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Speech On Mental Health
MENTAL HEALTH Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here in front of you to talk about the importance of mental health. I'm here to spread awareness about
mental illness, to reach out to people who are dealing with this. So what really is mental health? Is it important for us to know what it is about? Does
it concern us? Mental health is as important as physical health. Mental health is a state of successful performance of mental function, resulting in
productive activities, fulfilling relationships with other people and the ability to adapt to change to cope with adversity. Mental illness is a broad term
encompassing all diagnosable mental disorders. And for some disorders– especially mood disorders, anxiety disorders, adjustment disorders, and
personality disorders–it's hard to know if a person is suffering from such. You never know who might be the people affected; who are suffering
because they are emotionally unstable; who are hallucinating and hearing voices inside their own heads; who are having dark thoughts; and those who
have anxiety. It may be the ones who are close to you–your friends, your mother, your father, or even your siblings–or they could even be the person
sitting right next to you. Some people who suffer from mental disorders may even be sharing laughs with you, and you wouldn't even
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Therefore, the level of recovery varies from each person. There are no checklists or timetables for the recovery of a person, recovery in itself is just
helping the person attain the state where they want to be. One cannot tell a person they are mentally healthy if the person himself does not feel like
so. It is not embarrassing to look for help. In order for everyone to be open and honest about what they feel and get the help they deserve, we should
change our perspectives of having mental illness and treating it. So we can achieve what they've been fighting for, a normal and happy
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Article Review on Mental Illness Essay examples
Jennifer Tozier
Compentency Assignment 1, Review #2
Dr. Besthorn
I chose to write my article review on the article entitled, "How clinical Diagnosis Might Exacerbate the Stigma of Mental Illness." It is a not new
concept that people are consistently drawn to a labeling others with a stigma, and this article delves into how we as social workers can (unintentionally)
either encourage that stigma or hinder it based on the presentation to the client and to the public.
A key point to the article talks about three kinds of potential ways stigma hurts a client. The first was being label avoidance. Many people do not want
to admit to a mental illness, let alone get it treated because of how they might be perceived. Those that more content...
The article does an excellent job of describing how once a person is diagnosed with a mental illness it draws diversity in how they might be labeled
and construed in society, similar to how they might be treated if they were a minority group. Research shows that this stigma "groups" individuals once
they have been diagnosed with a mental illness, regardless if the client demonstrations any abnormal characteristics.
The author did a terrific job of discussing the different stigmas that mental illness produces. It talked about how society or the majority labels a person
with mental illness and the way a person can label themselves, both which produce disastrous results. I can see that this is a relevant article in the field
of social work, because social workers can shape the way the client is perceived, both by the majority and the client all in the way they identify the
illness. I understand that the article is talking about how the diagnosis can exacerbate the stigma, but I did not get a strong hold on ways to diagnosis
it in an improved approach. The paragraph talking about diagnosis as a continuum seems like the closest point of reference for me, as an approach,
but as it suggested this dimensional approach is not familiar to most clinicians. It seems once again there is only so far workers can go, with the
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Mental Health Personal Statement Essay
I have worked incredibly hard to obtain skills from various organisations to better understand mental health. I decided I needed to acquire additional
work experience to give my application some weight. I am tenacious by nature and therefore despite being somewhat academically inferior to my
rivals, I make up for in passion, determination and professionalism. I can assure you my grade does not define my ability to work with vulnerable
people, families and colleagues and I would really like the opportunity to demonstrate this at interview. I am keen to explore the depths of applying
psychology to health and the behaviour–change processes involved with working with young people in particular.
I would describe myself as ambitious, respectful and hungry to learn. I have learnt is that I am passionate about working with vulnerable people. Mental
health is an area that I feel lacks funding and services for young people. Given the level of contributing factors to mental health in society today I feel I
can offer a non–judgmental, empathetic and person centred approach to treatment and intervention for this age group. I have witnessed mental health more content...
The rehabilitation work was based on a care plan outlined by a case manager and neuro–specialist team. I worked both independently and as part of a
wider team, including MDT professionals, to ensure the safety of our clients. I have extensive knowledge and in depth training in legal record keeping
and note taking. My reports are scrutinised in active court cases therefore my reports must be factual, specific and objective at all times. I have written
reports periodically whilst managing services at Anglia care trust and I am competent in maintaining confidentiality in line with the data protection act.
In addition, I ran my own pilot study at Anglia Care Trust using excel and transforming this data in to reports for meetings and
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Mental Health Essay
In a nationwide survey gauging the attitude of college administration on the growing mental health issues among students, one dean shared "Students
bring more and more nonacademic issues to campus ... we are becoming a secondary social service agency" (Levine & Cureton, 1998). This was not an
isolated phenomenon, but rather a troubling position shared across the nation. College presidents and deans fail to recognize the growing need for
increased mental health services and academic support. Disability and counseling services are frequently on the cutting block when funding is
questioned leaving 20% of children and 18.1% of young adult students suddenly losing the resources they need to thrive in an academic environment
(NAMI, 2016) more content...
Like all students, those with mental illnesses express the same desire to work and learn as anyone else (Boyle, et al., 2011). They have the same
aspirations and expectations of the academic system; that it will teach them what they need to know for higher education or to have a job. Whether or
not they think these opportunities are achievable is questionable. The quality of mental health counseling and services on a college campus is
positively correlated with the ability of the students utilizing said services to complete their degree and advance into a career (Trela, 2008). In other
words, students with mental illnesses that receive no psychological support perform poorer in school compared to the same student body that does
receive support. The support provides students with a team of people hoping for their success which improves feelings of self–worth and confidence.
Qualitative studies show that an incomplete education not only affects someone's view of self, but also their entrance into future academic endeavors
and paid employment (Kientz & Schindler, 2013). This has detrimental effects on the financial and social independence of these students (Kientz &
Schindler, 2013). The goal of just about all people is to lead an independent and self–sufficient life. It is unjustifiable that aren't we affording the
mentally ill population those same expectations.
In the
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The History / Background Of Mental Health Essay
Mental Health has been recognized, as the well–being at which individuals are able to cope with everyday stresses, and work productively while
contributing back to their community. Mental Health America began in the early 1900's by Clifford W. Beers, a former psychiatric patient who
experienced mental/physical abuse during his stay in public and private institutions. It wasn't until short after a reform group emerged, to stand against
the abuse and ill–treatment at these institutions. In this paper, I will be discussing the history/background of Mental Health Services, and how quality,
access, cost or other factors have changed (or how they haven't). I also will be discussing the populations that benefit from this type of service and the
significant issues, and or problems within the area that impact specific populations. Lastly, I will interpret national policy, legislation, attitudes, political
climate, and how they impact or relate to the problems discussed, then I will address two current issues discussed along with clarifying each discussion.
Early–on specifically during the Middle Ages, mental illness was believed by many as demonic possession and religious' punishment. Some trailblazers
sought to cure mentally ill individuals by conducting non– religious techniques, and instead incorporating a change in environment, or even
administering certain substances/medications that where heavily used during that time; that were thought of as medical treatment. The
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Mental Health And The Wellbeing Essay
Mental health and well–being will be explored in depth in two frames. One frame relating to James who has been demonstrating mental health and
wellbeing issues in a school context. The second frame relates to mental health and wellbeing. Both frames will be looked at in depth and will cover
concepts such as: defining mental health and wellbeing, complexities for teachers advocacy for both students and teachers and legal and ethical
responsibilities. In each of these key areas that will be explored, there will adequate reference to material that will support and strengthen the ideas
discussed in this report. It is essential that these areas are discussed in depth to formulate a succinct picture of James mental health and wellbeing and
all things relating to this.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
To ensure the practices demonstrated by teachers, it is crucial to have a fundamental understanding of two key terms: mental health, and wellbeing.
Mental health can be defined as 'a positive capacity relating to the social and emotional wellbeing of individuals and communities ' (Kemp & Hazel,
2013, p. 2). His mental health is deteriorating as his behaviors are odd for him and his anxiety to come to school is high. James' anxiety of coming to
school flags that mental health and wellbeing is at a low. Another term to understand is wellbeing, but the most appropriate definition according to
Wyn, 2007 is access to resources, material and cultural, that sustain
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The Mental Health Of Adolescents Essay
Student's name
Instructor's name
Health Care
The mental health of adolescents is fairly considered to be one of the major prerequisites of the country 's sustainable development in economics,
culture, and social life. Subsequently, the easy and nondiscriminatory access to the psychological treatment appears to be a matter of top priority for the
federal government. Nevertheless, the recent statistical data indicates the substantial problems in terms of providing the adolescents with the necessary
medical support. In accordance with the US Department of Health & Human Services, in 2014, less than 50% of the country 's adolescent population
were provided with a required treatment (US Department of Health & Human Services). Moreover, the data on the minorities ' access to the mental
health treatment demonstrates that, for instance, African–Americans are twice as likely as whites to be prescribed a treatment from schizophrenia
(American Psychological Association). Undoubtedly, such a trend may be primarily explained by the insufficient efforts of both federal and local
health care institutions in terms of providing the minorities ' representatives with the necessary psychological treatment. Consequently, in order to
understand comprehensively the problem of the adolescent mental health in the US, it is necessary to define the issue–related objective and subjective
concerns as well as to analyze the peculiarities of a potential corrective to the
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The Effects Of Stress On Mental Health Essay
Introduction It is known that humans are naturally going to have stress in their lives. Stress is caused by various events such as death of a spouse,
paying bills and changes in common daily functions. Different individuals interpret these events differently. Recent research has shown that each
person is different with how they cope throughout stressful situations (Pastorino & Doyle–Portillo, 2016). The different situations of stress can cause
mental health issues such as depression, extreme exhaustion and anxiety (Pastorino & Doyle–Portillo, 2016). When these disorders are diagnosed, they
often are caused by the chemistry that a person has, socialization factors, adolescent to adult development and the stressors that life brings. It is further
known through various studies there is a significant difference between the genders that are likely to end up with a mental health issue such as
depression. Although, within more recent studies have shown that in college aged students, college women are more likely to become depressed
throughout their college career (Boggiano & Barrett, 1991). Depression is a common disorder that causes a person to act and think negatively about
their lives. Throughout the course of life, depression can be significantly higher at certain points than others. Depression is commonly prominent
throughout college aged students, due to the many stressors that are constant in their lives. College aged students deal with the many pressures such as
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Mental Health Definition
Physical Health:
Physical health is the good condition of your body. If you are physically healthy, you probably have a steady and balanced diet, exercise every day,
have good hygiene. A picture I included on this page is of a toddler taking a bath. This toddler is showing he has good physical wellness because he
is taking a bath, which shows good hygiene. The collage also includes pictures of people exercising at a gym and playing sports, which shows good
physical wellness because exercising and physical fitness is good for your body. There are also pictures of healthy food because having a healthy diet
is good for your physical wellness. These pictures represent the physical wellness part of the health triangle because physical health is taking care of
your physical body, and good hygiene, daily exercise, and a reasonable diet all influence your physical wellness. These images fit into my life because
I practice good hygiene, eat healthy, and exercise on a daily basis.
Mental Health:
If you are mentally healthy then you like yourself and accept who you are. Expressing emotions in positive ways also show good mental health.
Reacting to stress and pressure in a positive way is a way to more content...
If you only make friends to get what you need, your social health could use some work. If you have good friends and easily make new ones, then
your social health is in good shape. If you receive and give support and advice when needed, you have good mental health. The picture with the
people canoeing shows good social health because the team has to work together to win the race. The picture that says bully with an X over it
shows good social wellness because if you are a bully then your social wellness part of the triangle could use some work. This fits into my life because
I always try to not be just a bystander when I see
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Mental Health And Its Effects On Children Essay
It is becoming more recognized and well– known around the world that the mental well–being of one's parents largely affects the development and or
the emotional and mental states of oneself. Research is becoming much more widespread and researchers could make important recommendations on
how to intervene in the lives of children with parents suffering from mental illness to best prevent harm to their health and well–being as they grow. It
has been found that the most common mental illnesses among people of child–bearing age are anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. Most policy
however deals with the care of children whose parents must be hospitalized due to their conditions. Much of the current research though aims to show
that even those which do not require extreme medical intervention can impact children physically, emotionally, socially, cognitively, etcetera. The
stigmas surrounding mental health create a barrier not only for the treatment of the parents suffering from these disorders but also for their children. For
parents, a staggering 2/3 of the population suffering from mental illnesses, admitting that they cannot care for themselves and their children can be
extremely difficult and thus their children suffer. It is said that 30–50 percent of children with mentally ill parents will have a psychiatric diagnosis in
comparison to 20 percent of the general population. Many times, even when parents do choose treatment information about their children is rarely
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Persuasive Essay On Mental Health
"Nearly 5 million children in the U.S. have some type of mental illness" (Goldberg). It is agreeable that there are many young children that deal with
mental illness every day. Schools should be concerned for every student's well being. Moreover, mental health is a part of a person's overall "well
being." Therefore, schools need to make the mental health of students a stronger focus and implement plans to keep students mentally well and
educated. To help create a positive, mental health aware environment where students feel open to seek help,high school students should be educated on
how to be mentally healthy, be given a safe place to seek help, and be encouraged to monitor and maintain their mental health. Mental illness and mental
health care need to be a more eminent priority in our society, starting with high schools.
Schools need to educate parents and children about mental health and illness. According to an article published by the Association for Children's
Mental Health, "1 in 5 children and youth have a diagnosable emotional, behavioral or mental health disorder and 1 in 10 young people have a mental
health challenge that is severe enough to impair how they function at home, school or in the community" (Problems at School). Schools could hold
educational meetings on mental health to inform and aid parents and children to determine when they need to address mental health. Additionally,
incorporating a stronger mental health aspect in the state required health
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Mental Health And Its Effects On Health Essay
Mental health Hundreds of thousands of people die due to suicide every year. This number is estimated to double by 2020 should the current trend
continue. The primary cause of these suicides is mental disorders and harmful use of alcohol – which in itself is a result of mental health related
conditions. The World Health Organization reports indicate that 20% of the world 's children and adolescents suffer from one or more mental disorders
and according to the Kim foundation, 57.7 million people in the US suffer from a mental health disorder. What is mental health? The World health
organization defines mental health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well–being, and not merely the absence of disease where as the
English Oxford dictionary refers to mental health as a person 's condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well–being. Mental health
disorders With every passing year, newer and more complex mental health conditions are added to the already very long list of mental illnesses and
disorders. Below are the major mental health disorders; Anxiety disorders: People with these types of disorders suffer anxiety and respond to certain
objects or situations with fear or terror. Anxiety disorders include: Phobias, Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder and Post–Traumatic Stress
Behavioral disorders: These types of disorders are common in youth. Victims have rebellious behavior, are inattentive especially in school; and it gets
worse when they
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The Importance Of Mental Health
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well–being. It affects how we think, feel and act. It also helps to determine how we
handle stress, relate to others and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from infancy to adolescence to adulthood. In the
course of your life, if you encounter mental health problems, your thinking, mood and behavior could be affected. Many factors contribute to mental
health problems. Most people believe that mental disorders are rare and "happen to someone else". In fact, mental disorders are common and
widespread. Unfortunately, it is estimated that 54 million Americans suffer from some form of mental disorder in a given year. facing the learning of
one's more content...
However, with proper care and treatment, many people learn to cope or recover from a mental illness or emotional disorder. As I mentioned earlier
people can't just "get over it" it really does take time and patience the brain is a muscle in the human body too its need "exercise" to gain its strength.
What exactly is it? Happiness.
Despite the different symptoms and types of mental illness, many families who have a loved one with mental illness share similar experiences Over
time I have leaned to accept that these feelings are normal and common among families who go through similar situations. I've figured out everything I
could about mental illness that I find interesting by reading and talking with mental health professionals. And try my best to spread my knowledge
what I have learned with others. When in public, these behaviors can be disruptive and difficult to accept and came to finally accept the symptoms and
behaviors by developing a strategy to cope with them.
A mental illness is a disease of the brain that causes mild to severe disturbances in thought and/or behavior, resulting in an inability to cope with life's
ordinary demands and routines. There are more than 200 classified forms of mental illness. Some of the more common disorders are: clinical
depression, bipolar disorder, dementia,
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Persuasive Essay On Mental Health Problem
Sometimes, it's not just about being simply sad anymore. As our world becomes a more hectic place to live in, wherein even the simplest movement
can invoke the biggest change and toxicity, it cannot be helped that us, as the human beings who live on this planet, be affected. Our thoughts go
haywire beyond our control, and sometimes we just feel like breaking down. From plain sadness, one's emotions may or may not lead to depression.
Mental health is a big issue today however, despite it being a big issue that certainly deserves attention, people do not exactly know how to give it the
proper attention and urgency it needs. There is no point in blaming people, though. Indeed mental health is a topic that should be approached with
caution and care.
A prevalent example of a mental health problem is depression. It is a much more overwhelming sadness that oftentimes makes people uninterested in
things and even the activities they used to enjoy the most, feelings of worthlessness, and many more. Reports even say that 1 out of 5 people are
diagnosed with depression.
The struggle with depression is something that should not be taken lightly, and also something a person should not face alone. It is good to reach out to
someone who has depression or has the developing symptoms of depression in order to prevent anything worse from happening to them.
Of course, the challenge to simply approaching a person with depression is just as difficult. You will have to think of the right words
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Thesis Statement For Mental Health
Expository Method Used:
The Expository Method used for the topic to sentence outline is 'Analysis by Division.' This method breaks down the main idea into smaller parts that
work together to make one central point. Additionally, the 'Analysis by Division' method is useful for structuring the topic sentences for writing the
essay. Topic to Sentence Outline
Topic: Mental health is an increasingly vital part of general wellness in today's fast–paced world.
(Narrowed Topic): Characteristics of a mentally healthy individual.
Thesis Statement: A mentally healthy individual has the characteristics of emotional intelligence and spiritual consciousness, intellectual and social
Emotional Intelligence is considered one of the defining characteristics of a mentally more content...
Equally important to the characteristics of a mentally healthy individual, in today's fast–paced world, is the psychological health of the brain, the
genetic, biological and environmental factors that play an integral role in general wellness.
Many prominent theorists have argued that perceptions of the self, the world, and the future are essential for mental health. Yet much research
evidence suggests that overly positive self–evaluations, exaggerated perceptions of control or mastery, and unrealistic optimism are characteristics of
normal human thought. Moreover, these illusions seem to promote other criteria of mental health, including, the ability to care about others, be happy
or contented, and to engage in productive and creative work. (Taylor & Brown 1988,
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Essay on Access to Mental Health
Access to Health Care: The Mental Health Population
Mental health services ended up being far from reached by patients with primary psychiatric disorders. Mental health care means not only improving
access but also improving clinical quality and ensuring cultural competence. It is the ability to treat and support programs to encounter individuals on
personal terms and in methods that are customarily aware.
Access to mental health care is not as good as than other forms of medical services. Some Americans have reduced access to mental health care
amenities because they are living in a countryside setting. Others cannot get to treatment for the reason of shortage of transportation or vast work and
household tasks. In some areas, when more content...
CHOICES Attributes The potency of this process includes using peer provided services. Using peer advisors helps fight the stigma connected with
mental illness and tobacco use. Other advantages of a peer–to–peer intervention would be the shared encounters of customers, who understand mental
illness and also the challenges that accompany it. Not remarkably, people who smoke felt it simpler to speak to a peer counselor about tobacco than
the physician or mental health counselor. In the Robert Wood Manley School Of Medicine, CHOICES has already established strong close ties with
the Mental Health Association and Condition Division of Mental Health Services in New Jersey (Williams et al., 2011). These close ties have led
towards the rapid growth and success of CHOICES.
Consumer Advocacy Program
The goal |with the advocacy program ended up being to describe the introduction of someone advocacy program inside the Eastern surrounding suburbs
of Sydney (NSW, Australia). This method is made within the connection from the study concerning the after effect of client–focused techniques to
community management for clients with schizophrenia and bipolar (O'Donnell, Proberts, & Parker, 1998). Limitation of the presentation on the
consumer advocacy program creates restrictions in implementing with the research methodology, the study gave the chance to illustrate
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Mental Health Care Essay
Nurses in all healthcare hospital settings (e.g., general health care settings and mental health care settings) frequently provide care for patients with
psychiatric disorders. Their attitudes towards providing comprehensive mental health care is an important factor in patient health outcomes. Nurses
may have positive or negative attitudes towards people with mental health disorders. The negative attitudes may have undesirable implications for both
nurses and patients. Examples of undesirable implications are, but not limited to, nurses who may feel inadequate, frustrated, or anxious about caring
for mentally ill patients. Additionally, nurses' perceptions influence the ability of people with mentalillness to regain healthy functioning. Whereas, more content...
Thus, there is increased interest in examining professional attitudes toward people with mental illness (Hansson, 2013; Nordt, 2006). Researchers
have studied public attitudes toward people with mental illness (Angermeyer, Matschinger, Link, & Schomerus, 2014; Corrigan, Bink, Fokuo, &
Schmidt, 2015; Mehta, 2009; Tzouvara & Papadopoulos, 2014). As for health care professionals, current studies have investigated attitudes of
doctors (Adewuya & Oguntade, 2007; Challapallisri & Dempster, 2015; Imbeau, Bouchard, Terradas, & Simard, 2014), social workers (Moldovan,
2007; Therlot, 2012), nurses and student nurses (Hauck, Harrison, & Montecalvo, 2013; James & Cowman, 2007; Linden & Kavanagh, 2012; Reed
& Fitzgerald, 2005). However, there is a lack of evidence in the literature about how the stigma of mental illness takes place within Arabic societies
(Dardas & Simmons, 2015). Additionally, there is minimal awareness among Arabic societies related to mental health issues, as well as policy and
legislation issues. Due to limited epidemiological data on mental health disorders in the Arabic communities, there are large gaps in knowledge on any
baseline data to
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The Importance Of Mental Health In The Workplace
iMental health is the state of mind or condition of a person in perspective to their own psychological well–being being as well as their emotional
condition. The productivity, specifically in the workplace, has been declining as time progresses. The reason behind that declination begins with the
mental health of others and the way it is addressed. However, denying mental health care to the employees is morally and ethically wrong. It pushes the
limits of those who have reached their breaking point psychologically. The results of both depression and anxiety due to work should be a topic of
concern because the decrease of productivity may be due to the declining mental health of workers. The World Health Organization (WHO) has
released their studies on five of the 10 leading causes of disabilities in today's date are mental health problems. It is an issue that many people don't
notice, mental health issues affect numerous amounts of employees. Unfortunately, the workplace overpowers mental illnesses so, therefore they
become hidden and are not given attention to. At this time, the issues of involving mental health in the workplace have brought to light ethical
dilemmas regarding the morals of the employers.
The lack of acknowledgment of the declination of mental health has caused many issues with not only the efficiency of the companies themselves but
also the overall health of the employees. The pressure that is put on employees in the workplace goes to demonstrate the
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Mental Health And Physical Health Essay
Mental Health–Restraints "Half of mental health conditions begin by age 14, and 75% of mental health conditions develop by age 24"(
Mental health is defined by a person's social, emotional, and psychological well–being. If a person's mental health becomes compromised it may result
in serious mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and post–dramatic stress disorder. Stress can play an important factor in each disorder as well as
suffering from a traumatic event. For example, my boyfriend volunteers on the fire department and was called to a scene where he knew the
victim. She was like a second mother to him. Once upon the scene, he had to perform CPR on her until the paramedics arrived. He performed
CPR, but the woman died as the paramedics arrived. From this event, he suffered from PTSD for the longest time. He still has slight triggers of the
event. I see him relaxing more and more. He to can feel a major change in himself from the time of the event until now, in that he sleeps better at
night. As defined by Carlo Petrini, "Physical restraint is a specific form of coercive measure. A broad definition of "coercive measure" proposed by
the Swiss Association of Medical Sciences (ASSM) distinguishes between "limiting freedom" ("when restraint is limited to freedom of movement")
and "coercive treatment" ("when as well as limiting freedom a person's physical integrity is also affected" (Ethical considerations for evaluating the use
of physical restraints). One
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Speech On Mental Health

  • 1. Speech On Mental Health MENTAL HEALTH Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here in front of you to talk about the importance of mental health. I'm here to spread awareness about mental illness, to reach out to people who are dealing with this. So what really is mental health? Is it important for us to know what it is about? Does it concern us? Mental health is as important as physical health. Mental health is a state of successful performance of mental function, resulting in productive activities, fulfilling relationships with other people and the ability to adapt to change to cope with adversity. Mental illness is a broad term encompassing all diagnosable mental disorders. And for some disorders– especially mood disorders, anxiety disorders, adjustment disorders, and personality disorders–it's hard to know if a person is suffering from such. You never know who might be the people affected; who are suffering because they are emotionally unstable; who are hallucinating and hearing voices inside their own heads; who are having dark thoughts; and those who have anxiety. It may be the ones who are close to you–your friends, your mother, your father, or even your siblings–or they could even be the person sitting right next to you. Some people who suffer from mental disorders may even be sharing laughs with you, and you wouldn't even more content... Therefore, the level of recovery varies from each person. There are no checklists or timetables for the recovery of a person, recovery in itself is just helping the person attain the state where they want to be. One cannot tell a person they are mentally healthy if the person himself does not feel like so. It is not embarrassing to look for help. In order for everyone to be open and honest about what they feel and get the help they deserve, we should change our perspectives of having mental illness and treating it. So we can achieve what they've been fighting for, a normal and happy Get more content on
  • 2. Article Review on Mental Illness Essay examples Jennifer Tozier Compentency Assignment 1, Review #2 Dr. Besthorn 09/15/2012 I chose to write my article review on the article entitled, "How clinical Diagnosis Might Exacerbate the Stigma of Mental Illness." It is a not new concept that people are consistently drawn to a labeling others with a stigma, and this article delves into how we as social workers can (unintentionally) either encourage that stigma or hinder it based on the presentation to the client and to the public. A key point to the article talks about three kinds of potential ways stigma hurts a client. The first was being label avoidance. Many people do not want to admit to a mental illness, let alone get it treated because of how they might be perceived. Those that more content... The article does an excellent job of describing how once a person is diagnosed with a mental illness it draws diversity in how they might be labeled and construed in society, similar to how they might be treated if they were a minority group. Research shows that this stigma "groups" individuals once they have been diagnosed with a mental illness, regardless if the client demonstrations any abnormal characteristics. The author did a terrific job of discussing the different stigmas that mental illness produces. It talked about how society or the majority labels a person with mental illness and the way a person can label themselves, both which produce disastrous results. I can see that this is a relevant article in the field of social work, because social workers can shape the way the client is perceived, both by the majority and the client all in the way they identify the illness. I understand that the article is talking about how the diagnosis can exacerbate the stigma, but I did not get a strong hold on ways to diagnosis it in an improved approach. The paragraph talking about diagnosis as a continuum seems like the closest point of reference for me, as an approach, but as it suggested this dimensional approach is not familiar to most clinicians. It seems once again there is only so far workers can go, with the Get more content on
  • 3. Mental Health Personal Statement Essay I have worked incredibly hard to obtain skills from various organisations to better understand mental health. I decided I needed to acquire additional work experience to give my application some weight. I am tenacious by nature and therefore despite being somewhat academically inferior to my rivals, I make up for in passion, determination and professionalism. I can assure you my grade does not define my ability to work with vulnerable people, families and colleagues and I would really like the opportunity to demonstrate this at interview. I am keen to explore the depths of applying psychology to health and the behaviour–change processes involved with working with young people in particular. I would describe myself as ambitious, respectful and hungry to learn. I have learnt is that I am passionate about working with vulnerable people. Mental health is an area that I feel lacks funding and services for young people. Given the level of contributing factors to mental health in society today I feel I can offer a non–judgmental, empathetic and person centred approach to treatment and intervention for this age group. I have witnessed mental health more content... The rehabilitation work was based on a care plan outlined by a case manager and neuro–specialist team. I worked both independently and as part of a wider team, including MDT professionals, to ensure the safety of our clients. I have extensive knowledge and in depth training in legal record keeping and note taking. My reports are scrutinised in active court cases therefore my reports must be factual, specific and objective at all times. I have written reports periodically whilst managing services at Anglia care trust and I am competent in maintaining confidentiality in line with the data protection act. In addition, I ran my own pilot study at Anglia Care Trust using excel and transforming this data in to reports for meetings and Get more content on
  • 4. Mental Health Essay In a nationwide survey gauging the attitude of college administration on the growing mental health issues among students, one dean shared "Students bring more and more nonacademic issues to campus ... we are becoming a secondary social service agency" (Levine & Cureton, 1998). This was not an isolated phenomenon, but rather a troubling position shared across the nation. College presidents and deans fail to recognize the growing need for increased mental health services and academic support. Disability and counseling services are frequently on the cutting block when funding is questioned leaving 20% of children and 18.1% of young adult students suddenly losing the resources they need to thrive in an academic environment (NAMI, 2016) more content... Like all students, those with mental illnesses express the same desire to work and learn as anyone else (Boyle, et al., 2011). They have the same aspirations and expectations of the academic system; that it will teach them what they need to know for higher education or to have a job. Whether or not they think these opportunities are achievable is questionable. The quality of mental health counseling and services on a college campus is positively correlated with the ability of the students utilizing said services to complete their degree and advance into a career (Trela, 2008). In other words, students with mental illnesses that receive no psychological support perform poorer in school compared to the same student body that does receive support. The support provides students with a team of people hoping for their success which improves feelings of self–worth and confidence. Qualitative studies show that an incomplete education not only affects someone's view of self, but also their entrance into future academic endeavors and paid employment (Kientz & Schindler, 2013). This has detrimental effects on the financial and social independence of these students (Kientz & Schindler, 2013). The goal of just about all people is to lead an independent and self–sufficient life. It is unjustifiable that aren't we affording the mentally ill population those same expectations. In the Get more content on
  • 5. The History / Background Of Mental Health Essay Mental Health has been recognized, as the well–being at which individuals are able to cope with everyday stresses, and work productively while contributing back to their community. Mental Health America began in the early 1900's by Clifford W. Beers, a former psychiatric patient who experienced mental/physical abuse during his stay in public and private institutions. It wasn't until short after a reform group emerged, to stand against the abuse and ill–treatment at these institutions. In this paper, I will be discussing the history/background of Mental Health Services, and how quality, access, cost or other factors have changed (or how they haven't). I also will be discussing the populations that benefit from this type of service and the significant issues, and or problems within the area that impact specific populations. Lastly, I will interpret national policy, legislation, attitudes, political climate, and how they impact or relate to the problems discussed, then I will address two current issues discussed along with clarifying each discussion. Early–on specifically during the Middle Ages, mental illness was believed by many as demonic possession and religious' punishment. Some trailblazers sought to cure mentally ill individuals by conducting non– religious techniques, and instead incorporating a change in environment, or even administering certain substances/medications that where heavily used during that time; that were thought of as medical treatment. The Get more content on
  • 6. Mental Health And The Wellbeing Essay Introduction Mental health and well–being will be explored in depth in two frames. One frame relating to James who has been demonstrating mental health and wellbeing issues in a school context. The second frame relates to mental health and wellbeing. Both frames will be looked at in depth and will cover concepts such as: defining mental health and wellbeing, complexities for teachers advocacy for both students and teachers and legal and ethical responsibilities. In each of these key areas that will be explored, there will adequate reference to material that will support and strengthen the ideas discussed in this report. It is essential that these areas are discussed in depth to formulate a succinct picture of James mental health and wellbeing and all things relating to this. Discussion Mental Health and Wellbeing To ensure the practices demonstrated by teachers, it is crucial to have a fundamental understanding of two key terms: mental health, and wellbeing. Mental health can be defined as 'a positive capacity relating to the social and emotional wellbeing of individuals and communities ' (Kemp & Hazel, 2013, p. 2). His mental health is deteriorating as his behaviors are odd for him and his anxiety to come to school is high. James' anxiety of coming to school flags that mental health and wellbeing is at a low. Another term to understand is wellbeing, but the most appropriate definition according to Wyn, 2007 is access to resources, material and cultural, that sustain Get more content on
  • 7. The Mental Health Of Adolescents Essay Student's name Instructor's name Course Date Health Care Introduction The mental health of adolescents is fairly considered to be one of the major prerequisites of the country 's sustainable development in economics, culture, and social life. Subsequently, the easy and nondiscriminatory access to the psychological treatment appears to be a matter of top priority for the federal government. Nevertheless, the recent statistical data indicates the substantial problems in terms of providing the adolescents with the necessary medical support. In accordance with the US Department of Health & Human Services, in 2014, less than 50% of the country 's adolescent population were provided with a required treatment (US Department of Health & Human Services). Moreover, the data on the minorities ' access to the mental health treatment demonstrates that, for instance, African–Americans are twice as likely as whites to be prescribed a treatment from schizophrenia (American Psychological Association). Undoubtedly, such a trend may be primarily explained by the insufficient efforts of both federal and local health care institutions in terms of providing the minorities ' representatives with the necessary psychological treatment. Consequently, in order to understand comprehensively the problem of the adolescent mental health in the US, it is necessary to define the issue–related objective and subjective concerns as well as to analyze the peculiarities of a potential corrective to the Get more content on
  • 8. The Effects Of Stress On Mental Health Essay Introduction It is known that humans are naturally going to have stress in their lives. Stress is caused by various events such as death of a spouse, paying bills and changes in common daily functions. Different individuals interpret these events differently. Recent research has shown that each person is different with how they cope throughout stressful situations (Pastorino & Doyle–Portillo, 2016). The different situations of stress can cause mental health issues such as depression, extreme exhaustion and anxiety (Pastorino & Doyle–Portillo, 2016). When these disorders are diagnosed, they often are caused by the chemistry that a person has, socialization factors, adolescent to adult development and the stressors that life brings. It is further known through various studies there is a significant difference between the genders that are likely to end up with a mental health issue such as depression. Although, within more recent studies have shown that in college aged students, college women are more likely to become depressed throughout their college career (Boggiano & Barrett, 1991). Depression is a common disorder that causes a person to act and think negatively about their lives. Throughout the course of life, depression can be significantly higher at certain points than others. Depression is commonly prominent throughout college aged students, due to the many stressors that are constant in their lives. College aged students deal with the many pressures such as paying Get more content on
  • 9. Mental Health Definition Physical Health: Physical health is the good condition of your body. If you are physically healthy, you probably have a steady and balanced diet, exercise every day, have good hygiene. A picture I included on this page is of a toddler taking a bath. This toddler is showing he has good physical wellness because he is taking a bath, which shows good hygiene. The collage also includes pictures of people exercising at a gym and playing sports, which shows good physical wellness because exercising and physical fitness is good for your body. There are also pictures of healthy food because having a healthy diet is good for your physical wellness. These pictures represent the physical wellness part of the health triangle because physical health is taking care of your physical body, and good hygiene, daily exercise, and a reasonable diet all influence your physical wellness. These images fit into my life because I practice good hygiene, eat healthy, and exercise on a daily basis. Mental Health: If you are mentally healthy then you like yourself and accept who you are. Expressing emotions in positive ways also show good mental health. Reacting to stress and pressure in a positive way is a way to more content... If you only make friends to get what you need, your social health could use some work. If you have good friends and easily make new ones, then your social health is in good shape. If you receive and give support and advice when needed, you have good mental health. The picture with the people canoeing shows good social health because the team has to work together to win the race. The picture that says bully with an X over it shows good social wellness because if you are a bully then your social wellness part of the triangle could use some work. This fits into my life because I always try to not be just a bystander when I see Get more content on
  • 10. Mental Health And Its Effects On Children Essay It is becoming more recognized and well– known around the world that the mental well–being of one's parents largely affects the development and or the emotional and mental states of oneself. Research is becoming much more widespread and researchers could make important recommendations on how to intervene in the lives of children with parents suffering from mental illness to best prevent harm to their health and well–being as they grow. It has been found that the most common mental illnesses among people of child–bearing age are anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. Most policy however deals with the care of children whose parents must be hospitalized due to their conditions. Much of the current research though aims to show that even those which do not require extreme medical intervention can impact children physically, emotionally, socially, cognitively, etcetera. The stigmas surrounding mental health create a barrier not only for the treatment of the parents suffering from these disorders but also for their children. For parents, a staggering 2/3 of the population suffering from mental illnesses, admitting that they cannot care for themselves and their children can be extremely difficult and thus their children suffer. It is said that 30–50 percent of children with mentally ill parents will have a psychiatric diagnosis in comparison to 20 percent of the general population. Many times, even when parents do choose treatment information about their children is rarely Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Essay On Mental Health "Nearly 5 million children in the U.S. have some type of mental illness" (Goldberg). It is agreeable that there are many young children that deal with mental illness every day. Schools should be concerned for every student's well being. Moreover, mental health is a part of a person's overall "well being." Therefore, schools need to make the mental health of students a stronger focus and implement plans to keep students mentally well and educated. To help create a positive, mental health aware environment where students feel open to seek help,high school students should be educated on how to be mentally healthy, be given a safe place to seek help, and be encouraged to monitor and maintain their mental health. Mental illness and mental health care need to be a more eminent priority in our society, starting with high schools. Schools need to educate parents and children about mental health and illness. According to an article published by the Association for Children's Mental Health, "1 in 5 children and youth have a diagnosable emotional, behavioral or mental health disorder and 1 in 10 young people have a mental health challenge that is severe enough to impair how they function at home, school or in the community" (Problems at School). Schools could hold educational meetings on mental health to inform and aid parents and children to determine when they need to address mental health. Additionally, incorporating a stronger mental health aspect in the state required health Get more content on
  • 12. Mental Health And Its Effects On Health Essay Mental health Hundreds of thousands of people die due to suicide every year. This number is estimated to double by 2020 should the current trend continue. The primary cause of these suicides is mental disorders and harmful use of alcohol – which in itself is a result of mental health related conditions. The World Health Organization reports indicate that 20% of the world 's children and adolescents suffer from one or more mental disorders and according to the Kim foundation, 57.7 million people in the US suffer from a mental health disorder. What is mental health? The World health organization defines mental health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well–being, and not merely the absence of disease where as the English Oxford dictionary refers to mental health as a person 's condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well–being. Mental health disorders With every passing year, newer and more complex mental health conditions are added to the already very long list of mental illnesses and disorders. Below are the major mental health disorders; Anxiety disorders: People with these types of disorders suffer anxiety and respond to certain objects or situations with fear or terror. Anxiety disorders include: Phobias, Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder and Post–Traumatic Stress Behavioral disorders: These types of disorders are common in youth. Victims have rebellious behavior, are inattentive especially in school; and it gets worse when they Get more content on
  • 13. The Importance Of Mental Health Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well–being. It affects how we think, feel and act. It also helps to determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from infancy to adolescence to adulthood. In the course of your life, if you encounter mental health problems, your thinking, mood and behavior could be affected. Many factors contribute to mental health problems. Most people believe that mental disorders are rare and "happen to someone else". In fact, mental disorders are common and widespread. Unfortunately, it is estimated that 54 million Americans suffer from some form of mental disorder in a given year. facing the learning of one's more content... However, with proper care and treatment, many people learn to cope or recover from a mental illness or emotional disorder. As I mentioned earlier people can't just "get over it" it really does take time and patience the brain is a muscle in the human body too its need "exercise" to gain its strength. What exactly is it? Happiness. Despite the different symptoms and types of mental illness, many families who have a loved one with mental illness share similar experiences Over time I have leaned to accept that these feelings are normal and common among families who go through similar situations. I've figured out everything I could about mental illness that I find interesting by reading and talking with mental health professionals. And try my best to spread my knowledge what I have learned with others. When in public, these behaviors can be disruptive and difficult to accept and came to finally accept the symptoms and behaviors by developing a strategy to cope with them. A mental illness is a disease of the brain that causes mild to severe disturbances in thought and/or behavior, resulting in an inability to cope with life's ordinary demands and routines. There are more than 200 classified forms of mental illness. Some of the more common disorders are: clinical depression, bipolar disorder, dementia, Get more content on
  • 14. Persuasive Essay On Mental Health Problem Sometimes, it's not just about being simply sad anymore. As our world becomes a more hectic place to live in, wherein even the simplest movement can invoke the biggest change and toxicity, it cannot be helped that us, as the human beings who live on this planet, be affected. Our thoughts go haywire beyond our control, and sometimes we just feel like breaking down. From plain sadness, one's emotions may or may not lead to depression. Mental health is a big issue today however, despite it being a big issue that certainly deserves attention, people do not exactly know how to give it the proper attention and urgency it needs. There is no point in blaming people, though. Indeed mental health is a topic that should be approached with caution and care. A prevalent example of a mental health problem is depression. It is a much more overwhelming sadness that oftentimes makes people uninterested in things and even the activities they used to enjoy the most, feelings of worthlessness, and many more. Reports even say that 1 out of 5 people are diagnosed with depression. The struggle with depression is something that should not be taken lightly, and also something a person should not face alone. It is good to reach out to someone who has depression or has the developing symptoms of depression in order to prevent anything worse from happening to them. Of course, the challenge to simply approaching a person with depression is just as difficult. You will have to think of the right words Get more content on
  • 15. Thesis Statement For Mental Health Expository Method Used: The Expository Method used for the topic to sentence outline is 'Analysis by Division.' This method breaks down the main idea into smaller parts that work together to make one central point. Additionally, the 'Analysis by Division' method is useful for structuring the topic sentences for writing the essay. Topic to Sentence Outline Topic: Mental health is an increasingly vital part of general wellness in today's fast–paced world. (Narrowed Topic): Characteristics of a mentally healthy individual. Thesis Statement: A mentally healthy individual has the characteristics of emotional intelligence and spiritual consciousness, intellectual and social wellness. Emotional Intelligence is considered one of the defining characteristics of a mentally more content... Equally important to the characteristics of a mentally healthy individual, in today's fast–paced world, is the psychological health of the brain, the genetic, biological and environmental factors that play an integral role in general wellness. Many prominent theorists have argued that perceptions of the self, the world, and the future are essential for mental health. Yet much research evidence suggests that overly positive self–evaluations, exaggerated perceptions of control or mastery, and unrealistic optimism are characteristics of normal human thought. Moreover, these illusions seem to promote other criteria of mental health, including, the ability to care about others, be happy or contented, and to engage in productive and creative work. (Taylor & Brown 1988, Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Access to Mental Health Access to Health Care: The Mental Health Population Mental health services ended up being far from reached by patients with primary psychiatric disorders. Mental health care means not only improving access but also improving clinical quality and ensuring cultural competence. It is the ability to treat and support programs to encounter individuals on personal terms and in methods that are customarily aware. Access to mental health care is not as good as than other forms of medical services. Some Americans have reduced access to mental health care amenities because they are living in a countryside setting. Others cannot get to treatment for the reason of shortage of transportation or vast work and household tasks. In some areas, when more content... CHOICES Attributes The potency of this process includes using peer provided services. Using peer advisors helps fight the stigma connected with mental illness and tobacco use. Other advantages of a peer–to–peer intervention would be the shared encounters of customers, who understand mental illness and also the challenges that accompany it. Not remarkably, people who smoke felt it simpler to speak to a peer counselor about tobacco than the physician or mental health counselor. In the Robert Wood Manley School Of Medicine, CHOICES has already established strong close ties with the Mental Health Association and Condition Division of Mental Health Services in New Jersey (Williams et al., 2011). These close ties have led towards the rapid growth and success of CHOICES. Consumer Advocacy Program The goal |with the advocacy program ended up being to describe the introduction of someone advocacy program inside the Eastern surrounding suburbs of Sydney (NSW, Australia). This method is made within the connection from the study concerning the after effect of client–focused techniques to community management for clients with schizophrenia and bipolar (O'Donnell, Proberts, & Parker, 1998). Limitation of the presentation on the consumer advocacy program creates restrictions in implementing with the research methodology, the study gave the chance to illustrate Get more content on
  • 17. Mental Health Care Essay Nurses in all healthcare hospital settings (e.g., general health care settings and mental health care settings) frequently provide care for patients with psychiatric disorders. Their attitudes towards providing comprehensive mental health care is an important factor in patient health outcomes. Nurses may have positive or negative attitudes towards people with mental health disorders. The negative attitudes may have undesirable implications for both nurses and patients. Examples of undesirable implications are, but not limited to, nurses who may feel inadequate, frustrated, or anxious about caring for mentally ill patients. Additionally, nurses' perceptions influence the ability of people with mentalillness to regain healthy functioning. Whereas, more content... Thus, there is increased interest in examining professional attitudes toward people with mental illness (Hansson, 2013; Nordt, 2006). Researchers have studied public attitudes toward people with mental illness (Angermeyer, Matschinger, Link, & Schomerus, 2014; Corrigan, Bink, Fokuo, & Schmidt, 2015; Mehta, 2009; Tzouvara & Papadopoulos, 2014). As for health care professionals, current studies have investigated attitudes of doctors (Adewuya & Oguntade, 2007; Challapallisri & Dempster, 2015; Imbeau, Bouchard, Terradas, & Simard, 2014), social workers (Moldovan, 2007; Therlot, 2012), nurses and student nurses (Hauck, Harrison, & Montecalvo, 2013; James & Cowman, 2007; Linden & Kavanagh, 2012; Reed & Fitzgerald, 2005). However, there is a lack of evidence in the literature about how the stigma of mental illness takes place within Arabic societies (Dardas & Simmons, 2015). Additionally, there is minimal awareness among Arabic societies related to mental health issues, as well as policy and legislation issues. Due to limited epidemiological data on mental health disorders in the Arabic communities, there are large gaps in knowledge on any baseline data to Get more content on
  • 18. The Importance Of Mental Health In The Workplace iMental health is the state of mind or condition of a person in perspective to their own psychological well–being being as well as their emotional condition. The productivity, specifically in the workplace, has been declining as time progresses. The reason behind that declination begins with the mental health of others and the way it is addressed. However, denying mental health care to the employees is morally and ethically wrong. It pushes the limits of those who have reached their breaking point psychologically. The results of both depression and anxiety due to work should be a topic of concern because the decrease of productivity may be due to the declining mental health of workers. The World Health Organization (WHO) has released their studies on five of the 10 leading causes of disabilities in today's date are mental health problems. It is an issue that many people don't notice, mental health issues affect numerous amounts of employees. Unfortunately, the workplace overpowers mental illnesses so, therefore they become hidden and are not given attention to. At this time, the issues of involving mental health in the workplace have brought to light ethical dilemmas regarding the morals of the employers. The lack of acknowledgment of the declination of mental health has caused many issues with not only the efficiency of the companies themselves but also the overall health of the employees. The pressure that is put on employees in the workplace goes to demonstrate the Get more content on
  • 19. Mental Health And Physical Health Essay Mental Health–Restraints "Half of mental health conditions begin by age 14, and 75% of mental health conditions develop by age 24"( Mental health is defined by a person's social, emotional, and psychological well–being. If a person's mental health becomes compromised it may result in serious mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and post–dramatic stress disorder. Stress can play an important factor in each disorder as well as suffering from a traumatic event. For example, my boyfriend volunteers on the fire department and was called to a scene where he knew the victim. She was like a second mother to him. Once upon the scene, he had to perform CPR on her until the paramedics arrived. He performed CPR, but the woman died as the paramedics arrived. From this event, he suffered from PTSD for the longest time. He still has slight triggers of the event. I see him relaxing more and more. He to can feel a major change in himself from the time of the event until now, in that he sleeps better at night. As defined by Carlo Petrini, "Physical restraint is a specific form of coercive measure. A broad definition of "coercive measure" proposed by the Swiss Association of Medical Sciences (ASSM) distinguishes between "limiting freedom" ("when restraint is limited to freedom of movement") and "coercive treatment" ("when as well as limiting freedom a person's physical integrity is also affected" (Ethical considerations for evaluating the use of physical restraints). One Get more content on