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Go meetup April 2015
Anton Povarov
Marko Kevac
• PHP	

• C/C++ (~25 home-made daemons)	

• Python
• PHP	

• C/C++ (~25 home-made daemons)	

• Python	

• Go
• Same config, same logging, same directory structure	

• Same protocol, including JSON to Protobuf conversion	

• Build and testing inTeamCity	

• QA team should not know this is a Go project
Go is not special in any way
• Logs go to syslog and eventually to Splunk	

• Metrics are collected with home-grown system based on
RRD (you will see some examples)	

• HTTP based profiling is always on
• As of now we do not use vendoring	

• We use go get for dependencies	

• Sometimes we just fork projects (as with rocksdb lib)	

• We use Make for building
when two people meet somewhere in the world
• Done in a week	

• By three people	

• Huge win for product
~2800 req/sec
~2800 req/sec
~54 GiB in memory
~2800 req/sec ~54 GiB in memory
~900 M objects
~2800 req/sec ~54 GiB in memory ~900 M objects
30 sec GC pause :-(	

~ 200 ms avg response ;-(
for {
go tool pprof -alloc_objects http://.../debug/pprof/heap
go tool pprof -inuse_objects http://.../debug/pprof/heap
go build -gcflags=-m foobar.go
Allocating on stack	

• Fast	

• No GC pressure	

• Stack size is not fixed in Go	

• Not always possible
Allocating on heap	

• Slower	

• GC pressure	

• Always possible
type Person struct {
Name string
Age uint
var People []*Person
const PeopleCount = 10000000
func allocateInitial() { ...
func allocateMore() { ...
func main() {
go allocateMore()
http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8080", nil)
func allocateMore() {
for {
for i := 0; i < PeopleCount; i++ {
People = append(People, &Person{"marko", 29})
People = People[0:PeopleCount]
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
func allocateInitial() {
for i := 0; i < PeopleCount; i++ {
People = append(People, &Person{"marko", 29})
$ go build -gcflags=-m
./test.go:20: &Person literal escapes to heap
./test.go:27: &Person literal escapes to heap
$ go tool pprof —inuse_objects ./test002 http://.../debug/pprof/heap
(pprof) top10
10617157 of 10618977 total ( 100%)
Dropped 3 nodes (cum <= 53094)
flat flat% sum% cum cum%
9945392 93.66% 93.66% 9945392 93.66% main.allocateInitial
671765 6.33% 100% 671765 6.33% main.allocateMore
0 0% 100% 9945392 93.66% main.main
0 0% 100% 10617157 100% runtime.goexit
0 0% 100% 9945392 93.66% runtime.main
(pprof) list main.allocateInitial
Total: 10618977
ROUTINE ======================== main.allocateInitial in /Users/marko/goprojects/src/
9945392 9945392 (flat, cum) 93.66% of Total
. . 15:
. . 16:const PeopleCount = 10000000
. . 17:
. . 18:func allocateInitial() {
. . 19: for i := 0; i < PeopleCount; i++ {
9945392 9945392 20: People = append(People, &Person{"marko", 29})
. . 21: }
. . 22:}
. . 23:
. . 24:func allocateMore() {
. . 25: for {
(pprof) weblist main.allocateInitial
$ go tool pprof —alloc_objects ./test002 http://.../debug/pprof/heap
(pprof) top10
191993610 of 191995430 total ( 100%)
Dropped 3 nodes (cum <= 959977)
flat flat% sum% cum cum%
182048182 94.82% 94.82% 182048182 94.82% main.allocateMore
9945428 5.18% 100% 9945428 5.18% main.allocateInitial
0 0% 100% 9945428 5.18% main.main
0 0% 100% 191993610 100% runtime.goexit
0 0% 100% 9945428 5.18% runtime.main
# NextGC = 1619939888
# PauseNs = [144830 87026 98881 2162680 2990228 3759763 6233690 11810930 18442986
34012539 47019926 72834183 114591578 178384506 315007729 480245709 568020053
575784519 517883227 518861595 604910252 514458210 542329937 560007420 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
# NumGC = 24
GC pause:	

~500 ms
$ GODEBUG=gctrace=1 ./test002
gc16(1): 1+16+433413+1 us, 396 -> 793 MB, 15766167
(15766492-325) objects, 8 goroutines, 61633/1/0 sweeps, 0(0)
handoff, 0(0) steal, 0/0/0 yields
read more:
gc16(1): // 16th GC (1 thread was doing it)
1+16+433413+1 us, // GC prepare + sweep + mark + finalise
396 -> 793 MB, // heap grew from X to Y since last GC
15766167 (15766492-325) objects,
// 15766167 objects in heap (incl. garbage)
// 15766492 allocs - 325 frees
8 goroutines,
61633/1/0 sweeps, // 61633 total spans, 1 in bg, 0 in pause
0(0) handoff, 0(0) steal, 0/0/0 yields
// some scheduling stats :)
read more:
$ wrk --latency -d 60s 'http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/'
Running 1m test @ http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 26.37ms 100.32ms 751.54ms 93.65%
Req/Sec 7.56k 2.47k 9.56k 89.05%
Latency Distribution
50% 687.00us
75% 1.02ms
90% 11.59ms
99% 550.23ms
831369 requests in 1.00m, 507.43MB read
Requests/sec: 13848.63
Transfer/sec: 8.45MB
• Memory Allocated	

• GC Pauses	

• Shows data for last 24h
import _ ""
GC pause:	

500 ms
type Person struct {
Name [6]byte // was string
Age uint
var People []Person // was []*Person
const PeopleCount = 10000000
func allocateMore() {
for {
for i := 0; i < PeopleCount; i++ {
People = append(People,
Person{[6]byte{'m', 'a', 'r', 'k', 'o', 0}, 29})
People = People[0:PeopleCount]
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
$ go tool pprof —inuse_objects ./test003 http:/…/debug/pprof/heap
(pprof) top10
1820 of 1824 total (99.78%)
Dropped 8 nodes (cum <= 9)
flat flat% sum% cum cum%
1820 99.78% 99.78% 1820 99.78% mcommoninit
0 0% 99.78% 1820 99.78% runtime.rt0_go
0 0% 99.78% 1820 99.78% runtime.schedinit
$ go tool pprof —alloc_objects ./test003 http://.../debug/pprof/heap
(pprof) top10
1856 of 1858 total (99.89%)
Dropped 4 nodes (cum <= 9)
flat flat% sum% cum cum%
1820 97.95% 97.95% 1820 97.95% mcommoninit
36 1.94% 99.89% 36 1.94% main.allocateInitial
0 0% 99.89% 36 1.94% main.main
0 0% 99.89% 38 2.05% runtime.goexit
0 0% 99.89% 38 2.05% runtime.main
0 0% 99.89% 1820 97.95% runtime.rt0_go
0 0% 99.89% 1820 97.95% runtime.schedinit
$ wrk --latency -d 60s 'http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/'
Running 1m test @ http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 1.52ms 11.08ms 197.07ms 98.20%
Req/Sec 21.82k 3.00k 26.49k 86.63%
Latency Distribution
50% 198.00us
75% 235.00us
90% 309.00us
99% 53.22ms
2600893 requests in 1.00m, 1.55GB read
Requests/sec: 43318.49
Transfer/sec: 26.48MB
Debugging performance issues in Go programs
DmitryVyukov on May 10, 2014
GC vs Developer
• C is using pointers is C	

• Go is different, learned it the hard way	

• Often it is preferable to copy a little bit,
but avoid using pointers	

• We had to thoroughly inspect our code
and remove pointers everywhere we
$ go tool pprof --alloc_objects ./heaptest /tmp/…/mem.pprof
Adjusting heap profiles for 1-in-4096 sampling rate
Welcome to pprof! For help, type 'help'.
(pprof) top
Total: 29161720 objects
22648298 77.7% 77.7% 22648298 77.7% newselect
6513152 22.3% 100.0% 6513152 22.3% main.main
256 0.0% 100.0% 256 0.0% runtime.mallocinit
14 0.0% 100.0% 14 0.0% allocg
0 0.0% 100.0% 270 0.0% _rt0_go
0 0.0% 100.0% 22648298 77.7% main.loop
0 0.0% 100.0% 14 0.0% mcommoninit
Very GC unfriendly library
$ cat test.proto
package test;
message TestMessage {
required uint32 user_id = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional uint32 age = 3;
$ cat test.pb.go
package test
type TestMessage struct {
UserId *uint32
Name *string
Age *uint32
XXX_unrecognized []byte
$ cat test.proto
package test;
import "";
option (gogoproto.goproto_unrecognized_all) = false;
message TestMessage {
required uint32 user_id = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
optional string name = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
optional uint32 age = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
removes XXX_unrecognized	

(which is sometimes a bad thing)
removes field pointers	

(changes what optional means)
type TestMessage struct {
UserId uint32
Name string
Age uint32
func SaveCoord(c Coord) error {
key := GetKey(c)
value, _ := proto.Marshal(&c)
return db.Put(key, value)
conversion to proto.Message	

(an interface)	

= escapes to heap	

= allocation
the default way
value []byte - allocated on heap
$ cat test.proto
package test;
import “";
option (gogoproto.unsafe_marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.unsafe_unmarshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
generates extra methods to speed up Marshal/Unmarshal	


enables memory optimisation tricks	

but loses required field checks (to be fixed)
$ cat test.pb.go
func (m *Coord) MarshalTo(data []byte) (n int, err error)
func (m *Coord) Size() (n int)
func SaveCoord(c Coord) error {
key := GetKey(c)
data := make([]byte, c.Size())
n, _ := c.MarshalTo(data)
return db.Put(key, data[:n])
does not escape, allocated on stack
don’t forget to subslice :)
writes to stack buffer
Example 1
$ cat test.c
int get_error(char **error) {
*error = "error";
return 0;
$ cat test.go
func main() {
var errStr *C.char
s := C.GoString(errStr)
$ go build -gcflags=-m
./test.go:13: moved to heap: errStr
./test.go:14: &errStr escapes to heap
./test.go:16: main ... argument does not escape
go 1.3.0
$ cat test.c
int get_error(char **error) {
*error = "error";
return 0;
$ cat test.go
func main() {
var errStr *C.char
s := C.GoString(errStr)
$ go build -gcflags=-m
./test.go:14: main &errStr does not escape
./test.go:16: main ... argument does not escape
go 1.4.2
Example 2
db.Put() can cause data to escape!
func SaveCoord(c Coord) error {
key := GetKey(c)
value := make([]byte, c.Size())
n, _ := c.MarshalTo(value)
return db.Put(key, value[:n])
Example 3
Return struct from function instead of passing pointer to struct.
~2800 req/sec ~54 GiB in memory ~900 M objects
30 sec GC pause :-(	

~ 200 ms avg response ;-(
before optimisations
~2800 req/sec ~54 GiB in memory ~900 M objects
GC pause: 30s -> 3s // maps :-(	

avg response: 200ms -> 2ms // :-)
after optimisations
type Person struct {
Name [6]byte // was string
Age uint
var People []Person // was []*Person
no pointers in struct
so GC treats this as a single object and does not “look inside”	

= fast GC
So we expect the same for map[k]v when k/v contain no pointers
var m = make(map[int]int)
func main() {
for i := 0; i < 10000000; i++ {
m[i] = i
for {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
GC Pause:	

500 ms
commit 85e7bee19f9f26dfca414b1e9054e429c448b14f
Author: Dmitry Vyukov <>
Date: Mon Jan 26 21:04:41 2015 +0300
runtime: do not scan maps when k/v do not contain pointers
Currently we scan maps even if k/v does not contain pointers.
This is required because overflow buckets are hanging off the main table.
This change introduces a separate array that contains pointers to all
overflow buckets and keeps them alive. Buckets themselves are marked
as containing no pointers and are not scanned by GC (if k/v does not
contain pointers).
This brings maps in line with slices and chans -- GC does not scan
their contents if elements do not contain pointers.
Currently scanning of a map[int]int with 2e8 entries (~8GB heap)
takes ~8 seconds. With this change scanning takes negligible time.
Update #9477.
Change-Id: Id8a04066a53d2f743474cad406afb9f30f00eaae
Reviewed-by: Keith Randall <>
expected in 1.5
gc #11 @11.995s 0%: 0+0+0+0+3 ms clock, 0+0+0+0+25 ms
cpu, 304->304->304 MB, 8 P (forced)
• If you want to write low latency apps, you have to fight GC :-(	

• Debugging performance issues:	

• Go Escape Analysis Flaws:	

• Go execution tracer:	

• Interface type conversion:	

• GC debugcharts:	

• GC visualisation (davecheney):
Thank you.
Anton Povarov
Marko Kevac

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Доклад Антона Поварова "Go in Badoo" с Golang Meetup

  • 1. GO IN BADOO Go meetup April 2015 Anton Povarov Marko Kevac
  • 2. BADOO BACKEND IN 2013 • PHP • C/C++ (~25 home-made daemons) • Python
  • 3. BADOO BACKEND IN 2014 • PHP • C/C++ (~25 home-made daemons) • Python • Go
  • 5. INFRASTRUCTURE • Same config, same logging, same directory structure • Same protocol, including JSON to Protobuf conversion • Build and testing inTeamCity • QA team should not know this is a Go project Go is not special in any way
  • 6. INFRASTRUCTURE • Logs go to syslog and eventually to Splunk • Metrics are collected with home-grown system based on RRD (you will see some examples) • HTTP based profiling is always on
  • 7. INFRASTRUCTURE • As of now we do not use vendoring • We use go get for dependencies • Sometimes we just fork projects (as with rocksdb lib) • We use Make for building
  • 8. BUMPED when two people meet somewhere in the world
  • 9. BUMPED • Done in a week • By three people • Huge win for product
  • 12. ~2800 req/sec ~54 GiB in memory ~900 M objects
  • 13. ~2800 req/sec ~54 GiB in memory ~900 M objects 30 sec GC pause :-( ~ 200 ms avg response ;-(
  • 15. DO NOT GIVE UP for { generateSomeLoad() go tool pprof -alloc_objects http://.../debug/pprof/heap go tool pprof -inuse_objects http://.../debug/pprof/heap think() go build -gcflags=-m foobar.go thinkAndFix() }
  • 17. MEMORY PROFILING CRASH COURSE Allocating on stack ! • Fast • No GC pressure • Stack size is not fixed in Go • Not always possible Allocating on heap ! • Slower • GC pressure • Always possible
  • 18. type Person struct { Name string Age uint } var People []*Person const PeopleCount = 10000000 func allocateInitial() { ... func allocateMore() { ... ! ! func main() { runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) allocateInitial() go allocateMore() http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8080", nil) } MEMORY PROFILING CRASH COURSE
  • 19. func allocateMore() { for { for i := 0; i < PeopleCount; i++ { People = append(People, &Person{"marko", 29}) } People = People[0:PeopleCount] time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) } } func allocateInitial() { for i := 0; i < PeopleCount; i++ { People = append(People, &Person{"marko", 29}) } } MEMORY PROFILING CRASH COURSE
  • 20. ESCAPE ANALYSIS $ go build -gcflags=-m # ./test.go:20: &Person literal escapes to heap ./test.go:27: &Person literal escapes to heap
  • 21. $ go tool pprof —inuse_objects ./test002 http://.../debug/pprof/heap (pprof) top10 10617157 of 10618977 total ( 100%) Dropped 3 nodes (cum <= 53094) flat flat% sum% cum cum% 9945392 93.66% 93.66% 9945392 93.66% main.allocateInitial 671765 6.33% 100% 671765 6.33% main.allocateMore 0 0% 100% 9945392 93.66% main.main 0 0% 100% 10617157 100% runtime.goexit 0 0% 100% 9945392 93.66% runtime.main ALLOCATIONS
  • 22. (pprof) list main.allocateInitial Total: 10618977 ROUTINE ======================== main.allocateInitial in /Users/marko/goprojects/src/ 9945392 9945392 (flat, cum) 93.66% of Total . . 15: . . 16:const PeopleCount = 10000000 . . 17: . . 18:func allocateInitial() { . . 19: for i := 0; i < PeopleCount; i++ { 9945392 9945392 20: People = append(People, &Person{"marko", 29}) . . 21: } . . 22:} . . 23: . . 24:func allocateMore() { . . 25: for { ALLOCATIONS
  • 24. $ go tool pprof —alloc_objects ./test002 http://.../debug/pprof/heap (pprof) top10 191993610 of 191995430 total ( 100%) Dropped 3 nodes (cum <= 959977) flat flat% sum% cum cum% 182048182 94.82% 94.82% 182048182 94.82% main.allocateMore 9945428 5.18% 100% 9945428 5.18% main.allocateInitial 0 0% 100% 9945428 5.18% main.main 0 0% 100% 191993610 100% runtime.goexit 0 0% 100% 9945428 5.18% runtime.main
  • 25. http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/heap?debug=1 # NextGC = 1619939888 # PauseNs = [144830 87026 98881 2162680 2990228 3759763 6233690 11810930 18442986 34012539 47019926 72834183 114591578 178384506 315007729 480245709 568020053 575784519 517883227 518861595 604910252 514458210 542329937 560007420 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] # NumGC = 24 GC pause: ~500 ms
  • 26. $ GODEBUG=gctrace=1 ./test002 gc16(1): 1+16+433413+1 us, 396 -> 793 MB, 15766167 (15766492-325) objects, 8 goroutines, 61633/1/0 sweeps, 0(0) handoff, 0(0) steal, 0/0/0 yields read more:
  • 27. gc16(1): // 16th GC (1 thread was doing it) ! 1+16+433413+1 us, // GC prepare + sweep + mark + finalise ! 396 -> 793 MB, // heap grew from X to Y since last GC ! 15766167 (15766492-325) objects, // 15766167 objects in heap (incl. garbage) // 15766492 allocs - 325 frees ! 8 goroutines, 61633/1/0 sweeps, // 61633 total spans, 1 in bg, 0 in pause ! 0(0) handoff, 0(0) steal, 0/0/0 yields // some scheduling stats :) read more:
  • 28. $ wrk --latency -d 60s 'http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/' Running 1m test @ http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/ 2 threads and 10 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 26.37ms 100.32ms 751.54ms 93.65% Req/Sec 7.56k 2.47k 9.56k 89.05% Latency Distribution 50% 687.00us 75% 1.02ms 90% 11.59ms 99% 550.23ms 831369 requests in 1.00m, 507.43MB read Requests/sec: 13848.63 Transfer/sec: 8.45MB
  • 29. DEBUGCHARTS • Memory Allocated • GC Pauses • Shows data for last 24h
  • 31. MEMORY PROFILING CRASH COURSE (FIXED) type Person struct { Name [6]byte // was string Age uint } var People []Person // was []*Person const PeopleCount = 10000000 func allocateMore() { for { for i := 0; i < PeopleCount; i++ { People = append(People, Person{[6]byte{'m', 'a', 'r', 'k', 'o', 0}, 29}) } People = People[0:PeopleCount] time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) } }
  • 32. $ go tool pprof —inuse_objects ./test003 http:/…/debug/pprof/heap (pprof) top10 1820 of 1824 total (99.78%) Dropped 8 nodes (cum <= 9) flat flat% sum% cum cum% 1820 99.78% 99.78% 1820 99.78% mcommoninit 0 0% 99.78% 1820 99.78% runtime.rt0_go 0 0% 99.78% 1820 99.78% runtime.schedinit
  • 33. $ go tool pprof —alloc_objects ./test003 http://.../debug/pprof/heap (pprof) top10 1856 of 1858 total (99.89%) Dropped 4 nodes (cum <= 9) flat flat% sum% cum cum% 1820 97.95% 97.95% 1820 97.95% mcommoninit 36 1.94% 99.89% 36 1.94% main.allocateInitial 0 0% 99.89% 36 1.94% main.main 0 0% 99.89% 38 2.05% runtime.goexit 0 0% 99.89% 38 2.05% runtime.main 0 0% 99.89% 1820 97.95% runtime.rt0_go 0 0% 99.89% 1820 97.95% runtime.schedinit
  • 34. $ wrk --latency -d 60s 'http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/' Running 1m test @ http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/ 2 threads and 10 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 1.52ms 11.08ms 197.07ms 98.20% Req/Sec 21.82k 3.00k 26.49k 86.63% Latency Distribution 50% 198.00us 75% 235.00us 90% 309.00us 99% 53.22ms 2600893 requests in 1.00m, 1.55GB read Requests/sec: 43318.49 Transfer/sec: 26.48MB
  • 35. Debugging performance issues in Go programs DmitryVyukov on May 10, 2014 MORE INFO
  • 37. GO IS NOT C • C is using pointers is C • Go is different, learned it the hard way • Often it is preferable to copy a little bit, but avoid using pointers • We had to thoroughly inspect our code and remove pointers everywhere we could
  • 38. $ go tool pprof --alloc_objects ./heaptest /tmp/…/mem.pprof Adjusting heap profiles for 1-in-4096 sampling rate Welcome to pprof! For help, type 'help'. (pprof) top Total: 29161720 objects 22648298 77.7% 77.7% 22648298 77.7% newselect 6513152 22.3% 100.0% 6513152 22.3% main.main 256 0.0% 100.0% 256 0.0% runtime.mallocinit 14 0.0% 100.0% 14 0.0% allocg 0 0.0% 100.0% 270 0.0% _rt0_go 0 0.0% 100.0% 22648298 77.7% main.loop 0 0.0% 100.0% 14 0.0% mcommoninit NOT AN ALLOCATION
  • 40. $ cat test.proto package test; ! message TestMessage { required uint32 user_id = 1; optional string name = 2; optional uint32 age = 3; } $ cat test.pb.go package test ! type TestMessage struct { UserId *uint32 Name *string Age *uint32 XXX_unrecognized []byte }
  • 42. $ cat test.proto package test; ! import ""; option (gogoproto.goproto_unrecognized_all) = false; ! message TestMessage { required uint32 user_id = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false]; optional string name = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false]; optional uint32 age = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false]; } removes XXX_unrecognized (which is sometimes a bad thing) removes field pointers (changes what optional means)
  • 43. type TestMessage struct { UserId uint32 Name string Age uint32 }
  • 45. func SaveCoord(c Coord) error { key := GetKey(c) value, _ := proto.Marshal(&c) return db.Put(key, value) } conversion to proto.Message (an interface) = escapes to heap = allocation PROTOBUF the default way value []byte - allocated on heap
  • 46. $ cat test.proto package test; ! import “"; option (gogoproto.unsafe_marshaler_all) = true; option (gogoproto.unsafe_unmarshaler_all) = true; option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true; generates extra methods to speed up Marshal/Unmarshal + enables memory optimisation tricks ! but loses required field checks (to be fixed) GOGOPROTOBUF
  • 47. $ cat test.pb.go ! func (m *Coord) MarshalTo(data []byte) (n int, err error) func (m *Coord) Size() (n int) func SaveCoord(c Coord) error { key := GetKey(c) data := make([]byte, c.Size()) n, _ := c.MarshalTo(data) return db.Put(key, data[:n]) } does not escape, allocated on stack don’t forget to subslice :) writes to stack buffer
  • 49. $ cat test.c ! int get_error(char **error) { *error = "error"; return 0; } $ cat test.go […skipped…] ! func main() { var errStr *C.char C.get_error(&errStr) s := C.GoString(errStr) fmt.Println(s) } $ go build -gcflags=-m # […skipped…] ./test.go:13: moved to heap: errStr ./test.go:14: &errStr escapes to heap ./test.go:16: main ... argument does not escape go 1.3.0
  • 50. $ cat test.c ! int get_error(char **error) { *error = "error"; return 0; } $ cat test.go […skipped…] ! func main() { var errStr *C.char C.get_error(&errStr) s := C.GoString(errStr) fmt.Println(s) } $ go build -gcflags=-m # ./test.go:14: main &errStr does not escape ./test.go:16: main ... argument does not escape go 1.4.2
  • 52. db.Put() can cause data to escape! func SaveCoord(c Coord) error { key := GetKey(c) value := make([]byte, c.Size()) n, _ := c.MarshalTo(value) return db.Put(key, value[:n]) }
  • 53.
  • 55. Return struct from function instead of passing pointer to struct.
  • 56. ~2800 req/sec ~54 GiB in memory ~900 M objects 30 sec GC pause :-( ~ 200 ms avg response ;-( before optimisations
  • 57. ~2800 req/sec ~54 GiB in memory ~900 M objects GC pause: 30s -> 3s // maps :-( avg response: 200ms -> 2ms // :-) after optimisations
  • 58. MAPS
  • 59. type Person struct { Name [6]byte // was string Age uint } var People []Person // was []*Person no pointers in struct so GC treats this as a single object and does not “look inside” = fast GC So we expect the same for map[k]v when k/v contain no pointers MAPS
  • 60. MAPS var m = make(map[int]int) ! func main() { runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) ! for i := 0; i < 10000000; i++ { m[i] = i } ! for { runtime.GC() time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) } } GC Pause: 500 ms
  • 61. commit 85e7bee19f9f26dfca414b1e9054e429c448b14f Author: Dmitry Vyukov <> Date: Mon Jan 26 21:04:41 2015 +0300 ! runtime: do not scan maps when k/v do not contain pointers ! Currently we scan maps even if k/v does not contain pointers. This is required because overflow buckets are hanging off the main table. This change introduces a separate array that contains pointers to all overflow buckets and keeps them alive. Buckets themselves are marked as containing no pointers and are not scanned by GC (if k/v does not contain pointers). ! This brings maps in line with slices and chans -- GC does not scan their contents if elements do not contain pointers. ! Currently scanning of a map[int]int with 2e8 entries (~8GB heap) takes ~8 seconds. With this change scanning takes negligible time. ! Update #9477. ! Change-Id: Id8a04066a53d2f743474cad406afb9f30f00eaae Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Keith Randall <> expected in 1.5
  • 62. GOTIP gc #11 @11.995s 0%: 0+0+0+0+3 ms clock, 0+0+0+0+25 ms cpu, 304->304->304 MB, 8 P (forced)
  • 63. GC SUMMARY & LINKS • If you want to write low latency apps, you have to fight GC :-( • Debugging performance issues: • Go Escape Analysis Flaws: • Go execution tracer: • Interface type conversion: • GC debugcharts: • GC visualisation (davecheney):