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Final Report: SPECTRVM
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Researched by: Alex Kirchick, Garrett Mills, Kieran Scandrett, Hannah Hunter,
and Madi Griffin
Due Date: December 9th, 2016
Executive Summary Pg. 2
Research Brief Pg. 4
● Client Analysis Pg. 5
● Competitor Analysis Pg. 6
● Customer Analysis Pg. 7
● Research Purpose and Information Gaps Pg. 8
● Methodology Pg. 9
● Customer Insights Pg. 10
● Empirical Story Pg. 14
● Brand Story Pg. 17
● Client Recommendations Pg. 19
Conclusion Pg. 25
Appendices Pg. 26
● Appendix A: T1-Research Plan and Situation Analysis Pg. 27
● Appendix B: T2-Ethnographic Themes Pg. 33
● Appendix C: T3-Presentation Pg. 41
● Appendix D: References Pg. 48
● Appendix E: In-Text Citations Pg. 49
Our creative Market Research Team’s goal was to perform customer and market analysis as well
as research in order to provide our client, Spectrvm, with a brand story and recommendations for
how to implement a marketing plan. Spectrvm’s objective was to gain a unique branding position
to strengthen the success of their future launch on kickstarter, and to create strong brand loyalty.
In diving into our research, which was conducted through two rounds of in-depth interviews and
observations, our team’s research purpose was to understand how strong relationships are formed
by members of the Electronic Dance Music ‘tribe’. We determined that our team would be better
able to understand how the Spectrvm hydration pack could be used to strengthen the community
and their collective values by examining these relationships. In the primary steps of our research,
the marketing team found that there were some outstanding pieces of missing information that
was necessary to understand Spectrvm’s target customer. Some of the most crucial information
gaps that we strived to answer included:
● How does drug use at festivals influence the EDM culture,
● How does the production value of a festival influence the way attendees experience
EDM, and
● How do people in the rave tribe interact with one another
We used a phenomenological approach to gain a deeper insight of the EDM culture as a whole.
By applying the phenomenological method of research, our team was able to understand the
lived experiences that members of this tribe had, both during and outside of the festival
environment. We aimed to understand the EDM culture through the perspective of a ‘lived
experience’ by watching festival footage from the viewpoint of a concert-goer along with
interviewing individuals who are a part of the EDM ‘tribe’.
After performing research and analyzing the findings, our Market Research Team unveiled
insights that suggest sensory enhancers, production value, and intimacy lead to an ever-revolving
triangle which leads to social responsibility. In this case, Spectrvm is the force that draws people
into the ‘tribe’ and provides experienced ravers with an increasing sense of social responsibility
in the rave environment. In order for our client, Spectrvm, to gain as much interest and funding
as possible through their kickstarter, we have a few recommendations. The first being that the
company market/advertise their product on social media, along with having pop-up booths at
raves, and by interacting with customers through soundcloud. For optimal customer loyalty and
product satisfaction, we recommend that Spectrvm improve their prototype by introducing a
water-sharing-spout along with synchronizing the LED light feature on the backpack.
Spectrvm is a Cal Poly startup which aims to enter the electronic music industry by offering a
hybrid backpack containing a 2 liter LED hydration pack equipped with a small microphone that
picks up the frequency that the subwoofer then outputs for the user. The vibrations can be felt
throughout the body as the pack is secured to you around the waist and shoulders. The pack will
be sold for $195 each, which the company thinks is a reasonable price based on what consumers
are willing to spend and what they have spent prior. Along with selling their backpack for
concert uses, Spectrvm wants to branch out into different markets- not just limited to people who
go to raves. They think that their product could be used by people walking or biking to work,
hikers, or by people listening to music at home through their headphones. The Company would
like to bring in more potential customers and broaden their target market by offering a “unique
brand image through marketing” (Spectrvm). Currently Spectrvm’s budget is $400,000 per year
contingent on growth in revenue. The company’s current marketing strategy has mainly revolved
around social media- instagram and facebook- and it’s co-creator program.
The companies listed below are competitors to Spectrvm. While their products enhance the
effects of bass and are aimed towards the same target market as Spectrvm, they are not direct
competitors. The products produced by these companies do not sync to live music and are not
meant to be taken to large music festivals. It is important that Spectrvm still keeps an eye on
these companies because in the future they could release products that are meant for festival
Started in 2013 via Kickstarter, SubPac is a company that releases portable, wearable, and
rechargeable devices that allows consumers to feel the bass of music, video games, virtual reality
and even cinema in theaters. It works with any media that can be connected through a headphone
jack. SubPac currently has three products on the market: Subpac M2 (wearable tactile audio
system), SubPac S2 (insertable physical audio system for chairs), and SubPac BackPack
(backpack with bass benefits).
BassAware is a company that produces wearable audio devices that use vibration to create a
massive bass experience. Their only product right now is extremely similar to Spectrvm. The
bassAware Drop is a wearable device that customers wear like a backpack. It syncs the bass of
music via a headphone jack or syncs to live music via their Boost Mic Mode technology. This
allows users to instantly sync their bassAware Drop to their home stereo, music at a club, or the
PA system at any venue.
The Basslet is a vibrating subwoofer bracelet that emits a burst of haptic feedback every time the
bass drops. This allows consumers to feel the bass throughout their body without the music being
distorted. The Basslet can be connected to any audio source with a headphone jack. It can be
used to enhance music, movies, videogames and is compatible with VR headsets.
Spectrvm’s main target customers are millennials who are already a part of the ‘rave tribe’.
These consumers embody several aspects of EDM in their daily lives by listening to EDM music,
wearing apparel that sponsors their favorite DJ’s, following DJ’s and promoters on social media,
and interacting with their rave friends and family on a regular basis. Such individuals have most
likely been to several Electronic Dance Music concerts or festivals. They spend a significant
amount of money on these events- last year tickets alone to EDC Las Vegas cost over $400, and
this doesn’t include a place to stay, food costs, transportation, or costumes/accessories. This
younger generation puts more value on experiences- the EDM tribe in particular enjoys being
completely immersed in their concert experience. People who art part of the EDM tribe are
uniquely connected through the values of plur such as love, acceptance, and community. They
are most likely to purchase and use the Spectrvm pack because it offers features that will
enhance their overall experience and interaction with the music and one another.
Research Purpose: ​Understand how strong relationships are formed by being a part of the EDM
IG1: How does drug use at festivals influence the EDM culture?
● Explore what types of drugs are used at festivals.
● Identify the emotional and physical feelings user's experience while using on drugs.
● Understand the effects of recreational drugs on festival goers and how it changes their
● Observe how drugs affect attendees perception of PLUR.
IG2: How does the production value of a festival influence the way attendees experience
● Explore the sensory impressions lights and bass have on attendees in a festival setting.
● Identify accessories used to boost these sensory impressions.
● Understand how sound quality affects the overall festival experience.
IG3: How do people in the rave tribe interact with each other?
● Explore relationships between people in the EDM tribe.
● Identify common themes associated with each group (e.g. clothing and accessories)
● Observe how each group fulfills the elements of PLUR.
● Understand how people in rave families stay connected outside of the festival
● Identify the types of technology that ravers use to meet one another
IG4: What are some technology issues or pains that occur at EDM festivals?
● Identify the types of technology that ravers use to meet one another
● Interview people in the rave tribe to identify what technology pains they have
experienced during EDM festivals
IG5: How do people stay connected to the rave culture outside of festivals and raves?
● Interview beta testers and people who are deeply submerged in the EDM culture to reveal
how they connect with their tribe and the culture in their daily lives, not just at raves
● Observe the different aspects of the EDM culture that ravers incorporate in their homes
Over the course of this study our team conducted over 7.5 hours of in depth interviews and spent
over 9 hours making observations of the EDM culture. These observations ranged from different
events including EDC Las Vegas 2013, Tomorrow Land, and local Collective Efforts shows.
In total our Market Research Team interviewed 10 people, 3 men and 7 women, ranging in age
from 20-25, all from various parts of the country. Interviews ranged from approximately 30-60
minutes each. We chose to interview a sampling of people, some of whom were already heavily
involved in the rave tribe, and some who were just recently introduced in the culture. It was
important to our team to interview people with varying levels of exposure and investment in the
rave community. Our hope was to gain various perspectives stemming from ravers with different
level of involvement. This type of interview sampling allowed our team to discover overarching
patterns and behaviors within different tiers of the rave community.
The interview questions that we asked were a mix of grand tour, general, and specific questions.
Grand Tour questions helped us understand the different background and demographics of our
interviewees. General questions were asked to gain an insight on how involved each interviewee
was with the rave community- had they gone to previous raves, how often they listened to EDM
music, etc. Specific questions were used to probe interviewees about personal stories,
experiences, and anecdotes.
For our field/observational notes, members of our team watched informative documentaries
about EDM music and the culture surrounding it. We felt it was important to have a good
balance of ‘in the moment’ live action analysis and pre-existing data. A total of six hours of our
observational data came from observations made at live events including Griz + Thomas Jack.
Members chose either option by their personal preference and willingness to spend money for
concert tickets.
The three major insights that the team found throughout our extensive market research and
analysis include social responsibility and roles within the rave tribe, substances and how they are
used to enhance the sensory experience of EDM music, and the contrasting aspects of production
value- how it can heighten or diminish the aspects of PLUR. All of these insights connect to our
theory that Spectrvm is the ‘eye of the storm’ that grounds the PLUR community and sucks in
the outliers to easily assimilate them into the EDM culture.
The Influence of Sensory Enhancers in the EDM Culture
Through intensive research our marketing team discovered that the EDM culture relies heavily
on Sensory Enhancers such as drugs and alcohol. These substances can either amplify or
diminish the EDM ravers’ physical and emotional experiences at a concert/festival through
intimate interactions with other concert goers and the production design itself. This effect that
substances have on the way people experience EDM music, production value, and one-another at
festivals answers our Information Gap number one. In-depth interviews revealed that drugs such
as molly and ecstasy are extremely prevalent in the EDM culture. Drugs such as these are used to
lower people’s inhibitions, so they feel more inclined to reach out and befriend strangers.This
feeling of “pure happiness and bliss” which many interviewees described, gave them the
confidence to dance and interact with fellow ravers. One interviewee said that “since molly is a
drug that really opens up your happiness...that's a drug that is really going to enhance your
experience and you're going to feel more connected to the people you are with, be more excited
for the things that are happening”(ID, P26, Pg. 110). They said that being on drugs like molly
helps people “break boundaries” and talk to people who they may not have interacted with if
they weren’t under the influence.
The use of substances can enhance the physical experience of being at a rave by generating
excitement and changing one’s bodily feelings- such as making one sweaty and have heart
palpitations. One interviewee said that “physically you feel as if there is a drum in your body,
you can't stop moving and you're excited”(ID, P28,1Pg. 11). This antsy feeling generated
through the use of drugs makes ravers feel more connected to the people around them. As one
interviewee described it, “you feel as if you love everyone”.
As we described in our T2 Theme (Pg.33 Appendix B) there are also negative aspects of
substance use in the EDM culture. Overdoses, arguments, and hostile fights can arise from the
use of substances. This creates feeling of animosity and anger within the rave tribe, and it
diminishes aspects of PLUR such as unity and respect. An individual we interviewed said “It’s
not okay for people to do coke (cocaine) at festivals because they get really aggressive.”
Combative reactions lead to fights, which makes people feel unsafe in the festival
environment.The interviewee said “No one wants to be around them but it's really nice when
you have your friends to protect you from that.”(ID, P34, Pg. 111).When the overuse of
substances from not knowing one’s limits causes people to become out of control, social roles
and responsibilities come into play in the EDM culture.
Social Responsibility
We found that social responsibility is at the center of PLUR- peace, love, unity, and respect- in
the rave culture. Individuals in the rave tribe feel the need to embrace social roles in order to take
care of one another by ensuring the safety of the group as well as promoting a positive
experience within their ‘rave family’. Four out of the five people that our team interviewed said
that they played certain roles within their families. Some situations arise- such as people
becoming too intoxicated, dehydrated, or overdosing on drugs- that make individuals within a
rave family enact roles such as the ‘caregiver’ or ‘mom’. One young women, Sammie, whom we
interviewed described a situation in which an individual in front of her at a concert become so
incoherent from a drug overdose that he passed out and was carried out of the venue by an
ambulance (ID, P42, Pg. 118). In this situation Sammie had to help the man while calling the
paramedic. This is an example of how the negative side effects of sensory enhancers such as
drugs can encourage social responsibility in a festival environment. Another situation in which
individuals take on social roles is in ensuring that members of their rave families get to see the
DJ’s or sets that they came for, even if that means splitting up the group. This type of situation
has potential to cause conflict within the group, therefore specific people take on the role of
‘peacekeeper’ to prevent negative feelings between family members. Other people take the the
responsibility of ensuring that everyone around them is having a good time. One couple whom
we observed at EDC Las Vegas started going around to other ravers, spreading their PLUR
values by handing out toilet paper and wipes to people standing in line for the bathroom. When
asked about the reasoning behind their act of kindness, the couple replied saying “It’s part of the
whole PLUR thing, everybody wants respect and unity, we’re just trying to make sure everyone
is having a good time”(OD, P24, Pg.59 ).
These roles are significant in preserving the PLUR aspects of peace and unity, which are highly
valued throughout the culture. Unity is promoted in the ‘attitude’ of acceptance that members of
the rave tribe exude throughout their community. We found that individuals who were often seen
as outcasts of society found a welcoming place, where they felt they could be their true selves, in
the EDM tribe. One interviewee explained how she was seen as an “outcast her entire life” until
she was introduced to EDM music (OD, P1, Pg.61). The EDM culture changed who she was, and
her outlook on life became more positive when she was allowed to shamelessly express herself.
This welcoming attitude is created in the way the tribe feels responsibility in making sure that
everyone feels respected and included. For example, if an individual gets separated from their
group other ravers openly welcome them into their rave family for the night. This form of social
responsibility leads to implicit trust between rave goers. Implicit trust transcends into love and
often times romantic relationships are formed on the basis of this trust.
Production Influence at EDM Festivals
After collecting observational data and conducting extensive interviews, the research team found
that the production of lights, music, and overall atmosphere in a festival setting influences
intimacy between attendees and the use of sensory enhancers.
Having high production quality at an EDM festival or concert is a must to positively influence
intimacy between attendees. Subjects we observed at the GRiZ concert grew angry when the
sound volume was too low. One interviewee reported that “Sound is super key. If it’s too low, it
feels as if you are talking to each other in a room and that’s uncomfortable” (ID, P36, Pg.111).
Having that volume turned all the way up is the only way to satisfy these bass-heads. The visual
effects that are brought to life via LED HD screens need to intrigue the crowd and be paired with
intense rotating lights that will keep the crowd on their toes. Another interviewee reported, “The
lights are really exciting too because they come out into the audience and everyone gets really
excited and starts to jump around with each other.” (ID, P36, Pg.111). The production of lights
and sound can either make or break an experience for festival attendees. To ensure the rave
community is satisfied and emits PLUR values, having high quality production is key.
The production of a festival is also one of the main reasons attendees decide to use sensory
enhancers such as Molly, diffraction glasses, and LED gloves. One interviewee recounted an
experience she had while on Molly. She states, “you really just want to jump and dance and be
with friends and enhance your experience as much as you can while you’re going through that
roll” (ID, P28, 111). The loud bass and vibrant colors that shoot through the crowd is the perfect
setting for attendees to enhance their roll. Another interview reported that using accessories such
as LED gloves and diffraction glasses add to the overall visual experience of EDM festivals.
Relying simply on the DJ to perform well will no longer be enough. Relating this to our IG2,
festivals need to encompass high production quality of sound and visual effects to keep ravers
coming back for more.
PLUR Triangle
Through extensive observational research and in-depth interviews, the research team discovered
an empirical story from the data. The story is centered around 3 main areas of a user’s experience
at a festival: production of sound and lights, products that enhance their sensory nerves, and
intimacy with other attendees. Each aspect influences the other, creating a continuous circle that
immerses festival goers into the PLUR community more and more.
Let’s start this story off with sensory enhancers. Sensory enhancers refers to products that
intensify or heighten festival goers’ senses, such as diffraction glasses, LED gloves, the
Spectrvm pack, and drug use. These sensory enhancers intensify the way attendees see the lights,
feel the bass, and interact with one another. This brings us over to the topic of intimacy.
Intimacy among festival goers is both positively and negatively affected by sensory enhancers
such as drugs. Intimacy is increased by drugs like Molly because it provides them with the
feeling of love, bliss, and the confidence to meet and interact with new people. Conversely,
drugs such as cocaine were found to negatively influence the PLUR community and diminished
intimacy between festival attendees by making them aggressive and apt to fight. Products such as
the Specrvm pack increase intimacy between festival goers by providing an opportunity to
connect through a shared experience.
Intimacy is also increased when the production value at the festival is high. Interviewees
reported they were more likely to interact with attendees they had never met before when they
could feel the bass and the light show was on point. Conversely, if the production value at a
festival is poor, for example the music volume level was too low, interviewees reported loss of
intimacy due to frustration.
Each part of the story influences the other positively or negatively. When each area of the
triangle positively influences the other, the festival attendee becomes further immersed with the
rave community and begins to emit the values of PLUR.
Tornado of Responsibility
Along with the triangle, we have the tornado. At the ground, the tornado begins with a consumer
who is not yet immersed in the culture, or perhaps it is even their first time at an EDM event.
Because of PLUR values, the tribe is a very outgoing and loving community, which will
inherently attract more people. This attraction causes the tornado to suck more people in, as the
three points of the triangle ( Sensory enhancement, Production Value, and Intimacy) become
stronger and more intense, much like a tornado sucking up cars, houses, and anything in it’s path.
The tornado grows and widens in conjunction with the aforementioned triangle points. As the
consumer becomes more immersed with the culture, the tornado, which is basically a measure of
involvement into the tribe and culture, grows wider and higher.
After developing the empirical story for Spectrvm stemming from data collected throughout the
quarter, the research team uncovered the brand story that will provide this company with a
marketing strategy. The essence of our brand story is a tornado of responsibility that is both fed
and calmed by Spectrvm.
PLUR Triangle
The features of the Spectrvm hydration pack coincide with the PLUR triangle. The technology
that produces bass throughout the user’s body increases the production value of the festival,
which leads to increased intimacy. The sensory nerves of users also increase through this heavy
bass feeling that is emitted throughout the body. The LED lights that outline the backpack
provide an awe value that will draw members outside of the user’s rave family, leading to a new
interaction, and therefore increasing intimacy. The 2-Liter water bladder emits the value of social
responsibility because users are not only filling up water for themselves, but also for festival
attendees around them. A slogan of “helping you to help others” seems fitting.
The Spectrvm backpack increases each aspect of the triangle positively. This results in festival
attendees becoming more immersed within the rave community, causing them to emit the values
of PLUR and bring others into the community.
Tornado of Responsibility
In the Tornado of Responsibility, Spectrvm is the eye of the tornado. It is the aspect that fuels the
phenomenon of the tornado to grow wilder and even more out of control by enhancing
customer’s rave experiences. Spectrvm, functioning as the eye of the storm, also serves as the
calmest spot of the tornado. In this sense, Spectrvm helps ravers to take responsibility for
themselves and others. The spectrvm pack functions as the calming force by providing an easier
way for concert-goers to share water at festivals and by providing a sense of orientation for
friends who get separated from their groups.
The Spectrvm product intensifies the rave experience for people who are already heavily
involved in the culture by creating a powerful twister. As the tornado grows stronger, there is a
higher need for responsibility. The Spectrvm backpack is used to enhance values such as social
responsibility, intimacy, and production value, which people in the EDM tribe find to have vital
importance. The twister incorporates features that the Spectrvm pack has, such as it’s vibrating
component and large bladder for optimal water storage, by applying it in these social situations
within the EDM environment. The use of the backpack amplifies ravers’ overall experience,
which leads them to bring other people into the ‘tribe’ through acts of social responsibility. Just
like a tornado sucks up debris around it, the Spectrvm hydration pack draws outliers, who may
not be as immersed in the EDM culture, into the community. At this point, the twister is
Ideas for Improving Products
Additional Spout
One idea for how to improve the Spectrvm hydration pack is to add an additional spout so that
users can easily share their water with fellow festival attendees. Through extensive interviews
and data collection, the research team found that attendees believe having water or an empty
bottle is the most important item to bring to a festival. Interviewees also reported that they
frequently share water with friends and other attendees they don’t know to ensure everyone stays
Including an additional spout is inexpensive and will boost the utility use of the hydration pack
to a new level. This new addition also leverages the brand story of the Responsibility Tornado
where consumers in the EDM community feel responsible for those around them. It will allow
Spectrvm to easily market their product as a shareable device designed to enhance the festival
experience of not only the user, but also those in the PLUR community. An idea for a tagline for
this new addition is “helping you to help others.”
Customize Light Color
Another idea for how to improve the Spectrvm hydration pack is to include a feature that allows
the user to customize the LED lights on the outside of the backpack. Through interviews and
data collection, the research team found that rave families design large, easily identifiable signs
to walk with throughout a festival setting to ensure that if a member is lost in the crowd they can
reconnect with the group quickly. This is a great idea, but what happens when it gets dark out?
Spectrvm has the opportunity to be the glue that keeps the group together. By creating a way for
the user to customize the color of the lights on their backpack, they will in essence be creating a
beacon for the group to find them in the dark. This new addition to the product also leverages the
brand story of the Responsibility Tornado by ensuring all rave families are safe and can easily
stick together. For marketing purposes, Spectrvm can also utilize the tagline “helping you to help
After looking from many possible angles, the team has come up with a unique and exciting
approach regarding packaging. The team has decided that a box made from reusable cardboard
would be best. This ensures reliable durability necessary for transportation of product. Keeping
in mind the mechanics within the backpack, a sturdy and protective box complete with protective
cushioning (bubble wrap i.e) to keep mechanics in prime condition is essential.
The box should grab the consumer’s attention right away. A simple but stimulating design was
the consensus. Staying consistent with the backpack’s current appearance, we decided on a
bright purple aura color on all surfaces of the box, with the logo printed over the top. According
to the Johns Byrne website, purple packaging appeals to younger consumers and the color
suggests “​luxury, indulgence, exceptional quality...relates to high ideals, imagination, spirituality
and uniqueness.” All of which encompasses the rave experience.
To encourage a sense of interaction, including a playlist of popular EDM songs and DJs on the
packaging would create an engaging experience the second the consumer receives their Spectrvm
product. This playlist would ideally be printed directly on the packaging, perhaps inside one of
the flaps as they open the box. For the ease of locating the songs and DJs, we recommend
printing a soundcloud handle for them to follow alongside the playlist on the box. An additional
recommendation is to include the top ten MUST SEE DJs on the packaging as well. Depending
on the costs, possibly changing the packaging for specific events may be worth looking into.
The idea of incorporating interaction into the packaging ties back to our brand story of being
responsible for others’ experiences and striving to make these experiences the best possible.
Point of Sales
We suggest Spectrvm sell the product through online platforms such as the Spectrvm website as
well as Amazon. The website is a given because it is easy for customers to locate and offers
additional descriptions of what the product is and can do. Amazon would be a great tool to use
because it only charges sellers between 8-15% per each sale in addition to FBA fees. It is a
widely used buying and selling platform throughout the country and would be a source that
consumers can use to find Spectrvm easily.
Pop-up booths at certain EDM concerts and events would be another great way to sell. Hook the
customer while they are on the high of the experience. Through our research, we found these
consistent festival goers are there for the experience and sensations. What better way than to
appeal to them in the moment?
Bringing ambassadors to various colleges is another suggestion. Getting the word out to the
general target consumer can be easily done through college campuses. Ambassadors that are
similar in age and knowledgeable of the culture and rave scene are essential in making a
connection with potential customers.
Social Media
Social media nowadays can be used to a company’s advantage. There are so many social media
platforms to choose from to get the word out about Spectrvm. The team suggests using
Facebook, Instagram, and Soundcloud.
Instagram allows companies to pay to be a sponsor for Instagram in order to advertise their
product or brand. It is hard to come by someone who is not an avid user of Instagram, so we feel
that using it as a way to promote Spectrvm is nothing but beneficial. According to, over half of millennials use instagram every single day.Another recommendation
would be to maintain the Spectrvm Instagram and slightly improve the current account to gain
more followers and fans of the product, such as posting more often or posting more videos and
picture of people using the backpack.
Facebook is another social media platform that is known for its videos that flood newsfeeds.
These videos range from home videos that have gone viral, to news clips, to advertisements and
info videos for new products. We feel that the Spectrvm pack would be the perfect product for
one of these advertisement videos. Its cutting edge features, like the unique vibrations, are sure to
grab people’s attention.
Lastly, using soundcloud as a way to interact and relate to potential customers will really present
an opportunity for clients to become interested in Spectrvm. They may feel connected through
shared music and DJ preferences, leading to a natural inclination to the company.
Video Storyboard
The Video Storyboard is a recommendation of what a Spectrvm commercial or video could look
like. The storyboard starts off with a group of friends who are dancing, enjoying being at their
first EDM festival. They are surrounded by several other concert goers, accompanied with lights
and music in the background. In the next scene a young female from wanders away from her
friends to use the restrooms and find refreshments. On her way she finds herself lost in the
middle of the festival, without any cellphone service. She feels lost and tired, all the while not
knowing how to get back to her friends. She decides to head towards some lights that she sees
off in the distance. By following the lights the young woman comes across a group of fellow
ravers, all whom are wearing their Spectrvm packs which are lit up with LED lights. The pair is
listening to EDM music and dancing when the lost woman approaches them. The young woman
is intrigued with the backpacks that the duo are wearing. She asks them about the pack and they
offers to demonstrate by sharing their water with her. In the last scene the group quickly
becomes friends and head back to the rave together, all wearing their Spectrvm backpacks.
We recommend that the storyboard video be posted on the Spectrvm website and on their social
media sites, so that it can be viewed by a wide audience and shared between people in the rave
The purpose of this research was to perform customer and market analysis for Spectrvm, which
resulted in the creation of a brand story and recommendations that serve to provide the client
with insights to create a successful marketing campaign for their product.
The insights and recommendations that our Market Research Team found through our extensive
research, can be used by our client Spectrvm to create a strong brand story that resonates with
their consumers and encompases PLUR values. This story will guide Spectrvm in their
marketing tactics and produce content that will continually leverage their brand essence of social
To leverage the brand essence further, the market research team recommends two feasible
improvements to the Hydration Pack itself. These features include an additional water spout and
customizable LED lights which can be synchronized. These improvements will influence the
rave tribe by strengthening the need for social roles and responsibility along with increasing the
intimacy between concert-goers. The Spectrvm pack serves as the ‘eye of the tornado’ by
enhancing the festival experience through increased production value. They pull outliers into the
EDM tribe and serve as the force that feeds the tornado of PLUR. Contrastingly, Spectrvm also
acts as the ‘calm of the storm’ by strengthening social responsibility between festival attendees
by offering a safe haven where concert goers can stay hydrated and retain a sense of orientation
in their rave families.
Client Analysis
Spectrvm Co. is a live music hydration company, and one of the firsts of its kind. The company
was incorporated in 2016 by two Cal Poly graduates with the goal of bringing people physically
closer to their music. Spectrvm wants to enhance its target markets’ experience of live music by
offering them a way to physically feel the bass. The Spectrvm backpack is a 2 liter LED
hydration pack equipped with a small microphone that picks up the frequencies of the bass in
music and transfers it into vibrations which pulse to the music. The vibrations can be felt
throughout the body as the pack is secured to you around the waist and shoulders. The pack will
be sold for $195 each, which the company thinks is a reasonable price based on what the target
spends and their buying habits.
The CEO and CFO of Spectrvm started the company because they saw an unmet need that their
rave family had. Through customer analysis, interviews, and observing how people use the
Spectrvm pack at raves and concerts, they were able to fine tune their product to have all the
features that were most desired by the customer. Spectrvm is targeting mainly millennials who
enjoy going to concerts, and festivals. This target ‘tribe’ is defined as a rave family. Spectrvm is
encouraging it’s family to become co-creators in their company. Through the co-creator
program, members will help fund the company’s launch by supporting its Kickstarter event on
November 14th. The co-creators also get a chance to be a part of an exclusive facebook page,
receive special offers and discounts, and they will have the potential to help create designs for
future Spectrvm products.
This backpack is not just a product, but a way for people to be more engaged in lived
experiences. The Spectrvm product will allow ravers, festival goers, and others to escape from
the stifling norms of society. The company wants to be able to expand into several different
markets in the future- not just limited to people who go to raves. They think that their product
could be used by people walking or biking to work, hikers, or by people listening to music at
home through their headphones. The Company would like to bring in more potential customers
and broaden their target market by offering a “unique brand image through
marketing”(Spectrvm). Currently Spectrvm’s budget is $400,000 per year contingent on growth
in revenue. The company’s current marketing strategy has mainly revolved around social media-
instagram and facebook- and it’s co-creator program. Interested consumers can learn about
Spectrvm through their website or by liking their Facebook page to see what events are coming
up. This type of marketing gives consumers a way to interact with the company as well as being
able to share it with their friends and family. Since they are currently operating on a lean budget,
Spectrvm wants to use a cheap and simple way- such as guerilla marketing- to continue
marketing to their expanding tribe.
Spectrvm is using Kickstarter to fund its initial launch. Their goal is to raise over $500,000 to
start manufacturing the hydration pack. The Company’s hopes are that through marketing and by
using their co-creators they will be able to reach $25,000 before the event even launches.
Customer Analysis
Spectrvm’s target audience ranges from all ages, but primarily focuses on younger consumers
considering they largely make up rave culture. The EDM tribe would be Spectrvm’s main
targeted tribe because it has the most value to them. However others who hike, backpack, ride
bikes (safety awareness) or bassheads (enjoy bass filled music) would also be possible tribes.
Younger generations, along with concert goers put more value on experiences than material
items. So, the Spectrvm pack will appeal to younger people who enjoy concerts, raves, and
music festivals of electronic music.
The EDM tribe is uniquely connected by passion and love for their culture. This is proven by
attendance records at raves and festivals, bumper stickers on cars, and throughout social media
platforms. Consumers become submersed in the live performances. Along with this, comes the
iconic clothing that concert goers wear. Flashy colors, trendy outfits, and creative costumes push
this tribe to the forefront of edgy fashion statements. One possible route to foster relationships is
via LED lighting the Spectrvm pack offers. Functionality turned stylish, Spectrvm will give
consumers a new brand which combines two of their main principles: trendsetting fashion and
enhanced personal experience. Marketing Spectrvm as a fashion statement, the EDM tribe will
appreciate the pack not only for it’s functionality, but also as an accessory to their costume. By
creating a respectable accessory, the EDM tribe will foster a connection with Spectrvm and its
future products.
Everyone enjoys being listened to and valued. Utilizing this universal idea, Spectrvm possesses
the power to foster strong relationships using the EDM tribe by co-creators. By involving
consumers in decision making, you achieve brand loyalty that is effective because the tribe is a
part of the product. One way connecting tribes to Spectrvm is by allowing consumers to talk
directly with members of the Spectrvm team live and in person at concerts/festivals/raves by
setting up a booth with Spectrvm employees. By associating names to faces, consumers will
connect not only with the brand, but individuals who could assist consumers into joining the
co-creator program. By personally welcoming them into the co-creator program, consumers will
feel accepted and encouraged to voice their opinion and join the ever-changing movement that is
Another tribe to possibly consider as a consumer of the Spectrvm hydration pack is the deaf
community. Although they are not able to listen to music like the rest of us do, this pack filled
with intense bass and vibration, will allow them to physically feel the music. If this avenue is
taken, there is a lot of potential to market this pack as much more than just a tool used to enhance
music festivals.
Spectrvm can target tribes by marketing at concerts, colleges, and music stores. Although the
main focus is electronic music related events, consumers are not marginalized by enjoying one
category of music. To achieve the best marketing plan possible, Spectrvm needs to tap into
various tribes with the heaviest focus on the EDM community.
Competitor Analysis
The Basslet is a vibrating subwoofer bracelet that emits a burst of haptic feedback every time the
bass drops. This allows consumers to feel the bass throughout their body without the music being
distorted. The Basslet can be connected to any audio source with a headphone jack. It can be
used to enhance music, movies, videogames and is compatible with VR headsets.
Much like Spectrvm, Basslet is also in its early stages. Both companies are attempting to gain
funding via Kickstarter, a crowdfunding campaign. While both companies yearn to bring the live
music experience to their consumers, Basslet only offers it in a controlled setting. The wearable
subwoofer only syncs to music when it is connected through a headphone jack. Spectrvm truly
sets itself apart as a company by offering a product that syncs to live music without the need for
bluetooth or connection via a headphone jack. The main difference between the two companies
is the setting in which the products will be used. Spectrvm is intended for live music experiences
at festivals while Basslet is intended for consumers that want a more in-home, life-like
experience with music or video games. Basslet is still an important competitor to consider
because of their convenient wearable technology. The product has not been released yet so there
is no telling how popular it will become. If successful, the company could continue to release
new products with updated technology that could, in the future, sync to live music.
Started in 2013 via Kickstarter, SubPac is a company that releases portable, wearable, and
rechargeable devices that allows consumers to feel the bass of music, video games, virtual reality
and even cinema in theaters. It works with any media that can be connected through a headphone
jack. SubPac currently has three products on the market: Subpac M2 (wearable tactile audio
system), SubPac S2 (insertable physical audio system for chairs), and SubPac BackPac
(backpack with bass benefits).
Although SubPac does not have a product that syncs to live music yet, they are the biggest
competitor to Spectvm. Their products that are already on the market tap into the same target
market as Spectrvm. SubPac is focusing on Djs, producers, and bass heads that yearn for the
constant live music experience. They are currently working side-by-side with Djs and producers
to manufacture the best products possible. It is only a matter of time before their new
merchandise syncs to live music and is intended for avid festival goers. SubPac already has this
portion of the market cornered simply because consumers can actively purchase. They also
received publicity last year during the NBA Finals when superstar Kyrie Irving was seen wearing
the SubPac 2 during an interview. The combination of these factors make SubPac a direct
competitor to Spectrvm.
BassAware is a company that produces wearable audio devices that use vibration to create a
massive bass experience. Their only product right now is extremely similar to Spectrvm. The
bassAware Drop is a wearable device that customers wear like a backpack. It syncs the bass of
music via a headphone jack or syncs to live music via their Boost Mic Mode technology. This
allows users to instantly sync their bassAware Drop to their home stereo, music at a club, or the
PA system at any venue.
This company is a direct competitor to Spectrvm because it uses the same technology and has the
same target market. BassAware attempted to gain capital through the crowdfunding website but was unsuccesful. They are moving forward with the product anyway,
with a set release date in late February 2016. It will be interesting to see if they are successful or
not once the product is available for purchase. We as marketers need to watch this company
closely and ensure our marketing efforts translate to ensure we meet our fundraising goal.
Focus / purpose of this research project:
1. To determine what the potential
consumer of the Spectrvm pack values
in live music and the festival/concert
2. Understand how strong relationships
are formed by being a part of the
EDM culture
3. How do people keep the brand
experience alive in their daily lives
outside of the normal EDM
Information Gaps:
1. How do people live out their EDM
experiences in their daily lives
2. How does drug use at festivals
influence the EDM culture?
3. How does the production value of a
festival influence the way attendees
experience EDM?
4. How do people in the rave tribe
interact with each other?
5. What are some technology issues or
pains that occur at EDM festivals?
Research Objectives for In-depth
1. Interview beta testers and people who
are deeply submerged in the EDM
culture to reveal how they connect
with their tribe and the rave culture in
their daily lives (not just at raves).
2. Interview ravers to understand how
the use or misuse of drugs influences
the overall sensory experience at a
What Information Gaps are Addressed?
1. RO1 connects to IG 1 and 4
2. RO3 connects to IG 2
Research Objectives for Observations: What Information Gaps are Addressed?
1. RO1 connects with IG 1 and 3
1. Observe people in the rave tribe by
watching videos and clips of popular
EDM festivals.
2. Observe people in the rave community
interacting with one another-
determine how relationships are
formed within the community. What is
unique about the relationships?
3. Observe people in their rave families
to determine what social roles they
2. RO2 connects with IG 1 and 4
3. RO3 connects with IG 1 and 4
Research Plan & Situation Analysis
Observational Field Work Sites that the majority of our group explored included the 2013
Electric Daisy Concert festival in Las Vegas, Nevada as well as the TomorrowLand Festival.
Kieran and Madi observed other videos pertaining to the EDC culture such as the ​Chainsmokers
Ultra Set 2016 and ​On the Road to EDC- Evelina’s Amazing EDC Experience. Alex attended a
live EDM concert at the Fremont Theater in San Luis Obispo as part of her field work.
Some of the communal actors that we came across included Sadie, a teenager from Texas who
was attending the EDC festival for the first time in 2013. The ‘Wolfpack’ group, Ali and Matt
the couple who fell in love at an EDC festival over 15 years ago, and Jim and Jana the long
distance couple were other common actors.
Individual actors were our Interviewee’s for the personal in-depth interviews: Vinay, Skylar,
Barbara, Xenia, and Marisa. We strived to find subjects that had been to multiple music festivals
or raves as to provide the foremost information for our research project.
Some of the behaviours that we focused on during our interviews and observations were…
- How relationships were formed between people in the rave tribe
- How individuals in the tribe interacted and incorporated technology in the rave
- The degree to which individuals were submerged in the culture. Was EDM part of their
daily lives and incorporated in their language, clothing, decorations, etc. or was it just an
‘in the moment’ experience.
Interview Guide
Grand Tour:
- What’s your name, age, major, etc.
General Topic Starter Questions:
- When did you first start listening to edm music? What did you think of it when you first
heard it?
- Did you start going to raves or festivals right after being introduced to the EDM culture?
- What is your favorite aspect of edm festivals? / What appeals to you about raves and edm
Specific Questions:
- Can you please describe the first time you went to a rave- what emotions were going
through your head?
- Who do you attend festivals with? Is it always the same group of people?
- How important is the fashion/costume aspect of going to a rave?
- In your opinion, what is the most important thing to bring to a rave?
- How does the use of drugs, alcohol, and substances enhance or diminish your festival
- Does PLUR (peace, love, unity, and respect) have an impact on the way people connect
and interact at raves? Do you feel like it is a community environment?
- If there were anything that would make your rave experience more enjoyable, what
would it be?
- In your experience, what difficulties stem from using technology at festivals?
- Is EDM part of your daily life- do you listen to EDM music regularly, follow DJ’s on
social media, go to concerts, have a rave environment at your home, go to rave themed
parties, etc.?
- Is there an aspect about raves that you wish you could incorporate into your daily life, if
you don’t already? (ex. rave lighting in your house)
- Do you follow any EDM social media pages? Who?
- Do you post pictures of yourself and friends at raves?
- Do you notice a variety of people when you’re at raves or festivals? How do ravers differ
from one another (levels of engagement or involvement- people who go to festivals a lot
or people who are just kinda into it).
- What are some unique experiences that you have had at raves that are specific to you-
don’t think that other ravers would have those experiences?
Ethnographic Themes
Romantic Relationships
Stemming from the PLUR values of peace, love, unity, and respect we found that many people
within the rave tribe developed romantic relationships within the EDM community. Rave events
promote these romantic relationships through the use of dominant cultural images such as the
LED lined ferris wheel at EDC. One couple, Jim and Jana, from our observations said “it is every
couple’s dream to kiss on top of the ferris wheel”. There is a vast amount of public display of
affection among people in this tribe. While observing festivals such as EDC and TomorrowLand,
some of our researchers noticed how everyone seemed to be holding hands, hugging, or kissing.
Regarding intimacy and it’s correlation with PLUR, Xenia, one of the interviewees said
“Everyone is about it...Everyone's open-minded. I feel like if you just kiss somebody they would
probably be okay with it”. This intimacy was seen explicitly by observing Nick and his rave
family during the Electric Daisy Carnival. During the observation Nick explained that everyone
in his rave family is in an “open relationship”, and that they all planned to get married to one
another in Las Vegas. Romantic relationships that are formed within this community transcend
typical stereotypes of what society says a relationship can looks like.
Love is a core facet of plur and it is demonstrated not only by the expression of intimacy, but
also in the strong rooted relationships that come from interactions at festivals. Alli and Matt are a
perfect example of this- the couple met at an EDC festival over fifteen years ago, and recently
got married at the EDC festival in Las Vegas in 2013. They are strong believers in the values of
PLUR, and brought their two children up in an environment supported by those beliefs. While
many of these romantic relationships are formed naturally, some of them sprout from the use of
technology. One of our interviewee’s, Marissa met her boyfriend on an EDM Instagram site and
said that ‘rave’ specified technologies are her primary source of contact between her rave family.
She said that even though she met her boyfriend on a technology site, “The culture truly brought
us together and it’s just so important to me”. The core aspect of love within PLUR is therefore
spread by the use of technology, in order for people in the EDM tribe to form romantic
relationships with one another. The use of technology to retain romantic relationships during and
apart from the rave environment relates to our information gaps 4 and 5. This theme also relates
to IG3 by exploring how attendees in a rave tribe connect with one another during a festival.
● I observed Jana taking a taxi to the airport in Las Vegas to pick up her boyfriend Jim.
When they see each other the couple runs to one another and embrace in a long kiss. The
couple looked ecstatic to be reunited at last- they couldn’t stop smiling and hugging one
another. Once they were together back in their hotel room, Jana spoke about ​the couple’s
mutual dream to kiss on top of the Ferris wheel at the festival​. She said it is​ “every
ravers dream to kiss on top the Ferris wheel”​. (OD 14; Hannah)
● It's like a culture.Everyone’s about it.Everybody's about the same thing. ​Everyone's
open-minded. I feel like if you just kiss somebody they would probably be okay with
it​. (ID 56; Garrett)
● Next I observed Nick, a firefighter from Atascadero, CA. He is introduced with his rave
family in a van as they drove out to Las Vegas for EDC. The outside of the van is
covered in writing that says ‘EDC’ in bright colors. Nick and several other people in the
car are wearing fuzzy animal hats and Kandi bracelets. Everyone in the car was moving
back and forth in dancing motions and head bobbing to the EDM music that was playing.
Nick explained how everyone in his rave family is in an open relationship with one
another. They all planed to getting married to each other in Las Vegas.​ (ID 18;
● The middle aged couple that I observed,​ Alli and Matt, met at the Electric Daisy
Concert over 15 years ago; they fell in love under the “Electric sky” of EDC.​ Pictures
are shown of the couple together at EDC over the years- I see comparisons of them from
their first EDC together to their most recent in 2013; (OD 22; Hannah)
● “It not only brings you friendships that last but ​it also brings relationships​. We have
been in this for almost a year now. I think this is EDC’s… It will be the one year marking
of us meeting and December will be our official one year anniversary. ​The culture truly
brought us together and it’s just so important to me​.” (ID 2; Madi)
Lost and Found
PLUR promotes several other attributes other than peace, love, unity, and respect. We found that
two of these core virtues are acceptance and belonging- which happen to be huge influencing
factors in why our interviewee’s joined the EDM tribe. In our interview and observational
findings, we found that many of the people that now encompass the rave lifestyle had previously
experienced feeling lost. They felt like they were the outcasts of society, as if they didn’t have
something to belong to. Sadie, a girl that we observed attending the EDC festival was looked at
as “an outcast for her entire life”. When Sadie discovered the EDM culture her outlook on life
changed, she was happy to finally have a place to fit in.The acceptance and belonging that is
reinforced by PLUR is what truly encourages freedom of self expression and allows people in
the rave tribe to do so without fear of judgment. For instance Alli and Matt, a rave couple from
Las Vegas truly encompassed the values of acceptance and belonging when they handed out
toilet paper and wipes to people in line for the bathroom at the EDC festival. Alli said “It’s part
of the whole PLUR thing, everybody wants respect. And Unity, trying to make sure everyone is
having a good time”. The couple explains that they just want to ensure everyone is having a
positive experience.
The environment commonly found at raves and festivals is very inclusive of all kinds of people.
This diverse atmosphere is great for getting to know new people and creating friendships and
relationships. From these relationships rave families are formed. Rave families are essentially a
group of friends who attend EDM events together. We found that many people view the
formation of a group dynamic through a rave family to be an essential part of their experience.
Vinay explained that going to raves with a consistent group ensures an aspect of fun as well as
“​provides more of an enclosure within the same people that you see every day.” He elaborated
by explaining how when he first started attending raves he would reach out to new people and
join their groups, but now he goes with the same friends to every festival. We discovered that the
majority of people in the festival crowd are extremely welcoming of other into their groups.
Within this informal group setting people connect over their shared interest in accessories such
as Kandi- beaded bracelets that are traded at festivals- and costumes. Conversely, rather than the
sole purpose of ​the group dynamic being establishing friendships, many individuals viewed it as
a means of finding safety in the large crowds. When separated from their friends people reached
out to strangers asking to join their groups in order to feel safe in the masses. PLUR values are
expressed here in the way that everyone helps and cares for one another by creating an
environment of inclusivity. These group dynamics relate to Information Gap 3 by exploring
relationships among people in rave families. The data we found through ethnographic research
also connects to Information Gap 3 in the way it conveys “how each group fulfills elements of
● Sadie, a young Texan woman, was ecstatic about her first EDM festival at EDC. Posters
of EDM artists are strewn across her room. ​She shamelessly admits to being viewed as
an outcast her entire life, but when she found EDM culture, it changed who she was
and her outlook on life.​ Suffering from extreme anxiety, (so extreme she isn't allowed
to operate a vehicle) Sadie is excited for and hopes to alleviate stress at EDC. (OD 1;
● I observed as Alli and Matt arrived at the EDC festival and started going around to other
ravers​ spreading their PLUR (peace, love, unity, and respect) values by handing out
toilet paper and wipes to people waiting in line for the bathroom. ​They explained
how they have taken on a parenting role at these festivals. Alli says that ​“It’s part of the
whole PLUR thing, everybody wants respect. And Unity, trying to make sure
everyone is having a good time”.​ (OD 24; Hannah)
● As I watched “Under the Electric Sky,” a man talked about how initially ​this music was
for the “loners” at school​ who did not feel they fit in, but now they have this common
interest to bond over….​Acceptance is the biggest thing​ for these die hard ravers. They
can let loose and truly be themselves. (OD 26; Madi)
● It provides kind of like an enclosure or basically like you're raving with the same
people you already know like you've been through a lot with these guys you were
hanging out with​ them every week, every day. You love to be around them like and now
you're just at a different place with them and now you get to have more fun just listening
to music so I would say it. (ID 26; Kieran)
● I wanted to listen to the music that I want to listen to and they kind of like rock music and
like alternative and I wasn't really into that type of music. So I went or I just went around
by myself and I met​, I met tons of new people and I stuck with them for a little bit
and I broke off and went by myself and met some new people, just messes of new
people. But if I go to a festival like now I try to stick with the group​, but before when
I was kind of younger I tried to just listen to the music that I wanted to listen to so I def
would break away from the group. (ID 28; Kieran)
Drugs: Strengthening or Diminishing PLUR Values?
Drugs and substances such as Molly, Alcohol, and Ecstasy are extremely prevalent in the EDM
and electro-dance music culture. Many of the people we interviewed said that Molly gave them
the feeling of “pure happiness and bliss” and enhanced the overall rave experience. Interviewees
reported that it gave them the confidence to dance freely and strike up conversations with
members in the crowd. One of our Interviewee’s, Skylar said that “On drugs it (edm-festivals) is
just better because all the lights are pretty and everything else is just so much prettier than they
would be otherwise.” Drugs, along with the use of technologies such as refraction glasses and
LED gloving, amplify the visual effects and heighten senses. Light shows and heavy bass drops
that coincide with DJ’s sets ignite a sensory experience for users on Molly or Ecstasy that cannot
be duplicated. In another observation, a member on our research team discovered that “attendees
who had taken Molly were very open to having conversations with strangers and wanted constant
physical contact.” In this aspect, Molly strengthened PLUR values by equipping users with an
open and carefree personality, resulting in new bonds and relationships between tribes in the rave
The use of substances in many cases also diminishes the rave experience by tainting PLUR
values. There are many outsiders who attend raves for the sole purpose of experimenting with
drugs rather than for the music and relationships, which are aspects that experienced ravers value
highly. One of the young men we interviewed, Vinay explained that these novice ravers were
getting too out of control with the use of drugs and alcohol. He said “​they're too drunk...they're
just wobbling back and forth or running into you definitely I would want to eliminate that for
sure”. Vinay also talked about how people don’t know their limits when they are experimenting
with substances. One of his friends experienced a negative side effect of drugs when he got into a
fight at a rave. Another individual Barabara said that the people who don’t really listen to EDM
are starting to attend festivals and how “​they end up being the really rude people that don't
respect the culture”. She elaborates on that by saying that the people who take drugs for no
reason at the concerts end up “screwing up everyone else’s experience...they can’t control
themselves”. These experiences resemble the loss of PLUR and overall feeling of community.
As we have observed, the​ indulgence in substance abuse can be a good or bad thing in the rave
culture​. This theme relates to our IG1 because it explores ​how drug use affects attendees
perception of PLUR both positively and negatively. It also relates to our IG2 by identifying
accessories used to boost the sensory experience (e.g. lights, sound, visual effects) for festival
● But I have started to notice that ​people that don't really listen to EDM are starting to
attend these concerts and festivals.​ They end up being the really ​rude people that
don't respect the culture.​ They take drugs or whatever without knowing why. ​They
don't have a reason to do it. They end up screwing up everyone else’s experience
because they don't do it the right way or know how to. They can't control
themselves. It’s very frustrating.​ (ID 37; Alex)
● Um I mean yes, drugs do make it better. I don’t mind going sober, because I go there for
the music. ​On drugs it is just better because all the lights are pretty and everything
else is just so much prettier than they would be otherwise​. (ID 53; Hannah)
● Like people that are just too drunk definitely like people are just to drunk that like can't
hang. If you want to say that but if​ they're too drunk and they can't handle themselves
like they're just wobbling back and forth or running into you definitely I would
want to eliminate that for sure​. (ID 76; Kieran)
● Yeah definitely. I mean a positive I had was with a couple friends were dancing and then
we met a couple girls and they were ​down to dance and we just started all dancing
together and negative is one of my friends got to drunk he was talking​. He got too
drunk he was talking smack to another guy and the other guy got mad and they ​got into a
little bit of a skirmish we had to break it up so definitely it's kind of a "it could be a
negative and positive"​ but in my opinion it's actually a positive for the most part. (ID
46; Kieran)
● I found that attendees who had taken Molly were very open to having conversations with
strangers and wanted constant physical contact. ​The term PLUR (peace, love, unity,
and respect) seems to accurately describe how an attendee acts while on Molly or
Ecstasy in an EDM setting​. It seems that this term may have stemmed from the drug
culture that is present in EDM. (OD; Alex)
BassAware. "Onward and Upward." ​BassAware. BassAware Inc., 22 Nov. 2016. Web. 29
Sept. 2016.
BassAware Inc. "The All New BassAware Drop." ​BassAware. BassAware Inc., n.d. Web. 29
Sept. 2016.
Furness, Dyllan. "All about That Low-frequency? Feel the Bass with This Subwoofer for Your
Wrist." ​Digital Trends. N.p., 07 July 2016. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.
"Home of the Spectrvm Pack." Spectrvm. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Oct. 2016.
Long, Stephanie. "This Crazy Subwoofer Backpack Hopes to Let You Bring the Boom
Anywhere." ​Digital Trends. N.p., 09 Oct. 2015. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.
"Packaging Colors: What They Say About Your Brand - JohnsByrne." ​JohnsByrne. N.p., 04 Jan.
2016. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.
Strange, Adagio. "Kyrie Irving Rocks SubPac at NBA Finals -" ​SubPaccom.
Mashable, 07 July 2016. Web. 28 Sept. 2016.
"The 10 Top Instagram Statistics You Must See To Believe." ​Mediakix | Influencer Marketing
Agency. N.p., 22 Sept. 2016. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.
"What Is the SubPac? -" ​SubPaccom. SubPac Inc., 2016. Web. 28 Sept. 2016.
Yu, Justin. "Inside Historic Bell Labs, Where Tomorrow's Tech Is Born." ​CNET. CBS
Interactive Inc., 29 Sept. 2016. Web. 27 Sept. 2016.
In-text Citation References
Customer Insights: The Influence Sensory Enhancers in the EDM Culture
One interviewee said that “since molly is a drug that really opens up your happiness...that's a
drug that is really going to enhance your experience and you're going to feel more connected to
the people you are with, be more excited for the things that are happening”
● Refer to (ID, P26, Pg. 110) in Online Document
One interviewee said that “physically you feel as if there is a drum in your body, you can't stop
moving and you're excited”
● Refer to (ID, P28,1Pg. 11) in Online Document
As we described in our T2 Theme there are also negative aspects of substance use in the EDM
● Refer to (Pg.33 Appendix B) in Online Document
The interviewee said “No one wants to be around them but it's really nice when you have your
friends to protect you from that.”
● Refer to (ID, P34, Pg. 111) in Online Document
Customer Insights: Social Responsibility
One young women, Sammie, whom we interviewed described a situation in which an individual
in front of her at a concert become so incoherent from a drug overdose that he passed out and
was carried out of the venue by an ambulance.
● Refer to (ID, P42, Pg. 118) in Online Document
When asked about the reasoning behind their act of kindness, the couple replied saying “It’s part
of the whole PLUR thing, everybody wants respect and unity, we’re just trying to make sure
everyone is having a good time”
● Refer to (OD, P24, Pg.59) in Online Document
One interviewee explained how she was seen as an “outcast her entire life” until she was
introduced to EDM music
● Refer to (OD, P1, Pg.61) in Online Document
Customer Insights:Production Influence at EDM Festivals
One interviewee reported that “Sound is super key. If it’s too low, it feels as if you are talking to
each other in a room and that’s uncomfortable”
● Refer to (ID, P36, Pg.111) in Online Document
Another interviewee reported, “The lights are really exciting too because they come out into the
audience and everyone gets really excited and starts to jump around with each other.”
● Refer to (ID, P36, Pg.111) in Online Document
One interviewee recounted an experience she had while on Molly. She states, “you really just
want to jump and dance and be with friends and enhance your experience as much as you can
while you’re going through that roll”
● Refer to (ID, P28, 111) in Online Document

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Spectrvm Marketing Report

  • 1. Final Report: SPECTRVM California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Researched by: Alex Kirchick, Garrett Mills, Kieran Scandrett, Hannah Hunter, and Madi Griffin Due Date: December 9th, 2016
  • 2. ➣ ​TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary Pg. 2 Research Brief Pg. 4 ● Client Analysis Pg. 5 ● Competitor Analysis Pg. 6 ● Customer Analysis Pg. 7 ● Research Purpose and Information Gaps Pg. 8 ● Methodology Pg. 9 ● Customer Insights Pg. 10 ● Empirical Story Pg. 14 ● Brand Story Pg. 17 ● Client Recommendations Pg. 19 Conclusion Pg. 25 Appendices Pg. 26 ● Appendix A: T1-Research Plan and Situation Analysis Pg. 27 ● Appendix B: T2-Ethnographic Themes Pg. 33 ● Appendix C: T3-Presentation Pg. 41 ● Appendix D: References Pg. 48 ● Appendix E: In-Text Citations Pg. 49 1
  • 3. ➣ ​EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Our creative Market Research Team’s goal was to perform customer and market analysis as well as research in order to provide our client, Spectrvm, with a brand story and recommendations for how to implement a marketing plan. Spectrvm’s objective was to gain a unique branding position to strengthen the success of their future launch on kickstarter, and to create strong brand loyalty. In diving into our research, which was conducted through two rounds of in-depth interviews and observations, our team’s research purpose was to understand how strong relationships are formed by members of the Electronic Dance Music ‘tribe’. We determined that our team would be better able to understand how the Spectrvm hydration pack could be used to strengthen the community and their collective values by examining these relationships. In the primary steps of our research, the marketing team found that there were some outstanding pieces of missing information that was necessary to understand Spectrvm’s target customer. Some of the most crucial information gaps that we strived to answer included: ● How does drug use at festivals influence the EDM culture, ● How does the production value of a festival influence the way attendees experience EDM, and ● How do people in the rave tribe interact with one another We used a phenomenological approach to gain a deeper insight of the EDM culture as a whole. By applying the phenomenological method of research, our team was able to understand the lived experiences that members of this tribe had, both during and outside of the festival environment. We aimed to understand the EDM culture through the perspective of a ‘lived experience’ by watching festival footage from the viewpoint of a concert-goer along with interviewing individuals who are a part of the EDM ‘tribe’. After performing research and analyzing the findings, our Market Research Team unveiled insights that suggest sensory enhancers, production value, and intimacy lead to an ever-revolving triangle which leads to social responsibility. In this case, Spectrvm is the force that draws people into the ‘tribe’ and provides experienced ravers with an increasing sense of social responsibility in the rave environment. In order for our client, Spectrvm, to gain as much interest and funding as possible through their kickstarter, we have a few recommendations. The first being that the company market/advertise their product on social media, along with having pop-up booths at 2
  • 4. raves, and by interacting with customers through soundcloud. For optimal customer loyalty and product satisfaction, we recommend that Spectrvm improve their prototype by introducing a water-sharing-spout along with synchronizing the LED light feature on the backpack. 3
  • 6. ➣ ​CLIENT ANALYSIS Spectrvm is a Cal Poly startup which aims to enter the electronic music industry by offering a hybrid backpack containing a 2 liter LED hydration pack equipped with a small microphone that picks up the frequency that the subwoofer then outputs for the user. The vibrations can be felt throughout the body as the pack is secured to you around the waist and shoulders. The pack will be sold for $195 each, which the company thinks is a reasonable price based on what consumers are willing to spend and what they have spent prior. Along with selling their backpack for concert uses, Spectrvm wants to branch out into different markets- not just limited to people who go to raves. They think that their product could be used by people walking or biking to work, hikers, or by people listening to music at home through their headphones. The Company would like to bring in more potential customers and broaden their target market by offering a “unique brand image through marketing” (Spectrvm). Currently Spectrvm’s budget is $400,000 per year contingent on growth in revenue. The company’s current marketing strategy has mainly revolved around social media- instagram and facebook- and it’s co-creator program. 5
  • 7. ➣ ​COMPETITOR ANALYSIS The companies listed below are competitors to Spectrvm. While their products enhance the effects of bass and are aimed towards the same target market as Spectrvm, they are not direct competitors. The products produced by these companies do not sync to live music and are not meant to be taken to large music festivals. It is important that Spectrvm still keeps an eye on these companies because in the future they could release products that are meant for festival settings. SubPac Started in 2013 via Kickstarter, SubPac is a company that releases portable, wearable, and rechargeable devices that allows consumers to feel the bass of music, video games, virtual reality and even cinema in theaters. It works with any media that can be connected through a headphone jack. SubPac currently has three products on the market: Subpac M2 (wearable tactile audio system), SubPac S2 (insertable physical audio system for chairs), and SubPac BackPack (backpack with bass benefits). BassAware BassAware is a company that produces wearable audio devices that use vibration to create a massive bass experience. Their only product right now is extremely similar to Spectrvm. The bassAware Drop is a wearable device that customers wear like a backpack. It syncs the bass of music via a headphone jack or syncs to live music via their Boost Mic Mode technology. This allows users to instantly sync their bassAware Drop to their home stereo, music at a club, or the PA system at any venue. Basslet The Basslet is a vibrating subwoofer bracelet that emits a burst of haptic feedback every time the bass drops. This allows consumers to feel the bass throughout their body without the music being distorted. The Basslet can be connected to any audio source with a headphone jack. It can be used to enhance music, movies, videogames and is compatible with VR headsets. 6
  • 8. ➣ ​CUSTOMER ANALYSIS Spectrvm’s main target customers are millennials who are already a part of the ‘rave tribe’. These consumers embody several aspects of EDM in their daily lives by listening to EDM music, wearing apparel that sponsors their favorite DJ’s, following DJ’s and promoters on social media, and interacting with their rave friends and family on a regular basis. Such individuals have most likely been to several Electronic Dance Music concerts or festivals. They spend a significant amount of money on these events- last year tickets alone to EDC Las Vegas cost over $400, and this doesn’t include a place to stay, food costs, transportation, or costumes/accessories. This younger generation puts more value on experiences- the EDM tribe in particular enjoys being completely immersed in their concert experience. People who art part of the EDM tribe are uniquely connected through the values of plur such as love, acceptance, and community. They are most likely to purchase and use the Spectrvm pack because it offers features that will enhance their overall experience and interaction with the music and one another. 7
  • 9. ➣ ​RESEARCH PLAN Research Purpose: ​Understand how strong relationships are formed by being a part of the EDM culture. IG1: How does drug use at festivals influence the EDM culture? ● Explore what types of drugs are used at festivals. ● Identify the emotional and physical feelings user's experience while using on drugs. ● Understand the effects of recreational drugs on festival goers and how it changes their perspectives. ● Observe how drugs affect attendees perception of PLUR. IG2: How does the production value of a festival influence the way attendees experience EDM? ● Explore the sensory impressions lights and bass have on attendees in a festival setting. ● Identify accessories used to boost these sensory impressions. ● Understand how sound quality affects the overall festival experience. IG3: How do people in the rave tribe interact with each other? ● Explore relationships between people in the EDM tribe. ● Identify common themes associated with each group (e.g. clothing and accessories) ● Observe how each group fulfills the elements of PLUR. ● Understand how people in rave families stay connected outside of the festival environment ● Identify the types of technology that ravers use to meet one another IG4: What are some technology issues or pains that occur at EDM festivals? ● Identify the types of technology that ravers use to meet one another ● Interview people in the rave tribe to identify what technology pains they have experienced during EDM festivals IG5: How do people stay connected to the rave culture outside of festivals and raves? ● Interview beta testers and people who are deeply submerged in the EDM culture to reveal how they connect with their tribe and the culture in their daily lives, not just at raves ● Observe the different aspects of the EDM culture that ravers incorporate in their homes 8
  • 10. ➣​ METHODOLOGY Over the course of this study our team conducted over 7.5 hours of in depth interviews and spent over 9 hours making observations of the EDM culture. These observations ranged from different events including EDC Las Vegas 2013, Tomorrow Land, and local Collective Efforts shows. In total our Market Research Team interviewed 10 people, 3 men and 7 women, ranging in age from 20-25, all from various parts of the country. Interviews ranged from approximately 30-60 minutes each. We chose to interview a sampling of people, some of whom were already heavily involved in the rave tribe, and some who were just recently introduced in the culture. It was important to our team to interview people with varying levels of exposure and investment in the rave community. Our hope was to gain various perspectives stemming from ravers with different level of involvement. This type of interview sampling allowed our team to discover overarching patterns and behaviors within different tiers of the rave community. The interview questions that we asked were a mix of grand tour, general, and specific questions. Grand Tour questions helped us understand the different background and demographics of our interviewees. General questions were asked to gain an insight on how involved each interviewee was with the rave community- had they gone to previous raves, how often they listened to EDM music, etc. Specific questions were used to probe interviewees about personal stories, experiences, and anecdotes. For our field/observational notes, members of our team watched informative documentaries about EDM music and the culture surrounding it. We felt it was important to have a good balance of ‘in the moment’ live action analysis and pre-existing data. A total of six hours of our observational data came from observations made at live events including Griz + Thomas Jack. Members chose either option by their personal preference and willingness to spend money for concert tickets. 9
  • 11. ➣ ​CUSTOMER INSIGHTS The three major insights that the team found throughout our extensive market research and analysis include social responsibility and roles within the rave tribe, substances and how they are used to enhance the sensory experience of EDM music, and the contrasting aspects of production value- how it can heighten or diminish the aspects of PLUR. All of these insights connect to our theory that Spectrvm is the ‘eye of the storm’ that grounds the PLUR community and sucks in the outliers to easily assimilate them into the EDM culture. The Influence of Sensory Enhancers in the EDM Culture Through intensive research our marketing team discovered that the EDM culture relies heavily on Sensory Enhancers such as drugs and alcohol. These substances can either amplify or diminish the EDM ravers’ physical and emotional experiences at a concert/festival through intimate interactions with other concert goers and the production design itself. This effect that substances have on the way people experience EDM music, production value, and one-another at festivals answers our Information Gap number one. In-depth interviews revealed that drugs such as molly and ecstasy are extremely prevalent in the EDM culture. Drugs such as these are used to lower people’s inhibitions, so they feel more inclined to reach out and befriend strangers.This feeling of “pure happiness and bliss” which many interviewees described, gave them the confidence to dance and interact with fellow ravers. One interviewee said that “since molly is a drug that really opens up your happiness...that's a drug that is really going to enhance your experience and you're going to feel more connected to the people you are with, be more excited for the things that are happening”(ID, P26, Pg. 110). They said that being on drugs like molly helps people “break boundaries” and talk to people who they may not have interacted with if they weren’t under the influence. The use of substances can enhance the physical experience of being at a rave by generating excitement and changing one’s bodily feelings- such as making one sweaty and have heart palpitations. One interviewee said that “physically you feel as if there is a drum in your body, you can't stop moving and you're excited”(ID, P28,1Pg. 11). This antsy feeling generated through the use of drugs makes ravers feel more connected to the people around them. As one interviewee described it, “you feel as if you love everyone”. 10
  • 12. As we described in our T2 Theme (Pg.33 Appendix B) there are also negative aspects of substance use in the EDM culture. Overdoses, arguments, and hostile fights can arise from the use of substances. This creates feeling of animosity and anger within the rave tribe, and it diminishes aspects of PLUR such as unity and respect. An individual we interviewed said “It’s not okay for people to do coke (cocaine) at festivals because they get really aggressive.” Combative reactions lead to fights, which makes people feel unsafe in the festival environment.The interviewee said “No one wants to be around them but it's really nice when you have your friends to protect you from that.”(ID, P34, Pg. 111).When the overuse of substances from not knowing one’s limits causes people to become out of control, social roles and responsibilities come into play in the EDM culture. Social Responsibility We found that social responsibility is at the center of PLUR- peace, love, unity, and respect- in the rave culture. Individuals in the rave tribe feel the need to embrace social roles in order to take care of one another by ensuring the safety of the group as well as promoting a positive experience within their ‘rave family’. Four out of the five people that our team interviewed said that they played certain roles within their families. Some situations arise- such as people becoming too intoxicated, dehydrated, or overdosing on drugs- that make individuals within a rave family enact roles such as the ‘caregiver’ or ‘mom’. One young women, Sammie, whom we interviewed described a situation in which an individual in front of her at a concert become so incoherent from a drug overdose that he passed out and was carried out of the venue by an ambulance (ID, P42, Pg. 118). In this situation Sammie had to help the man while calling the paramedic. This is an example of how the negative side effects of sensory enhancers such as drugs can encourage social responsibility in a festival environment. Another situation in which individuals take on social roles is in ensuring that members of their rave families get to see the DJ’s or sets that they came for, even if that means splitting up the group. This type of situation has potential to cause conflict within the group, therefore specific people take on the role of ‘peacekeeper’ to prevent negative feelings between family members. Other people take the the responsibility of ensuring that everyone around them is having a good time. One couple whom we observed at EDC Las Vegas started going around to other ravers, spreading their PLUR values by handing out toilet paper and wipes to people standing in line for the bathroom. When asked about the reasoning behind their act of kindness, the couple replied saying “It’s part of the whole PLUR thing, everybody wants respect and unity, we’re just trying to make sure everyone is having a good time”(OD, P24, Pg.59 ). 11
  • 13. These roles are significant in preserving the PLUR aspects of peace and unity, which are highly valued throughout the culture. Unity is promoted in the ‘attitude’ of acceptance that members of the rave tribe exude throughout their community. We found that individuals who were often seen as outcasts of society found a welcoming place, where they felt they could be their true selves, in the EDM tribe. One interviewee explained how she was seen as an “outcast her entire life” until she was introduced to EDM music (OD, P1, Pg.61). The EDM culture changed who she was, and her outlook on life became more positive when she was allowed to shamelessly express herself. This welcoming attitude is created in the way the tribe feels responsibility in making sure that everyone feels respected and included. For example, if an individual gets separated from their group other ravers openly welcome them into their rave family for the night. This form of social responsibility leads to implicit trust between rave goers. Implicit trust transcends into love and often times romantic relationships are formed on the basis of this trust. Production Influence at EDM Festivals After collecting observational data and conducting extensive interviews, the research team found that the production of lights, music, and overall atmosphere in a festival setting influences intimacy between attendees and the use of sensory enhancers. Having high production quality at an EDM festival or concert is a must to positively influence intimacy between attendees. Subjects we observed at the GRiZ concert grew angry when the sound volume was too low. One interviewee reported that “Sound is super key. If it’s too low, it feels as if you are talking to each other in a room and that’s uncomfortable” (ID, P36, Pg.111). Having that volume turned all the way up is the only way to satisfy these bass-heads. The visual effects that are brought to life via LED HD screens need to intrigue the crowd and be paired with intense rotating lights that will keep the crowd on their toes. Another interviewee reported, “The lights are really exciting too because they come out into the audience and everyone gets really excited and starts to jump around with each other.” (ID, P36, Pg.111). The production of lights and sound can either make or break an experience for festival attendees. To ensure the rave community is satisfied and emits PLUR values, having high quality production is key. The production of a festival is also one of the main reasons attendees decide to use sensory enhancers such as Molly, diffraction glasses, and LED gloves. One interviewee recounted an experience she had while on Molly. She states, “you really just want to jump and dance and be 12
  • 14. with friends and enhance your experience as much as you can while you’re going through that roll” (ID, P28, 111). The loud bass and vibrant colors that shoot through the crowd is the perfect setting for attendees to enhance their roll. Another interview reported that using accessories such as LED gloves and diffraction glasses add to the overall visual experience of EDM festivals. Relying simply on the DJ to perform well will no longer be enough. Relating this to our IG2, festivals need to encompass high production quality of sound and visual effects to keep ravers coming back for more. 13
  • 15. ➣ ​EMPIRICAL STORY PLUR Triangle Through extensive observational research and in-depth interviews, the research team discovered an empirical story from the data. The story is centered around 3 main areas of a user’s experience at a festival: production of sound and lights, products that enhance their sensory nerves, and intimacy with other attendees. Each aspect influences the other, creating a continuous circle that immerses festival goers into the PLUR community more and more. Let’s start this story off with sensory enhancers. Sensory enhancers refers to products that intensify or heighten festival goers’ senses, such as diffraction glasses, LED gloves, the Spectrvm pack, and drug use. These sensory enhancers intensify the way attendees see the lights, feel the bass, and interact with one another. This brings us over to the topic of intimacy. Intimacy among festival goers is both positively and negatively affected by sensory enhancers such as drugs. Intimacy is increased by drugs like Molly because it provides them with the feeling of love, bliss, and the confidence to meet and interact with new people. Conversely, drugs such as cocaine were found to negatively influence the PLUR community and diminished intimacy between festival attendees by making them aggressive and apt to fight. Products such as the Specrvm pack increase intimacy between festival goers by providing an opportunity to connect through a shared experience. Intimacy is also increased when the production value at the festival is high. Interviewees reported they were more likely to interact with attendees they had never met before when they could feel the bass and the light show was on point. Conversely, if the production value at a festival is poor, for example the music volume level was too low, interviewees reported loss of intimacy due to frustration. Each part of the story influences the other positively or negatively. When each area of the triangle positively influences the other, the festival attendee becomes further immersed with the rave community and begins to emit the values of PLUR. 14
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  • 17. Tornado of Responsibility Along with the triangle, we have the tornado. At the ground, the tornado begins with a consumer who is not yet immersed in the culture, or perhaps it is even their first time at an EDM event. Because of PLUR values, the tribe is a very outgoing and loving community, which will inherently attract more people. This attraction causes the tornado to suck more people in, as the three points of the triangle ( Sensory enhancement, Production Value, and Intimacy) become stronger and more intense, much like a tornado sucking up cars, houses, and anything in it’s path. The tornado grows and widens in conjunction with the aforementioned triangle points. As the consumer becomes more immersed with the culture, the tornado, which is basically a measure of involvement into the tribe and culture, grows wider and higher. 16
  • 18. ➣ ​BRAND STORY After developing the empirical story for Spectrvm stemming from data collected throughout the quarter, the research team uncovered the brand story that will provide this company with a marketing strategy. The essence of our brand story is a tornado of responsibility that is both fed and calmed by Spectrvm. PLUR Triangle The features of the Spectrvm hydration pack coincide with the PLUR triangle. The technology that produces bass throughout the user’s body increases the production value of the festival, which leads to increased intimacy. The sensory nerves of users also increase through this heavy bass feeling that is emitted throughout the body. The LED lights that outline the backpack provide an awe value that will draw members outside of the user’s rave family, leading to a new interaction, and therefore increasing intimacy. The 2-Liter water bladder emits the value of social responsibility because users are not only filling up water for themselves, but also for festival attendees around them. A slogan of “helping you to help others” seems fitting. The Spectrvm backpack increases each aspect of the triangle positively. This results in festival attendees becoming more immersed within the rave community, causing them to emit the values of PLUR and bring others into the community. Tornado of Responsibility In the Tornado of Responsibility, Spectrvm is the eye of the tornado. It is the aspect that fuels the phenomenon of the tornado to grow wilder and even more out of control by enhancing customer’s rave experiences. Spectrvm, functioning as the eye of the storm, also serves as the calmest spot of the tornado. In this sense, Spectrvm helps ravers to take responsibility for themselves and others. The spectrvm pack functions as the calming force by providing an easier way for concert-goers to share water at festivals and by providing a sense of orientation for friends who get separated from their groups. The Spectrvm product intensifies the rave experience for people who are already heavily involved in the culture by creating a powerful twister. As the tornado grows stronger, there is a higher need for responsibility. The Spectrvm backpack is used to enhance values such as social responsibility, intimacy, and production value, which people in the EDM tribe find to have vital 17
  • 19. importance. The twister incorporates features that the Spectrvm pack has, such as it’s vibrating component and large bladder for optimal water storage, by applying it in these social situations within the EDM environment. The use of the backpack amplifies ravers’ overall experience, which leads them to bring other people into the ‘tribe’ through acts of social responsibility. Just like a tornado sucks up debris around it, the Spectrvm hydration pack draws outliers, who may not be as immersed in the EDM culture, into the community. At this point, the twister is replicated. 18
  • 20. ➣ ​RECOMMENDATIONS Ideas for Improving Products Additional Spout One idea for how to improve the Spectrvm hydration pack is to add an additional spout so that users can easily share their water with fellow festival attendees. Through extensive interviews and data collection, the research team found that attendees believe having water or an empty bottle is the most important item to bring to a festival. Interviewees also reported that they frequently share water with friends and other attendees they don’t know to ensure everyone stays hydrated. Including an additional spout is inexpensive and will boost the utility use of the hydration pack to a new level. This new addition also leverages the brand story of the Responsibility Tornado where consumers in the EDM community feel responsible for those around them. It will allow Spectrvm to easily market their product as a shareable device designed to enhance the festival experience of not only the user, but also those in the PLUR community. An idea for a tagline for this new addition is “helping you to help others.” Customize Light Color Another idea for how to improve the Spectrvm hydration pack is to include a feature that allows the user to customize the LED lights on the outside of the backpack. Through interviews and data collection, the research team found that rave families design large, easily identifiable signs to walk with throughout a festival setting to ensure that if a member is lost in the crowd they can reconnect with the group quickly. This is a great idea, but what happens when it gets dark out? Spectrvm has the opportunity to be the glue that keeps the group together. By creating a way for the user to customize the color of the lights on their backpack, they will in essence be creating a beacon for the group to find them in the dark. This new addition to the product also leverages the brand story of the Responsibility Tornado by ensuring all rave families are safe and can easily stick together. For marketing purposes, Spectrvm can also utilize the tagline “helping you to help others.” 19
  • 21. Packaging After looking from many possible angles, the team has come up with a unique and exciting approach regarding packaging. The team has decided that a box made from reusable cardboard would be best. This ensures reliable durability necessary for transportation of product. Keeping in mind the mechanics within the backpack, a sturdy and protective box complete with protective cushioning (bubble wrap i.e) to keep mechanics in prime condition is essential. The box should grab the consumer’s attention right away. A simple but stimulating design was the consensus. Staying consistent with the backpack’s current appearance, we decided on a bright purple aura color on all surfaces of the box, with the logo printed over the top. According to the Johns Byrne website, purple packaging appeals to younger consumers and the color suggests “​luxury, indulgence, exceptional quality...relates to high ideals, imagination, spirituality and uniqueness.” All of which encompasses the rave experience. To encourage a sense of interaction, including a playlist of popular EDM songs and DJs on the packaging would create an engaging experience the second the consumer receives their Spectrvm product. This playlist would ideally be printed directly on the packaging, perhaps inside one of the flaps as they open the box. For the ease of locating the songs and DJs, we recommend printing a soundcloud handle for them to follow alongside the playlist on the box. An additional recommendation is to include the top ten MUST SEE DJs on the packaging as well. Depending on the costs, possibly changing the packaging for specific events may be worth looking into. The idea of incorporating interaction into the packaging ties back to our brand story of being responsible for others’ experiences and striving to make these experiences the best possible. Point of Sales We suggest Spectrvm sell the product through online platforms such as the Spectrvm website as well as Amazon. The website is a given because it is easy for customers to locate and offers additional descriptions of what the product is and can do. Amazon would be a great tool to use because it only charges sellers between 8-15% per each sale in addition to FBA fees. It is a widely used buying and selling platform throughout the country and would be a source that consumers can use to find Spectrvm easily. Pop-up booths at certain EDM concerts and events would be another great way to sell. Hook the customer while they are on the high of the experience. Through our research, we found these 20
  • 22. consistent festival goers are there for the experience and sensations. What better way than to appeal to them in the moment? Bringing ambassadors to various colleges is another suggestion. Getting the word out to the general target consumer can be easily done through college campuses. Ambassadors that are similar in age and knowledgeable of the culture and rave scene are essential in making a connection with potential customers. Social Media Social media nowadays can be used to a company’s advantage. There are so many social media platforms to choose from to get the word out about Spectrvm. The team suggests using Facebook, Instagram, and Soundcloud. Instagram allows companies to pay to be a sponsor for Instagram in order to advertise their product or brand. It is hard to come by someone who is not an avid user of Instagram, so we feel that using it as a way to promote Spectrvm is nothing but beneficial. According to, over half of millennials use instagram every single day.Another recommendation would be to maintain the Spectrvm Instagram and slightly improve the current account to gain more followers and fans of the product, such as posting more often or posting more videos and picture of people using the backpack. Facebook is another social media platform that is known for its videos that flood newsfeeds. These videos range from home videos that have gone viral, to news clips, to advertisements and info videos for new products. We feel that the Spectrvm pack would be the perfect product for one of these advertisement videos. Its cutting edge features, like the unique vibrations, are sure to grab people’s attention. Lastly, using soundcloud as a way to interact and relate to potential customers will really present an opportunity for clients to become interested in Spectrvm. They may feel connected through shared music and DJ preferences, leading to a natural inclination to the company. 21
  • 23. 22
  • 24. 23
  • 25. Video Storyboard The Video Storyboard is a recommendation of what a Spectrvm commercial or video could look like. The storyboard starts off with a group of friends who are dancing, enjoying being at their first EDM festival. They are surrounded by several other concert goers, accompanied with lights and music in the background. In the next scene a young female from wanders away from her friends to use the restrooms and find refreshments. On her way she finds herself lost in the middle of the festival, without any cellphone service. She feels lost and tired, all the while not knowing how to get back to her friends. She decides to head towards some lights that she sees off in the distance. By following the lights the young woman comes across a group of fellow ravers, all whom are wearing their Spectrvm packs which are lit up with LED lights. The pair is listening to EDM music and dancing when the lost woman approaches them. The young woman is intrigued with the backpacks that the duo are wearing. She asks them about the pack and they offers to demonstrate by sharing their water with her. In the last scene the group quickly becomes friends and head back to the rave together, all wearing their Spectrvm backpacks. We recommend that the storyboard video be posted on the Spectrvm website and on their social media sites, so that it can be viewed by a wide audience and shared between people in the rave ‘tribe’. 24
  • 26. ➣ ​CONCLUSION The purpose of this research was to perform customer and market analysis for Spectrvm, which resulted in the creation of a brand story and recommendations that serve to provide the client with insights to create a successful marketing campaign for their product. The insights and recommendations that our Market Research Team found through our extensive research, can be used by our client Spectrvm to create a strong brand story that resonates with their consumers and encompases PLUR values. This story will guide Spectrvm in their marketing tactics and produce content that will continually leverage their brand essence of social responsibility. To leverage the brand essence further, the market research team recommends two feasible improvements to the Hydration Pack itself. These features include an additional water spout and customizable LED lights which can be synchronized. These improvements will influence the rave tribe by strengthening the need for social roles and responsibility along with increasing the intimacy between concert-goers. The Spectrvm pack serves as the ‘eye of the tornado’ by enhancing the festival experience through increased production value. They pull outliers into the EDM tribe and serve as the force that feeds the tornado of PLUR. Contrastingly, Spectrvm also acts as the ‘calm of the storm’ by strengthening social responsibility between festival attendees by offering a safe haven where concert goers can stay hydrated and retain a sense of orientation in their rave families. 25
  • 28. ➣ ​APPENDIX A: T1 Client Analysis Spectrvm Co. is a live music hydration company, and one of the firsts of its kind. The company was incorporated in 2016 by two Cal Poly graduates with the goal of bringing people physically closer to their music. Spectrvm wants to enhance its target markets’ experience of live music by offering them a way to physically feel the bass. The Spectrvm backpack is a 2 liter LED hydration pack equipped with a small microphone that picks up the frequencies of the bass in music and transfers it into vibrations which pulse to the music. The vibrations can be felt throughout the body as the pack is secured to you around the waist and shoulders. The pack will be sold for $195 each, which the company thinks is a reasonable price based on what the target spends and their buying habits. The CEO and CFO of Spectrvm started the company because they saw an unmet need that their rave family had. Through customer analysis, interviews, and observing how people use the Spectrvm pack at raves and concerts, they were able to fine tune their product to have all the features that were most desired by the customer. Spectrvm is targeting mainly millennials who enjoy going to concerts, and festivals. This target ‘tribe’ is defined as a rave family. Spectrvm is encouraging it’s family to become co-creators in their company. Through the co-creator program, members will help fund the company’s launch by supporting its Kickstarter event on November 14th. The co-creators also get a chance to be a part of an exclusive facebook page, receive special offers and discounts, and they will have the potential to help create designs for future Spectrvm products. This backpack is not just a product, but a way for people to be more engaged in lived experiences. The Spectrvm product will allow ravers, festival goers, and others to escape from the stifling norms of society. The company wants to be able to expand into several different markets in the future- not just limited to people who go to raves. They think that their product could be used by people walking or biking to work, hikers, or by people listening to music at home through their headphones. The Company would like to bring in more potential customers and broaden their target market by offering a “unique brand image through marketing”(Spectrvm). Currently Spectrvm’s budget is $400,000 per year contingent on growth in revenue. The company’s current marketing strategy has mainly revolved around social media- instagram and facebook- and it’s co-creator program. Interested consumers can learn about 27
  • 29. Spectrvm through their website or by liking their Facebook page to see what events are coming up. This type of marketing gives consumers a way to interact with the company as well as being able to share it with their friends and family. Since they are currently operating on a lean budget, Spectrvm wants to use a cheap and simple way- such as guerilla marketing- to continue marketing to their expanding tribe. Spectrvm is using Kickstarter to fund its initial launch. Their goal is to raise over $500,000 to start manufacturing the hydration pack. The Company’s hopes are that through marketing and by using their co-creators they will be able to reach $25,000 before the event even launches. Customer Analysis Spectrvm’s target audience ranges from all ages, but primarily focuses on younger consumers considering they largely make up rave culture. The EDM tribe would be Spectrvm’s main targeted tribe because it has the most value to them. However others who hike, backpack, ride bikes (safety awareness) or bassheads (enjoy bass filled music) would also be possible tribes. Younger generations, along with concert goers put more value on experiences than material items. So, the Spectrvm pack will appeal to younger people who enjoy concerts, raves, and music festivals of electronic music. The EDM tribe is uniquely connected by passion and love for their culture. This is proven by attendance records at raves and festivals, bumper stickers on cars, and throughout social media platforms. Consumers become submersed in the live performances. Along with this, comes the iconic clothing that concert goers wear. Flashy colors, trendy outfits, and creative costumes push this tribe to the forefront of edgy fashion statements. One possible route to foster relationships is via LED lighting the Spectrvm pack offers. Functionality turned stylish, Spectrvm will give consumers a new brand which combines two of their main principles: trendsetting fashion and enhanced personal experience. Marketing Spectrvm as a fashion statement, the EDM tribe will appreciate the pack not only for it’s functionality, but also as an accessory to their costume. By creating a respectable accessory, the EDM tribe will foster a connection with Spectrvm and its future products. Everyone enjoys being listened to and valued. Utilizing this universal idea, Spectrvm possesses the power to foster strong relationships using the EDM tribe by co-creators. By involving consumers in decision making, you achieve brand loyalty that is effective because the tribe is a 28
  • 30. part of the product. One way connecting tribes to Spectrvm is by allowing consumers to talk directly with members of the Spectrvm team live and in person at concerts/festivals/raves by setting up a booth with Spectrvm employees. By associating names to faces, consumers will connect not only with the brand, but individuals who could assist consumers into joining the co-creator program. By personally welcoming them into the co-creator program, consumers will feel accepted and encouraged to voice their opinion and join the ever-changing movement that is Spectrvm. Another tribe to possibly consider as a consumer of the Spectrvm hydration pack is the deaf community. Although they are not able to listen to music like the rest of us do, this pack filled with intense bass and vibration, will allow them to physically feel the music. If this avenue is taken, there is a lot of potential to market this pack as much more than just a tool used to enhance music festivals. Spectrvm can target tribes by marketing at concerts, colleges, and music stores. Although the main focus is electronic music related events, consumers are not marginalized by enjoying one category of music. To achieve the best marketing plan possible, Spectrvm needs to tap into various tribes with the heaviest focus on the EDM community. Competitor Analysis Basslet The Basslet is a vibrating subwoofer bracelet that emits a burst of haptic feedback every time the bass drops. This allows consumers to feel the bass throughout their body without the music being distorted. The Basslet can be connected to any audio source with a headphone jack. It can be used to enhance music, movies, videogames and is compatible with VR headsets. Much like Spectrvm, Basslet is also in its early stages. Both companies are attempting to gain funding via Kickstarter, a crowdfunding campaign. While both companies yearn to bring the live music experience to their consumers, Basslet only offers it in a controlled setting. The wearable subwoofer only syncs to music when it is connected through a headphone jack. Spectrvm truly sets itself apart as a company by offering a product that syncs to live music without the need for bluetooth or connection via a headphone jack. The main difference between the two companies is the setting in which the products will be used. Spectrvm is intended for live music experiences 29
  • 31. at festivals while Basslet is intended for consumers that want a more in-home, life-like experience with music or video games. Basslet is still an important competitor to consider because of their convenient wearable technology. The product has not been released yet so there is no telling how popular it will become. If successful, the company could continue to release new products with updated technology that could, in the future, sync to live music. SubPac Started in 2013 via Kickstarter, SubPac is a company that releases portable, wearable, and rechargeable devices that allows consumers to feel the bass of music, video games, virtual reality and even cinema in theaters. It works with any media that can be connected through a headphone jack. SubPac currently has three products on the market: Subpac M2 (wearable tactile audio system), SubPac S2 (insertable physical audio system for chairs), and SubPac BackPac (backpack with bass benefits). Although SubPac does not have a product that syncs to live music yet, they are the biggest competitor to Spectvm. Their products that are already on the market tap into the same target market as Spectrvm. SubPac is focusing on Djs, producers, and bass heads that yearn for the constant live music experience. They are currently working side-by-side with Djs and producers to manufacture the best products possible. It is only a matter of time before their new merchandise syncs to live music and is intended for avid festival goers. SubPac already has this portion of the market cornered simply because consumers can actively purchase. They also received publicity last year during the NBA Finals when superstar Kyrie Irving was seen wearing the SubPac 2 during an interview. The combination of these factors make SubPac a direct competitor to Spectrvm. BassAware BassAware is a company that produces wearable audio devices that use vibration to create a massive bass experience. Their only product right now is extremely similar to Spectrvm. The bassAware Drop is a wearable device that customers wear like a backpack. It syncs the bass of music via a headphone jack or syncs to live music via their Boost Mic Mode technology. This allows users to instantly sync their bassAware Drop to their home stereo, music at a club, or the PA system at any venue. 30
  • 32. This company is a direct competitor to Spectrvm because it uses the same technology and has the same target market. BassAware attempted to gain capital through the crowdfunding website but was unsuccesful. They are moving forward with the product anyway, with a set release date in late February 2016. It will be interesting to see if they are successful or not once the product is available for purchase. We as marketers need to watch this company closely and ensure our marketing efforts translate to ensure we meet our fundraising goal. Focus / purpose of this research project: 1. To determine what the potential consumer of the Spectrvm pack values in live music and the festival/concert experience? 2. Understand how strong relationships are formed by being a part of the EDM culture 3. How do people keep the brand experience alive in their daily lives outside of the normal EDM environment. Information Gaps: 1. How do people live out their EDM experiences in their daily lives 2. How does drug use at festivals influence the EDM culture? 3. How does the production value of a festival influence the way attendees experience EDM? 4. How do people in the rave tribe interact with each other? 5. What are some technology issues or pains that occur at EDM festivals? Research Objectives for In-depth Interviews: 1. Interview beta testers and people who are deeply submerged in the EDM culture to reveal how they connect with their tribe and the rave culture in their daily lives (not just at raves). 2. Interview ravers to understand how the use or misuse of drugs influences the overall sensory experience at a festival What Information Gaps are Addressed? 1. RO1 connects to IG 1 and 4 2. RO3 connects to IG 2 Research Objectives for Observations: What Information Gaps are Addressed? 1. RO1 connects with IG 1 and 3 31
  • 33. 1. Observe people in the rave tribe by watching videos and clips of popular EDM festivals. 2. Observe people in the rave community interacting with one another- determine how relationships are formed within the community. What is unique about the relationships? 3. Observe people in their rave families to determine what social roles they play. 2. RO2 connects with IG 1 and 4 3. RO3 connects with IG 1 and 4 32
  • 34. ➣ ​APPENDIX B: T2 Research Plan & Situation Analysis Observational Field Work Sites that the majority of our group explored included the 2013 Electric Daisy Concert festival in Las Vegas, Nevada as well as the TomorrowLand Festival. Kieran and Madi observed other videos pertaining to the EDC culture such as the ​Chainsmokers Ultra Set 2016 and ​On the Road to EDC- Evelina’s Amazing EDC Experience. Alex attended a live EDM concert at the Fremont Theater in San Luis Obispo as part of her field work. Some of the communal actors that we came across included Sadie, a teenager from Texas who was attending the EDC festival for the first time in 2013. The ‘Wolfpack’ group, Ali and Matt the couple who fell in love at an EDC festival over 15 years ago, and Jim and Jana the long distance couple were other common actors. Individual actors were our Interviewee’s for the personal in-depth interviews: Vinay, Skylar, Barbara, Xenia, and Marisa. We strived to find subjects that had been to multiple music festivals or raves as to provide the foremost information for our research project. Some of the behaviours that we focused on during our interviews and observations were… - How relationships were formed between people in the rave tribe - How individuals in the tribe interacted and incorporated technology in the rave environment - The degree to which individuals were submerged in the culture. Was EDM part of their daily lives and incorporated in their language, clothing, decorations, etc. or was it just an ‘in the moment’ experience. Interview Guide Grand Tour: - What’s your name, age, major, etc. General Topic Starter Questions: - When did you first start listening to edm music? What did you think of it when you first heard it? - Did you start going to raves or festivals right after being introduced to the EDM culture? - What is your favorite aspect of edm festivals? / What appeals to you about raves and edm festivals? 33
  • 35. Specific Questions: - Can you please describe the first time you went to a rave- what emotions were going through your head? - Who do you attend festivals with? Is it always the same group of people? - How important is the fashion/costume aspect of going to a rave? - In your opinion, what is the most important thing to bring to a rave? - How does the use of drugs, alcohol, and substances enhance or diminish your festival experience? - Does PLUR (peace, love, unity, and respect) have an impact on the way people connect and interact at raves? Do you feel like it is a community environment? - If there were anything that would make your rave experience more enjoyable, what would it be? - In your experience, what difficulties stem from using technology at festivals? - Is EDM part of your daily life- do you listen to EDM music regularly, follow DJ’s on social media, go to concerts, have a rave environment at your home, go to rave themed parties, etc.? - Is there an aspect about raves that you wish you could incorporate into your daily life, if you don’t already? (ex. rave lighting in your house) - Do you follow any EDM social media pages? Who? - Do you post pictures of yourself and friends at raves? - Do you notice a variety of people when you’re at raves or festivals? How do ravers differ from one another (levels of engagement or involvement- people who go to festivals a lot or people who are just kinda into it). - What are some unique experiences that you have had at raves that are specific to you- don’t think that other ravers would have those experiences? Ethnographic Themes Romantic Relationships Stemming from the PLUR values of peace, love, unity, and respect we found that many people within the rave tribe developed romantic relationships within the EDM community. Rave events promote these romantic relationships through the use of dominant cultural images such as the LED lined ferris wheel at EDC. One couple, Jim and Jana, from our observations said “it is every couple’s dream to kiss on top of the ferris wheel”. There is a vast amount of public display of 34
  • 36. affection among people in this tribe. While observing festivals such as EDC and TomorrowLand, some of our researchers noticed how everyone seemed to be holding hands, hugging, or kissing. Regarding intimacy and it’s correlation with PLUR, Xenia, one of the interviewees said “Everyone is about it...Everyone's open-minded. I feel like if you just kiss somebody they would probably be okay with it”. This intimacy was seen explicitly by observing Nick and his rave family during the Electric Daisy Carnival. During the observation Nick explained that everyone in his rave family is in an “open relationship”, and that they all planned to get married to one another in Las Vegas. Romantic relationships that are formed within this community transcend typical stereotypes of what society says a relationship can looks like. Love is a core facet of plur and it is demonstrated not only by the expression of intimacy, but also in the strong rooted relationships that come from interactions at festivals. Alli and Matt are a perfect example of this- the couple met at an EDC festival over fifteen years ago, and recently got married at the EDC festival in Las Vegas in 2013. They are strong believers in the values of PLUR, and brought their two children up in an environment supported by those beliefs. While many of these romantic relationships are formed naturally, some of them sprout from the use of technology. One of our interviewee’s, Marissa met her boyfriend on an EDM Instagram site and said that ‘rave’ specified technologies are her primary source of contact between her rave family. She said that even though she met her boyfriend on a technology site, “The culture truly brought us together and it’s just so important to me”. The core aspect of love within PLUR is therefore spread by the use of technology, in order for people in the EDM tribe to form romantic relationships with one another. The use of technology to retain romantic relationships during and apart from the rave environment relates to our information gaps 4 and 5. This theme also relates to IG3 by exploring how attendees in a rave tribe connect with one another during a festival. ● I observed Jana taking a taxi to the airport in Las Vegas to pick up her boyfriend Jim. When they see each other the couple runs to one another and embrace in a long kiss. The couple looked ecstatic to be reunited at last- they couldn’t stop smiling and hugging one another. Once they were together back in their hotel room, Jana spoke about ​the couple’s mutual dream to kiss on top of the Ferris wheel at the festival​. She said it is​ “every ravers dream to kiss on top the Ferris wheel”​. (OD 14; Hannah) 35
  • 37. ● It's like a culture.Everyone’s about it.Everybody's about the same thing. ​Everyone's open-minded. I feel like if you just kiss somebody they would probably be okay with it​. (ID 56; Garrett) ● Next I observed Nick, a firefighter from Atascadero, CA. He is introduced with his rave family in a van as they drove out to Las Vegas for EDC. The outside of the van is covered in writing that says ‘EDC’ in bright colors. Nick and several other people in the car are wearing fuzzy animal hats and Kandi bracelets. Everyone in the car was moving back and forth in dancing motions and head bobbing to the EDM music that was playing. Nick explained how everyone in his rave family is in an open relationship with one another. They all planed to getting married to each other in Las Vegas.​ (ID 18; Hannah) ● The middle aged couple that I observed,​ Alli and Matt, met at the Electric Daisy Concert over 15 years ago; they fell in love under the “Electric sky” of EDC.​ Pictures are shown of the couple together at EDC over the years- I see comparisons of them from their first EDC together to their most recent in 2013; (OD 22; Hannah) ● “It not only brings you friendships that last but ​it also brings relationships​. We have been in this for almost a year now. I think this is EDC’s… It will be the one year marking of us meeting and December will be our official one year anniversary. ​The culture truly brought us together and it’s just so important to me​.” (ID 2; Madi) Lost and Found PLUR promotes several other attributes other than peace, love, unity, and respect. We found that two of these core virtues are acceptance and belonging- which happen to be huge influencing factors in why our interviewee’s joined the EDM tribe. In our interview and observational findings, we found that many of the people that now encompass the rave lifestyle had previously experienced feeling lost. They felt like they were the outcasts of society, as if they didn’t have something to belong to. Sadie, a girl that we observed attending the EDC festival was looked at as “an outcast for her entire life”. When Sadie discovered the EDM culture her outlook on life changed, she was happy to finally have a place to fit in.The acceptance and belonging that is reinforced by PLUR is what truly encourages freedom of self expression and allows people in the rave tribe to do so without fear of judgment. For instance Alli and Matt, a rave couple from 36
  • 38. Las Vegas truly encompassed the values of acceptance and belonging when they handed out toilet paper and wipes to people in line for the bathroom at the EDC festival. Alli said “It’s part of the whole PLUR thing, everybody wants respect. And Unity, trying to make sure everyone is having a good time”. The couple explains that they just want to ensure everyone is having a positive experience. The environment commonly found at raves and festivals is very inclusive of all kinds of people. This diverse atmosphere is great for getting to know new people and creating friendships and relationships. From these relationships rave families are formed. Rave families are essentially a group of friends who attend EDM events together. We found that many people view the formation of a group dynamic through a rave family to be an essential part of their experience. Vinay explained that going to raves with a consistent group ensures an aspect of fun as well as “​provides more of an enclosure within the same people that you see every day.” He elaborated by explaining how when he first started attending raves he would reach out to new people and join their groups, but now he goes with the same friends to every festival. We discovered that the majority of people in the festival crowd are extremely welcoming of other into their groups. Within this informal group setting people connect over their shared interest in accessories such as Kandi- beaded bracelets that are traded at festivals- and costumes. Conversely, rather than the sole purpose of ​the group dynamic being establishing friendships, many individuals viewed it as a means of finding safety in the large crowds. When separated from their friends people reached out to strangers asking to join their groups in order to feel safe in the masses. PLUR values are expressed here in the way that everyone helps and cares for one another by creating an environment of inclusivity. These group dynamics relate to Information Gap 3 by exploring relationships among people in rave families. The data we found through ethnographic research also connects to Information Gap 3 in the way it conveys “how each group fulfills elements of PLUR”. ● Sadie, a young Texan woman, was ecstatic about her first EDM festival at EDC. Posters of EDM artists are strewn across her room. ​She shamelessly admits to being viewed as an outcast her entire life, but when she found EDM culture, it changed who she was and her outlook on life.​ Suffering from extreme anxiety, (so extreme she isn't allowed to operate a vehicle) Sadie is excited for and hopes to alleviate stress at EDC. (OD 1; Garrett) 37
  • 39. ● I observed as Alli and Matt arrived at the EDC festival and started going around to other ravers​ spreading their PLUR (peace, love, unity, and respect) values by handing out toilet paper and wipes to people waiting in line for the bathroom. ​They explained how they have taken on a parenting role at these festivals. Alli says that ​“It’s part of the whole PLUR thing, everybody wants respect. And Unity, trying to make sure everyone is having a good time”.​ (OD 24; Hannah) ● As I watched “Under the Electric Sky,” a man talked about how initially ​this music was for the “loners” at school​ who did not feel they fit in, but now they have this common interest to bond over….​Acceptance is the biggest thing​ for these die hard ravers. They can let loose and truly be themselves. (OD 26; Madi) ● It provides kind of like an enclosure or basically like you're raving with the same people you already know like you've been through a lot with these guys you were hanging out with​ them every week, every day. You love to be around them like and now you're just at a different place with them and now you get to have more fun just listening to music so I would say it. (ID 26; Kieran) ● I wanted to listen to the music that I want to listen to and they kind of like rock music and like alternative and I wasn't really into that type of music. So I went or I just went around by myself and I met​, I met tons of new people and I stuck with them for a little bit and I broke off and went by myself and met some new people, just messes of new people. But if I go to a festival like now I try to stick with the group​, but before when I was kind of younger I tried to just listen to the music that I wanted to listen to so I def would break away from the group. (ID 28; Kieran) Drugs: Strengthening or Diminishing PLUR Values? Drugs and substances such as Molly, Alcohol, and Ecstasy are extremely prevalent in the EDM and electro-dance music culture. Many of the people we interviewed said that Molly gave them the feeling of “pure happiness and bliss” and enhanced the overall rave experience. Interviewees reported that it gave them the confidence to dance freely and strike up conversations with members in the crowd. One of our Interviewee’s, Skylar said that “On drugs it (edm-festivals) is just better because all the lights are pretty and everything else is just so much prettier than they would be otherwise.” Drugs, along with the use of technologies such as refraction glasses and 38
  • 40. LED gloving, amplify the visual effects and heighten senses. Light shows and heavy bass drops that coincide with DJ’s sets ignite a sensory experience for users on Molly or Ecstasy that cannot be duplicated. In another observation, a member on our research team discovered that “attendees who had taken Molly were very open to having conversations with strangers and wanted constant physical contact.” In this aspect, Molly strengthened PLUR values by equipping users with an open and carefree personality, resulting in new bonds and relationships between tribes in the rave community. The use of substances in many cases also diminishes the rave experience by tainting PLUR values. There are many outsiders who attend raves for the sole purpose of experimenting with drugs rather than for the music and relationships, which are aspects that experienced ravers value highly. One of the young men we interviewed, Vinay explained that these novice ravers were getting too out of control with the use of drugs and alcohol. He said “​they're too drunk...they're just wobbling back and forth or running into you definitely I would want to eliminate that for sure”. Vinay also talked about how people don’t know their limits when they are experimenting with substances. One of his friends experienced a negative side effect of drugs when he got into a fight at a rave. Another individual Barabara said that the people who don’t really listen to EDM are starting to attend festivals and how “​they end up being the really rude people that don't respect the culture”. She elaborates on that by saying that the people who take drugs for no reason at the concerts end up “screwing up everyone else’s experience...they can’t control themselves”. These experiences resemble the loss of PLUR and overall feeling of community. As we have observed, the​ indulgence in substance abuse can be a good or bad thing in the rave culture​. This theme relates to our IG1 because it explores ​how drug use affects attendees perception of PLUR both positively and negatively. It also relates to our IG2 by identifying accessories used to boost the sensory experience (e.g. lights, sound, visual effects) for festival goers. ● But I have started to notice that ​people that don't really listen to EDM are starting to attend these concerts and festivals.​ They end up being the really ​rude people that don't respect the culture.​ They take drugs or whatever without knowing why. ​They don't have a reason to do it. They end up screwing up everyone else’s experience because they don't do it the right way or know how to. They can't control themselves. It’s very frustrating.​ (ID 37; Alex) 39
  • 41. ● Um I mean yes, drugs do make it better. I don’t mind going sober, because I go there for the music. ​On drugs it is just better because all the lights are pretty and everything else is just so much prettier than they would be otherwise​. (ID 53; Hannah) ● Like people that are just too drunk definitely like people are just to drunk that like can't hang. If you want to say that but if​ they're too drunk and they can't handle themselves like they're just wobbling back and forth or running into you definitely I would want to eliminate that for sure​. (ID 76; Kieran) ● Yeah definitely. I mean a positive I had was with a couple friends were dancing and then we met a couple girls and they were ​down to dance and we just started all dancing together and negative is one of my friends got to drunk he was talking​. He got too drunk he was talking smack to another guy and the other guy got mad and they ​got into a little bit of a skirmish we had to break it up so definitely it's kind of a "it could be a negative and positive"​ but in my opinion it's actually a positive for the most part. (ID 46; Kieran) ● I found that attendees who had taken Molly were very open to having conversations with strangers and wanted constant physical contact. ​The term PLUR (peace, love, unity, and respect) seems to accurately describe how an attendee acts while on Molly or Ecstasy in an EDM setting​. It seems that this term may have stemmed from the drug culture that is present in EDM. (OD; Alex) 40
  • 42. ➣ ​APPENDIX C: T3 Presentation 41
  • 43. 42
  • 44. 43
  • 45. 44
  • 46. 45
  • 47. 46
  • 48. 47
  • 49. ➣ ​APPENDIX D: REFERENCES BassAware. "Onward and Upward." ​BassAware. BassAware Inc., 22 Nov. 2016. Web. 29 Sept. 2016. BassAware Inc. "The All New BassAware Drop." ​BassAware. BassAware Inc., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2016. Furness, Dyllan. "All about That Low-frequency? Feel the Bass with This Subwoofer for Your Wrist." ​Digital Trends. N.p., 07 July 2016. Web. 03 Oct. 2016. "Home of the Spectrvm Pack." Spectrvm. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Oct. 2016. Long, Stephanie. "This Crazy Subwoofer Backpack Hopes to Let You Bring the Boom Anywhere." ​Digital Trends. N.p., 09 Oct. 2015. Web. 03 Oct. 2016. "Packaging Colors: What They Say About Your Brand - JohnsByrne." ​JohnsByrne. N.p., 04 Jan. 2016. Web. 07 Dec. 2016. Strange, Adagio. "Kyrie Irving Rocks SubPac at NBA Finals -" ​SubPaccom. Mashable, 07 July 2016. Web. 28 Sept. 2016. "The 10 Top Instagram Statistics You Must See To Believe." ​Mediakix | Influencer Marketing Agency. N.p., 22 Sept. 2016. Web. 07 Dec. 2016. "What Is the SubPac? -" ​SubPaccom. SubPac Inc., 2016. Web. 28 Sept. 2016. Yu, Justin. "Inside Historic Bell Labs, Where Tomorrow's Tech Is Born." ​CNET. CBS Interactive Inc., 29 Sept. 2016. Web. 27 Sept. 2016. 48
  • 50. ➣ ​APPENDIX E: IN-TEXT CITATIONS In-text Citation References Customer Insights: The Influence Sensory Enhancers in the EDM Culture One interviewee said that “since molly is a drug that really opens up your happiness...that's a drug that is really going to enhance your experience and you're going to feel more connected to the people you are with, be more excited for the things that are happening” ● Refer to (ID, P26, Pg. 110) in Online Document One interviewee said that “physically you feel as if there is a drum in your body, you can't stop moving and you're excited” ● Refer to (ID, P28,1Pg. 11) in Online Document As we described in our T2 Theme there are also negative aspects of substance use in the EDM culture. ● Refer to (Pg.33 Appendix B) in Online Document The interviewee said “No one wants to be around them but it's really nice when you have your friends to protect you from that.” ● Refer to (ID, P34, Pg. 111) in Online Document Customer Insights: Social Responsibility One young women, Sammie, whom we interviewed described a situation in which an individual in front of her at a concert become so incoherent from a drug overdose that he passed out and was carried out of the venue by an ambulance. ● Refer to (ID, P42, Pg. 118) in Online Document When asked about the reasoning behind their act of kindness, the couple replied saying “It’s part of the whole PLUR thing, everybody wants respect and unity, we’re just trying to make sure everyone is having a good time” ● Refer to (OD, P24, Pg.59) in Online Document One interviewee explained how she was seen as an “outcast her entire life” until she was introduced to EDM music ● Refer to (OD, P1, Pg.61) in Online Document 49
  • 51. Customer Insights:Production Influence at EDM Festivals One interviewee reported that “Sound is super key. If it’s too low, it feels as if you are talking to each other in a room and that’s uncomfortable” ● Refer to (ID, P36, Pg.111) in Online Document Another interviewee reported, “The lights are really exciting too because they come out into the audience and everyone gets really excited and starts to jump around with each other.” ● Refer to (ID, P36, Pg.111) in Online Document One interviewee recounted an experience she had while on Molly. She states, “you really just want to jump and dance and be with friends and enhance your experience as much as you can while you’re going through that roll” ● Refer to (ID, P28, 111) in Online Document 50