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                                                                                ideas to ignite growth
                                                                                      volume 4 – summer ‘11

About sparks
Catalyst Strategies seeks to be a catalyst for business growth, a spark that ignites innovation and
momentum. sparks is our Q&A series designed to fire-up ideas about growth. Each edition features
interviews with respected business leaders who share their insights and expertise on a current hot topic
related to business growth.

In this volume: social as a business growth engine
This edition explores social business strategy with three talented business leaders:

“The core principles of social         “High performing companies             “Every company should be
media – dialogue and                   are … 57% more likely to use           looking at a broader social
relationships – are the same           social techniques.”                    business strategy.”
for consumers and                      “Social business … removes             “Social business software
businesses.”                           boundaries between experts             … will touch every
“[Social] isn’t just for               inside and outside of a                employee and be a part of
Christmas. It’s for life. It’s         company.”                              every customer and
relationship marketing [that]                               - Carter          partner interaction in
wants follow through.”                                                        every vertical.”
                    - Friedman                                                                     - Tucker

About Catalyst Strategies
Catalyst Strategies identifies business growth opportunities and defines practical strategies and programs to
realize those opportunities. Working with companies in the services and technology sectors, we specialize in
growth strategy, product innovation, customer experience, and sales & marketing acceleration. Clients hire
us the first time because of our expertise, best practices, and analytical rigor. They bring us back time and
again because we catalyze decisive action that delivers tangible market results.

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vol. 4 – summer ’11
                                                                                    ideas to ignite growth

                                                                         Peter founded LiveWorld in 1996 and has 27
                                                                         years of experience creating and executing
                                      mantra for ‘11                     community strategies for Fortune 500
                                      Tech-Powered Human                 companies. He has launched and managed
                                      Touch                              multiple online services on a global scale,
                                                                         always focused on bringing people together
 Social is                                                               in successful collaboration.
 transformative                       favorite catalyst                  Previously, Peter was the vice president and
 For Peter Friedman,                  Putting people together –          general manager of Apple Computer’s
 Chairman and CEO of                  they accomplish things             Internet/Online Services business unit. He
                                      they couldn’t do by                oversaw the creation, launch, and growth of
 LiveWorld, social media
                                                                         Apple’s online services including AppleLink,
 is transforming                      themselves
                                                                         eWorld, and Internet services such as Salon.
 interactions and brands                                                 His responsibilities also included managing
 through dialog and                                                      Business Systems Marketing and product line
 relationships.                                                          management in Apple’s Macintosh division.

Q    Social media is described as a strategy, a            Q   How are LiveWorld’s clients growing their
     channel, a discipline, a set of technologies,             businesses via social media?
     a platform, etc. How do you define it?
                                                           A    Johnson & Johnson Diabetes Institute is a
A   Social is a media channel like TV or print,            good example. They created a B2B community
but really it’s more. It’s a societal change that          for health care providers and educators with
transforms the way business, education and                 the goal of engaging them in transforming
play are done because it enables people to                 diabetic care. J&J knows it doesn’t have to sell
dialogue and form relationships.                           its products in the community. They just have
                                                           to increase the number of influencers that are
                                                           knowledgeable and engaged and that will bring
Q    Is social media different in a B2B context
                                                           product sales along. So far, 10% of all U.S.
     than in a B2C context?
                                                           diabetes educators have joined and J&J is
A   Whether it’s consumer or business, the core            finding a two to three times increase in
principles of dialogue and relationships are the           engagement with these programs.
same. In a consumer model people are often
looking for affinity with similar minded people            American Express Open Forum is an example of
or to connect with a celebrity.                            a small business community that has grown to
                                                           hundreds of thousands of unique visitors per
In B2B communities, however, the focus is on               month over a multi-year period. They’ve seen
the content an influencer or other community               increases in American Express cards issued and
member delivers. B2B participants are looking              in transactions per card that they can correlate
for what industry expert John Hagel calls ROA –            to the activity in that community.
Return on the Attention they provide. They
want relationships, content, and expertise that
will help make them successful in their

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                                                                                     ideas to ignite growth

One other example is eBay. Their online                     The second success factor is how the brand
community of a million sellers started off with a           participates. It’s your party so you need to be
focus on support for how to sell on eBay. Over              there and be the host or have someone help
time, it developed into a forum for members to              you host. Howard Schultz at Starbucks (an early
help each other with their businesses and even              LiveWorld investor) likened our online
connect on personal topics. It’s a good example             community moderators to his baristas – people
of social being more than a channel. The                    who set a tone and create a cultural
interactions are valuable to the community and              environment.
to eBay. A Harvard Business Study from a few                Finally, the effort needs to be integrated with
years ago showed that sellers who are active in             the rest of your marketing and your
the community sell six times as much as those               organization. To really be successful, you need
who are not active.                                         more and more parts of your company involved
                                                            over time. It can’t stay in marketing. Whoever
Q    What are some key components in a social               champions the effort, whether from marketing
     media strategy?                                        or another area, needs to champion it for all
A   First, you need goals, a strategy and an                parts of the company because it’s going to
implementation program based on your                        affect customer support, sales, product
business goals, the brand and customer needs.               development, etc. in ways that nothing else
“We should be on Twitter,” is not a thought out             does. The more people in the company that
social media strategy. Think through what                   participate, the closer you’ll be to your
you’re trying to do and come up with a                      customers.
measurable goal, even if it is just to learn
something.                                                  Q   How do you know when your social media
                                                                strategy is working?
Next make a sustained strategic and resource
commitment to support the social media effort.              A  One good indicator of success for your social
We’ve seen a lot of people start and stop. That             media effort is that you’re seeing the
doesn’t work. As one of our clients once said,              emergence of brand ambassadors or, if you’re
“This isn’t just for Christmas. It’s for life.” This        having a crisis, brand defenders. These are
is relationship marketing and relationship                  people who are enthusiastic about what you’re
marketing wants follow through. You need to                 doing and becoming personalities in your effort.
have people dedicated to the effort.                        A second indicator is that you’re getting a lot of
Once those elements are in place, we                        questions from your community. Questions
recommend focusing on three key success                     mean customers perceive your brand as one
factors of a social community implementation:               they want to interact with. If you have a blog
the cultural model, how the brand will                      with no comments, you’re not fostering
participate, and how it’s integrated with the               engagement and that’s not very social. You
rest of the organization and its marketing.                 want real dialogue amongst your customers and
                                                            with your company.
Think of the cultural model for your social effort
as the kind of party you are throwing – a gallery           A third way you know you’re succeeding is that
opening versus a rave, for example. The                     you’re learning new things – like what your
cultural model should reflect, extend and                   brand really is – because you’re listening and
positively affect your brand while appealing to             talking to your customers. We’ve had clients
your customers.                                             say “That’s not our brand,” when they get
                                                            feedback. But if that’s what your customers are
                                                            saying, it is your brand. It may not be what you

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want your brand to be, so you can either adapt           of culture, community and brand. And, there
to what your customers already think your                will be new applications and services that we
brand is or do something fundamental to                  don’t understand or realize yet. Right now
change it.                                               everyone is thinking social is Facebook but
                                                         there are other players starting to emerge that
                                                         will be big.
Q    How do you ensure social feedback is
     shared inside a company?                            In two to five years, demographic segmentation
                                                         will fall away. Demographics were a guess
A   Operationalizing and deploying the
                                                         about what people want based on data we
learnings from a social effort is very important
                                                         could get. But now we can see how people
and something the world is quite immature on
                                                         think, behave and interact online so you can tell
now. A best practice example is eBay voices, a
                                                         what they want instead of guessing. Segments
private message board and advisory council
                                                         in the future will be driven by opinion and
made up of selected community members. The
feedback is reviewed by the executive team
every week and everyone in the company                   In five to ten years, corporations that are not
knows about it. This allows the executive team           running internally and externally on a social
to understand the customer better but it also            network model will have trouble hiring and
sets a powerful cultural model for the company           retaining people. In the 1960s, if you didn’t
around listening to and engaging customers.              have a phone system who was going to work for
                                                         you? Similarly, in 2020, you’ll need a social
Q    How do you mitigate the risk of bad PR              network model to attract people coming out of
     with a social media effort?                         school now who use social media as their
A   People worry that their customers are going          primary means of interacting, learning and
to tell them what the company should be doing.           thinking.
I ask them, “Don’t you spend a lot of money              Also in ten years, customer awareness will
trying to get that information?” Companies               move across borders. Companies will no longer
want to know what their customers think but              be able to rely on geography to artificially
they need to break some bad habits.                      segment their products, behaviors and
You have to have an attitude of running                  practices. Being locally relevant will still be
towards your customers, not away from them.              important but customers in one country will
Anyone who’s going to say something online               know how you do business in every country.
today is going to say it whether you’re there or         This will hasten another phenomenon of the
not. You might as well listen to it and position         “best practice anywhere” becoming the
yourself as a company that is seeking feedback           “minimal expected practice everywhere” – like
and learning. It’s uncomfortable and difficult           Amazon’s 1-Click. Today if you’re on any e-
but companies that engage customers well will            commerce website, you want to be able to buy
beat their competitors.                                  with one click because you’ve had that
                                                         experience. This expectation started with
Q    What social trends do you think we’ll see in        consumers but it will become the norm in B2B
     the next few years?                                 as well.
A   In the next two years, social media will             Finally, new experience models will emerge that
become more pervasive and the velocity will              will be very visual and mobile and will further
continue to increase. You’ll see more businesses         ignite social.
orienting toward their customers and engaging
them. Marketing will become more a mixture

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                                                                                    ideas to ignite growth

                                                                Sandy Carter is Vice President of Social Business
                                                                and Collaboration Solutions Sales and Evangelism
                                                                at IBM where she sets the direction for IBM’s Social
                                                                Business initiative, works with companies who are
                                                                becoming Social Businesses, and is the evangelist
 Social business                 mantra for ‘11                 for the concept and best practices around Social
 is a people play                Social businesses have         Business. She is the best-selling author of two
 For Sandy Carter                real advantages                books, an avid social media evangelist, and is one
 VP, Social Business &                                          of the top Bloggers and Twitter-ers in IBM. Prior to
                                                                her current position, Ms. Carter was VP, Software
 Solutions Sales &               favorite catalyst              Business Partners and Midmarket where she was
                                                                responsible for IBM’s worldwide software
 Evangelism at IBM,              Sharing social business        ecosystem initiatives.
 social business is              expertise
 creating competitive                                           Ms. Carter holds a B.S. degree in math and
 advantage by                                                   computer science from Duke University an MBA
 leveraging insights and                                        from Harvard, and is fluent in eight programming
 speeding information                                           languages. She received a patent for developing a
 within and across                                              methodology and tool to help customers create a
                                                                technology deployment path in automation of their
                                                                IT processes.

Q    How do you define social media?                      We’re already seeing from our 2010 Global
A   Actually, we don’t think in terms of social           Chief Human Resource Officer Study that high
media. We think of the broader concept of                 performing companies – those with better stock
“social business”. Social business elevates               prices, profits and business results – are 57%
social media to be used in a work setting,                more likely to use social techniques in their
speeding business along with real-time insight            companies.
and making social interactions truly impactful to
a business.                                               Q   What B2B uses of social are you seeing now?
We define social business as a nimble,                    A   In a B2B environment, you want to build a
transparent, and engaged two-way dialog that              trusted relationship, drive brand advocacy, and
removes boundaries between experts inside                 create dialog across communities and channels.
and outside of a company. We strongly believe             B2B is more about developing your best friends
that social businesses will be more agile, more           whereas B2C is more about developing a party
responsive and more successful than non-social            with a big group of friends. B2B client
businesses. They’ll activate networks of people           relationships tend to be deeper and take a little
to improve their processes, marketing,                    longer. You can see that difference in how two
customer service and more to create a higher              companies used social in product innovation.
return on investment.

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Consumer-focused Coach developed a forum                   Now, we’re using social to showcase how the
for crowdsourcing one of its bags. They had                technology can help in healthcare, supply
something like 6 million engagements – a great             chains, and customer service and support by
response from a broad audience.                            being able to analyze data and find problems
On the other hand, we recently worked with a               before they become problems. We’ve enabled
company focused on tapping a small private                 our sales teams with a content activation
community in biotechnology. They also wanted               package with all the Watson facts and figures.
the community to provide them insight on their             We have really filled up our pipe and focused on
next generation product through social. But                lead generation using a Watson starter kit. The
this company accessed a smaller set of                     approach we took with Watson truly
influencers in a private community for                     exemplifies a change in our marketing and sales
brainstorming and sharing insights on                      processes leveraging social.
breakthrough ideas.                                        Internally, we use our community platform –
But being a social business isn’t just about B2B           IBM Connections – to connect a leadership
or B2C. There’s such power in using social                 network. We’re a very complex matrix
media even inside a company. Collaborating                 organization that is constantly building the next
inside is a powerful way to share expertise,               generation of leaders. We share best practices,
develop products, and make business decisions              education tips, and opportunities to grow.
faster and cheaper. Slumberland Furniture, a               Social provides us a way to strengthen informal
small Midwestern furniture company, uses                   networks and create new relationships.
social media internally to train its franchisees.          We have also documented real savings from our
They do video training, share best practices real          internal collaboration efforts. In 2010, we saw
time, and have debates across their 120                    a 50% productivity improvement in some areas
franchise stores. They’re able to leverage ideas           and $4.5 million in savings using inside
and best practices from experts within their               collaboration. We saved $700,000.00 per
own business environment.                                  month in travel using video collaboration, and
                                                           had significant reduction in e-mail server costs.
Q    How is social driving IBM’s growth?
A   IBM leverages B2B marketing by embedding               Q   What’s important in a social business
social in everything we do. A great example is                 strategy?
how we used social with Watson. Watson is a                A    We have a framework for social business
DeepQA machine that can understand natural                 that we call our social business agenda (see
language and deliver a single, precise answer to           graphic below). It starts with a company
a question. Most people know Watson as a                   aligning its goals and culture. If you don’t do
recent Jeopardy contestant but the technology              that, you may get a lot of hits, views and fans,
represents a huge leap forward in data analytics           but that’s not what this is about. Eventually, it
technology that will have a big impact on                  is about impacting your business, so if you can’t
business and industry.                                     show business results and align business goals
We used social to connect people to Watson                 to it, it’s just going be something on the side.
and spark their imaginations about what the                The second thing we do is we teach companies
technology could do. We sponsored Watson                   how to gain friends and develop social trust. As
parties where customers could watch the                    a B2B company, you want to find your
Jeopardy event, talk to our scientists live                “tippers”, those important influencers. Our
about it and tweet about it. Watson has a                  studies and those of the analysts show that
Facebook page. He’s got a Twitter ID and a                 somewhere between 5% and 16% of all the
YouTube channel.

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authors and engagers in the blogosphere                    Q   What social trends do you think we’ll see in
influence everyone else. So, if you are trying to          the next few years?
make an impact, you don’t need to go after a               A    I see the whole area of crowdsourcing and
million people, just the 5% of that million                expert sourcing becoming more popular. I see
people that will influence all the others.                 mobile growing exponentially. Social gaming
Once you know your goals and who your friends              will be on the forefront of how we learn and the
are or need to be, we define the engagement                way we interact with brands. And location
experiences that are important to those people.            based services are at the cusp of making a big
Then, we look at which processes will deliver              breakthrough.
the best ROI for you, and which of those you               And, of course, this whole area of socially
want to socially enable. Is it human resources,            enabling your business processes. Back in the
marketing, customer service? What’s really                 Internet and early e-commerce days, I’d talk to
going drive ROI for you?                                   companies who would laugh at me and say, “No
The fifth step is to help you develop a                    one’s ever going to use the Internet for
reputation and risk management plan. This is               business. It’s just not going to happen.” Now,
the number one concern of most C-level                     of course, you can’t have a business without the
executives I talk to. They tell me, “Social is too         Internet.
risky. I can’t do it.” But not doing anything is           I think the same thing is happening in terms of
just as risky because people are already talking           social business. I see a lot of companies saying,
about you. It’s better to be the one setting the           “That’s for kids, something my daughter does.
tone and trying to engage in a positive way than           It’s not going impact my business.” But this will
sitting back and allowing the conversation to be           be a bigger trend than the Internet was and it
random.                                                    will be more important to get in early. E-
The last thing is we focus on is analytics. This is        commerce was more of a technology play but
a combination of software, services, and plain             social business is a people play. Social is
old planning. IBM is also a great social business,         relationship based so getting involved early will
and we take the lessons we’ve learned and                  help build relationships and create a time
share those publicly.                                      advantage that will make a difference. We
                                                           know social businesses are outpacing their
                                                           competition and accelerating growth.

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vol. 4 – summer ’11
                                                                                    ideas to ignite growth

                                   mantra for                      Matt Tucker, co-founder and CTO, is
                                   ‘2011                           responsible for the long-term technical
                                                                   and strategic direction of Jive's products.
                                   Make work great
                                                                   Along with Bill Lynch, Matt founded Jive
                                                                   Software in 2001 and has helped build
 Social business is                                                the company from just two people to
 a revolution                      favorite catalyst               where it is today. Matt is an active
 For Matt Tucker                   Making work fun                 member in open standards communities
 Co-Founder and CTO of             again for the tired,            including having served on the board of
 Jive Software, social             the poor, the                   the XMPP Standards Foundation.
 business is making work           huddled masses                  Prior to Jive, Matt worked as a software
 better by improving the           yearning to breathe             engineer at an internet startup in San
 software with which we            free (the cube                  Francisco called 4charity.
 communicate and                   dwellers)
 collaborate.                                                      Matt holds a BS in Computer Science
                                                                   from the University of Iowa.

Q    How do you define social media?                        Social business represents a revolution in how
                                                            employees inside companies can communicate
A   Social media is the set of technologies in our
                                                            and collaborate, and also how companies
consumer lives that have transformed the way
                                                            communicate with their customers and partners.
we communicate and engage with our friends
and family via sites like Facebook and Twitter.
For businesses, there is social business software           Q   How are companies using social business
                                                                software to grow? What problems are they
and we tend to use the term social business,
rather than social media.
                                                            A    On average, sales reps spend 20% of their
                                                            time searching for information. That’s money
Q    What’s driving the shift to social business?
                                                            left on the table. Social business software
A    Over the past decade, there has been a                 connects sales reps with the experts, content,
profound lack of innovation in the tools we use             and information they need to collaborate so
for communication and collaboration in our work             they never sell alone. This makes their sales
lives. Most of us are still stuck in email and              teams more efficient. They share best practices
Microsoft Office or with enterprise software that           and get the latest field or competitive data as
is really hard to use and provides a terrible user          quickly as possible which significantly impacts
experience. There’s a reason that shows like                revenue generation.
“The Office” or cartoons like “Dilbert” exist. It’s
because work sucks. Most of us understand that              Sometimes companies are simply looking to
and implicitly understand that we need better               provide tools that will get the next generation of
tools and new ways to work together.                        employees really engaged. Recent college
                                                            graduates have grown up using Facebook, Twitter

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and that whole set of technologies which make it           to facilitate collaboration easier. They shaved
easy to interact with their entire social network.         days off the bid and proposal process which has
If they get into a company with ten-year-old               lowered customer acquisition costs and driven
technology, they are just not satisfied. For them,         broad process efficiencies.
social software is about enabling tools and user
                                                           Second, social business software greatly
experiences that employees now expect.
                                                           improves interaction with customers and
Innovation is another major challenge companies            partners. In our survey, companies saw:
can and are addressing with social business                   42 percent more communication with
software. Rather than having an in-person once                 customers
a year customer advisory board meeting, they’re               31 percent increase in customer retention
gathering real time customer feedback and ideas               28 percent decrease in support call volume
by sharing the latest road map and product plans.             34 percent more feedback and ideas from
This makes the iterative innovation cycle much,                customers
much faster.                                                  27 percent increase in new customer sales
So, companies usually choose a business driver             SAP is an example of a customer that uses Jive to
and set a goal of driving very specific results.           power its 1-million strong collaboration network
After they see the results, social becomes a               for software developers, business process
ubiquitous communication and collaboration                 experts, customers, and partners. Their social
layer and they keep finding more and more                  business community achieved a 5% reduction in
challenges to take on with the social approach.            product release cycles and a 5% increase in
                                                           partner sales.
Q    What kinds of results are Jive customers              Similarly, Intel was able to increase engagement
     seeing with social?
                                                           and reduce costs by shifting half of its partner
A   We recently surveyed our whole customer                events to the web. Intel’s business is primarily
base to try to quantify the business impact of             channel driven so enabling a large-scale online
social business adoption. The feedback clearly             partner community has significantly reduced the
indicates a material impact on business                    huge costs ($500k+ per event) associated with
performance.                                               enabling 200,000+ partners around the globe.
First, social business software can make
employee communication profoundly more                     Q   Are there companies that should not pursue
efficient, enabling interaction with a much wider              a social business strategy?
variety of employees much faster. Surveyed
customers showed impressive results, including:
                                                           A   If your customers or your partners are on
                                                           Facebook, Twitter and other consumer social
   30 percent increase in employee satisfaction
                                                           sites, then you should be too. You should have a
   27 percent less email volume
                                                           social media strategy. But, every company should
   32 percent reduction in time to find answers
                                                           be looking at a broader social business strategy.
   37 percent increase in project collaboration
     and productivity                                      Social business software is the most important
                                                           new enterprise software category in at least a
CSC is an example of a customer that has seen
                                                           decade because it will touch every employee and
great results. They have 92,000 employees in
                                                           be a part of every customer and partner
over 90 countries, so barriers like time, distance
                                                           interaction in every vertical. There is no pocket
and siloed organizations were complicating and
                                                           of the enterprise that is not adopting it and any
lengthening their proposal process. Their Jive-
                                                           company can benefit from implementing social
powered community attracted 25,000 users in its
                                                           business software.
first 20 weeks and made locating internal experts

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However, some companies are more ready than                  Q   What trends do you think we’ll see in B2B
others to adopt social software, for a couple of                 social in the next few years?
reasons. One is general readiness which is based
on things like the company culture and age of the
                                                             A    The first trend is that Facebook is at over six
                                                             hundred million users and racing toward a billion.
work force. These impact how quickly people are
                                                             This has already transformed our consumer lives
able to change the way they work together. The
                                                             and we are at the early stage of the impact that
second is the size of the problem that the
                                                             social will have on business. I expect there is
company is trying to solve. The larger the
                                                             going to be massive growth in the next two to
problem, the more worthwhile it is to address
                                                             four years in social business and 2011 will be an
with social business.
                                                             inflection point for mainstream adoption in the
Q    What’s important in a social business
     strategy?                                               The second trend is that social is becoming a
                                                             platform inside companies. There have been
A    First, choose the right problems to tackle first        massive investments in ERP, CRM, and different
so that it is successful and embraced inside your            content management systems in recent decades.
company. Select a couple of really hard problems             Social business software is becoming the layer
that social can have a massive impact on. That               that connects all of those different systems with
will drive change and how people are willing to              people. It’s a much easier and faster way to
interact with one another. Innovation is an                  interact with all that content. So in the
example of a big problem that is a critical piece of         enterprise world, social as a platform or layer
some companies’ entire strategy. Making                      across the enterprise is one of the biggest trends
innovating faster and better by speeding iteration           we’ll see over the next couple of years.
cycles leads directly to top line revenue and to
growth.                                                      A third trend is that social business will come to
                                                             where you are already working. Social represents
Second, keep in mind that implementing a social              a profoundly new way to get work done and
effort is not just a matter of choosing a                    people don’t change overnight so there has to be
technology and deploying it. There are a set of              a way to transition into this new way of getting
cultural and process changes to factor in as well.           work done. So, bringing social tools to Microsoft
Social truly is a new way of getting work done so            Office or your email where you already work is a
it means adopting new ways of working together               really important trend.
as employees and new ways of interacting with
customers and partners.                                      All of these changes will mean that work will be
                                                             good again. It will be as easy and fun to interact
                                                             with people in your work life as it is in your
Q    Does social require people in different roles or
                                                             personal life. Most of us spend the majority of
     just in the same roles doing different things?
                                                             our lives at work so if we can make that truly
A     There are some new roles that are created              better, that’s a mission we get pretty fired up
inside of companies for social. There is a                   about at Jive.
community manager that helps run and nurture
the implementations of social business software.
Customer support folks will need policies and
guidelines on how to engage with employees,
customers and prospects on the company’s social
platform as well as on Facebook and Twitter. You
shouldn’t need a lot of training to get started, but
it is a different way of getting business done so
you need to go about it the right way.

© Catalyst Strategies 2011                                           | 10

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Social as a Business Growth Engine

  • 1. sparks ideas to ignite growth volume 4 – summer ‘11 About sparks Catalyst Strategies seeks to be a catalyst for business growth, a spark that ignites innovation and momentum. sparks is our Q&A series designed to fire-up ideas about growth. Each edition features interviews with respected business leaders who share their insights and expertise on a current hot topic related to business growth. In this volume: social as a business growth engine This edition explores social business strategy with three talented business leaders: Highlights “The core principles of social “High performing companies “Every company should be media – dialogue and are … 57% more likely to use looking at a broader social relationships – are the same social techniques.” business strategy.” for consumers and “Social business … removes “Social business software businesses.” boundaries between experts … will touch every “[Social] isn’t just for inside and outside of a employee and be a part of Christmas. It’s for life. It’s company.” every customer and relationship marketing [that] - Carter partner interaction in wants follow through.” every vertical.” - Friedman - Tucker About Catalyst Strategies Catalyst Strategies identifies business growth opportunities and defines practical strategies and programs to realize those opportunities. Working with companies in the services and technology sectors, we specialize in growth strategy, product innovation, customer experience, and sales & marketing acceleration. Clients hire us the first time because of our expertise, best practices, and analytical rigor. They bring us back time and again because we catalyze decisive action that delivers tangible market results. © Catalyst Strategies 2011 |1
  • 2. Catalyst vol. 4 – summer ’11 sparks ideas to ignite growth bio Peter founded LiveWorld in 1996 and has 27 years of experience creating and executing mantra for ‘11 community strategies for Fortune 500 Tech-Powered Human companies. He has launched and managed Touch multiple online services on a global scale, always focused on bringing people together Social is in successful collaboration. transformative favorite catalyst Previously, Peter was the vice president and For Peter Friedman, Putting people together – general manager of Apple Computer’s Chairman and CEO of they accomplish things Internet/Online Services business unit. He they couldn’t do by oversaw the creation, launch, and growth of LiveWorld, social media Apple’s online services including AppleLink, is transforming themselves eWorld, and Internet services such as Salon. interactions and brands His responsibilities also included managing through dialog and Business Systems Marketing and product line relationships. management in Apple’s Macintosh division. Q Social media is described as a strategy, a Q How are LiveWorld’s clients growing their channel, a discipline, a set of technologies, businesses via social media? a platform, etc. How do you define it? A Johnson & Johnson Diabetes Institute is a A Social is a media channel like TV or print, good example. They created a B2B community but really it’s more. It’s a societal change that for health care providers and educators with transforms the way business, education and the goal of engaging them in transforming play are done because it enables people to diabetic care. J&J knows it doesn’t have to sell dialogue and form relationships. its products in the community. They just have to increase the number of influencers that are knowledgeable and engaged and that will bring Q Is social media different in a B2B context product sales along. So far, 10% of all U.S. than in a B2C context? diabetes educators have joined and J&J is A Whether it’s consumer or business, the core finding a two to three times increase in principles of dialogue and relationships are the engagement with these programs. same. In a consumer model people are often looking for affinity with similar minded people American Express Open Forum is an example of or to connect with a celebrity. a small business community that has grown to hundreds of thousands of unique visitors per In B2B communities, however, the focus is on month over a multi-year period. They’ve seen the content an influencer or other community increases in American Express cards issued and member delivers. B2B participants are looking in transactions per card that they can correlate for what industry expert John Hagel calls ROA – to the activity in that community. Return on the Attention they provide. They want relationships, content, and expertise that will help make them successful in their businesses. © Catalyst Strategies 2011 |2
  • 3. Catalyst vol. 4 – summer ’11 sparks ideas to ignite growth One other example is eBay. Their online The second success factor is how the brand community of a million sellers started off with a participates. It’s your party so you need to be focus on support for how to sell on eBay. Over there and be the host or have someone help time, it developed into a forum for members to you host. Howard Schultz at Starbucks (an early help each other with their businesses and even LiveWorld investor) likened our online connect on personal topics. It’s a good example community moderators to his baristas – people of social being more than a channel. The who set a tone and create a cultural interactions are valuable to the community and environment. to eBay. A Harvard Business Study from a few Finally, the effort needs to be integrated with years ago showed that sellers who are active in the rest of your marketing and your the community sell six times as much as those organization. To really be successful, you need who are not active. more and more parts of your company involved over time. It can’t stay in marketing. Whoever Q What are some key components in a social champions the effort, whether from marketing media strategy? or another area, needs to champion it for all A First, you need goals, a strategy and an parts of the company because it’s going to implementation program based on your affect customer support, sales, product business goals, the brand and customer needs. development, etc. in ways that nothing else “We should be on Twitter,” is not a thought out does. The more people in the company that social media strategy. Think through what participate, the closer you’ll be to your you’re trying to do and come up with a customers. measurable goal, even if it is just to learn something. Q How do you know when your social media strategy is working? Next make a sustained strategic and resource commitment to support the social media effort. A One good indicator of success for your social We’ve seen a lot of people start and stop. That media effort is that you’re seeing the doesn’t work. As one of our clients once said, emergence of brand ambassadors or, if you’re “This isn’t just for Christmas. It’s for life.” This having a crisis, brand defenders. These are is relationship marketing and relationship people who are enthusiastic about what you’re marketing wants follow through. You need to doing and becoming personalities in your effort. have people dedicated to the effort. A second indicator is that you’re getting a lot of Once those elements are in place, we questions from your community. Questions recommend focusing on three key success mean customers perceive your brand as one factors of a social community implementation: they want to interact with. If you have a blog the cultural model, how the brand will with no comments, you’re not fostering participate, and how it’s integrated with the engagement and that’s not very social. You rest of the organization and its marketing. want real dialogue amongst your customers and with your company. Think of the cultural model for your social effort as the kind of party you are throwing – a gallery A third way you know you’re succeeding is that opening versus a rave, for example. The you’re learning new things – like what your cultural model should reflect, extend and brand really is – because you’re listening and positively affect your brand while appealing to talking to your customers. We’ve had clients your customers. say “That’s not our brand,” when they get feedback. But if that’s what your customers are saying, it is your brand. It may not be what you © Catalyst Strategies 2011 |3
  • 4. Catalyst vol. 4 – summer ’11 sparks ideas to ignite growth want your brand to be, so you can either adapt of culture, community and brand. And, there to what your customers already think your will be new applications and services that we brand is or do something fundamental to don’t understand or realize yet. Right now change it. everyone is thinking social is Facebook but there are other players starting to emerge that will be big. Q How do you ensure social feedback is shared inside a company? In two to five years, demographic segmentation will fall away. Demographics were a guess A Operationalizing and deploying the about what people want based on data we learnings from a social effort is very important could get. But now we can see how people and something the world is quite immature on think, behave and interact online so you can tell now. A best practice example is eBay voices, a what they want instead of guessing. Segments private message board and advisory council in the future will be driven by opinion and made up of selected community members. The behavior. feedback is reviewed by the executive team every week and everyone in the company In five to ten years, corporations that are not knows about it. This allows the executive team running internally and externally on a social to understand the customer better but it also network model will have trouble hiring and sets a powerful cultural model for the company retaining people. In the 1960s, if you didn’t around listening to and engaging customers. have a phone system who was going to work for you? Similarly, in 2020, you’ll need a social Q How do you mitigate the risk of bad PR network model to attract people coming out of with a social media effort? school now who use social media as their A People worry that their customers are going primary means of interacting, learning and to tell them what the company should be doing. thinking. I ask them, “Don’t you spend a lot of money Also in ten years, customer awareness will trying to get that information?” Companies move across borders. Companies will no longer want to know what their customers think but be able to rely on geography to artificially they need to break some bad habits. segment their products, behaviors and You have to have an attitude of running practices. Being locally relevant will still be towards your customers, not away from them. important but customers in one country will Anyone who’s going to say something online know how you do business in every country. today is going to say it whether you’re there or This will hasten another phenomenon of the not. You might as well listen to it and position “best practice anywhere” becoming the yourself as a company that is seeking feedback “minimal expected practice everywhere” – like and learning. It’s uncomfortable and difficult Amazon’s 1-Click. Today if you’re on any e- but companies that engage customers well will commerce website, you want to be able to buy beat their competitors. with one click because you’ve had that experience. This expectation started with Q What social trends do you think we’ll see in consumers but it will become the norm in B2B the next few years? as well. A In the next two years, social media will Finally, new experience models will emerge that become more pervasive and the velocity will will be very visual and mobile and will further continue to increase. You’ll see more businesses ignite social. orienting toward their customers and engaging them. Marketing will become more a mixture © Catalyst Strategies 2011 |4
  • 5. Catalyst vol. 4 – summer ’11 sparks ideas to ignite growth bio Sandy Carter is Vice President of Social Business and Collaboration Solutions Sales and Evangelism at IBM where she sets the direction for IBM’s Social Business initiative, works with companies who are becoming Social Businesses, and is the evangelist Social business mantra for ‘11 for the concept and best practices around Social is a people play Social businesses have Business. She is the best-selling author of two For Sandy Carter real advantages books, an avid social media evangelist, and is one VP, Social Business & of the top Bloggers and Twitter-ers in IBM. Prior to her current position, Ms. Carter was VP, Software Collaboration Solutions Sales & favorite catalyst Business Partners and Midmarket where she was responsible for IBM’s worldwide software Evangelism at IBM, Sharing social business ecosystem initiatives. social business is expertise creating competitive Ms. Carter holds a B.S. degree in math and advantage by computer science from Duke University an MBA leveraging insights and from Harvard, and is fluent in eight programming speeding information languages. She received a patent for developing a within and across methodology and tool to help customers create a technology deployment path in automation of their companies. IT processes. Q How do you define social media? We’re already seeing from our 2010 Global A Actually, we don’t think in terms of social Chief Human Resource Officer Study that high media. We think of the broader concept of performing companies – those with better stock “social business”. Social business elevates prices, profits and business results – are 57% social media to be used in a work setting, more likely to use social techniques in their speeding business along with real-time insight companies. and making social interactions truly impactful to a business. Q What B2B uses of social are you seeing now? We define social business as a nimble, A In a B2B environment, you want to build a transparent, and engaged two-way dialog that trusted relationship, drive brand advocacy, and removes boundaries between experts inside create dialog across communities and channels. and outside of a company. We strongly believe B2B is more about developing your best friends that social businesses will be more agile, more whereas B2C is more about developing a party responsive and more successful than non-social with a big group of friends. B2B client businesses. They’ll activate networks of people relationships tend to be deeper and take a little to improve their processes, marketing, longer. You can see that difference in how two customer service and more to create a higher companies used social in product innovation. return on investment. © Catalyst Strategies 2011 |5
  • 6. Catalyst vol. 4 – summer ’11 sparks ideas to ignite growth Consumer-focused Coach developed a forum Now, we’re using social to showcase how the for crowdsourcing one of its bags. They had technology can help in healthcare, supply something like 6 million engagements – a great chains, and customer service and support by response from a broad audience. being able to analyze data and find problems On the other hand, we recently worked with a before they become problems. We’ve enabled company focused on tapping a small private our sales teams with a content activation community in biotechnology. They also wanted package with all the Watson facts and figures. the community to provide them insight on their We have really filled up our pipe and focused on next generation product through social. But lead generation using a Watson starter kit. The this company accessed a smaller set of approach we took with Watson truly influencers in a private community for exemplifies a change in our marketing and sales brainstorming and sharing insights on processes leveraging social. breakthrough ideas. Internally, we use our community platform – But being a social business isn’t just about B2B IBM Connections – to connect a leadership or B2C. There’s such power in using social network. We’re a very complex matrix media even inside a company. Collaborating organization that is constantly building the next inside is a powerful way to share expertise, generation of leaders. We share best practices, develop products, and make business decisions education tips, and opportunities to grow. faster and cheaper. Slumberland Furniture, a Social provides us a way to strengthen informal small Midwestern furniture company, uses networks and create new relationships. social media internally to train its franchisees. We have also documented real savings from our They do video training, share best practices real internal collaboration efforts. In 2010, we saw time, and have debates across their 120 a 50% productivity improvement in some areas franchise stores. They’re able to leverage ideas and $4.5 million in savings using inside and best practices from experts within their collaboration. We saved $700,000.00 per own business environment. month in travel using video collaboration, and had significant reduction in e-mail server costs. Q How is social driving IBM’s growth? A IBM leverages B2B marketing by embedding Q What’s important in a social business social in everything we do. A great example is strategy? how we used social with Watson. Watson is a A We have a framework for social business DeepQA machine that can understand natural that we call our social business agenda (see language and deliver a single, precise answer to graphic below). It starts with a company a question. Most people know Watson as a aligning its goals and culture. If you don’t do recent Jeopardy contestant but the technology that, you may get a lot of hits, views and fans, represents a huge leap forward in data analytics but that’s not what this is about. Eventually, it technology that will have a big impact on is about impacting your business, so if you can’t business and industry. show business results and align business goals We used social to connect people to Watson to it, it’s just going be something on the side. and spark their imaginations about what the The second thing we do is we teach companies technology could do. We sponsored Watson how to gain friends and develop social trust. As parties where customers could watch the a B2B company, you want to find your Jeopardy event, talk to our scientists live “tippers”, those important influencers. Our about it and tweet about it. Watson has a studies and those of the analysts show that Facebook page. He’s got a Twitter ID and a somewhere between 5% and 16% of all the YouTube channel. © Catalyst Strategies 2011 |6
  • 7. Catalyst vol. 4 – summer ’11 sparks ideas to ignite growth authors and engagers in the blogosphere Q What social trends do you think we’ll see in influence everyone else. So, if you are trying to the next few years? make an impact, you don’t need to go after a A I see the whole area of crowdsourcing and million people, just the 5% of that million expert sourcing becoming more popular. I see people that will influence all the others. mobile growing exponentially. Social gaming Once you know your goals and who your friends will be on the forefront of how we learn and the are or need to be, we define the engagement way we interact with brands. And location experiences that are important to those people. based services are at the cusp of making a big Then, we look at which processes will deliver breakthrough. the best ROI for you, and which of those you And, of course, this whole area of socially want to socially enable. Is it human resources, enabling your business processes. Back in the marketing, customer service? What’s really Internet and early e-commerce days, I’d talk to going drive ROI for you? companies who would laugh at me and say, “No The fifth step is to help you develop a one’s ever going to use the Internet for reputation and risk management plan. This is business. It’s just not going to happen.” Now, the number one concern of most C-level of course, you can’t have a business without the executives I talk to. They tell me, “Social is too Internet. risky. I can’t do it.” But not doing anything is I think the same thing is happening in terms of just as risky because people are already talking social business. I see a lot of companies saying, about you. It’s better to be the one setting the “That’s for kids, something my daughter does. tone and trying to engage in a positive way than It’s not going impact my business.” But this will sitting back and allowing the conversation to be be a bigger trend than the Internet was and it random. will be more important to get in early. E- The last thing is we focus on is analytics. This is commerce was more of a technology play but a combination of software, services, and plain social business is a people play. Social is old planning. IBM is also a great social business, relationship based so getting involved early will and we take the lessons we’ve learned and help build relationships and create a time share those publicly. advantage that will make a difference. We know social businesses are outpacing their competition and accelerating growth. © Catalyst Strategies 2011 |7
  • 8. Catalyst vol. 4 – summer ’11 sparks ideas to ignite growth bio mantra for Matt Tucker, co-founder and CTO, is ‘2011 responsible for the long-term technical and strategic direction of Jive's products. Make work great Along with Bill Lynch, Matt founded Jive again Software in 2001 and has helped build Social business is the company from just two people to a revolution favorite catalyst where it is today. Matt is an active For Matt Tucker Making work fun member in open standards communities Co-Founder and CTO of again for the tired, including having served on the board of Jive Software, social the poor, the the XMPP Standards Foundation. business is making work huddled masses Prior to Jive, Matt worked as a software better by improving the yearning to breathe engineer at an internet startup in San software with which we free (the cube Francisco called 4charity. communicate and dwellers) collaborate. Matt holds a BS in Computer Science from the University of Iowa. Q How do you define social media? Social business represents a revolution in how employees inside companies can communicate A Social media is the set of technologies in our and collaborate, and also how companies consumer lives that have transformed the way communicate with their customers and partners. we communicate and engage with our friends and family via sites like Facebook and Twitter. For businesses, there is social business software Q How are companies using social business software to grow? What problems are they and we tend to use the term social business, tackling? rather than social media. A On average, sales reps spend 20% of their time searching for information. That’s money Q What’s driving the shift to social business? left on the table. Social business software A Over the past decade, there has been a connects sales reps with the experts, content, profound lack of innovation in the tools we use and information they need to collaborate so for communication and collaboration in our work they never sell alone. This makes their sales lives. Most of us are still stuck in email and teams more efficient. They share best practices Microsoft Office or with enterprise software that and get the latest field or competitive data as is really hard to use and provides a terrible user quickly as possible which significantly impacts experience. There’s a reason that shows like revenue generation. “The Office” or cartoons like “Dilbert” exist. It’s because work sucks. Most of us understand that Sometimes companies are simply looking to and implicitly understand that we need better provide tools that will get the next generation of tools and new ways to work together. employees really engaged. Recent college graduates have grown up using Facebook, Twitter © Catalyst Strategies 2011 |8
  • 9. Catalyst vol. 4 – summer ’11 sparks ideas to ignite growth and that whole set of technologies which make it to facilitate collaboration easier. They shaved easy to interact with their entire social network. days off the bid and proposal process which has If they get into a company with ten-year-old lowered customer acquisition costs and driven technology, they are just not satisfied. For them, broad process efficiencies. social software is about enabling tools and user Second, social business software greatly experiences that employees now expect. improves interaction with customers and Innovation is another major challenge companies partners. In our survey, companies saw: can and are addressing with social business  42 percent more communication with software. Rather than having an in-person once customers a year customer advisory board meeting, they’re  31 percent increase in customer retention gathering real time customer feedback and ideas  28 percent decrease in support call volume by sharing the latest road map and product plans.  34 percent more feedback and ideas from This makes the iterative innovation cycle much, customers much faster.  27 percent increase in new customer sales So, companies usually choose a business driver SAP is an example of a customer that uses Jive to and set a goal of driving very specific results. power its 1-million strong collaboration network After they see the results, social becomes a for software developers, business process ubiquitous communication and collaboration experts, customers, and partners. Their social layer and they keep finding more and more business community achieved a 5% reduction in challenges to take on with the social approach. product release cycles and a 5% increase in partner sales. Q What kinds of results are Jive customers Similarly, Intel was able to increase engagement seeing with social? and reduce costs by shifting half of its partner A We recently surveyed our whole customer events to the web. Intel’s business is primarily base to try to quantify the business impact of channel driven so enabling a large-scale online social business adoption. The feedback clearly partner community has significantly reduced the indicates a material impact on business huge costs ($500k+ per event) associated with performance. enabling 200,000+ partners around the globe. First, social business software can make employee communication profoundly more Q Are there companies that should not pursue efficient, enabling interaction with a much wider a social business strategy? variety of employees much faster. Surveyed customers showed impressive results, including: A If your customers or your partners are on Facebook, Twitter and other consumer social  30 percent increase in employee satisfaction sites, then you should be too. You should have a  27 percent less email volume social media strategy. But, every company should  32 percent reduction in time to find answers be looking at a broader social business strategy.  37 percent increase in project collaboration and productivity Social business software is the most important new enterprise software category in at least a CSC is an example of a customer that has seen decade because it will touch every employee and great results. They have 92,000 employees in be a part of every customer and partner over 90 countries, so barriers like time, distance interaction in every vertical. There is no pocket and siloed organizations were complicating and of the enterprise that is not adopting it and any lengthening their proposal process. Their Jive- company can benefit from implementing social powered community attracted 25,000 users in its business software. first 20 weeks and made locating internal experts © Catalyst Strategies 2011 |9
  • 10. Catalyst vol. 4 – summer ’11 sparks ideas to ignite growth However, some companies are more ready than Q What trends do you think we’ll see in B2B others to adopt social software, for a couple of social in the next few years? reasons. One is general readiness which is based on things like the company culture and age of the A The first trend is that Facebook is at over six hundred million users and racing toward a billion. work force. These impact how quickly people are This has already transformed our consumer lives able to change the way they work together. The and we are at the early stage of the impact that second is the size of the problem that the social will have on business. I expect there is company is trying to solve. The larger the going to be massive growth in the next two to problem, the more worthwhile it is to address four years in social business and 2011 will be an with social business. inflection point for mainstream adoption in the enterprise. Q What’s important in a social business strategy? The second trend is that social is becoming a platform inside companies. There have been A First, choose the right problems to tackle first massive investments in ERP, CRM, and different so that it is successful and embraced inside your content management systems in recent decades. company. Select a couple of really hard problems Social business software is becoming the layer that social can have a massive impact on. That that connects all of those different systems with will drive change and how people are willing to people. It’s a much easier and faster way to interact with one another. Innovation is an interact with all that content. So in the example of a big problem that is a critical piece of enterprise world, social as a platform or layer some companies’ entire strategy. Making across the enterprise is one of the biggest trends innovating faster and better by speeding iteration we’ll see over the next couple of years. cycles leads directly to top line revenue and to growth. A third trend is that social business will come to where you are already working. Social represents Second, keep in mind that implementing a social a profoundly new way to get work done and effort is not just a matter of choosing a people don’t change overnight so there has to be technology and deploying it. There are a set of a way to transition into this new way of getting cultural and process changes to factor in as well. work done. So, bringing social tools to Microsoft Social truly is a new way of getting work done so Office or your email where you already work is a it means adopting new ways of working together really important trend. as employees and new ways of interacting with customers and partners. All of these changes will mean that work will be good again. It will be as easy and fun to interact with people in your work life as it is in your Q Does social require people in different roles or personal life. Most of us spend the majority of just in the same roles doing different things? our lives at work so if we can make that truly A There are some new roles that are created better, that’s a mission we get pretty fired up inside of companies for social. There is a about at Jive. community manager that helps run and nurture the implementations of social business software. Customer support folks will need policies and guidelines on how to engage with employees, customers and prospects on the company’s social platform as well as on Facebook and Twitter. You shouldn’t need a lot of training to get started, but it is a different way of getting business done so you need to go about it the right way. © Catalyst Strategies 2011 | 10