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                               MARKETING TO
          DIGITAL MOMS     e n g a g i n g t h e M e g a i n f l u e n c e r s o f To d a y

                APRIL 27 & 28, 2011                  The Old Mill inn                 TOrOnTO

Moms of all ages are ahead of the curve when it comes to internet and digital usage. They are currently the top
influencers in the digital world, and are redefining marketing in the 21st century. They are not only utilizing this
medium but they now depend on it. digital moms place high dependency and trust in search engines and online
communities to gather information before making any online or offline purchases. Savvy marketers today know
they need to engage moms long before they enter the store. Moms want more from their preferred brands than
just conversation; they want usage tips, recipes, new product reviews, special offers and price breaks. Above
anything else, they want solutions. Attend this conference to find out how to create successful digital campaigns
that add value to moms, build brand loyalty and enable social sharing.

                                                                  Why you should attend:
                                                                    •   hear the latest research pertaining to
                                                                        moms online and learn what it takes
                                                                        to craft a successful campaign
                                                                    • Gain insight into what motivates moms’
                                                                      purchase decisions and how their
                                                                      shopping behaviours differentiate
                                                                      from other consumers
                                                                    •   discover how to build programs that
                                                                        bridge old and new media
                                                                    •   Find out which emerging technologies
                                                                        and tools matter to moms
                                                                    •   Understand the importance of working
                                                                        effectively with online influencers
                                                                    • learn about the role of online reviews
                                                                      and how brands can best leverage them

                           •    TITLE SponSor    •                   Register Today!
                                                                        Call 416.526.4578 or online

               MARKETING TO                                                  DIGITAL MOMS
Target Market: VPs, Directors and Managers of Marketing, Advertising & Communications • Directors and Managers of Product
Development • Chief Marketing Officers • Chief Brand Officers • Brand and Product Managers • Directors and Managers of Business
Development • VPs, Directors and Managers of Account Services • VPs, Directors and Managers of Media Buying & Planning • Consumer
Insight & Research Managers • Agency New Media Specialists • SEM Managers • Interactive Marketing Directors & Managers

                                                                             1:00 – 1:40       NORTH AMERICAN RESEARCH
DAY 1: Wednesday, April 27, 2011                                             Marketing to Moms: Generational Differences and Similarities
                                                                             David Bohan, CEO, BOHAN Advertising | Marketing
8:00 – 9:00       Registration and Continental Breakfast           , a BOHAN perspective on marketing to
                                                                             America’s 82 million moms, reports on current trends, influences
9:00 – 9:10       Welcome and Chairperson’s Opening Remarks                  and buying habits among moms. As part of showcasing a deep
Alex de Bold, Vice President, Social Media & Digital Marketing, MSL Canada   understanding of the behavioural differences among America’s
                                                                             moms, conducts ongoing surveys among moms
9:10 – 9:50       KEYNOTE ADDRESS                                            around the country. Past insights have shown differences not just
The Art and Science of Creative Partnerships                                 in attitude and mindset, but also in purchase patterns and digital
Erica Ehm, Creator/Publisher,                              behaviour. In this session, David will explore broader generational
The days of banner advertising are fading. Welcome to the era of             differences among moms, as well as specifics in industries such as
integrated content connecting brands and moms in a new, powerful             healthcare, restaurants, grocery and travel/tourism. Highlights will
way. Just ask Erica Ehm, publisher of, the                 include observations from past research and insights from our most
online magazine that speaks to the woman in every mom. She has               recent survey on moms’ digital behaviour as it specifically relates to
spent the last four years producing a unique online property that            vacation planning.
connects brands and moms with creative, compelling, interactive
content. Erica will share the stories and ideas behind some                  1:40 – 2:20
successful campaigns she has initiated to help you engage with               Universal Mom Tugs™ – How Moms Decide
moms in a more meaningful way and transform them into your brand             Robin Yontz, VP, Creative Director, Trone
ambassadors.                                                                 Jenny Rowland, VP, Mom Insights, Trone
                                                                             We all feel our minds being pulled in a million directions, but moms’
9:50 – 10:30                                                                 minds are pulled exponentially more. Known as the family decision-
Marketing to Moms Online 201                                                 maker, just what goes into making all of those decisions? Moms may
Bryan Segal, Vice President, Sales, comScore, Inc.                           make many of their decisions in seconds, but the dynamics at play
In this session, Bryan will address the state of the Digital Media           behind their brand and purchase decisions are far more complex.
Universe in Canada. He will focus on where Canada stands in                  Trone has developed a decision filter called Tugs that allows brands
terms of usage and duration from a worldwide perspective, as well            to see how they fit into moms’ worldview. We’ve uncovered universal
as taking a closer look at the behaviours of Canadians online.               Mom Tugs that hold sway across most categories. Through in-
He will then delve deep into the mom demographic, and discover               store journaling, quantitative research and our own online mom
what categories, tools, and features are being used by this coveted          community, we’ve looked at how Tugs pull at moms’ brand affinities
advertising group. What are some of the ways to reach this target            as well as her in-the-moment, in-store decisions.
online? As online is a key component in reaching Canadian moms,
it is important to understand the landscape to determine the best            2:20 – 3:00
way to reach them, with the most powerful messages to generate               Millennial Parenting: Marketing to Connected
the highest engagement and satisfaction.                                     Moms and Digital Dads
                                                                             Sidneyeve Matrix, National Scholar of Media, Queen’s University
10:30 – 10:40 Networking Break                                               This presentation considers the demographics and
                                                                             psychodemographics of millennial parents in Canada and the US,
10:40 – 11:20 RECENT RESEARCH                                                and trends surrounding their digital proclivities, mobile fluencies, and
Canadian Moms: The Audience You Thought You Knew                             social preferences. From Facebook profiles for toddlers, to animated
Andrew Assad, Chief Storyteller, Microsoft Advertising Canada                video streaming on the iPad, from the popularity of kid-lit eBooks, to
Due to its convenience, its rich content and communal environment,           the top iPhone digital pacifier apps, this trend report will highlight the
digital advertising has become an indispensable component                    kinds of quirky, clever, and feature-rich media and messaging that
in women’s lives. Over 3.5 million Canadian moms are online                  syncs with Gen Y preferences. As the millennials or “digital natives”
on multiple platforms and devices. Moms come from different                  begin raising Generation Z, we will see an increase in intensely social
backgrounds and lifestyles, yet being a part of “motherhood” means           shopping platforms, more concierge services delivering personal
Canadian mothers have lots in common - especially when it comes              and customized content, and widespread expectations for brand
to how they use technology and view the advertising messages they            leadership in social good initiatives. This presentation is practical by
see on their devices. Understanding their attitudes and concerns             design, pairing trend analysis with examples of innovative marketing
is key to crafting campaigns that will win over these passionate             strategies relevant to brands seeking to connect with millennial
consumers. Microsoft Advertising has undertaken proprietary                  parents.
research through Vision Critical, using the Angus Reid Forum, into
what makes moms tick.                                                        3:00 – 3:10       Networking Break
11:20 – 12:00                                                                3:10 – 3:50
Teeter Totter – Helping Moms & Brands Connect                                Understanding and Motivating Today’s Moms!
and Build Sustaining Relationships                                           Christine Ross, Partner, Spider Marketing Solutions
Alex de Bold, VP, Social Media & Digital Marketing, MSL Canada               Information abounds about today’s omnipotent “Mom” consumer
Martha McKimm, SVP, Consumer Practice Leader, MSL Canada                     group. To leverage this data, we need a deeper understanding
Moms are multi-tasking wizards long used to balancing the                    about what really influences her through the purchase cycle: from
fragmented needs of one and all. It is important to connect and              awareness to sale, and from messaging through to incentives.
sustain relationships between moms and brands to deliver results.            In this session, you will discover what really motivates mom when
Adopting a channel agnostic approach MSL ignores the distinction             making a purchase decision, how intent often differs from reality,
between old and new channels to build programs that touch on all             and why. Just as importantly, you will learn how mom differs in her
channels. In this session, Martha and Alex will share their insights as      behaviour versus shoppers, consumers and women in general.
they work on some of Canada’s largest brands to build integrated             Leveraging proprietary insights from Spider’s annual “Motivating
messaging platforms that bridge old and new media.                           Moms Report™”, Christine will cover a series of key areas including
                                                                             cause, health, social media, digital and private label to see
12:00 – 1:00      Luncheon                                                   how and why moms make the purchase decisions they do.
3:50 – 4:30                                                                        11:45 – 12:30
Bridging the Gap Between Influencers and Brands                                    Word of Mom
Jen Maier, Founder, UrbanMoms, Partner & Co-Founder, BeSoSocial                    Julie Cole, Co-Founding Vice President, Mabel’s Labels Inc.
Eden Spodek, Partner & Co-Founder, BeSoSocial                                      Tricia Mumby, Co-Founding Vice President, Mabel’s Labels Inc.
The influence of moms online in terms of purchasing power and                      In 2002, Mabel’s Labels was co-founded by four moms who
brand awareness is growing at a staggering rate. As social media                   trailblazed the personalized labeling industry in North America.
becomes more mainstream and advertising dollars shrink and                         Mabel’s Labels has experienced continued growth and success
compete for budgets, it’s more important than ever for brands to                   thanks, in part, to their long-time online social presence. Company
engage mom influencers, otherwise they’ll be left behind. Social                   co-founders Julie and Tricia, along with their social media team, are
media participants and professionals, Jen and Eden, will explain                   committed to connecting online with customers, fans, bloggers and
how balancing the needs and expectations of mom bloggers and                       media on a daily basis. Mabel’s Labels’ brand has been embraced
communities with the goals of marketers is critical in order to have               by online communities of moms thanks to a social media strategy
a successful long-term program. Learn how to effectively work with                 designed to foster an exceptional customer experience and genuine
online influencers while creating a successful social media strategy.              relationship building. Julie and Tricia will share how a small company
                                                                                   can do big business by understanding moms and their place in the
4:30 – 5:10       INTERACTIVE PANEL                                                online social strata.
Moms Take the Stage                                                                12:30 – 1:30       Luncheon
Moderator: Emily Spensieri, President & Founder, F.E.M.
We know moms are talking about many issues, including your                         1:30 – 2:15
brands. We’re going to uncover how they connect, what drives the                   Engaging the Digital Mom, Traditional or Digital? Both!
conversation, and more importantly, what kills it!                                 Kelly Miller, VP, Media Director, Fuor Digital
                                                                                   Digital Moms have evolved from a small niche demographic
5:10 – 5:20       Chairperson’s Wrap-Up                                            targeted on specialty sites, to one of the largest, most interactive
                                                                                   and technologically intelligent groups online. This does not mean,
                                                                                   however, that digital is the only way to reach these household
DAY 2: Thursday, April 28, 2011                                                    CEO’s that hold the purse strings to over $2 trillion. It is essential for
                                                                                   marketers to understand both the online and offline behaviours of
8:00 – 9:00       Continental Breakfast                                            this segment and how that translates to offline sales. Their power
                                                                                   is not only reflected in the numbers, it is also apparent in the active
9:00 – 9:10       Chairperson’s Opening Remarks                                    role these moms have taken to have a voice. It requires marketers to
                                                                                   re-evaluate how they speak to and interact with this segment: while
9:10 – 10:00      KEYNOTE ADDRESS                                                  digital is leading this marketing evolution, its importance is holistic
Digital Moms: The Motivations Behind the Medium                                    regardless of where you ultimately reach them.
Nick Black, Vice President, Strategic Insight, Concerto Marketing Group Inc.       2:15 – 3:00
“My life is the virtual world. If I don’t have access [I feel like] I’m missing    Creatively Speaking to the 21st Century Mom!
something. I’m a single mom; I don’t get out a lot. It’s not like I can just get   Rob Alexiou, Creative Director, Hunter Straker
out.” – Digital Mom (2009)                                                         In this session, Rob will investigate what visual messaging is
If you really want to market to Digital Moms, you need to look behind              influencing Digital Moms from a creative perspective. Up until now
the medium and understand the motivations. In this session, Nick                   a great deal of time has been spent identifying where the digital
will share insights from Canadian research conducted by Concerto                   mom is living, working, shopping, playing and socializing. He
Marketing Group. Drawing on findings from these studies, and                       believes that 2011 is the year of communication for the digital mom
real life examples from Europe, Australia and North America, this                  – “we spend so much time trying to find where digital mom is that
presentation will explore the motivations of Digital Moms and how                  we’ve forgotten how to speak and connect with her.” Rob will deliver
you can start building brand trust online.                                         his presentation through an analysis of current campaigns that have
                                                                                   either hit or missed the mom mark, and engage the audience in an
10:00 – 10:45 NEW RESEARCH RELEASE                                                 interactive discussion.
Connecting with Canadian Digital Moms
Cora Brady, Managing Director, Mom Central Consulting                              3:00 – 3:15        Networking Break
Kathryn Easter, Managing Director, Mom Central Consulting                          3:15– 4:00
Exclusively focused on Canadian moms digital behaviours (and no,
Canadian moms are not the same as their US counterparts), this                     Moms Know Best: Harnessing the Power of Online Reviews
2011 phase of Mom Central’s Digital Mom Research provides a                        Ali de Bold, Founder, ChickAdvisor
current look at how Canadian moms are spending their time online.                  Emarketer recently stated that 69% of moms use search engines,
The focus will be on the role digital and non-traditional media are                email, social network sites and online consumer reviews to gather
playing in their decision making process across a number of verticals              related information. Word of Mouth is by far the most effective
and product price points. So What? We’ll take you through some                     form of brand advocacy but also one of the most difficult to create
recent Canadian case studies to help you understand the possible                   and sustain. Enter ChickAdvisor, Canada’s largest user generated
applications for your brand to tap into the power of Digital Moms to               consumer reviews website for women. Over 3 million women
create buzz, improve SEO and drive sales.                                          have used ChickAdvisor to help share their purchase decisions.
                                                                                   Ali continues to work hand in hand with Canada’s largest CPG
10:45 – 11:00 Networking Break                                                     companies, delivering fully integrated product launches with
                                                                                   consumer reviews within her online community. In this session,
11:00 – 11:45                                                                      she will explore the role of online reviews and how brands can
                                                                                   best leverage them to achieve their business goals.
Engaging Moms with Emerging Technologies
Jennifer Modarelli, Principal, White Horse                                         4:00 – 4:45        SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCER PANEL
Moms are superheroes in their own right. With smartphones,                         Dear Mommy Blogger
iPads and a myriad of emerging technologies at their disposal, the                 Moderator: Erica Ehm, Creator/Publisher,
household purchasing power of this digitally savvy, social audience                Hear how mom bloggers maintain their credibility while being
is bound to keep growing. How can marketers evolve their brand                     sponsored. They will also share their good and bad experiences and
experiences to support the busy, digital lifestyles of today’s moms?               discuss what kind of metrics they provide for a campaign. Get your
In this session you’ll learn about: Which emerging technologies                    questions ready!
matter to moms - When to WAP and when to APP - Real world case
studies of integrated campaigns that activate moms - How marketing                 4:45 – 5:00        Chairperson’s Closing Remarks
personas can aid in creating more compelling programs for moms

          Register today!                                        Call 416.526.4578 or online at

                                                  MARKETING TO
                           DIGITAL MOMS       e n g a g i n g t h e M e g a i n f l u e n c e r s o f To d a y

                       APRIL 27 & 28, 2011                               The Old Mill inn                        TOrOnTO
Phone:        416-526-4578                                                     Refund Policy: Cancellations received in writing before
Fax:          416-755-0029                                                     April 11, 2011 will be issued a full credit note to be applied
                                                                               to another event within one calendar year.
Mail:         OpenDialogue Inc.
              1 First Canadian Place, Suite 350                                A $250 administration fee will be applied to cancellations
              Toronto, ON M5X 1C1                                              received in writing from April 11 to April 15, 2011. The balance
Email:                                     will be issued in a credit note to be applied to another event
Web:                                   within one calendar year. No refund or credit note will be issued
                                                                               on cancellations received after April 15, 2011. Delegate substitution
Conference Location: The Old Mill Inn, 21 Old Mill Road •                      is permitted for both registrations and credit notes.
Toronto, ON • 416-236-2641 •
                                                                               OpenDialogue Inc. reserves the right to change the program
To secure reduced room rates, please contact the hotel directly.
Please quote OpenDialogue when calling in your reservation.                    date, meeting place, and content and assume no liability for
Fees do not include hotel accommodations.                                      the changes. If for any reason whatsoever the conference is
                                                                               cancelled, the liability of OpenDialogue Inc. shall be limited
Team Discount: For a team of three or more registering                         to reimbursement of the conference fees. Notice will be
from the same company at the same time take $200 off                           supplied in the event of such changes.
each delegate’s registration fee.
                                                                               Payment is due prior to the conference and includes lunches,
Not-For-Profit Rate: Save 25% off the posted rates                             refreshments, an electronic copy of presentations as well as all
* To qualify for the Early Bird Rate, payment in full must be received         meeting materials available during the conference.
by deadline specified.

                                            R E g I S T R AT I O N                               FORM

 Early Bird Rate A*: $1099 + HST                                                 OpenDialogue Inc.
                                                                                 1 First Canadian Place
 Register and pay by February 28, 2011 – SAVE $500!
                                                                                 Suite 350
 Early Bird Rate B*: $1399 + HST                                                 Toronto, ON M5X 1C1
 Register and pay by March 28, 2011 – SAVE $200!
 Conference: $1599 + HST                                                                                               7003201

 Product Code:

 * Upon registering, please provide the product code above
 Delegate Name
 City                       Province               Postal Code
 Phone                                  Fax
 Cheque enclosed for $
 (payable to OpenDialogue Inc.) HST Reg.#859495483
 Visa         MC      AMEX Card No.
 Expiry Date:           Name of Cardholder:
 CD Orders: Send me ____ sets $500 + HST

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Webinar Social Selling for Sales Teams

Marketing to Digital Moms Conference

  • 1. presents 2 AnnUAl MARKETING TO DIGITAL MOMS e n g a g i n g t h e M e g a i n f l u e n c e r s o f To d a y APRIL 27 & 28, 2011 The Old Mill inn TOrOnTO Moms of all ages are ahead of the curve when it comes to internet and digital usage. They are currently the top influencers in the digital world, and are redefining marketing in the 21st century. They are not only utilizing this medium but they now depend on it. digital moms place high dependency and trust in search engines and online communities to gather information before making any online or offline purchases. Savvy marketers today know they need to engage moms long before they enter the store. Moms want more from their preferred brands than just conversation; they want usage tips, recipes, new product reviews, special offers and price breaks. Above anything else, they want solutions. Attend this conference to find out how to create successful digital campaigns that add value to moms, build brand loyalty and enable social sharing. Why you should attend: • hear the latest research pertaining to moms online and learn what it takes to craft a successful campaign • Gain insight into what motivates moms’ purchase decisions and how their shopping behaviours differentiate from other consumers • discover how to build programs that bridge old and new media • Find out which emerging technologies and tools matter to moms • Understand the importance of working effectively with online influencers • learn about the role of online reviews and how brands can best leverage them • TITLE SponSor • Register Today! Call 416.526.4578 or online at
  • 2. 2 AnnUAl MARKETING TO DIGITAL MOMS Target Market: VPs, Directors and Managers of Marketing, Advertising & Communications • Directors and Managers of Product Development • Chief Marketing Officers • Chief Brand Officers • Brand and Product Managers • Directors and Managers of Business Development • VPs, Directors and Managers of Account Services • VPs, Directors and Managers of Media Buying & Planning • Consumer Insight & Research Managers • Agency New Media Specialists • SEM Managers • Interactive Marketing Directors & Managers 1:00 – 1:40 NORTH AMERICAN RESEARCH DAY 1: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 Marketing to Moms: Generational Differences and Similarities David Bohan, CEO, BOHAN Advertising | Marketing 8:00 – 9:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast, a BOHAN perspective on marketing to America’s 82 million moms, reports on current trends, influences 9:00 – 9:10 Welcome and Chairperson’s Opening Remarks and buying habits among moms. As part of showcasing a deep Alex de Bold, Vice President, Social Media & Digital Marketing, MSL Canada understanding of the behavioural differences among America’s moms, conducts ongoing surveys among moms 9:10 – 9:50 KEYNOTE ADDRESS around the country. Past insights have shown differences not just The Art and Science of Creative Partnerships in attitude and mindset, but also in purchase patterns and digital Erica Ehm, Creator/Publisher, behaviour. In this session, David will explore broader generational The days of banner advertising are fading. Welcome to the era of differences among moms, as well as specifics in industries such as integrated content connecting brands and moms in a new, powerful healthcare, restaurants, grocery and travel/tourism. Highlights will way. Just ask Erica Ehm, publisher of, the include observations from past research and insights from our most online magazine that speaks to the woman in every mom. She has recent survey on moms’ digital behaviour as it specifically relates to spent the last four years producing a unique online property that vacation planning. connects brands and moms with creative, compelling, interactive content. Erica will share the stories and ideas behind some 1:40 – 2:20 successful campaigns she has initiated to help you engage with Universal Mom Tugs™ – How Moms Decide moms in a more meaningful way and transform them into your brand Robin Yontz, VP, Creative Director, Trone ambassadors. Jenny Rowland, VP, Mom Insights, Trone We all feel our minds being pulled in a million directions, but moms’ 9:50 – 10:30 minds are pulled exponentially more. Known as the family decision- Marketing to Moms Online 201 maker, just what goes into making all of those decisions? Moms may Bryan Segal, Vice President, Sales, comScore, Inc. make many of their decisions in seconds, but the dynamics at play In this session, Bryan will address the state of the Digital Media behind their brand and purchase decisions are far more complex. Universe in Canada. He will focus on where Canada stands in Trone has developed a decision filter called Tugs that allows brands terms of usage and duration from a worldwide perspective, as well to see how they fit into moms’ worldview. We’ve uncovered universal as taking a closer look at the behaviours of Canadians online. Mom Tugs that hold sway across most categories. Through in- He will then delve deep into the mom demographic, and discover store journaling, quantitative research and our own online mom what categories, tools, and features are being used by this coveted community, we’ve looked at how Tugs pull at moms’ brand affinities advertising group. What are some of the ways to reach this target as well as her in-the-moment, in-store decisions. online? As online is a key component in reaching Canadian moms, it is important to understand the landscape to determine the best 2:20 – 3:00 way to reach them, with the most powerful messages to generate Millennial Parenting: Marketing to Connected the highest engagement and satisfaction. Moms and Digital Dads Sidneyeve Matrix, National Scholar of Media, Queen’s University 10:30 – 10:40 Networking Break This presentation considers the demographics and psychodemographics of millennial parents in Canada and the US, 10:40 – 11:20 RECENT RESEARCH and trends surrounding their digital proclivities, mobile fluencies, and Canadian Moms: The Audience You Thought You Knew social preferences. From Facebook profiles for toddlers, to animated Andrew Assad, Chief Storyteller, Microsoft Advertising Canada video streaming on the iPad, from the popularity of kid-lit eBooks, to Due to its convenience, its rich content and communal environment, the top iPhone digital pacifier apps, this trend report will highlight the digital advertising has become an indispensable component kinds of quirky, clever, and feature-rich media and messaging that in women’s lives. Over 3.5 million Canadian moms are online syncs with Gen Y preferences. As the millennials or “digital natives” on multiple platforms and devices. Moms come from different begin raising Generation Z, we will see an increase in intensely social backgrounds and lifestyles, yet being a part of “motherhood” means shopping platforms, more concierge services delivering personal Canadian mothers have lots in common - especially when it comes and customized content, and widespread expectations for brand to how they use technology and view the advertising messages they leadership in social good initiatives. This presentation is practical by see on their devices. Understanding their attitudes and concerns design, pairing trend analysis with examples of innovative marketing is key to crafting campaigns that will win over these passionate strategies relevant to brands seeking to connect with millennial consumers. Microsoft Advertising has undertaken proprietary parents. research through Vision Critical, using the Angus Reid Forum, into what makes moms tick. 3:00 – 3:10 Networking Break 11:20 – 12:00 3:10 – 3:50 Teeter Totter – Helping Moms & Brands Connect Understanding and Motivating Today’s Moms! and Build Sustaining Relationships Christine Ross, Partner, Spider Marketing Solutions Alex de Bold, VP, Social Media & Digital Marketing, MSL Canada Information abounds about today’s omnipotent “Mom” consumer Martha McKimm, SVP, Consumer Practice Leader, MSL Canada group. To leverage this data, we need a deeper understanding Moms are multi-tasking wizards long used to balancing the about what really influences her through the purchase cycle: from fragmented needs of one and all. It is important to connect and awareness to sale, and from messaging through to incentives. sustain relationships between moms and brands to deliver results. In this session, you will discover what really motivates mom when Adopting a channel agnostic approach MSL ignores the distinction making a purchase decision, how intent often differs from reality, between old and new channels to build programs that touch on all and why. Just as importantly, you will learn how mom differs in her channels. In this session, Martha and Alex will share their insights as behaviour versus shoppers, consumers and women in general. they work on some of Canada’s largest brands to build integrated Leveraging proprietary insights from Spider’s annual “Motivating messaging platforms that bridge old and new media. Moms Report™”, Christine will cover a series of key areas including cause, health, social media, digital and private label to see 12:00 – 1:00 Luncheon how and why moms make the purchase decisions they do.
  • 3. 3:50 – 4:30 11:45 – 12:30 Bridging the Gap Between Influencers and Brands Word of Mom Jen Maier, Founder, UrbanMoms, Partner & Co-Founder, BeSoSocial Julie Cole, Co-Founding Vice President, Mabel’s Labels Inc. Eden Spodek, Partner & Co-Founder, BeSoSocial Tricia Mumby, Co-Founding Vice President, Mabel’s Labels Inc. The influence of moms online in terms of purchasing power and In 2002, Mabel’s Labels was co-founded by four moms who brand awareness is growing at a staggering rate. As social media trailblazed the personalized labeling industry in North America. becomes more mainstream and advertising dollars shrink and Mabel’s Labels has experienced continued growth and success compete for budgets, it’s more important than ever for brands to thanks, in part, to their long-time online social presence. Company engage mom influencers, otherwise they’ll be left behind. Social co-founders Julie and Tricia, along with their social media team, are media participants and professionals, Jen and Eden, will explain committed to connecting online with customers, fans, bloggers and how balancing the needs and expectations of mom bloggers and media on a daily basis. Mabel’s Labels’ brand has been embraced communities with the goals of marketers is critical in order to have by online communities of moms thanks to a social media strategy a successful long-term program. Learn how to effectively work with designed to foster an exceptional customer experience and genuine online influencers while creating a successful social media strategy. relationship building. Julie and Tricia will share how a small company can do big business by understanding moms and their place in the 4:30 – 5:10 INTERACTIVE PANEL online social strata. Moms Take the Stage 12:30 – 1:30 Luncheon Moderator: Emily Spensieri, President & Founder, F.E.M. We know moms are talking about many issues, including your 1:30 – 2:15 brands. We’re going to uncover how they connect, what drives the Engaging the Digital Mom, Traditional or Digital? Both! conversation, and more importantly, what kills it! Kelly Miller, VP, Media Director, Fuor Digital Digital Moms have evolved from a small niche demographic 5:10 – 5:20 Chairperson’s Wrap-Up targeted on specialty sites, to one of the largest, most interactive and technologically intelligent groups online. This does not mean, however, that digital is the only way to reach these household DAY 2: Thursday, April 28, 2011 CEO’s that hold the purse strings to over $2 trillion. It is essential for marketers to understand both the online and offline behaviours of 8:00 – 9:00 Continental Breakfast this segment and how that translates to offline sales. Their power is not only reflected in the numbers, it is also apparent in the active 9:00 – 9:10 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks role these moms have taken to have a voice. It requires marketers to re-evaluate how they speak to and interact with this segment: while 9:10 – 10:00 KEYNOTE ADDRESS digital is leading this marketing evolution, its importance is holistic Digital Moms: The Motivations Behind the Medium regardless of where you ultimately reach them. Nick Black, Vice President, Strategic Insight, Concerto Marketing Group Inc. 2:15 – 3:00 “My life is the virtual world. If I don’t have access [I feel like] I’m missing Creatively Speaking to the 21st Century Mom! something. I’m a single mom; I don’t get out a lot. It’s not like I can just get Rob Alexiou, Creative Director, Hunter Straker out.” – Digital Mom (2009) In this session, Rob will investigate what visual messaging is If you really want to market to Digital Moms, you need to look behind influencing Digital Moms from a creative perspective. Up until now the medium and understand the motivations. In this session, Nick a great deal of time has been spent identifying where the digital will share insights from Canadian research conducted by Concerto mom is living, working, shopping, playing and socializing. He Marketing Group. Drawing on findings from these studies, and believes that 2011 is the year of communication for the digital mom real life examples from Europe, Australia and North America, this – “we spend so much time trying to find where digital mom is that presentation will explore the motivations of Digital Moms and how we’ve forgotten how to speak and connect with her.” Rob will deliver you can start building brand trust online. his presentation through an analysis of current campaigns that have either hit or missed the mom mark, and engage the audience in an 10:00 – 10:45 NEW RESEARCH RELEASE interactive discussion. Connecting with Canadian Digital Moms Cora Brady, Managing Director, Mom Central Consulting 3:00 – 3:15 Networking Break Kathryn Easter, Managing Director, Mom Central Consulting 3:15– 4:00 Exclusively focused on Canadian moms digital behaviours (and no, Canadian moms are not the same as their US counterparts), this Moms Know Best: Harnessing the Power of Online Reviews 2011 phase of Mom Central’s Digital Mom Research provides a Ali de Bold, Founder, ChickAdvisor current look at how Canadian moms are spending their time online. Emarketer recently stated that 69% of moms use search engines, The focus will be on the role digital and non-traditional media are email, social network sites and online consumer reviews to gather playing in their decision making process across a number of verticals related information. Word of Mouth is by far the most effective and product price points. So What? We’ll take you through some form of brand advocacy but also one of the most difficult to create recent Canadian case studies to help you understand the possible and sustain. Enter ChickAdvisor, Canada’s largest user generated applications for your brand to tap into the power of Digital Moms to consumer reviews website for women. Over 3 million women create buzz, improve SEO and drive sales. have used ChickAdvisor to help share their purchase decisions. Ali continues to work hand in hand with Canada’s largest CPG 10:45 – 11:00 Networking Break companies, delivering fully integrated product launches with consumer reviews within her online community. In this session, 11:00 – 11:45 she will explore the role of online reviews and how brands can best leverage them to achieve their business goals. Engaging Moms with Emerging Technologies Jennifer Modarelli, Principal, White Horse 4:00 – 4:45 SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCER PANEL Moms are superheroes in their own right. With smartphones, Dear Mommy Blogger iPads and a myriad of emerging technologies at their disposal, the Moderator: Erica Ehm, Creator/Publisher, household purchasing power of this digitally savvy, social audience Hear how mom bloggers maintain their credibility while being is bound to keep growing. How can marketers evolve their brand sponsored. They will also share their good and bad experiences and experiences to support the busy, digital lifestyles of today’s moms? discuss what kind of metrics they provide for a campaign. Get your In this session you’ll learn about: Which emerging technologies questions ready! matter to moms - When to WAP and when to APP - Real world case studies of integrated campaigns that activate moms - How marketing 4:45 – 5:00 Chairperson’s Closing Remarks personas can aid in creating more compelling programs for moms Register today! Call 416.526.4578 or online at
  • 4. 2 AnnUAl MARKETING TO DIGITAL MOMS e n g a g i n g t h e M e g a i n f l u e n c e r s o f To d a y APRIL 27 & 28, 2011 The Old Mill inn TOrOnTO Phone: 416-526-4578 Refund Policy: Cancellations received in writing before Fax: 416-755-0029 April 11, 2011 will be issued a full credit note to be applied to another event within one calendar year. Mail: OpenDialogue Inc. 1 First Canadian Place, Suite 350 A $250 administration fee will be applied to cancellations Toronto, ON M5X 1C1 received in writing from April 11 to April 15, 2011. The balance Email: will be issued in a credit note to be applied to another event Web: within one calendar year. No refund or credit note will be issued on cancellations received after April 15, 2011. Delegate substitution Conference Location: The Old Mill Inn, 21 Old Mill Road • is permitted for both registrations and credit notes. Toronto, ON • 416-236-2641 • OpenDialogue Inc. reserves the right to change the program To secure reduced room rates, please contact the hotel directly. Please quote OpenDialogue when calling in your reservation. date, meeting place, and content and assume no liability for Fees do not include hotel accommodations. the changes. If for any reason whatsoever the conference is cancelled, the liability of OpenDialogue Inc. shall be limited Team Discount: For a team of three or more registering to reimbursement of the conference fees. Notice will be from the same company at the same time take $200 off supplied in the event of such changes. each delegate’s registration fee. Payment is due prior to the conference and includes lunches, Not-For-Profit Rate: Save 25% off the posted rates refreshments, an electronic copy of presentations as well as all * To qualify for the Early Bird Rate, payment in full must be received meeting materials available during the conference. by deadline specified. R E g I S T R AT I O N FORM Early Bird Rate A*: $1099 + HST OpenDialogue Inc. 1 First Canadian Place Register and pay by February 28, 2011 – SAVE $500! Suite 350 Early Bird Rate B*: $1399 + HST Toronto, ON M5X 1C1 Register and pay by March 28, 2011 – SAVE $200! Conference: $1599 + HST 7003201 Product Code: * Upon registering, please provide the product code above Delegate Name Title Organization Address City Province Postal Code Phone Fax Email Cheque enclosed for $ (payable to OpenDialogue Inc.) HST Reg.#859495483 Visa MC AMEX Card No. Expiry Date: Name of Cardholder: Signature: CD Orders: Send me ____ sets $500 + HST