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Page 1 of 11
The topic about “Confirmation Bias” deeply triggered lots of my real life 
experience. We love to seek data that supports our beliefs but on the other hand, 
disregard data that refute them. In my secondary school life, though I had many 
friends, I only mixed around with those who often agreed with me most of the 
time. My close friends and I shared the same interest, taste and opinions. This 
greatly reduced lots of unnecessary conflicts between us which may lead to 
anger and dissatisfactions on both sides. For example, I was a huge fan of 
Japanese animated productions and they were the best entertainment during my 
boring secondary school life. I like to discuss about various topics on Japanese 
anime with my friends, who also enjoyed them. I felt really comfortable around 
those who understand and agreed on what I was talking about. 
In contrast, some of my friends were not interested in Japanese anime. As 
we seldom share the same interest, we seldom talk to each other; I tend to be 
put off by them as I felt quite uncomfortable and unsecured about my views. 
Unconsciously, as time passes, our friendship faded. I think it is important to 
make friends with people who share the same point of view with me. However, I 
do not want this kind of “confirmation bias” to restrict me from mixing around with 
people of different personalities and interest. I strongly believe that there are lots 
of things I can learn from them. 
Page 2 of 11
One of the topics the topics that interested me was “Extrinsic motivation” 
and “Intrinsic motivation”. “Extrinsic motivation” means we take a certain action in 
response to external pressure or obligation, in order to avoid punishment or to 
gain a specific reward. “Intrinsic motivation” means we take an action for the 
sake of enjoyment. Well, it reminded me of my childhood days, how my father 
used to motivate me. When I was a seven, I was a really playful kid and had a 
lack of interest in my academic performances. My father was quite worried about 
my future, hence he tried to use some rewards to motivate me. He told me that 
he would buy me a bicycle if I got good grades. This kind of motivations works for 
me. From that day onwards, I studied hard in order to achieve higher marks so 
that I could gain my rewards. 
I, from a person who had little initial interest in my studies, turned into a 
person who loves to study so much. As time passes, I developed interest in my 
studies as my hunger to gain knowledge from books is triggered. Unconsciously, 
the external motivators were phased out. My intrinsic interest in books was 
generated and I started to enjoy reading. Nowadays, I realised that how powerful 
the extrinsic motivators are, in motivating someone; however it should be used 
with caution especially with children. In my opinion, I still prefer “intrinsic 
motivation” because I think we should do things that we enjoy doing, provided 
they are right and legal. 
Page 3 of 11
The “Illusion of control” is one of the sources of bias in social cognition. It is 
the tendency for people to believe that they can control or influence outcomes 
that they demonstrably have no influence over. This brought back lots of my 
childhood memories. Every time when there is a test, I would always bring my 
amulet that was given from my late grandmother. I believed that her prayers are 
all inside the amulet and it would bring me some good luck during my test. 
Coincidently, I did well in most of the test. However, there were also times where 
I was too confident over myself and did not study hard. I brought the amulet but I 
still did badly during the test. 
Another time where the illusion of control applied in my daily life is when I 
go shopping. Whenever I enter a shop that has a few or no costumers at all, I 
realised that there will be more and more people coming into the shop after I 
went in. Its sounds really illogic but it does happen frequently. Sometimes, I 
would ask myself if I was really that attractive. The two examples above shows 
that I have the illusion of control, I thought that an amulet would make my results 
better. Besides that,I thought that I could attract and bring costumers to a shop 
that has no costumers. However when I grew up, I started to acknowledge that I 
had those illusions on control because they happened for too many times and 
they seem like I have the power to control. I got good results because of my hard 
work and not because of the amulet. I could never control other people coming in 
the shop, they were just some coincidence. 
Page 4 of 11
”Post-decision dissonance” means, after we have made a decision, we 
will feel dissonance regarding the possibilities of it being wrong. Later on, we will 
change our perceptions to reduce this dissonance to make our decision seems 
more correct.This “post-decision dissonance” happens to me sometimes. There 
was this one time where I decided to buy a computer. I have narrowed down the 
brands I would consider to purchase. Eventually, i had to choose between two 
brands. I reevaluated them and finally decided to buy a Apple brand computer. 
Automatically, I started to enhance the value of the one I chose and at the same 
time, devalue rejected options. I even listed out all the disadvantages of the other 
brand and started to criticise it. 
Why did this happened? Its because as human beings, we often need 
to feel confident about our decisions. After we have made a decision between 
two equal options, we would start to worry and wonder if we have made the right 
decision. This discomfort causes us to state positive points of our chosen option 
and negative points for the rejected option. In my opinion, the “post-decision 
dissonance” has disadvantages and advantages .The disadvantages is that we 
had to criticise the rejected option, this sees a little mean to it. On the other hand, 
the “post-decision dissonance” has its own advantage too. For example, we can 
get rid of the discomfort and worries of the decisions we have made and at the 
same time enjoy the our chosen decision. 
Page 5 of 11
”Counterfactual thinking” is imagining different outcomes for an event 
that has already occurred. It is the time where we wish that something had or had 
not happened. There are two types of “counterfactual thinking”, which is upward 
counterfactual and downward counterfactual. Both of them happen in my life 
quite frequently. An example of upward counterfactual was during my submission 
of an assignment. The submission was in the afternoon on next day but I still 
slept early, thinking that I could finish it in the morning. Eventually, I could not 
finish it in time and had to submit my assignment in an uncompleted state. After 
that, I started to think “If only I did not slept early but stay up all night to complete 
the assignment, I would have finished it in time!” 
Downward counterfactual happened to me recently. It was a model-making 
project. Eventually, my group members and I did not get a satisfying 
result because of some lack of design elements. However, I thought to myself “ 
Though the result is not that good, at least we have worked hard and tried our 
best to achieve good grades.” The two incidents show that “counterfactual 
thinking” happens to help me cover up trauma or just excuses to avoid facing the 
uncomfortable truth. In my point of view, the downward counterfactual is 
somehow beneficial to me. This is because I am a positive person and whenever 
something negative happens to me, I will always seek for excuses and also find 
out the reason of my failure. I will be encouraged and motivated to walk out from 
sadness and continue my life. After all, human beings are imperfect and it is okay 
to make some mistakes. 
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The “self-serving bias” is people’s tendency to attribute positive events 
to their own character but negative events to external factors. The reasons 
people tend to personalise success is because it helps their esteem level. This 
reminded me that one of my classmates in secondary school had a very strong 
“self-serving bias”. She is quite a brilliant student in my class and she is always 
very proud with her exam results. However, there are lots of times where she did 
not do well. She kept on declaring that it was because she unfortunately did not 
sleep well and could not concentrate well during the exam. She kept on 
protecting her ego so that people still thought that she was smart. 
Another example was about myself when I was still in primary school. It 
was my first time entering a piano examination.The examiner asked me a few 
questions and wanted me to answer them, however I was too nervous and 
cannot hear clearly what he was talking about. Later on after the examination, I 
complained to my piano teacher that I cannot hear what the examiner was saying 
because he had a strong British accent. From the two examples above, I can see 
that human beings often take credit for our won success and deny any 
responsibility for failure. There are some advantages and disadvantages. When 
people succeed at something and take credit to themselves, it makes them feel 
good and they will continue their effort in achieving there goals. The 
disadvantages are people with strong “self-serving bias” are not being honest, 
they should take credit when they deserve it. In my point of view, the “self-serving 
bias” is good if we assume it as a motivator, on the other hand, we will turn into 
someone who has low credibility if the “self-serving bias” is too strong. 
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Another topic that interested me is the “optimistic bias”. The optimistic 
bias is bias that causes a person to believe that they are less at risk of 
experiencing a negative event compared to the others. I remembered an incident 
that has relation with the “optimistic bias”. A few year ago, my cousin was 
studying in a University in Penang, She has strong “optimistic bias”, hence she 
always thought that she was less likely to be robbed than other people because 
of her plain dress and simple life style. However, she was robbed when she was 
on her way back home. She said that she was really shocked because she did 
not expect that. 
Another incident is about me. It was an examination of the History 
subject, the test questions were a little tougher than the previous tests. However I 
thought that I might still get good results compared to my other classmates due 
to my previous performances in the tests. Eventually, I failed the subject and 
some of my classmates got better results than me. I was to confident over myself 
and I had looked down on other people. The “optimistic bias” also act as the 
overconfidence barrier. It is a believe that our own judgement or control greater 
than it truly is. In my opinion, the “optimistic bias” is not too good. It increases the 
ego and makes people less alert of their true performances. People also tend to 
look down on others when they compare themselves to others. 
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The topic “self-efficacy” attracts my interest because I can easily relate 
it to my life. “Self-efficacy” means your belief of one’s ability capability to organise 
and execute the courses of action required to manage a certain situation. There 
are two types of people, people with high self-efficacy face difficult tasks as 
challenges while people with low efficacy face them as barriers in life. In the 
course I am studying, there were lots of projects that required us to form groups 
and that is how I get to know if my group mates have high or low self-efficacy. 
After observing them for some time, I found out that there are some 
people who has extremely high self-efficacy. Whenever one problems arise, they 
get highly motivated and would never give up until they accomplish their goal. In 
contrast, there are also some people who posses a much lower self-efficacy. 
When they face challenges, they would straightly give up because they wanted to 
avoid the difficult tasks. As a result, people who posses high self-efficacy, often 
perform well and get better grades compared to those who have lo self-efficacy. 
In my perspective, I think that having a high self-efficacy is extremely important 
because we have to always believe in ourselves that we can deal with various 
situations. Self-efficacy plays a significant role in not only how we feel about 
ourselves, but also determines whether we can successfully achieve our goals in 
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The “halo effect” is a type of cognitive bias in which our overall impression 
of a person influences how we feel and think about his or her character. For 
example, one positive attribute will cause us to attribute other positive qualities of 
an individual. It is not hard to find the “halo effect” being applied in everyday life. I 
have a friend who is a big fan of the K-Pop band, which is EXO. Marketers take 
advantage of the halo effect and sell beauty products by letting the EXO 
members to advertise their products. Eventually, my friend bought the beauty 
products, not because she like the product or she has used it before, it was just 
because her idol promoted the product so she thought that the product is good. 
Can you even imagine if all EXO fans bought the beauty products, what a big 
amount of money the marketers can earn! 
Another example of the “halo effect” happened when I was in the 
kindergarten many years ago. I had a teacher who was quite old, but she was a 
warm and friendly person. She cared about all of the children in the kindergarten 
as if they were her grandchildren. That time, my friends and I think that she is a 
very kind and funny person. Most of the time, our positive evaluations on an 
individual can spread to our perceptions of the product or person. This can also 
relate to the importance of having a good first impression. People will think about 
positive qualities you have if your first impression to them is good. I strongly 
agree that the “halo effect” is important in life because sometimes, it helps to 
increase the positive values on how people perceive us, for example during an 
interview. It also aids in making certain decisions. 
Page 10 of 11
The topic on “observational learning” is watching other people engage in 
behaviours and repeating those actions. It is also referred to shaping, modelling 
and vicarious reinforcement. “Observational learning” happens mostly during our 
childhood where we learn to do something by observing our parents and friends 
doing it. I remembered when I was still in primary school, I had a classmate who 
had a very bad attitude and always spoke obscene language. One day, when he 
got scolded by the teacher because he did not do his homework, he started to 
defend himself and talk to the teacher rudely, full of bad words. The teacher was 
shocked and angry at the same time, she called the boy’s parents to school. 
When the boy’s parents arrived, his father slapped the boy’s face in front of 
everyone and warned him not to say rude words again. 
From that day onwards, I dare not speak a single rude word in front of 
anyone. Though was just an observer who was not involved in the whole 
incident, I still learned from the boy’s mistake. I knew that I would get punished if 
I speak obscene language. In my opinion, the “ observational learning’ plays an 
important role in socialisation process, as I get to learn how to behave and 
respond to all kinds of people and situation by observing and learning other 
people doing that. I am really grateful that I grew up in a good and healthy 
environment with the guide of my parent and teachers. So far until now, I did not 
cause much trouble to anyone because I behaved quite well. 
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Tang ju yi

  • 2. TANG JU YI | 0317735 | PSY | FNBE FEB 0214 | INDIVIDUAL JOURNAL ! THE JOURNAL 1 ! The topic about “Confirmation Bias” deeply triggered lots of my real life experience. We love to seek data that supports our beliefs but on the other hand, disregard data that refute them. In my secondary school life, though I had many friends, I only mixed around with those who often agreed with me most of the time. My close friends and I shared the same interest, taste and opinions. This greatly reduced lots of unnecessary conflicts between us which may lead to anger and dissatisfactions on both sides. For example, I was a huge fan of Japanese animated productions and they were the best entertainment during my boring secondary school life. I like to discuss about various topics on Japanese anime with my friends, who also enjoyed them. I felt really comfortable around those who understand and agreed on what I was talking about. ! In contrast, some of my friends were not interested in Japanese anime. As we seldom share the same interest, we seldom talk to each other; I tend to be put off by them as I felt quite uncomfortable and unsecured about my views. Unconsciously, as time passes, our friendship faded. I think it is important to make friends with people who share the same point of view with me. However, I do not want this kind of “confirmation bias” to restrict me from mixing around with people of different personalities and interest. I strongly believe that there are lots of things I can learn from them. ! ! ! Page 2 of 11
  • 3. TANG JU YI | 0317735 | PSY | FNBE FEB 0214 | INDIVIDUAL JOURNAL ! THE JOURNAL 2 ! One of the topics the topics that interested me was “Extrinsic motivation” and “Intrinsic motivation”. “Extrinsic motivation” means we take a certain action in response to external pressure or obligation, in order to avoid punishment or to gain a specific reward. “Intrinsic motivation” means we take an action for the sake of enjoyment. Well, it reminded me of my childhood days, how my father used to motivate me. When I was a seven, I was a really playful kid and had a lack of interest in my academic performances. My father was quite worried about my future, hence he tried to use some rewards to motivate me. He told me that he would buy me a bicycle if I got good grades. This kind of motivations works for me. From that day onwards, I studied hard in order to achieve higher marks so that I could gain my rewards. ! I, from a person who had little initial interest in my studies, turned into a person who loves to study so much. As time passes, I developed interest in my studies as my hunger to gain knowledge from books is triggered. Unconsciously, the external motivators were phased out. My intrinsic interest in books was generated and I started to enjoy reading. Nowadays, I realised that how powerful the extrinsic motivators are, in motivating someone; however it should be used with caution especially with children. In my opinion, I still prefer “intrinsic motivation” because I think we should do things that we enjoy doing, provided they are right and legal. ! ! Page 3 of 11
  • 4. TANG JU YI | 0317735 | PSY | FNBE FEB 0214 | INDIVIDUAL JOURNAL ! THE JOURNAL 3 ! The “Illusion of control” is one of the sources of bias in social cognition. It is the tendency for people to believe that they can control or influence outcomes that they demonstrably have no influence over. This brought back lots of my childhood memories. Every time when there is a test, I would always bring my amulet that was given from my late grandmother. I believed that her prayers are all inside the amulet and it would bring me some good luck during my test. Coincidently, I did well in most of the test. However, there were also times where I was too confident over myself and did not study hard. I brought the amulet but I still did badly during the test. ! Another time where the illusion of control applied in my daily life is when I go shopping. Whenever I enter a shop that has a few or no costumers at all, I realised that there will be more and more people coming into the shop after I went in. Its sounds really illogic but it does happen frequently. Sometimes, I would ask myself if I was really that attractive. The two examples above shows that I have the illusion of control, I thought that an amulet would make my results better. Besides that,I thought that I could attract and bring costumers to a shop that has no costumers. However when I grew up, I started to acknowledge that I had those illusions on control because they happened for too many times and they seem like I have the power to control. I got good results because of my hard work and not because of the amulet. I could never control other people coming in the shop, they were just some coincidence. Page 4 of 11
  • 5. TANG JU YI | 0317735 | PSY | FNBE FEB 0214 | INDIVIDUAL JOURNAL ! THE JOURNAL 4 ! ”Post-decision dissonance” means, after we have made a decision, we will feel dissonance regarding the possibilities of it being wrong. Later on, we will change our perceptions to reduce this dissonance to make our decision seems more correct.This “post-decision dissonance” happens to me sometimes. There was this one time where I decided to buy a computer. I have narrowed down the brands I would consider to purchase. Eventually, i had to choose between two brands. I reevaluated them and finally decided to buy a Apple brand computer. Automatically, I started to enhance the value of the one I chose and at the same time, devalue rejected options. I even listed out all the disadvantages of the other brand and started to criticise it. ! Why did this happened? Its because as human beings, we often need to feel confident about our decisions. After we have made a decision between two equal options, we would start to worry and wonder if we have made the right decision. This discomfort causes us to state positive points of our chosen option and negative points for the rejected option. In my opinion, the “post-decision dissonance” has disadvantages and advantages .The disadvantages is that we had to criticise the rejected option, this sees a little mean to it. On the other hand, the “post-decision dissonance” has its own advantage too. For example, we can get rid of the discomfort and worries of the decisions we have made and at the same time enjoy the our chosen decision. ! Page 5 of 11
  • 6. TANG JU YI | 0317735 | PSY | FNBE FEB 0214 | INDIVIDUAL JOURNAL ! THE JOURNAL 5 ! ”Counterfactual thinking” is imagining different outcomes for an event that has already occurred. It is the time where we wish that something had or had not happened. There are two types of “counterfactual thinking”, which is upward counterfactual and downward counterfactual. Both of them happen in my life quite frequently. An example of upward counterfactual was during my submission of an assignment. The submission was in the afternoon on next day but I still slept early, thinking that I could finish it in the morning. Eventually, I could not finish it in time and had to submit my assignment in an uncompleted state. After that, I started to think “If only I did not slept early but stay up all night to complete the assignment, I would have finished it in time!” ! Downward counterfactual happened to me recently. It was a model-making project. Eventually, my group members and I did not get a satisfying result because of some lack of design elements. However, I thought to myself “ Though the result is not that good, at least we have worked hard and tried our best to achieve good grades.” The two incidents show that “counterfactual thinking” happens to help me cover up trauma or just excuses to avoid facing the uncomfortable truth. In my point of view, the downward counterfactual is somehow beneficial to me. This is because I am a positive person and whenever something negative happens to me, I will always seek for excuses and also find out the reason of my failure. I will be encouraged and motivated to walk out from sadness and continue my life. After all, human beings are imperfect and it is okay to make some mistakes. ! Page 6 of 11
  • 7. TANG JU YI | 0317735 | PSY | FNBE FEB 0214 | INDIVIDUAL JOURNAL ! THE JOURNAL 6 ! The “self-serving bias” is people’s tendency to attribute positive events to their own character but negative events to external factors. The reasons people tend to personalise success is because it helps their esteem level. This reminded me that one of my classmates in secondary school had a very strong “self-serving bias”. She is quite a brilliant student in my class and she is always very proud with her exam results. However, there are lots of times where she did not do well. She kept on declaring that it was because she unfortunately did not sleep well and could not concentrate well during the exam. She kept on protecting her ego so that people still thought that she was smart. ! Another example was about myself when I was still in primary school. It was my first time entering a piano examination.The examiner asked me a few questions and wanted me to answer them, however I was too nervous and cannot hear clearly what he was talking about. Later on after the examination, I complained to my piano teacher that I cannot hear what the examiner was saying because he had a strong British accent. From the two examples above, I can see that human beings often take credit for our won success and deny any responsibility for failure. There are some advantages and disadvantages. When people succeed at something and take credit to themselves, it makes them feel good and they will continue their effort in achieving there goals. The disadvantages are people with strong “self-serving bias” are not being honest, they should take credit when they deserve it. In my point of view, the “self-serving bias” is good if we assume it as a motivator, on the other hand, we will turn into someone who has low credibility if the “self-serving bias” is too strong. Page 7 of 11
  • 8. TANG JU YI | 0317735 | PSY | FNBE FEB 0214 | INDIVIDUAL JOURNAL THE JOURNAL 7 ! Another topic that interested me is the “optimistic bias”. The optimistic bias is bias that causes a person to believe that they are less at risk of experiencing a negative event compared to the others. I remembered an incident that has relation with the “optimistic bias”. A few year ago, my cousin was studying in a University in Penang, She has strong “optimistic bias”, hence she always thought that she was less likely to be robbed than other people because of her plain dress and simple life style. However, she was robbed when she was on her way back home. She said that she was really shocked because she did not expect that. ! Another incident is about me. It was an examination of the History subject, the test questions were a little tougher than the previous tests. However I thought that I might still get good results compared to my other classmates due to my previous performances in the tests. Eventually, I failed the subject and some of my classmates got better results than me. I was to confident over myself and I had looked down on other people. The “optimistic bias” also act as the overconfidence barrier. It is a believe that our own judgement or control greater than it truly is. In my opinion, the “optimistic bias” is not too good. It increases the ego and makes people less alert of their true performances. People also tend to look down on others when they compare themselves to others. ! ! ! Page 8 of 11
  • 9. TANG JU YI | 0317735 | PSY | FNBE FEB 0214 | INDIVIDUAL JOURNAL ! THE JOURNAL 8 ! The topic “self-efficacy” attracts my interest because I can easily relate it to my life. “Self-efficacy” means your belief of one’s ability capability to organise and execute the courses of action required to manage a certain situation. There are two types of people, people with high self-efficacy face difficult tasks as challenges while people with low efficacy face them as barriers in life. In the course I am studying, there were lots of projects that required us to form groups and that is how I get to know if my group mates have high or low self-efficacy. ! After observing them for some time, I found out that there are some people who has extremely high self-efficacy. Whenever one problems arise, they get highly motivated and would never give up until they accomplish their goal. In contrast, there are also some people who posses a much lower self-efficacy. When they face challenges, they would straightly give up because they wanted to avoid the difficult tasks. As a result, people who posses high self-efficacy, often perform well and get better grades compared to those who have lo self-efficacy. In my perspective, I think that having a high self-efficacy is extremely important because we have to always believe in ourselves that we can deal with various situations. Self-efficacy plays a significant role in not only how we feel about ourselves, but also determines whether we can successfully achieve our goals in life. ! ! ! Page 9 of 11
  • 10. TANG JU YI | 0317735 | PSY | FNBE FEB 0214 | INDIVIDUAL JOURNAL ! THE JOURNAL 9 ! The “halo effect” is a type of cognitive bias in which our overall impression of a person influences how we feel and think about his or her character. For example, one positive attribute will cause us to attribute other positive qualities of an individual. It is not hard to find the “halo effect” being applied in everyday life. I have a friend who is a big fan of the K-Pop band, which is EXO. Marketers take advantage of the halo effect and sell beauty products by letting the EXO members to advertise their products. Eventually, my friend bought the beauty products, not because she like the product or she has used it before, it was just because her idol promoted the product so she thought that the product is good. Can you even imagine if all EXO fans bought the beauty products, what a big amount of money the marketers can earn! Another example of the “halo effect” happened when I was in the kindergarten many years ago. I had a teacher who was quite old, but she was a warm and friendly person. She cared about all of the children in the kindergarten as if they were her grandchildren. That time, my friends and I think that she is a very kind and funny person. Most of the time, our positive evaluations on an individual can spread to our perceptions of the product or person. This can also relate to the importance of having a good first impression. People will think about positive qualities you have if your first impression to them is good. I strongly agree that the “halo effect” is important in life because sometimes, it helps to increase the positive values on how people perceive us, for example during an interview. It also aids in making certain decisions. ! Page 10 of 11
  • 11. TANG JU YI | 0317735 | PSY | FNBE FEB 0214 | INDIVIDUAL JOURNAL ! THE JOURNAL 10 ! The topic on “observational learning” is watching other people engage in behaviours and repeating those actions. It is also referred to shaping, modelling and vicarious reinforcement. “Observational learning” happens mostly during our childhood where we learn to do something by observing our parents and friends doing it. I remembered when I was still in primary school, I had a classmate who had a very bad attitude and always spoke obscene language. One day, when he got scolded by the teacher because he did not do his homework, he started to defend himself and talk to the teacher rudely, full of bad words. The teacher was shocked and angry at the same time, she called the boy’s parents to school. When the boy’s parents arrived, his father slapped the boy’s face in front of everyone and warned him not to say rude words again. ! From that day onwards, I dare not speak a single rude word in front of anyone. Though was just an observer who was not involved in the whole incident, I still learned from the boy’s mistake. I knew that I would get punished if I speak obscene language. In my opinion, the “ observational learning’ plays an important role in socialisation process, as I get to learn how to behave and respond to all kinds of people and situation by observing and learning other people doing that. I am really grateful that I grew up in a good and healthy environment with the guide of my parent and teachers. So far until now, I did not cause much trouble to anyone because I behaved quite well. Page 11 of 11