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The history of the
political blog
- An Analysis of Political Blogs
 2007 – 2012
April 2012

Labor market issues a major presence in political blogs

Unionen believes that blogs and other social media are the right venue for many of the
future discussions about the labor market. For us it is important to be involved. One way
to help is to bring to light all the important conversations taking place. Therefore, we are
presenting this study on the Swedish political blogosphere.

The analysis contains nearly one million blog entries from over a five-year period, a time
when we have seen significant political issues being discussed and the influence of blog-
gers grow. Social media has in many cases played an important role in political events.
These are major international events such as the Arab Spring, and ongoing domestic poli-
tical debates on unemployment assistance and health insurance. In the material, however,
we also see an emerging debate on the intertwining of work-hours and leisure-time, and
that which is public and private. These are discussions about working while on vacation,
or while at home with sick children, and what is acceptable to write about one’s workplace
within social media. In short, current issues concerning work and life.

Here we also find the main conclusion of the study: labor market issues affecting the
workplace are a central part of the political blogosphere. The so-called “blog-quake” which
occurred over the FRA-law (Swedish legislation permitting the state to, without a warrant,
wiretap telephone and Internet traffic crossing Sweden’s borders) is often taken as an ex-
ample of one of the blogosphere’s greatest political discussions. But the truth is that discu-
ssions on changes in health insurance are greater, and discussions on unemployment and
unemployment assistance are still much greater, if we look to the number of blog posts.

In conclusion, unemployment and health insurance are two very big issues among Swe-
dish political bloggers. At the same time we see that workplace-issues increasingly en-
gage political bloggers.

Johan Ulvenlöv
Advocate for digital media, Unionen


•	   Unemployment and health insurance are issues that concern many of the political
     bloggers in Sweden. In the past five years, for example, unemployment issues have
     been written about more than twice as much as the FRA-law (warrantless wiretap-

•	   Several other labor market issues are given significant attention among political
     bloggers. The blurring of the boundary between work and leisure is something that is
     increasingly blogged about. In 2007, 53 blog posts touched on this topic. In 2011, it
     had grown to 217 posts. Skills development was mentioned only 97 times in 2007, but
     all of 530 times in 2012. Young people in the labor market and the discussion on youth
     wages was mentioned only 26 times in 2007, and 513 times in 2011. And already in
     the first quarter of this year, 356 blog posts have been written about youth wages.

•	   Today more than 15 000 political blog posts are written per month in Sweden. Blog-
     ging increased constantly up until the election in September 2010. Since then, the
     number of party specific political blogs has declined while the number of contributions
     from nonpartisan bloggers has increased.


5	    Facts about the survey
6	    Major issues in the blogosphere
7–8 	 The political blogosphere’s emergence 2007-2012
9	    Unemployment
10–11	 Health insurance
12	   Unemployment assistance
13	   RUT-deduction (tax deductions for household-related services)
14	   Collective bargaining agreement
15	   Phase 3 of the employment and skills development guarantee
16	   Employer/employee agreement negotiations
17	   Social media and issues on loyalty
18	   The debate on the conditions for employees in temporary employment agencies
19	   Skills development
20	   Youth wages and starting salaries
21	   Working during one’s leisure time

Facts about the survey

Analysis has been conducted by Unionen.

Time frame for blog posts: 		           2007-01-01–2012-03-31
Number of blogs: 			                    2 914
Number of analyzed blog posts: 	        964 015

Party affiliation based on what the bloggers themselves indicated when they for instance
registered on, or as specified on the blog:

										                                                                 Number of blogs:
C - Centerpartiet (Center Party, centrist, social liberal, agrarian) 		                231

FP - Folkpartiet (Liberal People’s Party, center-right, social liberalism) 		          232

KD - Kristdemokraterna (Christian Democrats, center-right, social conservatism,
economic liberalism)			                                                                 91

M - Moderaterna (Moderate Party, center-right, liberal conservative)		                 228

MP - Miljöpartiet (Green Party, center-left)	                                          175

S - Socialdemokraterna (Social Democratic Party, center-left)	                         667

V - Vänsterpartiet (Left Party, left wing, socialist, feminist)	                       147

SD - Sverigedemokraterna (Sweden Democrats, far right, Swedish nationalism,
social conservatism)		                                                                  46

PP - Piratpartiet (Pirate Party, bloc independent, information freedom)	                95

Other	                                                                                1002

Source: Twingly

Major issues in the blogosphere	                 Number of blog posts

	 Unemployment						                                                 44 457

	 Health insurance						                                             19 851

	 FRA-law (warrantless wiretapping)			                               18 658

	 Unemployment assistance					                                       13 029

	 The Arabic Spring						                                            10 355

	 2008 US Presidential Election 				                                  7 118

	 RUT-deduction (tax deductions for household-related services)			   5 745

	 Collective bargaining agreement				                                 4 902

	 Phase 3 of the employment and skills development guarantee			      3 026

	 Employer/employee agreement negotiations					                       2 576

	 Social media and issues on loyalty				                              2 126

	 Temporary employment agencies						                                 2 071

	 Carema Care						                                                   1 654

	 Skills development					                                             1 627

	 Youth wages and starting salaries				                               1 548

	 Working during one’s leisure time						                              761

The political blogosphere’s emergence 2007-2012
         Socialdemokraterna      Folkpartiet           Sverigedemokraterna
         Vänsterpartiet          Moderaterna           Piratpartiet
         Miljöpartiet            Centerpartiet             Nonpartisan

Each circle represents a blog. The lines are links between blogs. The size of a specific
blog is determined by how many other blogs that have linked to it. The position is based
on who links to whom – each link can be said to act as a rubber band, so that two blogs
that often link to each other are placed close together.

All blog posts day by day
Number of blog posts

     Jan. 1, 2007   June 24, 2007   Dec. 15, 2007   June 6, 2008   Nov. 27, 2008    May 20th, 2009 Nov. 10, 2009   May 3, 2010     Oct. 24, 2010    April 16, 2011   Oct. 7, 2011   March 31, 2012

     The political parties blog posts 2007 – 2012
       Nonpartisan                      SD          PP      KD        M            FP      C        MP        S         V

            Jan. 2007     July 2007    Dec. 2007     May 2008      Oct. 2008   March 2009 Aug. 2009         Jan. 2010       June 2010   Nov. 2010      April 2011    Sept. 2011     March 201

•	      The number of political blogs was the greatest during the parliamentary
        election of 2010.
•	      Today more than 15 000 political blog posts per month are written
        in Sweden.
•	      Blogging is less frequent in July and December than the rest of
        the year.
•	      The number of blogs that address political issues without any
        party affiliation has increased.

Number of blog posts

     Jan. 2007   June 2007   Nov. 2007   April 2008   Sept. 2008   Feb. 2009   July 2009   Dec. 2009   May 2010   Oct. 2010   March 2011   Aug. 2011   March 2012

•	      Unemployment is the biggest issue among the political blogs of those that we have
        looked more closely at. In total during the period, 44 457 blog posts have been writ-
        ten about unemployment, compared with for example 18 658 blog posts about the
        FRA-law (warrantless wiretapping), which is often described as a major issue in the
•	      The discussion on unemployment peaked in August and September of 2010, just befo-
        re the parliamentary election. But after the parliamentary election, the issue continues
        to receive considerable attention among bloggers.

Health insurance
Number of blog posts

     Jan. 2007   June 2007   Nov. 2007   April 2008   Sept. 2008   Feb. 2009   July 2009   Dec. 2009   May 2010   Oct. 2010   March 2011   Aug. 2011   March 2012

•	      Health insurance is one of the biggest issues in the political blogosphere. Altogether
        19 851 blog posts have been written on health insurance during the time period.
        This can be compared with the 18 658 blog posts written about the FRA-law.
•	      The peak in the chart in the year-end 2009-2010 reflects the discussions on the
        government’s new health insurance rules that took effect on January 1st, 2010.
•	      On April 11th, 2011, the Government presented new changes in health insurance

The blog post “The Betrayal” – Health insurance
                                                               Links to the blog post “The Betrayal”
                                                               Blog posts on health insurance
                                                               Health insurance in traditional media

 Sept. 4, 2010	   Sept. 8, 2010   Sept. 12, 2010   Sept. 16, 2010   Sept. 20, 2010 Sept. 24, 2010   Sept. 28, 2010   Oct. 2, 2010   Oct. 6, 2010   Oct. 10, 2010

 Here we see how bloggers initially address the blog post “The Betrayal” and how both blogs and media proceed
 to write increasingly about the issue of health care.

It is particularly interesting to look at how the debate on health insurance emerged the
week before parliamentary election in 2010.

The blog post ”The Betrayal” ( by
Emelie Holmqvist hit like a bombshell during the last days of the election campaign. In
the blog post Holmqvist describes how her mother was forced to seek welfare assistance
because the insurance agency thought that she should work despite her
severe illness. The same night that the blog post was published it began
to spread like wildfire among political bloggers, and the day after the
discussion on health insurance policies had reached the media. In
total nearly 1 500 blog posts on health insurance were published
in connection with the parliamentary election.

Unemployment assistance
Number of blog posts

     Jan. 2007   June 2007   Nov. 2007   April 2008   Sept. 2008   Feb. 2009   July 2009   Dec. 2009   May 2010   Oct. 2010   March 2011   Aug. 2011   March 2012

•	     Unemployment insurance is always a big issue among political blogs.
•	     In early 2007, a topic to receive a lot of attention in blogs was that the unemployment
       insurance fee was raised at the end of 2006.
•	     The greatest number of blog posts was written during the election campaign for the
       parliamentary election in 2010, with 605 blog posts in September.
•	     The peak in May 2010 reflects a proposal from the Liberal People’s Party (Folkpartiet)
       for compulsory unemployment assistance.

(tax deductions for household-related services)
Number of blog posts

     Jan. 2007   June 2007   Nov. 2007   April 2008   Sept. 2008   Feb. 2009   July 2009   Dec. 2009   May 2010   Oct. 2010   March 2011   Aug. 2011   March 2012

•	    Almega’s report ”Home Service - Attitudes and Facts on Household-Related Services”
      was published in February 2010. Before that the issue was written about less. Even
      in traditional media the issue of the RUT-deduction has not been particularly noted
      before February 2010.
•	    Even in August - September, in the campaign for the parliamentary election, many
      bloggers wrote about the RUT-deduction.

Collective bargaining agreement
Number of blog posts

     Jan. 2007   June 2007   Nov. 2007   April 2008   Sept. 2008   Feb. 2009   July 2009   Dec. 2009   May 2010   Oct. 2010   March 2011   Aug. 2011   March 2012

•	     From February to May 2007 much was written about the blockade against the salad
       bar, Wild ’n Fresh in Gothenburg, which led to Centre Party members Fredrik Federley
       and Dominika Peczynski starting a salad bar without a collective agreement in Stock-
       holm. It went bankrupt in the spring of 2007.
•	     In December 2007, an agreement was reached on the Laval case in the European
       Court of Justice.
•	     In May and June 2008, collective bargaining agreements were primarily discussed in
       connection to elections in the European Parliament, but IF Metall’s emergency agre-
       ement was also widely blogged about.

Phase 3 of the employment and skills development
Number of blog posts

     Jan. 2007   June 2007   Nov. 2007   April 2008   Sept. 2008   Feb. 2009   July 2009   Dec. 2009   May 2010   Oct. 2010   March 2011   Aug. 2011   March 2012

•	     Although the first participants in Phase 3 were registered in March 2009 it wasn’t until
       2011 before such labor market measures were blogged about to any great extent.
•	     In February 2011 the Social Democrats presented a report stating that Phase 3 mostly
       functioned as a form of containment of the long-term unemployed, while the newspa-
       per the Dagens Arbete conducted a survey of labor market measures which received
       much attention.
•	     During May 2011 the television program “Uppdrag Granskning” broadcast a report of
       Phase 3 that gained much attention.

Employer/employee agreement negotiations
Number of blog posts

     Jan. 2007   June 2007   Nov. 2007   April 2008   Sept. 2008   Feb. 2009   July 2009   Dec. 2009   May 2010   Oct. 2010   March 2011   Aug. 2011   March 2012

•	     In March and April 2010 many blog posts were written about employer/employee
       agreement negotiations of 2010 and, among other things, the strike within the paper
•	     In September 2011 the employer/employee agreement negotiations began for 2011-
•	     In March 2012 the strike-layoffs within the trade conflict are highlighted.

Social media and issues on loyalty
Number of blog posts

     Jan. 2007   June 2007   Nov. 2007   April 2008   Sept. 2008   Feb. 2009   July 2009   Dec. 2009   May 2010   Oct. 2010   March 2011   Aug. 2011   March 2012

•	    The discussion on employees being dismissed for something they have written in a
      blog, on Twitter or Facebook has gained attention among political bloggers.
•	    Many blog posts are based on media reports from Sweden and abroad.

The debate on the conditions for employees in
temporary employment agencies
Number of blog posts

     Jan. 2007   June 2007   Nov. 2007   April 2008   Sept. 2008   Feb. 2009   July 2009   Dec. 2009   May 2010   Oct. 2010   March 2011   Aug. 2011   March 2012

•	     In blogs the discussion on conditions within temporary employment agencies has
       increased in recent years.
•	     In January 2012 Swedish Radio revealed that many temporary employment agencies
       had cheated in agreements and that employees were presented with job offers which
       they were expected to turn down.
•	     In January and February 2011 the Swedish television program “Uppdrag Granskning”
       broadcast two high-profile reports about temporary employment agencies. One of the
       programs focused on Swedish teenagers in Norway.

Skills development
Number of blog posts

     Jan. 2007   June 2007   Nov. 2007   April 2008   Sept. 2008   Feb. 2009   July 2009   Dec. 2009   May 2010   Oct. 2010   March 2011   Aug. 2011   March 2012

•	      Increasingly, skills development is an issue addressed by political bloggers. In 2007
        less than 100 blog posts were written about skills development. Since then the number
        of blog posts has increased each year and in 2011, 530 blog posts were written on the

Youth wages and starting salaries
Number of blog posts

     Jan. 2007   June 2007   Nov. 2007   April 2008   Sept. 2008   Feb. 2009   July 2009   Dec. 2009   May 2010   Oct. 2010   March 2011   Aug. 2011   March 2012

•	     Youth wages has been a hot topic in March 2012, partly after a move by Jan Björklund
       prompting local governments to reduced youth wages, and an article in the Swedish
       newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, by among others Minister of Labor, Hillevi Engström.

Working during one’s leisure time
Number of blog posts

     Jan. 2007   June 2007   Nov. 2007   April 2008   Sept. 2008   Feb. 2009   July 2009   Dec. 2009   May 2010   Oct. 2010   March 2011   Aug. 2011   March 2012

•	     Blog posts about working during one’s leisure time relates to issues such as being
       available to one’s employer during the holidays, while at home caring for sick children,
       and the stress related to smartphones.
•	     The discussion regarding working during one’s leisure time has grown in recent years
       within the blogosphere. The number of blog posts on the subject has on average in-
       creased fourfold over the past five years.
•	     The peak in January and February 2012 points to blog posts about smartphone-rela-
       ted stress, working while caring for sick children and constant availability.

Unionen is Sweden’s largest union within the private labor market and the country’s
largest white-collar union. We are approximately 500 000 members, of whom more than
33 000 are elected from over 67 000 workplaces. Together we in Unionen are the leading
agent to promote success, happiness and safety at work.

If you want to know more about Unionen’s work on labor issues in social media, contact
Johan Ulvenlöv who is responsible for advocacy of digital media, the division for politics,
public opinion and influence within Unionen.

Johan Ulvenlöv
08-504 153 01
070-591 70 36

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Swedish blogosphere 2007-2012 english version

  • 1. The history of the political blog - An Analysis of Political Blogs 2007 – 2012
  • 2. April 2012 Labor market issues a major presence in political blogs Unionen believes that blogs and other social media are the right venue for many of the future discussions about the labor market. For us it is important to be involved. One way to help is to bring to light all the important conversations taking place. Therefore, we are presenting this study on the Swedish political blogosphere. The analysis contains nearly one million blog entries from over a five-year period, a time when we have seen significant political issues being discussed and the influence of blog- gers grow. Social media has in many cases played an important role in political events. These are major international events such as the Arab Spring, and ongoing domestic poli- tical debates on unemployment assistance and health insurance. In the material, however, we also see an emerging debate on the intertwining of work-hours and leisure-time, and that which is public and private. These are discussions about working while on vacation, or while at home with sick children, and what is acceptable to write about one’s workplace within social media. In short, current issues concerning work and life. Here we also find the main conclusion of the study: labor market issues affecting the workplace are a central part of the political blogosphere. The so-called “blog-quake” which occurred over the FRA-law (Swedish legislation permitting the state to, without a warrant, wiretap telephone and Internet traffic crossing Sweden’s borders) is often taken as an ex- ample of one of the blogosphere’s greatest political discussions. But the truth is that discu- ssions on changes in health insurance are greater, and discussions on unemployment and unemployment assistance are still much greater, if we look to the number of blog posts. In conclusion, unemployment and health insurance are two very big issues among Swe- dish political bloggers. At the same time we see that workplace-issues increasingly en- gage political bloggers. Johan Ulvenlöv Advocate for digital media, Unionen 2
  • 3. Conclusions • Unemployment and health insurance are issues that concern many of the political bloggers in Sweden. In the past five years, for example, unemployment issues have been written about more than twice as much as the FRA-law (warrantless wiretap- ping). • Several other labor market issues are given significant attention among political bloggers. The blurring of the boundary between work and leisure is something that is increasingly blogged about. In 2007, 53 blog posts touched on this topic. In 2011, it had grown to 217 posts. Skills development was mentioned only 97 times in 2007, but all of 530 times in 2012. Young people in the labor market and the discussion on youth wages was mentioned only 26 times in 2007, and 513 times in 2011. And already in the first quarter of this year, 356 blog posts have been written about youth wages. • Today more than 15 000 political blog posts are written per month in Sweden. Blog- ging increased constantly up until the election in September 2010. Since then, the number of party specific political blogs has declined while the number of contributions from nonpartisan bloggers has increased. 3
  • 4. Contents 5 Facts about the survey 6 Major issues in the blogosphere 7–8 The political blogosphere’s emergence 2007-2012 9 Unemployment 10–11 Health insurance 12 Unemployment assistance 13 RUT-deduction (tax deductions for household-related services) 14 Collective bargaining agreement 15 Phase 3 of the employment and skills development guarantee 16 Employer/employee agreement negotiations 17 Social media and issues on loyalty 18 The debate on the conditions for employees in temporary employment agencies 19 Skills development 20 Youth wages and starting salaries 21 Working during one’s leisure time 4
  • 5. Facts about the survey Analysis has been conducted by Unionen. Time frame for blog posts: 2007-01-01–2012-03-31 Number of blogs: 2 914 Number of analyzed blog posts: 964 015 Party affiliation based on what the bloggers themselves indicated when they for instance registered on, or as specified on the blog: Number of blogs: C - Centerpartiet (Center Party, centrist, social liberal, agrarian) 231 FP - Folkpartiet (Liberal People’s Party, center-right, social liberalism) 232 KD - Kristdemokraterna (Christian Democrats, center-right, social conservatism, economic liberalism) 91 M - Moderaterna (Moderate Party, center-right, liberal conservative) 228 MP - Miljöpartiet (Green Party, center-left) 175 S - Socialdemokraterna (Social Democratic Party, center-left) 667 V - Vänsterpartiet (Left Party, left wing, socialist, feminist) 147 SD - Sverigedemokraterna (Sweden Democrats, far right, Swedish nationalism, social conservatism) 46 PP - Piratpartiet (Pirate Party, bloc independent, information freedom) 95 Other 1002 Source: Twingly 5
  • 6. Major issues in the blogosphere Number of blog posts Unemployment 44 457 Health insurance 19 851 FRA-law (warrantless wiretapping) 18 658 Unemployment assistance 13 029 The Arabic Spring 10 355 2008 US Presidential Election 7 118 RUT-deduction (tax deductions for household-related services) 5 745 Collective bargaining agreement 4 902 Phase 3 of the employment and skills development guarantee 3 026 Employer/employee agreement negotiations 2 576 Social media and issues on loyalty 2 126 Temporary employment agencies 2 071 Carema Care 1 654 Skills development 1 627 Youth wages and starting salaries 1 548 Working during one’s leisure time 761 6
  • 7. The political blogosphere’s emergence 2007-2012 Socialdemokraterna Folkpartiet Sverigedemokraterna Vänsterpartiet Moderaterna Piratpartiet Miljöpartiet Centerpartiet Nonpartisan Kristdemokraterna Each circle represents a blog. The lines are links between blogs. The size of a specific blog is determined by how many other blogs that have linked to it. The position is based on who links to whom – each link can be said to act as a rubber band, so that two blogs that often link to each other are placed close together. 7
  • 8. All blog posts day by day Number of blog posts Jan. 1, 2007 June 24, 2007 Dec. 15, 2007 June 6, 2008 Nov. 27, 2008 May 20th, 2009 Nov. 10, 2009 May 3, 2010 Oct. 24, 2010 April 16, 2011 Oct. 7, 2011 March 31, 2012 The political parties blog posts 2007 – 2012 Nonpartisan SD PP KD M FP C MP S V Jan. 2007 July 2007 Dec. 2007 May 2008 Oct. 2008 March 2009 Aug. 2009 Jan. 2010 June 2010 Nov. 2010 April 2011 Sept. 2011 March 201 • The number of political blogs was the greatest during the parliamentary election of 2010. • Today more than 15 000 political blog posts per month are written in Sweden. • Blogging is less frequent in July and December than the rest of the year. • The number of blogs that address political issues without any party affiliation has increased. 8
  • 9. Unemployment Number of blog posts Jan. 2007 June 2007 Nov. 2007 April 2008 Sept. 2008 Feb. 2009 July 2009 Dec. 2009 May 2010 Oct. 2010 March 2011 Aug. 2011 March 2012 • Unemployment is the biggest issue among the political blogs of those that we have looked more closely at. In total during the period, 44 457 blog posts have been writ- ten about unemployment, compared with for example 18 658 blog posts about the FRA-law (warrantless wiretapping), which is often described as a major issue in the blogosphere. • The discussion on unemployment peaked in August and September of 2010, just befo- re the parliamentary election. But after the parliamentary election, the issue continues to receive considerable attention among bloggers. 9
  • 10. Health insurance Number of blog posts Jan. 2007 June 2007 Nov. 2007 April 2008 Sept. 2008 Feb. 2009 July 2009 Dec. 2009 May 2010 Oct. 2010 March 2011 Aug. 2011 March 2012 • Health insurance is one of the biggest issues in the political blogosphere. Altogether 19 851 blog posts have been written on health insurance during the time period. This can be compared with the 18 658 blog posts written about the FRA-law. • The peak in the chart in the year-end 2009-2010 reflects the discussions on the government’s new health insurance rules that took effect on January 1st, 2010. • On April 11th, 2011, the Government presented new changes in health insurance policies. 10
  • 11. The blog post “The Betrayal” – Health insurance Links to the blog post “The Betrayal” Blog posts on health insurance Health insurance in traditional media Sept. 4, 2010 Sept. 8, 2010 Sept. 12, 2010 Sept. 16, 2010 Sept. 20, 2010 Sept. 24, 2010 Sept. 28, 2010 Oct. 2, 2010 Oct. 6, 2010 Oct. 10, 2010 Here we see how bloggers initially address the blog post “The Betrayal” and how both blogs and media proceed to write increasingly about the issue of health care. It is particularly interesting to look at how the debate on health insurance emerged the week before parliamentary election in 2010. The blog post ”The Betrayal” ( by Emelie Holmqvist hit like a bombshell during the last days of the election campaign. In the blog post Holmqvist describes how her mother was forced to seek welfare assistance because the insurance agency thought that she should work despite her severe illness. The same night that the blog post was published it began to spread like wildfire among political bloggers, and the day after the discussion on health insurance policies had reached the media. In total nearly 1 500 blog posts on health insurance were published in connection with the parliamentary election. 11
  • 12. Unemployment assistance Number of blog posts Jan. 2007 June 2007 Nov. 2007 April 2008 Sept. 2008 Feb. 2009 July 2009 Dec. 2009 May 2010 Oct. 2010 March 2011 Aug. 2011 March 2012 • Unemployment insurance is always a big issue among political blogs. • In early 2007, a topic to receive a lot of attention in blogs was that the unemployment insurance fee was raised at the end of 2006. • The greatest number of blog posts was written during the election campaign for the parliamentary election in 2010, with 605 blog posts in September. • The peak in May 2010 reflects a proposal from the Liberal People’s Party (Folkpartiet) for compulsory unemployment assistance. 12
  • 13. RUT-deduction (tax deductions for household-related services) Number of blog posts Jan. 2007 June 2007 Nov. 2007 April 2008 Sept. 2008 Feb. 2009 July 2009 Dec. 2009 May 2010 Oct. 2010 March 2011 Aug. 2011 March 2012 • Almega’s report ”Home Service - Attitudes and Facts on Household-Related Services” was published in February 2010. Before that the issue was written about less. Even in traditional media the issue of the RUT-deduction has not been particularly noted before February 2010. • Even in August - September, in the campaign for the parliamentary election, many bloggers wrote about the RUT-deduction. 13
  • 14. Collective bargaining agreement Number of blog posts Jan. 2007 June 2007 Nov. 2007 April 2008 Sept. 2008 Feb. 2009 July 2009 Dec. 2009 May 2010 Oct. 2010 March 2011 Aug. 2011 March 2012 • From February to May 2007 much was written about the blockade against the salad bar, Wild ’n Fresh in Gothenburg, which led to Centre Party members Fredrik Federley and Dominika Peczynski starting a salad bar without a collective agreement in Stock- holm. It went bankrupt in the spring of 2007. • In December 2007, an agreement was reached on the Laval case in the European Court of Justice. • In May and June 2008, collective bargaining agreements were primarily discussed in connection to elections in the European Parliament, but IF Metall’s emergency agre- ement was also widely blogged about. 14
  • 15. Phase 3 of the employment and skills development guarantee Number of blog posts Jan. 2007 June 2007 Nov. 2007 April 2008 Sept. 2008 Feb. 2009 July 2009 Dec. 2009 May 2010 Oct. 2010 March 2011 Aug. 2011 March 2012 • Although the first participants in Phase 3 were registered in March 2009 it wasn’t until 2011 before such labor market measures were blogged about to any great extent. • In February 2011 the Social Democrats presented a report stating that Phase 3 mostly functioned as a form of containment of the long-term unemployed, while the newspa- per the Dagens Arbete conducted a survey of labor market measures which received much attention. • During May 2011 the television program “Uppdrag Granskning” broadcast a report of Phase 3 that gained much attention. 15
  • 16. Employer/employee agreement negotiations Number of blog posts Jan. 2007 June 2007 Nov. 2007 April 2008 Sept. 2008 Feb. 2009 July 2009 Dec. 2009 May 2010 Oct. 2010 March 2011 Aug. 2011 March 2012 • In March and April 2010 many blog posts were written about employer/employee agreement negotiations of 2010 and, among other things, the strike within the paper industry. • In September 2011 the employer/employee agreement negotiations began for 2011- 2012. • In March 2012 the strike-layoffs within the trade conflict are highlighted. 16
  • 17. Social media and issues on loyalty Number of blog posts Jan. 2007 June 2007 Nov. 2007 April 2008 Sept. 2008 Feb. 2009 July 2009 Dec. 2009 May 2010 Oct. 2010 March 2011 Aug. 2011 March 2012 • The discussion on employees being dismissed for something they have written in a blog, on Twitter or Facebook has gained attention among political bloggers. • Many blog posts are based on media reports from Sweden and abroad. 17
  • 18. The debate on the conditions for employees in temporary employment agencies Number of blog posts Jan. 2007 June 2007 Nov. 2007 April 2008 Sept. 2008 Feb. 2009 July 2009 Dec. 2009 May 2010 Oct. 2010 March 2011 Aug. 2011 March 2012 • In blogs the discussion on conditions within temporary employment agencies has increased in recent years. • In January 2012 Swedish Radio revealed that many temporary employment agencies had cheated in agreements and that employees were presented with job offers which they were expected to turn down. • In January and February 2011 the Swedish television program “Uppdrag Granskning” broadcast two high-profile reports about temporary employment agencies. One of the programs focused on Swedish teenagers in Norway. 18
  • 19. Skills development Number of blog posts Jan. 2007 June 2007 Nov. 2007 April 2008 Sept. 2008 Feb. 2009 July 2009 Dec. 2009 May 2010 Oct. 2010 March 2011 Aug. 2011 March 2012 • Increasingly, skills development is an issue addressed by political bloggers. In 2007 less than 100 blog posts were written about skills development. Since then the number of blog posts has increased each year and in 2011, 530 blog posts were written on the topic. 19
  • 20. Youth wages and starting salaries Number of blog posts Jan. 2007 June 2007 Nov. 2007 April 2008 Sept. 2008 Feb. 2009 July 2009 Dec. 2009 May 2010 Oct. 2010 March 2011 Aug. 2011 March 2012 • Youth wages has been a hot topic in March 2012, partly after a move by Jan Björklund prompting local governments to reduced youth wages, and an article in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, by among others Minister of Labor, Hillevi Engström. 20
  • 21. Working during one’s leisure time Number of blog posts Jan. 2007 June 2007 Nov. 2007 April 2008 Sept. 2008 Feb. 2009 July 2009 Dec. 2009 May 2010 Oct. 2010 March 2011 Aug. 2011 March 2012 • Blog posts about working during one’s leisure time relates to issues such as being available to one’s employer during the holidays, while at home caring for sick children, and the stress related to smartphones. • The discussion regarding working during one’s leisure time has grown in recent years within the blogosphere. The number of blog posts on the subject has on average in- creased fourfold over the past five years. • The peak in January and February 2012 points to blog posts about smartphone-rela- ted stress, working while caring for sick children and constant availability. 21
  • 22. Unionen is Sweden’s largest union within the private labor market and the country’s largest white-collar union. We are approximately 500 000 members, of whom more than 33 000 are elected from over 67 000 workplaces. Together we in Unionen are the leading agent to promote success, happiness and safety at work. If you want to know more about Unionen’s work on labor issues in social media, contact Johan Ulvenlöv who is responsible for advocacy of digital media, the division for politics, public opinion and influence within Unionen. Johan Ulvenlöv 08-504 153 01 070-591 70 36