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Serverless is not just about the Tech:
Serverless is New Agile & Mindset
#1 Serverless Dev
(Back-end FaaS dev, but
turned into gluing APIs
and Managed Services)
#2 We're obsessed to
creating business value
(meaningful MVPs,
Products), to empower
Business users
#3 We build bridges
between Serverless
Community (“Dev leg”),
and Front-end & Voice-
First developers & User
Experience designers
(“UX leg”)
#4 Achieve agility NOT
by “sprinting” faster
(like in Scrum), but
working smarter (by
using bigger building
blocks and less Ops)
“Toss It Over the Fence” SDLC principle ;)
Why DevOps topics at Serverless event?
My reality was: The
idea of
Dev – Ops “line”
became, not 2 but 3
Dev | DevOps | Ops
Looking back, it
appears that my
obsession with
was (in a way) an
escape from the
Corporate IT reality
Why DevOps topics at Serverless event?
SLI tells when users
are happy/unhappy
oh my! (class SRE
DevOps) videos
“When the student
is ready, the teacher
will appear” to help
us resolve Dev vs.
Ops conflict…
SRE shifts focus from Dev & Ops to Users!
Feature Presentations with Charity & Liz,
The Socio-Technical Path
to ✨High-Performing✨ Teams
Observability and the Glorious Future
the fundamental building block
by which we organize ourselves
and coordinate and scale our labor.
The teams you join will define your career
more than any other single factor.
bad jobs can
be bad in
so, so many
different ways…
Bad Job One:
• predatory product
• praised for pulling all-nighters
• alienated from coworkers
• long commute
• neglectful manager
• the worst Silicon Valley cliches
Bad Job Two:
• aging, obsolete tech
• high operational toil
• fragile, flappy systems
• complacency
• low engineering skill level
• command-and-control 

autonomy, learning, high-
achieving, learned from
our mistakes, curious,
responsibility, ownership,
inspiring, camaraderie,
pride, collaboration, career
growth, rewarding,
manual labor, sacred cows,
wasted effort, stale tech,
ass-covering, fear,
fiefdoms, excessive toil,
cargo culting, enervating,
discouraging, lethargy,
Sociotechnical Systems
Socio- Technical Systems
Team, Tools, and Production
sociotechnical (n)
“Technology is the sum of ways in which social groups construct the
material objects of their civilizations. The things made are socially
constructed just as much as technically constructed. The merging of these
two things, construction and insight, is sociotechnology” — wikipedia
if you change the tools people use,
you can change how they behave and even who they are. 😱
sociotechnical (n)
sociotechnical (n)
Your system is a snowflake.
hire growth-oriented people
build emotional safety
invest in good tooling, pay down tech debt
practice observability-driven development
instrument, observe, iterate, and repeat
construct and tweak virtuous feedback loops.
You can’t fix what you can’t measure.
How well does YOUR team perform?
1 — How frequently do you deploy?
2 — How long does it take for code to go live?
3 — How many of your deploys fail?
4 — How long does it take to recover from an outage?
5 — How often are you alerted after hours?
Every team lead should watch these.
Know where you stand.
We waste a LOT of time.
There is a wide gap between elite teams and the bottom 50%.
It really, really, really,
really, really
pays off
to be on a
high performing team.
Who is going to be the better engineer
two years from now?
3000 deploys/year
9 outages/year
6 hours firefighting
5 deploys/year
65 outages/year
firefighting: constant
Q: What happens when an
engineer from the elite yellow
bubble joins a team in the
medium blue bubble?
A: Your productivity tends
to rise (or fall) to match that
of the team you join.
“Build great teams by only hiring the best people”Great teams make great engineers. ❤
Every engineering org
has a dual mandate.
The work consists of cultivating sociotechnical feedback loops
so engineers can own the full lifecycle of their code
and that begins with observability.
Happier customers, happier teams.
This brings us to tools.
I don’t know exactly what you need
but I can guess :)
Observability, Progressive Deployments, Continuous Delivery, SLOs
And your weakest points in the OMM
“In control theory, observability is a measure of how well
internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of
its external outputs. The observability and controllability of a
system are mathematical duals." — wikipedia
Can you understand what’s happening inside your
systems, just by asking questions from the outside? Can
you debug your code and any behavior using its output?
Can you answer new questions without shipping new code?
o11y for software:
• Arbitrarily-wide structured data blobs
(“canonical logs”)
• Visualize by time (“trace”)
• Gathers up full context in a single blob per
req per service
• Propagates unique request IDs and span IDs
Yes Observability:
• Unstructured, ad hoc logs
• Metrics-based tools (Prometheus,
DataDog, SignalFX, WaveFront, etc)
• Anything that requires indexes or schemas
Not Observability:
technical nitpick:
o11y technical dependencies (long):
• High cardinality
• High dimensionality
• Exploratory, open-ended investigation based on raw events
• Service Level Objectives. No preaggregation.
• Based on arbitrarily-wide structured events with span support
• No indexes, schemas, or predefined structure
• Bundling the full context of the request across network hops
• Metrics != observability. Unstructured logs != observability.
"I don't have time to invest in observability right now. Maybe later”
You can't afford not to.
1. Resiliency to failure
2. High-quality code
3. Manage complexity and technical debt
4. Predictable releases
5. Understand user behavior
Observability Maturity Model
… find your weakest category, and tackle that first
Observability is the key to making the leap
from known-unknowns to unknown-
unknowns, and
software lifecycle ownership.
monitoring observability
• Ephemeral and dynamic
• Far-flung and loosely coupled
• Partitioned, sharded
• Distributed and replicated
• Containers, schedulers
• Service registries
• Polyglot persistence strategies
• Autoscaled, multiple failover
• Emergent behaviors
• ... etc
Why now?
Without observability, your team will resort to
guessing and iterating blindly, without evidence,
and you will struggle to connect or debug
feedback loops.
Observability enables you to inspect cause and
effect at a granular level. Observability enables
engineers to have ownership over the lifecycle of
their software.
Example? Sure!
The app tier capacity is exceeded. Maybe we
rolled out a build with a perf regression, or
maybe some app instances are down.
DB queries are slower than normal. Maybe
we deployed a bad new query, or there is
lock contention.
Errors or latency are high. We will look at
several dashboards that reflect common root
causes, and one of them will show us why.
“Photos are loading slowly for some people. Why?”
(LAMP stack)
we should
monitor these things!
“Photos are loading slowly for some people. Why?”
Any microservices running on c2.4xlarge instances and
PIOPS storage in us-east-1b has a 1/20 chance of
running on degraded hardware, and will take 20x
longer to complete for requests that hit the disk with a
blocking call. This disproportionately impacts people
looking at older archives due to our fanout model.
Canadian users who are using the French language
pack on the iPad running iOS 9, are hitting a
firmware condition which makes it fail saving to local
cache … which is why it FEELS like photos are
loading slowly
Our newest SDK makes db queries sequentially if
the developer has enabled an optional feature flag.
Working as intended; the reporters all had debug
mode enabled. But flag should be renamed for
clarity sake.
eerrrr …
wtf do I monitor for?
More Problems
"I have twenty microservices and a sharded db and
three other data stores across three regions, and
everything seems to be getting a little bit slower
over the past two weeks but nothing has changed
that we know of, and oddly, latency is usually back to
the historical norm on Tuesdays.”
“All twenty app micro services have 10% of available
nodes enter a simultaneous crash loop cycle, about
five times a day, at unpredictable intervals. They have
nothing in common afaik and it doesn’t seem to
impact the stateful services. It clears up before we
can debug it, every time.”
“Our users can compose their own queries that we
execute server-side, and we don’t surface it to them
when they are accidentally doing full table scans or
even multiple full table scans, so they blame us when
they get timeouts.”
Still More Problems
“Several users in Romania and Eastern Europe are
complaining that all push notifications are down for
them … for days. But that’s impossible, because
pushes are in a single shared queue, and I’m
receiving pushes right now!”
“Disney is complaining that once in a while, but not
always, they don’t see the photo they expected to
see — they see someone else’s photo! When they
refresh, it’s fixed.”
“Sometimes a bot takes off, or an app is featured on
the iTunes store, and it takes us a long long time to
track down which app or user is generating
disproportionate pressure on shared components of
our system (esp databases). Everything gets slower
at once, and we can’t tell which of the slow apps
caused it (because EVERYTHING’s slow).
“We run a platform, and it’s hard to
programmatically distinguish between problems
that users are inflicting themselves and problems in
our own code, since they all manifest as the same
errors codes or timeouts."
You have an observable system
when your team can quickly and reliably diagnose
any new behavior with no prior knowledge.
observability begins with
rich instrumentation, putting you in
constant conversation with your code
well-understood systems require
minimal time spent firefighting
kick-start the virtuous cycle of you build it, you own it
instrumenting two steps in front of you as you build
never accept a PR unless you’ll know when it breaks
watch your code go out. muscle memory.
working as intended? anything else look weird?
thru the lens of your instrumentation
that’s observability-driven development
on call: where shit gets real.
on call is for everyone who writes code.
on call must not be terrible.
(software ownership is the only way to make it better.)
democratize production.
production is for everyone; build guard rails.
encourage curiosity, emphasize ownership. don't punish.
get up to your elbows in prod EVERY DAY
invest in your deploys, instrument everything
fulfill the promise of Continuous Delivery
(don’t be scared by regulations)
feature flags,
feature flags,
feature flags.
progressive deploy $ALLTHETHINGS
✨Production First✨
test in prod
let staging take the leftovers
engineer merges diff. hours pass, multiple other engineers merge too
someone triggers a deploy with a few days worth of merges
the deploy fails, takes down the site, and pages on call
who manually rolls back, then begins git bisecting
this eats up her day and multiple other engineers
everybody bitches about how on call sucks
time elapsed: several engineer-days 🥺💀
engineer merges diff, which kicks off an automatic CI/CD and deploy
deploy fails; notifies the engineer who merged, reverts to safety
who knows exactly what she just did, and swiftly fixes it
then adds tests & instrumentation to better detect it
and promptly commits a fix
total time elapsed: 10 engineering minutes
It really, really, really,
really, really
pays off
to be on a
high performing team.
In order to spend more of your time on productive activities,
instrument, observe, and iterate on the tools and processes
that gather, validate and ship your collective output as a team.
Join teams that honor and value this work and are committed to
consistently improving internal tooling — not just shipping features.
Speed is safety. Get code into production within
minutes as the best preventive medicine.
Build or buy?
Focus relentlessly on your core business differentiators.
Engineering cycles are the scarcest currency in your universe.
Build reluctantly. All code is legacy. Kill your darlings.
Senior engineers: you must amplify hidden costs
Promote people for successfully offloading and outsourcing.
Whatever you praise and promote people for, you will see more of.
Practice vendor engineering.
Good vendors act like they’re on your team.
Build libraries, modules, shared interfaces, examples, docs,
relationships; drive consistent internal use cases.
sociotechnical (n)
Your system is a snowflake
a unique puzzle, unlike any other
high-performing teams both contribute to and are a
consequence of a well-running sociotechnical system.
for extra fun … let’s examine the sociotechnical implications of the
predominant architecture models of the past two decades:
monoliths and microservices
• THE database
• THE application
• Known-unknowns and mostly
predictable failures
• Many monitoring checks and noisy
paging alerts
• "Flip a switch" to deploy, changes are
big bang and binary (all on/all off)
• Failures to be prevented
• Production is to be feared
• Debug by intuition and scar tissue of
past outages, page bombs
• Canned dashboards, runbooks,
• Deploys are scary
• Masochistic on-call culture
sociotechnical causes & effects
“technical” causes: “socio” effects:
• We built our systems like glass castles
— a fragile, forbidding edifice that we
could tightly control access to.
• Very hostile to exploration or
• Many storage systems, many services,
many polyglot technologies
• Unknown-unknowns dominate
• Every alert is a novel question
• Rich, flexible instrumentation
• Few paging alerts, tied to SLOs and
keying off user pain
• Failures are your friend
• A deploy is just the beginning of
gaining confidence in your code
• Debug methodically by examining the
evidence and following the crumbs
• Deploys are opportunities
• On-call must be sustainable, humane
sociotechnical causes & effectsMicroservices
“technical” causes: “socio” effects:
• Software ownership -- you build it,
you run it
• Robust, resilient, built for
experimentation and testing in prod
• Human scale, with guard rails for
are we
Here's the dirty little secret.
The next generation of systems won't be built and run by burned out, exhausted
people, or command-and-control teams just following orders.
It can't be done.
they've become too complicated. too hard.
You can no longer model these systems in your head and
leap to the solution -- you will be readily outcompeted by
teams with better tools or sharper focus.
Our systems are emergent and unpredictable. Runbooks and
canned playbooks be damned; we need your full creative self.
Your labor is a scarce and precious resource.
Lend it to those who are worthy of it.
You only get one career; seek out high-performing teams
to spend more time learning and building, not mired in
tech debt and shitty, wasteful processes
we have an opportunity here to make things better
let's do it <3
Charity Majors
Liz Fong-Jones
Principal Developer Advocate, Honeycomb
November 16, 2020
Detangling complex systems
with compassion & production excellence
1w/ illustrations by @emilywithcurls!
We write code to solve problems.
But our job isn't done upon commit.
Production is increasingly complex.
Especially with microservices.
And with big data.
We're adding complexity all the time.
but can't understand or tame it.
What does uptime mean?
Is it measured in servers?
Is it measured in complaints?
How about juggling everything else?
We're adding even more complexity.
Our heroes are exhausted.
Our strategies need to evolve.
Don't "buy" DevOps.
When we order the alphabet soup...
Noisy alerts. Grumpy engineers.
Walls of meaningless dashboards.
Incidents take forever to fix.
Everyone bugs the "expert".
Deploys are unpredictable.
There's no time to do projects...
and when there's time, there's no plan.
The team is struggling to hold on.
What are we missing?
We forgot who operates systems.
Tools aren't magical.
Invest in people, culture, & process.
Enter the art of
Production Excellence.
Make systems more reliable & friendly.
ProdEx takes planning.
Measure and act on what matters.
Involve everyone.
Build everyone's confidence.
Encourage asking questions.
How do we get started?
Know when it's too broken.
& be able to debug, together when it is.
Eliminate (unnecessary) complexity.
Our systems are always failing.
What if we measure too broken?
We need
Service Level Indicators
SLIs and SLOs are common language.
Think in terms of events in context.
Is this event good or bad?
Are users grumpy? Ask your PM.
Or do chaos engineering experiments.
What threshold buckets events?
HTTP Code 200? Latency < 100ms?
How many eligible events did we see?
Availability: Good / Eligible Events
Set a target Service Level Objective.
Use a window and target percentage.
99.9% of events good in past 30 days.
A good SLO barely keeps users happy.
Drive alerting with SLOs.
Error budget: allowed unavailability
How long until I run out?
Page if it's hours.
Ticket if it's days.
Uh oh, better wake someone up.
Data-driven business decisions.
Is it safe to do this risky experiment?
Should we invest in more reliability?
Perfect SLO > Good SLO >>> No SLO
Measure what you can today.
Iterate to meet user needs.
Only alert on what matters.
SLIs & SLOs are
only half the picture...
Our outages are never identical.
Failure modes can't be predicted.
Support debugging novel cases.
In production.
Avoid siloed data.
Allow forming & testing hypotheses.
Dive into data to ask new questions.
Our services must be observable.
Can you examine events in context?
Can you explain the variance?
using relevant dimensions?
Can you mitigate impact & debug later?
Observability goes beyond break/fix.
Observability isn't just the data.
SLOs and Observability go together.
But they alone don't
create collaboration.
Heroism isn't sustainable.
Debugging is not a solo activity.
Debugging is for everyone.
Train teams together.
Collaboration is interpersonal.
Lean on your team.
We learn better when we document.
Fix hero culture. Share knowledge.
Use the same platforms & tools.
(e.g. )
Reward curiosity and teamwork.
Learn from the past.
Reward your future self.
Outages don't repeat, but they rhyme.
Risk analysis
helps us plan.
Quantify risks by frequency & impact.
Which risks are most significant?
Address risks that threaten the SLO.
Make the business case to fix them.
And prioritize completing the work.
Don't waste time chrome polishing.
Lack of observability is systemic risk.
So is lack of collaboration.
Success doesn't demand heroism.
A dozen engineers build Honeycomb.
We make systems humane to run,
by ingesting telemetry,
enabling data exploration,
and empowering engineers.
Yes, we deploy on Fridays.
What's our recipe?
Observability-driven Development.
start with lead time. (<3 hours)
deploy frequency goes up. (hourly, >12x/day)
change fail rate goes down. (<0.1%)
time to restore goes down. (seconds to minutes)
High productivity product engineering:
start with lead time.
10 min builds (x3 at worst), 1h for peer review,
hourly push train = 3 hours to deploy a change.
start with lead time.
deploy frequency goes up.
Builds go out every hour if there's a change.
1-2 new commits per build artifact.
start with lead time.
deploy frequency goes up.
change fail rate goes down.
Increased confidence via testing. Flag-flip or
fix-forward, not emergency rollback. 0.1% fail rate.
start with lead time.
deploy frequency goes up.
change fail rate goes down.
time to restore goes down.
Flag flip takes 30 seconds. Rollback to previous
build takes <10 min. Fix-forward takes 20 min.
Instrument as we code.
Functional and visual testing.
Design for feature flag deployment.
Automated integration.
@lizthegrey Honeycomb’s trace of Honeycomb build & deploy
Human PR review.
Automated integration.
Green button merge.
Auto-updates, rollbacks, & pins.
Observe behavior in prod.
Prod: customers observe data.
Dogfood observes prod.
[add observe in prod] image:
Adoption curve on SLOs
Kibble observes dogfood.
That's how 12 eng deploy 12x/day!
Buy the right tools...
but season your soup with ProdEx.
Measure. Debug. Collaborate. Fix.
147; @lizthegrey
Production Excellence &
bring teams closer together.
Home of “Less IT Mess”

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