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         THE                                                                                             Stuttering: For Kids, By Kids

         S TUTTERING                                                                                     wins Adding Wisdom Award
                                                                                                         Workshop Highlights
                                                                                                         ASHA Reunion Honors Gregory

         FOUNDATION                                                                                      The Genius of Dean Williams—
                                                                                                         now compiled in one publication

 A Nonprofit Organization           1-800-992-9392                Since 1947... Helping Those Who Stutter

DAF in Stuttering: USA Today Story on Stuttering Spawns
A Potential        Increased Media Coverage, Web Site Use
Anatomical Link      A prominent article in USA Today, the helped one-third of them. In particular, he
                                                  largest-circulation newspaper in the coun-     found that the device was helpful when he
By Anne L. Foundas, MD                            try, spurred a dramatic jump in traffic on     fitted adults who had not seemed to bene-
Professor of Neurology, Tulane                    the Stuttering Foundation’s Web site           fit from therapy in childhood.
University Health Sciences Center                 ( in October.               The SFA hopes that the results of the
                           At this juncture           The October 19 article at the top of the   study will help scientists to easily deter-
                        neuroscientists be-       Life section of the                                                    mine who will bene-
                        lieve that develop-       newspaper focused                                                      fit from the device
                        mental stuttering is a    on the SpeechEasy                                                      and who won’t.
                        complex         motor     device and whether                                                     That’s especially
                        speech disorder with      this and other simi-                                                   important because
                        a strong genetic link.    lar electronic de-                                                     the device costs
                        Based on converging       vices can help those                                                   about $4,500 and
                        evidence from cogni-      who stutter. It                                                        insurance may be
  Anne Foundas          tive-behavioral, ge-      reported that the                                                      unlikely to cover it.
                        netic, neurophysio-       Stuttering Foundation plans to support a           In fact, the cost has deterred many peo-
logical and neuroanatomical studies, we           study to determine why some people find        ple from purchasing the device, the SFA
have learned that it is likely that stuttering    the device helpful and not others.             found. In a survey conducted in 2003 of
does not result from one causative factor.                                Peter Ramig, pro-      1,000 people who requested information
Furthermore, there is increasing evidence                              fessor at the Univer-     about such devices from the SFA, 85% of
that biological subtypes may be demon-                                 sity of Colorado          respondents decided against purchasing
strable with the potential that different                              (Boulder) and speech-     one because of the prohibitive cost and the
therapies may benefit different biological-                            language pathologist,     lack of insurance coverage.
ly specific types of stuttering. In a series of                        has fitted some of his        The article quoted SFA President Jane
recent studies our research group has fo-                              clients with the          Fraser saying there’s no need to spend so
cused on the anatomy and functional rep-                               device. He reported in    much money on a device unless there’s a
resentation of the auditory system in indi-         Peter Ramig        USA Today that the        reasonable expectation that it will help. □
viduals with developmental stuttering.                                 device significantly
    It is well established that the dysfluen-
cies observed in individuals who stutter
may be reduced under a number of condi-            Community Mourns
tions including choral reading and altered-
auditory feedback. Delayed auditory feed-
                                                   Hugo Gregory
back (DAF) is a technique that can induce              Hugo Harris Gregory Jr., internation-
fluency in individuals who stutter and can         al expert in speech and language pathol-
make fluent individuals dysfluent. The             ogy and the treatment of stuttering, died
auditory system, at least at the level of          October 11 of a stroke and meningitis,
auditory input, is involved in these fluen-        following surgery at Johns Hopkins
cy inducing conditions. Thus, there may            Hospital in Baltimore Maryland.
be a defect at the level of auditory pro-              Born in Texarkana, Texas, the son of
                                                   Hugo and Lola Brewer Gregory, on July
cessing that is at least partially reversed
                                                   11, 1928, he grew up in Portland,
with these procedures. One hypothesis is           Arkansas, a small town of 500 people.
that alterations in the auditory signal                Dr. Gregory received three degrees
under conditions of DAF diminish an                (Ph. D., 1959) from Northwestern
auditory perceptual defect in people who           University, majoring in speech and lan-
stutter. This auditory perceptual defect           guage pathology. While a student he
might be related to anomalous anatomy of           met his wife, Carolyn Booth Gregory.
auditory temporal cortex.                          Carolyn is also a speech pathologist, and
    In a 2001 study we found atypical              they became life long partners in clinical
                                                                         Continued on page 4     Hugo Gregory 1928-2004
                        Continued on page 12
2                                                                                       1-800-992-9392

ASHA Draws a Crowd
Friends pay tribute to Hugo Gregory at ASHA 2004
    The City of Brotherly Love was a fit-
ting gathering place for the American
Speech-Language Hearing Association’s
2004 Convention and for SFA work-
shoppers and friends to share remem-
brances of Hugo Gregory.
    Always a time for laughter and
friendship, the SFA’s annual workshop
reunion at ASHA this year was especial-
ly poignant as those who studied under
Hugo and Carolyn spoke of the tremen-
dous inspiration the couple has been in                                                Carolyn Gregory and Susan Cochrane.
both their professional and personal
lives. A week after the memorial service
for Hugo, Carolyn graced the reunion in
Philadelphia with her presence, her
humor and her enduring love and com-
mitment for Hugo, for those he men-
tored, and for the field of fluency.        Kathleen Mallory Chase, class of ‘’85.
    Each year, the SFA hosts a reception
for alumni of the Stuttering Therapy: A
Workshop for Specialists led by Hugo
and Carolyn Gregory from 1985 to
2001. The gathering also includes alum-                                                June Haerle Campbell, Simona Bernardini and
ni of the five-day workshops around the                                                Luisella Cocco Raison.
country begun by graduates of the
NU/SFA workshop.
    “Thank you for sharing Hugo,” was
the refrain from “Hugo’s girls” who
worked with him at Northwestern
University and from all those who
looked to him for guidance—many of
whom are themselves now leading ex-
perts in stuttering treatment and who
have gone on to mentor a new genera-        Larry Molt and Susan Cochrane.
tion of speech-language pathologists.
    As always, the SFA thanks those who
volunteered in the exhibit booth, some
for more than one shift! Special thanks                                                Sheryl Gottwald and Jennifer Watson.
to: Joe Donaher, Susan Cochrane,
Maureen Tardelli, Susan Hamilton, Peter
Ramig and Lorrie Scott, Sheryl
Gottwald, Trish Zebrowski, Marybeth
Allen, Fran Cook, Willie Botterill, Joan
Babin, Julie Anderson, Larry Molt, Lisa
Scott, Marybeth Allen, Bill Murphy,
Courtney Byrd, Mark Pellowski,
Adriana di Grande, Charlie Healey,
David Evans, Jennifer Watson, Patrice       Camera phone! Rosanna Portley and
                                            David Daley snap a shot.                  Marybeth Allen, David Evans and Joe Fulcher.
Carothers, Judy Kuster, Barry Guitar,
Stacia Thompson Paganelli, Nancy
Ribbler, Tony Buhr, John Ellis, Rick                                            Fran Cook
Arenas, Darrell Dodge, Ryan Pollard,                                            and Nan
Bill Shannon, Elizabeth Mendez, and                                             Ratner.
many more hearty souls!                                                         Lourdes
    Hot new materials this year included                                        Ramos
the Stuttering: For Kids, By Kids and                                           Heinrichs
Working With Preschoolers Who Stutter:                                          and Jane
Successful Intervention Strategies on                                           Fraser
DVD and video.                        □
WINTER 2005                                                                                                    1-800-992-9392        3

Media Efforts Promote Stuttering Awareness
   Here are some other top stories in the       of an 8-year-old girl who stutters. (Editor’s
news:                                           note: The brochure, Special Education Law,
   ■     Morning                                offers more information on services avail-
drive-time news                                 able through the public school system. It
anchor      Linda                               may be downloaded for free on the SFA’s
Nunez of KNX                                    Web site,
talk radio in Los
Angeles inter-
viewed Jane Fraser
following      the
report in USA
Today. The award-winning reporter co-
anchors the news with Tom Haule week-              ■ Reporter Laura Faber of WZTV
days from 9 a.m.–12 noon on KNX 1070            Fox 17 News in Nashville aired a story in
NEWSRADIO. Nunez joined KNX in                  November on stuttering, using the SFA as
May 1990 and later became the first             a resource for information and photos of
woman in KNX’s history to anchor the            famous people who stutter. The station
morning drive time slot.                        also aired an Associated Press story on the     Record Year for
                                                difficulty schools in Tennessee are having
    ■ The Washington Post on October 12         in recruiting enough speech-language
                                                                                                Public Service Ads
ran a photo of U.S. Congressman Frank
Wolf (R-Va.) holding the
                                                pathologists.                                   in Magazines
SFA’s 15 Famous                                                                                    Pick up a copy of Time magazine
People Who Stutter                                                                              on the newsstands and chances are
poster, which includes                                                                          you’ll spot a plug for The Stuttering
his likeness. Wolf served                                                                       Foundation. Leaf through other mag-
as SFA’s spokesman for                                                                          azines, such as Golf, Seventeen,
National Stuttering                                                                             Newsweek and People, and you’ll
Awareness Week in                                                                               find more.
2000.                                                                                              About 560 magazines ran public
    “Had I not stuttered, I                                                                     service ads for the SFA in 2004, gen-
don’t think I would have                                                                        erating thousands of phone calls, e-
been in Congress,” the                                                                          mails and letters from people seeking
12-time incumbent is                                                                            help. The magazines cater to all sorts
quoted as saying. “It                                                                           of interests and include those you
gave me the drive and                                                                           might find in the supermarket check-
the determination to stay                                                                       out lane (Good Housekeeping), in the
with it. I’d go so far as to Congressman Frank Wolf is seen holding the SFA’s 15 Famous         airplane seat pocket (Southwest
                             People Who Stutter poster in this photograph in the October 12,
say, maybe, it was an 2004 issue of The Washington Post.                                        Airlines Spirit), or at the feed store
uncommon gift. I’m not                                                                    □
                                                                                                (Soybean Digest).
so sure you could have convinced me of                                                             The SFA tries to reach different
that at 15.”                                                                                    audiences with ads tailored to readers
    Wolf, who stuttered badly as a teenag-
er, was often taunted about his stuttering      Web Use Soars with                              of the magazine. For example,
                                                                                                Seventeen magazine ran ads that fea-
by classmates. He has become an outspo-
ken advocate for the abused worldwide.
                                                Focus on Fluency                                tured Nicholas Brendon, star of the
                                                                                                television series Buffy the Vampire
                                                   With the in-                                 Slayer. Time and People preferred
                                                creased focus in the                            those featuring conservationist and
                                                media on stutter-                               author Alan Rabinowitz. Of course,
                                                ing, use of the                                 the ad with a photo of Winston
    ■ News radio station WBZ CBS                SFA’s Web site also                             Churchill is always a favorite, appear-
Channel 4 in Boston aired a story on stut-      soared. On October                              ing in Forbes, Fortune, and AARP
tering on November 8. The broadcast fea-        19, prompted by a                               publications. Some magazines, such
tured the SFA Web site as a source for          story in USA                                    as the Journal of the American
information.                                    Today, SFA’s Web site had 32,665 hits,          Medical Association and Kiplinger’s
   ■ The nationally-syndicated column,          with 27,715 the following day. In               Personal Finance magazine, prefer to
Parent to Parent, on October 24 featured        October, there were 658,315 hits on             run ads without photos. “To someone
SFA as a source for help and information on, attributed in           who stutters, it’s easier done than
securing speech services through the public     part to the record number of public ser-        said” is a popular text-only ad.
school system. Columnist Jodie Lynn also        vice ads in magazines nationally. The              So the next time you pick up a
recommended the SFA’s newest video/DVD,         Spanish site,, had           magazine, be on the lookout! An SFA
Stuttering: For Kids, By Kids to the mother     16,074 hits in October.               □         ad may jump out at you.              □
4                                                                                        1-800-992-9392

International Expert in Stuttering Mourned by Colleagues
Continued from page 1                                One of his proudest accomplishments
                                                 was his directorship of an annual two-
                                                 week professional workshop, Stuttering
                                                 Therapy: Workshop for Specialists, held
                                                 at Northwestern from 1985 to 2001. The
                                                 workshop was limited to 20 participants a
                                                 year, and over time he and his staff en-
                                                 hanced the training of more than 255 clin-
                                                 icians from the U. S. and Canada and
                                                 more than 75 clinicians from other coun-
                                                 tries representing all continents. Parti-
                                                 cipants developed professional skills
                                                 which they carried to programs through-
                                                 out the world, and also formed lasting
                                                 friendships.                                       National Stuttering Awareness
                                                     “I can think of no one who has done            Week poster featuring 1995 SFA
work, research, and writing about the            more to promote and help carry out spe-            spokesman Robert Merrill.
problem of stuttering.                           cialization in the field of stuttering than
   Dr. Gregory was Professor of Speech           Hugo Gregory, not only in this country,         Opera Great, SFA
and Language Pathology at Northwestern           but also around the world,” said Jane
University in Evanston, IL, from 1962-           Fraser, president of the SFA.                   Spokesman Robert
1993. He authored or edited six books on             At Northwestern he mentored hundreds
stuttering.. His most recent textbook,           of students, directing 15 doctoral disserta-    Merrill Dies at 87
Stuttering Therapy: Rationale and                tions. He was Head of the Speech and                Noted baritone Robert Merrill,
Procedures (2003), focused on the rela-          Language Pathology Program for seven            who sang more than 500 perfor-
tionships among theory, research find-           years, and served on professional commit-       mances at the Metropolitan Opera,
ings, and clinical procedures in treating        tees of the American Speech-Language-           died October 22. He was 87.
stuttering.                                      Hearing Association and the International           Merrill, a cross-over artist, was
   He has been recognized with numerous          Association       of     Logopedics       and   equally known for popular roles
awards at the state, national and interna-       Phoniatrics. He had a particular interest in
                                                 international affairs in his field and he and   such as in “Fiddler on the Roof”
tional levels including as the first recipient
of the Malcolm Fraser Award (Stuttering          his wife Carolyn traveled widely, present-      and as the voice of the national an-
Foundation of America), Honorary Degree          ing short courses on four continents.           them on opening day at Yankee
(Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, San             His friends, colleagues and family will     Stadium.
Paulo, Brazil), and the Honors of the            remember forever his smile, relaxed style           Less well known was Merrill’s
American        Speech-Language-Hearing          of speaking, and twinkle in the eye. He         struggle with stuttering.
Association (the highest honor of the            knew how to listen, and was a natural clin-         Merrill served as SFA’s
Association).                                    ician and wise counselor.                  □    spokesman and honorary chair-
                                                                                                 man of National Stuttering
                                                                                                 Awareness Week in 1995. “I think
                                                                                                 it’s a tremendously important
  Shelby RR Tourney Raises $3,500                                                                issue because stuttering can make
      Shelby Railroad Services again this                                                        or break you as a human being,”
  year chose to benefit the SFA through                                                          Merrill said then. “You can lose so
  their annual golf tournament, raising                                                          much from your life unless you
  $3,500 to help those who stutter.                                                              conquer it and come to terms with
      The Memphis-based company held                                                             it—not only in your professional
  it’s annual Tin-Cup tournament on a in                                                         life, but in your personal life as
  October.. The blustery weather couldn’t                                                        well. Stuttering makes you unsure
  dampen high spirits, and the benefit                                                           of yourself, it make you feel that
  raised $1,000 more than last year.                                                             you are really less than you are—
      “We are thrilled to again be the bene-                                                     which is a terrible thing.”
  ficiary of this tournament,” said SFA                                                              A Brooklyn native, Merrill,
                     President Jane Fraser.                                                      “ended his career as one of the
                     “I would like to thank                                                      most beloved singers of his time,”
                     everyone who gave to                                                        wrote Washington Post staff writer
                                                 Jane Fraser with Kirk Tarver. Shelby
                     this worthwhile cause,      Railroad Services’ Tin Cup Golf                 Tim Page in an October 27 tribute
                     especially John and         Tournament raised $3,500 for the SFA.           to the singer “Part of this was due
                     Kirk Tarver of Shelby                                                       to Merrill’s personal warmth and
                     Railroad Services for       president John Tarver. Ruth stuttered           decency. He seems to have been a
                     making this possible.”      from the time she was a young child,            genuinely nice man.”
   John Tarver
                         The Tarvers again       said Kirk, vice-president of the compa-             Merrill is survived by his wife
  chose The Stuttering Foundation for            ny. “It didn’t matter to us, but it embar-      of 50 years, Marion Machno, his
  their gift in honor of Ruth Tarver, the        rassed her. Back in the ‘30s there wasn’t       son, David, daughter, Lizanne,
  late mother of company founder and             any help.”                             □        and three grandchildren.           □
WINTER 2005                                                                                                   1-800-992-9392           5

African Families Provide New Avenues for Genetics Research
By Dennis Drayna, Ph.D.                       roughly 100 in-
   Studies of several remarkable fami-        dividuals      in
lies in West Africa have reinforced evi-      three genera-
dence for genetic factors in some cases       tions, while the
of stuttering, and these families are giv-    other has 48
ing us opportunities for research aimed       members, also
at understanding these factors.               in three genera-
   These families live in the Republic of     tions. In these
Cameroon, and were originally discov-         two families
ered due to the efforts of the Speak Clear    there are a re-
Association of Cameroon (SCAC), one           markable 60 in-
of the leading stuttering self-help orga-     dividuals who
nizations in Africa. Led by Mr. Joseph        stutter.
Lukong, Founder and Coordinator                  The rare oc-
                             General,         currence       of
                             SCAC has         these families
                             reached out      presents      re-
                             to stutterers    markable op- Stuttering research volunteers in Cameroon, West Afrrica. workiing with Dr.
                                                                 Dennis Drayna, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication
                             across     the   portunities for Disorders into genetic factors in stuttering.
                             many diverse     research. We
                             regions     of   don’t yet know if the gene or genes re-           they’ll tell us important things about the
                             Cameroon,        sponsible for stuttering in these families        cause of stuttering in general.”
                             and helped       cause stuttering in other populations, but            Stuttering therapy might be signifi-
                             coordinate       we’re making progress finding these               cantly improved if these underlying
                             therapy train-   genes. If and when we find them, we hope          causes of stuttering were known.        □
                             ing and prac-
                             tice in that
country, with the aid of stuttering pro-
grams from both Europe and the United
                                              The Genius of Dean Williams
States.                                       Book Offers Compilation of Work
   In the course of SCAC’s outreach ac-
tivities, they became aware of several           A compilation of classic articles by the the renowned
large families in which almost half of all    authority on stuttering is now available in a single vol-
family members stutter beyond young           ume with the publication of The Genius of Dean
childhood. SCAC then contacted re-            Williams. Edited by Carroll Guitar, M.L.S., this collec-
searchers at the National Institutes of       tion covers the full range of topics on which Williams
Health, in Bethesda, Maryland, regard-        wrote. Gathered in one 102-page book, The Genius of
ing these families, which sparked the in-     Dean Williams represents a unique philosophy and
terest of researchers there. Over the past    approach to stuttering therapy and to clients from a
few years, these families have been           giant in the field. The book is available from the SFA
carefully documented, and the stuttering      for $10 each by calling 800-992-9392 or at the on-
                                              line store at                □
that occurs has been shown to be typical
of stuttering worldwide. Importantly,
the affected individuals in these families
do not appear to have any other symp-           Order Now for National Stuttering Awareness Week in May
toms or disorders beyond stuttering,
making them especially helpful for ge-                                                                 NSAW posters and
netic studies.                                                                                         brochures inspire! Our
   Two families have been carefully                                                                    newest poster features
studied so far. One family consists of                                                                 wildlife conservationist,
                                                                                                       explorer and author
                                                                                                       Alan Rabinowitz.. Great
  Give the United Way                                                                                  to increase awareness in
                                                                                                       your school, clinic, com-
   Do you give through United
                                                                                                       munity, library or work-
   Way? You can still directly
                                                                                                       place. Order now for
 designate your gift to the SFA!
                                                                                                       NSAW in May, online at
 Proof of nonprofit status can be                                                15 Famous People
  sent to your employer by fax,                                 inowitz
                                                                                 Who Stutter, poster
                                                        Alan Rab ster            and brochures         or call 1-800-992-9392.
          mail or email.                                 NS AW po
6                                                                                            1-800-992-9392

Southern Workshop
Fosters Network
   The terrific trio of Lisa Scott, Kristin
Chmela and Joe Donaher led the 2004
Southern Workshop this past summer.
   “This was my first experience work-
ing on a five-day conference,” said co-di-
rector Joe Donaher, M.A., of Children’s
Hospital in Philadelphia. “What I found
was an amazing learning experience sur-
rounded by people who were equally ex-
cited about stuttering.”
   “The workshop was a great success
because of the dedication of our attendees
and my colleagues,” said Lisa Scott,
Ph.D., Florida State University. “It’s a
privilege to spend a week interacting and
learning from others who are passionate
about helping children who stutter. Not         Southern Workshop 2004, from left, back: Joe Donaher, Stacia Thompson, Sandra Ferguson,
only did we learn from one another but          Ashley Jackson, Terry Clark, Amie King, Mary Chamier, center: Lisa Scott, Janaye Matteson
we had a lot of fun. I am thrilled to be part   Houghton, Vina Kahre, Valeria Silver, Felix Matias, Wendy Sprague, Hazel Hewitt, Ellen
of such a wonderful experience.”                Germain, Elaine Rau, Delores Hudson, Heidi Chew, Rob Burroughs, Edie Jones. front: Nadia
                                                Brown, Joe Fulcher, Jane Fraser, Heather Bersuch, Kristin Chmela. Not pictured: Itza D'Avila.
   “This year the extended role play
gave the participants the opportunity to            “The setting provided time for deep         walked away better prepared to work
practice skills being learned,” Chmela          discussions, debates and conversations          with children who stutter. Participants
said. “I hope we can continue to dia-           on concomitant disorders which fre-             became part of a strong network which
logue about the kids they are working           quently coexist with stuttering.” Donaher       will foster their future learning and sup-
with who stutter!”                              added. “All of us, leaders included,            port them in their clinical pursuits.” □

“Toughest Teachers” Train SLPs at SFA’s Western Workshop
                                                                                                    The toughest teachers at the Western
                                                                                                Workshop were only chest-high to most
                                                                                                workshop participants. But they knew
                                                                                                their stuff and were strict taskmasters.
                                                                                                    School-age clients were the “experts,”
                                                                                                training and testing participants on their
                                                                                                knowledge of the speech mechanism,
                                                                                                their ability to explore stuttering mo-
                                                                                                ments and their ability to use tools with
                                                                                                the help of client models.
                                                                                                    The kids’ parents also engaged partic-
                                                                                                ipants, bringing up all aspects of treat-
                                                                                                ment in a panel discussion.
                                                                                                    Workshoppers, who came from a
                                                                                                record 12 states, left inspired and better
                                                                                                prepared for stuttering therapy.
                                                                                                    “I feel so much more confident about
                                                                                                my abilities,” said Candi Epperson.
                                                                                                    “Thanks for helping us and conse-
                                                                                                quently helping our clients,” added Katie
                                                                                                    Other highlights of the five-day work-
                                                                                                shop held in June at the University of
                                                                                                Washington were demonstrations of clin-
                                                                                                ical techniques by co-leaders Susan
                                                                                                Hamilton and Jennifer Watson and guid-
Western Workshop 2004, from left, back: Beatrice Lomonace, James Lautenschlager, David and      ed practice with participants role-playing
Gloria Prins, Pat Carothers, Alex Johnson, Jennifer Watson, Susan Hamilton, second row:         treatment scenarios.
Patricia Boyd, Linda Shulman, Janet Tilstra, Carole Roth, Treva Graves, Katie Goudie,Abby
Farr-Petterson, third row: Deborah Squires, Lorraine Garvey-Will, Shana Gibson, Marie Lambe,        Guest lecturer David Prins was also a
Becky Evans, Candi Epperson, Devra Milligan, Joe Fulcher, front: Roxanne Lang, Elisa Huff,      hit with his morning session on evi-
Karin Fleming, Ashleigh Hautala, and Julia Steifel.                                             dence-based treatment.                   □
WINTER 2005                                                                                             1-800-992-9392         7

BCAPS Buys 300 Swish and Friends Are Scoring Big!
Tapes for Schools tundSwish—the ro-
                       little animated
                                         my classroom pre-
                                         sentation,”   he
   Editor’s Note: Here’s a great idea for    basketball— and his                                             added. “Children
a project for NSSLHA groups and local        real friends who                                                thoroughly enjoy
self-help support groups in the U.S.!        stutter in Stuttering:                                          listening to him
   Saying they want to put a copy in         For Kids, By Kids                                               while        learning
every school, the British Columbian          are hitting the road.                                           about stuttering.
Association of People Who Stutter has            From the ASHA                                               The tape presents
ordered 300 copies of Stuttering;            Convention          in                                          information in a
Straight Talk for Teachers from the SFA.     Philadelphia to the                                             non-threatening and
   “Over the years, BCAPS has noticed        OSHA conference                                                 sensitive fashion.”
that teachers in the school system appear    in Portland, Oregon Morning host Ron Mahoney with Jane Fraser       “I am thrilled
to have a general lack                       to an in-service in and Swish on Fox 13 News in Memphis.        with the video. I
of awareness and un-                         Cleveland, Swish and friends are mak-     have shown it to several clients with par-
derstanding of what                          ing the rounds and scoring points with    ents in my practice. We have discussed
stuttering is, how to                        SLPs, parents and kids who stutter.       many issues and I find that the parents
identify it, and what                            “I am thrilled with the Stuttering    will focus on one or two things and the
actions to take                              Foundation’s new video,” wrote Judy       children on a couple of points, but the
once it has been                             Butler of Franklin, Mass. “I would like   bottom line is that the dialogue resulting
identified,” said                            to know other SLPs’ experiences with      from the video is wonderful!” wrote
Lisa Avery, SLP                              showing it. Here are some of my own...    Diane Games, an SLP in Cincinnati,
Advisor to the                                   Fourth grader’s mother: You [child]   Ohio. “I also used the video in my grad-
BCAPS Board.                                 do some of those things in that video,    uate class as a teaching tool when intro-
“To help teach-                              like eye rolling. Second grader: turns    ducing transcription of samples and
ers to support                               away saying, “I don’t want to go to       types of disfluencies. The video provid-
children who                                 school.” Second grader: smiling through   ed several short samples of speech with
stutter     in    schools,                   most of it, looking at parents with ap-   a variety of types of fluency.”
BCAPS is developing a Teacher                parent feelings of gratitude and relief.      Swish has become a darling of the
Education Pro-gram. This program will            “How are others helping kids process  press as well.
include a package of multimedia materi-      this video?”Butler asked.                     Fox Channel 13 in Memphis chose
als for distribution to teachers and other       “I have a big picture on my therapy   Swish as the focus of their back to
educators in the public and private          wall with Swish,” said Joe Donaher, a     school program in September. Long
school system.”                              SLP with Children’s Hospital in           Island Parenting and Woman’s Day—
   The SFA’s 20-minute video will be         Philadelphia and member of the team       with a circulation of 4 million—have
shown to teachers in 60 schools. SLPs        that created the video. “When kids see    chosen Swish to launch 2005 with arti-
will use the free 40-page handbook to        him we talk about the famous basketball   cles in January and March on helping
facilitate the sessions, and teachers will   players who stutter like Kenyon Martin    school-age children who stutter.
receive a two-page fact sheet on stutter-    and Bill Walton. I then talk about how        Reporter Angela Daidone of KABC
ing and classroom strategies.                Swish wanted to learn more about stut-    Channel 7 in Los Angeles is using For
   “It is expected that this program will    tering and this leads into the tape.      Kids, By Kids with live interviews of
help to build a closer partnership among         “Swish has become an integral part of children from L.A. and Drs. Glyndon
teachers, parents and school speech-lan-                                               and Jeanna Riley for a segment.
guage pathologists so that appropriate                                                     And stacks of press clippings, with
and effective treatment can be provided                                                more arriving daily, attest to the charm
as early as possible to school-age chil-      Stutterin g :                            and effectiveness of the 12-minute
                                                                                       video, which features kids of all ages
dren who stutter,” Avery said.          □
                                               For Kids, By Kids                       talking about whether their stuttering
                                                                                       bugs them, dealing with bullying, how
 DVD Honored with an                                                                   to tell people you stutter, and more.
 Adding Wisdom Award                                                                       Many parents and children who stut-
                                                                                       ter have never met anyone else who stut-
 Stuttering: For Kids, By Kids, was                                                    ters, and hearing and seeing other kids
 selected for an Adding Wisdom                                                         who do talk honestly about it is a
 Award by Parent to Parent, the syn-                                                   tremendous benefit in itself.
 dicated column. Products are chosen                                                       “The tape has been an invaluable tool
 for outstanding quality and support-                                                  for parent training,” Donaher said. “They
 ing family values. The award guides                                                   see many children, each with their own
 parents in choosing products for                                                      characteristics, who all stutter. Too often
 their children that not only entertain,                                               parents have a stereotypical view of what
 but also “add wisdom.” (See Special                                                   a ‘stuttering child looks like. By demys-
 Needs Products for Education,                                             with                                               Sw   ish!   tifying stuttering, this tape has helped
                                                                                       parents put things into perspective.” □
8                                                                                       1-800-992-9392

                          Dear SFA: Reader Response
                          Send letters to SFA, P.O. Box 11749, Memphis, TN 38111-0749 or email
Stuttering is... art to Share                                                                   Dear Eddie:
    Dear SFA:                                                                                   I’m Brandon I’m 11 years old and I
    My name is Jacob. I live in Coeur                                                       know I like to stutter. Why? Because when
d’Alene, Idaho. I have two brothers and                                                     I talk I just let me stutter. Because if you
one sister. I have six cats and one dog. I                                                  don’t want to stutter it can be a problem. I
like to play video games. I have green-                                                     have a lot of problems. I know you have
blue eyes and blond hair. I wear two                                                        some problems too. But when someone is
watches because one of them tells the                                                       teasing you just say “Come back when
right hour and the other tells the right                                                    you can stutter better than me.”
minutes.                                                                                        Brandon, 3rd grade
    I am in the fourth grade at Borah
Elementary. I am really good at math. I                                                        Dear Eddie
stutter a lot. Lots of kids tease me about                                                     I know it’s hard. I think stuttering is a
my stuttering and get on my nerves. I                                                       gift. Do you? I know that we both like to
have gone to speech for five years and it                                                   stutter. Oh, by the way, my name is
is a lot of fun. I have been stuttering my                                                  Joshua. Some kids don’t like to stutter.
whole life.                                                                                 That’s because they’re embarrassed. I told
    Here at Borah School we have stutter-                                                   my friends that I stutter. They said “OK,
ing parties. Kids that stutter in School                                                    we won’t laugh.” Only have a good time
District #217 are invited. I have been                                                      and don’t let stuttering get you down.
president of the parties for two years and                                                     Joshua, 4th grade
                                               “This picture will show other kids and
this is my third. I get to think of any type   adults that they are not the only ones who
of food I want and in May I don’t have to      stutter,” writes fourth-grader Jacob M.         Dear Jenny:
go to class for one whole day.                 from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.                      We know that you have problems
    Two years ago I made this picture. It                                                   about people teasing you. Just make a
                                               union after 17 years since graduation.       joke out of it and just make something up.
was done with watercolor. I just started
                                               When I entered the big hall, a former        Like if kids are calling you “Stutterface”
painting and it turned out this way. The
                                               teacher approached me and said: “I hoped     just tell them that “you should see my
real painting looks better and it is at my
                                               that you would come tonight. I have a stu-   fishface.” Or tell them “Is that all you
mom’s house.I am sending you this pic-
                                               dent who stutters and I want him to get in   got?” And shake their hand. They say,
ture and letter because my speech teach-
                                               touch with you!” I was so happy that my      “But we just called you a name.” And we
er said that if I wanted to I could. She
                                               courage in 1998 had left an impression.      say “I know. You did a very good job.”
thinks my picture is the best out of all the
                                                  Stefan Hoffman                            Then they are the ones to get confused. I
14 years that she has seen kids’ artwork
                                                  Germany                                   wait ‘til I get home to cry. I tell myself
in speech. I think my painting is awe-
some. My speech teacher and I were hop-                                                     that I don’t stutter that much.
ing that you could put on one of the           What’s Up with Stuttering?                      This is Joshua and Brandon signing off.
movies that you make, or in or on one of       Stuttering makes me feel...
the front pages of your booklets. The pic-        Angry when I can’t get a word out.        Please Send Help
ture will show other kids and adults that         Nervous because kids might make fun           Good morning, SFA:
they are not the only ones who stutter and        of me.                                        I have read about your organization
for people who don’t stutter to learn more        Different from everybody else.            and I was wondering if there is any
about stuttering.                                 Frustrated when kids finish my sen-       chance you would be able to send materi-
    Jacob M.                                      tence and they are sometimes wrong.       al so that I may be able to help myself (or
    President of Stuttering in School             Proud because I sometimes get             even read stories about how others are
                                                  through words without getting stuck.      coping with stuttering). I live in
Sharing Story of Stuttering                       Excited on some days I don’t stutter      Cameroon and there will be no way for
                                                  much at all.                              me to attend anything in the U.S., how-
Helps Others Years Later                          Happy because my real friends listen      ever if there is any way I could receive
   I want to tell you all a wonderful story.      to me!                                    newsletters, self-help guides, books, etc, I
In 1998 I went back to my high school             Jacob S., 10                              would really appreciate it. Thank you and
and in front of all teachers I told them                                                    God bless.
what had been the matter with me and           Sometimes I Just Stutter                         Victor Banseka Wirba
my stuttering when I was in the school            The following letters were written to         Cameroon, Africa
from 1978 to ‘87. I left with them the         Eddie a 13-year-old boy and Jenny a 7-
teachers’ brochure of the German               year-old girl whose stories appear in one       Victor was sent free copies of Advice
Association, so that they know what to         of the SFA’s most popular books,             to Those Who Stutter and Self-Therapy
do with other stuttering children.             Sometimes I Just Stutter by Eelco de         for the Stutterer.
   [Last week] we had a high school re-        Geus (Publication No. 0031).                                                          □
WINTER 2005                                                                                                 1-800-992-9392          9

                                                                                             dents, clients and colleages, from experi-
SFA Supporters Use                          News Shorts                                      ences in a long career in the academic
                                                                                             world, and from a life-long immersion in
Web Site, Media to                                                                           nature. Call 800-992-9392 for details. □
Reach Spanish
Speakers Worldwide                                                                           Treating the School-Age
Special to The Stuttering Foundation                                                         Child Who Stutters by
                                                                                             Carl Dell Now in Czech
    The Stuttering Foundation Spanish
website,, is                                                                 The Carl Dell classic, Treating the
reaching new heights. Not only is it the                                                     School-Age Child Who Stutters: A Guide
first website of its kind in the Spanish                                                     for Clinicians, is now available in
language to serve people who stutter        Cuban Congress Includes                          Czechoslovakian thanks to the efforts of
and their families, but it has now been                                                      Elizabeth Peutelschmiedova, Ph.D., of
featured in newspapers all over the
                                            Lecture on Stuttering                            the University of Olomouc. She has also
world.                                        Havana, Cuba was the host city for an          been on TV and radio in the Czech
                                            International Congress on “Education and         Republic to talk about the book.      □
    Several ardent SFA supporters sub-
mitted letters to the editor of daily       Diversity” attended by 160 participants
newspapers and at least one newspaper       from the U.S., England, France, Finland,
in every Spanish-speaking country           Mexico, Spain and Brazil. Fred Murray,           Alex Johnson Elected
printed the letter, including Equatorial    one of the presenters, writes that his trilin-   President of ASHA
Guinea, the only Spanish-speaking           gual capacities “were pressed to the limit
                                            when it became apparent that that commu-                                Congratulations to
country in Africa.                                                                                                Alex Johnson on his
    In addition, Spanish-language           nications between Cubans, the English and
                                            French guests had to pass through me—                                 election to President
newspapers in the U.S. and Canada                                                                                 of ASHA. Johnson
printed info about the website as well.     quite a challenge for one with a history of
                                            stuttering! Fred’s 40-minute talk was on                              will     serve     as
The number of “hits” on the website                                                                               President-elect for
has increased substantially since the       the theme of “Interdisciplinary Aspects of
                                            Management of Stuttering.”                  □                         2005 and then as
letters appeared in November. In a fu-                                                                            President in 2006.
ture newsletter, we will print a break-                                                                           Johnson, a 1998
down of the requests that came from                                                                               graduate of the
each country to show the progress that      Buy Sharing the Journey                                               SFA’s Workshop for
has been made with this website.            and Get Free Magnet                              Specialists, will lead a five-day work-
    Furthermore, publication of these          Sharing the Journey... Lessons from my        shop for SLPs on stuttering therapy once
letters by SFA boosters have resulted in    students and clients with tangled tongues        his ASHA duties are over.               □
inquiries by a couple of newspapers         is available to readers through a special
about doing feature articles on stutter-    offer by the SFA and North Country
ing and the website; such articles will     Publishing. Buy the book at the regular          Surviving Adversity
likely be posted on the website in the      price of $14.95 and receive a free refrig-          Two of the SFA’s spokesmen are sub-
future.                                     erator magnet with talking tips for parents      jects in a book by Gord Carley. Former
    We thank all of our supporters who      of children who stutter. Author Lon              Chicago Bulls great Bob Love and actor
have contacted us with their kind           Emerick, Ph.D., is a former university           Nicholas Brendon talk about how they
words about our new Spanish-lan-            professor, therapist and severe stutterer.       overcame their struggles with stuttering in
guage website and welcome sugges-           The book’s journey is highlighted by 10          Surviving Adversity. The book includes
tions.                                □     maxims for good living, gleaned from stu-        30 other profiles of individuals who have
                                                                                             overcome adversity. It may be purchased
                                                                                             through the SFA for $12.95. Fifty per-
                                                                                             cent of the sales price to the SFA!      □

                                                                                             Stuttering and
                                                                                             Your Child: Q &
                                                                                             A in Korean
                                                                                                  Moonja Shin has
                                                                                             translated one of SFA’s
                                                                                             most popular publica-
                                                                                             tions, Stuttering and
                                                                                             Your Child: Questions
                                                                                             & Answers, for parents of young
A group from the Shanghai Stuttering Association gathers for a photo at ISAD in Oct.
                                                                                             children into Korean. This is her second
                                                                                             translation of an SFA book.            □
10                                                                                                 1-800-992-9392

         ■ The Stuttering Foundation two-
         day conference for speech-lan-
         guage pathologists working with                   Our best
         school-age children who stutter,
         Practical Ideas for the School                  wishes for a
         Clinician, will be held in June,
         2005. For dates, place, and an                  happy new
         application form, call the Stuttering               year!
         Foundation at 1-800-992-9392 or
         check                     From the
         ■ The Stuttering Foundation
         Eastern Workshop, Diagnosis and                 staff at SFA.
         Treatment of Children Who Stutter:
         Practical Strategies, directed by
         Susan Dietrich, Ph.D., Sheryl              From left, back: Susie Hall, Lisa Scott, Lisa Hinton, Joan Warner, Jane Fraser; front: Pat Hamm,
         Gottwald, Ph.D., Edward G.                 Roberta Brugge. Not pictured, Anne Edwards, John Bell and Deborah Squires.
         Conture, Ph.D. in collaboration
         with Diane Parris, M.A., will be
         held at Boston University. For
dates, place, and an application form, call        DAF in Stuttering                                       SFA Workshops
the Stuttering Foundation at 1-800-992-            Continued from page 1
9392 or check
■ The Stuttering Foundation two-week               anatomy in auditory temporal brain
Workshop for Specialists will be held at           regions (planum temporale, PT) in a group
                                                                                                            Two-Day Workshop
the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, in        of adults with persistent developmental             Stuttering Therapy: Practical
June 20-July 2, 2005, directed by Patricia
Zebrowski, Ph.D. and Toni Cilek, M.A.              stuttering (PDS). We postulated that his            Ideas for the School Clinician
For more information, contact the                  anatomic defect may be functionally rele-                      June 17-18, 2005
Stuttering Foundation at 1-800-992-9392,           vant, and the results of a recent study sug-                  Minneapolis, MN
or write Dr. Zebrowski, c/o SFA, 3100              gest that there may be a structure-function
Walnut Grove Road, Suite 603, Memphis,             relationship. In this study (November                Charles Healey, Ph.D., Peter Ramig,
TN 38111-0749. This unique workshop                                                                     Ph.D., Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D., Bill
brings together speech-language patholo-           2004, Neurology) we examined a group of
                                                   adults with PDS and fluent adults. The PT           Murphy, M.A., and Kristin Chmela, M.A.
gists from all over the world.
■ To purchase a poster entitled The Bill of        was measured on volumetric MRI brain
Rights and Responsibilities of PWS, con-           scans, and subjects were classified as hav-             Five-Day Workshop
tact       Michael         Sugarman           at It represents the              ing a typical leftward PT asymmetry (left                Treating Children and
combined effort of the IFA and ISA.                larger than right) or atypical rightward PT             Adolescents Who Stutter
■ Cours d’immersion a la fluidite offrira          asymmetry. Prose passages were read at                          June 22-26, 2005
des l’automne 2004, une fin de semaine in-         baseline, with non-altered feedback
tensive sur la fluidite. Pour renseigne-                                                                            Boston, MA
ments, faire venir un courriel a abcbe-
                                                   (NAF), and with DAF, and fluency was                   Edward G. Conture, Ph.D., Susan                             measured in these three conditions. In the             Dietrich, Ph.D., Sheryl Gottwald,
■ LISTSERV for doctoral students in stutter-       adults with PDS and atypical PT anatomy,                 Ph.D., and Diane Parris, M.S.
ing. Membership is limited to doctoral students    fluency was improved with DAF. In con-
only. To subscribe, send the following message
to subscribe stut-
                                                   trast, the adults with PDS and typical PT              Two-Week Workshop
terdoc firstname lastname or contact Joe           anatomy did not improve fluency with
                                                   DAF. Our results suggest that anomalous                  Stuttering Therapy:
Donaher at
■ For those interested in joining Toastmasters     PT anatomy may be a neural risk for                     Workshop for Specialists
International, their address is: Toastmasters      developmental stuttering in some individ-                     June 20-July 1, 2005
International, Inc., Attention: Membership         uals. It may be that atypical rightward PT                      Iowa City, IA
Department, P.O. Box 9052, Mission Viejo,
CA 92690, Telephone: (714) 858-8255; Fax:          anatomy may alter speech feedback, and                Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D., Toni Cilek,
(714) 858-1207.                                    treatment with DAF might allow these                  M.A., Edward G. Conture, Ph.D. and
■ For Self-Therapy for the Stutterer in            people to compensate.                                           Peter Ramig, Ph.D.
Japanese, write to Dr. Shokichi Nakajima,
2-21-1 Ogawa Machida-shi, Tokyo 194,                  References:                                      Applications may be downloaded from
Japan, Phone: 0427 (96) 5092.
                                                      Foundas AL, Bollich AB, Corey DM, Hurley         the Web site,
■ For Self-Therapy for the Stutterer in            M, Heilman KM. Anomalous Anatomy in Adults
French, write the Association des Begues                                                               Click on applications for professional
                                                   with Persistent Developmental Stuttering: A           workshops or call 1-800-992-9392.
du Canada, 2596 A rue Chapleau,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2K 3H6; 1-              Volumetric MRI Study of Cortical Speech-
877-353-1042. Enclose $20 Canadian for             Language Areas. Neurology, 2001 57:207-215.
                                                      Foundas AL, Corey DM, Hurley M, Heilman
printing, postage, and handling costs.
■ For Stuttering and Your Child: Questions         KM. Anomalous auditory processing in adults              STUTTERING

and Answers in Hindi, write to: Dr. Sajiv          with persistent developmental stuttering:
Adlakha, Adlakha Speech and Hearing Clinic,        Dichotic listening measures of free recall and
A67 Dayanand Colony, Lajpat Nagar - 4, New         directed attention Cognitive and Behavioral          A Nonprofit Organization
Dehli-110024, India, or e-mail: adlakhas@hot-      Neurology. (in press).                               Since 1947 — Helping Those Who Stutter Those interested in joining a fluency                                                          3100 Walnut Grove Road, Suite 603
                                                      Foundas AL, Bollich AM, Feldman J, Corey
and public speaking skills group should also                                                            P.O. Box 11749 ● Memphis, TN 38111-0749
contact Dr. Adlakha at the above address.          DM, Hurley M, Lemen LC, Heilman KM.
                                                   Aberrant auditory processing and atypical           1-800-992-9392        ●   1-800-967-7700
For a list of books on stuttering or related
topics, please visit our web site.                 planum temporale in developmental stuttering.        
                                                   Neurology, 2004, 63:1640-1646.              □        

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  • 1. WINTER 2005 THE Stuttering: For Kids, By Kids S TUTTERING wins Adding Wisdom Award Workshop Highlights ASHA Reunion Honors Gregory FOUNDATION The Genius of Dean Williams— now compiled in one publication A Nonprofit Organization 1-800-992-9392 Since 1947... Helping Those Who Stutter DAF in Stuttering: USA Today Story on Stuttering Spawns A Potential Increased Media Coverage, Web Site Use Anatomical Link A prominent article in USA Today, the helped one-third of them. In particular, he largest-circulation newspaper in the coun- found that the device was helpful when he By Anne L. Foundas, MD try, spurred a dramatic jump in traffic on fitted adults who had not seemed to bene- Professor of Neurology, Tulane the Stuttering Foundation’s Web site fit from therapy in childhood. University Health Sciences Center ( in October. The SFA hopes that the results of the At this juncture The October 19 article at the top of the study will help scientists to easily deter- neuroscientists be- Life section of the mine who will bene- lieve that develop- newspaper focused fit from the device mental stuttering is a on the SpeechEasy and who won’t. complex motor device and whether That’s especially speech disorder with this and other simi- important because a strong genetic link. lar electronic de- the device costs Based on converging vices can help those about $4,500 and evidence from cogni- who stutter. It insurance may be Anne Foundas tive-behavioral, ge- reported that the unlikely to cover it. netic, neurophysio- Stuttering Foundation plans to support a In fact, the cost has deterred many peo- logical and neuroanatomical studies, we study to determine why some people find ple from purchasing the device, the SFA have learned that it is likely that stuttering the device helpful and not others. found. In a survey conducted in 2003 of does not result from one causative factor. Peter Ramig, pro- 1,000 people who requested information Furthermore, there is increasing evidence fessor at the Univer- about such devices from the SFA, 85% of that biological subtypes may be demon- sity of Colorado respondents decided against purchasing strable with the potential that different (Boulder) and speech- one because of the prohibitive cost and the therapies may benefit different biological- language pathologist, lack of insurance coverage. ly specific types of stuttering. In a series of has fitted some of his The article quoted SFA President Jane recent studies our research group has fo- clients with the Fraser saying there’s no need to spend so cused on the anatomy and functional rep- device. He reported in much money on a device unless there’s a resentation of the auditory system in indi- Peter Ramig USA Today that the reasonable expectation that it will help. □ viduals with developmental stuttering. device significantly It is well established that the dysfluen- cies observed in individuals who stutter may be reduced under a number of condi- Community Mourns tions including choral reading and altered- auditory feedback. Delayed auditory feed- Hugo Gregory back (DAF) is a technique that can induce Hugo Harris Gregory Jr., internation- fluency in individuals who stutter and can al expert in speech and language pathol- make fluent individuals dysfluent. The ogy and the treatment of stuttering, died auditory system, at least at the level of October 11 of a stroke and meningitis, auditory input, is involved in these fluen- following surgery at Johns Hopkins cy inducing conditions. Thus, there may Hospital in Baltimore Maryland. be a defect at the level of auditory pro- Born in Texarkana, Texas, the son of Hugo and Lola Brewer Gregory, on July cessing that is at least partially reversed 11, 1928, he grew up in Portland, with these procedures. One hypothesis is Arkansas, a small town of 500 people. that alterations in the auditory signal Dr. Gregory received three degrees under conditions of DAF diminish an (Ph. D., 1959) from Northwestern auditory perceptual defect in people who University, majoring in speech and lan- stutter. This auditory perceptual defect guage pathology. While a student he might be related to anomalous anatomy of met his wife, Carolyn Booth Gregory. auditory temporal cortex. Carolyn is also a speech pathologist, and In a 2001 study we found atypical they became life long partners in clinical Continued on page 4 Hugo Gregory 1928-2004 Continued on page 12
  • 2. 2 1-800-992-9392 ASHA Draws a Crowd Friends pay tribute to Hugo Gregory at ASHA 2004 The City of Brotherly Love was a fit- ting gathering place for the American Speech-Language Hearing Association’s 2004 Convention and for SFA work- shoppers and friends to share remem- brances of Hugo Gregory. Always a time for laughter and friendship, the SFA’s annual workshop reunion at ASHA this year was especial- ly poignant as those who studied under Hugo and Carolyn spoke of the tremen- dous inspiration the couple has been in Carolyn Gregory and Susan Cochrane. both their professional and personal lives. A week after the memorial service for Hugo, Carolyn graced the reunion in Philadelphia with her presence, her humor and her enduring love and com- mitment for Hugo, for those he men- tored, and for the field of fluency. Kathleen Mallory Chase, class of ‘’85. Each year, the SFA hosts a reception for alumni of the Stuttering Therapy: A Workshop for Specialists led by Hugo and Carolyn Gregory from 1985 to 2001. The gathering also includes alum- June Haerle Campbell, Simona Bernardini and ni of the five-day workshops around the Luisella Cocco Raison. country begun by graduates of the NU/SFA workshop. “Thank you for sharing Hugo,” was the refrain from “Hugo’s girls” who worked with him at Northwestern University and from all those who looked to him for guidance—many of whom are themselves now leading ex- perts in stuttering treatment and who have gone on to mentor a new genera- Larry Molt and Susan Cochrane. tion of speech-language pathologists. As always, the SFA thanks those who volunteered in the exhibit booth, some for more than one shift! Special thanks Sheryl Gottwald and Jennifer Watson. to: Joe Donaher, Susan Cochrane, Maureen Tardelli, Susan Hamilton, Peter Ramig and Lorrie Scott, Sheryl Gottwald, Trish Zebrowski, Marybeth Allen, Fran Cook, Willie Botterill, Joan Babin, Julie Anderson, Larry Molt, Lisa Scott, Marybeth Allen, Bill Murphy, Courtney Byrd, Mark Pellowski, Adriana di Grande, Charlie Healey, David Evans, Jennifer Watson, Patrice Camera phone! Rosanna Portley and David Daley snap a shot. Marybeth Allen, David Evans and Joe Fulcher. Carothers, Judy Kuster, Barry Guitar, Stacia Thompson Paganelli, Nancy Ribbler, Tony Buhr, John Ellis, Rick Fran Cook Arenas, Darrell Dodge, Ryan Pollard, and Nan Bill Shannon, Elizabeth Mendez, and Ratner. Right: many more hearty souls! Lourdes Hot new materials this year included Ramos the Stuttering: For Kids, By Kids and Heinrichs Working With Preschoolers Who Stutter: and Jane Successful Intervention Strategies on Fraser DVD and video. □
  • 3. WINTER 2005 1-800-992-9392 3 Media Efforts Promote Stuttering Awareness Here are some other top stories in the of an 8-year-old girl who stutters. (Editor’s news: note: The brochure, Special Education Law, ■ Morning offers more information on services avail- drive-time news able through the public school system. It anchor Linda may be downloaded for free on the SFA’s Nunez of KNX Web site, talk radio in Los Angeles inter- viewed Jane Fraser following the report in USA Today. The award-winning reporter co- anchors the news with Tom Haule week- ■ Reporter Laura Faber of WZTV days from 9 a.m.–12 noon on KNX 1070 Fox 17 News in Nashville aired a story in NEWSRADIO. Nunez joined KNX in November on stuttering, using the SFA as May 1990 and later became the first a resource for information and photos of woman in KNX’s history to anchor the famous people who stutter. The station morning drive time slot. also aired an Associated Press story on the Record Year for difficulty schools in Tennessee are having ■ The Washington Post on October 12 in recruiting enough speech-language Public Service Ads ran a photo of U.S. Congressman Frank Wolf (R-Va.) holding the pathologists. in Magazines SFA’s 15 Famous Pick up a copy of Time magazine People Who Stutter on the newsstands and chances are poster, which includes you’ll spot a plug for The Stuttering his likeness. Wolf served Foundation. Leaf through other mag- as SFA’s spokesman for azines, such as Golf, Seventeen, National Stuttering Newsweek and People, and you’ll Awareness Week in find more. 2000. About 560 magazines ran public “Had I not stuttered, I service ads for the SFA in 2004, gen- don’t think I would have erating thousands of phone calls, e- been in Congress,” the mails and letters from people seeking 12-time incumbent is help. The magazines cater to all sorts quoted as saying. “It of interests and include those you gave me the drive and might find in the supermarket check- the determination to stay out lane (Good Housekeeping), in the with it. I’d go so far as to Congressman Frank Wolf is seen holding the SFA’s 15 Famous airplane seat pocket (Southwest People Who Stutter poster in this photograph in the October 12, say, maybe, it was an 2004 issue of The Washington Post. Airlines Spirit), or at the feed store uncommon gift. I’m not □ (Soybean Digest). so sure you could have convinced me of The SFA tries to reach different that at 15.” audiences with ads tailored to readers Wolf, who stuttered badly as a teenag- er, was often taunted about his stuttering Web Use Soars with of the magazine. For example, Seventeen magazine ran ads that fea- by classmates. He has become an outspo- ken advocate for the abused worldwide. Focus on Fluency tured Nicholas Brendon, star of the television series Buffy the Vampire With the in- Slayer. Time and People preferred creased focus in the those featuring conservationist and media on stutter- author Alan Rabinowitz. Of course, ing, use of the the ad with a photo of Winston ■ News radio station WBZ CBS SFA’s Web site also Churchill is always a favorite, appear- Channel 4 in Boston aired a story on stut- soared. On October ing in Forbes, Fortune, and AARP tering on November 8. The broadcast fea- 19, prompted by a publications. Some magazines, such tured the SFA Web site as a source for story in USA as the Journal of the American information. Today, SFA’s Web site had 32,665 hits, Medical Association and Kiplinger’s ■ The nationally-syndicated column, with 27,715 the following day. In Personal Finance magazine, prefer to Parent to Parent, on October 24 featured October, there were 658,315 hits on run ads without photos. “To someone SFA as a source for help and information on, attributed in who stutters, it’s easier done than securing speech services through the public part to the record number of public ser- said” is a popular text-only ad. school system. Columnist Jodie Lynn also vice ads in magazines nationally. The So the next time you pick up a recommended the SFA’s newest video/DVD, Spanish site,, had magazine, be on the lookout! An SFA Stuttering: For Kids, By Kids to the mother 16,074 hits in October. □ ad may jump out at you. □
  • 4. 4 1-800-992-9392 International Expert in Stuttering Mourned by Colleagues Continued from page 1 One of his proudest accomplishments was his directorship of an annual two- week professional workshop, Stuttering Therapy: Workshop for Specialists, held at Northwestern from 1985 to 2001. The workshop was limited to 20 participants a year, and over time he and his staff en- hanced the training of more than 255 clin- icians from the U. S. and Canada and more than 75 clinicians from other coun- tries representing all continents. Parti- cipants developed professional skills which they carried to programs through- out the world, and also formed lasting friendships. National Stuttering Awareness “I can think of no one who has done Week poster featuring 1995 SFA work, research, and writing about the more to promote and help carry out spe- spokesman Robert Merrill. problem of stuttering. cialization in the field of stuttering than Dr. Gregory was Professor of Speech Hugo Gregory, not only in this country, Opera Great, SFA and Language Pathology at Northwestern but also around the world,” said Jane University in Evanston, IL, from 1962- Fraser, president of the SFA. Spokesman Robert 1993. He authored or edited six books on At Northwestern he mentored hundreds stuttering.. His most recent textbook, of students, directing 15 doctoral disserta- Merrill Dies at 87 Stuttering Therapy: Rationale and tions. He was Head of the Speech and Noted baritone Robert Merrill, Procedures (2003), focused on the rela- Language Pathology Program for seven who sang more than 500 perfor- tionships among theory, research find- years, and served on professional commit- mances at the Metropolitan Opera, ings, and clinical procedures in treating tees of the American Speech-Language- died October 22. He was 87. stuttering. Hearing Association and the International Merrill, a cross-over artist, was He has been recognized with numerous Association of Logopedics and equally known for popular roles awards at the state, national and interna- Phoniatrics. He had a particular interest in international affairs in his field and he and such as in “Fiddler on the Roof” tional levels including as the first recipient of the Malcolm Fraser Award (Stuttering his wife Carolyn traveled widely, present- and as the voice of the national an- Foundation of America), Honorary Degree ing short courses on four continents. them on opening day at Yankee (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, San His friends, colleagues and family will Stadium. Paulo, Brazil), and the Honors of the remember forever his smile, relaxed style Less well known was Merrill’s American Speech-Language-Hearing of speaking, and twinkle in the eye. He struggle with stuttering. Association (the highest honor of the knew how to listen, and was a natural clin- Merrill served as SFA’s Association). ician and wise counselor. □ spokesman and honorary chair- man of National Stuttering Awareness Week in 1995. “I think it’s a tremendously important Shelby RR Tourney Raises $3,500 issue because stuttering can make Shelby Railroad Services again this or break you as a human being,” year chose to benefit the SFA through Merrill said then. “You can lose so their annual golf tournament, raising much from your life unless you $3,500 to help those who stutter. conquer it and come to terms with The Memphis-based company held it—not only in your professional it’s annual Tin-Cup tournament on a in life, but in your personal life as October.. The blustery weather couldn’t well. Stuttering makes you unsure dampen high spirits, and the benefit of yourself, it make you feel that raised $1,000 more than last year. you are really less than you are— “We are thrilled to again be the bene- which is a terrible thing.” ficiary of this tournament,” said SFA A Brooklyn native, Merrill, President Jane Fraser. “ended his career as one of the “I would like to thank most beloved singers of his time,” everyone who gave to wrote Washington Post staff writer Jane Fraser with Kirk Tarver. Shelby this worthwhile cause, Railroad Services’ Tin Cup Golf Tim Page in an October 27 tribute especially John and Tournament raised $3,500 for the SFA. to the singer “Part of this was due Kirk Tarver of Shelby to Merrill’s personal warmth and Railroad Services for president John Tarver. Ruth stuttered decency. He seems to have been a making this possible.” from the time she was a young child, genuinely nice man.” John Tarver The Tarvers again said Kirk, vice-president of the compa- Merrill is survived by his wife chose The Stuttering Foundation for ny. “It didn’t matter to us, but it embar- of 50 years, Marion Machno, his their gift in honor of Ruth Tarver, the rassed her. Back in the ‘30s there wasn’t son, David, daughter, Lizanne, late mother of company founder and any help.” □ and three grandchildren. □
  • 5. WINTER 2005 1-800-992-9392 5 African Families Provide New Avenues for Genetics Research By Dennis Drayna, Ph.D. roughly 100 in- Studies of several remarkable fami- dividuals in lies in West Africa have reinforced evi- three genera- dence for genetic factors in some cases tions, while the of stuttering, and these families are giv- other has 48 ing us opportunities for research aimed members, also at understanding these factors. in three genera- These families live in the Republic of tions. In these Cameroon, and were originally discov- two families ered due to the efforts of the Speak Clear there are a re- Association of Cameroon (SCAC), one markable 60 in- of the leading stuttering self-help orga- dividuals who nizations in Africa. Led by Mr. Joseph stutter. Lukong, Founder and Coordinator The rare oc- General, currence of SCAC has these families reached out presents re- to stutterers markable op- Stuttering research volunteers in Cameroon, West Afrrica. workiing with Dr. Dennis Drayna, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication across the portunities for Disorders into genetic factors in stuttering. many diverse research. We regions of don’t yet know if the gene or genes re- they’ll tell us important things about the Cameroon, sponsible for stuttering in these families cause of stuttering in general.” and helped cause stuttering in other populations, but Stuttering therapy might be signifi- coordinate we’re making progress finding these cantly improved if these underlying therapy train- genes. If and when we find them, we hope causes of stuttering were known. □ ing and prac- tice in that country, with the aid of stuttering pro- grams from both Europe and the United The Genius of Dean Williams States. Book Offers Compilation of Work In the course of SCAC’s outreach ac- tivities, they became aware of several A compilation of classic articles by the the renowned large families in which almost half of all authority on stuttering is now available in a single vol- family members stutter beyond young ume with the publication of The Genius of Dean childhood. SCAC then contacted re- Williams. Edited by Carroll Guitar, M.L.S., this collec- searchers at the National Institutes of tion covers the full range of topics on which Williams Health, in Bethesda, Maryland, regard- wrote. Gathered in one 102-page book, The Genius of ing these families, which sparked the in- Dean Williams represents a unique philosophy and terest of researchers there. Over the past approach to stuttering therapy and to clients from a few years, these families have been giant in the field. The book is available from the SFA carefully documented, and the stuttering for $10 each by calling 800-992-9392 or at the on- line store at □ that occurs has been shown to be typical of stuttering worldwide. Importantly, the affected individuals in these families do not appear to have any other symp- Order Now for National Stuttering Awareness Week in May toms or disorders beyond stuttering, making them especially helpful for ge- NSAW posters and netic studies. brochures inspire! Our Two families have been carefully newest poster features studied so far. One family consists of wildlife conservationist, explorer and author Alan Rabinowitz.. Great Give the United Way to increase awareness in your school, clinic, com- Do you give through United munity, library or work- Way? You can still directly place. Order now for designate your gift to the SFA! NSAW in May, online at Proof of nonprofit status can be 15 Famous People sent to your employer by fax, inowitz Who Stutter, poster Alan Rab ster and brochures or call 1-800-992-9392. mail or email. NS AW po
  • 6. 6 1-800-992-9392 Southern Workshop Fosters Network The terrific trio of Lisa Scott, Kristin Chmela and Joe Donaher led the 2004 Southern Workshop this past summer. “This was my first experience work- ing on a five-day conference,” said co-di- rector Joe Donaher, M.A., of Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia. “What I found was an amazing learning experience sur- rounded by people who were equally ex- cited about stuttering.” “The workshop was a great success because of the dedication of our attendees and my colleagues,” said Lisa Scott, Ph.D., Florida State University. “It’s a privilege to spend a week interacting and learning from others who are passionate about helping children who stutter. Not Southern Workshop 2004, from left, back: Joe Donaher, Stacia Thompson, Sandra Ferguson, only did we learn from one another but Ashley Jackson, Terry Clark, Amie King, Mary Chamier, center: Lisa Scott, Janaye Matteson we had a lot of fun. I am thrilled to be part Houghton, Vina Kahre, Valeria Silver, Felix Matias, Wendy Sprague, Hazel Hewitt, Ellen of such a wonderful experience.” Germain, Elaine Rau, Delores Hudson, Heidi Chew, Rob Burroughs, Edie Jones. front: Nadia Brown, Joe Fulcher, Jane Fraser, Heather Bersuch, Kristin Chmela. Not pictured: Itza D'Avila. “This year the extended role play gave the participants the opportunity to “The setting provided time for deep walked away better prepared to work practice skills being learned,” Chmela discussions, debates and conversations with children who stutter. Participants said. “I hope we can continue to dia- on concomitant disorders which fre- became part of a strong network which logue about the kids they are working quently coexist with stuttering.” Donaher will foster their future learning and sup- with who stutter!” added. “All of us, leaders included, port them in their clinical pursuits.” □ “Toughest Teachers” Train SLPs at SFA’s Western Workshop The toughest teachers at the Western Workshop were only chest-high to most workshop participants. But they knew their stuff and were strict taskmasters. School-age clients were the “experts,” training and testing participants on their knowledge of the speech mechanism, their ability to explore stuttering mo- ments and their ability to use tools with the help of client models. The kids’ parents also engaged partic- ipants, bringing up all aspects of treat- ment in a panel discussion. Workshoppers, who came from a record 12 states, left inspired and better prepared for stuttering therapy. “I feel so much more confident about my abilities,” said Candi Epperson. “Thanks for helping us and conse- quently helping our clients,” added Katie Goudie. Other highlights of the five-day work- shop held in June at the University of Washington were demonstrations of clin- ical techniques by co-leaders Susan Hamilton and Jennifer Watson and guid- Western Workshop 2004, from left, back: Beatrice Lomonace, James Lautenschlager, David and ed practice with participants role-playing Gloria Prins, Pat Carothers, Alex Johnson, Jennifer Watson, Susan Hamilton, second row: treatment scenarios. Patricia Boyd, Linda Shulman, Janet Tilstra, Carole Roth, Treva Graves, Katie Goudie,Abby Farr-Petterson, third row: Deborah Squires, Lorraine Garvey-Will, Shana Gibson, Marie Lambe, Guest lecturer David Prins was also a Becky Evans, Candi Epperson, Devra Milligan, Joe Fulcher, front: Roxanne Lang, Elisa Huff, hit with his morning session on evi- Karin Fleming, Ashleigh Hautala, and Julia Steifel. dence-based treatment. □
  • 7. WINTER 2005 1-800-992-9392 7 BCAPS Buys 300 Swish and Friends Are Scoring Big! Tapes for Schools tundSwish—the ro- little animated my classroom pre- sentation,” he Editor’s Note: Here’s a great idea for basketball— and his added. “Children a project for NSSLHA groups and local real friends who thoroughly enjoy self-help support groups in the U.S.! stutter in Stuttering: listening to him Saying they want to put a copy in For Kids, By Kids while learning every school, the British Columbian are hitting the road. about stuttering. Association of People Who Stutter has From the ASHA The tape presents ordered 300 copies of Stuttering; Convention in information in a Straight Talk for Teachers from the SFA. Philadelphia to the non-threatening and “Over the years, BCAPS has noticed OSHA conference sensitive fashion.” that teachers in the school system appear in Portland, Oregon Morning host Ron Mahoney with Jane Fraser “I am thrilled to have a general lack to an in-service in and Swish on Fox 13 News in Memphis. with the video. I of awareness and un- Cleveland, Swish and friends are mak- have shown it to several clients with par- derstanding of what ing the rounds and scoring points with ents in my practice. We have discussed stuttering is, how to SLPs, parents and kids who stutter. many issues and I find that the parents identify it, and what “I am thrilled with the Stuttering will focus on one or two things and the actions to take Foundation’s new video,” wrote Judy children on a couple of points, but the once it has been Butler of Franklin, Mass. “I would like bottom line is that the dialogue resulting identified,” said to know other SLPs’ experiences with from the video is wonderful!” wrote Lisa Avery, SLP showing it. Here are some of my own... Diane Games, an SLP in Cincinnati, Advisor to the Fourth grader’s mother: You [child] Ohio. “I also used the video in my grad- BCAPS Board. do some of those things in that video, uate class as a teaching tool when intro- “To help teach- like eye rolling. Second grader: turns ducing transcription of samples and ers to support away saying, “I don’t want to go to types of disfluencies. The video provid- children who school.” Second grader: smiling through ed several short samples of speech with stutter in schools, most of it, looking at parents with ap- a variety of types of fluency.” BCAPS is developing a Teacher parent feelings of gratitude and relief. Swish has become a darling of the Education Pro-gram. This program will “How are others helping kids process press as well. include a package of multimedia materi- this video?”Butler asked. Fox Channel 13 in Memphis chose als for distribution to teachers and other “I have a big picture on my therapy Swish as the focus of their back to educators in the public and private wall with Swish,” said Joe Donaher, a school program in September. Long school system.” SLP with Children’s Hospital in Island Parenting and Woman’s Day— The SFA’s 20-minute video will be Philadelphia and member of the team with a circulation of 4 million—have shown to teachers in 60 schools. SLPs that created the video. “When kids see chosen Swish to launch 2005 with arti- will use the free 40-page handbook to him we talk about the famous basketball cles in January and March on helping facilitate the sessions, and teachers will players who stutter like Kenyon Martin school-age children who stutter. receive a two-page fact sheet on stutter- and Bill Walton. I then talk about how Reporter Angela Daidone of KABC ing and classroom strategies. Swish wanted to learn more about stut- Channel 7 in Los Angeles is using For “It is expected that this program will tering and this leads into the tape. Kids, By Kids with live interviews of help to build a closer partnership among “Swish has become an integral part of children from L.A. and Drs. Glyndon teachers, parents and school speech-lan- and Jeanna Riley for a segment. guage pathologists so that appropriate And stacks of press clippings, with and effective treatment can be provided more arriving daily, attest to the charm as early as possible to school-age chil- Stutterin g : and effectiveness of the 12-minute video, which features kids of all ages dren who stutter,” Avery said. □ For Kids, By Kids talking about whether their stuttering bugs them, dealing with bullying, how DVD Honored with an to tell people you stutter, and more. Adding Wisdom Award Many parents and children who stut- ter have never met anyone else who stut- Stuttering: For Kids, By Kids, was ters, and hearing and seeing other kids selected for an Adding Wisdom who do talk honestly about it is a Award by Parent to Parent, the syn- tremendous benefit in itself. dicated column. Products are chosen “The tape has been an invaluable tool for outstanding quality and support- for parent training,” Donaher said. “They ing family values. The award guides see many children, each with their own parents in choosing products for characteristics, who all stutter. Too often their children that not only entertain, parents have a stereotypical view of what but also “add wisdom.” (See Special a ‘stuttering child looks like. By demys- Needs Products for Education, with Sw ish! tifying stuttering, this tape has helped parents put things into perspective.” □
  • 8. 8 1-800-992-9392 Dear SFA: Reader Response Send letters to SFA, P.O. Box 11749, Memphis, TN 38111-0749 or email Stuttering is... art to Share Dear Eddie: Dear SFA: I’m Brandon I’m 11 years old and I My name is Jacob. I live in Coeur know I like to stutter. Why? Because when d’Alene, Idaho. I have two brothers and I talk I just let me stutter. Because if you one sister. I have six cats and one dog. I don’t want to stutter it can be a problem. I like to play video games. I have green- have a lot of problems. I know you have blue eyes and blond hair. I wear two some problems too. But when someone is watches because one of them tells the teasing you just say “Come back when right hour and the other tells the right you can stutter better than me.” minutes. Brandon, 3rd grade I am in the fourth grade at Borah Elementary. I am really good at math. I Dear Eddie stutter a lot. Lots of kids tease me about I know it’s hard. I think stuttering is a my stuttering and get on my nerves. I gift. Do you? I know that we both like to have gone to speech for five years and it stutter. Oh, by the way, my name is is a lot of fun. I have been stuttering my Joshua. Some kids don’t like to stutter. whole life. That’s because they’re embarrassed. I told Here at Borah School we have stutter- my friends that I stutter. They said “OK, ing parties. Kids that stutter in School we won’t laugh.” Only have a good time District #217 are invited. I have been and don’t let stuttering get you down. president of the parties for two years and Joshua, 4th grade “This picture will show other kids and this is my third. I get to think of any type adults that they are not the only ones who of food I want and in May I don’t have to stutter,” writes fourth-grader Jacob M. Dear Jenny: go to class for one whole day. from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. We know that you have problems Two years ago I made this picture. It about people teasing you. Just make a union after 17 years since graduation. joke out of it and just make something up. was done with watercolor. I just started When I entered the big hall, a former Like if kids are calling you “Stutterface” painting and it turned out this way. The teacher approached me and said: “I hoped just tell them that “you should see my real painting looks better and it is at my that you would come tonight. I have a stu- fishface.” Or tell them “Is that all you mom’s house.I am sending you this pic- dent who stutters and I want him to get in got?” And shake their hand. They say, ture and letter because my speech teach- touch with you!” I was so happy that my “But we just called you a name.” And we er said that if I wanted to I could. She courage in 1998 had left an impression. say “I know. You did a very good job.” thinks my picture is the best out of all the Stefan Hoffman Then they are the ones to get confused. I 14 years that she has seen kids’ artwork Germany wait ‘til I get home to cry. I tell myself in speech. I think my painting is awe- some. My speech teacher and I were hop- that I don’t stutter that much. ing that you could put on one of the What’s Up with Stuttering? This is Joshua and Brandon signing off. movies that you make, or in or on one of Stuttering makes me feel... the front pages of your booklets. The pic- Angry when I can’t get a word out. Please Send Help ture will show other kids and adults that Nervous because kids might make fun Good morning, SFA: they are not the only ones who stutter and of me. I have read about your organization for people who don’t stutter to learn more Different from everybody else. and I was wondering if there is any about stuttering. Frustrated when kids finish my sen- chance you would be able to send materi- Jacob M. tence and they are sometimes wrong. al so that I may be able to help myself (or President of Stuttering in School Proud because I sometimes get even read stories about how others are through words without getting stuck. coping with stuttering). I live in Sharing Story of Stuttering Excited on some days I don’t stutter Cameroon and there will be no way for much at all. me to attend anything in the U.S., how- Helps Others Years Later Happy because my real friends listen ever if there is any way I could receive I want to tell you all a wonderful story. to me! newsletters, self-help guides, books, etc, I In 1998 I went back to my high school Jacob S., 10 would really appreciate it. Thank you and and in front of all teachers I told them God bless. what had been the matter with me and Sometimes I Just Stutter Victor Banseka Wirba my stuttering when I was in the school The following letters were written to Cameroon, Africa from 1978 to ‘87. I left with them the Eddie a 13-year-old boy and Jenny a 7- teachers’ brochure of the German year-old girl whose stories appear in one Victor was sent free copies of Advice Association, so that they know what to of the SFA’s most popular books, to Those Who Stutter and Self-Therapy do with other stuttering children. Sometimes I Just Stutter by Eelco de for the Stutterer. [Last week] we had a high school re- Geus (Publication No. 0031). □
  • 9. WINTER 2005 1-800-992-9392 9 dents, clients and colleages, from experi- SFA Supporters Use News Shorts ences in a long career in the academic world, and from a life-long immersion in Web Site, Media to nature. Call 800-992-9392 for details. □ Reach Spanish Speakers Worldwide Treating the School-Age Special to The Stuttering Foundation Child Who Stutters by Carl Dell Now in Czech The Stuttering Foundation Spanish website,, is The Carl Dell classic, Treating the reaching new heights. Not only is it the School-Age Child Who Stutters: A Guide first website of its kind in the Spanish for Clinicians, is now available in language to serve people who stutter Cuban Congress Includes Czechoslovakian thanks to the efforts of and their families, but it has now been Elizabeth Peutelschmiedova, Ph.D., of featured in newspapers all over the Lecture on Stuttering the University of Olomouc. She has also world. Havana, Cuba was the host city for an been on TV and radio in the Czech International Congress on “Education and Republic to talk about the book. □ Several ardent SFA supporters sub- mitted letters to the editor of daily Diversity” attended by 160 participants newspapers and at least one newspaper from the U.S., England, France, Finland, in every Spanish-speaking country Mexico, Spain and Brazil. Fred Murray, Alex Johnson Elected printed the letter, including Equatorial one of the presenters, writes that his trilin- President of ASHA Guinea, the only Spanish-speaking gual capacities “were pressed to the limit when it became apparent that that commu- Congratulations to country in Africa. Alex Johnson on his In addition, Spanish-language nications between Cubans, the English and French guests had to pass through me— election to President newspapers in the U.S. and Canada of ASHA. Johnson printed info about the website as well. quite a challenge for one with a history of stuttering! Fred’s 40-minute talk was on will serve as The number of “hits” on the website President-elect for has increased substantially since the the theme of “Interdisciplinary Aspects of Management of Stuttering.” □ 2005 and then as letters appeared in November. In a fu- President in 2006. ture newsletter, we will print a break- Johnson, a 1998 down of the requests that came from graduate of the each country to show the progress that Buy Sharing the Journey SFA’s Workshop for has been made with this website. and Get Free Magnet Specialists, will lead a five-day work- Furthermore, publication of these Sharing the Journey... Lessons from my shop for SLPs on stuttering therapy once letters by SFA boosters have resulted in students and clients with tangled tongues his ASHA duties are over. □ inquiries by a couple of newspapers is available to readers through a special about doing feature articles on stutter- offer by the SFA and North Country ing and the website; such articles will Publishing. Buy the book at the regular Surviving Adversity likely be posted on the website in the price of $14.95 and receive a free refrig- Two of the SFA’s spokesmen are sub- future. erator magnet with talking tips for parents jects in a book by Gord Carley. Former We thank all of our supporters who of children who stutter. Author Lon Chicago Bulls great Bob Love and actor have contacted us with their kind Emerick, Ph.D., is a former university Nicholas Brendon talk about how they words about our new Spanish-lan- professor, therapist and severe stutterer. overcame their struggles with stuttering in guage website and welcome sugges- The book’s journey is highlighted by 10 Surviving Adversity. The book includes tions. □ maxims for good living, gleaned from stu- 30 other profiles of individuals who have overcome adversity. It may be purchased through the SFA for $12.95. Fifty per- cent of the sales price to the SFA! □ Stuttering and Your Child: Q & A in Korean Moonja Shin has translated one of SFA’s most popular publica- tions, Stuttering and Your Child: Questions & Answers, for parents of young A group from the Shanghai Stuttering Association gathers for a photo at ISAD in Oct. children into Korean. This is her second translation of an SFA book. □
  • 10. 10 1-800-992-9392 ■ The Stuttering Foundation two- NEWSBRIEFS day conference for speech-lan- guage pathologists working with Our best school-age children who stutter, Practical Ideas for the School wishes for a Clinician, will be held in June, 2005. For dates, place, and an happy new application form, call the Stuttering year! Foundation at 1-800-992-9392 or check From the ■ The Stuttering Foundation Eastern Workshop, Diagnosis and staff at SFA. Treatment of Children Who Stutter: Practical Strategies, directed by Susan Dietrich, Ph.D., Sheryl From left, back: Susie Hall, Lisa Scott, Lisa Hinton, Joan Warner, Jane Fraser; front: Pat Hamm, Gottwald, Ph.D., Edward G. Roberta Brugge. Not pictured, Anne Edwards, John Bell and Deborah Squires. Conture, Ph.D. in collaboration with Diane Parris, M.A., will be held at Boston University. For dates, place, and an application form, call DAF in Stuttering SFA Workshops the Stuttering Foundation at 1-800-992- Continued from page 1 9392 or check ■ The Stuttering Foundation two-week anatomy in auditory temporal brain Workshop for Specialists will be held at regions (planum temporale, PT) in a group Two-Day Workshop the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, in of adults with persistent developmental Stuttering Therapy: Practical June 20-July 2, 2005, directed by Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D. and Toni Cilek, M.A. stuttering (PDS). We postulated that his Ideas for the School Clinician For more information, contact the anatomic defect may be functionally rele- June 17-18, 2005 Stuttering Foundation at 1-800-992-9392, vant, and the results of a recent study sug- Minneapolis, MN or write Dr. Zebrowski, c/o SFA, 3100 gest that there may be a structure-function Walnut Grove Road, Suite 603, Memphis, relationship. In this study (November Charles Healey, Ph.D., Peter Ramig, TN 38111-0749. This unique workshop Ph.D., Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D., Bill brings together speech-language patholo- 2004, Neurology) we examined a group of adults with PDS and fluent adults. The PT Murphy, M.A., and Kristin Chmela, M.A. gists from all over the world. ■ To purchase a poster entitled The Bill of was measured on volumetric MRI brain Rights and Responsibilities of PWS, con- scans, and subjects were classified as hav- Five-Day Workshop tact Michael Sugarman at It represents the ing a typical leftward PT asymmetry (left Treating Children and combined effort of the IFA and ISA. larger than right) or atypical rightward PT Adolescents Who Stutter ■ Cours d’immersion a la fluidite offrira asymmetry. Prose passages were read at June 22-26, 2005 des l’automne 2004, une fin de semaine in- baseline, with non-altered feedback tensive sur la fluidite. Pour renseigne- Boston, MA ments, faire venir un courriel a abcbe- (NAF), and with DAF, and fluency was Edward G. Conture, Ph.D., Susan measured in these three conditions. In the Dietrich, Ph.D., Sheryl Gottwald, ■ LISTSERV for doctoral students in stutter- adults with PDS and atypical PT anatomy, Ph.D., and Diane Parris, M.S. ing. Membership is limited to doctoral students fluency was improved with DAF. In con- only. To subscribe, send the following message to subscribe stut- trast, the adults with PDS and typical PT Two-Week Workshop terdoc firstname lastname or contact Joe anatomy did not improve fluency with DAF. Our results suggest that anomalous Stuttering Therapy: Donaher at ■ For those interested in joining Toastmasters PT anatomy may be a neural risk for Workshop for Specialists International, their address is: Toastmasters developmental stuttering in some individ- June 20-July 1, 2005 International, Inc., Attention: Membership uals. It may be that atypical rightward PT Iowa City, IA Department, P.O. Box 9052, Mission Viejo, CA 92690, Telephone: (714) 858-8255; Fax: anatomy may alter speech feedback, and Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D., Toni Cilek, (714) 858-1207. treatment with DAF might allow these M.A., Edward G. Conture, Ph.D. and ■ For Self-Therapy for the Stutterer in people to compensate. Peter Ramig, Ph.D. Japanese, write to Dr. Shokichi Nakajima, 2-21-1 Ogawa Machida-shi, Tokyo 194, References: Applications may be downloaded from Japan, Phone: 0427 (96) 5092. Foundas AL, Bollich AB, Corey DM, Hurley the Web site, ■ For Self-Therapy for the Stutterer in M, Heilman KM. Anomalous Anatomy in Adults French, write the Association des Begues Click on applications for professional with Persistent Developmental Stuttering: A workshops or call 1-800-992-9392. du Canada, 2596 A rue Chapleau, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2K 3H6; 1- Volumetric MRI Study of Cortical Speech- 877-353-1042. Enclose $20 Canadian for Language Areas. Neurology, 2001 57:207-215. Foundas AL, Corey DM, Hurley M, Heilman printing, postage, and handling costs. ■ For Stuttering and Your Child: Questions KM. Anomalous auditory processing in adults STUTTERING FOUNDATION TM and Answers in Hindi, write to: Dr. Sajiv with persistent developmental stuttering: Adlakha, Adlakha Speech and Hearing Clinic, Dichotic listening measures of free recall and A67 Dayanand Colony, Lajpat Nagar - 4, New directed attention Cognitive and Behavioral A Nonprofit Organization Dehli-110024, India, or e-mail: adlakhas@hot- Neurology. (in press). Since 1947 — Helping Those Who Stutter Those interested in joining a fluency 3100 Walnut Grove Road, Suite 603 Foundas AL, Bollich AM, Feldman J, Corey and public speaking skills group should also P.O. Box 11749 ● Memphis, TN 38111-0749 contact Dr. Adlakha at the above address. DM, Hurley M, Lemen LC, Heilman KM. Aberrant auditory processing and atypical 1-800-992-9392 ● 1-800-967-7700 For a list of books on stuttering or related topics, please visit our web site. planum temporale in developmental stuttering. Neurology, 2004, 63:1640-1646. □