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Issue : April 2012      Price : `. (FREE)
Vol : XXII


      Spiritual Lounge
         Year of the
  ‘Consciousness in Motion’
EDITORIAL                                                                April 2012

Dear Readers,
Spiritual Stories are great way to explain a point or revel in its wisdom. It helps a
person to understand and grasp the meanings or the message better. Stories could
be of any kind, funny, spiritual, fable, mythology and so on.
Here is a short story for you to understand how stories can make an impact.
There was once a man, who desperately wanted to learn the art of walking on the
surface of water. He spent years in penance and struggled great deal to obtain the
knowledge required to walk on water. Finally, he achieved what he desired; he was
able to walk on the surface of water as easily as he would do on land. He felt so
elevated that he rushed to the Buddha who happen to be passing through and told
him proudly of his achievements and how long it took him. Buddha smiled at him
and said, “Is that all?” The man wondered why such an enlightened soul would say
this. The Buddha explained, “Had you spent all that time and effort in trying to gain
the ultimate knowledge, you would have been enlightened by now and all you did
was waste it on gaining one piece of useless knowledge?” The man was obviously left
Ancient Indian beliefs and spiritualism is replete with such stories. In fact almost
every point is explained with a story or a comparison for better perception of its
words. It is like explaining 'A' for 'Apple' to generate its true
I am a storyteller, are you one? If so, come share your stories here so others too may
learn and grasp things better. This is also called 'Consciousness in Motion' the
spiritual year of 2012. Come join in to spread awareness amongst all.
Join our Facebook group and like our page as well:
Connect with us anytime at: or +91-9619629092
Thank you,


           Cover page Photo: Wind Rose-Lisboa - PORTUGAL
                    Copyrights: All rights reserved
           SPIRITUAL LOUNGE EMAGAZINE © 2010-2012

CONTENT                                                              April 2012

Pet Batch - By Linzi Martin Page 4 - 6

Meditation and the Sub-Conscious Mind - By Dr. Amit Nagpal Page 7

CinemaHall - Remarkable-Women review- Corina Bardasuc Page 8

Curses Spells and More- Sheila Kennedy Page 9 - 10

Teleport me - Batty Alark Page 10

The Nature of Desire - By Myra Godfrey Page 11 - 12

Unlock Power Within Me - Betty Alark Page 12

We are what we think we are - By Mohit Soni Page 13

Understanding Profound Surrender - By Master Chrism Page 14

Kaleidoscope of Life - By Sushmita Page 15 - 17

My Path - By Dr. Abhijit Das Page 17

Essentiality of Equanimity in Life - By Rahul Zota Page 18 - 19

Book Corner - Remembering to Call forth Source Energy - Page 20 -21

Jiten Soni Thoughts Page 21

PORTUGAL - Compiled by Dhara Kothari Page 22 - 30

Edited by Dhara Kothari. Published by Moksa Publishers for Spiritual Lounge.
          Designed by Biren Shah. Email:
                  Cell: +91-9619629092 / +91-9757274289

Pet Bach - By Linzi Martin                                                                         April 2012

               Introducing Bach Flower Remedies,
                    the all-natural stress relief,
              as part of your Pet's First Aid repertory
As humans we share this wonderful planet with so           regain a positive emotional balance I use and
many other sentient being that I think it's important      recommend a range of natural, pure flower, plant and
to also respect their holistic well-being. Animals have    tree essences called the Bach Flower Remedies. I'm a
feelings, as anyone who serves as a pet companion or       qualified Bach Flower Remedy practitioner, trained
guardian knows only too well. We notice the                in the UK, now living in Canada. In my experience I
differences in our friend's demeanor, their behavior,      have found that just using a few drops of the selected
even their preferences for food/cuddles/walks etc.         remedies, orally and/or topically, will often bring
They learn, feel and respond in individual ways to the     soothing and calm to dogs, cats, rabbits, pigs, birds,
world in which they live, like us. It is well known that   horses, cows and all conscious creatures, without
happy and contented animals enjoy life and have            harmful side effects.
fewer health problems, much the same as us humans.
Our companions have diverse personalities and so           “Bach remedies help us to rediscover the positive side
sometimes they may suffer emotionally from                 of ourselves, help us to live an emotionally healthy
'negative' feelings such as fear, loneliness,              life.”
bereavement, over enthusiasm etc. Thus impacting
on their behavior and physical-mental well-being.                                As I am not a professional
They also share stresses in                                                      Veterinary I am not legally
life, perhaps there has been a                                                   allowed to diagnose or 'treat'
new 'one' join the                                                               any animal. However I can
flock/herd/household, or a                                                       guide folk to what the positive
birth has been painful and                                                       potential for each remedy is,
long, or they are hungry and                                                     helping them to help
there's no food around.                                                          themselves. The Bach
                                                                                 (pronounced either as 'bacch'
Our beloved companions                                                           or like the composer) system of
clearly show us how they are                                                     natural health was devised by
feeling in both verbal and                                                       Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s
non-verbal communication;                                                        in England. Bach was a very
it's up to us to become                                                          intuitive man, trained as a
familiar with their traits, body language and              bacteriologist, a medical doctor and in homeopathy.
reactions to understand their needs. Communication         He treated many people and noticed that those with
is 20% expressed emotions and 80% need so what is          the same dis-ease often responded in different ways.
their need behind the expressed feelings?                  His enquiring mind and sensitivity led him to
                                                           discover that various plants, flowers and trees had a
Some examples when a pet is out of sorts:                  positive/calming/soothing effect on the emotions
·       does not like to be left alone when you go out;    and thus often an improvement in the health. The
·       continual barking/meowing or other noises
                                                           end result is a range of 38 essences that covers the
for no apparent reason (not health related);
                                                           whole range of emotions.
·       looking 'sad' and dejected, staying away on
their own in corners;
                                                           “So long as our soul and personality is in harmony all
·       over enthusiastic, like they have been
                                                           is joy and peace, happiness and health” Dr. Edward
drinking excess caffeine stimulated;
                                                           Bach (1886 – 1936)
·       wide eyed, in shock;
·       lethargic, lacking normal energy
                                                           You may have come across Rescue Remedy, often
                                                           cited as 'that amazing small bottle' used as a first aid
What can we give our companions to help regain their
                                                           measure at times of emergency and stress. That
'positive' balance?
                                                           'calmed me when I was in labor, when I was anxious
                                                           before my medical test/dentist, after the accident I
I prefer to use natural, healthful products as far as
                                                           was in such a panic, my mind in a whirl until I took
possible, for myself and my companions. To help
                                                           those few miracle drops and I felt myself again'.

Pet Bach - By Linzi Martin                                                                      April 2012

I have observed how well our pets respond to the          Two days later an exuberant Christine reported a
Bach remedies, so I'm enthusiastic for people to be       remarkable change in Amber's well-being and also in
introduced to and use these inexpensive and safe first    her own feelings about the situation. Amber was now
aids for themselves. Each remedy aids a specific          asking to go out regularly and she had been
emotional state. You can take them individually or        completely clean indoors. She also seemed to have
mix them together to match the way you feel. And you      regained much of her zest for life. Christine felt much
may even find that your companion 'asks' for their        more optimistic about Amber's condition and
bottle of remedies when they need them, reflecting        confident that she had not yet reached the situation
the miracle of their sensitivity.                         where euthanasia needed to be considered. Many
                                                          months later Amber was still enjoying life to the full
Here is a story that brings a tear to the eyes when you   and giving pleasure to her owners.
consider what might have been the outcome.
                                                          How different this story might have been if Amber
A story about how the Bach flower remedies help           had not been given flower remedies. At worst she
restore Amber's zest for life                             might have been put to sleep prematurely, if only to
                                                          prevent further distress and inconvenience to her
Christine was very concerned about Amber, her 13          owner. She might have been given various drugs in an
year old Labrador, a much loved family pet, who until     attempt to control her incontinence; drugs with
recently had seemed well in herself and still able to     potentially undesirable side effects. In either event,
enjoy life, despite a degree of deafness and loss of      the financial and emotional cost to her owner would
sight. Having always been                                                        have been considerable.
very clean indoors, she now
seemed reluctant to leave                                                         Source: Taken from Bach
the house to relieve herself                                                      Flower Remedies for
but became so excited when                                                        Animals by Helen Graham &
family members or visitors                                                        Gregory Vlamis
entered the house that she
lost control of her bladder                                                       A happy ending for this cow
and became distressed                                                             story! Cow Calving and an
afterwards. Christine was                                                         orphan by using the magic
anxious in case these might                                                       drops
be indications that Amber's
health was beginning to fail,                                                     A farmer had a cow that had
but more worried that if she                                                      lost her calf and also a calf
consulted her vet he would                                                        that had lost its mother. The
recommend that Amber be put to sleep simply               farmer tried all the usual farming tricks to put the
because of her age and disabilities.                      cow and orphaned calf together but the cow kept
                                                          kicking the calf away and the calf was becoming
Christine found herself facing the same dilemma as        frightened.
many caring animal owners. How could she strike the
proper balance between giving her pet every               Bach remedies for the cow's water: Beech, Red
opportunity to enjoy life to the full and prevent its     Chestnut, Walnut, Gentian and Star of Bethlehem
suffering unnecessarily? Christine decided to try         [General key words for these remedies: intolerance,
flower remedies and asked Helen Graham's advice.          over protectiveness of others, adjustment to changed
                                                          circumstances, shock].
Helen recommended a combination of flower                 For the calves water: Larch, Star of Bethlehem,
remedies for Amber:                                       Gentian, Aspen and Walnut [general key words for
Aspen for her reluctance to go out of the house, a fear   these remedies: confidence, shock, easily
of unknown being.                                         despondent, worries, unknown fears, adjustment to
Larch to promote her confidence.                          changed circumstances].
Crab Apple to restore her dignity.
Christine was also advised to take Elm herself to help    Within three hours the pair was together and the calf
her deal with the situation and Cerato to help her        was happily suckling. The village now talks about the
trust her own judgment regarding Amber's                  'magic drops' and the farmer is going to use the
condition.                                                remedies again when cows and calves are separated

Pet Bach - By Linzi Martin                                                                        April 2012
in the normal way.                                       application: put 2 drops of each stock remedy into a
Source: Sheila Elmer, Bach Foundation practitioner,      30ml glass bottle with pipette. Top up with pure
UK                                                       spring water. Use 4 drops from this diluted mixed
                                                         bottle into the drinking bowl.
Some examples to illustrate when a specific remedy
might be considered:                                     The above dosage can either be put into a drinking
                                                         bowl administered minimum 4 x daily, or given
Fireworks or fear of loud noises: Suggested remedies:    directly above the tongue or on a small snack. It is not
Mimulus – for fear of know things or situations.         harmful if another animal drinks the water, the
Rock Rose – feelings of terror.                          remedies will not affect those that do not require
Star of Bethlehem – for really loud bangs, trauma,       them. Nor can you overdose on the remedies.
Rescue Remedy – general help-all in stressful            Note (disclaimer): This is not an exhaustive list and
moments (note: RR this is the only combination           very much depends on the individual animal's
remedy that Dr. Bach originally devised).                behavior, situation and health. I would also advise to
Larch - to restore confidence so can deal with the       seek the advice of a qualified veterinary practitioner
change in circumstances.                                 and not take the Bach remedies in lieu of other
Other situations where Bach remedies may be
helpful:                                                 I hope that this article will inspire you to seek out the
                                                         Bach flower remedies and use them to restore their
Your dog/cat suffers from travel sickness –              emotional-mental balance. These essences will not
Scleranthus.                                             change the inherent temperament of a particular
Your bird becomes withdrawn or shy whenever a new        breed or animal.
person enters your home – Mimulus.
Suffered shock, distress, perhaps at the hands of a      Linzi Martin is a Bach Foundation Registered
previous owner - Star of Bethlehem.                      Practitioner, a writer, educator, presenter and
Lacks self-confidence, would rather avoid                holistic therapist. Linzi is available for paid
challenging situations such as competitions, or a        commissions for articles and contributions to
puppy is submissive to an excessive degree – Larch.      publications as well as Bach remedy consultations via
A remedy that will help feelings of contamination        Skype and email (Skype: Sedona89,
associated with parasites or infected wounds – Crab She regularly writes
Apple.                                                   for Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine
Cat has become very aloof and will not mix with the
family - Water Violet.
Your old dog has not enjoyed moving house or has         Resources:
trouble adjusting to new changes within its life that    The Bach Centre, in the UK was the actual home of
is, pregnancy, and another animal into the property –    Dr. Edward Bach, is now the administrative center
Walnut.                                         Nelson's
Your pet follows you about all the time and gets under   worldwide manufacturer
your feet – Chicory.                                     North America
Your companion is too full of energy, over excited and   us/us/
highly strung – Vervain.                                 Linzi Martin, Writer, Presenter, Educator
A pet dies and the owner continues to constantly         How to live a simpler life
recall 'how it used to be', only living in the past of   Business and Personal clients
memories and not allowing to grieve now –                Facebook group: Clutter Clear 'n Organize
Honeysuckle, allows the owner to grieve but also to
move onward. Both owner and family and other pets        Twitter be a follower
may also benefit from Star of Bethlehem to help the      Feelgoodzone
grieving process.                                        LinkedIn connect
                                                Linzi Martin
Dosage:                                                  YouTube channel:
2 drops from each stock remedy bottle (4 drops for
Rescue Remedy) into the drinking bowl.
Alternatively make up a spray bottle with this
dilution. Or, for longer term treatment and practical

Meditation and the Sub-Conscious Mind - By Dr. Amit Nagpal                                     April 2012

              Meditation and the Sub-Conscious Mind
Why do most of the people start meditating to reduce     Branding' by Dr. Hubert Rampersad which talked of
stress rather than find joy? Does meditation have any    Theta waves and creative inspiration during
benefits except stress management? Should we not         meditation. It made me even more inquisitive. Then
meditate as a proactive measure to find joy and          I came across several articles and images via Google
connect with our inner selves? Is there a scientific     which explained the types of brain waves and how
reason why people get inspirations and creative ideas    Theta waves impacted the mind during meditation.
during deep meditation? Has meditation got some          Though there were slight differences here and there,
relationship with the sub-conscious mind? These          but there was a broad agreement.
were some of the questions troubling me few years
back and I began to search for answers.
The answers came from inside and outside. Inside
means the inner voice which told me how I was
getting transformed through meditation aided by
shift in mindset. Outside means the scientific
research which was validating my conclusions and
I started with the crudest form of meditation which is
chanting. For two years the benefits were so
inconspicuous and invisible that I hardly noticed the
transformations. It was only after regular practice of
chanting for one hour every day (along with clearing
of negative energy and thoughts) for six months that
my life was turned downside up and I became an
advocate of meditation. Meditation had changed my
life in every way possible.
Why was my lost creativity suddenly coming back or            (Image Source:
rather overflowing? Why were suddenly all the right
people and circumstances coming in my life? I had        Andrew Newberg, Director of the University of
too scientific a bent of mind and was now becoming       Pennsylvania's Center for Spirituality and the Mind,
balanced with faith in a higher power (or a supreme      also talks of the mind-body connection in the movie
consciousness which was manifesting itself through       'What the Bleep Do We Know.' Studies at the center
all living beings). I began researching on the sub-      also looked at the brains of Tibetan Buddhists in
conscious mind. I read 'The Secret' and found            meditation and Franciscan nuns in prayer. Both
amazing similarities in it with Swami Sivananda's        groups showed decreased activity in the parts of the
literature on the mind. Why did Buddha say, “The         brain (which deals with sense of self and spatial
mind which sees the limitation is the limitation”?       orientation, which also suggests the description of
There was something beyond the ordinary mind; call       oneness with Supreme Consciousness sometimes
it sub-conscious, unconscious or the soul.               experienced in meditation or prayer.
Spirituality and mind which seemed to be unrelated       Prayer and meditation also increase levels of
topics suddenly seemed to have a close connection.       dopamine, often referred to as the brain's pleasure
When I came to know of Centre for Spirituality and       hormone. During meditation the conscious mind
Mind at University of Pennsylvania School of             gets silent. As a result, we are able to hear the sub-
Medicine, it jolted me further. How could I ignore       conscious mind or we can say that the sub-conscious
such a simple thing that meditation calmed the mind      gets activated.
and since meditation is a spiritual tool, spirituality   Then begins the sweet journey of creativity, joy,
had a close connection with the mind. I met diverse      wisdom, intuition, awareness and in fact a point of
people from spiritual scientists to believers and many   ecstasy and oneness, where none of these matter.
of them pointed out to interesting facts. Why did
ancient church fund all the scientific research and                           Dr. Amit Nagpal
discoveries? When did science and                            
spirituality/religion diverge and became symbols of
logic and faith or two opposing forces?
I was reading a book called 'Authentic Personal

Cinema Hall                                                                                                    April 2012
    A journey into women's spirituality- review of documentary
                Meetings with Remarkable Women
The documentary Meetings with Remarkable Women is                   spiritual path, whether male or female. Women viewers
an inspiring film by up and coming director/producer                will find inspiration and strength they never encountered
Shawn Nevins, who previously directed the spiritually-              before, and energy to continue on a path that other women
themed documentary Closer than Close.                               treaded before them. The men who watch this film will
Filmed in 2010 and 2011, Meetings with Remarkable                   find an emotional honesty and gentleness of spirit that
Women explores the spiritual paths of five women from               may be sorely needed on their own spiritual path.
varied backgrounds:                                                 Meetings with Remarkable Women touched me as a
·        Linda — an Australian spiritual teacher whose              viewer on several emotional levels: I found myself
discipline of meditation led to a profound spiritual                swinging from compassion and sadness to awe and
realization.                                                        fearlessness, as the women exposed their souls to the
·        Anima — whose childhood in India steeped her in            camera. The texture and depth of the documentary is
spiritual traditions, but it took a journey to America before       woven by the women's recounting of their lives and trials
she realized her true desire was to find enlightenment.             illustrated by snapshots from their past and clips of the
·        Jem — who lived the roles of wife, mother,                 places they came from. Director Shawn Nevins interlaces
engineer, musician, and writer                                                               the women's stories with clips of
before discovering Reiki and A                                                               poetry and meditative musical
Course in Miracles; paths that                                                               scores, and he does so with the
eventually led her to a spiritual                                                            gentle grace of a Celtic monk
awakening.                                                                                   illustrating an illuminating
·        Heather — from                                                                      manuscript.      In his effort to
Christian to Atheist, Buddhist                                                               convey the women's
to free-form seeker of self-                                                                 determination, vulnerability and
knowledge wrestling with                                                                     openness on their path, he offers
meditation, self-inquiry, and                                                                the viewer more than a revealing
prayer.                                                                                      encounter, but a genuine work of
·        Deborah — who, after                                                                art.
the tragic loss of her husband,                                                              At the end of the documentary I
launched a years-long spiritual                                                              was left feeling not only
path through ancient Buddhist                                                                emotionally inspired, but also
texts and the practice of Yoga                                                               feeling calm and renewed, as if I
that culminated in the discovery of a deep and lasting inner        had just participated in a meditation session myself. The
peace.                                                              quality of silence, which is evoked by 'blank screen breaks'
Each of these women tells of her life and how she came to           in-between the different story chapters, reflects a seeker's
be on a spiritual path, and what experiences brought her            moments of silence upon the spiritual path, as well as
closer to the truth of her existence. What is truly                 giving us as viewers a break to contemplate what we have
'remarkable' about these women is their willingness to              just seen.
practically experiment with different spiritual systems in          This documentary is especially relevant to me, as young
order to find something that works for them. From                   woman about to turn 30, still searching for the meaning of
meditation to poetry and writing, from yoga and music to            my life; embittered and hardened yet made vulnerable and
self-inquiry, their methods are as varied as their                  broken open by personal trials and sorrows, I am more
personalities, and they inspire the viewer with their thirst        determined than ever to find 'the truth' on my spiritual
for truth.                                                          path. At times I waiver, at times I give up. At times I shut
The most engaging aspect of the documentary is the                  down and never want to deal with the world again. But
women's honesty in their personal search, and their sense           always, always I return, and persist on my path to find
of experimenting with different techniques in order to              whatever it is that will make me 'complete.' Some of the
approach an abstract concept such as 'enlightenment.'               remarkable women in this documentary have found it, and
How does one 'search' for an abstract concept with one's            as such, they are invaluable resources and teachers to me.
feelings? How does one send one's tentacles through the             They are, like the stars in the sky, distant and yet ever
darkness, searching as if blind for something that is               giving in their inspiration to those who follow them with
unseen? These questions are hard if not impossible for              anxious hopefulness from the darkness of the earth.
anyone to answer, yet the women in this documentary                 Meetings with Remarkable Woman are available at
have managed to answer them for themselves.                or visit Poetry in Motion
The flow of the documentary takes on a meditative feel as           Films on Facebook.
the stories of each protagonist are connected by clips of a         Also a short trailer of the movie is available at:
young woman reading poetry that reflects her spiritual    
longings and existential frustration. The feeling of
honesty and sharing is pervasive through the entire film,                         By Corina Bardasuc
and is an invaluable tool to anyone sincerely interested in a

Curses Spells and More - By Sheila Kennedy                                                          April 2012

                                     Curses Spells and More
Some weeks ago I replied to a comment on web                 well to the fore. You can however have the 'spells'
posted by another metaphysical practitioner.                 cast for you, for a fee of course, and again the spells
                                                             and fees are many and varied.
'I have come across quite a few clients with spells or
curses on them. I would be interested to hear how            'Important - Please Read!
others remove these. Is there a safe easy way to do
it?'                                                         Casting a spell or creating a good luck piece is more
                                                             of an art than science, and even the most gifted
As a practitioner with considerable expertise in             psychic will not be successful each time. Anyone
this field I replied to the comment. The responses           who tells you otherwise is not being honest. This is
themselves have been many and varied: from                   why the California Astrology Association offers a
'there is no such thing as a spell or a curse, and any       one-year unconditional guarantee: If you're not
one telling you that you have been cursed etc., is           completely satisfied, we'll refund your money.
misleading you', through to the “I use sage/                 Period! No questions asked.'
incense, spirit guides, guardian angels, glyphs,
incantations, magical ceremonies' and the like.              So once you have the 'spell' in place, just what can
                                                             you expect?
It is my belief that this is too big of a subject to cover
in a short article and I am going to create a series of      Depending on what the spell was cast for, how it
articles based on the different areas of the subject.        was cast, by who, and the recipient of the intention
The articles will include Spells and Curses, Voodoo          behind the spell the results can be many and
and Black Magic, Energetic Enslavement which                 varied. Often little harm will be done and the
covers, vows, contracts, bindings, shackles                  effects may not take or wear off within a short
enforceable obligation and agreements.                       period of time. In other instances assistance may
Possession which may be seen as demonic and or               be sought to identify and remove the spell should it
entity possession, the evil eye and amulets, and             present as being an issue or a problem.
Initiations Rituals and Assimilations all of which
may 'bind' some one into a contract, agreement or            There are many people who profess to have the
the like from which there is difficulty releasing            ability to remove such spells and incantations; I
oneself or being released.                                   would however always recommend doing your
                                                             research or homework and finding a suitable
Spells                                                       qualified practitioner as some issues are more
                                                             difficult to deal with than others.
A spell is a paranormal or magical formula, and
may take the form of a spoken or written                     Curses
pronouncement intended to bring about a specific
effect. The age old version of old crones mumbling           Curses have been spoken of for many thousands of
over a fire as they stirred their cauldron,                  years: there are many ancient references to curses
accompanied by a 'familiar', often a black cat seems         mentioned in old books across cultures.
to have gone by the wayside
                                                             'A curse (also called execration) is any expressed
Spells come under a number of headings or                    wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will
categories and are offered on places such as the             befall or attach to some other entity, one or more
internet and in magazines under Black magic or               persons, a place, or an object. In particular, 'curse'
Magick and White Magic spells: They cover the                may refer to a wish that harm or hurt will be
areas of health both, for and against, wealth, love,         inflicted by any supernatural powers, such as a
beauty enchantment and binding to name just a                spell, a prayer, an imprecation, an execration,
few. One site offers more than 6000 magical spells.          magic, witchcraft, God, a natural force, or a spirit.
Many 'New Age' shops offer prettily packaged                 In many belief systems, the curse itself (or
'Spell Kits' for those who wish to 'do it for                accompanying ritual) is considered to have some
themselves', and moon rituals and candles are also           causative force in the result'

Curses Spells and More - By Sheila Kennedy                                   April 2012

Some well-known curses include the Bjorketorp                   Teleport Me
Runestone in Blekinge Sweden, dating back to the
6th century AD. It speaks of being plagued by:
maleficence, doomed to insidious death, and a
                                                         Teleport me – dimensionally
prophecy of destruction. The Hope Diamond dates          Ascend me to domains above!
back to 1642 and is famous for bringing misfortune
to its owner who allegedly stole the diamond from         Release the barrier of being
the statue of the Hindu goddess Sita.                              earth bound
Tutankhamen's tomb is credited with the deaths of         My talents are hampered by
eleven people within a few years of it having been
opened. Other curses go back to the European
                                                          the confines of supernatural
times of Vlad the Impaler, the son of Count Drac,                   conspiracy
who later became Bram Stoker's prototype for
Count Dracula.
                                                         Teleport me - then transport
                                                                     me back
In more modern times, curses may appear as being
passed down a family line, both backwards and             With knowledge to veer the
forwards, and may be generational, ancestral,                 supernatural cracks!
associated with a land, a place an object or a
situation, race or creed.                                  Provide me with power to
Depending on the culture and type of curse how it
                                                            change the status quo –
needs to be dealt with and there are many people          power to defeat the forces of
who profess to have the ability to remove such
things as curses, I would however, always
                                                                      the foe
recommend doing your research or homework and            Teleport me – dimensionally
find a suitable qualified practitioner as some issues
are more difficult to deal with than others. Curses        Let me return with the key
may also be 'booby trapped' and can back fire on         Let the key unlock the sea of
the person removing them.
                                                             darkness that abounds
                   Rev Sheila Kennedy B.Msc                  Let it disperse light all
                        The result is - the profound!                   The dimensions above
                                                                 descend below
                             Resources include:          Conspiracy no longer hinders
                                 Finally we are free!
                                                                         Betty Alark

The Nature of Desire - By Myra Godfrey                                                     April 2012

                                The Nature of Desire
There is an old saying, “be careful what you wish      structure, turning it into a seed of desire. This
for because you might get it!” When looking at         very tangible seed then needs to be dealt with
this from a spiritual perspective, it can be           when growing spiritually. When a seed of desire
changed to say “be careful what you wish for,          is created, it most often times gets stored in the
because you will get it!” Whether in this lifetime     subconscious mind and forgotten. The other
or in a future one, all desires have to come to        option is to work with the desire consciously to
fruition, or be completely destroyed by the inner      manifest it, if it is a big enough desire. Third,
fire. For a person who is consciously walking on       desires can be burned away and destroyed in a
a spiritual path (any path), this becomes even         person's inner fire. Think of all the small,
more true, for your desires can come to manifest       passing desires a person has on a daily basis. If
in this lifetime itself.                               these desires do not come to pass immediately,
                                                       they become stored for future expression. Once
When a person is growing spiritually, closer to        stored, it's very difficult to consciously burn
themselves and to their divine nature, it becomes      these desires in the inner fire because you don't
easier to let go of frivolous desires and move into    even remember you have created them.
dharma. But to move into dharma, the old
desires have to go somewhere! Let me use an            The spiritual process acts to de-clutter the
example from my own life. In my late teens and         subconscious mind by purifying it. During this
early 20's when starting college, I found myself       process, the stored desires (sometimes referred
greatly respecting and admiring yoga teachers.         to as karmas or samskaras) come up to be
They seemed so balanced, calm and able to deal         expressed. Some will be expressed through
effectively with life and the world at large. This     coming to pass and others will be burned in the
created a seed of desire that got stored in the        fire. Do you get to decide which come to pass and
subconscious, long after this little fantasy was       which get burned? Not really! Not unless you
forgotten. Nearly 12 years later, I found myself       can remember every single desire you have ever
completing yoga teacher training and teaching          had and consciously either bring it to fruition or
my own yoga classes. By that point in my life,         burn it in the fire. Everything left in the
teaching yoga did not seem to be such a distant,       subconscious will find its most appropriate
unattainable thing. In fact what I had once put        avenue of release, either through expression or
on a pedestal (having a daily yoga practice and        through being destroyed in the fire.
helping others to use yoga for health and well-
being) became a very basic part of my life that I      What does this mean on a practical level? First,
did not think of at all, and in no way glamorized      everything you think about leaves an impression
anymore. My desires and my aspirations had             in the psyche. To understand this deeply shows
shifted greatly in that 12 year time span; that        one experientially the need to learn to silence the
however did not change the fact that once upon a       mind. A silent mind leads to a state of inner
time, I had the deep attraction to and desire to be    peace, because new desires are not being
a yoga teacher.                                        created, or needing to be expressed or burnt.
                                                       The process alone of silencing the mind is an
The point in this is the importance of                 effective tool to burn away many stored desires.
understanding the power of thought combined            When a person is able to reach a deep enough
with emotion; this creates desires. Thought is         state of meditation, this silence starts to
very powerful; it's merely projection through the      penetrate deeply into the subconscious,
lens of the mind. What we think is like a prayer       destroying and writing over the previously made
that we are asking to be fulfilled. When the           impressions.
emotions latch onto a thought, it no longer
becomes merely a projection; it adds a density to      Second, it shows how we are the creators of our
it which brings the thought from a projection          lives and have free will to manifest those things
into a form. The emotion gives it shape and            we desire. Free will is an extremely powerful

The Nature of Desire - By Myra Godfrey                                                       April 2012

thing. How could we not be a spark of God when           About Myra: Myra Godfrey is a dynamic spiritual
we have free will to be anything we want to be,          figure who has dedicated her life to helping
and are able to co-create our own destiny? It's          mankind. She is the founder of both Gita for the
absolutely amazing to think about!             This      Masses (a non-profit organization) and Hridaya
naturally begets a deep responsibility; happiness        Healing. Myra is a devotee of the Divine Mother
lies within our grasp, if we are willing to learn        and has received full diksha into the Tantric Sri
enough about ourselves to move in its direction!         Vidya lineage, as well as being an avid teacher of
Third, this demonstrates the power of emotions           the Bhagavad-Gita.        She helps people to
and feelings to cause attachment that keeps ones         completely merge the spiritual and material
perceptions veiled by the senses. It's the               realms of existence, seeing the Divine
emotional feeling combined with thought that             consciousness present everywhere.
creates a desire; without the emotional        , www.hridaya-
component, the desire would never be created.  
Without the thought component, desire would                   © 2012 Myra Godfrey. All rights
never be created. Look and see how intricately                              reserved.
everything is connected. This gives a very good
entry for deep contemplation on the nature of
desire and how to best curtail it in yourself.
                                                         UNLOCK THE POWER WITHIN ME
Since the nature of desire is expression, this can
also give further insight into the power of the
manipura chakra and to fire element. If the               I call forth the powers within
desires we have are in alignment with our                 me that lie dormant – awaken
dharma, then moving further towards them is
great. Not all desire is bad. Even the Bhagavad                        in me!
Gita refers to this when Krishna says “I am that           I call them forth from their
desire that is not contrary to your dharma.” The
key is in learning the nature of desire, what it is      sleep, slumbering in dormancy
and how to work with it effectively to move you                   – awaken in me!
further towards your goals in life. When your
desire is in alignment with your hearts deepest           Actively kindled – I call them
knowing, desire enables you to manifest your             forth – awaken be active in me!
reason for being alive. It's only when desire gets
mixed up with trivial things in life that it causes a     Slumber, no more – open that
problem.                                                            sealed door
By learning how to focus on the inner-Being, the            Take your place among me
divine Self that we all are at our core, desire will         You are now free to reign
naturally start to come into alignment with the
desires of the heart. When a person is not tuning                    within me!
in to the deepest part of the self, desires can run       Actively come forth within me
around and create life circumstances that do not
benefit the Soul or its highest calling. Daily                          – Be!
spiritual practice will help to train the mind and
burn away old desires. Learn to tune into the
love you carry deeply then nothing else will have
the ability to sway you. Until then, desire is                                     Betty Alark
natural. Know yourself and you'll also know how
to control your desire and work with your inner

We are what we think we are - By Mohit Soni                                                   April 2012

               We are what we think we are
The title reminds me of a story. Once a man             you don't have but you will appreciate all that
approached a sage with a question, 'How to be           you have.
happy?' The sage said, 'The best way to be happy
is to be happy.'                                        I'll give you a mantra. It's “Positive un-
                                                        conditional regard”. It's a medicine. It works for
Simple as that! Just be happy to be happy. It may       everyone who takes it and also for the person
sound a little silly but that is the way it is.         who gives it. Treat everyone with unconditional
Happiness is not something to be searched. It is        regard. Don't expect in return. And you will
something to be.                                        suddenly notice that no one is indebted to you for
                                                        providing happiness. It's only you who has been
And how is it possible?                                 sitting on the pile of it and restricted it by the
We have to understand a simple fact that                weight of the expectations. Get up and stand
happiness or pleasure are not possible to attain        aside.
in this world. Who ever will go in search of it will
only find that in turn he has only earned more          A stone never gets sad. But also remember it
grievances. It's paradoxical. But if we think more      never gets happy either. You don't need to be
about it, eventually we will understand that it is      hard.
actually right.
                                                        A foolish person may always be sure of his idea.
Once we achieve what we want to achieve, we will        Because his intelligence falls too short to see the
discover that there is still more to achieve and        shortcomings of his idea! An intelligent person
whatever achieved is too short to be qualified as       may always be doubtful of his idea. Because he
happiness. We will start again for the next goal.       knows there are more alternatives available to
And again we might end up with the same                 his idea. Both the people will suffer in the end.
feeling. One who understands and accepts that           The foolish because he will be overthrown by the
happiness and sadness are only two states which         opponents with better idea and intelligent
exist aptly only in the psychological frame of          because he may never present his idea in the first
mind and vaguely defined in the opaque                  place because of the fear of others having better
structure of reality, will certainly be happy with      idea than him. It somewhat relates to our lives
whatever he has attained till that time.                also. Sometimes we foolishly chase a plan to be
                                                        happy and end up discovering that it has failed.
There is always more to 'a lot'. What qualifies as      And sometimes we too intelligently leave a plan
standard of happiness to us can be mere                 in-between, expecting it to fail only and then we
reflection of our insatiable want. Mind the word        discover that it was actually what we were
'insatiable'. How can we be happy with more if          looking for!
we are not happy with what we have right now,
knowing the fact that it's more than what we            Try to be intelligent enough to have a plan to be
earlier had! We will keep on asking more after          happy and foolish enough to be happy with it
getting more.                                           without putting conditions on consequences.

So where to stop in this cycle? Here only. At this      Stay simple. Stay sure. Stay happy.
point only.
                                                                                    Mohit Soni.
Just stop and look around. You may find each                           Mob no.: +91 8130824151
and every thing you need with you that is needed         Email id:
to live happily. No need to search beyond this.
Decide that you will greet everyone with a smile
today. Decide that you will not think about what

Understanding Profound Surrender - By Master Chrism                                         April 2012

      Understanding Profound Surrender
This is crucial to the Kundalini awakening             We surrender our life, our love, our body, our
process. This will at times go against every           awareness, and our future to the divine within
societal taboo that we have been warned about          that is also without. We open ourselves to
and have come into agreement with not                  complete removal and re-organization of our
experiencing or expressing in regards to               thoughts and proclivities and understandings of
allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and exposed        life. We are no more who we have been and yet
to.                                                    we are at the same time familiar to
                                                       ourselves. We are not lost we are surrendered
Even more so when it is a teacher or another           and in that placement are we given the deep and
human person that is giving one the instruction        continuous transformation that reaches into our
to surrender.                                          distant past of this time line of life and even
                                                       further into other forms of distant pasts and
We are not used to these levels of trust.              lifetimes.

It isn't a common level of trust in our society and    This is the sculpting of our soul in a 'conscious
with good reason in my humble opinion. So              real time' that is far removed from the often blind
many have been abused in these areas and we are        education and balance of karmic thought and
correct to come into such an agreement with a          deed. We open and surrender our mind into the
strong degree of caution.                              infinite by surrendering its ego element of
When Kundalini brings a teacher to an
individual however this changes the dynamic as         So we become seemingly helpless and exposed.
it is no longer a flesh person that is giving the      Yet within the arms of divinity we are safe within
instruction for surrender but a divine source          this exposure. For this to occur the deepest form
which is doing so and in this circumstance I will      of trust must be reached for and attained. A trust
suggest that a person come into the surrender          so powerful and those we give into so deeply and
with full immersion to the teachings and the           with such profound surrender that we become
instructions that are being given.                     the naked child of innocence we were shortly
                                                       after our birth.
Even if it is from a human source.
                                                       This is profound surrender and in this place do
Kundalini will pick our teachers and our               we dare to tread when Kundalini
teachings. And no matter how strange or difficult      calls to us in our transformation.
or impossible they may seem to the ego we are
advised to follow these teachings. The Divine          Blessings all!
knows you better than you know you and in that
context we will need to surrender completely to                                    Master Chrism
the person or the teaching that is being given.

This surrender is profound.

It is profound in the depths of its reach into our
soul and life and all of the people and dynamics
that we are experiencing within this life. It is
profound in its ability to transform us and open
us into the consciousness of grace that propels
our transformation.

Kaleidoscope of Life - By Sushmita                                                         April 2012

                                Kaleidoscope of Life
That is what life is!      But that life is a        through their writings, echoing their
Kaleidoscope, can be realized only through           experiences and the impact of the same. And
sharing, as life is continuously sharing             each has a unique expression, as each experience
everything with us in the form of the varied         is unique. An experience cannot be copied nor
colors of nature, of beings, of situations, of       can it be experienced by the other person nor can
events and offers a Kaleidoscopic scope to one       it be levied. It can only be shared and that it is,
and all thus…                                        through the expression in the written form. As
                                                     one expresses, one shares!
That is why life is many things to many, and
again many things to one and the same                For painters, life in its entirety, is a canvas and
individual. The                                      yet at the same time a palette. Life is its own
Kaleidoscopic nature is the                                               canvas and an array of
infinite scope that life                                                  infinite colors and hues; the
symbolizes infinite that life                                             palette, at the same time, to
is, wherein nothing is                                                    choose from and is chosen
singular. It is the apparent                                              differently by different
singularity that cradles                                                  painters as also differently
plurality inherently. It is                                               by the same painter, but at a
how life makes sense, as it is                                            different moment. Life is the
the essence of life. What                                                 color, it is the canvas and it is
else could be the proof,                                                  the artist, with it being 'one'
other than the mechanism                                                  with its all inhabitants that
of creation, and existential                                              form the life and through
mechanism of the entire                                                   whom, and which, life
creation? Infinite, yet the                                               expresses itself.
origin is 'One', for all of
Creation. The origin itself is                                            Photographers capture the
plural, yet singular. Hence                                               artist, the canvas, the palette
whole of life is that its                                                 that life is. How else one
plurality, that too infinite,                                             would experience the
forms the kaleidoscope of                                                 ecstasy, the riot of colors, the
infinite dimension.                                                       kaleidoscope, that life
                                                                          expresses in, and as, nature
How the Kaleidoscope is                                                   and offers to us? The colors,
viewed?                                              offered, by life are proffered to us by those who
As to how we perceive life is dependent on our       capture it through their lens and we are
perception, which is dependent on the level of       privileged to enjoy what our eyes could not,
our consciousness. That is why life has a unique     directly. They have their unique sense of angles
meaning for each one of us. For Shakespeare it       and each is affected by the hues of nature in
was a stage; for scientists, life is a macro-        unique ways. And since the observed is affected
laboratory; for philosophers, quite alike            by the observer, the 'shot' that comes off as the
scientists, reason is of quintessence: is sought     observation of a photographer, acts like 'shots' of
and provided for all that happens. The reason, as    feelings, differing as the photographer differs
accessed by the philosopher becomes the              and with our very own differing response to the
philosophy. For psychologists each behavior has      photographs.
a reason rooted in, and routed to, the psyche.
                                                     And whatever be the response, it is made
For writers everything is beheld by, and in,         possible by this sharing. We share as we know at
words. Life is an expression (of self) for them,     the core of our being that we are one, and, “That

Kaleidoscope of Life - By Sushmita                                                              April 2012
which is 'mine' that of which I have had the first         Therapy), wherein the energy component in that
'look' the first 'shot' is not only mine, but for all”,    particular chakra is balanced, which had been
is the sentience. One is just a part of the whole,         affected, by use of the color of corresponding
and plays a part, by sharing that part of life that        energy.
one has been privileged to experience. As we all
come forward with our experiences we realize               This color of life, treating lives with colors to heal
the 'whole' that we are giving each other the              utilizes the therapeutic properties of colors and
scope to experience the 'wholesome' feeling of             manifests further the infinite scope that life
'wholeness'.                                               presents to us and all, for us to heal and be the
                                                           healing for all.
As life is, so it chooses to express as the
kaleidoscope…                                              Life and its Healing Colors

This sharing is an arcane, yet primal desire of            Life is for healing quite contrary to the common
one and all as is that of life. Life is for self-          beliefs. We are here, as the spiritual beings, on a
expression. When choked, the suppression                   human journey to resolve our pending issues, as
chokes the natural flow of life and its infinite           we move through the eternity of life, with the
colors, which then are under-developed.                    Soul's sole intention to realize itself and
                                                           experience its perfection, which it has at the
Colors that form a Kaleidoscope                            origin.

Life's infinite shades include: colors resplendent         And this healing is provided not only by colors
in nature, colors in us (even we are different             but even by the metaphorical colors the varied
colors of creation), as various moods and                  expressions of life. When we are completely in
feelings, which evokes responses of                        resonance, within and without, we experience a
corresponding colors; and excludes nothing.                light within enlightenment we call it. The color of
Some colors we define as dark some as bright               enlightenment is the color of harmony as we
with respect to moods. For life each color is              harmonize, so we resonate and healed we are.
beautiful and through nature it simply shares,
fully, all the beautiful colors. It is polychromatic,      The Scope
neither dichromatic nor monochromatic. It
shares without keeping anything for self as for it,        Life, as a Kaleidoscope provides us with infinite
what it shares, is, with its own self as it considers      colors to choose from and choose the experience
itself to be one with us.                                  of our choice thus. The physical kaleidoscope,
                                                           with a given set of colors, changes the view and
Colors and Healing                                         experience, with a rotation and thus a change in
                                                           the angle. Life too does that. And as in a life the
And when considered from the view-scope of                 given set of colors is infinite, the experience too is
energy, all colors are electromagnetic radiation,          magnified as compared to the physical
vibrations, vibrating at different frequencies, but        kaleidoscope. As our perception (the angle of our
all in the visible region. The VIBGYOR, the                viewing) is, so is our experience.
rainbow the spectrum of seven different colors
are vibrations corresponding to different                  With colors infinite, Life's Kaleidoscope
frequencies. In fact it is known that all seven            provides infinite scope: of experience and
colors are found in us, signified by the seven             materializations. As we evolve and revolve, the
chakras each chakra having its own significance            Kaleidoscope remains the same, yet the scopes
and function. A deficient functioning of any of            modify and magnify and amplify. And the
the chakras causes a disease in the body. It is this       experience again is incomparable as is for the
malfunctioning, when detected, with respect to             individual, who sees through the physical
the chakra, is treated with the aid of Color               kaleidoscope. But the individual, as forms the
Therapy (which in ancient times was referred to            part of the whole through the individual
as by Surya Kiran Chikitsa or Solar Rays                   experiences, goes on to build a collective

Kaleidoscope of Life - By Sushmita                                                April 2012
experience, as co-creation, of life each coming
forward with one's unique expression out of the
unique experience.
                                                                        MY PATH
Experiencing Life as a Kaleidoscope
                                                                    This path is arid
The only riot, that one expresses effusive with                     It shows the way
praise, appreciation, gratitude, happiness and                          We move
excitement, is the 'riot of colors'. And when the
colors of life too are perceived and appreciated in               Towards a destination
the same manner, we enjoy the Kaleidoscope of                       We do not know
life and utilize it, by fully living through it living it
as colors in harmony with one another, within
and without.                                                    These footprints are mine
But the fact that life is a Kaleidoscope, and
                                                                      One of many
Kaleidoscope of infinite potential too, is                          My footprint lost
acknowledged only when one is able to                              Amongst the many
experience one's own self one's reactions and
responses all, as different, and as unique, as
different colors of life.                                           I leave this path
That Kaleidoscope of life is a symbol, of
                                                                  To tread the woods –
singularity in plurality, is realized time and
again. And the harmony between these                                 The path I made
pluralities allows the infinite colors to be
enjoyed, experienced and realized, as infinite                       Was mine alone
potential materialized. No color is perceived as                       Misty eyed
dark, but as an essential component of the
Kaleidoscope without which the Kaleidoscope                   I thanked Him for the courage
would be incomplete and the effect                                   To pave my way
compromised. But life is not for compromise                           To break away
rather it is a promise of realizing all the colors
that life symbolizes and through this realization;
realizes the primary objective of life to self-                 In this lonely self made path
realize, to heal self and be the color that heals all.
                                                             I found my most elegant dreams
                                                             In my eyes I saw many who fear
                                                                           to be free                        The many whose elegant dreams
              Credit for Photo: Sumit Roy                                 are but lost
                                                             Walking on the well trodden path
                                                                  That I walked on first….

                                                                         Dr. Abhijit Das

Essentiality of Equanimity in Life - Rahul Zota                                            April 2012

                        Essentiality of Equanimity in Life
Jainism (not a religion but science) emphasizes        auspicious Karma which gives sweet fruits
great importance to the state of equanimity. In the    whenever they arise. The cluster of karma particles
state of equanimity, free from attachment and          is known as 'Karma Vargan' in Jin terminology.
aversion one eradicates high amount of Karma           Now, if one is ignorant about this philosophy then
particles bounded with the Soul. Usually one acts      he/she reacts with either attachment or aversion at
with attachment or aversion when one becomes           the time of the emergence of previously acquired
happy or unhappy. One becomes happy when               Karma and thus binds even more Karma. Thus the
things are going according to his/her desire and       bondage extends and as a result the soul suffers
one becomes unhappy when things are not going          more in the never ending cycle of birth and rebirth.
according to his/her desire. Now why things are
not going according to someone's desire? To            The Omniscient have explained; to react with
understand this we need to go through the              equanimity at the time of emergence of the
Philosophy of Karma.                                   previous Karma. The omniscient has explained not
                                                       to act with attachment when good things are
Every living being has a soul which has basic          happening with us and aversion when bad things
attributes like, Infinite Knowledge, Infinite          are happening with us. In the state of perfect
Perception, Infinite Bliss and Infinite Energy.        equanimity one blocks the influx of fresh Karma
There are two different types of energy working in     and even eradicates previously acquired Karma.
this Universe; sentient and non-sentient. Non-         This process of eradicating old Karma (in the state
sentient is explained in Physics and very well         of equanimity) is so fast that one destroys much
explained by the famous Einstein's Equivalence         strong Karma in a few seconds that the other (who
Principle. It is connected with Matter. On the other   is ignorant and does austerities without practicing
hand there exists another kind of energy which is      equanimity) can destroy in millions of years!
Sentient Energy. Sentient energy is the basic
attribute of a soul. The soul is independent           There is a beautiful story in Jain history which can
substance in the cosmos which was never born and       help to better understand this!
which will never vanish. There are infinite souls in
the Universe. The souls can be categorized into two    In the times of the 22nd Tirthankar, Lord
types; Liberated and Non-Liberated. The liberated      Neminath and Shri Krishna there lived a great
souls are those who are free from the cycle of birth   monk named Dhandhan Muni. He was actually the
and death. The Non-Liberated are in bondage of         son of Shri Krishna but he left his kingdom after
Karma and thus goes through the cycle of birth,        hearing Lord Neminath's magnetic sermons. Since
death and re-birth. However, from the Absolute         the time of his renunciation he faced difficult
Point of View (Nishchaya Naya) there is no             problems. Jin monks and nuns do not cook their
difference between the mundane and liberated           food; do not get it prepared for them. They go to
souls. They both possess the same qualities.           different householders and receive a little food
                                                       from each house. For monk Dhandhan Muni, it
The mundane soul is clogged by the eight types of      was the rise of Benefit Obstructing Karma (Laabh-
Karma. The four are destructive and the rest are       antray Karma). Such type of Karma obstructs
non-destructive. The soul itself is the doer of its    benefit whatever he/she gains. For Dhandhan
own action (From the absolute point of view it's       Muni, this Karma obstructed the gaining of food.
pure but it does action because of misbelief or        Wherever he went he would not get food from the
Mithyatva). The action created through mind,           householders. The householders would close their
speech and body causes the Karma particles to          doors whenever they would spot Dhandhan Muni
stick to the soul's space points and thus the soul     approaching their door.
wanders in the cycle of birth and death and
experiences suffering. There are two types of          One day one of his colleagues asked Lord
action; Inauspicious and Auspicious. Inauspicious      Neminath, “Dear Lord, why such a great monk is
action causes to accumulate inauspicious Karma         having problem for receiving his food? Why does
which gives bitter fruits whenever they arise. Same    he always return without any food? Why the
way, auspicious action causes to accumulate            householders of this great town of Dwarka are not

Essentiality of Equanimity in Life - Rahul Zota                                        April 2012

offering food to this monk who is the son of great    One day while walking in the street he met his
King Vasudev (Lord Krishna)?”                         mundane father Shri Krishna. Krishna stepped
                                                      down from the elephant and bowed before
The Omniscient Lord replied, “Oh monk, this is        Dhandhan Muni and inquired about his life as a
the emergence of the Benefit Obstructing Karma        monk. When Shri Krishna went back, the nearby
that blocks benefits of the food for monk             householder called Dhandhan Muni for alms.
Dhandhan. Everything, either good or bad              The householder put some laddus (Indian sweet)
happens because of our good or bad deeds. There       in the monk's bowl. Dhandhan Muni thought
is a reason, nothing happens without any reason.      this must be end of his Benefit Obstructing
In one of his previous births, monk Dhandhan          karma. So before eating and breaking his fast he
was the minister of a King. His name was              went to Lord Neminath to confirm whether his
Parashar and he was ordered to keep an eye on         Benefit Obstructing Karma had ceased. The Lord
farming. There were many farmers and cattle's         said, oh Dhandhan, your karma has not ceased
working under him.                                    yet, you received the food not because of your
                                                      karma but because of Shri Krishna's karma. The
Once, during noon all the farmers took a break        householder thought you were a great monk that
for their lunch. They all had worked hard and         even the king like Shri Krishna bowed before
thus all were hungry. The farmers were taking         him! So he called you and offered you this food.”
their meal and the bulls and cows were eating
grass. At that time, Parashar stopped them from       Upon hearing this fact from the Omniscient,
eating and ordered them to plant seeds. The           Dhandhan started to think, “How strong karma I
farmers were hungry so they asked Parashar to         bound by obstructing other's meal in my
let them take their lunch first, but Parashar         previous life!” Thus he decided to forsake the
didn't even listen to them and ordered them to        alms (laddus). At the time of forsaking he
work for more hours. He said, “First you must         performed strong equanimity. He didn't show
plant more seeds in the farms, I will let you eat     any hate towards the householders, instead he
after the whole work is done.”                        found responsible himself behind this. Soon, at
                                                      the time of forsaking laddus he entered Shukla
All the farmers, bulls and cows were hungry, they     Dhyan (Pure Meditation) and climbed the ladder
were not interested to pursue their work at that      of annihilation. In the second step of this
time but they had to accept the order, there was      meditation (Ekatva Vitark Savichar Shukla
no other way. So they pursued their work              Dhyan) he destroyed not only the Benefit
without any interest. Thus by interrupting their      Obstructing Karma but also destroyed all the
meal, Parashar bounded Benefit Obstructing            four destructing Karma attached to his soul. As
Karma and that karma has now come into action         all four karma shed away he became the
in the present birth. Thus he is not getting any      Omniscient, the all-knowing, all perceiving
food from any householders.”                          Arihant.

By listening to the Lord, monk Dhandhan               This shows how one can destroy karma by
realized the truth and vowed that he will accept      practicing strong equanimity and can attain
food only gained by his own effort. He will not       liberation. If we accept the fact that we are
accept food brought by other monks. Thus, since       responsible behind our happiness and sorrow
that time he would daily go to at the doors of the    then we can attain the state of equanimity and
householders of the town of Dwarka and would          ultimately the state of ultimate bliss.
return without any food. This lasted for six
months. Monk Dhandhan had been observing
fast since six months with ultimate equanimity.                                 Rahul Zota
He had realized his mistake and he was not
showing any hatred toward the householders as
he knew that he was responsible for all this.

Book Corner                                                                                   April 2012

Remembering to Call forth Source Energy
This passage is an excerpt from the last                welcome Loving Divine Energy to pulse through
chapter of Linda J. Ferguson's newly                    me at this very moment. Divine Love is present
released book, "Staying Grounded in                     today, as always, and expands my awareness and
Shifting Sand: Awakening Soul                           soul presence. I allow my true nature of Divine
Consciousness for the New Millennium"                   Essence to be fully expressed.

In the new era of understanding the Holy Oneness,       I release any judgments, fears, or animosity to
our spiritual practice includes remembering we are      those who are here to awaken me. When I meet
not separate from Divine Creation. We are the           others who act in ways that I don't like, I affirm we
hologram of Divine Essence. As soul beings we           are all from the same Source. I ask for guidance and
express Divine Essence naturally. It's only through     support to re-connect with them as a thread of the
social conditioning that many                                             Holy Oneness.
have forgotten. As you follow
your awakened soul journey, it                                          Mastery in the Aquarian Era
becomes easier to remember
you are that expression of                                              Those who don't feel this Love
Love.                                                                   pulling them, those who don't
                                                                        drink dawn like a cloud of spring
Draw upon Spirit and bathe in                                           water or take in sunset like supper,
the comfort of Love's grace                                             those who don't want to change, let
daily. Doing so gives you                                               them sleep. ~Rumi
strength and support to stay
grounded in shifting sand.                                              If you've felt inspired so far from
Your tendency may be to run                                             this book on this earth plane-
for cover or shut down                                                  remember or re-commit to your
emotionally during a crisis or                                          journey as a soul being. You are
when stressed. This only                                                invited now to step fully into your
blocks Source Energy from                                               personal power and personal
coming through you. Affirming                                           mastery. You develop personal
Divine Essence as your true                                             mastery by expanding yourself
nature raises your energy.                                              emotionally, mentally, physically,
Greater flow of Source Energy                                           and spiritually. Mastery in the
supports your movement                                  Aquarian era involves the ability to understand
through challenges. Your life conditions then shift     your material, physical experiences and respond to
more easefully to greater harmony, balance, and         them energetically. Mastery involves
peace. Remember you are Divine Essence as the           remembering that the energy that flows through
acorn knows it's a mighty oak tree.                     you is from Source. Personal mastery in the
                                                        Aquarian era entails living as a pure expression of
Source Energy is unlimited and accessible. It can       Oneness with Source.
neither be created nor destroyed. The key is in how
you use it. Remind yourself in as many ways as          As we are learning from cutting edge research
necessary that you are a vessel for this Source         within Quantum physics, neurophysiology and
Energy. Remember as well to call on your spirit         other areas of science, the old paradigms for
guides, power animals, angels, or ancestors to          understanding the world are challenged, and need
support your journey.                                   to be revised if not replaced. Studies in mind-body
                                                        medicine have found that the physical body
Here is an affirmation to use as a daily reminder of    responds remarkably well to positive affirmations,
your Divine Essence:                                    visualizations, and healing energy. Studies of
                                                        monks and others highly practiced in meditation
I am a Divine Expression of pure Love. I allow and      have found that their thoughts can affect distant

Book Corner                                                                        April 2012

computers, and the thoughts of others sitting in
meditation. No longer are cause and effect                 Jiten Soni's thoughts
happening in a linear fashion in time and space. If
you want to learn more about these studies, read
Lynne McTaggart's fascinating books, 'The Field          Three things once ceased takes
and The Intention Experiment'. No longer is this         you to humanity, they are ones
considered “new age mumbo-jumbo”, it is the
current path for healing, communicating, and             which are tough to be ceased but it
working. It is time to learn, practice and master the    definitely needs to be ceased, they
skills necessary to connect with Source for healing
and wholeness around the globe.                          are Negativity, Anger and Egoism.
When you understand how to function as a
spiritual being in a physical world, you not only
                                                         Some situations though they are
work through daily challenges more effectively,          not in control, you need to have
but you help shift the energy for others around you.
This paradigm shift is happening around the globe.
                                                         faith and courage in you to bring it
More synergy is created as each of us step more          to control, you have to believe in
fully into the truth and beauty of who we are as soul    you and still if those situations are
beings. Many have been draw to greater mastery of
spiritual skills for the Aquarian era.                   out of control you have to say it to
As you master your energy you become more
                                                         yourself 'WHO I AM - MAKES A
positively potent. You express your innate Divine        DIFFERENCE'.
Essence regularly with family, at work, with
neighbors. Personal mastery involves the
conscious awareness of being a Divine Expression.        We started judging everyone by
Regardless of how challenging the circumstances          their mistakes than their actions,
are, you know you are an infinite radiant being
working with abundant flow. You have your feet           that's the world of today, we do not
firmly planted on the ground and your heart fully        believe in what we say, than listen
open to Oneness.
                                                         to others. -
Dr. Linda Ferguson is a seasoned facilitator
and speaker. She provides spiritual life coaching,
workshops, retreats, and webinars that support           Be as you are and remain always
people living intentionally, finding greater inner       the same, that's when no one keep
peace, and connecting to their Source of Wisdom
as they navigate daily life stresses.                    seeing your perfection and they
                                                         remain to be with you forever in to read her blog posts,
see inspiring videos, and download helpful               your life.
handouts for your soul journey. Let Love Prevail-
Facebook page. Linda's books are available in
paperback and as e-books: 10th Anniversary     
Edition - "Path for Greatness: Work as Spiritual         s/Jiten-Soni/168446966565745
Service" by Infinity Publishing, PA

PORTUGAL - Compiled by Dhara Kothari                                                      April 2012
                                 Pioneers of Age of Discovery
Portugal, officially the Portuguese Republic          plateaus indented by river valleys, whereas the
(Portuguese: República Portuguesa) is a country       south, that includes the Algarve and the Alentejo
situated in southwestern Europe on the Iberian        regions, is characterized by rolling plains.
Peninsula. Portugal is the westernmost country        Portugal's highest peak is the similarly named
of Europe, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean      Mount Pico on the island of Pico in the Azores.
to the West and South and by Spain to the North       This ancient volcano, which measures 2,351 m
and East. The Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores     (7,713 ft.) is a highly iconic symbol of the Azores,
and Madeira are part of Portugal. The country is      while the Serra da Estrela on the mainland (the
named after its second largest city, Porto, whose     summit being 1,991 m (6,532 ft.) above sea level)
Latin name was Portus Cale.                           is an important seasonal attraction for skiers and
                                                      winter sports enthusiasts. The archipelagos of
It has continuously been settled since prehistoric    Madeira and the Azores are scattered within the
times. Occupied by Celts                                                     Atlantic Ocean: the Azores
integrated into the Roman                                                    straddling the Mid-Atlantic
Republic and later settled                                                   Ridge on a tectonic triple
by Germanic peoples. In the                                                  junction, and Madeira along
8th century most of the                                                      a range formed by in plate
Iberian Peninsula was                                                        hotspot geology.
conquered by Moorish                                                         Geologically, these islands
invaders professing Islam,                                                   were formed by volcanic and
which were later expelled by                                                 seismic events.
the Knights Templar under
the Order of Christ. During                                                Portugal is defined as a
the Christian Reconquista,                                                 Mediterranean climate,
Portugal established itself                                                Semi-arid climate or Steppe
as an independent kingdom                                                  climate and is one of the
from León in 1139, claiming                                                warmest European
to be the oldest European                                                  countries: the annual
nation-state. In the 15th and                                              average temperature in
16th centuries, as the result                                              mainland Portugal varies
of pioneering the Age of                                                   from 12 °C (53.6 °F) in the
Discovery, Portugal                                                        mountainous interior north
expanded western influence                                                 to over 18 °C (64.4 °F) in the
and established a global                                                   south and on the Guadiana
empire that included                                                       river basin. The Algarve,
possessions in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and South       separated from the Alentejo region by
America, becoming the world's major economic,         mountains reaching up to 900 meters in Pico da
political and military global power. The              Foia, has a climate similar to that of the southern
Portuguese Empire was the first global empire in      coastal areas of Spain. Snowfalls occur regularly
history and also the longest lived of the             in the interior North and Center of the country.
European colonial empires, spanning almost            In the south of the country snowfalls are rare but
600 years. Today, Portugal is one of the world's      still occur in the highest elevations. Both the
most globalized and peaceful nations.                 archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira have a
                                                      subtropical climate, although variations
Mainland Portugal is split by its main river, the     between islands exist, making weather
Tagus that flows from Spain and disgorges in          predictions very difficult.
Tagus Estuary, near Lisbon, before escaping into
the Atlantic. The northern landscape is               Owing to humans occupying the territory of
mountainous towards the interior with several

PORTUGAL - Compiled by Dhara Kothari                                                         April 2012

                                                          230 deputies elected for a four-year term. The
                                                          government, whose head is the Prime Minister
                                                          chooses a Council of Ministers that, comprises
                                                          the Ministers and State Secretaries. The courts
                                                          are organized into several levels; judicial,
                                                          administrative, and fiscal branches. The
                                                          Supreme Courts are institutions of last
                                                          resort/appeal. A thirteen-member
                                                          Constitutional Court oversees the
                                                          constitutionality of the laws. Portugal operates a
                                                          multi-party system of competitive
                                                          legislatures/local administrative governments
                                                          at the national, regional and local-levels.
Portugal for thousands of years, little is left of the    Portuguese universities have existed since 1290.
original vegetation. Protected areas of Portugal          The oldest Portuguese university was first
include one national park, twelve natural parks,
nine natural reserves, five natural monuments,
and seven protected landscapes. These natural
environments are shaped by diverse flora, and
include widespread species of pine, the chestnut,
the cork-oak, the holm oak, the Portuguese oak
and eucalyptus.

Portugal has been a democratic republic since
the ratification of the Constitution of 1976, with
Lisbon, the nation's largest city, as its capital.
The constitution grants the division, or
separation, of powers among legislative,
executive, and judicial branches. The four main
institutions as described in this constitution are
the President of the Republic, the Parliament,
the Government, headed by a Prime Minister,               established in Lisbon before moving to Coimbra.
and the courts. The President, who is elected to a        Historically, within the scope of the Portuguese
five-year term, has a supervisory non-executive           Empire, the Portuguese founded in 1792 the
role. The Parliament is a chamber composed of             oldest engineering school of Latin America, as
                                                          well as the oldest medical college of Asia (the
                                                          Escola Médico-Cirúrgica de Goa) in 1842. The
                                                          largest university in Portugal is the University of
                                                          Porto. Total adult literacy rate is 99%.
                                                          Portuguese primary school enrollments are close
                                                          to 100%. Portuguese is the official language of
                                                          Portugal. Portuguese is a Romance language that
                                                          originated in what is now Galicia (Spain) and
                                                          Northern Portugal, from the Galician-
                                                          Portuguese language. It is derived from the Latin
                                                          spoken by the Romanized Pre-Roman peoples of
                                                          the Iberian Peninsula around 2000 years ago.
                                                          Portugal has the right mix of nature, peaceful
                                                          atmosphere and scenic locations that give one
                                                          the privacy to meditate and self-contemplate.

Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine April 2012
Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine April 2012
Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine April 2012
Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine April 2012
Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine April 2012
Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine April 2012
Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine April 2012

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Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine April 2012

  • 1. Issue : April 2012 Price : `. (FREE) Vol : XXII SPIRITUAL LOUNGE E-MAGAZINE Spiritual Lounge Year of the ‘Consciousness in Motion’ 2012
  • 2. EDITORIAL April 2012 Dear Readers, Spiritual Stories are great way to explain a point or revel in its wisdom. It helps a person to understand and grasp the meanings or the message better. Stories could be of any kind, funny, spiritual, fable, mythology and so on. Here is a short story for you to understand how stories can make an impact. There was once a man, who desperately wanted to learn the art of walking on the surface of water. He spent years in penance and struggled great deal to obtain the knowledge required to walk on water. Finally, he achieved what he desired; he was able to walk on the surface of water as easily as he would do on land. He felt so elevated that he rushed to the Buddha who happen to be passing through and told him proudly of his achievements and how long it took him. Buddha smiled at him and said, “Is that all?” The man wondered why such an enlightened soul would say this. The Buddha explained, “Had you spent all that time and effort in trying to gain the ultimate knowledge, you would have been enlightened by now and all you did was waste it on gaining one piece of useless knowledge?” The man was obviously left dumbstruck. Ancient Indian beliefs and spiritualism is replete with such stories. In fact almost every point is explained with a story or a comparison for better perception of its words. It is like explaining 'A' for 'Apple' to generate its true pronunciation/meaning. I am a storyteller, are you one? If so, come share your stories here so others too may learn and grasp things better. This is also called 'Consciousness in Motion' the spiritual year of 2012. Come join in to spread awareness amongst all. Join our Facebook group and like our page as well: Connect with us anytime at: or +91-9619629092 Thank you, Editor Cover page Photo: Wind Rose-Lisboa - PORTUGAL Copyrights: All rights reserved SPIRITUAL LOUNGE EMAGAZINE © 2010-2012 2
  • 3. CONTENT April 2012 CONTENT Pet Batch - By Linzi Martin Page 4 - 6 Meditation and the Sub-Conscious Mind - By Dr. Amit Nagpal Page 7 CinemaHall - Remarkable-Women review- Corina Bardasuc Page 8 Curses Spells and More- Sheila Kennedy Page 9 - 10 Teleport me - Batty Alark Page 10 The Nature of Desire - By Myra Godfrey Page 11 - 12 Unlock Power Within Me - Betty Alark Page 12 We are what we think we are - By Mohit Soni Page 13 Understanding Profound Surrender - By Master Chrism Page 14 Kaleidoscope of Life - By Sushmita Page 15 - 17 My Path - By Dr. Abhijit Das Page 17 Essentiality of Equanimity in Life - By Rahul Zota Page 18 - 19 Book Corner - Remembering to Call forth Source Energy - Page 20 -21 Jiten Soni Thoughts Page 21 PORTUGAL - Compiled by Dhara Kothari Page 22 - 30 Edited by Dhara Kothari. Published by Moksa Publishers for Spiritual Lounge. Designed by Biren Shah. Email: Cell: +91-9619629092 / +91-9757274289 3
  • 4. Pet Bach - By Linzi Martin April 2012 Introducing Bach Flower Remedies, the all-natural stress relief, as part of your Pet's First Aid repertory As humans we share this wonderful planet with so regain a positive emotional balance I use and many other sentient being that I think it's important recommend a range of natural, pure flower, plant and to also respect their holistic well-being. Animals have tree essences called the Bach Flower Remedies. I'm a feelings, as anyone who serves as a pet companion or qualified Bach Flower Remedy practitioner, trained guardian knows only too well. We notice the in the UK, now living in Canada. In my experience I differences in our friend's demeanor, their behavior, have found that just using a few drops of the selected even their preferences for food/cuddles/walks etc. remedies, orally and/or topically, will often bring They learn, feel and respond in individual ways to the soothing and calm to dogs, cats, rabbits, pigs, birds, world in which they live, like us. It is well known that horses, cows and all conscious creatures, without happy and contented animals enjoy life and have harmful side effects. fewer health problems, much the same as us humans. Our companions have diverse personalities and so “Bach remedies help us to rediscover the positive side sometimes they may suffer emotionally from of ourselves, help us to live an emotionally healthy 'negative' feelings such as fear, loneliness, life.” bereavement, over enthusiasm etc. Thus impacting on their behavior and physical-mental well-being. As I am not a professional They also share stresses in Veterinary I am not legally life, perhaps there has been a allowed to diagnose or 'treat' new 'one' join the any animal. However I can flock/herd/household, or a guide folk to what the positive birth has been painful and potential for each remedy is, long, or they are hungry and helping them to help there's no food around. themselves. The Bach (pronounced either as 'bacch' Our beloved companions or like the composer) system of clearly show us how they are natural health was devised by feeling in both verbal and Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s non-verbal communication; in England. Bach was a very it's up to us to become intuitive man, trained as a familiar with their traits, body language and bacteriologist, a medical doctor and in homeopathy. reactions to understand their needs. Communication He treated many people and noticed that those with is 20% expressed emotions and 80% need so what is the same dis-ease often responded in different ways. their need behind the expressed feelings? His enquiring mind and sensitivity led him to discover that various plants, flowers and trees had a Some examples when a pet is out of sorts: positive/calming/soothing effect on the emotions · does not like to be left alone when you go out; and thus often an improvement in the health. The · continual barking/meowing or other noises end result is a range of 38 essences that covers the for no apparent reason (not health related); whole range of emotions. · looking 'sad' and dejected, staying away on their own in corners; “So long as our soul and personality is in harmony all · over enthusiastic, like they have been is joy and peace, happiness and health” Dr. Edward drinking excess caffeine stimulated; Bach (1886 – 1936) · wide eyed, in shock; · lethargic, lacking normal energy You may have come across Rescue Remedy, often cited as 'that amazing small bottle' used as a first aid What can we give our companions to help regain their measure at times of emergency and stress. That 'positive' balance? 'calmed me when I was in labor, when I was anxious before my medical test/dentist, after the accident I I prefer to use natural, healthful products as far as was in such a panic, my mind in a whirl until I took possible, for myself and my companions. To help those few miracle drops and I felt myself again'. 4
  • 5. Pet Bach - By Linzi Martin April 2012 I have observed how well our pets respond to the Two days later an exuberant Christine reported a Bach remedies, so I'm enthusiastic for people to be remarkable change in Amber's well-being and also in introduced to and use these inexpensive and safe first her own feelings about the situation. Amber was now aids for themselves. Each remedy aids a specific asking to go out regularly and she had been emotional state. You can take them individually or completely clean indoors. She also seemed to have mix them together to match the way you feel. And you regained much of her zest for life. Christine felt much may even find that your companion 'asks' for their more optimistic about Amber's condition and bottle of remedies when they need them, reflecting confident that she had not yet reached the situation the miracle of their sensitivity. where euthanasia needed to be considered. Many months later Amber was still enjoying life to the full Here is a story that brings a tear to the eyes when you and giving pleasure to her owners. consider what might have been the outcome. How different this story might have been if Amber A story about how the Bach flower remedies help had not been given flower remedies. At worst she restore Amber's zest for life might have been put to sleep prematurely, if only to prevent further distress and inconvenience to her Christine was very concerned about Amber, her 13 owner. She might have been given various drugs in an year old Labrador, a much loved family pet, who until attempt to control her incontinence; drugs with recently had seemed well in herself and still able to potentially undesirable side effects. In either event, enjoy life, despite a degree of deafness and loss of the financial and emotional cost to her owner would sight. Having always been have been considerable. very clean indoors, she now seemed reluctant to leave Source: Taken from Bach the house to relieve herself Flower Remedies for but became so excited when Animals by Helen Graham & family members or visitors Gregory Vlamis entered the house that she lost control of her bladder A happy ending for this cow and became distressed story! Cow Calving and an afterwards. Christine was orphan by using the magic anxious in case these might drops be indications that Amber's health was beginning to fail, A farmer had a cow that had but more worried that if she lost her calf and also a calf consulted her vet he would that had lost its mother. The recommend that Amber be put to sleep simply farmer tried all the usual farming tricks to put the because of her age and disabilities. cow and orphaned calf together but the cow kept kicking the calf away and the calf was becoming Christine found herself facing the same dilemma as frightened. many caring animal owners. How could she strike the proper balance between giving her pet every Bach remedies for the cow's water: Beech, Red opportunity to enjoy life to the full and prevent its Chestnut, Walnut, Gentian and Star of Bethlehem suffering unnecessarily? Christine decided to try [General key words for these remedies: intolerance, flower remedies and asked Helen Graham's advice. over protectiveness of others, adjustment to changed circumstances, shock]. Helen recommended a combination of flower For the calves water: Larch, Star of Bethlehem, remedies for Amber: Gentian, Aspen and Walnut [general key words for Aspen for her reluctance to go out of the house, a fear these remedies: confidence, shock, easily of unknown being. despondent, worries, unknown fears, adjustment to Larch to promote her confidence. changed circumstances]. Crab Apple to restore her dignity. Christine was also advised to take Elm herself to help Within three hours the pair was together and the calf her deal with the situation and Cerato to help her was happily suckling. The village now talks about the trust her own judgment regarding Amber's 'magic drops' and the farmer is going to use the condition. remedies again when cows and calves are separated 5
  • 6. Pet Bach - By Linzi Martin April 2012 in the normal way. application: put 2 drops of each stock remedy into a Source: Sheila Elmer, Bach Foundation practitioner, 30ml glass bottle with pipette. Top up with pure UK spring water. Use 4 drops from this diluted mixed bottle into the drinking bowl. Some examples to illustrate when a specific remedy might be considered: The above dosage can either be put into a drinking bowl administered minimum 4 x daily, or given Fireworks or fear of loud noises: Suggested remedies: directly above the tongue or on a small snack. It is not Mimulus – for fear of know things or situations. harmful if another animal drinks the water, the Rock Rose – feelings of terror. remedies will not affect those that do not require Star of Bethlehem – for really loud bangs, trauma, them. Nor can you overdose on the remedies. shock. Rescue Remedy – general help-all in stressful Note (disclaimer): This is not an exhaustive list and moments (note: RR this is the only combination very much depends on the individual animal's remedy that Dr. Bach originally devised). behavior, situation and health. I would also advise to Larch - to restore confidence so can deal with the seek the advice of a qualified veterinary practitioner change in circumstances. and not take the Bach remedies in lieu of other medicines. Other situations where Bach remedies may be helpful: I hope that this article will inspire you to seek out the Bach flower remedies and use them to restore their Your dog/cat suffers from travel sickness – emotional-mental balance. These essences will not Scleranthus. change the inherent temperament of a particular Your bird becomes withdrawn or shy whenever a new breed or animal. person enters your home – Mimulus. Suffered shock, distress, perhaps at the hands of a Linzi Martin is a Bach Foundation Registered previous owner - Star of Bethlehem. Practitioner, a writer, educator, presenter and Lacks self-confidence, would rather avoid holistic therapist. Linzi is available for paid challenging situations such as competitions, or a commissions for articles and contributions to puppy is submissive to an excessive degree – Larch. publications as well as Bach remedy consultations via A remedy that will help feelings of contamination Skype and email (Skype: Sedona89, associated with parasites or infected wounds – Crab She regularly writes Apple. for Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine Cat has become very aloof and will not mix with the family - Water Violet. Your old dog has not enjoyed moving house or has Resources: trouble adjusting to new changes within its life that The Bach Centre, in the UK was the actual home of is, pregnancy, and another animal into the property – Dr. Edward Bach, is now the administrative center Walnut. Nelson's Your pet follows you about all the time and gets under worldwide manufacturer your feet – Chicory. North America Your companion is too full of energy, over excited and us/us/ highly strung – Vervain. Linzi Martin, Writer, Presenter, Educator A pet dies and the owner continues to constantly How to live a simpler life recall 'how it used to be', only living in the past of Business and Personal clients memories and not allowing to grieve now – Facebook group: Clutter Clear 'n Organize Honeysuckle, allows the owner to grieve but also to move onward. Both owner and family and other pets Twitter be a follower may also benefit from Star of Bethlehem to help the Feelgoodzone grieving process. LinkedIn connect Linzi Martin Dosage: YouTube channel: 2 drops from each stock remedy bottle (4 drops for Rescue Remedy) into the drinking bowl. Alternatively make up a spray bottle with this dilution. Or, for longer term treatment and practical 6
  • 7. Meditation and the Sub-Conscious Mind - By Dr. Amit Nagpal April 2012 Meditation and the Sub-Conscious Mind Why do most of the people start meditating to reduce Branding' by Dr. Hubert Rampersad which talked of stress rather than find joy? Does meditation have any Theta waves and creative inspiration during benefits except stress management? Should we not meditation. It made me even more inquisitive. Then meditate as a proactive measure to find joy and I came across several articles and images via Google connect with our inner selves? Is there a scientific which explained the types of brain waves and how reason why people get inspirations and creative ideas Theta waves impacted the mind during meditation. during deep meditation? Has meditation got some Though there were slight differences here and there, relationship with the sub-conscious mind? These but there was a broad agreement. were some of the questions troubling me few years back and I began to search for answers. The answers came from inside and outside. Inside means the inner voice which told me how I was getting transformed through meditation aided by shift in mindset. Outside means the scientific research which was validating my conclusions and experiences. I started with the crudest form of meditation which is chanting. For two years the benefits were so inconspicuous and invisible that I hardly noticed the transformations. It was only after regular practice of chanting for one hour every day (along with clearing of negative energy and thoughts) for six months that my life was turned downside up and I became an advocate of meditation. Meditation had changed my life in every way possible. Why was my lost creativity suddenly coming back or (Image Source: rather overflowing? Why were suddenly all the right people and circumstances coming in my life? I had Andrew Newberg, Director of the University of too scientific a bent of mind and was now becoming Pennsylvania's Center for Spirituality and the Mind, balanced with faith in a higher power (or a supreme also talks of the mind-body connection in the movie consciousness which was manifesting itself through 'What the Bleep Do We Know.' Studies at the center all living beings). I began researching on the sub- also looked at the brains of Tibetan Buddhists in conscious mind. I read 'The Secret' and found meditation and Franciscan nuns in prayer. Both amazing similarities in it with Swami Sivananda's groups showed decreased activity in the parts of the literature on the mind. Why did Buddha say, “The brain (which deals with sense of self and spatial mind which sees the limitation is the limitation”? orientation, which also suggests the description of There was something beyond the ordinary mind; call oneness with Supreme Consciousness sometimes it sub-conscious, unconscious or the soul. experienced in meditation or prayer. Spirituality and mind which seemed to be unrelated Prayer and meditation also increase levels of topics suddenly seemed to have a close connection. dopamine, often referred to as the brain's pleasure When I came to know of Centre for Spirituality and hormone. During meditation the conscious mind Mind at University of Pennsylvania School of gets silent. As a result, we are able to hear the sub- Medicine, it jolted me further. How could I ignore conscious mind or we can say that the sub-conscious such a simple thing that meditation calmed the mind gets activated. and since meditation is a spiritual tool, spirituality Then begins the sweet journey of creativity, joy, had a close connection with the mind. I met diverse wisdom, intuition, awareness and in fact a point of people from spiritual scientists to believers and many ecstasy and oneness, where none of these matter. of them pointed out to interesting facts. Why did ancient church fund all the scientific research and Dr. Amit Nagpal discoveries? When did science and spirituality/religion diverge and became symbols of logic and faith or two opposing forces? I was reading a book called 'Authentic Personal 7
  • 8. Cinema Hall April 2012 A journey into women's spirituality- review of documentary Meetings with Remarkable Women The documentary Meetings with Remarkable Women is spiritual path, whether male or female. Women viewers an inspiring film by up and coming director/producer will find inspiration and strength they never encountered Shawn Nevins, who previously directed the spiritually- before, and energy to continue on a path that other women themed documentary Closer than Close. treaded before them. The men who watch this film will Filmed in 2010 and 2011, Meetings with Remarkable find an emotional honesty and gentleness of spirit that Women explores the spiritual paths of five women from may be sorely needed on their own spiritual path. varied backgrounds: Meetings with Remarkable Women touched me as a · Linda — an Australian spiritual teacher whose viewer on several emotional levels: I found myself discipline of meditation led to a profound spiritual swinging from compassion and sadness to awe and realization. fearlessness, as the women exposed their souls to the · Anima — whose childhood in India steeped her in camera. The texture and depth of the documentary is spiritual traditions, but it took a journey to America before woven by the women's recounting of their lives and trials she realized her true desire was to find enlightenment. illustrated by snapshots from their past and clips of the · Jem — who lived the roles of wife, mother, places they came from. Director Shawn Nevins interlaces engineer, musician, and writer the women's stories with clips of before discovering Reiki and A poetry and meditative musical Course in Miracles; paths that scores, and he does so with the eventually led her to a spiritual gentle grace of a Celtic monk awakening. illustrating an illuminating · Heather — from manuscript. In his effort to Christian to Atheist, Buddhist convey the women's to free-form seeker of self- determination, vulnerability and knowledge wrestling with openness on their path, he offers meditation, self-inquiry, and the viewer more than a revealing prayer. encounter, but a genuine work of · Deborah — who, after art. the tragic loss of her husband, At the end of the documentary I launched a years-long spiritual was left feeling not only path through ancient Buddhist emotionally inspired, but also texts and the practice of Yoga feeling calm and renewed, as if I that culminated in the discovery of a deep and lasting inner had just participated in a meditation session myself. The peace. quality of silence, which is evoked by 'blank screen breaks' Each of these women tells of her life and how she came to in-between the different story chapters, reflects a seeker's be on a spiritual path, and what experiences brought her moments of silence upon the spiritual path, as well as closer to the truth of her existence. What is truly giving us as viewers a break to contemplate what we have 'remarkable' about these women is their willingness to just seen. practically experiment with different spiritual systems in This documentary is especially relevant to me, as young order to find something that works for them. From woman about to turn 30, still searching for the meaning of meditation to poetry and writing, from yoga and music to my life; embittered and hardened yet made vulnerable and self-inquiry, their methods are as varied as their broken open by personal trials and sorrows, I am more personalities, and they inspire the viewer with their thirst determined than ever to find 'the truth' on my spiritual for truth. path. At times I waiver, at times I give up. At times I shut The most engaging aspect of the documentary is the down and never want to deal with the world again. But women's honesty in their personal search, and their sense always, always I return, and persist on my path to find of experimenting with different techniques in order to whatever it is that will make me 'complete.' Some of the approach an abstract concept such as 'enlightenment.' remarkable women in this documentary have found it, and How does one 'search' for an abstract concept with one's as such, they are invaluable resources and teachers to me. feelings? How does one send one's tentacles through the They are, like the stars in the sky, distant and yet ever darkness, searching as if blind for something that is giving in their inspiration to those who follow them with unseen? These questions are hard if not impossible for anxious hopefulness from the darkness of the earth. anyone to answer, yet the women in this documentary Meetings with Remarkable Woman are available at have managed to answer them for themselves. or visit Poetry in Motion The flow of the documentary takes on a meditative feel as Films on Facebook. the stories of each protagonist are connected by clips of a Also a short trailer of the movie is available at: young woman reading poetry that reflects her spiritual longings and existential frustration. The feeling of honesty and sharing is pervasive through the entire film, By Corina Bardasuc and is an invaluable tool to anyone sincerely interested in a 8
  • 9. Curses Spells and More - By Sheila Kennedy April 2012 Curses Spells and More Some weeks ago I replied to a comment on web well to the fore. You can however have the 'spells' posted by another metaphysical practitioner. cast for you, for a fee of course, and again the spells and fees are many and varied. 'I have come across quite a few clients with spells or curses on them. I would be interested to hear how 'Important - Please Read! others remove these. Is there a safe easy way to do it?' Casting a spell or creating a good luck piece is more of an art than science, and even the most gifted As a practitioner with considerable expertise in psychic will not be successful each time. Anyone this field I replied to the comment. The responses who tells you otherwise is not being honest. This is themselves have been many and varied: from why the California Astrology Association offers a 'there is no such thing as a spell or a curse, and any one-year unconditional guarantee: If you're not one telling you that you have been cursed etc., is completely satisfied, we'll refund your money. misleading you', through to the “I use sage/ Period! No questions asked.' incense, spirit guides, guardian angels, glyphs, incantations, magical ceremonies' and the like. So once you have the 'spell' in place, just what can you expect? It is my belief that this is too big of a subject to cover in a short article and I am going to create a series of Depending on what the spell was cast for, how it articles based on the different areas of the subject. was cast, by who, and the recipient of the intention The articles will include Spells and Curses, Voodoo behind the spell the results can be many and and Black Magic, Energetic Enslavement which varied. Often little harm will be done and the covers, vows, contracts, bindings, shackles effects may not take or wear off within a short enforceable obligation and agreements. period of time. In other instances assistance may Possession which may be seen as demonic and or be sought to identify and remove the spell should it entity possession, the evil eye and amulets, and present as being an issue or a problem. Initiations Rituals and Assimilations all of which may 'bind' some one into a contract, agreement or There are many people who profess to have the the like from which there is difficulty releasing ability to remove such spells and incantations; I oneself or being released. would however always recommend doing your research or homework and finding a suitable Spells qualified practitioner as some issues are more difficult to deal with than others. A spell is a paranormal or magical formula, and may take the form of a spoken or written Curses pronouncement intended to bring about a specific effect. The age old version of old crones mumbling Curses have been spoken of for many thousands of over a fire as they stirred their cauldron, years: there are many ancient references to curses accompanied by a 'familiar', often a black cat seems mentioned in old books across cultures. to have gone by the wayside 'A curse (also called execration) is any expressed Spells come under a number of headings or wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will categories and are offered on places such as the befall or attach to some other entity, one or more internet and in magazines under Black magic or persons, a place, or an object. In particular, 'curse' Magick and White Magic spells: They cover the may refer to a wish that harm or hurt will be areas of health both, for and against, wealth, love, inflicted by any supernatural powers, such as a beauty enchantment and binding to name just a spell, a prayer, an imprecation, an execration, few. One site offers more than 6000 magical spells. magic, witchcraft, God, a natural force, or a spirit. Many 'New Age' shops offer prettily packaged In many belief systems, the curse itself (or 'Spell Kits' for those who wish to 'do it for accompanying ritual) is considered to have some themselves', and moon rituals and candles are also causative force in the result' 9
  • 10. Curses Spells and More - By Sheila Kennedy April 2012 Some well-known curses include the Bjorketorp Teleport Me Runestone in Blekinge Sweden, dating back to the 6th century AD. It speaks of being plagued by: maleficence, doomed to insidious death, and a Teleport me – dimensionally prophecy of destruction. The Hope Diamond dates Ascend me to domains above! back to 1642 and is famous for bringing misfortune to its owner who allegedly stole the diamond from Release the barrier of being the statue of the Hindu goddess Sita. earth bound Tutankhamen's tomb is credited with the deaths of My talents are hampered by eleven people within a few years of it having been opened. Other curses go back to the European the confines of supernatural times of Vlad the Impaler, the son of Count Drac, conspiracy who later became Bram Stoker's prototype for Count Dracula. Teleport me - then transport me back In more modern times, curses may appear as being passed down a family line, both backwards and With knowledge to veer the forwards, and may be generational, ancestral, supernatural cracks! associated with a land, a place an object or a situation, race or creed. Provide me with power to Depending on the culture and type of curse how it change the status quo – needs to be dealt with and there are many people power to defeat the forces of who profess to have the ability to remove such things as curses, I would however, always the foe recommend doing your research or homework and Teleport me – dimensionally find a suitable qualified practitioner as some issues are more difficult to deal with than others. Curses Let me return with the key may also be 'booby trapped' and can back fire on Let the key unlock the sea of the person removing them. darkness that abounds Rev Sheila Kennedy B.Msc Let it disperse light all around The result is - the profound! The dimensions above descend below Resources include: Conspiracy no longer hinders Finally we are free! /htm Betty Alark 10
  • 11. The Nature of Desire - By Myra Godfrey April 2012 The Nature of Desire There is an old saying, “be careful what you wish structure, turning it into a seed of desire. This for because you might get it!” When looking at very tangible seed then needs to be dealt with this from a spiritual perspective, it can be when growing spiritually. When a seed of desire changed to say “be careful what you wish for, is created, it most often times gets stored in the because you will get it!” Whether in this lifetime subconscious mind and forgotten. The other or in a future one, all desires have to come to option is to work with the desire consciously to fruition, or be completely destroyed by the inner manifest it, if it is a big enough desire. Third, fire. For a person who is consciously walking on desires can be burned away and destroyed in a a spiritual path (any path), this becomes even person's inner fire. Think of all the small, more true, for your desires can come to manifest passing desires a person has on a daily basis. If in this lifetime itself. these desires do not come to pass immediately, they become stored for future expression. Once When a person is growing spiritually, closer to stored, it's very difficult to consciously burn themselves and to their divine nature, it becomes these desires in the inner fire because you don't easier to let go of frivolous desires and move into even remember you have created them. dharma. But to move into dharma, the old desires have to go somewhere! Let me use an The spiritual process acts to de-clutter the example from my own life. In my late teens and subconscious mind by purifying it. During this early 20's when starting college, I found myself process, the stored desires (sometimes referred greatly respecting and admiring yoga teachers. to as karmas or samskaras) come up to be They seemed so balanced, calm and able to deal expressed. Some will be expressed through effectively with life and the world at large. This coming to pass and others will be burned in the created a seed of desire that got stored in the fire. Do you get to decide which come to pass and subconscious, long after this little fantasy was which get burned? Not really! Not unless you forgotten. Nearly 12 years later, I found myself can remember every single desire you have ever completing yoga teacher training and teaching had and consciously either bring it to fruition or my own yoga classes. By that point in my life, burn it in the fire. Everything left in the teaching yoga did not seem to be such a distant, subconscious will find its most appropriate unattainable thing. In fact what I had once put avenue of release, either through expression or on a pedestal (having a daily yoga practice and through being destroyed in the fire. helping others to use yoga for health and well- being) became a very basic part of my life that I What does this mean on a practical level? First, did not think of at all, and in no way glamorized everything you think about leaves an impression anymore. My desires and my aspirations had in the psyche. To understand this deeply shows shifted greatly in that 12 year time span; that one experientially the need to learn to silence the however did not change the fact that once upon a mind. A silent mind leads to a state of inner time, I had the deep attraction to and desire to be peace, because new desires are not being a yoga teacher. created, or needing to be expressed or burnt. The process alone of silencing the mind is an The point in this is the importance of effective tool to burn away many stored desires. understanding the power of thought combined When a person is able to reach a deep enough with emotion; this creates desires. Thought is state of meditation, this silence starts to very powerful; it's merely projection through the penetrate deeply into the subconscious, lens of the mind. What we think is like a prayer destroying and writing over the previously made that we are asking to be fulfilled. When the impressions. emotions latch onto a thought, it no longer becomes merely a projection; it adds a density to Second, it shows how we are the creators of our it which brings the thought from a projection lives and have free will to manifest those things into a form. The emotion gives it shape and we desire. Free will is an extremely powerful 11
  • 12. The Nature of Desire - By Myra Godfrey April 2012 thing. How could we not be a spark of God when About Myra: Myra Godfrey is a dynamic spiritual we have free will to be anything we want to be, figure who has dedicated her life to helping and are able to co-create our own destiny? It's mankind. She is the founder of both Gita for the absolutely amazing to think about! This Masses (a non-profit organization) and Hridaya naturally begets a deep responsibility; happiness Healing. Myra is a devotee of the Divine Mother lies within our grasp, if we are willing to learn and has received full diksha into the Tantric Sri enough about ourselves to move in its direction! Vidya lineage, as well as being an avid teacher of Third, this demonstrates the power of emotions the Bhagavad-Gita. She helps people to and feelings to cause attachment that keeps ones completely merge the spiritual and material perceptions veiled by the senses. It's the realms of existence, seeing the Divine emotional feeling combined with thought that consciousness present everywhere. creates a desire; without the emotional, www.hridaya- component, the desire would never be created. Without the thought component, desire would © 2012 Myra Godfrey. All rights never be created. Look and see how intricately reserved. everything is connected. This gives a very good entry for deep contemplation on the nature of desire and how to best curtail it in yourself. UNLOCK THE POWER WITHIN ME Since the nature of desire is expression, this can also give further insight into the power of the manipura chakra and to fire element. If the I call forth the powers within desires we have are in alignment with our me that lie dormant – awaken dharma, then moving further towards them is great. Not all desire is bad. Even the Bhagavad in me! Gita refers to this when Krishna says “I am that I call them forth from their desire that is not contrary to your dharma.” The key is in learning the nature of desire, what it is sleep, slumbering in dormancy and how to work with it effectively to move you – awaken in me! further towards your goals in life. When your desire is in alignment with your hearts deepest Actively kindled – I call them knowing, desire enables you to manifest your forth – awaken be active in me! reason for being alive. It's only when desire gets mixed up with trivial things in life that it causes a Slumber, no more – open that problem. sealed door By learning how to focus on the inner-Being, the Take your place among me divine Self that we all are at our core, desire will You are now free to reign naturally start to come into alignment with the desires of the heart. When a person is not tuning within me! in to the deepest part of the self, desires can run Actively come forth within me around and create life circumstances that do not benefit the Soul or its highest calling. Daily – Be! spiritual practice will help to train the mind and burn away old desires. Learn to tune into the love you carry deeply then nothing else will have the ability to sway you. Until then, desire is Betty Alark natural. Know yourself and you'll also know how to control your desire and work with your inner fire. 12
  • 13. We are what we think we are - By Mohit Soni April 2012 We are what we think we are The title reminds me of a story. Once a man you don't have but you will appreciate all that approached a sage with a question, 'How to be you have. happy?' The sage said, 'The best way to be happy is to be happy.' I'll give you a mantra. It's “Positive un- conditional regard”. It's a medicine. It works for Simple as that! Just be happy to be happy. It may everyone who takes it and also for the person sound a little silly but that is the way it is. who gives it. Treat everyone with unconditional Happiness is not something to be searched. It is regard. Don't expect in return. And you will something to be. suddenly notice that no one is indebted to you for providing happiness. It's only you who has been And how is it possible? sitting on the pile of it and restricted it by the We have to understand a simple fact that weight of the expectations. Get up and stand happiness or pleasure are not possible to attain aside. in this world. Who ever will go in search of it will only find that in turn he has only earned more A stone never gets sad. But also remember it grievances. It's paradoxical. But if we think more never gets happy either. You don't need to be about it, eventually we will understand that it is hard. actually right. A foolish person may always be sure of his idea. Once we achieve what we want to achieve, we will Because his intelligence falls too short to see the discover that there is still more to achieve and shortcomings of his idea! An intelligent person whatever achieved is too short to be qualified as may always be doubtful of his idea. Because he happiness. We will start again for the next goal. knows there are more alternatives available to And again we might end up with the same his idea. Both the people will suffer in the end. feeling. One who understands and accepts that The foolish because he will be overthrown by the happiness and sadness are only two states which opponents with better idea and intelligent exist aptly only in the psychological frame of because he may never present his idea in the first mind and vaguely defined in the opaque place because of the fear of others having better structure of reality, will certainly be happy with idea than him. It somewhat relates to our lives whatever he has attained till that time. also. Sometimes we foolishly chase a plan to be happy and end up discovering that it has failed. There is always more to 'a lot'. What qualifies as And sometimes we too intelligently leave a plan standard of happiness to us can be mere in-between, expecting it to fail only and then we reflection of our insatiable want. Mind the word discover that it was actually what we were 'insatiable'. How can we be happy with more if looking for! we are not happy with what we have right now, knowing the fact that it's more than what we Try to be intelligent enough to have a plan to be earlier had! We will keep on asking more after happy and foolish enough to be happy with it getting more. without putting conditions on consequences. So where to stop in this cycle? Here only. At this Stay simple. Stay sure. Stay happy. point only. Mohit Soni. Just stop and look around. You may find each Mob no.: +91 8130824151 and every thing you need with you that is needed Email id: to live happily. No need to search beyond this. Decide that you will greet everyone with a smile today. Decide that you will not think about what 13
  • 14. Understanding Profound Surrender - By Master Chrism April 2012 Understanding Profound Surrender This is crucial to the Kundalini awakening We surrender our life, our love, our body, our process. This will at times go against every awareness, and our future to the divine within societal taboo that we have been warned about that is also without. We open ourselves to and have come into agreement with not complete removal and re-organization of our experiencing or expressing in regards to thoughts and proclivities and understandings of allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and exposed life. We are no more who we have been and yet to. we are at the same time familiar to ourselves. We are not lost we are surrendered Even more so when it is a teacher or another and in that placement are we given the deep and human person that is giving one the instruction continuous transformation that reaches into our to surrender. distant past of this time line of life and even further into other forms of distant pasts and We are not used to these levels of trust. lifetimes. It isn't a common level of trust in our society and This is the sculpting of our soul in a 'conscious with good reason in my humble opinion. So real time' that is far removed from the often blind many have been abused in these areas and we are education and balance of karmic thought and correct to come into such an agreement with a deed. We open and surrender our mind into the strong degree of caution. infinite by surrendering its ego element of control. When Kundalini brings a teacher to an individual however this changes the dynamic as So we become seemingly helpless and exposed. it is no longer a flesh person that is giving the Yet within the arms of divinity we are safe within instruction for surrender but a divine source this exposure. For this to occur the deepest form which is doing so and in this circumstance I will of trust must be reached for and attained. A trust suggest that a person come into the surrender so powerful and those we give into so deeply and with full immersion to the teachings and the with such profound surrender that we become instructions that are being given. the naked child of innocence we were shortly after our birth. Even if it is from a human source. This is profound surrender and in this place do Kundalini will pick our teachers and our we dare to tread when Kundalini teachings. And no matter how strange or difficult calls to us in our transformation. or impossible they may seem to the ego we are advised to follow these teachings. The Divine Blessings all! knows you better than you know you and in that context we will need to surrender completely to Master Chrism the person or the teaching that is being given. This surrender is profound. It is profound in the depths of its reach into our soul and life and all of the people and dynamics that we are experiencing within this life. It is profound in its ability to transform us and open us into the consciousness of grace that propels our transformation. 14
  • 15. Kaleidoscope of Life - By Sushmita April 2012 Kaleidoscope of Life That is what life is! But that life is a through their writings, echoing their Kaleidoscope, can be realized only through experiences and the impact of the same. And sharing, as life is continuously sharing each has a unique expression, as each experience everything with us in the form of the varied is unique. An experience cannot be copied nor colors of nature, of beings, of situations, of can it be experienced by the other person nor can events and offers a Kaleidoscopic scope to one it be levied. It can only be shared and that it is, and all thus… through the expression in the written form. As one expresses, one shares! That is why life is many things to many, and again many things to one and the same For painters, life in its entirety, is a canvas and individual. The yet at the same time a palette. Life is its own Kaleidoscopic nature is the canvas and an array of infinite scope that life infinite colors and hues; the symbolizes infinite that life palette, at the same time, to is, wherein nothing is choose from and is chosen singular. It is the apparent differently by different singularity that cradles painters as also differently plurality inherently. It is by the same painter, but at a how life makes sense, as it is different moment. Life is the the essence of life. What color, it is the canvas and it is else could be the proof, the artist, with it being 'one' other than the mechanism with its all inhabitants that of creation, and existential form the life and through mechanism of the entire whom, and which, life creation? Infinite, yet the expresses itself. origin is 'One', for all of Creation. The origin itself is Photographers capture the plural, yet singular. Hence artist, the canvas, the palette whole of life is that its that life is. How else one plurality, that too infinite, would experience the forms the kaleidoscope of ecstasy, the riot of colors, the infinite dimension. kaleidoscope, that life expresses in, and as, nature How the Kaleidoscope is and offers to us? The colors, viewed? offered, by life are proffered to us by those who As to how we perceive life is dependent on our capture it through their lens and we are perception, which is dependent on the level of privileged to enjoy what our eyes could not, our consciousness. That is why life has a unique directly. They have their unique sense of angles meaning for each one of us. For Shakespeare it and each is affected by the hues of nature in was a stage; for scientists, life is a macro- unique ways. And since the observed is affected laboratory; for philosophers, quite alike by the observer, the 'shot' that comes off as the scientists, reason is of quintessence: is sought observation of a photographer, acts like 'shots' of and provided for all that happens. The reason, as feelings, differing as the photographer differs accessed by the philosopher becomes the and with our very own differing response to the philosophy. For psychologists each behavior has photographs. a reason rooted in, and routed to, the psyche. And whatever be the response, it is made For writers everything is beheld by, and in, possible by this sharing. We share as we know at words. Life is an expression (of self) for them, the core of our being that we are one, and, “That 15
  • 16. Kaleidoscope of Life - By Sushmita April 2012 which is 'mine' that of which I have had the first Therapy), wherein the energy component in that 'look' the first 'shot' is not only mine, but for all”, particular chakra is balanced, which had been is the sentience. One is just a part of the whole, affected, by use of the color of corresponding and plays a part, by sharing that part of life that energy. one has been privileged to experience. As we all come forward with our experiences we realize This color of life, treating lives with colors to heal the 'whole' that we are giving each other the utilizes the therapeutic properties of colors and scope to experience the 'wholesome' feeling of manifests further the infinite scope that life 'wholeness'. presents to us and all, for us to heal and be the healing for all. As life is, so it chooses to express as the kaleidoscope… Life and its Healing Colors This sharing is an arcane, yet primal desire of Life is for healing quite contrary to the common one and all as is that of life. Life is for self- beliefs. We are here, as the spiritual beings, on a expression. When choked, the suppression human journey to resolve our pending issues, as chokes the natural flow of life and its infinite we move through the eternity of life, with the colors, which then are under-developed. Soul's sole intention to realize itself and experience its perfection, which it has at the Colors that form a Kaleidoscope origin. Life's infinite shades include: colors resplendent And this healing is provided not only by colors in nature, colors in us (even we are different but even by the metaphorical colors the varied colors of creation), as various moods and expressions of life. When we are completely in feelings, which evokes responses of resonance, within and without, we experience a corresponding colors; and excludes nothing. light within enlightenment we call it. The color of Some colors we define as dark some as bright enlightenment is the color of harmony as we with respect to moods. For life each color is harmonize, so we resonate and healed we are. beautiful and through nature it simply shares, fully, all the beautiful colors. It is polychromatic, The Scope neither dichromatic nor monochromatic. It shares without keeping anything for self as for it, Life, as a Kaleidoscope provides us with infinite what it shares, is, with its own self as it considers colors to choose from and choose the experience itself to be one with us. of our choice thus. The physical kaleidoscope, with a given set of colors, changes the view and Colors and Healing experience, with a rotation and thus a change in the angle. Life too does that. And as in a life the And when considered from the view-scope of given set of colors is infinite, the experience too is energy, all colors are electromagnetic radiation, magnified as compared to the physical vibrations, vibrating at different frequencies, but kaleidoscope. As our perception (the angle of our all in the visible region. The VIBGYOR, the viewing) is, so is our experience. rainbow the spectrum of seven different colors are vibrations corresponding to different With colors infinite, Life's Kaleidoscope frequencies. In fact it is known that all seven provides infinite scope: of experience and colors are found in us, signified by the seven materializations. As we evolve and revolve, the chakras each chakra having its own significance Kaleidoscope remains the same, yet the scopes and function. A deficient functioning of any of modify and magnify and amplify. And the the chakras causes a disease in the body. It is this experience again is incomparable as is for the malfunctioning, when detected, with respect to individual, who sees through the physical the chakra, is treated with the aid of Color kaleidoscope. But the individual, as forms the Therapy (which in ancient times was referred to part of the whole through the individual as by Surya Kiran Chikitsa or Solar Rays experiences, goes on to build a collective 16
  • 17. Kaleidoscope of Life - By Sushmita April 2012 experience, as co-creation, of life each coming forward with one's unique expression out of the unique experience. MY PATH Experiencing Life as a Kaleidoscope This path is arid The only riot, that one expresses effusive with It shows the way praise, appreciation, gratitude, happiness and We move excitement, is the 'riot of colors'. And when the colors of life too are perceived and appreciated in Towards a destination the same manner, we enjoy the Kaleidoscope of We do not know life and utilize it, by fully living through it living it as colors in harmony with one another, within and without. These footprints are mine But the fact that life is a Kaleidoscope, and One of many Kaleidoscope of infinite potential too, is My footprint lost acknowledged only when one is able to Amongst the many experience one's own self one's reactions and responses all, as different, and as unique, as different colors of life. I leave this path That Kaleidoscope of life is a symbol, of To tread the woods – singularity in plurality, is realized time and again. And the harmony between these The path I made pluralities allows the infinite colors to be enjoyed, experienced and realized, as infinite Was mine alone potential materialized. No color is perceived as Misty eyed dark, but as an essential component of the Kaleidoscope without which the Kaleidoscope I thanked Him for the courage would be incomplete and the effect To pave my way compromised. But life is not for compromise To break away rather it is a promise of realizing all the colors that life symbolizes and through this realization; realizes the primary objective of life to self- In this lonely self made path realize, to heal self and be the color that heals all. I found my most elegant dreams In my eyes I saw many who fear Email: to be free The many whose elegant dreams Credit for Photo: Sumit Roy are but lost ( Walking on the well trodden path That I walked on first…. Dr. Abhijit Das 17
  • 18. Essentiality of Equanimity in Life - Rahul Zota April 2012 Essentiality of Equanimity in Life Jainism (not a religion but science) emphasizes auspicious Karma which gives sweet fruits great importance to the state of equanimity. In the whenever they arise. The cluster of karma particles state of equanimity, free from attachment and is known as 'Karma Vargan' in Jin terminology. aversion one eradicates high amount of Karma Now, if one is ignorant about this philosophy then particles bounded with the Soul. Usually one acts he/she reacts with either attachment or aversion at with attachment or aversion when one becomes the time of the emergence of previously acquired happy or unhappy. One becomes happy when Karma and thus binds even more Karma. Thus the things are going according to his/her desire and bondage extends and as a result the soul suffers one becomes unhappy when things are not going more in the never ending cycle of birth and rebirth. according to his/her desire. Now why things are not going according to someone's desire? To The Omniscient have explained; to react with understand this we need to go through the equanimity at the time of emergence of the Philosophy of Karma. previous Karma. The omniscient has explained not to act with attachment when good things are Every living being has a soul which has basic happening with us and aversion when bad things attributes like, Infinite Knowledge, Infinite are happening with us. In the state of perfect Perception, Infinite Bliss and Infinite Energy. equanimity one blocks the influx of fresh Karma There are two different types of energy working in and even eradicates previously acquired Karma. this Universe; sentient and non-sentient. Non- This process of eradicating old Karma (in the state sentient is explained in Physics and very well of equanimity) is so fast that one destroys much explained by the famous Einstein's Equivalence strong Karma in a few seconds that the other (who Principle. It is connected with Matter. On the other is ignorant and does austerities without practicing hand there exists another kind of energy which is equanimity) can destroy in millions of years! Sentient Energy. Sentient energy is the basic attribute of a soul. The soul is independent There is a beautiful story in Jain history which can substance in the cosmos which was never born and help to better understand this! which will never vanish. There are infinite souls in the Universe. The souls can be categorized into two In the times of the 22nd Tirthankar, Lord types; Liberated and Non-Liberated. The liberated Neminath and Shri Krishna there lived a great souls are those who are free from the cycle of birth monk named Dhandhan Muni. He was actually the and death. The Non-Liberated are in bondage of son of Shri Krishna but he left his kingdom after Karma and thus goes through the cycle of birth, hearing Lord Neminath's magnetic sermons. Since death and re-birth. However, from the Absolute the time of his renunciation he faced difficult Point of View (Nishchaya Naya) there is no problems. Jin monks and nuns do not cook their difference between the mundane and liberated food; do not get it prepared for them. They go to souls. They both possess the same qualities. different householders and receive a little food from each house. For monk Dhandhan Muni, it The mundane soul is clogged by the eight types of was the rise of Benefit Obstructing Karma (Laabh- Karma. The four are destructive and the rest are antray Karma). Such type of Karma obstructs non-destructive. The soul itself is the doer of its benefit whatever he/she gains. For Dhandhan own action (From the absolute point of view it's Muni, this Karma obstructed the gaining of food. pure but it does action because of misbelief or Wherever he went he would not get food from the Mithyatva). The action created through mind, householders. The householders would close their speech and body causes the Karma particles to doors whenever they would spot Dhandhan Muni stick to the soul's space points and thus the soul approaching their door. wanders in the cycle of birth and death and experiences suffering. There are two types of One day one of his colleagues asked Lord action; Inauspicious and Auspicious. Inauspicious Neminath, “Dear Lord, why such a great monk is action causes to accumulate inauspicious Karma having problem for receiving his food? Why does which gives bitter fruits whenever they arise. Same he always return without any food? Why the way, auspicious action causes to accumulate householders of this great town of Dwarka are not 18
  • 19. Essentiality of Equanimity in Life - Rahul Zota April 2012 offering food to this monk who is the son of great One day while walking in the street he met his King Vasudev (Lord Krishna)?” mundane father Shri Krishna. Krishna stepped down from the elephant and bowed before The Omniscient Lord replied, “Oh monk, this is Dhandhan Muni and inquired about his life as a the emergence of the Benefit Obstructing Karma monk. When Shri Krishna went back, the nearby that blocks benefits of the food for monk householder called Dhandhan Muni for alms. Dhandhan. Everything, either good or bad The householder put some laddus (Indian sweet) happens because of our good or bad deeds. There in the monk's bowl. Dhandhan Muni thought is a reason, nothing happens without any reason. this must be end of his Benefit Obstructing In one of his previous births, monk Dhandhan karma. So before eating and breaking his fast he was the minister of a King. His name was went to Lord Neminath to confirm whether his Parashar and he was ordered to keep an eye on Benefit Obstructing Karma had ceased. The Lord farming. There were many farmers and cattle's said, oh Dhandhan, your karma has not ceased working under him. yet, you received the food not because of your karma but because of Shri Krishna's karma. The Once, during noon all the farmers took a break householder thought you were a great monk that for their lunch. They all had worked hard and even the king like Shri Krishna bowed before thus all were hungry. The farmers were taking him! So he called you and offered you this food.” their meal and the bulls and cows were eating grass. At that time, Parashar stopped them from Upon hearing this fact from the Omniscient, eating and ordered them to plant seeds. The Dhandhan started to think, “How strong karma I farmers were hungry so they asked Parashar to bound by obstructing other's meal in my let them take their lunch first, but Parashar previous life!” Thus he decided to forsake the didn't even listen to them and ordered them to alms (laddus). At the time of forsaking he work for more hours. He said, “First you must performed strong equanimity. He didn't show plant more seeds in the farms, I will let you eat any hate towards the householders, instead he after the whole work is done.” found responsible himself behind this. Soon, at the time of forsaking laddus he entered Shukla All the farmers, bulls and cows were hungry, they Dhyan (Pure Meditation) and climbed the ladder were not interested to pursue their work at that of annihilation. In the second step of this time but they had to accept the order, there was meditation (Ekatva Vitark Savichar Shukla no other way. So they pursued their work Dhyan) he destroyed not only the Benefit without any interest. Thus by interrupting their Obstructing Karma but also destroyed all the meal, Parashar bounded Benefit Obstructing four destructing Karma attached to his soul. As Karma and that karma has now come into action all four karma shed away he became the in the present birth. Thus he is not getting any Omniscient, the all-knowing, all perceiving food from any householders.” Arihant. By listening to the Lord, monk Dhandhan This shows how one can destroy karma by realized the truth and vowed that he will accept practicing strong equanimity and can attain food only gained by his own effort. He will not liberation. If we accept the fact that we are accept food brought by other monks. Thus, since responsible behind our happiness and sorrow that time he would daily go to at the doors of the then we can attain the state of equanimity and householders of the town of Dwarka and would ultimately the state of ultimate bliss. return without any food. This lasted for six months. Monk Dhandhan had been observing fast since six months with ultimate equanimity. Rahul Zota He had realized his mistake and he was not showing any hatred toward the householders as he knew that he was responsible for all this. 19
  • 20. Book Corner April 2012 Remembering to Call forth Source Energy This passage is an excerpt from the last welcome Loving Divine Energy to pulse through chapter of Linda J. Ferguson's newly me at this very moment. Divine Love is present released book, "Staying Grounded in today, as always, and expands my awareness and Shifting Sand: Awakening Soul soul presence. I allow my true nature of Divine Consciousness for the New Millennium" Essence to be fully expressed. In the new era of understanding the Holy Oneness, I release any judgments, fears, or animosity to our spiritual practice includes remembering we are those who are here to awaken me. When I meet not separate from Divine Creation. We are the others who act in ways that I don't like, I affirm we hologram of Divine Essence. As soul beings we are all from the same Source. I ask for guidance and express Divine Essence naturally. It's only through support to re-connect with them as a thread of the social conditioning that many Holy Oneness. have forgotten. As you follow your awakened soul journey, it Mastery in the Aquarian Era becomes easier to remember you are that expression of Those who don't feel this Love Love. pulling them, those who don't drink dawn like a cloud of spring Draw upon Spirit and bathe in water or take in sunset like supper, the comfort of Love's grace those who don't want to change, let daily. Doing so gives you them sleep. ~Rumi strength and support to stay grounded in shifting sand. If you've felt inspired so far from Your tendency may be to run this book on this earth plane- for cover or shut down remember or re-commit to your emotionally during a crisis or journey as a soul being. You are when stressed. This only invited now to step fully into your blocks Source Energy from personal power and personal coming through you. Affirming mastery. You develop personal Divine Essence as your true mastery by expanding yourself nature raises your energy. emotionally, mentally, physically, Greater flow of Source Energy and spiritually. Mastery in the supports your movement Aquarian era involves the ability to understand through challenges. Your life conditions then shift your material, physical experiences and respond to more easefully to greater harmony, balance, and them energetically. Mastery involves peace. Remember you are Divine Essence as the remembering that the energy that flows through acorn knows it's a mighty oak tree. you is from Source. Personal mastery in the Aquarian era entails living as a pure expression of Source Energy is unlimited and accessible. It can Oneness with Source. neither be created nor destroyed. The key is in how you use it. Remind yourself in as many ways as As we are learning from cutting edge research necessary that you are a vessel for this Source within Quantum physics, neurophysiology and Energy. Remember as well to call on your spirit other areas of science, the old paradigms for guides, power animals, angels, or ancestors to understanding the world are challenged, and need support your journey. to be revised if not replaced. Studies in mind-body medicine have found that the physical body Here is an affirmation to use as a daily reminder of responds remarkably well to positive affirmations, your Divine Essence: visualizations, and healing energy. Studies of monks and others highly practiced in meditation I am a Divine Expression of pure Love. I allow and have found that their thoughts can affect distant 20
  • 21. Book Corner April 2012 computers, and the thoughts of others sitting in meditation. No longer are cause and effect Jiten Soni's thoughts happening in a linear fashion in time and space. If you want to learn more about these studies, read Lynne McTaggart's fascinating books, 'The Field Three things once ceased takes and The Intention Experiment'. No longer is this you to humanity, they are ones considered “new age mumbo-jumbo”, it is the current path for healing, communicating, and which are tough to be ceased but it working. It is time to learn, practice and master the definitely needs to be ceased, they skills necessary to connect with Source for healing and wholeness around the globe. are Negativity, Anger and Egoism. When you understand how to function as a spiritual being in a physical world, you not only Some situations though they are work through daily challenges more effectively, not in control, you need to have but you help shift the energy for others around you. This paradigm shift is happening around the globe. faith and courage in you to bring it More synergy is created as each of us step more to control, you have to believe in fully into the truth and beauty of who we are as soul you and still if those situations are beings. Many have been draw to greater mastery of spiritual skills for the Aquarian era. out of control you have to say it to As you master your energy you become more yourself 'WHO I AM - MAKES A positively potent. You express your innate Divine DIFFERENCE'. Essence regularly with family, at work, with neighbors. Personal mastery involves the conscious awareness of being a Divine Expression. We started judging everyone by Regardless of how challenging the circumstances their mistakes than their actions, are, you know you are an infinite radiant being working with abundant flow. You have your feet that's the world of today, we do not firmly planted on the ground and your heart fully believe in what we say, than listen open to Oneness. to others. - Dr. Linda Ferguson is a seasoned facilitator and speaker. She provides spiritual life coaching, workshops, retreats, and webinars that support Be as you are and remain always people living intentionally, finding greater inner the same, that's when no one keep peace, and connecting to their Source of Wisdom as they navigate daily life stresses. seeing your perfection and they remain to be with you forever in to read her blog posts, see inspiring videos, and download helpful your life. handouts for your soul journey. Let Love Prevail- Facebook page. Linda's books are available in paperback and as e-books: 10th Anniversary Edition - "Path for Greatness: Work as Spiritual s/Jiten-Soni/168446966565745 Service" by Infinity Publishing, PA 21
  • 22. PORTUGAL - Compiled by Dhara Kothari April 2012 PORTUGAL Pioneers of Age of Discovery Portugal, officially the Portuguese Republic plateaus indented by river valleys, whereas the (Portuguese: República Portuguesa) is a country south, that includes the Algarve and the Alentejo situated in southwestern Europe on the Iberian regions, is characterized by rolling plains. Peninsula. Portugal is the westernmost country Portugal's highest peak is the similarly named of Europe, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean Mount Pico on the island of Pico in the Azores. to the West and South and by Spain to the North This ancient volcano, which measures 2,351 m and East. The Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores (7,713 ft.) is a highly iconic symbol of the Azores, and Madeira are part of Portugal. The country is while the Serra da Estrela on the mainland (the named after its second largest city, Porto, whose summit being 1,991 m (6,532 ft.) above sea level) Latin name was Portus Cale. is an important seasonal attraction for skiers and winter sports enthusiasts. The archipelagos of It has continuously been settled since prehistoric Madeira and the Azores are scattered within the times. Occupied by Celts Atlantic Ocean: the Azores integrated into the Roman straddling the Mid-Atlantic Republic and later settled Ridge on a tectonic triple by Germanic peoples. In the junction, and Madeira along 8th century most of the a range formed by in plate Iberian Peninsula was hotspot geology. conquered by Moorish Geologically, these islands invaders professing Islam, were formed by volcanic and which were later expelled by seismic events. the Knights Templar under the Order of Christ. During Portugal is defined as a the Christian Reconquista, Mediterranean climate, Portugal established itself Semi-arid climate or Steppe as an independent kingdom climate and is one of the from León in 1139, claiming warmest European to be the oldest European countries: the annual nation-state. In the 15th and average temperature in 16th centuries, as the result mainland Portugal varies of pioneering the Age of from 12 °C (53.6 °F) in the Discovery, Portugal mountainous interior north expanded western influence to over 18 °C (64.4 °F) in the and established a global south and on the Guadiana empire that included river basin. The Algarve, possessions in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and South separated from the Alentejo region by America, becoming the world's major economic, mountains reaching up to 900 meters in Pico da political and military global power. The Foia, has a climate similar to that of the southern Portuguese Empire was the first global empire in coastal areas of Spain. Snowfalls occur regularly history and also the longest lived of the in the interior North and Center of the country. European colonial empires, spanning almost In the south of the country snowfalls are rare but 600 years. Today, Portugal is one of the world's still occur in the highest elevations. Both the most globalized and peaceful nations. archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira have a subtropical climate, although variations Mainland Portugal is split by its main river, the between islands exist, making weather Tagus that flows from Spain and disgorges in predictions very difficult. Tagus Estuary, near Lisbon, before escaping into the Atlantic. The northern landscape is Owing to humans occupying the territory of mountainous towards the interior with several 22
  • 23. PORTUGAL - Compiled by Dhara Kothari April 2012 230 deputies elected for a four-year term. The government, whose head is the Prime Minister chooses a Council of Ministers that, comprises the Ministers and State Secretaries. The courts are organized into several levels; judicial, administrative, and fiscal branches. The Supreme Courts are institutions of last resort/appeal. A thirteen-member Constitutional Court oversees the constitutionality of the laws. Portugal operates a multi-party system of competitive legislatures/local administrative governments at the national, regional and local-levels. Portugal for thousands of years, little is left of the Portuguese universities have existed since 1290. original vegetation. Protected areas of Portugal The oldest Portuguese university was first include one national park, twelve natural parks, nine natural reserves, five natural monuments, and seven protected landscapes. These natural environments are shaped by diverse flora, and include widespread species of pine, the chestnut, the cork-oak, the holm oak, the Portuguese oak and eucalyptus. Portugal has been a democratic republic since the ratification of the Constitution of 1976, with Lisbon, the nation's largest city, as its capital. The constitution grants the division, or separation, of powers among legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The four main institutions as described in this constitution are the President of the Republic, the Parliament, the Government, headed by a Prime Minister, established in Lisbon before moving to Coimbra. and the courts. The President, who is elected to a Historically, within the scope of the Portuguese five-year term, has a supervisory non-executive Empire, the Portuguese founded in 1792 the role. The Parliament is a chamber composed of oldest engineering school of Latin America, as well as the oldest medical college of Asia (the Escola Médico-Cirúrgica de Goa) in 1842. The largest university in Portugal is the University of Porto. Total adult literacy rate is 99%. Portuguese primary school enrollments are close to 100%. Portuguese is the official language of Portugal. Portuguese is a Romance language that originated in what is now Galicia (Spain) and Northern Portugal, from the Galician- Portuguese language. It is derived from the Latin spoken by the Romanized Pre-Roman peoples of the Iberian Peninsula around 2000 years ago. Portugal has the right mix of nature, peaceful atmosphere and scenic locations that give one the privacy to meditate and self-contemplate. 23