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Choosing an HTML5 player
An overview of how media engines work & benchmark
of open-source frameworks
Streaming Media West – Track D
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
1:45 to 2:30 pm
● Pioneers in hybrid video delivery systems to accompany exponential growth in OTT
● Experts in HTML5 and consultants in the transition from Flash
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Streamroot: Who are we?
And who are you?
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
I. HTML5 basics
A. Why make the transition
B. Formats, APIs, standardization
II. Delving in to the migration
A. Formats & Encoding
B. Players
C. DRMs, ads and business features
III. Choosing a player
A. Modern player architecture
B. Considerations & what to look for
C. Benchmark of open-source and proprietary options
What we’ll be talking about today.
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
IV. Examples: hls.js & dash.js
Debugging, subtitles, encryption, ads, analytics, Streamroot, ABR
V. Going from POC to production
A. What could go wrong
B. What happens after I do a POC? Workflow, fallbacks, etc.
C. Smoothly transitioning into production: QoS metrics, AB testing
D. Useful tools & links
What we’ll be talking about today.
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
I. It’s time to switch to HTML5.
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
I. HTML5 Basics
1. Media Source Extensions
• Makes HTTP adaptive streaming
possible in HMTL5
• Use JavaScript to build streams and
inject data into the video tag’s buffer
Source: W3C specs
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
I. HTML5 Basics
2. Encrypted Media Extensions
• Allows for DRMs in HMTL5
• Provides a way to interact with
content protection systems
• Plugin-free
• Common Encryption (CENC):
standardized key and encryption
methods - multiple DRMs for same
Source: W3C specs
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
I. HTML5 Basics
Source: Bitmovin
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
I. HTML5 Basics
Formats available
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
I. HTML5 Basics
Formats available
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
I. HTML5 Basics
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
II. Delving into the migration
What are you using
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
II. Delving into the migration
Formats & Encoding
Significant changes to the encoding side that can take some time
Encode to MP4 and then repackage as necessary for target platforms
Lots of packaging solutions out there: Wowza, Unified Streaming Platform, etc.
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
II. Delving into the migration
More flexible architecture, with separation between UX and media engine logic
When choosing: look at use case and feature requirements
 Section III.
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
II. Delving into the migration
Business features
DRMs: switch from token authorization to HMTL5 DRM
Ads: rewrite the ad logic in HTML5
Business logic: make sure 3rd party plugins are also compatible with HTML5
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
II. Delving into the migration
Playing HTTP streams even in an HTTPS environment is not an option in HTML5.
Changing to HTTPs can be expensive and long, depending on your CDN.
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
It’s like...
III. Player architecture
Modern player architecture
… your favorite burger.
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
It’s like...
III. Player architecture
Modern player architecture
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
III. Player architecture
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
III. Player architecture
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
III. Player architecture
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Social sharing
III. Player architecture
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Media Engine(s)
Social sharing
III. Player architecture
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Media Engine(s)
Media Engine(s)
Social sharing
III. Player architecture
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Social sharing
Media Engine(s)
Media Engine(s)
III. Player architecture
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Content decryption
Media Engine(s)
Media Engine(s)
Social sharing
III. Player architecture
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Decoder /
Content decryption
Media Engine(s)
Media Engine(s)
Social sharing
III. Player architecture
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
1. Skin - the graphic design
of your player
III. Player architecture
User Interface
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
1. Skin - the graphic design
of your player
2. UI logic - features defining
all interaction with the user
on top of video playback
Lots of plugins available, video.js for
III. Player architecture
User Interface
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
3. Business logic
*Configuration / device detection logic!
III. Player architecture
User Interface
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Sample UI workflow with authentication, channels and pre-roll advertisement
III. Player architecture
User Interface
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Easily customizable, with many plugins available for use or inspiration.
Add features as plugins/modules to the core UI base.
Create a unified user experience across browsers, even if the media engine behind it
may vary from device to device.
Check out tools such as React native, Haxe
III. Player architecture
User Interface
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
III. Player architecture
Media Engine
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
III. Player architecture
Media Engine
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
III. Player architecture
Media Engine
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
III. Player architecture
Media Engine
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
III. Player architecture
Media Engine
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
III. Player architecture
Media Engine
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Extremely important yet too often neglected.
Most often necessary to have several media engines to reach your audience.
III. Player architecture
Media Engine
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
III. Player architecture
Decoder & DRM manager
1. General criteria
- device, format and codec dependencies
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
III. What to look for
2. Custom features
- DRMs
- DVR subtitles
- QoS, etc.
3. Perfs & Quality
- startup time
- error strategies
4. Street cred, robustness, ease of use
Light-touch dev:
- Simplicity and stablity of the media engine
- Assess extensibility & ease of incorporating special features
- Media engine customization
- Events exposed
- Debugging
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Digging deeper:
- Robust yet flexible core design
- Tests and testing coverage
- community & support
III. What to look for
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
III. What’s out there?
- What follows are all GOOD options - probably the best out there.
- We’ve tried to be solely objective based on our research and experience.
- Features, support and upkeep are always changing.
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Supported by DASH-IF
Pushed & maintained by Akamai + tier-1s (BBC)
Highest visibility, big community
Lots of features and use-cases handled
Widely used in production
Huge test suite + online test page
A little bit of technical debt and complexity
Non-trivial API and customization config
H264/AAC support only
III. What’s out there?
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Built by an entire at Google: solid & smart
Performances and robustness, quick to improve
Simple to get started, good tutorials
Only one supporting WebM, VP8, VP9, open audio codecs
Good support on github and Google groups
Today lacks some features for large broadcasters
Stricter PR & features policy
No ES6 support
Fewer OVP and open-source all-in-one integrations
III. What’s out there?
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Lead by Dailymotion, built from scratch by author of Flashls
Enormous traction and visibility
Clear architecture design, easily extendable
Good robustness and debug demo, responsive support
Widely used in prod by all-in-one players + tier-1s
Not all HLS features supported yet
Some restrictions from the transmuxing & HLS: no DRMs today,
only AES128
III. What’s out there?
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Seamless Flash fallback with a MediaSource polyfill
De facto solution for HLS with VideoJS
Large community of users (Brightcove + Videojs)
In production with Brightcove with a wide range of customers
Videojs plugin: not usable without videojs
Lack of public debug tools or pages
Learning curve on providers & tech behind it
III. What’s out there?
But there are also a lot of off-the-shelf options.
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
III. What’s out there?
All available online on github:
- Media engines code
- Examples
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
IV. Examples
MSE example
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
IV. Examples
Online debug demo: debug
Videojs Ads plugin:
Ads state diagram:
Hls.js Events:
Video Events simulator:
Streamroot Clappr integration:
Strearmoot Videojs integration:
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
IV. Examples
Checks the max CapLevel
corresponding to current
player size
Frequency: every 1000 ms
IV. Examples: hls.js CapLevel
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Calculates the dropped frames
per second ratio.
If > 0.2, bans the level forever 
goes into restricted capping levels
IV. Examples: hls.js dropped frames
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
First segment is loaded from
the first level in the playlist, then
continues with normal ABR
IV. Examples: hls.js startup strat
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Before: Simple algorithm,
inspired by Android’s AVController’s ABR algo
Now: EWMA smoothing
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
IV. Examples: hls.js bandwidth est.
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
IV. Examples: hls.js abort rule
Very simple and understandable
Startup time constraint could be improved to get
the lowest level first
Handles CPU & player size constraints
Conservative BW adjustment to avoid oscillation,
with EWMA smoothing
Sound emergency abort mechanism
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
IV. Examples: hls.js sumup
1. Tweak the parameters
Dropped FPS:
capLevelOnFPSDrop: false,
fpsDroppedMonitoringPeriod: 5000,
fpsDroppedMonitoringThreshold: 0.2
capLevelToPlayerSize: false,
2. Write your own rules!
AbrController: AbrController
capLevelController: CapLevelController,
fpsController: fpsController
Bandwidth estimation:
abrEwmaFastLive: 5.0,
abrEwmaSlowLive: 9.0,
abrEwmaFastVoD: 4.0,
abrEwmaSlowVoD: 15.0,
abrEwmaDefaultEstimate: 500000,
abrBandWidthFactor: 0.8,
abrBandWidthUpFactor: 0.7,
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
IV. Examples: hls.js how to improve
Online debug page:
Dash.js metrics & events:
Dash.js ABR logic:
Streamroot Videojs integration:
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
IV. Examples: Dash.js
Source: DASH-IF, Maxdome
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
IV. Examples: Dash.js
Smoothes bandwidth No quantization of bitrates
Segment abort mechanism to avoid buffering during
network drops
Doesn’t handle CPU & Player size constraints
Rich buffer threshold to avoid BW oscillations
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
IV. Examples: Dash.js sumup
1. Tweak the Parameters
2. Write your own rules
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
IV. Examples: Dash.js how to improve
Other media engines
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
IV. Examples
What could go wrong?
- - Encoding
- - DRMs
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
V. The Path to Production!
I did a POC. Now what?
- - Do you need a Flash Fallback?
- - Moving the UX to HTML5
- - Build the media engine extendable architecture (providers)
- - Fallback alternatives
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
V. The Path to Production!
Making a smooth transition.
- - HTML5 player rollout
- - Playback & QoS Metrics
- - AB Testing!
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
V. The Path to Production!
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
V. The Path to Production!
AB testing pipeline: General workflow
Many options based on your requirements: open-source, proprietary, Cloud...
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
V. The Path to Production!
AB testing pipeline: What to chose from
Message broker /
stream processor
Storage + possible
BI/viz tools Advanced analytics
Kafka (Kinesis) Druid Caravel R
RabbitMQ InfluxDB Grafana Matlab
ActiveMQ Cassandra (DynamoDB) Tableau
PostGresSQL QlikView
ElasticSearch Kibana
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
V. The Path to Production!
AB testing pipeline: General setup
Client AB testing methods:
1) Dynamic Config Injection
2) Different builds with a reverse proxy
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
V. The Path to Production!
AB testing pipeline: General setup
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
V. The Path to Production!
AB testing pipeline: Config injection
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
V. The Path to Production!
AB testing pipeline: Config injection
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
V. The Path to Production!
AB testing pipeline: Dynamic config injection
Simple & easy splits
Separate - fast to deploy & rollback
Limited scope
Complications in code
Need to handle scaling & high availability
Async implementation!
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
V. The Path to Production!
AB testing pipeline: Different builds with reverse proxy
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Serve very different (major) versions of player
Perfect for rolling out new features smoothly
(10% then 30% then...)
Good CI/CD necessary to roll out new
versions quickly
Heavy stack to maintain and scale
Make sure the file request is not slower!
Single point of failure!
V. The Path to Production!
AB testing pipeline: Different builds with reverse proxy
How much time does it take?
The build vs. buy tradeoff.
- Do I have the internal resources to develop,
integrate, customize and maintain?
- Are the features I need already available in
off-the-shelf and/or open-source solutions?
Consider time to market.
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
V. The Path to Production!
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Nikolay Rodionov, Co-Founder and CPO,
Erica Beavers, Head of Partnerships,
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
Get in touch!
We’d like to send out a huge thanks to Ludovic Bostral and Benjamin Pott from
Afrostream for letting us borrow their burger analogy. Without them this talk would not
have been half as juicy.
(Also their platform rocks!)
Infinite scale, limitless delivery.

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2016 Streaming Media West: Transitioning from Flash to HTML5

  • 1. Choosing an HTML5 player An overview of how media engines work & benchmark of open-source frameworks Streaming Media West – Track D Tuesday, May 10, 2016 1:45 to 2:30 pm
  • 2. ● Pioneers in hybrid video delivery systems to accompany exponential growth in OTT traffic ● Experts in HTML5 and consultants in the transition from Flash Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Streamroot: Who are we?
  • 3. And who are you? Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
  • 4. I. HTML5 basics A. Why make the transition B. Formats, APIs, standardization II. Delving in to the migration A. Formats & Encoding B. Players C. DRMs, ads and business features D. HTTPs III. Choosing a player A. Modern player architecture B. Considerations & what to look for C. Benchmark of open-source and proprietary options What we’ll be talking about today. Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
  • 5. IV. Examples: hls.js & dash.js Debugging, subtitles, encryption, ads, analytics, Streamroot, ABR V. Going from POC to production A. What could go wrong B. What happens after I do a POC? Workflow, fallbacks, etc. C. Smoothly transitioning into production: QoS metrics, AB testing D. Useful tools & links What we’ll be talking about today. Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
  • 6. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. I. It’s time to switch to HTML5.
  • 7. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. I. HTML5 Basics APIs 1. Media Source Extensions • Makes HTTP adaptive streaming possible in HMTL5 • Use JavaScript to build streams and inject data into the video tag’s buffer Source: W3C specs
  • 8. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. I. HTML5 Basics APIs 2. Encrypted Media Extensions • Allows for DRMs in HMTL5 • Provides a way to interact with content protection systems • Plugin-free • Common Encryption (CENC): standardized key and encryption methods - multiple DRMs for same file Source: W3C specs
  • 9. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. I. HTML5 Basics APIs Source: Bitmovin
  • 10. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. I. HTML5 Basics Formats available HDS
  • 11. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. I. HTML5 Basics Formats available Source:
  • 12. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. I. HTML5 Basics Standardization CMAF…!
  • 13. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. II. Delving into the migration What are you using today?
  • 14. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. II. Delving into the migration Formats & Encoding Significant changes to the encoding side that can take some time Encode to MP4 and then repackage as necessary for target platforms Lots of packaging solutions out there: Wowza, Unified Streaming Platform, etc.
  • 15. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. II. Delving into the migration Players More flexible architecture, with separation between UX and media engine logic When choosing: look at use case and feature requirements  Section III.
  • 16. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. II. Delving into the migration Business features DRMs: switch from token authorization to HMTL5 DRM Ads: rewrite the ad logic in HTML5 Business logic: make sure 3rd party plugins are also compatible with HTML5
  • 17. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. II. Delving into the migration HTTPS Beware! Playing HTTP streams even in an HTTPS environment is not an option in HTML5. Changing to HTTPs can be expensive and long, depending on your CDN.
  • 18. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. It’s like... III. Player architecture Modern player architecture
  • 19. … your favorite burger. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. It’s like... III. Player architecture Modern player architecture
  • 20. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. UI III. Player architecture
  • 21. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Skin UI III. Player architecture
  • 22. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Skin Ads Authentication UI III. Player architecture
  • 23. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Skin Ads Playlists Authentication UI Social sharing III. Player architecture
  • 24. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Skin Ads Playlists Authentication UI Media Engine(s) Social sharing III. Player architecture
  • 25. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Skin Ads Playlists Authentication Media Engine(s) UI Media Engine(s) Social sharing III. Player architecture
  • 26. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Skin Ads Playlists Authentication Social sharing Media Engine(s) UI Media Engine(s) Playback & DRM III. Player architecture
  • 27. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Skin Ads Playlists Authentication Content decryption module Media Engine(s) DRM Manager UI Media Engine(s) Playback & DRM Social sharing III. Player architecture
  • 28. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Skin Ads Playlists DRM Manager Decoder / Renderer Authentication Content decryption module Media Engine(s) UI Media Engine(s) Playback & DRM Social sharing III. Player architecture
  • 29. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. 1. Skin - the graphic design of your player III. Player architecture User Interface
  • 30. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. 1. Skin - the graphic design of your player 2. UI logic - features defining all interaction with the user on top of video playback Lots of plugins available, video.js for example III. Player architecture User Interface
  • 31. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. 3. Business logic Authentication Payment Ads *Configuration / device detection logic! III. Player architecture User Interface
  • 32. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Sample UI workflow with authentication, channels and pre-roll advertisement III. Player architecture User Interface
  • 33. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Easily customizable, with many plugins available for use or inspiration. Add features as plugins/modules to the core UI base. Create a unified user experience across browsers, even if the media engine behind it may vary from device to device. Check out tools such as React native, Haxe III. Player architecture User Interface
  • 34. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. III. Player architecture Media Engine
  • 35. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. III. Player architecture Media Engine
  • 36. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. III. Player architecture Media Engine
  • 37. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. III. Player architecture Media Engine
  • 38. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. III. Player architecture Media Engine
  • 39. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. III. Player architecture Media Engine
  • 40. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Extremely important yet too often neglected. Most often necessary to have several media engines to reach your audience. III. Player architecture Media Engine
  • 41. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. III. Player architecture Decoder & DRM manager
  • 42. 1. General criteria - device, format and codec dependencies Infinite scale, limitless delivery. III. What to look for 2. Custom features - DRMs - DVR subtitles - QoS, etc. 3. Perfs & Quality - startup time - ABR - error strategies 4. Street cred, robustness, ease of use
  • 43. Light-touch dev: - Simplicity and stablity of the media engine - Assess extensibility & ease of incorporating special features - Media engine customization - Events exposed - Debugging Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Digging deeper: - Robust yet flexible core design - Tests and testing coverage - community & support III. What to look for
  • 44. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. III. What’s out there? Disclaimer! - What follows are all GOOD options - probably the best out there. - We’ve tried to be solely objective based on our research and experience. - Features, support and upkeep are always changing.
  • 45. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. PROs Supported by DASH-IF Pushed & maintained by Akamai + tier-1s (BBC) Highest visibility, big community Lots of features and use-cases handled Widely used in production Huge test suite + online test page CONs A little bit of technical debt and complexity Non-trivial API and customization config H264/AAC support only III. What’s out there?
  • 46. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. PROs Built by an entire at Google: solid & smart Performances and robustness, quick to improve Simple to get started, good tutorials Only one supporting WebM, VP8, VP9, open audio codecs Good support on github and Google groups CONs Google-centric Today lacks some features for large broadcasters Stricter PR & features policy No ES6 support Fewer OVP and open-source all-in-one integrations III. What’s out there?
  • 47. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. PROs Lead by Dailymotion, built from scratch by author of Flashls Enormous traction and visibility Clear architecture design, easily extendable Good robustness and debug demo, responsive support Widely used in prod by all-in-one players + tier-1s CONs Not all HLS features supported yet Some restrictions from the transmuxing & HLS: no DRMs today, only AES128 III. What’s out there?
  • 48. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. PROs Seamless Flash fallback with a MediaSource polyfill De facto solution for HLS with VideoJS Large community of users (Brightcove + Videojs) In production with Brightcove with a wide range of customers CONs Videojs plugin: not usable without videojs Lack of public debug tools or pages Learning curve on providers & tech behind it III. What’s out there?
  • 49. But there are also a lot of off-the-shelf options. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. III. What’s out there?
  • 50. All available online on github: Contains: - Media engines code - Examples Infinite scale, limitless delivery. IV. Examples
  • 52. Online debug demo: debug Videojs Ads plugin: Ads state diagram: Hls.js Events: Video Events simulator: Streamroot Clappr integration: Strearmoot Videojs integration: Infinite scale, limitless delivery. IV. Examples
  • 53. Checks the max CapLevel corresponding to current player size Frequency: every 1000 ms IV. Examples: hls.js CapLevel Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
  • 54. Calculates the dropped frames per second ratio. If > 0.2, bans the level forever  goes into restricted capping levels fpsDroppedMonitoringThreshold fpsDroppedMonitoringPeriod IV. Examples: hls.js dropped frames Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
  • 55. First segment is loaded from the first level in the playlist, then continues with normal ABR rule. IV. Examples: hls.js startup strat Infinite scale, limitless delivery.
  • 56. Before: Simple algorithm, inspired by Android’s AVController’s ABR algo Now: EWMA smoothing Infinite scale, limitless delivery. IV. Examples: hls.js bandwidth est.
  • 58. STRONG POINTS COULD BE IMPROVED Very simple and understandable Startup time constraint could be improved to get the lowest level first Handles CPU & player size constraints Conservative BW adjustment to avoid oscillation, with EWMA smoothing Sound emergency abort mechanism Infinite scale, limitless delivery. IV. Examples: hls.js sumup
  • 59. 1. Tweak the parameters Dropped FPS: capLevelOnFPSDrop: false, fpsDroppedMonitoringPeriod: 5000, fpsDroppedMonitoringThreshold: 0.2 PlayerSize: capLevelToPlayerSize: false, 2. Write your own rules! AbrController: AbrController capLevelController: CapLevelController, fpsController: fpsController Bandwidth estimation: abrEwmaFastLive: 5.0, abrEwmaSlowLive: 9.0, abrEwmaFastVoD: 4.0, abrEwmaSlowVoD: 15.0, abrEwmaDefaultEstimate: 500000, abrBandWidthFactor: 0.8, abrBandWidthUpFactor: 0.7, Infinite scale, limitless delivery. IV. Examples: hls.js how to improve
  • 60. Online debug page: player/index.html Dash.js metrics & events: Dash.js ABR logic: Streamroot Videojs integration: Infinite scale, limitless delivery. IV. Examples: Dash.js
  • 61. Source: DASH-IF, Maxdome Infinite scale, limitless delivery. IV. Examples: Dash.js
  • 62. STRONG POINTS COULD BE IMPROVED Smoothes bandwidth No quantization of bitrates Segment abort mechanism to avoid buffering during network drops Doesn’t handle CPU & Player size constraints Rich buffer threshold to avoid BW oscillations Infinite scale, limitless delivery. IV. Examples: Dash.js sumup
  • 63. 1. Tweak the Parameters ThroughputRule: AVERAGE_THROUGHPUT_SAMPLE_AMOUNT_LIVE = 2; AVERAGE_THROUGHPUT_SAMPLE_AMOUNT_VOD = 3; AbandonRequestRule: GRACE_TIME_THRESHOLD = 500; ABANDON_MULTIPLIER = 1.5; 2. Write your own rules BufferOccupancyRule: RICH_BUFFER_THRESHOLD = 20 Infinite scale, limitless delivery. IV. Examples: Dash.js how to improve
  • 65. What could go wrong? - - Encoding - - DRMs - - HTTPS Infinite scale, limitless delivery. V. The Path to Production!
  • 66. I did a POC. Now what? - - Do you need a Flash Fallback? - - Moving the UX to HTML5 - - Build the media engine extendable architecture (providers) - - Fallback alternatives Infinite scale, limitless delivery. V. The Path to Production!
  • 67. Making a smooth transition. - - HTML5 player rollout - - Playback & QoS Metrics - - AB Testing! Infinite scale, limitless delivery. V. The Path to Production!
  • 68. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Streamroot workflow V. The Path to Production! AB testing pipeline: General workflow
  • 69. Many options based on your requirements: open-source, proprietary, Cloud... Infinite scale, limitless delivery. V. The Path to Production! AB testing pipeline: What to chose from Message broker / stream processor Storage + possible query/visualization BI/viz tools Advanced analytics Kafka (Kinesis) Druid Caravel R RabbitMQ InfluxDB Grafana Matlab ActiveMQ Cassandra (DynamoDB) Tableau PostGresSQL QlikView ElasticSearch Kibana
  • 70. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. V. The Path to Production! AB testing pipeline: General setup
  • 71. Client AB testing methods: 1) Dynamic Config Injection 2) Different builds with a reverse proxy Infinite scale, limitless delivery. V. The Path to Production! AB testing pipeline: General setup
  • 72. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. V. The Path to Production! AB testing pipeline: Config injection
  • 73. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. V. The Path to Production! AB testing pipeline: Config injection
  • 74. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. V. The Path to Production! AB testing pipeline: Dynamic config injection PROs Simple & easy splits Separate - fast to deploy & rollback Scalable CONs Limited scope Complications in code Need to handle scaling & high availability WARNING Async implementation!
  • 75. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. V. The Path to Production! AB testing pipeline: Different builds with reverse proxy
  • 76. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. PROs Serve very different (major) versions of player Perfect for rolling out new features smoothly (10% then 30% then...) CONs Good CI/CD necessary to roll out new versions quickly Heavy stack to maintain and scale WARNING Make sure the file request is not slower! Single point of failure! V. The Path to Production! AB testing pipeline: Different builds with reverse proxy
  • 77. How much time does it take? The build vs. buy tradeoff. - Do I have the internal resources to develop, integrate, customize and maintain? - Are the features I need already available in off-the-shelf and/or open-source solutions? Consider time to market. Infinite scale, limitless delivery. V. The Path to Production!
  • 79. Nikolay Rodionov, Co-Founder and CPO, Erica Beavers, Head of Partnerships, Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Get in touch!
  • 80. We’d like to send out a huge thanks to Ludovic Bostral and Benjamin Pott from Afrostream for letting us borrow their burger analogy. Without them this talk would not have been half as juicy. (Also their platform rocks!) Infinite scale, limitless delivery. Credits

Editor's Notes

  1. @charlo - Eurosport video player example that we used in blog
  2. @charlo - Eurosport video player example that we used in blog
  3. @charlo - Eurosport video player example that we used in blog
  4. Authentication Payment Channels / Playlists Configuration logic / device detection A/B testing logic Ads
  5. Manifest parser & interpreter Downloader Streaming engine Quality metrics estimators ABR controller DRM manager (optional) Transmuxer (optional)
  6. Manifest parser & interpreter Downloader Streaming engine Quality metrics estimators ABR controller DRM manager (optional) Transmuxer (optional)
  7. Manifest parser & interpreter Downloader Streaming engine Quality metrics estimators ABR controller DRM manager (optional) Transmuxer (optional)
  8. Manifest parser & interpreter Downloader Streaming engine Quality metrics estimators ABR controller DRM manager (optional) Transmuxer (optional)
  9. Manifest parser & interpreter Downloader Streaming engine Quality metrics estimators ABR controller DRM manager (optional) Transmuxer (optional)
  10. Manifest parser & interpreter Downloader Streaming engine Quality metrics estimators ABR controller DRM manager (optional) Transmuxer (optional)
  11. @charlo shéma. (i’ll have to find it…)
  12. Checks the max CapLevel corresponding to current player size Every 1000ms. You can also add up manual level caps on initialization. If the cap level is bigger that the last one (which means the player size has grown, like in Fullscreen for exemple), then you flush the current buffer and ask for a new quality right away (force the buffer)
  13. Calculates the dropped frames per second ratio. If it is > 0.2, bans the level for ever => goes into restricated levels Not activated in production! fpsDroppedMonitoringThreshold fpsDroppedMonitoringPeriod
  14. First segment always from the lowest quality, then it continues with normal rule (very simple simple rule in practice!) Another optimization is just to load this level (and playlist), and don’t wait for the other levels to have been loaded
  15. Simple algorithm,
  16. One of the most important ones here What happens if you started a request and then BW drops ? Especially important when you ahve long fragments, this can very easily lead to a buffer underrun! After Half of the needed time, compare the estimate time of arrival to time of buffer underrun. And then see if there is another level that could solve the issue?
  17. Pros: Simple implementation, taking into account a lot of different params Works as good as the other implementation at Dailymotion! (alshls, android, iPhone… etc) Cons: Still Naive bandwidth estimation => possible overestimation, and possible oscillation around bitrates? We can do a lot of improvements on bandwidth estimation! difficult to correlate a unique segment download time to the real device’s available bandwidth, for several reasons: You can have very quick bandwidth changes, especially on a mobile network, as well as unexpected bandwidth drops The requests can be living in parallel with other TCP request (HTTP or any other on the user’s device) This can lead to frequent estimation oscillations!
  18. The different static constants more for you use-case? You can play with them You can also easily build your own rule! Here is an example on Github? First explain how to do that?
  19. DASH.Js has 4 different Rules ThroughputRule  calculates bandwidth with some smoothing! No real quantizing (have a real estimate and no other values) AbandonRequestsRule  cancels if takes more than 1.5x of donwload  BufferOccupancyRule to now go down if buffer large enough (RICH BUFFER TRESHOLD) InsufficientBufferRule  au tas
  20. You can easily take the best out of hls.js here! Write a player size rule, a FPS drop rule… change the Abandonrate rule! It’s all very easy to do!
  21. Maybe add conditional inputs here? Customer, Stream, User-agent, etc?
  22. probably put the logos un peu plus bas? and shema plus gros (don’t see the text in the middle)