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Supply Chain Management
Report produced for the EC funded project INNOREGIO: dissemination of innovation and knowledge management techniques
Sotiris Zigiaris, MSc, BPR engineer by BPR HELLAS SA
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Contents 1
1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.2
What is the Supply Chain Management (SCM) What is the importance of Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management Today Supply Chain
Management Tomorrow The Supply Chain Management Pipeline Objectives of the Supply Chain Management
1.3 Supply Chain principles/ Methodology and Solutions 1.3.1 Supply Chain Principles 1.3.2 Methodology of a Supply Chain Management
project–solutions more content...
Morehouse of A.T. Kearney calls the extended supply chain. "The goal of the extended enterprise is to do a better job of serving the ultimate
consumer,". Superior service, he continues, leads to increased market share. Increased share, in turn, brings with it competitive advantages such as
lower warehousing and transportation costs, reduced inventory levels, less waste, and lower transaction costs. The customer is the key to both
quantifying and communicating the supply chain 's value, confirms Shrawan Singh, vice president of integrated supply–chain management at Xerox.
"If you can start measuring customer satisfaction associated with what a supply chain can do for a customer and also link customer satisfaction in
terms of profit or revenue growth," Singh explains, "then you can attach customer values to profit & loss and to the balance sheet."
S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer BPR Hellas SA
1.1.1 What is the importance of Supply Chain Management In the ancient Greek fable about the tortoise and the hare, the speedy and overconfident
rabbit fell asleep on the job, while the "slow and steady" turtle won the race. That may have been true in Aesop 's time, but in today 's demanding
business environment, "slow and steady" won 't get you out of the starting gate, let alone win any races. Managers these days recognise that getting
products to customers faster than the competition will improve a company 's
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Importance of Supply Chain Management Essay
The Importance of Supply Chain Management
Supply chain management (SCM) is very important and effective to all companies. David Simchi–Levi, Philip Kaminsky, and Edith Simchi–Levi
defines supply chain management as "a set of approaches utilized to efficiently integrate suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and stores, so that
merchandise is produced and distributed at the right quantities, to the right locations, and at the right time, in order to minimize systemwide costs while
satisfying service level requirements." Supply chain management, also called logistics network, includes suppliers, industrialized centers, warehouses,
distributions centers, and retail outlets, as well as unprocessed materials, work–in–progress stock, more content...
Thomson Gale says, "In addition to helping to create an efficient, integrated company, supply chain management also plays a large part in reducing
costs. Depending on the industry, companies leading in supply chain performance achieve savings equal to three to seven percent of revenues
compared with their median performing peers." There are many different ways that SCM can help make a company more efficient and effective; such
as strategic partnerships, information sharing, outsourcing, the Internet, and e–business models. The use of strategic partnerships builds a relationship
between the suppliers and buyers that can help both parties reduce their cost, which also builds trust between them both. Information sharing is used by
supply chain partners for manufacturers to be able to utilize retailers' current sales information to better forecast demand and diminish lead times. It
also helps manufacturers to manage the unpredictability in supply chains, and from doing this it reduces inventory and evens out production. The big
responsibility to cut costs pushed more businesses to begin outsourcing, which is finding other suppliers from out of state or country to supply them
with the products better and more cost effectively. An innovation that has expanded businesses profits and services is the Internet, because it allowed
manufacturers to deal directly with consumer business models. E–business models, which are related to the Internet,
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Supply Chain Research Paper
Supply Chain Management
Supply chain management is emerging as one of the most powerful business practices. It is transforming the way manufactures operate and work with
partners – even the way they think about business. Why all the sudden interest? Mere observation of industrial practice brings to light a simple truth;
very few materials remain in the constant ownership of one person, persons or company from their source to the time they are sold to the end customer.
"Almost invariably, material flows through a series of 'players' whose role may be to transform (manufacturing plants), store (warehouses) or move
(distributors) material." This results in the establishment of complex systems that industry more content...
industry today.
What does all of this mean for the mom and pop stores? Probably not a whole lot for now. Those who are currently using the Internet may find it
easier to order supplies or even distribute. For the middle size company, it could be a blessing or curse. Those who invest and use the new technology
may rise to new heights; those who do not may be pushed into bankruptcy.
This paper will attempt to touch upon the history, the various new transpirations and developments in supply chain technology and project a direction
for the future.
Literature review The subject of supply chain has been examined, studied and dissected by great scholars. Their works have been published and have
been around since the 1950s. However, the technology that is now being used, or rather is beginning to be used, is not documented in any text. The
industry of supply chain management technology is in such infancy stages, that not a lot of good periodical articles are in circulation. As of
February 1998, articles began appearing in magazines like Information Week, Computer World and Info World Magazine. The articles were basic and
very vague. No real inside stories as to how any one particular firm's Supply chain management system worked. At this point in the development, most
of the detailed information is probably regarded as trade secrets. The paper is put together from pieces of new clippings, magazine articles, news wire
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Supply Chain Management Essay
Supply chain holds a special place in B2B e–business. With the growth of internet and businesses operating electronically, the product life cycle has
reduced to a large extent. This has increased the competition among the organizations to better manage their supply chain to satisfy the customers need
in a competitive market. With the growth of information technology, the trends in determining the demand and supply are changing drastically. The
organizations are developing and implementing better systems, which can forecast the demand and supply in a flexible way to the changing needs. The
changing business market has forced the organizations to employ highly skilled people on a better infrastructure and to develop supply chain
mechanisms, more content...
In B2B e–business, supply chain management plays an important role. The customer in B2B e–business is not aware of the processes being followed
by the organization to make a delivery of the product of his/her choice. There is no direct interaction between the organization representatives with the
customer. Hence, it is important for the organization to implement a supply chain mechanism which is competitive in the market and gives best results
to compete with other organizations.
The product life cycle is also an important part of the supply chain management, which makes sure that the product being produced comply with the
given standards and customer is happy to receive it. The cost factor of the delivered product is largely dependent on the supply chain management
and product life cycle. If the product life cycle and supply chain are managed properly, the cost of the product is deemed to be low and thus making
the customer happy. In B2B e–business it plays a very important role, as the customer is not directly interacting with the organization.
3. Importance of Supply Chain in B2B e–business
Today's business has become more competitive and requires cost effective solution to give a better quality product to the customer. The productivity
advantage of supply chain management gives a winning edge to the suppliers. More production has been possible in recent times dues to better
management of
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Supply Chain Management ( Scm ) Essay
The topic of the research has been discussed that what actually supply chain management (SCM) is, where it is utilized and what its importance in a
business are, and why it is necessary to go for a research in this field. Additionally, opinions of different authors has been given that how an
organisation could reduce their costs on the basis of supply chain management and why should the managers reshape or reconstruct this section of their
business and what will be the benefits of those changes.
According to Brau, J. C et al (2004) because of the higher universal competition between the companies, it is essential for a company to be reorganised
and restructured, so it could enhance their end customer's satisfaction. This key point has tended the managers to think critically about their resources
to be utilized in a way that could result in higher value. He also added that, supply chain management enables a firm to concentrate on their inimitable
and matchless capabilities and skills.
Furthermore, cost reduction and development in the products and services has been caused by the compression of the global competition in the market.
Keeping in consideration the current competition, it needs to be managed more and more relationships with new suppliers as well as to maintain and
achieve the information flow, has become more significant. Besides
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Case Study : Supply Chain Management Essay
"The best supply chains aren't just fast and cost–effective. They are also agile and adaptable, and they ensure that all their companies' interests stay
aligned." (Lee, 2004)
Supply chain management or SCM is a series of interconnected and interdependent operational functions and decisions. It is the blend of art and
science that goes into enhancing the company's procedures in obtaining the raw materials it requires to create a product or service and distribute it to
customers (Harland Jr, 2013). All successful e–commerce businesses have one strategy in common, that similarity is the emphasis on creating and
developing supply chains that distributes products and services to customers as cheaply and fast as possible. Leading e–commerce business and
enterprise continually invest on improving the speed and cost–reduction of their supply chains, in which implementing a supply chain management
proves to be beneficial. Supply chains that are flexible, nimble, and aligned can deliver sustainable competitive advantage, which is crucial to
successful e–commerce (Lee, 2004).
This essay will discuss the statement 'good supply chain management is key to successful e–commerce' taking into account the main functions of
supply chain management in relation to e–commerce businesses. It will also highlight several problems organisations face in implementing a good
supply chain management system and how to overcome these drawbacks. Furthermore, the essay will include two
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Supply Chain Management Study Questions Essay
Chapter 1Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management
1. Every organization has an operations function. Answer: True Reference: Why Study Operations and Supply Chain Management? Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: organization, operations, function
2. Most organizations function as part of a larger supply chain. Answer: True Reference: Why Study Operations andSupply Chain Management?
Difficulty: Easy Keywords: organization, supply, chain, supply chain
3. The supply chain is a network of manufacturers and service providers that work together to convert and move goods from the raw materials stage to
the end user. Answer: True Reference: Why Study Operations and Supply more content...
Answer: False Reference: Operations and Supply Chain Management and You Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: interface, marketing, operations
17. The collection of people, technology, and systems within an organization that has primary responsibility for providing the organization's products or
services is called: a. the supply chain. b. the operations function. c. the evoked set. d. relationship management. Answer: b Reference: Why Study
Operations and Supply Chain Management? Difficulty: Easy Keywords: operations, function
18. Which of the following is NOT a flow typically found in a supply chain? e. physical f. information g. monetary h. risk Answer: d Reference: Why
Study Operations and Supply Chain Management? Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: supply, chain, flow AACSB: Communication
19. Which of the following is primarily a supply chain management decision? i. from whom to purchase materials j. how many of each item should be
produced k. the mix of labor skill and automation l. plant location Answer: a Reference: Why Study Operations and Supply Chain Management?
Difficulty: Difficult Keywords: supply, chain, decision, supplier
20. ______________ is an example of an output of the transformation process. m. Material n. Information o.
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The Usage Of Supply Chain Management Essay
The term Information Technology's (IT) tools usage in Supply Chain Management (SCM) is defined as IT involved in improving SCM practice
(Li, 2002b). Here in this study, usage of IT is especially defined as use of IT to enable activities within the organization, since this study aims to
concentrate on the relationship between buyer and supplier. There are many researchers have expansively analyzed the impact of any particular
types of IT tools in the SCM field (Walton & Gupta, 1999; Lee & Whang, 2001; Tarn, Yen, & Beaumont, 2002; Chalasani & Sounderpandian,
2004; Chou, Tan, & Yen, 2004; Siau & Tian, 2004; Lankford, 2004; Sanders, 2005; Sanders & Premus, 2005). Murphy and Daley (1996) identified
that Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) would be a key part of the tool if the organizations in the field of logistic want to be effectively successful
international forwarders of freights. The EDI permits the data transfer in a mutually agreed electronic way, for example, as invoices, bills and in the
form of purchase orders between the companies. Around 57 % of respondents in a survey expressed that the outcomes of implementation of EDI as
"fast and easy access to information" and 34% mentioned that "positive and better service towards customer satisfaction. From the research we can
understand that the forwarders who dealing in a larger scale interested to used EDI when we compare with small forwarders. Because the small
forwarders do not like to use EDI even in the future as well.
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Supply Chain Management Logistics Logistics and supply chain management are some of the most critical factors for helping any organization to be
successful. This is because these elements are necessary for ensuring that everyone can receive the products, materials or personnel when they need it
the most. As someone who has experience in working with these areas I am seeking a Master's of Science in Supply Chain Management (i.e. Logistics).
This is based upon my ability to concentrate on a number of subjects and understand critical tasks. These variables have enabled me to succeed at
any field of endeavor I choose. My journey started in 2005. This is when I received a degree from Temasek Polytechnic in Information
Technology. I used the knowledge I obtained in IT, to study in the field of Chemistry. This resulted in me receiving my BSC with Honors in 2011
from the Australian National University (ANU). During this time, I was awarded with the Singapore Armed Forces Scholarship. This helped me to
pursue my higher education goals and it allowed me to understand how I can apply different skills to my personal, professional and academic life.
These factors enabled me to excel at ANU, as I was accepted into the Golden Key International Honors Society in my first year. During my honors
year, I was awarded with the Research School of Chemistry Scholarship. These achievements are a part of my continuing focus on learning new ideas
and applying them to my long term career
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Supply Chain Management Essay
The first research publication presents guidelines on focus to the study one development efforts to enabling firms or companies to benefit from
e–business in the (SCM) supply chain management. The type of presented resources allocation is based on exports opinions. The previous study
(Christopher, 1998) it has identified that the tasks orientated, and interaction centred which focus on groups workload as an ideal methodology for
exploring the experience of professionals and experience describing by the Delphi research method (limestone 1976) was actually used as data
collection method in first publication. This methodology including an interactive process which summarising and evaluate the type of respondents'
point of views on things more content...
The second publication looks at the challenges which may relate to the integration of (SCO) supply chain operations and services providers. After
general approach in the first publication, this project wanted to focus little a bit more on some particular question and issue which can find published
in the second research. The report's findings of understanding of case analysed with one (SC) supply chain where the care of a firm has its outsourced
manufacturers and logistics operations and retailing to the third parties and obvious concentrates on things like product developing as well as a
marketing operation. The case of a firm having difficulties of building a reliable type of information system which could bring more visibility within
its (SCO) supply chain operation. These research interviews were actually conducted by the representatives from different core firms, the e–business
and logistics services provider, different several upstream as well as downstream (SCP) supply chain partners to try and find out the motivation which
preventing a successful of collaboration within the ( SC ) supply chain. The identifying motivation was obviously categorised into two different groups
which are transactions related and (SC) supply chain coordinated related. The Furthermore, this research highlighted the importance of understanding
e–business related process to enable to collaborate and approach measurement and tools to be
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Supply Chain Management : Supply Chains Essay
In order to answer the question of what is supply chain management we must know what a supply chain is. According to (Mentzer et al., 2001, p.
1) "Supply chain is defined as the network of organisations which are involved in different processes that produce value either in the form of
products or services delivered to consumers". A supply chain is made up of suppliers, manufactures and distributors, a good way of looking at this is
the supply chain pipeline. A supply chain is seen as an enabler, this is why people are seeing this increased importance for it and realize it is the
weapon of the future. A supply chain starts at the upstream stage, which is usually the sourcing of raw materials then downstream to the disposal stage
(Berk, 2005)
According to (Lummus & Vokurka, 1999, p. 2) "Supply chain management is an integrating philosophy to manage the total flow of a distribution
channel from supplier to ultimate customer". The theory behind this definition looks at how supply chain management allows companies to focus on
there unique skill sets and how understanding supply chain objectives and individual roles, an ability to work together, and a willingness to adapt in
order to create and deliver the best products and services possible. Technology and teamwork are a huge part of supply chain management, if
organisations have advanced technology and good teamwork efficiency and effective processes will be created which will create more value for the
end customer, but if
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Supply Chain Management Essay
Supply Chain Management
According to our class text Supply Chain Management's goal is to create fast, efficient, and low–cost network of business relationships to get a
company's product from concept to market. In order to understand the goal we must know that the supply chain is the process the raw materials of a
product go through in order to be available to the consumer. The relationships that the business creates are needed in order to create the product, each
process the product goes through creates value, the supply chain is often called the value chain. Internet technologies are increasingly making the supply
chain management process much more efficient and worth the initial investment. The supply chain management more content...
While researching on line I came across an article that described the affect that the Internet is having on supply chains today. "E–enabled supply chain
management is fast emerging as a core strategy that organizations worldwide are adopting for sustainable business advantage". (4)
The class text states that Supply chain management is frequently divided into supply chain planning applications, supply chain execution applications,
logistics management, and warehouse management. Often when companies fail at implementing an efficient supply chain because of the planning
section, or inaccurate demand forecasts. The text states electronic data interchange is one of the earliest uses of information technology for supply
chain management, Electronic data interchange is the use of the Internet for everyday business transactions. "In this era of information a firm's supply
chain should operate at speed of thought and this is possible only by enhanced e–speed communications and information sharing with their critical
partners." (4) A common way of decreasing the amount of inventory a business holds on a daily basis is implementing a just–in–time inventory
process. A Just–In–Time inventory system means that the business gets the materials for a product, as they are demanded. "The electronic data
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Global Supply Chain Management Essay
Lean manufacturing and just–in–time processing are great business strategies that can severely stress a supply chain. The supply chain and supply
chain management is a critical operations management element for any major company to succeed and remain competitive in the global market. The
supply chain is one of many pieces critical to maximizing value to the end customer and requires close management to minimize external impacts. If a
company is relying on another company to supply the raw materials needed for their production line, then impacts to this other company could impact
their supply chain. Careful risk management is needed to optimize performance. As a company expands into global markets and global suppliers, this
risk more content...
In addition to increase risks, there is also a potential huge impact to supply chain disruption. In a study of more than 800 companies that
experienced supply chain disruption between 1989 and 2000, there was a 33 to 40 percent lower stock return relative to industry peers (Bosman,
2006). Companies were also impacted by price volatility, lower sales growth and higher costs. Recent events highlight the unpredictability and
severity of events that could cause supply chain disruption. The earthquake off the coast of Japan serves as a sobering reminder of this reality. As a
country positioned as a global center of commerce and trade, Japan has provided a sweeping example of supply chain disruption. Although it is
impossible to predict every natural disaster, act of terrorism or other supply chain contingency, a consideration for such disruptions must be a
foundation for the strategic planning process from manufacturing all the way to the store shelf (Burnson, 2011). The disaster in Japan is already
affecting companies around the world in the automotive industry, aerospace industry and the high tech industry (Chu, 2011). The complexity of global
supply chains makes it difficult to fully understand all the impacts. It has been one month after the earthquake and ships are still at sea with products
dispatched before the earthquake (Chu, 2011). A company will need to be well in tune with it's supply chain due to
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Supply Of Supply Chain Management Essay
Supply Chain Management involves the process of managing, monitoring, controlling and constantly coordinating supply related activities among
manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers, retailer and the consumers. All this is done while integrating supply management with demand management, not
only within but also across companies. Since all the processes involved in managing supply chain activities require a robust system in place, every
company turns to technology for efficient and effective synchronization and smooth deployment of processes along with careful alignment of resources
for timely completion of supply related activities.
One such system that allows firms to manage business and operations and automate time–consuming manual tasks is Enterprise resource planning
system, which now is being integrated with supply chain management by companies worldwide so that they can enjoy access to all streamlined
information related to various functions in the organization on one platform, thereby saving time and cost. There are countless benefits of ERP within
the firm, most of which are related to allowing the employees in the firm to familiarize themselves with an efficient streamlining process that not only
brings activities in order but also helps tracking loopholes a lot easier and fun. It is not only the fun use of technology that inspires the employees but
also the clearly defined roles and responsibilities that prevent employees from falling into each other space and
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Supply Chain Management Essays
Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the integration of information, technologies and management of key business functions which is linked directly
or indirectly and provides services to the same customer. It promotes the flow of products downstream from raw materials to the end consumer and the
flow of information upstream from consumer to supplier [1].
In above figure it explains that raw materials is procured and then it goes to the supplier for processing of raw material, suppliers supplies the
processed raw materials to the manufactures, producers transform these raw material into finished goods, distributors delivers finished goods, packed
materials to customers or retailers and retailers sell that product to consumers. more content...
Its mission today is to perpetuate the uses of the SCOR model through technical development, research, education and conference events [3].
SCOR is a management tool, spanning from the supplier's supplier to the customer's customer [2]. The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) is
a business process reference model which was developed by the supply chain council (SCC).
"The SCOR model is the only supply chain framework that we found that links performance measures, best practices, and software requirements to a
detailed business process model"
–Logistics Management Institute June 1999
The SCOR–model captures the council's general view of supply chain management. While much of the underlying content of the model has been used
by practitioners for many years, the SCOR–model provides a unique framework that links business process, metrics, best practices and technology
features into a unified structure to support communication among supply chain partners and to improve the effectiveness of supply chain management
and related supply chain improvement activities [4]. The SCOR model was designed to provide companies to communicate, compare and learn from
competitors and companies both within and outside of their industry. It not only measures supply chain performance but also effectiveness
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Supply Chain Logistics Essay
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
YourFirstName YourLastName
University title
For any production and distribution to be successful, then it should be able to produce quality goods and products. It should also ensure that the goods
get to the customer in good condition and on time among others. This is achieved through efficient and effective production and distribution logistics.
Customer orders may face delays in delivery and therefore not meeting customer satisfaction, which could cause problems with customer retention.
Analysis of data helps in coming up with the best actions that a manager or a CEO should take. This paper seeks to discover the factors that affect
distribution in any given organization.
SECTION I: INTRODUCTION Hymur Limited deals with the production of coolers that are used for outdoor picnics.That said, the production as well
as distribution of these products are carried out in a facility situated on the East Coast. Due to low density products and high shipment rates, the
company has challenges delivering and reaching the West Coast. Currently, the company ships products from the East Coast center of distribution and
the East Coast facility to the West Coast and this is challenging. The company can adopt other alternatives such as giving a contract to another company
to do the distribution to the West Coast on its behalf or establish a production and a distribution facility on the West Coast. Having multiple
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Key Components Of Supply Chain Management Essay
Leadership theory To effectively make the operations of supply chain functional, it is usually important for those who are involved in the e–commerce
business to employ the most appropriate leadership theory (Simchi–Levi, Simchi–Levi, & Kaminsky, 1999). The theory applied teds to guide the
operations designed by the managers so that al operations of the business are streamlined and efficient as well as making sure that the expectations of
the customers are comfortably met (Christopher, 2016). The best theories to apply in the case of e–commerce business are the behavioral theories.
These theories tend to offer new ways of carrying businesses, focusing on the behavior of the managers and more so on their decision making models
and help in understanding the behavior of the top management (Lee, Padmanabhan, & Whang, 1997). As such, this makes these theories to be very
useful in carrying out e–commerce business.
Key components of supply chain management The process of carrying out an effective supply chain business entails the process of understanding a
number of disciplines that make the key components of the process. Previous researches concerning supply chain have identified a total of about
twelve very distinct management areas that are linked to the supply chain activities (Turban, et al., 2002). The common components of supply chain
that have been documented include the discipline of location, transportation and logistics, outsourcing and logistics, sourcing and
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Theories And Theory Of Supply Chain Management
Supply chain management refers to management of the movement of goods and services from one point to another. It also involves storage and flow
of raw materials and manufactured products from the point of production to the point of consumption. There are several concepts and theories in the
field of supply chain management. This paper seeks to explore various theories and concepts of supply chain management and how such theories impact
various industries.
Agency theory is one of the theories that have got a major effect on the supply chain management. It explains the relationship between agents and
principal in the chain of supply management. In particular, it is concerned with countering the challenges that exist in the agency relationships as a more content...
It refers to a set of strategies employed by a company in managing and analyzing business's relationship with its customers. The aim of customer
relationships management is to improve the quality of service given to the customers and it is also instrumental in assessing customer retention and
boosting sales made by the business organization (Christopher, 2016). It also enables firms to gain a competitive advantage over other firms that supply
similar products. A firm with an efficient supply management that incorporates sound customer relationship practices in its operations is, therefore,
likely to be far ahead of its competitors and rivals. In addition, the integration of the customer relationship management in the field of supply chain
management is important as it enables business organizations to collect valuable data that shows the needs and wants of the customers. Consequently,
the business organization is able to respond appropriately to the needs of customers. Lastly, the customer relationship management is used in the supply
chain management to forecast future behaviors and needs of
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Supply Chain Management Final Paper
Nathan Barker Christopher Parry MGMT 2163 – Supply Chain Management November 1, 2015 Supply Chain Management Final Paper Rough Draft
Table of Contents Executive Summary Issues and Challenges Potential Solutions Possible Risks to these Solutions Metrics Conclusion I. Executive
Summary An effective supply chain is the key to creating business value, and with expansion on the horizon. Good planning and willingness to
adapt to changes are key to maximizing our results. In order to do this we have come up with a plan that will make Lady Americana mattresses a
household name in our target expansion markets. In the state of Oklahoma, Lady Americana has already become a brand that has a bed in almost
every home. The current systems in place are effective for todays operations, below are some challenges and recommendations to improve upon this
to create an effective supply chain, that will grow with you as your business does. II. Issues and Challenges One of the first issues that I see when
expanding to new markets, would be in forecasting the potential of these markets. This can involve both overestimating and underestimating the size of
said markets. This can then lead to challenges in staffing, production facilities, and warehouse space. Poor evaluation of these new markets can also
affect our suppliers up and down
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Supply Chain Management

  • 1. Supply Chain Management SUPPLY CHAIN UPPLY HAIN MANAGEMENT ANAGEMENT Report produced for the EC funded project INNOREGIO: dissemination of innovation and knowledge management techniques Sotiris Zigiaris, MSc, BPR engineer by BPR HELLAS SA J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 0 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 1 Contents 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.2 Description What is the Supply Chain Management (SCM) What is the importance of Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management Today Supply Chain Management Tomorrow The Supply Chain Management Pipeline Objectives of the Supply Chain Management 1.3 Supply Chain principles/ Methodology and Solutions 1.3.1 Supply Chain Principles 1.3.2 Methodology of a Supply Chain Management project–solutions more content... Morehouse of A.T. Kearney calls the extended supply chain. "The goal of the extended enterprise is to do a better job of serving the ultimate
  • 2. consumer,". Superior service, he continues, leads to increased market share. Increased share, in turn, brings with it competitive advantages such as lower warehousing and transportation costs, reduced inventory levels, less waste, and lower transaction costs. The customer is the key to both quantifying and communicating the supply chain 's value, confirms Shrawan Singh, vice president of integrated supply–chain management at Xerox. "If you can start measuring customer satisfaction associated with what a supply chain can do for a customer and also link customer satisfaction in terms of profit or revenue growth," Singh explains, "then you can attach customer values to profit & loss and to the balance sheet." INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer BPR Hellas SA SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 3 1.1.1 What is the importance of Supply Chain Management In the ancient Greek fable about the tortoise and the hare, the speedy and overconfident rabbit fell asleep on the job, while the "slow and steady" turtle won the race. That may have been true in Aesop 's time, but in today 's demanding business environment, "slow and steady" won 't get you out of the starting gate, let alone win any races. Managers these days recognise that getting products to customers faster than the competition will improve a company 's Get more content on
  • 3. Importance of Supply Chain Management Essay The Importance of Supply Chain Management Supply chain management (SCM) is very important and effective to all companies. David Simchi–Levi, Philip Kaminsky, and Edith Simchi–Levi defines supply chain management as "a set of approaches utilized to efficiently integrate suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and stores, so that merchandise is produced and distributed at the right quantities, to the right locations, and at the right time, in order to minimize systemwide costs while satisfying service level requirements." Supply chain management, also called logistics network, includes suppliers, industrialized centers, warehouses, distributions centers, and retail outlets, as well as unprocessed materials, work–in–progress stock, more content... Thomson Gale says, "In addition to helping to create an efficient, integrated company, supply chain management also plays a large part in reducing costs. Depending on the industry, companies leading in supply chain performance achieve savings equal to three to seven percent of revenues compared with their median performing peers." There are many different ways that SCM can help make a company more efficient and effective; such as strategic partnerships, information sharing, outsourcing, the Internet, and e–business models. The use of strategic partnerships builds a relationship between the suppliers and buyers that can help both parties reduce their cost, which also builds trust between them both. Information sharing is used by supply chain partners for manufacturers to be able to utilize retailers' current sales information to better forecast demand and diminish lead times. It also helps manufacturers to manage the unpredictability in supply chains, and from doing this it reduces inventory and evens out production. The big responsibility to cut costs pushed more businesses to begin outsourcing, which is finding other suppliers from out of state or country to supply them with the products better and more cost effectively. An innovation that has expanded businesses profits and services is the Internet, because it allowed manufacturers to deal directly with consumer business models. E–business models, which are related to the Internet, Get more content on
  • 4. Supply Chain Research Paper Supply Chain Management Introduction Supply chain management is emerging as one of the most powerful business practices. It is transforming the way manufactures operate and work with partners – even the way they think about business. Why all the sudden interest? Mere observation of industrial practice brings to light a simple truth; very few materials remain in the constant ownership of one person, persons or company from their source to the time they are sold to the end customer. "Almost invariably, material flows through a series of 'players' whose role may be to transform (manufacturing plants), store (warehouses) or move (distributors) material." This results in the establishment of complex systems that industry more content... industry today. What does all of this mean for the mom and pop stores? Probably not a whole lot for now. Those who are currently using the Internet may find it easier to order supplies or even distribute. For the middle size company, it could be a blessing or curse. Those who invest and use the new technology may rise to new heights; those who do not may be pushed into bankruptcy. This paper will attempt to touch upon the history, the various new transpirations and developments in supply chain technology and project a direction for the future. Literature review The subject of supply chain has been examined, studied and dissected by great scholars. Their works have been published and have been around since the 1950s. However, the technology that is now being used, or rather is beginning to be used, is not documented in any text. The industry of supply chain management technology is in such infancy stages, that not a lot of good periodical articles are in circulation. As of February 1998, articles began appearing in magazines like Information Week, Computer World and Info World Magazine. The articles were basic and very vague. No real inside stories as to how any one particular firm's Supply chain management system worked. At this point in the development, most of the detailed information is probably regarded as trade secrets. The paper is put together from pieces of new clippings, magazine articles, news wire releases.
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  • 6. Supply Chain Management Essay Supply chain holds a special place in B2B e–business. With the growth of internet and businesses operating electronically, the product life cycle has reduced to a large extent. This has increased the competition among the organizations to better manage their supply chain to satisfy the customers need in a competitive market. With the growth of information technology, the trends in determining the demand and supply are changing drastically. The organizations are developing and implementing better systems, which can forecast the demand and supply in a flexible way to the changing needs. The changing business market has forced the organizations to employ highly skilled people on a better infrastructure and to develop supply chain mechanisms, more content... In B2B e–business, supply chain management plays an important role. The customer in B2B e–business is not aware of the processes being followed by the organization to make a delivery of the product of his/her choice. There is no direct interaction between the organization representatives with the customer. Hence, it is important for the organization to implement a supply chain mechanism which is competitive in the market and gives best results to compete with other organizations. The product life cycle is also an important part of the supply chain management, which makes sure that the product being produced comply with the given standards and customer is happy to receive it. The cost factor of the delivered product is largely dependent on the supply chain management and product life cycle. If the product life cycle and supply chain are managed properly, the cost of the product is deemed to be low and thus making the customer happy. In B2B e–business it plays a very important role, as the customer is not directly interacting with the organization. 3. Importance of Supply Chain in B2B e–business Today's business has become more competitive and requires cost effective solution to give a better quality product to the customer. The productivity advantage of supply chain management gives a winning edge to the suppliers. More production has been possible in recent times dues to better management of Get more content on
  • 7. Supply Chain Management ( Scm ) Essay IDENTIFYING AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE CORE ISSUES RELATED TO SUPPLY CHAIN DISRUPTIONS, TO REDUCE THE EXTRA COSTS OF COMPANIES Introduction The topic of the research has been discussed that what actually supply chain management (SCM) is, where it is utilized and what its importance in a business are, and why it is necessary to go for a research in this field. Additionally, opinions of different authors has been given that how an organisation could reduce their costs on the basis of supply chain management and why should the managers reshape or reconstruct this section of their business and what will be the benefits of those changes. According to Brau, J. C et al (2004) because of the higher universal competition between the companies, it is essential for a company to be reorganised and restructured, so it could enhance their end customer's satisfaction. This key point has tended the managers to think critically about their resources to be utilized in a way that could result in higher value. He also added that, supply chain management enables a firm to concentrate on their inimitable and matchless capabilities and skills. Furthermore, cost reduction and development in the products and services has been caused by the compression of the global competition in the market. Keeping in consideration the current competition, it needs to be managed more and more relationships with new suppliers as well as to maintain and achieve the information flow, has become more significant. Besides Get more content on
  • 8. Case Study : Supply Chain Management Essay Introduction "The best supply chains aren't just fast and cost–effective. They are also agile and adaptable, and they ensure that all their companies' interests stay aligned." (Lee, 2004) Supply chain management or SCM is a series of interconnected and interdependent operational functions and decisions. It is the blend of art and science that goes into enhancing the company's procedures in obtaining the raw materials it requires to create a product or service and distribute it to customers (Harland Jr, 2013). All successful e–commerce businesses have one strategy in common, that similarity is the emphasis on creating and developing supply chains that distributes products and services to customers as cheaply and fast as possible. Leading e–commerce business and enterprise continually invest on improving the speed and cost–reduction of their supply chains, in which implementing a supply chain management proves to be beneficial. Supply chains that are flexible, nimble, and aligned can deliver sustainable competitive advantage, which is crucial to successful e–commerce (Lee, 2004). This essay will discuss the statement 'good supply chain management is key to successful e–commerce' taking into account the main functions of supply chain management in relation to e–commerce businesses. It will also highlight several problems organisations face in implementing a good supply chain management system and how to overcome these drawbacks. Furthermore, the essay will include two Get more content on
  • 9. Supply Chain Management Study Questions Essay Chapter 1Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management TRUE/FALSE 1. Every organization has an operations function. Answer: True Reference: Why Study Operations and Supply Chain Management? Difficulty: Easy Keywords: organization, operations, function 2. Most organizations function as part of a larger supply chain. Answer: True Reference: Why Study Operations andSupply Chain Management? Difficulty: Easy Keywords: organization, supply, chain, supply chain 3. The supply chain is a network of manufacturers and service providers that work together to convert and move goods from the raw materials stage to the end user. Answer: True Reference: Why Study Operations and Supply more content... Answer: False Reference: Operations and Supply Chain Management and You Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: interface, marketing, operations MULTIPLE CHOICE 17. The collection of people, technology, and systems within an organization that has primary responsibility for providing the organization's products or services is called: a. the supply chain. b. the operations function. c. the evoked set. d. relationship management. Answer: b Reference: Why Study Operations and Supply Chain Management? Difficulty: Easy Keywords: operations, function 18. Which of the following is NOT a flow typically found in a supply chain? e. physical f. information g. monetary h. risk Answer: d Reference: Why Study Operations and Supply Chain Management? Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: supply, chain, flow AACSB: Communication 19. Which of the following is primarily a supply chain management decision? i. from whom to purchase materials j. how many of each item should be produced k. the mix of labor skill and automation l. plant location Answer: a Reference: Why Study Operations and Supply Chain Management? Difficulty: Difficult Keywords: supply, chain, decision, supplier
  • 10. 20. ______________ is an example of an output of the transformation process. m. Material n. Information o. Get more content on
  • 11. The Usage Of Supply Chain Management Essay The term Information Technology's (IT) tools usage in Supply Chain Management (SCM) is defined as IT involved in improving SCM practice (Li, 2002b). Here in this study, usage of IT is especially defined as use of IT to enable activities within the organization, since this study aims to concentrate on the relationship between buyer and supplier. There are many researchers have expansively analyzed the impact of any particular types of IT tools in the SCM field (Walton & Gupta, 1999; Lee & Whang, 2001; Tarn, Yen, & Beaumont, 2002; Chalasani & Sounderpandian, 2004; Chou, Tan, & Yen, 2004; Siau & Tian, 2004; Lankford, 2004; Sanders, 2005; Sanders & Premus, 2005). Murphy and Daley (1996) identified that Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) would be a key part of the tool if the organizations in the field of logistic want to be effectively successful international forwarders of freights. The EDI permits the data transfer in a mutually agreed electronic way, for example, as invoices, bills and in the form of purchase orders between the companies. Around 57 % of respondents in a survey expressed that the outcomes of implementation of EDI as "fast and easy access to information" and 34% mentioned that "positive and better service towards customer satisfaction. From the research we can understand that the forwarders who dealing in a larger scale interested to used EDI when we compare with small forwarders. Because the small forwarders do not like to use EDI even in the future as well. Get more content on
  • 12. Supply Chain Management Logistics Logistics and supply chain management are some of the most critical factors for helping any organization to be successful. This is because these elements are necessary for ensuring that everyone can receive the products, materials or personnel when they need it the most. As someone who has experience in working with these areas I am seeking a Master's of Science in Supply Chain Management (i.e. Logistics). This is based upon my ability to concentrate on a number of subjects and understand critical tasks. These variables have enabled me to succeed at any field of endeavor I choose. My journey started in 2005. This is when I received a degree from Temasek Polytechnic in Information Technology. I used the knowledge I obtained in IT, to study in the field of Chemistry. This resulted in me receiving my BSC with Honors in 2011 from the Australian National University (ANU). During this time, I was awarded with the Singapore Armed Forces Scholarship. This helped me to pursue my higher education goals and it allowed me to understand how I can apply different skills to my personal, professional and academic life. These factors enabled me to excel at ANU, as I was accepted into the Golden Key International Honors Society in my first year. During my honors year, I was awarded with the Research School of Chemistry Scholarship. These achievements are a part of my continuing focus on learning new ideas and applying them to my long term career Get more content on
  • 13. Supply Chain Management Essay The first research publication presents guidelines on focus to the study one development efforts to enabling firms or companies to benefit from e–business in the (SCM) supply chain management. The type of presented resources allocation is based on exports opinions. The previous study (Christopher, 1998) it has identified that the tasks orientated, and interaction centred which focus on groups workload as an ideal methodology for exploring the experience of professionals and experience describing by the Delphi research method (limestone 1976) was actually used as data collection method in first publication. This methodology including an interactive process which summarising and evaluate the type of respondents' point of views on things more content... The second publication looks at the challenges which may relate to the integration of (SCO) supply chain operations and services providers. After general approach in the first publication, this project wanted to focus little a bit more on some particular question and issue which can find published in the second research. The report's findings of understanding of case analysed with one (SC) supply chain where the care of a firm has its outsourced manufacturers and logistics operations and retailing to the third parties and obvious concentrates on things like product developing as well as a marketing operation. The case of a firm having difficulties of building a reliable type of information system which could bring more visibility within its (SCO) supply chain operation. These research interviews were actually conducted by the representatives from different core firms, the e–business and logistics services provider, different several upstream as well as downstream (SCP) supply chain partners to try and find out the motivation which preventing a successful of collaboration within the ( SC ) supply chain. The identifying motivation was obviously categorised into two different groups which are transactions related and (SC) supply chain coordinated related. The Furthermore, this research highlighted the importance of understanding e–business related process to enable to collaborate and approach measurement and tools to be Get more content on
  • 14. Supply Chain Management : Supply Chains Essay In order to answer the question of what is supply chain management we must know what a supply chain is. According to (Mentzer et al., 2001, p. 1) "Supply chain is defined as the network of organisations which are involved in different processes that produce value either in the form of products or services delivered to consumers". A supply chain is made up of suppliers, manufactures and distributors, a good way of looking at this is the supply chain pipeline. A supply chain is seen as an enabler, this is why people are seeing this increased importance for it and realize it is the weapon of the future. A supply chain starts at the upstream stage, which is usually the sourcing of raw materials then downstream to the disposal stage (Berk, 2005) According to (Lummus & Vokurka, 1999, p. 2) "Supply chain management is an integrating philosophy to manage the total flow of a distribution channel from supplier to ultimate customer". The theory behind this definition looks at how supply chain management allows companies to focus on there unique skill sets and how understanding supply chain objectives and individual roles, an ability to work together, and a willingness to adapt in order to create and deliver the best products and services possible. Technology and teamwork are a huge part of supply chain management, if organisations have advanced technology and good teamwork efficiency and effective processes will be created which will create more value for the end customer, but if Get more content on
  • 15. Supply Chain Management Essay Supply Chain Management According to our class text Supply Chain Management's goal is to create fast, efficient, and low–cost network of business relationships to get a company's product from concept to market. In order to understand the goal we must know that the supply chain is the process the raw materials of a product go through in order to be available to the consumer. The relationships that the business creates are needed in order to create the product, each process the product goes through creates value, the supply chain is often called the value chain. Internet technologies are increasingly making the supply chain management process much more efficient and worth the initial investment. The supply chain management more content... While researching on line I came across an article that described the affect that the Internet is having on supply chains today. "E–enabled supply chain management is fast emerging as a core strategy that organizations worldwide are adopting for sustainable business advantage". (4) The class text states that Supply chain management is frequently divided into supply chain planning applications, supply chain execution applications, logistics management, and warehouse management. Often when companies fail at implementing an efficient supply chain because of the planning section, or inaccurate demand forecasts. The text states electronic data interchange is one of the earliest uses of information technology for supply chain management, Electronic data interchange is the use of the Internet for everyday business transactions. "In this era of information a firm's supply chain should operate at speed of thought and this is possible only by enhanced e–speed communications and information sharing with their critical partners." (4) A common way of decreasing the amount of inventory a business holds on a daily basis is implementing a just–in–time inventory process. A Just–In–Time inventory system means that the business gets the materials for a product, as they are demanded. "The electronic data Get more content on
  • 16. Global Supply Chain Management Essay Lean manufacturing and just–in–time processing are great business strategies that can severely stress a supply chain. The supply chain and supply chain management is a critical operations management element for any major company to succeed and remain competitive in the global market. The supply chain is one of many pieces critical to maximizing value to the end customer and requires close management to minimize external impacts. If a company is relying on another company to supply the raw materials needed for their production line, then impacts to this other company could impact their supply chain. Careful risk management is needed to optimize performance. As a company expands into global markets and global suppliers, this risk more content... In addition to increase risks, there is also a potential huge impact to supply chain disruption. In a study of more than 800 companies that experienced supply chain disruption between 1989 and 2000, there was a 33 to 40 percent lower stock return relative to industry peers (Bosman, 2006). Companies were also impacted by price volatility, lower sales growth and higher costs. Recent events highlight the unpredictability and severity of events that could cause supply chain disruption. The earthquake off the coast of Japan serves as a sobering reminder of this reality. As a country positioned as a global center of commerce and trade, Japan has provided a sweeping example of supply chain disruption. Although it is impossible to predict every natural disaster, act of terrorism or other supply chain contingency, a consideration for such disruptions must be a foundation for the strategic planning process from manufacturing all the way to the store shelf (Burnson, 2011). The disaster in Japan is already affecting companies around the world in the automotive industry, aerospace industry and the high tech industry (Chu, 2011). The complexity of global supply chains makes it difficult to fully understand all the impacts. It has been one month after the earthquake and ships are still at sea with products dispatched before the earthquake (Chu, 2011). A company will need to be well in tune with it's supply chain due to Get more content on
  • 17. Supply Of Supply Chain Management Essay Supply Chain Management involves the process of managing, monitoring, controlling and constantly coordinating supply related activities among manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers, retailer and the consumers. All this is done while integrating supply management with demand management, not only within but also across companies. Since all the processes involved in managing supply chain activities require a robust system in place, every company turns to technology for efficient and effective synchronization and smooth deployment of processes along with careful alignment of resources for timely completion of supply related activities. One such system that allows firms to manage business and operations and automate time–consuming manual tasks is Enterprise resource planning system, which now is being integrated with supply chain management by companies worldwide so that they can enjoy access to all streamlined information related to various functions in the organization on one platform, thereby saving time and cost. There are countless benefits of ERP within the firm, most of which are related to allowing the employees in the firm to familiarize themselves with an efficient streamlining process that not only brings activities in order but also helps tracking loopholes a lot easier and fun. It is not only the fun use of technology that inspires the employees but also the clearly defined roles and responsibilities that prevent employees from falling into each other space and Get more content on
  • 18. Supply Chain Management Essays Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the integration of information, technologies and management of key business functions which is linked directly or indirectly and provides services to the same customer. It promotes the flow of products downstream from raw materials to the end consumer and the flow of information upstream from consumer to supplier [1]. In above figure it explains that raw materials is procured and then it goes to the supplier for processing of raw material, suppliers supplies the processed raw materials to the manufactures, producers transform these raw material into finished goods, distributors delivers finished goods, packed materials to customers or retailers and retailers sell that product to consumers. more content... Its mission today is to perpetuate the uses of the SCOR model through technical development, research, education and conference events [3]. 2.2.SCOR SCOR is a management tool, spanning from the supplier's supplier to the customer's customer [2]. The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) is a business process reference model which was developed by the supply chain council (SCC). "The SCOR model is the only supply chain framework that we found that links performance measures, best practices, and software requirements to a detailed business process model" –Logistics Management Institute June 1999 The SCOR–model captures the council's general view of supply chain management. While much of the underlying content of the model has been used by practitioners for many years, the SCOR–model provides a unique framework that links business process, metrics, best practices and technology features into a unified structure to support communication among supply chain partners and to improve the effectiveness of supply chain management and related supply chain improvement activities [4]. The SCOR model was designed to provide companies to communicate, compare and learn from competitors and companies both within and outside of their industry. It not only measures supply chain performance but also effectiveness Get more content on
  • 19. Supply Chain Logistics Essay Logistics & Supply Chain Management YourFirstName YourLastName University title Abstract For any production and distribution to be successful, then it should be able to produce quality goods and products. It should also ensure that the goods get to the customer in good condition and on time among others. This is achieved through efficient and effective production and distribution logistics. Customer orders may face delays in delivery and therefore not meeting customer satisfaction, which could cause problems with customer retention. Analysis of data helps in coming up with the best actions that a manager or a CEO should take. This paper seeks to discover the factors that affect distribution in any given organization. SECTION I: INTRODUCTION Hymur Limited deals with the production of coolers that are used for outdoor picnics.That said, the production as well as distribution of these products are carried out in a facility situated on the East Coast. Due to low density products and high shipment rates, the company has challenges delivering and reaching the West Coast. Currently, the company ships products from the East Coast center of distribution and the East Coast facility to the West Coast and this is challenging. The company can adopt other alternatives such as giving a contract to another company to do the distribution to the West Coast on its behalf or establish a production and a distribution facility on the West Coast. Having multiple Get more content on
  • 20. Key Components Of Supply Chain Management Essay Leadership theory To effectively make the operations of supply chain functional, it is usually important for those who are involved in the e–commerce business to employ the most appropriate leadership theory (Simchi–Levi, Simchi–Levi, & Kaminsky, 1999). The theory applied teds to guide the operations designed by the managers so that al operations of the business are streamlined and efficient as well as making sure that the expectations of the customers are comfortably met (Christopher, 2016). The best theories to apply in the case of e–commerce business are the behavioral theories. These theories tend to offer new ways of carrying businesses, focusing on the behavior of the managers and more so on their decision making models and help in understanding the behavior of the top management (Lee, Padmanabhan, & Whang, 1997). As such, this makes these theories to be very useful in carrying out e–commerce business. Key components of supply chain management The process of carrying out an effective supply chain business entails the process of understanding a number of disciplines that make the key components of the process. Previous researches concerning supply chain have identified a total of about twelve very distinct management areas that are linked to the supply chain activities (Turban, et al., 2002). The common components of supply chain that have been documented include the discipline of location, transportation and logistics, outsourcing and logistics, sourcing and Get more content on
  • 21. Theories And Theory Of Supply Chain Management SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Supply chain management refers to management of the movement of goods and services from one point to another. It also involves storage and flow of raw materials and manufactured products from the point of production to the point of consumption. There are several concepts and theories in the field of supply chain management. This paper seeks to explore various theories and concepts of supply chain management and how such theories impact various industries. Agency theory is one of the theories that have got a major effect on the supply chain management. It explains the relationship between agents and principal in the chain of supply management. In particular, it is concerned with countering the challenges that exist in the agency relationships as a more content... It refers to a set of strategies employed by a company in managing and analyzing business's relationship with its customers. The aim of customer relationships management is to improve the quality of service given to the customers and it is also instrumental in assessing customer retention and boosting sales made by the business organization (Christopher, 2016). It also enables firms to gain a competitive advantage over other firms that supply similar products. A firm with an efficient supply management that incorporates sound customer relationship practices in its operations is, therefore, likely to be far ahead of its competitors and rivals. In addition, the integration of the customer relationship management in the field of supply chain management is important as it enables business organizations to collect valuable data that shows the needs and wants of the customers. Consequently, the business organization is able to respond appropriately to the needs of customers. Lastly, the customer relationship management is used in the supply chain management to forecast future behaviors and needs of Get more content on
  • 22. Supply Chain Management Final Paper Nathan Barker Christopher Parry MGMT 2163 – Supply Chain Management November 1, 2015 Supply Chain Management Final Paper Rough Draft Table of Contents Executive Summary Issues and Challenges Potential Solutions Possible Risks to these Solutions Metrics Conclusion I. Executive Summary An effective supply chain is the key to creating business value, and with expansion on the horizon. Good planning and willingness to adapt to changes are key to maximizing our results. In order to do this we have come up with a plan that will make Lady Americana mattresses a household name in our target expansion markets. In the state of Oklahoma, Lady Americana has already become a brand that has a bed in almost every home. The current systems in place are effective for todays operations, below are some challenges and recommendations to improve upon this to create an effective supply chain, that will grow with you as your business does. II. Issues and Challenges One of the first issues that I see when expanding to new markets, would be in forecasting the potential of these markets. This can involve both overestimating and underestimating the size of said markets. This can then lead to challenges in staffing, production facilities, and warehouse space. Poor evaluation of these new markets can also affect our suppliers up and down Get more content on