and more severe. Now, Sandy made it pretty clear just how important lipids are for youthful skin… However, there was [4] [5]
  • 31. You see, ceramides make up 50% of the skin’s protective barrier. The way Sandy explained it to me, ceramides are kind of like the mortar between bricks… Where, in this case, the bricks are your skin cells. And just like mortar holds bricks together and keeps the structure strong… Ceramides hold your skin’s protective barrier [6] Ceramides are the main lipid responsible for how well our skin ages one lipid in particular that she said was the real secret...
  • 32. Now, what’s really amazing about phytoceramides… Is we can take them from plants and use them to boost our own ceramide levels. And Sandy said this is all completely backed by scienti몭c studies. In fact, a 2017 clinical trial in France showed something pretty remarkable. There was a group of together… Helping to prevent damage, as well as keeping moisture from escaping. However, ceramides aren’t only found in human skin. Plants also contain ceramides… Which are known as “phytoceramides”. [7]
  • 33. While decreasing skin roughness, wrinkledness, and water loss. [8] And the researchers measured different skin markers at 15, 30, and 60 days. Now, the 몭nal results really blew everyone away — both the researchers and the participants. Because what they discovered is that even after 15 days… The group taking the phytoceramides experienced “signi몭cantly increased” skin hydration, elasticity, and smoothness… 60 human volunteers, all of whom had dry and wrinkled skin. The researchers divided these people up into two groups. The 몭rst group was given a daily dose of phytoceramides... While the second group was given a placebo. (Basically, a sugar pill.)
  • 34. You see, there are a lot of skin creams and moisturizers on the However the group taking the placebo didn’t experience any of these same bene몭ts. Now, let me pause here for just a second… Because when Sandy told me this, my head was spinning. This was scienti몭c proof people can reduce wrinkles in the space of a couple of weeks… Without Botox or any type of surgery or invasive procedure. This was exactly the type of thing I’d been hoping to discover when I contacted Sandy. However, what she told me next was even more crucial.
  • 35. And Sandy made it easy for me to understand why. “Imagine you were in a desert,” she said. “And that you were completely dehydrated. “By some miracle you happen to 몭nd a bottle of water. What are you going to do with that water… market that contain phytoceramides. But Sandy had been through all the research papers… And she couldn’t 몭nd any evidence that topical application of phytoceramides worked at all. Scientists doubted that it could get deep enough into the skin to work. But studies — like the French one I just mentioned — proved ingesting phytoceramides really do produce visible results... [9]
  • 36. I saw where she was going with this. Splashing the water on your skin may cool you down for a minute or so...  But drinking the water would rehydrate you at the cellular level and be much more bene몭cial. Sandy revealed that it’s exactly the same with our skin. Using skin creams and moisturizers that contain phytoceramides is like splashing water on the skin… At best, you might add a bit of moisture to the surface temporarily. But it quickly dries out again. However, when you ingest phytoceramides… “Splash it all over your skin… or drink it?”
  • 37. It made so much sense when Sandy explained this to me, even though I’d never heard this anywhere else before. So I asked her how I could go about getting my hands on some phytoceramides. And that was when Sandy asked if she could video-call me back via Facetime. There was something she needed to show me. It’s like restoring the natural ceramide levels you had when you were younger … Allowing the skin to repair and protect itself at the cellular level
  • 38. I was more convinced than ever that I HAD to try phytoceramides for myself. Sandy walked over to her desk and pulled something from the top drawer... And pointed the phone’s camera down so I could see it. She explained that inside the bottle were the very phytoceramides she’d told me about. You simply take one capsule per day with water and it reverses visible signs of skin aging… A few minutes later she called back, and this was my 몭rst time seeing her. I couldn’t believe how much younger she looked than her real age. Just like my friend Beth.
  • 39. I took one capsule with water, just like Sandy instructed… And made sure to repeat that once a day. And because it’s like resetting your skin back to a younger version of yourself… Women refer to it as their “Ageless Skin” secret. Sandy promised that she would go ahead and send me a few bottles so I could try it myself. I was honestly so excited that I had trouble sleeping that night. Every time I closed my eyes I saw myself as young and beautiful again… And I imagined Tom looking at me again with that same glint in his eye from our honeymoon days. Luckily I didn’t have to wait long, because my package arrived just two days later… And I’ve never opened a package so fast in all my life. Whether it’s wrinkles… dark spots… crepey skin… or anything else that gives that “old and worn out” look.
  • 40. I had more energy and drive throughout the What really surprised me was that I started to feel younger and more vibrant… Now, I wasn’t sure how quickly I would see results... But it was really in that second week when I began to notice a difference. My skin was visibly less dry… And some of the crow’s feet around my eyes were harder to see. After three weeks, some of my wrinkles were smoothing out… And my skin felt more plump and soft.
  • 41. And I know it sounds silly, but I started to feel like “his girl” again - the one he originally fell in love with. Friends and colleagues day. I wasn’t sure if it was just in my head or not… Until my husband Tom asked me if I was doing something different lately. You see, I never actually told him about my phone call with Sandy or about the supplement she had sent me... Because I wanted to see if he’d notice a difference on his own. And he really did! By the end of the 몭rst month he was complimenting me more than I could remember…
  • 42. In only a month her “Ageless Skin” breakthroug h erased at least 5 years off my face were clearly seeing a difference too. They were remarking on how “refreshed” I looked… And wanted to know if I’d started using some new anti-aging cream. I just laughed and told them those creams don’t do anything (which I now know is true!) I couldn’t believe how well Sandy’s solution was working...
  • 43. It felt amazing to wake up each day and look at myself in the mirror… And visibly see the wrinkles, 몭ne lines, and age spots retreating. The best description I can give is that it was like I was aging in reverse. Yet it was around the end of the third month when the results became more dramatic... Men much younger than me were checking me out like they used to when I was in my 20s and 30s... And you better believe Tom noticed that! It’s not like I was trying to make him jealous or anything… off my face
  • 44. And I don’t like to get too personal here… But we’ve been enjoying more intimacy than at any time since the last millennium. To think, I’d almost given up hope that the passion and romance would ever be reignited. Yet that was only one example of how my life changed. I’d stayed in touch with Beth ever since she introduced me to Sandy… And one day I invited her out to see a movie. The cinema offered a senior’s discount for anyone over the age of 50… But it didn’t hurt once in a while for him to be reminded that other men found me attractive.
  • 45. Beth just laughed as we both looked at the photo. So by the time the cashier asked for ID, Beth already had hers in hand... While I was still fumbling in my purse trying to 몭nd it. When I showed it to him, he handed it back instantly. “I’m sorry ma’am but that clearly isn’t you in the picture. If you want to use a fake ID, at least try to make it realistic.” So I asked for two senior tickets. “Are you joking?” the cashier asked. “No, what’s the problem?” I replied. “Well, I mean… you two are obviously well under 50.” Honestly, I was still getting used to this… even though for Beth she was accustomed to it by now.
  • 46. But I couldn’t even pass as myself in a photo from a couple of years It couldn’t have been more than two years old… But I must have looked at least 15 to 20 years older than I did right then. I really couldn’t blame the cashier for not believing it was me. God, I couldn’t believe how old and tired I looked in that photo. And that’s when it hit me… Even though I used to be envious of how young and glamorous Beth looked… I was now in the exact same position. Not only did people refuse to believe that I was 58…
  • 47. ago. I honestly felt like a brand new woman… and I loved it. And here’s what’s even more amazing… I’m not a special case or a one-off. Women all over the world are seeing years wiped away from their appearance, just like I did. And in case you’re wondering… They’re doing it with zero negative side effects… Plus, anyone can afford it… And best of all, it works for everyone. There’s one good reason why that’s the case…
  • 48. Like I mentioned earlier, Sandy DeRose has studied all of the scienti몭c literature on skin aging. And she’s given me permission to share some of the of몭cial studies with you today. One of them we’ve already talked about... The French study that showed a signi몭cant reduction in wrinkles, roughness, and moisture loss in as little as 15 days. However, that’s just The Ageless Skin breakthrough is backed by rigorous scientific evidence
  • 49. The researchers took 33 people who always had rough and dry skin and placed them in two groups. And again, one group was given a daily dose of phytoceramides… While the other group was given a placebo. When the results came back, the doctors were stunned. They were hoping to see that the people taking the phytoceramides would have more moisture in their skin… which they did, by a signi몭cant amount. But what they also found is that the the beginning. Another study out of Japan was just as compelling.
  • 50. It led the researchers to conclude: “The 몭ndings showed that a long-term ingestion of a supplement phytocerami de is effective in moisture- retention and maintaining smoothness of the skin, and thus, is an effective skin- beautifying food.” So as you can see, it really is [10] smoothness, exfoliation, and texture of the skin were dramatically improved as well.
  • 51. And without harmful chemical treatments. These women are living their best life... and no doubt making their friends green with envy! proven to work. It’s how thousands of women all over the world have 몭nally put a stop to their aging skin… And are rejuvenating their appearance to look better than they have in many years… Without Botox… Without surgery…
  • 52. She didn’t advertise and never mentioned the formula in interviews… So millions of women were missing out on her incredible secret! Now YOU can too — because phytoceramides work the same way for everyone. Now, here’s the crazy thing… The lucky women who secured appointments with Sandy got their hands on her Ageless Skin secret... And they were having amazing results… Yet they were the only people who knew about it. It was only available to the rich, famous, and well-connected.
  • 53. I told her I’d love to help every woman feel like this… And asked if she ever But I’ve seen 몭rst- hand how effective it is — looking better than I have in the past two decades. I felt compelled to help all the women who were in the same shoes I’d been in... Experience the same kind of life-changing transformation I’d been blessed with. So I sent a text message to Sandy… Telling her how happy I was now to see a young and beautiful re몭ection every time I looked in the mirror… instead of the tired, old woman I used to see.
  • 54. considered making it available on a much larger scale. She called me half an hour later, sounding excited. Even though her formula was only ever intended to be for her private clients… She saw the way it changed lives, and agreed that everyday women had the right to experience this too. Which is why now you can get your hands on Sandy’s Ageless Skin secret... At a price ANYONE can afford. So, if you’ll allow me, I’d like to tell you about it:
  • 55. Take it from me, if you want to restore your youthful looks and beauty… To 몭nally smooth out and erase those stubborn wrinkles… To get rid of dark spots and uneven skin tones… Introducing the “AGELESS SKIN” Formula… Ageless II by DeRose Health
  • 56. No matter your age, how bad your skin looks right now, or what you’ve tried before. The 몭rst thing you’ll notice is that wrinkles, crow’s feet, and age lines will And to put an end to thin and crepey skin… Then Ageless II is your only solution. It’s the only product featuring Sandy’s proprietary Ageless Skin formula… And it’s been proven to work over and over again. In fact, Ageless II works so well… That you can expect to start seeing results within a couple of weeks...
  • 57. And not long after that, other women will be begging to know your secret. Of course it’s up to you if you tell them or not… smooth out… Then any dark spots and uneven tones will begin to fade away. Next, your skin will feel softer and more plump… just like it did in your youth. You’ll feel a new surge of youthful energy and con몭dence that comes with knowing you look your best. And trust me, people WILL notice. Within the 몭rst few weeks you’ll be surprised by the amount of compliments coming your way…
  • 58. Ageless II has been upgraded to make it even more potent and effective But they won’t believe it could be something so simple. And it really is simple — just take one capsule of Ageless II each day with some water. That’s it! Before you know it, you’ll be joining the hundreds of other women who are raving about their incredible results. However, I’ve got a huge surprise that makes Ageless II even better at erasing years from your appearance.
  • 59. So while there is triple the amount of phytoceramides, which is the main ingredient… You see, at the time I was speaking to Sandy about making her solution more widely available… She was also in the process of improving the proprietary formula. That’s because her manufacturer 몭nally 몭gured out a way to pack three times as many phytoceramides into each capsule… Meaning each serving is more potent at rehydrating and repairing the skin… Which leads to even better results, in less time. That’s why it’s called Ageless II… because it’s the new and improved 2.0 version that’s even more effective than the original.
  • 60. It’s called Vitamin A Palmitate. When you think of vitamin A, you probably imagine a single nutrient. But it actually refers to a family of fat-soluble chemical compounds... one of which is Vitamin A Palmitate. Unlike other forms of Vitamin A, this one is a retinoid.  The first bonus ingredient has been described as a miracle skin solution Sandy has also packed Ageless II with some other all-natural ingredients that are proven to replenish the skin... And they work alongside phytoceramides to accelerate your results even further.
  • 61. One study, out of Britain, a few years back wanted to see the effect Vitamin A Palmitate would have on aged skin. This was a controlled study, meaning some of the participants were given the supplement, while others weren't. And after 12 weeks, the differences between the two groups were staggering... The people who were Retinoids are “cell- communicating” ingredients. This means their job is to talk to skin cells and encourage healthier, younger cells to make their way to the surface of the skin. [11]
  • 62. And this applied to not only the face, but also neck, decolletage, arms and legs. In other words, at the end of the study… their entire bodies looked younger from head to toe. So even if Ageless II only contained phytoceramides and Vitamin A Palmitate… You’d have an effective solution to erase a decade or more from your appearance. However, there are taking Vitamin A Palmitate showed signi몭cant improvement in 몭ne lines, coarse wrinkles, uneven skin tone, skin roughness, dryness and crepey skin texture. [12]
  • 63. I’m referring to Ascorbic Acid. Researchers from multiple universities discovered that supplementing with Ascorbic Acid could lead to greater skin regeneration. Not only does it promote wound healing… But they found it protects damage done to the very DNA of skin cells. Basically, how it works is this… [13] The second bonus ingredient improves skin by repairing DNA more ingredients that help rejuvenate your skin even further.
  • 64. And while roaming through your body, they cause damage to DNA and cells. However, Ascorbic Acid works to “mop up” these free radicals and protect us… Plus, it can also remove any DNA damage that has already taken place. That makes it invaluable in repairing skin damage like wrinkles and age spots… And when combined with the other ingredients inside Ageless II, it’s not surprising so many [14] [15] DNA gets damaged by free radicals. These are unstable atoms that roam through the body looking for other atoms to pair with.
  • 65. There’s also MIRIAM M, from Henderson Nevada… “I have been using Ageless for some time. It really does work!! it is the best alternative for a youthful appearance.I see a huge improvement in my facial appearance. My husband thinks I look younger and he cannot 몭gure out why. Why turn to botox when you can provide yourself with the same or even better results. I will continue to use this Like Fran T, who is 62 and from ASHEVILLE, North Carolina… “This product really works.  I can’t believe in such a short period of time I’m seeing softer, more hydrated skin.  Plus the lines are fading away. Not just on my face but my entire body. I LOVE AGELESS!” In fact, Sandy even shared some success stories from women experiencing these results. women are looking up to 10 to 20 years younger in a matter of months.
  • 66. And HAZEL H., from Malanda in Australia, who is 72 years young… “I got a bottle and in two weeks I started to see the difference on my face.” Hazel quickly ordered more bottles, and here is what she found after three months of use: “This is a photo taken today - no makeup. What the product has done for me is 몭lled in the vertical lines around my mouth. And most importantly 몭lled in a drop-gap crease at the right side of my mouth where I was feeling moisture leak from my mouth. The dentist said there was nothing he could do. But the product seems to have 몭xed it. I have thin lips but they had gone to a slit but now are 몭lling again. Thank you for your kindoffer.” product and enjoy the compliments that I receive from other people.”
  • 67. Like I said earlier, Sandy wanted to make Ageless II as potent as possible. That’s why she added two further ingredients that are backed by science. The 몭rst is Vitamin D3. Studies have shown that levels of Vitamin D3 play a crucial role in aging. In fact, one trial showed the difference between high and low levels of Vitamin D3… Was the equivalent of about 5 years of aging. Now of course, the most well-known source of Vitamin D3 is the sun. However, the UV exposure that comes with that isn’t great for [16]
  • 68. And that’s why so many doctors and scientists say a supplement that contains Vitamin D3 is the best option. Now, the 몭nal ingredient is Vitamin E... And it performs a function in protecting the skin that is pretty amazing. Remember before how we saw that free radicals damage DNA and cells in the body? Well, there’s a term called “peroxidation”... And that refers to a process where free radicals speci몭cally damage lipids. And just to remind you, lipids are the natural fats that keep skin hydrated and [17] your skin…
  • 69. So if we don’t have enough of it, then our skin is at risk of becoming dry and damaged even further. And while we do get some Vitamin E naturally in foods… Data shows that virtually no women get the recommended daily amounts. However, each serving of Ageless II contains the entire recommended daily serving of Vitamin E… plus a little extra just for added protection. [18] protected… With ceramides being the most abundant type of lipid. Well, Vitamin E is the 몭rst line of defense against peroxidation…
  • 70. I now feel I have regained my youthful looks and con몭dence without Botox, surgery, or creams and moisturizers… And so many other women are already experiencing the same You can finally reverse visible aging in almost no time at all So I’m sure you can see by now why women are overjoyed at their results with Ageless II. Because with the unique combination of phytoceramides, and the other potent nutrients we discussed...
  • 71. Or that you’re old, tired, and “past it”? And forgive me for being so blunt, but it would break my heart to see you miss out on this opportunity. Because the truth is, if you don’t get your hands on Ageless II today we both know things won’t improve. kind of life-changing results... And now you know the proven science behind every ingredient inside Ageless II. So let me ask you a question… What will people think when they look at you a month from now? That you’re young, beautiful, and full of life…
  • 72. And you may reminisce over old pictures, wishing you were still the same young and beautiful woman… Perhaps even fearing for the future of your relationship, like I did. I just pray you don’t ever feel the shame of everyone in a room staring at you in your most vulnerable and embarrassing moment. Yet it doesn’t need to be like this. With Sandy’s help, you can 몭ght back against your aging skin and start looking younger almost right away. In fact, they’ll almost certainly get worse. Wrinkles you can already see will deepen. New ones will appear out of nowhere. Your skin may get even drier and thinner, feeling more and more like tissue paper.
  • 73. Imagine for a moment the look of shock on the faces of your friends, colleagues, and husband when they see the new younger you... All because of Sandy’s phytoceramide breakthrough, and the other potent nutrients, inside Ageless II. And here’s some great news: Because you’ve proven you’re committed to slashing years off your appearance by reading this far… Sandy has agreed to reserve the next batch of Ageless II for readers of this letter.
  • 74. Ageless II is so powerful and so effective that word has already gotten out… Women across the world are discovering this incredible formula for themselves… And, unfortunately, this often means that demand outpaces supply… And Sandy is always at risk of running out of stock… The next 237 bottles of Ageless II are reserved for readers of this letter… … but you must act before stock runs out!
  • 75. As long as you’re one of the 몭rst 237 people who order today, you’ll receive your supply of Ageless II (Oh, and I know how annoying it can be to order something online, only to be charged every month automatically. So I’ve made sure that you won’t be charged again unless you make another order.) Though I urge you to Which means women are forced to wait until the next batch is produced. Now, we’re being honest and open with each other, so I don’t want you to miss out… So I’ve spoken with Sandy and she’s promised to reserve the next batch for women who order through this letter.
  • 76. When your package arrives, I’m sure you’ll be eager to open it up and put it to the test right away. So go ahead. Simply open up one of your bottles and take one capsule with a glass of water. Then do the same again once every day. You’ll notice a difference with each day that goes by. be quick. This batch will be snapped up in no time at all. Plus… It’s guaranteed you’ll start looking noticeably younger within a matter of weeks Sandy’s team at DeRose Health will get your order of Ageless II in the mail as soon as you reserve your bottle.
  • 77. Then Sandy has promised to offer you a full, Your skin will become more hydrated and supple. The wrinkles will start to smooth out and fade. Any dark spots will brighten and blend into your skin’s natural color. Within the 몭rst month, people will be complimenting you about how amazing you look. By the third month most of your friends will be green with envy and demanding to know your secret. Yet, if you’re not 100% amazed… If your family, friends, and husband AREN’T telling you how incredible you look…
  • 78. GOLD TWO MONTHS SUPPLY PLATINUM FIVE MONTHS SUPPLY Best Value SILVER ONE MONTH SUPPLY prompt refund at any point within your 몭rst 90 days of using Ageless II. All you need to do is return the bottles - no questions asked. So simply put, you ONLY pay once you’re totally convinced it works for you. Sound fair? Then place your order of Ageless II  CLICK the button below
  • 79. You risk nothing by trying Ageless II today... *(Special Discounted Pricing Available For A Limited Time Only) 90-day money-back U.S. Shipping $9.95 $49 Per Bottle $120 Savings 90-day money-back FREE Shipping in the U.S. $35 Per Bottle Encrypted, Safe & Secure 90-day money-back U.S. Shipping $9.95  $59
  • 80. And after six months, don’t be surprised if your husband gets Yet you will look younger than you have in years. And I have no doubt you’ll begin to see life- changing results within the 몭rst month. In fact, I’m living proof of that! However, I continued to get even better results because I kept taking Ageless II well after that 몭rst month… Which isn’t a surprise, since all of the research shows these ingredients work better the longer you take them. That’s why, after three months, most people will be shocked when you tell them your real age. They simply won’t believe it’s possible to still look so beautiful.
  • 81. That’s because we want you to experience the BEST results possible -- just like hundreds of jealous over the younger men who can’t keep their eyes off you. (Of course I’d never cheat on my husband, but I DID feel him start to appreciate me more.) Bottom line is, the longer you use it, the better your results will be. So, I’ve worked with Sandy to make it really simple to get the full age-reversing power from Ageless II. When you order today, you have the choice of a 6-month, 3-month or 1-month supply. Of course, you’re welcomed to choose any option, though Sandy is offering an even bigger discount when you secure your 6-month supply.
  • 82. GOLD TWO MONTHS PLATINUM FIVE MONTHS SILVER ONE MONTH women are enjoying right now. You WON’T be enrolled in an automatic-billing subscription. And you’re covered by a 90-day, money-back guarantee.  Click the “ORDER NOW” button below to be taken to a secure checkout page. You can have your smooth, youthful skin back and become the envy of your friends for the cost of a cheap dinner. So I urge you: claim one of the 237 bottles available today. Click the “ORDER NOW” button below immediately. I can’t wait to hear your success story too, Mary Johnson and Sandy DeRose
  • 83. *(Special Discounted Pricing Available For A Limited Time Only) MONTHS SUPPLY 90-day money-back U.S. Shipping $9.95 $49 Per Bottle MONTHS SUPPLY Best Value 90-day money-back FREE Shipping in the U.S. $35 Per Bottle Encrypted, Safe & Secure MONTH SUPPLY 90-day money-back U.S. Shipping $9.95 $59
  • 84. Ageless II is the upgraded new skin supplement released by Sandy DeRose. The new formula contains 3X as many phytoceramides as the 몭rst version of Ageless, which was already incredibly effective at reversing visible signs of aging. What is Ageless II again? Q:  What are phytoceramides and how do they help my skin? Q:  P.S. Sandy often hears the same questions from many of her private clients. So she’s answered the most common ones below in case you were wondering the same. Frequently Asked Questions
  • 85. GOLD TWO MONTHS SUPPLY PLATINUM FIVE MONTHS SUPPLY SILVER ONE MONTH SUPPLY How long does it take to see results? Q:  What if it doesn’t work for me? Q:  How do I take Ageless II? Q:  How do I order Ageless II? Q: 
  • 86. *(Special Discounted Pricing Available For A Limited Time Only) 90-day money-back U.S. Shipping $9.95 $49 Per Bottle $98 Total Best Value 90-day money-back FREE Shipping in the U.S. $35 Per Bottle $175 Total Encrypted, Safe & Secure 90-day money-back U.S. Shipping $9.95 $59
  • 87. Disclaimer: Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 health-breaking-old-rules-raising-new-hopes 18 tocopherol Scienti몭c References 
  • 88. Not intended for children. You should always consult with your healthcare practitioner prior to starting any new dietary supplement or program. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without 몭rst consulting your physician. As individuals differ, so will results. DeRose Health distributes a product line made with natural ingredients. Always check with your doctor for risks associated with dietary supplements and your speci몭c health conditions and/or allergies. Resale: Products are not allowed to be resold without prior written consent. Customs: International shipments may incur additional import duties and fees. DeRose Health is not responsible for any additional charges incurred. Please contact your local customs of몭ce for current policies and procedures. *Return Policy: All bottles ordered need to be returned for a full refund on every bottle, empty, unopened or partially used. For more on DeRose Health refund policy, please click here. Privacy      Contact Us Copyright © 2020. DeRose Health.