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Specification Document
Rachel Garn
Table of Contents
					 Jeff Weeden
					 Weeden Law, Denver Co
	 Executive Summary
	 Market Analysis
	 Feasibility Study
	 Competitive, Client and Content
	 Social Media Analysis
	 Goals and Metrics
	 Marketing, Content & Social Media
	 Presence Map
	 Gantt Chart
Feasibility Study
Competitive, Client and Content Analysis
Social Media Analysis
Goals and Metrics
Marketing, Content and Social Media Plan
Executive Summary
The goals and success metrics document is intended to set forth the defining and
limiting goals for the entire presence project, and then set specific metrics that will
be used to measure the overall success of the solution.
The competitive, client, content analysis section is intended to introduce you to
the research phase of planning in the process of developing an online presence.The
document is critical to the overall success of the enterprise, since its findings will
serve as facts for directing other steps in the development process
The feasibility study assignment is intended to introduce you to the second re-
search phase of planning in the process of developing an online presence.The doc-
ument is critical to determining whether or not an online presence project should
be undertaken.
The specification document is intended to draw together all the elements that are
necessary to begin production of the client’s online presence. It is the culmination
of all your planning of the UX strategy, scope, structure and skeleton planes, as well
as social media planning and brand management.
The social media analysis section is to see what the client has done with just social
media, and how it needs to improve.
The goals and success metrics document is intended to set forth the defining and
limiting goals for the entire presence project, and then set specific metrics that will
be used to measure the overall success of the solution.
Social Media- Twitter,
Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook,
Blog (AVVO, or WeedenLaw.
Social Media Plan
Marketing Plan- Sell product
more effeciatanly
Website- minor changes to
improve social media
Facebook- keeping up with
posts, lots of followers
SEO- ranked 40
Facebook not connected to
Server Signature
Market Analysis
Client liason can be difficult for law firms, so in order to gain
and maintain a stable client base, all lawyers are encouraged to
do the following:
	 1. Stay in direct contact with previous and current clients
to build rapport as having a good reputation will help gain new
clients by word of mouth.
	 2. Use analytic software and programs to monitor traffic
on the firm’s website as it can help, pinpoint where improve-
ments can be made to attract more web traffic and cause cli-
ents to pursue the firm.
	 3. Expand online presence by using a variety of all social
media as well as GoogleAds and their personal website.
	 4. Having the site be visually appealing as well as mobile-us-
er friendly exponentially increases client feeback as it increases
ease of use in a mobile setting.
Market Analysis
Market Trends
	 Jeff Weeden is a Criminal and Corporate Lawyer located in Denver, Colorado.
He also works in other locations such as Aurora, Lafayette, Louisville, and Fort Col-
lins. He specializes in domestic violence cases and represents both sides. 	
I took into account all sites associated with the client and concluded that overall,
they possess an adequate level of exposure, but it does not excercise the full poten-
tial of their exposure ability.
	 The expected benefits of this consultation are as follows: Increased exposure on the
web, a new social media program, and SEO augmentation. The new social media program
and the search engine optimiation (SEO) work hand-in-hand, by helping to attract and engage
more potential clients via virtual outlets. By implementing this new program the goal is to
increase the number of potential clients that Weeden Law receives, by pushing the frequency
of the firm’s name and credentials to a higher position on Google search results.
Feasibility Study
Expected Benefits
	 Weeden Law creates a revenue by acquiring clients through implementation
of social media and their website. However, the company does not receive enough
web traffic due to their lack of advertisment and online exposure.
	 The marketplace strategy for WheedenLaw is based mostly in social media.
The client maintains a Facebook business page, both a personal and professional
Twitter account, and an AVVO account( Lawyer connection profile); all of which are
considered to be free forms of advertisment that help reduce the monetary cost of
marketing and advertising. Previously, the client was spending an amount upwards
of $2000, however, for this consultation I was given a substantially smaller budget of
$50 to work with; mostly involving Google AdWords.
Marketplace Analysis
Feasibility Study
Google Adwords
	 Technology for lawyers is crucial to effective web presence as
image plays a large role in attracting clients and boosting their char-
ismatic impression.
	 - Blogging
	 - Twitter
	 - Facebook
	 - AVVO
	 - Business website
By optimzing all of these media outlets and ensuring that the client
appears friendly, competent, and professional,WeedenLaw appears
to be a more attractive option when a potential client is looking for
an effective and successful lawyer.
Technology Considerations & Support
Feasibility Study
Organization & Staffing
Feasibility Study
	 Before in implementation of any social media methods
is possible, approval from Jeff Weedon, Owner of Weedon-
Law, must approve any changes or posts associated with
the company.
	 Return on investment (ROI), is the amount of revenue that an entitiy acquires
either after a change in their product or a decrease in their investmet. It is the total
amount of extra monetary gain after making an investment. There are factors that
can be optimized to expontentially improve a companies ROI:
	 - Appeal: Using popular keywords, hastags, and images can drastically increase
the attractiveness and memorability of a business.
	 - Charisma: Relatability to the target market makes a company more appealing
and creates a sense of trust between the company and its client.
	 - Clarity: Clearly stating what the specialty of the business is and its target
market. Making a clear and concise social media presence helps prevent a potential
client from overlooking the business due to inadequate information or wordiness.
	 The duration of time needed to properly observe and analyze the performance
of GoogleAdWords was not obtained fully as the software was implemented only
two weeks ago (Nov. 7, 2015). With a longer amount of time to collect data, a the
impact of the software woud be more apparent.
	 Audience particiaption was also proved to be a difficulty when trying to in-
crease user exposure. Asking strangers via social media “share, like, and tweet” about
a business proved to be difficult as their actions are entirely out of the companies
Financial Projections
Feasibility Study
	 The data and analysis I accrued over the course of the proj-
ect showed that a project of similar nature would be beneficial
if continued of repeated. Difficulties or inconsistences that may
arise in a duplication would be analytics (measuments of site and
social media traffic). In this specific consultation the client used
LocalVox and Google Analytics and analyzed the outcomes asso-
ciated with each of these sites. The use of these sites proved to
be difficult as they were two different mediums of analytics that
would provide us with inconsistent results.
Feasibility Study
Competitve, Client & Content Analysis
	 Competitor is
which is also located in Denver, Colorado.
By searching the term “Colorado lawyers”
their website can be easily accessed as it
is one of the primary results in the search
engine. The website is mobile friendly
(Figure1), which is highly recommend-
ed for lawyers that advertise and use a
website. They have a large social media
presence including Facebook and Twitter.
Problems that their site faces (according
to SEO Toolbox) are the lack of connec-
tions and links between the website and
their social media accounts and general
technical issues. SEO score presently lies
at 74 (comparison is Figure 2 page 13).
Figure 1
Competitive vs Client
Competitve, Client & Content Analysis
Figure 2
Competitve, Client & Content Analy-
Client is located in
Denver, Colorado. By searching the
term “Colorado Lawyers” their web-
site is listed on the fourth page of the
search engine. Their SEO score was ini-
tially low, 40 to 50 range. After working
with the client, their SEO score pres-
ently lies at 62. Their website and so-
cial media are connected and their site
is mobile-user friendly (Figure 3). The
website does contain general technical
issues that require a different area of
Figure 3
Content Analysis
Competitve, Client & Content
	 Weeden’s website contains information about his areas
of expertise which include domestic violence, criminal defense,
hunter defense, and business solutions. The client provides
more details about each of these categories on his blog and
AVVO account.
	 The WeedenLaw Facebook contains a short profile and
a post forum for news and information about the firm as well
as information from outside sources that are relevant to the
company’s specializations. His profile photos provide a re-
latable aspect to the business that helps prospective clients
familiarize themselves with Jeff Weeden himself. The business
account is also connected to his personal Facebook account as
well as his website, blog, and twitter.
	 The WeedenLaw Twitter account posts content originally
found on the blog and AVVO account and helps bring web and
social media traffic to the main website. This account serves
as a means of connecting a new customer base from one so-
cial media outlet to another.
	 Weedon Law possesses a large online presence, but preceeding the implementation of the proj-
ect methods, information and website for the firm was only visible on page 4 of a Google search.
	 The firm maintains a facebook account and it effectively contacts old clients as well as attracts
new clients. The firm posted semi-frequently (monthly) which did not reach enough clients to be
considered efficient. WeedonLaw also maintains a Twitter account that performed similarly to their
facebook in client outreach. I did reccomend that the firm create a youtube clip or video but time con-
straints made this impossible to achieve. WeedonLaw did approve of the concept and are considereing
using it in the future. The firm was also directed to create a larger blogging presence by using AVVO
and blogging on their personal sites. By blogging the client was able to give insight into his opinions re-
garding law-related issues. Instagram was not reccommended to the firm as it was not pertienet to the
type of audience they were looking for.
Post-analysis of the method implementation into WeedonLaw’s social media program concluded the
- FACEBOOK: By increasing post frequency since 2014, in just 3 months the client was able to increase
this social media outreach by 10% according to data collected by LocalVox. However, the client did not
post as frequently as I advised, therefore he did not excercise the full potential of the company’s Face-
book page.
- TWITTER: By increasing “tweet” frequency, the firm was able to increase their twitter outreach by
5% according to data collected by LocalVox. Similarly to Facebook, the client failed to exercise the full
potential of the media forum by not posting as frequently as advised.
- AVVO: The firm possesseed a high rating of “superb” before the consultation methods were imple-
mented and maintained the superior ratings through the duration of the program. Refer to Figure 1.
Social Media Analysis
Social Media Analysis
Figure 4
These are the goals that WeedenLaw created for this project:
1. Reach more clients through a less expensive process
2. Diversify the client’s exposure on the web
3. Change methods of advertisment to increase client intake by 4 to 5 per month
4. Share clients with collegues if amount of clients exceeds a certain amount
We were able track our success in reaching these goals by using LocalVox. However, LocalVox proved to be
less effective than we originally predicted. We then switched to a site called SEOToolbox. This site not only
found the search engine optimization, but also checked to see where improvements needed to be made to
more effectively reach an audience.
Goals & Metrics
10% 5% 5% 0%
Marketing Plan
Social Media Plan
Saturday and
Posting Content:
Video- of currently studying
Criminal Defense(Domesticated violence,Juvenile,Federal and
White Color Crime)
Hashtag related to Criminal Defense
Post Wildlife Violations
Hashtag related to Wildlife Violations
Post Business Solutions (Coorporate Guidance, Marijuana
Hashtag: #legalization
Hashtag: #personalinjury, #divorce
Post:Other expertise
(personal injury,records sealing and Expungment, Family Law and Divorce,
Civil Litigation, Trust Administration, Law Firm Management)
About the Attorneys- What big events happened that
week. If not, post something again relating to the law
firm. Sharing the website
Hashtag: #attorney
Not as necessary to have a schedule post, but
unless see something that is important, post it.
Use appropriate hashtags. This is for both Saturday
and Sunday.
Facebook Page: WeedenLaw-Denver Required Link:
Twitter Account: @jlweeden
Required Hashtag: #weedenlaw, #law, #lawsuit, #legal	
Post: Either Early Morning, or Late Afternoon
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
Once finished with week, repeat!
Marketing Plan
Social Media Plan
Social Media Plan
Persona 1
Herman A. Silva -
Age: 68 years old
Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: 178.2 pounds
Blood type: B+
Love one is in system (theft)
Herman is the legal guardian of his 18 year
old grandson who resides in his basement.
Recently, is grandson was arrested for grand
theft auto, taken into custody, and given a
significant bail release amount. Herman is
not faced with the responsibility of walking
his grandson through the judicial process
and hopes to decrease the amount of jail
time his grandson faces.
Persona 2
Corrine Sung -
Age: 24 years old
Height: 5’ 2” (158 centimeters)
Weight: 115 pounds
Blood type:A+
DomesticViolence victim
Corrine has been in a relationship with her
boyfriend for five years. Although Corrine
insists that there has been no harm, family
and friends suspect that her boyfriend is
physically and mentaly abusing her. Recent-
ly, police were dispatched for disturbance
to their home and her boyfriend was ar-
rested after finding Corrine with a lacer-
ation to her left eye as well as contusions
to several parts of her body. Corrine has
admitted to the abuse and plans to move
forward with charges against her boyfriend.
No close relatives
Persona 3
Michel C. Knight -
Age: 38 years old
Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: 191.8 pounds
Blood type: O-
Michel is recently divorced from his wife
with whom he shares a daughter. A few
weeks ago, Michel decided to take his
daughter to a Rapids game. Being recently
divorced he was not familiar with the cus-
tody rules and took his daughter without
notifying her mother. The mother returned
home to find her child missing and filed a
report with the local law enforcement, lead-
ing to a city-wide amber alert. Upon locat-
ing Michel and his daughter, he was arrested
and charged with kidnapping. Michel is now
looking to have the charges dropped due to
Close Group of Friends
	 Weedon Law possesses a large online presence, but preceeding
the implementation of the project methods, information and website
for the firm was only visible on page 4 of a Google search.
	 The firm maintains a Facebook account and it effectively con-
tacts old clients as well as attracts new clients. The firm posted
semi-frequently (monthly) which did not reach enough clients to be
considered efficient.
WeedonLaw also maintains a Twitter account that performed similar-
ly to their facebook in client outreach. I did reccomend that the firm
create a youtube clip or video but time constraints made this im-
possible to achieve. WeedonLaw did approve of the concept and are
considereing using it in the future. The firm was also directed to cre-
ate a larger blogging presence by using AVVO and blogging on their
personal sites. By blogging the client was able to give insight into his
opinions regarding law-related issues. Instagram was not reccom-
mended to the firm as it was not pertienet to the type of audience
they were looking for.
Presence Map
Presence Map
Gantt Chart
Gantt Chart Overview
Twitter (Professional)
Twitter (Professional)
Twitter (Personal)

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  • 2. Table of Contents Client: Jeff Weeden Weeden Law, Denver Co Executive Summary Market Analysis Feasibility Study Competitive, Client and Content Analysis Social Media Analysis Goals and Metrics Marketing, Content & Social Media Plan Personas Presence Map Gantt Chart Screenshots 2 3 4 6 12 16 17 18 20 23 24 26
  • 3. Overview Feasibility Study Competitive, Client and Content Analysis Social Media Analysis Goals and Metrics Marketing, Content and Social Media Plan 3 Executive Summary The goals and success metrics document is intended to set forth the defining and limiting goals for the entire presence project, and then set specific metrics that will be used to measure the overall success of the solution. The competitive, client, content analysis section is intended to introduce you to the research phase of planning in the process of developing an online presence.The document is critical to the overall success of the enterprise, since its findings will serve as facts for directing other steps in the development process The feasibility study assignment is intended to introduce you to the second re- search phase of planning in the process of developing an online presence.The doc- ument is critical to determining whether or not an online presence project should be undertaken. The specification document is intended to draw together all the elements that are necessary to begin production of the client’s online presence. It is the culmination of all your planning of the UX strategy, scope, structure and skeleton planes, as well as social media planning and brand management. The social media analysis section is to see what the client has done with just social media, and how it needs to improve. The goals and success metrics document is intended to set forth the defining and limiting goals for the entire presence project, and then set specific metrics that will be used to measure the overall success of the solution.
  • 4. SWOT W O T Social Media- Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, Blog (AVVO, or WeedenLaw. com) Social Media Plan Marketing Plan- Sell product more effeciatanly Website- minor changes to improve social media Facebook- keeping up with posts, lots of followers SEO- ranked 40 Facebook not connected to site Server Signature S 4 Market Analysis
  • 5. 5 Client liason can be difficult for law firms, so in order to gain and maintain a stable client base, all lawyers are encouraged to do the following: 1. Stay in direct contact with previous and current clients to build rapport as having a good reputation will help gain new clients by word of mouth. 2. Use analytic software and programs to monitor traffic on the firm’s website as it can help, pinpoint where improve- ments can be made to attract more web traffic and cause cli- ents to pursue the firm. 3. Expand online presence by using a variety of all social media as well as GoogleAds and their personal website. 4. Having the site be visually appealing as well as mobile-us- er friendly exponentially increases client feeback as it increases ease of use in a mobile setting. Market Analysis Market Trends
  • 6. 6 Jeff Weeden is a Criminal and Corporate Lawyer located in Denver, Colorado. He also works in other locations such as Aurora, Lafayette, Louisville, and Fort Col- lins. He specializes in domestic violence cases and represents both sides. I took into account all sites associated with the client and concluded that overall, they possess an adequate level of exposure, but it does not excercise the full poten- tial of their exposure ability. The expected benefits of this consultation are as follows: Increased exposure on the web, a new social media program, and SEO augmentation. The new social media program and the search engine optimiation (SEO) work hand-in-hand, by helping to attract and engage more potential clients via virtual outlets. By implementing this new program the goal is to increase the number of potential clients that Weeden Law receives, by pushing the frequency of the firm’s name and credentials to a higher position on Google search results. Feasibility Study Description Expected Benefits
  • 7. 7 Weeden Law creates a revenue by acquiring clients through implementation of social media and their website. However, the company does not receive enough web traffic due to their lack of advertisment and online exposure. The marketplace strategy for WheedenLaw is based mostly in social media. The client maintains a Facebook business page, both a personal and professional Twitter account, and an AVVO account( Lawyer connection profile); all of which are considered to be free forms of advertisment that help reduce the monetary cost of marketing and advertising. Previously, the client was spending an amount upwards of $2000, however, for this consultation I was given a substantially smaller budget of $50 to work with; mostly involving Google AdWords. Marketplace Analysis Strategy Feasibility Study Facebook Twitter Google Adwords Analytics
  • 8. 8 Technology for lawyers is crucial to effective web presence as image plays a large role in attracting clients and boosting their char- ismatic impression. - Blogging - Twitter - Facebook - AVVO - Business website By optimzing all of these media outlets and ensuring that the client appears friendly, competent, and professional,WeedenLaw appears to be a more attractive option when a potential client is looking for an effective and successful lawyer. Technology Considerations & Support Feasibility Study
  • 9. 9 Organization & Staffing Feasibility Study Before in implementation of any social media methods is possible, approval from Jeff Weedon, Owner of Weedon- Law, must approve any changes or posts associated with the company.
  • 10. 10 Return on investment (ROI), is the amount of revenue that an entitiy acquires either after a change in their product or a decrease in their investmet. It is the total amount of extra monetary gain after making an investment. There are factors that can be optimized to expontentially improve a companies ROI: - Appeal: Using popular keywords, hastags, and images can drastically increase the attractiveness and memorability of a business. - Charisma: Relatability to the target market makes a company more appealing and creates a sense of trust between the company and its client. - Clarity: Clearly stating what the specialty of the business is and its target market. Making a clear and concise social media presence helps prevent a potential client from overlooking the business due to inadequate information or wordiness. RISK AND ISSUES The duration of time needed to properly observe and analyze the performance of GoogleAdWords was not obtained fully as the software was implemented only two weeks ago (Nov. 7, 2015). With a longer amount of time to collect data, a the impact of the software woud be more apparent. Audience particiaption was also proved to be a difficulty when trying to in- crease user exposure. Asking strangers via social media “share, like, and tweet” about a business proved to be difficult as their actions are entirely out of the companies control. Financial Projections Feasibility Study
  • 11. 11 The data and analysis I accrued over the course of the proj- ect showed that a project of similar nature would be beneficial if continued of repeated. Difficulties or inconsistences that may arise in a duplication would be analytics (measuments of site and social media traffic). In this specific consultation the client used LocalVox and Google Analytics and analyzed the outcomes asso- ciated with each of these sites. The use of these sites proved to be difficult as they were two different mediums of analytics that would provide us with inconsistent results. Feasibility Study Findings
  • 12. 12 Competitive Competitve, Client & Content Analysis Competitor is which is also located in Denver, Colorado. By searching the term “Colorado lawyers” their website can be easily accessed as it is one of the primary results in the search engine. The website is mobile friendly (Figure1), which is highly recommend- ed for lawyers that advertise and use a website. They have a large social media presence including Facebook and Twitter. Problems that their site faces (according to SEO Toolbox) are the lack of connec- tions and links between the website and their social media accounts and general technical issues. SEO score presently lies at 74 (comparison is Figure 2 page 13). Figure 1
  • 13. 13 Competitive vs Client Competitve, Client & Content Analysis Figure 2
  • 14. 14 Competitve, Client & Content Analy- sis Client is located in Denver, Colorado. By searching the term “Colorado Lawyers” their web- site is listed on the fourth page of the search engine. Their SEO score was ini- tially low, 40 to 50 range. After working with the client, their SEO score pres- ently lies at 62. Their website and so- cial media are connected and their site is mobile-user friendly (Figure 3). The website does contain general technical issues that require a different area of expertise. Figure 3
  • 15. 15 Content Analysis Competitve, Client & Content Analysis Weeden’s website contains information about his areas of expertise which include domestic violence, criminal defense, hunter defense, and business solutions. The client provides more details about each of these categories on his blog and AVVO account. The WeedenLaw Facebook contains a short profile and a post forum for news and information about the firm as well as information from outside sources that are relevant to the company’s specializations. His profile photos provide a re- latable aspect to the business that helps prospective clients familiarize themselves with Jeff Weeden himself. The business account is also connected to his personal Facebook account as well as his website, blog, and twitter. The WeedenLaw Twitter account posts content originally found on the blog and AVVO account and helps bring web and social media traffic to the main website. This account serves as a means of connecting a new customer base from one so- cial media outlet to another.
  • 16. 16 Weedon Law possesses a large online presence, but preceeding the implementation of the proj- ect methods, information and website for the firm was only visible on page 4 of a Google search. The firm maintains a facebook account and it effectively contacts old clients as well as attracts new clients. The firm posted semi-frequently (monthly) which did not reach enough clients to be considered efficient. WeedonLaw also maintains a Twitter account that performed similarly to their facebook in client outreach. I did reccomend that the firm create a youtube clip or video but time con- straints made this impossible to achieve. WeedonLaw did approve of the concept and are considereing using it in the future. The firm was also directed to create a larger blogging presence by using AVVO and blogging on their personal sites. By blogging the client was able to give insight into his opinions re- garding law-related issues. Instagram was not reccommended to the firm as it was not pertienet to the type of audience they were looking for. Post-analysis of the method implementation into WeedonLaw’s social media program concluded the following: - FACEBOOK: By increasing post frequency since 2014, in just 3 months the client was able to increase this social media outreach by 10% according to data collected by LocalVox. However, the client did not post as frequently as I advised, therefore he did not excercise the full potential of the company’s Face- book page. - TWITTER: By increasing “tweet” frequency, the firm was able to increase their twitter outreach by 5% according to data collected by LocalVox. Similarly to Facebook, the client failed to exercise the full potential of the media forum by not posting as frequently as advised. - AVVO: The firm possesseed a high rating of “superb” before the consultation methods were imple- mented and maintained the superior ratings through the duration of the program. Refer to Figure 1. Social Media Analysis Social Media Analysis Figure 4
  • 17. 17 These are the goals that WeedenLaw created for this project: 1. Reach more clients through a less expensive process 2. Diversify the client’s exposure on the web 3. Change methods of advertisment to increase client intake by 4 to 5 per month 4. Share clients with collegues if amount of clients exceeds a certain amount We were able track our success in reaching these goals by using LocalVox. However, LocalVox proved to be less effective than we originally predicted. We then switched to a site called SEOToolbox. This site not only found the search engine optimization, but also checked to see where improvements needed to be made to more effectively reach an audience. Goals & Metrics Goals Metrics 10% 5% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
  • 19. Week: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday Posting Content: Video- of currently studying Criminal Defense(Domesticated violence,Juvenile,Federal and White Color Crime) Hashtag related to Criminal Defense Post Wildlife Violations Hashtag related to Wildlife Violations #endwildlifecrime Post Business Solutions (Coorporate Guidance, Marijuana Laws) Hashtag: #legalization Hashtag: #personalinjury, #divorce Post:Other expertise (personal injury,records sealing and Expungment, Family Law and Divorce, Civil Litigation, Trust Administration, Law Firm Management) About the Attorneys- What big events happened that week. If not, post something again relating to the law firm. Sharing the website Hashtag: #attorney Not as necessary to have a schedule post, but unless see something that is important, post it. Use appropriate hashtags. This is for both Saturday and Sunday. Facebook Page: WeedenLaw-Denver Required Link: Twitter Account: @jlweeden Required Hashtag: #weedenlaw, #law, #lawsuit, #legal Post: Either Early Morning, or Late Afternoon [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Once finished with week, repeat! 19 Marketing Plan & Social Media Plan Social Media Plan
  • 20. 20 Personas Persona 1 Herman A. Silva - Age: 68 years old Height: 6’ 1” Weight: 178.2 pounds Blood type: B+ Love one is in system (theft) Herman is the legal guardian of his 18 year old grandson who resides in his basement. Recently, is grandson was arrested for grand theft auto, taken into custody, and given a significant bail release amount. Herman is not faced with the responsibility of walking his grandson through the judicial process and hopes to decrease the amount of jail time his grandson faces. Attitudes: Extrovert Wise Grumpy
  • 21. 21 Persona 2 Personas Corrine Sung - Age: 24 years old Height: 5’ 2” (158 centimeters) Weight: 115 pounds Blood type:A+ DomesticViolence victim Corrine has been in a relationship with her boyfriend for five years. Although Corrine insists that there has been no harm, family and friends suspect that her boyfriend is physically and mentaly abusing her. Recent- ly, police were dispatched for disturbance to their home and her boyfriend was ar- rested after finding Corrine with a lacer- ation to her left eye as well as contusions to several parts of her body. Corrine has admitted to the abuse and plans to move forward with charges against her boyfriend. Attitudes: Extrovert/Quiet Educated No close relatives
  • 22. 22 Persona 3 Personas Michel C. Knight - Age: 38 years old Height: 5’ 9” Weight: 191.8 pounds Blood type: O- Kidnapping Michel is recently divorced from his wife with whom he shares a daughter. A few weeks ago, Michel decided to take his daughter to a Rapids game. Being recently divorced he was not familiar with the cus- tody rules and took his daughter without notifying her mother. The mother returned home to find her child missing and filed a report with the local law enforcement, lead- ing to a city-wide amber alert. Upon locat- ing Michel and his daughter, he was arrested and charged with kidnapping. Michel is now looking to have the charges dropped due to misunderstanding. Attitudes: Introvert Analytical Close Group of Friends
  • 23. 23 Weedon Law possesses a large online presence, but preceeding the implementation of the project methods, information and website for the firm was only visible on page 4 of a Google search. The firm maintains a Facebook account and it effectively con- tacts old clients as well as attracts new clients. The firm posted semi-frequently (monthly) which did not reach enough clients to be considered efficient. WeedonLaw also maintains a Twitter account that performed similar- ly to their facebook in client outreach. I did reccomend that the firm create a youtube clip or video but time constraints made this im- possible to achieve. WeedonLaw did approve of the concept and are considereing using it in the future. The firm was also directed to cre- ate a larger blogging presence by using AVVO and blogging on their personal sites. By blogging the client was able to give insight into his opinions regarding law-related issues. Instagram was not reccom- mended to the firm as it was not pertienet to the type of audience they were looking for. Presence Map Presence Map