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Did you have a
good bank holiday
We would like to
welcome Mrs
Hansford back to
the team.
Don’t worry, I
will still be
calling home to
speak to you
everyone! I
can’t wait to
meet you all!
I wouldn’t
buy any
it’s a total
rip off!
We get it! So
Reading – Retrieval
 Read the first few pages of the Firework
Maker’s daughter and then answer the 10
 Remember to reread the pages as many
times as you need and look for the answers
in the text.
1. Where was the country that Lachland and Lisa lived in?
2. What did Lachland do when Lisa was a baby and a cross little thing?
3.Why did Lachland splash water and kiss Lisa’s fingers?
4. What was the first firework that Lisa learnt to make?
5. What did Lisa do after she had made all the simple fireworks?
6. What did Lisa want to put in a Java Light instead of cloud-power?
7. What happened when she tried the flowers of salt in the Java light firework?
8. What did Lisa call this new firework?
9. Why did her Father say that she was not a real firework maker yet?
10. What do you think will happen next?
1. Where was the country that Lachland and Lisa lived in?
Answer: east of the jungle and south of the mountains.
2. What did Lachland do when Lisa was a baby and a cross little thing?
Answer: He built a cradle for her in the corner of the workshop so she could see
the sparks fly and listen to the fizz and crackle of the gunpowder.
3.Why did Lachland splash water and kiss Lisa’s fingers?
Answer: Because Lisa had burnt her fingers.
4. What was the first firework that Lisa learnt to make?
Answer: She began making little Crackle-Dragons, six on a string.
5. What did Lisa do after she had made all the simple fireworks?
Answer: Started to think about making the more complicated fireworks.
6. What did Lisa want to put in a Java Light instead of cloud-power?
Answer: Some flowers of salt.
7. What happened when she tried the flowers of salt in the Java light firework?
Answer: Instead of burning with a steady green glimmer, it sprayed out wicked
little sparks each of which turned a somersault before going out.
8. What did Lisa call this new firework?
Answer: The Tumbling Demons.
9. Why did her Father say that she was not a real firework maker yet?
Answer: Because she didn’t know all the ingredients for all the fireworks yet.
Monday 11th May 2020
WALT: Recap place value
Starter: Times tables
1. 2x3=
2. 2x8=
3. 2x12=
4. 2x19=
5. 3x5=
6. 3x11=
7. 3x1=
8. 5x11=
9. 4x9=
10. 4x1=
11. 5x5=
12. 3x7=
13. 5x0=
14. 4x8=
15. 3x9=
Starter: Times tables
1. 2x3=6
2. 2x8=16
3. 2x12=24
4. 2x9= 18
5. 3x5= 15
6. 3x11= 33
7. 3x1= 3
8. 5x11= 55
9. 4x9= 36
10. 4x1=4
11. 5x5= 25
12. 3x7= 21
13. 5x0= 0
14. 4x8= 32
15. 3x9= 27
Place Value
These are the number
dienes we use in school to
represent different place
3 2 5
300 + 20 + 5 = 325
Now you try…
= 100 + 20 + 4 = 124
1) = _____+_____+_____=______
2) = _____+_____+_____=______
3) = _____+_____+_____=______
4) = _____+_____+_____=______
= 100 + 20 + 4 = 124
1) = 300+10+2=312
2) = 500+40+6=546
3) = 200+30+3=233
4) = 500+_____+1=501
Let’sremindourselves ofthe world’scontinents and oceans.
Daily Foundation Activities - Geography
c g
What about upside down?
A – Europe
B – Africa
C – Asia
D – North America
E – South America
F – Australia
G - Antarctica
1. Atlantic Ocean
2. Pacific Ocean
3. Indian Ocean
4. Southern Ocean
5. Artic Ocean
Other games that you could try:
Ummmm I’m
not sure
I get it!
What do you
call a
that crashes
his car?
That’s so
funny Mr
Appositive sentences include a noun phrase which explains
another noun in the sentence.
Wilbur looked for his unknown friend.
Wilbur, a tired and lonely pig, looked for his unknown friend.
An appositive is a noun phrase which explains another noun in the sentence.
Commas go around the appositive.
Queen Elizabeth ruled England from 1558-1603.
Queen Elizabeth, a strong and powerful monarch, ruled
England from 1558-1603.
An appositive is a noun phrase which
explains another noun in the sentence.
Commas go around the appositive.
Mr Penn teaches at Ashcombe Primary School.
Mr Penn,a young and talented teacher, teaches
at Ashcombe Primary School.
An appositive is a noun phrase which
explains another noun in the sentence.
Commas go around the appositive.
Your turn.
Can you add appositives into these sentences.
The nouns are highlighted in red.
1. Henry V111, , had 6 wives.
2. Harry Potter, , went to Hogwarts School.
3. Ashcombe Primary School, , is situated in
Weston Super Mare.
4. Mary Anning, , was born in the seaside town of
Lyme Regis, Dorset, UK, in 1799.
5. Wilbur, , had a best friend called Charlotte.
6. Sir Francis Drake, , was an English Admiral
who circumnavigated the world.
7. King Philip 11, , was King of Spain in1556 until 1598.
8. Charlotte, , was a good friend to Wilbur.
9. Gus, , visited the Year 3 classrooms.
10. Mr Clark, , is always busy working.
Tuesday 12st April 2020
WALT: Multiply and use know number facts
Starter: Times tables
1. 0x0=
2. 1x1=
3. 10x5=
4. 6x10=
5. 7x5=
6. 4x0=
7. 9x2=
8. 4x9=
9. 6x3=
10. 12x6=
11. 5x8=
12. 4x11=
13. 5x12=
14. 4x8=
15. 6x8=
Starter: Times tables
1. 0x0= 0
2. 1x1= 1
3. 10x5= 50
4. 6x10= 60
5. 7x5=35
6. 4x0= 0
7. 9x2= 18
8. 4x9= 36
9. 6x3= 18
10. 12x6= 72
11. 5x8= 40
12. 4x11= 44
13. 5x12= 60
14. 4x8= 32
15. 6x8= 48
Multiplying by 10 using known number facts
Follow this example to help you solve the
next questions
3. Finally place the 0 you
removed at the start
back to your answer
2.Then multiply
3x4 = 12
1. First make 30 ten
times smaller by
cancelling the 0 to
make it 3
Multiplying by 100 using known number facts
Follow this example to help you solve the
next questions
3. Finally place both 0
you removed at the start
back to your answer
2.Then multiply
5x3 = 15
1. First make 50 and 30
ten times smaller by
cancelling both 0 to
make 5 and 3
Multiplying by 100 using known number facts
1. 40x3=
2. 60x2=
3. 50x3=
4. 30x6=
5. 90x2=
6. 3x10=
7. 4x90=
8. 6x30=
9. 30x90=
10. 90x6=
11. 50x60=
12. 60x90=
13. 30x80=
14. 60x70=
15. 90x500=
Multiplying by 100 using known number facts
1. 40x3= 120
2. 60x2= 120
3. 50x3= 150
4. 30x6= 180
5. 90x2= 180
6. 3x10= 30
7. 4x90= 360
8. 6x30= 180
9. 30x90= 270
10. 90x6= 540
11. 50x60= 3000
12. 60x90= 5400
13. 30x80= 2400
14. 60x70= 4200
15. 90x500= 45000
1. Sam buys 40 bags of sweets that each have 80 sweets in.
How many sweets does she have?
2. Kim swims across a lake that is 80m long 10 times. how
far has she swam?
3. Dave cycles 40miles every day of the week. How many
miles has he cycled after one week?
4. Cameron drinks 70 bottles of Fanta a year. Each bottle
has 600ml of Fanta in it. How many ml of Fanta does he
drink a year?
History – Quiz time
 Think back to our dinosaur project where we learnt about Mary
 Your challenge today is to create your own quiz about Mary Anning
and send into the teachers to see if they can answer your
 Will the teachers get all of the answers correct?
 Send your quizzes to
I don’t
know…Why was
the sea
I get it!
Poetry – Read the poem below and listen to it on:
The Sound collector
A stranger came this morning
Dressed all in black and grey
Put every sound into a bag
And carried them away
The whistling of the kettle
The turning of the lock
The purring of the kitten
The ticking of the clock
The popping of the toaster
The crunching of the flakes
When you spread the marmalade
The scraping noise it makes
The hissing of the frying-pan
The ticking of the grill
The bubbling of the bathtub
As it starts to fill
The drumming of the raindrops
On the window-pane
When you do the washing-up
The gurgle of the drain
The crying of the baby
The squeaking of the chair
The swishing of the curtain
The creaking of the stair
A stranger called this morning
He didn’t leave his name
Left us only silence
Life will never be the same.
By Roger McGough
Today, you are going to rewrite this
First we need to plan by writing down what sounds you can hear.
What can you hear?
Spend a few minutes in every room in your home and write what you can hear.
Open the window, what can you hear outside.
What can you hear in the garden?
You could go for a walk with an adult and write all the sounds that you can hear.
Your turn.
Can you continue the poem using your plan
from what you heard around your house?
The sound collector.
A stranger came this morning
Dressed all in black and grey
Put every sound into a bag
And carried them away
Wednesday 13nd May 2020
WALT: Adjust when adding
Adding Multiples of 10
as fast as you can!!
1. 10+10 =
2. 20+10=
3. 60+10=
4. 70+10=
5. 50+20=
6. 23+10=
7. 45+10=
8. 62+10=
9. 71+10=
Adding Multiples of 10
1. 10+10= 20
2. 20+10= 30
3. 60+10= 70
4. 70+10= 80
5. 50+20= 70
6. 23+10= 33
7. 14+10= 24
8. 62+10=72
9. 31+10= 41
10.82+10= 92
Adjusting to add 9
There is a really easy quick way to add 9 to
any number:
26+10=36 -1 = 35
First adjust 9 to be 10
because 10 is much easier
to add and is close to 9
Then -1 because you
added 1 too many
when you added 10
Adjusting 9 and adding
1. 12+9=
2. 23+9=
3. 32+9=
4. 43+9=
5. 25+9=
6. 57+9=
7. 64+9=
8. 88+9=
9. 93+9=
Adjusting 9 and adding
1. 12+9= 21
2. 23+9= 32
3. 32+9= 41
4. 43+9= 52
5. 25+9= 34
6. 57+9= 66
7. 64+9= 73
8. 88+9= 97
9. 93+9= 102
10.25+19= 44
REAL project work.
Look for the Love.
School has recently launched out ‘look for the love’ project.
The project will document the different ways we've kept
hope, kindness and community alive in our school during this
difficult period.
Remember to send your photos or videos into the Year 3
email address of any acts of hope, kindness and community
that you have done during this time at home.
 Kindness can be found anywhere and extraordinary people have been showing for
hundreds of year.
 Your task is to research about Mary Seacole and a create a poster about her acts
of kindness and about her life.
 Here are a few useful websites that you could use:
What kind of
music do
listen to?
…I get it!I’m not
The Magic Box by Kit Wright.
Read the poem below or watch it on:
I will put in the box
the swish of a silk sari on a summer night,
fire from the nostrils of a Chinese dragon,
the tip of a tongue touching a tooth.
I will put in the box
a snowman with a rumbling belly
a sip of the bluest water from Lake Lucerene,
a leaping spark from an electric fish.
I will put into the box
three violet wishes spoken in Gujarati,
the last joke of an ancient uncle,
and the first smile of a baby
I will put into the box
a fifth season and a black sun,
a cowboy on a broomstick
and a witch on a white horse.
My box is fashioned from ice and gold
and steel,
with stars on the lid and secrets in the
Its hinges are the toe joints of
I shall surf in my box
on the great high-rolling breakers of the
wild Atlantic,
then wash ashore on a yellow beach
the colour of the sun.
We are going to plan what we would put
in our boxes today.
What things would you put in your box to keep safe. Make a
list. (You do not need to write if full sentences.)
Think about:
Beautiful things
Favourite things
What is your box made from?
What does it look like?
- describing words that describe a noun.
Sun = bright sun
Sea = tranquil sea
Bunny = fluffy bunny
Look back at the list of things that you have put in your box.
Can you add an adjective to most of your list?
Words that describe how the verb (doing
word) is done (a lot of them end in ly)
Walk the dog = calmly walk the dog.
Swim in the sea = quietly swim in the sea.
Playing with friends = happily playing with friends.
Look back at your list, can you add any adverbs to your list?
When you compare one thing with another
thing of a different kind.
For example He was as brave as a lion.
Laughing like a hyena
A smile as bright as the sun
Look back at your list and see if you can add in any similes to your list.
Well done!
Keep your list safe – this is now your
You will need it for tomorrow’s lesson.
Thursday 14th May 2020
WALT: Adjust when subtracting
Subtracting Multiples of
10 as fast as you can!!
1. 20-10 =
2. 40-10=
3. 60-10=
4. 70-10=
5. 50-20=
6. 23-10=
7. 45-10=
8. 62-10=
9. 71-10=
Subtracting Multiples of
10 as fast as you can!!
1. 20-10= 10
2. 40-10= 30
3. 60-10= 50
4. 70-10= 60
5. 50-20= 30
6. 23-10= 13
7. 45-10= 35
8. 62-10= 52
9. 71-10= 61
10.52-10= 42
Adjusting to subtract 9
There is a really easy quick way to subtract 9
from any number:
41-10=31 +1 = 32
First adjust 9 to be 10
because 10 is much easier
to subtract and is close to 9
Then +1 because you
subtracted 1 too many
when you subtracted 10
Adjusting 9 and subtracting
1. 42-9=
2. 23-9=
3. 57-9=
4. 43-9=
5. 25-9=
6. 57-9=
7. 64-9=
8. 87-9=
9. 92-9=
Adjusting 9 and subtracting
1. 32-9= 23
2. 23-9= 14
3. 57-9= 48
4. 43-9= 54
5. 25-9= 36
6. 57-9= 48
7. 64-9= 55
8. 87-9= 78
9. 92-9= 83
10.35-19= 16
Music: Beatboxing
Beatboxing is a really cool way to make music!
 Beatboxing is a form of vocal percussion where a person makes drum
and musical sounds using their mouth, lips, tongue, and voice.
Beatboxing today is connected with hip-hop culture.
 Watch this tutorial on how to beatbox
and see what you learn:
Friday Hahahaha
…I get it!
What do you
call cheese
that’s not
I don’t
I don’t
Today, you are going to turn your plan
from yesterday into a poem.
I will put in my box
Green swishing grass on a hot summer’s day,
Petals slowly drifting down from a beautiful rose,
the howling wind on a cold frosty morning,
A delicious ice cream that is as cold as snow.
I will put in my box
My plan
• Green, swishing grass
• A hot summer’s day
• a cold, frosty morning
• a delicious ice cream as cold as snow
• A beautiful rose
• Petals slowly drifting down
• The howling wind
Your turn.
Once you have finished, you can decorate your poem.
Friday 15th May 2020
WALT: Quiz our knowledge
Starter: 8 times table
Lets learn our 8x
times table!!
• Can you find up an 8x table song on YouTube to practice or
make up your own
• Try singing and dancing the 8x table to Filbert Fox:
1.How many tens in 325?
2.How many hundreds in 743?
3.How may tens in 101?
4.How many ones in 610
5.How many thousands in 4444?
19. If Seb bought 20 doughnuts that cost
60p each how much money has he spent?
20. If Kim spent 20 minutes doing Joe Wicks
workouts every day for a week. How long
in total has she spent working-out in a
Please email your answers to us by typing them or sending us a picture to the year 3
3D Shape Drawing
 You can easily draw the 3D shapes by starting with 2D shapes
 Watch this video and see if you can sketch some 3D shapes:
Challenge 3D Shape Drawing
 Shading is a really important part of drawing 3D shapes. Look how
much more realistic a shaded 3D shape with a shadow looks:
1. Can you try and copy the dark to light shading below by pressing
your pencil hard against the paper and then lightly.
2. Watch this video and try having a go yourself:
Good luck drawing the shaded shapes it takes a lot of practice!
Hard pressure Light pressure

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  • 1. HOME LEARNING 11/5/2020 Did you have a good bank holiday weekend? We would like to welcome Mrs Hansford back to the team. Don’t worry, I will still be calling home to speak to you all. Hello everyone! I can’t wait to meet you all!
  • 2. Monday I wouldn’t buy any Velcro. Why not? Because it’s a total rip off! Hahahaha! We get it! So funny!
  • 3.
  • 4. Reading – Retrieval  Read the first few pages of the Firework Maker’s daughter and then answer the 10 questions.  Remember to reread the pages as many times as you need and look for the answers in the text.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. 1. Where was the country that Lachland and Lisa lived in? 2. What did Lachland do when Lisa was a baby and a cross little thing? 3.Why did Lachland splash water and kiss Lisa’s fingers? 4. What was the first firework that Lisa learnt to make? 5. What did Lisa do after she had made all the simple fireworks? 6. What did Lisa want to put in a Java Light instead of cloud-power? 7. What happened when she tried the flowers of salt in the Java light firework? 8. What did Lisa call this new firework? 9. Why did her Father say that she was not a real firework maker yet? 10. What do you think will happen next?
  • 8. 1. Where was the country that Lachland and Lisa lived in? Answer: east of the jungle and south of the mountains. 2. What did Lachland do when Lisa was a baby and a cross little thing? Answer: He built a cradle for her in the corner of the workshop so she could see the sparks fly and listen to the fizz and crackle of the gunpowder. 3.Why did Lachland splash water and kiss Lisa’s fingers? Answer: Because Lisa had burnt her fingers. 4. What was the first firework that Lisa learnt to make? Answer: She began making little Crackle-Dragons, six on a string. 5. What did Lisa do after she had made all the simple fireworks? Answer: Started to think about making the more complicated fireworks.
  • 9. 6. What did Lisa want to put in a Java Light instead of cloud-power? Answer: Some flowers of salt. 7. What happened when she tried the flowers of salt in the Java light firework? Answer: Instead of burning with a steady green glimmer, it sprayed out wicked little sparks each of which turned a somersault before going out. 8. What did Lisa call this new firework? Answer: The Tumbling Demons. 9. Why did her Father say that she was not a real firework maker yet? Answer: Because she didn’t know all the ingredients for all the fireworks yet.
  • 10. Monday 11th May 2020 WALT: Recap place value
  • 11. Starter: Times tables 1. 2x3= 2. 2x8= 3. 2x12= 4. 2x19= 5. 3x5= 6. 3x11= 7. 3x1= 8. 5x11= 9. 4x9= 10. 4x1= 11. 5x5= 12. 3x7= 13. 5x0= 14. 4x8= 15. 3x9=
  • 12. Starter: Times tables 1. 2x3=6 2. 2x8=16 3. 2x12=24 4. 2x9= 18 5. 3x5= 15 6. 3x11= 33 7. 3x1= 3 8. 5x11= 55 9. 4x9= 36 10. 4x1=4 11. 5x5= 25 12. 3x7= 21 13. 5x0= 0 14. 4x8= 32 15. 3x9= 27
  • 13. Place Value These are the number dienes we use in school to represent different place value Example H T O 3 2 5 300 + 20 + 5 = 325
  • 14. Now you try… = 100 + 20 + 4 = 124 1) = _____+_____+_____=______ 2) = _____+_____+_____=______ 3) = _____+_____+_____=______ 4) = _____+_____+_____=______
  • 16. Answers = 100 + 20 + 4 = 124 1) = 300+10+2=312 2) = 500+40+6=546 3) = 200+30+3=233 4) = 500+_____+1=501
  • 18. Let’sremindourselves ofthe world’scontinents and oceans. NorthAmerica Europe Africa Asia Australia SouthAmerica Antarctica AtlanticOcean PacificOcean PacificOcean IndianOcean Southern Ocean ArcticOcean Daily Foundation Activities - Geography
  • 19. 5 1 1 2 3 4 d e c g f a b What about upside down? NorthAmerica Europe Africa Asia Australia SouthAmerica Antarctica AtlanticOceanPacificOcean PacificOceanIndianOcean Southern Ocean ArcticOcean
  • 20.
  • 21. A – Europe B – Africa C – Asia D – North America E – South America F – Australia G - Antarctica 1. Atlantic Ocean 2. Pacific Ocean 3. Indian Ocean 4. Southern Ocean 5. Artic Ocean Answers
  • 22. Other games that you could try:  
  • 23. Tuesday Ummmm I’m not sure A Tyrannosaurus Wrecks Hahahaha! I get it! What do you call a dinosaur that crashes his car? That’s so funny Mr Penn.
  • 24.
  • 25. Appositive sentences include a noun phrase which explains another noun in the sentence. . Wilbur looked for his unknown friend. Wilbur, a tired and lonely pig, looked for his unknown friend. Noun Appositive. An appositive is a noun phrase which explains another noun in the sentence. Commas go around the appositive.
  • 26. Queen Elizabeth ruled England from 1558-1603. Queen Elizabeth, a strong and powerful monarch, ruled England from 1558-1603. Noun An appositive is a noun phrase which explains another noun in the sentence. Commas go around the appositive.
  • 27. Mr Penn teaches at Ashcombe Primary School. Mr Penn,a young and talented teacher, teaches at Ashcombe Primary School. Noun An appositive is a noun phrase which explains another noun in the sentence. Commas go around the appositive.
  • 28. Your turn. Can you add appositives into these sentences. The nouns are highlighted in red. 1. Henry V111, , had 6 wives. 2. Harry Potter, , went to Hogwarts School. 3. Ashcombe Primary School, , is situated in Weston Super Mare. 4. Mary Anning, , was born in the seaside town of Lyme Regis, Dorset, UK, in 1799. 5. Wilbur, , had a best friend called Charlotte. 6. Sir Francis Drake, , was an English Admiral who circumnavigated the world. 7. King Philip 11, , was King of Spain in1556 until 1598. 8. Charlotte, , was a good friend to Wilbur. 9. Gus, , visited the Year 3 classrooms. 10. Mr Clark, , is always busy working.
  • 29. Tuesday 12st April 2020 WALT: Multiply and use know number facts
  • 30. Starter: Times tables 1. 0x0= 2. 1x1= 3. 10x5= 4. 6x10= 5. 7x5= 6. 4x0= 7. 9x2= 8. 4x9= 9. 6x3= 10. 12x6= 11. 5x8= 12. 4x11= 13. 5x12= 14. 4x8= 15. 6x8=
  • 31. Starter: Times tables 1. 0x0= 0 2. 1x1= 1 3. 10x5= 50 4. 6x10= 60 5. 7x5=35 6. 4x0= 0 7. 9x2= 18 8. 4x9= 36 9. 6x3= 18 10. 12x6= 72 11. 5x8= 40 12. 4x11= 44 13. 5x12= 60 14. 4x8= 32 15. 6x8= 48
  • 32. Multiplying by 10 using known number facts Follow this example to help you solve the next questions 3. Finally place the 0 you removed at the start back to your answer 2.Then multiply 3x4 = 12 1. First make 30 ten times smaller by cancelling the 0 to make it 3
  • 33. Multiplying by 100 using known number facts Follow this example to help you solve the next questions 3. Finally place both 0 you removed at the start back to your answer 2.Then multiply 5x3 = 15 1. First make 50 and 30 ten times smaller by cancelling both 0 to make 5 and 3
  • 34. Multiplying by 100 using known number facts 1. 40x3= 2. 60x2= 3. 50x3= 4. 30x6= 5. 90x2= 6. 3x10= 7. 4x90= 8. 6x30= 9. 30x90= 10. 90x6= 11. 50x60= 12. 60x90= 13. 30x80= 14. 60x70= 15. 90x500=
  • 35. Multiplying by 100 using known number facts 1. 40x3= 120 2. 60x2= 120 3. 50x3= 150 4. 30x6= 180 5. 90x2= 180 6. 3x10= 30 7. 4x90= 360 8. 6x30= 180 9. 30x90= 270 10. 90x6= 540 11. 50x60= 3000 12. 60x90= 5400 13. 30x80= 2400 14. 60x70= 4200 15. 90x500= 45000
  • 36. Challenge 1. Sam buys 40 bags of sweets that each have 80 sweets in. How many sweets does she have? 2. Kim swims across a lake that is 80m long 10 times. how far has she swam? 3. Dave cycles 40miles every day of the week. How many miles has he cycled after one week? 4. Cameron drinks 70 bottles of Fanta a year. Each bottle has 600ml of Fanta in it. How many ml of Fanta does he drink a year?
  • 37. History – Quiz time  Think back to our dinosaur project where we learnt about Mary Anning.  Your challenge today is to create your own quiz about Mary Anning and send into the teachers to see if they can answer your questions!  Will the teachers get all of the answers correct?  Send your quizzes to
  • 38. Wednesday I don’t know…Why was the sea wet? Because the seaweed! Hahaha. I get it! Hilarious! Eeeeeewww!
  • 39.
  • 40. Poetry – Read the poem below and listen to it on: The Sound collector A stranger came this morning Dressed all in black and grey Put every sound into a bag And carried them away The whistling of the kettle The turning of the lock The purring of the kitten The ticking of the clock The popping of the toaster The crunching of the flakes When you spread the marmalade The scraping noise it makes The hissing of the frying-pan The ticking of the grill The bubbling of the bathtub As it starts to fill The drumming of the raindrops On the window-pane When you do the washing-up The gurgle of the drain The crying of the baby The squeaking of the chair The swishing of the curtain The creaking of the stair A stranger called this morning He didn’t leave his name Left us only silence Life will never be the same. By Roger McGough
  • 41. Today, you are going to rewrite this poem. First we need to plan by writing down what sounds you can hear. What can you hear? Spend a few minutes in every room in your home and write what you can hear. Open the window, what can you hear outside. What can you hear in the garden? You could go for a walk with an adult and write all the sounds that you can hear.
  • 42. Your turn. Can you continue the poem using your plan from what you heard around your house? The sound collector. A stranger came this morning Dressed all in black and grey Put every sound into a bag And carried them away …
  • 43. Wednesday 13nd May 2020 WALT: Adjust when adding
  • 44. Starter Adding Multiples of 10 as fast as you can!! 1. 10+10 = 2. 20+10= 3. 60+10= 4. 70+10= 5. 50+20= 6. 23+10= 7. 45+10= 8. 62+10= 9. 71+10= 10.52+10=
  • 45. Starter Adding Multiples of 10 1. 10+10= 20 2. 20+10= 30 3. 60+10= 70 4. 70+10= 80 5. 50+20= 70 6. 23+10= 33 7. 14+10= 24 8. 62+10=72 9. 31+10= 41 10.82+10= 92
  • 46. Adjusting to add 9 There is a really easy quick way to add 9 to any number: Example 26+9= 26+10=36 -1 = 35 First adjust 9 to be 10 because 10 is much easier to add and is close to 9 Then -1 because you added 1 too many when you added 10
  • 47. Starter Adjusting 9 and adding 1. 12+9= 2. 23+9= 3. 32+9= 4. 43+9= 5. 25+9= 6. 57+9= 7. 64+9= 8. 88+9= 9. 93+9= 10.35+19=
  • 48. Starter Adjusting 9 and adding 1. 12+9= 21 2. 23+9= 32 3. 32+9= 41 4. 43+9= 52 5. 25+9= 34 6. 57+9= 66 7. 64+9= 73 8. 88+9= 97 9. 93+9= 102 10.25+19= 44
  • 49. REAL project work. Look for the Love. School has recently launched out ‘look for the love’ project. The project will document the different ways we've kept hope, kindness and community alive in our school during this difficult period. Remember to send your photos or videos into the Year 3 email address of any acts of hope, kindness and community that you have done during this time at home.
  • 50. Kindness  Kindness can be found anywhere and extraordinary people have been showing for hundreds of year.  Your task is to research about Mary Seacole and a create a poster about her acts of kindness and about her life.  Here are a few useful websites that you could use:   ep1/z72prj6  
  • 51. Thursday What kind of music do mummies listen to? Wrap music! Ummm … Hahahaha …I get it!I’m not sure…
  • 52.
  • 53. The Magic Box by Kit Wright. Read the poem below or watch it on: I will put in the box the swish of a silk sari on a summer night, fire from the nostrils of a Chinese dragon, the tip of a tongue touching a tooth. I will put in the box a snowman with a rumbling belly a sip of the bluest water from Lake Lucerene, a leaping spark from an electric fish. I will put into the box three violet wishes spoken in Gujarati, the last joke of an ancient uncle, and the first smile of a baby . I will put into the box a fifth season and a black sun, a cowboy on a broomstick and a witch on a white horse. My box is fashioned from ice and gold and steel, with stars on the lid and secrets in the corners. Its hinges are the toe joints of dinosaurs. I shall surf in my box on the great high-rolling breakers of the wild Atlantic, then wash ashore on a yellow beach the colour of the sun.
  • 54. We are going to plan what we would put in our boxes today. What things would you put in your box to keep safe. Make a list. (You do not need to write if full sentences.) Think about: Memories Feelings Places Beautiful things Smells Sounds Favourite things What is your box made from? What does it look like?
  • 55. Adjectives - describing words that describe a noun. Sun = bright sun Sea = tranquil sea Bunny = fluffy bunny Look back at the list of things that you have put in your box. Can you add an adjective to most of your list?
  • 56. Adverbs Words that describe how the verb (doing word) is done (a lot of them end in ly) Walk the dog = calmly walk the dog. Swim in the sea = quietly swim in the sea. Playing with friends = happily playing with friends. Look back at your list, can you add any adverbs to your list?
  • 57. Similes When you compare one thing with another thing of a different kind. For example He was as brave as a lion. Laughing like a hyena A smile as bright as the sun Look back at your list and see if you can add in any similes to your list.
  • 58. Well done! Keep your list safe – this is now your plan. You will need it for tomorrow’s lesson.
  • 59. Thursday 14th May 2020 WALT: Adjust when subtracting
  • 60. Starter Subtracting Multiples of 10 as fast as you can!! 1. 20-10 = 2. 40-10= 3. 60-10= 4. 70-10= 5. 50-20= 6. 23-10= 7. 45-10= 8. 62-10= 9. 71-10= 10.52-10=
  • 61. Starter Subtracting Multiples of 10 as fast as you can!! 1. 20-10= 10 2. 40-10= 30 3. 60-10= 50 4. 70-10= 60 5. 50-20= 30 6. 23-10= 13 7. 45-10= 35 8. 62-10= 52 9. 71-10= 61 10.52-10= 42
  • 62. Adjusting to subtract 9 There is a really easy quick way to subtract 9 from any number: Example 41-9= 41-10=31 +1 = 32 First adjust 9 to be 10 because 10 is much easier to subtract and is close to 9 Then +1 because you subtracted 1 too many when you subtracted 10
  • 63. Adjusting 9 and subtracting 1. 42-9= 2. 23-9= 3. 57-9= 4. 43-9= 5. 25-9= 6. 57-9= 7. 64-9= 8. 87-9= 9. 92-9= 10.35-19=
  • 64. Adjusting 9 and subtracting 1. 32-9= 23 2. 23-9= 14 3. 57-9= 48 4. 43-9= 54 5. 25-9= 36 6. 57-9= 48 7. 64-9= 55 8. 87-9= 78 9. 92-9= 83 10.35-19= 16
  • 65. Music: Beatboxing Beatboxing is a really cool way to make music!  Beatboxing is a form of vocal percussion where a person makes drum and musical sounds using their mouth, lips, tongue, and voice. Beatboxing today is connected with hip-hop culture.  Watch this tutorial on how to beatbox and see what you learn: BalyeypelqA
  • 66. Friday Hahahaha …I get it! What do you call cheese that’s not yours? I don’t know… Nacho cheese! I don’t know either…
  • 67.
  • 68. Today, you are going to turn your plan from yesterday into a poem. Poem I will put in my box Green swishing grass on a hot summer’s day, Petals slowly drifting down from a beautiful rose, the howling wind on a cold frosty morning, A delicious ice cream that is as cold as snow. I will put in my box …. My plan • Green, swishing grass • A hot summer’s day • a cold, frosty morning • a delicious ice cream as cold as snow • A beautiful rose • Petals slowly drifting down • The howling wind Your turn. Once you have finished, you can decorate your poem.
  • 69. Friday 15th May 2020 WALT: Quiz our knowledge
  • 70. Starter: 8 times table Lets learn our 8x times table!! 8x1= 8x2= 8x3= 8x4= 8x5= 8x6= 8x7= 8x8= 8x9= 8x10= 8x11= 8x12= • Can you find up an 8x table song on YouTube to practice or make up your own • Try singing and dancing the 8x table to Filbert Fox: 8-times-table-with-filbert-fox/z4mrhbk
  • 71. 1.How many tens in 325? 2.How many hundreds in 743? 3.How may tens in 101? 4.How many ones in 610 5.How many thousands in 4444? 6.20x4= 7.40x6= 8.5x40= 9.6x70= 10.30x70= 11.60x90= 12.500x9= 13.32+9= 14.54+9= 15.135+9= 16.35-9= 17.62-9= 18.486-9= 19. If Seb bought 20 doughnuts that cost 60p each how much money has he spent? 20. If Kim spent 20 minutes doing Joe Wicks workouts every day for a week. How long in total has she spent working-out in a week? Please email your answers to us by typing them or sending us a picture to the year 3 email:
  • 72. 3D Shape Drawing  You can easily draw the 3D shapes by starting with 2D shapes = =  Watch this video and see if you can sketch some 3D shapes:
  • 73. Challenge 3D Shape Drawing  Shading is a really important part of drawing 3D shapes. Look how much more realistic a shaded 3D shape with a shadow looks: = 1. Can you try and copy the dark to light shading below by pressing your pencil hard against the paper and then lightly. 2. Watch this video and try having a go yourself: Good luck drawing the shaded shapes it takes a lot of practice! Hard pressure Light pressure