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          S TUTTERING                                                                                 Nick Brendon Birthday Bash
                                                                                                      World’s Largest Tiger Reserve
                                                                                                      Empowered: A Success Story

          FOUNDATION                                                                                  From Washington to Kenya
                                                                                                      Golf Tournament Benefits SFA

A Nonprofit Organization        1-800-992-9392               Since 1947... Helping Those Who Stutter

New “Kids for Kids”                          Why stop at just speaking out? This year we’re
DVD Stars Swish and
His Young Friends
                     Who better than
                   kids to talk to other
                  kids about talking?
                                             ACTING OUT       for National
                    Well, maybe a bas-
               ketball named Swish.                             Stuttering
                  Swish!—it’s a win-
              ning sound in hoops,                             Awareness
              and now it’s the name of                              Week!
              a winning cartoon char-
              acter created to teach
kids about stuttering.
   Swish, an animated basketball with
engaging, human-like features, is one
of the stars—along with his young
human friends—in the Stuttering
Foundation’s new DVD by kids, about
kids, and for kids.                          Our Time company members Linda Gjonbalaj, Jonathan Greig, Corom Buksha and David Nachman,
   Swish is the creation of students Ali
Modara, Helen Kang, Rich Sun, and
Michelle Jackson in the Computer
                                             Theater Stages Benefit Gala for
Graphics Technology Department at
Purdue University, under the direction
                                             National Stuttering Awareness Week
                                                If actions speak louder than words,        with cast members of STOMP, musical
of Dr. Mark Bannatyne, head of the           this year, the message of the Stuttering      director Everett Bradley, host actress
department. The speech-language
                                             Foundation and others should be loud          Jane Alexander, the Our Time Teens,
pathology team is comprised of Lisa
                                             and clear.                                    special honoree Dr. Alan Rabinowitz,
Scott-Trautman, Bill Murphy, Kristin
                                                Our Time Theatre in New York City          and SFA president Jane Fraser, among
                                             is hosting a gala to mark National            others.
                                             Stuttering Awareness Week, May 10-               “This marvelous event is a kick-off
                                             16. Participants will celebrate May 10                               Continued on page 3

                                              Genetic Studies Gain Ground
                                                 With the publication of a study in        factors in stuttering are significant
                                              the American Journal of Medical              enough that it’s possible to identify
From left, Purdue University students Ali     Genetics, understanding of the genet-        specific genetic factors.
Modara, Helen Kang, Rich Sun, and Michelle    ic causes of stuttering has                           “While we have a way to go
Jackson, creators of Swish!                   moved one step forward.                            before we can identify this
Chmela, Lee Caggiano, and Joe                    The report, entitled “Results                   gene, we are encouraged that
Donaher. Between them, they are cre-          of a Genome-wide Linkage                           progress is being made,” said
ating a fun, entertaining, and highly         Scan for Stuttering,” demon-                       Dennis Drayna, Ph.D., senior
educational DVD for kids ages 7-11,           strates that a gene on chromo-                     author of the study. Dr. Drayna
with much serious work behind the             some 18 in humans can have a                       is pursuing his studies at the
light-hearted approach.                       strong effect on the development of          National Institute on Deafness and
   The SFA team has been working              persistent stuttering. While the gene        Other Communication Disorders,
throughout the year on the concept            itself has not been identified, this         part of the National Institute of
and script and on videotaping children        study demonstrates that inherited            Health in Bethesda, MD.
                      Continued on page 5                                                                        Continued on page 7
2                                                                                      1-800-992-9392

Empowered Speech Triumphs Over Lifelong Stuttering
   Joy Emery, 64, has stuttered for           leadership roles. She is particularly         Emery’s speech when she started, “We
most of her life. But she delivered the       grateful for Dr. Charleen Bloom and           worked on fluency targets as well as
commencement address in clear, flu-           Dr. Donna Cooperman, professors in            all the attitudes. She’s to the point now
ent sentences that so captivated her au-      the Department of Speech Sciences             that she’s gone from hiding from peo-
dience that they sat in utter silence be-     and Communication Disorders.                  ple to being in leadership roles within
fore erupting in applause as she                 “Our approach is a synergistic             the community and Council, with the
reached her triumphant conclusion.            one,” explains Sister Char, the pre-          SFA and other places. She’s been
   Joy has much to say on the topic of        ferred title of the Sister of St. Joseph.     teaching the class with us for about
empowerment, the subject on which             “We integrate fluency shaping and             eight years. The students get a great
she was asked to speak at the gradua-         stuttering modification, and we inte-         mix. Everything we teach about stut-
tion at the College of St. Rose in            grate speech and language compo-              tering, Joy explains how it affects her
Albany, NY. That she was able to say          nents, attitudinal components and en-         life.”
it so well is a tribute to her own            vironmental components. We believe                The support group, whose member-
“tremendous recovery” over the                that you can’t do a program without           ship is fluid, was important for her
speech disorder that, in her                                                                         own sustained fluency, says
words, significantly curtailed                                                                       Joy, who had been through a
her life.                                                                                            number of other programs, be-
   “Empowerment comes from                                                                           ginning in childhood. After
taking good risks and making a                                                                       early failed attempts at thera-
few mistakes in order to gain                                                                        py—which included changing
success,” Emery told graduates                                                                       her orientation from left-hand-
and guests gathered on                                                                               ed to right and then back again
December 20. “Don’t be afraid                                                                        and a program in which she
to make mistakes; you’ll proba-                                                                      was taught to speak and chew
bly make quite a few before                                                                          gum at the same time—Joy
you’re through. Most of us do.”                                                                      avoided therapy until she was
   The words were especially                                                                         in her 40s. A three-week preci-
poignant, because until 10                                                                           sion fluency-shaping course
years ago when she was re-                                                                           worked briefly, but without
ferred to the college’s fluency                                                                      lasting effect.
program, Emery was so afraid                                                                            “I came back fluent, but I
of making mistakes that she                                                                          fell right back,” Joy says. “The
avoided speaking to anyone Joy S. Emery, who has stuttered for nearly 64 years, was College of St. Rose started me
other than family.                   the keynote speaker at the College of St. Rose, Albany, NY, with a very low hierarchy: easy
   “In the past, stuttering domi- commencement. She received an honorary doctorate.                 speaking situations, gradually
nated my life, because I experi-                                                                    getting tougher and tougher all
enced so much fear, embarrassment,            that.”                                        the time. What they did was to work
shame and exhaustion,” Emery said in             This holistic approach to speech           on my fluency so that I was stable. At
                                              therapy has been in existence at the          the same time, we had a self-help
                                              college since Bloom initiated the pro-        group where I was able to practice my
“I allowed stuttering to dictate
                                              gram in 1971 with a group of about 19         fluency.”
my social life, who my friends                people. A weekend workshop each
were and how I spent my time.”                March for those who stutter, now in its        “Not in my wildest dreams did
                                              29th year, was added next, followed            I expect that my journey to
her address. “I felt different from all of    by teen and children groups, a parent          fluency would lead to a 180
my peers and so I developed a cozy lit-       group, and the addition of a sibling           change in my life.”
tle place called my “comfort zone”            group this year. The groups embrace
which gave me protection, a pre-              both self-help and therapy practices,             Simultaneously working on atti-
dictable life, and insulated me from          notes Sister Char, who has managed            tudes and feelings as well as communi-
the pain of making mistakes. I felt im-       the program largely on her own. Two           cation and socialization skills made the
prisoned with deeply engrained nega-          years ago, she was joined by Dr.              difference, Joy says. “The environmen-
tive feelings about my speech and,            Cooperman, with whom she has co-              tal component helped me to understand
moreover, about myself.”                      authored a textbook based on this             the family situation, and the team
   Emery credits the fluency program          model. (See Books , page 12.)                 teaching—telling my story—helped a
at St. Rose with empowering her to               Joy, who began as a client at the col-     great deal. As a result, I gained a
not only say what she wanted to say,          lege’s Pauline Winkler Center, now            tremendous fluency, but also a tremen-
but also with giving her a sense of           team-teaches the graduate fluency class.      dous recovery.”
freedom and the confidence to take on            “She was severe,” Bloom says of                Still, what made Sister Char sug-
                                                                                                                 Continued on page 5
SUMMER 2004                                                                                            1-800-992-9392                                                                                       3

SFA Board Member Helps Establish
World’s Largest Tiger Reserve
    We have long said that “if you stut-
ter, you’re in good company.” That’s                                                                                Continued from page 1
because many of those who stutter ac-                                                  to celebrate everyone’s efforts to in-
complish tremendous things in life.                                                    crease awareness.” said Fraser, who
         Take, for example, the estab-                                                 will be introducing Rabinowitz, SFA
           lishment of the world’s                                                     Board member and this year’s Our
             largest tiger reserve, ac-                                                Time Award winner. “Alan is an out-
              complished this March                                                    standing spokesperson for NSAW
              under the leadership of                                                  2004. It’s exciting to see so much of
             SFA Board member Alan                                                     his hard work in other areas of his life
          Rabinowitz, Ph.D., director                                                  coming to fruition this same year.”
of the Science and Exploration                                                         (See related story, this page.)
Program at the Wildlife Conservation                                                      The evening begins with a cocktail
Society (WCS).                                                                         reception at 6 p.m. at the Andavi Cafe,
    The government of Myanmar, for-                                                    then moves to the Lucille Lortel
merly Burma, recently announced the                                                    Theater for an 8 p.m. performance by
creation of the reserve, which covers a                                                the Our Time Teens, the cast of
land area nearly as large as Vermont.                                                  STOMP, Adam Pascal, Alice Ripley,
It’s a project Rabinowitz has been                                                     and musical director Everett Bradley.
working on for 10 years.                                                                  Our Time Theatre is a nonprofit or-
    National Public Radio’s Renee                                                      ganization dedicated to providing an
Montagne interviewed Rabinowitz                                                        artistic home for young people and
for a special that aired March 15 on      agement strategies and how the WCS
                                                                                       adults who stutter.
Morning Edition. (Interview and           and Myanmar’s forestry department
                                                                                          The purposes of this event are man-
photos available at      will work together to make the world’s
                                                                                       ifold,” said Artistic Director and
grams/re/archivesdate/2004/mar/tige       largest tiger reserve a reality.
                                                                                       founder Taro Alexander. “We want to
rs/) An article also appears in the           This is not the first reserve that has
                                                                                       increase awareness about Our Time
April, 2004, issue of National            resulted from the zoologist’s efforts.
                                                                                       Theatre, about National Stuttering
Geographic magazine.                              The Society’s web site
                                                                                       Awareness Week, the Stuttering
    Rabinowitz’s many visits to                   ( documents work        Foundation, and about stuttering in
Myanmar’s Hukwang Valley—                         done by Rabinowitz and the           general.
as well as his struggle with stut-                Society’s Jaguar Conservation           “We want to begin the tradition of
tering—are detailed in his                        Program team to establish a safe     having a wonderfully inspiring, public
book, Beyond the Last Village.                    corridor for jaguars spanning 14     event on the first day of National
(Island Press, see Books on page 12.)     countries, from Arizona through              Stuttering Awareness Week where
    His first visit was in 1993, and in   Central America and into northern            people can come together and cele-
1999 he surveyed the tiger population,    Argentina.                                   brate. In short, we want to start the
using “camera traps” to capture on            In Search of Jaguars, a National         week off with a bang. It’s also a chance
film the big cats, of                                       Geographic Special         for the teenagers at Our Time to speak
which probably only 100                                     that aired this past       publicly about the challenges that face
now remain. He also                                         November on PBS sta-
                                                            tions nationwide, also                                             Continued on page 7
began working with the
country’s national parks                                    documents the team’s
                                                            efforts to protect the     New Stuttering
department to create,                                                                  Awareness
then expand, the wildlife                                   endangered cats.           poster fea-
sanctuary.                                                     The efforts are pay-    tures Alan
    Although the an-                                        ing off. Rabinowitz        Rabinowitz.
nouncement is a tremen-                                     will be part of a cere-    Great for
dous step forward, the                                      mony this June in          your clinic,     Stutterin
                                                                                                       Wasn’t th g
                                                            Costa Rica, dedicating                     End of H e
“really hard work,” ac-                                                                community,      World. is
                                                            a wildlife sanctuary       school,

cording to Rabinowitz,
                                                                                                                           wildlife cons
                                                                                                                and auth                  ervationi
                                                                                                                discovere Alan Rabinow                st
                                                                                                                           d                    itz
                                                                                                               hidden worl new species andhas
                                                                                                               he didn’t ds. That’s because
                                                                                                                         let stuttering

                                                                                       library, or
                                                                                                              the end                     become

                                                            there as part of the
                                                                                                                        of his.

is actually just begin-                                                                                      Alan know
                                                                                                            is worth
                                                                                                                          s that whe
                                                                                                                                       n the goa
                                                                                                                                  g, nothing

                                                                                                                      what you

                                                            “necklace” or corridor
                                                                                                          stuttering               can do

ning. He plans several
                                                                                                                      .                      abo
                                                                                                          and ope Write or call us toll-f ut
                                                                                                                     n up your                 ree,

                                                                                       Order on-      NATIONAL
more trips to Myanmar Alan Rabinowitz tags a jaguar. of protected wild places                         AWARENES STUTTERING
                                                                                                                                                            For more
                                                                                                                                                            about stutteri         on
                                                                                                                                                                          ng, write what you can do
                                                                                                                                                                                   or call toll-free

                                                                                                                 S WEEK
                                                                                       line or call         www.stut
                                                                                                                                                                         DAT             ION ™

to work out details on His work in Belize resulted in the elusive cats call
                                                                                                                                                                    A Nonprofit
                                                                                                                                                 Since 1947—H          ion
                                                                                                                                                                                 elping Those
                                                                                                                                                           3100 Walnut
                                                                                                                                                                        Grove Road,           Who Stutter
                                                                                                                                                           P.O. Box
                                                                                                                                                                    11749 • Memphis Suite 603
                                                                                                                                                                                     , TN 38111-07


funding, wildlife man- the first sanctuary for the cats.   home.                  □
4                                                                                        1-800-992-9392

From Washington to Kenya: A Journey for Fluency
By Barbara Mathers-Schmidt, Ph.D.                                                             prepared for their work together.
   “Dear Barbara,                                                                                 Only months before, Kevin had been
   Asante sana kwa kuni julisha ya                                                            living on the streets. He was addicted to
kuwamaba ni na waza kapona.                                                                   sniffing glue, and he rarely spoke. He
          Ni mimi wako,                                                                       now lives in a comfortable residential
                   Kevin O.”                                                                  setting with adults who care deeply
   This handwritten message was given                                                         about his well-being and his extraordi-
to me by Kevin, a 14-year-old boy who                                                         nary potential. This bright, appealing
lives in an orphanage in Nakuru,                                                              boy readily engaged in the discussion
Kenya. Through an amazing series of                                                           about stammering and seemed relieved
events, I got to know this young man                                                          as he learned more about a problem that
who has a severe stuttering disorder. It                                                      had made him feel so hopeless.
was an experience that deeply touched                                                             The school personnel likewise were
my heart and one I hope will change                                                           surprised to learn that something can be
                                              Barbara Mathers-Schmidt, Ph.D., and
Kevin’s future.                               Kevin study stuttering modifications tools
                                                                                              done to help those who stammer. They
   I had been contacted months earlier        in Self-Therapy for the Stutterer. Kevin, who   adeptly participated in considering
by a Childcare International volunteer        lives in Kenya, never knew there was help       strategies to help Kevin. They will
who wondered if I might send some in-         for those who stutter. Barbara’s trip to        begin by reviewing materials donated
                                              Kenya included sharing much-needed re-
formation to assist Kevin’s teachers.         sources donated by the SFA with schools         by The Stuttering Foundation and will
They were perplexed by how to help            and hospitals in the region.                    be meeting regularly with Kevin to
this child who stuttered so severely that                                                     practice fluency skills.
he rarely attempted to talk. Ironically, I   or treat him in a way that makes him                 While in Kenya, I visited six other
was planning to travel to Kenya and          feel uncomfortable.                              schools in somewhat remote areas of
was gathering books and brochures               “Did you know that three million              the Central District. The schools ranged
about communication disorders to             Americans stammer?” I exclaimed.                 from a private boarding school with a
share with hospital and school person-          A smile broke across Kevin’s face. I          relatively well-equipped computer lab
nel. And so it was, that on February 13,     showed him the photographs of famous             to a four-room secondary school with
I met with Kevin in a large, sunny din-      people who stutter: His teacher and              dirt floors and no electricity. Part of my
ing hall, joined by his teacher, school      pastor nodded in astonishment. I ex-             mission was to discuss stuttering with
principal, pastor, and the volunteer.        plained what we know about stammer-              the headmasters and leave resource ma-
   As I sat down with Kevin, I asked         ing—that people who stutter seem to be           terials donated by The Stuttering
his teacher to interpret the letter Kevin    born with a neurophysiological predis-           Foundation. It was not surprising that
had written before my arrival: “Thank        position to stutter, and that stuttering         almost everyone knew someone who
you very much for informing me that I        seems to be genetically transmitted in           stuttered, and, without exception, they
can be healed with my speaking. Yours        many cases. We discussed how many                had the misconception that nothing
sincerely, Kevin O.”                         thousands of messages travel from the            could be done to help. In each case,
   Kevin spoke in English and Swahili        brain to our muscles to allow us to              teachers and administrators were eager
during our time together and stuttered       breathe and move for speech. I ex-               to learn, and welcomed the information
in both languages. Kevin referred to the     plained that somehow, as some people             provided by the Stuttering Foundation.
disorder as “kigugumiri” or “stammer-        go from an idea to shaping sound into                Through e-mail, Kevin’s teacher and
ing.” He explained that he had been          speech, they sometimes stammer.                  I continue to work together to help
stammering since he was about four                                                            Kevin. Kevin happily agreed to report
years old. He had no idea what caused         “Almost everyone knew                           back to me about how he is doing. He
his stammering, although he did recall        someone who stuttered, and,                     is eager to correspond with a 14-year-
that one of his uncles also stammered.        without exception, they had                     old American boy who stutters.
When I asked him if he had found any-         the misconception that noth-                        As we moved toward the end of our
thing to do that makes it easier to talk,     ing could be done to help.”                     time together, it was a joy to hear Kevin
he replied, “Not yet.” I asked how he                                                         chuckle before he used fluency shaping
got his ideas across when he had diffi-         Kevin had hoped that I would be               and stuttering modification techniques
culty talking. He responded, “Go slow.”      curing him of this “problem.” I ex-              on one of the few Swahili phrases I
“Good idea!” I replied.                      plained that I would not cure him, but           know: “Hakuna matata!”*
   As Kevin and I talked, often with the     would show him how he could learn to
assistance of his interpreter, I learned     make speaking easier. We practiced               Barbara Mathers-Schmidt, Ph.D., is a
that when he stutters, he doesn’t know       “easy speech” techniques. I then                 professor in the Communications
exactly where or how the sound stops,        showed him the Self-Therapy for the              Sciences and Disorders Department at
but he is aware of working hard and          Stutterer book, and reviewed the stut-           Washington Western University,
then getting tired. He also shared that      tering modification techniques, so that          Bellingham, WA.
people occasionally make fun of him,         Kevin and his teachers would be well                *Don’t worry, no problem!      □
SUMMER 2004                                                                                               1-800-992-9392         5

                                          “Mr. 59” and Ken Venturi Score with
                                          Palm Desert Golf Benefit for SFA
                                                                      Play a few          tournament is to raise money for sever-
                                                                   rounds, soak           al of Al’s favorite charities. This year,
                                                                   up the sun in          the Stuttering Foundation is one.”
                                                                   Palm Desert,              Foote, a competitive amateur golfer
                                                                   and sip cham-          who has played in the tourney for the
                                                                   pagne      with        past 15 years, also stutters so had
                                                                    golf legends          much in common with Venturi.
                                                                     Ken Venturi             “It’s really through Ken Venturi
                                                                     and         Al       that we’re making a contribution to
                                                                      Geiberger—          the Stuttering Foundation. I had lunch
                                                                      and donate          with Ken and Terry Cole [tournament
                                                                   to charity at          organizer] and he discussed his expe-
                                          SFA poster with Ken
                                                                   the same time?         riences as a teenager with stuttering,
                                          Venturi promoting           The annual          and how he worked through it and
                                          stuttering awareness.    “Mr. 59” Golf          then became a CBS commentator.”
Empowered Speech                                                   Invitational              The invitational brings together 130
Continued from page 2                     hits a hole in one with this plan!              players over three days, playing two
gest Joy as a commencement speaker?          Thanks to the efforts of Bob Foote           courses in what has long been a mecca
    “I didn’t, the president recommend-   and Ken Venturi, the Stuttering                 for golf afficionados.
ed her,” Bloom responds. “He [Dr. R.      Foundation was one of three chari-                     And after the play, there is play!
Mark Sullivan] said, ‘How do you          ties which benefitted from Al                            Clinics and demonstrations. A
think Joy would be. Do you think she      Geiberger’s      20th      Annual                      glittering banquet with singers,
could do it?’ I said, ‘I’m sure she       Invitational at the Desert Falls                       entertainers, and comedians. A
could!’ When it was over, all 2000        Country Club on April 23-24.                          silent and live auction. Roasts
people stood and gave her a standing         Ken Venturi, past chairman of                    and toasts.
ovation. It was so moving and she did     National Stuttering Awareness Week,                “It’s an all-around wonderful three
it so well.”                              was this year’s honoree at the tourna-          days of golf,” Foote
    Contact Sister Charleen Bloom at      ment, hosted by Geiberger.                      agreed.
518-454-5122 or Dr. Donna                    “On June 10, 1977, Al Geiberger                 It’s also an all-
Coooperman at 518-458-5357. The           shot a score of 59 in the Danny                 around wonderful
St. Rose program is open to children,     Thomas golf tournament,” said Bob               way to help those
teens, adults, parents and siblings.      Foote, assistant tournament organizer           who stutter.
SLPs are welcome to observe.              and longtime friend. “The score of 59              The Stuttering
    For information about other pro-      was the lowest competitve round by              Foundation thanks
grams, go to       any pro golfer ever. It was a remark-           all participants.
and click on Resources, then              able achievement. So, some friends of           (Final results and
Referrals. Programs are listed by state   Al’s started this tournament to cele-           pictures in the next The cover of 1964
and/or country.                      □    brate that sensational score. Part of the       newsletter.)           Sports Illustrated.

Swish Scores With Kids Who Stutter in New DVD                                         Continued from page 1

who stutter. The students at Purdue,      all by hand. The next step is to model              Who can resist?
for whom this is a senior project, have   him using a 3-D program like MAYA,”                 “Not kids who stutter, if our research
thoroughly researched the “human ap-      says Ali. “Because he’s a basketball,           is right,” said Michelle, an interactive
plication”—what works for kids in         we create him in a series of spheres.           multimedia development major whose
grades 2-6 as far as memory retention,    Texturing is the process of taking the          computer coding skills, combined with
characters they relate to, attention      material the character would be made            animation, bring Swish to life.
span, ad infinitum.                       of and slapping it on him—skin like a               “I’m primarily here to work in the
   The background research had to be      basketball, eyeballs. It’s the texturing        human research subjects,” Michelle
rigorously defended to a board of pro-    that gives personality.”                        added. “We have to test this on chil-
fessors before Swish got past the            The result of this wizardry is Swish,        dren to see if they like Swish and see
sketchbook stage, according to Ali, a     a bouncy, genderless, cartoon with a            if it works. That’s ultimately what we
senior from Bahrain who dreams of         kid’s voice and vocabulary, who pops            want—for it to be effective.”
becoming “the Steven Spielberg of the     in and out of the video, asking ques-               To ensure that Swish is, he’ll be
Middle East.”                             tions such as, “Does stuttering ever            field tested with children in the speech
   “To create Swish, the first step is    bug you?” that are answered by chil-            clinics at Purdue and Florida State
concept art, drawings and storyboards     dren who stutter.                               University.          Continued on page 12
6                                                                                                                                                               1-800-992-9392

Actor’s Ongoing Support for Stuttering
                                                                                               To donate electronically go to the
                                                                                            SFA’s Give Page online at www.stut-
                                                                                   Or give by phone and
                                                                                            credit card by calling 1-800-992-
   Once again, Nicholas Brendon                                                             9392.
fans are reaching out to wish Nick a                                                           By mail, you may send a check to:
happy birthday and to help the SFA!                                                         The Stuttering Foundation, 3100                                         Stanford Dean Piazzo and Gina Perez-Baron.
   Nick’s birthday is April 12, but                                                         Walnut Grove Road Suite 603, P.O.
you can still contribute afer that date                                                     Box 11749, Memphis, TN 38111-                                           Stuttering Doesn’t Stop Me
and be part of the Nick Brendon                                                             0749.                                                                       I am a third year medical student
Birthday Project 2004. More impor-                                                             Please indicate that your gift is as-                                at Stanford University School of
tanly, you can still directly help those                                                    sociated with the Nick Brendon                                          Medicine. I don’t know how much I
who stutter, and wish the actor a                                                           Birthday Project.                     □                                 would say I’ve “overcome” stutter-
happy birthday at the same time.                                                                                                                                    ing, but it no longer stops me from
   Nick has a lot going on right now,                                                                                                                               pursuing the life I want.
with a new made-for-TV movie,                                                                                                                                           I stuttered terribly as a child. I’d
Celeste in the City, that aired in                                                                                                                                  try to hide it or sit in silent frustra-
March on ABC family, and other pro-                                                                                                                                 tion as someone else stood up and
jects. (Check it all out at his Web site,                                                                                                                           claimed my words. As a teenager, Still, he’s                                                                                                                                   my speech improved but I still hated
always been right there for others                                                                                                                                  it and, at times, hated myself for it.
who stutter through his support of                                                                                                                                      I was in my twenties when some-
and outreach for the SFA.                                                                                                                                           thing shifted. Sick and tired of stut-
   Since 2001, Nick has served as a                                                                                                                                 tering and feeling sorry for myself, I
spokesman for the Stuttering                                                                                                                                        saw an ad about a “cure” for stutter-
Foundation of America. In that time,                                                                                                                                ers. Great! Then I found the cost,
visitors to his Web site have con-                                                                                                                                  $2,500. I had to find another way.
tributed more than $5,000 to The                                                                                                                                        So, I started trying to accept my
Stuttering Foundation.                                                                                                                                              stuttering. Accept. Now, there’s a
   Helping the SFA has been a very                                                                                                                                  word that really stuck in my throat!
significant outcome of Nick’s role on                                                                                                                               But what else was there? Slowly, I
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Here’s our                                                                                                                                tried hiding it less. I tried announc-
chance to acknowledge all he’s done!                                                                                                                                ing, “I stutter” when the struggle got
                                                                                                                                                                    too great. I stopped avoiding tele-
Updates Reflect New Gains in Knowledge                                                                                                                              phone calls. I started speaking up.
                                                                                                                                                                        Sometimes my speech was
Book for Pediatricians                                                                      make life better. Book 0021, a 72-page                                  smoother. Sometimes people no-
                                                                                            book, is available for $2.00 by catalog or                              ticed it less. I still stutter, but I’m not
  A new edition by Barry Guitar, Ph.D.,
the University of Vermont, and informa-                                                     online.                                                                 Elmer Fudd. People tell me it takes
tion reflecting the latest neurological and                                                                                                                         a while for them to even notice.
genetic research introduces the subject                                                                                        Risk Factors Chart                       I’ve taught myself a few strate-
                                                                                            If You Think                Risk Factor
                                                                                                                                          What to        True for
                                                                                                                                                                    gies that help. Public speaking re-
of stuttering in the new third edition of                                                                                                 look for       my child

the child who stutters: a guide for pedi-                                                   Brochure                  Family history
                                                                                                                       of stuttering
                                                                                                                                          A family
                                                                                                                                        member who
                                                                                                                                        still stutters              mains the worst. But today, it’s just
atricians. Book 0023, which includes a                                                         If You Think Your
                                                                                                                       Age at onset

                                                                                                                        Time since
                                                                                                                                         After 3 1/2

                                                                                                                                      Stuttering 6-12
                                                                                                                                                                    my unique “thing.” And I see that
                                                                                                                       first noticed    months or

useful chart to help determine the need                                                     Child is Stuttering is
                                                                                                                         stuttering        longer
                                                                                                                                      Speech errors,
                                                                                                                       Other speech- trouble following
                                                                                                                                                                    everyone’s got their own “unique
for early intervention, is available from                                                   packed with infor-
                                                                                                                      language delays    directions
                                                                                                                                                                    thing”—something to struggle with,
the SFA for $2.00 or may be download-                                                       mation to help parents understand the                                   to overcome.
ed for free.                                                                                difference between normal disfluency                                        These days, stuttering doesn’t
                                                                                            and stuttering. With the addition of a risk                             hold me back so much; I’m not so
                                  F   O   U   R   T   H         E   D   I   T   I   O   N   factors chart and a “How to Help Right                                  afraid. And fear was, and remains,
For Teens                         do you stutte
                                                r:                                          Away” section, the brochure is even                                     my biggest obstacle. Getting past
    Teenage years
                                      a guide for tee
                                                      ns                                    more useful for parents trying to to help                               that, I’m able to do the things I need
can be tough, espe-                                                                         their child immediately, while determin-                                to so I can be what I want to be.
cially for someone                                                                          ing the need for professional interven-                                 Gina Perez-Baron is a student at
who stutters. Do                                                                            tion. “Seven Tips for Talking” offer ex-                                Stanford University School of
You Stutter: A                                                                              cellent advice on speaking to any child.                                Medicine. Her poem is at newsletter
Guide for Teens                                           THE
                                                                                            Brochure 41 may be downloaded free;                                     at        □
                                                                                            $8.00 for 100 copies.                    □

offers real help to
                                                                N NO. 0021
SUMMER 2004                                                                                                       1-800-992-9392               7

                                           News Shorts
                                           Invest in
                                           Kids Selects
                                           SFA Web
                                           Site as a “Five Star”
                                           Resource for Parents
Donny Sethl works on a song with
                                              “Our experts at Invest in Kids have                SA Scholarship Benefits
musical director Everett Bradley. “If I    selected your web site, www.stutter-                  PWS Down Under
don’t talk, they take a part of me,” as an important resource                        The International Stuttering
says the Greenwich, NY teen.               of parents of children under five!”                   Association in Perth, Australia emailed
                                           wrote Chris Geady to tell us about                    its thanks for all those who contributed
Acting Out for NSAW                        their “Five Star Recommendation” of                   to their scholarship fund, and sent a
Continued from page 3                      SFA’s site. Invest in Kids is a non-                  photo of everyone from outside
young people who stutter. And of           profit organization which helps fami-                 Australia who was able to attend their
course, we need to raise a little bit of   lies make the most of their children’s                gathering. “I am sure that your contribu-
money.”                                    first five years: “The years before five              tion will not be forgotten in a lot of
   Taro’s experience as a person           last the rest of their lives.”        □
                                                                                                 places around the world,” writes Stefan
who stutters, combined with the                                                                  Hoffman of the ISA. “Thanks again. □
transformative power of theatre,           NSSLHA Chapters Donate
compelled him to create Our Time.
A successful actor himself—now in             Thanks to the University of North                  Genetics Gain Ground
the cast of the off-Broadway pro-          Kansas and Nicholls State University                  Continued from page 1
duction of STOMP—Taro’s goal is            chapters of the National Student
                                           Speech-Language Hearing Associa-                         While his recent study involved
to help others who stutter find a safe                                                           more than 50 families from across
place to express their creativity, to      tion, which recently sent gifts to the
                                           SFA. Nicholls State is in Thibodaux,                  North America, Drayna is pursuing
find their voice in performing.                                                                  additional studies elsewhere in the
   Members study acting, singing,          LA, and UNK is in Kearney, NE. □
                                                                                                 world. A previous article in the SFA
playwriting, drumming and dance                                                                  newsletter documented one family
with professional artists. No perfor-                                                            under study in Cameroon, West
mance experience is required and                                                                 Africa, and recent efforts have taken
there are no fees to join, hence, in                                                             Drayna to Pakistan, where the high
part, the reason for the benefit.                                                                number of cousin marriages present
   “Our Time provides an environ-                                                                particularly favorable conditions for
ment free from ridicule where                                                                    genetic studies of stuttering.
young people who stutter discover                                                                   Drayna cautions people not to ex-
the joy of creating and performing                                                               pect quick cures from this research.
original theatre,” notes gala host                                                               “Our goal is to use genetic studies to
Jane Alexander, Emmy-award win-                                                                  understand at least some of the under-
ning actress of film, stage and tele-      New Album, “RightFully                                lying causes of stuttering. While not
vision. Alexander first won acclaim        Spoken” for PWS                                       all stuttering is genetic in nature, we
for her Tony-winning role in The                                                                 look forward to unraveling this part of
Great White Hope with actor James            Frankie Jones has released a new CD,
                                                                                                 the puzzle of stuttering, which will
Earl Jones, who also stutters.             “RightFully Spoken,” for those who                    hopefully lead to better treatments in
   “Our Time provides a powerful           stutter. “I am a PWS and have dedicated               the future,” he notes.                □
way for the audience—families,             my music and life to uplifting and moti-
friends, professionals—to begin to         vating those who stutter,” writes the
                                           Lincoln, NE, musician. A popular per-                     Upcoming Workshops
feel and understand the challenge of
                                           former in public schools, Frankie’s sin-                       Two-Day Workshop
those living with stuttering,” said                                                               Stuttering Therapy: Practical Ideas
Lee Caggiano, executive director of        gle, “Man in the Mirror” is well-known
                                           in the stuttering community. For infor-                      for the School Clinician
Friends: The Association of Young                                                                     June 11-12, 2004 in Cincinnati, OH
People Who Stutter. “Taro Alex-            mation, call the SFA at 1-800-992-9392.
ander has given voice to stories that                The Stuttering Foundation of America is              Two-Week Workshop
might otherwise have gone untold.”                   a tax-exempt organization under section      Stuttering Therapy: Workshop for Specialists
                                                     501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code                  June 2005 in Iowa City
   For more information call or                      and is classified as a private operating
email Our Time at 212-414-9696 or                    foundation as defined in section               All Five-Day Workshops are filled or                       4942(j)(3). Charitable contributions and
                                                     bequests to the Foundation are tax-             Applications may be downloaded from
SFA at □           deductible, subject to limitations under the Code. or call 1-800-992-9392
8                                                                                              1-800-992-9392

Letters: Reader Response to Survey on Electronic Devices
Dear SFA:                                        and effectiveness of electronic auditory       Dear SFA,
    If the SpeechEasy is being marketed as       feedback devices. While the article in-           I commend your survey about elec-
a cure, that is wrong, but as a tool, I find     cluded quotes from satisfied users, includ-    tronic anti-stuttering devices. However,
it very helpful. I spoke today at lunch to a     ing those who had used their device suc-       the survey showed that persons who stut-
large group of advertisers. It helped me to      cessfully for more than a year, the overall    ter have misconceptions about the de-
control my gentle onsets more effectively        gist was that electronic auditory feedback     vices.
and I had fewer blocks than usual. I real-       devices are in fact not a “magic bullet.”         The most common reason cited for not
ize those in search of the magic pill will           As the president and CEO of one of the     buying a device was “expense/lack of in-
be disappointed, but as a tool, it is im-        leading providers of such devices, it may      surance.” Since 1992, Casa Futura
mensely valuable to me.                          come as some surprise that I agree with        Technologies has helped every American
    I complained of its price, also, but I’m     this conclusion… electronic devices are        consumer who has needed our devices, re-
comfortable the company has invested             not a “cure” for stuttering. Instead, they     gardless of his or her ability to pay.
much in its research beyond the manufac-         offer a technologically advanced treat-        Survey results included a complaint about
turing cost of the device.                       ment option that can help people who stut-     a “$700-800" fee and “90% money-back
    My clinician, Helen Duhon of                 ter speak more fluently with less effort. As   guarantee” apparently charged by another
Franklin, Tenn., thought long and hard           such, it is important that anyone consider-    company. Casa Futura has always offered
before she began handling the device. She        ing such a device be able to separate fact     a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee.
is a Vanderbilt speech therapy grad who is       from fiction.                                     Respondents “cited concerns over lack
trying to interest them in further study of          A key to clearing up misconceptions        of long-term research on devices.” The
the device.                                      about these devices is to understand where     International Journal of Language and
    You are wise to warn against the de-         they fit on the continuum of available         Communication Disorders (2003, Vol. 38,
vice as a “cure,” but as a tool I think it has   treatment options. Stories in the news         No. 2, 119-129) recently published a long-
much to offer. The SFA performs a valu-          media tend to provide an oversimplified        term study of our least expensive devices.
able service and there are scams out there       view, proclaiming AAF devices as “mira-        Researchers tested nine severe adult stut-
to be wary off. I don’t think the                cle cures.” As speech fluency profession-      terers before using the devices, and again
SpeechEasy device is one of them—but it          als, we must do a better job communicat-       three months later. The subjects used the
certainly is not a cure.                         ing the benefits and limitations of AAF        devices about thirty minutes per day. The
    Vince Vawter, IN                             devices. To this end, new and upcoming         subjects’ stuttering diminished 50%,
    Editor, Evansville Courier & Press □         research data published in peer-reviewed       without any other speech therapy.
                                                 scientific journals provides some valuable        One respondent complained about his
Hi SFA,                                          insight.                                       device being difficult to use in noisy envi-
     I am a school based SLP, employed by            A study published last year in the         ronments. Hearing safety is a paramount
an intermediate school district. We have         International Journal of Language              concern. Users who experience ringing in
had many parents of children who stutter         Communication Disorders (Vol. 38) test-        their ears or headaches should discontinue
interested in auditory feedback devices.         ed the efficacy of the device called           using their device and get their hearing
Our assistive technology department has          SpeechEasy, which was referenced in            checked. It’s also possible that overuse of
decided to purchase a Fluency Master for         SFA’s previous newsletter article. The         an anti-stuttering device could cause a
a student through Michigan State                 study subjected seven users to a variety of    child’s auditory processing to develop ab-
University.                                      tests, and reported that the device reduced    normally. To minimize hearing impair-
    I have a great interest in stuttering and    stuttering significantly while helping to      ment, anti-stuttering devices have a vari-
have agreed to analyze and provide data          produce speech that was more natural.          ety of noise-reduction features.
for the ISD to determine the effectiveness           While the study provides many valu-           The last comment was telling. A moth-
of these devices. Personally, I do not think     able answers, it also raises some ques-        er wrote, “I’m most disappointed. It
it is wise for schools to purchase these de-     tions. Foremost among these is the long-       wasn’t a quick fix. Since it wasn’t, [my
vice, as they may be unleashing some-            term efficacy of such devices, given that      son] quit using it.” That isn’t the device’s
thing they cannot control. They are cost-        the study subjects were followed for just      fault! Successful stuttering treatment re-
ly devices that have little empirical evi-       four months after being fitted.                quires hard work over a long time. The
dence that support their efficaciousness.            What the already reported data shows       devices can be of great value when used
    I am reviewing and analyzing videos          is that when used in conjunction with con-     as part of a larger stuttering therapy pro-
of the students before the Fluency Master,       ventional therapy, the SpeechEasy AAF          gram. Anyone looking for a “quick fix” is
at the introduction of the Fluency Master,       device enhances the rate of progress           likely to be disappointed.
and 2-3 months after initial use.                among patients, and is a valuable new tool        Thomas David Kehoe
    Alisa MacDonald, M.S., CF-SLP                for SLPs to consider in concert with other        Owner, Casa Futura Technologies □
    Battle Creek, MI                       □     therapeutic options.
                                                                                                Editor’s Note: The Stuttering Foundation of
                                                     Darwin Richards                            America welcomes your response; however,
Dear SFA:                                            CEO, Janus Development Group               due to space constraints, we reserve the right
   The Winter 2004 edition of SFA’s                  (SpeechEasy)                          □    to edit articles for length. Address your letters
newsletter reported the results of a survey                                                     to or The Stuttering
that appeared largely critical of the appeal                                                    Foundation, 3100 Walnut Grove Road, Suite
                                                                                                603, Memphis, TN 38111.
SUMMER 2004                                                                                                         1-800-992-9392           9

Seminars Attract Hundreds to Learn About Stuttering
    Packed rooms, enthusiastic partici- cluding If Your Child Stutters: A Guide
pants and engaging speakers have gath- for Parents, The School-age Child Who
ered around the country to learn about Stutters: Working Effectively with
stuttering. SFA has been there to help, Attitudes and Emotions, Integration of
including, at press time, a                                                Contemporary Therapies,
trip to San Antonio for the                                                Sometimes I Just Stutter, and
Texas Speech-Language                                                      magnets,” Hatcher said.
Hearing Association confer-                                                    SLP     June       Haerle-
ence.                                                                      Campbell and her husband,
    In Long Beach, CA,                                                     Allen, represented the SFA
SFA’s Deborah Squires and                                                  at the California Speech-
SLP Liz Brown manned a                                                     Language Hearing Associa-
busy table at the L.A.                                                     tion annual conference in The fluency game’s in the bag for Garrett and
United School’s conference                                                 March in Long Beach. Robert in SLP Mary Turcotte’s group on Family
on stuttering. The event                                                   Workbooks and magnets Day at Tacoma’s two-day event, March 5-6.
drew nearly 600 speech-lan-                                                were hot items, disappearing The SFA was invited to have a table of
guage pathologists.                                                        quickly from the booth, publications at both.
    About 700 SLPs—a                                                       which also drew people sim-       On April      3, Charley Healey,
record number—attended Vivian Sisskin, of the ply to thank the SFA for pro- University of Nebraska, spoke at the
the annual conference spon- University of Maryland, viding such affordable mate- Oklahoma state gathering in Edmonds.
sored by the The University spoke March 5 on rials.                                                                      SLP Darla Benoit vol-
                                       “Problem Solving in
of Memphis chapter of Stuttering Therapy,” at-                                 March 5 -6,                               unteered to man a table
NHSSLA, with guest speak- tended by about 350 SLPs the Tacoma                                                            of SFA publications.
er Bill Murhpy, Purdue from Washington state.                              Public School                                    “It was fun working
University. SFA staffers                                                   District and                                  at the SFA table and
Laura Beauchamp and Lorissa Hatcher the Tacoma/South Puget                                                               hearing all the positive
hosted a booth in SFA’s hometown in Sound chapter of the                                                                 comments about the
March.                                                   NSA sponsored a work-                                           Foundation,” Benoit
    “We sold out of lots of things and had shop for therapists, fol- SLPs Doug Wing and Connie said. “I’m so proud and
to run back to the office for more, in- lowed by a Family Day. Haines of Tacoma, WA.                                     grateful to be involved
                                                                                                                         with it.”
                                                                                                             Lisa Scott Trautman, Florida State
    Annual Audit of Foundation by KPMG                                                                    University, spoke in St. Louis, spon-
      The annual audit of The Stuttering ministration and general expenses and                            sored by Friends. Lisa talked about the
   Foundation financial reports for 2003 the 6/10 of 1% for fund raising are very                         CALMS model, answering questions
   was recently completed by the ac- low, and since we are fortunate to have                              and personalizing the talk to meet ther-
   counting firm of KPMG. Following is an endowment which more than covers                                apist’s needs, reported SLP Susan
   a recap of funds and expenditures for our overhead expenses, donors can be                             Short. Lee Caggiano spoke to parents
   the year.                                              assured that their gifts will go directly       on Stuttering 101, and Lee, Irene
      The 4.0% of expenditures for ad- to support our program services.                                   Bullard and Susan facilitated parent
                                                                                                          roundtable discussions.
   Funds expended for:
                                                                                                             Barry Guitar, University of
      Creation, production, printing and distribution                                                     Vermont, distributed SFA material
       of educational materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $556,589 . . . . . 49.8%              when he spoke in Norfolk, VA, at a
      Public information and education . . . . . . . . . . . . $236,261 . . . . . 21.1%                   conference organized by Kim Stallings,
      Educational symposia for professionals and                                                          former SFA Workshopper.               □
       research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $176,695 . . . . . 15.8%
      Maintain Web site and toll-free stuttering                                                            Give the United Way
       information hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 96,902 . . . . . . 8.7%
   Total for Program Services: . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,066,446 . . . . 95.4%                                 You can donate to the
                                                                                                           Stuttering Foundation directly
      Other expenditures:
                                                                                                           through the United Way. Direct
       Administration and general . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45,000 . . . . . . 4.0%
                                                                                                              designation allows you to
       Fund raising expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,934 . . . . . . . .6%
                                                                                                             specify your gift to the SFA.
   Total Expenditures: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,118,386 . . . .100.0%                       Proof of nonprofit status can
      The Stuttering Foundation of America is a private operating foundation which                          be sent to your employer by
   expends its funds on its own programs and does not make grants to other institutions.                          fax, mail or email.
12                                                                                                1-800-992-9392

        ■ The Stuttering Foundation two-day
NEWSBRIEFS                                         communication or public speaking skills, their
                                                   address is: Toastmasters International, Inc.,
                                                                                                      Swish Scores
        conference for speech-language                                                                Continued from page 5
        pathologists working with school-age       Attention: Membership Department, P.O. Box
        children who stutter, Practical Ideas      9052, Mission Viejo, CA 92690, Telephone:             The team has finished lighting the
        for the School Clinician, will be held     (714) 858-8255; Fax: (714) 858-1207.               scenes for shadow and depth and heads
        June 10 and 11, 2004, in Cincinnati.       ■ For those wanting to obtain a copy of Self-      into a week of intensive animation.
        For an application form, contact the       Therapy for the Stutterer in Japanese, write to
        Stuttering Foundation at 1-800-992-                                                              Rich is the lead animator, so it’s his
                                                   Dr. Shokichi Nakajima, 2-21-1 Ogawa
        9392 or download it directly at            Machida-shi, Tokyo 194, Japan,                     turn to shine, lip-syncing Ali’s com-                    telephone/fax: 0427 (96) 5092.                     puter-altered voice, making sure eye-
        ■ The Stuttering Foundation Western        ■ Self-Therapy for the Stutterer is available in   brows move, adding the hundreds of
        Workshop, Diagnosis and Treatment          French. Write to the Association des Begues        touches that make up the gigabytes’
        of Children who Stutter: Practical         du Canada, 2596 A rue Chapleau, Montreal,
        Strategies, directed by Susan              Quebec, Canada, H2K 3H6; 1-877-353-1042.
                                                                                                      worth of memory that is Swish.
        Hamilton, M.A., Jennifer Watson,           Please enclose $20.00 Canadian to cover               “We have 14 scenes between [live]
        Ph.D., with David Prins, Ph.D., will be    printing, postage, and handling costs.             footage segments,” noted Helen, so
        held at the University of Washington,      ■ For those wanting to obtain a copy of            the pace back and forth is quick.
        Seattle, June 23 - 27, 2004.               Stuttering and Your Child: Questions and              Then it’s to the desktop equivalent
        ■ The Stuttering Foundation Southern       Answers in Hindi, write to: Dr. Sajiv Adlakha,
Workshop, Diagnosis and Treatment of               Adlakha Speech and Hearing Clinic, A67             of a film cutting room floor for editing.
Children Who Stutter: Practical Strategies,        Dayanand Colony, Lajpat Nagar - 4, New                “The final thing is called render-
directed by Lisa Scott Trautman, Ph.D.,            Dehli-110024, India, or e-mail:                    ing, and you take the animation that
Kristin Chmela, M.A., and Joe Donaher,    Those interested in
M.A., will be held at Florida State University,    joining a fluency and public speaking skills       we have and convert it into a movie
June 23 - 27, 2004.                                group should also contact Dr. Adlakha at the       block, and then the editing and com-
■ The Stuttering Foundation two-week               above address.                                     posing comes last,” Ali said.
Workshop for Specialists will be held at the        Books on Stuttering or Related                       Here, Swish finally gets to meet
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, in June,       Topics Available from Bookstores:                 his live friends, who together, have
2005, directed by Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D.
and Toni Cilek, M.A. For more information,         ■ Understanding Stuttering, Nathan Lavid,          made this video by kids, about kids,
contact the Stuttering Foundation at 1-800-        M.D. Available by calling 800-737-7788.            for kids who stutter.                  □
992-9392, or write Dr. Zebrowski, c/o SFA,         University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, MS;
3100 Walnut Grove Road, Suite 603,        2003.
Memphis, TN 38111-0749. This unique work-          ■ Beyond the Last Village and Jaguar: One
                                                   Man’s Struggle to Establish the World’s First
shop brings together speech-language pathol-
ogists from all over the world.                    Jaquar Preserve by Alan Rabinowitz.                 NW Workshopper’s
■ Clinical Training in Lidcombe Program: A
                                                   Available from Island Press, Washington,
                                                                                                       Death Leaves Loss
Behavioral Intervention in Stuttering for          ■ Stuttering Therapy: Rationale and                    One of the all-time favorite
Young Children. This workshop featuring            Procedures by Hugo H. Gregory, June H.              workshoppers, Andre Courcy,
Elisabeth Harrison will be held June 16-18,        Campbell, Diane G. Hill, and Carolyn B.
2004, at the University of Vermont. For more                                                           died on March 15, 2004, of pan-
                                                   Gregory. Available from Allyn and Bacon,
information, please contact Rosalee Shenker        Boston, MA; 2003.                creatic cancer. Services were held
at the Montreal Fluency Centre,                    ■ Les begaiements: Histoire, psyhologie, eval-      in Quebec on March 19.                       uation, varietes, traitements by Anne Van Hout         A member of the SFA’s
■ FRIENDS, The National Association                and Francoise Estienne. Published by Masson,
of Young People Who Stutter, will hold             S.A.,120 boulevard Saint Germain, 75280 Paris       Northwestern University Work-
their annual convention in the San                 Cedex 06, France.                                   shop Class of 1997, Andre was
Francisco Bay area from July 22-24,                ■ Forty Years After Therapy: One Man’s              remembered with fondness by
2004, at the Marriott Hotel at the San             Story, by George Helliesen, M.A. Available          workshoppers.
Mateo/San Francisco Airport. Please con-           from Apollo Press, Inc., 1-800-683-9713 or on-
tact or 1-                   line at                           “I laughed so hard with him
888-866-8335 for information. A regis-             ■ Programmed Stuttering Therapy for                 that I would have tears rolling
tration brochure can be downloaded from            Children and Adults, (2001) by Bruce Ryan,          down my eyes. I am sure his fam-
the website             Ph.D. Available through publisher Charles C..
                                                   Thomas or on-line at                ily and friends will miss him ter-
■ To participate in a study on client sat-
isfaction with stuttering therapy, please          ■ Making a Difference for America’s                 ribly,” said Susan Hamilton, SLP.
                                                   Children: SLPs in the Public Schools, by            Donations in memory of Andre
contact Walter Manning, Ph.D., at wman-            Barbara Moore-Brown and Judy Montgomery.                                  Available from Thinking Publications, Eau           will fund a scholarship to the
■ For those wanting to purchase a poster           Claire, WI. 715-832-2488.                           Workshop for Specialists.       □
entitled The Bill of Rights and                    ■ Ben Has Something To Say by Laurie Lears,
Responsibilities of PWS, contact Michael           illustrations by Karen Ritz. A book for children
Sugarman at It                 ages 5-9. Albert Whitman & Co., Morton
represents the combined effort of the IFA          Grove, IL. 800-255-7675.
and ISA.                                           ■ Sharing the Journey: Lessons from my
■ LISTSERV for doctoral students specializ-        Students and Clients with Tangled Tongues by            STUTTERING

ing in stuttering. The intent of this list is to   Lon Emerick, Ph.D., available from North
serve as an open forum for doctoral students.      Country Publishing, 355 Heidtman Road,
Membership is limited to doctoral students         Skandia, MI 49855 for $13.95 plus $2.00             A Nonprofit Organization
only. To subscribe, send the following mes-        postage and handling. Call toll-free 1-866-         Since 1947 — Helping Those Who Stutter
sage to sub-         942-7898, or visit www.northcountrypublish-         3100 Walnut Grove Road, Suite 603
scribe stutterdoc firstname lastname" or con-                                            P.O. Box 11749 ● Memphis, TN 38111-0749
tact Joe Donaher at            ■ Living With Stuttering by Kenneth St. Louis,
                                                   Ph.D. Available from Populore Publishing           1-800-992-9392       ●   1-800-967-7700
■ For those interested in joining Toastmasters     Company, P.O. Box 4382, Morgantown, WV              
International as a way to improve fluency,         26504, 304-599-3830.                          □     

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  • 1. SUMMER 2004 THE S TUTTERING Nick Brendon Birthday Bash World’s Largest Tiger Reserve Empowered: A Success Story FOUNDATION From Washington to Kenya Golf Tournament Benefits SFA A Nonprofit Organization 1-800-992-9392 Since 1947... Helping Those Who Stutter New “Kids for Kids” Why stop at just speaking out? This year we’re DVD Stars Swish and His Young Friends Who better than kids to talk to other kids about talking? ACTING OUT for National Well, maybe a bas- ketball named Swish. Stuttering Swish!—it’s a win- ning sound in hoops, Awareness and now it’s the name of Week! a winning cartoon char- acter created to teach kids about stuttering. Swish, an animated basketball with engaging, human-like features, is one of the stars—along with his young human friends—in the Stuttering Foundation’s new DVD by kids, about kids, and for kids. Our Time company members Linda Gjonbalaj, Jonathan Greig, Corom Buksha and David Nachman, Swish is the creation of students Ali Modara, Helen Kang, Rich Sun, and Michelle Jackson in the Computer Theater Stages Benefit Gala for Graphics Technology Department at Purdue University, under the direction National Stuttering Awareness Week If actions speak louder than words, with cast members of STOMP, musical of Dr. Mark Bannatyne, head of the this year, the message of the Stuttering director Everett Bradley, host actress department. The speech-language Foundation and others should be loud Jane Alexander, the Our Time Teens, pathology team is comprised of Lisa and clear. special honoree Dr. Alan Rabinowitz, Scott-Trautman, Bill Murphy, Kristin Our Time Theatre in New York City and SFA president Jane Fraser, among is hosting a gala to mark National others. Stuttering Awareness Week, May 10- “This marvelous event is a kick-off 16. Participants will celebrate May 10 Continued on page 3 Genetic Studies Gain Ground With the publication of a study in factors in stuttering are significant the American Journal of Medical enough that it’s possible to identify From left, Purdue University students Ali Genetics, understanding of the genet- specific genetic factors. Modara, Helen Kang, Rich Sun, and Michelle ic causes of stuttering has “While we have a way to go Jackson, creators of Swish! moved one step forward. before we can identify this Chmela, Lee Caggiano, and Joe The report, entitled “Results gene, we are encouraged that Donaher. Between them, they are cre- of a Genome-wide Linkage progress is being made,” said ating a fun, entertaining, and highly Scan for Stuttering,” demon- Dennis Drayna, Ph.D., senior educational DVD for kids ages 7-11, strates that a gene on chromo- author of the study. Dr. Drayna with much serious work behind the some 18 in humans can have a is pursuing his studies at the light-hearted approach. strong effect on the development of National Institute on Deafness and The SFA team has been working persistent stuttering. While the gene Other Communication Disorders, throughout the year on the concept itself has not been identified, this part of the National Institute of and script and on videotaping children study demonstrates that inherited Health in Bethesda, MD. Continued on page 5 Continued on page 7
  • 2. 2 1-800-992-9392 Empowered Speech Triumphs Over Lifelong Stuttering Joy Emery, 64, has stuttered for leadership roles. She is particularly Emery’s speech when she started, “We most of her life. But she delivered the grateful for Dr. Charleen Bloom and worked on fluency targets as well as commencement address in clear, flu- Dr. Donna Cooperman, professors in all the attitudes. She’s to the point now ent sentences that so captivated her au- the Department of Speech Sciences that she’s gone from hiding from peo- dience that they sat in utter silence be- and Communication Disorders. ple to being in leadership roles within fore erupting in applause as she “Our approach is a synergistic the community and Council, with the reached her triumphant conclusion. one,” explains Sister Char, the pre- SFA and other places. She’s been Joy has much to say on the topic of ferred title of the Sister of St. Joseph. teaching the class with us for about empowerment, the subject on which “We integrate fluency shaping and eight years. The students get a great she was asked to speak at the gradua- stuttering modification, and we inte- mix. Everything we teach about stut- tion at the College of St. Rose in grate speech and language compo- tering, Joy explains how it affects her Albany, NY. That she was able to say nents, attitudinal components and en- life.” it so well is a tribute to her own vironmental components. We believe The support group, whose member- “tremendous recovery” over the that you can’t do a program without ship is fluid, was important for her speech disorder that, in her own sustained fluency, says words, significantly curtailed Joy, who had been through a her life. number of other programs, be- “Empowerment comes from ginning in childhood. After taking good risks and making a early failed attempts at thera- few mistakes in order to gain py—which included changing success,” Emery told graduates her orientation from left-hand- and guests gathered on ed to right and then back again December 20. “Don’t be afraid and a program in which she to make mistakes; you’ll proba- was taught to speak and chew bly make quite a few before gum at the same time—Joy you’re through. Most of us do.” avoided therapy until she was The words were especially in her 40s. A three-week preci- poignant, because until 10 sion fluency-shaping course years ago when she was re- worked briefly, but without ferred to the college’s fluency lasting effect. program, Emery was so afraid “I came back fluent, but I of making mistakes that she fell right back,” Joy says. “The avoided speaking to anyone Joy S. Emery, who has stuttered for nearly 64 years, was College of St. Rose started me other than family. the keynote speaker at the College of St. Rose, Albany, NY, with a very low hierarchy: easy “In the past, stuttering domi- commencement. She received an honorary doctorate. speaking situations, gradually nated my life, because I experi- getting tougher and tougher all enced so much fear, embarrassment, that.” the time. What they did was to work shame and exhaustion,” Emery said in This holistic approach to speech on my fluency so that I was stable. At therapy has been in existence at the the same time, we had a self-help college since Bloom initiated the pro- group where I was able to practice my “I allowed stuttering to dictate gram in 1971 with a group of about 19 fluency.” my social life, who my friends people. A weekend workshop each were and how I spent my time.” March for those who stutter, now in its “Not in my wildest dreams did 29th year, was added next, followed I expect that my journey to her address. “I felt different from all of by teen and children groups, a parent fluency would lead to a 180 my peers and so I developed a cozy lit- group, and the addition of a sibling change in my life.” tle place called my “comfort zone” group this year. The groups embrace which gave me protection, a pre- both self-help and therapy practices, Simultaneously working on atti- dictable life, and insulated me from notes Sister Char, who has managed tudes and feelings as well as communi- the pain of making mistakes. I felt im- the program largely on her own. Two cation and socialization skills made the prisoned with deeply engrained nega- years ago, she was joined by Dr. difference, Joy says. “The environmen- tive feelings about my speech and, Cooperman, with whom she has co- tal component helped me to understand moreover, about myself.” authored a textbook based on this the family situation, and the team Emery credits the fluency program model. (See Books , page 12.) teaching—telling my story—helped a at St. Rose with empowering her to Joy, who began as a client at the col- great deal. As a result, I gained a not only say what she wanted to say, lege’s Pauline Winkler Center, now tremendous fluency, but also a tremen- but also with giving her a sense of team-teaches the graduate fluency class. dous recovery.” freedom and the confidence to take on “She was severe,” Bloom says of Still, what made Sister Char sug- Continued on page 5
  • 3. SUMMER 2004 1-800-992-9392 3 SFA Board Member Helps Establish World’s Largest Tiger Reserve We have long said that “if you stut- ter, you’re in good company.” That’s Continued from page 1 because many of those who stutter ac- to celebrate everyone’s efforts to in- complish tremendous things in life. crease awareness.” said Fraser, who Take, for example, the estab- will be introducing Rabinowitz, SFA lishment of the world’s Board member and this year’s Our largest tiger reserve, ac- Time Award winner. “Alan is an out- complished this March standing spokesperson for NSAW under the leadership of 2004. It’s exciting to see so much of SFA Board member Alan his hard work in other areas of his life Rabinowitz, Ph.D., director coming to fruition this same year.” of the Science and Exploration (See related story, this page.) Program at the Wildlife Conservation The evening begins with a cocktail Society (WCS). reception at 6 p.m. at the Andavi Cafe, The government of Myanmar, for- then moves to the Lucille Lortel merly Burma, recently announced the Theater for an 8 p.m. performance by creation of the reserve, which covers a the Our Time Teens, the cast of land area nearly as large as Vermont. STOMP, Adam Pascal, Alice Ripley, It’s a project Rabinowitz has been and musical director Everett Bradley. working on for 10 years. Our Time Theatre is a nonprofit or- National Public Radio’s Renee ganization dedicated to providing an Montagne interviewed Rabinowitz artistic home for young people and for a special that aired March 15 on agement strategies and how the WCS adults who stutter. Morning Edition. (Interview and and Myanmar’s forestry department The purposes of this event are man- photos available at will work together to make the world’s ifold,” said Artistic Director and grams/re/archivesdate/2004/mar/tige largest tiger reserve a reality. founder Taro Alexander. “We want to rs/) An article also appears in the This is not the first reserve that has increase awareness about Our Time April, 2004, issue of National resulted from the zoologist’s efforts. Theatre, about National Stuttering Geographic magazine. The Society’s web site Awareness Week, the Stuttering Rabinowitz’s many visits to ( documents work Foundation, and about stuttering in Myanmar’s Hukwang Valley— done by Rabinowitz and the general. as well as his struggle with stut- Society’s Jaguar Conservation “We want to begin the tradition of tering—are detailed in his Program team to establish a safe having a wonderfully inspiring, public book, Beyond the Last Village. corridor for jaguars spanning 14 event on the first day of National (Island Press, see Books on page 12.) countries, from Arizona through Stuttering Awareness Week where His first visit was in 1993, and in Central America and into northern people can come together and cele- 1999 he surveyed the tiger population, Argentina. brate. In short, we want to start the using “camera traps” to capture on In Search of Jaguars, a National week off with a bang. It’s also a chance film the big cats, of Geographic Special for the teenagers at Our Time to speak which probably only 100 that aired this past publicly about the challenges that face now remain. He also November on PBS sta- tions nationwide, also Continued on page 7 began working with the country’s national parks documents the team’s efforts to protect the New Stuttering department to create, Awareness then expand, the wildlife endangered cats. poster fea- sanctuary. The efforts are pay- tures Alan Although the an- ing off. Rabinowitz Rabinowitz. nouncement is a tremen- will be part of a cere- Great for dous step forward, the mony this June in your clinic, Stutterin Wasn’t th g Costa Rica, dedicating End of H e “really hard work,” ac- community, World. is a wildlife sanctuary school, Explorer, cording to Rabinowitz, wildlife cons and auth ervationi or discovere Alan Rabinow st d itz hidden worl new species andhas he didn’t ds. That’s because let stuttering library, or the end become there as part of the of his. is actually just begin- Alan know is worth beyond s that whe achievin reach. n the goa g, nothing is l workplace. Discover what you “necklace” or corridor stuttering can do ning. He plans several . abo and ope Write or call us toll-f ut n up your ree, world. Order on- NATIONAL more trips to Myanmar Alan Rabinowitz tags a jaguar. of protected wild places AWARENES STUTTERING For more information about stutteri on ng, write what you can do or call toll-free : S WEEK line or call www.stut terin www.tartam STUT FOUNTERING DAT ION ™ to work out details on His work in Belize resulted in the elusive cats call A Nonprofit Organizat Since 1947—H ion elping Those 3100 Walnut Grove Road, Who Stutter P.O. Box 11749 • Memphis Suite 603 , TN 38111-07 1-800-992- 49 1-800-99 2-9392 funding, wildlife man- the first sanctuary for the cats. home. □ 9392.
  • 4. 4 1-800-992-9392 From Washington to Kenya: A Journey for Fluency By Barbara Mathers-Schmidt, Ph.D. prepared for their work together. “Dear Barbara, Only months before, Kevin had been Asante sana kwa kuni julisha ya living on the streets. He was addicted to kuwamaba ni na waza kapona. sniffing glue, and he rarely spoke. He Ni mimi wako, now lives in a comfortable residential Kevin O.” setting with adults who care deeply This handwritten message was given about his well-being and his extraordi- to me by Kevin, a 14-year-old boy who nary potential. This bright, appealing lives in an orphanage in Nakuru, boy readily engaged in the discussion Kenya. Through an amazing series of about stammering and seemed relieved events, I got to know this young man as he learned more about a problem that who has a severe stuttering disorder. It had made him feel so hopeless. was an experience that deeply touched The school personnel likewise were my heart and one I hope will change surprised to learn that something can be Barbara Mathers-Schmidt, Ph.D., and Kevin’s future. Kevin study stuttering modifications tools done to help those who stammer. They I had been contacted months earlier in Self-Therapy for the Stutterer. Kevin, who adeptly participated in considering by a Childcare International volunteer lives in Kenya, never knew there was help strategies to help Kevin. They will who wondered if I might send some in- for those who stutter. Barbara’s trip to begin by reviewing materials donated Kenya included sharing much-needed re- formation to assist Kevin’s teachers. sources donated by the SFA with schools by The Stuttering Foundation and will They were perplexed by how to help and hospitals in the region. be meeting regularly with Kevin to this child who stuttered so severely that practice fluency skills. he rarely attempted to talk. Ironically, I or treat him in a way that makes him While in Kenya, I visited six other was planning to travel to Kenya and feel uncomfortable. schools in somewhat remote areas of was gathering books and brochures “Did you know that three million the Central District. The schools ranged about communication disorders to Americans stammer?” I exclaimed. from a private boarding school with a share with hospital and school person- A smile broke across Kevin’s face. I relatively well-equipped computer lab nel. And so it was, that on February 13, showed him the photographs of famous to a four-room secondary school with I met with Kevin in a large, sunny din- people who stutter: His teacher and dirt floors and no electricity. Part of my ing hall, joined by his teacher, school pastor nodded in astonishment. I ex- mission was to discuss stuttering with principal, pastor, and the volunteer. plained what we know about stammer- the headmasters and leave resource ma- As I sat down with Kevin, I asked ing—that people who stutter seem to be terials donated by The Stuttering his teacher to interpret the letter Kevin born with a neurophysiological predis- Foundation. It was not surprising that had written before my arrival: “Thank position to stutter, and that stuttering almost everyone knew someone who you very much for informing me that I seems to be genetically transmitted in stuttered, and, without exception, they can be healed with my speaking. Yours many cases. We discussed how many had the misconception that nothing sincerely, Kevin O.” thousands of messages travel from the could be done to help. In each case, Kevin spoke in English and Swahili brain to our muscles to allow us to teachers and administrators were eager during our time together and stuttered breathe and move for speech. I ex- to learn, and welcomed the information in both languages. Kevin referred to the plained that somehow, as some people provided by the Stuttering Foundation. disorder as “kigugumiri” or “stammer- go from an idea to shaping sound into Through e-mail, Kevin’s teacher and ing.” He explained that he had been speech, they sometimes stammer. I continue to work together to help stammering since he was about four Kevin. Kevin happily agreed to report years old. He had no idea what caused “Almost everyone knew back to me about how he is doing. He his stammering, although he did recall someone who stuttered, and, is eager to correspond with a 14-year- that one of his uncles also stammered. without exception, they had old American boy who stutters. When I asked him if he had found any- the misconception that noth- As we moved toward the end of our thing to do that makes it easier to talk, ing could be done to help.” time together, it was a joy to hear Kevin he replied, “Not yet.” I asked how he chuckle before he used fluency shaping got his ideas across when he had diffi- Kevin had hoped that I would be and stuttering modification techniques culty talking. He responded, “Go slow.” curing him of this “problem.” I ex- on one of the few Swahili phrases I “Good idea!” I replied. plained that I would not cure him, but know: “Hakuna matata!”* As Kevin and I talked, often with the would show him how he could learn to assistance of his interpreter, I learned make speaking easier. We practiced Barbara Mathers-Schmidt, Ph.D., is a that when he stutters, he doesn’t know “easy speech” techniques. I then professor in the Communications exactly where or how the sound stops, showed him the Self-Therapy for the Sciences and Disorders Department at but he is aware of working hard and Stutterer book, and reviewed the stut- Washington Western University, then getting tired. He also shared that tering modification techniques, so that Bellingham, WA. people occasionally make fun of him, Kevin and his teachers would be well *Don’t worry, no problem! □
  • 5. SUMMER 2004 1-800-992-9392 5 “Mr. 59” and Ken Venturi Score with Palm Desert Golf Benefit for SFA Play a few tournament is to raise money for sever- rounds, soak al of Al’s favorite charities. This year, up the sun in the Stuttering Foundation is one.” Palm Desert, Foote, a competitive amateur golfer and sip cham- who has played in the tourney for the pagne with past 15 years, also stutters so had golf legends much in common with Venturi. Ken Venturi “It’s really through Ken Venturi and Al that we’re making a contribution to Geiberger— the Stuttering Foundation. I had lunch and donate with Ken and Terry Cole [tournament to charity at organizer] and he discussed his expe- SFA poster with Ken the same time? riences as a teenager with stuttering, Venturi promoting The annual and how he worked through it and stuttering awareness. “Mr. 59” Golf then became a CBS commentator.” Empowered Speech Invitational The invitational brings together 130 Continued from page 2 hits a hole in one with this plan! players over three days, playing two gest Joy as a commencement speaker? Thanks to the efforts of Bob Foote courses in what has long been a mecca “I didn’t, the president recommend- and Ken Venturi, the Stuttering for golf afficionados. ed her,” Bloom responds. “He [Dr. R. Foundation was one of three chari- And after the play, there is play! Mark Sullivan] said, ‘How do you ties which benefitted from Al Clinics and demonstrations. A think Joy would be. Do you think she Geiberger’s 20th Annual glittering banquet with singers, could do it?’ I said, ‘I’m sure she Invitational at the Desert Falls entertainers, and comedians. A could!’ When it was over, all 2000 Country Club on April 23-24. silent and live auction. Roasts people stood and gave her a standing Ken Venturi, past chairman of and toasts. ovation. It was so moving and she did National Stuttering Awareness Week, “It’s an all-around wonderful three it so well.” was this year’s honoree at the tourna- days of golf,” Foote Contact Sister Charleen Bloom at ment, hosted by Geiberger. agreed. 518-454-5122 or Dr. Donna “On June 10, 1977, Al Geiberger It’s also an all- Coooperman at 518-458-5357. The shot a score of 59 in the Danny around wonderful St. Rose program is open to children, Thomas golf tournament,” said Bob way to help those teens, adults, parents and siblings. Foote, assistant tournament organizer who stutter. SLPs are welcome to observe. and longtime friend. “The score of 59 The Stuttering For information about other pro- was the lowest competitve round by Foundation thanks grams, go to any pro golfer ever. It was a remark- all participants. and click on Resources, then able achievement. So, some friends of (Final results and Referrals. Programs are listed by state Al’s started this tournament to cele- pictures in the next The cover of 1964 and/or country. □ brate that sensational score. Part of the newsletter.) Sports Illustrated. Swish Scores With Kids Who Stutter in New DVD Continued from page 1 who stutter. The students at Purdue, all by hand. The next step is to model Who can resist? for whom this is a senior project, have him using a 3-D program like MAYA,” “Not kids who stutter, if our research thoroughly researched the “human ap- says Ali. “Because he’s a basketball, is right,” said Michelle, an interactive plication”—what works for kids in we create him in a series of spheres. multimedia development major whose grades 2-6 as far as memory retention, Texturing is the process of taking the computer coding skills, combined with characters they relate to, attention material the character would be made animation, bring Swish to life. span, ad infinitum. of and slapping it on him—skin like a “I’m primarily here to work in the The background research had to be basketball, eyeballs. It’s the texturing human research subjects,” Michelle rigorously defended to a board of pro- that gives personality.” added. “We have to test this on chil- fessors before Swish got past the The result of this wizardry is Swish, dren to see if they like Swish and see sketchbook stage, according to Ali, a a bouncy, genderless, cartoon with a if it works. That’s ultimately what we senior from Bahrain who dreams of kid’s voice and vocabulary, who pops want—for it to be effective.” becoming “the Steven Spielberg of the in and out of the video, asking ques- To ensure that Swish is, he’ll be Middle East.” tions such as, “Does stuttering ever field tested with children in the speech “To create Swish, the first step is bug you?” that are answered by chil- clinics at Purdue and Florida State concept art, drawings and storyboards dren who stutter. University. Continued on page 12
  • 6. 6 1-800-992-9392 Actor’s Ongoing Support for Stuttering To donate electronically go to the SFA’s Give Page online at www.stut- Or give by phone and credit card by calling 1-800-992- Once again, Nicholas Brendon 9392. fans are reaching out to wish Nick a By mail, you may send a check to: happy birthday and to help the SFA! The Stuttering Foundation, 3100 Stanford Dean Piazzo and Gina Perez-Baron. Nick’s birthday is April 12, but Walnut Grove Road Suite 603, P.O. you can still contribute afer that date Box 11749, Memphis, TN 38111- Stuttering Doesn’t Stop Me and be part of the Nick Brendon 0749. I am a third year medical student Birthday Project 2004. More impor- Please indicate that your gift is as- at Stanford University School of tanly, you can still directly help those sociated with the Nick Brendon Medicine. I don’t know how much I who stutter, and wish the actor a Birthday Project. □ would say I’ve “overcome” stutter- happy birthday at the same time. ing, but it no longer stops me from Nick has a lot going on right now, pursuing the life I want. with a new made-for-TV movie, I stuttered terribly as a child. I’d Celeste in the City, that aired in try to hide it or sit in silent frustra- March on ABC family, and other pro- tion as someone else stood up and jects. (Check it all out at his Web site, claimed my words. As a teenager, Still, he’s my speech improved but I still hated always been right there for others it and, at times, hated myself for it. who stutter through his support of I was in my twenties when some- and outreach for the SFA. thing shifted. Sick and tired of stut- Since 2001, Nick has served as a tering and feeling sorry for myself, I spokesman for the Stuttering saw an ad about a “cure” for stutter- Foundation of America. In that time, ers. Great! Then I found the cost, visitors to his Web site have con- $2,500. I had to find another way. tributed more than $5,000 to The So, I started trying to accept my Stuttering Foundation. stuttering. Accept. Now, there’s a Helping the SFA has been a very word that really stuck in my throat! significant outcome of Nick’s role on But what else was there? Slowly, I Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Here’s our tried hiding it less. I tried announc- chance to acknowledge all he’s done! ing, “I stutter” when the struggle got too great. I stopped avoiding tele- Updates Reflect New Gains in Knowledge phone calls. I started speaking up. Sometimes my speech was Book for Pediatricians make life better. Book 0021, a 72-page smoother. Sometimes people no- book, is available for $2.00 by catalog or ticed it less. I still stutter, but I’m not A new edition by Barry Guitar, Ph.D., the University of Vermont, and informa- online. Elmer Fudd. People tell me it takes tion reflecting the latest neurological and a while for them to even notice. genetic research introduces the subject Risk Factors Chart I’ve taught myself a few strate- If You Think Risk Factor What to True for gies that help. Public speaking re- of stuttering in the new third edition of look for my child the child who stutters: a guide for pedi- Brochure Family history of stuttering A family member who still stutters mains the worst. But today, it’s just atricians. Book 0023, which includes a If You Think Your Age at onset Time since After 3 1/2 Stuttering 6-12 my unique “thing.” And I see that first noticed months or useful chart to help determine the need Child is Stuttering is stuttering longer Speech errors, Other speech- trouble following everyone’s got their own “unique for early intervention, is available from packed with infor- language delays directions thing”—something to struggle with, the SFA for $2.00 or may be download- mation to help parents understand the to overcome. ed for free. difference between normal disfluency These days, stuttering doesn’t and stuttering. With the addition of a risk hold me back so much; I’m not so F O U R T H E D I T I O N factors chart and a “How to Help Right afraid. And fear was, and remains, For Teens do you stutte r: Away” section, the brochure is even my biggest obstacle. Getting past Teenage years a guide for tee ns more useful for parents trying to to help that, I’m able to do the things I need can be tough, espe- their child immediately, while determin- to so I can be what I want to be. cially for someone ing the need for professional interven- Gina Perez-Baron is a student at who stutters. Do tion. “Seven Tips for Talking” offer ex- Stanford University School of You Stutter: A cellent advice on speaking to any child. Medicine. Her poem is at newsletter Guide for Teens THE STUTTERING FOUNDATION Brochure 41 may be downloaded free; at □ $8.00 for 100 copies. □ PUBLICATIO offers real help to N NO. 0021
  • 7. SUMMER 2004 1-800-992-9392 7 News Shorts Invest in Kids Selects SFA Web Site as a “Five Star” Resource for Parents Donny Sethl works on a song with “Our experts at Invest in Kids have SA Scholarship Benefits musical director Everett Bradley. “If I selected your web site, www.stutter- PWS Down Under don’t talk, they take a part of me,” as an important resource The International Stuttering says the Greenwich, NY teen. of parents of children under five!” Association in Perth, Australia emailed wrote Chris Geady to tell us about its thanks for all those who contributed Acting Out for NSAW their “Five Star Recommendation” of to their scholarship fund, and sent a Continued from page 3 SFA’s site. Invest in Kids is a non- photo of everyone from outside young people who stutter. And of profit organization which helps fami- Australia who was able to attend their course, we need to raise a little bit of lies make the most of their children’s gathering. “I am sure that your contribu- money.” first five years: “The years before five tion will not be forgotten in a lot of Taro’s experience as a person last the rest of their lives.” □ places around the world,” writes Stefan who stutters, combined with the Hoffman of the ISA. “Thanks again. □ transformative power of theatre, NSSLHA Chapters Donate compelled him to create Our Time. A successful actor himself—now in Thanks to the University of North Genetics Gain Ground the cast of the off-Broadway pro- Kansas and Nicholls State University Continued from page 1 duction of STOMP—Taro’s goal is chapters of the National Student Speech-Language Hearing Associa- While his recent study involved to help others who stutter find a safe more than 50 families from across place to express their creativity, to tion, which recently sent gifts to the SFA. Nicholls State is in Thibodaux, North America, Drayna is pursuing find their voice in performing. additional studies elsewhere in the Members study acting, singing, LA, and UNK is in Kearney, NE. □ world. A previous article in the SFA playwriting, drumming and dance newsletter documented one family with professional artists. No perfor- under study in Cameroon, West mance experience is required and Africa, and recent efforts have taken there are no fees to join, hence, in Drayna to Pakistan, where the high part, the reason for the benefit. number of cousin marriages present “Our Time provides an environ- particularly favorable conditions for ment free from ridicule where genetic studies of stuttering. young people who stutter discover Drayna cautions people not to ex- the joy of creating and performing pect quick cures from this research. original theatre,” notes gala host “Our goal is to use genetic studies to Jane Alexander, Emmy-award win- understand at least some of the under- ning actress of film, stage and tele- New Album, “RightFully lying causes of stuttering. While not vision. Alexander first won acclaim Spoken” for PWS all stuttering is genetic in nature, we for her Tony-winning role in The look forward to unraveling this part of Great White Hope with actor James Frankie Jones has released a new CD, the puzzle of stuttering, which will Earl Jones, who also stutters. “RightFully Spoken,” for those who hopefully lead to better treatments in “Our Time provides a powerful stutter. “I am a PWS and have dedicated the future,” he notes. □ way for the audience—families, my music and life to uplifting and moti- friends, professionals—to begin to vating those who stutter,” writes the Lincoln, NE, musician. A popular per- Upcoming Workshops feel and understand the challenge of former in public schools, Frankie’s sin- Two-Day Workshop those living with stuttering,” said Stuttering Therapy: Practical Ideas Lee Caggiano, executive director of gle, “Man in the Mirror” is well-known in the stuttering community. For infor- for the School Clinician Friends: The Association of Young June 11-12, 2004 in Cincinnati, OH People Who Stutter. “Taro Alex- mation, call the SFA at 1-800-992-9392. ander has given voice to stories that The Stuttering Foundation of America is Two-Week Workshop might otherwise have gone untold.” a tax-exempt organization under section Stuttering Therapy: Workshop for Specialists 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code June 2005 in Iowa City For more information call or and is classified as a private operating email Our Time at 212-414-9696 or foundation as defined in section All Five-Day Workshops are filled or 4942(j)(3). Charitable contributions and bequests to the Foundation are tax- Applications may be downloaded from SFA at □ deductible, subject to limitations under the Code. or call 1-800-992-9392
  • 8. 8 1-800-992-9392 Letters: Reader Response to Survey on Electronic Devices Dear SFA: and effectiveness of electronic auditory Dear SFA, If the SpeechEasy is being marketed as feedback devices. While the article in- I commend your survey about elec- a cure, that is wrong, but as a tool, I find cluded quotes from satisfied users, includ- tronic anti-stuttering devices. However, it very helpful. I spoke today at lunch to a ing those who had used their device suc- the survey showed that persons who stut- large group of advertisers. It helped me to cessfully for more than a year, the overall ter have misconceptions about the de- control my gentle onsets more effectively gist was that electronic auditory feedback vices. and I had fewer blocks than usual. I real- devices are in fact not a “magic bullet.” The most common reason cited for not ize those in search of the magic pill will As the president and CEO of one of the buying a device was “expense/lack of in- be disappointed, but as a tool, it is im- leading providers of such devices, it may surance.” Since 1992, Casa Futura mensely valuable to me. come as some surprise that I agree with Technologies has helped every American I complained of its price, also, but I’m this conclusion… electronic devices are consumer who has needed our devices, re- comfortable the company has invested not a “cure” for stuttering. Instead, they gardless of his or her ability to pay. much in its research beyond the manufac- offer a technologically advanced treat- Survey results included a complaint about turing cost of the device. ment option that can help people who stut- a “$700-800" fee and “90% money-back My clinician, Helen Duhon of ter speak more fluently with less effort. As guarantee” apparently charged by another Franklin, Tenn., thought long and hard such, it is important that anyone consider- company. Casa Futura has always offered before she began handling the device. She ing such a device be able to separate fact a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee. is a Vanderbilt speech therapy grad who is from fiction. Respondents “cited concerns over lack trying to interest them in further study of A key to clearing up misconceptions of long-term research on devices.” The the device. about these devices is to understand where International Journal of Language and You are wise to warn against the de- they fit on the continuum of available Communication Disorders (2003, Vol. 38, vice as a “cure,” but as a tool I think it has treatment options. Stories in the news No. 2, 119-129) recently published a long- much to offer. The SFA performs a valu- media tend to provide an oversimplified term study of our least expensive devices. able service and there are scams out there view, proclaiming AAF devices as “mira- Researchers tested nine severe adult stut- to be wary off. I don’t think the cle cures.” As speech fluency profession- terers before using the devices, and again SpeechEasy device is one of them—but it als, we must do a better job communicat- three months later. The subjects used the certainly is not a cure. ing the benefits and limitations of AAF devices about thirty minutes per day. The Vince Vawter, IN devices. To this end, new and upcoming subjects’ stuttering diminished 50%, Editor, Evansville Courier & Press □ research data published in peer-reviewed without any other speech therapy. scientific journals provides some valuable One respondent complained about his Hi SFA, insight. device being difficult to use in noisy envi- I am a school based SLP, employed by A study published last year in the ronments. Hearing safety is a paramount an intermediate school district. We have International Journal of Language concern. Users who experience ringing in had many parents of children who stutter Communication Disorders (Vol. 38) test- their ears or headaches should discontinue interested in auditory feedback devices. ed the efficacy of the device called using their device and get their hearing Our assistive technology department has SpeechEasy, which was referenced in checked. It’s also possible that overuse of decided to purchase a Fluency Master for SFA’s previous newsletter article. The an anti-stuttering device could cause a a student through Michigan State study subjected seven users to a variety of child’s auditory processing to develop ab- University. tests, and reported that the device reduced normally. To minimize hearing impair- I have a great interest in stuttering and stuttering significantly while helping to ment, anti-stuttering devices have a vari- have agreed to analyze and provide data produce speech that was more natural. ety of noise-reduction features. for the ISD to determine the effectiveness While the study provides many valu- The last comment was telling. A moth- of these devices. Personally, I do not think able answers, it also raises some ques- er wrote, “I’m most disappointed. It it is wise for schools to purchase these de- tions. Foremost among these is the long- wasn’t a quick fix. Since it wasn’t, [my vice, as they may be unleashing some- term efficacy of such devices, given that son] quit using it.” That isn’t the device’s thing they cannot control. They are cost- the study subjects were followed for just fault! Successful stuttering treatment re- ly devices that have little empirical evi- four months after being fitted. quires hard work over a long time. The dence that support their efficaciousness. What the already reported data shows devices can be of great value when used I am reviewing and analyzing videos is that when used in conjunction with con- as part of a larger stuttering therapy pro- of the students before the Fluency Master, ventional therapy, the SpeechEasy AAF gram. Anyone looking for a “quick fix” is at the introduction of the Fluency Master, device enhances the rate of progress likely to be disappointed. and 2-3 months after initial use. among patients, and is a valuable new tool Thomas David Kehoe Alisa MacDonald, M.S., CF-SLP for SLPs to consider in concert with other Owner, Casa Futura Technologies □ Battle Creek, MI □ therapeutic options. Editor’s Note: The Stuttering Foundation of Darwin Richards America welcomes your response; however, Dear SFA: CEO, Janus Development Group due to space constraints, we reserve the right The Winter 2004 edition of SFA’s (SpeechEasy) □ to edit articles for length. Address your letters newsletter reported the results of a survey to or The Stuttering that appeared largely critical of the appeal Foundation, 3100 Walnut Grove Road, Suite 603, Memphis, TN 38111.
  • 9. SUMMER 2004 1-800-992-9392 9 Seminars Attract Hundreds to Learn About Stuttering Packed rooms, enthusiastic partici- cluding If Your Child Stutters: A Guide pants and engaging speakers have gath- for Parents, The School-age Child Who ered around the country to learn about Stutters: Working Effectively with stuttering. SFA has been there to help, Attitudes and Emotions, Integration of including, at press time, a Contemporary Therapies, trip to San Antonio for the Sometimes I Just Stutter, and Texas Speech-Language magnets,” Hatcher said. Hearing Association confer- SLP June Haerle- ence. Campbell and her husband, In Long Beach, CA, Allen, represented the SFA SFA’s Deborah Squires and at the California Speech- SLP Liz Brown manned a Language Hearing Associa- busy table at the L.A. tion annual conference in The fluency game’s in the bag for Garrett and United School’s conference March in Long Beach. Robert in SLP Mary Turcotte’s group on Family on stuttering. The event Workbooks and magnets Day at Tacoma’s two-day event, March 5-6. drew nearly 600 speech-lan- were hot items, disappearing The SFA was invited to have a table of guage pathologists. quickly from the booth, publications at both. About 700 SLPs—a which also drew people sim- On April 3, Charley Healey, record number—attended Vivian Sisskin, of the ply to thank the SFA for pro- University of Nebraska, spoke at the the annual conference spon- University of Maryland, viding such affordable mate- Oklahoma state gathering in Edmonds. sored by the The University spoke March 5 on rials. SLP Darla Benoit vol- “Problem Solving in of Memphis chapter of Stuttering Therapy,” at- March 5 -6, unteered to man a table NHSSLA, with guest speak- tended by about 350 SLPs the Tacoma of SFA publications. er Bill Murhpy, Purdue from Washington state. Public School “It was fun working University. SFA staffers District and at the SFA table and Laura Beauchamp and Lorissa Hatcher the Tacoma/South Puget hearing all the positive hosted a booth in SFA’s hometown in Sound chapter of the comments about the March. NSA sponsored a work- Foundation,” Benoit “We sold out of lots of things and had shop for therapists, fol- SLPs Doug Wing and Connie said. “I’m so proud and to run back to the office for more, in- lowed by a Family Day. Haines of Tacoma, WA. grateful to be involved with it.” Lisa Scott Trautman, Florida State Annual Audit of Foundation by KPMG University, spoke in St. Louis, spon- The annual audit of The Stuttering ministration and general expenses and sored by Friends. Lisa talked about the Foundation financial reports for 2003 the 6/10 of 1% for fund raising are very CALMS model, answering questions was recently completed by the ac- low, and since we are fortunate to have and personalizing the talk to meet ther- counting firm of KPMG. Following is an endowment which more than covers apist’s needs, reported SLP Susan a recap of funds and expenditures for our overhead expenses, donors can be Short. Lee Caggiano spoke to parents the year. assured that their gifts will go directly on Stuttering 101, and Lee, Irene The 4.0% of expenditures for ad- to support our program services. Bullard and Susan facilitated parent roundtable discussions. Funds expended for: Barry Guitar, University of Creation, production, printing and distribution Vermont, distributed SFA material of educational materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $556,589 . . . . . 49.8% when he spoke in Norfolk, VA, at a Public information and education . . . . . . . . . . . . $236,261 . . . . . 21.1% conference organized by Kim Stallings, Educational symposia for professionals and former SFA Workshopper. □ research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $176,695 . . . . . 15.8% Maintain Web site and toll-free stuttering Give the United Way information hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 96,902 . . . . . . 8.7% Total for Program Services: . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,066,446 . . . . 95.4% You can donate to the Stuttering Foundation directly Other expenditures: through the United Way. Direct Administration and general . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45,000 . . . . . . 4.0% designation allows you to Fund raising expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,934 . . . . . . . .6% specify your gift to the SFA. Total Expenditures: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,118,386 . . . .100.0% Proof of nonprofit status can The Stuttering Foundation of America is a private operating foundation which be sent to your employer by expends its funds on its own programs and does not make grants to other institutions. fax, mail or email.
  • 10. 12 1-800-992-9392 ■ The Stuttering Foundation two-day NEWSBRIEFS communication or public speaking skills, their address is: Toastmasters International, Inc., Swish Scores conference for speech-language Continued from page 5 pathologists working with school-age Attention: Membership Department, P.O. Box children who stutter, Practical Ideas 9052, Mission Viejo, CA 92690, Telephone: The team has finished lighting the for the School Clinician, will be held (714) 858-8255; Fax: (714) 858-1207. scenes for shadow and depth and heads June 10 and 11, 2004, in Cincinnati. ■ For those wanting to obtain a copy of Self- into a week of intensive animation. For an application form, contact the Therapy for the Stutterer in Japanese, write to Stuttering Foundation at 1-800-992- Rich is the lead animator, so it’s his Dr. Shokichi Nakajima, 2-21-1 Ogawa 9392 or download it directly at Machida-shi, Tokyo 194, Japan, turn to shine, lip-syncing Ali’s com- telephone/fax: 0427 (96) 5092. puter-altered voice, making sure eye- ■ The Stuttering Foundation Western ■ Self-Therapy for the Stutterer is available in brows move, adding the hundreds of Workshop, Diagnosis and Treatment French. Write to the Association des Begues touches that make up the gigabytes’ of Children who Stutter: Practical du Canada, 2596 A rue Chapleau, Montreal, Strategies, directed by Susan Quebec, Canada, H2K 3H6; 1-877-353-1042. worth of memory that is Swish. Hamilton, M.A., Jennifer Watson, Please enclose $20.00 Canadian to cover “We have 14 scenes between [live] Ph.D., with David Prins, Ph.D., will be printing, postage, and handling costs. footage segments,” noted Helen, so held at the University of Washington, ■ For those wanting to obtain a copy of the pace back and forth is quick. Seattle, June 23 - 27, 2004. Stuttering and Your Child: Questions and Then it’s to the desktop equivalent ■ The Stuttering Foundation Southern Answers in Hindi, write to: Dr. Sajiv Adlakha, Workshop, Diagnosis and Treatment of Adlakha Speech and Hearing Clinic, A67 of a film cutting room floor for editing. Children Who Stutter: Practical Strategies, Dayanand Colony, Lajpat Nagar - 4, New “The final thing is called render- directed by Lisa Scott Trautman, Ph.D., Dehli-110024, India, or e-mail: ing, and you take the animation that Kristin Chmela, M.A., and Joe Donaher, Those interested in M.A., will be held at Florida State University, joining a fluency and public speaking skills we have and convert it into a movie June 23 - 27, 2004. group should also contact Dr. Adlakha at the block, and then the editing and com- ■ The Stuttering Foundation two-week above address. posing comes last,” Ali said. Workshop for Specialists will be held at the Books on Stuttering or Related Here, Swish finally gets to meet University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, in June, Topics Available from Bookstores: his live friends, who together, have 2005, directed by Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D. and Toni Cilek, M.A. For more information, ■ Understanding Stuttering, Nathan Lavid, made this video by kids, about kids, contact the Stuttering Foundation at 1-800- M.D. Available by calling 800-737-7788. for kids who stutter. □ 992-9392, or write Dr. Zebrowski, c/o SFA, University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, MS; 3100 Walnut Grove Road, Suite 603, 2003. Memphis, TN 38111-0749. This unique work- ■ Beyond the Last Village and Jaguar: One Man’s Struggle to Establish the World’s First shop brings together speech-language pathol- ogists from all over the world. Jaquar Preserve by Alan Rabinowitz. NW Workshopper’s ■ Clinical Training in Lidcombe Program: A Available from Island Press, Washington, D.C.; Death Leaves Loss Behavioral Intervention in Stuttering for ■ Stuttering Therapy: Rationale and One of the all-time favorite Young Children. This workshop featuring Procedures by Hugo H. Gregory, June H. workshoppers, Andre Courcy, Elisabeth Harrison will be held June 16-18, Campbell, Diane G. Hill, and Carolyn B. 2004, at the University of Vermont. For more died on March 15, 2004, of pan- Gregory. Available from Allyn and Bacon, information, please contact Rosalee Shenker Boston, MA; 2003. creatic cancer. Services were held at the Montreal Fluency Centre, ■ Les begaiements: Histoire, psyhologie, eval- in Quebec on March 19. uation, varietes, traitements by Anne Van Hout A member of the SFA’s ■ FRIENDS, The National Association and Francoise Estienne. Published by Masson, of Young People Who Stutter, will hold S.A.,120 boulevard Saint Germain, 75280 Paris Northwestern University Work- their annual convention in the San Cedex 06, France. shop Class of 1997, Andre was Francisco Bay area from July 22-24, ■ Forty Years After Therapy: One Man’s remembered with fondness by 2004, at the Marriott Hotel at the San Story, by George Helliesen, M.A. Available workshoppers. Mateo/San Francisco Airport. Please con- from Apollo Press, Inc., 1-800-683-9713 or on- tact or 1- line at “I laughed so hard with him 888-866-8335 for information. A regis- ■ Programmed Stuttering Therapy for that I would have tears rolling tration brochure can be downloaded from Children and Adults, (2001) by Bruce Ryan, down my eyes. I am sure his fam- the website Ph.D. Available through publisher Charles C.. Thomas or on-line at ily and friends will miss him ter- ■ To participate in a study on client sat- isfaction with stuttering therapy, please ■ Making a Difference for America’s ribly,” said Susan Hamilton, SLP. Children: SLPs in the Public Schools, by Donations in memory of Andre contact Walter Manning, Ph.D., at wman- Barbara Moore-Brown and Judy Montgomery. Available from Thinking Publications, Eau will fund a scholarship to the ■ For those wanting to purchase a poster Claire, WI. 715-832-2488. Workshop for Specialists. □ entitled The Bill of Rights and ■ Ben Has Something To Say by Laurie Lears, Responsibilities of PWS, contact Michael illustrations by Karen Ritz. A book for children Sugarman at It ages 5-9. Albert Whitman & Co., Morton represents the combined effort of the IFA Grove, IL. 800-255-7675. and ISA. ■ Sharing the Journey: Lessons from my ■ LISTSERV for doctoral students specializ- Students and Clients with Tangled Tongues by STUTTERING FOUNDATION TM ing in stuttering. The intent of this list is to Lon Emerick, Ph.D., available from North serve as an open forum for doctoral students. Country Publishing, 355 Heidtman Road, Membership is limited to doctoral students Skandia, MI 49855 for $13.95 plus $2.00 A Nonprofit Organization only. To subscribe, send the following mes- postage and handling. Call toll-free 1-866- Since 1947 — Helping Those Who Stutter sage to sub- 942-7898, or visit www.northcountrypublish- 3100 Walnut Grove Road, Suite 603 scribe stutterdoc firstname lastname" or con- P.O. Box 11749 ● Memphis, TN 38111-0749 tact Joe Donaher at ■ Living With Stuttering by Kenneth St. Louis, Ph.D. Available from Populore Publishing 1-800-992-9392 ● 1-800-967-7700 ■ For those interested in joining Toastmasters Company, P.O. Box 4382, Morgantown, WV International as a way to improve fluency, 26504, 304-599-3830. □