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Issue18/ Summer 2010

Team Audit Report                                                                                              W      Inside this issue
Thomas Team Audit can help you build more                                                                             More about Team Audit                   2
effective teams, improve team performance and                                                                         Unlimited skills testing                3
get to the heart of team issues fast. The Teams                                                                       New look website                        3
module has been updated with a new layout,                                                                            Taylor Made partnership                 4
report and pricing structure, making Team Audit                                                                       Thomas tweets                          14
more accessible than ever.                                                                                            Seminar dates                          15
         n the turbulent economic climate improving                                                                   Features
   I     team performance and resolving team issues
         has become increasingly important.
         Team Audit offers a fast, easy way to tackle
                                                                                                                      What is a team?
                                                                                                                      Transforming the Thomas reports
                                                                                                                      A guide to effective interviewing 11-12
team issues and increase team output in order to                                                                      Using Thomas SKILLS               13-14
improve business results.                                                                                             60 second summary                    15
  Administering team audit is now faster and more
intuitive. The report is easier to interpret and the                                                                  Case studies
pricing has been simplified, with each report                                                                         Ikea                                   7-8
costing just 50 units, regardless of team size.                                                                       Yell                                    10
You can also swap team members in or out of the
team at no extra charge, so the report can be
updated if team membership changes.                                                                                Try
            Contact your Thomas consultant or email                                                                t fo to claim your free Team Audit report.*                                                  FRE r
*Offer open to UK based companies only. One report per company. Offer available until 31st August 2010.
News/ Issue18/ Summer 2010                                                                                                                                                                        2
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 Peter's message                               More about                                                                    Key benefits:
                                                                                                                                Analyses very quickly the structure of a team –
 As economic
 conditions begin to
 slowly improve for
                                               Team Audit                                                                       how it works, its strengths, limitations and the
                                                                                                                                role each individual plays within it.
                                                                                                                                Self awareness – team members become
 most businesses,                              Thomas Team Audit can help you create teams, improve                             aware, very quickly, of their own behavioural
 I’d like to thank all                         team performance, understand the strengths and limitations                       strengths and limitations as well as those of
 of our clients for                            of each team member, and resolve team conflicts.                                 their team members
 continuing to
                                                                                                                                Opens channels for communication – once team
 support Thomas                                Team Audit step by step…
                                                                                                                                members are aware of themselves and others
 through a difficult time. Hopefully,
                                                                                                                                they are able to talk more openly. People often
 we too have supported you.                    Team Create
                                                                                                                                don’t know how other members of the team
    The contents of this newsletter            First you create a behavioural profile of your ideal team. This is done
                                                                                                                                see them.
 summarise our approach - keep moving          online by selecting the main characteristics required for that team
                                                                                                                                Predicts a team’s reaction to change - so an
 and keep innovating. Our revamped             to be successful. For example you might need the team to be driven,
                                                                                                                                organisation can plan with confidence.
 Team Audit is fantastic and I urge you to     assertive, goal oriented and persuasive with a fair amount of pace.
 take advantage of our special offer of a          Our expert system will help you build a profile graph of your                Gets to the root problem very quickly - in hours
 free Team report for your company.            ideal team. You can adjust your team profile graph until you are                 rather than weeks.
    The look and feel of all our reports       happy with the description. Once your ideal team profile is                      Works with underperforming teams to identify
 has been completely overhauled and you        complete you can print a report                                                  issues and create success.
 can now customise your PPA reports by
 amending the colour and font style, or        Adding team members
 by adding your logo.                          Once your ‘ideal team’ is in place you can begin to add people to
                                                                                                                         If you are not happy with your actual team you can continue to
    Later this year watch out for a fresher,   your team. All team members (or potential team members) will
                                                                                                                         swap team members in and out at no extra charge.
 cleaner front page to our website and         need to complete a PPA to enable inclusion in the team.
                                                                                                                            Once your team is complete you can view your Team Audit report.
 check out our autumn/winter                     Selecting ‘Add member’ will display the names and PPA profiles
 programme of regional seminars on a           of all available candidates. Simply double click or drag and drop         The report
 wide range of assessment topics.              each individual into the team bar to add them to your team.               The report provides a gap analysis between your ideal and actual
    I wish you all a good summer and           To search for a specific person, or profile shape, use the pale blue      team culture and gives a ‘goodness of fit’ rating. Key team roles
 here’s to a successful second half of 2010.   search bar on the right of the screen.                                    are identified and a team role chart shows where the actual
                                                 Once all your team members are in place click ‘done’. The               team’s strengths and limitations lie. Information on each team
       Peter Farrow                            profile shape of your actual team is instantly displayed on screen,       member is provided in terms of their contribution to the team,
                  MD, UK                       along with a goodness of fit rating, and a chart showing how              how they will work within the actual team and how their
                                               team roles are distributed in the ideal vs. the actual team.              behavioural style ‘fits’ with the ideal team culture.
News/ Issue18/ Summer 2010                                                                                                                                                                             3
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  Unlimited skills testing                                                                          New look website
  from just £850!                                                                                   Coming soon…
  Thomas SKILLS offers fast, low cost online testing on a huge                                      Never ones to sit still at Thomas, the last few months have seen a lot
  range of topics.                                                                                  of new initiatives like great offers and monthly features added to the
  We are currently offering unlimited annual licenses for Thomas SKILLS from                        front end of our website.
  just £850. Use as many tests as you like, whenever you like, for 12 months.

                                                                                                              e’ve had a great response to the new content, but it has led to our site
  Tests available include:                                                                                    looking a little more unruly than we would like, as we struggle to fit
                                                                                                              everything in!
      Microsoft Office 2000,                                     Shorthand
                                                                                                    The solution is a new look and layout for the website, which will be unveiled later this
      2003 & 2007                                                Data Entry
                                                                                                    year. The new design will give us more room to tell you about news and offers, and will
      Numeracy                                                   Call Centre Listening and Keying
                                                                                                                                                                      make it easier for you
      Spelling                                                   Audio Typing
                                                                                                                                                                      to navigate around
      Secretarial                                                Email/Internet
                                                                                                                                                                      the site.
  To view the full lists of tests download our guide to Thomas SKILLS.                                                                                                    You will still log in to
                                                                                                                                                                       your Thomas account
  Online training modules are also available to help candidates get up to speed
                                                                                                                                                                       via the homepage of
  in the areas they need most help.
                                                                                                                                                                       the website and your
                                                                                                                                                                       account will not be

    Free Trial*                                                                                                                                                        affected – so once you
                                                                                                                                                                       log in everything will
    Try Thomas SKILLS for free. To start                                                                                                                               look the same.
    your trial or for more information
    click here, or speak to your consultant.

  *Offer open to UK based companies only. One trial
  account per company. Offer available until 31st August 2010.
News/ Issue18/ Summer 2010                                                                                                                                4
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Taylor Made Partnership
for Thomas International
This summer Thomas International and Taylor Made Training Solutions
are delighted to announce they have formed a strategic partnership to
strengthen their consultancy offering throughout the UK.
            aylor Made is a leading provider of training for developing people and

 T          performance, as well as IT Technical and Application training, from both
            its regional training centre in Hampshire and through its team of
            nationwide consultants.
The Taylor Made team have over ten years experience in their field, and have worked
with customers such as Baxter Healthcare, HSBC and BMW using Thomas’ Personal
Profile Analysis (PPA) as a tool. Ultimately both organisations are about one thing,
helping individuals, teams and businesses make better decisions and take action to
improve their performance. It is this fundamental business value that makes the
partnership between Taylor Made and Thomas an obvious one.
   This is an extremely strong proposition for both companies; by using Thomas’
incredibly powerful range of business tools Taylor Made has the ability and the
experience to develop them further, with the potential to have a profound impact
upon any business.
   “We are very excited to be working in partnership with an established and highly
regarded company such as Thomas. We are continuously looking to grow and                 To learn more about Taylor Made visit their website
improve our offering and this partnership will definitely give us the advantage to do
so.” Commented Miles Henson, Director of Training and Development at Taylor Made.
   Martin Reed, CEO and Chairman at Thomas International added, “We are delighted            For more information about the Thomas and
to be working with Taylor Made to offer our clients a complete assessment and
training solution. The team at Taylor Made are exceptional and the partnership
                                                                                        Taylor Made partnership contact Emma Downing on
will fulfil the demand for high quality training and development services utilising      01329 239900 or email
Thomas assessments.”
Feature/ Issue18/ Summer 2010                                                                                                                                                    5
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  What is a team?
  ‘Teams’ are a favourite subject at the moment, not least because of the
  World Cup: what gives with France – a team of gifted individuals who seem to
  be complete strangers on the pitch?; how is it possible for the ‘minnows’ of
  New Zealand to hold the ‘whales’ of Italy to a draw?; what role do managers –
  men as different as Capello and Maradona – play in team performance?
  Let’s not even talk about England.

            ut teams are also being talked   permanent teams dedicated to certain
            about because HR managers        functions or products. It’s just like the
            say that how to form and         11 players on the pitch playing a world
  manage them is one of the top issues       cup game. But, hang on a second!
  they face. Great teams deliver superior    Are the substitutes part of that team? And
  performance and, given business            the manager? And the specialist coaches?
  pressures, need to do this more quickly    And the medics? Teams are more complex
  than ever before.                          than we sometimes think. Here are a few
    So, bearing in mind the sporting         things to think about.
  background, here are some team issues          Teams cross organisational borders.      “It’s just like the 11 players on the pitch playing a world
  and tips. The first one is pretty basic…   If you’re making a major, complex            cup game. But, hang on a second! Are the substitutes
  and absolutely critical                    purchase that is going to take some
                                             time to negotiate and bed in, then a
                                                                                          part of that team? And the manager? And the specialist
  Do you know what teams you have?
                                             team will form which includes staff in       coaches? And the medics?”
  It seems fairly obvious. You form
                                             the supplier organisation and your own
  temporary teams to: create a new
                                             staff. The same is true if you’re making     both cases there are real gains to be   Teams form by themselves. Or, to put
  product; purchase and integrate a
                                             a complex sell: your staff and your          made working with those cross-          it another way, teams self-organise.
  new piece of kit; plan an organisation
                                             customers’ staff will work together, get     boundary teams to ensure they’re        Whatever managers do to structure an
  restructure or move. You have
                                             close and work towards an objective. In      performing at their best.               organisation, people will start working

                                                                                                                                                       Continued on page 6...
Feature/ Issue18/ Summer 2010                                                                                                                                                             6
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together based on mutual respect,            personalities, skills, attitudes, knowledge
                                                                                           “Our tests can be used to recruit together a suitably
interests, ways of working and simple        and motivations. Obviously a team must
liking. The bigger the team, the more        have the right characteristics to achieve     psychologically diverse team - PPA and GIA are
likely it will form sub-teams; any team      its aim (design a new power plant, come       particularly important here.”
larger than twenty people is liable to do    up with a new product idea or
this, so don’t believe the organisational    whatever) but it must have the ability        check that schedules are being met and            the most influential people in the
chart. Teams need to form and break up       to react to unforeseen circumstances or       budgets observed. Emotional intelligence is       team - the ones who influence the
quickly. Teams used to work together for     changes of plan. If everyone’s pretty         critical here. Leaders need to understand         others;
years. Given the need for more flexibility   much the same, this will be difficult.        how they affect other people and how               people who haven’t ‘got it’ and are
about focusing skills, resources and         A football team in which every player is      other people operate. Then they establish          in danger of derailing the team’s
overheads, teams are sometimes formed,       a good defender – let’s take North Korea      credibility not by laying down laws or             project.
do their work and break up in weeks.         as an example – will get so far. But they     putting up notices, but by acting in a
Any one person can be a member of many       won’t be able to react if they happen to      consistent way. This means that their           Here a 360 survey can be very useful in
teams at the same time or be a member of     go one-nil down.                              behaviour is understandable: they don’t         looking at team attitudes.
                                                                                           appear one day as a best friend, the next          There’s plenty more to say about
“Any team must consist of people with different personalities,                             as a dictator for no discernible reason.        teams – and no doubt the Ashes and
skills, attitudes, knowledge and motivations.”                                             Being able to manage your own behaviour         other sporting events of the summer -
                                                                                           is critical to any leader. That’s why it’s so   will give us further models and talking
many in the course of a year. This makes        This is one of the ways our tests are      fascinating seeing the different styles of,     points. But investigating the points
team management more difficult and           used: to recruit together a suitably          say, Capello, Maradona, Domenech as they        raised above is a good place to start.
issues like team loyalty more complex.       psychologically diverse team - PPA and        coach their teams.
   So, you need to get down and dirty and    GIA are particularly important here.
see what teams you’re actually managing         How do you get a diverse team to           Alignment
or depending on. Once you have, there are    work together: to value each other's          A primary leadership task is to ensure the
some key things you have to address.         skills and accept each other’s different      team members don’t just understand the
                                             ways of working, strengths and                teams’ aims, values and ways of behaving,
Diversity                                    weaknesses?                                   but have bought into them. This involves
This is often interpreted as the need to                                                   more than verbal agreement or nodding
reflect the population’s ethnic, gender,     Leadership                                    heads; the leader must check and recheck
religious and disability mix in your work    That’s where leadership comes in – and        that this ‘recruitment’ has happened and
force. That’s important but it’s not what    teams do need leadership as well as task      work intensively with two sub groups of
I’m talking about here. Any team must        management; they need people to bind          the team:
consist of people with different             the team together personally, not just
Case Study/ Issue18/ Summer 2010                                                                                                                                               7
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Case study:
The IKEA Contact Centre in Høje Taastrup (where the Danish HQ is situated)
handles all enquiries from customers regarding sales and complaints. This is
managed by phone, email, chat and mail. They also handle shipping for customers
who choose direct delivery.

         KEA A/S primarily uses the        changes for employees over a short
         Thomas System to develop their    period of time. Employees had begun
         employees.                        to side with their own team to the
                                           exclusion of others, believing it was
The challenge                              “our team against the rest” and “our
Kenni Toft, HR Manager at the Contact      team is better than the rest – we get
Centre explained that over time employee   much more work done.”
turnover and sickness absenteeism had         A year ago yet another Manager was      “There was a huge dividing line between the three teams in
risen above a desired level. When they     placed in charge of the Contact Centre.
investigated the problem they discovered   The new Manager had a vision of
                                                                                      the Contact Centre, which had developed over a long period.”
huge gaps between management and           breaking down the walls between the
employees. This had, in part, been         teams and decreasing employee turnover     How did IKEA address the                  suggested team coaching sessions for
caused by many changes in management       and sickness absenteeism. In addition,     challenge?                                all employees.
– there had been five new managers in      he wanted teams to start meeting the       The Contact Centre teamed up with             The approximately sixty employees
the last four years alone.                 Contact Centre ‘80/30’ efficiency goal –   Jakob Aagaard, HR Partner, IKEA           were divided into six new teams - ten
   Each manager had his or her way of      80% of incoming calls needed to be         Denmark. Jakob is a coach and certified   members in each team – and offered five
doing things, which meant a lot of         answered within 30 seconds.                user of the Thomas System. Jakob          coaching sessions over a period of three
Case Study/ Issue18/ Summer 2010                                                                                                                                                          8
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                                                                                           presented their own PPA profile, which they   What did they achieve?
                                                                                           had completed beforehand, in small groups     As a result of the coaching sessions the
                                                                                           of four and received feedback from the        walls between the original teams were
                                                                                           other group members.                          torn down. Improvements were visible
                                                                                              Then Jakob showed the PPA profiles of      across every team. Everyone had an
                                                                                           the Manager, HR Manager and Team              understanding of why:
                                                                                           Leader and gave each of them 20                  Person B snaps, when...
                                                                                           minutes to talk a little about themselves        Person C doesn’t respond straight
                                                                                           based on their profile shape.                    away, because...
                                                                                              Both the Manager and HR Manager
                                                                                           were high D and low S. The HR Manager         And each employee gained:
                                                                                           had an I-factor just above the line, while      Understanding
                                                                                           the Manager had an I-factor below the           Respect for different patterns of
                                                                                           line. Since the employee profiles consisted     behaviour
                                                                                           mostly of high S and high C this opened         Acceptance of diversity
                                                                                           their eyes to the differences between
                                                                                           their own behavioural style and that          Moreover, as a 'side effect' employee
                                                                                           of their managers.                            turnover decreased from 46% to 27%
“Differences in behavioural style had been affecting the                                      All of a sudden everyone understood        and sickness absenteeism decreased from
effectiveness of communication in general ... and the way                                  why things had been going wrong.              10.6% to 5.8% - all in just one year. Best
                                                                                           The differences in behavioural style had      of all, several months later the improved
managers and employees related to one another.”                                            been affecting the effectiveness of           figures have been maintained.
                                                                                           communication in general, the amount              A year ago less than 50% of incoming
months. It was important everyone was        the other original teams. During the first    of information being provided and the         calls were answered within the specified
mixed so they were not in the same team      sessions Jakob used conversation to           way managers and employees related            30 seconds. Today measurements show
groups as before.                            promote open discussion. The final            to one another.                               75% to 79% of all calls are answered
   Initially the employees were skeptical.   session was devoted to PPA and how this          A lot of employees made comments           within 30 seconds.
Suspicious of a hidden agenda some           could help team members understand            to the Manager and HR Manager                    Following the success of the team
resisted the sessions, but as time           and communicate with each other better        concerning their PPA profiles and the         sessions, Ikea have arranged more
progressed each employee began to open          The last session took the form of a        differences compared to employee              workshops in a different context and this
up little by little.                         workshop with employees returned to their     profiles. Most importantly there was          time the employees are responsible for
   Some employees found it very difficult    original teams. Jakob explained the DISC      complete candour, great inquisitiveness       making up the teams. They will be using
to talk in an environment where they did     factors, showed some typical profiles and     and engagement.                               PPA profiles again to help them build
not feel secure. It was incredible to see    talked through typical patterns of behavior                                                 even more effective teams.
just how little they knew the members of     for each profile. The employees then
Feature/ Issue18/ Summer 2010                                                                                                                                                                     9
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 Transforming the                                                                                                                           Did you know you can

 Thomas reports                                                                                                                          customise Thomas reports
                                                                                                                                          with your company logo?
                                                                                                                                          To add your logo, log in,
    Since October 2009 we have seen five of our key reports updated                                                                       click ‘Admin Utilities’ and
    with brand new designs and clearer layouts. This has been part of                                                                                        +
                                                                                                                                           select ‘Report Options’.
    an ongoing process to review and improve all our assessment and
    reports, to ensure we are providing you, our clients, with the very
    best assessments tools and services.                                                                                                                                                 PPA
    If you missed the changes click on the images below to view our                                                                                                                      EIQ
    latest sample reports:
                                                                                                                                                                  PPA                    360
                                                                                                                                             PPA Job Profile        Team Audit GIA
                                                                                                                                             EIQ                  360                    TST
                                                                                                                                             360                  GIA                    SKILLS
                                                                                                                                             GIA                                         JOB
                                                     11%         12%


                                               92%                                                     26%              15%
                                             68%                         57%                                 Overall
                                         86%           Overall               84%
                                                        %55                                                              47%
                                         75%                             91%

                                                                                                                                             TST                                         GIA / TST


                                               42%                     30%

                                                                                       88   15               47           96   26   65

                                                                                                                                             SKILLS                                      HJA
                                                                                                                                             JOB                  GIA / TST
                                                                                                                                             GIA / TST            HJA
Case Study/ Issue18/ Summer 2010                                                                                                                                                              10
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Case study:
Yell is a leading international directories business operating in the classified              “We were looking for an assessment that would give us robust
advertising market through printed, online and phone-based media in the                       information on mental capacity, aptitude and predict trainability.”
UK, US, Spain and Latin America.

           ell creates value by putting       explains, “During the past couple of            The Solution                                   into the sales recruitment process and set a
           buyers in touch with sellers       years the directory market has become           “We assessed around 250 existing telesales     benchmark of 50th percentile and above.
           through an integrated portfolio    increasingly fast-paced and competitive.        and field sales people using Thomas GIA.       Following CV sifting and telescreen
of simple to use, cost-effective              We needed to recruit sales people in the        The results showed a clear correlation         interviews, successful candidates were
advertising products available in print,      UK who would excel in this demanding            between employee performance and GIA           asked to complete a series of online
online and over the phone.                    environment.”                                   results, with those scoring above the 60th     assessments including Thomas GIA.
   It aims to be the best provider of            “We wanted to identify individuals who       percentile being among our top                 Individuals meeting the GIA benchmark
quality business leads in all its markets     were flexible, able to think on their feet      performers.”                                   level and other required criteria were then
and provides high-quality leads to            and capable of dealing with complex                 GIA is a measure of fluid intelligence –   invited to final stage interviews.”
advertisers through a range of channels       packaged sales, drawing on products from        the ability to reason on the spot and solve       “Using GIA has made a real difference
which include classified directories, local   across our portfolio. To do this we were        unfamiliar problems where there is no prior    to the quality of candidate we recruit. At
guides, online local search, search           looking for an assessment that would give       experience to call upon. The test is a         final interview we are seeing candidates
engines, operator assisted phone services     us robust information on mental capacity,       reliable and accurate predictor of             who have better communication skills,
and mobile-specific applications.             aptitude and predict trainability. To make it   development potential – how quickly a          understand more quickly and are keen to
                                              suitable for screening large volumes of         person can learn and retain new skills and     learn. Feedback from our sales training
The Challenge                                 candidates it also had to be quick, not         procedures.                                    course has been excellent with new recruits
Sarah Benson, Profiling Manager for           overly complex and relatively inexpensive.”         “After achieving buy-in from the senior    making sales even before training has been
Yell’s UK National Resourcing Team,                                                           decision making team we integrated GIA         completed.” Continued on page 11...
Case Study/ Feature/ Issue18/ Summer 2010                                                                                                                                             11
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...Continued “GIA has helped us take

                                               Making your mind up
away some of the hard work of inducting
new starters. Our new recruits absorb
training faster, hit the ground running

                                               A guide to effective interviewing
and start selling more quickly, which
makes life easier for Regional Managers.”
   “We have also used GIA as a selection
tool for our management development
programme. Feedback from trainers is that      We should never use one technique to make judgements about peoples’ employability: if we do we’re
participants are more inquisitive, have        likely to blunder badly. We need to see someone 20 - 30 times, in different situations, over 6 months to
greater thirst for knowledge and are           judge if they’re honest. Recruitment involves balancing accuracy against time and cost: we can’t spend
quicker to grasp what is expected of them.”    6 months deciding whether to recruit or promote a person, so we seek short cuts.
   ”As a team of recruiters being able to

                                                          Interviews are the most common ‘short cut’, yet         Cloning: ‘I want someone like me, whatever the job.’
provide a higher calibre of candidate has
                                                          unstructured interviews – going in with CVs and         Confirmation Bias: ‘I’ve made up my mind. Now where’s
raised our credibility. Implementing GIA has
                                                          asking lots of questions – are pretty awful at          the evidence to support my decision?’
moved us closer to making candidate
                                               predicting anything. Why?                                          Semmelweise Reflex: ‘That evidence doesn’t fit with MY
selection and candidate on-boarding as
                                                 First, the interviewee won’t give an accurate reflection of      view so it must be wrong.’
efficient as possible. New starters are
                                               what he or she is actually like: trying to get a real view of      Von Restorff Effect: We remember something unusual, for
beginning to sell more quickly and are
                                               someone when they’re in a strange place answering                  instance a person’s strange-shaped ears (!), forgetting he
more likely to become on-target
                                               unexpected questions doesn’t work well.                            also wore a reasonable suit, had a good degree in
performers. In the longer-term we
                                                 You – the interviewer – can distort things too. There are        engineering, spoke well, and turned up on time.
anticipate attrition will drop as candidates
                                               many cognitive or decision biases that affect your interviewing.                                             Continued on page 12...
are matched more closely with role
                                               Here are a few.
   “Our aim is to recruit candidates who
perform optimally within our organisation
                                                 The Polyanna Effect: ‘Everything will be alright’. We remember
and thus help drive company profitability.
                                                 positive rather than negative things about people
Using Thomas GIA has made a significant
                                                 The Bandwagon Effect: Groupthink. ‘Fred and Anna say it,
contribution to that goal.”
                                                 so it must be right.’
                                                 The Status Quo Effect: ‘I want things to stay the same’
                                                 or ‘it worked in the past; why change it?’
                                                 The Halo Effect: ‘This person has one great quality so
                                                 everything else must be great as well…and any piece of
                                                 evidence that denies this must be wrong.’
Feature/ Issue18/ Summer 2010                                                                                                                                                                         12
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These biases:                                                                                    6. Take brief open-ended notes
  are unconscious – we don’t control them;                                                       Make them factual. Be careful of information access issues. Do them during the
  have nothing to do with performance in a job – or we have no way of knowing                    interview, not with hindsight. Record the interview but ask first!
  if they DO have any impact on the performance in a job;                                        7. Give everyone more than one interview
  are unfair to the candidate or employee and to the organisation.                               ...with the same interviewers. Look at how consistent they are.
                                                                                                 8. Do interviews when and where you feel alert, comfortable and in control.
The upshot is that, in an unstructured interview, the interviewer is knocked around by these     Not in a rush between important meetings.
unacknowledged biases and the interviewee displays uncharacteristic behavior. To improve
interviews we need to remove these biases. This starts with deciding what an interview is for.   These improvements create more structured and controlled interviews that predict job
                                                                                                 performance better. Structured interviews can get quite sophisticated, time consuming
What are interviews for?                                                                         and require specialist skills. The ideas above will improve things without putting too
Interviews are good at finding out two things about people: their social skills and              much strain on your resources. If you want to go deeper into the area we can suggest
their general ability. These are important, but you may think you’re finding out more            more complex approaches.
things. More agreeable, socially skilled, less anxious people get better interview
ratings. These qualities may be necessary for a job, but they may not be. Do you want            Where tests fit in
someone who likes a good natter to get a job requiring focused attention on a piece              You’d expect us to ask where tests fit in… and they do. Tests like PPA and the Thomas
of complex machinery? It can be argued that:                                                     EIQ provide both structure and missing information to the recruitment or promotion
   ‘In unstructured interviews we tend to chose people who are good at interviews,               process. Most of us wouldn’t employ someone without interviewing him/her face-to-
rather than people who are good at the job we’re interviewing for.’                              face – but an interview isn’t sufficient to make such an important decision. Tests given
                                                                                                 before or after an interview can generate useful questions or check what you think
How to improve interviews                                                                        you saw. Since candidates rarely display their true personality at an interview, tests are a
An interview must be structured to achieve its aim. Here are some ways of doing this.            useful – and much more objective – second opinion. Bias in interviews is damaging.
1. Train interviewers                                                                            It can be illegal. Tests aren’t affected by the biases listed above if you chose an appropriate,
This should involve skills (asking open questions, keeping silent at least part of the           well-constructed one.
time!) and awareness of the issues that affect decisions. It’s important to practice and             Finally, tests like PPA can help you decide exactly what you’re looking for. If existing,
not just study. A good way of doing this is to work with an experienced interviewer.             successful job holders take the assessment, you can compare their results with the
2. Use more than one interviewer                                                                 candidates’. You can also analyse what’s necessary for the job using the successful people’s
Board interviewers are more accurate than one-to-ones but the interviewers need                  profiles, then develop questions which precisely investigate those critical factors.
to meet beforehand and co-ordinate their questions and approaches.                                   Other sources may help – CVs, references and application forms - but a structured
3. Ask each candidate the same question                                                          interview and a good, relevant test are a good basic way of making your mind up.
4. Make every interview the same length
5. Agree and use a rating system for interviewees responses
Write a list of desirable qualities or things you want to see and rate them – either yes/
no or out of an agreed scale (don’t make this too complicated at the start – 1-3 or
1-5 will do ). Discuss them at the end. Total them. Use them to compare candidates.
Feature/ Issue18/ Summer 2010                                                                                                                                                                     13
                                                                                                                                                                              Press esc to exit

How to use…

Thomas SKILLS is a series of over 100 online tests designed to
measure hard competences and skills such as MS Office, call centre
listening and keying, keyboard and secretarial skills as well as literacy
and numeracy.
Why would I use Thomas SKILLS?                If you have selected an existing candidate,
Thomas SKILLS is primarily a recruitment      you will see Skills Online as an option on
tool designed to help organisations select    the right hand side of the screen. Again
job candidates. The tests can help you make   you can choose to email, complete now
more informed selection decisions and         or print the assessment.
identify training needs. Thomas SKILLS can
also be used to assess the skill levels of    Step 1. Selecting exercises
people already working for you, giving you    Having chosen to run a Skills Online             Cash book and petty cash
a benchmark against which to compare          assessment you will be presented with a          Numeracy
prospective candidates, or as a development   list of exercise groups, organised               Excel 2007 Intermediate
exercise to identify any skill shortfalls.    alphabetically.                                  Word 2007 Basic                                   Step 2. Preferences
                                                  For example, the first group is                                                                In this screen you can choose how you
Getting started                               ‘Accountancy’, and within this folder are     To view a full list of tests available click here.   want the assessment to be delivered:
To access Thomas Skills log in to your        tests for operating Sage, basic
Thomas account, click the people icon         bookkeeping, cash book and petty cash,        Check the box next to each test to select               Mode: Select either ‘consecutive
and add a new candidate, or search for        and payroll.                                  it, then when you are happy with your                   exercises’ so that one exercise follows
an existing candidate. If you have added          Select the tests you would like your      choices click ‘Next’.                                   another, or ‘home screen after each’
a new candidate you will see Skills Online    candidate to take by checking the                 It is also possible to build and save               so that the home screen appears
as an option under the ‘Assessment Type’      relevant box. For example, if you were        groups of assessments for specific job                  between each test.
heading. You can choose to email,             hiring a finance administrator you might      roles to save time and ensure consistency
complete now or print the assessment.         want to choose the following tests:           when administering future tests.                     Continued on page 14...
Feature/ News/ Issue18/ Summer 2010                                                                                                                                                14
                                                                                                                                                               Press esc to exit

  Options: Select ‘unlimited use’ to        If you selected ‘consecutive exercises’ in    The report
  allow candidates to take the test
  multiple times (this is useful when
  utilising the training modules), or
                                            Step 2 then the candidate can only
                                            choose which test they tackle first – the
                                                                                          Once a test has been completed the
                                                                                          report is instantly available. A summery               Thomas
                                            other tests will follow automatically.        of the results is displayed on the screen
  ‘take once only'.                             Each test is preceded by a set of         and a full report can be obtained from
  Randomise questions: Turn this            instructions on how to complete the           your account.
  option on or off.                         test, and gives the time allowed. You            The report gives a percentage score
  Invitation type: Choose to email or       are able to print the instructions if you     and tells you the total number of
  print an invitation to complete the       wish. When the candidate has read and         questions, how many were completed
  test, or select ‘complete now’.           understood the instruction they click         correctly, incorrectly, or not attempted,
                                            ‘Start’ to begin.                             how much time was allowed and how           You can now find Thomas on
Once you are happy with your selections         Once the test has started, the time       much time was taken.                        Twitter and LinkedIn.
click ‘Update’.                             and number of questions remaining                                                         Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date
                                            is shown at the bottom of the screen.                                                     with news, special offers and events,
Step 3. Invitation                          Candidates move through the questions                                                     and read updates from CEO and
Depending on your invitation choice in      by clicking the ‘next’ button once they                                                   Chairman Martin Reed and Managing
Step 3 this page will give you the option   have selected their answer. The ‘back’                                                    Director, Peter Farrow.
to: write and send an invitation email,     button can be used to return to a
write and print a hard copy invitation,     question to check or change an answer.                                           
or click a button to ‘complete now’.            When the allotted time has expired
                                            the test will close and the results will be
The Status tab
The status tab will tell you whether an
                                            displayed on the screen. The results can
                                            be printed if you wish. If the candidate                                                                           PPA
assessment has been started or              completes the test before the allotted
completed, and allows you to view and       time has expired, the test will close                                                                              EIQ
                                                                                                                                      Join our LinkedIn group for trained PPA
print completed reports.                    automatically.                                                                            practitioners and connect with other

Completing a test
                                                                                                                                      PPA users. The group provides a forum
                                                                                                                                      for you to share ideas and seek advice
On accessing the testing system the                                                                                                   from your professional peers.
candidate will be asked to supply their                                                                                                                        GIA
contact details before proceeding to the
‘Candidate Home Screen’. This screen          Contact your consultant today to                                                                                 TST
                                                                                                                                       Go to the Thomas UK Group
shows the tests the candidate is required
to complete and allows them to choose
the order in which to proceed.
                                              find out more about                                                                                              SKILLS
News/ Issue18/ Summer 2010                                                                                                                                                                                             15
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Press esc to exit

Seminar Dates
Autumn/Winter 2010                                                                                                                                                                       second
If you are keen to develop your skills as an assessor and administrator of Thomas assessments                                                                             Don't forget to sign up for your
our programme of seminars is ideal.                                                                                                                                       free Team Audit report.
We offer free public sessions for those interested in broadening their knowledge of assessment
                                                                                                                                                                          Thomas is now on Twitter and
tools and methods, and specialist workshops just for trained PPA Practitioners to help you
                                                                                                                                                                          LinkedIn. Come and join us!
develop practical assessment skills. All seminars are run on a half-day basis, so if you are
trained why not make a day of it and attend both sessions?                                                                                                                Half day seminars on Emotional
                                                                                                                                                                          Intelligence and Conflict Resolution
            Topic                                                        Type                                           London     W Midlands   E Midlands The North      are running in September. Book
                                                                                                                                                                          your place now.
                                                                                                                                                                          Good interview technique is vital for
 AM         Introduction to                                              Public Seminar                                 14/09/10    23/09/10    02/09/10   16/09/10
            Emotional Intelligence                                                                                                                                        effective recruitment. Read ‘Making
 PM         Conflict Resolution                                          PPA Practitioner                               14/09/10    23/09/10    02/09/10   16/09/10       your mind up on’ p11 for a quick
                                                                         Development Workshop                                                                             refresher.
            October                                                                                                                                                       Thomas SKILLS offers fast,
 AM/ PPA Feedback Refresher                                              PPA Practitioner                               12/10/10                           North East     cost effective hard skills testing.
 PM                                                                                                                                                        date TBC.      Talk to your consultant for deals on
            November                                                                                                                                                      unlimited annual licenses.
 AM         Topic TBC                                                    Public Seminar                                 16/11/11    18/11/11    09/11/11   24/11/11

                                                                                                                                                                        Thomas International Ltd, Harris House
 PM         Building Effective Teams                                     PPA Practitioner                               16/11/11    18/11/11    09/11/11   24/11/11     17 West Street, Marlow, Bucks, SL7 2LS
                                                                         Development Workshop
                                                                                                                                                                        T 01628 475 366 E
© Thomas International Ltd 2010. Thomas International and the Jigsaw logo are trademarks of Thomas International Ltd.                                         

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Summer Newsletter 2010 Final

  • 1. Press esc to exit Issue18/ Summer 2010 NE Team Audit Report W Inside this issue News Thomas Team Audit can help you build more More about Team Audit 2 effective teams, improve team performance and Unlimited skills testing 3 get to the heart of team issues fast. The Teams New look website 3 module has been updated with a new layout, Taylor Made partnership 4 report and pricing structure, making Team Audit Thomas tweets 14 more accessible than ever. Seminar dates 15 n the turbulent economic climate improving Features I team performance and resolving team issues has become increasingly important. Team Audit offers a fast, easy way to tackle What is a team? Transforming the Thomas reports 5-6 9 A guide to effective interviewing 11-12 team issues and increase team output in order to Using Thomas SKILLS 13-14 improve business results. 60 second summary 15 Administering team audit is now faster and more intuitive. The report is easier to interpret and the Case studies pricing has been simplified, with each report Ikea 7-8 costing just 50 units, regardless of team size. Yell 10 You can also swap team members in or out of the team at no extra charge, so the report can be updated if team membership changes. Try Team Audi Contact your Thomas consultant or email t fo to claim your free Team Audit report.* FRE r E *Offer open to UK based companies only. One report per company. Offer available until 31st August 2010.
  • 2. News/ Issue18/ Summer 2010 2 Press esc to exit Peter's message More about Key benefits: Analyses very quickly the structure of a team – As economic conditions begin to slowly improve for Team Audit how it works, its strengths, limitations and the role each individual plays within it. Self awareness – team members become most businesses, Thomas Team Audit can help you create teams, improve aware, very quickly, of their own behavioural I’d like to thank all team performance, understand the strengths and limitations strengths and limitations as well as those of of our clients for of each team member, and resolve team conflicts. their team members continuing to Opens channels for communication – once team support Thomas Team Audit step by step… members are aware of themselves and others through a difficult time. Hopefully, they are able to talk more openly. People often we too have supported you. Team Create don’t know how other members of the team The contents of this newsletter First you create a behavioural profile of your ideal team. This is done see them. summarise our approach - keep moving online by selecting the main characteristics required for that team Predicts a team’s reaction to change - so an and keep innovating. Our revamped to be successful. For example you might need the team to be driven, organisation can plan with confidence. Team Audit is fantastic and I urge you to assertive, goal oriented and persuasive with a fair amount of pace. take advantage of our special offer of a Our expert system will help you build a profile graph of your Gets to the root problem very quickly - in hours free Team report for your company. ideal team. You can adjust your team profile graph until you are rather than weeks. The look and feel of all our reports happy with the description. Once your ideal team profile is Works with underperforming teams to identify has been completely overhauled and you complete you can print a report issues and create success. can now customise your PPA reports by amending the colour and font style, or Adding team members by adding your logo. Once your ‘ideal team’ is in place you can begin to add people to If you are not happy with your actual team you can continue to Later this year watch out for a fresher, your team. All team members (or potential team members) will swap team members in and out at no extra charge. cleaner front page to our website and need to complete a PPA to enable inclusion in the team. Once your team is complete you can view your Team Audit report. check out our autumn/winter Selecting ‘Add member’ will display the names and PPA profiles programme of regional seminars on a of all available candidates. Simply double click or drag and drop The report wide range of assessment topics. each individual into the team bar to add them to your team. The report provides a gap analysis between your ideal and actual I wish you all a good summer and To search for a specific person, or profile shape, use the pale blue team culture and gives a ‘goodness of fit’ rating. Key team roles here’s to a successful second half of 2010. search bar on the right of the screen. are identified and a team role chart shows where the actual Once all your team members are in place click ‘done’. The team’s strengths and limitations lie. Information on each team Peter Farrow profile shape of your actual team is instantly displayed on screen, member is provided in terms of their contribution to the team, MD, UK along with a goodness of fit rating, and a chart showing how how they will work within the actual team and how their team roles are distributed in the ideal vs. the actual team. behavioural style ‘fits’ with the ideal team culture.
  • 3. News/ Issue18/ Summer 2010 3 Press esc to exit Unlimited skills testing New look website from just £850! Coming soon… Thomas SKILLS offers fast, low cost online testing on a huge Never ones to sit still at Thomas, the last few months have seen a lot range of topics. of new initiatives like great offers and monthly features added to the We are currently offering unlimited annual licenses for Thomas SKILLS from front end of our website. just £850. Use as many tests as you like, whenever you like, for 12 months. W e’ve had a great response to the new content, but it has led to our site Tests available include: looking a little more unruly than we would like, as we struggle to fit everything in! Microsoft Office 2000, Shorthand The solution is a new look and layout for the website, which will be unveiled later this 2003 & 2007 Data Entry year. The new design will give us more room to tell you about news and offers, and will Numeracy Call Centre Listening and Keying make it easier for you Spelling Audio Typing to navigate around Secretarial Email/Internet the site. To view the full lists of tests download our guide to Thomas SKILLS. You will still log in to your Thomas account Online training modules are also available to help candidates get up to speed via the homepage of in the areas they need most help. the website and your account will not be Free Trial* affected – so once you log in everything will Try Thomas SKILLS for free. To start look the same. your trial or for more information click here, or speak to your consultant. *Offer open to UK based companies only. One trial account per company. Offer available until 31st August 2010.
  • 4. News/ Issue18/ Summer 2010 4 Press esc to exit Taylor Made Partnership for Thomas International This summer Thomas International and Taylor Made Training Solutions are delighted to announce they have formed a strategic partnership to strengthen their consultancy offering throughout the UK. aylor Made is a leading provider of training for developing people and T performance, as well as IT Technical and Application training, from both its regional training centre in Hampshire and through its team of nationwide consultants. The Taylor Made team have over ten years experience in their field, and have worked with customers such as Baxter Healthcare, HSBC and BMW using Thomas’ Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) as a tool. Ultimately both organisations are about one thing, helping individuals, teams and businesses make better decisions and take action to improve their performance. It is this fundamental business value that makes the partnership between Taylor Made and Thomas an obvious one. This is an extremely strong proposition for both companies; by using Thomas’ incredibly powerful range of business tools Taylor Made has the ability and the experience to develop them further, with the potential to have a profound impact upon any business. “We are very excited to be working in partnership with an established and highly regarded company such as Thomas. We are continuously looking to grow and To learn more about Taylor Made visit their website improve our offering and this partnership will definitely give us the advantage to do so.” Commented Miles Henson, Director of Training and Development at Taylor Made. Martin Reed, CEO and Chairman at Thomas International added, “We are delighted For more information about the Thomas and to be working with Taylor Made to offer our clients a complete assessment and training solution. The team at Taylor Made are exceptional and the partnership Taylor Made partnership contact Emma Downing on will fulfil the demand for high quality training and development services utilising 01329 239900 or email Thomas assessments.”
  • 5. Feature/ Issue18/ Summer 2010 5 Press esc to exit What is a team? ‘Teams’ are a favourite subject at the moment, not least because of the World Cup: what gives with France – a team of gifted individuals who seem to be complete strangers on the pitch?; how is it possible for the ‘minnows’ of New Zealand to hold the ‘whales’ of Italy to a draw?; what role do managers – men as different as Capello and Maradona – play in team performance? Let’s not even talk about England. B ut teams are also being talked permanent teams dedicated to certain about because HR managers functions or products. It’s just like the say that how to form and 11 players on the pitch playing a world manage them is one of the top issues cup game. But, hang on a second! they face. Great teams deliver superior Are the substitutes part of that team? And performance and, given business the manager? And the specialist coaches? pressures, need to do this more quickly And the medics? Teams are more complex than ever before. than we sometimes think. Here are a few So, bearing in mind the sporting things to think about. background, here are some team issues Teams cross organisational borders. “It’s just like the 11 players on the pitch playing a world and tips. The first one is pretty basic… If you’re making a major, complex cup game. But, hang on a second! Are the substitutes and absolutely critical purchase that is going to take some time to negotiate and bed in, then a part of that team? And the manager? And the specialist Do you know what teams you have? team will form which includes staff in coaches? And the medics?” It seems fairly obvious. You form the supplier organisation and your own temporary teams to: create a new staff. The same is true if you’re making both cases there are real gains to be Teams form by themselves. Or, to put product; purchase and integrate a a complex sell: your staff and your made working with those cross- it another way, teams self-organise. new piece of kit; plan an organisation customers’ staff will work together, get boundary teams to ensure they’re Whatever managers do to structure an restructure or move. You have close and work towards an objective. In performing at their best. organisation, people will start working Continued on page 6...
  • 6. Feature/ Issue18/ Summer 2010 6 Press esc to exit continued... together based on mutual respect, personalities, skills, attitudes, knowledge “Our tests can be used to recruit together a suitably interests, ways of working and simple and motivations. Obviously a team must liking. The bigger the team, the more have the right characteristics to achieve psychologically diverse team - PPA and GIA are likely it will form sub-teams; any team its aim (design a new power plant, come particularly important here.” larger than twenty people is liable to do up with a new product idea or this, so don’t believe the organisational whatever) but it must have the ability check that schedules are being met and the most influential people in the chart. Teams need to form and break up to react to unforeseen circumstances or budgets observed. Emotional intelligence is team - the ones who influence the quickly. Teams used to work together for changes of plan. If everyone’s pretty critical here. Leaders need to understand others; years. Given the need for more flexibility much the same, this will be difficult. how they affect other people and how people who haven’t ‘got it’ and are about focusing skills, resources and A football team in which every player is other people operate. Then they establish in danger of derailing the team’s overheads, teams are sometimes formed, a good defender – let’s take North Korea credibility not by laying down laws or project. do their work and break up in weeks. as an example – will get so far. But they putting up notices, but by acting in a Any one person can be a member of many won’t be able to react if they happen to consistent way. This means that their Here a 360 survey can be very useful in teams at the same time or be a member of go one-nil down. behaviour is understandable: they don’t looking at team attitudes. appear one day as a best friend, the next There’s plenty more to say about “Any team must consist of people with different personalities, as a dictator for no discernible reason. teams – and no doubt the Ashes and skills, attitudes, knowledge and motivations.” Being able to manage your own behaviour other sporting events of the summer - is critical to any leader. That’s why it’s so will give us further models and talking many in the course of a year. This makes This is one of the ways our tests are fascinating seeing the different styles of, points. But investigating the points team management more difficult and used: to recruit together a suitably say, Capello, Maradona, Domenech as they raised above is a good place to start. issues like team loyalty more complex. psychologically diverse team - PPA and coach their teams. So, you need to get down and dirty and GIA are particularly important here. see what teams you’re actually managing How do you get a diverse team to Alignment or depending on. Once you have, there are work together: to value each other's A primary leadership task is to ensure the some key things you have to address. skills and accept each other’s different team members don’t just understand the ways of working, strengths and teams’ aims, values and ways of behaving, Diversity weaknesses? but have bought into them. This involves This is often interpreted as the need to more than verbal agreement or nodding reflect the population’s ethnic, gender, Leadership heads; the leader must check and recheck religious and disability mix in your work That’s where leadership comes in – and that this ‘recruitment’ has happened and force. That’s important but it’s not what teams do need leadership as well as task work intensively with two sub groups of I’m talking about here. Any team must management; they need people to bind the team: consist of people with different the team together personally, not just
  • 7. Case Study/ Issue18/ Summer 2010 7 Press esc to exit Case study: Ikea The IKEA Contact Centre in Høje Taastrup (where the Danish HQ is situated) handles all enquiries from customers regarding sales and complaints. This is managed by phone, email, chat and mail. They also handle shipping for customers who choose direct delivery. I KEA A/S primarily uses the changes for employees over a short Thomas System to develop their period of time. Employees had begun employees. to side with their own team to the exclusion of others, believing it was The challenge “our team against the rest” and “our Kenni Toft, HR Manager at the Contact team is better than the rest – we get Centre explained that over time employee much more work done.” turnover and sickness absenteeism had A year ago yet another Manager was “There was a huge dividing line between the three teams in risen above a desired level. When they placed in charge of the Contact Centre. investigated the problem they discovered The new Manager had a vision of the Contact Centre, which had developed over a long period.” huge gaps between management and breaking down the walls between the employees. This had, in part, been teams and decreasing employee turnover How did IKEA address the suggested team coaching sessions for caused by many changes in management and sickness absenteeism. In addition, challenge? all employees. – there had been five new managers in he wanted teams to start meeting the The Contact Centre teamed up with The approximately sixty employees the last four years alone. Contact Centre ‘80/30’ efficiency goal – Jakob Aagaard, HR Partner, IKEA were divided into six new teams - ten Each manager had his or her way of 80% of incoming calls needed to be Denmark. Jakob is a coach and certified members in each team – and offered five doing things, which meant a lot of answered within 30 seconds. user of the Thomas System. Jakob coaching sessions over a period of three
  • 8. Case Study/ Issue18/ Summer 2010 8 Press esc to exit presented their own PPA profile, which they What did they achieve? had completed beforehand, in small groups As a result of the coaching sessions the of four and received feedback from the walls between the original teams were other group members. torn down. Improvements were visible Then Jakob showed the PPA profiles of across every team. Everyone had an the Manager, HR Manager and Team understanding of why: Leader and gave each of them 20 Person B snaps, when... minutes to talk a little about themselves Person C doesn’t respond straight based on their profile shape. away, because... Both the Manager and HR Manager were high D and low S. The HR Manager And each employee gained: had an I-factor just above the line, while Understanding the Manager had an I-factor below the Respect for different patterns of line. Since the employee profiles consisted behaviour mostly of high S and high C this opened Acceptance of diversity their eyes to the differences between their own behavioural style and that Moreover, as a 'side effect' employee of their managers. turnover decreased from 46% to 27% “Differences in behavioural style had been affecting the All of a sudden everyone understood and sickness absenteeism decreased from effectiveness of communication in general ... and the way why things had been going wrong. 10.6% to 5.8% - all in just one year. Best The differences in behavioural style had of all, several months later the improved managers and employees related to one another.” been affecting the effectiveness of figures have been maintained. communication in general, the amount A year ago less than 50% of incoming months. It was important everyone was the other original teams. During the first of information being provided and the calls were answered within the specified mixed so they were not in the same team sessions Jakob used conversation to way managers and employees related 30 seconds. Today measurements show groups as before. promote open discussion. The final to one another. 75% to 79% of all calls are answered Initially the employees were skeptical. session was devoted to PPA and how this A lot of employees made comments within 30 seconds. Suspicious of a hidden agenda some could help team members understand to the Manager and HR Manager Following the success of the team resisted the sessions, but as time and communicate with each other better concerning their PPA profiles and the sessions, Ikea have arranged more progressed each employee began to open The last session took the form of a differences compared to employee workshops in a different context and this up little by little. workshop with employees returned to their profiles. Most importantly there was time the employees are responsible for Some employees found it very difficult original teams. Jakob explained the DISC complete candour, great inquisitiveness making up the teams. They will be using to talk in an environment where they did factors, showed some typical profiles and and engagement. PPA profiles again to help them build not feel secure. It was incredible to see talked through typical patterns of behavior even more effective teams. just how little they knew the members of for each profile. The employees then
  • 9. Feature/ Issue18/ Summer 2010 9 Press esc to exit Transforming the Did you know you can Thomas reports customise Thomas reports with your company logo? To add your logo, log in, Since October 2009 we have seen five of our key reports updated click ‘Admin Utilities’ and with brand new designs and clearer layouts. This has been part of + select ‘Report Options’. an ongoing process to review and improve all our assessment and reports, to ensure we are providing you, our clients, with the very best assessments tools and services. PPA + If you missed the changes click on the images below to view our EIQ latest sample reports: + PPA 360 PPA Job Profile Team Audit GIA EIQ EIQ 360 TST 360 GIA SKILLS GIA JOB 11% 12% 88% TST 36% 92% 26% 15% 68% 57% Overall %65 86% Overall 84% %55 47% 96% 75% 91% TST GIA / TST 56% SKILLS 59% 15% 42% 30% 88 15 47 96 26 65 SKILLS HJA JOB JOB GIA / TST GIA / TST HJA
  • 10. Case Study/ Issue18/ Summer 2010 10 Press esc to exit Case study: Yell Yell is a leading international directories business operating in the classified “We were looking for an assessment that would give us robust advertising market through printed, online and phone-based media in the information on mental capacity, aptitude and predict trainability.” UK, US, Spain and Latin America. Y ell creates value by putting explains, “During the past couple of The Solution into the sales recruitment process and set a buyers in touch with sellers years the directory market has become “We assessed around 250 existing telesales benchmark of 50th percentile and above. through an integrated portfolio increasingly fast-paced and competitive. and field sales people using Thomas GIA. Following CV sifting and telescreen of simple to use, cost-effective We needed to recruit sales people in the The results showed a clear correlation interviews, successful candidates were advertising products available in print, UK who would excel in this demanding between employee performance and GIA asked to complete a series of online online and over the phone. environment.” results, with those scoring above the 60th assessments including Thomas GIA. It aims to be the best provider of “We wanted to identify individuals who percentile being among our top Individuals meeting the GIA benchmark quality business leads in all its markets were flexible, able to think on their feet performers.” level and other required criteria were then and provides high-quality leads to and capable of dealing with complex GIA is a measure of fluid intelligence – invited to final stage interviews.” advertisers through a range of channels packaged sales, drawing on products from the ability to reason on the spot and solve “Using GIA has made a real difference which include classified directories, local across our portfolio. To do this we were unfamiliar problems where there is no prior to the quality of candidate we recruit. At guides, online local search, search looking for an assessment that would give experience to call upon. The test is a final interview we are seeing candidates engines, operator assisted phone services us robust information on mental capacity, reliable and accurate predictor of who have better communication skills, and mobile-specific applications. aptitude and predict trainability. To make it development potential – how quickly a understand more quickly and are keen to suitable for screening large volumes of person can learn and retain new skills and learn. Feedback from our sales training The Challenge candidates it also had to be quick, not procedures. course has been excellent with new recruits Sarah Benson, Profiling Manager for overly complex and relatively inexpensive.” “After achieving buy-in from the senior making sales even before training has been Yell’s UK National Resourcing Team, decision making team we integrated GIA completed.” Continued on page 11...
  • 11. Case Study/ Feature/ Issue18/ Summer 2010 11 Press esc to exit ...Continued “GIA has helped us take Making your mind up away some of the hard work of inducting new starters. Our new recruits absorb training faster, hit the ground running A guide to effective interviewing and start selling more quickly, which makes life easier for Regional Managers.” “We have also used GIA as a selection tool for our management development programme. Feedback from trainers is that We should never use one technique to make judgements about peoples’ employability: if we do we’re participants are more inquisitive, have likely to blunder badly. We need to see someone 20 - 30 times, in different situations, over 6 months to greater thirst for knowledge and are judge if they’re honest. Recruitment involves balancing accuracy against time and cost: we can’t spend quicker to grasp what is expected of them.” 6 months deciding whether to recruit or promote a person, so we seek short cuts. ”As a team of recruiters being able to I Interviews are the most common ‘short cut’, yet Cloning: ‘I want someone like me, whatever the job.’ provide a higher calibre of candidate has unstructured interviews – going in with CVs and Confirmation Bias: ‘I’ve made up my mind. Now where’s raised our credibility. Implementing GIA has asking lots of questions – are pretty awful at the evidence to support my decision?’ moved us closer to making candidate predicting anything. Why? Semmelweise Reflex: ‘That evidence doesn’t fit with MY selection and candidate on-boarding as First, the interviewee won’t give an accurate reflection of view so it must be wrong.’ efficient as possible. New starters are what he or she is actually like: trying to get a real view of Von Restorff Effect: We remember something unusual, for beginning to sell more quickly and are someone when they’re in a strange place answering instance a person’s strange-shaped ears (!), forgetting he more likely to become on-target unexpected questions doesn’t work well. also wore a reasonable suit, had a good degree in performers. In the longer-term we You – the interviewer – can distort things too. There are engineering, spoke well, and turned up on time. anticipate attrition will drop as candidates many cognitive or decision biases that affect your interviewing. Continued on page 12... are matched more closely with role Here are a few. requirements.” “Our aim is to recruit candidates who Biases perform optimally within our organisation The Polyanna Effect: ‘Everything will be alright’. We remember and thus help drive company profitability. positive rather than negative things about people Using Thomas GIA has made a significant The Bandwagon Effect: Groupthink. ‘Fred and Anna say it, contribution to that goal.” so it must be right.’ The Status Quo Effect: ‘I want things to stay the same’ or ‘it worked in the past; why change it?’ The Halo Effect: ‘This person has one great quality so everything else must be great as well…and any piece of evidence that denies this must be wrong.’
  • 12. Feature/ Issue18/ Summer 2010 12 Press esc to exit These biases: 6. Take brief open-ended notes are unconscious – we don’t control them; Make them factual. Be careful of information access issues. Do them during the have nothing to do with performance in a job – or we have no way of knowing interview, not with hindsight. Record the interview but ask first! if they DO have any impact on the performance in a job; 7. Give everyone more than one interview are unfair to the candidate or employee and to the organisation. ...with the same interviewers. Look at how consistent they are. 8. Do interviews when and where you feel alert, comfortable and in control. The upshot is that, in an unstructured interview, the interviewer is knocked around by these Not in a rush between important meetings. unacknowledged biases and the interviewee displays uncharacteristic behavior. To improve interviews we need to remove these biases. This starts with deciding what an interview is for. These improvements create more structured and controlled interviews that predict job performance better. Structured interviews can get quite sophisticated, time consuming What are interviews for? and require specialist skills. The ideas above will improve things without putting too Interviews are good at finding out two things about people: their social skills and much strain on your resources. If you want to go deeper into the area we can suggest their general ability. These are important, but you may think you’re finding out more more complex approaches. things. More agreeable, socially skilled, less anxious people get better interview ratings. These qualities may be necessary for a job, but they may not be. Do you want Where tests fit in someone who likes a good natter to get a job requiring focused attention on a piece You’d expect us to ask where tests fit in… and they do. Tests like PPA and the Thomas of complex machinery? It can be argued that: EIQ provide both structure and missing information to the recruitment or promotion ‘In unstructured interviews we tend to chose people who are good at interviews, process. Most of us wouldn’t employ someone without interviewing him/her face-to- rather than people who are good at the job we’re interviewing for.’ face – but an interview isn’t sufficient to make such an important decision. Tests given before or after an interview can generate useful questions or check what you think How to improve interviews you saw. Since candidates rarely display their true personality at an interview, tests are a An interview must be structured to achieve its aim. Here are some ways of doing this. useful – and much more objective – second opinion. Bias in interviews is damaging. 1. Train interviewers It can be illegal. Tests aren’t affected by the biases listed above if you chose an appropriate, This should involve skills (asking open questions, keeping silent at least part of the well-constructed one. time!) and awareness of the issues that affect decisions. It’s important to practice and Finally, tests like PPA can help you decide exactly what you’re looking for. If existing, not just study. A good way of doing this is to work with an experienced interviewer. successful job holders take the assessment, you can compare their results with the 2. Use more than one interviewer candidates’. You can also analyse what’s necessary for the job using the successful people’s Board interviewers are more accurate than one-to-ones but the interviewers need profiles, then develop questions which precisely investigate those critical factors. to meet beforehand and co-ordinate their questions and approaches. Other sources may help – CVs, references and application forms - but a structured 3. Ask each candidate the same question interview and a good, relevant test are a good basic way of making your mind up. 4. Make every interview the same length 5. Agree and use a rating system for interviewees responses Write a list of desirable qualities or things you want to see and rate them – either yes/ no or out of an agreed scale (don’t make this too complicated at the start – 1-3 or 1-5 will do ). Discuss them at the end. Total them. Use them to compare candidates.
  • 13. Feature/ Issue18/ Summer 2010 13 Press esc to exit How to use… Thomas SKILLS is a series of over 100 online tests designed to measure hard competences and skills such as MS Office, call centre listening and keying, keyboard and secretarial skills as well as literacy and numeracy. Why would I use Thomas SKILLS? If you have selected an existing candidate, Thomas SKILLS is primarily a recruitment you will see Skills Online as an option on tool designed to help organisations select the right hand side of the screen. Again job candidates. The tests can help you make you can choose to email, complete now more informed selection decisions and or print the assessment. identify training needs. Thomas SKILLS can also be used to assess the skill levels of Step 1. Selecting exercises people already working for you, giving you Having chosen to run a Skills Online Cash book and petty cash a benchmark against which to compare assessment you will be presented with a Numeracy prospective candidates, or as a development list of exercise groups, organised Excel 2007 Intermediate exercise to identify any skill shortfalls. alphabetically. Word 2007 Basic Step 2. Preferences For example, the first group is In this screen you can choose how you Getting started ‘Accountancy’, and within this folder are To view a full list of tests available click here. want the assessment to be delivered: To access Thomas Skills log in to your tests for operating Sage, basic Thomas account, click the people icon bookkeeping, cash book and petty cash, Check the box next to each test to select Mode: Select either ‘consecutive and add a new candidate, or search for and payroll. it, then when you are happy with your exercises’ so that one exercise follows an existing candidate. If you have added Select the tests you would like your choices click ‘Next’. another, or ‘home screen after each’ a new candidate you will see Skills Online candidate to take by checking the It is also possible to build and save so that the home screen appears as an option under the ‘Assessment Type’ relevant box. For example, if you were groups of assessments for specific job between each test. heading. You can choose to email, hiring a finance administrator you might roles to save time and ensure consistency complete now or print the assessment. want to choose the following tests: when administering future tests. Continued on page 14...
  • 14. Feature/ News/ Issue18/ Summer 2010 14 Press esc to exit Options: Select ‘unlimited use’ to If you selected ‘consecutive exercises’ in The report allow candidates to take the test multiple times (this is useful when utilising the training modules), or Step 2 then the candidate can only choose which test they tackle first – the Once a test has been completed the report is instantly available. A summery Thomas Tweets other tests will follow automatically. of the results is displayed on the screen ‘take once only'. Each test is preceded by a set of and a full report can be obtained from Randomise questions: Turn this instructions on how to complete the your account. option on or off. test, and gives the time allowed. You The report gives a percentage score Invitation type: Choose to email or are able to print the instructions if you and tells you the total number of print an invitation to complete the wish. When the candidate has read and questions, how many were completed test, or select ‘complete now’. understood the instruction they click correctly, incorrectly, or not attempted, ‘Start’ to begin. how much time was allowed and how You can now find Thomas on Once you are happy with your selections Once the test has started, the time much time was taken. Twitter and LinkedIn. click ‘Update’. and number of questions remaining Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date is shown at the bottom of the screen. with news, special offers and events, Step 3. Invitation Candidates move through the questions and read updates from CEO and Depending on your invitation choice in by clicking the ‘next’ button once they Chairman Martin Reed and Managing Step 3 this page will give you the option have selected their answer. The ‘back’ Director, Peter Farrow. to: write and send an invitation email, button can be used to return to a write and print a hard copy invitation, question to check or change an answer. or click a button to ‘complete now’. When the allotted time has expired the test will close and the results will be The Status tab The status tab will tell you whether an displayed on the screen. The results can be printed if you wish. If the candidate PPA assessment has been started or completes the test before the allotted completed, and allows you to view and time has expired, the test will close EIQ Join our LinkedIn group for trained PPA print completed reports. automatically. practitioners and connect with other Completing a test 360 PPA users. The group provides a forum for you to share ideas and seek advice On accessing the testing system the from your professional peers. candidate will be asked to supply their GIA contact details before proceeding to the ‘Candidate Home Screen’. This screen Contact your consultant today to TST Go to the Thomas UK Group shows the tests the candidate is required to complete and allows them to choose the order in which to proceed. find out more about SKILLS JOB
  • 15. News/ Issue18/ Summer 2010 15 Press esc to exit 60 Seminar Dates Autumn/Winter 2010 second summary: If you are keen to develop your skills as an assessor and administrator of Thomas assessments Don't forget to sign up for your our programme of seminars is ideal. free Team Audit report. We offer free public sessions for those interested in broadening their knowledge of assessment Thomas is now on Twitter and tools and methods, and specialist workshops just for trained PPA Practitioners to help you LinkedIn. Come and join us! develop practical assessment skills. All seminars are run on a half-day basis, so if you are trained why not make a day of it and attend both sessions? Half day seminars on Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution Topic Type London W Midlands E Midlands The North are running in September. Book your place now. September Good interview technique is vital for AM Introduction to Public Seminar 14/09/10 23/09/10 02/09/10 16/09/10 Emotional Intelligence effective recruitment. Read ‘Making PM Conflict Resolution PPA Practitioner 14/09/10 23/09/10 02/09/10 16/09/10 your mind up on’ p11 for a quick Development Workshop refresher. October Thomas SKILLS offers fast, AM/ PPA Feedback Refresher PPA Practitioner 12/10/10 North East cost effective hard skills testing. PM date TBC. Talk to your consultant for deals on November unlimited annual licenses. AM Topic TBC Public Seminar 16/11/11 18/11/11 09/11/11 24/11/11 Thomas International Ltd, Harris House PM Building Effective Teams PPA Practitioner 16/11/11 18/11/11 09/11/11 24/11/11 17 West Street, Marlow, Bucks, SL7 2LS Development Workshop T 01628 475 366 E © Thomas International Ltd 2010. Thomas International and the Jigsaw logo are trademarks of Thomas International Ltd.