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Financial, strategic objectives
The company will have financial growth of more than $5
million in the next ten years to come this will be attained by the
increase I production and the reach of many opportunity
Financial growth will have to increase revenue by 10% annually
we will have to maximize our profit by selling as many grocers
as possible which will lead us here.
Financial efficiency, this will have to decrees in expenses by
5%, by the use of modern technology and adapt to the modern
method of business will help us cut expenses hence maximizing
the profit.
Still, on financial efficiency, the profit ought to rise by 10%
annually, we will have to have many customers as possible,
still, minimize the loss by making sure the storage is at its best
hence grocers being fresh and outgoing (Powers, Marian, & E,
Customer strategic objectives
In current customers:
The company has to increase the sale to existing customers; the
current customers may be in need to have more than being
produced hence in future the company ought to increase the
productivity hence increase in sales.
Increase the customer retention, as a company it has to retain its
existing customer and still increase in a number of the
customers being rented; this will be achieved by the increase in
productions of groceries. Still, we have to produce more
competitive and better groceries than our competitor. This will
help retain our primary customers as we will be producing the
best product in the market
The goal of achieving and maintaining the primary client
services, as an organization we have to come up with ideas
which will help us achieve in attaining this aim, we need to be
offering home deliveries, this will assist the company grows as
many customers will just order their like through the internet
hence being competitive. Still maintaining our shop's hygiene
and health standard as a customer service will help our company
grow and maintain our customers.
Expanding our market globally, this will be done by the use of
improving our internet market. We will have to have a contact
line which can be contacted and order your product from any
place of the earth; we need to employ IT expert who will help in
improving and maintaining our sites always on to our global
customers. In this site, we will also be doing advertisement and
introduction or new product in a market (Kotler, 2013).
Internal strategic objection
Product management we have to achieve our product meet the
standard of excellence guidelines; this will be improved on how
we outline or even pack our products when in the market. We
need to come up with new ideas which will beat the competitive
companies to being the best.
Operations management we have to be on best at this goal; we
have to be strategized at more locatable places where we will
set our market, we need to have a vast room which will enable
the company hold as many products as possible. He location
also need to be suitable for a majority or all customers, the
place or location need to be reachable hence suiting it among
best means of transport, the internet also need to be good and
the place being suitable climate.
Technology management- we need to be able to communicate
not only with the use of verbal directly, as a company we need
to be able to reach by the use of modern technology. Like the
utilization of the fast internet when our customer needs to order
our product online. We need to be in sites our company being
advertised which will end up giving us more customers globally.
Marketing management- we have to be the best to our
competitive companies by having the best advertisement and
promotional plans. We can come up with free delivery for our
esteem customers which will help market our products. We will
also do community services which will help our company name
a positive talk in our community; this can be done by offering
free education to groceries farmers and still sponsoring some
activities like games within the community.
Channel management we will have to create the better
relationship with our distributors. We will need a faster of
distribution to our customers, like getting better means of
transportation. Still, how our suppliers will relate with our
customers will matter, every worker will have a uniform which
will create that bonding with our customers. We will have a free
toll number which complaints can be passed to our management.
Learning strategic objectives
Employees satisfaction- in time to come we have to make sure
all our staff is fully satisfied on how they are treated or prayed
in the company, we have to come up with evaluation of how we
will be paying the best payment to each of our employees. Still,
we need to have an active human resource that will be fair to
everyone. The working area still will be conducive and stress-
free for our employee who will in reverse produce the best. By
increase in our market, we will b able to raise the maximum
profit hence giving the best salary for our employees.
Employee retention we will have to retain our employees for
long as they will have experience. Hence we will have to
employ professionals. And still, make sure they are working
under the stress-free environment which makes them
comfortable and no urge for transfer.
The level of organizational capability we will be needed in
providing the best to our customers; this will have to be training
our employees to develop leadership capacity and potential of
our team. This will help on how to handle customers and each
other within the organization.
The culture of the organization we will develop the certain
culture which will assist the growth of our company; we will
come up with certain celebration and awards to the top
performance, this will bring competition to the employees who
will be reciprocated to best production within the organization.
Technology innovations- as an organization we will have to be
hand to hand in technology innovations, thus we will be out
through various internet platforms and employment or
specialized IT expert who will always be keeping up with
technology changes. Still, we will have to have easily
manipulated technology as technology changes day by day, then
making sure we have technology which is flexible for a long
time (Hoang, 2007).
Developing a communication strategy
The purposes: the communication strategy will help the
organization in-
Being effective when imposing the strategies
It will help attain our goal in an organized manner without
It will assist us in engaging positively with the stallholders
It will help in having formulae on how to prosper in our
It will also help people understand our primary objectives
without difficulties
Audience-: our main audience will be based internally and
externally they are our staffs, the public, and also politicians to
stay in safe side by political factors.
Still, our stalk holder and future investors and customers will be
our major audience. Here we will have a hierarchy on how
importance our audiences are.
Channels will be used in communication:
First, we will use certain criteria in communication; it will start
with the first in a hierarchy.
The common channel will be the use of verbal talking; this
channel is the best as it allows the person in showing the stress
and sincerity like when communication to donors or future
Still, there will be use memes which will be going round the
staff member; this channel is the beast as it can be written once
and forwarded to all the expected audience (Nieuwenhuizen &
Erasmus, 2007).
Hoang, P. (2007). Business and Management.
Kotler, P. D. (2013). Designing a customer-driven marketing
strategy. NSW,Australia: Pearson Australia.
Nieuwenhuizen, C., & Erasmus, B. (2007). Business
Management for Entrepreneurs. Cape Town: Juta.
Powers, Marian, & E, B. (2010). Principle of Financial and
Managerial Accounting. pp 19-22.
Financial Perspective: The principal part of the Balanced
Scorecard is the financial perspective. Publicizing incomes
made up 97% of Google's incomes in 2008 and 2009, and 96%
of their incomes in 2010. They determine the majority of their
extra incomes from offering show promoting administration
administrations to sponsors, advertisement organizations, and
publishers, and also permitting our undertaking items, seek
arrangements, and web look innovation. Indeed, even with the
reliably expanding profits over the earlier years, Google trusts
that the future will bring about decreasing incomes. They trust
their income development rate will for the most part decrease as
a consequence of various components, including expanding
rivalry, the inescapable decrease in development rates as their
incomes increment to more elevated amounts, and the expanding
development of the internet promoting market. They trust their
working edge will encounter descending weight as an aftereffect
of expanding rivalry and expanded uses for some parts of their
Customer Value Perspective: The customer perspective is a
fundamental part to all organizations and businesses and Google
is the same. The client point of view Google’s break down how
clients view them and additionally how they might want to be
seen by their clients. It is basic that the key execution measures
line up with the regular procedure of the business to guarantee
that profitability and income development make strides. The key
execution measures Google finds vital under the client point of
view region are: consumer loyalty, general organization feel,
staying aware of innovation and going worldwide. Consumer
loyalty is critical to Google on the grounds that without clients
they would not be as effective as they are today. Google
comprehends the significance of fulfilling their clients with the
goal that they keep on using their items and connection their
image to achievement. It is significant to Google that their
clients rate them well. Another essential part of the client point
of view is Google's general organization feel. Google that they
treat their workers well and that they help the world that they
are in. Clients know about how an organization treats their
workers and that becomes a variable of how they see that
organization to be. Google is known for treating their
representatives extremely well.
Process or Internal Operations Perspective: The third part of the
Balanced Scorecard Assignment is the worldwide business
perspective. Google inventiveness and advancement has been
crucial to its progressing accomplishment of keeping up
steadfast clients and clients. The most recent expansion of
distributed computing to Google's item and administrations is
changing the way assets, data, and programming is being put
away and worked. Cloud computing is online processing, which
implies pictures, recordings, reports, data, programming and
equipment are helpfully put away on the web in different areas.
Since programming parts are upgraded through the web,
distinctive organization of data are promptly open through
advanced mobile phones, net books, portable workstations, and
comparative gadgets without the need to introduce or overhaul
any product or equipment. In 2009 alone, Cloud processing
propelled more than 100 changes and clients didn't have to deal
with any overhauls or fixes. Fundamentally, clients don't need
to be worried with application overhauls or PC similarity. Cloud
computing additionally can confine or permit different clients to
get to and take a shot at a record on the web, while shielding
documents from PC crashes or spill debacle that may happen.
Eventually, costumers are expenditure less over Google's budget
of measure. With applications that keep running in the program,
clients advantage from not paying for exorbitant particular
programming to permit, fixing and occasional substitution.
Learning and Growth (Employee) Perspective: The value chain
of Google is extremely particular and somewhat not the same as
a run of the mill esteem chain you would see from different
organizations. The customary quality chain model shows how
organizations join their assets to transform crude materials into
physical merchandise, which is then sold and transformed into a
benefit. Google however does not really deliver physical
products. Rather Google regards their web clients as their
wellspring of crude materials. Google draws in their clients
through there one of a kind and propelled web search tool and
uses promotions and signs to direct them, as streets and signs
direct activity. The signs are Google's publicizing accomplices,
which change their movement of clients into deals by guiding
them towards Google's accomplices' sites.
Google has turned into an organization individuals appreciate
for their money related development, their client appraisals,
their method for treating their workers and their advancement.
All through our examination we have found that in each of the
four territories Google endeavors to be the best and have a few
measures set up to accomplish their objectives and targets.
Financially they are always attempting to discover approaches
to lessen their expenses and find new acquisitions to put their
brains into. Their clients are a vital advantage for them and they
are always discovering approaches to enhance the velocity and
security of their items and administrations, which have kept
them positioned high on the Customer Satisfaction Index.
Google is known for treating their representatives phenomenal
with numerous advantages and have been positioned in the
highest fifth in Forbes "100 Top Businesses to Effort For" for
quite a while now. Development is something Google has been
known for since they were established and they are constantly
turning out with new administrations and more propelled moves
up to existing administrations. Google has been the pioneer in
its industry since it initially ventured foot in the Internet seeker
marketplace. Google has made up a business procedure to
address worries on the planet and create innovation to spare it.
For the time being Google has created devices that have
changed the way we experience our lives and lead business over
the globe. Google's advancement will make an unfathomable
power behind the way we inquiry and offer data to the world.
Financial Objectives
Revenue Growing
Operation Expenses
Stock Values
% Change in Revenue
Return on Equity % Prices of
Revenue vs. Overheads Stock
Bills (using Dec 31 year close)
Customers Objectives
Customer Fulfillment Overall
Company Feel
Keeping Up With Knowledge
Going Worldwide
Customer Satisfaction Index
Ranking on Forbes List
Green New Attainments
Revenues by area
1.4 billion
Internal Business Process
Best Examine Engine
Becoming Global
Retaining Top People/Keeping Top Persons
Software Growth
Customer Practice Rating
Foreign Participation
Job Development
Learning and Growth
Value Chain
SWOT Study
Global Policy
Profit Side
Earthly Revenues
(UK , US, Others)
-5%, -1%,
-2%, 1%
1%, -2%
Running head: BUSINESS MODEL
Business Model
4 Mar 2017
Bus/ 475 Week 2
Table of Contents
2Business Model
2Executive Summary
3Strategic Plan Part 1
4Strategic Plan Part 2: SWOT Analysis
6Strategic Plan Part 3
Business Model
Business models are done with the aim of generating profit in
the company as well as being able to view the missions and
visions of the organization with the goal of offering the best
services to the customers that will use the services and the
products. In this research task, it will try to view the way in
which an organization can be able to form a business model and
be able to make it a success through the answering of the
various questions (Dolgui & Proth, 2010).
Executive Summary
In the company that I am working on, it deals with the way in
which people can consult as in the various ways that are
involved in the logistics, supply chain and the entire
procurement process. Clients can approach the company and ask
for the best ways that they can ensure they will achieve the
smooth, transparent and timely procurement of different
supplies. By the use of this, our company can advance on the
best suppliers and the buyers that offer the best quality of goods
and services. By the utilization of the company, customers can
meet with the sellers and the vice versa of the process. By the
use of the best ways, it ensures that the organization can
achieve success. The previous customers can refer new clients
to the use of our services in the achievement of an honest and
transparent supply chain process. In the recent day, a business
model has been adopted that promises to ensure that the
organization can achieve greater success. The way in this is the
in cooperation with the logistics process and the launch of the
online feedback and online transaction of the business. By the
use of this way, it will make the organization one of its kind
and be above the other companies that offer the same services.
By this way, it will ensure the proper utilization of the limited
Strategic Plan Part 1
In the already existing business process, its vision is to make
sure that there are the transparency, effectiveness and efficiency
in the supply chain business. The mission of the existing
division is to ensure that it can achieve the vision 2020 of an
efficient supply chain process that guarantees a new stand that
offers the entity supply chain services. The value proportion is
to ensure that the services provided will attract more client to
the organization to make the services and the goods that are
offered to be in the right quantity, quality and delivered at the
best time possible. By the use of this way, the company will be
able to be in line with the vision of the transparency and
effectiveness of the supply chain process (Dolgui & Proth,
In the new division, will be customer focused as it will be able
to consult directly with the clients who will state the best way
toward the reaching of the objective of the organization. The
mission of the new division will go in line with the other task of
the already existing company. The mission statement of the
division will be goods and services offering through the
efficient use of logistics, technology and proper feedback to the
company to achieve customer satisfaction.
In the new division that has been developed, it will entirely be
customer based in the way of the operations. In this new
division, it will ensure that the client can note the observation
of his or her goods in transit through the use of the vehicle
routing and vehicle scheduling. In the utilization of this way,
the customer will receive an up to date occurrence of the
transport through the use of the mobile phone that can be done
by the utilization of the phone messages or the use of the
company’s website. In this way, the use of the internet will
allow the user to have a user identity that will ensure it is the
right person that will receive the information of the update of
the movement of the goods from one place to another. Our
services will be differentiated from the rest through the use of a
transparent way, the offering of the after services such as
transportation to the premises of the customer which will be at
the door of the client. The other way that it will be
differentiated is through the use of the user identification that
will be able to track the loyal set of customers (Dolgui & Proth,
The use of the model will be able to meet the competitive
advantage over the other companies in the way in which other
companies do not apply the use of vehicle routing and
scheduling. The other organization only deliver the goods and
services to the customers without informing them of the place
that the goods are in the transit process. By the use of the
method that the model has viewed, it will ensure that the
organization will be in a better position as compared to the
other organization (Dolgui & Proth, 2010).
Strategic Plan Part 2: SWOT Analysis
The vision of the new model it is to ensure that the organization
can be a one store center that offers all the services to the
customer with delivery within the shortest-term period. The
business model of the new design will ensure that the
organization will deliver the supply of the goods and services
not only with the use of the road transport but also the use of
the air travel. In the utilization of this way, it will ensure that
the organization will also be based on the international
standards. By the utilization of the SWOT analysis, the
company will be able to identify the strength of the use of the
model. One of the external environment, the strength is that the
organization can use the best strategy in the advertisement of
the new model (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis,
The other strength is that the organization is already developed;
hence it will require minimal time in the determination of the
new customer base. The internal strength is that the departments
are willing to work in unison with the idea of the best strategy
that will ensure the success of the way. The inner weakness of
the use of the model is that it may take a long time to employ
the new ideas of the company. The external weakness is that it
may take a lot of efforts in the hope to make the clients emulate
the new project by the organization. The external opportunity
that the company can use is the going to the area that has not
had the excellent coverage of the supply chain and procurement
people. By the utilization of this way, it will attract new
customers. The internal opportunity will be the use of the
already customer that can be the new clients to the new model
by informing them of the new products ((Grigoroudis,
Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis, 2012).
The external threats that the firm may experience in the model
is the other companies that deal in the same merchandise
emulating the same services we offer. The internal threat may
be that the first process may take a lot of finances to implement
The vision, mission and the value of the new division align to
the existing visions, mission and value in the thought that the
use of the ways will ensure that the supply chain process will be
smooth. By the utilization of the way, the organization will be
able to deliver the best services to the clients. They will also
appreciate customer loyalty through the utilization of the best
way that hopes to inform the clients of the new products at the
right time. The new model will align to the existing in the way
that it will also reduce the lead time in the delivery of the goods
and the services (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis,
The vision, mission and value guide strategies direction of the
division by the ensuring that all the rules on the use of
transparency mission of the organization. The trust of the
organization will improve the way that the organization
conducts its practices (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and
Zopounidis, 2012).
Strategic Plan Part 3
The assumptions that will be made is that the same customers
that were in the first organization will be the same ones that
will use new services. The risk that will be observed is the idea
that all the processes that are done in the original process may
not yield the high levels of profit. This process is because the
process may not attract many users at the initial stages. The
management plan is to use the surplus funds to ensure that the
primary business can usually work (Sodhi & Tang, 2012).
The objective of the new model will be to ensure that the firm
is the leader in the supply chain process, consultation and the
offering of the best quality services and goods to the users in
the market.
In the balanced scorecard, it will try to view the amount of
cash that the division can get after a period. It will also display
the feedback of the customers after the period.
The stakeholders will have the impact of the growth of their
revenue in the success of the process in the pilot stages. The
communication will be to inform all the current clients of the
new services through the use of the mobile sets and the delivery
of the same message by the utilization of the newsletter (Sodhi
& Tang, 2012).Conclusion
By the utilization of the best strategies, it will ensure that the
organization will be able to achieve success in the process. The
use of the best communication will make sure that the clients
will be up to date with the new products that the organization
offer. The use of the organization will ensure that the public
confidence in the procurement process will be restored for good
(Sodhi & Tang, 2012).References
Dolgui, A. & Proth, J. (2010). Supply chain engineering (1st
Ed.). London: Springer.
Grigoroudis, E., Orfanoudaki, E., & Zopounidis, C. (2012).
Strategic performance measurement in a healthcare
organisation: A multiple criteria approach based on balanced
scorecard. Omega, 40(1), 104-119.
Sodhi, M. & Tang, C. (2012). Managing Supply Chain Risk (1st
Ed.). Boston, MA: Springer US.
Partially Met
Not Met
The paper includes a proposal of a new product or service for
the new company division. The proposed division should be
customer-focused with an innovative mission statement and
elements that differentiate the product or service are included.
This paper is much improved. You did a nice job of developing
the assignment objectives and discussion what your strategy
will look like.
The paper includes a description of how the division addresses
customer needs and achieves competitive advantage.
Nice summary of how you intend to meet your customer’s
The paper includes an explanation of how the vision, mission,
and value of the new division align with the company's mission
and vision.
Nice discussion of how vision and mission align with the
overall organization, but you need to use specific examples
related to your organization in addition to the researched
material you identified.
The paper includes a summary of how the vision, mission, and
values guide the division's strategic direction.
Nice discussion of the organizations mission and how these
elements guide the strategic direction.
The paper includes the definition of the guiding principles and
values for the new division in the context of culture, social
responsibility, and ethics.
Nice discussion of the organizations stance on ethics and social
The paper is between 1,400 and 1,750 words in length.
Total Available
Total Earned
Writing Guidelines
Partially Met
Not Met
The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page,
and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting
guidelines and meets course-level requirements.
Good use of APA format. Your paper is well laid out and
follows the assignment objectives.
Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a
reference page.
Good use of references and in text citations.
Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and
maintain the flow throughout the paper.
Good use of transitions and summary headings to help introduce
your main topics and organize the paper.
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
This is the only section I have a comment on here. Several of
your sentences need restructured. I would suggest submitting
them to the writing center for review.
Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and
Total Available
Total Earned
Assignment Total
Additional comments:
SWOT Analysis
Week 3 / BUS 475
12 Mar 17
Business Division/sector: Grocery
Business Model: Sales and Services.
Legal and Regulatory
Legal and Regulatory Most of the trade policies in the grocery
division favor its markets. Taxes on the products are low which
helps in the process of maximizing profits
Road systems which require inspection of goods create delays in
the delivery process. This contributes to the rise in customer
Trade policies in support of globalization have helped in
creating new international markets. These markets open an
opportunity for grocery business to expand internationally.
The GMO groceries are becoming popular and are creating a
very stiff competition in the domestic market.
The GMO groceries like the tomatoes are a new trend. Grocery
firms are still analyzing on whether to embrace them or
continue relying on the naturally grown products.
The grocery division are capable of exercising control over its
market due to diverseness. The division specializes in various
foods such as vegetables, meat, and bakeries.
Competition has stiffened due to global as many large
international companies are expanding geographically.
Due to global, small enterprises are slowly being eliminated
from the market. This creates an opportunity for the big
groceries to secure their customers and increase these clients to
their list.
Major trends include the product curation by consumers,
shopping done by the client across multiple channels and the
private labeling of groceries is gaining popularity.
Economic Since economics deals with how the market works,
grocery divisions can come up with strategies that can help
them improve on their customer relation which will be vital in
improving sales.
Economics has made the grocery sector to be very competitive
forcing supermarkets to be oligopolistic. This forces the grocery
business which wants to stay in the competition to come up with
new strategies so that they can improve on their operation
The groceries retail stores and supermarket have the ability to
fine tune their expansion plans due to economics. Competition
has resulted in the grocery sector to becoming innovative. Most
of the product are packed in a way that they can now be
internationally moved without them getting spoilt.
The global economy has affected the retail strategies due to the
introduction of discounted items which were never discounted.
Economy recessions have slowed down the process plans which
has been helpful in maintaining the quality of grocery products.
Segmentation and premium extensions are some of the examples
which slow down quality improvement methods
The trend in economics is how the number of supermarkets and
grocery stores are growing at a very fast rate especially in the
developed countries like the UK and the U.S.A.
Due to technology, online markets, and sales have become
possible especially in the developed worlds. Technology has
made it possible for perishable goods to be packed in a manner
that they will not get spoilt even without refrigeration. Packing
groceries like beans, beef, and tomatoes in cans are some of the
ways of packing perishable goods. The process helps these
products to stay for long without perishing.
MO foods are becoming popular, yet science reveals that they
are not healthy as naturally grown groceries. Technology in
groceries especially the production of MGO foods threatens the
health of people.
Technology helps many supermarkets to improve their
customers’ shopping experience. It has eased the location of
products by customers, an introduction of the self-serve
scanning of products by customers, and the supermarket mobile
apps which help customers to do online shopping which tries to
encourage home delivery of grocery products.
Technology has changed the lifestyle of many individuals which
has in turn affected how customers shop and eat. This change
that is being exhibited by consumers’ create a threat to
supermarkets and grocery retail shops which cannot keep up
with technology.
Technology has changed the lifestyle of many individuals which
has, in turn, affected how customers shop and eat. This change
that is being exhibited by consumers’ create a threat to
supermarkets and grocery retail shops which cannot keep up
with technology. The primary trend that concerns the grocery
sector is the request for fresh products in the grocery outlets.
Although this is challenging, consumers were hoping that the
technology can offer a solution to the problem. Product curation
which focuses on customer specification is another trend that
consumers are hoping that these outlets would embrace.
Distinctive offerings concerned with change help many
groceries avoid competition. Innovation further offers a clear
vision and helps in evolving these offerings due to change in the
taste of customers which may be brought about by technology
Grocery outlets are looking for ways in which they can
permanently shift to value. Merchandise innovation is another
major trend that is circulating the grocery division. GMO has
been one of these innovations but has been highly criticized.
The introduction of online markets helps grocery outlets expand
their markets. The introduction of new services that are able to
help these stores to meet customer need can be helpful in
diversifying their clients’ base.
High burden of debt, lack of modern technology in grocery
outlets, and a high turnover of staffs which decreases the
eligibility of supermarkets to compete are some of the major
threats associated with innovation.
A country with a bad economy negatively affects grocery
outlets since it discourages shoppers. Changes in the
government rules can also adversely affect grocery outlets.
Groceries retails that request for feedback from their customers
improves on their comments. They can, therefore, work on their
weaknesses to improve on productivity.
Customers can sometimes give negative comments which when
taken seriously by these outlets can harm them.
Through socialization, these outlets can know which products
that customers value most and increase the market base for them
to improve their sales.
Feedback from customers can ruin the brand of the company and
its employees. In the process, the outlet can lose some of its
valuable customers.
Online feedbacks where a customer does not need to waste time
in offering feedback during shopping hours is the trend that
circles grocery outlets.
A supermarket which is set in a good environment will have a
humble time to come up with strategies that can help it grow
and expand.
A grocery outlet on an environment that has many shopping
restrictions and regulations discourage customers. In addition,
an environment that experiences violence and theft most of the
time will lead an outlet to experience a debt burden.
A country that encourages technology change, embracement,
and socialization creates good relation with the people and the
An environment whose stability is not constant acts as a threat
to these grocery outlets.
The capability of grocery retails to adapt to any kind of
environment bad offer its services well is a trend which is
circulating the grocery market.
Competitive Analysis
The analysis gives an opportunity for grocery outlets to identify
their weaknesses so that they can work to improve themselves
(Fleisher & Bensoussan, 2015).
An inaccurate competitive analysis can give the wrong
interpretation of the supermarket’s current position in the
market. Measures taken regarding this report can affect the
grocery outlet in a negative way.
An accurate, competitive analysis helps a company to come up
with strategies that can be helpful in spotting international
opportunities for expansion.
A competitive analysis can discourage a grocery outlet whose
performance might have been affected by uncontrollable market
forces like hiking of production cost which can lead to raising
of supply cost.
The increase in outsourcing is a major trend that revolves
around the grocery division. Encouragement of outsourcing non-
core functions is a significant trend in outsourcing.
Good strategies help a grocery outlet to improve in it sales and
A weak strategy can lead to a supermarket in making loses in its
sales and poor performance in its service.
A strategy give a vivid picture on how sales and services should
be in the present and future.
Application of a strategy which has never been tasted by any
other grocery outlet can prove to be costly and risky.
The common trend in strategy is the discussion on why some
strategies fail on some outlets while succeeds in others
Service offered in a retail shop should encourage shoppers to
come and shop more often. Arrangement of products should be
easy to spot and identify.
A poor retail structure causes confusion during shopping. Poor
services discourage shoppers who are women in coming back to
the grocery store to shop again,
A good structure helps to increase the number of customers.
Customers who find it easy to shop in a certain retail will
recommend their friends to that retail.
Poor services and expensive products is a major threat since it
discourages customers from shopping in that outlet.
Structures in the grocery outlets which can fully support the
sale and service department is a major trend.
Processes and System
Processes and systems which are in line with the services
offered by the outlet help to improve sales
A complicated system and process especially the online
platform of the outlet can easily repel customers leading to low
A good process and system helps to save time which enables
more customers to be served. This is viewed as good services
from the outlet by clients.
A poor process and systems for serving customer will lead to a
reduction in sales. This can lead to the closure of the outlet.
Easy to maintain systems which are in line with the services of
a grocery retail shop is discussion that revolves around the
stakeholder, management, and consumers.
Through resources, grocery retails can improve on their
strategies, systems, services which can help improve on their
When a supermarket has resources it tends to overlook it
shoppers which can be their downfall in the future.
Resources help outlets to expand geographically, improve on
their services since the employees are paid well, and work on
their marketing strategies to maximize profits.
Lack of resources is a threat to grocery outlets since they can be
overburden with debts.
The management and raising of resources from the sales made
from the outlets is the trend that is circulating around.
The goals of a grocery should be reflected from the way it
carries out its services since this would be crucial in hitting the
targeted sales.
Focusing on organizational goals by the retails can lead to
customer dissatisfaction.
When the outlets get to achieve the goals it targeted, it opens up
opportunities for more accomplishment.
Achievement of goal by a grocery outlet can make them be
overconfidence which can lead to setting up of unrealistic goals.
The major trend in the grocery outlets is how these outlets can
identify and set realistic goals using specific strategies.
Strategic Capabilities
Strategic capabilities help in customer retention, efficient use of
resources, and effective company expansion.
Strategic capabilities sometimes give a wrong perception to an
A company can be able to foresee potential failures and
disasters giving them an opportunity to maintain and come up
with new policies to help it avoid future disasters.
Strategic capabilities can be viewed as experimental and can
prove to be costly. These can make an outlet experience loses
which can be hard to recover.
The marketing strategies used by one outlet should work in
another outlet with the same products. However, I the grocery
division, this seems not to be the case.
A culture puts the employees in order. It defines how they
should behave and conduct their services in the sales
Culture can be restrictive when it comes to creation and
imagination. The sales and service model needs to creativity
and imagination so that
Culture helps in the specialization of products that customers in
a given particular area prefer than other products.
Culture creates biasness of products which can lead to low
profit making.
Reducing of biasness in many geographical area as a way of
improving on sales is proving to be challenging especially in
places where they do not consume certain products.
It helps in the maximizing of investment from the returns that
the grocery outlets.
Adapting to the new technology in the sales and service
department can prove to be very expensive for the grocery
Technology has contributed to great lengths in the rise of
various platforms in which are able to attract and engage
various customers to attract them into the sales funnel. This is
an online service platform.
Grocery outlets with an inability to adapt to new operational
changes caused by technology will likely drop on their sales
since they would be lacking behind since customers change with
Technologies is trying to change the sales and service
operations of the grocery outlets from face to face to the use of
online platforms.
It assists the sales and service departments to come up with
tools and methods that can reshape the sale and service
structures to maximize on sales.
Innovative strategies require the use of resources from which
the sales department can end up making a loss from using too
much than what it brings back (UNESCO , 2015).
Through innovative strategies, companies can foresee future
opportunities which the sales and service departments can take
advantage to achieve organizational goals.
The use of resources is very costly and grocery retails may end
up borrowing funds at the expense of innovation which can
prove to be very costly in the future.
The sales and department are discussing on whether it is
possible to balance the resources used in innovation with the
profit that the sales department will make from its sales.
Intellectual Property
It helps in bringing new products which will boost the sales
department in improving on its profit.
Creativity is sometimes a trial and error which when the product
fails to meet the requirements of shoppers, the sales department
end up making loses.
The invention of new intellectual properties broadens the
market for shoppers which will constitute in the sales
department making more profit (Torremans, 2014).
Waste of time and resources to the sales department is a direct
result from a product which fails to perform in the market.
The grocery retails are analyzing on whether it is possible to
minimize the capital spent in securing intellectual properties
with the concerned bodies.
Good leadership strategies will help an organization get focused
on the goals to be achieved.
Poor leadership will lead to inefficiency in the service and sales
department which can constitute to loss-making.
Leadership plays an important role in regard to the current
position that a grocery retail holds in its market. A good
position in the market helps in attracting more customers.
Leadership is important but too much focus on it can blind the
management to concerns linked to employees as it is concerned
more on the market and customers.
The trend in leadership is whether it is possible to apply new
strategies which will focus on improving leadership strategies
that will work both for the service and sales department.
A good analysis can help the sector to address both long and
short term goals through improving on its purchasing power.
A poor analysis will lead to poor capitalization of the volumes
of purchase which will lead to the dropping of costs.
A good supply analysis will help a firm a company cut down its
cost by coming up with new initiatives.
A good analysis will help the grocery outlets focus on vendors’
decisions which can pose problems during the supply of
It is being analyzed on whether it is possible to lower costs of
supply while at the same time improving on the approaches to
ensure products are available in time.
The grocery division acts as a major catalyst in the economies
of both developing and developed countries. The sector serves
as a barometer of the health of many economies playing a key
role in the future growth of the countries involved. The grocery
division acts as an intermediary for producers offering services
that can complement their sales. Business models are meant to
articulate logic and data to support a proposition for good
customer relationships and structures of revenues and costs.
Business models are more generic than the strategies used by
companies, and these models’ analysis is vital for the protection
of firms. Different cooperation applies different business
models according to their market set up, goals, objectives, and
plans. The sell and service business model involve selling goods
directly to the customers while at the same time offering
relevant services that are in line with the with the objective of
ensuring a sale is made. Many firms involved in the grocery
sector take advantage of this model. They sell grocery products
to customers but still hire employees who will assist clients in
the location of any product that they may be in need of and
other services that will ensure the purchase process will move
swiftly. The thesis paper uses SWOT Analysis to look at the
efficiency of the sale and service business model to the grocery
The grocery sector is a very competitive division and any
investor hoping to venture into it should be prepared for the
competition pressure that is usually associated with it. Although
many grocery retailers prefer to use the traditional strategies
used in shopping, technological changes are forcing major
retailers to review this stand. The industry is facing a high level
of merger and consolidation which has caused a need for
consumer-oriented innovations that can offer them a
competitive value and service. This involves the selling of high-
quality products and offering excellent services to make their
shopping experience enjoyable. Customer satisfaction is very
vital in the grocery division for the purpose of retaining clients
(Kobel, Kellezi, & Kilpatrick, 2015). Successful grocery outlets
like Walmart attribute their success to customer satisfaction.
These stores require that a customer should think of coming
back to the grocery anytime that supermarkets are needed in the
The grocery industry has many regulations that are responsible
for maintaining the playing field of its competition. Many
governments set up laws and regulations to ensure that
monopolization does not exist in the sector. Monopolistic
activities are the reason why many industries in the other areas
drive out competitors. Although many analysts say, that
competition is the reason behind the decline of shopping,
current research states recession as the reason why there is less
shopping. Gender and income are the key players in the grocery
division. Women make up the largest part of shoppers in any
geographical region. This creates a need for the innovation of
marketing strategies such as promotion and store set-up that are
suited for the preferences of women. Women are very sensitive
people, and this is one reason why excellent customer services
play a fundamental role in the success of businesses in the
grocery division. Before the set-up of any grocery store in any
geographical region, analysis of the people’s income is vital.
This has been one of the significant trends in the grocery
Customers and technology determine the trends in the grocery
industry. The use of the self-checkout registers in the grocery
stores especially in the developed countries is a trend is
circulating globally due to its efficiency in reducing delays and
jams. The technology offers customers the opportunity to check
themselves out rather than waiting for an employee to do it for
them. This is a technology advancement in the sell and service
business model. One of its benefit from this technology is its
ability to reduce the number of employees needed in the
checkout processes. A single employee is capable of managing
four checkout registers. This not only eliminates the number of
employees that would have been required to do the job, but it
also saves money and enhances the experience of customers
increasing their capability of returning to the store. Another
way that business can adapt to change in the grocery market is
through adapting operating models that can support any change
caused by competitors.
Cost leverage is one the ways that large retailers like Krager
take advantage to beat their customers. Placing a small value on
products through getting these products at a considerable low
price than other competitors is how an organization can gain
cost leverage. Cost leverage is a way of leveraging
competencies and resources in the supply chain. A firm can
make positive impacts on the business model and stakeholders
through the use of the cost leverage strategy. The use of many
suppliers is another way of gaining leverage in the supply chain.
Sometimes different vendors offer different prices for the same
commodity. This may be for the purpose of marketing,
promotion, and customer maintenance. No matter what the
reason, grocery outlets can take advantage of this and use it for
their benefit. Collaboration with the suppliers is another way of
gaining vendor chain leverage. Having a good relationship with
suppliers is vital for efficiency and one way of eliminating
Modern consumers are motivated by in purchasing products that
are considered healthy. These consumers are far from the old
customers who were focused on fitness products that were able
to cut down fat and calories. Modern shopper tends to avoid
products with artificial ingredients, pesticides, and GMOs.
Another major issue in the grocery industry is the adaptation to
technology especially the shift to e-commerce (Niemeier,
Zocchi, & Catena, 2013). Although the grocery sector has been
slow in adapting to the e-commerce space, a lot of industries are
starting to stand up to the challenge. The Amazon Company is
an emerging competitor who wants to venture in the grocery
industry. The globe war against the intake of high sugars is
turning consumers from products that are highly concentrated
with the item. Soda has been a victim to this protest. Research
reveals that modern shoppers are shifting to the young and
urban consumers who are moving to away from the traditional
ways of shopping. Also, it has been shown from the analysis
that many of the shoppers are the middle-class population.
The change in technology is the main theme concerned with the
creation of the online market. It is high time that grocery outlets
re-strategize and come up with ways that they can include e-
commerce to their market. The shift in the market to online
have made the young and urban population to be the leading
consumers in the shopping department. Since the generation is
controlled by technology, the company should consider how it
can handle and maintain this group of users. The circumstance
of the issues and opportunities involved in the grocery sector
can be classified into technology and product oriented. The
young and urban shoppers are shifting the market to the online
platform revealing the accuracy of this classification. The other
type of modern buyers is concerned with products that are in
support of their health rather than their fitness.
Fleisher, C. S., & Bensoussan, B. E. (2015). Business and
Competitive Analysis: Effective Application of New and Classic
Methods. FT Press.
Kobel, P., Kellezi, P., & Kilpatrick, B. (2015). Antitrust in the
Groceries sector & Liability Issues in Relation to Corporate
Social Responsibility. Springer.
Niemeier, S., Zocchi, A., & Catena, M. (2013). Reshaping
Retail: Why Technology is Transforming the Industry and How
to Win the New Consumer Driven World. Wiley Publishers.
Torremans, P. (2014). Research Handbook on Cross-border
Enforcement of Intellectual Property. Edward Elgar Publishing.
UNESCO . (2015). Unesco science report: towards 2030.
UNESCO Publishing.
Running head: BUSINESS MODEL
Business Model
4 Mar 2017
Bus/ 475 Week 2
Table of Contents
2Business Model
2Executive Summary
3Strategic Plan Part 1
4Strategic Plan Part 2: SWOT Analysis
6Strategic Plan Part 3
Business Model
Business models are done with the aim of generating profit in
the company as well as being able to view the missions and
visions of the organization with the goal of offering the best
services to the customers that will use the services and the
products. In this research task, it will try to view the way in
which an organization can be able to form a business model and
be able to make it a success through the answering of the
various questions (Dolgui & Proth, 2010).
Executive Summary
In the company that I am working on, it deals with the way in
which people can consult as in the various ways that are
involved in the logistics, supply chain and the entire
procurement process. Clients can approach the company and ask
for the best ways that they can ensure they will achieve the
smooth, transparent and timely procurement of different
supplies. By the use of this, our company can advance on the
best suppliers and the buyers that offer the best quality of goods
and services. By the utilization of the company, customers can
meet with the sellers and the vice versa of the process. By the
use of the best ways, it ensures that the organization can
achieve success. The previous customers can refer new clients
to the use of our services in the achievement of an honest and
transparent supply chain process. In the recent day, a business
model has been adopted that promises to ensure that the
organization can achieve greater success. The way in this is the
in cooperation with the logistics process and the launch of the
online feedback and online transaction of the business. By the
use of this way, it will make the organization one of its kind
and be above the other companies that offer the same services.
By this way, it will ensure the proper utilization of the limited
Strategic Plan Part 1
In the already existing business process, its vision is to make
sure that there are the transparency, effectiveness and efficiency
in the supply chain business. The mission of the existing
division is to ensure that it can achieve the vision 2020 of an
efficient supply chain process that guarantees a new stand that
offers the entity supply chain services. The value proportion is
to ensure that the services provided will attract more client to
the organization to make the services and the goods that are
offered to be in the right quantity, quality and delivered at the
best time possible. By the use of this way, the company will be
able to be in line with the vision of the transparency and
effectiveness of the supply chain process (Dolgui & Proth,
In the new division, will be customer focused as it will be able
to consult directly with the clients who will state the best way
toward the reaching of the objective of the organization. The
mission of the new division will go in line with the other task of
the already existing company. The mission statement of the
division will be goods and services offering through the
efficient use of logistics, technology and proper feedback to the
company to achieve customer satisfaction.
In the new division that has been developed, it will entirely be
customer based in the way of the operations. In this new
division, it will ensure that the client can note the observation
of his or her goods in transit through the use of the vehicle
routing and vehicle scheduling. In the utilization of this way,
the customer will receive an up to date occurrence of the
transport through the use of the mobile phone that can be done
by the utilization of the phone messages or the use of the
company’s website. In this way, the use of the internet will
allow the user to have a user identity that will ensure it is the
right person that will receive the information of the update of
the movement of the goods from one place to another. Our
services will be differentiated from the rest through the use of a
transparent way, the offering of the after services such as
transportation to the premises of the customer which will be at
the door of the client. The other way that it will be
differentiated is through the use of the user identification that
will be able to track the loyal set of customers (Dolgui & Proth,
The use of the model will be able to meet the competitive
advantage over the other companies in the way in which other
companies do not apply the use of vehicle routing and
scheduling. The other organization only deliver the goods and
services to the customers without informing them of the place
that the goods are in the transit process. By the use of the
method that the model has viewed, it will ensure that the
organization will be in a better position as compared to the
other organization (Dolgui & Proth, 2010).
Strategic Plan Part 2: SWOT Analysis
The vision of the new model it is to ensure that the organization
can be a one store center that offers all the services to the
customer with delivery within the shortest-term period. The
business model of the new design will ensure that the
organization will deliver the supply of the goods and services
not only with the use of the road transport but also the use of
the air travel. In the utilization of this way, it will ensure that
the organization will also be based on the international
standards. By the utilization of the SWOT analysis, the
company will be able to identify the strength of the use of the
model. One of the external environment, the strength is that the
organization can use the best strategy in the advertisement of
the new model (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis,
The other strength is that the organization is already developed;
hence it will require minimal time in the determination of the
new customer base. The internal strength is that the departments
are willing to work in unison with the idea of the best strategy
that will ensure the success of the way. The inner weakness of
the use of the model is that it may take a long time to employ
the new ideas of the company. The external weakness is that it
may take a lot of efforts in the hope to make the clients emulate
the new project by the organization. The external opportunity
that the company can use is the going to the area that has not
had the excellent coverage of the supply chain and procurement
people. By the utilization of this way, it will attract new
customers. The internal opportunity will be the use of the
already customer that can be the new clients to the new model
by informing them of the new products ((Grigoroudis,
Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis, 2012).
The external threats that the firm may experience in the model
is the other companies that deal in the same merchandise
emulating the same services we offer. The internal threat may
be that the first process may take a lot of finances to implement
The vision, mission and the value of the new division align to
the existing visions, mission and value in the thought that the
use of the ways will ensure that the supply chain process will be
smooth. By the utilization of the way, the organization will be
able to deliver the best services to the clients. They will also
appreciate customer loyalty through the utilization of the best
way that hopes to inform the clients of the new products at the
right time. The new model will align to the existing in the way
that it will also reduce the lead time in the delivery of the goods
and the services (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis,
The vision, mission and value guide strategies direction of the
division by the ensuring that all the rules on the use of
transparency mission of the organization. The trust of the
organization will improve the way that the organization
conducts its practices (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and
Zopounidis, 2012).
Strategic Plan Part 3
The assumptions that will be made is that the same customers
that were in the first organization will be the same ones that
will use new services. The risk that will be observed is the idea
that all the processes that are done in the original process may
not yield the high levels of profit. This process is because the
process may not attract many users at the initial stages. The
management plan is to use the surplus funds to ensure that the
primary business can usually work (Sodhi & Tang, 2012).
The objective of the new model will be to ensure that the firm
is the leader in the supply chain process, consultation and the
offering of the best quality services and goods to the users in
the market.
In the balanced scorecard, it will try to view the amount of
cash that the division can get after a period. It will also display
the feedback of the customers after the period.
The stakeholders will have the impact of the growth of their
revenue in the success of the process in the pilot stages. The
communication will be to inform all the current clients of the
new services through the use of the mobile sets and the delivery
of the same message by the utilization of the newsletter (Sodhi
& Tang, 2012).Conclusion
By the utilization of the best strategies, it will ensure that the
organization will be able to achieve success in the process. The
use of the best communication will make sure that the clients
will be up to date with the new products that the organization
offer. The use of the organization will ensure that the public
confidence in the procurement process will be restored for good
(Sodhi & Tang, 2012).References
Dolgui, A. & Proth, J. (2010). Supply chain engineering (1st
Ed.). London: Springer.
Grigoroudis, E., Orfanoudaki, E., & Zopounidis, C. (2012).
Strategic performance measurement in a healthcare
organisation: A multiple criteria approach based on balanced
scorecard. Omega, 40(1), 104-119.
Sodhi, M. & Tang, C. (2012). Managing Supply Chain Risk (1st
Ed.). Boston, MA: Springer US.

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I would appreciate your help on this!Prepare a version of Final .docxI would appreciate your help on this!Prepare a version of Final .docx
I would appreciate your help on this!Prepare a version of Final .docx
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I will give you an example of the outline paper from my teacherI.docxI will give you an example of the outline paper from my teacherI.docx
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  • 1. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STUDENT'S NAME: UNIT TITLE: COURSE TITLE: INSTRUCTOR'S NAME: DATE OF SUBMISSION: Financial, strategic objectives The company will have financial growth of more than $5 million in the next ten years to come this will be attained by the increase I production and the reach of many opportunity markets. Financial growth will have to increase revenue by 10% annually we will have to maximize our profit by selling as many grocers as possible which will lead us here. Financial efficiency, this will have to decrees in expenses by 5%, by the use of modern technology and adapt to the modern method of business will help us cut expenses hence maximizing the profit. Still, on financial efficiency, the profit ought to rise by 10% annually, we will have to have many customers as possible, still, minimize the loss by making sure the storage is at its best
  • 2. hence grocers being fresh and outgoing (Powers, Marian, & E, 2010). Customer strategic objectives In current customers: The company has to increase the sale to existing customers; the current customers may be in need to have more than being produced hence in future the company ought to increase the productivity hence increase in sales. Increase the customer retention, as a company it has to retain its existing customer and still increase in a number of the customers being rented; this will be achieved by the increase in productions of groceries. Still, we have to produce more competitive and better groceries than our competitor. This will help retain our primary customers as we will be producing the best product in the market The goal of achieving and maintaining the primary client services, as an organization we have to come up with ideas which will help us achieve in attaining this aim, we need to be offering home deliveries, this will assist the company grows as many customers will just order their like through the internet hence being competitive. Still maintaining our shop's hygiene and health standard as a customer service will help our company grow and maintain our customers. Expanding our market globally, this will be done by the use of improving our internet market. We will have to have a contact line which can be contacted and order your product from any place of the earth; we need to employ IT expert who will help in improving and maintaining our sites always on to our global customers. In this site, we will also be doing advertisement and introduction or new product in a market (Kotler, 2013). Internal strategic objection Product management we have to achieve our product meet the standard of excellence guidelines; this will be improved on how we outline or even pack our products when in the market. We need to come up with new ideas which will beat the competitive companies to being the best.
  • 3. Operations management we have to be on best at this goal; we have to be strategized at more locatable places where we will set our market, we need to have a vast room which will enable the company hold as many products as possible. He location also need to be suitable for a majority or all customers, the place or location need to be reachable hence suiting it among best means of transport, the internet also need to be good and the place being suitable climate. Technology management- we need to be able to communicate not only with the use of verbal directly, as a company we need to be able to reach by the use of modern technology. Like the utilization of the fast internet when our customer needs to order our product online. We need to be in sites our company being advertised which will end up giving us more customers globally. Marketing management- we have to be the best to our competitive companies by having the best advertisement and promotional plans. We can come up with free delivery for our esteem customers which will help market our products. We will also do community services which will help our company name a positive talk in our community; this can be done by offering free education to groceries farmers and still sponsoring some activities like games within the community. Channel management we will have to create the better relationship with our distributors. We will need a faster of distribution to our customers, like getting better means of transportation. Still, how our suppliers will relate with our customers will matter, every worker will have a uniform which will create that bonding with our customers. We will have a free toll number which complaints can be passed to our management. Learning strategic objectives Employees satisfaction- in time to come we have to make sure all our staff is fully satisfied on how they are treated or prayed in the company, we have to come up with evaluation of how we will be paying the best payment to each of our employees. Still, we need to have an active human resource that will be fair to everyone. The working area still will be conducive and stress-
  • 4. free for our employee who will in reverse produce the best. By increase in our market, we will b able to raise the maximum profit hence giving the best salary for our employees. Employee retention we will have to retain our employees for long as they will have experience. Hence we will have to employ professionals. And still, make sure they are working under the stress-free environment which makes them comfortable and no urge for transfer. The level of organizational capability we will be needed in providing the best to our customers; this will have to be training our employees to develop leadership capacity and potential of our team. This will help on how to handle customers and each other within the organization. The culture of the organization we will develop the certain culture which will assist the growth of our company; we will come up with certain celebration and awards to the top performance, this will bring competition to the employees who will be reciprocated to best production within the organization. Technology innovations- as an organization we will have to be hand to hand in technology innovations, thus we will be out through various internet platforms and employment or specialized IT expert who will always be keeping up with technology changes. Still, we will have to have easily manipulated technology as technology changes day by day, then making sure we have technology which is flexible for a long time (Hoang, 2007). Developing a communication strategy The purposes: the communication strategy will help the organization in- Being effective when imposing the strategies It will help attain our goal in an organized manner without guessing It will assist us in engaging positively with the stallholders It will help in having formulae on how to prosper in our organization It will also help people understand our primary objectives
  • 5. without difficulties Audience-: our main audience will be based internally and externally they are our staffs, the public, and also politicians to stay in safe side by political factors. Still, our stalk holder and future investors and customers will be our major audience. Here we will have a hierarchy on how importance our audiences are. Channels will be used in communication: First, we will use certain criteria in communication; it will start with the first in a hierarchy. The common channel will be the use of verbal talking; this channel is the best as it allows the person in showing the stress and sincerity like when communication to donors or future investors. Still, there will be use memes which will be going round the staff member; this channel is the beast as it can be written once and forwarded to all the expected audience (Nieuwenhuizen & Erasmus, 2007). References Hoang, P. (2007). Business and Management. Kotler, P. D. (2013). Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy. NSW,Australia: Pearson Australia. Nieuwenhuizen, C., & Erasmus, B. (2007). Business Management for Entrepreneurs. Cape Town: Juta. Powers, Marian, & E, B. (2010). Principle of Financial and Managerial Accounting. pp 19-22.
  • 6. Financial Perspective: The principal part of the Balanced Scorecard is the financial perspective. Publicizing incomes made up 97% of Google's incomes in 2008 and 2009, and 96% of their incomes in 2010. They determine the majority of their extra incomes from offering show promoting administration administrations to sponsors, advertisement organizations, and publishers, and also permitting our undertaking items, seek arrangements, and web look innovation. Indeed, even with the reliably expanding profits over the earlier years, Google trusts that the future will bring about decreasing incomes. They trust their income development rate will for the most part decrease as a consequence of various components, including expanding rivalry, the inescapable decrease in development rates as their incomes increment to more elevated amounts, and the expanding development of the internet promoting market. They trust their working edge will encounter descending weight as an aftereffect of expanding rivalry and expanded uses for some parts of their business. Customer Value Perspective: The customer perspective is a fundamental part to all organizations and businesses and Google is the same. The client point of view Google’s break down how clients view them and additionally how they might want to be seen by their clients. It is basic that the key execution measures line up with the regular procedure of the business to guarantee that profitability and income development make strides. The key execution measures Google finds vital under the client point of view region are: consumer loyalty, general organization feel, staying aware of innovation and going worldwide. Consumer loyalty is critical to Google on the grounds that without clients they would not be as effective as they are today. Google comprehends the significance of fulfilling their clients with the goal that they keep on using their items and connection their image to achievement. It is significant to Google that their clients rate them well. Another essential part of the client point
  • 7. of view is Google's general organization feel. Google that they treat their workers well and that they help the world that they are in. Clients know about how an organization treats their workers and that becomes a variable of how they see that organization to be. Google is known for treating their representatives extremely well. Process or Internal Operations Perspective: The third part of the Balanced Scorecard Assignment is the worldwide business perspective. Google inventiveness and advancement has been crucial to its progressing accomplishment of keeping up steadfast clients and clients. The most recent expansion of distributed computing to Google's item and administrations is changing the way assets, data, and programming is being put away and worked. Cloud computing is online processing, which implies pictures, recordings, reports, data, programming and equipment are helpfully put away on the web in different areas. Since programming parts are upgraded through the web, distinctive organization of data are promptly open through advanced mobile phones, net books, portable workstations, and comparative gadgets without the need to introduce or overhaul any product or equipment. In 2009 alone, Cloud processing propelled more than 100 changes and clients didn't have to deal with any overhauls or fixes. Fundamentally, clients don't need to be worried with application overhauls or PC similarity. Cloud computing additionally can confine or permit different clients to get to and take a shot at a record on the web, while shielding documents from PC crashes or spill debacle that may happen. Eventually, costumers are expenditure less over Google's budget of measure. With applications that keep running in the program, clients advantage from not paying for exorbitant particular programming to permit, fixing and occasional substitution. Learning and Growth (Employee) Perspective: The value chain of Google is extremely particular and somewhat not the same as a run of the mill esteem chain you would see from different organizations. The customary quality chain model shows how organizations join their assets to transform crude materials into
  • 8. physical merchandise, which is then sold and transformed into a benefit. Google however does not really deliver physical products. Rather Google regards their web clients as their wellspring of crude materials. Google draws in their clients through there one of a kind and propelled web search tool and uses promotions and signs to direct them, as streets and signs direct activity. The signs are Google's publicizing accomplices, which change their movement of clients into deals by guiding them towards Google's accomplices' sites. Google has turned into an organization individuals appreciate for their money related development, their client appraisals, their method for treating their workers and their advancement. All through our examination we have found that in each of the four territories Google endeavors to be the best and have a few measures set up to accomplish their objectives and targets. Financially they are always attempting to discover approaches to lessen their expenses and find new acquisitions to put their brains into. Their clients are a vital advantage for them and they are always discovering approaches to enhance the velocity and security of their items and administrations, which have kept them positioned high on the Customer Satisfaction Index. Google is known for treating their representatives phenomenal with numerous advantages and have been positioned in the highest fifth in Forbes "100 Top Businesses to Effort For" for quite a while now. Development is something Google has been known for since they were established and they are constantly turning out with new administrations and more propelled moves up to existing administrations. Google has been the pioneer in its industry since it initially ventured foot in the Internet seeker marketplace. Google has made up a business procedure to address worries on the planet and create innovation to spare it. For the time being Google has created devices that have changed the way we experience our lives and lead business over the globe. Google's advancement will make an unfathomable power behind the way we inquiry and offer data to the world. Financial Objectives
  • 9. Measures Targets 2008 2009 2010 Revenue Growing Profitability Operation Expenses Stock Values % Change in Revenue Return on Equity % Prices of Revenue vs. Overheads Stock Bills (using Dec 31 year close) 31.3% -18.9% 0.2% -44.5% 8.5% 20.7% -4.8% 201.5% 24.0% 1.7% -0.2% -4.2% Customers Objectives Customer Fulfillment Overall Company Feel Keeping Up With Knowledge Going Worldwide
  • 10. Customer Satisfaction Index Ranking on Forbes List Green New Attainments Revenues by area 86 1 1.4 billion 4% 86 4 1.5billion 3% 80 4 1.8billion 1% Internal Business Process Innovation Best Examine Engine Becoming Global Retaining Top People/Keeping Top Persons Software Growth Customer Practice Rating Foreign Participation Job Development NA 72.07% NA 60% NA 72.52% NA
  • 11. 40% NA 71.59% NA NA Learning and Growth Value Chain SWOT Study Global Policy Profit Side Earthly Revenues (UK , US, Others) 5.9% N/A -5%, -1%, 8.2% N/A -2%, 1% 1.4% N/A 1%, -2%
  • 12. Running head: BUSINESS MODEL 1 BUSINESS MODEL 2 Business Model 4 Mar 2017 Bus/ 475 Week 2 Table of Contents 2Business Model 2Executive Summary 3Strategic Plan Part 1 4Strategic Plan Part 2: SWOT Analysis 6Strategic Plan Part 3 7Conclusion 8References Business Model Business models are done with the aim of generating profit in the company as well as being able to view the missions and visions of the organization with the goal of offering the best services to the customers that will use the services and the products. In this research task, it will try to view the way in which an organization can be able to form a business model and be able to make it a success through the answering of the various questions (Dolgui & Proth, 2010). Executive Summary In the company that I am working on, it deals with the way in
  • 13. which people can consult as in the various ways that are involved in the logistics, supply chain and the entire procurement process. Clients can approach the company and ask for the best ways that they can ensure they will achieve the smooth, transparent and timely procurement of different supplies. By the use of this, our company can advance on the best suppliers and the buyers that offer the best quality of goods and services. By the utilization of the company, customers can meet with the sellers and the vice versa of the process. By the use of the best ways, it ensures that the organization can achieve success. The previous customers can refer new clients to the use of our services in the achievement of an honest and transparent supply chain process. In the recent day, a business model has been adopted that promises to ensure that the organization can achieve greater success. The way in this is the in cooperation with the logistics process and the launch of the online feedback and online transaction of the business. By the use of this way, it will make the organization one of its kind and be above the other companies that offer the same services. By this way, it will ensure the proper utilization of the limited resources. Strategic Plan Part 1 In the already existing business process, its vision is to make sure that there are the transparency, effectiveness and efficiency in the supply chain business. The mission of the existing division is to ensure that it can achieve the vision 2020 of an efficient supply chain process that guarantees a new stand that offers the entity supply chain services. The value proportion is to ensure that the services provided will attract more client to the organization to make the services and the goods that are offered to be in the right quantity, quality and delivered at the best time possible. By the use of this way, the company will be able to be in line with the vision of the transparency and effectiveness of the supply chain process (Dolgui & Proth, 2010).
  • 14. In the new division, will be customer focused as it will be able to consult directly with the clients who will state the best way toward the reaching of the objective of the organization. The mission of the new division will go in line with the other task of the already existing company. The mission statement of the division will be goods and services offering through the efficient use of logistics, technology and proper feedback to the company to achieve customer satisfaction. In the new division that has been developed, it will entirely be customer based in the way of the operations. In this new division, it will ensure that the client can note the observation of his or her goods in transit through the use of the vehicle routing and vehicle scheduling. In the utilization of this way, the customer will receive an up to date occurrence of the transport through the use of the mobile phone that can be done by the utilization of the phone messages or the use of the company’s website. In this way, the use of the internet will allow the user to have a user identity that will ensure it is the right person that will receive the information of the update of the movement of the goods from one place to another. Our services will be differentiated from the rest through the use of a transparent way, the offering of the after services such as transportation to the premises of the customer which will be at the door of the client. The other way that it will be differentiated is through the use of the user identification that will be able to track the loyal set of customers (Dolgui & Proth, 2010). The use of the model will be able to meet the competitive advantage over the other companies in the way in which other companies do not apply the use of vehicle routing and scheduling. The other organization only deliver the goods and services to the customers without informing them of the place that the goods are in the transit process. By the use of the
  • 15. method that the model has viewed, it will ensure that the organization will be in a better position as compared to the other organization (Dolgui & Proth, 2010). Strategic Plan Part 2: SWOT Analysis The vision of the new model it is to ensure that the organization can be a one store center that offers all the services to the customer with delivery within the shortest-term period. The business model of the new design will ensure that the organization will deliver the supply of the goods and services not only with the use of the road transport but also the use of the air travel. In the utilization of this way, it will ensure that the organization will also be based on the international standards. By the utilization of the SWOT analysis, the company will be able to identify the strength of the use of the model. One of the external environment, the strength is that the organization can use the best strategy in the advertisement of the new model (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis, 2012). The other strength is that the organization is already developed; hence it will require minimal time in the determination of the new customer base. The internal strength is that the departments are willing to work in unison with the idea of the best strategy that will ensure the success of the way. The inner weakness of the use of the model is that it may take a long time to employ the new ideas of the company. The external weakness is that it may take a lot of efforts in the hope to make the clients emulate the new project by the organization. The external opportunity that the company can use is the going to the area that has not had the excellent coverage of the supply chain and procurement people. By the utilization of this way, it will attract new customers. The internal opportunity will be the use of the already customer that can be the new clients to the new model by informing them of the new products ((Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis, 2012). The external threats that the firm may experience in the model is the other companies that deal in the same merchandise
  • 16. emulating the same services we offer. The internal threat may be that the first process may take a lot of finances to implement it. The vision, mission and the value of the new division align to the existing visions, mission and value in the thought that the use of the ways will ensure that the supply chain process will be smooth. By the utilization of the way, the organization will be able to deliver the best services to the clients. They will also appreciate customer loyalty through the utilization of the best way that hopes to inform the clients of the new products at the right time. The new model will align to the existing in the way that it will also reduce the lead time in the delivery of the goods and the services (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis, 2012). The vision, mission and value guide strategies direction of the division by the ensuring that all the rules on the use of transparency mission of the organization. The trust of the organization will improve the way that the organization conducts its practices (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis, 2012). Strategic Plan Part 3 The assumptions that will be made is that the same customers that were in the first organization will be the same ones that will use new services. The risk that will be observed is the idea that all the processes that are done in the original process may not yield the high levels of profit. This process is because the process may not attract many users at the initial stages. The management plan is to use the surplus funds to ensure that the primary business can usually work (Sodhi & Tang, 2012). The objective of the new model will be to ensure that the firm is the leader in the supply chain process, consultation and the offering of the best quality services and goods to the users in the market.
  • 17. In the balanced scorecard, it will try to view the amount of cash that the division can get after a period. It will also display the feedback of the customers after the period. The stakeholders will have the impact of the growth of their revenue in the success of the process in the pilot stages. The communication will be to inform all the current clients of the new services through the use of the mobile sets and the delivery of the same message by the utilization of the newsletter (Sodhi & Tang, 2012).Conclusion By the utilization of the best strategies, it will ensure that the organization will be able to achieve success in the process. The use of the best communication will make sure that the clients will be up to date with the new products that the organization offer. The use of the organization will ensure that the public confidence in the procurement process will be restored for good (Sodhi & Tang, 2012).References Dolgui, A. & Proth, J. (2010). Supply chain engineering (1st Ed.). London: Springer. Grigoroudis, E., Orfanoudaki, E., & Zopounidis, C. (2012). Strategic performance measurement in a healthcare organisation: A multiple criteria approach based on balanced scorecard. Omega, 40(1), 104-119. Sodhi, M. & Tang, C. (2012). Managing Supply Chain Risk (1st Ed.). Boston, MA: Springer US. Content Met Partially Met
  • 18. Not Met Comments: The paper includes a proposal of a new product or service for the new company division. The proposed division should be customer-focused with an innovative mission statement and elements that differentiate the product or service are included. X Arthur, This paper is much improved. You did a nice job of developing the assignment objectives and discussion what your strategy will look like. The paper includes a description of how the division addresses customer needs and achieves competitive advantage. X Nice summary of how you intend to meet your customer’s needs. The paper includes an explanation of how the vision, mission, and value of the new division align with the company's mission and vision. X Nice discussion of how vision and mission align with the overall organization, but you need to use specific examples related to your organization in addition to the researched material you identified. The paper includes a summary of how the vision, mission, and values guide the division's strategic direction. X
  • 19. Nice discussion of the organizations mission and how these elements guide the strategic direction. The paper includes the definition of the guiding principles and values for the new division in the context of culture, social responsibility, and ethics. X Nice discussion of the organizations stance on ethics and social responsibility. The paper is between 1,400 and 1,750 words in length. X Total Available Total Earned 6 5.7 Writing Guidelines Met Partially Met Not Met Comments: The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements.
  • 20. X Arthur, Good use of APA format. Your paper is well laid out and follows the assignment objectives. Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page. X Good use of references and in text citations. Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper. X Good use of transitions and summary headings to help introduce your main topics and organize the paper. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. X Arthur, This is the only section I have a comment on here. Several of your sentences need restructured. I would suggest submitting them to the writing center for review. Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and punctuation. X
  • 21. Total Available Total Earned 2 1.5 Assignment Total 8 7.2 Additional comments: Running Head:SWOT ANALYSIS 1 NETFLIX 4 SWOT ANALYSIS 16 SWOT Analysis Week 3 / BUS 475 12 Mar 17 Business Division/sector: Grocery Business Model: Sales and Services. EXTERNAL FORCES STRENGTHS WEAKNESS OPPORTUNITY THREAT TREND
  • 22. Legal and Regulatory Legal and Regulatory Most of the trade policies in the grocery division favor its markets. Taxes on the products are low which helps in the process of maximizing profits Road systems which require inspection of goods create delays in the delivery process. This contributes to the rise in customer complaints. Trade policies in support of globalization have helped in creating new international markets. These markets open an opportunity for grocery business to expand internationally. The GMO groceries are becoming popular and are creating a very stiff competition in the domestic market. The GMO groceries like the tomatoes are a new trend. Grocery firms are still analyzing on whether to embrace them or continue relying on the naturally grown products. Global The grocery division are capable of exercising control over its market due to diverseness. The division specializes in various foods such as vegetables, meat, and bakeries. Competition has stiffened due to global as many large international companies are expanding geographically. Due to global, small enterprises are slowly being eliminated from the market. This creates an opportunity for the big groceries to secure their customers and increase these clients to their list. Major trends include the product curation by consumers, shopping done by the client across multiple channels and the private labeling of groceries is gaining popularity.
  • 23. Economic Economic Since economics deals with how the market works, grocery divisions can come up with strategies that can help them improve on their customer relation which will be vital in improving sales. Economics has made the grocery sector to be very competitive forcing supermarkets to be oligopolistic. This forces the grocery business which wants to stay in the competition to come up with new strategies so that they can improve on their operation strategies. The groceries retail stores and supermarket have the ability to fine tune their expansion plans due to economics. Competition has resulted in the grocery sector to becoming innovative. Most of the product are packed in a way that they can now be internationally moved without them getting spoilt. The global economy has affected the retail strategies due to the introduction of discounted items which were never discounted. Economy recessions have slowed down the process plans which has been helpful in maintaining the quality of grocery products. Segmentation and premium extensions are some of the examples which slow down quality improvement methods The trend in economics is how the number of supermarkets and grocery stores are growing at a very fast rate especially in the developed countries like the UK and the U.S.A. Technological Due to technology, online markets, and sales have become possible especially in the developed worlds. Technology has made it possible for perishable goods to be packed in a manner that they will not get spoilt even without refrigeration. Packing groceries like beans, beef, and tomatoes in cans are some of the ways of packing perishable goods. The process helps these products to stay for long without perishing.
  • 24. MO foods are becoming popular, yet science reveals that they are not healthy as naturally grown groceries. Technology in groceries especially the production of MGO foods threatens the health of people. Technology helps many supermarkets to improve their customers’ shopping experience. It has eased the location of products by customers, an introduction of the self-serve scanning of products by customers, and the supermarket mobile apps which help customers to do online shopping which tries to encourage home delivery of grocery products. Technology has changed the lifestyle of many individuals which has in turn affected how customers shop and eat. This change that is being exhibited by consumers’ create a threat to supermarkets and grocery retail shops which cannot keep up with technology. Technology has changed the lifestyle of many individuals which has, in turn, affected how customers shop and eat. This change that is being exhibited by consumers’ create a threat to supermarkets and grocery retail shops which cannot keep up with technology. The primary trend that concerns the grocery sector is the request for fresh products in the grocery outlets. Although this is challenging, consumers were hoping that the technology can offer a solution to the problem. Product curation which focuses on customer specification is another trend that consumers are hoping that these outlets would embrace. Innovation Distinctive offerings concerned with change help many groceries avoid competition. Innovation further offers a clear vision and helps in evolving these offerings due to change in the taste of customers which may be brought about by technology Grocery outlets are looking for ways in which they can permanently shift to value. Merchandise innovation is another major trend that is circulating the grocery division. GMO has
  • 25. been one of these innovations but has been highly criticized. The introduction of online markets helps grocery outlets expand their markets. The introduction of new services that are able to help these stores to meet customer need can be helpful in diversifying their clients’ base. High burden of debt, lack of modern technology in grocery outlets, and a high turnover of staffs which decreases the eligibility of supermarkets to compete are some of the major threats associated with innovation. A country with a bad economy negatively affects grocery outlets since it discourages shoppers. Changes in the government rules can also adversely affect grocery outlets. Social Groceries retails that request for feedback from their customers improves on their comments. They can, therefore, work on their weaknesses to improve on productivity. Customers can sometimes give negative comments which when taken seriously by these outlets can harm them. Through socialization, these outlets can know which products that customers value most and increase the market base for them to improve their sales. Feedback from customers can ruin the brand of the company and its employees. In the process, the outlet can lose some of its valuable customers. Online feedbacks where a customer does not need to waste time in offering feedback during shopping hours is the trend that circles grocery outlets. Environmental A supermarket which is set in a good environment will have a humble time to come up with strategies that can help it grow and expand. A grocery outlet on an environment that has many shopping restrictions and regulations discourage customers. In addition, an environment that experiences violence and theft most of the time will lead an outlet to experience a debt burden. A country that encourages technology change, embracement,
  • 26. and socialization creates good relation with the people and the government. An environment whose stability is not constant acts as a threat to these grocery outlets. The capability of grocery retails to adapt to any kind of environment bad offer its services well is a trend which is circulating the grocery market. Competitive Analysis The analysis gives an opportunity for grocery outlets to identify their weaknesses so that they can work to improve themselves (Fleisher & Bensoussan, 2015). An inaccurate competitive analysis can give the wrong interpretation of the supermarket’s current position in the market. Measures taken regarding this report can affect the grocery outlet in a negative way. An accurate, competitive analysis helps a company to come up with strategies that can be helpful in spotting international opportunities for expansion. A competitive analysis can discourage a grocery outlet whose performance might have been affected by uncontrollable market forces like hiking of production cost which can lead to raising of supply cost. The increase in outsourcing is a major trend that revolves around the grocery division. Encouragement of outsourcing non- core functions is a significant trend in outsourcing. INTERNAL FORCES STRENGTH WEAKNESS OPPORTUNITY THREAT TREND Strategy Good strategies help a grocery outlet to improve in it sales and services. A weak strategy can lead to a supermarket in making loses in its
  • 27. sales and poor performance in its service. A strategy give a vivid picture on how sales and services should be in the present and future. Application of a strategy which has never been tasted by any other grocery outlet can prove to be costly and risky. The common trend in strategy is the discussion on why some strategies fail on some outlets while succeeds in others Structures Service offered in a retail shop should encourage shoppers to come and shop more often. Arrangement of products should be easy to spot and identify. A poor retail structure causes confusion during shopping. Poor services discourage shoppers who are women in coming back to the grocery store to shop again, A good structure helps to increase the number of customers. Customers who find it easy to shop in a certain retail will recommend their friends to that retail. Poor services and expensive products is a major threat since it discourages customers from shopping in that outlet. Structures in the grocery outlets which can fully support the sale and service department is a major trend. Processes and System Processes and systems which are in line with the services offered by the outlet help to improve sales A complicated system and process especially the online platform of the outlet can easily repel customers leading to low sales. A good process and system helps to save time which enables more customers to be served. This is viewed as good services from the outlet by clients. A poor process and systems for serving customer will lead to a reduction in sales. This can lead to the closure of the outlet. Easy to maintain systems which are in line with the services of a grocery retail shop is discussion that revolves around the stakeholder, management, and consumers. Resources
  • 28. Through resources, grocery retails can improve on their strategies, systems, services which can help improve on their sales. When a supermarket has resources it tends to overlook it shoppers which can be their downfall in the future. Resources help outlets to expand geographically, improve on their services since the employees are paid well, and work on their marketing strategies to maximize profits. Lack of resources is a threat to grocery outlets since they can be overburden with debts. The management and raising of resources from the sales made from the outlets is the trend that is circulating around. Goals The goals of a grocery should be reflected from the way it carries out its services since this would be crucial in hitting the targeted sales. Focusing on organizational goals by the retails can lead to customer dissatisfaction. When the outlets get to achieve the goals it targeted, it opens up opportunities for more accomplishment. Achievement of goal by a grocery outlet can make them be overconfidence which can lead to setting up of unrealistic goals. The major trend in the grocery outlets is how these outlets can identify and set realistic goals using specific strategies. Strategic Capabilities Strategic capabilities help in customer retention, efficient use of resources, and effective company expansion. Strategic capabilities sometimes give a wrong perception to an organization. A company can be able to foresee potential failures and disasters giving them an opportunity to maintain and come up with new policies to help it avoid future disasters. Strategic capabilities can be viewed as experimental and can prove to be costly. These can make an outlet experience loses which can be hard to recover. The marketing strategies used by one outlet should work in
  • 29. another outlet with the same products. However, I the grocery division, this seems not to be the case. Culture A culture puts the employees in order. It defines how they should behave and conduct their services in the sales department. Culture can be restrictive when it comes to creation and imagination. The sales and service model needs to creativity and imagination so that Culture helps in the specialization of products that customers in a given particular area prefer than other products. Culture creates biasness of products which can lead to low profit making. Reducing of biasness in many geographical area as a way of improving on sales is proving to be challenging especially in places where they do not consume certain products. Technologies It helps in the maximizing of investment from the returns that the grocery outlets. Adapting to the new technology in the sales and service department can prove to be very expensive for the grocery outlets. Technology has contributed to great lengths in the rise of various platforms in which are able to attract and engage various customers to attract them into the sales funnel. This is an online service platform. Grocery outlets with an inability to adapt to new operational changes caused by technology will likely drop on their sales since they would be lacking behind since customers change with technology. Technologies is trying to change the sales and service operations of the grocery outlets from face to face to the use of online platforms. Innovations It assists the sales and service departments to come up with tools and methods that can reshape the sale and service
  • 30. structures to maximize on sales. Innovative strategies require the use of resources from which the sales department can end up making a loss from using too much than what it brings back (UNESCO , 2015). Through innovative strategies, companies can foresee future opportunities which the sales and service departments can take advantage to achieve organizational goals. The use of resources is very costly and grocery retails may end up borrowing funds at the expense of innovation which can prove to be very costly in the future. The sales and department are discussing on whether it is possible to balance the resources used in innovation with the profit that the sales department will make from its sales. Intellectual Property It helps in bringing new products which will boost the sales department in improving on its profit. Creativity is sometimes a trial and error which when the product fails to meet the requirements of shoppers, the sales department end up making loses. The invention of new intellectual properties broadens the market for shoppers which will constitute in the sales department making more profit (Torremans, 2014). Waste of time and resources to the sales department is a direct result from a product which fails to perform in the market. The grocery retails are analyzing on whether it is possible to minimize the capital spent in securing intellectual properties with the concerned bodies. Leadership Good leadership strategies will help an organization get focused on the goals to be achieved. Poor leadership will lead to inefficiency in the service and sales department which can constitute to loss-making. Leadership plays an important role in regard to the current position that a grocery retail holds in its market. A good position in the market helps in attracting more customers. Leadership is important but too much focus on it can blind the
  • 31. management to concerns linked to employees as it is concerned more on the market and customers. The trend in leadership is whether it is possible to apply new strategies which will focus on improving leadership strategies that will work both for the service and sales department. STRENGTH WEAKNESS OPPORTUNITY THREAT TREND SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYSIS A good analysis can help the sector to address both long and short term goals through improving on its purchasing power. A poor analysis will lead to poor capitalization of the volumes of purchase which will lead to the dropping of costs. A good supply analysis will help a firm a company cut down its cost by coming up with new initiatives. A good analysis will help the grocery outlets focus on vendors’ decisions which can pose problems during the supply of products. It is being analyzed on whether it is possible to lower costs of supply while at the same time improving on the approaches to ensure products are available in time. Introduction The grocery division acts as a major catalyst in the economies of both developing and developed countries. The sector serves as a barometer of the health of many economies playing a key role in the future growth of the countries involved. The grocery division acts as an intermediary for producers offering services that can complement their sales. Business models are meant to articulate logic and data to support a proposition for good customer relationships and structures of revenues and costs. Business models are more generic than the strategies used by companies, and these models’ analysis is vital for the protection
  • 32. of firms. Different cooperation applies different business models according to their market set up, goals, objectives, and plans. The sell and service business model involve selling goods directly to the customers while at the same time offering relevant services that are in line with the with the objective of ensuring a sale is made. Many firms involved in the grocery sector take advantage of this model. They sell grocery products to customers but still hire employees who will assist clients in the location of any product that they may be in need of and other services that will ensure the purchase process will move swiftly. The thesis paper uses SWOT Analysis to look at the efficiency of the sale and service business model to the grocery division. Body The grocery sector is a very competitive division and any investor hoping to venture into it should be prepared for the competition pressure that is usually associated with it. Although many grocery retailers prefer to use the traditional strategies used in shopping, technological changes are forcing major retailers to review this stand. The industry is facing a high level of merger and consolidation which has caused a need for consumer-oriented innovations that can offer them a competitive value and service. This involves the selling of high- quality products and offering excellent services to make their shopping experience enjoyable. Customer satisfaction is very vital in the grocery division for the purpose of retaining clients (Kobel, Kellezi, & Kilpatrick, 2015). Successful grocery outlets like Walmart attribute their success to customer satisfaction. These stores require that a customer should think of coming back to the grocery anytime that supermarkets are needed in the house. The grocery industry has many regulations that are responsible for maintaining the playing field of its competition. Many
  • 33. governments set up laws and regulations to ensure that monopolization does not exist in the sector. Monopolistic activities are the reason why many industries in the other areas drive out competitors. Although many analysts say, that competition is the reason behind the decline of shopping, current research states recession as the reason why there is less shopping. Gender and income are the key players in the grocery division. Women make up the largest part of shoppers in any geographical region. This creates a need for the innovation of marketing strategies such as promotion and store set-up that are suited for the preferences of women. Women are very sensitive people, and this is one reason why excellent customer services play a fundamental role in the success of businesses in the grocery division. Before the set-up of any grocery store in any geographical region, analysis of the people’s income is vital. This has been one of the significant trends in the grocery division. Customers and technology determine the trends in the grocery industry. The use of the self-checkout registers in the grocery stores especially in the developed countries is a trend is circulating globally due to its efficiency in reducing delays and jams. The technology offers customers the opportunity to check themselves out rather than waiting for an employee to do it for them. This is a technology advancement in the sell and service business model. One of its benefit from this technology is its ability to reduce the number of employees needed in the checkout processes. A single employee is capable of managing four checkout registers. This not only eliminates the number of employees that would have been required to do the job, but it also saves money and enhances the experience of customers increasing their capability of returning to the store. Another way that business can adapt to change in the grocery market is through adapting operating models that can support any change caused by competitors.
  • 34. Cost leverage is one the ways that large retailers like Krager take advantage to beat their customers. Placing a small value on products through getting these products at a considerable low price than other competitors is how an organization can gain cost leverage. Cost leverage is a way of leveraging competencies and resources in the supply chain. A firm can make positive impacts on the business model and stakeholders through the use of the cost leverage strategy. The use of many suppliers is another way of gaining leverage in the supply chain. Sometimes different vendors offer different prices for the same commodity. This may be for the purpose of marketing, promotion, and customer maintenance. No matter what the reason, grocery outlets can take advantage of this and use it for their benefit. Collaboration with the suppliers is another way of gaining vendor chain leverage. Having a good relationship with suppliers is vital for efficiency and one way of eliminating delays. Modern consumers are motivated by in purchasing products that are considered healthy. These consumers are far from the old customers who were focused on fitness products that were able to cut down fat and calories. Modern shopper tends to avoid products with artificial ingredients, pesticides, and GMOs. Another major issue in the grocery industry is the adaptation to technology especially the shift to e-commerce (Niemeier, Zocchi, & Catena, 2013). Although the grocery sector has been slow in adapting to the e-commerce space, a lot of industries are starting to stand up to the challenge. The Amazon Company is an emerging competitor who wants to venture in the grocery industry. The globe war against the intake of high sugars is turning consumers from products that are highly concentrated with the item. Soda has been a victim to this protest. Research reveals that modern shoppers are shifting to the young and urban consumers who are moving to away from the traditional ways of shopping. Also, it has been shown from the analysis that many of the shoppers are the middle-class population.
  • 35. Conclusion The change in technology is the main theme concerned with the creation of the online market. It is high time that grocery outlets re-strategize and come up with ways that they can include e- commerce to their market. The shift in the market to online have made the young and urban population to be the leading consumers in the shopping department. Since the generation is controlled by technology, the company should consider how it can handle and maintain this group of users. The circumstance of the issues and opportunities involved in the grocery sector can be classified into technology and product oriented. The young and urban shoppers are shifting the market to the online platform revealing the accuracy of this classification. The other type of modern buyers is concerned with products that are in support of their health rather than their fitness. References Fleisher, C. S., & Bensoussan, B. E. (2015). Business and Competitive Analysis: Effective Application of New and Classic Methods. FT Press. Kobel, P., Kellezi, P., & Kilpatrick, B. (2015). Antitrust in the Groceries sector & Liability Issues in Relation to Corporate Social Responsibility. Springer. Niemeier, S., Zocchi, A., & Catena, M. (2013). Reshaping Retail: Why Technology is Transforming the Industry and How to Win the New Consumer Driven World. Wiley Publishers. Torremans, P. (2014). Research Handbook on Cross-border Enforcement of Intellectual Property. Edward Elgar Publishing. UNESCO . (2015). Unesco science report: towards 2030. UNESCO Publishing.
  • 36. Running head: BUSINESS MODEL 1 BUSINESS MODEL 2 Business Model 4 Mar 2017 Bus/ 475 Week 2 Table of Contents 2Business Model 2Executive Summary 3Strategic Plan Part 1 4Strategic Plan Part 2: SWOT Analysis 6Strategic Plan Part 3 7Conclusion 8References Business Model Business models are done with the aim of generating profit in the company as well as being able to view the missions and visions of the organization with the goal of offering the best services to the customers that will use the services and the products. In this research task, it will try to view the way in which an organization can be able to form a business model and be able to make it a success through the answering of the various questions (Dolgui & Proth, 2010). Executive Summary In the company that I am working on, it deals with the way in which people can consult as in the various ways that are involved in the logistics, supply chain and the entire
  • 37. procurement process. Clients can approach the company and ask for the best ways that they can ensure they will achieve the smooth, transparent and timely procurement of different supplies. By the use of this, our company can advance on the best suppliers and the buyers that offer the best quality of goods and services. By the utilization of the company, customers can meet with the sellers and the vice versa of the process. By the use of the best ways, it ensures that the organization can achieve success. The previous customers can refer new clients to the use of our services in the achievement of an honest and transparent supply chain process. In the recent day, a business model has been adopted that promises to ensure that the organization can achieve greater success. The way in this is the in cooperation with the logistics process and the launch of the online feedback and online transaction of the business. By the use of this way, it will make the organization one of its kind and be above the other companies that offer the same services. By this way, it will ensure the proper utilization of the limited resources. Strategic Plan Part 1 In the already existing business process, its vision is to make sure that there are the transparency, effectiveness and efficiency in the supply chain business. The mission of the existing division is to ensure that it can achieve the vision 2020 of an efficient supply chain process that guarantees a new stand that offers the entity supply chain services. The value proportion is to ensure that the services provided will attract more client to the organization to make the services and the goods that are offered to be in the right quantity, quality and delivered at the best time possible. By the use of this way, the company will be able to be in line with the vision of the transparency and effectiveness of the supply chain process (Dolgui & Proth, 2010). In the new division, will be customer focused as it will be able to consult directly with the clients who will state the best way
  • 38. toward the reaching of the objective of the organization. The mission of the new division will go in line with the other task of the already existing company. The mission statement of the division will be goods and services offering through the efficient use of logistics, technology and proper feedback to the company to achieve customer satisfaction. In the new division that has been developed, it will entirely be customer based in the way of the operations. In this new division, it will ensure that the client can note the observation of his or her goods in transit through the use of the vehicle routing and vehicle scheduling. In the utilization of this way, the customer will receive an up to date occurrence of the transport through the use of the mobile phone that can be done by the utilization of the phone messages or the use of the company’s website. In this way, the use of the internet will allow the user to have a user identity that will ensure it is the right person that will receive the information of the update of the movement of the goods from one place to another. Our services will be differentiated from the rest through the use of a transparent way, the offering of the after services such as transportation to the premises of the customer which will be at the door of the client. The other way that it will be differentiated is through the use of the user identification that will be able to track the loyal set of customers (Dolgui & Proth, 2010). The use of the model will be able to meet the competitive advantage over the other companies in the way in which other companies do not apply the use of vehicle routing and scheduling. The other organization only deliver the goods and services to the customers without informing them of the place that the goods are in the transit process. By the use of the method that the model has viewed, it will ensure that the organization will be in a better position as compared to the
  • 39. other organization (Dolgui & Proth, 2010). Strategic Plan Part 2: SWOT Analysis The vision of the new model it is to ensure that the organization can be a one store center that offers all the services to the customer with delivery within the shortest-term period. The business model of the new design will ensure that the organization will deliver the supply of the goods and services not only with the use of the road transport but also the use of the air travel. In the utilization of this way, it will ensure that the organization will also be based on the international standards. By the utilization of the SWOT analysis, the company will be able to identify the strength of the use of the model. One of the external environment, the strength is that the organization can use the best strategy in the advertisement of the new model (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis, 2012). The other strength is that the organization is already developed; hence it will require minimal time in the determination of the new customer base. The internal strength is that the departments are willing to work in unison with the idea of the best strategy that will ensure the success of the way. The inner weakness of the use of the model is that it may take a long time to employ the new ideas of the company. The external weakness is that it may take a lot of efforts in the hope to make the clients emulate the new project by the organization. The external opportunity that the company can use is the going to the area that has not had the excellent coverage of the supply chain and procurement people. By the utilization of this way, it will attract new customers. The internal opportunity will be the use of the already customer that can be the new clients to the new model by informing them of the new products ((Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis, 2012). The external threats that the firm may experience in the model is the other companies that deal in the same merchandise emulating the same services we offer. The internal threat may be that the first process may take a lot of finances to implement
  • 40. it. The vision, mission and the value of the new division align to the existing visions, mission and value in the thought that the use of the ways will ensure that the supply chain process will be smooth. By the utilization of the way, the organization will be able to deliver the best services to the clients. They will also appreciate customer loyalty through the utilization of the best way that hopes to inform the clients of the new products at the right time. The new model will align to the existing in the way that it will also reduce the lead time in the delivery of the goods and the services (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis, 2012). The vision, mission and value guide strategies direction of the division by the ensuring that all the rules on the use of transparency mission of the organization. The trust of the organization will improve the way that the organization conducts its practices (Grigoroudis, Orfanoudaki and Zopounidis, 2012). Strategic Plan Part 3 The assumptions that will be made is that the same customers that were in the first organization will be the same ones that will use new services. The risk that will be observed is the idea that all the processes that are done in the original process may not yield the high levels of profit. This process is because the process may not attract many users at the initial stages. The management plan is to use the surplus funds to ensure that the primary business can usually work (Sodhi & Tang, 2012). The objective of the new model will be to ensure that the firm is the leader in the supply chain process, consultation and the offering of the best quality services and goods to the users in the market. In the balanced scorecard, it will try to view the amount of
  • 41. cash that the division can get after a period. It will also display the feedback of the customers after the period. The stakeholders will have the impact of the growth of their revenue in the success of the process in the pilot stages. The communication will be to inform all the current clients of the new services through the use of the mobile sets and the delivery of the same message by the utilization of the newsletter (Sodhi & Tang, 2012).Conclusion By the utilization of the best strategies, it will ensure that the organization will be able to achieve success in the process. The use of the best communication will make sure that the clients will be up to date with the new products that the organization offer. The use of the organization will ensure that the public confidence in the procurement process will be restored for good (Sodhi & Tang, 2012).References Dolgui, A. & Proth, J. (2010). Supply chain engineering (1st Ed.). London: Springer. Grigoroudis, E., Orfanoudaki, E., & Zopounidis, C. (2012). Strategic performance measurement in a healthcare organisation: A multiple criteria approach based on balanced scorecard. Omega, 40(1), 104-119. Sodhi, M. & Tang, C. (2012). Managing Supply Chain Risk (1st Ed.). Boston, MA: Springer US.