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SQL Server™ .NET

                         José A. Blakeley
                         SQL Server

                       l     Transact SQL (T -SQL)
                             Ø   SQL Server’s database programming language
                             Ø   Includes:
                                 §   SQL DDL, SQL DML
                                 §   Variables, assignment, iteration, procedures, functions
                       l     .NET Platform
                             Ø   .NET runtime (Common Language Runtime)
                                 §   Verifiable Intermediate Language
                                 §   Managed memory – garbage collection
                                 §   Multiple languages (e.g, C#, C++, Cobol)
                                                         (e.g ,
                             Ø   Frameworks library (e.g., GUI, Files, XML)
                             Ø   Assemblies – New Dynamic Link Libraries
                                 §   Contain code + metadata (class definitions, assembly
                                 §   Unit of code deployment, security, versioning

PDC 2001
October 22-26, 2001
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                             1
                        l   Motivation
                        l   Basic Infrastructure
                            Ø   Hosting overview
                            Ø   Data access inside process: ADO.NET
                            Ø   SQL types
                        l   SQL features
                            Ø   Server assemblies
                            Ø   Functions, procedures, triggers
                            Ø   Types and aggregates
                        l   Summary

                        l   Broaden the set of languages for running
                            data -intensive business logic in server
                            Ø   IT Developers and ISVs
                            Ø   Multiple languages: Visual Basic ®, C#, C++, J#, …
                            Ø   Same mid - and server -tier data access model
                                      mid-     server-
                            Ø   Same tools: IDE, project model, debugging, …
                            Ø   Transact-
                                Transact-SQL still supported
                        l   Packaged as .NET assemblies
                            Ø   Verifiable, secure
                        l   Deployed to SQL Server as
                            Ø   Functions, procedures, triggers, types
                        l   Basis for SQL Server Extensibility

PDC 2001
October 22-26, 2001
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                   2
Development Steps
                                     VB, C#, C++               Build
                                                       VS                 Assembly:
                                                     Project             “TaxLib.dll”

                                hosted inside                     SQL Data Definition:
                                                                  create assembly …
                                 SQL Server                       create function …
                                                                  create procedure …
                                                                  create trigger …
                                                                  create type …
                        SQL Queries:                 SQL Server
                        sum(tax(sal,state) )
                        from Emp where county
                        = ‘King’

                        Basic Infrastructure
                        l   Hosting common language runtime
                            inside SQL Server
                            Ø   4Ss: Safety, security, scalability, speed
                            Ø   Run verified, type-safe code inside
                            Ø   Multiple languages
                        l   Data access in process
                            Ø   Based on ADO.NET
                            Ø   Same data access programming model
                                as middle -tier
                        l   SQLTypes
                            Ø   SQL type semantics in managed code
PDC 2001
October 22-26, 2001
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                       3
Hosting .NET Runtime
                        l   Safety
                            Ø   Prevent user code from corrupting the server
                                §   Verifiable code
                            Ø   Use runtime code permissions to control user code
                                when calling
                                §   Unmanaged APIs, user interface, threads, synchronization
                        l   Security
                            Ø   Authorized access to SQL Server data from user
                                code via SQL Server authorization model
                            Ø   Authorized access to system resources from user
                                code via runtime code permissions
                            Ø   Administrators control permissions given
                                to assemblies

                        Three Code Permission Sets
                        l   SAFE
                            Ø   Execute & data access permission
                            Ø   No access to resources outside SQL Server
                            Ø   No unmanaged calls
                            Ø   Must be verifiable
                        l   EXTERNAL_ACCESS
                            Ø   SAFESQL + access to external resources (Net, File
                            Ø   Requires EXTERNAL ACCESS permission to create
                            Ø   SQL Server will impersonate the caller
                            Ø   Must be verifiable
                        l   UNRESTRICTED
                            Ø   No controls: Can call unmanged code, can be un-verifiable
                            Ø   Only Administrators can create

PDC 2001
October 22-26, 2001
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                             4
Hosting .NET Runtime
                        l                   Scalability
                                            Ø        As many concurrent users as, as fast as
                                                     §        Integrated SQL Server and runtime threads
                                                     §        Collaboration between SQL Server and GC
                                                     §        SQL Server becomes OS to the .NET runtime

                        l                   Speed
                                            Ø        Efficient data access in process
                                            Ø        Compiled user code, not interpreted as
                                            Ø        Fast transitions in/out of runtime

                        Speed: Functions
                                                             .NET function vs. Transact-SQL inline

                         Query time (ms)


                                                                                                            .NET function vs. Transact-SQL function

                                           200                                                    1000000
                                                                                Query time (ms)

                                                 1       3     5   7   9             10000
                                                                             11 1 3 15 17 19 21                         23   25 27    29
                                                                           Integer ops per func call
                                                                            .NET func                  10 TSQL inline
                                                                                                                    100                     1000            10000
                                                                                                                                     Integer ops per call
                         .NET functions approximating speed of Transact-
                         SQL inline expressions        .NET func TSQL func

                         .NET framework functions much faster than
                         Transact-SQL functions for complex expressions

PDC 2001
October 22-26, 2001
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                  5
                        l   Motivation
                        l   Basic Infrastructure
                            Ø   Hosting overview
                            Ø   Data access inside process: ADO.NET
                            Ø   SQL types
                        l   SQL features
                            Ø   Server assemblies
                            Ø   Functions, procedures, triggers
                            Ø   Types and aggregates
                        l   Summary

                        ADO .NET Data Access
                            XSL/T, X -Path,
                                   X-                            Designers,
                            Validation, etc                         etc

                                XmlData-                          DataSet
                                Document             Sync

                                                            SQL Server
                                XmlReader                                   XmlReader
                            XmlText- XmlNode-
                            XmlText- XmlNode -               Provider
                                                             Provider    XmlText- XmlNode-
                                                                         XmlText- XmlNode -
                             Reader   Reader
                                                              Provider    Reader   Reader

PDC 2001
October 22-26, 2001
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                            6
Data Access Inside SQL
                        using System.Data.SqlServer;
                        using System.Data.SqlTypes;

                        public class ShippingCosts {
                        public static SqlMoney FreightByShipper( string ship ) {
                          SqlCommand cmd = SqlContext.GetCommand( );
                          cmd.CommandText = "select sum(o.freight) as freight " +
                          "from orders o join shippers s on o.shipvia = s.shipperid " +
                          "where s.companyname = @CompanyName " ;
                          SqlParameter param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@CompanyName",
                                SqlDbType.NVarChar, COMPANY_NAME_COL_LENGTH);
                          param.Value = ship;
                          SqlMoney amount = cmd.ExecuteScalar( );
                          return amount;

                        SQL Types
                        l    Reduce impedance mismatch between
                             programming language and data
                        l    Consistent expression evaluation in
                             mid- and server-tier programming
                        l    SQL Types library
                             Ø   Managed classes: System.Data.SqlTypes
                             Ø   Provide SQL semantics
                                 §   Nullability, three-
                                     Nullability , three-valued logic
                                 §   Precision and scale in operations

PDC 2001
October 22-26, 2001
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                        7
SQL Types Example
                        l       Tax function using SQL types
                            using System;
                            using System.Data.SQLTypes;
                            public class myFinances
                                    public static SQLDouble tax( SQLDouble sal )
                                    if ( sal < 50000.0 ) return sal * 0.15;
                                    if ( sal >= 50000.0 && sal <= 90000.0 ) return sal * 0.23
                                    else return sal * 0.35;

                            SQLDouble makes function NULL-aware

                        l       Motivation
                        l       Basic Infrastructure
                                Ø   Hosting overview
                                Ø   Data access inside process: ADO.NET
                                Ø   SQL types
                        l       SQL features
                                Ø   Server assemblies
                                Ø   Functions, procedures, triggers
                                Ø   Types and aggregates
                        l       Summary

PDC 2001
October 22-26, 2001
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                              8
SQL Features
                        l       Assemblies
                        l       Functions
                        l       Procedures
                        l       Triggers
                        l       Types

                        Creating An Assembly
                            CREATE ASSEMBLY geom FROM ‘m1typesgeometry.dll’
                                                       ‘ m1types
                              WITH PERMISSION_SET = SAFE
                              WITH AUTOREGISTER
                            DROP ASSEMBLY lib_geom
                        l   Assemblies stored in database
                            Ø    Backup, restore with data
                        l   Code permissions assigned per assembly
                            Ø    Safe (default), external access, unrestricted
                        l   Autoregister functions
                            Ø    Using .NET custom attributes
                        l   Assembly benefits
                            Ø    Self-
                                 Self-describing metadata: Types, file dependencies
                            Ø    Unit of code deployment: Permissions, versioning

PDC 2001
October 22-26, 2001
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                    9
Altering An Assembly
                        l   Cannot invalidate persistent data or indexes
                        l   Implies
                            Ø   No tables with columns of UDT from this assembly
                            Ø   No indexes on functions of this assembly
                        l   Force option allows ALTER even if persistent
                            dependencies exist
                        l   Packaging considerations
                            Ø   Place routines and types in different assemblies

                        Creating A Function
                            CREATE FUNCTION distance (
                              @x1 int, @y1 int, @x2 int, @y2 int ) RETURNS float
                                  int,     int,      int,
                              EXTERNAL NAME ‘geom:CPoint.Distance’
                              RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT
                            DROP FUNCTION distance
                        l   Functions called from queries
                            Ø   Can be scalar or table -valued
                            Ø   Static class functions
                            Ø   Deterministic functions
                        l   Using a function in a query
                                SELECT FROM Supplier s
                                WHERE dbo.distance ( s.x, s.y, @x, @y ) < 3

PDC 2001
October 22-26, 2001
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                 10
Creating A Procedure
                             CREATE PROCEDURE check_inventory
                               EXTERNAL NAME ‘events:CInventory.check_level’
                             DROP PROCEDURE check_inventory
                        l    Procedures not called from queries
                             Ø   Can contain SQL queries, updates or DDL
                             Ø   Can return results directly to client

                        Creating A Trigger
                             CREATE TRIGGER supplier_event ON supplier
                               AFTER INSERT, UPDATE
                               EXTERNAL NAME ‘events:CNotif.Supp_Event’
                             DROP TRIGGER supplier_event
                        l    Similar to procedures, plus
                        l    Access to inserted, deleted tables

PDC 2001
October 22-26, 2001
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                             11
Creating A Type
                        l   Create or drop a type
                                 CREATE TYPE Point
                                   EXTERNAL NAME ‘geom:Point’
                                 DROP TYPE Point

                        l   Using a type
                                 CREATE TABLE Supplier (
                                   id         INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                                   name       VARCHAR(20),
                                   location   Point )

                        l   Using a type method in a query
                                 SELECT FROM Supplier s
                                 WHERE s.location::distance( @point ) < 3

                        Query Optimization
                        l    Automatically gather function statistics
                             Ø    Value histograms, execution cost
                        l    Reorder of predicate evaluation
                             Ø    Based on execution cost and statistics
                        l    Function indexes
                             Ø    Speed up expensive functions
                             Ø    Extends computed column indexes
                                  and index views
                        l    Implied and residual predicates

PDC 2001
October 22-26, 2001
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                          12
                        l       Richer server programming model
                                Ø    Any .NET framework language
                                Ø    Same mid - and server -tier data access:
                                           mid-     server-
                                     ADO. NET
                                Ø    Same IDE, project model, debugging, tools
                        l       SQL Server hosting of .NET runtime
                                Ø    Safety, security, scalability, speed
                        l       SQL Server .NET features
                                Ø    Functions, stored procedures, triggers,
                                     types, aggregates

                        l   Sample code for function, stored procedure, and type
                        l   Assemblies
                            Ø       Safe versus external access
                        l   Functions and stored procedures
                            Ø       Creation and execution
                            Ø       Data access in-process via ADO .NET
                        l   Types
                            Ø       Type contract
                            Ø       Create type
                            Ø       Create table with column of user-defined type
                            Ø       Create index on column of user-defined type
                            Ø       Insert and query the table

PDC 2001
October 22-26, 2001
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                  13
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PDC 2001
October 22-26, 2001
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                           14

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SQL Server SQL Server

  • 1. SQL Server™ .NET Programmability José A. Blakeley Architect SQL Server Background l Transact SQL (T -SQL) Ø SQL Server’s database programming language Ø Includes: § SQL DDL, SQL DML § Variables, assignment, iteration, procedures, functions l .NET Platform Ø .NET runtime (Common Language Runtime) § Verifiable Intermediate Language § Managed memory – garbage collection § Multiple languages (e.g, C#, C++, Cobol) (e.g , Ø Frameworks library (e.g., GUI, Files, XML) Ø Assemblies – New Dynamic Link Libraries § Contain code + metadata (class definitions, assembly dependencies) § Unit of code deployment, security, versioning PDC 2001 October 22-26, 2001 © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 1
  • 2. Outline l Motivation l Basic Infrastructure Ø Hosting overview Ø Data access inside process: ADO.NET Ø SQL types l SQL features Ø Server assemblies Ø Functions, procedures, triggers Ø Types and aggregates l Summary Motivation l Broaden the set of languages for running data- data -intensive business logic in server Ø IT Developers and ISVs Ø Multiple languages: Visual Basic ®, C#, C++, J#, … Ø Same mid - and server -tier data access model mid- server- Ø Same tools: IDE, project model, debugging, … Ø Transact- Transact-SQL still supported l Packaged as .NET assemblies Ø Verifiable, secure l Deployed to SQL Server as Ø Functions, procedures, triggers, types l Basis for SQL Server Extensibility PDC 2001 October 22-26, 2001 © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 2
  • 3. Development Steps VB, C#, C++ Build VS Assembly: Project “TaxLib.dll” TaxLib.dll” Runtime hosted inside SQL Data Definition: create assembly … SQL Server create function … create procedure … create trigger … create type … SQL Queries: SQL Server select sum(tax(sal,state) sum(tax(sal,state) ) from Emp where county = ‘King’ Basic Infrastructure l Hosting common language runtime inside SQL Server Ø 4Ss: Safety, security, scalability, speed Ø Run verified, type-safe code inside type- process Ø Multiple languages l Data access in process Ø Based on ADO.NET Ø Same data access programming model as middle -tier middle- l SQLTypes Ø SQL type semantics in managed code PDC 2001 October 22-26, 2001 © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 3
  • 4. Hosting .NET Runtime l Safety Ø Prevent user code from corrupting the server process § Verifiable code Ø Use runtime code permissions to control user code when calling § Unmanaged APIs, user interface, threads, synchronization l Security Ø Authorized access to SQL Server data from user code via SQL Server authorization model Ø Authorized access to system resources from user code via runtime code permissions Ø Administrators control permissions given to assemblies Three Code Permission Sets l SAFE Ø Execute & data access permission Ø No access to resources outside SQL Server Ø No unmanaged calls Ø Must be verifiable l EXTERNAL_ACCESS Ø SAFESQL + access to external resources (Net, File permissions) Ø Requires EXTERNAL ACCESS permission to create Ø SQL Server will impersonate the caller Ø Must be verifiable l UNRESTRICTED Ø No controls: Can call unmanged code, can be un-verifiable un- Ø Only Administrators can create PDC 2001 October 22-26, 2001 © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 4
  • 5. Hosting .NET Runtime l Scalability Ø As many concurrent users as, as fast as Transact- Transact-SQL § Integrated SQL Server and runtime threads § Collaboration between SQL Server and GC § SQL Server becomes OS to the .NET runtime l Speed Ø Efficient data access in process Ø Compiled user code, not interpreted as Transact- Transact-SQL Ø Fast transitions in/out of runtime Speed: Functions .NET function vs. Transact-SQL inline 800 Query time (ms) 600 400 .NET function vs. Transact-SQL function 200 1000000 Query time (ms) 100000 0 1 3 5 7 9 10000 11 1 3 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 1000 Integer ops per func call 100 .NET func 10 TSQL inline 1 100 1000 10000 Integer ops per call .NET functions approximating speed of Transact- Transact- SQL inline expressions .NET func TSQL func .NET framework functions much faster than Transact- Transact-SQL functions for complex expressions PDC 2001 October 22-26, 2001 © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 5
  • 6. Outline l Motivation l Basic Infrastructure Ø Hosting overview Ø Data access inside process: ADO.NET Ø SQL types l SQL features Ø Server assemblies Ø Functions, procedures, triggers Ø Types and aggregates l Summary ADO .NET Data Access Controls, XSL/T, X -Path, X- Designers, Validation, etc etc XmlData- XmlData- DataSet Document Sync SQL Server XmlReader XmlReader Managed Managed Managed XmlText- XmlNode- XmlText- XmlNode - Provider Provider XmlText- XmlNode- XmlText- XmlNode - Reader Reader Provider Reader Reader PDC 2001 October 22-26, 2001 © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 6
  • 7. Data Access Inside SQL using System.Data.SqlServer; System.Data.SqlServer; using System.Data.SqlTypes; System.Data.SqlTypes; public class ShippingCosts { public static SqlMoney FreightByShipper( string ship ) { FreightByShipper( SqlCommand cmd = SqlContext.GetCommand( ); SqlContext.GetCommand( cmd.CommandText = "select sum(o.freight) as freight " + "from orders o join shippers s on o.shipvia = s.shipperid " + "where s.companyname = @CompanyName " ; @CompanyName SqlParameter param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@CompanyName", cmd.Parameters.Add("@CompanyName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, SqlDbType.NVarChar, COMPANY_NAME_COL_LENGTH); param.Value = ship; ship; SqlMoney amount = cmd.ExecuteScalar( ); cmd.ExecuteScalar( return amount; } } SQL Types l Reduce impedance mismatch between programming language and data l Consistent expression evaluation in mid- mid- and server-tier programming server- l SQL Types library Ø Managed classes: System.Data.SqlTypes Ø Provide SQL semantics § Nullability, three- Nullability , three-valued logic § Precision and scale in operations PDC 2001 October 22-26, 2001 © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 7
  • 8. SQL Types Example l Tax function using SQL types using System; using System.Data.SQLTypes; public class myFinances { public static SQLDouble tax( SQLDouble sal ) { if ( sal < 50000.0 ) return sal * 0.15; 0.15; if ( sal >= 50000.0 && sal <= 90000.0 ) return sal * 0.23 else return sal * 0.35; 0.35; } } SQLDouble makes function NULL-aware NULL- Outline l Motivation l Basic Infrastructure Ø Hosting overview Ø Data access inside process: ADO.NET Ø SQL types l SQL features Ø Server assemblies Ø Functions, procedures, triggers Ø Types and aggregates l Summary PDC 2001 October 22-26, 2001 © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 8
  • 9. SQL Features l Assemblies l Functions l Procedures l Triggers l Types Creating An Assembly CREATE ASSEMBLY geom FROM ‘m1typesgeometry.dll’ ‘ m1types WITH PERMISSION_SET = SAFE WITH AUTOREGISTER DROP ASSEMBLY lib_geom l Assemblies stored in database Ø Backup, restore with data l Code permissions assigned per assembly Ø Safe (default), external access, unrestricted l Autoregister functions Ø Using .NET custom attributes l Assembly benefits Ø Self- Self-describing metadata: Types, file dependencies Ø Unit of code deployment: Permissions, versioning PDC 2001 October 22-26, 2001 © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 9
  • 10. Altering An Assembly l Cannot invalidate persistent data or indexes l Implies Ø No tables with columns of UDT from this assembly Ø No indexes on functions of this assembly l Force option allows ALTER even if persistent dependencies exist l Packaging considerations Ø Place routines and types in different assemblies Creating A Function CREATE FUNCTION distance ( @x1 int, @y1 int, @x2 int, @y2 int ) RETURNS float int, int, int, EXTERNAL NAME ‘geom:CPoint.Distance’ ‘geom:CPoint.Distance’ DETERMINISTIC RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT DROP FUNCTION distance l Functions called from queries Ø Can be scalar or table -valued Ø Static class functions Ø Deterministic functions l Using a function in a query SELECT FROM Supplier s WHERE dbo.distance ( s.x, s.y, @x, @y ) < 3 dbo.distance( PDC 2001 October 22-26, 2001 © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 10
  • 11. Creating A Procedure CREATE PROCEDURE check_inventory EXTERNAL NAME ‘events:CInventory.check_level’ ‘events:CInventory.check_level’ DROP PROCEDURE check_inventory l Procedures not called from queries Ø Can contain SQL queries, updates or DDL Ø Can return results directly to client Creating A Trigger CREATE TRIGGER supplier_event ON supplier AFTER INSERT, UPDATE EXTERNAL NAME ‘events:CNotif.Supp_Event’ ‘events:CNotif.Supp_Event’ DROP TRIGGER supplier_event l Similar to procedures, plus l Access to inserted, deleted tables PDC 2001 October 22-26, 2001 © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 11
  • 12. Creating A Type l Create or drop a type CREATE TYPE Point EXTERNAL NAME ‘geom:Point’ ‘geom:Point’ DROP TYPE Point l Using a type CREATE TABLE Supplier ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(20), location Point ) l Using a type method in a query SELECT FROM Supplier s WHERE s.location::distance( @point ) < 3 Query Optimization l Automatically gather function statistics Ø Value histograms, execution cost l Reorder of predicate evaluation Ø Based on execution cost and statistics l Function indexes Ø Speed up expensive functions Ø Extends computed column indexes and index views l Implied and residual predicates PDC 2001 October 22-26, 2001 © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 12
  • 13. Summary l Richer server programming model Ø Any .NET framework language Ø Same mid - and server -tier data access: mid- server- ADO. NET Ø Same IDE, project model, debugging, tools l SQL Server hosting of .NET runtime Ø Safety, security, scalability, speed l SQL Server .NET features Ø Functions, stored procedures, triggers, types, aggregates Demos l Sample code for function, stored procedure, and type l Assemblies Ø Safe versus external access l Functions and stored procedures Ø Creation and execution Ø Data access in-process via ADO .NET in- l Types Ø Type contract Ø Create type Ø Create table with column of user-defined type user- Ø Create index on column of user-defined type user- Ø Insert and query the table PDC 2001 October 22-26, 2001 © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 13
  • 14. © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. PDC 2001 October 22-26, 2001 © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 14