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2nd paper regarding assignment
It is a well dependable fact that objective setting improves the
probability of social media marketing achievement, yet it never
stops to astonish entrepreneurs what number of organizations
have given less ideas to making their web based life goals.
When working with customers to make a web based showcasing
technique, one of the first inquiries to them is essentially what
the individual is planning to accomplish with a social media
marketing platform. Such a significant number of times,
organizations bounce onto using the most recent informal social
platforms with no idea about what they really need to
accomplish there. Without objectives, it's difficult to know
precisely how well a web based marketing procedure is
performing. Clear objectives won't just drive the marketing
technique forward, yet they will likewise fill in as characterized
measurements with regards to estimating business progress. For
an objective to wind up a reality, it should be particular,
quantifiable, feasible, and practical, and also time specific —
these are frequently called SMART objectives. Shrewd
objectives are one of the longest-enduring, most prominent
objective setting structures for business. Jefferson interiors will
apply the SMART objective in ensuring the business takes its
intended course. Any set goal should be specific, measurable,
attainable, relevant, and time specific.
Maybe a standout amongst the most troublesome issues in
Social Network showcasing is characterizing the proper web
based goals for making progress. It happens that these targets
must be attached to a well thoroughly considered key intend to
meet a more goal-oriented by and large objective: increment in
deals, lessening costs on customer obtaining, lead ages, among
numerous other things. Increasing deals, at that point the
objectives will be characterized with the end goal to achieve
this target will be connected to the acclaimed deals pipe:
making brand mindfulness, producing request and thought,
empowering buy, holding social groups of onlookers, and so
forth. It's vital to maintain a strategic distance from words that
have different implications. Ensuring the change needed to get
with every objective is extremely clear. Facebook
measurements, for example, page likes, promote shares and
remarks and utilization of Facebook Analytics are applied. the
specific objectives set for this Jefferson interiors are ;Increment
brand popularity, Direct people to the site, Produce new leads,
Develop income (by expanding information exchanges or sales)
, Lift brand commitment, Manufacture a network around the
business, Successful social client service provision and Increase
reference to the press.
A SWOT analysis of the business gives a good view of progress.
This part is held for the strengths of the social media platform
system. There isn't generally a set in stone response to these
areas, simply ensure you truly think them through. Qualities of
a web based life battle or methodology may incorporate things,
for example, the strengths of the business include; entrance or
market reach, dynamic network individuals who will progress
toward becoming brand evangelists, assets regarding time and
labor, the group can react rapidly and adequately,
administration or the C-level officials bolster the online life
medium and give you the thumbs up. The weaknesses exhibited
in this campaign are: inconvenience scaling or keeping up an
internet based life battle, absence of devices or assets to track
and screen web based life crusade results not viable online life
nearness or crusade, which means objectives are not being met,
extreme to prepare or persuade administration group via web-
based networking media standards. Opportunities from the
business are; creating/joining online presence on sites where the
company currently doesn’t exist, i.e. Facebook, new target or
niche markets that are untapped promotions, discounts, offers
that can be utilized through social media platforms, partnerships
with a publisher or advertiser, penetration into a new
geographical market. The threats emerging in this new business
are; macro factors such as economy, will this affect your user
base or your campaign? Competitor is going after the same
space or same audience with similar campaign, is the current
campaign sustainable, can it continue? What obstacles stand in
the way of success and failure?
The above analysis is realized in the following ways;
Strengths: 1. Purchaser driven arrangements 2. Make nearness
in prominent channels 3. Adjusting extensive variety of
businesses 4. Make the 'Human' factor for the Brand 5. B2B
clients systems administration can help gain B2C gathering of
people 6. Can center on quality substance over amount 7.
Progressive methodology in substance creation 8. Speculation
and Interest over SMM.
Weaknesses: 1. New to SMM 2. Scarcely any devotees or fans
3. Poor commitment with fans 4. Lacking intelligent substance
creation 5. Less inventiveness or intolerant methodology in
substance creation 6. Low target driven spotlight on key client
fragments 7. Limitations on workers to utilize informal
organizations 8. No outskirts between the brand and clients.
Opportunities: 1. Make a solid steadfast network 2. Target
specialty markets and group of onlookers 3. Interface with
upbeat clients by means of online life 4. Instant bolster by
means of informal organizations 5. Interface with the 'Experts'
6. Between interface every single social channel and frame a
shut gathering 7. Make viral substance - esp. for YouTube 8.
Run web based life challenges and crusades.
Threats: 1. simply one more start-up brand picture 2. Brand
personification 3. Fair commitment 4. Negative adherents
heaving awful remarks 5. Overwhelming nearness of contenders
6. Impression of industry inadequacy 7. Tedious crusades 8.
Lacking assets and assets.
The organization needs input from clients to find out about their
preferences, needs and needs and distinguish any issues they
may have encountered with the items and administrations we
give. Jefferson Interiors in a perfect world need this criticism to
be private and progressively with the goal that it can take
activities to address any issues and transform a negative affair
into a positive result. The firm needs this procedure to be
robotized beyond what many would consider possible with
minimal extra exertion required that meddles with our day by
day duties. The challenge is the means by which to get and deal
with this input. Is it better to utilize guide shut input channels
to connect with and speak with clients or on the other hand is it
better to screen open online networking stages to perceive what
clients need to say? A guide channel empowers clients to give
criticism by sending an instant message, finishing a web shape
or sending an email. This criticism is quickly conveyed
straightforwardly to a predetermined number of individuals that
are assigned to survey and follow up on the feedback. Ideally a
business ought to do both. Guide criticism works best to address
client benefit related issues while online networking empowers
you to screen the buzz about your image, items and
To guarantee accomplishment with direct criticism channels
necessitates that showcasing materials and guidelines on the
most proficient method to give input are noticeable to clients at
whatever point they communicate with your image. This can,
without much of a stretch be given on table, tents, or napkin
holder cards in an eatery domain, blurbs, business cards,
receipts, and so on. A few models are demonstrated as follows.
Assigned staff will get content or potentially email cautions
straightforwardly to their telephone/tablet at whatever point
criticism is submitted. They can answer instantly and make the
proper move. All input and correspondences will be caught and
is accessible through an online interface. The whole procedure
can be mechanized with devices.
The dragonfly effect in social media advertising is imperative in
ensuring that the business runs smoothly and profitably. The
wings reflect on the importance of hatching a goal which will
mostly make a long-lasting effect. On the business through
Recount a story. Find convincing, sticky stories to pass on basic
data. Keep in mind: toning it down would be best. Stories have
bends. Relate. Fabricate a 2-path association with your group of
onlookers. The main thing to them in your battle? Genuineness.
Genuine enthusiasm is infectious. The more true you appear, the
simpler it is to interface with you and your motivation.
Manufacture shared opinion by sharing qualities and
convictions. Match the media. How we say something can be as
critical as what we say. Adjust your correspondence to the
correct setting. The top brand identified in this company include
the Deborah Oppenheimer, beautiful carpets, Neoclassic design
style and Gonzagana design.
The evangelist program is created in the following ways.
Characterize Your Social Media Team.
Figure out which singular (s) in the association will have
responsibility for media exercises dependent on their experience
and expertise level.
Make the User Experience.
Figure out what you need the client to encounter while drawing
in with your organization on social stages. This will furnish
your group with understanding on the most proficient method to
position themselves with the network.
Set the Tone of Voice
Remember that you are addressing your clients in a social
space, so while it's imperative to keep up an expert tone, ensure
you are likewise oozing identity by keeping it conversational. It
ought to be clarified that individual perspectives ought not to be
shared and that group is speaking to and talking for the benefit
of the organization.
Deliver What to Post
Offer precedents for looking after exchange. Urge your social
group to start discussion by offering conversation starters,
posting surveys and sharing substance that will energize
support. To fortify the association fans have to your image, re-
share what they are posting on social channels.
Prompt on Posting Frequency
Most importantly, consistency is vital. Your general objective
ought to be to have fans associate with your image each day
through remarking, reacting to input and posting drawing in
substance. Examining top occasions your group of onlookers is
online will set up key time spans.
Set up Customer Service Expectations
You need your fans and supporters to feel like esteemed
individuals from your locale so it is vital to set your online
client benefit desires. Consider Twitter and Facebook as
augmentations of your client benefit reps and set desires by
distributing your help hours on your social channel profiles, so
if a client connects throughout the end of the week, for instance,
they can envision not hearing back until Monday.
Give Best Practices for Handling Negativity
While tending to client protests, it is best to change from a
guarded to a hostile position. While singular circumstances
ought to be tended to specifically, there might be broad issues
that warrant network input. For this situation, make a point to
have suitable reactions prepared for general issues.
Bebin, R. M. (1993). Management Teams;Why Thewy Succeed
or Fail. Oxford: Jordan Hill.
Lumen. (2015, may 15). Why It Matters: Human Resource
Management. Retrieved from Lumen:
March, V. (2014). Communication Channels In organizations.
Journal of management, 13-25.
Pettigrew, A. (2007). What is a processual analysis.
Scandinavian journal of management, 56-67.
Prachi, J. (2017). Importance of customer relationship
management (CRM). Journal of management, 56-58.
Yamoah, E. (2013). Relationship between Compensation and
Employee Productivity. Singaporean Journal of Business,
Economics and Management Studies, 110-114.
Principles of Chemistry 1211L Practice Test II
1. 2 H2O2(aq) ↔ 2 H2O(l) + O2(g) is example of (Type of
a. Decomposition reaction c. Acid base reaction
b. Precipitation reaction d. combination reaction
2. 10 drops of 4.0 M NaOH solution was mixed with 50 drops of
water. What is the molarity of the diluted mixture? (Look for
Type of Reaction Lab)
3. What is formula for determining Retention Factor (Rf Value)
in Thin Layer chromatography .
4. Stoichiometry Ratio when Co(NO3)3 with NaOH (Reaction
Stoichiometry Lab)
a. 1:2 c. 1:3
b. 1:4 d. 1:1
5. Redox Reaction is ………
6. If (ΔH)= - 234 in a reaction. Then Reaction will be called?
a. Exothermic b. Endothermic
7. A 6.0 g sample of was heated from 0oC to 40.0oC. It
absorbed 45.2 J of heat. What is the specific heat of sample.
8. A proton released by an acid in aqueous solution quickly
reacts with water to form a hydronium ion. What product is
formed when a proton reacts with ammonia (NH3)?
a. NH3+ b. NH2¯
c. NH4 d. NH4+
9. End Point of Titration is when………..
10. Write reaction for unknown metal with HCl (Reaction
Stoichiometry Lab)
11. What is the resulting molarity of solution when 3 g of NaOH
is dissolved in 500 mL of water? (formula weight of NaOH =
12. Complete following Reaction (Thermal Gravimetric
Analysis Lab)
13. What will be the end product when Zinc metal reacts with
Copper sulfate.
Social Media Marketing Plan: Part A
Jefferson Interiors is a business venture that is designed to offer
a wide variety of interior design services within the Virginia
area. The interior services will give our customers access to
products to supplement the design consultation services. Our
interior services provide consultation services that will gather
for decorations, fabric, furniture designs, and accessories that
are suitable for home and offices. Our business offers individual
services as desired by individual customers. Our business
targets people that like to have a stylish space, but no time to
design themselves.(Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, 2018).
The target market is married couples and business men/women.
It targets on those households that are very concerned with their
wealth status. According to research most of the population in
Richmond, Virginia are very conscious about the appearance of
their homes and offices. Jefferson Interiors business is
registered under sole proprietorships owned by a group of
people called Jefferson Group. Our company is situated in the
heart of Virginia and it operates in a spacious room to support
displays of our designs, and consultation desks (Campbell,
Martin, & Fabos, 2018).
Every business needs to make itself known to the public or
target audience. They have to go outside and create a market for
themselves. The best method to create awareness is through the
social media platform that is trending at that time. According to
research, the most trending social media platform is live video
streaming. Most of our consumers and other consumers would
prefer watching a live video rather than reading a blog post.
Through articles I came across, it indicated that approximately
eighty percent of consumers within our area prefer watching
videos about interior design.
Additionally, eighty-two percent would prefer watching a video
than reading posts on social media (Campbell, Martin&Fabos,
2018). I prefer this method for our company since most of our
customers can access Wi-Fi and our company has a very stable
network connectivity that will provide continuous live video
update. Additionally, it will be very productive if the company
concentrates on Facebook live video; according to research the
most effective media platform for live video is Facebook,
followed by Instagram (Campbell, Martin&Fabos, 2018). The
company will need to invest more in Facebook as compared to
other media platforms.
Secondly, Chabot is being integrated with the social media
platform. Chabot provides a sense of human response. A good
example of Chabot is the Facebook messenger. Chabot’s has
existed for a long time but since the integration with the social
media, platform users have increased from thirty thousand
people to a hundred thousand people (Campbell, Martin, &
Fabos, 2018). These bots are growing rapidly since most of
them recognize the phrases sent by the users. They are
programmed in such a way that provides the automatic response
from the user. Finally, they provide irreplaceable human
personal touch in human reaction.
Thirdly, the use of micro influencing. Micro influencing
involves the use of people who have a large number of people
who follow them. These people are followed by people not less
than one thousand and not more than ninety thousand. It is
always a fact that when a person’s followers are beyond one
thousand, one is considered as a celebrity and/or used in
business marketing. Within our company, we have very
influential people who can be used in influential marketing
(Campbell, Martin&Fabos, 2018).
Additionally, these people who are influential are trusted by
their followers. Secondly, they can drive a large number of
friends to make certain decisions. Finally, the micro influencers
will recommend and give support to our products to their
followers. According to a Forbes report, the advertisements
created by the micro influencers remain for a long period of
time in the media platform. To add on that, there are several
people in the world; there are several competitors in the world
and many businesses in the world. It would be wise for our
company to choose wisely the best micro influencer that will
boost the sales of the company.
Finally, a paid advertisement is another trending media that can
provide the best media strategy for our company. This method
may be consuming, but it is the most influential media platform.
According to research, by September 2017, Facebook had more
than six million advertisers and Instagram followed by an
average of three million advertisers (Campbell, Martin, &
Fabos, 2018). This mode is preferable for our company because
it targets a specific demographic. Secondly, most of the paid
advertisement, for instance, Facebook allows you to budget
because it controls the amount of time you will need to make
your advertisements. Finally, this method will lower its
audience to our target audience.
My overall concrete goal for our social media campaign in my
marketing strategy is based on Facebook. This is because
Facebook has over 1.32 billion users on a daily basis.
According to research, Facebook is mostly used (Campbell,
Martin, & Fabos, 2018). It can be accessed anywhere at any
time. With my strategy in our company, we will combine micro
influencing and Facebook platform. Facebook creates website
traffic, provides an online conversation with our target
Additionally, Facebook will be the best platform to create
awareness for the consumers. Facebook is a crucial mode to
monitor competitors’ way of doing their business. It will make
our company implement better strategies for the growth of the
business. Through the Facebook comment boxes, we can find
personalized opinions from customers concerning our business.
Facebook is a platform that helps you to come up with a
reasonable budget. Through Facebook, you can send
personalized messages to your target customers through the
Facebook messenger. In the case of our business, this strategy
will allow more of the customers to view our products without
necessarily having to visit our store. It will be cost effective for
both consumers and our company. Finally, Facebook provides
guidance on how to advertise on their platform (Voorveld,
Noort, Muntinga & Bronner, 2018). This will allow our
company to save much on their time and resources required to
set up advertisement.
After identifying my overall concrete goal, which is Facebook, I
decided to come up with the following micro goals for my
facebook platform. Firstly, I will need to identify the number of
tagged photos in my advertisement. This strategy will allow the
company to track the flow of information within the platform.
Secondly, a micro goal that needs to be followed up is the
replies send by the audience (Voorveld, Noort, Muntinga&
Bronner, 2018). These will be tracked through the Facebook
inbox or comments. The larger the number of comments and
replies from the user, the higher the chances of a business of
having more customers and the larger the profit the company
will make (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, 2018). Finally, fill out
some forms for future auditing. This will help the company
from misusing it resources and finally not making the profit,
filling the forms is the best tracking method for the success of
the company.
In my strategy, I will be using the pull strategy. This strategy
involves making our products and services visible to the
consumers through the use of the media platform which I
explained above (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, 2018). Through
the method, we will be able to create an urge for the consumers
who have interests to come back looking for answers from our
company. This strategy as compared to the push strategy which
targets short term sales, targets on long time term sales
Pull strategies involves the use of marketing channels like
websites and search engine optimization (Voorveld, Noort,
Muntinga & Bronner, 2018). Through social media, our
company will be able to create their own content that is
believed to be important to their intended customers. The
customers will be pulled to the marketplace through this mode.
However, in order to be successful in the pull strategy, one
needs to use the push strategy first. The push strategy will
enable the company to get off the ground. Additionally, the pull
strategy gives a long terms success. Even though pull strategy
will require a lot of money in order to make our services and
products known to our target customers. Finally, through this
strategy, there will be an increase in demand which will finally
pull the customers to the design and services that we are
In conclusion, every strategy has its own merits and demerits.
Every business needs to implement the following qualities in
order to be successful. Every business person needs to have
patience. Every step comes with challenges, through patience
there will be a successful marketing strategy. Secondly, you
need to be flexible (Xu, Hatt, ET. Al 2018). Using the pull
strategy is required to look for new ways to make the target
customers be aware of the product and services offered by the
company. Finally, curiosity is another virtue that will allow the
company to maintain its standards in terms of their
demographics. Through curiosity, the desires and wants of the
target customers are identified (Campbell, Martin&Fabos, 2018)
Campbell, R., Martin, C., & Fabos, B. (2018). Media essentials:
A brief introduction. Bedford/St. Martin's.
Voorveld, H. A., van Noort, G., Muntinga, D. G., & Bronner, F.
(2018). Engagement with social media and social media
advertising: The differentiating role of platform type. Journal of
Advertising, 47(1), 38-54.
Xu, Q., Hatt, S., Lopes, T., Zhang, Y., Bodson, B., Chen, J., &
Francis, F. (2018). A push–pull strategy to control aphids
combines intercropping with semiochemical releases. Journal of
Pest Science, 91(1), 93-103.

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2nd paper regarding assignmentIt is a well dependa.docx

  • 1. 2nd paper regarding assignment It is a well dependable fact that objective setting improves the probability of social media marketing achievement, yet it never stops to astonish entrepreneurs what number of organizations have given less ideas to making their web based life goals. When working with customers to make a web based showcasing technique, one of the first inquiries to them is essentially what the individual is planning to accomplish with a social media marketing platform. Such a significant number of times, organizations bounce onto using the most recent informal social platforms with no idea about what they really need to accomplish there. Without objectives, it's difficult to know precisely how well a web based marketing procedure is performing. Clear objectives won't just drive the marketing technique forward, yet they will likewise fill in as characterized measurements with regards to estimating business progress. For an objective to wind up a reality, it should be particular, quantifiable, feasible, and practical, and also time specific — these are frequently called SMART objectives. Shrewd objectives are one of the longest-enduring, most prominent objective setting structures for business. Jefferson interiors will apply the SMART objective in ensuring the business takes its intended course. Any set goal should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time specific. Maybe a standout amongst the most troublesome issues in Social Network showcasing is characterizing the proper web based goals for making progress. It happens that these targets
  • 2. must be attached to a well thoroughly considered key intend to meet a more goal-oriented by and large objective: increment in deals, lessening costs on customer obtaining, lead ages, among numerous other things. Increasing deals, at that point the objectives will be characterized with the end goal to achieve this target will be connected to the acclaimed deals pipe: making brand mindfulness, producing request and thought, empowering buy, holding social groups of onlookers, and so forth. It's vital to maintain a strategic distance from words that have different implications. Ensuring the change needed to get with every objective is extremely clear. Facebook measurements, for example, page likes, promote shares and remarks and utilization of Facebook Analytics are applied. the specific objectives set for this Jefferson interiors are ;Increment brand popularity, Direct people to the site, Produce new leads, Develop income (by expanding information exchanges or sales) , Lift brand commitment, Manufacture a network around the business, Successful social client service provision and Increase reference to the press. A SWOT analysis of the business gives a good view of progress. This part is held for the strengths of the social media platform system. There isn't generally a set in stone response to these areas, simply ensure you truly think them through. Qualities of a web based life battle or methodology may incorporate things, for example, the strengths of the business include; entrance or market reach, dynamic network individuals who will progress toward becoming brand evangelists, assets regarding time and labor, the group can react rapidly and adequately, administration or the C-level officials bolster the online life medium and give you the thumbs up. The weaknesses exhibited in this campaign are: inconvenience scaling or keeping up an internet based life battle, absence of devices or assets to track and screen web based life crusade results not viable online life nearness or crusade, which means objectives are not being met, extreme to prepare or persuade administration group via web- based networking media standards. Opportunities from the
  • 3. business are; creating/joining online presence on sites where the company currently doesn’t exist, i.e. Facebook, new target or niche markets that are untapped promotions, discounts, offers that can be utilized through social media platforms, partnerships with a publisher or advertiser, penetration into a new geographical market. The threats emerging in this new business are; macro factors such as economy, will this affect your user base or your campaign? Competitor is going after the same space or same audience with similar campaign, is the current campaign sustainable, can it continue? What obstacles stand in the way of success and failure? The above analysis is realized in the following ways; Strengths: 1. Purchaser driven arrangements 2. Make nearness in prominent channels 3. Adjusting extensive variety of businesses 4. Make the 'Human' factor for the Brand 5. B2B clients systems administration can help gain B2C gathering of people 6. Can center on quality substance over amount 7. Progressive methodology in substance creation 8. Speculation and Interest over SMM. Weaknesses: 1. New to SMM 2. Scarcely any devotees or fans 3. Poor commitment with fans 4. Lacking intelligent substance creation 5. Less inventiveness or intolerant methodology in substance creation 6. Low target driven spotlight on key client fragments 7. Limitations on workers to utilize informal organizations 8. No outskirts between the brand and clients. Opportunities: 1. Make a solid steadfast network 2. Target specialty markets and group of onlookers 3. Interface with upbeat clients by means of online life 4. Instant bolster by means of informal organizations 5. Interface with the 'Experts' 6. Between interface every single social channel and frame a shut gathering 7. Make viral substance - esp. for YouTube 8. Run web based life challenges and crusades. Threats: 1. simply one more start-up brand picture 2. Brand personification 3. Fair commitment 4. Negative adherents heaving awful remarks 5. Overwhelming nearness of contenders 6. Impression of industry inadequacy 7. Tedious crusades 8.
  • 4. Lacking assets and assets. The organization needs input from clients to find out about their preferences, needs and needs and distinguish any issues they may have encountered with the items and administrations we give. Jefferson Interiors in a perfect world need this criticism to be private and progressively with the goal that it can take activities to address any issues and transform a negative affair into a positive result. The firm needs this procedure to be robotized beyond what many would consider possible with minimal extra exertion required that meddles with our day by day duties. The challenge is the means by which to get and deal with this input. Is it better to utilize guide shut input channels to connect with and speak with clients or on the other hand is it better to screen open online networking stages to perceive what clients need to say? A guide channel empowers clients to give criticism by sending an instant message, finishing a web shape or sending an email. This criticism is quickly conveyed straightforwardly to a predetermined number of individuals that are assigned to survey and follow up on the feedback. Ideally a business ought to do both. Guide criticism works best to address client benefit related issues while online networking empowers you to screen the buzz about your image, items and administrations To guarantee accomplishment with direct criticism channels necessitates that showcasing materials and guidelines on the most proficient method to give input are noticeable to clients at whatever point they communicate with your image. This can, without much of a stretch be given on table, tents, or napkin holder cards in an eatery domain, blurbs, business cards, receipts, and so on. A few models are demonstrated as follows. Assigned staff will get content or potentially email cautions straightforwardly to their telephone/tablet at whatever point criticism is submitted. They can answer instantly and make the proper move. All input and correspondences will be caught and is accessible through an online interface. The whole procedure can be mechanized with devices.
  • 5. The dragonfly effect in social media advertising is imperative in ensuring that the business runs smoothly and profitably. The wings reflect on the importance of hatching a goal which will mostly make a long-lasting effect. On the business through Recount a story. Find convincing, sticky stories to pass on basic data. Keep in mind: toning it down would be best. Stories have bends. Relate. Fabricate a 2-path association with your group of onlookers. The main thing to them in your battle? Genuineness. Genuine enthusiasm is infectious. The more true you appear, the simpler it is to interface with you and your motivation. Manufacture shared opinion by sharing qualities and convictions. Match the media. How we say something can be as critical as what we say. Adjust your correspondence to the correct setting. The top brand identified in this company include the Deborah Oppenheimer, beautiful carpets, Neoclassic design style and Gonzagana design. The evangelist program is created in the following ways. Characterize Your Social Media Team. Figure out which singular (s) in the association will have responsibility for media exercises dependent on their experience and expertise level. Make the User Experience. Figure out what you need the client to encounter while drawing in with your organization on social stages. This will furnish your group with understanding on the most proficient method to position themselves with the network. Set the Tone of Voice Remember that you are addressing your clients in a social space, so while it's imperative to keep up an expert tone, ensure you are likewise oozing identity by keeping it conversational. It ought to be clarified that individual perspectives ought not to be shared and that group is speaking to and talking for the benefit of the organization. Deliver What to Post Offer precedents for looking after exchange. Urge your social group to start discussion by offering conversation starters,
  • 6. posting surveys and sharing substance that will energize support. To fortify the association fans have to your image, re- share what they are posting on social channels. Prompt on Posting Frequency Most importantly, consistency is vital. Your general objective ought to be to have fans associate with your image each day through remarking, reacting to input and posting drawing in substance. Examining top occasions your group of onlookers is online will set up key time spans. Set up Customer Service Expectations You need your fans and supporters to feel like esteemed individuals from your locale so it is vital to set your online client benefit desires. Consider Twitter and Facebook as augmentations of your client benefit reps and set desires by distributing your help hours on your social channel profiles, so if a client connects throughout the end of the week, for instance, they can envision not hearing back until Monday. Give Best Practices for Handling Negativity While tending to client protests, it is best to change from a guarded to a hostile position. While singular circumstances ought to be tended to specifically, there might be broad issues that warrant network input. For this situation, make a point to have suitable reactions prepared for general issues. References Bebin, R. M. (1993). Management Teams;Why Thewy Succeed or Fail. Oxford: Jordan Hill. Lumen. (2015, may 15). Why It Matters: Human Resource Management. Retrieved from Lumen: introbusiness/chapter/why-it-matters-14/ March, V. (2014). Communication Channels In organizations. Journal of management, 13-25. Pettigrew, A. (2007). What is a processual analysis. Scandinavian journal of management, 56-67.
  • 7. Prachi, J. (2017). Importance of customer relationship management (CRM). Journal of management, 56-58. Yamoah, E. (2013). Relationship between Compensation and Employee Productivity. Singaporean Journal of Business, Economics and Management Studies, 110-114. Principles of Chemistry 1211L Practice Test II 1. 2 H2O2(aq) ↔ 2 H2O(l) + O2(g) is example of (Type of Reaction) a. Decomposition reaction c. Acid base reaction b. Precipitation reaction d. combination reaction 2. 10 drops of 4.0 M NaOH solution was mixed with 50 drops of water. What is the molarity of the diluted mixture? (Look for Type of Reaction Lab) 3. What is formula for determining Retention Factor (Rf Value)
  • 8. in Thin Layer chromatography . 4. Stoichiometry Ratio when Co(NO3)3 with NaOH (Reaction Stoichiometry Lab) a. 1:2 c. 1:3 b. 1:4 d. 1:1 5. Redox Reaction is ……… 6. If (ΔH)= - 234 in a reaction. Then Reaction will be called? a. Exothermic b. Endothermic 7. A 6.0 g sample of was heated from 0oC to 40.0oC. It absorbed 45.2 J of heat. What is the specific heat of sample. 8. A proton released by an acid in aqueous solution quickly reacts with water to form a hydronium ion. What product is formed when a proton reacts with ammonia (NH3)? a. NH3+ b. NH2¯ c. NH4 d. NH4+
  • 9. 9. End Point of Titration is when……….. 10. Write reaction for unknown metal with HCl (Reaction Stoichiometry Lab) 11. What is the resulting molarity of solution when 3 g of NaOH is dissolved in 500 mL of water? (formula weight of NaOH = 40.) 12. Complete following Reaction (Thermal Gravimetric Analysis Lab) NaHCO3 13. What will be the end product when Zinc metal reacts with Copper sulfate.
  • 10. 1 2 Social Media Marketing Plan: Part A Jefferson Interiors is a business venture that is designed to offer a wide variety of interior design services within the Virginia area. The interior services will give our customers access to products to supplement the design consultation services. Our interior services provide consultation services that will gather for decorations, fabric, furniture designs, and accessories that are suitable for home and offices. Our business offers individual services as desired by individual customers. Our business targets people that like to have a stylish space, but no time to design themselves.(Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, 2018). The target market is married couples and business men/women. It targets on those households that are very concerned with their wealth status. According to research most of the population in
  • 11. Richmond, Virginia are very conscious about the appearance of their homes and offices. Jefferson Interiors business is registered under sole proprietorships owned by a group of people called Jefferson Group. Our company is situated in the heart of Virginia and it operates in a spacious room to support displays of our designs, and consultation desks (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, 2018). Every business needs to make itself known to the public or target audience. They have to go outside and create a market for themselves. The best method to create awareness is through the social media platform that is trending at that time. According to research, the most trending social media platform is live video streaming. Most of our consumers and other consumers would prefer watching a live video rather than reading a blog post. Through articles I came across, it indicated that approximately eighty percent of consumers within our area prefer watching videos about interior design. Additionally, eighty-two percent would prefer watching a video than reading posts on social media (Campbell, Martin&Fabos, 2018). I prefer this method for our company since most of our customers can access Wi-Fi and our company has a very stable network connectivity that will provide continuous live video update. Additionally, it will be very productive if the company concentrates on Facebook live video; according to research the most effective media platform for live video is Facebook, followed by Instagram (Campbell, Martin&Fabos, 2018). The company will need to invest more in Facebook as compared to other media platforms. Secondly, Chabot is being integrated with the social media platform. Chabot provides a sense of human response. A good example of Chabot is the Facebook messenger. Chabot’s has existed for a long time but since the integration with the social media, platform users have increased from thirty thousand people to a hundred thousand people (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, 2018). These bots are growing rapidly since most of them recognize the phrases sent by the users. They are
  • 12. programmed in such a way that provides the automatic response from the user. Finally, they provide irreplaceable human personal touch in human reaction. Thirdly, the use of micro influencing. Micro influencing involves the use of people who have a large number of people who follow them. These people are followed by people not less than one thousand and not more than ninety thousand. It is always a fact that when a person’s followers are beyond one thousand, one is considered as a celebrity and/or used in business marketing. Within our company, we have very influential people who can be used in influential marketing (Campbell, Martin&Fabos, 2018). Additionally, these people who are influential are trusted by their followers. Secondly, they can drive a large number of friends to make certain decisions. Finally, the micro influencers will recommend and give support to our products to their followers. According to a Forbes report, the advertisements created by the micro influencers remain for a long period of time in the media platform. To add on that, there are several people in the world; there are several competitors in the world and many businesses in the world. It would be wise for our company to choose wisely the best micro influencer that will boost the sales of the company. Finally, a paid advertisement is another trending media that can provide the best media strategy for our company. This method may be consuming, but it is the most influential media platform. According to research, by September 2017, Facebook had more than six million advertisers and Instagram followed by an average of three million advertisers (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, 2018). This mode is preferable for our company because it targets a specific demographic. Secondly, most of the paid advertisement, for instance, Facebook allows you to budget because it controls the amount of time you will need to make your advertisements. Finally, this method will lower its audience to our target audience. My overall concrete goal for our social media campaign in my
  • 13. marketing strategy is based on Facebook. This is because Facebook has over 1.32 billion users on a daily basis. According to research, Facebook is mostly used (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, 2018). It can be accessed anywhere at any time. With my strategy in our company, we will combine micro influencing and Facebook platform. Facebook creates website traffic, provides an online conversation with our target audience. Additionally, Facebook will be the best platform to create awareness for the consumers. Facebook is a crucial mode to monitor competitors’ way of doing their business. It will make our company implement better strategies for the growth of the business. Through the Facebook comment boxes, we can find personalized opinions from customers concerning our business. Facebook is a platform that helps you to come up with a reasonable budget. Through Facebook, you can send personalized messages to your target customers through the Facebook messenger. In the case of our business, this strategy will allow more of the customers to view our products without necessarily having to visit our store. It will be cost effective for both consumers and our company. Finally, Facebook provides guidance on how to advertise on their platform (Voorveld, Noort, Muntinga & Bronner, 2018). This will allow our company to save much on their time and resources required to set up advertisement. After identifying my overall concrete goal, which is Facebook, I decided to come up with the following micro goals for my facebook platform. Firstly, I will need to identify the number of tagged photos in my advertisement. This strategy will allow the company to track the flow of information within the platform. Secondly, a micro goal that needs to be followed up is the replies send by the audience (Voorveld, Noort, Muntinga& Bronner, 2018). These will be tracked through the Facebook inbox or comments. The larger the number of comments and replies from the user, the higher the chances of a business of having more customers and the larger the profit the company
  • 14. will make (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, 2018). Finally, fill out some forms for future auditing. This will help the company from misusing it resources and finally not making the profit, filling the forms is the best tracking method for the success of the company. In my strategy, I will be using the pull strategy. This strategy involves making our products and services visible to the consumers through the use of the media platform which I explained above (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, 2018). Through the method, we will be able to create an urge for the consumers who have interests to come back looking for answers from our company. This strategy as compared to the push strategy which targets short term sales, targets on long time term sales strategies. Pull strategies involves the use of marketing channels like websites and search engine optimization (Voorveld, Noort, Muntinga & Bronner, 2018). Through social media, our company will be able to create their own content that is believed to be important to their intended customers. The customers will be pulled to the marketplace through this mode. However, in order to be successful in the pull strategy, one needs to use the push strategy first. The push strategy will enable the company to get off the ground. Additionally, the pull strategy gives a long terms success. Even though pull strategy will require a lot of money in order to make our services and products known to our target customers. Finally, through this strategy, there will be an increase in demand which will finally pull the customers to the design and services that we are providing. In conclusion, every strategy has its own merits and demerits. Every business needs to implement the following qualities in order to be successful. Every business person needs to have patience. Every step comes with challenges, through patience there will be a successful marketing strategy. Secondly, you need to be flexible (Xu, Hatt, ET. Al 2018). Using the pull strategy is required to look for new ways to make the target
  • 15. customers be aware of the product and services offered by the company. Finally, curiosity is another virtue that will allow the company to maintain its standards in terms of their demographics. Through curiosity, the desires and wants of the target customers are identified (Campbell, Martin&Fabos, 2018) References Campbell, R., Martin, C., & Fabos, B. (2018). Media essentials: A brief introduction. Bedford/St. Martin's. Voorveld, H. A., van Noort, G., Muntinga, D. G., & Bronner, F. (2018). Engagement with social media and social media advertising: The differentiating role of platform type. Journal of Advertising, 47(1), 38-54. Xu, Q., Hatt, S., Lopes, T., Zhang, Y., Bodson, B., Chen, J., & Francis, F. (2018). A push–pull strategy to control aphids combines intercropping with semiochemical releases. Journal of Pest Science, 91(1), 93-103.