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Report on FuTRO supplier launch event
1st May 2013
Table of Contents
Report on FuTRO supplier launch event – 1st May 2013 ...............1
FuTRO supplier launch event ................................................................ 1
Executive summary..................................................................................................1
What is FuTRO? ......................................................................................................2
What was the FuTRO launch event? .......................................................................2
Plenary presentations ........................................................................4
Strategic context for FuTRO ....................................................................................5
Vision of FuTRO.......................................................................................................5
FuTRO in the longer term ........................................................................................6
Question and answer panel .....................................................................................7
Open innovation breakouts ...............................................................8
Open innovation approach .......................................................................................9
Challenge 1 - Meeting customer needs ..........................................10
Challenge 2 - Optimising system performance .............................13
Challenge 3 - Human and automatic control .................................16
Challenge 4 - Dealing with data ......................................................18
Conclusion - The day in a picture ...................................................22
Appendix 1 - Background reading ..................................................24
Appendix 2 - Verbatim breakout cards ...........................................25
Report on FuTRO supplier launch event – 1st
May 2013
FuTRO supplier launch event
Executive summary On the 1st
May 2013, the FuTRO vision of the future of traffic
regulation on the railway was launched by the RSSB at the British
Library in London. Over 100 delegates from the supply industry
came to hear about FuTRO and to take part together in a series
of 30-minute workshops. The aim was to begin the process of
engaging a wider population with the often radical innovation that
FuTRO will demand, and to ask where, beyond its traditional
boundaries, the industry might look for such innovation and
technology development.
Delegates heard three keynote addresses (summarised here),
and then considered a series of questions designed to open up
the innovation space. The questions and a selection of the most
significant responses they generated are outlined in the second
half of this report, which captures some strong alignment around
a number of themes.
The event was also amplified live over the web and other social
media, creating a web-based record that can be found at Presentations, videos, tweets, and
other material from the event are all available on the site.
FuTRO supplier launch event
What is FuTRO? Understanding and managing the placement and movement of
trains is fundamental to the operation of a safe and efficient
railway. The industry calls this process ‘regulation’. FuTRO:
Future Traffic Regulation Optimisation, is an ambitious
programme of exploration and innovation, that is part of the UK’s
Rail Technical Strategy 2012 (the RTS). FuTRO is concerned
with how the regulation of trains on the railway must change,
adapt and improve, starting today, and up to 30 years into the
At the launch of the RTS in December 2012, Steve Yianni, Chair
of the Technical Strategy Leadership Group (TSLG), described
FuTRO as the ‘single most important initiative’ related to enabling
the future railway. It impacts all of the so-called ‘4Cs’, significantly
reducing Carbon and Cost, whilst simultaneously raising Capacity
and Customer satisfaction.
The scope of FuTRO is therefore very wide, and includes many of
the different aspects and systems involved in creating and
delivering a positive end-to-end experience on the network.
The innovation to deliver this vision is expected to come from an
equally wide range of sources, including the physical and
biological sciences, all types of engineering, system design, and
the human/social sciences. Inspiration from outside the traditional
rail supply industry is seen as key to FuTRO’s success. Insights
and technology from related and unrelated fields are therefore
being actively sought.
What was the FuTRO
launch event?
On 1st May 2013, a major industry event was held at the British
Library in London. Delegates were invited mainly from the supply
industry and academia, but there were also representatives from
inside the rail industry. The result was a vibrant mix of attendees
that included representatives from the Train Operating
Companies (TOCs), Network Rail (NR), suppliers of products and
services to the industry, research and development organisations
and academia. The specialisms represented included
optimisation, train control, algorithm development, centralised
network control and intelligent automated traffic management
With a mixture of presentations from senior rail industry people
and interactive workshops, the day explored the aims of the
FuTRO programme, its challenges, the industry context, issues
surrounding the migration path over thirty years, and future
funding opportunities.
The event began with a plenary overview of FuTRO for those
unfamiliar with its aims and ambitions. Presentations from senior
rail industry managers helped to set the scene, and to raise
expectations. Delegates then had the opportunity to get involved
in the discussions through a series of four workshop sessions –
each exploring a different aspect of the rapidly emerging FuTRO
programme of innovation for the next 30 years. The event
concluded with a networking lunch, with many attendees staying
well into the afternoon to continue the discussions they had
started earlier in the day.
FuTRO supplier launch event
Plenary presentations
The day began with a set of plenary presentations, a full video
record of which is available on
The talks began with an introduction from James Hardy, Head of
Strategy Support at RSSB, who welcomed attendees, outlined
the agenda for the day, and then offered a brief introduction to
‘open innovation’, an important theme for the event.
Whilst there are many ways to interpret what ‘open innovation’
means to different people and groups, James confirmed that for
our purposes, we take the idea to mean simply: ‘Innovating with
partners, sharing both risk and reward’.
As a further subtext, there is an implication and an
encouragement to cast the innovation net wider than might
otherwise be the case, to include partners who might operate in
related fields, or indeed in apparently unrelated fields. Experience
has shown many positive examples of inspiration and innovation
originating from initially unlikely combinations of expertise.
James explained to delegates that the open innovation parts of
the events’ agenda were to be facilitated by innovation
consultants, 100%Open (, that the day’s
proceedings (including slides) would be captured and broadcast
to the web by social media experts, Amplified
( and Twitter #futroUK), and that a
resident artist would capture the spirit of the day in a mural. He
then introduced the first of the three plenary speakers who would
set the scene for the event.
Strategic context for
Steve Yianni, Chair of Technical Strategy
Leadership Group (TSLG)
Steve positioned FuTRO in its strategic context as part of the Rail
Technical Strategy 2012 (RTS). He reminded delegates of what
he had said at the launch of the RTS, that he considered FuTRO
to be the most important part of RTS, and confirmed that he still
believes that to be true.
Steve then showed delegates two short videos: Introducing the
Rail Technical Strategy 2012 (
Pages/On-Video.aspx) and Bringing the Rail Industry Vision to
Life ( He made the
point that it is important to understand FuTRO and the RTS as
being about the big picture; the whole system.
Steve finished by introducing the Rail Technical Strategy
Leadership Group (TSLG), and outlining its aims and programme.
He reminded delegates that it’s about the next 30 years, longer
than the current franchise lengths. He emphasised the huge
financial opportunities in both cost savings and potential revenue
increases, that could be unlocked by the doubling in capacity that
FuTRO offers.
He then handed over to Ed Rollings.
Vision of FuTRO Ed Rollings, Head of Signals and Telecoms,
Network Rail
Ed began by emphasising very clearly to delegates what FuTRO
is not. ‘It’s not today’s railway, and it’s not today’s technology’.
Instead, it’s an ambitious vision of an integrated system to fit more
trains onto the network by managing traffic optimally – meaning
both efficiently and safely. It’s also about sustainability
(‘environmentally positive’) and about delivering a flexible,
scalable capability.
Today’s technology is, in Ed’s words, a ‘jumping off point’ for the
future. Tomorrow’s technology will be about end-to-end journey
management, including integration with other modes of transport,
and will take in not only normal operations, but condition
monitoring and perturbation management. It’s about a
‘personalised journey experience’.
FuTRO supplier launch event
In Ed’s view, FuTRO’s challenges will include gathering data on
trains and infrastructure, the creation of real-time optimisation
algorithms, decision dissemination, designing for resilience, and
achieving the right balance between human influence and
Ed made a strong point that we are in a position to influence
European work on traffic management, by acting quickly. He then
introduced the final key note speaker of the morning, Clive
FuTRO in the longer
Clive Burrows, FirstGroup
Clive dug deeper into what FuTRO represents by working through
a detailed use-case, beginning with today’s Standalone Driver
Advisory System (DAS) that provides optimum speed
recommendations to optimise energy and efficiency, but not
capacity, and showing how it could migrate towards a fully
automatic system. He explained how Standalone DAS could be
developed to provide a Connected DAS capable of updating train
speeds in real time, and considering what he called an algorithmic
approach to train control and management. A critical issue, he
suggested, is to exchange waypoint data and target times – this
is the core part of any Rail Traffic Management System (RTMS)
he argued.
Clive gave a further example of optimisation, explaining that the
number of trains that can run on a line is limited by the
electrification capacity. However, by simply co-ordinating train
movement to avoid the unlikely and unnecessary scenario of all
trains accelerating maximally at the same time, more trains can
be run on the same line without increasing electrical capacity.
Safety critical migration will also be needed according to Clive.
Trains will need to determine where they are and this will need to
be reflected in the fixed infrastructure. ERTMS Level 3 is all about
trains determining their own positions. He sees a time in the future
when an automated system will give movement permissions, and
traffic management will be used to optimise gaps between trains.
Then, he made the point that we currently have ‘huge gaps’
between trains because they don’t get information from the train
in front. However, if trains shared information, the distance
between trains could be dramatically reduced, to the point where
they are almost running together.
Finally, Clive also suggested that there are things we can learn by
transferring technologies from other areas. He mentioned
learning from metro-type railways as an example. He summarised
by explaining that he is looking for ‘stepping stones into the
Question and answer
Steve Yianni, Ed Rollings, Clive Burrows
The plenary phase of the programme concluded with a short
panel session in which members of the audience were invited to
ask questions of the earlier speakers.
The first question was about whether rail customers (passengers
and freight) are represented on the TSLG. Steve Yianni confirmed
that there is representation from Passenger Focus, the
independent body who protect the interest of rail passengers.
A further question asked where the financial benefits of FuTRO
will be found. Steve confirmed that there is a clear business case
involving the financial benefits for the changes he talked about in
his presentation. He also said that FuTRO can help to implement
these efficiency changes and maintain high levels of safety. Ed
Rollings reminded the audience that a capacity increase can
deliver financial benefits, and that while there will be cost savings
there will also certainly be revenue generating opportunities.
Subsequent questions focussed on the relationship between the
optimisation of the rail system and the commercial arrangements,
both between rail companies and with other modes of transport.
The panel agreed that a lot more ‘joined-up thinking’ was needed
– a perfect lead into the next part of the agenda.
FuTRO supplier launch event
Open innovation breakouts
Having completed the plenary sessions, delegates were invited to
attend any two of four parallel breakout sessions. Each 30-minute
session was tasked with addressing a different challenge, each
challenge having three related sub-questions.
Attendees at each breakout were split at random into three
groups of about eight people; each group was tasked with
answering a single sub-question from that breakout’s particular
challenge. Delegates had to work together, producing their output
on cards that were later displayed on large posters for all
attendees to see over lunch, and whose main messages are
summarised here.
To try to address any of these challenges properly in just 30
minutes is clearly an impossibility. Instead, the intent was to allow
delegates to begin the process of engaging with FuTRO, to
explore the kinds of questions it will ask and answer, and to
experience for themselves how working together with others,
even for a short period, lends a new and different dimension to the
Open innovation
Breakouts were facilitated by members of the consultancy
100%Open, and were designed to offer delegates a brief taste of
the open innovation approach that is viewed by RSSB and others
as vital to the on-going success of FuTRO.
In this context, ‘open innovation’ means ‘working with partners to
share risk and reward’. It often involves interactions between
parties who might not have previously worked together or even
considered themselves as likely partners, and it consciously
introduces new and occasionally even naive thinking as a
complement to received wisdom and experience.
The thoughts, insights and questions that were generated by this
process have been synthesised and summarised at a high-level
in the final sections of this report. The intent is to give readers a
flavour of the nature of the informal discussions that delegates
held in response to the challenges we issued. Readers interested
in the full output of the breakout sessions can find a verbatim
transcript of all of the cards produced by delegates in Appendix 2
of this report.
For each challenge, we describe the sub-questions, summarise
what the delegates discussed and wrote down, and show an
example card. Although everything that was said is valued, not
every comment is included in these summaries. Instead, a
maximum of three or four observations and comments from the
breakout sessions have been selected. Comments have been
chosen based on a number of criteria, including:
 Whether they were expressed more than once by different
respondents (areas of agreement)
 Whether they stand in contrast to the general consensus
(areas of disagreement)
 Whether groups included them in their verbal summaries at
the end of each breakout session
 The extent to which we can be confident about what was
being said by delegates (we do not want to put words into
their mouths based on sometimes unclear written notes on
the cards)
 The extent to which (in our opinion) individual comments are
likely to generate future insight and interest in engaging with
the Open Innovation aspects of FuTRO.
FuTRO supplier launch event
Finally in each section, we share any additional comments on the
challenge based on wider thinking (reading and interviews) from
100%Open. In this way, we hope that the conversations which
began in these breakout sessions will represent not the canonical
final opinion of the group, but rather a fertile beginning of the
Open innovation programme on which the success of FuTRO
Challenge 1 - Meeting customer needs
This challenge was created to allow participants to explore the
dynamic two-way communication that will need to happen
between the railway industry and its customers (including
passengers and freight) over the coming decades. It was
composed of three inter-related questions, seeking answers from
different and overlapping angles.
The questions How will we understand the needs of passengers and freight
customers over the next 15-40 years?
In other words, if we’re attempting to understand how to design
new railway systems over that extended period, what tools and
approaches can we use today, to understand the set of
potentially nebulous and significantly changeable human
behaviours and desires over that extended period?
How will customers know what the railway is offering them,
both in advance and in real time?
While the previous question relates to how the railway might go
about understanding its customers’ needs, this question relates to
the reverse: how customers might understand what the railway is
offering. Importantly, this means not just in real time, for example,
‘When’s the next train to London?’, but also over time, for
example, ‘How good, these days, is the service from where I plan
to live to where I need to work?’.
How will the system design contribute to reducing passenger
stress and improving satisfaction?
This question recognises that customer satisfaction is not just
about performance metrics: what the railway actually does, but
also about emotional issues: how the railway does it. It asks how
customers could be made happiest, or least stressed, at any
given level of absolute performance?
Delegates’ answers A common observation across all three questions in this
challenge was that any solution should be multi-modal. By this,
delegates meant that it should incorporate all transport modes
(bus, taxi, car, bike, walking, and so on), rather than treating rail
as an island. In a similar vein, it was also observed that any
attempt to understand customers’ needs should also take non-
passengers (what one delegate called ‘not yet passengers’) into
The idea of a ‘Human SatNav’ or ‘Rail Angel’ was mentioned
several times across the sessions as a way to capture this multi-
modal aspect of future interaction with passengers. Several
delegates envisioned what it might be like to interact with this ‘all
knowing brain’ through multiple different channels. This notion
also embodies another recurring theme, that of interactions
between the industry and customers being personal and
personalised to each customer. At its most extreme, delegates
imagined a ‘pitch for the customer now’ model, in which
competing suppliers (of coffee as well as trains), might be able to
bid for customers’ immediate needs.
At least one group recognised the inherently linked and circular
nature of interactions between railway and customer, pointing out
that as the railway becomes more consumer-centric, so customer
expectations will themselves change. Another group recognised
FuTRO supplier launch event
that people are changing independently of the railway, including
in ways related to their mobility and the space requirements they
may have whilst on board.
Another group observed that passenger communications could
also be used as a form of traffic management, by making sure that
passengers were directed in ways that responded to real-time
Finally, a neat idea captured a way of re-inventing the relationship
between railway and passenger: ‘Buy the journey, not the ticket’,
recognises that for a passenger, it is the journey that matters.
Passengers should be guaranteed an arrival at their intended
destination. The ticket, a railway-centric view of the world, is
merely a means to an end.
Comment In only 30 minutes, delegates captured some of the most
important notions that this topic contains, and communicated
them compellingly. There are existing examples in other
industries of some of the characteristics identified by the groups
as desirable for rail: ‘personalisation’ being familiar from the best
e-commerce sites and ‘multimodal transport planning’ already
being offered at least by Google.
Delegates did tend to focus on trying to answer the questions
themselves, rather than thinking more broadly about who (outside
the room) might have a better answer. The question ‘How will we
understand customer needs?’, had delegates focussing on what
those needs might actually be, as opposed to the question of
where the tools and insights to gain such insights might come
from in a true open innovation context. Understanding human
needs, even long into the future, is a developed process in other
fields (such as marketing, retail and town-planning among many)
into which we could tap.
One way to analyse customer needs and communications could
be to divide them into three epochs:
 minutes and seconds - key questions related to real-time
needs, for example where a passenger needs to get to
today, and where the train which should have arrived on
platform 3 has got to
 days and weeks, - questions relate to longer-term but none-
the-less concrete needs
 months and years - interactions relate more to perceptions
about performance and overall customer expectations. This
sort of analysis is also familiar from many industries.
The question of passenger stress is a key one. It relates strongly
to the notion of ‘experience design’, a practice that is very well
understood in other industries including retail, hospitality (hotels
and restaurants), and entertainment (shows, museums and
theme parks). Even in healthcare, the best hospitals are coming
to regard themselves as offering a human experience in addition
to medical healthcare. There are many opportunities to learn from
these fields, if we are able to gain access to them.
Challenge 2 - Optimising system performance
This challenge lies at the heart of FuTRO, and asks how, even if
everything else is in place, will we optimise the performance of the
network? In this context, ‘how’ means both ‘in what ways’ and ‘by
what mechanism’.
The questions What are the criteria of system performance that will be
This question acknowledges the implicit assumption that we all
know what we’re talking about, and asks ‘are we sure?’
How will we develop tools, algorithms, cost functions,
timetables, and so on?
This is another ‘how’ question, asking not just what the
algorithms, cost functions, and other things might actually be, but
also how they will come to be.
What are the technical and commercial constraints on
performance? What are the alternatives?
This question suggests that there might be things in the existing
system, possibly hard to change, that will restrict our ambition,
and asks: ‘what are they?’.
Delegates’ answers Again, there was a strong sense of wanting to deal with a multi-
modal system, not just rail. There was recognition that for
practical purposes, the performance of the rail system in isolation
is not as important as customers’ experience of the performance
of the system, which necessarily includes the surrounding modes
FuTRO supplier launch event
of transport. This came out strongly in a couple of places, with
delegates asking the rhetorical question ‘where are the
boundaries of the system?’
Everyone recognised and acknowledged that in this context,
optimisation is inherently about trade-offs. However, the expected
trade-offs, for example between carbon and convenience, are
hard. More importantly, delegates repeatedly asked the
questions, ‘who will make these trade-off decisions?’, and to a
lesser extent, ‘over what timeframe will they be made?’ In the
context of trade-offs, one group or individual asserted very
strongly (whether rightly or wrongly) that ‘if you maximise
capacity, you compromise safety.’
In the context of what is important, there was general
acknowledgement that the metrics of speed and punctuality, or
predictability, are distinct and different. The possibility was raised
that punctuality might be a more important metric for customers
than speed, and that it might be preferred in a trade-off between
the two.
When thinking about developing tools, algorithms, and other
intellectual machinery for optimising the performance of the
network, there was a recognition that collaborative approaches
and business models, for example with other transport modes,
would be important. There was also acknowledgement that
involvement and input from outside the industry would be helpful.
Regarding the ultimate constraints on performance, most groups
focussed on the business structures, models and culture that are
in place today, and identified factors such as the lack of incentive
to share information, and the short tenure of some contracts, as
limits on optimisation. One group characterised the current
business structures as adversarial, and suggested that a
collaborative approach was needed instead. Another group
suggested that fragmentation should be turned into customer
choice with technology, although it is not clear what was meant in
more detail.
The only clear technical restriction that was raised related to
gauge: the restriction on the size of trains that is inherent in the
fixed infrastructure of tracks, bridges and platforms. Mention was
also made of the challenge and tension between a radical vision,
versus the step-by-step process that is needed to roll it out.
Comment Of the three questions in this challenge, it was the one on
constraints and limits to performance that attracted the strongest
response. Given the political, organisational and business issues
that were identified, it would be useful to think both about how
these issues could be worked around, or even taken advantage
of, as well as how and in what ways they might be changed over
There was relatively little weight given by delegates to the
possible involvement of customers in determining the key
performance criteria, and some further wider engagement with
passenger and freight customers could potentially yield some
useful input in this area.
In general, optimisation is a widely-practiced process, with
expertise being available in related industries, for example
logistics and shipping, as well as in apparently unrelated
industries such as manufacturing. It is even possible that
inspiration might be drawn from much more widely distinct
domains, including biology and economics where, in both cases,
highly efficient and optimised systems sometimes emerge without
either central control or design. There is a lot of scope for open
innovation in sharing practises in this area.
FuTRO supplier launch event
Challenge 3 - Human and automatic control
The exponential growth in the power of digital technology is a
familiar facet of today’s world. This ever-advancing technology
invites the possibility of ever-increasing automation. But is it a
given that everything that could be automated should be
automated? This challenge asked delegates to consider that
issue, by responding to three related and overlapping questions.
The questions Which things should be controlled automatically, which by
humans, and which in combination?
This question starts with the presumption that perhaps not
everything should be automatic, and then asks ‘if that is the case,
who should do what?’ Delegates were invited to consider
objectively which things computers are good at, and in what areas
humans still hold the edge. They also considered subjectively
which things might feel right for computers to handle and which
are more comfortable left to humans.
How can technology be used to support human decision-
This question starts with the presumption that one possible
division of labour is to leave humans to make the decisions, with
technology providing the support. It asks, ‘what support could
technology offer?’.
What tools and interfaces will be needed between humans
and technology?
Once again, if humans and technology are to collaborate, how will
they communicate?
Delegates’ answers There was widespread consensus that a clear distinction between
automatic and manual control relates to the frequency and
repetitiveness of the task at hand. Computers, it was suggested,
are good at repetitive, predictable, planned things. Humans, on
the other hand, are best when events are rare, unpredictable or
completely unplanned. One delegate suggested that keeping
humans in the loop would be a vital way to deal with the ‘once
every ten years’ occurrences that, counter-intuitively perhaps,
seem all too common. In a related observation, one group found
that humans are better at making trade-offs and other soft
Another dimension contrasted customer experience, felt to be
better left to humans, against operations, felt to be more suitable
for automation. People, it was suggested, like to have human
contact, and like to believe that humans are in control, especially
in a crisis.
When it comes to technology supporting human decision making,
there was a sense that computers should provide a range of
options from amongst which a human might make a choice. More
than one group identified the challenge associated with
integrating (over time) different decision support systems.
In considering the ways humans and technology might interact,
delegates made use of analogies including the growth in remotely
piloted drone aircraft. They identified that remote control of trains
for example, offers a third-way between fully manual and fully
automatic operation. They also recognised that humans have at
least five senses, all of which can be used to communicate
information of appropriate sorts between technology and humans.
Finally, it was observed that the change to ever-more automated
systems should itself be managed as a journey, allowing all
involved to become familiar and comfortable at each stage of
progress, before the next is attempted.
FuTRO supplier launch event
Comment A significant proportion of the entire history of computing relates
to how humans can make use of computers to amplify their
brains, from the very earliest code-breaking computers during
WWII to the artificial intelligence systems of the present day.
Questions about where the relative strengths of humans and
technology lie have been considered for many years. Although
technology advances continually and rapidly, humans change
only slowly, allowing relatively long-lived principles to emerge.
There is therefore a rich and diverse set of disciplines outside the
rail industry, including decision-support systems, computer-
supported co-operative working, the social sciences and others,
that could inform this area as part of an open innovation
approach. Users of such technology are equally as diverse,
including everyone who has ever used a spreadsheet, every
commercial or military aircraft pilot, military planners, economists,
and many others. Indeed, it has been observed in the aviation
industry for example, that for many years, things that are
inherently dangerous such as landing in fog, have been routinely
left to technology.
The existence of this expertise makes the area of automation a
key domain that the rail industry could avoid duplicating. Instead
the industry could seek ways to benefit from and ultimately to
contribute to the significant investment in expertise made in these
other sectors.
Challenge 4 - Dealing with data
This final challenge deals with perhaps the most fundamental
starting place for FuTRO’s ambition, that of knowing what’s going
on. It is frequently observed that ‘you can’t manage what you can’t
measure’; the questions in this challenge sought to explore and
inform some details of what it might take to measure the many
things, knowledge of which will be valuable or essential to
FuTRO’s vision.
The questions How is data to be sensed, collected, communicated,
processed, stored and displayed?
This question seeks to inform the basic challenges as described.
It presumes the future vision of a widespread, pervasive sensing
network, together with means to communicate and make sense of
all the data so collected, and asks simply, ‘How?’
How are the vulnerabilities and threats to integrity and
security to be addressed?
This question raises two of the most common concerns relating to
any sort of distributed system. It invites comment both on what the
vulnerabilities and threats might be, and how the designers and
operators of the future railway might respond to such concerns.
What standards are relevant and how are they to be
If we are imagining a future state in which the open exchange of
information plays a key part, and the presumption is that we are,
then we must consider the role of standardisation in how data is
exchanged, stored, and so on.
Delegates’ answers In considering how data might be collected and processed,
delegates recognised a number of important issues. These
included that the overall picture is likely to be composed of data
coming from disparate sources, meaning that a premium should
be placed on cross-industry collaboration. Equally, such data
sources may overlap, requiring integration. Another group
identified that overlapping (duplicate) data represents a valuable
way to measure and ensure the integrity and security of the
FuTRO supplier launch event
Not all data needs to be directly and primarily sensed by the
railway. One group highlighted the use of information from mobile
phone networks as an implicit source of information about what is
happening on the railway, as well as commenting that mobile
phones themselves are full of sensors.
It was also observed that the ownership of data is a key issue, and
that there is an additional question about which data should be
made open, and which restricted.
Echoing a common theme across challenges, it was recognised
that what it means for data to have integrity and security is not
clearly defined. Importantly, in this context, it was suggested that
this means that such definitions may change over time, implying
that any technology infrastructure should be designed with such
possible change in mind.
In further considering how threats to integrity and security might
be addressed, one group asked the question, ‘how would the
industry respond if such a compromise occurred?’. This carried
the implication that planning in advance for such an undesirable
but perhaps inevitable eventually would be a ‘good idea’.
It was suggested that standards for data should be derived from
outside the rail industry, perhaps from the financial or military
domains, allowing data interchange and the sharing of
technology. Echoing an earlier point, it was further suggested that
standards should be designed to change as customer
expectations and technology changes. Finally, one group
suggested that standards should include moral standards relating
to data sharing.
Comment This is an area that is full of possibilities, and where there is very
significant work in other sectors. Technology for distributed
sensor networks is being developed in many industries including
logistics, farming, manufacturing, automotive, aviation, energy,
housing and anywhere, in fact, where valuable assets are
distributed around the environment. This technology, and the
techniques that accompany it, are often included under the
increasingly common cross-industry banner of the Internet of
Delegates identified the possibility of data coming from
unexpected sources, and this thought could be pursued further.
Mobile phone data from the network and from the phone itself is
a potentially very rich source. Nearly every passenger on every
train is carrying a device that contains six or more sensors
(location, acceleration, sound, light, and so on), and the means to
communicate sensor measurements. More generally, in our
connected world, measurements of many things can be used to
indirectly infer information about many others, creating yet more
opportunities for open innovation.
The collection of a rich picture of what is going on is itself also a
great opportunity for openness. By aggressively pursuing a
presumption of data sharing, the industry could catalyse
innovation from the many enthusiastic third parties (app writers,
for example) who fill gaps and provide services wherever data is
made available. This has already happened with aviation data,
and on the London Underground, and represents a further
potentially valuable resource for FuTRO and the future railway in
FuTRO supplier launch event
Conclusion - The day in a picture
Delegates came to the FuTRO launch day to hear about FuTRO,
to meet each other, and to experience a little of the open
innovation approach that will be part of delivering the whole story.
Once the breakout sessions were complete, delegates gathered
again briefly for a feedback session, followed by a networking
lunch. Many delegates stayed on to talk and to debate further.
Throughout the day, 100%Open’s lead designer had been on
hand to act to act as resident artist. He captured the spirit of the
day in a large mural drawn on the window of the main conference
room at the British Library. The full image can be seen at
With the day behind us, we can begin the process of
understanding what delegates said and asked. We can also
summarise the four key open innovation themes that emerged,
and give them names:
Monitor How will we know what’s happening on the rail system, both in
real time and over time? What can we either measure directly, or
infer from other sources?
Involve How will we engage and interact with customers, understanding
what they need, telling them what’s available, and including them
as one of our sources of innovation?
Optimise How will we introduce new ways to decide what should happen on
the rail system, again in real time and over time? Who will control
what: man or machine?
Guide How will the railway industry, its customs, procedures, regulations
and culture need to evolve to both support and allow the full
FuTRO vision to emerge?
We propose these four open innovation themes (Monitor, Involve,
Optimise and Guide) as the core of FuTRO's engagement
strategy. We are developing each one into a detailed innovation
pathway, leading to a concrete vision for the year 2042. We hope
that many different innovators will now join this journey; their
contributions being both coordinated and connected by our open
innovation themes.
FuTRO supplier launch event
Appendix 1 - Background reading
 Readers who are less familiar with the rail industry may be
interested in the following documents that contain more
detailed information on many of the topics covered in this
report. All are available by searching the web for report title,
or directly accessing the website concerned.
 THE FUTURE RAILWAY – The industry’s Rail Technical
Strategy 2012, TSLG
 Enabling innovation in the rail industry, RSSB
 Enabling technical innovation in the GB rail industry –
barriers and solutions, prepared for RSSB by Arthur D Little
 Our Railway’s Future, Network Rail
 National Passenger Survey (bi-annual report), Passenger
Appendix 2 - Verbatim breakout cards
What follows is a verbatim transcription of the cards generated in
the various breakout sessions of the FuTRO launch event. Each
bullet point records the content of a single card. A very few
changes have been made for clarity, when this would be lost
through the transcription process. An equally small number of
hard-to-read words have been marked as [sic], or in severe cases
omitted from the transcript as unreadable.
Challenge 1: Meeting
customer needs
Q1. How will we understand the needs of
passengers and freight customers over the next
15-40 years?
 Research into future travel patterns and all the factors that
will influence them. Psychology. Working Practices.
 Information architect. Looking broadly, political, economic,
social, technological & organisational factors. Chunk up
future projections 15 years, then 30 years, 40 years.
Different levels of certainty. Need to talk to those groups as
much as possible, identifying themes. Market research.
 Research all existing available relevant data
(demographics, wider economy…) and make it available to
rail. Remember: think about ‘not yet’ customers, not those
who use rail today; system needs to be flexible to respond
to future unforeseen needs; the act of making the railway
more consumer-centric will itself generate new needs.
 MyNeeds. Political, society, demographic, economic,
technological, geographical, landscape. Crowd-sourced
 (1) Create a multi-modal learning system and use intelligent
information for train planning (flexible, meet demand). Total
learning system.
Q2. How will customers know what the railway is
offering them, both in advance and in real time?
 Personal info/learning from usage – direct to passenger and
intermodal. The ‘system’ will know you!
 MyJourney. Real time. Single trustworthy source of info. To
the right person in the right format. Mobile. For my journey.
 Massively interactive human satnav. Google intermodal
transport apps. One universal system, baseline – add on
FuTRO supplier launch event
service menu/needs. Interactive, real-time, human, sat-nav.
Rail, road, foot, tube, stations, offers, TM system, informs of
new route.
 Central brain (which manages scheduling on trains)
directing passengers depending on capacity / disruptions
etc. This would include data push (PIDD), apps for journey
planning (personalised schedule), delivery of schedules in
 How information is offered is not the issue – any available
channel. Research to develop and keep up-to-date what
customers WANT to know. [Nature and quality of
Q3. How will the system design contribute to
reducing passenger stress and improving
 Buy the journey, not the ticket. Consistency of journey
service. Confidence/trust.
 Deliver pertinent, consistent, personalised journey
information in a timely manner – live. And tell me what to do
next. U-Rail.
 Sat Nav Rail Angel: (1) Real-time intelligence of space/
capacity. (2) Have satnav that allows you to set the criteria
and advises you on the costs. (3) Tells you where you are.
 Human needs focus. Time, punctuality, energy, Quality of
service. Customer-centred algorithms for success / perfect
system, not just simple assumptions of e.g. punctuality.
Advanced info system to customers. Transparency / making
data available. Standardised info at stations, individualised
 Customer-centric studies to understand stress-drivers.
Customer needs and information provision taken on board
in designing system to offer simple, reliable, consistent,
predictable and regular services. Inter-modal. Loosely
federated systems.
 Real-time system behaviour at a point in time. Pitch for the
customer now! Live availability, live privileges. Sci-fi
thinking – future possibilities. Passengers needs haven’t
changed over 50 years. Fatter, heavier, less mobile people.
Listen to social media. Visibility of problems, infrastructure.
Poll them, ask them. End-to-end journeys. Carborail [sic?]
Premium price / journey time / comfort.
Challenge 2:
Optimising system
Q1. What are the criteria of system performance
that will be important?
 Reliability and consistency. Measures of certainty. Flow.
Multi-modal models. Resilience of whole network. De-
centralised. Real-time information. Reacts to customer
demand short-term and long-term and socio-economic.
 Trains on time. Safety & Capacity & Sustainability & Costs.
 Cost, Carbon, Capacity, Customer Experience! + Reliability
+ Integration performance with the rest of transport +
Flexibility for different needs.
 System is whole transport system, not the railway.
 Outcome-based criteria – demand led by customers and
business models. Flexibility to deliver all needs.
 How do we define the boundaries of the system?
 Trade-off between performance and environment and
capacity. These three criteria are potentially mutually
 Encourage modal transfer to rail. No timetable – real time
adaptive service levels. Learning systems. Criteria: open
information availability; Capacity where and when it is
needed (turn up and go); Safety; Optimising customer
expectations, certainly of knowing what is happening. Who
is the customer?
 A measure of performance = could the customer use the
information provided to them to complete their planned
 We need a portfolio of measures that represent the interests
of stakeholders. Eg reliability of trains and infrastructure.
Timely and accurate information.
 How to evaluate extremes (is 2x5 = 1x10?). How to trade
among the 4 c’s. How to customer experience vs CO2.
Economic or political business case. Relative safe
following. Track plates for safety. Hierarchy. Plan to deliver
bottom up.
 Criteria of system performance: time (of journey); cost
(value for money); quality/reliability; safety; sustainability.
All of these from a customer’s perspective.
FuTRO supplier launch event
Q2. How will we develop tools, algorithms, cost
functions, timetables, and so on?
 Develop all tools etc based on a demand-led framework –
transport and mobility needs.
 Collaboratively – business models; data-sharing; with eg.
taxi operators.
 University research. Better industry and academia
engagement. Look at other sectors / different industries.
(Catapult, RRUKA)
Q3. What are the technical and commercial
constraints on performance? What are the
 If you maximise capacity you compromise safety. An
algorithm based on traffic (freight / high-speed), type,
speed, braking coefficients – all data is not created equally.
The COST of real-time. Technology, model, sensing,
computer capacity, model availability, trade-off to vohe [sic].
What are the incentives for sharing data with stakeholders
(eg TOCs with NR)? Mobile operators. Contract
DURATION, revenue model. How to scale and generate
revenue. Barriers to entry – IP. Rail network infrastructure is
a constraint. Mobile phones are optimised for road not rail.
 Turn fragmentation into customer choice with technology.
Eg data sharing.
 Risk & reward re-thinking. No whole system approach yet.
 Money flow? Change of culture / industry structure.
 Cyber security.
 Gauge/track constraints. Is a different traffic-management
approach sufficient to meet capacity needs? There is a
duplication of investment in different parts of industry
seeking the same prize? Conflict with objective to cut costs.
Reduced risk and hassle of comechans [sic]. Optimised for
WHO? Link from social media to optimisation?
 Structure of industry. Need collaborative structure. Current
structure is adversarial.
 Optimum criteria. Short vs long-term. Local vs system.
 Tension between radical vision and step-by-step art of the
currently possible.
 Start from benchmark problems. Open access simulations.
Apply existing algorithms to benchmark problems to
understand which algorithms good/bad for which problems.
 4C’s (Customer / Carbon / Cost / Capacity). Vision/strategy/
tactics. Trade-off between simplicity/support in real-time.
The focus could change during the day even. Optimising by
what criteria? In what timeframe? Long-term or minute-by-
Challenge 3: Human
and automatic
Q1. Which things should be controlled
automatically, which by humans, and which in
 Trade-offs good for humans. All things can be run by
computer. No procedure – human good. People good at
interactivity. Subjectivity vs objectivity. Human touch – say,
illness. Computers are dumb. Random events better for
<unreadable>. Tsunami Japanese nuclear.
 From customer experience perspective more human
control/responsive -> demand responsive railway.
Operations -> less human, more automation.
 Automate back-office systems. Automate what is
predictable/reliable. Maintain human for unplanned, major
 Under normal conditions computers can do nearly
everything they are programmed [to do]. Under extreme
conditions (humans). Humans can look at trade-offs and
compromises. Under full automation procedure can be used
to mitigate risk. Computers not good at interacting with
people (human touch).
 People like to have human contact even tough can be
automated must have both for consumer facing services. If
automate everything what is the impact to the economy –
leisure time for all…
 Automatic control – repeatable and predictable. Decision
support to humans. Things that only happen every ten years
plus and need a level of intelligence that only humans can
FuTRO supplier launch event
Q2. How can technology be used to support
human decision-making?
 Two main focus areas: drivers; signalling; (maintenance).
Distinguish between managing errors versus violations.
Technology/automated systems for normal and predictable.
Human interaction when needed. Culture – manage change
[to automated systems] gradually.
 Technology should offer a range of options to the human.
 Need to provide training for normal operation and failure
 Which humans? Train operators, customers/passengers,
maintainers, infrastructure operators. Reducing the human
reliance? –only in emergencies. –automate to reduce
 Its about integrating the different decision support systems
– engineering, commercial and operational. Also there is a
risk of automating everything! Hudson River air incident.
Q3. What tools and interfaces will be needed
between humans and technology?
 User interface technology – voice? Touch? Head up
display? Passenger demand? Can this be more direct, eg.
ultra prt at Heathrow T5 or voting mechanism. Unenclosed
railway = no driver? Or do detection systems mean no driver
required? Remote supervision eg. drones, control centre.
 How to provide passengers directly with an interface with
the traffic management system – Passengers can make/
influence decisions.
 Simple and intuitive ways of communicating to passengers
to actively manage capacity.
 Transparency or operating decisions such as connections.
How can passengers have confidence about decisions
made to help them that don’t know have been made?
 Centralised control strategy from the start. Adaptive,
resilient, automation. ‘ENE’ following control.
Rationalisation of ‘pertinent timely data’. Ref Dutch
healthcare R&D: tactile sensory input. Move away from
response to alarms as poor decisions!
 Remote supervision -> Air Drone.
 Inform operator of outcomes.
 How do we integrate different decision-making [support?]
Challenge 4: Dealing
with data
Q1. How is data to be sensed, collected,
communicated, processed, stored and displayed?
 Integrate data to create information. Harmonise disparate
 Instrumentation and sensing. Instrument as much as you
can. Survey inc passenger and goods instrumentation.
Social networks. Mobile signals. Etc.
 Communicate: right frequency – real time; near real time;
signal vs noise. Multichannel to GSM-R. GSM using
commercial services. Enterprise service = treat as a stream
of data. Pushed out or personalised.
 Underpinning the question is the need for effective data
management / ownership. Who should be responsible for
what data? Setting of policies, understanding of costs &
benefits, ensuring collaboration.
 Security and safety. Only ensure the right people can
access the right data from source.
 Open IT architecture. Standard interfaces. Open-source
software. Formal methods.
Q2. How are the vulnerabilities and threats to
integrity and security to be addressed?
 Quality of data – cross correlation; sensor health; critical;
embedded intelligence.
 Integrity and security are NOT defined. Indeed the definition
will change according to the mechanism (sensor) being
 Categories: Train separation; train position; timetable;
passenger origin / destination; infrastructures.
 Dataflows. Bandwidth. Continuity. Data fidelity. Delay/
 How would the railway system respond when data security
is compromised? Shut down? Back up system? Plan B?
 Is the data correct and timely? Measure the right thing.
 What data to make open / keep within industry.
 Process for FuTRO to follow: (1) Categorise data in/used by
the system; (2) Understand the threats/vulnerabilities
associated with the different types of data; (3) What are the
consequences of data being compromised? (4) What are
the safeguards/mitigations (look outside the rail industry);
(5) Need for on-going learning / keep abreast of emerging
FuTRO supplier launch event
Q3. What standards are relevant and how are they
to be managed?
 Organisational and governance structures to enable
standards to adapt to changing technologies and customer
 Leveraging standard from financial and military for
timeliness and integrity of data. (as well as other transport
 Moral standards on acceptable use of private and customer
 Balance with accessibility for valuable purposes.
 Start with whole system view of whole lifecycle. Manage it
just as a physical, valuable asset.
 Intrusion detection and cyber security becoming essential.
Defend against malicious DISTRUPTION attempt. Defence
against UNSAFE is a given.
 Common standard and protocols with other industries so as
to share toolsets and data/information.
Block 2 Angel Square
1 Torrens Street

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Report of Futro supplier launch event

  • 1. Report on FuTRO supplier launch event 1st May 2013
  • 2.
  • 3. Table of Contents Report on FuTRO supplier launch event – 1st May 2013 ...............1 FuTRO supplier launch event ................................................................ 1 Executive summary..................................................................................................1 What is FuTRO? ......................................................................................................2 What was the FuTRO launch event? .......................................................................2 Plenary presentations ........................................................................4 Strategic context for FuTRO ....................................................................................5 Vision of FuTRO.......................................................................................................5 FuTRO in the longer term ........................................................................................6 Question and answer panel .....................................................................................7 Open innovation breakouts ...............................................................8 Open innovation approach .......................................................................................9 Challenge 1 - Meeting customer needs ..........................................10 Challenge 2 - Optimising system performance .............................13 Challenge 3 - Human and automatic control .................................16 Challenge 4 - Dealing with data ......................................................18 Conclusion - The day in a picture ...................................................22 Appendix 1 - Background reading ..................................................24 Appendix 2 - Verbatim breakout cards ...........................................25
  • 4.
  • 5. RSSB 1 Report on FuTRO supplier launch event – 1st May 2013 FuTRO supplier launch event Executive summary On the 1st May 2013, the FuTRO vision of the future of traffic regulation on the railway was launched by the RSSB at the British Library in London. Over 100 delegates from the supply industry came to hear about FuTRO and to take part together in a series of 30-minute workshops. The aim was to begin the process of engaging a wider population with the often radical innovation that FuTRO will demand, and to ask where, beyond its traditional boundaries, the industry might look for such innovation and technology development. Delegates heard three keynote addresses (summarised here), and then considered a series of questions designed to open up the innovation space. The questions and a selection of the most significant responses they generated are outlined in the second half of this report, which captures some strong alignment around a number of themes. The event was also amplified live over the web and other social media, creating a web-based record that can be found at Presentations, videos, tweets, and other material from the event are all available on the site.
  • 6. FuTRO supplier launch event 2 RSSB What is FuTRO? Understanding and managing the placement and movement of trains is fundamental to the operation of a safe and efficient railway. The industry calls this process ‘regulation’. FuTRO: Future Traffic Regulation Optimisation, is an ambitious programme of exploration and innovation, that is part of the UK’s Rail Technical Strategy 2012 (the RTS). FuTRO is concerned with how the regulation of trains on the railway must change, adapt and improve, starting today, and up to 30 years into the future. At the launch of the RTS in December 2012, Steve Yianni, Chair of the Technical Strategy Leadership Group (TSLG), described FuTRO as the ‘single most important initiative’ related to enabling the future railway. It impacts all of the so-called ‘4Cs’, significantly reducing Carbon and Cost, whilst simultaneously raising Capacity and Customer satisfaction. The scope of FuTRO is therefore very wide, and includes many of the different aspects and systems involved in creating and delivering a positive end-to-end experience on the network. The innovation to deliver this vision is expected to come from an equally wide range of sources, including the physical and biological sciences, all types of engineering, system design, and the human/social sciences. Inspiration from outside the traditional rail supply industry is seen as key to FuTRO’s success. Insights and technology from related and unrelated fields are therefore being actively sought. What was the FuTRO launch event? On 1st May 2013, a major industry event was held at the British Library in London. Delegates were invited mainly from the supply industry and academia, but there were also representatives from inside the rail industry. The result was a vibrant mix of attendees that included representatives from the Train Operating Companies (TOCs), Network Rail (NR), suppliers of products and services to the industry, research and development organisations and academia. The specialisms represented included optimisation, train control, algorithm development, centralised network control and intelligent automated traffic management systems. With a mixture of presentations from senior rail industry people and interactive workshops, the day explored the aims of the FuTRO programme, its challenges, the industry context, issues
  • 7. RSSB 3 surrounding the migration path over thirty years, and future funding opportunities. The event began with a plenary overview of FuTRO for those unfamiliar with its aims and ambitions. Presentations from senior rail industry managers helped to set the scene, and to raise expectations. Delegates then had the opportunity to get involved in the discussions through a series of four workshop sessions – each exploring a different aspect of the rapidly emerging FuTRO programme of innovation for the next 30 years. The event concluded with a networking lunch, with many attendees staying well into the afternoon to continue the discussions they had started earlier in the day.
  • 8. FuTRO supplier launch event 4 RSSB Plenary presentations The day began with a set of plenary presentations, a full video record of which is available on livestream-of-the-plenary-sessions/. The talks began with an introduction from James Hardy, Head of Strategy Support at RSSB, who welcomed attendees, outlined the agenda for the day, and then offered a brief introduction to ‘open innovation’, an important theme for the event. Whilst there are many ways to interpret what ‘open innovation’ means to different people and groups, James confirmed that for our purposes, we take the idea to mean simply: ‘Innovating with partners, sharing both risk and reward’. As a further subtext, there is an implication and an encouragement to cast the innovation net wider than might otherwise be the case, to include partners who might operate in related fields, or indeed in apparently unrelated fields. Experience has shown many positive examples of inspiration and innovation originating from initially unlikely combinations of expertise. James explained to delegates that the open innovation parts of the events’ agenda were to be facilitated by innovation consultants, 100%Open (, that the day’s proceedings (including slides) would be captured and broadcast to the web by social media experts, Amplified ( and Twitter #futroUK), and that a resident artist would capture the spirit of the day in a mural. He then introduced the first of the three plenary speakers who would set the scene for the event.
  • 9. RSSB 5 Strategic context for FuTRO Steve Yianni, Chair of Technical Strategy Leadership Group (TSLG) Steve positioned FuTRO in its strategic context as part of the Rail Technical Strategy 2012 (RTS). He reminded delegates of what he had said at the launch of the RTS, that he considered FuTRO to be the most important part of RTS, and confirmed that he still believes that to be true. Steve then showed delegates two short videos: Introducing the Rail Technical Strategy 2012 ( Pages/On-Video.aspx) and Bringing the Rail Industry Vision to Life ( He made the point that it is important to understand FuTRO and the RTS as being about the big picture; the whole system. Steve finished by introducing the Rail Technical Strategy Leadership Group (TSLG), and outlining its aims and programme. He reminded delegates that it’s about the next 30 years, longer than the current franchise lengths. He emphasised the huge financial opportunities in both cost savings and potential revenue increases, that could be unlocked by the doubling in capacity that FuTRO offers. He then handed over to Ed Rollings. Vision of FuTRO Ed Rollings, Head of Signals and Telecoms, Network Rail Ed began by emphasising very clearly to delegates what FuTRO is not. ‘It’s not today’s railway, and it’s not today’s technology’. Instead, it’s an ambitious vision of an integrated system to fit more trains onto the network by managing traffic optimally – meaning both efficiently and safely. It’s also about sustainability (‘environmentally positive’) and about delivering a flexible, scalable capability. Today’s technology is, in Ed’s words, a ‘jumping off point’ for the future. Tomorrow’s technology will be about end-to-end journey management, including integration with other modes of transport, and will take in not only normal operations, but condition monitoring and perturbation management. It’s about a ‘personalised journey experience’.
  • 10. FuTRO supplier launch event 6 RSSB In Ed’s view, FuTRO’s challenges will include gathering data on trains and infrastructure, the creation of real-time optimisation algorithms, decision dissemination, designing for resilience, and achieving the right balance between human influence and automation. Ed made a strong point that we are in a position to influence European work on traffic management, by acting quickly. He then introduced the final key note speaker of the morning, Clive Burrows. FuTRO in the longer term Clive Burrows, FirstGroup Clive dug deeper into what FuTRO represents by working through a detailed use-case, beginning with today’s Standalone Driver Advisory System (DAS) that provides optimum speed recommendations to optimise energy and efficiency, but not capacity, and showing how it could migrate towards a fully automatic system. He explained how Standalone DAS could be developed to provide a Connected DAS capable of updating train speeds in real time, and considering what he called an algorithmic approach to train control and management. A critical issue, he suggested, is to exchange waypoint data and target times – this is the core part of any Rail Traffic Management System (RTMS) he argued. Clive gave a further example of optimisation, explaining that the number of trains that can run on a line is limited by the electrification capacity. However, by simply co-ordinating train movement to avoid the unlikely and unnecessary scenario of all trains accelerating maximally at the same time, more trains can be run on the same line without increasing electrical capacity. Safety critical migration will also be needed according to Clive. Trains will need to determine where they are and this will need to be reflected in the fixed infrastructure. ERTMS Level 3 is all about trains determining their own positions. He sees a time in the future when an automated system will give movement permissions, and traffic management will be used to optimise gaps between trains. Then, he made the point that we currently have ‘huge gaps’ between trains because they don’t get information from the train in front. However, if trains shared information, the distance
  • 11. RSSB 7 between trains could be dramatically reduced, to the point where they are almost running together. Finally, Clive also suggested that there are things we can learn by transferring technologies from other areas. He mentioned learning from metro-type railways as an example. He summarised by explaining that he is looking for ‘stepping stones into the future’. Question and answer panel Steve Yianni, Ed Rollings, Clive Burrows The plenary phase of the programme concluded with a short panel session in which members of the audience were invited to ask questions of the earlier speakers. The first question was about whether rail customers (passengers and freight) are represented on the TSLG. Steve Yianni confirmed that there is representation from Passenger Focus, the independent body who protect the interest of rail passengers. A further question asked where the financial benefits of FuTRO will be found. Steve confirmed that there is a clear business case involving the financial benefits for the changes he talked about in his presentation. He also said that FuTRO can help to implement these efficiency changes and maintain high levels of safety. Ed Rollings reminded the audience that a capacity increase can deliver financial benefits, and that while there will be cost savings there will also certainly be revenue generating opportunities. Subsequent questions focussed on the relationship between the optimisation of the rail system and the commercial arrangements, both between rail companies and with other modes of transport. The panel agreed that a lot more ‘joined-up thinking’ was needed – a perfect lead into the next part of the agenda.
  • 12. FuTRO supplier launch event 8 RSSB Open innovation breakouts Having completed the plenary sessions, delegates were invited to attend any two of four parallel breakout sessions. Each 30-minute session was tasked with addressing a different challenge, each challenge having three related sub-questions. Attendees at each breakout were split at random into three groups of about eight people; each group was tasked with answering a single sub-question from that breakout’s particular challenge. Delegates had to work together, producing their output on cards that were later displayed on large posters for all attendees to see over lunch, and whose main messages are summarised here. To try to address any of these challenges properly in just 30 minutes is clearly an impossibility. Instead, the intent was to allow delegates to begin the process of engaging with FuTRO, to explore the kinds of questions it will ask and answer, and to experience for themselves how working together with others, even for a short period, lends a new and different dimension to the process.
  • 13. RSSB 9 Open innovation approach Breakouts were facilitated by members of the consultancy 100%Open, and were designed to offer delegates a brief taste of the open innovation approach that is viewed by RSSB and others as vital to the on-going success of FuTRO. In this context, ‘open innovation’ means ‘working with partners to share risk and reward’. It often involves interactions between parties who might not have previously worked together or even considered themselves as likely partners, and it consciously introduces new and occasionally even naive thinking as a complement to received wisdom and experience. The thoughts, insights and questions that were generated by this process have been synthesised and summarised at a high-level in the final sections of this report. The intent is to give readers a flavour of the nature of the informal discussions that delegates held in response to the challenges we issued. Readers interested in the full output of the breakout sessions can find a verbatim transcript of all of the cards produced by delegates in Appendix 2 of this report. For each challenge, we describe the sub-questions, summarise what the delegates discussed and wrote down, and show an example card. Although everything that was said is valued, not every comment is included in these summaries. Instead, a maximum of three or four observations and comments from the breakout sessions have been selected. Comments have been chosen based on a number of criteria, including:  Whether they were expressed more than once by different respondents (areas of agreement)  Whether they stand in contrast to the general consensus (areas of disagreement)  Whether groups included them in their verbal summaries at the end of each breakout session  The extent to which we can be confident about what was being said by delegates (we do not want to put words into their mouths based on sometimes unclear written notes on the cards)  The extent to which (in our opinion) individual comments are likely to generate future insight and interest in engaging with the Open Innovation aspects of FuTRO.
  • 14. FuTRO supplier launch event 10 RSSB Finally in each section, we share any additional comments on the challenge based on wider thinking (reading and interviews) from 100%Open. In this way, we hope that the conversations which began in these breakout sessions will represent not the canonical final opinion of the group, but rather a fertile beginning of the Open innovation programme on which the success of FuTRO depends. Challenge 1 - Meeting customer needs This challenge was created to allow participants to explore the dynamic two-way communication that will need to happen between the railway industry and its customers (including passengers and freight) over the coming decades. It was composed of three inter-related questions, seeking answers from different and overlapping angles. The questions How will we understand the needs of passengers and freight customers over the next 15-40 years? In other words, if we’re attempting to understand how to design new railway systems over that extended period, what tools and approaches can we use today, to understand the set of potentially nebulous and significantly changeable human behaviours and desires over that extended period? How will customers know what the railway is offering them, both in advance and in real time? While the previous question relates to how the railway might go about understanding its customers’ needs, this question relates to the reverse: how customers might understand what the railway is offering. Importantly, this means not just in real time, for example, ‘When’s the next train to London?’, but also over time, for example, ‘How good, these days, is the service from where I plan to live to where I need to work?’. How will the system design contribute to reducing passenger stress and improving satisfaction? This question recognises that customer satisfaction is not just about performance metrics: what the railway actually does, but also about emotional issues: how the railway does it. It asks how customers could be made happiest, or least stressed, at any given level of absolute performance?
  • 15. RSSB 11 Delegates’ answers A common observation across all three questions in this challenge was that any solution should be multi-modal. By this, delegates meant that it should incorporate all transport modes (bus, taxi, car, bike, walking, and so on), rather than treating rail as an island. In a similar vein, it was also observed that any attempt to understand customers’ needs should also take non- passengers (what one delegate called ‘not yet passengers’) into account. The idea of a ‘Human SatNav’ or ‘Rail Angel’ was mentioned several times across the sessions as a way to capture this multi- modal aspect of future interaction with passengers. Several delegates envisioned what it might be like to interact with this ‘all knowing brain’ through multiple different channels. This notion also embodies another recurring theme, that of interactions between the industry and customers being personal and personalised to each customer. At its most extreme, delegates imagined a ‘pitch for the customer now’ model, in which competing suppliers (of coffee as well as trains), might be able to bid for customers’ immediate needs. At least one group recognised the inherently linked and circular nature of interactions between railway and customer, pointing out that as the railway becomes more consumer-centric, so customer expectations will themselves change. Another group recognised
  • 16. FuTRO supplier launch event 12 RSSB that people are changing independently of the railway, including in ways related to their mobility and the space requirements they may have whilst on board. Another group observed that passenger communications could also be used as a form of traffic management, by making sure that passengers were directed in ways that responded to real-time capacity. Finally, a neat idea captured a way of re-inventing the relationship between railway and passenger: ‘Buy the journey, not the ticket’, recognises that for a passenger, it is the journey that matters. Passengers should be guaranteed an arrival at their intended destination. The ticket, a railway-centric view of the world, is merely a means to an end. Comment In only 30 minutes, delegates captured some of the most important notions that this topic contains, and communicated them compellingly. There are existing examples in other industries of some of the characteristics identified by the groups as desirable for rail: ‘personalisation’ being familiar from the best e-commerce sites and ‘multimodal transport planning’ already being offered at least by Google. Delegates did tend to focus on trying to answer the questions themselves, rather than thinking more broadly about who (outside the room) might have a better answer. The question ‘How will we understand customer needs?’, had delegates focussing on what those needs might actually be, as opposed to the question of where the tools and insights to gain such insights might come from in a true open innovation context. Understanding human needs, even long into the future, is a developed process in other fields (such as marketing, retail and town-planning among many) into which we could tap. One way to analyse customer needs and communications could be to divide them into three epochs:  minutes and seconds - key questions related to real-time needs, for example where a passenger needs to get to today, and where the train which should have arrived on platform 3 has got to  days and weeks, - questions relate to longer-term but none- the-less concrete needs
  • 17. RSSB 13  months and years - interactions relate more to perceptions about performance and overall customer expectations. This sort of analysis is also familiar from many industries. The question of passenger stress is a key one. It relates strongly to the notion of ‘experience design’, a practice that is very well understood in other industries including retail, hospitality (hotels and restaurants), and entertainment (shows, museums and theme parks). Even in healthcare, the best hospitals are coming to regard themselves as offering a human experience in addition to medical healthcare. There are many opportunities to learn from these fields, if we are able to gain access to them. Challenge 2 - Optimising system performance This challenge lies at the heart of FuTRO, and asks how, even if everything else is in place, will we optimise the performance of the network? In this context, ‘how’ means both ‘in what ways’ and ‘by what mechanism’. The questions What are the criteria of system performance that will be important? This question acknowledges the implicit assumption that we all know what we’re talking about, and asks ‘are we sure?’ How will we develop tools, algorithms, cost functions, timetables, and so on? This is another ‘how’ question, asking not just what the algorithms, cost functions, and other things might actually be, but also how they will come to be. What are the technical and commercial constraints on performance? What are the alternatives? This question suggests that there might be things in the existing system, possibly hard to change, that will restrict our ambition, and asks: ‘what are they?’. Delegates’ answers Again, there was a strong sense of wanting to deal with a multi- modal system, not just rail. There was recognition that for practical purposes, the performance of the rail system in isolation is not as important as customers’ experience of the performance of the system, which necessarily includes the surrounding modes
  • 18. FuTRO supplier launch event 14 RSSB of transport. This came out strongly in a couple of places, with delegates asking the rhetorical question ‘where are the boundaries of the system?’ Everyone recognised and acknowledged that in this context, optimisation is inherently about trade-offs. However, the expected trade-offs, for example between carbon and convenience, are hard. More importantly, delegates repeatedly asked the questions, ‘who will make these trade-off decisions?’, and to a lesser extent, ‘over what timeframe will they be made?’ In the context of trade-offs, one group or individual asserted very strongly (whether rightly or wrongly) that ‘if you maximise capacity, you compromise safety.’ In the context of what is important, there was general acknowledgement that the metrics of speed and punctuality, or predictability, are distinct and different. The possibility was raised that punctuality might be a more important metric for customers than speed, and that it might be preferred in a trade-off between the two. When thinking about developing tools, algorithms, and other intellectual machinery for optimising the performance of the network, there was a recognition that collaborative approaches and business models, for example with other transport modes, would be important. There was also acknowledgement that involvement and input from outside the industry would be helpful.
  • 19. RSSB 15 Regarding the ultimate constraints on performance, most groups focussed on the business structures, models and culture that are in place today, and identified factors such as the lack of incentive to share information, and the short tenure of some contracts, as limits on optimisation. One group characterised the current business structures as adversarial, and suggested that a collaborative approach was needed instead. Another group suggested that fragmentation should be turned into customer choice with technology, although it is not clear what was meant in more detail. The only clear technical restriction that was raised related to gauge: the restriction on the size of trains that is inherent in the fixed infrastructure of tracks, bridges and platforms. Mention was also made of the challenge and tension between a radical vision, versus the step-by-step process that is needed to roll it out. Comment Of the three questions in this challenge, it was the one on constraints and limits to performance that attracted the strongest response. Given the political, organisational and business issues that were identified, it would be useful to think both about how these issues could be worked around, or even taken advantage of, as well as how and in what ways they might be changed over time. There was relatively little weight given by delegates to the possible involvement of customers in determining the key performance criteria, and some further wider engagement with passenger and freight customers could potentially yield some useful input in this area. In general, optimisation is a widely-practiced process, with expertise being available in related industries, for example logistics and shipping, as well as in apparently unrelated industries such as manufacturing. It is even possible that inspiration might be drawn from much more widely distinct domains, including biology and economics where, in both cases, highly efficient and optimised systems sometimes emerge without either central control or design. There is a lot of scope for open innovation in sharing practises in this area.
  • 20. FuTRO supplier launch event 16 RSSB Challenge 3 - Human and automatic control The exponential growth in the power of digital technology is a familiar facet of today’s world. This ever-advancing technology invites the possibility of ever-increasing automation. But is it a given that everything that could be automated should be automated? This challenge asked delegates to consider that issue, by responding to three related and overlapping questions. The questions Which things should be controlled automatically, which by humans, and which in combination? This question starts with the presumption that perhaps not everything should be automatic, and then asks ‘if that is the case, who should do what?’ Delegates were invited to consider objectively which things computers are good at, and in what areas humans still hold the edge. They also considered subjectively which things might feel right for computers to handle and which are more comfortable left to humans. How can technology be used to support human decision- making? This question starts with the presumption that one possible division of labour is to leave humans to make the decisions, with technology providing the support. It asks, ‘what support could technology offer?’. What tools and interfaces will be needed between humans and technology? Once again, if humans and technology are to collaborate, how will they communicate? Delegates’ answers There was widespread consensus that a clear distinction between automatic and manual control relates to the frequency and repetitiveness of the task at hand. Computers, it was suggested, are good at repetitive, predictable, planned things. Humans, on the other hand, are best when events are rare, unpredictable or completely unplanned. One delegate suggested that keeping humans in the loop would be a vital way to deal with the ‘once every ten years’ occurrences that, counter-intuitively perhaps, seem all too common. In a related observation, one group found that humans are better at making trade-offs and other soft decisions.
  • 21. RSSB 17 Another dimension contrasted customer experience, felt to be better left to humans, against operations, felt to be more suitable for automation. People, it was suggested, like to have human contact, and like to believe that humans are in control, especially in a crisis. When it comes to technology supporting human decision making, there was a sense that computers should provide a range of options from amongst which a human might make a choice. More than one group identified the challenge associated with integrating (over time) different decision support systems. In considering the ways humans and technology might interact, delegates made use of analogies including the growth in remotely piloted drone aircraft. They identified that remote control of trains for example, offers a third-way between fully manual and fully automatic operation. They also recognised that humans have at least five senses, all of which can be used to communicate information of appropriate sorts between technology and humans. Finally, it was observed that the change to ever-more automated systems should itself be managed as a journey, allowing all involved to become familiar and comfortable at each stage of progress, before the next is attempted.
  • 22. FuTRO supplier launch event 18 RSSB Comment A significant proportion of the entire history of computing relates to how humans can make use of computers to amplify their brains, from the very earliest code-breaking computers during WWII to the artificial intelligence systems of the present day. Questions about where the relative strengths of humans and technology lie have been considered for many years. Although technology advances continually and rapidly, humans change only slowly, allowing relatively long-lived principles to emerge. There is therefore a rich and diverse set of disciplines outside the rail industry, including decision-support systems, computer- supported co-operative working, the social sciences and others, that could inform this area as part of an open innovation approach. Users of such technology are equally as diverse, including everyone who has ever used a spreadsheet, every commercial or military aircraft pilot, military planners, economists, and many others. Indeed, it has been observed in the aviation industry for example, that for many years, things that are inherently dangerous such as landing in fog, have been routinely left to technology. The existence of this expertise makes the area of automation a key domain that the rail industry could avoid duplicating. Instead the industry could seek ways to benefit from and ultimately to contribute to the significant investment in expertise made in these other sectors. Challenge 4 - Dealing with data This final challenge deals with perhaps the most fundamental starting place for FuTRO’s ambition, that of knowing what’s going on. It is frequently observed that ‘you can’t manage what you can’t measure’; the questions in this challenge sought to explore and inform some details of what it might take to measure the many things, knowledge of which will be valuable or essential to FuTRO’s vision. The questions How is data to be sensed, collected, communicated, processed, stored and displayed? This question seeks to inform the basic challenges as described. It presumes the future vision of a widespread, pervasive sensing network, together with means to communicate and make sense of all the data so collected, and asks simply, ‘How?’
  • 23. RSSB 19 How are the vulnerabilities and threats to integrity and security to be addressed? This question raises two of the most common concerns relating to any sort of distributed system. It invites comment both on what the vulnerabilities and threats might be, and how the designers and operators of the future railway might respond to such concerns. What standards are relevant and how are they to be managed? If we are imagining a future state in which the open exchange of information plays a key part, and the presumption is that we are, then we must consider the role of standardisation in how data is exchanged, stored, and so on. Delegates’ answers In considering how data might be collected and processed, delegates recognised a number of important issues. These included that the overall picture is likely to be composed of data coming from disparate sources, meaning that a premium should be placed on cross-industry collaboration. Equally, such data sources may overlap, requiring integration. Another group identified that overlapping (duplicate) data represents a valuable way to measure and ensure the integrity and security of the information.
  • 24. FuTRO supplier launch event 20 RSSB Not all data needs to be directly and primarily sensed by the railway. One group highlighted the use of information from mobile phone networks as an implicit source of information about what is happening on the railway, as well as commenting that mobile phones themselves are full of sensors. It was also observed that the ownership of data is a key issue, and that there is an additional question about which data should be made open, and which restricted. Echoing a common theme across challenges, it was recognised that what it means for data to have integrity and security is not clearly defined. Importantly, in this context, it was suggested that this means that such definitions may change over time, implying that any technology infrastructure should be designed with such possible change in mind. In further considering how threats to integrity and security might be addressed, one group asked the question, ‘how would the industry respond if such a compromise occurred?’. This carried the implication that planning in advance for such an undesirable but perhaps inevitable eventually would be a ‘good idea’. It was suggested that standards for data should be derived from outside the rail industry, perhaps from the financial or military domains, allowing data interchange and the sharing of technology. Echoing an earlier point, it was further suggested that standards should be designed to change as customer expectations and technology changes. Finally, one group suggested that standards should include moral standards relating to data sharing. Comment This is an area that is full of possibilities, and where there is very significant work in other sectors. Technology for distributed sensor networks is being developed in many industries including logistics, farming, manufacturing, automotive, aviation, energy, housing and anywhere, in fact, where valuable assets are distributed around the environment. This technology, and the techniques that accompany it, are often included under the increasingly common cross-industry banner of the Internet of Things. Delegates identified the possibility of data coming from unexpected sources, and this thought could be pursued further.
  • 25. RSSB 21 Mobile phone data from the network and from the phone itself is a potentially very rich source. Nearly every passenger on every train is carrying a device that contains six or more sensors (location, acceleration, sound, light, and so on), and the means to communicate sensor measurements. More generally, in our connected world, measurements of many things can be used to indirectly infer information about many others, creating yet more opportunities for open innovation. The collection of a rich picture of what is going on is itself also a great opportunity for openness. By aggressively pursuing a presumption of data sharing, the industry could catalyse innovation from the many enthusiastic third parties (app writers, for example) who fill gaps and provide services wherever data is made available. This has already happened with aviation data, and on the London Underground, and represents a further potentially valuable resource for FuTRO and the future railway in general.
  • 26. FuTRO supplier launch event 22 RSSB Conclusion - The day in a picture Delegates came to the FuTRO launch day to hear about FuTRO, to meet each other, and to experience a little of the open innovation approach that will be part of delivering the whole story. Once the breakout sessions were complete, delegates gathered again briefly for a feedback session, followed by a networking lunch. Many delegates stayed on to talk and to debate further. Throughout the day, 100%Open’s lead designer had been on hand to act to act as resident artist. He captured the spirit of the day in a large mural drawn on the window of the main conference room at the British Library. The full image can be seen at With the day behind us, we can begin the process of understanding what delegates said and asked. We can also summarise the four key open innovation themes that emerged, and give them names:
  • 27. RSSB 23 Monitor How will we know what’s happening on the rail system, both in real time and over time? What can we either measure directly, or infer from other sources? Involve How will we engage and interact with customers, understanding what they need, telling them what’s available, and including them as one of our sources of innovation? Optimise How will we introduce new ways to decide what should happen on the rail system, again in real time and over time? Who will control what: man or machine? Guide How will the railway industry, its customs, procedures, regulations and culture need to evolve to both support and allow the full FuTRO vision to emerge? We propose these four open innovation themes (Monitor, Involve, Optimise and Guide) as the core of FuTRO's engagement strategy. We are developing each one into a detailed innovation pathway, leading to a concrete vision for the year 2042. We hope that many different innovators will now join this journey; their contributions being both coordinated and connected by our open innovation themes.
  • 28. FuTRO supplier launch event 24 RSSB Appendix 1 - Background reading  Readers who are less familiar with the rail industry may be interested in the following documents that contain more detailed information on many of the topics covered in this report. All are available by searching the web for report title, or directly accessing the website concerned.  THE FUTURE RAILWAY – The industry’s Rail Technical Strategy 2012, TSLG  Enabling innovation in the rail industry, RSSB  Enabling technical innovation in the GB rail industry – barriers and solutions, prepared for RSSB by Arthur D Little Ltd  Our Railway’s Future, Network Rail  National Passenger Survey (bi-annual report), Passenger Focus       
  • 29. RSSB 25 Appendix 2 - Verbatim breakout cards What follows is a verbatim transcription of the cards generated in the various breakout sessions of the FuTRO launch event. Each bullet point records the content of a single card. A very few changes have been made for clarity, when this would be lost through the transcription process. An equally small number of hard-to-read words have been marked as [sic], or in severe cases omitted from the transcript as unreadable. Challenge 1: Meeting customer needs Q1. How will we understand the needs of passengers and freight customers over the next 15-40 years?  Research into future travel patterns and all the factors that will influence them. Psychology. Working Practices. Multimodal  Information architect. Looking broadly, political, economic, social, technological & organisational factors. Chunk up future projections 15 years, then 30 years, 40 years. Different levels of certainty. Need to talk to those groups as much as possible, identifying themes. Market research.  Research all existing available relevant data (demographics, wider economy…) and make it available to rail. Remember: think about ‘not yet’ customers, not those who use rail today; system needs to be flexible to respond to future unforeseen needs; the act of making the railway more consumer-centric will itself generate new needs.  MyNeeds. Political, society, demographic, economic, technological, geographical, landscape. Crowd-sourced information.  (1) Create a multi-modal learning system and use intelligent information for train planning (flexible, meet demand). Total learning system. Q2. How will customers know what the railway is offering them, both in advance and in real time?  Personal info/learning from usage – direct to passenger and intermodal. The ‘system’ will know you!  MyJourney. Real time. Single trustworthy source of info. To the right person in the right format. Mobile. For my journey.  Massively interactive human satnav. Google intermodal transport apps. One universal system, baseline – add on
  • 30. FuTRO supplier launch event 26 RSSB service menu/needs. Interactive, real-time, human, sat-nav. Rail, road, foot, tube, stations, offers, TM system, informs of new route.  Central brain (which manages scheduling on trains) directing passengers depending on capacity / disruptions etc. This would include data push (PIDD), apps for journey planning (personalised schedule), delivery of schedules in advance.  How information is offered is not the issue – any available channel. Research to develop and keep up-to-date what customers WANT to know. [Nature and quality of information] Q3. How will the system design contribute to reducing passenger stress and improving satisfaction?  Buy the journey, not the ticket. Consistency of journey service. Confidence/trust.  Deliver pertinent, consistent, personalised journey information in a timely manner – live. And tell me what to do next. U-Rail.  Sat Nav Rail Angel: (1) Real-time intelligence of space/ capacity. (2) Have satnav that allows you to set the criteria and advises you on the costs. (3) Tells you where you are.  Human needs focus. Time, punctuality, energy, Quality of service. Customer-centred algorithms for success / perfect system, not just simple assumptions of e.g. punctuality. Advanced info system to customers. Transparency / making data available. Standardised info at stations, individualised elsewhere.  Customer-centric studies to understand stress-drivers. Customer needs and information provision taken on board in designing system to offer simple, reliable, consistent, predictable and regular services. Inter-modal. Loosely federated systems.  Real-time system behaviour at a point in time. Pitch for the customer now! Live availability, live privileges. Sci-fi thinking – future possibilities. Passengers needs haven’t changed over 50 years. Fatter, heavier, less mobile people. Listen to social media. Visibility of problems, infrastructure. Poll them, ask them. End-to-end journeys. Carborail [sic?] Premium price / journey time / comfort.
  • 31. RSSB 27 Challenge 2: Optimising system performance Q1. What are the criteria of system performance that will be important?  Reliability and consistency. Measures of certainty. Flow. Multi-modal models. Resilience of whole network. De- centralised. Real-time information. Reacts to customer demand short-term and long-term and socio-economic.  Trains on time. Safety & Capacity & Sustainability & Costs.  Cost, Carbon, Capacity, Customer Experience! + Reliability + Integration performance with the rest of transport + Flexibility for different needs.  System is whole transport system, not the railway.  Outcome-based criteria – demand led by customers and business models. Flexibility to deliver all needs.  How do we define the boundaries of the system?  Trade-off between performance and environment and capacity. These three criteria are potentially mutually exclusive.  Encourage modal transfer to rail. No timetable – real time adaptive service levels. Learning systems. Criteria: open information availability; Capacity where and when it is needed (turn up and go); Safety; Optimising customer expectations, certainly of knowing what is happening. Who is the customer?  A measure of performance = could the customer use the information provided to them to complete their planned journey?  We need a portfolio of measures that represent the interests of stakeholders. Eg reliability of trains and infrastructure. Timely and accurate information.  How to evaluate extremes (is 2x5 = 1x10?). How to trade among the 4 c’s. How to customer experience vs CO2. Economic or political business case. Relative safe following. Track plates for safety. Hierarchy. Plan to deliver bottom up.  Criteria of system performance: time (of journey); cost (value for money); quality/reliability; safety; sustainability. All of these from a customer’s perspective.
  • 32. FuTRO supplier launch event 28 RSSB Q2. How will we develop tools, algorithms, cost functions, timetables, and so on?  Develop all tools etc based on a demand-led framework – transport and mobility needs.  Collaboratively – business models; data-sharing; with eg. taxi operators.  University research. Better industry and academia engagement. Look at other sectors / different industries. (Catapult, RRUKA) Q3. What are the technical and commercial constraints on performance? What are the alternatives?  If you maximise capacity you compromise safety. An algorithm based on traffic (freight / high-speed), type, speed, braking coefficients – all data is not created equally. The COST of real-time. Technology, model, sensing, computer capacity, model availability, trade-off to vohe [sic]. What are the incentives for sharing data with stakeholders (eg TOCs with NR)? Mobile operators. Contract DURATION, revenue model. How to scale and generate revenue. Barriers to entry – IP. Rail network infrastructure is a constraint. Mobile phones are optimised for road not rail.  Turn fragmentation into customer choice with technology. Eg data sharing.  Risk & reward re-thinking. No whole system approach yet.  Money flow? Change of culture / industry structure.  Cyber security.  Gauge/track constraints. Is a different traffic-management approach sufficient to meet capacity needs? There is a duplication of investment in different parts of industry seeking the same prize? Conflict with objective to cut costs. Reduced risk and hassle of comechans [sic]. Optimised for WHO? Link from social media to optimisation?  Structure of industry. Need collaborative structure. Current structure is adversarial.  Optimum criteria. Short vs long-term. Local vs system. Benchmarks.  Tension between radical vision and step-by-step art of the currently possible.
  • 33. RSSB 29  Start from benchmark problems. Open access simulations. Apply existing algorithms to benchmark problems to understand which algorithms good/bad for which problems.  4C’s (Customer / Carbon / Cost / Capacity). Vision/strategy/ tactics. Trade-off between simplicity/support in real-time. The focus could change during the day even. Optimising by what criteria? In what timeframe? Long-term or minute-by- minute? Challenge 3: Human and automatic control Q1. Which things should be controlled automatically, which by humans, and which in combination?  Trade-offs good for humans. All things can be run by computer. No procedure – human good. People good at interactivity. Subjectivity vs objectivity. Human touch – say, illness. Computers are dumb. Random events better for <unreadable>. Tsunami Japanese nuclear.  From customer experience perspective more human control/responsive -> demand responsive railway. Operations -> less human, more automation.  Automate back-office systems. Automate what is predictable/reliable. Maintain human for unplanned, major events.  Under normal conditions computers can do nearly everything they are programmed [to do]. Under extreme conditions (humans). Humans can look at trade-offs and compromises. Under full automation procedure can be used to mitigate risk. Computers not good at interacting with people (human touch).  People like to have human contact even tough can be automated must have both for consumer facing services. If automate everything what is the impact to the economy – leisure time for all…  Automatic control – repeatable and predictable. Decision support to humans. Things that only happen every ten years plus and need a level of intelligence that only humans can provide.
  • 34. FuTRO supplier launch event 30 RSSB Q2. How can technology be used to support human decision-making?  Two main focus areas: drivers; signalling; (maintenance). Distinguish between managing errors versus violations. Technology/automated systems for normal and predictable. Human interaction when needed. Culture – manage change [to automated systems] gradually.  Technology should offer a range of options to the human.  Need to provide training for normal operation and failure situations.  Which humans? Train operators, customers/passengers, maintainers, infrastructure operators. Reducing the human reliance? –only in emergencies. –automate to reduce errors.  Its about integrating the different decision support systems – engineering, commercial and operational. Also there is a risk of automating everything! Hudson River air incident. Q3. What tools and interfaces will be needed between humans and technology?  User interface technology – voice? Touch? Head up display? Passenger demand? Can this be more direct, eg. ultra prt at Heathrow T5 or voting mechanism. Unenclosed railway = no driver? Or do detection systems mean no driver required? Remote supervision eg. drones, control centre.  How to provide passengers directly with an interface with the traffic management system – Passengers can make/ influence decisions.  Simple and intuitive ways of communicating to passengers to actively manage capacity.  Transparency or operating decisions such as connections. How can passengers have confidence about decisions made to help them that don’t know have been made?  Centralised control strategy from the start. Adaptive, resilient, automation. ‘ENE’ following control. Rationalisation of ‘pertinent timely data’. Ref Dutch healthcare R&D: tactile sensory input. Move away from response to alarms as poor decisions!  Remote supervision -> Air Drone.  Inform operator of outcomes.  How do we integrate different decision-making [support?] systems?
  • 35. RSSB 31 Challenge 4: Dealing with data Q1. How is data to be sensed, collected, communicated, processed, stored and displayed?  Integrate data to create information. Harmonise disparate systems.  Instrumentation and sensing. Instrument as much as you can. Survey inc passenger and goods instrumentation. Social networks. Mobile signals. Etc.  Communicate: right frequency – real time; near real time; signal vs noise. Multichannel to GSM-R. GSM using commercial services. Enterprise service = treat as a stream of data. Pushed out or personalised.  Underpinning the question is the need for effective data management / ownership. Who should be responsible for what data? Setting of policies, understanding of costs & benefits, ensuring collaboration.  Security and safety. Only ensure the right people can access the right data from source.  Open IT architecture. Standard interfaces. Open-source software. Formal methods. Q2. How are the vulnerabilities and threats to integrity and security to be addressed?  Quality of data – cross correlation; sensor health; critical; embedded intelligence.  Integrity and security are NOT defined. Indeed the definition will change according to the mechanism (sensor) being addressed.  Categories: Train separation; train position; timetable; passenger origin / destination; infrastructures.  Dataflows. Bandwidth. Continuity. Data fidelity. Delay/ interruptions.  How would the railway system respond when data security is compromised? Shut down? Back up system? Plan B?  Is the data correct and timely? Measure the right thing.  What data to make open / keep within industry.  Process for FuTRO to follow: (1) Categorise data in/used by the system; (2) Understand the threats/vulnerabilities associated with the different types of data; (3) What are the consequences of data being compromised? (4) What are the safeguards/mitigations (look outside the rail industry); (5) Need for on-going learning / keep abreast of emerging thoughts.
  • 36. FuTRO supplier launch event 32 RSSB Q3. What standards are relevant and how are they to be managed?  Organisational and governance structures to enable standards to adapt to changing technologies and customer needs.  Leveraging standard from financial and military for timeliness and integrity of data. (as well as other transport modes).  Moral standards on acceptable use of private and customer data.  Balance with accessibility for valuable purposes.  Start with whole system view of whole lifecycle. Manage it just as a physical, valuable asset.  Intrusion detection and cyber security becoming essential. Defend against malicious DISTRUPTION attempt. Defence against UNSAFE is a given.  Common standard and protocols with other industries so as to share toolsets and data/information.
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  • 38. RSSB Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY