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Sports Media Essay
Sports of old were merely competitive activities rooted in heroism and romanticism. Sports activities today, however, have no such innocence or
simplicity. Currently in America, the activities that make up our sports culture is not only the competitive events themselves but the processes and
issues that underlie and surround them. Entwined in our sports culture is the giant business of mass broadcasting. Indeed, sports and the media go hand
in hand like peanut butter and jelly, like Mickey and Minnie, Darth Vader and Luke. They are intertwined and depend on each other to continue to
grow. Sports media includes television, radio, magazines, newspapers, books, films, and, now, most importantly, social media devices provided by the more content...
Like female athletes, African Americans have had a difficult time getting equal treatment and representation for their successes by the media. African
Americans were thought to have a feeling of hate towards others, as displayed in the classic feature, Remember the Titans, "Look at them, they hate us,
they'll always hate us." In today's sports arena, African American athletes are represented in their sports' categories in a much larger group than in the
past. However, they are still struggling to have the same equalization as their teammates in the media's representation of their talents and skills. A typical
stereotype of the African American by the media is their depiction of them having more brawn than brain. For example, Luke Walton of the Los
Angeles Lakers, for example, is a white male whom commentators often commend for his high basketball IQ when he makes plays, but often fault for
his insufficient physical ability when he doesn't. African American teammates of Walton's, in contrast, find their "skills" praised when they execute
well and their "mental errors" blamed for failures to execute. Sports–related socialization of this discriminatory type can perpetuate stereotypes
generation after generation.
A pattern of distortion by the press that is more prevalent in the high school and college is the classic stereotype in North America of the jock. A jock
refers to male
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In today's society, there is underlying importance on sport and sports fans. Not only do sports have multiple benefits of being able to provide health
and prevention messages but there is a negative side to everything. The topic of this essay is to highlight the unique characteristics of sports fans as
consumers and identify and discuss the implications for sports marketing. As a final personal statement comment on yourself a s a consumer of one
particular sport. The publicity of sports and their fans is slowly developing in a way that is important to the consumers, which is being considered
before any decisions are made. The big organisations endorsing sports stars' face multiple implications when it comes to fulfilling both of
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A person can be considered a fan when they become passionate and enthusiastic about their respective sporting team and show loyalty. Sporting fans
show an undeniable love for their respective sports and favourite sporting idols by purchasing their teams merchandise to show their support visually.
Sports fans show a bewildering array of values, attitudes and behaviours shown by the most loyal of people. Both sporting fans and regular spectators
share similar characteristics however, there are various factors that differentiate fans from spectators. "For example, their degree of loyalty,
commitment, emotional significance and value to supporting clubs as well as their devotion in the total number of times they show up for games
throughout the season" (Berendt & Uhrich, 2016).
Identifying as a sporting fan "increases public collective self–esteem in relation to supporters of non–rival opponents, we consider two additional
positive consequences of rivalry that reflect a positive self–concept, that is, enhanced perceptions of distinctiveness and group cohesion" (Berendt &
Uhrich, 2016). The rivalry conflict strengthens the feeling of distinction. Rivalry enhances the uniqueness of the group. The fans will perceive
themselves to be different and positively distinct from other fans. Sporting fans buy merchandise for their favourite sports teams. Possessing the
characteristics of a loyal fan is one of the factors which distinguish fanatic fans as
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Types of Sports Fans
Student's Name:| Level: | Group No.:| Teacher's Name:| Teacher's email:|
My ELT Online– Level 4 / Units 2; 6; 10; 11; 12 (World English 3)| Unit / Lesson| World English 3 / Materials| Week– Date
complete| SubjectWhat do you want to achieve?| Student commentsHow did you find the exercise? What have you achieved?| Instructor's comments|
Unit 2 / Lesson A| A.1Conversation: Audio| | | | | | A.2 Vocabulary Practice 1| | | | | | A.3 Vocabulary Practice 2| | | | | | A.4 Vocabulary more
A.3 Grammar Practice 2| | | | | | A.4 Vocabulary Practice| | | | | | A.5 Vocabulary Audio| | | | |
Unit / Lesson| World English 3 /Materials| Week| Date complete| Student comments| Instructor's comments| Unit 11 / Lesson B| B.1 Listening
Comprehension| | | | | | B.2 Listening: Audio| | | | | | B.3 Pronunciation Practice| | | | | Unit 11 / Lesson C| C.1 Conversation: Audio| | | | | | C.2 Grammar
Practice 1| | | | | | C.3 Grammar Practice 2| | | | | | C.4 Vocabulary Practice| | | | | Unit 11 / Lesson D| D.1Reading Comprehension| | | | | | D.2 Reading
Passage: Audio| | | | | Unit 11 / Butter school|Video Clip| | | | | | Video Comprehension| | | | | Grammar CafГ© 5| Unit 11/ Use of Shall | | | | | Grammar
CafГ© 5| Unit 10/ Collective Nouns| | | | | Unit 12 / Lesson A| A.1 Conversation: Audio| | | | | | A.2 Grammar Practice 1| | | | | | A.3 Grammar Practice 2|
| | | | | A.4 Vocabulary Practice| | | | | | A.5 Vocabulary: Audio| | | | | Unit 12 / Lesson B| B.1 Listening Comprehension| | | | | | B.2 Listening: Audio| | | | | |
B.3 Pronunciation Practice| | | | | Unit 12 / Lesson C| C.1 Conversation: Audio| | | | | | C.2 Grammar Practice 1| | | | | | C.3 Grammar Practice 2| | | | | |
C.4 Vocabulary Practice| | | | | | C.5 Vocabulary: Audio| | |
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The Different Types of Sports Essay
"Sports are for fun, but they also offer benefits and lessons that carry over into all aspects of life". This well–known anonymous quotation conveys the
message that sport is the game which has some rules and custom. It is not only for fun and entertainment, but there are also some benefits of playing
sports and which gives some important lessons for life. Every kind of physical sports is healthy because it involves running, jumping, stretching, mind
skills and much more. There are so many sports available in the world nowadays, but we can categorize them by the numbers of players, the three main
categories are individual sport, dual sport and team sport. The first category of sports is individual sports, in which a person can more
You can play these sports whenever you are free, or in school, it refreshes the person and gives him new energy through which the person performs
well in his/her life. Other kind of sports is dual sports. It is played by two people at one time. For example: tennis, squash, ping pong, wrestling, car
racing, board games, motorcycling, and many more. These games are good for all the people, but especially good for those people who are afraid of
facing group of people during game and cannot perform well in sports with teams those kinds of person can choose dual sports in which only two
person can play the game and through this that person can gain the potential playing with team and can build his confidence as well as personality. In
addition, it also provides physical and mental strength to cope with team players. You can play these games with your friends in school or at home
and in your leisure time. It keeps a person fresh and gives him/her peace of mind.
The last category of sport is team sport. In which a group of people works together to help the team wins. It is played between two teams who
against each other and give their possible efforts to achieve the target or goal. Basketball, water polo, softball, baseball, football, soccer, lacrosse,
croquet, swimming teams, volleyball, cricket, etc. are some good examples of team sports. A person will get the skills to learn how to cooperate with
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ESPN: Portrayal of Sports on Television Essay
ESPN: Portrayal of Sports on Television
Sports have played a big in role throughout the history of television. Without the television, sport fans would not be able to tune into NFL games on
Sunday and Monday nights. They wouldn't be able to sit at home and watch every basketball game played during March Madness. The television has
given everybody around the world a chance to watch some of the biggest and best sporting events that have ever taken place. However, for a long
amount of time there was no television show that was dedicated towards just sports. One would be able to find everything they wanted to know about
sport statistics in magazines and newspapers but the public could not sit down on their couch and visually recap more content...
ESPN along with the coverage of sporting events reports sporting news in way that is education but at the same time educational. ESPN has always
covered in one way or another covered all of the biggest sporting events of the last two decades. This is something that sport fans never had before.
ESPN has been a great educational help for many people. Sport fans in the past would have to do a lot of reading to keep up with the major
athletes in each sport but now all they have to do is just turn on the television and watch Sports center for and hour each day and they will know
who the leaders are of almost every sport. This has also helped with ideas of things such as Fantasy Sports, or filling out brackets for the NCAA
men's basketball tournament. The public gets the chance to watch what the employee's of ESPN think. There are many shows that are dedicated to
some controversial subjects in sports and have the two experts each give their own opinion on that subject which can sometimes get loud. ESPN has
helped frame how sports are viewed in today's society.
ESPN started off with television but over time has branched out into other forms of media. ESPN can be found on the internet where you can check
out all of the latest breaking news in sports and where you can check statistics of various games. ESPN can also be found on the radio 24 hours a day
where there are more than 60 affiliates, including 80 stations that carry information all day long to the listener (Shea).
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Sports Classification Essay
Performing three different sports each year in high school, I notice all types of people that come watch an athletic contest. To me, fans separate into
three different types: the attention–getters, the true–supporters, and the entertainment–seekers. Looking into the stands during a competition, many
players divide onlookers into these categories right away. These groups all seem to fill the stands and bring an exciting atmosphere to thegame,
spectators, and even the players.
The first group mentioned, the attention–getters always bring a show of their own. These fans stir things up unruly with not only their verbal language
but their body language towards the players, referees, and coaches. They attend these games to obtain a good time by dressing up and usually hanging
out with friends. Even though these fans come to most of the games, they usually yell loudly and use obnoxious gestures more content...
They attend with some knowledge of the sport and know a few of the key players. They generally understand the sport but do not get worked up if the
calls from the referees may not go into their favor. They enjoy the wins even if they do not affect them. They generally root for either team, they come
just for the love of the sport, in which makes them laid back spectators. The entertainment–seekers usually stay calm, get easily distracted by the
attention–getter, and gain knowledge about the game from the true–supporter in the crowd.
The true–supporters and the entertainment–seekers make the playing of the game worthy, while the attention–getters make the game hectic. After the
game, the fans make the loss a little easier and the win a whole lot sweeter. Even though the different types of people seem very obvious the game
would not be a competition without the blending of the entertainment–seekers, the attention–getter, and the true–supporters all doing their
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3 Different Types of Sports Fans
3 Different Types of Sport Fans Everybody enjoys going to a sporting event. Whether the sporting event is Football, Baseball, Basketball, or even
Hockey. Sporting events bring excitement to all of us, thinking that our team will win. If our team wins, we usually go home happy. Then if our team
goes home losing, we get upset or sad inside. Anyways, we will always cheer for our team no matter what especially at the game. There are always
those fans though that bugs people to death. Anytime at a sporting event, we see arguing, biased, and drinking fans. The first type of fan that I am going
to talk about is the arguing fans. These are the fans that talk shit about the littlest things. They don't care at all if they will make a more
An example of what a drinking fan may do during a game is that the drinking fan will dance if their team scores or scream on top of their lungs. Now
if the team loses and/or doesn't score, the drinking fan will get upset to the max. This is when regular fans don't even pay attention to the drinking fans
thinking something harmful may happen which in some cases the drinking fan will cause a threat to the
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Types of Sports Fans
Blake Feldmann
English 101–OL01D
16 June 2010
Types of Sports Fans
Professional sports has become one of the most popular industries in the world today. The media spends billions of dollars on advertisements and
teams spend millions of dollars on professional athletes all for one reason, the fans. The fans ticket sales and merchandise purchases are what keeps all
the sport teams around and prevents professional athletes from losing their jobs. There are three types of fans in the sports world, average fans,
fanatics, and fair–weather fans.
Fans that are fanatics are the ones who are diehard and will put their favorite team before almost all other priorities. Their lives revolve around their
favorite team and they will more content...
Usually they will know all or the majority of the people on their team, but will not know every aspect about them. This type of fan is the most
common and will root on and follow their favorite team, but their life is not completely consumed by it by any means. Other priorities still come
before their sports team and will not let their favorite team consume all of their time.
The last type of fan is a fair–weather fan. This is the least liked fan and these fans irritate many people. Fair–weather fans will like one team one year
and switch their favorite team the next year because of recent success by the other team. These people are not truly sports fans, and will just root for
who is popular or whoever their peers like so they can fit in. Fair–weather fans root for teams that they do not follow because of excitement revolving
around a team or because there are some big names on the team that they have actually heard of. These people will like a team, but will not follow
them very closely and may only attend one or two sporting events a year at the most. Fair–weather fans will know the names of the star people on their
team, but will not know the majority of their favorite team. Usually they will not have much merchandise with their favorite team on it either because
they switch teams so much that they do not have tome to accumulate many goods with their team on them.
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Football Fan Classification Essay
It is a cold Sunday night, and all across the country thousands of sports fans are tuning in to watch their favorite team play. With a drink in one hand
and a burger in the other, everyone goes to find their seats in the stands or on the couch to watch the football game. Some are watching by
themselves and others with their whole family. However, no matter where you are watching the game you will find the same three types of football
fans; the casual fan, the real fan, and the crazy fan. The casual fans have their favorite sports team, however they do not make an effort to watch every
game. They know the top players on the team and what position they play but not facts about every player. If they find something else on tv they would
rather watch they will switch to that channel. These fans do not know every single rule to the game of football but understand how the more
When they are supposed to be working, crazy fans are updating their fantasy football lineups instead. If you run into them in the store, they will
bring their favorite team up in the conversation. Their emotions are high during every game and they are usually yelling at the TV when something
is going right or wrong. Reality is not with these fans when they are in their sports bubble. Without these sports some fans have no identity; they
eat, sleep, and breath football. If it was not for these three types of fans, professional football would have trouble making money. The casual fans
help individual teams have a good fan base. They might not go to the games but they still have a favorite team and stick with them. The real fans are
what keeps money going to these teams, they are buying at least one ticket every season. Crazy fans are the ones who are there watching in the rain
and cold. When people are leaving due to bad weather or bad scoring, the crazy fans will still be their supporting their
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Classification Essay On Die-Hard Fans
There are an immense number of diverse sports around the world. No one can be sure exactly how many though. With the vast amount sports there
are, you can be sure that fans everywhere. There are multiple categories that these fans could be in. But there are three main types of fans that you are
most likely to come across. There's the nonchalant fan, die–hard fans and the authentic fans
First, let's take a look at the nonchalant fan. These are the fans that oftentimes don't follow teams or sports excessively, but usually can keep up with
what's going on within the sport. They also probably won't watch or go to games by themselves, but they will go tailgating and go to games or watch
games on TV with friends. Nonchalant fans are often more content...
The die–hard fans are the individuals that support one team no matter what. Through thick and thin, rain or shine, hot or cold, they are there for their
team. Even if the team is terrible or they're the laughing stock of the sport, the die–hard fans will still root for them. It could be –15 degrees out and
snowing and they'll still be at the game cheering the team on. They always watch their team play or find some kind of way to stay updated for every
game whether it be being glued to their smart phone or glaring at their computer screen at work. They usually either have season tickets if they can
afford it or they watch, listen, or stay updated for every game. Die–hard fans also know every player on their favorite team's roster and the stats most of
those players as well. I am a die–hard fan. In hockey, I only have one favorite team, the Pittsburgh Penguins. Being from Pittsburgh I've always been a
Pens fan. They have gone through some rough times since I've been a fan of them and I stuck through it with them. Being a die–hard is tough. You
have to be optimistic and have tough skin. Other fans will harass your team if they aren't doing very good or try to cut them down to make you feel
bad. You have to stay strong and rise above the
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Socioeconomic Status And Access For Sports
Socioeconomic status (SES) is the combination of social and economical measures of a person's work experience or of a family social and
economical position in relation to others. The socioeconomic class is divided into three categories: upper class, middle class, and lower class, which
is used to describe the three areas a person or a family. From each category, the person's income, education, and occupation can be assessed. Sports
provide many benefits. It brings people together, keeps them healthy, and teaches people values that are used on and off the field such as mental
/physical toughness, teamwork, dedication, discipline, and hard work. Sports participation is influenced by the way people live, where they live, what
country they live in and what socioeconomic status they fall into. Sports can be a way to identify what social class a person or family may fall into. The
purpose of this paper is to show the relationship between socioeconomic status and access to sports. The paper will first go over the background of
socioeconomic status, discuss why participation in physical activity is more prevalent with money and what actions should be taking in order to help
low–income individuals/families become more involved in physical activity.
Socioeconomic Status
Lower class
SES is categorized into three groups: upper SES, middle SES and lower SES. The lower class is the bottom 14.5% of Americans whose income barely
meets the minimum wage standards set by the
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Sports Fan Descriptive
The bright lights of the arena, the team apparel, and the big build up to the start of the game are all parts of gameday for the biggest fan. We have
prepared all day. We have read the game predictions, and made a few of our own. That does not stop the nervous feeling in our stomachs as we wait
for our favorite teams to challenge their biggest rivals. As exciting, thrilling, and utterly nerve wracking as it is, it is all just a day in the life of an avid
sports fan. We know there will be moments of pure joy, but also that of extreme disappointment and everything in between. As dedicated fans, we will
go into every game with the same nervous, excited emotions, but we never know what will happen by the time the buzzer has sounded. They have
powered through. Our beloved team has executed every play to simply perfection. Every shot has more content...
As fans, we keep coming back for more, though, hoping this time it will be different. We have stuck with our team; we have seen their ups and
downs. Through it all, though, we keep painting our faces and waiting for the start of the game. Once the game starts, we cheer and yell, but most
of all, we are nervous. After all, this is a high stakes game. It is the last chance our team has at redemption from a terrible losses. The game is going
great. We are pumped up by the great plays and perfect execution, and we hope and pray nothing goes wrong before the buzzer sounds. Counting
down the time from ten seconds, we know our team has done it. This is why we love the game. The celebration with those around us is like nothing
else. We know this rivalry, championship, or even just a regular game is something big. We cannot help but think we knew it all along. As we wash
off the face paint, change out of our sport's apparel, and wait for the next gameday, we know it is never going to be the same. This feeling of great
accomplishment is like none other. That is why we are fans of the
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High School Sports Classification Essay
Regardless of what people say or believe I know that what I do is more than a club. At Forest Grove High School they classify horseback riding as
a club. Horseback riding is more than sitting around and doing nothing. Bicyclists sit on their bike, but they are still classified as a sport. Horseback
riding is building muscles, it's practicing, and it's accepted as a sport in the Olympics. I define a sport as something you are physically active in and
spending time to achieve a certain goal. Which is similar to the Webster's Dictionary definition that states a sport is "physical activity engaged in for
To begin with horseback riding consist of lots of physical work like any other sport. For further explanation a football more content...
In the Olympics there is what's called dressage, and all different types of horse jumping. The Olympics of 2012 were located in London and the rider
Charlotte Dujardin was a "British individual dressage Grand Prix gold medallist..." according to Dressage is an event where you
have a certain sized court and you have to go around in certain pattern getting your horse to move freely and out, but you are always doing
something different. Jumping is a whole lot different than dressage. Instead of going in a sized arena you could be out in a large field jumping 3ft
jumps. Ludger BEERBAUM won his first gold medal in 1988, and has three other gold medals in jumping. Also from horseback
games have been around sense 1900's. So we see that the Olympics classifies horseback riding as a sport. Why doesn't a high school classify their
equestrian rider as doing a sport?
In conclusion horseback riding is a sport because the rider is gaining muscle and practice like any other sport to achieve a certain goal. Not only are
they building muscles everyday and practicing everyday, but they the Olympics classifies them as a sport and has been a sport in the Olympics for a
long time. For these reasons I think high schools should label the equestrian team as a sport. Horseback riding is not a little club. It's a sport like all
the other physical active sports in high
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Sports society is the land were every serious athlete wants to step foot on and be apart of. Here the people are put into categories that rank each
individual by how much money they make. There are two classes by which people fit; top and bottom. The top consisting of the athletes and the
bottom although bigger then the top holds all of the supporting fans. The top class is also split up into smaller niches where the highest paid players
are above the ones making league minimum salary. Social stratification persists over generations. Most of the athlete's children will have the genetics
make up to go on and have a successful life on their own staying in the top class, but in this system a fan may have what it takes to become
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As throughout the rest of the world, the male sex as a whole is regarded as the dominate figure in society. For the sports world especially the male
is higher up because of the ability to move up to be an athlete. That's how society looks at it because that's how the rest of the world goes by but the
way the people look at it in a personal level is putting women very high as well because they can fulfill the sexual needs of one since there is no
homosexuality allowed there in society.
Race and Ethnicity There are five different races associated with the city. There are various colors of people but the color does not separate them;
it is done by the sport they persue. The fans have the largest race but a fan working toward the athletic world, will have to change races once he
becomes an athlete. A delicate situation when family comes into play but the child must pursue his dream of being in the big show. The other four
races are smaller and make up the rest of society. The races are listed in order of how many people are with one particular group. Football comes in
second and you are able to tell them apart from others because of their big muscular physique. Baseball players are the hardest ones to spot out
because there is no one body type to fit them because it is the size equalizer. Short or tall, fat or slim, they can be successful, but one thing to look out
for is they will
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Sports And Consumerism In Sports
Decades have passed and with time comes change, it should not come as a shock that as a society we've grown and developed. The way we consume
sports, its mechanisms, and the culture behind it, has changed outstandingly. The effects that media has had on the sporting industry and consumerism
in the past two decades have been tremendous. The development of high–definition tv's, live streamed sporting events, video games, and even social
media, has globalized sport and transformed the way fans and athletes interact. This transformation from conventional sports consumerism to modern
day has come as a great shock to many. Stephen Brunt's article Sports Consumption Will Undergo Revolution in the Decade Ahead focuses on how the
landscape of the sporting industry will be profoundly transformed, not only in the games and the athletes themselves but in the way we consume them
as entertainment. Brunt's argument on how the new modern tools that have been developed (in association with sports) have changed his view of the
"all American dream" of sports consumerism, is outdated. We do not agree with Brunt's arguments towards the future of sports consumption, and the
supposedly negative effects that will come in regards to future generations.
On the contrary, David J. Leonard New Media and Global Sporting Cultures: Moving Beyond the ClichГ©s and Binaries contradict Brunt's argument
by stating "To the skeptics who simply refuse to acknowledge the impact of new media technologies, who
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Essay on Sports Narrative
Tyler Douglas Professor Thamm Eng 101–10:00 a.m. Due: Sep. 29, 2008 Essay #1 Narrative A major role in my life would definitely be sports. It is
almost as if I look up to sports because I could not live without them. Sports pretty much define me as me. I love to play sports as well as watch all
kinds of sports on T.V. and if I could ever go to a game and watch the players play live I would be thrilled. Basically sports define me because I am
ambitious, I finish what I start, I set goals for myself, and I am a fierce competitor in which I love to win and I hate to lose. The greatest part about
sports to me is living for the moment when the game is on the line and the pressure is on can you come through and make a play for more
With the game tied 6–6 that is when I went into my own little zone and was in my moment. The crowed was electrified and cheering us on. I thought
about all the hard work the coaches put us through doing two a days and keeping us late after a hard practice, spending all of that time and hard
work just for this one little moment when the game was on the line. Back to reality our quarterback had started the play and it looked like it was
going nowhere and we might have to got into overtime. Then after about 6 crazy seconds he threw the ball to our halfback and he broke a couple
tackles and the somehow stretched across the goal line by about 2 inches and we had taken the lead 8–6 with 52 seconds to go. When the game clock
hit 00:00 for the first time in our schools history the football team had beaten Aberdeen and none of us could believe it. This was a special
moment. Now, it was in this moment when I had realized that sports define me as me because we never gave up, none of us wanted to lose, we set a
goal and completed it, but most important we kept our eye on the prize and came through in the moment when the game was on the line. Nobody is
going to remember how many games we won or who the best player on the team was that season, but I guarantee what people will remember is when
we had beaten Aberdeen for the first time in school
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Sports Fans As Consumers
"The media helps produce the sport as a spectacle, the athlete as a celebrity, and the fan as a consumer." (Lecture 3/13) I thought this quote was very
interesting because these categories are very accurate but prior to today's lecture, I never really categorized sports, athletes, and fans as such. The
category that intrigued me the most was labeling fans as consumers. It is very obvious that fans are consumers as in order to watch the game, fans
must buy tickets and in order to wear sporting clothes, fans must purchase those clothes. Both of these can be influenced by the media through ads. So,
despite maybe not thinking of fans as consumers initially, the label of being a consumer is very accurate. "The mediation of the character of sport
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Going To A Sporting Event Analysis
CNF Prompt #2 Going to a sporting event can differ depending on the the people I go with. For example, I will be referring to a Minnesota
Timberwolves game. When I go to the game with my family we all have a great time. My brother and I love basketball as it is our favorite sport. My
mom played in college and loves the game. My dad will do whatever the rest of the family likes, because he likes to have family bonding time.
Watching the game with my family would not be a party, but more like a nice evening to relax. We would know what we are talking about and
understand what is going on. It is just good family time. If I go to the game with Sam and Devin, they would cheer as sports fanatics because they live
around sports. I played with them
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How Much Is The Formation Of A Sports Fan?
Ultimately how does one develop into a sports fan? While every person is different when it comes to sports, in one way or another, we all have
been lured to the spectacle of the game. But who ultimately influences a person's choice of sports team to cheer for? Is it TV? Is it Geography? Is it
peers? Teachers, coaches, family... what? The answer's surprisingly simple! In an overwhelming number of public responses, it's Dad! Dad decides
and is how the creation of a sports fan is born.
Since the creation of man, sports have played a considerable part in influencing the way people live their lives. Major League Sports are now a
profound and integral part of our society. "Fandom is a modern day slang term used to refer to a subculture more content...
On Friday night, our basketball team made us angry, we lost to the worse team in the NBA, what was the coach thinking putting that player in?
However, on Sunday night, just forty eight hours after our evening of anger, sports had provided us with a redemption story. Our football team is now
heading into the Super Bowl! Wow, what a game! Then on Friday we were left scratching our heads at the no– hitter game that we just had watched.
What would happen if our society lacked professional sports? I imagine it would be replaced with an increase of societal violence. Numerous people
use competitive sports as an outlet for aggression and hostility. It has been suggested that, "Sport is war without weapons..." Individuals and
organizations have begun recognizing that sports are a powerful vehicle for building peace. Sports inspire us like nothing else. They have a positive
impact on both participants and spectators. They allow us to switch gears, moving from the mundane to the exceptional. Without, we would be
impoverished by a lack of vision of what is possible for a human being. We do sports because we need a way to channel our aggression and make use
of our strengths and instincts. When "our team" can beat the "other team" in competition, it makes us feel good. When simplifying sports down to the
human level, it is a "tribe vs. tribe" battle, but it doesn't involve killing for
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Sports Media Essay

  • 1. Sports Media Essay Sports of old were merely competitive activities rooted in heroism and romanticism. Sports activities today, however, have no such innocence or simplicity. Currently in America, the activities that make up our sports culture is not only the competitive events themselves but the processes and issues that underlie and surround them. Entwined in our sports culture is the giant business of mass broadcasting. Indeed, sports and the media go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly, like Mickey and Minnie, Darth Vader and Luke. They are intertwined and depend on each other to continue to grow. Sports media includes television, radio, magazines, newspapers, books, films, and, now, most importantly, social media devices provided by the more content... Like female athletes, African Americans have had a difficult time getting equal treatment and representation for their successes by the media. African Americans were thought to have a feeling of hate towards others, as displayed in the classic feature, Remember the Titans, "Look at them, they hate us, they'll always hate us." In today's sports arena, African American athletes are represented in their sports' categories in a much larger group than in the past. However, they are still struggling to have the same equalization as their teammates in the media's representation of their talents and skills. A typical stereotype of the African American by the media is their depiction of them having more brawn than brain. For example, Luke Walton of the Los Angeles Lakers, for example, is a white male whom commentators often commend for his high basketball IQ when he makes plays, but often fault for his insufficient physical ability when he doesn't. African American teammates of Walton's, in contrast, find their "skills" praised when they execute well and their "mental errors" blamed for failures to execute. Sports–related socialization of this discriminatory type can perpetuate stereotypes generation after generation. A pattern of distortion by the press that is more prevalent in the high school and college is the classic stereotype in North America of the jock. A jock refers to male Get more content on
  • 2. In today's society, there is underlying importance on sport and sports fans. Not only do sports have multiple benefits of being able to provide health and prevention messages but there is a negative side to everything. The topic of this essay is to highlight the unique characteristics of sports fans as consumers and identify and discuss the implications for sports marketing. As a final personal statement comment on yourself a s a consumer of one particular sport. The publicity of sports and their fans is slowly developing in a way that is important to the consumers, which is being considered before any decisions are made. The big organisations endorsing sports stars' face multiple implications when it comes to fulfilling both of more content... A person can be considered a fan when they become passionate and enthusiastic about their respective sporting team and show loyalty. Sporting fans show an undeniable love for their respective sports and favourite sporting idols by purchasing their teams merchandise to show their support visually. Sports fans show a bewildering array of values, attitudes and behaviours shown by the most loyal of people. Both sporting fans and regular spectators share similar characteristics however, there are various factors that differentiate fans from spectators. "For example, their degree of loyalty, commitment, emotional significance and value to supporting clubs as well as their devotion in the total number of times they show up for games throughout the season" (Berendt & Uhrich, 2016). Identifying as a sporting fan "increases public collective self–esteem in relation to supporters of non–rival opponents, we consider two additional positive consequences of rivalry that reflect a positive self–concept, that is, enhanced perceptions of distinctiveness and group cohesion" (Berendt & Uhrich, 2016). The rivalry conflict strengthens the feeling of distinction. Rivalry enhances the uniqueness of the group. The fans will perceive themselves to be different and positively distinct from other fans. Sporting fans buy merchandise for their favourite sports teams. Possessing the characteristics of a loyal fan is one of the factors which distinguish fanatic fans as Get more content on
  • 3. Types of Sports Fans Student's Name:| Level: | Group No.:| Teacher's Name:| Teacher's email:| PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM ON COMPUTER. WHEN YOUR TEACHER WANTS THIS, PLEASE PRINT OUT AND SUBMIT THE IDEA FOR THIS IS TO ESTABLISH A LEARNING JOURNAL PLEASE ADD AS MANY DETAILS AS POSSIBLE! My ELT Online– Level 4 / Units 2; 6; 10; 11; 12 (World English 3)| Unit / Lesson| World English 3 / Materials| Week– Date complete| SubjectWhat do you want to achieve?| Student commentsHow did you find the exercise? What have you achieved?| Instructor's comments| Unit 2 / Lesson A| A.1Conversation: Audio| | | | | | A.2 Vocabulary Practice 1| | | | | | A.3 Vocabulary Practice 2| | | | | | A.4 Vocabulary more content... A.3 Grammar Practice 2| | | | | | A.4 Vocabulary Practice| | | | | | A.5 Vocabulary Audio| | | | | Unit / Lesson| World English 3 /Materials| Week| Date complete| Student comments| Instructor's comments| Unit 11 / Lesson B| B.1 Listening Comprehension| | | | | | B.2 Listening: Audio| | | | | | B.3 Pronunciation Practice| | | | | Unit 11 / Lesson C| C.1 Conversation: Audio| | | | | | C.2 Grammar Practice 1| | | | | | C.3 Grammar Practice 2| | | | | | C.4 Vocabulary Practice| | | | | Unit 11 / Lesson D| D.1Reading Comprehension| | | | | | D.2 Reading Passage: Audio| | | | | Unit 11 / Butter school|Video Clip| | | | | | Video Comprehension| | | | | Grammar CafГ© 5| Unit 11/ Use of Shall | | | | | Grammar CafГ© 5| Unit 10/ Collective Nouns| | | | | Unit 12 / Lesson A| A.1 Conversation: Audio| | | | | | A.2 Grammar Practice 1| | | | | | A.3 Grammar Practice 2| | | | | | A.4 Vocabulary Practice| | | | | | A.5 Vocabulary: Audio| | | | | Unit 12 / Lesson B| B.1 Listening Comprehension| | | | | | B.2 Listening: Audio| | | | | | B.3 Pronunciation Practice| | | | | Unit 12 / Lesson C| C.1 Conversation: Audio| | | | | | C.2 Grammar Practice 1| | | | | | C.3 Grammar Practice 2| | | | | | C.4 Vocabulary Practice| | | | | | C.5 Vocabulary: Audio| | | Get more content on
  • 4. The Different Types of Sports Essay "Sports are for fun, but they also offer benefits and lessons that carry over into all aspects of life". This well–known anonymous quotation conveys the message that sport is the game which has some rules and custom. It is not only for fun and entertainment, but there are also some benefits of playing sports and which gives some important lessons for life. Every kind of physical sports is healthy because it involves running, jumping, stretching, mind skills and much more. There are so many sports available in the world nowadays, but we can categorize them by the numbers of players, the three main categories are individual sport, dual sport and team sport. The first category of sports is individual sports, in which a person can more content... You can play these sports whenever you are free, or in school, it refreshes the person and gives him new energy through which the person performs well in his/her life. Other kind of sports is dual sports. It is played by two people at one time. For example: tennis, squash, ping pong, wrestling, car racing, board games, motorcycling, and many more. These games are good for all the people, but especially good for those people who are afraid of facing group of people during game and cannot perform well in sports with teams those kinds of person can choose dual sports in which only two person can play the game and through this that person can gain the potential playing with team and can build his confidence as well as personality. In addition, it also provides physical and mental strength to cope with team players. You can play these games with your friends in school or at home and in your leisure time. It keeps a person fresh and gives him/her peace of mind. The last category of sport is team sport. In which a group of people works together to help the team wins. It is played between two teams who against each other and give their possible efforts to achieve the target or goal. Basketball, water polo, softball, baseball, football, soccer, lacrosse, croquet, swimming teams, volleyball, cricket, etc. are some good examples of team sports. A person will get the skills to learn how to cooperate with Get more content on
  • 5. ESPN: Portrayal of Sports on Television Essay ESPN: Portrayal of Sports on Television Sports have played a big in role throughout the history of television. Without the television, sport fans would not be able to tune into NFL games on Sunday and Monday nights. They wouldn't be able to sit at home and watch every basketball game played during March Madness. The television has given everybody around the world a chance to watch some of the biggest and best sporting events that have ever taken place. However, for a long amount of time there was no television show that was dedicated towards just sports. One would be able to find everything they wanted to know about sport statistics in magazines and newspapers but the public could not sit down on their couch and visually recap more content... ESPN along with the coverage of sporting events reports sporting news in way that is education but at the same time educational. ESPN has always covered in one way or another covered all of the biggest sporting events of the last two decades. This is something that sport fans never had before. ESPN has been a great educational help for many people. Sport fans in the past would have to do a lot of reading to keep up with the major athletes in each sport but now all they have to do is just turn on the television and watch Sports center for and hour each day and they will know who the leaders are of almost every sport. This has also helped with ideas of things such as Fantasy Sports, or filling out brackets for the NCAA men's basketball tournament. The public gets the chance to watch what the employee's of ESPN think. There are many shows that are dedicated to some controversial subjects in sports and have the two experts each give their own opinion on that subject which can sometimes get loud. ESPN has helped frame how sports are viewed in today's society. ESPN started off with television but over time has branched out into other forms of media. ESPN can be found on the internet where you can check out all of the latest breaking news in sports and where you can check statistics of various games. ESPN can also be found on the radio 24 hours a day where there are more than 60 affiliates, including 80 stations that carry information all day long to the listener (Shea). Get more content on
  • 6. Sports Classification Essay Performing three different sports each year in high school, I notice all types of people that come watch an athletic contest. To me, fans separate into three different types: the attention–getters, the true–supporters, and the entertainment–seekers. Looking into the stands during a competition, many players divide onlookers into these categories right away. These groups all seem to fill the stands and bring an exciting atmosphere to thegame, spectators, and even the players. The first group mentioned, the attention–getters always bring a show of their own. These fans stir things up unruly with not only their verbal language but their body language towards the players, referees, and coaches. They attend these games to obtain a good time by dressing up and usually hanging out with friends. Even though these fans come to most of the games, they usually yell loudly and use obnoxious gestures more content... They attend with some knowledge of the sport and know a few of the key players. They generally understand the sport but do not get worked up if the calls from the referees may not go into their favor. They enjoy the wins even if they do not affect them. They generally root for either team, they come just for the love of the sport, in which makes them laid back spectators. The entertainment–seekers usually stay calm, get easily distracted by the attention–getter, and gain knowledge about the game from the true–supporter in the crowd. The true–supporters and the entertainment–seekers make the playing of the game worthy, while the attention–getters make the game hectic. After the game, the fans make the loss a little easier and the win a whole lot sweeter. Even though the different types of people seem very obvious the game would not be a competition without the blending of the entertainment–seekers, the attention–getter, and the true–supporters all doing their Get more content on
  • 7. 3 Different Types of Sports Fans 3 Different Types of Sport Fans Everybody enjoys going to a sporting event. Whether the sporting event is Football, Baseball, Basketball, or even Hockey. Sporting events bring excitement to all of us, thinking that our team will win. If our team wins, we usually go home happy. Then if our team goes home losing, we get upset or sad inside. Anyways, we will always cheer for our team no matter what especially at the game. There are always those fans though that bugs people to death. Anytime at a sporting event, we see arguing, biased, and drinking fans. The first type of fan that I am going to talk about is the arguing fans. These are the fans that talk shit about the littlest things. They don't care at all if they will make a more content... An example of what a drinking fan may do during a game is that the drinking fan will dance if their team scores or scream on top of their lungs. Now if the team loses and/or doesn't score, the drinking fan will get upset to the max. This is when regular fans don't even pay attention to the drinking fans thinking something harmful may happen which in some cases the drinking fan will cause a threat to the Get more content on
  • 8. Types of Sports Fans Blake Feldmann Orlet English 101–OL01D 16 June 2010 Types of Sports Fans Professional sports has become one of the most popular industries in the world today. The media spends billions of dollars on advertisements and teams spend millions of dollars on professional athletes all for one reason, the fans. The fans ticket sales and merchandise purchases are what keeps all the sport teams around and prevents professional athletes from losing their jobs. There are three types of fans in the sports world, average fans, fanatics, and fair–weather fans. Fans that are fanatics are the ones who are diehard and will put their favorite team before almost all other priorities. Their lives revolve around their favorite team and they will more content... Usually they will know all or the majority of the people on their team, but will not know every aspect about them. This type of fan is the most common and will root on and follow their favorite team, but their life is not completely consumed by it by any means. Other priorities still come before their sports team and will not let their favorite team consume all of their time. The last type of fan is a fair–weather fan. This is the least liked fan and these fans irritate many people. Fair–weather fans will like one team one year and switch their favorite team the next year because of recent success by the other team. These people are not truly sports fans, and will just root for who is popular or whoever their peers like so they can fit in. Fair–weather fans root for teams that they do not follow because of excitement revolving around a team or because there are some big names on the team that they have actually heard of. These people will like a team, but will not follow them very closely and may only attend one or two sporting events a year at the most. Fair–weather fans will know the names of the star people on their team, but will not know the majority of their favorite team. Usually they will not have much merchandise with their favorite team on it either because they switch teams so much that they do not have tome to accumulate many goods with their team on them. Even Get more content on
  • 9. Football Fan Classification Essay It is a cold Sunday night, and all across the country thousands of sports fans are tuning in to watch their favorite team play. With a drink in one hand and a burger in the other, everyone goes to find their seats in the stands or on the couch to watch the football game. Some are watching by themselves and others with their whole family. However, no matter where you are watching the game you will find the same three types of football fans; the casual fan, the real fan, and the crazy fan. The casual fans have their favorite sports team, however they do not make an effort to watch every game. They know the top players on the team and what position they play but not facts about every player. If they find something else on tv they would rather watch they will switch to that channel. These fans do not know every single rule to the game of football but understand how the more content... When they are supposed to be working, crazy fans are updating their fantasy football lineups instead. If you run into them in the store, they will bring their favorite team up in the conversation. Their emotions are high during every game and they are usually yelling at the TV when something is going right or wrong. Reality is not with these fans when they are in their sports bubble. Without these sports some fans have no identity; they eat, sleep, and breath football. If it was not for these three types of fans, professional football would have trouble making money. The casual fans help individual teams have a good fan base. They might not go to the games but they still have a favorite team and stick with them. The real fans are what keeps money going to these teams, they are buying at least one ticket every season. Crazy fans are the ones who are there watching in the rain and cold. When people are leaving due to bad weather or bad scoring, the crazy fans will still be their supporting their Get more content on
  • 10. Classification Essay On Die-Hard Fans There are an immense number of diverse sports around the world. No one can be sure exactly how many though. With the vast amount sports there are, you can be sure that fans everywhere. There are multiple categories that these fans could be in. But there are three main types of fans that you are most likely to come across. There's the nonchalant fan, die–hard fans and the authentic fans First, let's take a look at the nonchalant fan. These are the fans that oftentimes don't follow teams or sports excessively, but usually can keep up with what's going on within the sport. They also probably won't watch or go to games by themselves, but they will go tailgating and go to games or watch games on TV with friends. Nonchalant fans are often more content... The die–hard fans are the individuals that support one team no matter what. Through thick and thin, rain or shine, hot or cold, they are there for their team. Even if the team is terrible or they're the laughing stock of the sport, the die–hard fans will still root for them. It could be –15 degrees out and snowing and they'll still be at the game cheering the team on. They always watch their team play or find some kind of way to stay updated for every game whether it be being glued to their smart phone or glaring at their computer screen at work. They usually either have season tickets if they can afford it or they watch, listen, or stay updated for every game. Die–hard fans also know every player on their favorite team's roster and the stats most of those players as well. I am a die–hard fan. In hockey, I only have one favorite team, the Pittsburgh Penguins. Being from Pittsburgh I've always been a Pens fan. They have gone through some rough times since I've been a fan of them and I stuck through it with them. Being a die–hard is tough. You have to be optimistic and have tough skin. Other fans will harass your team if they aren't doing very good or try to cut them down to make you feel bad. You have to stay strong and rise above the Get more content on
  • 11. Socioeconomic Status And Access For Sports Socioeconomic status (SES) is the combination of social and economical measures of a person's work experience or of a family social and economical position in relation to others. The socioeconomic class is divided into three categories: upper class, middle class, and lower class, which is used to describe the three areas a person or a family. From each category, the person's income, education, and occupation can be assessed. Sports provide many benefits. It brings people together, keeps them healthy, and teaches people values that are used on and off the field such as mental /physical toughness, teamwork, dedication, discipline, and hard work. Sports participation is influenced by the way people live, where they live, what country they live in and what socioeconomic status they fall into. Sports can be a way to identify what social class a person or family may fall into. The purpose of this paper is to show the relationship between socioeconomic status and access to sports. The paper will first go over the background of socioeconomic status, discuss why participation in physical activity is more prevalent with money and what actions should be taking in order to help low–income individuals/families become more involved in physical activity. Socioeconomic Status Lower class SES is categorized into three groups: upper SES, middle SES and lower SES. The lower class is the bottom 14.5% of Americans whose income barely meets the minimum wage standards set by the Get more content on
  • 12. Sports Fan Descriptive The bright lights of the arena, the team apparel, and the big build up to the start of the game are all parts of gameday for the biggest fan. We have prepared all day. We have read the game predictions, and made a few of our own. That does not stop the nervous feeling in our stomachs as we wait for our favorite teams to challenge their biggest rivals. As exciting, thrilling, and utterly nerve wracking as it is, it is all just a day in the life of an avid sports fan. We know there will be moments of pure joy, but also that of extreme disappointment and everything in between. As dedicated fans, we will go into every game with the same nervous, excited emotions, but we never know what will happen by the time the buzzer has sounded. They have powered through. Our beloved team has executed every play to simply perfection. Every shot has more content... As fans, we keep coming back for more, though, hoping this time it will be different. We have stuck with our team; we have seen their ups and downs. Through it all, though, we keep painting our faces and waiting for the start of the game. Once the game starts, we cheer and yell, but most of all, we are nervous. After all, this is a high stakes game. It is the last chance our team has at redemption from a terrible losses. The game is going great. We are pumped up by the great plays and perfect execution, and we hope and pray nothing goes wrong before the buzzer sounds. Counting down the time from ten seconds, we know our team has done it. This is why we love the game. The celebration with those around us is like nothing else. We know this rivalry, championship, or even just a regular game is something big. We cannot help but think we knew it all along. As we wash off the face paint, change out of our sport's apparel, and wait for the next gameday, we know it is never going to be the same. This feeling of great accomplishment is like none other. That is why we are fans of the Get more content on
  • 13. High School Sports Classification Essay Regardless of what people say or believe I know that what I do is more than a club. At Forest Grove High School they classify horseback riding as a club. Horseback riding is more than sitting around and doing nothing. Bicyclists sit on their bike, but they are still classified as a sport. Horseback riding is building muscles, it's practicing, and it's accepted as a sport in the Olympics. I define a sport as something you are physically active in and spending time to achieve a certain goal. Which is similar to the Webster's Dictionary definition that states a sport is "physical activity engaged in for pleasure." To begin with horseback riding consist of lots of physical work like any other sport. For further explanation a football more content... In the Olympics there is what's called dressage, and all different types of horse jumping. The Olympics of 2012 were located in London and the rider Charlotte Dujardin was a "British individual dressage Grand Prix gold medallist..." according to Dressage is an event where you have a certain sized court and you have to go around in certain pattern getting your horse to move freely and out, but you are always doing something different. Jumping is a whole lot different than dressage. Instead of going in a sized arena you could be out in a large field jumping 3ft jumps. Ludger BEERBAUM won his first gold medal in 1988, and has three other gold medals in jumping. Also from horseback games have been around sense 1900's. So we see that the Olympics classifies horseback riding as a sport. Why doesn't a high school classify their equestrian rider as doing a sport? In conclusion horseback riding is a sport because the rider is gaining muscle and practice like any other sport to achieve a certain goal. Not only are they building muscles everyday and practicing everyday, but they the Olympics classifies them as a sport and has been a sport in the Olympics for a long time. For these reasons I think high schools should label the equestrian team as a sport. Horseback riding is not a little club. It's a sport like all the other physical active sports in high Get more content on
  • 14. Sports society is the land were every serious athlete wants to step foot on and be apart of. Here the people are put into categories that rank each individual by how much money they make. There are two classes by which people fit; top and bottom. The top consisting of the athletes and the bottom although bigger then the top holds all of the supporting fans. The top class is also split up into smaller niches where the highest paid players are above the ones making league minimum salary. Social stratification persists over generations. Most of the athlete's children will have the genetics make up to go on and have a successful life on their own staying in the top class, but in this system a fan may have what it takes to become more content... As throughout the rest of the world, the male sex as a whole is regarded as the dominate figure in society. For the sports world especially the male is higher up because of the ability to move up to be an athlete. That's how society looks at it because that's how the rest of the world goes by but the way the people look at it in a personal level is putting women very high as well because they can fulfill the sexual needs of one since there is no homosexuality allowed there in society. Race and Ethnicity There are five different races associated with the city. There are various colors of people but the color does not separate them; it is done by the sport they persue. The fans have the largest race but a fan working toward the athletic world, will have to change races once he becomes an athlete. A delicate situation when family comes into play but the child must pursue his dream of being in the big show. The other four races are smaller and make up the rest of society. The races are listed in order of how many people are with one particular group. Football comes in second and you are able to tell them apart from others because of their big muscular physique. Baseball players are the hardest ones to spot out because there is no one body type to fit them because it is the size equalizer. Short or tall, fat or slim, they can be successful, but one thing to look out for is they will Get more content on
  • 15. Sports And Consumerism In Sports Decades have passed and with time comes change, it should not come as a shock that as a society we've grown and developed. The way we consume sports, its mechanisms, and the culture behind it, has changed outstandingly. The effects that media has had on the sporting industry and consumerism in the past two decades have been tremendous. The development of high–definition tv's, live streamed sporting events, video games, and even social media, has globalized sport and transformed the way fans and athletes interact. This transformation from conventional sports consumerism to modern day has come as a great shock to many. Stephen Brunt's article Sports Consumption Will Undergo Revolution in the Decade Ahead focuses on how the landscape of the sporting industry will be profoundly transformed, not only in the games and the athletes themselves but in the way we consume them as entertainment. Brunt's argument on how the new modern tools that have been developed (in association with sports) have changed his view of the "all American dream" of sports consumerism, is outdated. We do not agree with Brunt's arguments towards the future of sports consumption, and the supposedly negative effects that will come in regards to future generations. On the contrary, David J. Leonard New Media and Global Sporting Cultures: Moving Beyond the ClichГ©s and Binaries contradict Brunt's argument by stating "To the skeptics who simply refuse to acknowledge the impact of new media technologies, who Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Sports Narrative Tyler Douglas Professor Thamm Eng 101–10:00 a.m. Due: Sep. 29, 2008 Essay #1 Narrative A major role in my life would definitely be sports. It is almost as if I look up to sports because I could not live without them. Sports pretty much define me as me. I love to play sports as well as watch all kinds of sports on T.V. and if I could ever go to a game and watch the players play live I would be thrilled. Basically sports define me because I am ambitious, I finish what I start, I set goals for myself, and I am a fierce competitor in which I love to win and I hate to lose. The greatest part about sports to me is living for the moment when the game is on the line and the pressure is on can you come through and make a play for more content... With the game tied 6–6 that is when I went into my own little zone and was in my moment. The crowed was electrified and cheering us on. I thought about all the hard work the coaches put us through doing two a days and keeping us late after a hard practice, spending all of that time and hard work just for this one little moment when the game was on the line. Back to reality our quarterback had started the play and it looked like it was going nowhere and we might have to got into overtime. Then after about 6 crazy seconds he threw the ball to our halfback and he broke a couple tackles and the somehow stretched across the goal line by about 2 inches and we had taken the lead 8–6 with 52 seconds to go. When the game clock hit 00:00 for the first time in our schools history the football team had beaten Aberdeen and none of us could believe it. This was a special moment. Now, it was in this moment when I had realized that sports define me as me because we never gave up, none of us wanted to lose, we set a goal and completed it, but most important we kept our eye on the prize and came through in the moment when the game was on the line. Nobody is going to remember how many games we won or who the best player on the team was that season, but I guarantee what people will remember is when we had beaten Aberdeen for the first time in school Get more content on
  • 17. Sports Fans As Consumers "The media helps produce the sport as a spectacle, the athlete as a celebrity, and the fan as a consumer." (Lecture 3/13) I thought this quote was very interesting because these categories are very accurate but prior to today's lecture, I never really categorized sports, athletes, and fans as such. The category that intrigued me the most was labeling fans as consumers. It is very obvious that fans are consumers as in order to watch the game, fans must buy tickets and in order to wear sporting clothes, fans must purchase those clothes. Both of these can be influenced by the media through ads. So, despite maybe not thinking of fans as consumers initially, the label of being a consumer is very accurate. "The mediation of the character of sport Get more content on
  • 18. Going To A Sporting Event Analysis CNF Prompt #2 Going to a sporting event can differ depending on the the people I go with. For example, I will be referring to a Minnesota Timberwolves game. When I go to the game with my family we all have a great time. My brother and I love basketball as it is our favorite sport. My mom played in college and loves the game. My dad will do whatever the rest of the family likes, because he likes to have family bonding time. Watching the game with my family would not be a party, but more like a nice evening to relax. We would know what we are talking about and understand what is going on. It is just good family time. If I go to the game with Sam and Devin, they would cheer as sports fanatics because they live around sports. I played with them Get more content on
  • 19. How Much Is The Formation Of A Sports Fan? Ultimately how does one develop into a sports fan? While every person is different when it comes to sports, in one way or another, we all have been lured to the spectacle of the game. But who ultimately influences a person's choice of sports team to cheer for? Is it TV? Is it Geography? Is it peers? Teachers, coaches, family... what? The answer's surprisingly simple! In an overwhelming number of public responses, it's Dad! Dad decides and is how the creation of a sports fan is born. Since the creation of man, sports have played a considerable part in influencing the way people live their lives. Major League Sports are now a profound and integral part of our society. "Fandom is a modern day slang term used to refer to a subculture more content... On Friday night, our basketball team made us angry, we lost to the worse team in the NBA, what was the coach thinking putting that player in? However, on Sunday night, just forty eight hours after our evening of anger, sports had provided us with a redemption story. Our football team is now heading into the Super Bowl! Wow, what a game! Then on Friday we were left scratching our heads at the no– hitter game that we just had watched. What would happen if our society lacked professional sports? I imagine it would be replaced with an increase of societal violence. Numerous people use competitive sports as an outlet for aggression and hostility. It has been suggested that, "Sport is war without weapons..." Individuals and organizations have begun recognizing that sports are a powerful vehicle for building peace. Sports inspire us like nothing else. They have a positive impact on both participants and spectators. They allow us to switch gears, moving from the mundane to the exceptional. Without, we would be impoverished by a lack of vision of what is possible for a human being. We do sports because we need a way to channel our aggression and make use of our strengths and instincts. When "our team" can beat the "other team" in competition, it makes us feel good. When simplifying sports down to the human level, it is a "tribe vs. tribe" battle, but it doesn't involve killing for Get more content on