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          6th       Social Media Marketing
        Annual                    Linking Corporate Values and Consumer Desires

                February 13 & 14, 2013 | The Old Mill Inn | Toronto
The social media landscape is continuously evolving and it is both the biggest communications
challenge and opportunity in decades. The way people are engaging has been radically transformed
and is having an irreversible effect on advertising and mobile communication. Facebook was
only established eight years ago and is now an integral part of the life of near 1 billion users.
The acquisitions of some of the top social vendors reflect the huge demand among businesses
for social media services. As businesses are just getting past the idea of just ‘being there’ to
enhance brand awareness/reputation, greater emphasis is being put on fostering collaboration,
dialogue/discussion and strengthening relationships. Marketers are being challenged to decide
which technologies and products they must leverage, create compelling content that gets shared,
optimize interaction with social communities and tie results to sales data. Attend this conference
to find out how to utilize social tools to listen and respond in real time, build relationships in an
authentic and meaningful way, determine the right mix of traditional and digital media, and
correlate leads, revenue and other tangible outcomes.

   Why you should attend:
•	 Learn how to identify and capture new
   prospects to drive ROI
•	 Understand how to use owned and earned
   media to amplify paid media
•	 Discover the importance of fostering
   consumer-to-consumer sharing
•	 Examine how to create integrated and cohesive
   digital marketing strategies
•	 Hear some best practices for creating powerful
   influencer programs
•	 Find out how to unite social media messaging
   with search marketing best practices
Target Market: VPs, Directors and Managers of Marketing , Advertising & Communications | Directors and Managers of Product Development
| Chief Marketing Officers | Chief Brand Officers | Directors and Managers of Business Development | Directors and Supervisors of Digital Media |
VPs, Directors and Managers of Account Services | VPs, Directors and Managers of Media Buying & Planning | New Media Specialists | Interactive
Media Managers | Public Relations Professionals | Directors and Managers Social Media Strategy | Consumer Insight & Research Managers | Digital
Content Managers | Brand and Product Managers | Engagement Managers

                                                                                11:55– 12:55
  DAY 1: Wednesday February 13, 2013                                            Luncheon

                                                                                12:55 – 1:35
                                                                                How to Use Social to Amplify Your Marketing Campaigns
8:00 – 8:50                                                                     Mike Nabasny, Head of Midwest Operations, Wildfire Interactive
Registration and Continental Breakfast                                          “That’s just the tip of the iceberg.” We’ve all heard the saying. When
                                                                                brands approach social media as a standalone marketing channel, they
8:50 – 9:00                                                                     limit themselves to just the tip of the social marketing iceberg. Realizing
Welcome and Chairperson’s Opening Remarks                                       the power of social media means integrating social across the scope of
Patrick Thoburn, Co-Founder, Matchstick Inc.                                    your brand’s other marketing initiatives. Join Wildfire for a discussion on
                                                                                how to use your brand’s owned and earned media to amplify your paid
9:00 – 9:40 KEYNOTE ADDRESS                                                     media and inform your overall business strategy for 2013. Learn the steps
Are You Ready for Marketing in a Post-Social World?                             to take to ensure you’re taking full advantage of the possibilities of social,
Ed Lee, Director, Social Media, Tribal DDB Canada                               regardless of whether you’re a small business or a global brand with
This is the 6th Annual Social Media Marketing conference. Six years ago         numerous products and stakeholders.
social media was new, shinny and scary for both consumers and marketers
alike. But in the last six years it has become something that consumers         1:35 – 2:15
expect and rely on, and commonplace on brands’ marketing calendars. It’s        Social Scorecard: Measuring the Quality of Social Relationships
no longer enough to participate within social media, you must be social.        Eli Singer, Founder & CEO, Entrinsic
We’ve moved from the social media evolution to a post-social world. What        While the industry hasn’t exactly come to a consensus on how to measure
does this mean for you as a marketer and are you ready? Ed will lay out         social ROI, there are some tried and true methods that are unquestionably
the role of/challenges for marketers as we all struggle to adapt to a post-     addressing business goals (as opposed to building up to more vague
social existence.                                                               objectives like “brand awareness”). Eli will discuss his agency’s process
                                                                                for identifying, addressing and optimizing digitally-driven campaigns that
9:40 – 10:20                                                                    rely on social interaction. He will then show real world examples of this
Context is Everything: Tapping into the Mindset of Today’s Professional         process with companies including non-profit, financial and CPG clients,
to Build Relationships and Get Results                                          which will demonstrate how social connections and content can drive
Gary Fearnall, Director of Sales, Marketing Solutions, LinkedIn Canada          business.
Marketers are now bombarded with options for showcasing their brand
online, and cutting through the noise to reach the right audience is            2:15-2:55
more vital than ever. In this session join Gary as he presents a case           From Advertising to Advocacy: Why Influencer Marketing Matters
for understanding the mindset of professionals on social networks and           Holly Hamann, VP, Marketing & Co-Founder, BlogFrog
illustrates how brands can build relationships and get results by marketing     Bloggers and social media content creators are the new influencers, and
in a business context.                                                          often have larger and more trusted audiences than enterprise brands.
                                                                                Influencer marketing is the idea of partnering brands with bloggers and
10:20 – 10:35                                                                   other active social media users to create and distribute relevant content
Networking Break                                                                that is targeted towards an audience that cares, and is shared in a way
                                                                                that is authentic and transparent. It involves less shouting and more
10:35 – 11:15 CASE STUDY                                                        listening. It means less advertising noise and more quality conversations
Social Scoring: Uncover New Leads and Revenue Opportunities Through             about things that matter. When brands partner with fans and influencers
Social                                                                          who are closer to their target audience than they are, they are taking a
Mike Lewis, VP of Sales and Marketing and Dave Carter, Chief Technology         huge step towards building consumer trust and being part of the social
Officer, Awareness, Inc.                                                        conversations consumers are having long before they ever buy a product.
With over 30 billion pieces of content shared on Facebook each month,           This session will educate brands on best practices for creating powerful
and Twitter handling 32 billion search queries monthly, marketers are           influencer marketing programs that help them shift from ineffective
salivating at the potential for using social platforms to increase awareness,   advertising to earned advocacy.
engage prospects and customers, and drum up more sales. Yet, most
marketers have realized that social networks are essentially databases of       2:55 – 3:10
users that remain largely untapped – as we only interact with those who         Networking Break
follow us. In this session, Mike and Dave will share a case study of how
marketers can use the broader social web to identify and capture new            3:10 – 3:50
prospects, segment and prioritize social followers, and then target users by    Search-Friendly Social Media Campaigns: Optimizing Your Social Media
custom criteria to drive ROI from social.                                       Communications for Search
                                                                                Francis Skipper, VP of Digital Marketing, 415 Marketing
11:15 – 11:55                                                                   As search engine algorithms evolve, mobile device capabilities mature,
The Impact of Facebook’s Open Graph on Marketers                                and consumer reliance on technology becomes more prevalent, it has
Andrew Beranbom, VP of Business Development & Co-Founder, Extole                become necessary for companies to achieve priority rankings in search
The way people engage with brands is fundamentally changing. What               engine results. If your audience can’t find you online, you might as well
we’re seeing now, thanks to social, is an outburst of what has always           not exist. In this interactive session, Francis will teach attendees how
been just under the surface: the true power of word of mouth marketing.         to integrate their social media and search marketing tactics into one
This is largely due in part to the potential of Facebook’s Open Graph,          thorough and consistent digital communications campaign. By uniting
which facilitates and reinforces the importance of fostering consumer-          these two strategies, a company positions itself in a place of power by
to-consumer sharing. In this session, Andrew will provide an overview           controlling how, when, and where their key audiences view promotions,
of exactly how the Open Graph provides opportunities for marketers,             blog posts, social media and other content, and ultimately how their brand
highlighting elements such as third-party action, structured stories            is perceived. Attendees will walk away with an understanding of how to
and object integration. He will illustrate his points with real-life brand      optimize social media profiles for search, unite social media messaging
examples and further discuss the importance of integrating Open Graph           with search marketing best practices, and leverage free and paid tools to
opportunities on a brand’s website and other marketing initiatives.             monitor and measure success.
3:50 – 4:30 CASE STUDY                                                          11:15 – 11:55
Street Art + Street Food + Twitter: The La Carnita Social Phenomenon            Digital Teens: The Drivers of Digital Behavior
Steve Miller, VP, Creative Director, OneMethod Inc. Digital + Design            Nick Black, VP, Strategic Insight, Concerto Marketing Group
There are two unknowns when opening a restaurant: are people going              If you want to connect with digital teens, you need to understand
to like the food, and is there going to be any people? We found a way to        the motivations behind their digital behavior. That’s the topic of this
make those unknowns, known. La Carnita was at first a simple test to see        presentation and the focus of a new online study conducted by Concerto
whether or not there was an appetite for tacos in Toronto. OneMethod’s          Marketing Group with 1,905 digital teens. Highly connected (79% have
Design Director was an at-home chef and had a passion for cooking.              their own computer, 51% have their own Smartphone) but selectively
OneMethod had a passion for design and social marketing. In just five           engaged (63% have never used Twitter, 85% have never used Pinterest), this
months, we created a brand that made the Globe & Mail’s Top 10 Small            presentation goes beyond likes and tweets, using psychology to explore the
Businesses of 2011 and trended on Twitter at every pop-up. This pop-up-         drivers of online behavior and will provide some fascinating insights on how
turned-restaurant now boasts 5,000+ Twitter followers and a two-hour            brands can engage with digital teens.
wait every night. Learn how we did it.
                                                                                11:55 – 12:55
4:30 – 4:40                                                                     Luncheon
Chairperson’s Wrap-Up
                                                                                12:55 – 1:35
                                                                                Content + Social: It’s What’s Inside That Counts
                                                                                Baron Manett, SVP, Ariad Communications
   DAY 2: Thursday February 14, 2013                                            Content and connections are best enabled through a strong sense of
                                                                                understanding of where your audiences are progressing in terms of their
                                                                                customer journey. Content informs each segment of the customer journey
8:00 – 8:50                                                                     and is a key consideration in planning for sales and social interactions. This
Continental Breakfast                                                           presentation will serve as a guide in understanding the act of planning your
                                                                                customer journey and how to best plan for engaged interaction and future
8:50 – 9:00                                                                     successes. This session will enable your teams to holistically plan marketing
Chairperson’s Opening Remarks                                                   connection opportunities and understand the integration and role that
Matthew Stradiotto, Co-Founder, Matchstick Inc.                                 social plays in relating, engaging and propagating the conversation.

9:00 – 9:40 KEYNOTE ADDRESS                                                     1:35 – 2:15
Embrace Converged Media: Key Strategies to Integrate Paid, Owned &              Conversion Optimization for Lead-Gen Paths
Earned Media into One Model                                                     Jeremy Leonard, SVP, Strategy and Operations, MediaWhiz
Ruth Bastedo, Director, Business Development, Social Media Group                There are many paths to successful lead-gen, but the most successful
Companies have been grappling with the integration of “digital” into            practices remain elusive for many companies. This session will explore how
“traditional” for a good 10 years now, with mixed success. It has never         digital marketers working on social media campaigns can generate efficient
been so critical for marketing leaders to start getting this right. In this     and cost-effective conversions with an eye toward quality and sustainability.
session, Ruth will talk about some of the tangible barriers and challenges      Through case studies, you will gain insight into the best methods for using
that many senior marketers are still facing when building out integrated and    social media to convert abandoned consumers, and how to leverage
cohesive digital marketing strategies. As social media forces a converged       the growing consumer dependence on mobile by tuning your path-to-
digital customer experience onto the consumer, companies are being forced       conversion for device-specific visitors.
to catch up behind the scenes, to re-align resources, agencies, silos and
strategies to create new workflows and holistic marketing strategies that are   2:15 – 2:30
aligned to all customer touchpoints. Ruth will explore new research, some       Networking Break
exciting new models from companies who are seriously tackling converged
media, and look at three highly tactical strategic planning tools that will     2:30 – 3:10 PANEL DISCUSSION
support marketing leaders in their efforts to embrace a converged media         Brand-Influencer Co-Creation
model of marketing.                                                             Moderated by Patrick Thoburn, Co-Founder, Matchstick Inc.
                                                                                The new convergence of paid, earned and owned media requires brands to
9:40 – 10:20                                                                    produce content that’s shareable across digital marketing channels. Brands
Using Social Media as a True CRM Tool                                           once worked with online Influencers toward the goal of earned media only.
Paul Cowan, VP, Global Business Director, Syncapse                              Today, brands and Influencers partner to create content for distribution in
The rapid adoption of social media in the enterprise has created many           social media, on the brand’s owned properties, and even in advertising.
different definitions and ideas of what Social CRM is. In this presentation,    We’ll look at case studies and discuss best practices with a panel of
Paul will dispel some of the myths about what Social CRM is, is not, and        experienced collaborators in the art of Brand-Influencer Co-Creation.
more importantly, how it can be utilized within your organization to
drive business results. He will explain how to engage with customers in         3:10 – 3:50
meaningful ways, capture customer data, drive revenue and build brand           Engineer One-of-a-Kind Social Campaigns with Trigger-Based Publishing
reputation.                                                                     Bruce Runions, Sr. Sales Director of Global Accounts, Shoutlet
                                                                                Social media managers and marketers are always on the lookout for how
10:20 – 10:35                                                                   to make content more relevant and engaging for their company’s social
Networking Break                                                                connections. They’re also trying to make their social media efforts as
                                                                                streamlined as possible. Bruce will discuss how brands can provide a way
10:35 – 11:15                                                                   to build unique, automated social campaigns while freeing up time for the
Building Your Brand One Frame at a Time: Secrets to an Engaging Video           team to engage in real time. In addition, he will also discuss the question:
Marketing Strategy on YouTube                                                   how do you optimize social to communicate and engage with consumers in
Kent Lewis, President & Founder, Anvil Media, Inc.                              their channel/touchpoint of choice, while at the same time optimizing the
On YouTube, 60 hours of video are uploaded every minute and 4 billion           effectiveness of your overall marketing?
videos are viewed daily. According to the Cisco, global Internet video
traffic will be 54 percent of all consumer Internet traffic in 2016, up from    3:-50 – 4:00
51 percent in 2011. According to eMarketer, U.S. online video advertising       Chairperson’s Closing Remarks
spending will reach $7.11 billion in 2015. Video is not only an ideal
storytelling medium, it also aids significantly in brand recall. Kent will
outline best practices for video marketing, optimization and measurement
on YouTube. In this session, you will learn how to create a compelling
YouTube channel and content strategy that connects with constituents.             Register Today!                                          Call 416-526-4578 	
                                                                                                               or online at
6th Annual

         Social Media Marketing           Linking Corporate Values and Consumer Desires
                            February 13 & 14, 2013 | The Old Mill Inn | Toronto
Phone:		             416.526.4578                                   Refund Policy:
Fax:		               416.755.0029                                   Cancellations received in writing before January 30, 2013 will be
Mail:		              OpenDialogue Inc.                              issued a full credit note to be applied to another event within
		                   1 First Canadian Place, Suite 350              one calendar year.
		                   Toronto, ON M5X 1C1
Email:		                      A $250 administration fee will be applied to cancellations
Web:		                             received in writing from January 30 to February 6, 2013. The
                                                                    balance will be issued in a credit note to be applied to another
Conference Location:                                                event within one calendar year. No refund or credit note will
The Old Mill Inn - 21 Old Mill Road, Toronto, ON                    be issued on cancellations received after February 6, 2013.
Tel: 416.236.2641 -                          Delegate substitution is permitted for both registrations and
                                                                    credit notes.
To secure reduced room rates visit:                                 OpenDialogue Inc. reserves the right to change the program
Go to Special Accounts and enter OPEN for Corporate Code and        date, meeting place, and content and assume no liability for
OPEN09 for Pin. Please note codes are case sensitive. Fees do not   the changes. If for any reason whatsoever the conference is
include hotel accommodations.                                       cancelled, the liability of OpenDialogue Inc. shall be limited to
                                                                    reimbursement of the conference fees. Notice will be supplied
Team Discount: For a team of three or more registering from the     in the event of such changes.
same company at the same time, take $200 off each delegate’s
registration fee.                                                   Payment is due prior to the conference and includes breakfasts,
                                                                    lunches, refreshments, an electronic copy of presentations as
Not-For-Profit Rate: Save 25% off the posted rates                  well as all meeting materials available during the conference.
* To qualify for the Early Bird Rate, payment in full must be
received by the deadline specified.

                                              REGISTRATION FORM
  Early Bird Rate A*: $1099 + HST                                   OpenDialogue Inc.
  Register and pay by December 3, 2012 – SAVE $500!                 1 First Canadian Place
                                                                    Suite 350
  Early Bird Rate B*: $1399 + HST                                   Toronto, ON M5X 1C1
  Register and pay by January 14, 2013 – SAVE $200!

  Conference: $1599 + HST
  Product Code:

  * Upon registering, please provide the product code above
  Delegate Name 					
  City		               Prov	         Postal Code	
  Phone				                           Fax			
  Cheque enclosed for $					
  (payable to OpenDialogue Inc.) HST Reg. # 859495483
  VISA     MC     AMEX Card No.			
  Expiry Date     Name of Cardholder		

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6th Annual Social Media Marketing Conference

  • 1. Register Today! Call 416-526-4578 or online at PRESENTS 6th Social Media Marketing Annual Linking Corporate Values and Consumer Desires February 13 & 14, 2013 | The Old Mill Inn | Toronto The social media landscape is continuously evolving and it is both the biggest communications challenge and opportunity in decades. The way people are engaging has been radically transformed and is having an irreversible effect on advertising and mobile communication. Facebook was only established eight years ago and is now an integral part of the life of near 1 billion users. The acquisitions of some of the top social vendors reflect the huge demand among businesses for social media services. As businesses are just getting past the idea of just ‘being there’ to enhance brand awareness/reputation, greater emphasis is being put on fostering collaboration, dialogue/discussion and strengthening relationships. Marketers are being challenged to decide which technologies and products they must leverage, create compelling content that gets shared, optimize interaction with social communities and tie results to sales data. Attend this conference to find out how to utilize social tools to listen and respond in real time, build relationships in an authentic and meaningful way, determine the right mix of traditional and digital media, and correlate leads, revenue and other tangible outcomes. Why you should attend: • Learn how to identify and capture new prospects to drive ROI • Understand how to use owned and earned media to amplify paid media • Discover the importance of fostering consumer-to-consumer sharing • Examine how to create integrated and cohesive digital marketing strategies • Hear some best practices for creating powerful influencer programs • Find out how to unite social media messaging with search marketing best practices
  • 2. Target Market: VPs, Directors and Managers of Marketing , Advertising & Communications | Directors and Managers of Product Development | Chief Marketing Officers | Chief Brand Officers | Directors and Managers of Business Development | Directors and Supervisors of Digital Media | VPs, Directors and Managers of Account Services | VPs, Directors and Managers of Media Buying & Planning | New Media Specialists | Interactive Media Managers | Public Relations Professionals | Directors and Managers Social Media Strategy | Consumer Insight & Research Managers | Digital Content Managers | Brand and Product Managers | Engagement Managers 11:55– 12:55 DAY 1: Wednesday February 13, 2013 Luncheon 12:55 – 1:35 How to Use Social to Amplify Your Marketing Campaigns 8:00 – 8:50 Mike Nabasny, Head of Midwest Operations, Wildfire Interactive Registration and Continental Breakfast “That’s just the tip of the iceberg.” We’ve all heard the saying. When brands approach social media as a standalone marketing channel, they 8:50 – 9:00 limit themselves to just the tip of the social marketing iceberg. Realizing Welcome and Chairperson’s Opening Remarks the power of social media means integrating social across the scope of Patrick Thoburn, Co-Founder, Matchstick Inc. your brand’s other marketing initiatives. Join Wildfire for a discussion on how to use your brand’s owned and earned media to amplify your paid 9:00 – 9:40 KEYNOTE ADDRESS media and inform your overall business strategy for 2013. Learn the steps Are You Ready for Marketing in a Post-Social World? to take to ensure you’re taking full advantage of the possibilities of social, Ed Lee, Director, Social Media, Tribal DDB Canada regardless of whether you’re a small business or a global brand with This is the 6th Annual Social Media Marketing conference. Six years ago numerous products and stakeholders. social media was new, shinny and scary for both consumers and marketers alike. But in the last six years it has become something that consumers 1:35 – 2:15 expect and rely on, and commonplace on brands’ marketing calendars. It’s Social Scorecard: Measuring the Quality of Social Relationships no longer enough to participate within social media, you must be social. Eli Singer, Founder & CEO, Entrinsic We’ve moved from the social media evolution to a post-social world. What While the industry hasn’t exactly come to a consensus on how to measure does this mean for you as a marketer and are you ready? Ed will lay out social ROI, there are some tried and true methods that are unquestionably the role of/challenges for marketers as we all struggle to adapt to a post- addressing business goals (as opposed to building up to more vague social existence. objectives like “brand awareness”). Eli will discuss his agency’s process for identifying, addressing and optimizing digitally-driven campaigns that 9:40 – 10:20 rely on social interaction. He will then show real world examples of this Context is Everything: Tapping into the Mindset of Today’s Professional process with companies including non-profit, financial and CPG clients, to Build Relationships and Get Results which will demonstrate how social connections and content can drive Gary Fearnall, Director of Sales, Marketing Solutions, LinkedIn Canada business. Marketers are now bombarded with options for showcasing their brand online, and cutting through the noise to reach the right audience is 2:15-2:55 more vital than ever. In this session join Gary as he presents a case From Advertising to Advocacy: Why Influencer Marketing Matters for understanding the mindset of professionals on social networks and Holly Hamann, VP, Marketing & Co-Founder, BlogFrog illustrates how brands can build relationships and get results by marketing Bloggers and social media content creators are the new influencers, and in a business context. often have larger and more trusted audiences than enterprise brands. Influencer marketing is the idea of partnering brands with bloggers and 10:20 – 10:35 other active social media users to create and distribute relevant content Networking Break that is targeted towards an audience that cares, and is shared in a way that is authentic and transparent. It involves less shouting and more 10:35 – 11:15 CASE STUDY listening. It means less advertising noise and more quality conversations Social Scoring: Uncover New Leads and Revenue Opportunities Through about things that matter. When brands partner with fans and influencers Social who are closer to their target audience than they are, they are taking a Mike Lewis, VP of Sales and Marketing and Dave Carter, Chief Technology huge step towards building consumer trust and being part of the social Officer, Awareness, Inc. conversations consumers are having long before they ever buy a product. With over 30 billion pieces of content shared on Facebook each month, This session will educate brands on best practices for creating powerful and Twitter handling 32 billion search queries monthly, marketers are influencer marketing programs that help them shift from ineffective salivating at the potential for using social platforms to increase awareness, advertising to earned advocacy. engage prospects and customers, and drum up more sales. Yet, most marketers have realized that social networks are essentially databases of 2:55 – 3:10 users that remain largely untapped – as we only interact with those who Networking Break follow us. In this session, Mike and Dave will share a case study of how marketers can use the broader social web to identify and capture new 3:10 – 3:50 prospects, segment and prioritize social followers, and then target users by Search-Friendly Social Media Campaigns: Optimizing Your Social Media custom criteria to drive ROI from social. Communications for Search Francis Skipper, VP of Digital Marketing, 415 Marketing 11:15 – 11:55 As search engine algorithms evolve, mobile device capabilities mature, The Impact of Facebook’s Open Graph on Marketers and consumer reliance on technology becomes more prevalent, it has Andrew Beranbom, VP of Business Development & Co-Founder, Extole become necessary for companies to achieve priority rankings in search The way people engage with brands is fundamentally changing. What engine results. If your audience can’t find you online, you might as well we’re seeing now, thanks to social, is an outburst of what has always not exist. In this interactive session, Francis will teach attendees how been just under the surface: the true power of word of mouth marketing. to integrate their social media and search marketing tactics into one This is largely due in part to the potential of Facebook’s Open Graph, thorough and consistent digital communications campaign. By uniting which facilitates and reinforces the importance of fostering consumer- these two strategies, a company positions itself in a place of power by to-consumer sharing. In this session, Andrew will provide an overview controlling how, when, and where their key audiences view promotions, of exactly how the Open Graph provides opportunities for marketers, blog posts, social media and other content, and ultimately how their brand highlighting elements such as third-party action, structured stories is perceived. Attendees will walk away with an understanding of how to and object integration. He will illustrate his points with real-life brand optimize social media profiles for search, unite social media messaging examples and further discuss the importance of integrating Open Graph with search marketing best practices, and leverage free and paid tools to opportunities on a brand’s website and other marketing initiatives. monitor and measure success.
  • 3. 3:50 – 4:30 CASE STUDY 11:15 – 11:55 Street Art + Street Food + Twitter: The La Carnita Social Phenomenon Digital Teens: The Drivers of Digital Behavior Steve Miller, VP, Creative Director, OneMethod Inc. Digital + Design Nick Black, VP, Strategic Insight, Concerto Marketing Group There are two unknowns when opening a restaurant: are people going If you want to connect with digital teens, you need to understand to like the food, and is there going to be any people? We found a way to the motivations behind their digital behavior. That’s the topic of this make those unknowns, known. La Carnita was at first a simple test to see presentation and the focus of a new online study conducted by Concerto whether or not there was an appetite for tacos in Toronto. OneMethod’s Marketing Group with 1,905 digital teens. Highly connected (79% have Design Director was an at-home chef and had a passion for cooking. their own computer, 51% have their own Smartphone) but selectively OneMethod had a passion for design and social marketing. In just five engaged (63% have never used Twitter, 85% have never used Pinterest), this months, we created a brand that made the Globe & Mail’s Top 10 Small presentation goes beyond likes and tweets, using psychology to explore the Businesses of 2011 and trended on Twitter at every pop-up. This pop-up- drivers of online behavior and will provide some fascinating insights on how turned-restaurant now boasts 5,000+ Twitter followers and a two-hour brands can engage with digital teens. wait every night. Learn how we did it. 11:55 – 12:55 4:30 – 4:40 Luncheon Chairperson’s Wrap-Up 12:55 – 1:35 Content + Social: It’s What’s Inside That Counts Baron Manett, SVP, Ariad Communications DAY 2: Thursday February 14, 2013 Content and connections are best enabled through a strong sense of understanding of where your audiences are progressing in terms of their customer journey. Content informs each segment of the customer journey 8:00 – 8:50 and is a key consideration in planning for sales and social interactions. This Continental Breakfast presentation will serve as a guide in understanding the act of planning your customer journey and how to best plan for engaged interaction and future 8:50 – 9:00 successes. This session will enable your teams to holistically plan marketing Chairperson’s Opening Remarks connection opportunities and understand the integration and role that Matthew Stradiotto, Co-Founder, Matchstick Inc. social plays in relating, engaging and propagating the conversation. 9:00 – 9:40 KEYNOTE ADDRESS 1:35 – 2:15 Embrace Converged Media: Key Strategies to Integrate Paid, Owned & Conversion Optimization for Lead-Gen Paths Earned Media into One Model Jeremy Leonard, SVP, Strategy and Operations, MediaWhiz Ruth Bastedo, Director, Business Development, Social Media Group There are many paths to successful lead-gen, but the most successful Companies have been grappling with the integration of “digital” into practices remain elusive for many companies. This session will explore how “traditional” for a good 10 years now, with mixed success. It has never digital marketers working on social media campaigns can generate efficient been so critical for marketing leaders to start getting this right. In this and cost-effective conversions with an eye toward quality and sustainability. session, Ruth will talk about some of the tangible barriers and challenges Through case studies, you will gain insight into the best methods for using that many senior marketers are still facing when building out integrated and social media to convert abandoned consumers, and how to leverage cohesive digital marketing strategies. As social media forces a converged the growing consumer dependence on mobile by tuning your path-to- digital customer experience onto the consumer, companies are being forced conversion for device-specific visitors. to catch up behind the scenes, to re-align resources, agencies, silos and strategies to create new workflows and holistic marketing strategies that are 2:15 – 2:30 aligned to all customer touchpoints. Ruth will explore new research, some Networking Break exciting new models from companies who are seriously tackling converged media, and look at three highly tactical strategic planning tools that will 2:30 – 3:10 PANEL DISCUSSION support marketing leaders in their efforts to embrace a converged media Brand-Influencer Co-Creation model of marketing. Moderated by Patrick Thoburn, Co-Founder, Matchstick Inc. The new convergence of paid, earned and owned media requires brands to 9:40 – 10:20 produce content that’s shareable across digital marketing channels. Brands Using Social Media as a True CRM Tool once worked with online Influencers toward the goal of earned media only. Paul Cowan, VP, Global Business Director, Syncapse Today, brands and Influencers partner to create content for distribution in The rapid adoption of social media in the enterprise has created many social media, on the brand’s owned properties, and even in advertising. different definitions and ideas of what Social CRM is. In this presentation, We’ll look at case studies and discuss best practices with a panel of Paul will dispel some of the myths about what Social CRM is, is not, and experienced collaborators in the art of Brand-Influencer Co-Creation. more importantly, how it can be utilized within your organization to drive business results. He will explain how to engage with customers in 3:10 – 3:50 meaningful ways, capture customer data, drive revenue and build brand Engineer One-of-a-Kind Social Campaigns with Trigger-Based Publishing reputation. Bruce Runions, Sr. Sales Director of Global Accounts, Shoutlet Social media managers and marketers are always on the lookout for how 10:20 – 10:35 to make content more relevant and engaging for their company’s social Networking Break connections. They’re also trying to make their social media efforts as streamlined as possible. Bruce will discuss how brands can provide a way 10:35 – 11:15 to build unique, automated social campaigns while freeing up time for the Building Your Brand One Frame at a Time: Secrets to an Engaging Video team to engage in real time. In addition, he will also discuss the question: Marketing Strategy on YouTube how do you optimize social to communicate and engage with consumers in Kent Lewis, President & Founder, Anvil Media, Inc. their channel/touchpoint of choice, while at the same time optimizing the On YouTube, 60 hours of video are uploaded every minute and 4 billion effectiveness of your overall marketing? videos are viewed daily. According to the Cisco, global Internet video traffic will be 54 percent of all consumer Internet traffic in 2016, up from 3:-50 – 4:00 51 percent in 2011. According to eMarketer, U.S. online video advertising Chairperson’s Closing Remarks spending will reach $7.11 billion in 2015. Video is not only an ideal storytelling medium, it also aids significantly in brand recall. Kent will outline best practices for video marketing, optimization and measurement on YouTube. In this session, you will learn how to create a compelling YouTube channel and content strategy that connects with constituents. Register Today! Call 416-526-4578 or online at
  • 4. 6th Annual Social Media Marketing Linking Corporate Values and Consumer Desires February 13 & 14, 2013 | The Old Mill Inn | Toronto Phone: 416.526.4578 Refund Policy: Fax: 416.755.0029 Cancellations received in writing before January 30, 2013 will be Mail: OpenDialogue Inc. issued a full credit note to be applied to another event within 1 First Canadian Place, Suite 350 one calendar year. Toronto, ON M5X 1C1 Email: A $250 administration fee will be applied to cancellations Web: received in writing from January 30 to February 6, 2013. The balance will be issued in a credit note to be applied to another Conference Location: event within one calendar year. No refund or credit note will The Old Mill Inn - 21 Old Mill Road, Toronto, ON be issued on cancellations received after February 6, 2013. Tel: 416.236.2641 - Delegate substitution is permitted for both registrations and credit notes. To secure reduced room rates visit: OpenDialogue Inc. reserves the right to change the program Go to Special Accounts and enter OPEN for Corporate Code and date, meeting place, and content and assume no liability for OPEN09 for Pin. Please note codes are case sensitive. Fees do not the changes. If for any reason whatsoever the conference is include hotel accommodations. cancelled, the liability of OpenDialogue Inc. shall be limited to reimbursement of the conference fees. Notice will be supplied Team Discount: For a team of three or more registering from the in the event of such changes. same company at the same time, take $200 off each delegate’s registration fee. Payment is due prior to the conference and includes breakfasts, lunches, refreshments, an electronic copy of presentations as Not-For-Profit Rate: Save 25% off the posted rates well as all meeting materials available during the conference. * To qualify for the Early Bird Rate, payment in full must be received by the deadline specified. REGISTRATION FORM Early Bird Rate A*: $1099 + HST OpenDialogue Inc. Register and pay by December 3, 2012 – SAVE $500! 1 First Canadian Place Suite 350 Early Bird Rate B*: $1399 + HST Toronto, ON M5X 1C1 Register and pay by January 14, 2013 – SAVE $200! Conference: $1599 + HST Product Code: * Upon registering, please provide the product code above Delegate Name Title Organization Address City Prov Postal Code Phone Fax Email Cheque enclosed for $ (payable to OpenDialogue Inc.) HST Reg. # 859495483 VISA MC AMEX Card No. Expiry Date Name of Cardholder Signature