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Your Soul Has a Clear Purpose: Life Lessons are for Spiritual Growth
By Anne Pryor, M.A., Lovitude Soul Painter
Newsletter 3: The views in these newsletters are from my own experiences and learnings and are focused on practical
insights and actional tips for creating meaning and purpose in work & life.
Over the past 15 years, I have been on a personal and spiritual development journey. During this past year, I've been
in Wisdom School. I have learned many fascinating tools, methods, and deep insights that I'd like to share with those
that are open. I wish I would have learned these insights much earlier in my life.
On my journey and in doing my ‘work’ I have experienced many unexplainable phenomena that you may or may not
resonate with, yet. Some concepts will be very new and seem unusual to you. If you are reading this you have been called
to do so. If you keep reading then you are on your path and desire to experience more.
Over the next few months, I will use this LinkedIn Newsletter to share my story - take what vibrates with your energy and
leave the rest. No need to judge, just be with the words. They may trigger experiences for you. Enjoy the journey.
Your Soul Has a Clear Purpose
I have come to know, understand, and experience that your soul’s purpose is clear and preplanned. Once you become
clear and step into this purpose there is no turning back. That’s what is happening to me.
What is a Soul?
A soul is defined as a part of humans that is immaterial, immortal, separable from the body at death, capable of moral
judgment, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state. I call a soul essence. Essence can be described as
spirit. You ‘hear, know, or feel’ your essence through your intuition or your heart. In the last newsletter, I shared how I
discern essence from ego. Mine speaks to me on the right side of my head.
I believe that we are souls inside of a human body.
This body that we’ve chosen is our container for us to use while on earth in this lifetime. We use it to embody
experiences; to feel, hear, see, smell, taste, sense, which then turns into knowing, then wisdom.
You can never unlearn and experience that you’ve felt in your body – and that’s what we’re here to do – learn and
share all of our wisdom before we go.
Real Life - My Experience with Seeing Souls
I have seen two souls leave human bodies as they are transitioning. At the bedside of my grandma Lucy, in 1980, I helped
her transition. I was a sophomore in college and had no experience with the soul. Alone in her hospital room with her,
my folks had just left the room, she took her last breath. I was kissing her cheek, telling her how much I loved her and
how much I learned from her. That she was a very good grandma and that it was her time. She was now free to go.
As I did this, I saw a very white, cloud-like substance rise from the top of her head, hover slowly, zoom to the ceiling of
the room and evaporate. I felt very loving energy as I kissed my grandma goodbye. I felt a tremendous sense of peace for
her and for me.
The second experience was at the bedside of my dear Aunt Carol. She had a blood clot after a ‘simple hernia surgery’ in a
hospital in Salt Lake City. As the doctor removed her breathing tube a group of family and friends circled her bed and
prayed. As she took her last breath, I saw the same very white, cloud-like substance arise from the top of her head,
hover, almost as to look back at those of us in the room and say goodbye, and then fly out an open window.
I had the feeling, this time like I wanted to go with her. I felt a sense of floating. As the group moved into the family room
in the hospital, I could not feel my feet on the ground.
Neither of these experiences scared me. I never felt afraid. I was curious but not confused. I understood that their souls
had now transitioned to a new place. I felt like they would still be with and around me.
Have you ever had an experience like this? What was it like for you?
Do We All Have a Soul?
Yes, we do. It doesn’t matter what religion, faith, belief you have we all have a soul. I am a practicing Catholic and I
would say that I am more spiritual than religious. I’ve honestly never read the Bible from cover to cover and I’m not very
good with theology.
Science has measured the weight of the soul. In 1907 a Massachusetts doctor named Duncan MacDougall devised
experiments that he expected would actually measure the soul.
Using six terminally ill patients on a specially-constructed scale bed, he measured their weight before, during, and after
death. His results were mixed, but he concluded that there was indeed a very slight loss of weight, 21 grams on average.
Scientists have been studying ‘near-death experiences’ NDEs for many years. I belong to and have presented with Risë
Kasmirski. author of "When Paradise Speaks", at the International Association of Near-Death Studies IANDS, on
“Exploring Spiritual Connection to Access Creativity, Healing, and Transformation.”
IANDS provides reliable information to caregivers, experiencers, and the public by publication of the magazine Vital
Signs; working with media around the world, sponsoring periodic North American conferences, continuing education
programs, offering a speaker's bureau of highly accomplished scientists, doctors and experiences, and producing a wide
variety of educational materials.
According to IANDS, surveys (conducted in the USA, Australia, and Germany) suggest that 4 to 15% of
the population have had NDEs.
Have you or someone you know had an NDE? What was the experience? How did it change them/you?
Your Soul Has a Purpose
According to Ainslie MacLeod, a renowned Past Life Psychic and Regressionist, before you were even born, your soul
chose your purpose, personality, traits, and behaviors from several of the 10 soul types. This may be hard to grasp if
you’re not familiar with past life regression, or even believe that our soul lives on and we come back in other human
bodies. I understand if this seems odd. It did to me until I experienced the process and have seen many of my past lives.
If you want to learn more visit Ainslie’s website.
You can uncover your unique soul type by taking the quiz on his website. Oprah has interviewed Ainslie and you can
view the interview on her Soul Sunday program.
Real Life – My Soul’s Purpose
I have come to know my soul’s purpose - I’m a spiritual teacher, inspirer, and creator here to help souls awaken and heal
through color energy.
I’ve always facilitated meaningful connections through LinkedIn and in person, and now I do it through Lovitude Soul
Paintings, where I paint by blowing through a straw, energy from souls who have passed (after death communications,
ADC) into my art.
These paintings have been called ‘visual blessings’ and have helped hundreds of people replace their pain and grief with
love, inspire them to recall their life purpose, and reconnect with their soul groups.
I have many stories and testimonials from participants of our workshops and speaking engagements that have shared
their transformations. You can learn more about this in the next newsletters. You may also attend a workshop series
with Risë and me The Shift Network in our 7-part series beginning April 12, 2022.
A soul group is a team of souls who have a specific, unified purpose and service and who are connected in
a group endeavor by an inner resonance and understanding. I know the many people in my soul group and I'm attracted
to these people. They're the people that seem to 'know' you. You feel like you've met them before.
There are many ‘Mediums’ who can communicate with souls who have crossed over. James Van Praagh is renowned for
his abilities. He has written many books and shared his experience when he ‘communicated’ with Lucille Ball she said
that her mission in this past life was to help people heal with laughter. Sometimes it’s just that simple.
Click below to watch I Love Lucy Video on YouTube - 'Helping Souls Heal Though Humor'
Or a good place to learn about past lives is by reading “Many Lives Many Master’s” by Dr. Brian Weiss. As a traditional
psychotherapist, Dr. Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that
seemed to hold the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. His skepticism was eroded, however, when she
began to channel messages from the space between lives, which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Weiss'
family and his dead son.
Using past-life therapy, he was able to cure the patient and embark on a new, more meaningful phase of his own career.
This book is one of the breakthrough texts in alternative psychotherapy.
Have you ever felt connected on a deep level with someone and had a feeling that you’ve known them forever? They may
be a part of your soul group.
What do you think your soul’s purpose is? Does it ring true to you?
Your Soul Teaches Lessons with Every Experience
I have come to know that every experience, person I meet, failure I have, negative colleague I experience, broken bone,
fight with a friend, accident, etc. has a lesson to help my soul grow and learn. I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe in
‘tests’, or check-ins to help me on my path. I’ve learned that everything is a lesson and that I must be aware and allow the
lessons, not to judge them, get mad, take it out on others, or be negative and complain about the situation. Many lessons
are testing my ego and my trust in myself.
Here are ways that you may have experienced messages from your soul, according to John Holland, a renowned
1. Dreams
2. Intuition
3. Synchronistic events
4. Wakeup calls
When these ‘lessons’ happen, thank your soul for the lesson. Ask your soul the meaning of the lesson and if there is
anything else that needs to be learned, cleared, understood or completed.
Real-Life - Soul Lesson in My Dream that Cleared Past Life Trama
I had similar dreams 2 nights in a row where I felt as though someone was trying to smother me. Both nights I awoke to
feel that this was more than a dream. I tried to scream but I was paralyzed with fright. I’ve had similar dreams many
times over the past 40 years.
This second night’s dream was different, however. Instead of me shaking in fright, I turned to the energy and I asked it
who it was, to show yourself, and tell me what it wanted me to know. I consciously let the energy know that I was not
afraid, I was grounded and in control, and that I wanted it to leave, go to the light, and never return. And that’s just what
happened. This was the first time that I had the courage to be strong, bold, and to confront the energy in the dream.
I have come to learn that this was a lesson - that my soul was ‘checking in’ on me to see if my soul energy was strong
enough to stand up to the unwanted energy. To consciously face it. To love me enough to trust myself. And I did!
I learned that I have had many past lifetimes of frightening dreams. This time my karma has been cleared from this
lesson. Karma is a Buddhist term meaning for every cause there is an effect. It is a very powerful law. This means that
for every action there is a reaction. Be aware of how you speak and act with your employees, spouse, kids, and pets.
Keep the most positive thoughts and energy. This law is like a mirror. You reap what you sow.
What to Do After the Lesson
· Thank your soul for the lesson.
· Watch the new paths that open for you.
· Notice a higher level of consciousness.
· Notice that you feel more centered and grounded.
· Feel a heightened sense of awareness, and experience knowingness.
· Speak from a place of intuition or wisdom.
· Feel more loving and desire to be more positive.
· Give more compliments to people.
· Provide more reassurance to others.
You may be called to do more ‘inner work.’
What patterns in your life are you experiencing? Do you see them as lessons? What are you going to do about them
Once you start the journey you will complete it. You must be open, then you’ll be confused, then you’ll become clear.
Thank you for walking with me on this journey where everything is a lesson.
In the next newsletters, I will be sharing insights, tips, and models that have helped me in the process to become clear,
which may help you. Take what resonates with you and leave what doesn't. Thank you for doing your work. If you liked
this newsletter please connect, subscribe, share, comment, or reach out to me at
Enjoy the lessons, they lead to wisdom,
P.S. Watch for our new 7-part series on The Shift Network on "Accessing Spiritual Messages for Creativity, Healing, and
Transformation", with Risë Severson Kasmirski and me starting Tuesdays April 12, through May 31, 2022 (cost is $297
for all 7 sessions, registration info coming early March).
Anne Pryor is the creator of Lovitude™ a Soul Painter, and a LinkedIn Expert. As a recognized top international
LinkedIn Authority, she motivates audiences to action during her presentation sharing best tips and techniques for
creating branded and search engine optimized LinkedIn profiles for thought leaders, sales, business professionals, and
job seekers to achieve their goals.
LinkedIn Keynote speaker presentations include the National Association of Black Journalists, Project Management
Institute, WBL, American Marketing Association, ACG, University of South Florida Black Students Association, Toyota
Sponsored NABJ Inaugural Leadership Forum, GenesysWorks, Officenters, and hundreds of corporate, community,
government events, and meetings.
As the creator of Lovitude and a Soul Painter, her paintings have been called 'visual blessings and are hanging in Mayo
Clinic, a Pulitzer Prize Winner's home, in galleries and licensed on products sold globally. She was a featured guest on
the Hallmark Channel Home & Family Show, a keynote speaker and faculty on The Shift Network, and presenter at the
International Association of Near-Death Studies (IANDS). She has presented at Mayo Clinic, Cargill, HGM CIO Forums,
for corporate events, and demonstrates both online and in-person meetings.
She also motivates audiences by sharing “How to Access and Trust Spiritual Messages for Creativity, Healing, and Real-
World Transformation”. She was inspired through after-death communications (ADC) with her friend to create vivid
images to elucidate, awaken, and activate souls using ink, her breath, and essential oils, on plastic. Anne was not an
artist before these messages, she now has 3,500 soul paintings. During her presentations, she paints live for audiences
and they are moved and in awe by the colorful and meaningful messages that she receives from the audience’s energy.
Lovitude images are available for licensing. Images grace products sold globally and proceeds go to charity.
When Paradise Speaks Book about Lovitude
Anne Pryor Lovitude Soul Painter on Hallmark Channel
Lovitude Products from Zazzle
Lovitude Products from VIDA
Book Video Trailer
Beyond the Veil Summit
Video The Edge Magazine
License Lovitude Images
Buy Lovitude Products at Zazzle
Buy Lovitude Products at Vida
Order Best Selling Story When Paradise Speaks by Rise Severson Kasmirski
Anne Pryor LinkedIn Profile
Anne Pryor Keynote Speakers Bio
Free Lovitude LinkedIn Backgrounds
The highlighted areas of the text are links to authors, videos, books, and resources. In addition, here is a list of resources
that I call upon to guide and advise me:
List of Books compiled by Bill Guggenheim, Anne Pryor and Rise Kasmirski
Echo Bodine, Global Author, Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Speaker
Wes Hamilton, Master Numerologist, Speaker
Lori Palm, Creator Core Passion, Purpose Coach
Gina Lake, Author, Channel for Jesus
Carol Lowell, Psychic, Medium, Spiritual Healer
Suzanne Giesemann, Evidential Medium, Master Teacher
Rise Severson Kasmirski, M.A., Mystic, Author, Teacher, Certified Coach, Speaker
Anne Pryor, M.A., Lovitude Soul Painting, Teacher, LinkedIn Expert, Speaker
Kelly and Steve Wagner, Publishers of The Edge Magazine
Carolyn Vinup, Gateways to Brilliance, Fung Shui Teacher, Sound Healer
Catherine Duncan, Integrative Spiritual Consultant
Carole Hyder, Fung Shui Master
Louise Griffith, Author, Psychologist, Keynote Speaker, Coach
Published by
Status is online
LinkedIn Expert, Sales Trainer, Speaker, Lovitude® Soul Painter, Personal Meaning™ Coach Create Meaningful Work & Life
Build LinkedIn Presence & Strategies to Look Great, Be Found & Get Known for Purposeful Work
Published • 13h
64 articles
Friends, enjoy my Meaningful Life and Work #3 Newsletter, on understanding your soul's clear purpose & life lessons for
spiritual growth, and meaningful life and work. The views are from my own experience. Take what resonates and leave the
rest. If you are reading this newsletter you are on your journey. Trust and enjoy. In Lovitude, Anne
hashtag#personalgrowth hashtag#personaldevelopement hashtag#spiritualgrowth hashtag#lovitude

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Your Soul Has a Clear Purpose: Life Lessons Are For Spiritual Growth by Anne Pryor, M.A.

  • 1. Your Soul Has a Clear Purpose: Life Lessons are for Spiritual Growth By Anne Pryor, M.A., Lovitude Soul Painter Newsletter 3: The views in these newsletters are from my own experiences and learnings and are focused on practical insights and actional tips for creating meaning and purpose in work & life. Over the past 15 years, I have been on a personal and spiritual development journey. During this past year, I've been in Wisdom School. I have learned many fascinating tools, methods, and deep insights that I'd like to share with those that are open. I wish I would have learned these insights much earlier in my life. On my journey and in doing my ‘work’ I have experienced many unexplainable phenomena that you may or may not resonate with, yet. Some concepts will be very new and seem unusual to you. If you are reading this you have been called to do so. If you keep reading then you are on your path and desire to experience more.
  • 2. Over the next few months, I will use this LinkedIn Newsletter to share my story - take what vibrates with your energy and leave the rest. No need to judge, just be with the words. They may trigger experiences for you. Enjoy the journey. Your Soul Has a Clear Purpose I have come to know, understand, and experience that your soul’s purpose is clear and preplanned. Once you become clear and step into this purpose there is no turning back. That’s what is happening to me. What is a Soul? A soul is defined as a part of humans that is immaterial, immortal, separable from the body at death, capable of moral judgment, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state. I call a soul essence. Essence can be described as spirit. You ‘hear, know, or feel’ your essence through your intuition or your heart. In the last newsletter, I shared how I discern essence from ego. Mine speaks to me on the right side of my head. I believe that we are souls inside of a human body. This body that we’ve chosen is our container for us to use while on earth in this lifetime. We use it to embody experiences; to feel, hear, see, smell, taste, sense, which then turns into knowing, then wisdom. You can never unlearn and experience that you’ve felt in your body – and that’s what we’re here to do – learn and share all of our wisdom before we go.
  • 3.
  • 4. Real Life - My Experience with Seeing Souls I have seen two souls leave human bodies as they are transitioning. At the bedside of my grandma Lucy, in 1980, I helped her transition. I was a sophomore in college and had no experience with the soul. Alone in her hospital room with her, my folks had just left the room, she took her last breath. I was kissing her cheek, telling her how much I loved her and how much I learned from her. That she was a very good grandma and that it was her time. She was now free to go. As I did this, I saw a very white, cloud-like substance rise from the top of her head, hover slowly, zoom to the ceiling of the room and evaporate. I felt very loving energy as I kissed my grandma goodbye. I felt a tremendous sense of peace for her and for me. The second experience was at the bedside of my dear Aunt Carol. She had a blood clot after a ‘simple hernia surgery’ in a hospital in Salt Lake City. As the doctor removed her breathing tube a group of family and friends circled her bed and prayed. As she took her last breath, I saw the same very white, cloud-like substance arise from the top of her head, hover, almost as to look back at those of us in the room and say goodbye, and then fly out an open window. I had the feeling, this time like I wanted to go with her. I felt a sense of floating. As the group moved into the family room in the hospital, I could not feel my feet on the ground. Neither of these experiences scared me. I never felt afraid. I was curious but not confused. I understood that their souls had now transitioned to a new place. I felt like they would still be with and around me. Question Have you ever had an experience like this? What was it like for you? Do We All Have a Soul? Yes, we do. It doesn’t matter what religion, faith, belief you have we all have a soul. I am a practicing Catholic and I would say that I am more spiritual than religious. I’ve honestly never read the Bible from cover to cover and I’m not very good with theology.
  • 5. Science has measured the weight of the soul. In 1907 a Massachusetts doctor named Duncan MacDougall devised experiments that he expected would actually measure the soul. Using six terminally ill patients on a specially-constructed scale bed, he measured their weight before, during, and after death. His results were mixed, but he concluded that there was indeed a very slight loss of weight, 21 grams on average.
  • 6. Scientists have been studying ‘near-death experiences’ NDEs for many years. I belong to and have presented with Risë Kasmirski. author of "When Paradise Speaks", at the International Association of Near-Death Studies IANDS, on “Exploring Spiritual Connection to Access Creativity, Healing, and Transformation.” IANDS provides reliable information to caregivers, experiencers, and the public by publication of the magazine Vital Signs; working with media around the world, sponsoring periodic North American conferences, continuing education programs, offering a speaker's bureau of highly accomplished scientists, doctors and experiences, and producing a wide variety of educational materials. According to IANDS, surveys (conducted in the USA, Australia, and Germany) suggest that 4 to 15% of the population have had NDEs.
  • 7.
  • 8. Question Have you or someone you know had an NDE? What was the experience? How did it change them/you? Your Soul Has a Purpose According to Ainslie MacLeod, a renowned Past Life Psychic and Regressionist, before you were even born, your soul chose your purpose, personality, traits, and behaviors from several of the 10 soul types. This may be hard to grasp if you’re not familiar with past life regression, or even believe that our soul lives on and we come back in other human bodies. I understand if this seems odd. It did to me until I experienced the process and have seen many of my past lives. If you want to learn more visit Ainslie’s website. You can uncover your unique soul type by taking the quiz on his website. Oprah has interviewed Ainslie and you can view the interview on her Soul Sunday program.
  • 9. Real Life – My Soul’s Purpose I have come to know my soul’s purpose - I’m a spiritual teacher, inspirer, and creator here to help souls awaken and heal through color energy. I’ve always facilitated meaningful connections through LinkedIn and in person, and now I do it through Lovitude Soul Paintings, where I paint by blowing through a straw, energy from souls who have passed (after death communications, ADC) into my art.
  • 10. These paintings have been called ‘visual blessings’ and have helped hundreds of people replace their pain and grief with love, inspire them to recall their life purpose, and reconnect with their soul groups. I have many stories and testimonials from participants of our workshops and speaking engagements that have shared their transformations. You can learn more about this in the next newsletters. You may also attend a workshop series with Risë and me The Shift Network in our 7-part series beginning April 12, 2022. A soul group is a team of souls who have a specific, unified purpose and service and who are connected in a group endeavor by an inner resonance and understanding. I know the many people in my soul group and I'm attracted to these people. They're the people that seem to 'know' you. You feel like you've met them before. There are many ‘Mediums’ who can communicate with souls who have crossed over. James Van Praagh is renowned for his abilities. He has written many books and shared his experience when he ‘communicated’ with Lucille Ball she said that her mission in this past life was to help people heal with laughter. Sometimes it’s just that simple.
  • 11. Click below to watch I Love Lucy Video on YouTube - 'Helping Souls Heal Though Humor' Or a good place to learn about past lives is by reading “Many Lives Many Master’s” by Dr. Brian Weiss. As a traditional psychotherapist, Dr. Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. His skepticism was eroded, however, when she began to channel messages from the space between lives, which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Weiss' family and his dead son. Using past-life therapy, he was able to cure the patient and embark on a new, more meaningful phase of his own career. This book is one of the breakthrough texts in alternative psychotherapy. Questions
  • 12. Have you ever felt connected on a deep level with someone and had a feeling that you’ve known them forever? They may be a part of your soul group. What do you think your soul’s purpose is? Does it ring true to you? Your Soul Teaches Lessons with Every Experience I have come to know that every experience, person I meet, failure I have, negative colleague I experience, broken bone, fight with a friend, accident, etc. has a lesson to help my soul grow and learn. I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe in ‘tests’, or check-ins to help me on my path. I’ve learned that everything is a lesson and that I must be aware and allow the lessons, not to judge them, get mad, take it out on others, or be negative and complain about the situation. Many lessons are testing my ego and my trust in myself. Here are ways that you may have experienced messages from your soul, according to John Holland, a renowned Medium: 1. Dreams 2. Intuition 3. Synchronistic events 4. Wakeup calls When these ‘lessons’ happen, thank your soul for the lesson. Ask your soul the meaning of the lesson and if there is anything else that needs to be learned, cleared, understood or completed. Real-Life - Soul Lesson in My Dream that Cleared Past Life Trama I had similar dreams 2 nights in a row where I felt as though someone was trying to smother me. Both nights I awoke to feel that this was more than a dream. I tried to scream but I was paralyzed with fright. I’ve had similar dreams many times over the past 40 years.
  • 13. This second night’s dream was different, however. Instead of me shaking in fright, I turned to the energy and I asked it who it was, to show yourself, and tell me what it wanted me to know. I consciously let the energy know that I was not afraid, I was grounded and in control, and that I wanted it to leave, go to the light, and never return. And that’s just what happened. This was the first time that I had the courage to be strong, bold, and to confront the energy in the dream. I have come to learn that this was a lesson - that my soul was ‘checking in’ on me to see if my soul energy was strong enough to stand up to the unwanted energy. To consciously face it. To love me enough to trust myself. And I did!
  • 14.
  • 15. I learned that I have had many past lifetimes of frightening dreams. This time my karma has been cleared from this lesson. Karma is a Buddhist term meaning for every cause there is an effect. It is a very powerful law. This means that for every action there is a reaction. Be aware of how you speak and act with your employees, spouse, kids, and pets. Keep the most positive thoughts and energy. This law is like a mirror. You reap what you sow. What to Do After the Lesson · Thank your soul for the lesson. · Watch the new paths that open for you. · Notice a higher level of consciousness. · Notice that you feel more centered and grounded. · Feel a heightened sense of awareness, and experience knowingness. · Speak from a place of intuition or wisdom. · Feel more loving and desire to be more positive. · Give more compliments to people. · Provide more reassurance to others. You may be called to do more ‘inner work.’ Questions What patterns in your life are you experiencing? Do you see them as lessons? What are you going to do about them now?
  • 16. Once you start the journey you will complete it. You must be open, then you’ll be confused, then you’ll become clear. Thank you for walking with me on this journey where everything is a lesson. In the next newsletters, I will be sharing insights, tips, and models that have helped me in the process to become clear, which may help you. Take what resonates with you and leave what doesn't. Thank you for doing your work. If you liked this newsletter please connect, subscribe, share, comment, or reach out to me at Enjoy the lessons, they lead to wisdom, Anne P.S. Watch for our new 7-part series on The Shift Network on "Accessing Spiritual Messages for Creativity, Healing, and Transformation", with Risë Severson Kasmirski and me starting Tuesdays April 12, through May 31, 2022 (cost is $297 for all 7 sessions, registration info coming early March). Anne Pryor is the creator of Lovitude™ a Soul Painter, and a LinkedIn Expert. As a recognized top international LinkedIn Authority, she motivates audiences to action during her presentation sharing best tips and techniques for creating branded and search engine optimized LinkedIn profiles for thought leaders, sales, business professionals, and job seekers to achieve their goals. LinkedIn Keynote speaker presentations include the National Association of Black Journalists, Project Management Institute, WBL, American Marketing Association, ACG, University of South Florida Black Students Association, Toyota Sponsored NABJ Inaugural Leadership Forum, GenesysWorks, Officenters, and hundreds of corporate, community, government events, and meetings. As the creator of Lovitude and a Soul Painter, her paintings have been called 'visual blessings and are hanging in Mayo Clinic, a Pulitzer Prize Winner's home, in galleries and licensed on products sold globally. She was a featured guest on the Hallmark Channel Home & Family Show, a keynote speaker and faculty on The Shift Network, and presenter at the International Association of Near-Death Studies (IANDS). She has presented at Mayo Clinic, Cargill, HGM CIO Forums, for corporate events, and demonstrates both online and in-person meetings.
  • 17. She also motivates audiences by sharing “How to Access and Trust Spiritual Messages for Creativity, Healing, and Real- World Transformation”. She was inspired through after-death communications (ADC) with her friend to create vivid images to elucidate, awaken, and activate souls using ink, her breath, and essential oils, on plastic. Anne was not an artist before these messages, she now has 3,500 soul paintings. During her presentations, she paints live for audiences and they are moved and in awe by the colorful and meaningful messages that she receives from the audience’s energy. Lovitude images are available for licensing. Images grace products sold globally and proceeds go to charity. LOVITUDE SOUL PAINTER When Paradise Speaks Book about Lovitude Anne Pryor Lovitude Soul Painter on Hallmark Channel Lovitude Products from Zazzle Lovitude Products from VIDA Book Video Trailer Beyond the Veil Summit Video The Edge Magazine License Lovitude Images Buy Lovitude Products at Zazzle Buy Lovitude Products at Vida Order Best Selling Story When Paradise Speaks by Rise Severson Kasmirski
  • 18. LINKEDIN SALES TRAINER AND COACH 952.484.6854 Anne Pryor LinkedIn Profile Anne Pryor Keynote Speakers Bio Free Lovitude LinkedIn Backgrounds Resources: The highlighted areas of the text are links to authors, videos, books, and resources. In addition, here is a list of resources that I call upon to guide and advise me: List of Books compiled by Bill Guggenheim, Anne Pryor and Rise Kasmirski Echo Bodine, Global Author, Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Speaker Wes Hamilton, Master Numerologist, Speaker Lori Palm, Creator Core Passion, Purpose Coach Gina Lake, Author, Channel for Jesus Carol Lowell, Psychic, Medium, Spiritual Healer Suzanne Giesemann, Evidential Medium, Master Teacher
  • 19. Rise Severson Kasmirski, M.A., Mystic, Author, Teacher, Certified Coach, Speaker Anne Pryor, M.A., Lovitude Soul Painting, Teacher, LinkedIn Expert, Speaker Kelly and Steve Wagner, Publishers of The Edge Magazine Carolyn Vinup, Gateways to Brilliance, Fung Shui Teacher, Sound Healer Catherine Duncan, Integrative Spiritual Consultant Carole Hyder, Fung Shui Master Louise Griffith, Author, Psychologist, Keynote Speaker, Coach Published by Status is online ANNE PRYOR, MA LinkedIn Expert, Sales Trainer, Speaker, Lovitude® Soul Painter, Personal Meaning™ Coach Create Meaningful Work & Life Build LinkedIn Presence & Strategies to Look Great, Be Found & Get Known for Purposeful Work Published • 13h 64 articles
  • 20. Friends, enjoy my Meaningful Life and Work #3 Newsletter, on understanding your soul's clear purpose & life lessons for spiritual growth, and meaningful life and work. The views are from my own experience. Take what resonates and leave the rest. If you are reading this newsletter you are on your journey. Trust and enjoy. In Lovitude, Anne hashtag#personalgrowth hashtag#personaldevelopement hashtag#spiritualgrowth hashtag#lovitude