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              A Nonprofit Organization                          FALL 2007                                    Since 1947... Helping Those Who Stutter

Auditory cortex,
altered auditory                                      World congress
 feedback and                                         unites groups
Initial studies of SpeechEasy
Anne L. Foundas, M.D.
and Edward G. Conture, Ph.D.
   Editor’s note: The Stuttering
Foundation is pleased to support

   Our knowl-
this new research.

edge of the bio-
logical bases of
stuttering has
been greatly en-
hanced by recent
results of brain
imaging       and
physiological                                                                                                 people who stutter.
                                                    Fraser honored in medieval setting

                                                                                                                The event was held in
                        Anne L.

studies. Taken
                                                      In May, the International
                     Foundas, M.D.
                                                    Mark Irwin
together, these
complementary                                       Stuttering Association, the                               Cavtat, a picturesque coastal
methods have                                        umbrella organization repre-                              town on the southern tip of
begun to provide                                    senting 45 self-help groups                               the Republic of Croatia.
converging evi-                                     throughout the world, held                                  Delegates from 43 coun-
dence about the
                                                    its 8th World Congress for                                tries comprised the more
brain     regions
that may be af-
fected in indi-
                      Edward G.                                                                                                    Continued on page 8
                                                 Photos: Terrace of fortress in Dubrovnik. Top right: Joseph Lukong of Cameroon with a copy of the new Basic Clinical

viduals      who
                                                 Skills. Center: Mel Hoffman, awards chairman of the International Stuttering Association, presents the Outstanding
                     Conture, Ph.D.

stutter. For example, there is
                                                 Service Award to SFA President Jane Fraser. Bottom: Jennifer Tseng of Taiwan and Zong-Shan Li of China discuss
                                                 translations of SFA materials.

strong evidence that dysfunctions

                                                                                                                        With funding from the
                       Continued on page 12      Searching for predictors of chronic stuttering
                                                                                                                        NIH’s National Institute on
                                                 Anne Smith, Ph.D.,

                                                   I am pleased to have this                                            Deafness       and      Other
                                                 Purdue University

    Rocket Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2   opportunity to update you                                              Communication Disorders,
                                                                                                                        we have been recruiting 4

    Bob Love documentary . . . . . . 3           on the progress of the
    SpeechEasy outside the lab . . . 3           Purdue Stuttering Project                                              and 5-year-olds, and we
    Web site a summertime hit. . . . 4           over the past year. You                                                will be following them
    SFA workshops reach out . . . . 6            may recall from my earlier                                             yearly for a period of 5
                                                 article that we are engaged Anne Smith, Ph.D.                          years (that is, if our project
    Letters from young readers . . 10
                                                 in a longitudinal study of                                             is renewed — money is
    New MySpace page . . . . . . . . 11
                                                 young children who stutter and        very                           tight at NIH these days, so
    Interview with Eric Roberts . . 13
                                                 their normally fluent controls.                                                           Continued on page 2
2                            60                                                  1-800-992-9392
                                                               of Service

Rocket Science                                                                            Jane Fraser and Joe Fulcher
  blasts off                                                                              meet with U.S. Congressman
                                                                                          Frank R. Wolf, a longtime sup-
   Peter Reitzes, M.A., CCC-SLP,                                                          porter of the Stuttering

film Rocket Science not only as a
shares his comments on the new                                                            Foundation. In 2006, the con-
                                                                                          gressman drew attention to child-
                                                                                          hood stuttering after he submit-
speech pathologist, but also as a                                                         ted an article about Tiger Woods
person who stutters. His insights                                                         from the SFA newsletter to the
may provide direction for those                                                           Congressional Record.          K
who want to see this film.
   I saw Rocket Science and it is
absolutely a wonderful movie. It                                                   stutter (CWS) and 13 children who
really felt good and                                                               are normally developing (CND).
validating to see                           keep your fingers crossed for us!).       What we have found is that the
                                            Smith          Continued from front page

such a likable char-                          In our first year of the longitudi-  CWS and the CND have the same
acter as Hal (the                           nal study, we have tested 34 chil-     average rate of clapping; both
high-schooler who                           dren who stutter on an extensive       groups tend to speed up when the
stutters) struggle in                       set of experimental protocols that     beat goes off. Concerning the
all the same ways                           includes recording                                        variability of their
that I struggled in Jeffrey Blitz,          orofacial move-                                           clapping, we com-
high school.                                ments and muscle           4 and 5-year-olds pute a statistic that
                                                                        ... about 60% of
   As far as being Rocket Science           activity      during who are stuttering reflects their vari-
                        who wrote and

appropriate        for                      speech,       testing                                     ability in percent.

teens, Rocket Science certainly             basic timing ability are unusually poor                     The range of vari-
touches on some difficult topics.           in a hand clapping                                        ability in percent
Some of the people around Hal               task, and recording                                       for the normally de-
                                                                        at keeping time
treat him as a broken person.               the electrical activ-                                     veloping children
                                                                          compared to
   When I was in Hal’s shoes, I cer-        ity of the brain                                          was 5 to 13%.
                                                                         their normally
tainly felt broken as well. I am            (EEG) while the           developing peers. Interestingly, 10 of
working now with a teen and I men-          children watch a video about a         the 17 CWS had variability percent-
tioned the film to the family. I was        young penguin named “Pingu.”           ages outside the range of the CND.
very careful to make it clear to the        We have analyzed some of our           These 10 CWS had greater variabili-
family that this movie could trigger        “year 1” data, and many exciting       ty percentages than any of the CND,
some painful memories and feel-             results have come to light.            and these ranged from 15 to 32%!
ings in their son. A teen may need            I have space here to describe        From these early analyses, we con-
support digesting this film. My             one of these new findings. We in-      clude that about 60% of 4 and 5-
buddy and I who went to see it were         cluded the clapping task in our        year-olds who are stuttering are un-
extremely moved by the film and             protocol, because scientists study-    usually poor at keeping time com-
really needed to talk about it after-       ing motor behavior have used bi-       pared to their normally developing
wards. It is funny, beautiful and           manual hand clapping as a classi-      peers.
hard all at the same time.                  cal way to examine the brain’s            One overall goal of the project is
   One thing to keep in mind is that        ability to “keep time.”                to be able to predict which of the
Rocket Science is not a perfect end-          The children are asked to clap       children who are stuttering are most
ing story. It presents stuttering as        their hands in time with a             likely to develop a chronic stutter-
hard and it ends with Hal finding           metronome beat. After clapping         ing problem. Are these children
                                            with the beat for about 15 claps, the  who are poor at a basic timing task
                                            beat goes off, and the children are    at greater risk for chronic stuttering?
                                            asked to keep clapping until we        Is this a sign that their young brains
                     Continued on page 12

                                            have about 30 unpaced claps. We        have motor timing circuitry that is
                                            ask the kids to do this several times. developing atypically?
                                              Our data analysis consists of an-       These are some of the questions
                                            alyzing the unpaced claps, so that     we hope to be able to answer after
                                            we can determine (1) if they were      following these children for five
                                            faster or slower than the target rate  years. I look forward to updating
                                            they were trying to maintain, and      you again in the future as more of
                                            (2) how variable they were in keep-    our experiments reveal more about
                                            ing up this rate. So far, we have an-  the physiological characteristics of
                                            alyzed data from 17 children who       these stuttering children.
The movie’s main character Hal gives a
speech in front of his class.                                                                                           K
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FALL 2007                                                     of Service

Documentary shares Bob Love’s story
   Bob Love has dreamt about            Bob Love’s battle to overcome his
being a great public speaker since      most formidable opponent, his stut-
his early days in Bastrop               tering, to become one of the most
Louisiana, even though, as a            sought after motivational speakers
young man, he could barely put          in the country.
two words together, let alone               In Find Yourself A Dream, Bob’s
                                                                                  Ryan Pollard, Peter R. Ramig, Don

speak a full sentence.                  life is depicted through interviews,
                                                                                  Finan, and John B. Ellis, M.S.

   In spite of his                                         archival basket-
                                                                                   Recent study reports
severe stuttering                                          ball          game
disability, Bob                                            footage and on-
                                                                                   on SpeechEasy use
Love, the son of                                           location scenes
                                                                                    within extra-clinical
a sharecropper,                                            with         family
rose to become                                             members, old
a Chicago Bulls                                            friends, fans, and
                                                                                  Ryan Pollard, John B. Ellis,

NBA superstar,                                             teammates.
                                                                                  M.S., Don Finan, Ph.D., and

whose records                                                 There are on-
                                                                                  Peter R. Ramig, Ph.D.

were eventually from the documentary.                      camera        inter-      Electronic devices that deliv-
                                                                                  University of Colorado - Boulder

surpassed       by                                         views with NBA         er altered auditory feedback
                     These are behind the scene pictures

Michael Jordan.                                            Commissioner           (AAF) have been used for sev-
Throughout his                                             David         Stern;   eral decades to help reduce stut-
entire athletic                                            Chicago Bulls          tering (Bloodstein, 1995). The
career,       Bob                                          owner          Jerry   SpeechEasy, introduced to con-
Love kept his                                              Reinsdorf;             sumers in 2001, is one of the
stuttering a se-                                           Chicago Bulls          more recent AAF devices avail-
cret from the                                              superstar Michael      able to individuals who stutter.
fans who adored                                            Jordan, and oth-       In contrast to the often conspic-
him, thinking he                                           ers. The docu-         uous and cumbersome nature of
could do his                                               mentary also in-       earlier electronic fluency aids,
“talking” on the                                           cludes a montage       the SpeechEasy is comparative-
basketball court.                                          of positive and        ly small and cosmetically pleas-
   After a career                                          inspirational com-     ing, and thus more appealing to
ending back in-                                            ments about what       some consumers.
jury he was told                                           Bob Love has              Recently, researchers at the
by doctors that                                            meant to them          University of Colorado at Boulder
he would have                                              and their sport        examined the effects of the
difficulty walk-                                           from basketball        SpeechEasy over six months of
ing, let alone                                             greats like Oscar      continual use. The purpose of the
play the game he                                           Robertson,             project was to gather Phase I treat-
loved. He could                                            Shaquille O’Neal,      ment outcome research about the
no longer hide                                             Bill Russell, and      SpeechEasy in more naturalistic
his inability to                                           others.                settings.     Unlike      previous
speak, and his                                                A Web site,         SpeechEasy research (e.g., Stuart
life spiraled out                                          www.findyour           et al., 2006), this study collected
of control.                                      ,        periodic speech samples outside of
                                                           will        feature    the laboratory to more accurately
                                                           Bob’s basketball       assess the device’s real-world ef-
   Find Yourself A

Love Story is a                                            statistics, fan in-    fectiveness. Subjects were record-
Dream – The Bob
one hour docu-                                             terviews        and    ed while reading aloud, convers-
                      Bob Love speaks with Susan

mentary about the                                          photos, as well        ing with a researcher, and asking a
                      Hamilton, his former therapist.

inspirational true                                         as video and           question to a stranger. After a
                      Susan now leads the Western

story of Chicago Bulls legendary        original music from the DVD.              month-long baseline phase, sub-
                      Workshop, see page 6.

basketball player, Bob "Butterbean"         For more information about the        jects wore a custom-fitted
Love. Written and directed by award     documentary, Bob’s National               SpeechEasy device for four
winning director, Jim White, its        School Speaking Tour, or the up-          months. After this treatment
message is about achieving one’s        coming feature film “Butterbean,”         phase, subjects continued to be
goals, no matter how difficult, and     please contact: Steve Kennedy or          monitored for an additional month
the importance of an education in       Jay Rizzo at 312-368-0429, or
reaching those goals. It chronicles K
                                                                                                       Continued on page 8
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                                                             of Service

    Media gives space and time                                                   SFA Web site a
   Several Stuttering Foundation         ing, “There are many proven, effec-
public service ads (PSAs) are            tive ways to reduce stuttering.”        Did you know...
                                                                                 summertime hit
being printed in national publica-       Parents Magazine chose to run a
tions and aired on various radio         two-thirds page ad seen by more         • There were 1,500,000 hits in
stations. Browse through a copy          than 2 million readers.                 the month of July alone at
of Ladies Home                                         You might even see
Journal, Seventeen, or                               a public service ad for     • Highest volume date was
                                                     the SFA on your next        Monday, July 30 with 73,134 hits.
Adventure and you                                    United Airlines flight      • 5 a.m. – 7 a.m. is the time peri-
National Geographic
will most likely see an                              in Hemispheres.             od receiving the most SFA traffic.
SFA ad. Tune into                                     In addition PSAs have
WZAK-FM           93.1,                              appeared in Seventeen,      • SFA’s Spanish Web site
WJMO-AM 1490 in                                                         July hits
Cleveland, Ohio, or                                                              equaled 15,000.
                                                     CosmoGirl, Bass Guitar,

WLS-AM 890 in                                                                    • Most viewed streaming video
                                                     Frontiers, New York

Chicago and listen for                                                           is Stuttering: Straight Talk for
                                                     Post, Fortune, AARP,

the country music star
                                                     Penthouse, Learning,

saying, “Hi, I’m Mel                                                             • Pages most often viewed are
                                                     Good Housekeeping,          Teens.
Tillis!” or 20/20 co-                                                            the five streaming videos,
                                                     Black Enterprise,

anchor John Stossel
                                                     Natural Health, and

saying, “If stuttering                               as well as many, many       and the SFA Referral List.
                                                     Savannah Magazine,

affects you … call the                               others!
                                                                                 Famous People Who Stutter,

Stuttering Foundation                                     SFA is dedicated       • Web site viewers are located
for help.”                                           to thanking each and        all over the world, including
   The Foundation provides several       every one of the media outlets that     Turkey, India, Japan, Poland
sizes and versions of PSAs to meet       provide space and time to raising       and many others.
the target audience of the publica-      stuttering awareness.

tion. Popular PSAs are ones with            Radio station KMMS out of
“famous people” raising stuttering       Bozeman, Mont., recently e-
awareness. Among those featured          mailed SFA saying, “Thanks for
are Chicago Bulls legendary bas-         the letter about our stations being
ketball star Bob Love, wild-life         of assistance to your organiza-
conservationist Alan Rabinowitz,         tion! I work with probably 200+
Buffy the Vampire Slayer actor Nick      non-profits nationally and local-
Brendon, Annie Glenn, and states-        ly and rarely do I get feedback on
man Winston Churchill “speaking          if what I do is catching an ear in
out” on behalf of those who stutter.     the listening audience. Thank
   Better Homes and Gardens, with        YOU for the pat on the back and
a circulation of more than 7 million,    letting me know the PSA director
donated a full-page all-print ad stat-   can help make a difference!” K

                                                                                Channel 3 focuses
  Be among the first to spot a           card.
    Be on the lookout — you could win
Stuttering Foundation public ser-          3. Mail the PSA and the index
                                                                                  on stuttering
vice ads and help raise Stuttering       card in an envelope to SFA.              Jane Fraser was recently a guest
Awareness!                                 Stuttering Foundation, 3100          on WREG’s morning newscast.
  Contest instructions:                  Walnut Grove Road, Suite 603,            CBS’Memphis affiliate invited her
  1. Clip out the Stuttering             Memphis, TN 38111-0749                 to the studio to discuss the resources
Foundation PSA found in a mag-             4. The first notification of a new   available for those who stutter.
azine or newspaper.                      PSA from each publication each           News anchors Alex Coleman and
  2. On an index card, write the         month will receive an SFA T-shirt.     April Thompson also highlighted a
name of the magazine and                   5. Winners will be notified by       number of famous people who stut-
month/date of issue. Also print          mail.                                  ter and offered the Foundation’s
your name, phone number, ad-               6. Contest runs from Oct. 1,         Web site as a great source of help
dress and email address on the           2007, through Dec. 31, 2007. K         for parents, teenagers and adults
                                                                                seeking more information.           K
60                                             1-800-992-9392                5
                                                             of Service
FALL 2007

James Frick Spotlight shines on spokesmen
            Stuttering Foundation spokes-
remembered men Mel Tillis, John Stossel, and Myths, Get OutandShovel — Why
                                                        Lies,     Downright

  James V. Frick, Ph.D., speech        Alan Rabinowitz have all made
                                             Stupidity:       the

pathologist and stuttering authority   the headlines recently.                      Conservationist Alan Rabinowitz
                                                                                  Everything You Know Is Wrong.

at the Pennsylvania State                 Country music superstar Tillis          was recently featured in Forbes and
University, passed away April 16.      has been selected for induction
He was 84.                             into the Country Music Hall of               Forbes focused on Rabinowitz’
                                                                                  The Christian Science Monitor.

  Affected by a severe stuttering      Fame this fall in the Lifetime             exploring the Indo-Pacific region in
problem as a child,                    Achievement category.                      northern Burma, also known as
he sought help fol-                       Early in his career, Tillis stuttered   Myanmar. He is one of only a hand-
lowing his service                     so severely that he couldn’t even          ful of Westerners who have traveled
during World War II                    thank the audience at the end of a         in this area during the last century.
and eventually be-                     performance. But ever since his role        “This is the most intact forest in
came an associate                      as the curtain-                                                                the entire Indo-
professor of Speech                    puller for a                                                                   Pacific region,
Pathology at Penn James Frick          first-grade play,                                                              with      many
State, where he                        Tillis wouldn’t                                                                parts that are
worked from 1951 until his retire-     let stuttering                                                                 completely un-
ment in 1984.                          keep him from                                                                  explored,”
  Early in his career he helped es-    the stage.                                                                     Rabinowitz, of
tablish the Penn State Speech and         Singing in                                                                  the Wildlife
Hearing Clinic, where he special-      front of the                                                                   Conservation
ized in the treatment of stuttering    class was Tillis’                                                              Society, told
and aphasia.                           first step to-
  He graduated from St. Thomas         ward legendary                                                                     Rabinowitz

More High School in Philadelphia       fame as a                                                                      is credited for
                                                                                      Photo courtesy of Seth Harrison

in 1939 and served in the U.S.         recording artist,                                                              large portions
                                                                                      The Journal News

Army Air Corps for three years         performer and                                                                  of land being
during World War II where he at-       songwriter. His                                                                declared na-
tained the rank of Sergeant. He        hits include I                                 John Stossel have tional parks.
                                                                                      Mel Tillis, Alan

earned Bachelor’s and Master’s
                                                                                      Rabinowitz and

degrees and then a Ph.D. in
                                       Ain’t     Never,                                                                 The Christian

                                                                                                                      focused their
                                                                                      all served as SFA

Psychology in 1951 from the
                                       Good Woman                                     spokesmen.                      Science Monitor

University of Iowa.                    In You, and Ruby, Don’t Take Your          attention on Rabinowitz’ creating
                                       Blues, I Believe

  He was the son of the late                                                      havens for tigers, jaguars, and
James V.M. and Anna Hickey                As he travels the country, he visits    leopards.
                                       Love to Town.

Frick. On June 20, 1953, he mar-       cities where his radio PSA on stut-          Rabinowitz established the
ried Anna Netta Livingston, who        tering is being played daily, such as      Hukawng Valley Tiger Server in
survives him at home.                  Chicago, where WLS generated a             northern Myanmar. The reserve is
  During retirement, Dr. Frick         tremendous response to his PSA.            the size of the state of Vermont.
served as a volunteer with the            John Stossel, co-anchor of 20/20,         As he strives to make the world
Volunteer Income Tax Assistants,       joined SFAs Chairman’s Circle with         safer for big cats, he is working with
the Centre County, Pa., Planning       a recent significant contribution to       local populations, educating them
Commission, and the U.S. Fish          the Foundation. This donation will         on why it is important not to kill
and Wildlife Commission.               further the cause of helping young         these animals.
  He enjoyed golf, playing bridge,     people and adults who stutter.               “He is credited with bringing
reading, jazz music and crossword         Stossel has been touring the coun-      unlikely partners together for con-
puzzles.                               try this past year speaking to groups      servation in various nations,” the
  In addition to his wife, he is       and promoting his popular book             newspaper wrote.
survived by two sons, James V.
                                         The Stuttering Foundation

Frick III, of State College, Pa.,
and Robert L. Frick and his wife,
Karen, of Vienna, Va.; and three         is a proud participant of the
granddaughters, Amy, Hannah,             Combined Federal Campaign.
and Maggie.                              Please note our new number.
  Please see page 15 for a list of       CFC #11047
gifts made in memory of Dr. Frick. K
6                                                                                    1-800-992-9392
                                                              60     Years
                                                                   of Service

              Western Workshop
                                     Attendees say workshops are
              heats up Portland
        Temperatures rose to over 100 degrees outside,
     Susan Hamilton

     while ideas sizzled inside at the first Western
     Workshop held in Portland, Oregon. The WW
     moved from Seattle to Portland when Ellen Reuler,
     former 2003 WW participant volunteered to host
     the event at Portland State University where she is
     Director of Clinical Services.
        Susan Hamilton and Jennifer Watson joined
     forces at the podium for this five-day event where
     20 participants were chosen from across the
     United States. Watson and Hamilton’s goals for
     this year’s workshop were to help the attendees’ to
                                                              Western workshoppers gather for a group photo. Front row: Vinita Rajah,

     increase their “comfortability,” competence and
                                                              Mike Jedlicka, Jane Fraser, Lelisa Balderama, and Pam Hubbard. Second

     confidence when treating children who stutter.
                                                              row: Pam Thuman, Anne Terry, Deborah Carter, Marsha Hundley, Shannon

        “This group really impressed me in that they
                                                              Richins, and Ellen Reuler. Third row: Mercedes Delaney, Jill Dolata, Debbie

     were positive and so supportive of each other dur-
                                                              Livesey, Vicki Andre, Lori Matthews, Jaime Hardin, Vicky Edwards, Tara
                                                              Roehl, Leigh Jones, and Jennifer Watson. Fourth row: Adam Heiner, Ute

     ing the learning process,” commented Watson.
                                                              Conly, Susan Hamilton, and Glen Weybright

        Both presenters agreed that the participants
     were willing to step out of their comfort zones
                                                                                                           Western Workshop

     and build on past experiences to learn more about
                                                                                                           leaders Susan

     providing therapy to children who stutter. “It
                                                                                                           Hamilton, Jennifer

     takes courage to practice newly learned skills in
                                                                                                           Watson, and Ellen

     front of your peers,” stated Hamilton.

        The traditional wine and cheese reception was
     hosted by Mary and Steve Brannan on their beau-
     tiful houseboat on the banks of the Columbia
        One workshopper deemed the event an amazing
     experience. Another indicated that it was a wonder-
     ful opportunity and that she was honored to have
     been a part of it. A third attendee summed it up
                                                                             Scenes from the

     when she said “the workshop was an unforgettable
                                                                            houseboat party.

     experience. I feel more confident and competent al-
     ready….Now to go and practice!”                  K

                                                                                         Glenn Weybright, a workshopper from 2002, treats
    Mike Jedlicka and Jill Dolata show off an SFA workbook.                              the 2007 workshoppers to a kayak outing.
1-800-992-9392          7
     FALL 2007
                                                             60      Years
                                                                   of Service

an ‘unforgettable experience’
New England celebrates 10th workshop

   While the Stuttering Foundation of America was celebrating its 60th
Diane Parris

anniversary, New England celebrated its 10th biannual workshop host-
ed by Boston University. Participants gathered from nineteen states

from California to New Jersey, and welcomed one international partic-

ipant from Thunder Bay, Ontario. Experience among the group was as
                                                                                                       a reception.

diverse as their geographical origins. From June 20 – 24th, however,
these twenty speech-language pathologists shared one thing in com-
mon: increasing their expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of chil-
dren who stutter.
   Coordinated by Diane Parris, MS, CCC/SLP, a team of extraordinary
researchers and master clinicians provided the right blend of informa-
tion and skills training to increase participant’s confidence and compe-
tence in providing an integrated approach to fluency therapy. The pro-
gram began with a review of contemporary theory, current research, and
assessment procedures led by Dr. Edward Conture, Professor and
Director of Graduate Studies at Vanderbilt University. Focus on treat-
ment of preschoolers and partnership with parents/families was provid-
ed by Dr. Sheryl Gottwald, Assistant Professor at the University of New
Hampshire. Direct skills training began with the unique contributions of
Dr. David Luterman in the area of counseling children who stutter and
their families beginning with listening deeply and from the heart.
Finally a leading specialist in the field, Adriana DiGrande, MS
CCC/SLP, presented on the integration of cognitive, affective, motor,
and social aspects of fluency therapy for the school-age child.
   Diane, Sheryl, and Adriana coached participants in producing easy-
relaxed speech models, cancellations, and pull-outs, and the program
culminated in the opportunity for participants to practice these skills
in mock therapy sessions with children gathered from the hosting
clinicians’ caseloads and their siblings. Many commented that this
type of ‘hands on’ learning was a highlight of the program for them.
Most participants will not only be putting their new learning to use
immediately with their own clients, but will also be offering in-service
training to colleagues in upcoming months. Spreading the knowledge
and skills provided in the regional workshops is essential to the mis-
sion of the Foundation. Look for the next New England Workshop to
be held in June 2009.                                                  K

                                                          New England workshoppers have
                                                          their group picture taken. Front
                                                          row: Angela Horne, Jane Fraser,
                                                          Sue Basta, and Claudia Holcomb.
                                                          Second row: Nancy Patriacca,
                                                          Wanda       Pritekel,    Adriana
                                                          DiGrande, Kavita Kaul, Brenda
                                                          Spredding, and Sheryl Gottwald.
                                                          Third row: Jennifer Shubin, Kathi
                                                          Shute, Julianne Weckel, Melisa
                                                          Kennelly, Stefanie Chenkin, Rozie
                                                          Matthews, Erin Jarvis, and
                                                          Darlene Sommer. Back row: Joe
                                                          Fulcher, Dorothy Wise, Andrea
                                                          Stach, Melinda Kuehn, Diane
                                                          Parris, Blair O'Gorman, and
                                                          Meghan Krodel.
8                                                                60                                            1-800-992-9392
                                                                       of Service

than 300 people who stutter, speech
Congress           Continued from front page                             Celia Gruss

pathologists and family and friends
                                                                         of Paris,

who attended this event. A highlight
                                                                                                         Suzana Jelcic-Jaksic,

was the Congress gala dinner which
                                                                         and Vilma
                                                                         Makauskiene,                    president of the

was held in the nearby medieval
                                                                         of Lithuania,                   Croatian Association

town of Dubrovnik. It was the scene
                                                                         at the SFA                      for People Who
                                                                                                         Stutter, acted as

of formal speeches and awards in-
                                                                                                         the governor of the

cluding the presentation of the ISA’s
                                                                                                         Congress. Here

Outstanding Contribution Award to
                                                                                                         she speaks at the

the SFA’s Jane Fraser.
                                                                                                         14th century fortress,
                                                                                                         setting for the gala

  In presenting the award to Fraser,
                                                Retiring Board                                           dinner.

Melvin Hoffman of ISA said, “No
                                                   Chair Mark

one has done more to further the
                                                  Irwin, DDS,                                                   John Ellis, Judy

cause of helping those who stutter."
                                                       received                                                 Kuster and Ryan
                                                                                                                Pollard in front

  “It is a thrill to receive this
                                                         an ISA
                                                 Distinguished                                                  of SFA poster of

award that recognizes our work on
                                                Service Award                                                   Famous People

behalf of those who struggle daily                Following this event, there can be
                                                                                                                Who Stutter.

with stuttering,” Fraser said.                 no doubt that the world has advanced
  The first honorary lifetime mem-             in its understanding of stuttering as
bers of the ISA are Fraser and                 well as strengthening the bonds of in-
Judith Kuster, of Minnesota State              ternational cooperation.
                                                                                          Poster produced

University, Mankato, and creator of               The next triennial World
                                                                                           by the Croatian

the Stuttering Home Page,                      Congress will be held in Beijing,
                                                                                             Hinko Freund                    China in 2010.
                                                                                            Support Group
                                                                                             to raise funds
                                                                                   K        for their work.

                                               vices at a substantial discount after     faction with the device, indicating
                                               completing the study. Three subjects      that the SpeechEasy may be
without the device in place.                   did not purchase the device, but          viewed as a viable treatment op-
Study                Continued from page 3

                                               replied that they would continue to       tion by some who stutter.
                                                                                          Furthermore, the subjects who
   The SpeechEasy was general-

                                                                                          participated in the study sampled
ly effective in reducing stutter-

                                                                                          their devices at no cost and may
ing when immediately fit, but

                                                                                          have conceivably been less moti-
significant reductions in stut-

                                                                                          vated and emotionally invested in
tering were not consistently

                                                                                          a positive outcome than those
maintained across four months
   Relatively more stuttering re-                                                         who actively seek out and pur-
of treatment.
duction occurred during oral read-                                                        chase a SpeechEasy. Finally, sub-
ing than during the conversation                                                          jects in this study were trained
or question tasks. Individual re-                                                         and encouraged to use active
sponses varied greatly with regard                                                        techniques such as easy vocal on-
to both fluency improvement and                                                           sets or initial sound prolongations
personal impressions of the de-                                                           as needed to initiate voicing
vice. For example, many subjects                                                          when wearing the SpeechEasy;
reported that a promising feature of           use the SpeechEasy if it were given       however, additional stuttering
the SpeechEasy was its effective-              to them free of charge. A final three     therapy was not provided.
ness while using the telephone. In             subjects decided not to buy the de-       Because recent clinical evidence
contrast, the most frequently re-              vice and reported that they would         indicates that including traditional
ported drawback was perceived                  not continue to use it even if it were    stuttering therapy may improve
background noise in certain situa-             given to them at no charge.               SpeechEasy outcomes (Armson et
tions (see Table).                                Although the group findings in         al., 2006), it appears that in at
   At the end of the study, subjects           this study revealed no overall            least some cases, the expertise
were then surveyed in order to gain            treatment effect for the device,          provided by a certified speech-
insight as to their satisfaction with          this is a qualified conclusion for        language pathologist to provide
wearing the SpeechEasy. Regarding              several reasons. First, individual        additional stuttering treatment
ultimate purchasing decision, four of          subjects did benefit from wearing         may be needed in order to maxi-
the 11 subjects who began the exper-           the SpeechEasy during certain             mize benefits derived from
iment elected to purchase their de-            speech tasks and/or reported satis-       SpeechEasy use.                   K
60                                                                     9
FALL 2007                                                  of Service

SLPs have an opportunity to
exchange ideas over lunch.

                                                                          Barry Guitar and
                                                                           Kristin Chmela.

                                                       Presenters and discussion group leaders Barry Guitar, Karen Rizzo,
                                                       Diane Games, Lisa Scott, Kevin Eldridge, Kristin Chmela, Patrice
                                                       Carothers, Jane Fraser, and Mary Mantilla.

  Best Practices in Preschool Stuttering: an overwhelming success
                                        corporated across all topics in the      that the conference’s singular
    The Cincinnati Airport Marriott     conference and gave attendees the        focus on preschool children was
 Lisa Scott, Ph.D.

 was the setting for the Stuttering     opportunity to practice and refine       both refreshing and needed. “I’ve
 Foundation’s annual summer clin-       skills in decision-making, setting       attended many conferences that
 ical conference. Although such a       treatment goals, and counseling          mentioned preschoolers, but
 conference is held each summer,        parents. Small group guided prac-        never addressed this population
 2007 marked the first time the pro-    tice leaders included Patrice            for any length of time that was
 gram focused exclusively on            Carothers, Kevin Eldridge, Diane         meaningful to me and my prac-
 preschool children who stutter.        Games, Karen Rizzo, Mary                 tice. Thank you, thank you!”
 The response to this change was        Mantilla, and Bill Murphy.                  In addition, participants appreci-
 tremendous: 74 participants trav-         Presenters profiled children who      ated the presenters’ and group lead-
 eled from 21 different states and      stutter through the use of video seg-    ers’ warm styles and accessibility:
 Canada to learn about and share        ments and examples of child re-          “It was wonderful being able to ask
 their experiences in working with      sponses, enhancing the explanation       questions and talk with the speakers
 young children.                        of concepts being discussed. The         and group leaders with ease.” The
    Participants heard state-of-the-    audience responded enthusiastical-       integration of lectures with guided
 art presentations from Barry           ly to these strategies as they facili-   practice also drew positive feed-
 Guitar and Kristin Chmela on best      tated greater understanding of the       back and continue to be one of the
 practices for determining whether      content being discussed. It was re-      strengths of the Foundation’s clini-
 a young child is stuttering, assess-   inforcing for many clinicians to         cal conferences. “Thank you for an
 ing the child’s priority for treat-    have the opportunity to see tech-        outstanding conference! I know I
 ment, strategies for implementing      niques and ideas being demonstrat-       will be a better SLP because I at-
 both indirect and direct treat-        ed as well to as ask questions of        tended this conference. The format
 ments, and working with families.      leading experts in stuttering.           with lecture and guided practice
 Guided practice sessions were in-         Evaluation comments indicated         was outstanding!”                  K
Dear SFA: Reader Response
 10                                                       60                                                 1-800-992-9392
                                                                of Service

Send letters to SFA, P.O. Box 11749, Memphis, TN 38111-0749 or email

                                          Dear SFA:                                  Dear SFA:
                                          A future movie star                        Video for young children

                                            Some of the things I like to do            I am currently a graduate student
                                          are video games and watching TV.           at College Misericordia (Dallas,
                                            Sometimes my speech is the               PA), where I am pursuing my mas-
                                          best when I’m whispering qui-              ter’s degree in speech-language
                                          etly. My friends do not mind               pathology as well as my teacher
                                          my stuttering a lot. And my                certification.
                                          speech is not that good when I               I recently created an informational
                                          am shy, nervous, or I am in                video for my graduate level fluency
                                          front of a large amount of peo-            course. I did the voices, danced in
                                          ple. And on Monday at school I             the costumes, shot and edited the
                                                                                     whole piece. This 5-minute creation
  Tony, of Yakima, Wash., drew

                                          go to my speech teacher. She is
                                                                                     is to be shown to younger school-
this picture and included the fol-

                                          good with her speech. My mom
                                                                                     aged children who are having trou-
lowing caption:

                                          says some day I will be a good
                                          talker.                                    bles with stuttering. Here is the link:
  Stuttering is not that bad. I don’t

                                            My grandmom likes music
really care that I stutter. The stut-

                                          and she says that a director will          Sincerely,
tering ghost comes and makes me

                                          want me for movie or singing               Erik X. Raj
stutter. I go to speech to fight the

stuttering ghost. I practice eye

                                          Dontae, 9
contact, smooth talking, and good
relaxation.                                                                          Dallas, Pa.

Dear SFA:                                                                            Dear SFA:
                                                                                     Teen says exercises help
                                                                                     Hi, my name is Brandi. I’m 15
Zach’s story about stuttering
  I do not like stuttering because
                                          Cheltenham, Pa.

some people make fun of me some-          Dear SFA:                                  years old and had a stuttering
                                                                                     problem all my life. It has gotten a
                                          SLP helps John
times. I do not like stuttering but I       I don’t mind stuttering very
am getting much better at it. I do not    badly. It’s not like it’s illegal to       lot better. I’ve learned how to pro-
like stuttering because I get stuck on    stutter. But I don’t like it when I        nounce the letters easy for the
a word and it takes awhile before I       can’t let the words out. Robert,           word to come out right.
can say the word clearly. I do not        my speech therapist, helps me                These exercises helped me a lot
like stuttering because it makes me       learn about stuttering. Oh, and by         from then to now. I stutter when I get
say words over and over again and it      the way, I am John. And I’m 8 3/4          too excited, mad or sad, but some-
makes me mad when that happens.           years old.                                 times I stutter when I don’t talk a lot
Zachary, 9                                John, 8                                    that day then when a time comes for
Reedsburg, Wis.                           East Charleston, VT                                            Continued on page 11

  Picture perfect
            Christopher of Marlboro, N.J.,
                  drew this picture. It says,
             “I don’t care what people say
            or if they laugh when I stutter.
      I am happy being myself. Stuttering
               is a good experience for me
          because life is sometimes hard.”

       Do you have artwork to share? E-mail
       it to us at
60                                        1-800-992-9392         11
FALL 2007                                                       of Service

me to talk the stuttering tries to come.
Letters            Continued from page 10

  When I was younger, my stutter-
                                               Eva launches MySpace page
                                              Web site is:
ing sounded like this “d,d, do, dog.”
But now it’s like bumpy words                   Eva Woolwine of Ashland,           worked at a local preschool for
sometimes. Most of the time I run            Kan., is on the go as al-                     children with special
out of breath which I try to control         ways, but this busy gal                       needs. She told us, “One of
by taking my time.                           checked in with us and                        the little boys in my class
  When I was younger in the fifth,           agreed to manage our                          stuttered. I enjoyed work-
sixth and seventh grade, I would             new MySpace page!                             ing with him and encour-
get mad at my teachers when they                We first met Eva in the                    aging him. It showed me
asked me to read.                            Summer 2005 Stuttering                        that teaching really is my
                                             Foundation newsletter                         calling.”
  Sometimes when I felt as if I could        when she was the 18                              Eva tells us she still has
read I would volunteer. I read that a        year-old reigning Miss Eva Woolwine many opportunities for
lot of celebrities have stuttering prob-     Garden City and on her                        speaking engagements
lems in their life, but James Earl           way to the Miss Kansas pageant.       and is able to inform and educate
Jones is my favorite because he plays           Since then, she’s been in and      the public about stuttering.
Mufausa in The Lion King, and The            out of pageants receiving acco-          She also attended the National
Lion King is my favorite movie. I say        lades, pursuing her education,        Stuttering Association conven-
to myself I will try to succeed in my        and speaking out tirelessly to        tion last summer with her family
stuttering because I really want to be       educate the public about stut-        in Atlanta. “It’s a good chance to
a veterinarian when I get out of high        tering. She is living proof that      offer and receive support along
school. Now going to the 10th grade          stuttering does not have to hold      side other stutterers. And that’s
I will try harder to my fullest and try      you back!                             why I’m so excited to create and
to succeed.                                     Having graduated last May from     manage        the     Foundation’s
Brandi                                       Pratt Community College with an       MySpace page! One of the goals
                                             Associate’s degree, Eva is attend-    is to offer young people and
                                             ing Northwestern State University     teens a chance to share experi-
                                             in Alva, Oka., this fall. Her goal is ences, feelings, and helpful in-

Dear SFA:                                    a teaching degree in elementary ed-   formation for success!”
Poem wins awards

  I saw my name in your summer               ucation. In addition to baby-sitting     At this rate, Eva may one day
newsletter and wanted to thank               and working part-time in her dad’s    join our long list of Famous
you. And my poem won first place             law firm, this past summer Eva        People Who Stutter!
at district and an award of excel-

lence in the state level competition.
  Thank you for everything,
Alicia                                         Cameron Francek has spent his           the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. As a
                                            Runner on the move to support SFA
                                            summer running in honor of the 3           high school student, he was captain
                                            million Americans who stutter in an        of both the Baseball and Golf teams.
Virginia Beach, Va.

                                            effort to raise awareness of stuttering.      “I would not be the person I am
                                            Cameron says, “I am a stutterer. I be-     today without my family, my friends
  Editor: Congratulations on your

                                            lieve people don’t fully understand        and many speech pathologists with

Dear SFA:                                   this communication/motor disorder.”        whom I have been working since the
                                               SFA applauds his efforts that are       1st grade. I have decided to try and
Kids enjoy ‘cool’ brochure

   First, I just wanted to say thank
you for your excellent Web site.            sure to educate people all along           give back. While my efforts and do-
It’s so nice to be able to point par-       his 300 miles path!                        nations may be small on a larger
                                               Therefore, he took on the task of       scale, it is something I need and
ents and professionals toward a                                                        want to do.” says Cameron.
                                            running 300 miles (approximately
Web site with good information.             5 miles/day) to raise money                  Through his efforts, Cameron
   Secondly, I wish you could have          through pledges and donations for          has raised and donated $1,435 to
seen the reactions when I gave              the Stuttering Foundation. At the          the Foundation. This gift will
copies of the celebrities who stutter       end of this journey, he plans to run       keep on giving as it helps others
brochure to several grade school kids       the Detroit Marathon.                      who struggle with stuttering.
who stutter. They thought it was so            Cameron is no stranger to a busy          SFA sends a big thank you to
‘cool’ to see Tiger Woods, Marilyn          life. Currently he is a student at         Cameron as well as best wishes
Monroe and James Earl Jones.                Michigan State University studying         for his marathon run.
Kari Peterson                               Communicative Sciences and
                                            Disorders and is an active member of
                                                                                         Please see page 15 for gifts in
E-mail                             K                                                   honor of Cameron.                  K
12                           60                                                     1-800-992-9392

                                            means by which stuttering changes      cal framework that will allow us
                                                               of Service

                                            as a result of alterations in speak-   to learn more about the structure
in auditory cortical brain regions          ers’ air-borne auditory feedback       and function of auditory cortical
Auditory cortex Continued from front page

may contribute to developmental             for speech and language. With re-      regions in adults who do and do
stuttering. Related to these find-          cent advances in digital technolo-     not stutter. Furthermore, it is
ings, numerous investigators have           gy, however, one such device has       thought that such studies may
studied how altered auditory feed-          been widely marketed and empiri-       lead to more targeted interven-
back may influence speech fluen-            cally studied, that is, the            tions using the SpeechEasy to
cy in individuals with develop-             SpeechEasy (2001).                     help those individuals with de-
mental stuttering (e.g., Armson,               The SpeechEasy is a small de-       velopmental stuttering seeming
Kiefte, Mason, & DeCroos, 2006;             vice which looks and fits like a       most able to receive benefit from
Stuart, Kalinowski, Armson,                 hearing aid. This device works in      such treatment.
Stenstrom & Jones, 1996; Van                essence by “playing a copy” of the
Riper, 1973, pp. 116-139). These            person’s own speech in their ear
alterations have involved such              after shifting the pitch as well as
                                                                                      Armson, J., Kiefte, M., Mason, J., De Croos,

                                                                                   D. (2006). The effects of SpeechEasy on stut-
procedures as low-pass and high-            creating a temporal delay in the       tering frequency in laboratory conditions.
pass auditory masking (e.g.,                acoustic output of their speech        Journal of Fluency Disorders, 31, 137-152.
Conture, 1974), delayed auditory            production.       According       to
                                                                                      Brown S., Ingham R.J., Ingham, J.C.,
                                                                                   Laird, A.R., Fox, P.T. (2005). Stuttered and
feedback (DAF) (Van Riper,                  SpeechEasy’s associated market-        fluent speech production: an ALE meta-anal-
1973), and frequency altered feed-          ing literature, such adjustments or    ysis of functional neuroimaging studies.
back (FAF) (Armson et al., 2006).           alterations in auditory feedback
                                                                                   Human Brain Mapping, 25, 105-17.
                                                                                      Conture, E. (1974). Some effects of noise
 To greater or lesser degrees, these        for speech supposedly mimic the        on the speaking behavior of stutterers.
various alterations in speaker’s            effects of choral reading. One em-     Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 17,
auditory feedback for speech have           pirical study (Armson et al., 2006)
                                                                                      Foundas, A.L., Bollich AM, Corey, D.,
been shown to reduce stuttering             showed that the SpeechEasy re-         Hurley, M., Heilman, K. (2001). Anomalous
during reading as well as conver-           duced stuttering events by 49%,        anatomy of speech-language areas in adults
sational speech. However, what is           36%, and 74% respectively for
                                                                                   with persistent developmental stuttering.
                                                                                   Neurology, 57, 207-215.
still unknown is whether there are          conversation, monologue, and              Foundas, A.L., Bollich, A.M., Feldman. J.,
predictable relationships between           reading. Fluency was even more         Corey, D.M., Hurley, M., Heilman, K.M.
auditory cortical brain regions             enhanced in all speaking condi-
                                                                                   (2004). Atypical planum temporale anatomy
                                                                                   in stuttering: Relationship to delayed audito-
(structure and function) and                tions with the instruction to delib-   ry feedback. Neurology. 63: 1640-1646.
changes in stuttering to altered au-        erately prolong vowels.                   Stuart, A., Kalinowski, J., Armson, J.,
ditory feedback.                               At present, there are several
                                                                                   Strenstrom, R., Jones, K. (1996). Fluency
                                                                                   effect of frequency alternations of
   In our first volumetric MRI              unanswered questions: How does         plus/minus one-half and one-quarter octave
study of developmental stuttering           the SpeechEasy device work at          shifts in auditory feedback of people who
we found structural anomalies               the level of the auditory cortex?
                                                                                   stutter. Journal of Speech and Hearing
                                                                                   Research, 39, 396-401.
within a discrete brain region – a          How does the SpeechEasy device            Van Riper, C. (1973). The Treatment of
portion of auditory temporal cor-           relate to brain anatomy and func-      Stuttering. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice
tex (Foundas et al, 2001). Other            tion? Our research group is inter-
                                                                                   Hall, Inc.

studies have found atypical acti-           ested in investigating these im-

vation-deactivation in this same            portant questions. Our research
brain region and atypical physio-           group at Tulane, in collaboration
logical responses when adults               with Dr. Edward G. Conture and          ways to challenge himself, but
                                                                                     Movie               Continued from page 2

who stutter are compared to adults          colleagues at Vanderbilt, are con-      the stuttering is still hard.
who do not stutter (for review,             ducting pilot studies to objective-       Looking back at my teen
Brown et al, 2005). In a subse-             ly examine the SpeechEasy in a          years, I am not sure how I
quent study we found that adults            small group of adults with persis-      would have responded to see-
with developmental stuttering and           tent developmental stuttering.          ing the movie because I was
atypical auditory temporal anato-              Overall, results of this study       in such denial about my stut-
my had enhanced fluency with                should provide crucial, objective       tering. However, I would
DAF, but adults with develop-               information for further, larger-        have been able to relate to so
mental stuttering and typical               scale study of this device, partic-     much of the film because Hal
anatomy showed less improve-                ularly relative to how cortical ac-     used all of the “tricks” that I
ment under conditions of DAF                tivity and structure relates to         grew up using.
(Foundas et al, 2004).                      those who do versus those who             Hal is a very likable charac-
   Although alteration in auditory          do not benefit from using the de-       ter. He is the good guy, the
feedback for speech appears effec-          vice. The proposed studies have         witty teen, funny, smart, with
tive, at least in the short term, for       considerable theoretical and clin-      greatness waiting to burst
some individuals who stutter, there         ical significance. The proposed         out. A very touching movie. K
is a limited understanding of the           studies should provide a biologi-
60                                                                   13
FALL 2007                                            of Service

  Libraries put
  SFA materials
   on display
   Libraries across the United
States helped the Stuttering
Foundation educate the public
about stuttering by making dis-
plays for National Stuttering
                                         An interview
Awareness Week in May. The
                                         with actor
works hard to
get the word
                                         Eric Roberts
out that there
is help and
hope for any-
one who stut-
ters as well as
                                                   Q: At what age do you remember first being aware that you spoke

for their fam-

ilies, friends,
                                                  A: I can’t remember not being aware. In school, when we used to go

teachers, and
                                                  around the table, each reading a paragraph, I’d count ahead and try

                                                  to memorize my paragraph.

   Some li-
                                                 Q: Is there any history of stuttering in your family?

braries shared
                                                 A: There wasn’t that I knew of. I’ve heard that my mother stutters.

photos of their displays.
                                                 Somehow, I don’t hear it.

   The Rensselaer Library in Indiana                                                            Q&A
made a beautiful, eye-catching dis-
                                                 Q: Your daughter Emma definitely

play on a shelving system that looks
                                                 had a breakthrough role in this sum-

like a garden fence with Stuttering
                                                 mer’s hit movie “Nancy Drew.” When
                                                she was a child did you worry she     CELEBRITY CORNER

Foundation materials and enlarged
                                               might develop a stuttering problem?

pictures of celebrities who stutter.
                                               A: Never thought about it with Emma.

   The Jefferson Parish Library in
Louisiana chose to include books
                                             Q: Over the years, Hollywood has still produced movies which portray peo-

written by authors who stuttered
                                             ple who stutter in a negative light. Why do you think Hollywood still cranks

with the Foundation’s materials.
                                            out movies like these?
                                            A: Hollywood is basically immature and insecure.

   The Yonkers Public Library,
Riverfront Branch in New York cre-
                                           Q: You made “Best of the Best” with James Earl Jones. Did you ever discuss

ated a display outside their elevators
                                          stuttering with him?

that included SFA videos and DVDs
                                         A: I can’t actually remember if James and I discussed it. But I sense we

available for the public to check out.
                                         have a lot in common.

   The Union County Library in
                                         Q: What was your single most embarrassing moment as a person who stutters?

Georgia displayed a poster made
                                         A: Actually it was on a recent late night talk show. I got on a stuttering jag

from Stuttering Foundation
                                         and the audience got uncomfortable and started laughing. I stayed relaxed,

brochures that included some-
                                         but I didn’t have the presence of mind, until afterwards, to acknowledge the

thing for teachers, employers, and
                                         stutter and put the audience at ease.

parents as well as Myths About
                                         Q: If you could give any piece of advice to a young person who stutters, what

Stuttering, and Tips for Talking
                                         would it be?

with Someone Who Stutters. The
                                         A: The same advice I give to everyone, which is to do the ongoing work of self

poster, Famous People Who

                                         Q: Your name has long been on the Stuttering Foundation’s list of Famous People Who
Stutter, was the focal point of          Stutter. What was your reaction when you saw all the famous names on the
many of the displays.                    list? Were you surprised to see some names on there?
   Libraries typically coincided
their displays with Stuttering
                                         A: I was surprised to see some of the names there.

                                         Q: When you were growing up, did you have any people who stutter as role
Awareness Week. However, Union           models?
County Library in Georgia dis-
played their poster for a month! K
                                         A: Actually, that would have been great. But no.

                                         A list of Famous People Who Stutter is available at K
16                                60                                                      1-800-992-9392
                                                                    of Service

  Swish now helps                                 Book’s character

   Stuttering: For Kids, By Kids is              In his latest book Cobra Strike,
Spanish-speaking kids                           overcomes stuttering
available in Spanish.                          author Sigmund Brouwer writes
   This DVD features children in-              about a young man
teracting with an an-                          who deals with his
imated basketball                              stuttering.
named Swish.                                     “I wrote it to en-
   Kids      re-                               courage kids who
count how                                      stutter, and to help
they handle chal-                              kids who don’t face
                                                                                        Online conference to
lenges such as teas-                           this problem to better
                                                                                          The 10th annual International
                                                                                         explore stuttering
ing, speaking in class                         understand the chal-
and teaching others                            lenges,” Brouwer said.                   Stuttering Online Conference
about stuttering.                                The book is available through the      opens October 1st and climaxes
   Swish, a lively                             publisher, Orca Book Publishers,         on the 22nd, the day designated
and engaging char-                    It is also sold        as International Stuttering
acter designed by students at Purdue           on                           Awareness Day. The online
University, narrates the video. The                                                     conference will be open at the
children who star range in age from                                                     top of the Stuttering Home Page,
first grade to high school, and they                                          ,
                                                    Dave Germeyer offers a repair       from October 1 - 22, 2007, and is
                                                     In other news...
offer frank and sometimes different
views of stuttering.                           service for the Edinburgh Masker.        accessible to anyone with a con-
   The original version premiered              Contact him via e-mail at dgerm-         nection to the Internet.
in 2004. Now, thanks to May          , write G.D.
                                               Germeyer, 306 S. Baltimore St.,

International Productions and
Lisette M. Betancourt, M.A.,                   Dillsburg, PA 17019-1011, or call        This newsletter is published quarterly.

                                                                                        Please e-mail address changes and
CCC-SLP, of Miami Children’s
                                                                                        story ideas to

Hospital, the film has been re-                     The documentary Unspeakable
leased in Spanish.                             is about something Winnipeg film-
                                                                                                Volume16, Issue 2

   Free streaming video of the 12-             maker John Paskievich knows
                                                                                        Jane Fraser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor

minute film will soon be available             firsthand: stuttering.
                                                                                        Scot Squires . . . . . Writer/Designer

online at and                 His production Unspeakable
                                                                                        Patty Reed . . . . . . . . . .Proofreader The DVD                explores the everyday trauma
                                                                                          Special thanks to Joan Warner,

will also be available free of charge          endured by those who stutter. He
                                                                                          Renee Shepherd, Susie Hall, Pat

to all public libraries.                       interviews people who stutter,
                                                                                            Hamm, Lisa Hinton, Anne

                                               and even explores treatments
                                                                                               Edwards, Carol Ecke,

                                               and therapies.
                                                                                               and Roberta Brugge.

                                                 For more information, please           The Stuttering Foundation of America is
                                               contact the National Film Board
   New cluttering DVD
                                                                                        a tax-exempt organization under sec-
  This 42-minute DVD, written
                                                                                        tion 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
                                               of Canada at 800-542-2164 or
     now available
                                                                                        Code and is classified as a private op-
and narrated by                                visit                        erating foundation as defined in section
Florence Myers, C lu tt er in g                                                         4942(j)(3). Charitable contributions and
Ph.D., Adelphi

                                                                                        bequests to the Foundation are tax-
University, and                                                                         deductible, subject to limitations under
Kenneth O. St.                                                                          the Code.
Louis, Ph.D.,
West Virginia
U n i v e r s i t y,
features peo-
ple who clutter
and clearly il-

lustrates the essence of cluttering
                                DVD No. 9700

as well as the problems that often
                                                                                             A Nonprofit Organization

accompany it.
                                                                                             Since 1947 — Helping Those Who Stutter

  Strategies and suggestions for
                                                                                        3100 Walnut Grove Road, Suite 603

diagnosis and treatment of clutter-
                                                                                        P.O. Box 11749 ● Memphis, TN 38111-0749

ing are provided for speech-lan-
                                                Thanks to Rita Thurman and a helpful    1-800-992-9392 ● 1-800-967-7700

guage pathologists.
                                                staff, the SFA booth at the North
                                                Carolina Speech-Hearing-Language
                                                Association conference was a success.

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Newsletter fall2007

  • 1. • 1-800-992-9392 • T HE S TUTTERING F OUNDATION A Nonprofit Organization FALL 2007 Since 1947... Helping Those Who Stutter Auditory cortex, altered auditory World congress feedback and unites groups developmental stuttering Initial studies of SpeechEasy Anne L. Foundas, M.D. and Edward G. Conture, Ph.D. Editor’s note: The Stuttering Foundation is pleased to support Our knowl- this new research. edge of the bio- logical bases of developmental stuttering has been greatly en- hanced by recent results of brain imaging and physiological people who stutter. Fraser honored in medieval setting The event was held in Anne L. studies. Taken In May, the International Foundas, M.D. Mark Irwin together, these complementary Stuttering Association, the Cavtat, a picturesque coastal methods have umbrella organization repre- town on the southern tip of begun to provide senting 45 self-help groups the Republic of Croatia. converging evi- throughout the world, held Delegates from 43 coun- dence about the its 8th World Congress for tries comprised the more brain regions that may be af- fected in indi- Edward G. Continued on page 8 Photos: Terrace of fortress in Dubrovnik. Top right: Joseph Lukong of Cameroon with a copy of the new Basic Clinical viduals who Skills. Center: Mel Hoffman, awards chairman of the International Stuttering Association, presents the Outstanding Conture, Ph.D. stutter. For example, there is Service Award to SFA President Jane Fraser. Bottom: Jennifer Tseng of Taiwan and Zong-Shan Li of China discuss translations of SFA materials. strong evidence that dysfunctions With funding from the Continued on page 12 Searching for predictors of chronic stuttering NIH’s National Institute on Anne Smith, Ph.D., I am pleased to have this Deafness and Other Purdue University Rocket Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 opportunity to update you Communication Disorders, we have been recruiting 4 Inside... Bob Love documentary . . . . . . 3 on the progress of the SpeechEasy outside the lab . . . 3 Purdue Stuttering Project and 5-year-olds, and we Web site a summertime hit. . . . 4 over the past year. You will be following them SFA workshops reach out . . . . 6 may recall from my earlier yearly for a period of 5 article that we are engaged Anne Smith, Ph.D. years (that is, if our project Letters from young readers . . 10 in a longitudinal study of is renewed — money is New MySpace page . . . . . . . . 11 young children who stutter and very tight at NIH these days, so Interview with Eric Roberts . . 13 their normally fluent controls. Continued on page 2
  • 2. 2 60 1-800-992-9392 Years of Service Rocket Science Jane Fraser and Joe Fulcher blasts off meet with U.S. Congressman Frank R. Wolf, a longtime sup- Peter Reitzes, M.A., CCC-SLP, porter of the Stuttering film Rocket Science not only as a shares his comments on the new Foundation. In 2006, the con- gressman drew attention to child- hood stuttering after he submit- speech pathologist, but also as a ted an article about Tiger Woods person who stutters. His insights from the SFA newsletter to the may provide direction for those Congressional Record. K who want to see this film. I saw Rocket Science and it is absolutely a wonderful movie. It stutter (CWS) and 13 children who really felt good and are normally developing (CND). validating to see keep your fingers crossed for us!). What we have found is that the Smith Continued from front page such a likable char- In our first year of the longitudi- CWS and the CND have the same acter as Hal (the nal study, we have tested 34 chil- average rate of clapping; both high-schooler who dren who stutter on an extensive groups tend to speed up when the stutters) struggle in set of experimental protocols that beat goes off. Concerning the all the same ways includes recording variability of their that I struggled in Jeffrey Blitz, orofacial move- clapping, we com- high school. ments and muscle 4 and 5-year-olds pute a statistic that ... about 60% of As far as being Rocket Science activity during who are stuttering reflects their vari- who wrote and appropriate for speech, testing ability in percent. directed teens, Rocket Science certainly basic timing ability are unusually poor The range of vari- touches on some difficult topics. in a hand clapping ability in percent Some of the people around Hal task, and recording for the normally de- at keeping time treat him as a broken person. the electrical activ- veloping children compared to When I was in Hal’s shoes, I cer- ity of the brain was 5 to 13%. their normally tainly felt broken as well. I am (EEG) while the developing peers. Interestingly, 10 of working now with a teen and I men- children watch a video about a the 17 CWS had variability percent- tioned the film to the family. I was young penguin named “Pingu.” ages outside the range of the CND. very careful to make it clear to the We have analyzed some of our These 10 CWS had greater variabili- family that this movie could trigger “year 1” data, and many exciting ty percentages than any of the CND, some painful memories and feel- results have come to light. and these ranged from 15 to 32%! ings in their son. A teen may need I have space here to describe From these early analyses, we con- support digesting this film. My one of these new findings. We in- clude that about 60% of 4 and 5- buddy and I who went to see it were cluded the clapping task in our year-olds who are stuttering are un- extremely moved by the film and protocol, because scientists study- usually poor at keeping time com- really needed to talk about it after- ing motor behavior have used bi- pared to their normally developing wards. It is funny, beautiful and manual hand clapping as a classi- peers. hard all at the same time. cal way to examine the brain’s One overall goal of the project is One thing to keep in mind is that ability to “keep time.” to be able to predict which of the Rocket Science is not a perfect end- The children are asked to clap children who are stuttering are most ing story. It presents stuttering as their hands in time with a likely to develop a chronic stutter- hard and it ends with Hal finding metronome beat. After clapping ing problem. Are these children with the beat for about 15 claps, the who are poor at a basic timing task beat goes off, and the children are at greater risk for chronic stuttering? asked to keep clapping until we Is this a sign that their young brains Continued on page 12 have about 30 unpaced claps. We have motor timing circuitry that is ask the kids to do this several times. developing atypically? Our data analysis consists of an- These are some of the questions alyzing the unpaced claps, so that we hope to be able to answer after we can determine (1) if they were following these children for five faster or slower than the target rate years. I look forward to updating they were trying to maintain, and you again in the future as more of (2) how variable they were in keep- our experiments reveal more about ing up this rate. So far, we have an- the physiological characteristics of alyzed data from 17 children who these stuttering children. The movie’s main character Hal gives a speech in front of his class. K
  • 3. 60 1-800-992-9392 3 Years FALL 2007 of Service Documentary shares Bob Love’s story Bob Love has dreamt about Bob Love’s battle to overcome his being a great public speaker since most formidable opponent, his stut- his early days in Bastrop tering, to become one of the most Louisiana, even though, as a sought after motivational speakers young man, he could barely put in the country. two words together, let alone In Find Yourself A Dream, Bob’s Ryan Pollard, Peter R. Ramig, Don speak a full sentence. life is depicted through interviews, Finan, and John B. Ellis, M.S. In spite of his archival basket- Recent study reports severe stuttering ball game disability, Bob footage and on- on SpeechEasy use Love, the son of location scenes within extra-clinical a sharecropper, with family environments rose to become members, old a Chicago Bulls friends, fans, and Ryan Pollard, John B. Ellis, NBA superstar, teammates. M.S., Don Finan, Ph.D., and whose records There are on- Peter R. Ramig, Ph.D. were eventually from the documentary. camera inter- Electronic devices that deliv- University of Colorado - Boulder surpassed by views with NBA er altered auditory feedback These are behind the scene pictures Michael Jordan. Commissioner (AAF) have been used for sev- Throughout his David Stern; eral decades to help reduce stut- entire athletic Chicago Bulls tering (Bloodstein, 1995). The career, Bob owner Jerry SpeechEasy, introduced to con- Love kept his Reinsdorf; sumers in 2001, is one of the stuttering a se- Chicago Bulls more recent AAF devices avail- cret from the superstar Michael able to individuals who stutter. fans who adored Jordan, and oth- In contrast to the often conspic- him, thinking he ers. The docu- uous and cumbersome nature of could do his mentary also in- earlier electronic fluency aids, “talking” on the cludes a montage the SpeechEasy is comparative- basketball court. of positive and ly small and cosmetically pleas- After a career inspirational com- ing, and thus more appealing to ending back in- ments about what some consumers. jury he was told Bob Love has Recently, researchers at the by doctors that meant to them University of Colorado at Boulder he would have and their sport examined the effects of the difficulty walk- from basketball SpeechEasy over six months of ing, let alone greats like Oscar continual use. The purpose of the play the game he Robertson, project was to gather Phase I treat- loved. He could Shaquille O’Neal, ment outcome research about the no longer hide Bill Russell, and SpeechEasy in more naturalistic his inability to others. settings. Unlike previous speak, and his A Web site, SpeechEasy research (e.g., Stuart life spiraled out www.findyour et al., 2006), this study collected of control., periodic speech samples outside of will feature the laboratory to more accurately Bob’s basketball assess the device’s real-world ef- Find Yourself A Love Story is a statistics, fan in- fectiveness. Subjects were record- Dream – The Bob one hour docu- terviews and ed while reading aloud, convers- Bob Love speaks with Susan mentary about the photos, as well ing with a researcher, and asking a Hamilton, his former therapist. inspirational true as video and question to a stranger. After a Susan now leads the Western story of Chicago Bulls legendary original music from the DVD. month-long baseline phase, sub- Workshop, see page 6. basketball player, Bob "Butterbean" For more information about the jects wore a custom-fitted Love. Written and directed by award documentary, Bob’s National SpeechEasy device for four winning director, Jim White, its School Speaking Tour, or the up- months. After this treatment message is about achieving one’s coming feature film “Butterbean,” phase, subjects continued to be goals, no matter how difficult, and please contact: Steve Kennedy or monitored for an additional month the importance of an education in Jay Rizzo at 312-368-0429, or reaching those goals. It chronicles K Continued on page 8
  • 4. 4 60 1-800-992-9392 Years of Service Media gives space and time SFA Web site a Several Stuttering Foundation ing, “There are many proven, effec- public service ads (PSAs) are tive ways to reduce stuttering.” Did you know... summertime hit being printed in national publica- Parents Magazine chose to run a tions and aired on various radio two-thirds page ad seen by more • There were 1,500,000 hits in stations. Browse through a copy than 2 million readers. the month of July alone at of Ladies Home You might even see Journal, Seventeen, or a public service ad for • Highest volume date was the SFA on your next Monday, July 30 with 73,134 hits. Adventure and you United Airlines flight • 5 a.m. – 7 a.m. is the time peri- National Geographic will most likely see an in Hemispheres. od receiving the most SFA traffic. SFA ad. Tune into In addition PSAs have WZAK-FM 93.1, appeared in Seventeen, • SFA’s Spanish Web site WJMO-AM 1490 in July hits Cleveland, Ohio, or equaled 15,000. CosmoGirl, Bass Guitar, WLS-AM 890 in • Most viewed streaming video Frontiers, New York Chicago and listen for is Stuttering: Straight Talk for Post, Fortune, AARP, the country music star Penthouse, Learning, saying, “Hi, I’m Mel • Pages most often viewed are Good Housekeeping, Teens. Tillis!” or 20/20 co- the five streaming videos, Black Enterprise, anchor John Stossel Natural Health, and saying, “If stuttering as well as many, many and the SFA Referral List. Savannah Magazine, affects you … call the others! Famous People Who Stutter, Stuttering Foundation SFA is dedicated • Web site viewers are located for help.” to thanking each and all over the world, including The Foundation provides several every one of the media outlets that Turkey, India, Japan, Poland sizes and versions of PSAs to meet provide space and time to raising and many others. the target audience of the publica- stuttering awareness. K tion. Popular PSAs are ones with Radio station KMMS out of “famous people” raising stuttering Bozeman, Mont., recently e- awareness. Among those featured mailed SFA saying, “Thanks for are Chicago Bulls legendary bas- the letter about our stations being ketball star Bob Love, wild-life of assistance to your organiza- conservationist Alan Rabinowitz, tion! I work with probably 200+ Buffy the Vampire Slayer actor Nick non-profits nationally and local- Brendon, Annie Glenn, and states- ly and rarely do I get feedback on man Winston Churchill “speaking if what I do is catching an ear in out” on behalf of those who stutter. the listening audience. Thank Better Homes and Gardens, with YOU for the pat on the back and a circulation of more than 7 million, letting me know the PSA director donated a full-page all-print ad stat- can help make a difference!” K Channel 3 focuses Be among the first to spot a card. Be on the lookout — you could win Stuttering Foundation public ser- 3. Mail the PSA and the index on stuttering vice ads and help raise Stuttering card in an envelope to SFA. Jane Fraser was recently a guest Awareness! Stuttering Foundation, 3100 on WREG’s morning newscast. Contest instructions: Walnut Grove Road, Suite 603, CBS’Memphis affiliate invited her 1. Clip out the Stuttering Memphis, TN 38111-0749 to the studio to discuss the resources Foundation PSA found in a mag- 4. The first notification of a new available for those who stutter. azine or newspaper. PSA from each publication each News anchors Alex Coleman and 2. On an index card, write the month will receive an SFA T-shirt. April Thompson also highlighted a name of the magazine and 5. Winners will be notified by number of famous people who stut- month/date of issue. Also print mail. ter and offered the Foundation’s your name, phone number, ad- 6. Contest runs from Oct. 1, Web site as a great source of help dress and email address on the 2007, through Dec. 31, 2007. K for parents, teenagers and adults seeking more information. K
  • 5. 60 1-800-992-9392 5 Years of Service FALL 2007 James Frick Spotlight shines on spokesmen Stuttering Foundation spokes- remembered men Mel Tillis, John Stossel, and Myths, Get OutandShovel — Why Lies, Downright James V. Frick, Ph.D., speech Alan Rabinowitz have all made Stupidity: the pathologist and stuttering authority the headlines recently. Conservationist Alan Rabinowitz Everything You Know Is Wrong. at the Pennsylvania State Country music superstar Tillis was recently featured in Forbes and University, passed away April 16. has been selected for induction He was 84. into the Country Music Hall of Forbes focused on Rabinowitz’ The Christian Science Monitor. Affected by a severe stuttering Fame this fall in the Lifetime exploring the Indo-Pacific region in problem as a child, Achievement category. northern Burma, also known as he sought help fol- Early in his career, Tillis stuttered Myanmar. He is one of only a hand- lowing his service so severely that he couldn’t even ful of Westerners who have traveled during World War II thank the audience at the end of a in this area during the last century. and eventually be- performance. But ever since his role “This is the most intact forest in came an associate as the curtain- the entire Indo- professor of Speech puller for a Pacific region, Pathology at Penn James Frick first-grade play, with many State, where he Tillis wouldn’t parts that are worked from 1951 until his retire- let stuttering completely un- ment in 1984. keep him from explored,” Early in his career he helped es- the stage. Rabinowitz, of tablish the Penn State Speech and Singing in the Wildlife Hearing Clinic, where he special- front of the Conservation ized in the treatment of stuttering class was Tillis’ Society, told and aphasia. first step to- He graduated from St. Thomas ward legendary Rabinowitz Forbes. More High School in Philadelphia fame as a is credited for Photo courtesy of Seth Harrison in 1939 and served in the U.S. recording artist, large portions The Journal News Army Air Corps for three years performer and of land being during World War II where he at- songwriter. His declared na- tained the rank of Sergeant. He hits include I John Stossel have tional parks. Mel Tillis, Alan earned Bachelor’s and Master’s Rabinowitz and degrees and then a Ph.D. in Ain’t Never, The Christian focused their all served as SFA Psychology in 1951 from the Good Woman spokesmen. Science Monitor University of Iowa. In You, and Ruby, Don’t Take Your attention on Rabinowitz’ creating Blues, I Believe He was the son of the late havens for tigers, jaguars, and James V.M. and Anna Hickey As he travels the country, he visits leopards. Love to Town. Frick. On June 20, 1953, he mar- cities where his radio PSA on stut- Rabinowitz established the ried Anna Netta Livingston, who tering is being played daily, such as Hukawng Valley Tiger Server in survives him at home. Chicago, where WLS generated a northern Myanmar. The reserve is During retirement, Dr. Frick tremendous response to his PSA. the size of the state of Vermont. served as a volunteer with the John Stossel, co-anchor of 20/20, As he strives to make the world Volunteer Income Tax Assistants, joined SFAs Chairman’s Circle with safer for big cats, he is working with the Centre County, Pa., Planning a recent significant contribution to local populations, educating them Commission, and the U.S. Fish the Foundation. This donation will on why it is important not to kill and Wildlife Commission. further the cause of helping young these animals. He enjoyed golf, playing bridge, people and adults who stutter. “He is credited with bringing reading, jazz music and crossword Stossel has been touring the coun- unlikely partners together for con- puzzles. try this past year speaking to groups servation in various nations,” the In addition to his wife, he is and promoting his popular book newspaper wrote. survived by two sons, James V. The Stuttering Foundation K Frick III, of State College, Pa., and Robert L. Frick and his wife, Karen, of Vienna, Va.; and three is a proud participant of the granddaughters, Amy, Hannah, Combined Federal Campaign. and Maggie. Please note our new number. Please see page 15 for a list of CFC #11047 gifts made in memory of Dr. Frick. K
  • 6. 6 1-800-992-9392 60 Years of Service Western Workshop Attendees say workshops are heats up Portland Temperatures rose to over 100 degrees outside, Susan Hamilton while ideas sizzled inside at the first Western Workshop held in Portland, Oregon. The WW moved from Seattle to Portland when Ellen Reuler, former 2003 WW participant volunteered to host the event at Portland State University where she is Director of Clinical Services. Susan Hamilton and Jennifer Watson joined forces at the podium for this five-day event where 20 participants were chosen from across the United States. Watson and Hamilton’s goals for this year’s workshop were to help the attendees’ to Western workshoppers gather for a group photo. Front row: Vinita Rajah, increase their “comfortability,” competence and Mike Jedlicka, Jane Fraser, Lelisa Balderama, and Pam Hubbard. Second confidence when treating children who stutter. row: Pam Thuman, Anne Terry, Deborah Carter, Marsha Hundley, Shannon “This group really impressed me in that they Richins, and Ellen Reuler. Third row: Mercedes Delaney, Jill Dolata, Debbie were positive and so supportive of each other dur- Livesey, Vicki Andre, Lori Matthews, Jaime Hardin, Vicky Edwards, Tara Roehl, Leigh Jones, and Jennifer Watson. Fourth row: Adam Heiner, Ute ing the learning process,” commented Watson. Conly, Susan Hamilton, and Glen Weybright Both presenters agreed that the participants were willing to step out of their comfort zones Western Workshop and build on past experiences to learn more about leaders Susan providing therapy to children who stutter. “It Hamilton, Jennifer takes courage to practice newly learned skills in Watson, and Ellen front of your peers,” stated Hamilton. Reuler. The traditional wine and cheese reception was hosted by Mary and Steve Brannan on their beau- tiful houseboat on the banks of the Columbia River. One workshopper deemed the event an amazing experience. Another indicated that it was a wonder- ful opportunity and that she was honored to have been a part of it. A third attendee summed it up Scenes from the when she said “the workshop was an unforgettable houseboat party. experience. I feel more confident and competent al- ready….Now to go and practice!” K Glenn Weybright, a workshopper from 2002, treats Mike Jedlicka and Jill Dolata show off an SFA workbook. the 2007 workshoppers to a kayak outing.
  • 7. 1-800-992-9392 7 FALL 2007 60 Years of Service an ‘unforgettable experience’ New England celebrates 10th workshop While the Stuttering Foundation of America was celebrating its 60th Diane Parris anniversary, New England celebrated its 10th biannual workshop host- ed by Boston University. Participants gathered from nineteen states Attendees from California to New Jersey, and welcomed one international partic- enjoy ipant from Thunder Bay, Ontario. Experience among the group was as a reception. diverse as their geographical origins. From June 20 – 24th, however, these twenty speech-language pathologists shared one thing in com- mon: increasing their expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of chil- dren who stutter. Coordinated by Diane Parris, MS, CCC/SLP, a team of extraordinary researchers and master clinicians provided the right blend of informa- tion and skills training to increase participant’s confidence and compe- tence in providing an integrated approach to fluency therapy. The pro- gram began with a review of contemporary theory, current research, and assessment procedures led by Dr. Edward Conture, Professor and Director of Graduate Studies at Vanderbilt University. Focus on treat- ment of preschoolers and partnership with parents/families was provid- ed by Dr. Sheryl Gottwald, Assistant Professor at the University of New Hampshire. Direct skills training began with the unique contributions of Dr. David Luterman in the area of counseling children who stutter and their families beginning with listening deeply and from the heart. Finally a leading specialist in the field, Adriana DiGrande, MS CCC/SLP, presented on the integration of cognitive, affective, motor, and social aspects of fluency therapy for the school-age child. Diane, Sheryl, and Adriana coached participants in producing easy- relaxed speech models, cancellations, and pull-outs, and the program culminated in the opportunity for participants to practice these skills in mock therapy sessions with children gathered from the hosting clinicians’ caseloads and their siblings. Many commented that this type of ‘hands on’ learning was a highlight of the program for them. Most participants will not only be putting their new learning to use immediately with their own clients, but will also be offering in-service training to colleagues in upcoming months. Spreading the knowledge and skills provided in the regional workshops is essential to the mis- sion of the Foundation. Look for the next New England Workshop to be held in June 2009. K New England workshoppers have their group picture taken. Front row: Angela Horne, Jane Fraser, Sue Basta, and Claudia Holcomb. Second row: Nancy Patriacca, Wanda Pritekel, Adriana DiGrande, Kavita Kaul, Brenda Spredding, and Sheryl Gottwald. Third row: Jennifer Shubin, Kathi Shute, Julianne Weckel, Melisa Kennelly, Stefanie Chenkin, Rozie Matthews, Erin Jarvis, and Darlene Sommer. Back row: Joe Fulcher, Dorothy Wise, Andrea Stach, Melinda Kuehn, Diane Parris, Blair O'Gorman, and Meghan Krodel.
  • 8. 8 60 1-800-992-9392 Years of Service than 300 people who stutter, speech Congress Continued from front page Celia Gruss pathologists and family and friends of Paris, who attended this event. A highlight France, Suzana Jelcic-Jaksic, was the Congress gala dinner which and Vilma Makauskiene, president of the was held in the nearby medieval of Lithuania, Croatian Association town of Dubrovnik. It was the scene at the SFA for People Who Stutter, acted as of formal speeches and awards in- booth. the governor of the cluding the presentation of the ISA’s Congress. Here Outstanding Contribution Award to she speaks at the the SFA’s Jane Fraser. 14th century fortress, setting for the gala In presenting the award to Fraser, Retiring Board dinner. Melvin Hoffman of ISA said, “No Chair Mark one has done more to further the Irwin, DDS, John Ellis, Judy cause of helping those who stutter." received Kuster and Ryan Pollard in front “It is a thrill to receive this an ISA Distinguished of SFA poster of award that recognizes our work on Service Award Famous People behalf of those who struggle daily Following this event, there can be Who Stutter. with stuttering,” Fraser said. no doubt that the world has advanced The first honorary lifetime mem- in its understanding of stuttering as bers of the ISA are Fraser and well as strengthening the bonds of in- Judith Kuster, of Minnesota State ternational cooperation. Poster produced University, Mankato, and creator of The next triennial World by the Croatian the Stuttering Home Page, Congress will be held in Beijing, Hinko Freund China in 2010. Support Group to raise funds K for their work. vices at a substantial discount after faction with the device, indicating completing the study. Three subjects that the SpeechEasy may be without the device in place. did not purchase the device, but viewed as a viable treatment op- Study Continued from page 3 replied that they would continue to tion by some who stutter. Furthermore, the subjects who The SpeechEasy was general- participated in the study sampled ly effective in reducing stutter- their devices at no cost and may ing when immediately fit, but have conceivably been less moti- significant reductions in stut- vated and emotionally invested in tering were not consistently a positive outcome than those maintained across four months Relatively more stuttering re- who actively seek out and pur- of treatment. duction occurred during oral read- chase a SpeechEasy. Finally, sub- ing than during the conversation jects in this study were trained or question tasks. Individual re- and encouraged to use active sponses varied greatly with regard techniques such as easy vocal on- to both fluency improvement and sets or initial sound prolongations personal impressions of the de- as needed to initiate voicing vice. For example, many subjects when wearing the SpeechEasy; reported that a promising feature of use the SpeechEasy if it were given however, additional stuttering the SpeechEasy was its effective- to them free of charge. A final three therapy was not provided. ness while using the telephone. In subjects decided not to buy the de- Because recent clinical evidence contrast, the most frequently re- vice and reported that they would indicates that including traditional ported drawback was perceived not continue to use it even if it were stuttering therapy may improve background noise in certain situa- given to them at no charge. SpeechEasy outcomes (Armson et tions (see Table). Although the group findings in al., 2006), it appears that in at At the end of the study, subjects this study revealed no overall least some cases, the expertise were then surveyed in order to gain treatment effect for the device, provided by a certified speech- insight as to their satisfaction with this is a qualified conclusion for language pathologist to provide wearing the SpeechEasy. Regarding several reasons. First, individual additional stuttering treatment ultimate purchasing decision, four of subjects did benefit from wearing may be needed in order to maxi- the 11 subjects who began the exper- the SpeechEasy during certain mize benefits derived from iment elected to purchase their de- speech tasks and/or reported satis- SpeechEasy use. K
  • 9. 60 9 Years FALL 2007 of Service SLPs have an opportunity to exchange ideas over lunch. Presenters Barry Guitar and Kristin Chmela. Presenters and discussion group leaders Barry Guitar, Karen Rizzo, Diane Games, Lisa Scott, Kevin Eldridge, Kristin Chmela, Patrice Carothers, Jane Fraser, and Mary Mantilla. Best Practices in Preschool Stuttering: an overwhelming success corporated across all topics in the that the conference’s singular The Cincinnati Airport Marriott conference and gave attendees the focus on preschool children was Lisa Scott, Ph.D. was the setting for the Stuttering opportunity to practice and refine both refreshing and needed. “I’ve Foundation’s annual summer clin- skills in decision-making, setting attended many conferences that ical conference. Although such a treatment goals, and counseling mentioned preschoolers, but conference is held each summer, parents. Small group guided prac- never addressed this population 2007 marked the first time the pro- tice leaders included Patrice for any length of time that was gram focused exclusively on Carothers, Kevin Eldridge, Diane meaningful to me and my prac- preschool children who stutter. Games, Karen Rizzo, Mary tice. Thank you, thank you!” The response to this change was Mantilla, and Bill Murphy. In addition, participants appreci- tremendous: 74 participants trav- Presenters profiled children who ated the presenters’ and group lead- eled from 21 different states and stutter through the use of video seg- ers’ warm styles and accessibility: Canada to learn about and share ments and examples of child re- “It was wonderful being able to ask their experiences in working with sponses, enhancing the explanation questions and talk with the speakers young children. of concepts being discussed. The and group leaders with ease.” The Participants heard state-of-the- audience responded enthusiastical- integration of lectures with guided art presentations from Barry ly to these strategies as they facili- practice also drew positive feed- Guitar and Kristin Chmela on best tated greater understanding of the back and continue to be one of the practices for determining whether content being discussed. It was re- strengths of the Foundation’s clini- a young child is stuttering, assess- inforcing for many clinicians to cal conferences. “Thank you for an ing the child’s priority for treat- have the opportunity to see tech- outstanding conference! I know I ment, strategies for implementing niques and ideas being demonstrat- will be a better SLP because I at- both indirect and direct treat- ed as well to as ask questions of tended this conference. The format ments, and working with families. leading experts in stuttering. with lecture and guided practice Guided practice sessions were in- Evaluation comments indicated was outstanding!” K
  • 10. Dear SFA: Reader Response 10 60 1-800-992-9392 Years of Service Send letters to SFA, P.O. Box 11749, Memphis, TN 38111-0749 or email Dear SFA: Dear SFA: A future movie star Video for young children Some of the things I like to do I am currently a graduate student are video games and watching TV. at College Misericordia (Dallas, Sometimes my speech is the PA), where I am pursuing my mas- best when I’m whispering qui- ter’s degree in speech-language etly. My friends do not mind pathology as well as my teacher my stuttering a lot. And my certification. speech is not that good when I I recently created an informational am shy, nervous, or I am in video for my graduate level fluency front of a large amount of peo- course. I did the voices, danced in ple. And on Monday at school I the costumes, shot and edited the whole piece. This 5-minute creation Tony, of Yakima, Wash., drew go to my speech teacher. She is is to be shown to younger school- this picture and included the fol- good with her speech. My mom aged children who are having trou- lowing caption: says some day I will be a good talker. bles with stuttering. Here is the link: Stuttering is not that bad. I don’t My grandmom likes music really care that I stutter. The stut- and she says that a director will Sincerely, tering ghost comes and makes me want me for movie or singing Erik X. Raj stutter. I go to speech to fight the roles. stuttering ghost. I practice eye Dontae, 9 contact, smooth talking, and good relaxation. Dallas, Pa. Dear SFA: Dear SFA: Teen says exercises help Hi, my name is Brandi. I’m 15 Zach’s story about stuttering I do not like stuttering because Cheltenham, Pa. some people make fun of me some- Dear SFA: years old and had a stuttering problem all my life. It has gotten a SLP helps John times. I do not like stuttering but I I don’t mind stuttering very am getting much better at it. I do not badly. It’s not like it’s illegal to lot better. I’ve learned how to pro- like stuttering because I get stuck on stutter. But I don’t like it when I nounce the letters easy for the a word and it takes awhile before I can’t let the words out. Robert, word to come out right. can say the word clearly. I do not my speech therapist, helps me These exercises helped me a lot like stuttering because it makes me learn about stuttering. Oh, and by from then to now. I stutter when I get say words over and over again and it the way, I am John. And I’m 8 3/4 too excited, mad or sad, but some- makes me mad when that happens. years old. times I stutter when I don’t talk a lot Zachary, 9 John, 8 that day then when a time comes for Reedsburg, Wis. East Charleston, VT Continued on page 11 Picture perfect Christopher of Marlboro, N.J., drew this picture. It says, “I don’t care what people say or if they laugh when I stutter. I am happy being myself. Stuttering is a good experience for me because life is sometimes hard.” Do you have artwork to share? E-mail it to us at
  • 11. 60 1-800-992-9392 11 Years FALL 2007 of Service me to talk the stuttering tries to come. Letters Continued from page 10 When I was younger, my stutter- Eva launches MySpace page Web site is: ing sounded like this “d,d, do, dog.” But now it’s like bumpy words Eva Woolwine of Ashland, worked at a local preschool for sometimes. Most of the time I run Kan., is on the go as al- children with special out of breath which I try to control ways, but this busy gal needs. She told us, “One of by taking my time. checked in with us and the little boys in my class When I was younger in the fifth, agreed to manage our stuttered. I enjoyed work- sixth and seventh grade, I would new MySpace page! ing with him and encour- get mad at my teachers when they We first met Eva in the aging him. It showed me asked me to read. Summer 2005 Stuttering that teaching really is my Foundation newsletter calling.” Sometimes when I felt as if I could when she was the 18 Eva tells us she still has read I would volunteer. I read that a year-old reigning Miss Eva Woolwine many opportunities for lot of celebrities have stuttering prob- Garden City and on her speaking engagements lems in their life, but James Earl way to the Miss Kansas pageant. and is able to inform and educate Jones is my favorite because he plays Since then, she’s been in and the public about stuttering. Mufausa in The Lion King, and The out of pageants receiving acco- She also attended the National Lion King is my favorite movie. I say lades, pursuing her education, Stuttering Association conven- to myself I will try to succeed in my and speaking out tirelessly to tion last summer with her family stuttering because I really want to be educate the public about stut- in Atlanta. “It’s a good chance to a veterinarian when I get out of high tering. She is living proof that offer and receive support along school. Now going to the 10th grade stuttering does not have to hold side other stutterers. And that’s I will try harder to my fullest and try you back! why I’m so excited to create and to succeed. Having graduated last May from manage the Foundation’s Brandi Pratt Community College with an MySpace page! One of the goals Associate’s degree, Eva is attend- is to offer young people and ing Northwestern State University teens a chance to share experi- in Alva, Oka., this fall. Her goal is ences, feelings, and helpful in- E-mail Dear SFA: a teaching degree in elementary ed- formation for success!” Poem wins awards I saw my name in your summer ucation. In addition to baby-sitting At this rate, Eva may one day newsletter and wanted to thank and working part-time in her dad’s join our long list of Famous you. And my poem won first place law firm, this past summer Eva People Who Stutter! at district and an award of excel- K lence in the state level competition. Thank you for everything, Alicia Cameron Francek has spent his the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. As a Runner on the move to support SFA summer running in honor of the 3 high school student, he was captain million Americans who stutter in an of both the Baseball and Golf teams. Virginia Beach, Va. effort to raise awareness of stuttering. “I would not be the person I am Cameron says, “I am a stutterer. I be- today without my family, my friends Editor: Congratulations on your lieve people don’t fully understand and many speech pathologists with awards! Dear SFA: this communication/motor disorder.” whom I have been working since the SFA applauds his efforts that are 1st grade. I have decided to try and Kids enjoy ‘cool’ brochure First, I just wanted to say thank you for your excellent Web site. sure to educate people all along give back. While my efforts and do- It’s so nice to be able to point par- his 300 miles path! nations may be small on a larger Therefore, he took on the task of scale, it is something I need and ents and professionals toward a want to do.” says Cameron. running 300 miles (approximately Web site with good information. 5 miles/day) to raise money Through his efforts, Cameron Secondly, I wish you could have through pledges and donations for has raised and donated $1,435 to seen the reactions when I gave the Stuttering Foundation. At the the Foundation. This gift will copies of the celebrities who stutter end of this journey, he plans to run keep on giving as it helps others brochure to several grade school kids the Detroit Marathon. who struggle with stuttering. who stutter. They thought it was so Cameron is no stranger to a busy SFA sends a big thank you to ‘cool’ to see Tiger Woods, Marilyn life. Currently he is a student at Cameron as well as best wishes Monroe and James Earl Jones. Michigan State University studying for his marathon run. Kari Peterson Communicative Sciences and Disorders and is an active member of Please see page 15 for gifts in E-mail K honor of Cameron. K
  • 12. 12 60 1-800-992-9392 Years means by which stuttering changes cal framework that will allow us of Service as a result of alterations in speak- to learn more about the structure in auditory cortical brain regions ers’ air-borne auditory feedback and function of auditory cortical Auditory cortex Continued from front page may contribute to developmental for speech and language. With re- regions in adults who do and do stuttering. Related to these find- cent advances in digital technolo- not stutter. Furthermore, it is ings, numerous investigators have gy, however, one such device has thought that such studies may studied how altered auditory feed- been widely marketed and empiri- lead to more targeted interven- back may influence speech fluen- cally studied, that is, the tions using the SpeechEasy to cy in individuals with develop- SpeechEasy (2001). help those individuals with de- mental stuttering (e.g., Armson, The SpeechEasy is a small de- velopmental stuttering seeming Kiefte, Mason, & DeCroos, 2006; vice which looks and fits like a most able to receive benefit from Stuart, Kalinowski, Armson, hearing aid. This device works in such treatment. Stenstrom & Jones, 1996; Van essence by “playing a copy” of the Riper, 1973, pp. 116-139). These person’s own speech in their ear alterations have involved such after shifting the pitch as well as Armson, J., Kiefte, M., Mason, J., De Croos, References D. (2006). The effects of SpeechEasy on stut- procedures as low-pass and high- creating a temporal delay in the tering frequency in laboratory conditions. pass auditory masking (e.g., acoustic output of their speech Journal of Fluency Disorders, 31, 137-152. Conture, 1974), delayed auditory production. According to Brown S., Ingham R.J., Ingham, J.C., Laird, A.R., Fox, P.T. (2005). Stuttered and feedback (DAF) (Van Riper, SpeechEasy’s associated market- fluent speech production: an ALE meta-anal- 1973), and frequency altered feed- ing literature, such adjustments or ysis of functional neuroimaging studies. back (FAF) (Armson et al., 2006). alterations in auditory feedback Human Brain Mapping, 25, 105-17. Conture, E. (1974). Some effects of noise To greater or lesser degrees, these for speech supposedly mimic the on the speaking behavior of stutterers. various alterations in speaker’s effects of choral reading. One em- Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 17, auditory feedback for speech have pirical study (Armson et al., 2006) 714-723. Foundas, A.L., Bollich AM, Corey, D., been shown to reduce stuttering showed that the SpeechEasy re- Hurley, M., Heilman, K. (2001). Anomalous during reading as well as conver- duced stuttering events by 49%, anatomy of speech-language areas in adults sational speech. However, what is 36%, and 74% respectively for with persistent developmental stuttering. Neurology, 57, 207-215. still unknown is whether there are conversation, monologue, and Foundas, A.L., Bollich, A.M., Feldman. J., predictable relationships between reading. Fluency was even more Corey, D.M., Hurley, M., Heilman, K.M. auditory cortical brain regions enhanced in all speaking condi- (2004). Atypical planum temporale anatomy in stuttering: Relationship to delayed audito- (structure and function) and tions with the instruction to delib- ry feedback. Neurology. 63: 1640-1646. changes in stuttering to altered au- erately prolong vowels. Stuart, A., Kalinowski, J., Armson, J., ditory feedback. At present, there are several Strenstrom, R., Jones, K. (1996). Fluency effect of frequency alternations of In our first volumetric MRI unanswered questions: How does plus/minus one-half and one-quarter octave study of developmental stuttering the SpeechEasy device work at shifts in auditory feedback of people who we found structural anomalies the level of the auditory cortex? stutter. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 39, 396-401. within a discrete brain region – a How does the SpeechEasy device Van Riper, C. (1973). The Treatment of portion of auditory temporal cor- relate to brain anatomy and func- Stuttering. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice tex (Foundas et al, 2001). Other tion? Our research group is inter- Hall, Inc. studies have found atypical acti- ested in investigating these im- K vation-deactivation in this same portant questions. Our research brain region and atypical physio- group at Tulane, in collaboration logical responses when adults with Dr. Edward G. Conture and ways to challenge himself, but Movie Continued from page 2 who stutter are compared to adults colleagues at Vanderbilt, are con- the stuttering is still hard. who do not stutter (for review, ducting pilot studies to objective- Looking back at my teen Brown et al, 2005). In a subse- ly examine the SpeechEasy in a years, I am not sure how I quent study we found that adults small group of adults with persis- would have responded to see- with developmental stuttering and tent developmental stuttering. ing the movie because I was atypical auditory temporal anato- Overall, results of this study in such denial about my stut- my had enhanced fluency with should provide crucial, objective tering. However, I would DAF, but adults with develop- information for further, larger- have been able to relate to so mental stuttering and typical scale study of this device, partic- much of the film because Hal anatomy showed less improve- ularly relative to how cortical ac- used all of the “tricks” that I ment under conditions of DAF tivity and structure relates to grew up using. (Foundas et al, 2004). those who do versus those who Hal is a very likable charac- Although alteration in auditory do not benefit from using the de- ter. He is the good guy, the feedback for speech appears effec- vice. The proposed studies have witty teen, funny, smart, with tive, at least in the short term, for considerable theoretical and clin- greatness waiting to burst some individuals who stutter, there ical significance. The proposed out. A very touching movie. K is a limited understanding of the studies should provide a biologi-
  • 13. 60 13 Years FALL 2007 of Service Libraries put SFA materials on display Libraries across the United States helped the Stuttering Foundation educate the public about stuttering by making dis- plays for National Stuttering An interview Awareness Week in May. The Foundation with actor works hard to get the word Eric Roberts out that there is help and hope for any- one who stut- ters as well as Q: At what age do you remember first being aware that you spoke for their fam- differently? ilies, friends, A: I can’t remember not being aware. In school, when we used to go teachers, and around the table, each reading a paragraph, I’d count ahead and try employers. to memorize my paragraph. Some li- Q: Is there any history of stuttering in your family? braries shared A: There wasn’t that I knew of. I’ve heard that my mother stutters. photos of their displays. Somehow, I don’t hear it. The Rensselaer Library in Indiana Q&A made a beautiful, eye-catching dis- Q: Your daughter Emma definitely play on a shelving system that looks had a breakthrough role in this sum- like a garden fence with Stuttering mer’s hit movie “Nancy Drew.” When she was a child did you worry she CELEBRITY CORNER Foundation materials and enlarged might develop a stuttering problem? pictures of celebrities who stutter. A: Never thought about it with Emma. The Jefferson Parish Library in Louisiana chose to include books Q: Over the years, Hollywood has still produced movies which portray peo- written by authors who stuttered ple who stutter in a negative light. Why do you think Hollywood still cranks with the Foundation’s materials. out movies like these? A: Hollywood is basically immature and insecure. The Yonkers Public Library, Riverfront Branch in New York cre- Q: You made “Best of the Best” with James Earl Jones. Did you ever discuss ated a display outside their elevators stuttering with him? that included SFA videos and DVDs A: I can’t actually remember if James and I discussed it. But I sense we available for the public to check out. have a lot in common. The Union County Library in Q: What was your single most embarrassing moment as a person who stutters? Georgia displayed a poster made A: Actually it was on a recent late night talk show. I got on a stuttering jag from Stuttering Foundation and the audience got uncomfortable and started laughing. I stayed relaxed, brochures that included some- but I didn’t have the presence of mind, until afterwards, to acknowledge the thing for teachers, employers, and stutter and put the audience at ease. parents as well as Myths About Q: If you could give any piece of advice to a young person who stutters, what Stuttering, and Tips for Talking would it be? with Someone Who Stutters. The A: The same advice I give to everyone, which is to do the ongoing work of self poster, Famous People Who acceptance. Q: Your name has long been on the Stuttering Foundation’s list of Famous People Who Stutter, was the focal point of Stutter. What was your reaction when you saw all the famous names on the many of the displays. list? Were you surprised to see some names on there? Libraries typically coincided their displays with Stuttering A: I was surprised to see some of the names there. Q: When you were growing up, did you have any people who stutter as role Awareness Week. However, Union models? County Library in Georgia dis- played their poster for a month! K A: Actually, that would have been great. But no. A list of Famous People Who Stutter is available at K
  • 14. 16 60 1-800-992-9392 Years of Service Swish now helps Book’s character Stuttering: For Kids, By Kids is In his latest book Cobra Strike, Spanish-speaking kids overcomes stuttering available in Spanish. author Sigmund Brouwer writes This DVD features children in- about a young man teracting with an an- who deals with his imated basketball stuttering. named Swish. “I wrote it to en- Kids re- courage kids who count how stutter, and to help they handle chal- kids who don’t face Online conference to lenges such as teas- this problem to better The 10th annual International explore stuttering ing, speaking in class understand the chal- and teaching others lenges,” Brouwer said. Stuttering Online Conference about stuttering. The book is available through the opens October 1st and climaxes Swish, a lively publisher, Orca Book Publishers, on the 22nd, the day designated and engaging char- It is also sold as International Stuttering acter designed by students at Purdue on Awareness Day. The online University, narrates the video. The conference will be open at the children who star range in age from top of the Stuttering Home Page, first grade to high school, and they, Dave Germeyer offers a repair from October 1 - 22, 2007, and is In other news... offer frank and sometimes different views of stuttering. service for the Edinburgh Masker. accessible to anyone with a con- The original version premiered Contact him via e-mail at dgerm- nection to the Internet. in 2004. Now, thanks to May, write G.D. Germeyer, 306 S. Baltimore St., K International Productions and Lisette M. Betancourt, M.A., Dillsburg, PA 17019-1011, or call This newsletter is published quarterly. 717-432-3103. Please e-mail address changes and CCC-SLP, of Miami Children’s story ideas to Hospital, the film has been re- The documentary Unspeakable leased in Spanish. is about something Winnipeg film- Volume16, Issue 2 Free streaming video of the 12- maker John Paskievich knows Jane Fraser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor minute film will soon be available firsthand: stuttering. Scot Squires . . . . . Writer/Designer online at and His production Unspeakable Patty Reed . . . . . . . . . .Proofreader The DVD explores the everyday trauma Special thanks to Joan Warner, will also be available free of charge endured by those who stutter. He Renee Shepherd, Susie Hall, Pat to all public libraries. interviews people who stutter, Hamm, Lisa Hinton, Anne and even explores treatments Edwards, Carol Ecke, and therapies. and Roberta Brugge. For more information, please The Stuttering Foundation of America is contact the National Film Board New cluttering DVD a tax-exempt organization under sec- This 42-minute DVD, written tion 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue of Canada at 800-542-2164 or now available Code and is classified as a private op- and narrated by visit erating foundation as defined in section Florence Myers, C lu tt er in g 4942(j)(3). Charitable contributions and Ph.D., Adelphi K bequests to the Foundation are tax- University, and deductible, subject to limitations under Kenneth O. St. the Code. Louis, Ph.D., West Virginia U n i v e r s i t y, features peo- ple who clutter THE STUTTERING and clearly il- THE FOUNDATION lustrates the essence of cluttering STUTTERING FOUNDATION DVD No. 9700 as well as the problems that often A Nonprofit Organization accompany it. Since 1947 — Helping Those Who Stutter Strategies and suggestions for 3100 Walnut Grove Road, Suite 603 diagnosis and treatment of clutter- P.O. Box 11749 ● Memphis, TN 38111-0749 ing are provided for speech-lan- Thanks to Rita Thurman and a helpful 1-800-992-9392 ● 1-800-967-7700 guage pathologists. staff, the SFA booth at the North Carolina Speech-Hearing-Language Association conference was a success.