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Teaching Program Graduate Forum Rubric
Responses to other learners should be substantive posts that
contribute to the discussion by asking questions, respectfully
debating positions, and presenting supporting information
relevant to the topic. APA style for in-text citing is no longer
required, but is optional. But, mentioning in-course readings’
authors and out-of-course readings’ authors is required as a way
of giving appropriate credit to sources for ideas, data, or
information. A reference list of in-course readings mentioned is
not required. But, a reference list for any outside sources
mentioned is required.
4 (4 points)
3 (3.4 points)
2 (3 points)
1 (2.6 points)
Did Not Attempt
0 (0 points)
Explores, explains, and expands upon issue being discussed.
Applies relevant course materials.
Evaluates course concepts, theories, or materials correctly,
using well-documented examples or exceptional supporting
evidence from required readings and/or additional peer-
reviewed research.
Analyzes course concepts, theories, or materials correctly,
demonstrating an effective presentation of thesis, with most
supporting evidence from required readings and/or additional
peer-reviewed research helping to strengthen the thesis.
Applies a basic understanding of course concepts, but thesis is
not fully supported with evidence from required readings and/or
additional peer-reviewed research. The reader may have
difficulty seeing linkages between thoughts.
Attempts to explain relevant course concepts, theories, or
materials, but reader is unable to follow the logic used for the
thesis and development of key themes. Evidence from required
readings and/or additional peer-reviewed research is minimal to
No postings observed
Collaborates with fellow learners, relating the discussion to
course concepts
Added several innovative ideas and information to the
discussion. Provided considerable additional insight. Asked
relevant questions to classmates.
Provided a few new ideas and information to the discussion.
Provided some additional insight. No questions asked.
Provided one new idea or item to the discussion. No additional
insight. Reiterated some of peer’s thoughts.
No new ideas or insight added to the discussion. No questions
asked. Reiterated peer’s thoughts.
No postings observed
Submits initial posts and responses according to assignment
Initial submission and responses meet posting deadline
Initial submission meets posting deadline. Responses to
classmates do not meet posting deadline.
Initial submission one day later than deadline. Responses to
classmates do not meet posting deadline.
Initial submission more than one day late. Responses to
classmates do not meet posting deadline.
No postings observed
Quantity of Forum contributions
Minimum number of postings (original post and replies) that
follow all word requirements.
Fewer than the minimum number of required postings (original
post and at least two replies, unless otherwise defined) OR posts
do not meet minimum word requirements.
Original posting only. May or may not meet word requirement.
No posts made.
No postings observed
Writing Mechanics/APA
Adherence to academic spelling and grammar conventions
Communicates through writing that is concise, balanced, and
logically organized; no spelling, punctuation, or grammar
errors; gives author credit to ideas/information from in-
course/out-of-course scholarly sources; and includes a reference
list in APA style for scholarly sources beyond course readings.
Communicates through writing that is balanced, and logically
organized; fewer than 2 spelling, punctuation, or grammar
errors; and/or does not give author credit for info/ideas; and/or
does not include a reference list in APA style for scholarly
sources beyond course readings.
Communicates through writing that may not be balanced or
logically organized; between 2 and 5 spelling, punctuation, or
grammar errors; and/or does not give author credit for
info/ideas; and/or does not include a reference list in APA style
for scholarly sources beyond course readings.
Demonstrates an inappropriate level of written communication
skill; fewer than 7, but more than 5 spelling, punctuation, or
grammar errors; and does not refer to scholarly ideas from the
body of literature.
No postings observed
Assignment 1: Research Guidelines
Complete the following assignment by filling in all pertinent
areas of research. You will need to utilize SPSS and the GSS
dataset for this assignment. You should complete this
assignment using the variables and topic that you have chosen
for your Final Portfolio Project. You will then be able to
follow this as a guide as well as a check-point with your
instructor. It is essential that you read through all of the
feedback regardless of your score. You will be required to
1. This word document with blanks filled and SPSS outputs
inserted. Throughout the assignment you will see places where
your tables, charts, and graphs can be placed.
2. An SPSS output file (spv) with this assignment for credit.
You may need to go back through the document to address
formatting issues that may shift as you begin to input your data.
Points will be deducted for sloppiness. Please treat this as a
professional outline used for a proposal. Use a different, but
legible, color font for your responses.
This assignment is to completed and submitted no later than the
Sunday of week 3 by 11:55pm ET. This assignment is worth 60
points. Save the word file as follows [your last
name_SOCI332_A1] and submit it to the dropbox for feedback.
Label the SPV file as [your last name_SOCI332_A1output]
(A) My Purpose (research question) ( /5 pts)
My research question is:
I chose this topic because
(B) All About GSS 2016 data ( /5 pts) ***Reference Lesson 1
1. Who are the participants?
2. What population does the sample represent?
3. Who is funding the research?
4. When was the data collected?
5. How was the data collected?
(C) Variables (You are expected to have only one dependent
variable (DV) and one or two independent variables (IV). (
/10 pts)
My IV(s): if you have multiple IVs, provide information for
EACH IV using the format below.
IV Variable name in SPSS: ___________________
IV Question (as asked to the respondent verbatim)
IV Answer categories:
IV Level of Measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval/ratio):
My DV: only ONE DV is required for your final portfolio
DV variable name in SPSS:
DV Question (as asked to the respondent verbatim)-
DV Answer categories:
DV Level of Measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval/ratio):
(D) Frequency Tables ( /10 pts)
Run frequencies for each variable listed above. Summarize
your findings in a paragraph or two below. What do the counts
and valid percents tell you about each variable? Cite numbers in
the frequency tables to support your conclusion. Be sure to
insert your tables (copy and paste from SPSS) into this
[Insert SPSS frequency tables here]
(E) Graphs and Charts ( /6 pts)
Run the appropriate graphs/charts for each of your variables
listed above. Summarize your findings briefly in a paragraph or
two. Cite numbers in the graph/charts to support your
conclusion. Include a title on each of your charts and other
pertinent labels you feel necessary.
[Insert SPSS graphs/charts here]
(F) Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion ( /10 pts)
Run the measures of central tendency and dispersion for each of
your variables. Summarize your findings briefly in a paragraph
or two. Which measures are appropriate for nominal, ordinal, or
interval/ratio variables? What do these measures tell us about
each variable?
[Insert SPSS output here]
(G) Recoding ( /10 pts)
Choose one of your variables to recode. If you have an
interval/ratio variable, you may recode it into an ordinal
variable. If you have two nominal/ordinal variables, recode the
one with the most categories into fewer categories.
[Insert the following items: SPSS syntax for the recoding
process; the frequency table for the original variable; and the
frequency table for the recoded variable]
Included SPV file (SPSS output of all syntax tables and charts)
– ( /4)
Assignment 2: Tests of Significance
Throughout this assignment you will review six mock studies.
Follow the step-by-step instructions:
a. Mock Studies 1 – 3 require you to enter data from scratch.
You need to create a data set for each of the three mock studies
by yourself. (Refresh the data entry skill acquired in Week 1.)
b. Mock Studies 4 – 6 require you to use the GSS 2016 dataset.
The variables are specified in each Mock Study.
c. Go through the five steps of hypothesis testing (as covered in
the lesson for Week 4) for EVERY mock study.
d. All calculations should be coming from your SPSS. You will
need to submit the SPSS output file (.spv) to get credit for this
The five steps of hypothesis testing when using SPSS are as
1. State your research hypothesis (H1) and null hypothesis (H0).
2. Identify your significance level (alpha) at .05 or .01, based
on the mock study. In Mock Study One, you are required to use
BOTH .05 and .01 to test your hypotheses. For the remaining
mock studies, you only need to use ONE level of significance
(either .05 or .01) as specified in the instructions.
3. Conduct your analysis using SPSS.
4. Look for the valid score for comparison. This score is
usually under ‘Sig 2-tail’ or ‘Sig. 2’ or ‘Asymptotic Sig.’ We
will call this “p.”
5. Compare the two and apply the following rule:
a. If “p” is < or = alpha, then you reject the null.
b. Please explain what this decision means in regards to this
mock study. (Ex: Will you recommend counseling services?)
Please make sure your answers are clearly distinguishable.
Perhaps you could bold your font or use a different color.
This assignment is due no later than Sunday of Week 5 by 11:55
pm ET. Save this Word file in the following format: [your last
name_SOCI332_A2]. Your spv (SPSS output) file should be
labeled [your last name_SOCI332_A2Output].
Mock Study 1: t-Test for a Single Sample (20 points)
1. Researchers are interested in whether depressed people
undergoing group therapy will perform a different number of
activities of daily living after group therapy than the average
for depressed people. The researchers randomly selected 12
depressed clients to undergo a 6-week group therapy program.
Use the five steps of hypothesis testing to determine whether
the average number of activities of daily living (shown below in
the table) obtained after therapy is significantly different from a
mean number of activities of 17 that is typical for depressed
people. (Clearly list each step).
Test the difference at both the .05 and .01 levels of
As part of Step 5, indicate whether the behavioral scientists
should recommend group therapy for all depressed people based
on evaluation of the null hypothesis at both levels of
significance (.05 and .01).
Data to be entered in SPSS (instructions below)
Step 1: Data managing
1. Open a blank SPSS data file: File( New( Data
2. In the blank SPSS data file, create your SPSS data set by
entering the number of activities of daily living performed by
the depressed clients (numbers listed under AFTER THERAPY -
see above) in the Data View window.
3. In the Variable View window, change the variable name to
“ADL.” Set the decimals to zero.
Step 2: SPSS execution
a. Click: Analyze ( Compare Means ( One-Sample T test ( use
the arrow to move “ADL” to the Variable(s) window on the
b. Enter the population mean (17) in “Test Value”
c. Click OK.
Mock Study 2: t- Test for Dependent Means (15 points)
1. Researchers are interested in whether depressed people
undergoing group therapy will perform a different number of
activities of daily living before and after group therapy. The
researchers randomly selected 8 depressed clients in a 6-week
group therapy program.
Use the five steps of hypothesis testing to determine whether
the observed differences in the numbers of activities of daily
living obtained before and after therapy are statistically
significant at .05 level of significance. (Clearly list each step).
As part of Step 5, indicate whether the researchers should
recommend group therapy for all depressed people based on
evaluation of the null hypothesis.
Data to be entered in SPSS (instructions below)
Step 1: Managing data
1. Open a blank SPSS data file: File(New(Data
2. In the blank SPSS data file, create your SPSS data set by
entering the number of activities of daily living performed by
the depressed clients (see above) in the Data View window.
Enter the “before therapy” scores in the first column and the
“after therapy” scores in the second column.
3. In the Variable View window, change the variable name for
the first variable to “ADLPRE” and the second variable to
“ADLPOST.” Set the decimals for both variables to zero.
Step 2: SPSS execution
a. Click: Analyze ( Compare Means (Paired-Samples t-Test (
use the arrow to move ADLPRE under “variable 1” inside
Paired Variable(s) window( and then use the arrow to move
ADLPOST under “variable 2” inside Paired Variable(s) window.
b. Click OK.
Mock Study 3: t-Test for Independent Samples (15 points)
1. Six months after an industrial accident, a researcher has been
asked to compare the job satisfaction of employees who
participated in counseling sessions with those who chose not to
participate. The job satisfaction scores for both groups are
reported in the table below.
Use the five steps of hypothesis testing to determine whether
the job satisfaction scores of the group that participated in
counseling session are statistically different from the scores of
employees who chose not to participate in counseling sessions
at .01 level of significance. (Clearly list each step).
As part of Step 5, indicate whether the researcher should
recommend counseling as a method to improve job satisfaction
following industrial accidents based on evaluation of the null
Data to be entered in SPSS (instructions below)
Step 1: Data managing
1. Open a blank SPSS data file: File( New( Data
2. In the blank SPSS data file, create your SPSS data set by
entering the number of activities of daily living performed by
those who participated/did not participate in the counseling
sessions (reported on previous page). Please create two
columns. Column one is the test variable, where you enter ALL
the 18 scores in the table. Column 2 is the grouping variable,
where you use “1” to indicate if a score is from someone who
participated in the counseling sessions; and “0” to indicate if a
score is from someone who chose not to participate in the
counseling sessions. The data set will look like this in SPSS
Data View window:
36 1
49 1
39 0
36 0
3. After data entry, go to Variable View window, change the
name of the first variable (test variable) to “ADL” and the
second variable (grouping variable) as “group.” Set decimals for
both variables to zero.
Step 2: SPSS execution
a. Click: Analyze( Compare Means(Independent-Samples T
Test( use arrow to move ADL to “Test Variable” ( use arrow to
move “group” to “Grouping Variable” (when two (? ?) appear,
click Define Groups. On the next pop up window, enter “1” for
“Group 1” and “0” to “Group 2.”
b. Click OK.
ANOVA (15 points)
Mock study 4
1. An advertising firm has been hired to assess whether
different demographics have different rates of TV watching to
help determine their advertising strategy. Using the GSS 2016
data, determine whether hours of tv watched differs by race.
Use the five steps of hypothesis testing to determine whether
the observed differences in the number of hours watching TV
across three groups are statistically significant at .05 level of
significance. (Clearly list each step).
As part of Step 5, indicate whether the advertising firm should
target each racial group differently (if their habits differ) based
on evaluation of the null hypothesis.
Variables from GSS 2016 dataset to be used (instructions
RACE – race of respondent
TVHOURS – hours per day watching TV
Step 1: Data managing
1. Open a blank SPSS data file: File( Open Data( GSS2016.sav
(from wherever you have it saved)
Step 2: SPSS execution
a. Click: Analyze ( Compare Means ( One-Way ANOVA ( use
arrow to move TVHOURS to “Dependent Variable list” ( use
arrow to move RACE to “Factor,” which instructs SPSS to
conduct the analysis of variance on the number of activities
performed by therapy type.
b. Click: Options ( Descriptive (to obtain descriptive statistics).
c. Click: Continue
d. Click: OK.
Additional question based on Mock Study 4
2. Describe the circumstances under which you should use
ANOVA instead of t-Tests. Explain why t-Tests are
inappropriate in these circumstances.
Chi-Square (20 points)
Mock study 5-1: Chi-Square Test for Goodness of Fit
1. Researchers are interested in whether US adults have
different levels of confidence in the President (executive
branch) of the federal government.
Following the five steps of hypothesis testing, conduct
“goodness of fit” chi-square test to determine whether the
observed frequencies are significantly different from the
expected frequencies at the .01 level of significance. (Clearly
list each step).
As part of Step 5, indicate whether the observed frequency is
significantly different from the expected frequency when equal
number of adults in each confidence category is assumed
(100%/3=33%). What does this mean in regard to this mock
Variable from GSS 2016 dataset to be used (instructions below):
CONFED – confidence in executive branch of federal
Step 1: Data managing
1. Open a blank SPSS data file: File( Open Data( GSS2016.sav
(from wherever you have it saved)
Step 2: SPSS execution
a. Click: Analyze ( Non-Parametric Tests ( Legacy Dialogs (
Chi-Square ( use the arrow to move CONFED to “Test Variable
· This procedure instructs SPSS that the chi-square for goodness
of fit should be performed on the confidence in federal
government variable. Note that “All categories equal” is the
default selection in the “Expected Values” box, which means
that SPSS will conduct the goodness of fit test using equal
expected frequencies for each of the four styles, in other words,
SPSS will assume that the proportions of students each style are
b. Click OK.
Mock study 5-2: Chi-Square Test for Independence
2. Next, researchers categorized the same group from the
previous study based on the level of confidence in the federal
government and whether that person is of a certain (self-
identified) social class. These data are presented below.
Following the five steps of hypothesis testing, conduct chi-
square test for independence at the .05 level of significance.
(Clearly list each step).
As part of Step 5, indicate whether social class affects one’s
confidence in the President.
Variables from GSS 2016 dataset to be used (instructions
CONFED – confidence in executive branch of federal
CLASS – subjective class identification
Step 1: Data managing
1. Continue to work on the data set already opened in Mock
Study 5-1: goodness of fit Chi-square test.
Step 2: SPSS execution
a. Click: Analyze ( Descriptive Statistics ( Crosstabs ( use
arrow to move “CLASS” to “Column(s)”( use arrow to move
“CONFED” to “Row(s).” (Recall in crosstab, DV is always in
the row and IV is always in the column.)
b. Click: Statistics ( check “Chi-Square.”
c. Click: Continue.
d. Click: Cells( check “Expected.”
e. Click: Continue.
f. Click: OK.
Regression (15 points)
Mock study 6-1: Linear Regression
1. Researchers in the field of gerontology are researching the
effects of age on mental health. They are using GSS data to
gather some preliminary findings.
Following the five steps of hypothesis testing, conduct a linear
regression analysis to determine whether age affects number of
poor mental health days at the .05 level of significance. (Clearly
list each step).
As part of Step 5, indicate whether there is a significant
relationship between age and mental health at the .05 level and
what does this mean in regard to this mock study. Should the
researchers continue their study?
Variables from GSS 2016 dataset to be used (instructions
AGE – age of respondent
MNTLHLTH – Days of poor mental health past 30 days
Step 1: Data managing
2. Open a blank SPSS data file: File( Open Data( GSS2016.sav
(from wherever you have it saved)
Step 2: SPSS execution
e. Click: Analyze ( Regression ( Linear ( use arrow to move
MNTLHLTH to “Dependent list” ( use arrow to move AGE to
“Independent,” which instructs SPSS to conduct the linear
regression on the relationship of age to poor mental health.
f. Click: OK.
This assignment is due no later than Sunday of Week 5 by 11:55
pm ET.
Save this file (as a Word file) in the following format: [your
last name_SOCI332_A2]. You must also submit an SPSS output
file (.spv) labeled [your last name_SOCI332_A2Output].

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Teaching Program Graduate Forum RubricResponses to other learner.docx

  • 1. Teaching Program Graduate Forum Rubric Responses to other learners should be substantive posts that contribute to the discussion by asking questions, respectfully debating positions, and presenting supporting information relevant to the topic. APA style for in-text citing is no longer required, but is optional. But, mentioning in-course readings’ authors and out-of-course readings’ authors is required as a way of giving appropriate credit to sources for ideas, data, or information. A reference list of in-course readings mentioned is not required. But, a reference list for any outside sources mentioned is required. Criterion Exemplary 4 (4 points) Accomplished 3 (3.4 points) Developing 2 (3 points) Beginning 1 (2.6 points) Did Not Attempt 0 (0 points) Substance Explores, explains, and expands upon issue being discussed. Applies relevant course materials. (50%) Evaluates course concepts, theories, or materials correctly, using well-documented examples or exceptional supporting evidence from required readings and/or additional peer- reviewed research. Analyzes course concepts, theories, or materials correctly, demonstrating an effective presentation of thesis, with most supporting evidence from required readings and/or additional peer-reviewed research helping to strengthen the thesis.
  • 2. Applies a basic understanding of course concepts, but thesis is not fully supported with evidence from required readings and/or additional peer-reviewed research. The reader may have difficulty seeing linkages between thoughts. Attempts to explain relevant course concepts, theories, or materials, but reader is unable to follow the logic used for the thesis and development of key themes. Evidence from required readings and/or additional peer-reviewed research is minimal to none. No postings observed Collaboration Collaborates with fellow learners, relating the discussion to course concepts (10%) Added several innovative ideas and information to the discussion. Provided considerable additional insight. Asked relevant questions to classmates. Provided a few new ideas and information to the discussion. Provided some additional insight. No questions asked. Provided one new idea or item to the discussion. No additional insight. Reiterated some of peer’s thoughts. No new ideas or insight added to the discussion. No questions asked. Reiterated peer’s thoughts. No postings observed Timeliness Submits initial posts and responses according to assignment timelines (5%) Initial submission and responses meet posting deadline requirements. Initial submission meets posting deadline. Responses to classmates do not meet posting deadline. Initial submission one day later than deadline. Responses to classmates do not meet posting deadline.
  • 3. Initial submission more than one day late. Responses to classmates do not meet posting deadline. No postings observed Quantity Quantity of Forum contributions (25%) Minimum number of postings (original post and replies) that follow all word requirements. Fewer than the minimum number of required postings (original post and at least two replies, unless otherwise defined) OR posts do not meet minimum word requirements. Original posting only. May or may not meet word requirement. No posts made. No postings observed Writing Mechanics/APA Adherence to academic spelling and grammar conventions (10%) Communicates through writing that is concise, balanced, and logically organized; no spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors; gives author credit to ideas/information from in- course/out-of-course scholarly sources; and includes a reference list in APA style for scholarly sources beyond course readings. Communicates through writing that is balanced, and logically organized; fewer than 2 spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors; and/or does not give author credit for info/ideas; and/or does not include a reference list in APA style for scholarly sources beyond course readings. Communicates through writing that may not be balanced or logically organized; between 2 and 5 spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors; and/or does not give author credit for info/ideas; and/or does not include a reference list in APA style for scholarly sources beyond course readings. Demonstrates an inappropriate level of written communication
  • 4. skill; fewer than 7, but more than 5 spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors; and does not refer to scholarly ideas from the body of literature. No postings observed Assignment 1: Research Guidelines Complete the following assignment by filling in all pertinent areas of research. You will need to utilize SPSS and the GSS dataset for this assignment. You should complete this assignment using the variables and topic that you have chosen for your Final Portfolio Project. You will then be able to follow this as a guide as well as a check-point with your instructor. It is essential that you read through all of the feedback regardless of your score. You will be required to submit: 1. This word document with blanks filled and SPSS outputs inserted. Throughout the assignment you will see places where your tables, charts, and graphs can be placed. 2. An SPSS output file (spv) with this assignment for credit. You may need to go back through the document to address formatting issues that may shift as you begin to input your data. Points will be deducted for sloppiness. Please treat this as a professional outline used for a proposal. Use a different, but legible, color font for your responses. This assignment is to completed and submitted no later than the Sunday of week 3 by 11:55pm ET. This assignment is worth 60 points. Save the word file as follows [your last name_SOCI332_A1] and submit it to the dropbox for feedback. Label the SPV file as [your last name_SOCI332_A1output] (A) My Purpose (research question) ( /5 pts) My research question is: _____________________________________________________ __.
  • 5. I chose this topic because _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________. (B) All About GSS 2016 data ( /5 pts) ***Reference Lesson 1 and*** 1. Who are the participants? _____________________________________________________ ______________________ 2. What population does the sample represent? _____________________________________________________ ______________________ 3. Who is funding the research? ___________________________________________________ 4. When was the data collected? __________________________________________________ 5. How was the data collected? ___________________________________________________ (C) Variables (You are expected to have only one dependent variable (DV) and one or two independent variables (IV). ( /10 pts) My IV(s): if you have multiple IVs, provide information for EACH IV using the format below. IV Variable name in SPSS: ___________________
  • 6. IV Question (as asked to the respondent verbatim) __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________ IV Answer categories: _____________________________________________________ ______________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________ IV Level of Measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval/ratio): ___________________ My DV: only ONE DV is required for your final portfolio DV variable name in SPSS: ______________________________ DV Question (as asked to the respondent verbatim)- __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________ DV Answer categories: _____________________________________________________ ________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________ DV Level of Measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval/ratio): __________________________ (D) Frequency Tables ( /10 pts)
  • 7. Run frequencies for each variable listed above. Summarize your findings in a paragraph or two below. What do the counts and valid percents tell you about each variable? Cite numbers in the frequency tables to support your conclusion. Be sure to insert your tables (copy and paste from SPSS) into this document. [Insert SPSS frequency tables here] (E) Graphs and Charts ( /6 pts) Run the appropriate graphs/charts for each of your variables listed above. Summarize your findings briefly in a paragraph or two. Cite numbers in the graph/charts to support your conclusion. Include a title on each of your charts and other pertinent labels you feel necessary. [Insert SPSS graphs/charts here] (F) Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion ( /10 pts) Run the measures of central tendency and dispersion for each of your variables. Summarize your findings briefly in a paragraph or two. Which measures are appropriate for nominal, ordinal, or interval/ratio variables? What do these measures tell us about each variable? [Insert SPSS output here]
  • 8. (G) Recoding ( /10 pts) Choose one of your variables to recode. If you have an interval/ratio variable, you may recode it into an ordinal variable. If you have two nominal/ordinal variables, recode the one with the most categories into fewer categories. [Insert the following items: SPSS syntax for the recoding process; the frequency table for the original variable; and the frequency table for the recoded variable] Included SPV file (SPSS output of all syntax tables and charts) – ( /4) Assignment 2: Tests of Significance Throughout this assignment you will review six mock studies. Follow the step-by-step instructions: a. Mock Studies 1 – 3 require you to enter data from scratch. You need to create a data set for each of the three mock studies by yourself. (Refresh the data entry skill acquired in Week 1.) b. Mock Studies 4 – 6 require you to use the GSS 2016 dataset. The variables are specified in each Mock Study. c. Go through the five steps of hypothesis testing (as covered in the lesson for Week 4) for EVERY mock study. d. All calculations should be coming from your SPSS. You will need to submit the SPSS output file (.spv) to get credit for this assignment. The five steps of hypothesis testing when using SPSS are as follows:
  • 9. 1. State your research hypothesis (H1) and null hypothesis (H0). 2. Identify your significance level (alpha) at .05 or .01, based on the mock study. In Mock Study One, you are required to use BOTH .05 and .01 to test your hypotheses. For the remaining mock studies, you only need to use ONE level of significance (either .05 or .01) as specified in the instructions. 3. Conduct your analysis using SPSS. 4. Look for the valid score for comparison. This score is usually under ‘Sig 2-tail’ or ‘Sig. 2’ or ‘Asymptotic Sig.’ We will call this “p.” 5. Compare the two and apply the following rule: a. If “p” is < or = alpha, then you reject the null. b. Please explain what this decision means in regards to this mock study. (Ex: Will you recommend counseling services?) Please make sure your answers are clearly distinguishable. Perhaps you could bold your font or use a different color. This assignment is due no later than Sunday of Week 5 by 11:55 pm ET. Save this Word file in the following format: [your last name_SOCI332_A2]. Your spv (SPSS output) file should be labeled [your last name_SOCI332_A2Output]. t-Tests Mock Study 1: t-Test for a Single Sample (20 points) 1. Researchers are interested in whether depressed people undergoing group therapy will perform a different number of activities of daily living after group therapy than the average for depressed people. The researchers randomly selected 12 depressed clients to undergo a 6-week group therapy program. Use the five steps of hypothesis testing to determine whether
  • 10. the average number of activities of daily living (shown below in the table) obtained after therapy is significantly different from a mean number of activities of 17 that is typical for depressed people. (Clearly list each step). Test the difference at both the .05 and .01 levels of significance. As part of Step 5, indicate whether the behavioral scientists should recommend group therapy for all depressed people based on evaluation of the null hypothesis at both levels of significance (.05 and .01). Data to be entered in SPSS (instructions below) CLIENT AFTER THERAPY A 18 B 14 C 11 D 25 E 24 F 17 G 14 H 10 I 23 J 11 K 22
  • 11. L 19 Step 1: Data managing 1. Open a blank SPSS data file: File( New( Data 2. In the blank SPSS data file, create your SPSS data set by entering the number of activities of daily living performed by the depressed clients (numbers listed under AFTER THERAPY - see above) in the Data View window. 3. In the Variable View window, change the variable name to “ADL.” Set the decimals to zero. Step 2: SPSS execution a. Click: Analyze ( Compare Means ( One-Sample T test ( use the arrow to move “ADL” to the Variable(s) window on the right. b. Enter the population mean (17) in “Test Value” c. Click OK. Mock Study 2: t- Test for Dependent Means (15 points) 1. Researchers are interested in whether depressed people undergoing group therapy will perform a different number of activities of daily living before and after group therapy. The researchers randomly selected 8 depressed clients in a 6-week group therapy program. Use the five steps of hypothesis testing to determine whether the observed differences in the numbers of activities of daily living obtained before and after therapy are statistically significant at .05 level of significance. (Clearly list each step). As part of Step 5, indicate whether the researchers should recommend group therapy for all depressed people based on
  • 12. evaluation of the null hypothesis. Data to be entered in SPSS (instructions below) CLIENT BEFORE THERAPY AFTER THERAPY A 11 17 B 7 12 C 10 12 D 13 21 E 9 16 F 8 17 G 13 17 H 12 8 Step 1: Managing data 1. Open a blank SPSS data file: File(New(Data 2. In the blank SPSS data file, create your SPSS data set by entering the number of activities of daily living performed by the depressed clients (see above) in the Data View window. Enter the “before therapy” scores in the first column and the “after therapy” scores in the second column.
  • 13. 3. In the Variable View window, change the variable name for the first variable to “ADLPRE” and the second variable to “ADLPOST.” Set the decimals for both variables to zero. Step 2: SPSS execution a. Click: Analyze ( Compare Means (Paired-Samples t-Test ( use the arrow to move ADLPRE under “variable 1” inside Paired Variable(s) window( and then use the arrow to move ADLPOST under “variable 2” inside Paired Variable(s) window. b. Click OK. Mock Study 3: t-Test for Independent Samples (15 points) 1. Six months after an industrial accident, a researcher has been asked to compare the job satisfaction of employees who participated in counseling sessions with those who chose not to participate. The job satisfaction scores for both groups are reported in the table below. Use the five steps of hypothesis testing to determine whether the job satisfaction scores of the group that participated in counseling session are statistically different from the scores of employees who chose not to participate in counseling sessions at .01 level of significance. (Clearly list each step). As part of Step 5, indicate whether the researcher should recommend counseling as a method to improve job satisfaction following industrial accidents based on evaluation of the null hypothesis. Data to be entered in SPSS (instructions below) PARTICIPATED IN COUNSELING DID NOT PARTICIPATE IN COUNSELING 36 38 39
  • 14. 36 41 36 36 32 37 30 35 39 37 41 39 35 42 33 Step 1: Data managing 1. Open a blank SPSS data file: File( New( Data 2. In the blank SPSS data file, create your SPSS data set by entering the number of activities of daily living performed by those who participated/did not participate in the counseling sessions (reported on previous page). Please create two columns. Column one is the test variable, where you enter ALL the 18 scores in the table. Column 2 is the grouping variable, where you use “1” to indicate if a score is from someone who participated in the counseling sessions; and “0” to indicate if a score is from someone who chose not to participate in the counseling sessions. The data set will look like this in SPSS Data View window: 36 1 49 1 ………. 39 0
  • 15. 36 0 ………. 3. After data entry, go to Variable View window, change the name of the first variable (test variable) to “ADL” and the second variable (grouping variable) as “group.” Set decimals for both variables to zero. Step 2: SPSS execution a. Click: Analyze( Compare Means(Independent-Samples T Test( use arrow to move ADL to “Test Variable” ( use arrow to move “group” to “Grouping Variable” (when two (? ?) appear, click Define Groups. On the next pop up window, enter “1” for “Group 1” and “0” to “Group 2.” b. Click OK. ANOVA (15 points) Mock study 4 1. An advertising firm has been hired to assess whether different demographics have different rates of TV watching to help determine their advertising strategy. Using the GSS 2016 data, determine whether hours of tv watched differs by race. Use the five steps of hypothesis testing to determine whether the observed differences in the number of hours watching TV across three groups are statistically significant at .05 level of significance. (Clearly list each step). As part of Step 5, indicate whether the advertising firm should target each racial group differently (if their habits differ) based on evaluation of the null hypothesis. Variables from GSS 2016 dataset to be used (instructions below):
  • 16. RACE – race of respondent 1 = WHITE 2 = BLACK 3 = OTHER TVHOURS – hours per day watching TV Step 1: Data managing 1. Open a blank SPSS data file: File( Open Data( GSS2016.sav (from wherever you have it saved) Step 2: SPSS execution a. Click: Analyze ( Compare Means ( One-Way ANOVA ( use arrow to move TVHOURS to “Dependent Variable list” ( use arrow to move RACE to “Factor,” which instructs SPSS to conduct the analysis of variance on the number of activities performed by therapy type. b. Click: Options ( Descriptive (to obtain descriptive statistics). c. Click: Continue d. Click: OK. Additional question based on Mock Study 4 2. Describe the circumstances under which you should use ANOVA instead of t-Tests. Explain why t-Tests are inappropriate in these circumstances. Chi-Square (20 points) Mock study 5-1: Chi-Square Test for Goodness of Fit 1. Researchers are interested in whether US adults have different levels of confidence in the President (executive branch) of the federal government.
  • 17. Following the five steps of hypothesis testing, conduct “goodness of fit” chi-square test to determine whether the observed frequencies are significantly different from the expected frequencies at the .01 level of significance. (Clearly list each step). As part of Step 5, indicate whether the observed frequency is significantly different from the expected frequency when equal number of adults in each confidence category is assumed (100%/3=33%). What does this mean in regard to this mock study? Variable from GSS 2016 dataset to be used (instructions below): CONFED – confidence in executive branch of federal government 1 = A GREAT DEAL 2 = ONLY SOME 3 = HARDLY ANY Step 1: Data managing 1. Open a blank SPSS data file: File( Open Data( GSS2016.sav (from wherever you have it saved) Step 2: SPSS execution a. Click: Analyze ( Non-Parametric Tests ( Legacy Dialogs ( Chi-Square ( use the arrow to move CONFED to “Test Variable list.” · This procedure instructs SPSS that the chi-square for goodness of fit should be performed on the confidence in federal government variable. Note that “All categories equal” is the default selection in the “Expected Values” box, which means that SPSS will conduct the goodness of fit test using equal expected frequencies for each of the four styles, in other words, SPSS will assume that the proportions of students each style are
  • 18. equal. b. Click OK. Mock study 5-2: Chi-Square Test for Independence 2. Next, researchers categorized the same group from the previous study based on the level of confidence in the federal government and whether that person is of a certain (self- identified) social class. These data are presented below. Following the five steps of hypothesis testing, conduct chi- square test for independence at the .05 level of significance. (Clearly list each step). As part of Step 5, indicate whether social class affects one’s confidence in the President. Variables from GSS 2016 dataset to be used (instructions below): CONFED – confidence in executive branch of federal government 1 = A GREAT DEAL 2 = ONLY SOME 3 = HARDLY ANY CLASS – subjective class identification 1 = LOWER CLASS 2 = WORKING CLASS 3 = MIDDLE CLASS 4 = UPPER CLASS 5 = NO CLASS
  • 19. Step 1: Data managing 1. Continue to work on the data set already opened in Mock Study 5-1: goodness of fit Chi-square test. Step 2: SPSS execution a. Click: Analyze ( Descriptive Statistics ( Crosstabs ( use arrow to move “CLASS” to “Column(s)”( use arrow to move “CONFED” to “Row(s).” (Recall in crosstab, DV is always in the row and IV is always in the column.) b. Click: Statistics ( check “Chi-Square.” c. Click: Continue. d. Click: Cells( check “Expected.” e. Click: Continue. f. Click: OK. Regression (15 points) Mock study 6-1: Linear Regression 1. Researchers in the field of gerontology are researching the effects of age on mental health. They are using GSS data to gather some preliminary findings. Following the five steps of hypothesis testing, conduct a linear regression analysis to determine whether age affects number of poor mental health days at the .05 level of significance. (Clearly list each step). As part of Step 5, indicate whether there is a significant relationship between age and mental health at the .05 level and what does this mean in regard to this mock study. Should the
  • 20. researchers continue their study? Variables from GSS 2016 dataset to be used (instructions below): AGE – age of respondent MNTLHLTH – Days of poor mental health past 30 days Step 1: Data managing 2. Open a blank SPSS data file: File( Open Data( GSS2016.sav (from wherever you have it saved) Step 2: SPSS execution e. Click: Analyze ( Regression ( Linear ( use arrow to move MNTLHLTH to “Dependent list” ( use arrow to move AGE to “Independent,” which instructs SPSS to conduct the linear regression on the relationship of age to poor mental health. f. Click: OK. This assignment is due no later than Sunday of Week 5 by 11:55 pm ET. Save this file (as a Word file) in the following format: [your last name_SOCI332_A2]. You must also submit an SPSS output file (.spv) labeled [your last name_SOCI332_A2Output]. 1