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                 PHILOMEN HARRISON



                 26-27 JANUARY 2012


     The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) organized a Seminar on
     Emerging Trends in Data Communication during the period of the
     Forty-first (41st) session of the United Nations Statistical Commission
     (UNSC) and which was held at the UN Headquarters, New York, in
     February 2010. The seminar was intended to share the experiences of
     statistical managers and non-statisticians on new approaches to
     disseminating data to users and on demands being made on statistical
     offices as disseminators of statistics. In particular, the seminar informed
     participants about the innovations in the communication of data and on
     movements towards open data. Expositions of new products that can be
     created by non-statistical persons were presented and the implications
     discussed. Among the keynote speeches was one delivered by Hans
     Rosling, Founder of the Gapminder Foundation, Sweden.

     The UNSC, which comprises member states of the UN, international
     organizations engaged in or supporting the development of statistics, is
     the apex entity in the international statistical system, setting and
     approving statistical standards. The organization of this seminar showed
     that the international statistical community had an awareness of changes
     taking place in the emerging trends in making data available to users.
     The seminar also served to sensitise the statistical community as a whole
     to the concept of open data.

     Among the issues raised or assertions discussed at this seminar were:

          On public access to data-Statistics should be made freely available
           to users;

          The means of achieving open access to data were that data should
           be free, and the reusability of it should be free.

          The approach of open licensing it was stated, makes it possible to
           grant permission to access, reuse and redistribute work with few or
           no restrictions. This led to consideration of the approach of

Creative Commons which is used by the Australia Bureau of
         Statistics (ABS) for copyrighting their online statistics including
         their customized statistical tables. Users can freely use, reuse,
         change and distribute even commercially the ABS Statistics. There
         is no limit to the quantity of data. ABS only asks for
         acknowledgement as the source of the data and they found that
         free access accelerates use.

        There were some concerns that statistical offices are not user-

        It was also stated that it is likely that non-statisticians can
         through innovations use the statistics produced by statistical
         agencies to create new products that are more user-oriented- user-
         friendly, less boring, easier to understand.

        The view was also expressed that the statistical community is
         perhaps not making full use of spatial data in disseminating
         outputs. Spatial data systems development was emphasized as an
         integral part of data dissemination-providing area profiles;
         performing on the map analysis; enabling different visualization of
         the same data etc.

        On the quantity of data to be accessed - it was stated that data are
         everywhere and goes beyond data available from official statistics
         and that “more data is better”.

        Understanding the data is vital. Metadata are important for
         enabling an understanding of the meaning of the data. It adds
         value to the data. It was contended that “More data is better” only
         if there is an understanding of the meaning of the data, and

        Micro data files are important statistical outputs;

    Two questions were raised on:

    o    How to present the right data with the right context to meet users

    o    How to ensure that the most recent and most correct data are used
         and displayed?

In sum, it was stated that access to information is a key to open
     government. „Public access to government –held information allows
     individuals to better understand the role of government and decisions
     being made on their behalf‟. (Carter Centre)


     Among the justification for Open Data include the assertion that public
     money is used to fund the work that is created by a government
     institution and therefore it should be universally available. In
     microeconomics the justification relies on the concept of public goods. It
     is argued that public goods if left to markets may be under-produced in
     that resources are not under-allocated to its production and hence the
     reason why they are produced by governments.

     In effect, the emergence of statistics was based on the needs of states
     to collect data- in its early origins therefore statistics was known as the
     “science of the state (craft)”- and was concerned with the collecting
     and classifying of data by governmental              and often centralised
     administrative bodies.

     The use of statistics is said to date back to census taking in early Egypt
     and the Roman Empire to provide money to fund wars. Citizens were
     counted and the evaluation of taxation was secured through the early
     census in Rome In the early days data were collected by the state for
     framing military and fiscal policies and these were:

     a.    Age and sex of the population of the country- to enable the
           government to have an idea of the “potential” person-power so that
           it can safeguard itself against aggression or attacks from outside.

     b.    Property and wealth of the country- to provide information that
           can determine the new taxes that can be introduced and levies on
           property and wealth.

     In England the most famous early census is that of the 'Domesday Book'.
     The Domesday Book was a census of English landowners and their
     resources soon after the Norman conquest.

Among the modern censuses was the 1666 census of the 3215
    inhabitants of New France (now Canada). In Europe the first complete
    demographic census was that in Sweden in 1749. The first federal
    census in the USA took place in 1790, and it was to establish a basis for
    representation in Congress as well as the allocation of taxes. The first
    complete demographic censuses in both Britain and France occurred in
    1801. Despite these early uses of statistics, the use of statistics goes far
    beyond the electoral, legislative and fiscal uses of the census. Statistics
    now play a critical role in private decision-making. Therefore as a public
    good one can argue that statistics should be freely available for use,
    reuse by the public.


    The Preamble of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (FPOS)
    which was adopted by the UN Statistical Commission in 1994 states that
    official statistical information is an essential basis for development in the
    economic, demographic, social and environmental fields and for mutual
    knowledge and trade among the States and peoples of the world . It
    emphasizes the essential trust of the public in official statistics. The
    Preamble recognizes the role of citizens, enterprises in providing
    appropriate and reliable data to ensure that quality statistics are
    collected. Further the cooperation that is required between users and
    producers to meet user‟s needs was recognized.

    From the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics some key
    principles that inform the provision of data are listed below.

    Principle 1 focuses on the significance of providing the public with

     Official statistics provide an indispensable element in the information
     system of a democratic society, serving the Government, the economy
     and the public with data about the economic, demographic, social and
     environmental situation. To this end, official statistics that meet the test
     of practical utility are to be compiled and made available on an
     impartial basis by official statistical agencies to honor citizens'
     entitlement to public information.(FPOS, 1994)

Principle 3 on the presentation of metadata

       To facilitate a correct interpretation of the data, the statistical agencies
      are to present information according to scientific standards on the
      sources, methods and procedures of the statistics produced.

     Principle 4 on the misuse of statistics

      The statistical agencies are entitled to comment on erroneous
      interpretation and misuse of statistics.

     Principle 6 on the confidentiality of Individual Data

      Individual data collected by statistical agencies for statistical
      compilation, whether they refer to natural or legal persons, are to be
      strictly confidential and used exclusively for statistical purposes.

     Principle 7 making the laws public:

      The laws, regulations and measures under which the statistical
      systems operate are to be made public.

     The above international principles are guidelines for countries relative to
     collection, compilation and use of official statistics. However on an
     individual country basis the Statistics Act specifies the powers vested in
     countries to collect information and what information to collect and also
     to disseminate the data collected.



     National Statistical Offices and national statistical producing agencies
     (which comprise the National Statistical System) collect and disseminate
     a number of statistical data sets. Power to Collect Information and
     Supremacy of the Act: The current Acts of most of the CARICOM
     Member States and Associate Member States give much power to the
     relevant statistical authority to collect statistical information. However,
     some Acts do not extend to all suppliers of information; also, the
     supremacy of the Act in this regard over existing privacy legislation is not
     addressed in some of the Acts. The provisions of the Barbados Statistics

Act, the Statistical Institute of Belize Act 2006 and the Bermuda
    Statistics Act 2002 appear to be the most comprehensive in the power
    granted and have influenced the recommended provisions.

    Confidentiality of Information: The current Acts of most of the
    CARICOM Member States and Associate Member States adequately
    address the confidentiality of information.

    The CARICOM Secretariat does not collect data directly but compiles
    data submitted by its member countries. Visits to the websites of
    countries also assist the Secretariat in filling the data gaps. Largely, Data
    are disseminated mainly electronically on our website but if funding is
    available we would print limited hardcopies. Missing data are identified
    as such therefore estimates are not made in these cases.


    Statistical offices in CARICOM are being asked to produce more with
    less. Some of the key challenges are;

         Small size- small island developing states (SIDS)- underscoring
          small size of some of the statistical offices/agencies and in general
          the lack of absorption capacity to training/technical assistance

         Staffing – lack of trained statistical staff;

         Increased demand for statistics in an environment of declining
          resources, resulting in critical data gaps;

         Non-response to questionnaires and surveys carried out by the

         Outdated legislative frameworks;

         Need to stay relevant (by providing timely and user-friendly data) in
          a changing environment;

         Uncoordinated national statistical systems (NSS);

   Inadequate information technology (IT) resources;

       Need for a focus on strategic planning (NSDS framework) to
        produce high-quality statistics to support regional and national
        policy objectives;

       Weak satellite units – line ministries often have inadequate
        statistical and IT capacity.


       The CARICOM Secretariat along with other organizations executes
        statistical capacity-building activities in member states to enable
        the production of key data. These capacity-building activities are
        financed by donors that seem to be stepping up relative to the
        delivery of more substantial support to statistics through the
        CARICOM Secretariat. In the past funding of these activities has
        been available in spurts and affect the sustainability of the
        activities. Highlights of some support provided are given below.

       In recent years through funding received by the European Union
        Support to the compilation and development of statistics have
        been provided in a number areas including: the implementation of
        statistical programming;     IT infrastructure- organization of
        databases and introduction of a web-based system for data
        submission; improvement in National Accounts Source Data; Trade
        in Services; Merchandise Trade; ICT Statistics, Social/Gender and
        Environment Statistics; Training     in Sampling, Management;
        Classifications; etc.

       The above have been supported through funding from the IDB-
        Regional Public Good Facility in three areas- Common Census
        Framework ( in collaboration with UNFPA); Project support on A
        Common Framework for the Production Statistics: Model Statistics
        Bill; Further Development of the Regional Statistical Work
        Programme (RSWP) which was approved by the Community
        Council of Ministers in 2005; Data Warehousing Archiving;
        Common Literacy Survey Support;

    Support by DFID and the EU to the Common Census Framework
         in specific areas;

        UNICEF- DevInfo Data Dissemination and with the UNSD on
         CensusInfo Dissemination Sofware. The DevInfo software which
         was developed by the UN system for the dissemination of
         development indicators is also intended to be used to disseminate
         a wide range of data. The DevInfo version is web-enabled and
         disseminated data, metadata and maps;

        UNSD also on the Implementation of the 2008 SNA as well as
         Eurostat/EU support in this area;

        In past years there has been support from CIDA and USAID in
         Trade in Services Statistics; UNSD, World Bank Trust Fund,
         UNFPA and UNDP. Statistical capacity building in the region is
         also conducted by the Caribbean Technical Assistance Centre
         (CARTAC) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and
         the Caribbean (ECLAC) also execute statistical capacity-building
         activities in the Region.

        The Standing Committee of Caribbean Statisticians (SCCS), a
         forum of heads of National Statistical Offices, representatives
         regional and international organizations, universities, has been
         focusing on issues pertaining to the improvement of the range and
         quality of statistics; the harmonisation of the statistics; and the
         facilitating of South-South co-operation, sharing of best practices
         and networking. A major sub-group of the SCCS is the CARICOM
         Advisory Group on Statistics (AGS) which works between the
         meetings of the SCCS in providing support to the advancing of
         some of the decisions.


    Some of the main data sets that are produced across the Region are:

        Population and Housing Census Data- 16 Member States and
         Associate Members of CARICOM have already conducted the 2010
         Round of Census which is the most recent Round. For a few

countries tables area already available. Other countries are in the
         process of cleaning their data. Tables are generated to provide
         information on the Population of a country and the housing stock
         in a number of areas

        National Accounts Data are also produced by countries, including
         mainly GDP by Industry – Current and Constant Prices; GDP by
         Expenditure- Current Prices.

        Retail Price Index – from which is derived the rate of inflation. The
         frequency of this data set is monthly.

        Labour Force Statistics – including the unemployment rate
         produced by most countries with the exception of most of the
         countries of the Eastern Caribbean. Work is in progress in this
         area with these countries.

        Industrial Production index and Producer Price index as well as
         Trade indices;

        Merchandise Trade Statistics- data on Imports, Exports, Total

        Balance of Payments Statistics; including Foreign Direct

        External Debt Statistics;

        Government Statistics- Central Government Revenue and

        International Trade in Services Statistics;

        Social/Demographic Statistics- Education, Migration; Health.
         Crime Statistics;

        Tourism Statistics/ Tourism Satellite Accounts (few countries);

        Environment Statistics. Information Communication Technologies
         (ICT) statistics represent fairly new areas of statistics;

        Agriculture Statistics, Energy and other statistics nes.


     Increasingly countries are becoming paperless and are using electronic
     media and the Internet to disseminate statistics. Countries with their
     own websites are: Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint
     Lucia and Suriname. Countries that disseminate their statistics on their
     Central Government websites are Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas
     and St Vincent and the Grenadines, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin
     Islands and Cayman Islands, Those countries that we can see do not
     have websites are Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat and St Kitts and

     A wide range of information is disseminated on the websites of the
     NSOs. A documentation of some of the information for Belize, Trinidad
     and Tobago, Saint Lucia and Jamaica are given in the Attachment. For
     Belize, Trinidad and Tobago and Saint Lucia all data and dissemination
     products on these websites are free. For Jamaica all the data are free but
     there are statistical publications that are for sale at a nominal cost.

     The fact is the statistical websites present a seabed of data that are
     available free to the public consistent with the open data concept. The
     website of the CARICOM Secretariat ( to some
     extent is reusing and redistributing the data produced by countries,
     creating new products, for example, Intra-regional trade or CARICOM
     Total Trade by trading partners. The data that are compiled and
     disseminated are those submitted by countries. Therefore the new
     products that are produced are also available freely on the Secretariat‟s


     The Standing Committee of Caribbean Statisticians (SCCS) at its Thirty-
     Fifth meeting held in November 2011 in Dominica approved a position on
     Access to Micro data which was brought forward by the AGS. The
     position adopted by the SCCS was as follows:

     (i)   Access to all statistical data, whether microdata or tabular data
           shall be strictly in accordance with the Statistics Acts of CARICOM
           Member States and Associate Members;

(ii)       Member States and Associate Members are encouraged to establish
                   mechanisms for disclosure prevention, such as data
                   anonymisation and to provide access to microdata under controlled
                   conditions, such as microdata laboratories and

        (iii)      International organizations are encouraged to build capacity at the
                   national level and support the establishment of these mechanisms
                   in CARICOM Member States and Associate Members

        Under the above conditions users can have access to microdata.

                        Table 1 List of Member States & Associate States with web-sites

     MEMBER STATE/                     WEBSITE                GOVERNMENT WEBSITE/SUB-DOMAIN


       Antigua and                                  
        Barbuda                                                          tsandreports


      The Bahamas                                      


       British Virgin                                    


      Cayman Islands                                    

        Dominica            None                                              None

         Grenada            None                                              None





        Montserrat        None                                        None

        Saint Lucia

     St.Kitts and Nevis   None                                        None

     St.Vincent and the                              


       Trinidad and

     Turks and Caicos                      None


        Open data implies that data are free, are based on open standards and
        are freely usable.

        As indicated in Section 3, many data series are freely available online.
        However liberating of data relative to its reuse should take into
        consideration the questions asked earlier at the UN Seminar - on the
        understanding of the data by users and on how to ensure that the data
        are correct. Some guidelines for ensuring proper reusing the statistics are
        highlighted below.

        Copyright Issues/acknowledgement- Creative Commons

                It is necessary that there is attribution for the statistical authority
                 from whom the data are derived. The Creative Commons approach
                 with few restrictions with respect to use is instructive.

Sources of Data

          Detailed data sources must be provided. Where different sources of
           data are indicated this should be clearly stated. Ideally the data
           should be country data;

     Estimating for missing data

          Estimates for missing data at the level of reusing the data should
           be discouraged or should only be undertaken by relevant statistical
           experts and in consultation with the statistical authority. The UN
           Economic and Social Council Resolution 2006/6 calls for
           greater transparency among other issues by the avoidance of
           imputations unless reliable country data are available for reliable
           imputations following consultations with countries concerned and
           through transparent methodologies.       For example Gapminder
           Foundation on its website under sources for a specific data series
           stated that: Gapminder has combined the data ….from several
           sources such as official international statistics, various historical
           sources and own estimates. There is also an additional note for this
           same data series in capital letters: “ WE DISCOURAGE THE USE

     Explanations about the data- Metadata

          Explanations about the data must be provided as mentioned
           before. these are the metadata that are documented by the
           statistical offices/agencies and would include the data sources
           which are normally provided.

     Statistics Acts and release of Microdata

          Confidentiality provisions as enshrined in the Statistics Acts
            which are the laws of the country should be respected. In the
            context of the position of micro data percentage of anonymysed
            sample can be provided to users.


     The thrust towards Open Data in the Caribbean can be a catalyst for the
     improvement in the quality and range of statistics produced and
     disseminated by statistical offices and agencies.

     The reusability of the statistics through increased innovations in creating
     dissemination products will increase the use of statistics and therefore
     add value to statistics.

     The Open data movement in the Caribbean will therefore bring Statistical
     offices and agencies into focus through the increased access to the data
     produced in statistics. This would place demands on the statistical
     offices and agencies to produce high quality data that are timely and

     In addition greater interaction with users will be a requirement to ensure
     that the products satisfy users‟ needs. There has always been a need for
     the National Statistical Systems across the region to be strengthened and
     effectively coordinated and more so with Statistics and Open data this
     presents an opportunity to reinforce the statistical infrastructure to
     enable the availability of quality data, in all the dimension of quality.

     Fundamentally, statistical offices and agencies in the national statistical
     systems must be adequately and appropriately resourced to deliver
     the data to an increasing and more diverse group of users. Some of
     these requirements include staffing IT and other equipment; quality
     monitoring frameworks; training needs and issues related to the status
     of the statistical office, the status of the Chief Statistician and
     remuneration/conditions         of  work   and   appropriate     code     of
     practices/ethics. Evidently, the increased focus that should be realized
     in the link between Statistics and Open data should positively impact the
     statistical offices and to enable them to approach if not reach the level of
     leading statistical offices in the world.

     International Development Partners such as the European Union, the
     Canadian International Development Agency, the Government of Great
     Britain and Northern Ireland under the Department for International
     Development (DFID);The World Bank, the Inter-American Development
     Bank, the IMF, the United Nations Population, Fund, UNICEF, UNSD,
the United Nations development Fund, PARIS21, ILO have provided
     support to countries or to regional organizations including the CARICOM
     Secretariat, CARTAC and UNECLAC to assist the strengthening of
     statistics in CARICOM.

     In moving forward it is important that there be regional coordination in
     terms of the provision of support to avoid duplication of efforts and to
     enable greater effectiveness in the results of these efforts at capacity-
     building. In addition Statisticians of the Region through the Standing
     Committee of Caribbean Statisticians and the Subgroup, the CARICOM
     Advisory Group on Statistics are taking steps to improve the range and
     quality of statistics in CARICOM and critically the harmonisation of
     statistics across the region.

     Currently data are available from countries and from the CARICOM
     Secretariat that can be utilized in the Open Data. However much more
     can be achieved if there is alignment to a comprehensive programme of
     strengthening statistical capacity across the region that can lessen the
     data gaps and improve the range and quality of statistics while improving
     the status of statistical offices and the profession of statistics.

     Central to the process of strengthening capacity increased investment
     in statistics by Governments at the national level- the central
     statistical office and agencies in the National Statistical System as this
     can lead to the elevation of the statistical offices and better data for

     Statistics is an important category for the Open data development in
     CARICOM and the process of providing data to this cause can redound to
     the development of the national statistical systems across member
     countries of CARICOM.


      Research on CARICOM Member States , Stat Websites – 15 January 2012
              (Belize, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, and Jamaica)

1.       News letter – subscribe
2.       Official release of the main results of the 2010 population and housing census
3.       Belize Consumer Price Index (CPI) for February 2011
4.       Employment opportunities / Census operation
5.       2010 2nd quarter GDP – press release
6.       “Did you know” – CPI; Census information; Agriculture / Industry sector;
7.       Abstract of Statistics – 2009
8.       Web pages:
         a. Belize facts & maps;
         b. Belize statistics vs. UK, USA and Canada
         c. Launches in 2010 PHC
         d. Demographic information
9.       Statistics:
         a. Census jingle
         b. CPI (4)
         c. External Trade (15)
         d. Labour Force (4)
         e. Legislature (1) – statistical act
         f. Miscellaneous
         g. SIB reports
10.      New documents – PHC press release
11.      Hot documents – not active
12.      External Trade: (no. of times items downloaded – low as 1528 to high as 2478)
         a. Trade statistics , 2000-2008 – last updated 24/2/2009
         b. Belize External Trade bulletin – 2007 – 2009 Dec – last updated 11/3/2010
13.      Publications
         a. Census 2000 questionnaire
         b. 1999 family health survey – females
         c. 1999 family health survey- males

d. In depth analysis of child hood education
      e. National report on the results of child activity
      f. Qualitative analysis of child care
      g. Poverty assessment - 2002
      h. Organizational chart
14.   “Know your statistics” –
      a. Census 2000 major findings
      b. LFS book marker
      c. 2011 PHC preliminary results
15.   Population
      a. 2007/2008 mid-year population estimates by age group and sex – last updated
      b. 2007/2008 mid-year population estimates by region and sex
      c. Total population estimates and projections – 2007 updated
      d. 2009 mid-year population estimates
      e. Official release of the main results of PHC 2010
16.   CPI
      a. CPI – Basket and weights – last updated: 5/2/2008
      b. Introduction to CPI
      c. Press release on inflation data for February 2011
      d. CPI – (up to Aug. 2011)
17.   National Accounts
      a. Annual GDP – 2000-2008
      b. 2nd quarter 2009 GDP analysis
      c. Economic statistics for 2009
      d. 1st quarter GDP 2011
      e. Quarterly GDP (3rd Q 2011)
18.   Labour Force
      a. LF indicators (2002-2006)
      b. Main LF indicators Apr. , Sep, 2007
      c. Main LF indicators – Apr. 2006 – may 2008
19.   SIB reports
      a. SIB financial reports. 2007
      b. 2008 auditors’ reports
      c. SIB Annual report 2007/08

20.   Miscellaneous
      a. 2008/09 – hh expenditure survey
      b. SIB – latest statistics – 2008
      c. Analysis – CPI exercise
      d. MIC’s children wall chart
      e. 2008 annual inflation ratio status at 6.4 %
      f. Abstract 2008 Ad flyer
      g. Living Standard measurement survey – AD
      h. GDP -1st Q 2009 – press release
      i. May 2009 CPI certificate
21.   2010 Population and Housing Census
      a. 2010 PHC press release
      b. Speeches
      c. Census job applications
      d. Main findings

Saint Lucia

1.    Publications
      a. 2010 PHC preliminary report (updated Apr. 2011)
      b. Census 2010 community ranking
      c. 2001 PHC – final report
      d. Core welfare indicators questionnaire (CWIQ) report 2004
      e. Saint Lucia social poverty and poverty reduction policy and practices , 2004
      f. PRF Input evaluation report 2003 – poverty
      g. Poverty assessment survey report – 1995
      h. Compendium of environment statistics 2001
      i. Vital statistics report -1994 to 2003
      j. Annual statistical digest – 1997 to 2002, 2006
      k. Economic & social review -2002 – 2005
      l. Educational statistics digest -1999 – 2005
      m. Analysis of trade - commodities by years – 1999-2002
      n. Foreign Trade Price Indices report
      o. Gender statistics
      p. Price statistics – CPI-1998
      q. Earnings statistics; hours earnings 1999-2003
2.   Labour Force
     a. Labour Productivity Report – 2003
     b. National account Statistics – 1977 – 2001 – sources and method of calculation, GDP
     c. A guide for completing national accounts questionnaire
3.   Web pages:
     a. Statistical digest
     b. Publication and annual statistical digest
     c. Digest of education statistics – national center for education
     d. Statistical digest – South Dakota, dept. of education
4.   Questionnaires:
     a. PHC – 2001
     b. Living Condition survey – 2005 (periodicity: 5 to 8 yrs.)
     c. LF survey (continuous / quarterly)
     d. Youth employment (Continuous / quarterly)
     e. National accounts (annually – Feb. Mar.)
     f. Balance of Payments (annual, Mar.- July)
     g. Earnings and hours worked – Annual / Nov.
     h. Foreign Trade Price indices – (continuous / quarterly)
     i. Business Opinion survey – (to be announced /quarterly)
     j. Prices survey – (2nd week of each month)
     k. Industrial survey – monthly / continuous)
5.   Statistical act
6.   National Accounts:
     a. GDP growth – (2006)
     b. Unemployment rate – 2006
     c. Inflation rate – 2006
     d. LF – 2006
     e. Current account balance – 2006
     f. Selected indicators – 2006
7.   Archive data:
     a. Constant prices – 1990-1996,
     b. GDP by expenditure: 1997-2006
     c. Current prices
     d. Balance of payments
     e. Survey methods
     f. National income questionnaire
     g. National income allocation

8.    Tourism Statistics (tourists by numbers)
      a. Monthly visitor arrivals: 2001-2008
      b. Monthly tourists arrival: 1996-2006
      c. Cruise ship passenger arrivals : 2000-2008
      d. Cruise ship calls: 2000-2008
      e. Yacht passengers arrivals: 2001-2008
      f. Hotel occupancy – 2003-2006
      g. Tourists arrivals by
               type of accommodation;
               length of stay;
               main purpose;
               country of origin;
               country of residence
9.    General Elections
10.   Production of major commodities – 1976- 1984

Trinidad & Tobago

1.    Agriculture statistics:
      a. Poultry statistics – 2010
      b. Api culture and Aquaculture bulletin – 2009
      c. Disposal of pork by type of marketing outlets
      d. Agriculture census preliminary results- 2004
      e. Tree crops under cultivation- No. of private holders by area of residence
      f. Disposal of livestock production – 2003
      g. Area of non-tree crops under cultivation
2.    Business statistics:
      a. Census of establishments – 2010
      b. No. of business establishments by employment size and industry, 2010;
      c. Survey of establishment by type – all forms

3.    Crime statistics
      a. No. of serious crimes reported, cases detected, arrested and persons convicted –
      b. Report on crime statistics – 2008
4.   Economic Indicators:
     a. Index of retail sales, 2001-2006
     b. Index of Productivity : 1998-2005
     c. Index of hours worked: 1998-2005
     d. Index of industrial sales: 2004-2005
     e. Index of employment: 1997-2004
     f. Index of domestic production: -2005
     g. Index of Av. Weekly earnings – 1997-2005
     h. Index of employment production workers – 1996-2009
5.   Education statistics:
     a. Employment in primary schools by type and Admin areas, 2006,2007
     b. Schools by type, size and Admin area, 2006/2007
     c. No. of Gov./assisted schools by admin area – 1991-2000
     d. Employment in public / secondary school by type and admin area, sex, type of
        school, 1999/2000
6.   Environment statistics
     a. Air quality 1990
     b. Compendium : chapters 1 to 10, data produced from 1982 – 2004
7.   Labour Force statistics
     a. LF bulletin 3rd quarter – 2010
     b. Hours worked all employees, 1996 – 2009
     c. Earnings production workers , 1996-2009
     d. Summary indicators of women and men participation in LF, 1996-2000
     e. LF bulletin, Quarterly, 2004, 2005, 2006
     f. Percentage of economically active women by major occupation group, 2000
     g. % of no. of women and men employed, 1996-2000
     h. Leading economic indicators – 1955-2004
8.   Manufacturing statistics:
     a. Production by all employees, 2006-2011
     b. Hours worked, all employees, 2006-2011
     c. Index of av. Weekly earnings, 2006-2011
     d. Index of industrial sales, 2006-2011

     e. Index of producer’s prices, 2006-2011
     f. Selected foods, 2006-2011

9.    National Accounts:
      a. GDP, current/constant prices, 2006- 2010
      b. Selected leading indicators:
      c. GDP current prices by industry, 1966-2004
      d. Expenditure on GDP, 1970-2002
      e. Per capita GDP, 1966-2003
      f. GDP- 2002-2006
      g. National Income report, 2000-2006
      h. GDP on other selected indicators, 2009
10.   Population:
      a. Mid- year population estimates: 1960-2010
11.   Prices:
      a. RPI -2011
      b. Index of retail prices, 2004-2007
12.   Social Indicators:
      a. Household Budgetary survey, 2007/08 and 2008/09
13.   Tourism statistics
      a. Carnival Report, 2004
14.   Trade Statistics
      a. Apr. 2011 summary Trade tables
      b. Feb. 2011, summary trade tables
      c. Feb. 2011 Trade bulletin
      d. March 2011 summary trad tables
      e. Apr. 2011 trade bulletin
      f. Feb. 2011, trade bulletin
      g. March 2011, trade bulletin
      h. January 2011, summary trade tables
      i. Dec. 2010, trade bulletin
      j. Jan 2011, trade tables
      k. Oct. summary tables
      l. Trade Tables, Dec. 2003
      m. Trade bulletin, July 2003
      n. Trade table 1-8, June 2005
      o. Apr 2010, Trade bulletin
15.   Travel statistics
      a. All passengers arrivals by type of carrier, July 2002
      b. All passengers arrivals by purpose of visit, July 2002

c. All passenger arrivals by port of embarkation, July 2002
      d. All passengers arrivals by occupation, July 2002
      e. All passenger arrivals by age group, July 2002
      f. Travel Bulletin, 2004
16.   Vital Statistics
      a. Live births table 8, 2006
      b. Live births tables, 2005
      c. Marriages by religious denomination, 1986-2005
      d. Marriages tables
      e. Maternities tables
      f. Still births, 2005-2006
      g. Concepts and definitions
      h. Divorces table, 2005, 2006
      i. Live births and still births, 2005, 2006
      j. Brides and bride grooms tables, 2005
      k. Deaths by age group and area, 1999
      l. Fertility, mortality and other rates, 1997-1999


1.    Economic statistics
          Int’l Merchandise Trade
          Production
          National Accounts
          Price indices
2.    Labour Market & Earnings
      a.   Labour force
      b. Employment & earnings
3.    Demographic and Social Statistics
      a.   Population
      b. Births, deaths & migration
      c.   Marriages and divorces
      d. Methodology
4.    Censuses
      a. Agriculture
      b. Population and Housing
5.    Environment
      a. Imports of motor vehicles, 2001 – 2004
      b. Use of irrigation by methods, 2007

6.    National Statistics System
      a. Support for development of national statistic system project
          (i) Workshop
          (ii) Workshop agenda
          (iii) Project board members
          (iv) Project team
          (v) Presentations:
                    Caricom- statistics, regional
                    Caricom statistics, social
                    Economic statistics
                    Framework for environment statistics corporate starategies
                    Official statistics
                    PARIS21
                     Importation of data and lesson learned
                    Vision 2030 Jamaica
                    Public sector
7.    Trade
      a. Imports by S.I.T.C sections, 2007-2011 (last updated 5/1/2012)
      b. Exports by S.I.T.C. sections, 2007-2011 (last updated 5/1/2012)
      c. Traditional and Bob-traditional domestic exports, 2007-2011
8.    Production:
      a. Volume of Prod. Of specified manufactured products, 2006-2008
      b. Volume of prod. Of specified agriculture crops, 2006-2008
      c. Volume of prod. In the mining sector, 2006-2008
9.    Prices:
      a. Consumer price index, - 2011
      b. Inflation rate, 2011
      c. Producer’s price indices, 2011
           Mining, 2011
           Manufacturing, 2011
10.   National Accounts
      a. GDP – main aggregates and per capita indices -2006-2010
      b. GDP- expenditure, annual, 2006-2010
c. GDP- by income, 2001-2010
      d. Gross value added by industry by constant/current prices, 2001-2010
      e. Rate of growth of value added by industry at current / constant prices, 2001-2010
      f. Tourism digest gross value added
11.   Labour Market & Earnings
      a. LF main indicators
      b. LF main agriculture groups
      c. LF main Occupational group
      d. LF main Industrial group
      e. LF pop. 14 yrs. and over by economic activity
      f. LF (female stats)
      g. LF (male stats)
      h. Employed LF by age group
      i. Employed LF by Industry
      j. Employed LF by Occupational group
      k. Unemployed LF by age group
      l. Unemployed LF by occupational group
      m. Unemployed LF by industrial group
      n. Persons outside of LF by age group and sex
12.   Subscriptions:
      a. CPI 2007, annual review USD 10
      b. Demographic statistics, 2007, USD 8
      c. Employment & Earnings, 2007, USD 7
      d. External Trade, 2004, USD 8
      e. LF statistics, 2007, USD 8
      f. National income and Product produced, USD 16
      g. Pocket book of statistics ,2003, USD 6
      h. Production statistics, 2007 USD 7
      i. Producer’s price index, 2008, USD 11
      j. Producer price index bulletin, USD 3
      k. CPI bulletin, 2010 4 Q, USD 3
      l. Quarterly GDP, 2009, USD 6
      m. Survey of living conditions, USD 35
      n. Employment statistics 2003 & mineral account, USD 20
      o. Jamaica environment in your pocket book, USD 4
      p. Environment statistics & SOE 2001, USD 11
      q. Household & Environment, 2002, USD 6

r.   Environment statistics 2005 and water, USD 20
      s.   LF bulletin, USD 4
      t.   Pop. Census 2001, country - USD 22
      u.   Pop. Census 2001, age and sex, vol. 2 – USD 28
      v.   Pop. Census 2001, education , part A, USD 18
      w.   Pop. Census2001, Housing vol. 4 – USD 13

13.   Feedback
14.   Confidential statement – terms and conditions of data use
15.   NEWS:
      a. Media Advisory- statistical statements for:
         (i) CPI
         (ii) PPI
         (iii) GDP
         (iv) Trade
         (v) LF
         (vi) Census
16.   Maps:
      a. Available map product, 1070, 1082, 1991 and 2001
          Special area maps
          Parish maps
          Map of Jamaica
          Constituents map
      b. GIS services offered by the unit
          Geo-references of boundaries
          Merging of census data to community and ED
          Creation of vector images
          Design of map books and atlas



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Statistics and open data

  • 2. STATISTICS AND OPEN DATA 1. BACKGROUND - THE INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL COMMUNITY AND OPEN DATA The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) organized a Seminar on Emerging Trends in Data Communication during the period of the Forty-first (41st) session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) and which was held at the UN Headquarters, New York, in February 2010. The seminar was intended to share the experiences of statistical managers and non-statisticians on new approaches to disseminating data to users and on demands being made on statistical offices as disseminators of statistics. In particular, the seminar informed participants about the innovations in the communication of data and on movements towards open data. Expositions of new products that can be created by non-statistical persons were presented and the implications discussed. Among the keynote speeches was one delivered by Hans Rosling, Founder of the Gapminder Foundation, Sweden. The UNSC, which comprises member states of the UN, international organizations engaged in or supporting the development of statistics, is the apex entity in the international statistical system, setting and approving statistical standards. The organization of this seminar showed that the international statistical community had an awareness of changes taking place in the emerging trends in making data available to users. The seminar also served to sensitise the statistical community as a whole to the concept of open data. Among the issues raised or assertions discussed at this seminar were:  On public access to data-Statistics should be made freely available to users;  The means of achieving open access to data were that data should be free, and the reusability of it should be free.  The approach of open licensing it was stated, makes it possible to grant permission to access, reuse and redistribute work with few or no restrictions. This led to consideration of the approach of 2
  • 3. Creative Commons which is used by the Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for copyrighting their online statistics including their customized statistical tables. Users can freely use, reuse, change and distribute even commercially the ABS Statistics. There is no limit to the quantity of data. ABS only asks for acknowledgement as the source of the data and they found that free access accelerates use.  There were some concerns that statistical offices are not user- oriented.  It was also stated that it is likely that non-statisticians can through innovations use the statistics produced by statistical agencies to create new products that are more user-oriented- user- friendly, less boring, easier to understand.  The view was also expressed that the statistical community is perhaps not making full use of spatial data in disseminating outputs. Spatial data systems development was emphasized as an integral part of data dissemination-providing area profiles; performing on the map analysis; enabling different visualization of the same data etc.  On the quantity of data to be accessed - it was stated that data are everywhere and goes beyond data available from official statistics and that “more data is better”.  Understanding the data is vital. Metadata are important for enabling an understanding of the meaning of the data. It adds value to the data. It was contended that “More data is better” only if there is an understanding of the meaning of the data, and  Micro data files are important statistical outputs; Two questions were raised on: o How to present the right data with the right context to meet users needs? o How to ensure that the most recent and most correct data are used and displayed? 3
  • 4. In sum, it was stated that access to information is a key to open government. „Public access to government –held information allows individuals to better understand the role of government and decisions being made on their behalf‟. (Carter Centre) 2. THE CASE FOR STATISTICS AS A KEY CATEGORY OF OPEN DATA STATISTICS AS A PUBLIC GOOD Among the justification for Open Data include the assertion that public money is used to fund the work that is created by a government institution and therefore it should be universally available. In microeconomics the justification relies on the concept of public goods. It is argued that public goods if left to markets may be under-produced in that resources are not under-allocated to its production and hence the reason why they are produced by governments. In effect, the emergence of statistics was based on the needs of states to collect data- in its early origins therefore statistics was known as the “science of the state (craft)”- and was concerned with the collecting and classifying of data by governmental and often centralised administrative bodies. The use of statistics is said to date back to census taking in early Egypt and the Roman Empire to provide money to fund wars. Citizens were counted and the evaluation of taxation was secured through the early census in Rome In the early days data were collected by the state for framing military and fiscal policies and these were: a. Age and sex of the population of the country- to enable the government to have an idea of the “potential” person-power so that it can safeguard itself against aggression or attacks from outside. b. Property and wealth of the country- to provide information that can determine the new taxes that can be introduced and levies on property and wealth. In England the most famous early census is that of the 'Domesday Book'. The Domesday Book was a census of English landowners and their resources soon after the Norman conquest. 4
  • 5. Among the modern censuses was the 1666 census of the 3215 inhabitants of New France (now Canada). In Europe the first complete demographic census was that in Sweden in 1749. The first federal census in the USA took place in 1790, and it was to establish a basis for representation in Congress as well as the allocation of taxes. The first complete demographic censuses in both Britain and France occurred in 1801. Despite these early uses of statistics, the use of statistics goes far beyond the electoral, legislative and fiscal uses of the census. Statistics now play a critical role in private decision-making. Therefore as a public good one can argue that statistics should be freely available for use, reuse by the public. PRINICIPLES GUIDING THE PUBLIC USE OF STATISTICS The Preamble of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (FPOS) which was adopted by the UN Statistical Commission in 1994 states that official statistical information is an essential basis for development in the economic, demographic, social and environmental fields and for mutual knowledge and trade among the States and peoples of the world . It emphasizes the essential trust of the public in official statistics. The Preamble recognizes the role of citizens, enterprises in providing appropriate and reliable data to ensure that quality statistics are collected. Further the cooperation that is required between users and producers to meet user‟s needs was recognized. From the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics some key principles that inform the provision of data are listed below. Principle 1 focuses on the significance of providing the public with data: Official statistics provide an indispensable element in the information system of a democratic society, serving the Government, the economy and the public with data about the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation. To this end, official statistics that meet the test of practical utility are to be compiled and made available on an impartial basis by official statistical agencies to honor citizens' entitlement to public information.(FPOS, 1994) 5
  • 6. Principle 3 on the presentation of metadata To facilitate a correct interpretation of the data, the statistical agencies are to present information according to scientific standards on the sources, methods and procedures of the statistics produced. Principle 4 on the misuse of statistics The statistical agencies are entitled to comment on erroneous interpretation and misuse of statistics. Principle 6 on the confidentiality of Individual Data Individual data collected by statistical agencies for statistical compilation, whether they refer to natural or legal persons, are to be strictly confidential and used exclusively for statistical purposes. Principle 7 making the laws public: The laws, regulations and measures under which the statistical systems operate are to be made public. The above international principles are guidelines for countries relative to collection, compilation and use of official statistics. However on an individual country basis the Statistics Act specifies the powers vested in countries to collect information and what information to collect and also to disseminate the data collected. 3. DATA COMPILATION AND DISSEMINATION IN CARICOM POWER TO COLLECT INFORMATION- CONFIDENTIALITY PROVISIONS National Statistical Offices and national statistical producing agencies (which comprise the National Statistical System) collect and disseminate a number of statistical data sets. Power to Collect Information and Supremacy of the Act: The current Acts of most of the CARICOM Member States and Associate Member States give much power to the relevant statistical authority to collect statistical information. However, some Acts do not extend to all suppliers of information; also, the supremacy of the Act in this regard over existing privacy legislation is not addressed in some of the Acts. The provisions of the Barbados Statistics 6
  • 7. Act, the Statistical Institute of Belize Act 2006 and the Bermuda Statistics Act 2002 appear to be the most comprehensive in the power granted and have influenced the recommended provisions. Confidentiality of Information: The current Acts of most of the CARICOM Member States and Associate Member States adequately address the confidentiality of information. The CARICOM Secretariat does not collect data directly but compiles data submitted by its member countries. Visits to the websites of countries also assist the Secretariat in filling the data gaps. Largely, Data are disseminated mainly electronically on our website but if funding is available we would print limited hardcopies. Missing data are identified as such therefore estimates are not made in these cases. CHALLENGES IN PRODUCING STATISTICS IN COUNTRIES Statistical offices in CARICOM are being asked to produce more with less. Some of the key challenges are;  Small size- small island developing states (SIDS)- underscoring small size of some of the statistical offices/agencies and in general the lack of absorption capacity to training/technical assistance developed.  Staffing – lack of trained statistical staff;  Increased demand for statistics in an environment of declining resources, resulting in critical data gaps;  Non-response to questionnaires and surveys carried out by the NSOs;  Outdated legislative frameworks;  Need to stay relevant (by providing timely and user-friendly data) in a changing environment;  Uncoordinated national statistical systems (NSS); 7
  • 8. Inadequate information technology (IT) resources;  Need for a focus on strategic planning (NSDS framework) to produce high-quality statistics to support regional and national policy objectives;  Weak satellite units – line ministries often have inadequate statistical and IT capacity. SUPPORT TO THE PRODUCTION AND DISSEMINATION OF STATISTICS  The CARICOM Secretariat along with other organizations executes statistical capacity-building activities in member states to enable the production of key data. These capacity-building activities are financed by donors that seem to be stepping up relative to the delivery of more substantial support to statistics through the CARICOM Secretariat. In the past funding of these activities has been available in spurts and affect the sustainability of the activities. Highlights of some support provided are given below.  In recent years through funding received by the European Union Support to the compilation and development of statistics have been provided in a number areas including: the implementation of statistical programming; IT infrastructure- organization of databases and introduction of a web-based system for data submission; improvement in National Accounts Source Data; Trade in Services; Merchandise Trade; ICT Statistics, Social/Gender and Environment Statistics; Training in Sampling, Management; Classifications; etc.  The above have been supported through funding from the IDB- Regional Public Good Facility in three areas- Common Census Framework ( in collaboration with UNFPA); Project support on A Common Framework for the Production Statistics: Model Statistics Bill; Further Development of the Regional Statistical Work Programme (RSWP) which was approved by the Community Council of Ministers in 2005; Data Warehousing Archiving; Common Literacy Survey Support; 8
  • 9. Support by DFID and the EU to the Common Census Framework in specific areas;  UNICEF- DevInfo Data Dissemination and with the UNSD on CensusInfo Dissemination Sofware. The DevInfo software which was developed by the UN system for the dissemination of development indicators is also intended to be used to disseminate a wide range of data. The DevInfo version is web-enabled and disseminated data, metadata and maps;  UNSD also on the Implementation of the 2008 SNA as well as Eurostat/EU support in this area;  In past years there has been support from CIDA and USAID in Trade in Services Statistics; UNSD, World Bank Trust Fund, UNFPA and UNDP. Statistical capacity building in the region is also conducted by the Caribbean Technical Assistance Centre (CARTAC) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) also execute statistical capacity-building activities in the Region.  The Standing Committee of Caribbean Statisticians (SCCS), a forum of heads of National Statistical Offices, representatives regional and international organizations, universities, has been focusing on issues pertaining to the improvement of the range and quality of statistics; the harmonisation of the statistics; and the facilitating of South-South co-operation, sharing of best practices and networking. A major sub-group of the SCCS is the CARICOM Advisory Group on Statistics (AGS) which works between the meetings of the SCCS in providing support to the advancing of some of the decisions. MAIN DATA SETS PRODUCED Some of the main data sets that are produced across the Region are:  Population and Housing Census Data- 16 Member States and Associate Members of CARICOM have already conducted the 2010 Round of Census which is the most recent Round. For a few 9
  • 10. countries tables area already available. Other countries are in the process of cleaning their data. Tables are generated to provide information on the Population of a country and the housing stock in a number of areas  National Accounts Data are also produced by countries, including mainly GDP by Industry – Current and Constant Prices; GDP by Expenditure- Current Prices.  Retail Price Index – from which is derived the rate of inflation. The frequency of this data set is monthly.  Labour Force Statistics – including the unemployment rate produced by most countries with the exception of most of the countries of the Eastern Caribbean. Work is in progress in this area with these countries.  Industrial Production index and Producer Price index as well as Trade indices;  Merchandise Trade Statistics- data on Imports, Exports, Total Trade  Balance of Payments Statistics; including Foreign Direct Investment;  External Debt Statistics;  Government Statistics- Central Government Revenue and Expenditure  International Trade in Services Statistics;  Social/Demographic Statistics- Education, Migration; Health. Crime Statistics;  Tourism Statistics/ Tourism Satellite Accounts (few countries);  Environment Statistics. Information Communication Technologies (ICT) statistics represent fairly new areas of statistics;  Agriculture Statistics, Energy and other statistics nes. 10
  • 11. ONLINE DISSEMINATION OF DATA Increasingly countries are becoming paperless and are using electronic media and the Internet to disseminate statistics. Countries with their own websites are: Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Lucia and Suriname. Countries that disseminate their statistics on their Central Government websites are Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas and St Vincent and the Grenadines, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands, Those countries that we can see do not have websites are Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat and St Kitts and Nevis. A wide range of information is disseminated on the websites of the NSOs. A documentation of some of the information for Belize, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Lucia and Jamaica are given in the Attachment. For Belize, Trinidad and Tobago and Saint Lucia all data and dissemination products on these websites are free. For Jamaica all the data are free but there are statistical publications that are for sale at a nominal cost. The fact is the statistical websites present a seabed of data that are available free to the public consistent with the open data concept. The website of the CARICOM Secretariat ( to some extent is reusing and redistributing the data produced by countries, creating new products, for example, Intra-regional trade or CARICOM Total Trade by trading partners. The data that are compiled and disseminated are those submitted by countries. Therefore the new products that are produced are also available freely on the Secretariat‟s website. POSITION ON ACCESS TO MICRO DATA The Standing Committee of Caribbean Statisticians (SCCS) at its Thirty- Fifth meeting held in November 2011 in Dominica approved a position on Access to Micro data which was brought forward by the AGS. The position adopted by the SCCS was as follows: (i) Access to all statistical data, whether microdata or tabular data shall be strictly in accordance with the Statistics Acts of CARICOM Member States and Associate Members; 11
  • 12. (ii) Member States and Associate Members are encouraged to establish mechanisms for disclosure prevention, such as data anonymisation and to provide access to microdata under controlled conditions, such as microdata laboratories and (iii) International organizations are encouraged to build capacity at the national level and support the establishment of these mechanisms in CARICOM Member States and Associate Members Under the above conditions users can have access to microdata. Table 1 List of Member States & Associate States with web-sites MEMBER STATE/ WEBSITE GOVERNMENT WEBSITE/SUB-DOMAIN ASSOCIATE STATE Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda tsandreports Barbados The Bahamas Belize British Virgin Islands Bermuda Cayman Islands Dominica None None Grenada None None Guyana Haiti 12
  • 13. MEMBER STATE/ WEBSITE GOVERNMENT WEBSITE/SUB-DOMAIN ASSOCIATE STATE Jamaica Montserrat None None Saint Lucia St.Kitts and Nevis None None St.Vincent and the Grendaines Suriname Trinidad and Tobago Turks and Caicos None Islands 4. ACCESS, REUSABILITY AND REDISTRIBUTION – SOME GUIDELINES Open data implies that data are free, are based on open standards and are freely usable. As indicated in Section 3, many data series are freely available online. However liberating of data relative to its reuse should take into consideration the questions asked earlier at the UN Seminar - on the understanding of the data by users and on how to ensure that the data are correct. Some guidelines for ensuring proper reusing the statistics are highlighted below. Copyright Issues/acknowledgement- Creative Commons  It is necessary that there is attribution for the statistical authority from whom the data are derived. The Creative Commons approach with few restrictions with respect to use is instructive. 13
  • 14. Sources of Data  Detailed data sources must be provided. Where different sources of data are indicated this should be clearly stated. Ideally the data should be country data; Estimating for missing data  Estimates for missing data at the level of reusing the data should be discouraged or should only be undertaken by relevant statistical experts and in consultation with the statistical authority. The UN Economic and Social Council Resolution 2006/6 calls for greater transparency among other issues by the avoidance of imputations unless reliable country data are available for reliable imputations following consultations with countries concerned and through transparent methodologies. For example Gapminder Foundation on its website under sources for a specific data series stated that: Gapminder has combined the data ….from several sources such as official international statistics, various historical sources and own estimates. There is also an additional note for this same data series in capital letters: “ WE DISCOURAGE THE USE OF THIS DATA SET FOR STASTICAL ANALYSIS. PLEASE CONSULT THE FULL DOCUMENTATION FOR MORE DETAILS. Explanations about the data- Metadata  Explanations about the data must be provided as mentioned before. these are the metadata that are documented by the statistical offices/agencies and would include the data sources which are normally provided. Statistics Acts and release of Microdata  Confidentiality provisions as enshrined in the Statistics Acts which are the laws of the country should be respected. In the context of the position of micro data percentage of anonymysed sample can be provided to users. 14
  • 15. 5. THE WAY FORWARD -OPEN DATA AS A CATALYST FOR IMPROVING STATISTCS The thrust towards Open Data in the Caribbean can be a catalyst for the improvement in the quality and range of statistics produced and disseminated by statistical offices and agencies. The reusability of the statistics through increased innovations in creating dissemination products will increase the use of statistics and therefore add value to statistics. The Open data movement in the Caribbean will therefore bring Statistical offices and agencies into focus through the increased access to the data produced in statistics. This would place demands on the statistical offices and agencies to produce high quality data that are timely and reliable. In addition greater interaction with users will be a requirement to ensure that the products satisfy users‟ needs. There has always been a need for the National Statistical Systems across the region to be strengthened and effectively coordinated and more so with Statistics and Open data this presents an opportunity to reinforce the statistical infrastructure to enable the availability of quality data, in all the dimension of quality. Fundamentally, statistical offices and agencies in the national statistical systems must be adequately and appropriately resourced to deliver the data to an increasing and more diverse group of users. Some of these requirements include staffing IT and other equipment; quality monitoring frameworks; training needs and issues related to the status of the statistical office, the status of the Chief Statistician and remuneration/conditions of work and appropriate code of practices/ethics. Evidently, the increased focus that should be realized in the link between Statistics and Open data should positively impact the statistical offices and to enable them to approach if not reach the level of leading statistical offices in the world. International Development Partners such as the European Union, the Canadian International Development Agency, the Government of Great Britain and Northern Ireland under the Department for International Development (DFID);The World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the IMF, the United Nations Population, Fund, UNICEF, UNSD, 15
  • 16. the United Nations development Fund, PARIS21, ILO have provided support to countries or to regional organizations including the CARICOM Secretariat, CARTAC and UNECLAC to assist the strengthening of statistics in CARICOM. In moving forward it is important that there be regional coordination in terms of the provision of support to avoid duplication of efforts and to enable greater effectiveness in the results of these efforts at capacity- building. In addition Statisticians of the Region through the Standing Committee of Caribbean Statisticians and the Subgroup, the CARICOM Advisory Group on Statistics are taking steps to improve the range and quality of statistics in CARICOM and critically the harmonisation of statistics across the region. Currently data are available from countries and from the CARICOM Secretariat that can be utilized in the Open Data. However much more can be achieved if there is alignment to a comprehensive programme of strengthening statistical capacity across the region that can lessen the data gaps and improve the range and quality of statistics while improving the status of statistical offices and the profession of statistics. Central to the process of strengthening capacity increased investment in statistics by Governments at the national level- the central statistical office and agencies in the National Statistical System as this can lead to the elevation of the statistical offices and better data for decision-making. Statistics is an important category for the Open data development in CARICOM and the process of providing data to this cause can redound to the development of the national statistical systems across member countries of CARICOM. 16
  • 17. ATTACHMENT Research on CARICOM Member States , Stat Websites – 15 January 2012 (Belize, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, and Jamaica) Belize 1. News letter – subscribe 2. Official release of the main results of the 2010 population and housing census 3. Belize Consumer Price Index (CPI) for February 2011 4. Employment opportunities / Census operation 5. 2010 2nd quarter GDP – press release 6. “Did you know” – CPI; Census information; Agriculture / Industry sector; 7. Abstract of Statistics – 2009 8. Web pages: a. Belize facts & maps; b. Belize statistics vs. UK, USA and Canada c. Launches in 2010 PHC d. Demographic information 9. Statistics: a. Census jingle b. CPI (4) c. External Trade (15) d. Labour Force (4) e. Legislature (1) – statistical act f. Miscellaneous g. SIB reports 10. New documents – PHC press release 11. Hot documents – not active 12. External Trade: (no. of times items downloaded – low as 1528 to high as 2478) a. Trade statistics , 2000-2008 – last updated 24/2/2009 b. Belize External Trade bulletin – 2007 – 2009 Dec – last updated 11/3/2010 13. Publications a. Census 2000 questionnaire b. 1999 family health survey – females c. 1999 family health survey- males 17
  • 18. d. In depth analysis of child hood education e. National report on the results of child activity f. Qualitative analysis of child care g. Poverty assessment - 2002 h. Organizational chart 14. “Know your statistics” – a. Census 2000 major findings b. LFS book marker c. 2011 PHC preliminary results 15. Population a. 2007/2008 mid-year population estimates by age group and sex – last updated 14/3/2008 b. 2007/2008 mid-year population estimates by region and sex c. Total population estimates and projections – 2007 updated d. 2009 mid-year population estimates e. Official release of the main results of PHC 2010 16. CPI a. CPI – Basket and weights – last updated: 5/2/2008 b. Introduction to CPI c. Press release on inflation data for February 2011 d. CPI – (up to Aug. 2011) 17. National Accounts a. Annual GDP – 2000-2008 b. 2nd quarter 2009 GDP analysis c. Economic statistics for 2009 d. 1st quarter GDP 2011 e. Quarterly GDP (3rd Q 2011) 18. Labour Force a. LF indicators (2002-2006) b. Main LF indicators Apr. , Sep, 2007 c. Main LF indicators – Apr. 2006 – may 2008 19. SIB reports a. SIB financial reports. 2007 b. 2008 auditors’ reports c. SIB Annual report 2007/08 18
  • 19. 20. Miscellaneous a. 2008/09 – hh expenditure survey b. SIB – latest statistics – 2008 c. Analysis – CPI exercise d. MIC’s children wall chart e. 2008 annual inflation ratio status at 6.4 % f. Abstract 2008 Ad flyer g. Living Standard measurement survey – AD h. GDP -1st Q 2009 – press release i. May 2009 CPI certificate 21. 2010 Population and Housing Census a. 2010 PHC press release b. Speeches c. Census job applications d. Main findings _________________________________________________________________________ Saint Lucia 1. Publications a. 2010 PHC preliminary report (updated Apr. 2011) b. Census 2010 community ranking c. 2001 PHC – final report d. Core welfare indicators questionnaire (CWIQ) report 2004 e. Saint Lucia social poverty and poverty reduction policy and practices , 2004 f. PRF Input evaluation report 2003 – poverty g. Poverty assessment survey report – 1995 h. Compendium of environment statistics 2001 i. Vital statistics report -1994 to 2003 j. Annual statistical digest – 1997 to 2002, 2006 k. Economic & social review -2002 – 2005 l. Educational statistics digest -1999 – 2005 m. Analysis of trade - commodities by years – 1999-2002 n. Foreign Trade Price Indices report o. Gender statistics p. Price statistics – CPI-1998 q. Earnings statistics; hours earnings 1999-2003 19
  • 20. 2. Labour Force a. Labour Productivity Report – 2003 b. National account Statistics – 1977 – 2001 – sources and method of calculation, GDP c. A guide for completing national accounts questionnaire 3. Web pages: a. Statistical digest b. Publication and annual statistical digest c. Digest of education statistics – national center for education d. Statistical digest – South Dakota, dept. of education 4. Questionnaires: a. PHC – 2001 b. Living Condition survey – 2005 (periodicity: 5 to 8 yrs.) c. LF survey (continuous / quarterly) d. Youth employment (Continuous / quarterly) e. National accounts (annually – Feb. Mar.) f. Balance of Payments (annual, Mar.- July) g. Earnings and hours worked – Annual / Nov. h. Foreign Trade Price indices – (continuous / quarterly) i. Business Opinion survey – (to be announced /quarterly) j. Prices survey – (2nd week of each month) k. Industrial survey – monthly / continuous) 5. Statistical act 6. National Accounts: a. GDP growth – (2006) b. Unemployment rate – 2006 c. Inflation rate – 2006 d. LF – 2006 e. Current account balance – 2006 f. Selected indicators – 2006 7. Archive data: a. Constant prices – 1990-1996, b. GDP by expenditure: 1997-2006 c. Current prices d. Balance of payments e. Survey methods f. National income questionnaire g. National income allocation 20
  • 21. 8. Tourism Statistics (tourists by numbers) a. Monthly visitor arrivals: 2001-2008 b. Monthly tourists arrival: 1996-2006 c. Cruise ship passenger arrivals : 2000-2008 d. Cruise ship calls: 2000-2008 e. Yacht passengers arrivals: 2001-2008 f. Hotel occupancy – 2003-2006 g. Tourists arrivals by  type of accommodation;  length of stay;  main purpose;  country of origin;  country of residence 9. General Elections 10. Production of major commodities – 1976- 1984 _______________________________________________________________________ Trinidad & Tobago 1. Agriculture statistics: a. Poultry statistics – 2010 b. Api culture and Aquaculture bulletin – 2009 c. Disposal of pork by type of marketing outlets d. Agriculture census preliminary results- 2004 e. Tree crops under cultivation- No. of private holders by area of residence f. Disposal of livestock production – 2003 g. Area of non-tree crops under cultivation 2. Business statistics: a. Census of establishments – 2010 b. No. of business establishments by employment size and industry, 2010; c. Survey of establishment by type – all forms 3. Crime statistics a. No. of serious crimes reported, cases detected, arrested and persons convicted – 1998 b. Report on crime statistics – 2008 21
  • 22. 4. Economic Indicators: a. Index of retail sales, 2001-2006 b. Index of Productivity : 1998-2005 c. Index of hours worked: 1998-2005 d. Index of industrial sales: 2004-2005 e. Index of employment: 1997-2004 f. Index of domestic production: -2005 g. Index of Av. Weekly earnings – 1997-2005 h. Index of employment production workers – 1996-2009 5. Education statistics: a. Employment in primary schools by type and Admin areas, 2006,2007 b. Schools by type, size and Admin area, 2006/2007 c. No. of Gov./assisted schools by admin area – 1991-2000 d. Employment in public / secondary school by type and admin area, sex, type of school, 1999/2000 6. Environment statistics a. Air quality 1990 b. Compendium : chapters 1 to 10, data produced from 1982 – 2004 7. Labour Force statistics a. LF bulletin 3rd quarter – 2010 b. Hours worked all employees, 1996 – 2009 c. Earnings production workers , 1996-2009 d. Summary indicators of women and men participation in LF, 1996-2000 e. LF bulletin, Quarterly, 2004, 2005, 2006 f. Percentage of economically active women by major occupation group, 2000 g. % of no. of women and men employed, 1996-2000 h. Leading economic indicators – 1955-2004 8. Manufacturing statistics: a. Production by all employees, 2006-2011 b. Hours worked, all employees, 2006-2011 c. Index of av. Weekly earnings, 2006-2011 d. Index of industrial sales, 2006-2011 e. Index of producer’s prices, 2006-2011 f. Selected foods, 2006-2011 22
  • 23. 9. National Accounts: a. GDP, current/constant prices, 2006- 2010 b. Selected leading indicators: c. GDP current prices by industry, 1966-2004 d. Expenditure on GDP, 1970-2002 e. Per capita GDP, 1966-2003 f. GDP- 2002-2006 g. National Income report, 2000-2006 h. GDP on other selected indicators, 2009 10. Population: a. Mid- year population estimates: 1960-2010 11. Prices: a. RPI -2011 b. Index of retail prices, 2004-2007 12. Social Indicators: a. Household Budgetary survey, 2007/08 and 2008/09 13. Tourism statistics a. Carnival Report, 2004 14. Trade Statistics a. Apr. 2011 summary Trade tables b. Feb. 2011, summary trade tables c. Feb. 2011 Trade bulletin d. March 2011 summary trad tables e. Apr. 2011 trade bulletin f. Feb. 2011, trade bulletin g. March 2011, trade bulletin h. January 2011, summary trade tables i. Dec. 2010, trade bulletin j. Jan 2011, trade tables k. Oct. summary tables l. Trade Tables, Dec. 2003 m. Trade bulletin, July 2003 n. Trade table 1-8, June 2005 o. Apr 2010, Trade bulletin 15. Travel statistics a. All passengers arrivals by type of carrier, July 2002 b. All passengers arrivals by purpose of visit, July 2002 23
  • 24. c. All passenger arrivals by port of embarkation, July 2002 d. All passengers arrivals by occupation, July 2002 e. All passenger arrivals by age group, July 2002 f. Travel Bulletin, 2004 16. Vital Statistics a. Live births table 8, 2006 b. Live births tables, 2005 c. Marriages by religious denomination, 1986-2005 d. Marriages tables e. Maternities tables f. Still births, 2005-2006 g. Concepts and definitions h. Divorces table, 2005, 2006 i. Live births and still births, 2005, 2006 j. Brides and bride grooms tables, 2005 k. Deaths by age group and area, 1999 l. Fertility, mortality and other rates, 1997-1999 ___________________________________________________________________________ Jamaica 1. Economic statistics  Int’l Merchandise Trade  Production  National Accounts  Price indices 2. Labour Market & Earnings a. Labour force b. Employment & earnings 3. Demographic and Social Statistics a. Population b. Births, deaths & migration c. Marriages and divorces d. Methodology 4. Censuses a. Agriculture b. Population and Housing 24
  • 25. 5. Environment a. Imports of motor vehicles, 2001 – 2004 b. Use of irrigation by methods, 2007 6. National Statistics System a. Support for development of national statistic system project (i) Workshop (ii) Workshop agenda (iii) Project board members (iv) Project team (v) Presentations:  Caricom- statistics, regional  Caricom statistics, social  Economic statistics  Framework for environment statistics corporate starategies  Official statistics  PARIS21  Importation of data and lesson learned  Vision 2030 Jamaica  Public sector 7. Trade a. Imports by S.I.T.C sections, 2007-2011 (last updated 5/1/2012) b. Exports by S.I.T.C. sections, 2007-2011 (last updated 5/1/2012) c. Traditional and Bob-traditional domestic exports, 2007-2011 8. Production: a. Volume of Prod. Of specified manufactured products, 2006-2008 b. Volume of prod. Of specified agriculture crops, 2006-2008 c. Volume of prod. In the mining sector, 2006-2008 9. Prices: a. Consumer price index, - 2011 b. Inflation rate, 2011 c. Producer’s price indices, 2011  Mining, 2011  Manufacturing, 2011 10. National Accounts a. GDP – main aggregates and per capita indices -2006-2010 b. GDP- expenditure, annual, 2006-2010 25
  • 26. c. GDP- by income, 2001-2010 d. Gross value added by industry by constant/current prices, 2001-2010 e. Rate of growth of value added by industry at current / constant prices, 2001-2010 f. Tourism digest gross value added 11. Labour Market & Earnings a. LF main indicators b. LF main agriculture groups c. LF main Occupational group d. LF main Industrial group e. LF pop. 14 yrs. and over by economic activity f. LF (female stats) g. LF (male stats) h. Employed LF by age group i. Employed LF by Industry j. Employed LF by Occupational group k. Unemployed LF by age group l. Unemployed LF by occupational group m. Unemployed LF by industrial group n. Persons outside of LF by age group and sex 12. Subscriptions: a. CPI 2007, annual review USD 10 b. Demographic statistics, 2007, USD 8 c. Employment & Earnings, 2007, USD 7 d. External Trade, 2004, USD 8 e. LF statistics, 2007, USD 8 f. National income and Product produced, USD 16 g. Pocket book of statistics ,2003, USD 6 h. Production statistics, 2007 USD 7 i. Producer’s price index, 2008, USD 11 j. Producer price index bulletin, USD 3 k. CPI bulletin, 2010 4 Q, USD 3 l. Quarterly GDP, 2009, USD 6 m. Survey of living conditions, USD 35 n. Employment statistics 2003 & mineral account, USD 20 o. Jamaica environment in your pocket book, USD 4 p. Environment statistics & SOE 2001, USD 11 q. Household & Environment, 2002, USD 6 26
  • 27. r. Environment statistics 2005 and water, USD 20 s. LF bulletin, USD 4 t. Pop. Census 2001, country - USD 22 u. Pop. Census 2001, age and sex, vol. 2 – USD 28 v. Pop. Census 2001, education , part A, USD 18 w. Pop. Census2001, Housing vol. 4 – USD 13 13. Feedback 14. Confidential statement – terms and conditions of data use 15. NEWS: a. Media Advisory- statistical statements for: (i) CPI (ii) PPI (iii) GDP (iv) Trade (v) LF (vi) Census 16. Maps: a. Available map product, 1070, 1082, 1991 and 2001  Special area maps  Parish maps  Map of Jamaica  Constituents map b. GIS services offered by the unit  Geo-references of boundaries  Merging of census data to community and ED  Creation of vector images  Design of map books and atlas ---- 27