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CAF B-29/B-24 Squadron
With your host
“Diamond Toni” Rabroker
On December 11, 1941, Adolf Hitler
made what many consider one of his
key mistakes. What was it?
He declared war on the United States of America
He didn't have to do it. The Axis "Pact of Steel" was defensive only. Japan,
for example, did not declare war on the Soviet Union after Germany
invaded. In all likelihood the U.S. would have joined in the war against
Germany but not necessarily at that time. Although Roosevelt and
Churchill agreed that the defeat of the Nazis was the first priority, there
were many proponents in the U.S. of a "Pacific First" strategy, including
the U.S. Navy and General MacArthur. Had Hitler not declared war, the
U.S. would have concentrated its initial war effort against the Japanese.
Point value: 5
Conventional wisdom predicted that
this man would be appointed as
Supreme Commander, Allied
Expeditionary Force?
George C. Marshall
Marshall was largely responsible for the creation, equipping and training of the
American army, and most people, including Eisenhower, assumed that he would
be chosen as its commander. Roosevelt wanted to appoint Marshall as Supreme
Commander for Overlord and Eisenhower as Chief of Staff. This arrangement,
however, would have put both generals in the highly untenable position of a
former subordinate giving orders to his former boss. Roosevelt finally decided that
Marshall was too valuable in Washington; but he picked a rather insensitive
method of informing Marshall. Roosevelt asked Marshall to write a message to
Stalin for him. Roosevelt then dictated the message informing Stalin (and Marshall)
that Eisenhower had been selected as Supreme Commander.
Point value: 10
The Calvados coast of Normandy was
selected as the invasion site, but the
word "calvados" was also denotes
gastronomical product of the region?
Apple Brandy
Many of the Allied troops became intimately familiar
with the well-stocked wine cellars of Normandy and
the ever-present kegs of calvados.
Point value: 20
One of the primary factors limiting the
scope of the Allied invasion in
Normandy was a lack of what?
Landing Craft
Prior to the war, the Navy wanted warships. Next,
merchant ships and escort vessels became priorities.
There were never enough landing ships and landing
craft to fill the needs of the services in the Pacific,
the Mediterranean and the English Channel.
Point value: 10
Which invasion beach had the highest
number of casualties of any of the
beaches landed on on D-Day?
Omaha Beach
Omaha Beach had far more casualties than any other
beach on D-Day, so much so that General Bradley
considered a retreat from the beach. The disaster on
Omaha resulted from several factors that were not
present or were less present on the other beaches.
Point value: 5
What were the names of the temporary
harbours erected on the beaches after
the beachheads had been secured on
Mulberry Harbours were used on D-Day and beyond
to help bring troops and supplies into France.
Unfortunately, most were damaged after a violent
storm not long after they were constructed in June
Point value: 10
The Allies trained extensively in England
for the invasion. In April '44, during a
practice landing at Slapton Sands, two
LSTs were sunk and six were damaged,
suffering heavy casualties. What caused
these losses?
An attack by E-Boats
The losses were: 749 killed, 300 wounded. By comparison, at
"Bloody Omaha" there were 2,200 killed and wounded. Despite the
success of these pre-invasion-attacks, there were no more by E-
boats. The depleted condition of the German navy and the
Luftwaffe notwithstanding, the fact that there were no sustained
attacks against the invasion buildup is one of the war's great
mysteries. Perhaps the German High Command believed their own
propanda about the "impenetrable" Atlantic Wall.
Point value: 10
What were the "Fallschirmjager" units?
German Paratroops
Many consider them to have been the very best of all the
German troops. The Germans were pioneers in the use of
paratroops. After suffering heavy losses in the invasion of
Crete, however, the German paratroops were never again
used in a large-scale airborne operation.
Point value: 10
While Rommel was in Germany on
D-Day, most of his senior commanders
were absent from their commands.
Where were they?
In Rennes for war games
Interestingly, the premise of the map exercise was an invasion in
Normandy beginning with a parachute attack and followed by a
landing from the sea. The absence of these commanders clearly
affected the ability of the Germans to respond to the invasion on D-
Bonus Question: What was Rommel doing in Germany?
Celebrating his wife’s birthday.
Point value: 10
Point value: 10
The BBC broadcast many coded messages to
the Resistance prior to D-Day. Of particular
importance was a two-part signal using the
first two lines of a 19th-century poem by Paul
Verlaine. What was the title of that poem?
Chanson d'Automne (The Song of Autumn)
The first line, which was initially broadcast on June 1,
signalled the Resistance that the invasion was imminent
and asked them to be on the alert for the second part of
the message. The second line, broadcast on the 5th,
meant that the invasion was coming in the next 48 hours.
Point value: 20
What day was the invasion planned for
before being moved for inclement
5th of June
The original day for the invasion was set as the 5th of
June. There were only a few possible days when the
invasion could go ahead due to tides on the landing
beaches and daylight hours. If the invasion had not gone
ahead on the 5th, 6th or 7th of June then the invasion
would have been delayed an extra two weeks.
Point value: 5
This city was supposed to be captured
on D-Day by British and Canadian
troops, but ended up taking months to
One of the many D-day objectives for the British were to secure Caen. The landings
went fairly well. The problem was pushing inland, with the 21st Panzer Division
mobilizing with elements of the 12th SS Panzer Division. The Canadians reached
their own D-day objectives, only a little bit later than expected. They pushed, at
the limit, 7 miles inland to the Caen-Bayeaux road, where they were in position to
strike at Caen. However, by nightfall, not enough reinforcements had arrived to
take Caen or the other objective, Carpiquet Airfield, and the Canadians withdrew.
The British advance had bogged down, which resulted in the Canadian withdrawal.
Instead, the fully mobilized Panzer divisions occupied Caen and made it a fortress
city, giving it up months later, only when the city had been flattened.
Point value: 10
Who was designated as the commander
of the First U.S. Army Group??
George Patton
"Old Blood and Guts." This completely fictitious army was
another Fortitude creation to reinforce the deception that the
invasion was coming at the Pas de Calais. The Germans
believed that Patton was the Allies' best commander and
would lead the attack. Of course, Patton and the Third Army
came to Normandy much later to exploit the breakout and
then charged headlong across France.
Point value: 5
What was the name given to the first
bridge taken by the British paratroopers
on D-Day?
Pegasus Bridge
Its actual name at the time was Bénouville Bridge, but it was renamed Pegasus Bridge later in
1944. The first fighting on French soil on D-Day took place at there. Under the command of
Major John Howard, the British glider-borne troops landed a few hundred metres from the
bridge and took it suffering few casualties and facing little resistance. The first allied soldier
killed on D-Day was Lt. Dan Brotheridge who was killed in action while attempting to take the
BONUS: How did Pegasus Bridge get its name?
Emblem of British Parachute Regiment
The name is derived from the shoulder emblem worn by the British Parachute Regiment which
depicts Bellerophon riding the flying horse Pegasus.
BONUS: What was the codename for the operation?
Operation Tonga was the codename given to the airborne operation undertaken by the British
6th Airborne Division between 5 June and 7 June 1944 as a part of Operation Overlord and the
D-Day landings during World War II.
Point value: 5
Point value: 10
Point value: 20
Who was the Supreme Allied Commander
of the invasion forces on D-Day?
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Despite having very little experience of combat,
Eisenhower was selected as the Supreme Allied
Commander on D-Day and Operation Overlord and
later became US President.
Point value: 5
What time of the day did US troops land
at Omaha Beach? ?
The troops on Omaha Beach landed at 0630 hours on
D-Day after having endured a long trip in the landing
Point value: 10
How many Luftwaffe pilots attacked
troops on the beaches on D-Day?
Colonel Josef Priller and Sergeant Heinz Wodarczyk
of the 26th Fighter Wing were responsible.
Point value: 10
Where did the 82nd Airborne division
land on D-Day (or attempt to land)?
Ste. Mare-Eglise
The 82nd Airborne landed at Ste. Mare-Eglise on D-Day.
BONUS: What was the name of the paratrooper that landed on the church tower?
Pvt. John Steele
The infamous event that occurred at Ste. Mare-Eglise on D-Day was the landing of
John Steele on the church tower. He was forced to play dead for hours while the
fighting unfolded beneath him. A dummy has been placed on the tower in
remembrance of this unfortunate event.
Point value: 5
Point value: 20
What was the name of the cliff that the
Rangers scaled on D-Day and as a result
helped to relieve the pressure of the
forces landing on Omaha Beach?
Pointe du Hoc
Believing that guns on top of Pointe du Hoc were firing on to
the beaches below, the Rangers scaled the cliff face under fire
to seize control of the area and prevent any more damage to
the troops on the beach from the guns. When the Rangers
reached the top, they found that the guns had been moved
and had to travel several miles inland to find them
Point value: 5
Name the only father and son in the
U.S. Army to have landed at Normandy
on D-Day 6 June 1944?
Brig. General Theodore Roosevelt Jr., was with the U.S.
4th Infantry Division and landed on Utah Beach. His son
Captain Quentin Roosevelt, was with the U.S. 29th
Infantry Division and landed on Omaha Beach June 6,
1944. Sadly, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. died of a heart attack
during the battle.
Point value: 10
What does the 'D' in D-Day represent?
Military ops didn't always start on the planned date due to
elements like the weather, as was the case for Overlord. By
using 'D' instead of an actual date (06/06/1944), nothing
would have to change if the actual date changed. Operations
would still be planned on D-1 (the day before), D+2 (two days
after landing) etc. There is also 'H' as in hour - H+4, H+7 etc.
Point value: 20
In 1943, Hitler decided to beef up coastal
defenses in France and appointed Field
Marshal Erwin Rommel as 'Inspector of Coastal
Defenses' to oversee defense structures and
tactics. Rommel reported to the Commander
in Chief West (Oberbefehlshaber West). Who
was this general?
Field Marshal Gerd Von Rundstedt
Rommel was a household name in Germany after his victories in Africa. He
was also a realist who held little hope for a German victory if the Allies
successfully got a foothold in France. Part of his plan for defence was to
have Panzer divisions close enough to support and aggressively counter-
attack the beaches. Hitler and Von Rundstedt disagreed and kept three
crack Panzer divisions and reserves away from the coast. The entire
Luftwaffe defending the north coast of France consisted of 169 fighter
planes. Allied aircraft involved in D-Day operations numbered 13,000.
Point value: 10
Which Allied general was appointed
'Operational Commander for the
Invasion Ground Forces?'
Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery
General Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander Allied
Expeditionary Force. Appointments to these high-ranking
positions were largely political. The British wanted their
man in the top chair and the Americans wanted theirs.
Monty was appointed to the second highest position.
Point value: 10
How many beaches were earmarked for
the invading Allied troops on D-Day?
BONUS: Name the five Normandy beach
Sword, Juno, Omaha, Gold and Utah
Point value: 10
Point value: 10
How many divisions participated in the
initial amphibious assault on 6 June?
Three American divisions, two British, and one
Canadian participated in the initial landings. One
additional American and two British divisions were to
follow once beachheads were established.
Point value: 10
The manpower involved in preparing for
and executing the landings was in the
millions. The ensembled armada of
ships and landing craft was over 6,000.
Approximately how many allied troops
set foot in Normandy on D-Day?
23,000 British and U.S. airborne troops came in behind
the beaches on 2,395 aircraft and 867 gliders. The U.S.
landed 57,000 troops on Utah and Omaha beaches, while
the British and Canadians landed 75,000 on Juno, Gold
and Sword. The numbers swelled to over 350,000 by D+5
once the beaches were secure.
Point value: 10
Meteorologists gambled that the weather
could improve on June 6. Eisenhower, with
transports full of soldiers, had to commit
now or wait another month. He made the call
on the 5th and D minus 1 was set. How was
the weather described on June 6th?
Barely Tolerable Conditions
The weather had improved by the 6th, but it was far from ideal. The
Channel was rough and the airforce also had a horrific time finding
their drop zones for the airborne forces due to wind and cloud. The
most fortuitous factor with the weather was that German
meteorologists declared an invasion impossible with the current
conditions. A lot of German high command, including Rommel, was
on leave, the air defence was grounded and German ships were
absent, minimising resistance to the landings.
Point value: 20
There were some very unusual
equipment modifications for the beach
landings, probably none more than the
Duplex Drive Sherman III (M4A2). What
was different about this Sherman?
Twin propellers and a canvas top
The remarkable Duplex Drive Sherman kept buoyant
underwater by large canvas skirts that were fitted to the top
of the tank. They were launched 4kms from the beach, and
from the surface looked no more threatening than a canvas
boat. Designed for a one-foot swell only, and facing more than
six feet, 22 of the DD's were swamped and very few made it
to shore.
Point value: 10
The airborne troops also had a horrid time
dealing with prepared defenses. Large areas
behind the beachheads were flooded to
drown paratroopers. Glider troops had cause
to be very concerned about which defensive
Rommel's Asparagus
Rommel knew that airborne assaults behind the main
line would accompany the invasion force. Large open
areas capable of receiving gliders were defended with
thousands of wooden stakes (dubbed Rommel's
Asparagus) which were planted in the ground. Barbed
wire was often nailed between them.
Point value: 20
The Battle of Normandy cracked the Atlantic
Wall and allowed the Allies to establish a
western front thus splitting the Wehrmacht.
The Germans now had to divert troops from
the eastern front into Western Europe. What
proportion of the German army was
committed to the western front?
20 percent
It's been well argued that the Red Army would still have
conquered Germany without the Allies creating a new front,
but perhaps at a much greater cost to life. With great respect
to the daring troops in the Battle of Normandy, many
countries in Western Europe owe their liberation to Allied
lives, and also the Germans west of the River Elbe, who were
protected from the Russian onslaught.
Point value: 20
Had D-Day been postponed due to poor
weather, the next opportunity would
have been June 19th. What was the
weather like on the Normandy beaches
that June 19?
Worst storm in decades
The worst storm in decades demolished the
Mulberry harbor, destroyed 500 ships and beached
800 others.
Point value: 10
One of the two main reasons for
choosing Normandy as the invasion site
was that it was less heavily defended
than the Pas de Calais. What was the
other main reason?
Accessibility to Allied air cover
Allied air domination was essential in establishing a
beachhead. The hedgerow topography actually
impaired glider landings and favored a defensive
position, most often employed by the Germans.
Point value: 10
What significant event in the war
occurred just two days before the D-Day
Rome fell to the Allies
Rome fell on June 4, 1944.
Point value: 10
Approximately what was the total width
of the D-Day invasion front on the
Normandy beaches? (in miles)
62 miles
The debarkation zones were for the most part
directly north to south except on the western end,
where the attack was from east to west on the
Contentin peninsula. Nowhere was morning sun a
Point value: 20
When Rommel's chief of staff notified
him by telephone of the invasion, at
approximately 10:15 hrs on the 6th,
what Rommel's first response?
"How stupid of me. How stupid of me."
According to author Cornelius Ryan in "The Longest Day," after listening quietly to
Speidel's briefing, Rommel actually said, "How stupid of me. How stupid of me."
He left for his headquarters at La Roche-Guyon about three hours later but did not
arrive until after dark. Long before the invasion, Rommel had said that for the
Allies and the Germans the day of the invasion would be "the longest day."
Certainly, June 6th must have seemed that way to him.
BONUS: What other famous book was authored by Cornelius Ryan (and also made
into a film)?
A Bridge Too Far Point value: 20
Point value: 10
What D-Day commander does John Wayne
play in THE LONGEST DAY (1962)?
Lt. Col. Benjamin Vandervoort
John Wayne, who was fifty-four at the time of filming, was widely felt to be too old and too heavy
to play a paratrooper. The part was originally offered to thirty-eight-year-old Charlton Heston.
BONUS: Who wrote the theme song for the movie THE LONGEST DAY?
Paul Anka
The theme song to the movie, by Paul Anka, was used as the regimental march of the Canadian
Airborne Regiment (1968 to 1995).
Point value: 10
Point value: 20

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Squadron D-Day Quiz

  • 2. With your host “Diamond Toni” Rabroker
  • 3.
  • 4. On December 11, 1941, Adolf Hitler made what many consider one of his key mistakes. What was it? He declared war on the United States of America He didn't have to do it. The Axis "Pact of Steel" was defensive only. Japan, for example, did not declare war on the Soviet Union after Germany invaded. In all likelihood the U.S. would have joined in the war against Germany but not necessarily at that time. Although Roosevelt and Churchill agreed that the defeat of the Nazis was the first priority, there were many proponents in the U.S. of a "Pacific First" strategy, including the U.S. Navy and General MacArthur. Had Hitler not declared war, the U.S. would have concentrated its initial war effort against the Japanese. Point value: 5
  • 5. Conventional wisdom predicted that this man would be appointed as Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force? George C. Marshall Marshall was largely responsible for the creation, equipping and training of the American army, and most people, including Eisenhower, assumed that he would be chosen as its commander. Roosevelt wanted to appoint Marshall as Supreme Commander for Overlord and Eisenhower as Chief of Staff. This arrangement, however, would have put both generals in the highly untenable position of a former subordinate giving orders to his former boss. Roosevelt finally decided that Marshall was too valuable in Washington; but he picked a rather insensitive method of informing Marshall. Roosevelt asked Marshall to write a message to Stalin for him. Roosevelt then dictated the message informing Stalin (and Marshall) that Eisenhower had been selected as Supreme Commander. Point value: 10
  • 6. The Calvados coast of Normandy was selected as the invasion site, but the word "calvados" was also denotes gastronomical product of the region? Apple Brandy Many of the Allied troops became intimately familiar with the well-stocked wine cellars of Normandy and the ever-present kegs of calvados. Point value: 20
  • 7. One of the primary factors limiting the scope of the Allied invasion in Normandy was a lack of what? Landing Craft Prior to the war, the Navy wanted warships. Next, merchant ships and escort vessels became priorities. There were never enough landing ships and landing craft to fill the needs of the services in the Pacific, the Mediterranean and the English Channel. Point value: 10
  • 8. Which invasion beach had the highest number of casualties of any of the beaches landed on on D-Day? Omaha Beach Omaha Beach had far more casualties than any other beach on D-Day, so much so that General Bradley considered a retreat from the beach. The disaster on Omaha resulted from several factors that were not present or were less present on the other beaches. Point value: 5
  • 9. What were the names of the temporary harbours erected on the beaches after the beachheads had been secured on D-Day? Mulberry Mulberry Harbours were used on D-Day and beyond to help bring troops and supplies into France. Unfortunately, most were damaged after a violent storm not long after they were constructed in June 1944. Point value: 10
  • 10. The Allies trained extensively in England for the invasion. In April '44, during a practice landing at Slapton Sands, two LSTs were sunk and six were damaged, suffering heavy casualties. What caused these losses? An attack by E-Boats The losses were: 749 killed, 300 wounded. By comparison, at "Bloody Omaha" there were 2,200 killed and wounded. Despite the success of these pre-invasion-attacks, there were no more by E- boats. The depleted condition of the German navy and the Luftwaffe notwithstanding, the fact that there were no sustained attacks against the invasion buildup is one of the war's great mysteries. Perhaps the German High Command believed their own propanda about the "impenetrable" Atlantic Wall. Point value: 10
  • 11. What were the "Fallschirmjager" units? German Paratroops Many consider them to have been the very best of all the German troops. The Germans were pioneers in the use of paratroops. After suffering heavy losses in the invasion of Crete, however, the German paratroops were never again used in a large-scale airborne operation. Point value: 10
  • 12. While Rommel was in Germany on D-Day, most of his senior commanders were absent from their commands. Where were they? In Rennes for war games Interestingly, the premise of the map exercise was an invasion in Normandy beginning with a parachute attack and followed by a landing from the sea. The absence of these commanders clearly affected the ability of the Germans to respond to the invasion on D- Day. Bonus Question: What was Rommel doing in Germany? Celebrating his wife’s birthday. Point value: 10 Point value: 10
  • 13. The BBC broadcast many coded messages to the Resistance prior to D-Day. Of particular importance was a two-part signal using the first two lines of a 19th-century poem by Paul Verlaine. What was the title of that poem? Chanson d'Automne (The Song of Autumn) The first line, which was initially broadcast on June 1, signalled the Resistance that the invasion was imminent and asked them to be on the alert for the second part of the message. The second line, broadcast on the 5th, meant that the invasion was coming in the next 48 hours. Point value: 20
  • 14. What day was the invasion planned for before being moved for inclement weather? 5th of June The original day for the invasion was set as the 5th of June. There were only a few possible days when the invasion could go ahead due to tides on the landing beaches and daylight hours. If the invasion had not gone ahead on the 5th, 6th or 7th of June then the invasion would have been delayed an extra two weeks. Point value: 5
  • 15. This city was supposed to be captured on D-Day by British and Canadian troops, but ended up taking months to capture. Caen One of the many D-day objectives for the British were to secure Caen. The landings went fairly well. The problem was pushing inland, with the 21st Panzer Division mobilizing with elements of the 12th SS Panzer Division. The Canadians reached their own D-day objectives, only a little bit later than expected. They pushed, at the limit, 7 miles inland to the Caen-Bayeaux road, where they were in position to strike at Caen. However, by nightfall, not enough reinforcements had arrived to take Caen or the other objective, Carpiquet Airfield, and the Canadians withdrew. The British advance had bogged down, which resulted in the Canadian withdrawal. Instead, the fully mobilized Panzer divisions occupied Caen and made it a fortress city, giving it up months later, only when the city had been flattened. Point value: 10
  • 16. Who was designated as the commander of the First U.S. Army Group?? George Patton "Old Blood and Guts." This completely fictitious army was another Fortitude creation to reinforce the deception that the invasion was coming at the Pas de Calais. The Germans believed that Patton was the Allies' best commander and would lead the attack. Of course, Patton and the Third Army came to Normandy much later to exploit the breakout and then charged headlong across France. Point value: 5
  • 17. What was the name given to the first bridge taken by the British paratroopers on D-Day? Pegasus Bridge Its actual name at the time was Bénouville Bridge, but it was renamed Pegasus Bridge later in 1944. The first fighting on French soil on D-Day took place at there. Under the command of Major John Howard, the British glider-borne troops landed a few hundred metres from the bridge and took it suffering few casualties and facing little resistance. The first allied soldier killed on D-Day was Lt. Dan Brotheridge who was killed in action while attempting to take the bridge. BONUS: How did Pegasus Bridge get its name? Emblem of British Parachute Regiment The name is derived from the shoulder emblem worn by the British Parachute Regiment which depicts Bellerophon riding the flying horse Pegasus. BONUS: What was the codename for the operation? Tonga Operation Tonga was the codename given to the airborne operation undertaken by the British 6th Airborne Division between 5 June and 7 June 1944 as a part of Operation Overlord and the D-Day landings during World War II. Point value: 5 Point value: 10 Point value: 20
  • 18. Who was the Supreme Allied Commander of the invasion forces on D-Day? Dwight D. Eisenhower Despite having very little experience of combat, Eisenhower was selected as the Supreme Allied Commander on D-Day and Operation Overlord and later became US President. Point value: 5
  • 19. What time of the day did US troops land at Omaha Beach? ? 0630 The troops on Omaha Beach landed at 0630 hours on D-Day after having endured a long trip in the landing craft. Point value: 10
  • 20. How many Luftwaffe pilots attacked troops on the beaches on D-Day? Two Colonel Josef Priller and Sergeant Heinz Wodarczyk of the 26th Fighter Wing were responsible. Point value: 10
  • 21. Where did the 82nd Airborne division land on D-Day (or attempt to land)? Ste. Mare-Eglise The 82nd Airborne landed at Ste. Mare-Eglise on D-Day. BONUS: What was the name of the paratrooper that landed on the church tower? Pvt. John Steele The infamous event that occurred at Ste. Mare-Eglise on D-Day was the landing of John Steele on the church tower. He was forced to play dead for hours while the fighting unfolded beneath him. A dummy has been placed on the tower in remembrance of this unfortunate event. Point value: 5 Point value: 20
  • 22. What was the name of the cliff that the Rangers scaled on D-Day and as a result helped to relieve the pressure of the forces landing on Omaha Beach? Pointe du Hoc Believing that guns on top of Pointe du Hoc were firing on to the beaches below, the Rangers scaled the cliff face under fire to seize control of the area and prevent any more damage to the troops on the beach from the guns. When the Rangers reached the top, they found that the guns had been moved and had to travel several miles inland to find them Point value: 5
  • 23. Name the only father and son in the U.S. Army to have landed at Normandy on D-Day 6 June 1944? Roosevelt Brig. General Theodore Roosevelt Jr., was with the U.S. 4th Infantry Division and landed on Utah Beach. His son Captain Quentin Roosevelt, was with the U.S. 29th Infantry Division and landed on Omaha Beach June 6, 1944. Sadly, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. died of a heart attack during the battle. Point value: 10
  • 24. What does the 'D' in D-Day represent? Nothing Military ops didn't always start on the planned date due to elements like the weather, as was the case for Overlord. By using 'D' instead of an actual date (06/06/1944), nothing would have to change if the actual date changed. Operations would still be planned on D-1 (the day before), D+2 (two days after landing) etc. There is also 'H' as in hour - H+4, H+7 etc. Point value: 20
  • 25. In 1943, Hitler decided to beef up coastal defenses in France and appointed Field Marshal Erwin Rommel as 'Inspector of Coastal Defenses' to oversee defense structures and tactics. Rommel reported to the Commander in Chief West (Oberbefehlshaber West). Who was this general? Field Marshal Gerd Von Rundstedt Rommel was a household name in Germany after his victories in Africa. He was also a realist who held little hope for a German victory if the Allies successfully got a foothold in France. Part of his plan for defence was to have Panzer divisions close enough to support and aggressively counter- attack the beaches. Hitler and Von Rundstedt disagreed and kept three crack Panzer divisions and reserves away from the coast. The entire Luftwaffe defending the north coast of France consisted of 169 fighter planes. Allied aircraft involved in D-Day operations numbered 13,000. Point value: 10
  • 26. Which Allied general was appointed 'Operational Commander for the Invasion Ground Forces?' Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery General Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force. Appointments to these high-ranking positions were largely political. The British wanted their man in the top chair and the Americans wanted theirs. Monty was appointed to the second highest position. Point value: 10
  • 27. How many beaches were earmarked for the invading Allied troops on D-Day? Five BONUS: Name the five Normandy beach codenames: Sword, Juno, Omaha, Gold and Utah Point value: 10 Point value: 10
  • 28. How many divisions participated in the initial amphibious assault on 6 June? Six Three American divisions, two British, and one Canadian participated in the initial landings. One additional American and two British divisions were to follow once beachheads were established. Point value: 10
  • 29. The manpower involved in preparing for and executing the landings was in the millions. The ensembled armada of ships and landing craft was over 6,000. Approximately how many allied troops set foot in Normandy on D-Day? 150,000 23,000 British and U.S. airborne troops came in behind the beaches on 2,395 aircraft and 867 gliders. The U.S. landed 57,000 troops on Utah and Omaha beaches, while the British and Canadians landed 75,000 on Juno, Gold and Sword. The numbers swelled to over 350,000 by D+5 once the beaches were secure. Point value: 10
  • 30. Meteorologists gambled that the weather could improve on June 6. Eisenhower, with transports full of soldiers, had to commit now or wait another month. He made the call on the 5th and D minus 1 was set. How was the weather described on June 6th? Barely Tolerable Conditions The weather had improved by the 6th, but it was far from ideal. The Channel was rough and the airforce also had a horrific time finding their drop zones for the airborne forces due to wind and cloud. The most fortuitous factor with the weather was that German meteorologists declared an invasion impossible with the current conditions. A lot of German high command, including Rommel, was on leave, the air defence was grounded and German ships were absent, minimising resistance to the landings. Point value: 20
  • 31. There were some very unusual equipment modifications for the beach landings, probably none more than the Duplex Drive Sherman III (M4A2). What was different about this Sherman? Twin propellers and a canvas top The remarkable Duplex Drive Sherman kept buoyant underwater by large canvas skirts that were fitted to the top of the tank. They were launched 4kms from the beach, and from the surface looked no more threatening than a canvas boat. Designed for a one-foot swell only, and facing more than six feet, 22 of the DD's were swamped and very few made it to shore. Point value: 10
  • 32. The airborne troops also had a horrid time dealing with prepared defenses. Large areas behind the beachheads were flooded to drown paratroopers. Glider troops had cause to be very concerned about which defensive obstacle? Rommel's Asparagus Rommel knew that airborne assaults behind the main line would accompany the invasion force. Large open areas capable of receiving gliders were defended with thousands of wooden stakes (dubbed Rommel's Asparagus) which were planted in the ground. Barbed wire was often nailed between them. Point value: 20
  • 33. The Battle of Normandy cracked the Atlantic Wall and allowed the Allies to establish a western front thus splitting the Wehrmacht. The Germans now had to divert troops from the eastern front into Western Europe. What proportion of the German army was committed to the western front? 20 percent It's been well argued that the Red Army would still have conquered Germany without the Allies creating a new front, but perhaps at a much greater cost to life. With great respect to the daring troops in the Battle of Normandy, many countries in Western Europe owe their liberation to Allied lives, and also the Germans west of the River Elbe, who were protected from the Russian onslaught. Point value: 20
  • 34. Had D-Day been postponed due to poor weather, the next opportunity would have been June 19th. What was the weather like on the Normandy beaches that June 19? Worst storm in decades The worst storm in decades demolished the Mulberry harbor, destroyed 500 ships and beached 800 others. Point value: 10
  • 35. One of the two main reasons for choosing Normandy as the invasion site was that it was less heavily defended than the Pas de Calais. What was the other main reason? Accessibility to Allied air cover Allied air domination was essential in establishing a beachhead. The hedgerow topography actually impaired glider landings and favored a defensive position, most often employed by the Germans. Point value: 10
  • 36. What significant event in the war occurred just two days before the D-Day invasion? Rome fell to the Allies Rome fell on June 4, 1944. Point value: 10
  • 37. Approximately what was the total width of the D-Day invasion front on the Normandy beaches? (in miles) 62 miles The debarkation zones were for the most part directly north to south except on the western end, where the attack was from east to west on the Contentin peninsula. Nowhere was morning sun a factor. Point value: 20
  • 38. When Rommel's chief of staff notified him by telephone of the invasion, at approximately 10:15 hrs on the 6th, what Rommel's first response? "How stupid of me. How stupid of me." According to author Cornelius Ryan in "The Longest Day," after listening quietly to Speidel's briefing, Rommel actually said, "How stupid of me. How stupid of me." He left for his headquarters at La Roche-Guyon about three hours later but did not arrive until after dark. Long before the invasion, Rommel had said that for the Allies and the Germans the day of the invasion would be "the longest day." Certainly, June 6th must have seemed that way to him. BONUS: What other famous book was authored by Cornelius Ryan (and also made into a film)? A Bridge Too Far Point value: 20 Point value: 10
  • 40. What D-Day commander does John Wayne play in THE LONGEST DAY (1962)? Lt. Col. Benjamin Vandervoort John Wayne, who was fifty-four at the time of filming, was widely felt to be too old and too heavy to play a paratrooper. The part was originally offered to thirty-eight-year-old Charlton Heston. BONUS: Who wrote the theme song for the movie THE LONGEST DAY? Paul Anka The theme song to the movie, by Paul Anka, was used as the regimental march of the Canadian Airborne Regiment (1968 to 1995). Point value: 10 Point value: 20