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Perl Programming

Krassimir Berov
1. Declarations
2. Simple Statements
3. Compound Statements
4. Comments and POD
5. Conditional Statements
   (Statement Modifiers)
6. Loops and loop control
7. Logical operators
8. Mathematical operators
9. Operator Precedence and Associativity
10.Error handling
• my - declare and assign a local variable
  (lexical scoping)
• our - declare and assign a package
  variable (lexical scoping)
• local - create a temporary value for a
  global variable (dynamic scoping)
• sub - declare a subroutine, possibly
• Example:
  use strict; use warnings;
  our $dog = 'Puffy';
      local $ =$/;
      print 'A line-feed is appended.';
  print 'No new line at the end. ';
  print 'A line feed is appended.'.$/; #;)

  sub tell_dogs {
      local $ =$/;
      print 'Our dog is named ' . $dog;
      my $dog = 'Betty';
      print 'My dog is named ' . $dog;
Simple Statements
• The only kind of simple statement is an
  expression evaluated for its side effects.
• Every simple statement must be terminated
  with a semicolon(;).
• If it is the final statement in a block, the
  semicolon is optional.
• eval{} and do{} look like compound
  statements, but aren't
• eval{} and do{} need an explicit termination
Simple Statements
• Example:
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 $ = $/;
 my $simple = 'A simple statement.';
 print $simple;
 eval { print $simple };
 do { print $simple };
 do {
      print $simple ,' ',$_,'+2'
Compound Statements

• A compound statement usually contains:
  • labels
  • conditional constructions and blocks
  • several simple statements enclosed in
    a block
  • the block defines a scope
Compound Statements
• A BLOCK is delimited by curly brackets – {}
• The braces are required
• Perl offers several ways to write conditionals
  without curly brackets.
• The continue BLOCK is always executed just
  before the conditional is about to be evaluated
• A LABEL gives its associated control flow
  structure a name.
  if (EXPR) BLOCK elsif (EXPR) BLOCK ... else BLOCK
  LABEL until (EXPR) BLOCK continue BLOCK
  LABEL foreach VAR (LIST) BLOCK continue BLOCK
Compound Statements
• Examples:
use strict; use warnings; $ = $/;
use strict; use warnings; $ = $/;

unless( open(FH,$0)){
    die 'I do not exist on disk!'. $^E
else {
    local $ = undef;#slurp mode
    my $c=1;
    print "$0: ", sprintf('%02d',$c++), " $_" while <FH>;
print $/.'---';
my $hashref = {me=>1,you=>2,he=>3};
exists $hashref->{she}
    and print 'she: '.$hashref->{she}
        or print 'she does not exists.'
            and print sort values %$hashref;
Compound Statements
• Examples:
  my $c = 0;
  while ($c <= 10){
      print $c;
  continue {
      print $c;
  A_LABEL: for my $m (1..10){
      ANOTHER: for my $s(0..60) {
          last A_LABEL if $m > 4;
          last if $s > 4 and print '---';
          print sprintf('%1$02d.%2$02d',$m,$s) ;
Comments and POD
• Text from a "#" character until the end of the line is a
  Exceptions include "#" inside a string or regular expression.
• POD is a simple-to-use markup language used for writing
  documentation for Perl, Perl programs, and Perl modules.
   use strict; use warnings; $ = $/;
   my $simple = 'A simple statement.#not a comment.';
   print $simple;#this is a comment
   $simple =~ s#a##ig;
   print $simple;
   $simple =~ s/#//ig;
   print $simple;
   I like to use POD for multi-line comments
   but it is much more than that.
   print $0 . ' finished.';
Conditional Statements
• Truth and Falsehood
• if/elsif/unless/else
• Statement modifiers (suffix notation)
Conditional Statements
• Truth and Falsehood
  • The number 0, the strings '0' and '', the
    empty list (), and undef are all false in a
    boolean context
  • All other values are true
  • Negation of a true value by ! or not returns a
    special false value.
    When evaluated as a string it is treated as '',
    but as a number, it is treated as 0.
Conditional Statements
• if/elsif/unless/else
  use strict; use warnings; $ = $/;
  unless( open(FH,$0) ){
      die 'I do not exist on disk!'. $^E
  else {
      local $ = undef; my $c = 1;
      print "$0: ", sprintf('%02d',$c++), " $_"
            while <FH>;
  my $hashref = {me=>1,you=>2,he=>3};
  if ( exists $hashref->{she} ) {
      print 'she:'.$hashref->{she};
  else {
      print 'she does not exists.';
      print sort values %$hashref;
Conditional Statements
• Statement modifiers (suffix notation)
  use strict; use warnings; $ = $/;
       my $c=1;
       local $ = undef;
       do {
               print "$0: ", sprintf('%02d',$c++), " $_"
               while <FH>
           } if open(FH,$0)
               or die 'I do not exist on disk!'. $^E;
  my $hashref = {me=>1,you=>2,he=>3};
  print 'she:'.$hashref->{she}
       if ( exists $hashref->{she} );
  do {
       print 'she does not exists.';
       print sort values %$hashref;
  } unless exists $hashref->{she};
Loops and Loop Control
• Loops
  • for
  • foreach
  • while
  • until
  • do while/until
Loops and Loop Control
• for
  • Perl's C-style for loop works like the
    corresponding while loop
  for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) {

    is (almost) the same as
  $i = 1;
  while ($i < 10) {
  } continue {
Loops and Loop Control
• foreach
  • Iterates over a normal list value and sets the variable
    VAR to be each element of the list in turn
  • If preceded with my, it is visible only within the loop
  • Otherwise, the variable is implicitly local to the loop
    and regains its former value upon exiting the loop
  • If VAR is omitted, $_ is set to each value
  • You can use foreach for readability or for for
Loops and Loop Control
• foreach – Example:
  my @pets = qw|Goldy Amelia Jako|;
  my $favorite = 'Puffy';;
  foreach $favorite(@pets) {
       print 'My favourite pet is:' . $favorite;
  print 'My favourite pet is:' . $favorite;#Puffy
  for $favorite(@pets) {
       print 'My favourite pet is:' . $favorite;
  print 'My favourite pet is:' . $favorite;#Puffy
  unshift @pets,$favorite;
  for (@pets) {
       print 'My favourite pet is:' . $_;
Loops and Loop Control
• while
 repeats a block of code as long as a condition is
• do while
 executes the do at least once before evaluating
 condition in while
  $|++;# enable $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH
  my @sufx = qw(th st nd rd th th th th th th th);
  my $i = 1;
  while ($i<=10) {
      print "This is $i$sufx[$i] iteration";
      sleep 1;
  do { print "The $i became $i" } while $i < 10;
  print '- ' x $c, $c and $c++ while ($c<=10);
Loops and Loop Control
• until
 repeats a block of code as long as a condition
 is NOT true
• do until
 executes the do at least once before evaluating
 condition in until
  $|++;# enable $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH
  my @sufx = qw(th st nd rd th th th th th th th);
  $i = 10;
  until ($i<1) {
      print "This is $i$sufx[$i] countdown";
      sleep 1;
  do {print "T$i became $i"; $i--} until $i < 1;
Loops and Loop Control
• Loop control
  • next
  • last
  • redo
  • continue
Loops and Loop Control
• Loop control
  • next
    starts the next iteration of the loop
    (continue in C)
  • last
    immediately exits the loop (break in C)
  • redo
    restarts the loop block without evaluating
    the conditional again
  • continue
    is always executed just before
    the conditional is about to be evaluated again
Loops and Loop Control
• Loop control
  • next
    • If LABEL is omitted, refers to the innermost
      enclosing loop
    • cannot be used to exit a block which
      returns a value such as
      eval {}, sub {} or do {}
    • should not be used to exit
      a grep() or map() operation
Loops and Loop Control
• Loop control
  • next
  my $c = 1;
  while (<DATA>){
      next unless /perl/;
      chomp and print "$c: $_";
  This section of a perl file
  can be used by the perl program
  above in the same file to store
  and use some textual data
  perl rocks!!!
  Will the above line print if we remove this one?
Loops and Loop Control
• Loop control
  • last
    • If LABEL is omitted, refers to the innermost
      enclosing loop
    • cannot be used to exit a block which
      returns a value such as
      eval {}, sub {} or do {}
    • should not be used to exit a grep() or map()
Loops and Loop Control
• Loop control
  • last
  my $c = 1;
  while (<DATA>){
      last unless /perl/;
      chomp and print "$c: $_";
  This section of a perl file
  can be used by the perl program
  above in the same file to store
  and use some textual data
  perl rocks!!!
Loops and Loop Control
• Loop control
  • redo
    • skips the remaining BLOCK
    • does not execute any continue block
      (even if it exists)
    • If the LABEL is omitted, the command refers
      to the innermost enclosing loop
    • cannot be used to retry a block which returns
      a value such as eval {}, sub {} or do {}
    • should not be used to exit a grep() or map()
Loops and Loop Control
• Loop control
           my ($c, $redone) = (1,0);
  • redo   while (<DATA>){
               chomp; print "$c: $_"; $c++;
               if ($_ =~ /perl/ and not $redone) {
               elsif($_ =~ /perl/ and $redone) {
           This section of a perl file
           can be used by the perl program
           above in the same file to store
           and use some textual data
           perl rocks!!!
Loops and Loop Control
• Loop control
  • continue
    • can be used to increment a loop variable,
      even when the loop has been continued via
      the next statement
    • last, next, or redo may appear within a
      continue block
    • last, next(!), and redo will behave
     as in the main block
Loops and Loop Control
• Loop control
  • continue

  my ($c,$reached_10) = (1,);
  while ($c) {
      print '- ' x $c, $c;
  } continue {
      last if ($c == 1 and $reached_10);
      $c-- if $reached_10;
      $c++ if $c < 10 and not $reached_10;
      $reached_10++ if $c == 10;
Logical Operators
• &&/and
  • Binary "and" returns the logical conjunction of
    the two surrounding expressions.
  • and is equivalent to && except for the very low
  • the right expression is evaluated only if the left
    expression is true
  my ($me,$you) = qw(me you);
  print 'We are here:'.($me && $you) if ($me && $you);
  print 'We are here:'.($me and $you) if ($me and $you);
  undef $me;
  print 'We are here:' if ($me and $you)
     or die 'Someone';
Logical Operators
• ||/or
  • Binary or returns the logical disjunction
    of the two surrounding expressions
  • or is equivalent to || except for the very
    low precedence
  • the right expression is evaluated only if
    the left expression is false
  • use or only for control flow
Logical Operators
• ||/or
  my ($me,$you) = qw(me you);
  print 'Somebody is here:'.($me || $you)
     if ($me || $you);
  print 'Somebody is here:'.($me or $you)
     if ($me or $you);

  ($me,$you) = ('me', undef);
  print 'Somebody is here:'.($me or $you)
      if ($me or $you) or die 'Nooo..';

  ($me,$you) = (undef, 'you');
  print 'Somebody is here:'.($me or $you)
      if ($me or $you) or die 'no one';
Logical Operators
• !/not
• Unary "not" returns the logical negation
  of the expression to its right
• the equivalent of "!" except for the very
  low precedence

  use Config;
  print 'Do my perl uses old threads?';
  print 'No' if !$Config{use5005threads};
  print 'I do not have extras' if !$Config{extras};
  print 'I do not have mail' if not $Config{mail};
Logical Operators
• The Ternary Operator, ?:
  • ?: is an if-then-else test, all in one
  • "ternary" – takes three operands
  • if the first expression is true, the second is
    evaluated, the third is ignored
  • if the first expression is false, the second is
    ignored, and the third is evaluated as the
    value of the whole
   1 < 2 ? print 'true' : print 'false';
Mathematical Operators
• Additive Operators
  • Binary "+" returns the sum of two
  • Binary "-" returns the difference of two
  • Note: Binary "." concatenates two strings
  print   3+2;
  print   2-3;
  print   2.3; #;)
  print   '2'.'3';
Mathematical Operators
• Multiplicative Operators
  • Binary "*" multiplies two numbers
  • Binary "/" divides two numbers
  • Binary "%" computes the modulus of two
  • Binary "x" is the repetition operator
  print   3 * 2;
  print   2 / 3;
  print   "oddn" if 3 % 2; #;)
  print   2 x 3;
Mathematical Operators
• Exponentiation
  • Binary "**" is the exponentiation operator
  • binds more tightly than unary minus, so
    -2**4 is -(2**4), not (-2)**4
• Auto-increment and Auto-decrement
  • "++" and "--" work as in C
  print   -2**4;#-16
  my $a   = 2;
  print   $a++; #2
  print   ++$a; #4
  print   $a--; #4
  print   --$a; #2
Operator Precedence
               and Associativity
• Operator precedence means some operators are
  evaluated before others.
• Operator associativity defines what happens if a
  sequence of the same operators is used one after
  another: whether the evaluator will evaluate the left
  operations first or the right.
• See perlop/Operator Precedence and Associativity
   2 + 4 * 5 == 2 + 20 == 22   and not 6 * 5 == 30

   8 - 4 – 2 == 4 - 2 == 2   and not 8 - 2 == 6
Operator Precedence
                  and Associativity
• listed from highest precedence to lowest
• operators borrowed from C keep the same precedence
  relationship with each other
       left          terms and list operators (leftward)
       left          ->
       nonassoc      ++ --
       right         **
       right         ! ~  and unary + and -
       left          =~ !~
       left          * / % x
       left          + - .
       left          << >>
       nonassoc      named unary operators
       nonassoc      < > <= >= lt gt le ge
       nonassoc      == != <=> eq ne cmp ~~
   to be continued
Operator Precedence
                  and Associativity
• Many operators can be overloaded for objects.
• See the overload manpage
       left        &
       left        | ^
       left        &&
       left        || //
       nonassoc    .. ...
       right       ?:
       right       = += -= *= etc.
       left        , =>
       nonassoc    list operators (rightward)
       right       not
       left        and
       left        or xor
Error Handling
• die
• warn
• eval{statements()};
  do{something()} if($@)
  warn 'Default variable is undefined' unless $_;

  eval ' a syntax error or any failure';

     warn 'You spoiled everything';
Error Handling
• Carp
  • carp - warn of errors
    (from perspective of caller)
  • cluck - warn of errors with stack backtrace
    (not exported by default)
  • croak - die of errors
    (from perspective of caller)
  • confess - die of errors with stack backtrace
Error Handling
• Carp – Example:
  use Carp qw(cluck croak confess);

  croak "We're outta here!";

  sub here {
      $ARGV[0] ||= 'try';
      if ($ARGV[0] =~ /try/){
          cluck "nThis is how we got here!"
      elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /die/){
          confess "nNothing to live for!";
  sub there { here; }
  sub other_place { there }

1. Write a program that iterates from 3 to 15 and then
   from 15 to 3. Print every iteration on the screen.
   Try to write it from scratch.
2. Write a program that dies with an error message if
   the argument on the command line contains the
   word “die”.
3. Write a program that tries to guess the argument
   to the script if it contains the numbers 1 or 2 and
   prints different messages depending on the
   argument. Try not to use if/elsif/unless/else.

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  • 1. Perl Programming Course Syntax Krassimir Berov
  • 2. Contents 1. Declarations 2. Simple Statements 3. Compound Statements 4. Comments and POD 5. Conditional Statements (Statement Modifiers) 6. Loops and loop control 7. Logical operators 8. Mathematical operators 9. Operator Precedence and Associativity 10.Error handling
  • 3. Declarations • my - declare and assign a local variable (lexical scoping) • our - declare and assign a package variable (lexical scoping) • local - create a temporary value for a global variable (dynamic scoping) • sub - declare a subroutine, possibly anonymously
  • 4. Declarations • Example: use strict; use warnings; our $dog = 'Puffy'; { local $ =$/; print 'A line-feed is appended.'; } tell_dogs(); print 'No new line at the end. '; print 'A line feed is appended.'.$/; #;) sub tell_dogs { local $ =$/; print 'Our dog is named ' . $dog; my $dog = 'Betty'; print 'My dog is named ' . $dog; }
  • 5. Simple Statements • The only kind of simple statement is an expression evaluated for its side effects. • Every simple statement must be terminated with a semicolon(;). • If it is the final statement in a block, the semicolon is optional. • eval{} and do{} look like compound statements, but aren't • eval{} and do{} need an explicit termination
  • 6. Simple Statements • Example: use strict; use warnings; $ = $/; my $simple = 'A simple statement.'; print $simple; eval { print $simple }; do { print $simple }; do { $_++; print $simple ,' ',$_,'+2' };
  • 7. Compound Statements • A compound statement usually contains: • labels • conditional constructions and blocks • several simple statements enclosed in a block • the block defines a scope
  • 8. Compound Statements (2) • A BLOCK is delimited by curly brackets – {} • The braces are required • Perl offers several ways to write conditionals without curly brackets. • The continue BLOCK is always executed just before the conditional is about to be evaluated again. • A LABEL gives its associated control flow structure a name. if (EXPR) BLOCK elsif (EXPR) BLOCK ... else BLOCK LABEL while (EXPR) BLOCK LABEL until (EXPR) BLOCK continue BLOCK LABEL for (EXPR; EXPR; EXPR) BLOCK LABEL foreach VAR (LIST) BLOCK continue BLOCK
  • 9. Compound Statements • Examples: use strict; use warnings; $ = $/; use strict; use warnings; $ = $/; unless( open(FH,$0)){ die 'I do not exist on disk!'. $^E } else { local $ = undef;#slurp mode my $c=1; print "$0: ", sprintf('%02d',$c++), " $_" while <FH>; } print $/.'---'; my $hashref = {me=>1,you=>2,he=>3}; exists $hashref->{she} and print 'she: '.$hashref->{she} or print 'she does not exists.' and print sort values %$hashref;
  • 10. Compound Statements (2) • Examples: my $c = 0; while ($c <= 10){ print $c; } continue { $c++; print $c; }; ######################################## A_LABEL: for my $m (1..10){ ANOTHER: for my $s(0..60) { last A_LABEL if $m > 4; last if $s > 4 and print '---'; print sprintf('%1$02d.%2$02d',$m,$s) ; } }
  • 11. Comments and POD • Text from a "#" character until the end of the line is a comment Exceptions include "#" inside a string or regular expression. • POD is a simple-to-use markup language used for writing documentation for Perl, Perl programs, and Perl modules. use strict; use warnings; $ = $/; my $simple = 'A simple statement.#not a comment.'; print $simple;#this is a comment $simple =~ s#a##ig; print $simple; $simple =~ s/#//ig; print $simple; =pod I like to use POD for multi-line comments but it is much more than that. =cut print $0 . ' finished.';
  • 12. Conditional Statements • Truth and Falsehood • if/elsif/unless/else • Statement modifiers (suffix notation)
  • 13. Conditional Statements • Truth and Falsehood • The number 0, the strings '0' and '', the empty list (), and undef are all false in a boolean context • All other values are true • Negation of a true value by ! or not returns a special false value. When evaluated as a string it is treated as '', but as a number, it is treated as 0.
  • 14. Conditional Statements • if/elsif/unless/else use strict; use warnings; $ = $/; unless( open(FH,$0) ){ die 'I do not exist on disk!'. $^E } else { local $ = undef; my $c = 1; print "$0: ", sprintf('%02d',$c++), " $_" while <FH>; } my $hashref = {me=>1,you=>2,he=>3}; if ( exists $hashref->{she} ) { print 'she:'.$hashref->{she}; } else { print 'she does not exists.'; print sort values %$hashref; }
  • 15. Conditional Statements • Statement modifiers (suffix notation) use strict; use warnings; $ = $/; { my $c=1; local $ = undef; do { print "$0: ", sprintf('%02d',$c++), " $_" while <FH> } if open(FH,$0) or die 'I do not exist on disk!'. $^E; } my $hashref = {me=>1,you=>2,he=>3}; print 'she:'.$hashref->{she} if ( exists $hashref->{she} ); do { print 'she does not exists.'; print sort values %$hashref; } unless exists $hashref->{she};
  • 16. Loops and Loop Control • Loops • for • foreach • while • until • do while/until
  • 17. Loops and Loop Control • for • Perl's C-style for loop works like the corresponding while loop for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) { ... } is (almost) the same as $i = 1; while ($i < 10) { ... } continue { $i++; }
  • 18. Loops and Loop Control • foreach • Iterates over a normal list value and sets the variable VAR to be each element of the list in turn • If preceded with my, it is visible only within the loop • Otherwise, the variable is implicitly local to the loop and regains its former value upon exiting the loop • If VAR is omitted, $_ is set to each value • You can use foreach for readability or for for brevity
  • 19. Loops and Loop Control • foreach – Example: my @pets = qw|Goldy Amelia Jako|; my $favorite = 'Puffy';; foreach $favorite(@pets) { print 'My favourite pet is:' . $favorite; } print 'My favourite pet is:' . $favorite;#Puffy for $favorite(@pets) { print 'My favourite pet is:' . $favorite; } print 'My favourite pet is:' . $favorite;#Puffy unshift @pets,$favorite; for (@pets) { print 'My favourite pet is:' . $_; } #...
  • 20. Loops and Loop Control • while repeats a block of code as long as a condition is true • do while executes the do at least once before evaluating condition in while $|++;# enable $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH my @sufx = qw(th st nd rd th th th th th th th); my $i = 1; while ($i<=10) { print "This is $i$sufx[$i] iteration"; sleep 1; $i++; } do { print "The $i became $i" } while $i < 10; print '- ' x $c, $c and $c++ while ($c<=10);
  • 21. Loops and Loop Control • until repeats a block of code as long as a condition is NOT true • do until executes the do at least once before evaluating condition in until $|++;# enable $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH my @sufx = qw(th st nd rd th th th th th th th); $i = 10; until ($i<1) { print "This is $i$sufx[$i] countdown"; sleep 1; $i--; } do {print "T$i became $i"; $i--} until $i < 1;
  • 22. Loops and Loop Control • Loop control • next • last • redo • continue
  • 23. Loops and Loop Control • Loop control • next starts the next iteration of the loop (continue in C) • last immediately exits the loop (break in C) • redo restarts the loop block without evaluating the conditional again • continue is always executed just before the conditional is about to be evaluated again
  • 24. Loops and Loop Control • Loop control • next • If LABEL is omitted, refers to the innermost enclosing loop • cannot be used to exit a block which returns a value such as eval {}, sub {} or do {} • should not be used to exit a grep() or map() operation
  • 25. Loops and Loop Control (2) • Loop control • next my $c = 1; while (<DATA>){ next unless /perl/; chomp and print "$c: $_"; $c++; } __DATA__ This section of a perl file can be used by the perl program above in the same file to store and use some textual data perl rocks!!! Will the above line print if we remove this one?
  • 26. Loops and Loop Control • Loop control • last • If LABEL is omitted, refers to the innermost enclosing loop • cannot be used to exit a block which returns a value such as eval {}, sub {} or do {} • should not be used to exit a grep() or map() operation
  • 27. Loops and Loop Control (2) • Loop control • last my $c = 1; while (<DATA>){ last unless /perl/; chomp and print "$c: $_"; $c++; } __DATA__ This section of a perl file can be used by the perl program above in the same file to store and use some textual data perl rocks!!!
  • 28. Loops and Loop Control • Loop control • redo • skips the remaining BLOCK • does not execute any continue block (even if it exists) • If the LABEL is omitted, the command refers to the innermost enclosing loop • cannot be used to retry a block which returns a value such as eval {}, sub {} or do {} • should not be used to exit a grep() or map() operation
  • 29. Loops and Loop Control (2) • Loop control my ($c, $redone) = (1,0); • redo while (<DATA>){ chomp; print "$c: $_"; $c++; if ($_ =~ /perl/ and not $redone) { $redone++; redo; } elsif($_ =~ /perl/ and $redone) { $redone--; next; } } __DATA__ This section of a perl file can be used by the perl program above in the same file to store and use some textual data perl rocks!!!
  • 30. Loops and Loop Control • Loop control • continue • can be used to increment a loop variable, even when the loop has been continued via the next statement • last, next, or redo may appear within a continue block • last, next(!), and redo will behave as in the main block
  • 31. Loops and Loop Control • Loop control • continue my ($c,$reached_10) = (1,); while ($c) { print '- ' x $c, $c; } continue { last if ($c == 1 and $reached_10); $c-- if $reached_10; $c++ if $c < 10 and not $reached_10; $reached_10++ if $c == 10; }
  • 32. Logical Operators • &&/and • Binary "and" returns the logical conjunction of the two surrounding expressions. • and is equivalent to && except for the very low precedence • the right expression is evaluated only if the left expression is true my ($me,$you) = qw(me you); print 'We are here:'.($me && $you) if ($me && $you); print 'We are here:'.($me and $you) if ($me and $you); undef $me; print 'We are here:' if ($me and $you) or die 'Someone';
  • 33. Logical Operators • ||/or • Binary or returns the logical disjunction of the two surrounding expressions • or is equivalent to || except for the very low precedence • the right expression is evaluated only if the left expression is false • use or only for control flow
  • 34. Logical Operators • ||/or Example: my ($me,$you) = qw(me you); print 'Somebody is here:'.($me || $you) if ($me || $you); print 'Somebody is here:'.($me or $you) if ($me or $you); ($me,$you) = ('me', undef); print 'Somebody is here:'.($me or $you) if ($me or $you) or die 'Nooo..'; ($me,$you) = (undef, 'you'); print 'Somebody is here:'.($me or $you) if ($me or $you) or die 'no one';
  • 35. Logical Operators • !/not • Unary "not" returns the logical negation of the expression to its right • the equivalent of "!" except for the very low precedence use Config; print 'Do my perl uses old threads?'; print 'No' if !$Config{use5005threads}; print 'I do not have extras' if !$Config{extras}; print 'I do not have mail' if not $Config{mail};
  • 36. Logical Operators • The Ternary Operator, ?: • ?: is an if-then-else test, all in one expression • "ternary" – takes three operands • if the first expression is true, the second is evaluated, the third is ignored • if the first expression is false, the second is ignored, and the third is evaluated as the value of the whole 1 < 2 ? print 'true' : print 'false';
  • 37. Mathematical Operators • Additive Operators • Binary "+" returns the sum of two numbers • Binary "-" returns the difference of two numbers • Note: Binary "." concatenates two strings print 3+2; print 2-3; print 2.3; #;) print '2'.'3';
  • 38. Mathematical Operators • Multiplicative Operators • Binary "*" multiplies two numbers • Binary "/" divides two numbers • Binary "%" computes the modulus of two numbers • Binary "x" is the repetition operator print 3 * 2; print 2 / 3; print "oddn" if 3 % 2; #;) print 2 x 3;
  • 39. Mathematical Operators • Exponentiation • Binary "**" is the exponentiation operator • binds more tightly than unary minus, so -2**4 is -(2**4), not (-2)**4 • Auto-increment and Auto-decrement • "++" and "--" work as in C print -2**4;#-16 my $a = 2; print $a++; #2 print ++$a; #4 print $a--; #4 print --$a; #2
  • 40. Operator Precedence and Associativity • Operator precedence means some operators are evaluated before others. • Operator associativity defines what happens if a sequence of the same operators is used one after another: whether the evaluator will evaluate the left operations first or the right. • See perlop/Operator Precedence and Associativity #precedence 2 + 4 * 5 == 2 + 20 == 22 and not 6 * 5 == 30 #associativity 8 - 4 – 2 == 4 - 2 == 2 and not 8 - 2 == 6
  • 41. Operator Precedence and Associativity • listed from highest precedence to lowest • operators borrowed from C keep the same precedence relationship with each other left terms and list operators (leftward) left -> nonassoc ++ -- right ** right ! ~ and unary + and - left =~ !~ left * / % x left + - . left << >> nonassoc named unary operators nonassoc < > <= >= lt gt le ge nonassoc == != <=> eq ne cmp ~~ ... to be continued
  • 42. Operator Precedence and Associativity (2) • Many operators can be overloaded for objects. • See the overload manpage ... continued left & left | ^ left && left || // nonassoc .. ... right ?: right = += -= *= etc. left , => nonassoc list operators (rightward) right not left and left or xor
  • 43. Error Handling • die • warn • eval{statements()}; do{something()} if($@) warn 'Default variable is undefined' unless $_; eval ' a syntax error or any failure'; if($@){ warn 'You spoiled everything'; }
  • 44. Error Handling • Carp • carp - warn of errors (from perspective of caller) • cluck - warn of errors with stack backtrace (not exported by default) • croak - die of errors (from perspective of caller) • confess - die of errors with stack backtrace
  • 45. Error Handling • Carp – Example: use Carp qw(cluck croak confess); other_place(); croak "We're outta here!"; sub here { $ARGV[0] ||= 'try'; if ($ARGV[0] =~ /try/){ cluck "nThis is how we got here!" } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /die/){ confess "nNothing to live for!"; } } sub there { here; } sub other_place { there }
  • 47. Exercises 1. Write a program that iterates from 3 to 15 and then from 15 to 3. Print every iteration on the screen. Try to write it from scratch. 2. Write a program that dies with an error message if the argument on the command line contains the word “die”. 3. Write a program that tries to guess the argument to the script if it contains the numbers 1 or 2 and prints different messages depending on the argument. Try not to use if/elsif/unless/else.