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Strategic Planning Foundations
By: Mike Figliuolo
Kelby Schwender
Dr. Plummer
BA 422W - Strategic Business Planning
Before You Begin Planning
Understanding the
principles of strategic
● A Strategic plan, essentially, explains what your
organization stands for. Strategic plan describes
the type of market that your business competes
in and how you compete in this market. Strategic
planning will help you define goals for your
company that you pursue and how you will go
about achieving those goals.
● Strategic planning provides focus
● There are three principles of strategic planning:
1. Set a clear direction and stay in your lave
2. Say no to distractions
3. Make sure you diversify your bets
Avoiding major
strategic planning
● Lots of time and energy go into strategic
planning and it is essentially a high resource type
of exercise for companies
● There are three things a company can watch for
when trying to avoid major strategic planning
1. Initiative proliferation
2. Thinking to small
3. Thinking to big
● When a company is strategic planning they must
make sure they set a direction for the company,
pursue initiatives, add value to the company and
reach the desired destination without too much
risk and hassel
Strategic planning
process: Overview
● There are six steps to ensure that the strategic
planning process of a company is completed
efficiently and effectively
1. Set a direction and stay in that lane
2. Define strategic filters
3. Say no to any and all distractions
4. Draw a line- identify your top and bottom
initiatives and resource them appropriately
5. Diversify the portfolio of your initiatives
6. Executive your strategic plan
● Remember to work with your initiatives that are
“above” the line and that you have resources for
Strategic planning
process: Tactical
● A company must remember that even though as
a team you are strategically planning, individuals
are still going to be off doing their own work but
that is OK because later the team will come back
together to work on the “vision, mission, and
guiding principles”
○ This process may happen multiple times
during the strategic planning process
Defining the Strategic Environment
Assessing the market
● To begin the strategic planning process,
businesses need to make sure they assess the
marketing in which they will competing in
● According to Dr. Michael Porter “there is a set of
five forces to evaluate all the different dynamics
that can affect your business which will in turn
allow you to be able to identify where the major
threats and opportunities are that your business
1. “Look at competitive rivalry”
2. “Look at the threats of new entry”
3. “Look at the threat of substitution”
4. “Evaluate buyer power”
5. “Look at supplier power”
Conduct a SWOT
● SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
and Threats
○ Strength & Weakness = These are
typically in your business, capabilities that
your business may have or do not have
○ Opportunities & Threats = These can
either be internal or external “market-
facing opportunities”
● A SWOT analysis is essential where your
business team will brainstorm and discuss ideas
Extracting insight
from a SWOT
● Once a SWOT analysis has been conducted, a
business should now sit down and reevaluate and
analyze the ideas and discussions that were had.
This is the time to “synthesize ideas and look for
major themes that emerge from the SWOT
Setting Your Strategic Direction
Defining the direction
● One of the steps in the strategic planning process
is to set a direction for the business and when
setting the direction there are four elements to
help with doing so:
1. Articulate the businesses mission
2. Articulate the businesses vision
3. Articulate the businesses guiding
4. Articulate the businesses goals
● Following these four elements and setting a
direction for the business allows for clarify as to
where the business will be in the future, near or
Creating a mission
● A business must articulate the mission
● Essentially a mission is by the business exists
● Ultimately a mission should “be a cultural
reflection of the businesses values, beliefs, and
the philosophy of the business”
● A mission must be well organized,
understandable, brief, and clear; it should make
people excited
Defining the
organizational vision
● A business must articulate a vision
● Essentially a vision is a clear image of where you
want be as a business in the coming years (3-5
● A vision should get people in the business and
outside of the business excited for what is to
Refining the mission
and vision
● Refining the mission and vision of the business is an
essential part in setting the direction of the business;
this is where the real planning comes
● As Mike Figliuolo states:
○ “Get the right people into the room. Create
another brainstorming session. Pass out to
everyone what exists today. Have individuals
identify things that they like and don't like
about what currently is in place. Pass out the
SWOT analysis and Porter’s five forces so
individuals can understand the ricks,
opportunities, and threats of the business. Now
continue to have in depth conversations as to
what can happen next for the business.”
○ “So when you go through this exercise, just
capture all the ideas, good, bad and ugly, then
step back, look for the synthesis, look for the
common themes, and hammer it out into a
clear, crisp, compelling vision and mission
Guiding principles
and goals
● Guiding principles essentially dictates how you
want the business to behave at all times
● When speaking of setting goals for a business it
means that you are going to set out those metrics
that after years pass will allow your business to
look back and say “yes, we have achieved these
● By the business articulating the principles and
goals, the business has the ability to drive the
company in the right direction
Determining How You’ll Compete
Core competencies
● A business needs to determine whether they will
compete or not
● It is essential that a business look at and
understand their core competencies; these are
things that business is good at
○ “Quality of product, ability to innovate,
efficiency in your supply chain, strength of
your brands, technology infrastructure”
Focusing with core
● Once a business has identified their core
competencies, it should move to looking at the
initiatives that they are thinking of pursuing and
determine what their approach will look like
● Reminder, a businesses core competency “is the
quality of their product from low to high in terms
of the relevance of the competency in whatever
initiative they are thinking about pursuing”
● “As you look at your organization’s core
competencies and understand what you’re great
at, you can then use that to look at any
opportunity you’re thinking about pursuing, be it
a new product, a new market, or a new initiative,
and plotting on this grid to determine what your
initial approach to that opportunity should be.
And that will then help you prioritize the
initiatives you think about pursuing, and the ones
that you don’t.”
Evaluating and Prioritizing Opportunities
strategic filters
● In order to identify a businesses high- and low-
priority initiatives, there must be “a common set
of criteria that everyone across the organization
is going to use to conduct the evaluations;” these
are strategic filters
● A business should create a consistent set of
filters because this allows for companies to
quickly evaluate their initiatives and help the
company stay on the path that they desire to
reach their goals.
Creating strategic
● When creating your strategic filters, the process
to do so is similar in the way that you create your
businesses vision and mission
● “Look at your vision, your mission you goals and
your guiding principles because those are all
going to be filters that help keep you going in the
right direction.”
● Look for quantitative and quantitative filters;
filters can either be hard or soft
● “Whittle it down to those six to 10 themes, and
start with them as your initial set of strategic
filters for evaluating your list of initiatives”
● “A hard filter is if the initiative passes that filter, it stays in the
process. If it fails, it is immediately dead”
● “A soft filter is something where you’re evaluating it from a low to
a high scale. And you're determining if it's high on that filter, it's
highly attractive, and if it's low, it's just going to move it down on
the priority list.”
Applying strategic
● When a company is getting ready to apply the
strategic filters it is best for leaders to assign
“homework” to employees so the strategic
planning process can continue on
● “As you ask your people to apply the strategic
filters, give them the best understanding you can
of what the filter means, assign very specific
initiatives for them to evaluate. Give them a
deadline to come back with that evaluation, and
make sure they document their rationale. And
when they do so, you'll be well prepared in
future steps to compare all the initiatives in your
Comparing and
prioritizing initiatives
● When a company is strategic planning it is
important to remember that this planning process
is about focus and prioritization. This focus and
prioritization allows your business to properly
allocate very limited resources to the highest
potential initiatives that your business may
● While a company may start with many
initiatives, during the process it is best to
compare and analyze the businesses initiative
Conducting deep
analysis of high
priority ideas
● Assign initiatives to individuals to conduct deep analysis of high
priority ideas
○ It is suggested that a “homework list is created for the
individuals to do the following (plus some) :
■ Provide a description of what the initiative is
■ Identify what the value of the proposition is of doing
that project
■ Identify who the customer’s going to be
■ Identify the point of differentiation
■ Identify which competitors this initiative could
■ Look at the resources that will be required to
implement this initiative
■ Think about external partners or vendors
■ Take a look at milestones and put together your best
guess for when you’ll have market validation of
your initiative, when you’ll have the indrasture
scoped and built, when you’re going to test itm
when you expect it to launch
■ Define the owner, categorize the opportunity type
■ Identify the market you're going to impact with this
■ Financial analysis
Drawing the line
● “Once you have your priorities and you understand the
resources required, you need to go through an exercise
called "Drawing the Line." And that's saying, "I have a
finite pool of resources "that I can use. "And when I run
out of those resources, "I should not be pursuing any
initiatives "that are below that line." Because it's going to
dilute my efforts and reduce my possibility of success.”
● “As you look at your prioritization list and you have them
sorted from highest to lowest and you understand the
resources that will be required to pursue that initiative,
work your way down from the top of the list and be
disciplined about stopping when you run out of that
limiting resource so you can focus on your highest priority
initiatives, get them executed successfully, and then move
further down your list.”
According to Mike Figliuolo
Assessing Your Initiative Portfolio
Applying the 2x2
● A 2x2 matrix is a tool that can help businesses
prioritize their initiatives
● A 2x2 matrix is when a business “looks at two
objective functions that the organization has and
plots them against one another, and then place
your initiatives on the grid”
● “As you’re conducting your strategic planning
process, take your initiatives, think about the
objectives that are most important to your
business, plot your initiatives, and that should
help confirm what your priority list is”
Creating multiple
diversification views
● When you are trying to drive multiple objective
functions it makes strategic planning a little more
● “Once you have a list of initiatives and you’ve
prioritized them, go back to your strategic
objectives, build some 2x2 matrices, and look at
the portfolio through multiple lenses. And when
you see it unbalanced, spend some time
rebalancing that list of initiatives so you can
drive all your strategic objectives at the same
Assessing initiatives
over time
● When businesses are looking over their portfolio
of initiatives, they need to think about how does
it change over time because essentially these
initiatives are going to get your business where
you want
● “As you look at your portfolio, it’s important to
look beyond this year’s financial impact. You
have to appreciate the role that those smaller
initiatives are going to play in your future, and be
able to prioritize and reallocate resources for the
initiative portfolio to achieve your overall
Organizing for Success
Planning resources
● Once a business has made a prioritization list and
has defined which initiatives they are going to
pursue and in which sequence they will pursue
them, it is now time to allocate resources
● “Once you’ve defined the right organization
structure with the right set of capabilities to
pursue that strategy, then you identify your
human resource needs to fill the boxes on that
correct organization chart. When you do resource
planning this way, you’re going to find you’ll
swap out talent, you may move people from one
team to another, you'll identify hiring gaps that
you need to fill, because you need a certain set of
capabilities to deliver on this strategy. And once
you’ve done that, then you can go from aligning
big corporate goals all the way down to
individual goals. And that’s going to help you
make sure that your teams are appropriately
● One way a business can ensure that their
initiatives are complete is by holding people
● Designate a job to everyone in the business to
help ensure task get done; this also allows
leaders to hold people accountable for things in
the workplace
● “By establishing clear accountabilities, you’re
able to balance to initiatives across your portfolio
to make sure they get done, and you’re going to
ensure that you get the results that you’re
promising back to the organization as part of the
strategic planning process
The ongoing
prioritization process
● Even though the strategic planning process has
multiple steps and can be a lot of strenuous work
a business it needs to be remembered that a
business must implement an ongoing evaluation
process so when new ideas come about they can
easily be ran through the process, assessed and
put onto the businesses prioritization list.
● “If you put in place this ongoing prioritization
process you’ll find that those strategic filters will
keep your initiatives focused on your overall
strategic goals. And you’re going to be able to
get more ideas done, more quickly because
you're going to focus your resources on the
highest value initiatives”
Running the strategic
planning process
● “As you go through the strategic planning
process, that communication, when you bring
people together and send them away, is a key
role that you’re going to play as you run this
● Communication, meetings, delegating tasks, and
evaluating are very important in this process
Strategic Planning Foundations

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Strategic Planning Foundations

  • 1. Strategic Planning Foundations By: Mike Figliuolo Kelby Schwender Dr. Plummer BA 422W - Strategic Business Planning
  • 2. Before You Begin Planning
  • 3. Understanding the principles of strategic planning ● A Strategic plan, essentially, explains what your organization stands for. Strategic plan describes the type of market that your business competes in and how you compete in this market. Strategic planning will help you define goals for your company that you pursue and how you will go about achieving those goals. ● Strategic planning provides focus ● There are three principles of strategic planning: 1. Set a clear direction and stay in your lave 2. Say no to distractions 3. Make sure you diversify your bets
  • 4. Avoiding major strategic planning risks ● Lots of time and energy go into strategic planning and it is essentially a high resource type of exercise for companies ● There are three things a company can watch for when trying to avoid major strategic planning risks: 1. Initiative proliferation 2. Thinking to small 3. Thinking to big ● When a company is strategic planning they must make sure they set a direction for the company, pursue initiatives, add value to the company and reach the desired destination without too much risk and hassel
  • 5. Strategic planning process: Overview ● There are six steps to ensure that the strategic planning process of a company is completed efficiently and effectively 1. Set a direction and stay in that lane 2. Define strategic filters 3. Say no to any and all distractions 4. Draw a line- identify your top and bottom initiatives and resource them appropriately 5. Diversify the portfolio of your initiatives 6. Executive your strategic plan ● Remember to work with your initiatives that are “above” the line and that you have resources for
  • 6. Strategic planning process: Tactical needs ● A company must remember that even though as a team you are strategically planning, individuals are still going to be off doing their own work but that is OK because later the team will come back together to work on the “vision, mission, and guiding principles” ○ This process may happen multiple times during the strategic planning process
  • 8. Assessing the market ● To begin the strategic planning process, businesses need to make sure they assess the marketing in which they will competing in ● According to Dr. Michael Porter “there is a set of five forces to evaluate all the different dynamics that can affect your business which will in turn allow you to be able to identify where the major threats and opportunities are that your business faces” 1. “Look at competitive rivalry” 2. “Look at the threats of new entry” 3. “Look at the threat of substitution” 4. “Evaluate buyer power” 5. “Look at supplier power”
  • 9. Conduct a SWOT analysis ● SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats ○ Strength & Weakness = These are typically in your business, capabilities that your business may have or do not have ○ Opportunities & Threats = These can either be internal or external “market- facing opportunities” ● A SWOT analysis is essential where your business team will brainstorm and discuss ideas
  • 10. Extracting insight from a SWOT analysis ● Once a SWOT analysis has been conducted, a business should now sit down and reevaluate and analyze the ideas and discussions that were had. This is the time to “synthesize ideas and look for major themes that emerge from the SWOT analysis.
  • 12. Defining the direction ● One of the steps in the strategic planning process is to set a direction for the business and when setting the direction there are four elements to help with doing so: 1. Articulate the businesses mission 2. Articulate the businesses vision 3. Articulate the businesses guiding principles 4. Articulate the businesses goals ● Following these four elements and setting a direction for the business allows for clarify as to where the business will be in the future, near or far
  • 13. Creating a mission statement ● A business must articulate the mission ● Essentially a mission is by the business exists ● Ultimately a mission should “be a cultural reflection of the businesses values, beliefs, and the philosophy of the business” ● A mission must be well organized, understandable, brief, and clear; it should make people excited
  • 14. Defining the organizational vision ● A business must articulate a vision ● Essentially a vision is a clear image of where you want be as a business in the coming years (3-5 years) ● A vision should get people in the business and outside of the business excited for what is to come
  • 15. Refining the mission and vision ● Refining the mission and vision of the business is an essential part in setting the direction of the business; this is where the real planning comes ● As Mike Figliuolo states: ○ “Get the right people into the room. Create another brainstorming session. Pass out to everyone what exists today. Have individuals identify things that they like and don't like about what currently is in place. Pass out the SWOT analysis and Porter’s five forces so individuals can understand the ricks, opportunities, and threats of the business. Now continue to have in depth conversations as to what can happen next for the business.” ○ “So when you go through this exercise, just capture all the ideas, good, bad and ugly, then step back, look for the synthesis, look for the common themes, and hammer it out into a clear, crisp, compelling vision and mission statement.”
  • 16. Guiding principles and goals ● Guiding principles essentially dictates how you want the business to behave at all times ● When speaking of setting goals for a business it means that you are going to set out those metrics that after years pass will allow your business to look back and say “yes, we have achieved these goals” ● By the business articulating the principles and goals, the business has the ability to drive the company in the right direction
  • 18. Core competencies ● A business needs to determine whether they will compete or not ● It is essential that a business look at and understand their core competencies; these are things that business is good at ○ “Quality of product, ability to innovate, efficiency in your supply chain, strength of your brands, technology infrastructure”
  • 19. Focusing with core competencies ● Once a business has identified their core competencies, it should move to looking at the initiatives that they are thinking of pursuing and determine what their approach will look like ● Reminder, a businesses core competency “is the quality of their product from low to high in terms of the relevance of the competency in whatever initiative they are thinking about pursuing” ● “As you look at your organization’s core competencies and understand what you’re great at, you can then use that to look at any opportunity you’re thinking about pursuing, be it a new product, a new market, or a new initiative, and plotting on this grid to determine what your initial approach to that opportunity should be. And that will then help you prioritize the initiatives you think about pursuing, and the ones that you don’t.”
  • 21. Understanding strategic filters ● In order to identify a businesses high- and low- priority initiatives, there must be “a common set of criteria that everyone across the organization is going to use to conduct the evaluations;” these are strategic filters ● A business should create a consistent set of filters because this allows for companies to quickly evaluate their initiatives and help the company stay on the path that they desire to reach their goals.
  • 22. Creating strategic filters ● When creating your strategic filters, the process to do so is similar in the way that you create your businesses vision and mission ● “Look at your vision, your mission you goals and your guiding principles because those are all going to be filters that help keep you going in the right direction.” ● Look for quantitative and quantitative filters; filters can either be hard or soft ● “Whittle it down to those six to 10 themes, and start with them as your initial set of strategic filters for evaluating your list of initiatives” ● “A hard filter is if the initiative passes that filter, it stays in the process. If it fails, it is immediately dead” ● “A soft filter is something where you’re evaluating it from a low to a high scale. And you're determining if it's high on that filter, it's highly attractive, and if it's low, it's just going to move it down on the priority list.”
  • 23. Applying strategic filters ● When a company is getting ready to apply the strategic filters it is best for leaders to assign “homework” to employees so the strategic planning process can continue on ● “As you ask your people to apply the strategic filters, give them the best understanding you can of what the filter means, assign very specific initiatives for them to evaluate. Give them a deadline to come back with that evaluation, and make sure they document their rationale. And when they do so, you'll be well prepared in future steps to compare all the initiatives in your portfolio.
  • 24. Comparing and prioritizing initiatives ● When a company is strategic planning it is important to remember that this planning process is about focus and prioritization. This focus and prioritization allows your business to properly allocate very limited resources to the highest potential initiatives that your business may pursue ● While a company may start with many initiatives, during the process it is best to compare and analyze the businesses initiative portfolio
  • 25. Conducting deep analysis of high priority ideas ● Assign initiatives to individuals to conduct deep analysis of high priority ideas ○ It is suggested that a “homework list is created for the individuals to do the following (plus some) : ■ Provide a description of what the initiative is ■ Identify what the value of the proposition is of doing that project ■ Identify who the customer’s going to be ■ Identify the point of differentiation ■ Identify which competitors this initiative could affect ■ Look at the resources that will be required to implement this initiative ■ Think about external partners or vendors ■ Take a look at milestones and put together your best guess for when you’ll have market validation of your initiative, when you’ll have the indrasture scoped and built, when you’re going to test itm when you expect it to launch ■ Define the owner, categorize the opportunity type ■ Identify the market you're going to impact with this ■ Financial analysis
  • 26. Initiative prioritization: Drawing the line ● “Once you have your priorities and you understand the resources required, you need to go through an exercise called "Drawing the Line." And that's saying, "I have a finite pool of resources "that I can use. "And when I run out of those resources, "I should not be pursuing any initiatives "that are below that line." Because it's going to dilute my efforts and reduce my possibility of success.” ● “As you look at your prioritization list and you have them sorted from highest to lowest and you understand the resources that will be required to pursue that initiative, work your way down from the top of the list and be disciplined about stopping when you run out of that limiting resource so you can focus on your highest priority initiatives, get them executed successfully, and then move further down your list.” According to Mike Figliuolo
  • 28. Applying the 2x2 matrix ● A 2x2 matrix is a tool that can help businesses prioritize their initiatives ● A 2x2 matrix is when a business “looks at two objective functions that the organization has and plots them against one another, and then place your initiatives on the grid” ● “As you’re conducting your strategic planning process, take your initiatives, think about the objectives that are most important to your business, plot your initiatives, and that should help confirm what your priority list is”
  • 29. Creating multiple diversification views ● When you are trying to drive multiple objective functions it makes strategic planning a little more complicated ● “Once you have a list of initiatives and you’ve prioritized them, go back to your strategic objectives, build some 2x2 matrices, and look at the portfolio through multiple lenses. And when you see it unbalanced, spend some time rebalancing that list of initiatives so you can drive all your strategic objectives at the same time”
  • 30. Assessing initiatives over time ● When businesses are looking over their portfolio of initiatives, they need to think about how does it change over time because essentially these initiatives are going to get your business where you want ● “As you look at your portfolio, it’s important to look beyond this year’s financial impact. You have to appreciate the role that those smaller initiatives are going to play in your future, and be able to prioritize and reallocate resources for the initiative portfolio to achieve your overall vision”
  • 32. Planning resources ● Once a business has made a prioritization list and has defined which initiatives they are going to pursue and in which sequence they will pursue them, it is now time to allocate resources ● “Once you’ve defined the right organization structure with the right set of capabilities to pursue that strategy, then you identify your human resource needs to fill the boxes on that correct organization chart. When you do resource planning this way, you’re going to find you’ll swap out talent, you may move people from one team to another, you'll identify hiring gaps that you need to fill, because you need a certain set of capabilities to deliver on this strategy. And once you’ve done that, then you can go from aligning big corporate goals all the way down to individual goals. And that’s going to help you make sure that your teams are appropriately resources”
  • 33. Accountability ● One way a business can ensure that their initiatives are complete is by holding people accountable ● Designate a job to everyone in the business to help ensure task get done; this also allows leaders to hold people accountable for things in the workplace ● “By establishing clear accountabilities, you’re able to balance to initiatives across your portfolio to make sure they get done, and you’re going to ensure that you get the results that you’re promising back to the organization as part of the strategic planning process
  • 34. The ongoing prioritization process ● Even though the strategic planning process has multiple steps and can be a lot of strenuous work a business it needs to be remembered that a business must implement an ongoing evaluation process so when new ideas come about they can easily be ran through the process, assessed and put onto the businesses prioritization list. ● “If you put in place this ongoing prioritization process you’ll find that those strategic filters will keep your initiatives focused on your overall strategic goals. And you’re going to be able to get more ideas done, more quickly because you're going to focus your resources on the highest value initiatives”
  • 35. Running the strategic planning process ● “As you go through the strategic planning process, that communication, when you bring people together and send them away, is a key role that you’re going to play as you run this process.” ● Communication, meetings, delegating tasks, and evaluating are very important in this process