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Solutions for Anxiety & Depression: Effective
Natural Remedies for Healing Mental Health
- Introduction
- Why Mental Health Matters
- What is Anxiety?
- What is Depression
- What are the causes of Depression and Anxiety
- Conventional Treatments = Big Pharma Drugs
- Foods That Beat Anxiety and Depression
- Herbs and Spices That Support Mental Wellness
- Conclusion
What exactly is meant by mental wellness and functioning? Many people today are plagued by
mental and cognitive diseases. And while depression may seem totally different from
Alzheimer’s, for example, they both have something in common; they stem from inflammation
and involve the brain.
So mental wellness means achieving an optimal state of mental functioning. This is very
important for overall health because poor mental functioning directly impacts your physical
health. It also goes the other way round - if you do not have a diet rich in nutrients, your mental
health will suffer and decline as a result.
This is actually good news because it means that you have control over how well your brain
functions. In fact, you can do a lot to ensure that you prevent neurological decline and limit
feelings of depression and anxiety. You can use both food and natural medicines to achieve
This eBook has been carefully put together to provide you with the best natural solutions to
beating anxiety and depression. These solutions are backed by science an aim to expose what
Big Pharma tries to discredit - that natural medicines used to treat depression and anxiety are
just as effective as conventional pills. But they come with much fewer side effects! We’ll also
cover everything you need to know about eating to support your mental wellbeing.
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Why Mental Health Matters
Without a healthy mind, you won’t be able to be completely healthy physically. Here are a few
reasons why establishing mental wellness is important for a healing mindset.
It affects physical health
It’s impossible to achieve optimal health if you’re struggling with mental health. On that note,
it’s important to remember that no one is perfect. It’s not about not having mental health
challenges but rather how well you keep them in check.
Depression is notorious for poor self-care, like lack of energy to exercise or do things you
enjoy, poor nutritional choices, and bad eating habits in some instances and more. Anxiety and
chronic stress send cortisol levels through the roof and directly impacts your health.
Mental health is extremely important, especially for people who are struggling with chronic
or autoimmune diseases or even vaccine-related injuries. There’s a clear link between
inflammation and autoimmunity, this inflammation impacts mental health as well. Poor
mental health and chronic disease also dramatically increase the risk of neurodegenerative
diseases like Alzheimer’s.
It impacts decision-making
Engaging in harmful behaviors like drinking alcohol and smoking also stems from the inability
to make good decisions. These kinds of behaviors aggravate mental illnesses. Poor decision-
making leads to a vicious cycle where mental health is worsened and the pattern continues.
It affects success
If you can’t make good decisions on a daily basis, you won’t be able to lead a consistent
lifestyle. Progress comes from consistency and this is very difficult to attain if your mental
state is not optimal. You’ll likely be less motivated and struggle a little more with following
through with commitments.
It affects relationships
It’s very hard to maintain good relationships if your mental well-being is compromised.
Relationships are about give and take and when someone is struggling with anxiety,
depression, or other mental illnesses, it’s hard to commit to reciprocal behaviors.
Loving and caring relationships are a key tool to overcoming mental health struggles.
It directly impacts emotional wellbeing
If you’re struggling with depression, anxiety, chronic stress, and other mood disorders, your
emotional wellbeing will be impacted. It’s important to note that an emotionally healthy
individual isn’t necessarily happy all the time, they are just able to deal with their emotions in
healthy ways.
What is Anxiety?
It’s completely normal for you to experience stress from time to time. Everybody does, but
what’s not normal is chronic stress that actually impacts your ability to do normal things. For
example, if you find yourself too anxious to go to the grocery store alone or you completely
avoid certain situations because of how they make you feel.
It’s also important to take note of any recent traumatic events that may have caused you to be
more anxious than usual. In this section, we’ll discuss all the types of clinically recognized
anxiety disorders.
There are over 100 symptoms and signs of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety
Disorder (GAD), Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), phobias, and anxiety attacks (panic attacks).
In the physical world, when there is a threat to our safety, such as being chased by a dog, for
example, there is something tangible to react to. We may fight or take flight. But when a threat
is triggered by the thoughts in our mind, where can we go? How can we fight? The fear is there,
but we can’t quite pinpoint where it is coming from. And if we don’t understand what is
happening, it can be very difficult to diffuse the situation.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
You may be struggling with GAD if you’re experiencing unrealistic proportions of anxiety
related to at least two or more areas of your daily life. By unrealistic we mean debilitating
symptoms that completely interfere with your ability to function normally. This could be in
any area of your life, social, work, family, etc.
Symptoms typically include:
● Inability to concentrate and constant brain fog
● Indecisiveness and avoidance of making decisions
● Trouble dealing with change or inconsistency
● Perceiving situations as threatening even if they’re not
● Constantly worrying about things
● Frequently overthinking
● A frequent sense of “doom and gloom”
How is GAD diagnosed?
A. Excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation), occurring more days than
not for at least 6 months, about a number of events or activities (such as work or
school performance).
B. You find it difficult to control the worry.
C. The anxiety and worry are associated with three (or more) of the following six
symptoms (with at least some symptoms having been present for more days than not
for the past 6 months):
Note: Only one item is required for children.
1. Restlessness, feeling keyed up or on edge.
2. Being easily fatigued.
3. Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank.
4. Irritability.
5. Muscle tension.
6. Sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless,
unsatisfying sleep).
D. The anxiety, worry, or physical symptoms cause clinically significant distress or
impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
E. The disturbance is not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a
drug of abuse, a medication) or another medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism).
F. The disturbance is not better explained by another medical disorder (e.g., anxiety or
worry about having panic attacks in panic disorder, negative evaluation in social
anxiety disorder [social phobia], contamination or other obsessions in obsessive-
compulsive disorder, separation from attachment figures in separation anxiety
disorder, reminders of traumatic events in posttraumatic stress disorder, gaining
weight in anorexia nervosa, physical complaints in somatic symptom disorder,
perceived appearance flaws in body dysmorphic disorder, having serious illness in
illness anxiety disorder, or the content of delusional beliefs in schizophrenia or
delusional disorder).
What is Depression?
Depression is predicted to be the number one cause of disability by 2030. It is a global
epidemic and a public health crisis. But what is depression? Believe it or not, there is no
tangible way to measure depression, as there is with diabetes or high blood pressure. There
is a list of symptoms, but they cannot be quantified.
A psychologist, psychotherapist, or psychiatrist makes a diagnosis with a patient by
understanding the symptoms the patient is experiencing.
Depression symptoms include feelings of guilt, desperation, sadness, worthlessness, poor
concentration, brain fog, poor memory, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, inability to
experience pleasure, lack of energy, fatigue, and motor retardation.
A common sign of depression is continually ruminating on past events. A depressed person
may feel as though they don’t connect with those in the present because they’re still living in
the past. They feel different or distant from all those around them and often feel like no one
can understand.
So even when loved ones do express care for them, they hold back from sharing their deep
struggles. This causes further isolation, which amplifies the feelings that no one can ever
understand or really care for them. Someone with depression may feel like they’re stuck in a
whirlpool that is sucking them down. Every once in a while, they are able to get to the surface
and get just enough air to stay alive, but they’re still in a constant struggle to avoid being
sucked down to the bottom.
Alternatively, someone who is constantly focusing on the future and trying to determine the
outcome may be diagnosed with anxiety. Because their minds have limited information, they
tend to fill in the gaps based on their experiences from the past. If they’ve had failures or bad
experiences, like trauma or abuse, their mind will fill in those gaps with that information, and
if those gaps get filled in with ideas of failure or bad experiences, then it creates an
overwhelming fight or flight reflex.
Cortisol kicks in, and the feeling of anxiety rushes over them. If this fight or flight reaction
escalates too much, it can develop into a full-blown panic attack, and they feel they are going
to die and there is no way out.
Some of the symptoms include shortness of breath, heart palpitations, weakness in the legs,
stomach upset, nervous stomach, nausea, dizziness, chest pain, headaches, fear of impending
doom, feeling like they’re going crazy, and sleep problems.
What Are the Causes of Depression and Anxiety?
Known factors that cause and contribute to depression and anxiety include
mental/mind/emotional stressors, leaky gut or intestinal permeability, environmental
stressors, and genetics.
While genetics may make an individual more prone to these diseases, it generally takes one
or more of the other factors to trigger the expression of the genome that results in the disease.
Without a triggering factor, the genome can lie dormant and the inherited genetic potential
for a disease may never develop.
So What Are Some of These Factors?
1. Mental/mind/emotional stressors include physical and emotional traumas such as
abuse, brain injury or infection, life-threatening experiences, and multiple life stressors
such as death, divorce, serious disease, and accident, etc.
2. Causes of inflammation include; dietary food choices, a weakened immune system,
food sensitivities, allergies, microbiome imbalances, hormone imbalances, and
nutrient deficiencies from lack of nutrients and/or inability to absorb nutrients.
3. Environmental stressors may include heavy metal toxicity, mold, parasites, Lyme
disease, and its coinfections. These can cause a weakened immune system, trigger
inflammation, and even lead to nutrient deficiencies through decreased absorption.
4. Leaky gut or intestinal permeability is a condition in which the junctions in the gut are
open bigger than they should be, letting things into areas where they shouldn’t be. And
when things get in that shouldn’t be there, like big, undenatured proteins or any type
of pathogen, the body starts attacking it
Then autoimmunity and neurodegeneration start getting triggered because the body can’t tell
the difference between the large foreign particles and the normal particles of the body. So then
the body attacks itself, such as in specific organs like the thyroid, adrenals, joints, nerves, and
even the brain.
Conventional Treatments = Big Pharma Drugs
Medications have their place, but they never heal the illness. While they may sometimes be
needed, ideally their use will only be for the short term because they only help to suppress
symptoms, but then the brain actually pushes back.
The goal should be to help people discover what the underlying issues are that are triggering
their mental illness so they can address those and actually get well instead of just masking
symptoms through prescription drugs. Then they truly become free instead of feeling like
they’re chained to medication for the rest of their life.
Medication is just a tool that should be used only as a bridge to helping people address those
underlying issues and then get well instead of just saying, “Well, this is the rest of your life on
medication.” When someone is on these medications long-term, it’s very difficult for them to
get off. In addition, they start missing out on the joy of life and say things like, “You know, I’m
not really even in touch with who I am anymore or my feelings. I’m not depressed, but I’m also
not happy. I’m not really fulfilled.”
In other words, anxiety medication helps to decrease the amount of neuronal activity in the
brain, so that slows everything down. It makes the person feel calmer. But then in time, the
brain pushes back and actually up regulates the amount of excitability in the brain to
counterbalance that. Soon, if the underlying issue is not being dealt with, there will be just as
much anxiety, but now the person has become tolerant of, and dependent upon, the
medication; and as the symptoms continue to worsen, they also have the side effects of the
medication. The result is that anxiety medications can create long-term chronic anxiety.
Benzodiazepines also affect the frontal lobe of the brain, so the most dangerous side effects
may be impulsiveness and poor decision-making. This means the person affected may make
decisions that they normally wouldn’t make. They may make poor driving decisions, for
example, and get in a car accident, or they may make very poor relationship decisions.
Antidepressant medications can create long-term chronic refractory depression. They will
generally decrease the reuptake of serotonin so there’s more serotonin in the synaptic cleft
between the nerve cells. What that means is that the nerve cells are being exposed to more
serotonin, and so they will actually start down-regulating their serotonin receptors. Over time,
the brain actually loses some of that sensitivity to serotonin, and people will start becoming
less responsive to the medications.
Sometimes some of those serotonin nerve cells will start dying off, and people will no longer
be responsive to the medication. They get more and more depressed, and then the medication
has to be switched or increased in dosage. They start getting to the point where they are
unresponsive to treatment. Instead of getting better, the disease actually gets worse over time.
A major side effect of leading antidepressants is that they can increase suicidal thoughts and
sometimes actions. Some people that have started these medications actually did things to
harm themselves or other people.
Antipsychotic medications make the brain super sensitive to dopamine, which means they’ll
tend to have more chronic episodes of psychosis. Then they start to develop movement
disorders like tardive dyskinesia, and people can actually develop refractory psychotic
symptoms. They get worse and worse over time.
Another problem with antipsychotics is that it blocks the release and stimulation of dopamine
into the frontal lobes, and that can cause problems with cognition. They can start having
difficulty thinking clearly, being motivated, getting things done, and with attention.
Some researchers have started calling that tardive dementia. In addition, both
antidepressants and antipsychotics cause problems with mental processing and memory; and
they start impairing frontal lobe function, which is important for logic, self-control, and moral
And they make the person apathetic, meaning they don’t really care about things anymore.
These medications are not benign, and we have to be very careful in understanding that
they’re potent drugs. If they’re not used correctly, they can do more harm than good. There
are cases where people have done things that are completely out of character for them
because their brain was altered with medication, or because they lost that fear of the
consequences of doing something very violent to somebody or even to themselves.
When a violent act occurs in a household or public place, medications are considered, and
benzodiazepines are of greatest concern. They have the biggest effect on the frontal lobe,
especially when combined with alcohol. It’s a very lethal combination.
And now with the opioid epidemic, the combination of opiates with benzodiazepines can be
deadly, many people just fall asleep and never wake up. So now you can understand how these
medications, even though they might help the symptoms short term, in the long term can
actually cause more harm.
How Conventional Medicine Is Failing Us
According to an article published by Business Insider, exorbitant pricing in the healthcare
industry is incredibly alarming. For example, medical bills are the underlying cause of over
60% of personal bankruptcies in America.
The sad reality behind this fact is that these bills are not even close to what actual costs should
be. Because our lives and well-being are often at stake when we visit a medical facility, we feel
we don’t have the power to question these prices. The supply-and-demand dynamic works
differently, because there isn’t really anywhere else to go as far as most Americans are
concerned. Also, when your quality of life is at stake, it’s easy to feel that you are willing to pay
whatever it takes to get well. It’s almost as if you have no choice.
Because of this dynamic, medical facilities are known to take advantage of their upper hand.
In fact, according to the Business Insider article, “it is estimated that hospitals overcharge
Americans by about 10 billion dollars every year.” Can you imagine if any other industry
attempted this?
Medical billing advocates are well aware of this, and one woman estimates “that over 90% of
the medical bills that she has audited contain gross overcharges.” With people racking up large
medical bills worth tens of thousands of dollars in just a few days, many Americans can find
themselves going from financially stable to suddenly being in severe debt almost overnight.
Even among those who are insured, the same problems persist. Considering what we’ve
learned about high stress contributing to chronic illness, we have to wonder if the stress from
medical bills might even be a causative factor in chronic illness at times. We can clearly see
the medical industry is not in the business of patient protection and well-being.
So, the question is, how did it get like this? Why is the medical industry more concerned with
profit than with their patients’ well-being? The real shift in this industry actually came from
the insurance companies, which have facilitated the ability of the medical industry to charge
exorbitant prices. Health insurance originally began as a non-profit industry, often run by
religious organizations, which were truly concerned with aiding the patients with the cost of
sudden and unexpected medical expenses.
However, after World War II, when the National War Labor Board put a freeze on salaries,
many companies were finding that they couldn’t attract enough employees, so they began
offering health insurance in order to draw more workers. This strategy was effective, and over
time, employees began to expect health insurance from their employers.
The number ofAmericans with health insurance exploded from 10% to 60% during the 1940s
and ‘50s. With the high demand for insurance, business-minded investors began to see the
potential for profit. Originally, in the non-profit model, everyone could be insured and at the
same rate, no matter their age, physical condition, or need. However, as the insurance industry
shifted to a for-profit model, they imposed guidelines on who could be insured based on the
factors we now know today.
This was intentional so they could make a profit off of healthy individuals who really didn’t
need the insurance. However, this left many who were sick with no means of paying their
medical bills because they couldn’t be insured, or, if they could get insurance, they had to pay
high premiums.
With insurance companies footing a large part of the bills, medical technologies advancing and
costs increasing, the industry began to be less about patients and more about shareholders.
Hospitals also realized that they could increase their prices in order to keep up with the profits
of the insurance companies. And so the medical industry machine was created. In fact, many
people today go into the medical field because they are looking to earn a high, stable income.
It doesn’t mean there aren’t people there who want to help others, but the high incomes are
very motivating.
To further the greed in this industry, we also have the pharmaceutical companies that have
stepped in and offered financial incentives for their drugs to be sold. In fact, an article
published by Stanford Medicine discussed how a particular hospital kept the patent on a
medication used for Crohn’s disease, and the hospital stood to benefit if its doctors prescribed
it to enough patients.
Thus, the hospital itself and all the staff working there had a financial incentive to prescribe
this drug to as many patients as possible. It’s easy to see the conflict of interest here and how
this could easily and quickly corrupt the values of medical professionals working in this
debauched system.
The Best Approach Is a Holistic Approach
It is because of this high-profit model that we need the natural healthcare industry. Most
natural healthcare providers are not collecting from insurance or pharmaceutical companies.
They are not part of this distorted system, and therefore, they are working for the benefit of
the patient.
They truly want to help patients in ways that are synergistic with their body’s natural ability
to heal itself. Rather than simply making a quick buck on a patient who is brainwashed by the
media to believe they need prescription drugs, these doctors are seeking the root causes of
disease to help cure them. The Western medical system really has no impetus to prevent the
diseases that are taking over America.
A positive aspect of the human brain is that it can change, and when we find out the causes of
the problems, they’re actually much more simply solved than we might think. As we use a
comprehensive approach, the brain can become as effective as it was meant to be. As the old
sayings go, “A stitch in time saves nine” or “The best defense is a good offense.”
And so it is with our brain and nervous system health. While there are some factors beyond
our control — childhood abuse, deaths, accidents, etc. — the sooner we begin a lifestyle that
reduces the factors that cause illness and increases the factors that cause health, the more
likely we’ll be able to turn around any illnesses we may already have, including depression
and anxiety, or at least prevent or slow their advancement. We should not look at chronic
physical and mental illnesses as diseases to be treated, but instead, should determine how to
stop their progression.
Then the changes that we drive in the body and the brain will lead to substantial increases in
quality of life and longevity. Not only can anxiety and depression affect us mentally, but they
can lead to other chronic illnesses as well. Both depression and anxiety lead to prolonged
cortisol exposure. Cortisol is the stress hormone that causes the fight or flight reflex that we
talked about earlier. Considering that prolonged cortisol exposure can lead to chronic
illnesses, this is alarming. So, the thought that “everything bad always happens to me” might
end up being a self-fulfilling prophecy, in the sense that chronic negative thoughts can lead to
chronic physical ailments.
A study published in Biological Psychiatry found that the elevated cortisol levels (referred to
as Cushing’s syndrome) caused by depression were associated with nervous system illnesses,
cognitive impairment, hippocampal atrophy, and weight gain. Other possible associations
were bone loss, hypertension, diabetes, and peptic ulcers.
Because stress can be mitigated through positive lifestyle changes, people may finally gain
some control over these devastating illnesses. This information may seem overwhelming at
first, but it’s good to take a step back and think of it in the context of understanding the
connection between the systems in your body. When you know that your body works as a
whole system, just like the engine of a car, you can see why, when one part of the system is
failing to work efficiently, it will affect other parts of the system as well.
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Foods that Trigger Imbalances in Mental Health
Just as there are certain foods that can improve mental wellness, the opposite is also true. A
poor diet is one of the main contributors to poor mental health. In all instances, unhealthy
foods aggravate symptoms.
That’s because these foods all contain substances that worsen the disease process by
increasing inflammation and impairing oxygen flow throughout the body. And when the body
is struggling with disease, the mind is always impacted. Here are some of the biggest trigger
Sugar also increases inflammation, and it decreases BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic
Factor). That means the brain’s ability to have neuroplasticity or change in a healthy way is
minimized by sugar. When we think about sugary foods, we usually think about sweets. But
even refined carbohydrates (white bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta) are a form of sugar. When
our body processes carb-rich snack foods and fast foods, our body-especially our brain-
develops inflammation. This causes the brain to not function as well and reduces the
neuroplasticity needed for optimal function.
Another major dietary culprit for causing inflammation is eating wheat, which is genetically
modified and contains gluten. When someone with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity eats
gluten, their immune system jumps into action and triggers inflammation. This inflammation
can affect the body’s organs and soft tissue. You may and/or may not notice external signs of
inflammation, such as redness and swelling, and skin conditions (acne, psoriasis, etc) and may
notice other symptoms, such as joint pain, chronic migraines, brain fog, mood swings,
irritability, digestive pain, depression, anxious/intrusive thoughts, etc.
Processed Food
A major factor in reducing inflammation in the body and combatting deteriorating health
issues is learning to cut out processed foods. You may feel that this is a major obstacle for you.
It has become quick and easy today to just have a to-go meal that doesn’t take long to prepare
or a snack that can satisfy our hunger. Many factors have created this mindset in our society.
Our work-driven society tells us that working is more important than taking the time to eat
properly prepared meals. While some more affluent citizens may thrive on specially prepared
meals, most of the working class of America rely on fast food, microwave meals, or other
processed snacks to get through that lunch hour as quickly as possible. When arriving home
from an exhausting workday, we often don’t feel like preparing a meal. That’s why processed
foods seem like such a lifesaver for us. We are in over our heads and just struggling to stay
afloat. It seems there is never enough time, and we feel tired and want to relax.
Dairy is also not good. It causes a lot of inflammation and mucus. And as mentioned, cows are
given large doses of hormones and antibiotics that affect the health of humans drinking their
Limit caffeine. Cut out coffee. If you need a little caffeine boost, drink some Matcha green tea
or whatever it is you like other than coffee. Coffee can cause a lot of anxiousness and also
messes with neurotransmitters and serotonin.
Foods that Beat Anxiety and Depression
Research on depression and anxiety indicates there’s only one diet that improves these
conditions significantly, and it starts to do that in as little as two weeks. That’s a plant-based
A plant-based diet is needed for several reasons. Animal products are very harmful because
they increase inflammation in the brain. One of the pro-inflammatory mediators from animal
products is arachidonic acid which tips the balance towards inflammation, which has been
clearly linked to mental health problems like depression.
Oxidized cholesterol, which results from eating animal products, is also pro-inflammatory.
Eliminating animal products eliminates oxidized cholesterol. Plants don’t have cholesterol.
Eating animal products can potentially increase aggression because they trigger
inflammation, which increases activity in the limbic system — the emotional part of the brain
— which, in turn, increases the potential for aggression and loss of self-control. Animal
products also contain hormones. If the balance of hormones in the human body is incorrect,
that affects the brain in a significant way and could potentially lead to impulsivity and
Decreasing inflammation decreases the over-activity in the emotional part of the brain and
enhances the frontal lobe, which balances the brain so the person can think more clearly, make
better decisions, and have better self-control.
Studies have clearly shown that the type of diet you consume has a direct impact on brain
health and mental wellness.
A plant-based diet is usually based on making sure to consume a healthy amount of the
following foods:
Legume & Whole Grain
Legumes are very beneficial for health overall. But they are a staple in the diet of those
suffering from depression and/or anxiety. That’s because they contain both the amino acid
tryptophan and the mineral magnesium. They have both been linked to improvements in
mood and overall mental well-being
Whole grains are also naturally rich in an amino acid called tryptophan. The benefit of this
amino acid is that your body needs it to produce serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is a “feel-
good hormone,” which improves mood and relaxes the brain and body, while melatonin helps
establish and maintain steady sleep cycles.
Leaf Green
Leafy greens are hands down one of the most important nutritious foods to include in your
daily diet. They are loaded with powerful antioxidants that help to remove free radicles in the
body and help to lower inflammation levels.
Researchers at the University of Otago in New Zealand surveyed more than 400 young adults’
ages 18 to 25 about their typical eating habits when it comes to raw versus cooked, canned,
or otherwise processed fruits and vegetables.
The researchers narrowed down the top 10 raw fruits and vegetables they found to be
associated with better mental health and fewer symptoms of depression. These included
carrots, dark leafy greens such as spinach, lettuce, cucumber, apples, grapefruit, other citrus
fruits, fresh berries, and kiwi fruit.
Fruit & Vegetable
Many studies have shown that the more raw fruits and vegetables you consume, the better
your mental health. A Systematic Review conducted by Dominika Głąbska and colleagues
aimed to analyze the correlation between fruit and vegetable intake and mental health in
This is probably because fruits and veggies are loaded with vitamins and minerals that are key
to boosting mental health. It is recommended that you eat potassium-rich foods, such as
pumpkin seeds and bananas, which may help reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety.
Avocados are “full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that promote healthy blood flow in
the brain, along with several of the brain’s most essential nutrients, including folate, Vitamin
C, Vitamin E, and copper.
The B vitamins in avocados relieve stress and keep nerves and brain cells healthy. Its high
amount of potassium helps lower blood pressure. And according to studies, these mono
unsaturated fats also help support information-carrying nerves in your brain.
Walnut & Almond
Walnuts & Almonds contain a number of neuro protective compounds, including Vitamin E,
folate, melatonin, omega-3fats, andantioxidants. These all support brain health, cognition, and
Pumpkin Seed
Pumpkin Seeds are very beneficial for the functioning of the nervous system. They help to
produce GABA, an anti-stress neurochemical in the brain, which affects nervous irritability
and other mental health conditions. Pumpkin seed oil exhibits anti-inflammatory effects.
Herbs and Spices that Support Mental Wellness
Oftentimes, people seeking solutions for mental struggles or neuro-degeneration are led
directly to a medicated approach. While in some instances medicines can help, they are not
addressing the root causes and so your symptoms are simply being treated but not reversed.
And, in some cases, western medicines actually worsen the symptoms.
Natural remedies using herbs to help support mental wellbeing have been practiced for years
in ancient medicine. In fact, in Ayurveda, complete health is not achieved without the perfect
balance of the mind, body, and soul.
In Ayurvedic medicine, the mental state of a person plays a huge role in the curing process of
every disease. When they address psychological disturbances, their attempt is to discover the
state of their patient’s emotions and how these are causally associated with their patient’s
Here, we’ll share the most prominent herbs and supplements that have been shown to help
support mental wellbeing, many of which have been used in ayurvedic medicine.
Ashwagandha also called winter cherry or Indian ginseng has been one of the most popular
natural healing remedies in Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) medicine for almost 5,000 years.
Hundreds of published studies prove Ashwagandha is highly effective and is prized for its
many neuroprotective, brain-boosting benefits, including supporting brain cell regeneration,
alleviating anxiety and depression, reducing stress, lowering cortisol levels, enhancing mood,
improving nervous conditions, preventing degenerative diseases and fighting inflammation.
Ashwagandha’s ability to protect the body from the toxic effects of physical and emotional
stress is what makes it such a popular herb.
Bacopa has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to reduce stress, improve mood
and sharpen focus. Modern research shows that bacopa relieves stress in part by lowering
cortisol levels. It is believed to offer neuroprotective benefits and antioxidants for the brain.
Passion flower
Passion Flower is a calming herb that helps increase brain levels of the neurotransmitter,
GABA, for nervous system relaxation. It is used as a dietary supplement for anxiety and sleep
problems, as well as for pain, heart rhythm problems, menopausal symptoms, and attention-
deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Rhodiola, also known as “golden root” or “Arctic root” has been used for centuries to treat
stress, anxiety, and depression. It is prized for its ability to improve brain function, benefit
mental health, fight fatigue, and enhance physical and intellectual performance. It stimulates
the brain and enhances memory, concentration, and energy while fighting anxiety and
maintaining calmness.
Turmeric contains the active ingredient curcumin, which has multiple health benefits affecting
virtually every organ system in the body. This remarkable turmeric extract helps balance
inflammation, supports immune system function, promotes cardiovascular health, offers
potent antioxidant protection, improves your brain health, protects against Alzheimer’s, and
much more.
Lots of recent studies have shown that sage has anti-inflammatory properties and helps
protect the brain against oxidative stress. This herb is particularly useful for depression,
memory loss, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Lemon Balm
This herb that comes from the mint family has a calming and sedative effect. It is also
commonly used to help with anxiety, stress, and insomnia. Additionally, lemon balm has also
been traditionally used to cure dementia and amnesia.
Gotu Kola
Also known as Centella Asiatica, a plant that has been used in both Indonesian and Chinese
medicine. It is also commonly called the herb of longevity due to its powerful anti-
inflammatory benefits. Gotu Kola has been shown to enhance memory and overall cognitive
function and also shows potential in treating Alzheimer’s disease.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
This is one of the most important supplements to include in your diet as it’s one of the best at
protecting your brain against cognitive decline. These oils include EPA and DHA, which are
both essential for optimal brain functioning.
Flaxseeds are high in the all-important omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for brain
development and function. Flax contains alpha-linolenic (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid
that boosts the cerebral cortex, an area of the brain that processes sensory information.
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and it plays an important role in
maintaining brain function. That’s because it acts as a gatekeeper for the
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, which are found on your nerve cells and aid brain
development, memory, and learning
Magnesium sits in these receptors to protect them from being overstimulated, which has been
shown to kill nerve cells and cause brain damage. There are different types of magnesium
supplements. Magnesium L-threonate is recommended to support brain functioning. It has
particularly been shown to help manage and reduce symptoms of depression and age-related
memory loss.
Zinc is a key mineral in healthy central nervous system functioning. Zinc imbalances in the
body have been shown to increase the risk for depression, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), aging,
and other neurodegenerative disorders.
Coping with anxiety, depression or both can be seriously challenging. Oftentimes, western
doctors and psychiatrists are quick to prescribe antidepressants, but they rarely talk about
the natural solutions that you could be using.
The reason natural solutions are so effective is that they help to tackle the source of mental
illnesses - the root causes. This is something that conventional medicines do not do. Numerous
studies have shown that natural remedies are just as effective and they don’t cause all the
horrible side effects that conventional medicines cause.
But, remember that healing depression or anxiety requires a holistic approach. This means
that a combined approach is necessary to totally eliminate symptoms. In this eBook, we
covered all of these solutions including diet to support brain and mental health, natural
remedies, and other really important factors.
When you optimize your lifestyle to support your brain, you’ll ultimately lower the
inflammation in your body, address those root causes of disease, and experience a complete
turnaround in your mood and ability to handle everyday stress.
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Solutions for Depression and Anxiety.pdf

  • 1.
  • 2. Solutions for Anxiety & Depression: Effective Natural Remedies for Healing Mental Health - Introduction - Why Mental Health Matters - What is Anxiety? - What is Depression - What are the causes of Depression and Anxiety - Conventional Treatments = Big Pharma Drugs - Foods That Beat Anxiety and Depression - Herbs and Spices That Support Mental Wellness - Conclusion
  • 3. Introduction What exactly is meant by mental wellness and functioning? Many people today are plagued by mental and cognitive diseases. And while depression may seem totally different from Alzheimer’s, for example, they both have something in common; they stem from inflammation and involve the brain. So mental wellness means achieving an optimal state of mental functioning. This is very important for overall health because poor mental functioning directly impacts your physical health. It also goes the other way round - if you do not have a diet rich in nutrients, your mental health will suffer and decline as a result. This is actually good news because it means that you have control over how well your brain functions. In fact, you can do a lot to ensure that you prevent neurological decline and limit feelings of depression and anxiety. You can use both food and natural medicines to achieve this. This eBook has been carefully put together to provide you with the best natural solutions to beating anxiety and depression. These solutions are backed by science an aim to expose what Big Pharma tries to discredit - that natural medicines used to treat depression and anxiety are just as effective as conventional pills. But they come with much fewer side effects! We’ll also cover everything you need to know about eating to support your mental wellbeing.
  • 4. Want to STOP Arthritis Pain? Stop Taking this Supplement… If you’re serious about eliminating ARTHRITIS PAIN forever without spending a dime on drugs, supplements or doctor visits again… >>> Then click here to see the Common Nutrient Imbalance that causes this agonizing Arthritis Pain!
  • 5. Why Mental Health Matters Without a healthy mind, you won’t be able to be completely healthy physically. Here are a few reasons why establishing mental wellness is important for a healing mindset. It affects physical health It’s impossible to achieve optimal health if you’re struggling with mental health. On that note, it’s important to remember that no one is perfect. It’s not about not having mental health challenges but rather how well you keep them in check. Depression is notorious for poor self-care, like lack of energy to exercise or do things you enjoy, poor nutritional choices, and bad eating habits in some instances and more. Anxiety and chronic stress send cortisol levels through the roof and directly impacts your health. Mental health is extremely important, especially for people who are struggling with chronic or autoimmune diseases or even vaccine-related injuries. There’s a clear link between inflammation and autoimmunity, this inflammation impacts mental health as well. Poor mental health and chronic disease also dramatically increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. It impacts decision-making Engaging in harmful behaviors like drinking alcohol and smoking also stems from the inability to make good decisions. These kinds of behaviors aggravate mental illnesses. Poor decision- making leads to a vicious cycle where mental health is worsened and the pattern continues. It affects success If you can’t make good decisions on a daily basis, you won’t be able to lead a consistent lifestyle. Progress comes from consistency and this is very difficult to attain if your mental state is not optimal. You’ll likely be less motivated and struggle a little more with following through with commitments. It affects relationships It’s very hard to maintain good relationships if your mental well-being is compromised. Relationships are about give and take and when someone is struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental illnesses, it’s hard to commit to reciprocal behaviors. Loving and caring relationships are a key tool to overcoming mental health struggles.
  • 6. It directly impacts emotional wellbeing If you’re struggling with depression, anxiety, chronic stress, and other mood disorders, your emotional wellbeing will be impacted. It’s important to note that an emotionally healthy individual isn’t necessarily happy all the time, they are just able to deal with their emotions in healthy ways. What is Anxiety? It’s completely normal for you to experience stress from time to time. Everybody does, but what’s not normal is chronic stress that actually impacts your ability to do normal things. For example, if you find yourself too anxious to go to the grocery store alone or you completely avoid certain situations because of how they make you feel. It’s also important to take note of any recent traumatic events that may have caused you to be more anxious than usual. In this section, we’ll discuss all the types of clinically recognized anxiety disorders. There are over 100 symptoms and signs of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), phobias, and anxiety attacks (panic attacks). In the physical world, when there is a threat to our safety, such as being chased by a dog, for example, there is something tangible to react to. We may fight or take flight. But when a threat is triggered by the thoughts in our mind, where can we go? How can we fight? The fear is there, but we can’t quite pinpoint where it is coming from. And if we don’t understand what is happening, it can be very difficult to diffuse the situation. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) You may be struggling with GAD if you’re experiencing unrealistic proportions of anxiety related to at least two or more areas of your daily life. By unrealistic we mean debilitating symptoms that completely interfere with your ability to function normally. This could be in any area of your life, social, work, family, etc. Symptoms typically include: ● Inability to concentrate and constant brain fog ● Indecisiveness and avoidance of making decisions ● Trouble dealing with change or inconsistency ● Perceiving situations as threatening even if they’re not ● Constantly worrying about things ● Frequently overthinking
  • 7. ● A frequent sense of “doom and gloom” How is GAD diagnosed? A. Excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation), occurring more days than not for at least 6 months, about a number of events or activities (such as work or school performance). B. You find it difficult to control the worry. C. The anxiety and worry are associated with three (or more) of the following six symptoms (with at least some symptoms having been present for more days than not for the past 6 months): Note: Only one item is required for children. 1. Restlessness, feeling keyed up or on edge. 2. Being easily fatigued. 3. Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank. 4. Irritability. 5. Muscle tension. 6. Sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless, unsatisfying sleep). D. The anxiety, worry, or physical symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. E. The disturbance is not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or another medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism). F. The disturbance is not better explained by another medical disorder (e.g., anxiety or worry about having panic attacks in panic disorder, negative evaluation in social anxiety disorder [social phobia], contamination or other obsessions in obsessive- compulsive disorder, separation from attachment figures in separation anxiety disorder, reminders of traumatic events in posttraumatic stress disorder, gaining weight in anorexia nervosa, physical complaints in somatic symptom disorder, perceived appearance flaws in body dysmorphic disorder, having serious illness in illness anxiety disorder, or the content of delusional beliefs in schizophrenia or delusional disorder).
  • 8. What is Depression? Depression is predicted to be the number one cause of disability by 2030. It is a global epidemic and a public health crisis. But what is depression? Believe it or not, there is no tangible way to measure depression, as there is with diabetes or high blood pressure. There is a list of symptoms, but they cannot be quantified. A psychologist, psychotherapist, or psychiatrist makes a diagnosis with a patient by understanding the symptoms the patient is experiencing. Depression symptoms include feelings of guilt, desperation, sadness, worthlessness, poor concentration, brain fog, poor memory, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, inability to experience pleasure, lack of energy, fatigue, and motor retardation. A common sign of depression is continually ruminating on past events. A depressed person may feel as though they don’t connect with those in the present because they’re still living in the past. They feel different or distant from all those around them and often feel like no one can understand. So even when loved ones do express care for them, they hold back from sharing their deep struggles. This causes further isolation, which amplifies the feelings that no one can ever understand or really care for them. Someone with depression may feel like they’re stuck in a whirlpool that is sucking them down. Every once in a while, they are able to get to the surface and get just enough air to stay alive, but they’re still in a constant struggle to avoid being sucked down to the bottom. Alternatively, someone who is constantly focusing on the future and trying to determine the outcome may be diagnosed with anxiety. Because their minds have limited information, they tend to fill in the gaps based on their experiences from the past. If they’ve had failures or bad experiences, like trauma or abuse, their mind will fill in those gaps with that information, and if those gaps get filled in with ideas of failure or bad experiences, then it creates an overwhelming fight or flight reflex. Cortisol kicks in, and the feeling of anxiety rushes over them. If this fight or flight reaction escalates too much, it can develop into a full-blown panic attack, and they feel they are going to die and there is no way out. Some of the symptoms include shortness of breath, heart palpitations, weakness in the legs, stomach upset, nervous stomach, nausea, dizziness, chest pain, headaches, fear of impending doom, feeling like they’re going crazy, and sleep problems.
  • 9. What Are the Causes of Depression and Anxiety? Known factors that cause and contribute to depression and anxiety include mental/mind/emotional stressors, leaky gut or intestinal permeability, environmental stressors, and genetics. While genetics may make an individual more prone to these diseases, it generally takes one or more of the other factors to trigger the expression of the genome that results in the disease. Without a triggering factor, the genome can lie dormant and the inherited genetic potential for a disease may never develop. So What Are Some of These Factors? 1. Mental/mind/emotional stressors include physical and emotional traumas such as abuse, brain injury or infection, life-threatening experiences, and multiple life stressors such as death, divorce, serious disease, and accident, etc. 2. Causes of inflammation include; dietary food choices, a weakened immune system, food sensitivities, allergies, microbiome imbalances, hormone imbalances, and nutrient deficiencies from lack of nutrients and/or inability to absorb nutrients. 3. Environmental stressors may include heavy metal toxicity, mold, parasites, Lyme disease, and its coinfections. These can cause a weakened immune system, trigger inflammation, and even lead to nutrient deficiencies through decreased absorption. 4. Leaky gut or intestinal permeability is a condition in which the junctions in the gut are open bigger than they should be, letting things into areas where they shouldn’t be. And when things get in that shouldn’t be there, like big, undenatured proteins or any type of pathogen, the body starts attacking it Then autoimmunity and neurodegeneration start getting triggered because the body can’t tell the difference between the large foreign particles and the normal particles of the body. So then the body attacks itself, such as in specific organs like the thyroid, adrenals, joints, nerves, and even the brain.
  • 10. Conventional Treatments = Big Pharma Drugs Medications have their place, but they never heal the illness. While they may sometimes be needed, ideally their use will only be for the short term because they only help to suppress symptoms, but then the brain actually pushes back. The goal should be to help people discover what the underlying issues are that are triggering their mental illness so they can address those and actually get well instead of just masking symptoms through prescription drugs. Then they truly become free instead of feeling like they’re chained to medication for the rest of their life. Medication is just a tool that should be used only as a bridge to helping people address those underlying issues and then get well instead of just saying, “Well, this is the rest of your life on medication.” When someone is on these medications long-term, it’s very difficult for them to get off. In addition, they start missing out on the joy of life and say things like, “You know, I’m not really even in touch with who I am anymore or my feelings. I’m not depressed, but I’m also not happy. I’m not really fulfilled.” In other words, anxiety medication helps to decrease the amount of neuronal activity in the brain, so that slows everything down. It makes the person feel calmer. But then in time, the brain pushes back and actually up regulates the amount of excitability in the brain to counterbalance that. Soon, if the underlying issue is not being dealt with, there will be just as much anxiety, but now the person has become tolerant of, and dependent upon, the medication; and as the symptoms continue to worsen, they also have the side effects of the medication. The result is that anxiety medications can create long-term chronic anxiety. Benzodiazepines also affect the frontal lobe of the brain, so the most dangerous side effects may be impulsiveness and poor decision-making. This means the person affected may make decisions that they normally wouldn’t make. They may make poor driving decisions, for example, and get in a car accident, or they may make very poor relationship decisions. Antidepressant medications can create long-term chronic refractory depression. They will generally decrease the reuptake of serotonin so there’s more serotonin in the synaptic cleft between the nerve cells. What that means is that the nerve cells are being exposed to more serotonin, and so they will actually start down-regulating their serotonin receptors. Over time, the brain actually loses some of that sensitivity to serotonin, and people will start becoming less responsive to the medications. Sometimes some of those serotonin nerve cells will start dying off, and people will no longer be responsive to the medication. They get more and more depressed, and then the medication has to be switched or increased in dosage. They start getting to the point where they are unresponsive to treatment. Instead of getting better, the disease actually gets worse over time.
  • 11. A major side effect of leading antidepressants is that they can increase suicidal thoughts and sometimes actions. Some people that have started these medications actually did things to harm themselves or other people. Antipsychotic medications make the brain super sensitive to dopamine, which means they’ll tend to have more chronic episodes of psychosis. Then they start to develop movement disorders like tardive dyskinesia, and people can actually develop refractory psychotic symptoms. They get worse and worse over time. Another problem with antipsychotics is that it blocks the release and stimulation of dopamine into the frontal lobes, and that can cause problems with cognition. They can start having difficulty thinking clearly, being motivated, getting things done, and with attention. Some researchers have started calling that tardive dementia. In addition, both antidepressants and antipsychotics cause problems with mental processing and memory; and they start impairing frontal lobe function, which is important for logic, self-control, and moral reasoning. And they make the person apathetic, meaning they don’t really care about things anymore. These medications are not benign, and we have to be very careful in understanding that they’re potent drugs. If they’re not used correctly, they can do more harm than good. There are cases where people have done things that are completely out of character for them because their brain was altered with medication, or because they lost that fear of the consequences of doing something very violent to somebody or even to themselves. When a violent act occurs in a household or public place, medications are considered, and benzodiazepines are of greatest concern. They have the biggest effect on the frontal lobe, especially when combined with alcohol. It’s a very lethal combination. And now with the opioid epidemic, the combination of opiates with benzodiazepines can be deadly, many people just fall asleep and never wake up. So now you can understand how these medications, even though they might help the symptoms short term, in the long term can actually cause more harm. How Conventional Medicine Is Failing Us According to an article published by Business Insider, exorbitant pricing in the healthcare industry is incredibly alarming. For example, medical bills are the underlying cause of over 60% of personal bankruptcies in America. The sad reality behind this fact is that these bills are not even close to what actual costs should be. Because our lives and well-being are often at stake when we visit a medical facility, we feel we don’t have the power to question these prices. The supply-and-demand dynamic works
  • 12. differently, because there isn’t really anywhere else to go as far as most Americans are concerned. Also, when your quality of life is at stake, it’s easy to feel that you are willing to pay whatever it takes to get well. It’s almost as if you have no choice. Because of this dynamic, medical facilities are known to take advantage of their upper hand. In fact, according to the Business Insider article, “it is estimated that hospitals overcharge Americans by about 10 billion dollars every year.” Can you imagine if any other industry attempted this? Medical billing advocates are well aware of this, and one woman estimates “that over 90% of the medical bills that she has audited contain gross overcharges.” With people racking up large medical bills worth tens of thousands of dollars in just a few days, many Americans can find themselves going from financially stable to suddenly being in severe debt almost overnight. Even among those who are insured, the same problems persist. Considering what we’ve learned about high stress contributing to chronic illness, we have to wonder if the stress from medical bills might even be a causative factor in chronic illness at times. We can clearly see the medical industry is not in the business of patient protection and well-being. So, the question is, how did it get like this? Why is the medical industry more concerned with profit than with their patients’ well-being? The real shift in this industry actually came from the insurance companies, which have facilitated the ability of the medical industry to charge exorbitant prices. Health insurance originally began as a non-profit industry, often run by religious organizations, which were truly concerned with aiding the patients with the cost of sudden and unexpected medical expenses. However, after World War II, when the National War Labor Board put a freeze on salaries, many companies were finding that they couldn’t attract enough employees, so they began offering health insurance in order to draw more workers. This strategy was effective, and over time, employees began to expect health insurance from their employers. The number ofAmericans with health insurance exploded from 10% to 60% during the 1940s and ‘50s. With the high demand for insurance, business-minded investors began to see the potential for profit. Originally, in the non-profit model, everyone could be insured and at the same rate, no matter their age, physical condition, or need. However, as the insurance industry shifted to a for-profit model, they imposed guidelines on who could be insured based on the factors we now know today. This was intentional so they could make a profit off of healthy individuals who really didn’t need the insurance. However, this left many who were sick with no means of paying their medical bills because they couldn’t be insured, or, if they could get insurance, they had to pay high premiums.
  • 13. With insurance companies footing a large part of the bills, medical technologies advancing and costs increasing, the industry began to be less about patients and more about shareholders. Hospitals also realized that they could increase their prices in order to keep up with the profits of the insurance companies. And so the medical industry machine was created. In fact, many people today go into the medical field because they are looking to earn a high, stable income. It doesn’t mean there aren’t people there who want to help others, but the high incomes are very motivating. To further the greed in this industry, we also have the pharmaceutical companies that have stepped in and offered financial incentives for their drugs to be sold. In fact, an article published by Stanford Medicine discussed how a particular hospital kept the patent on a medication used for Crohn’s disease, and the hospital stood to benefit if its doctors prescribed it to enough patients. Thus, the hospital itself and all the staff working there had a financial incentive to prescribe this drug to as many patients as possible. It’s easy to see the conflict of interest here and how this could easily and quickly corrupt the values of medical professionals working in this debauched system. The Best Approach Is a Holistic Approach It is because of this high-profit model that we need the natural healthcare industry. Most natural healthcare providers are not collecting from insurance or pharmaceutical companies. They are not part of this distorted system, and therefore, they are working for the benefit of the patient. They truly want to help patients in ways that are synergistic with their body’s natural ability to heal itself. Rather than simply making a quick buck on a patient who is brainwashed by the media to believe they need prescription drugs, these doctors are seeking the root causes of disease to help cure them. The Western medical system really has no impetus to prevent the diseases that are taking over America. A positive aspect of the human brain is that it can change, and when we find out the causes of the problems, they’re actually much more simply solved than we might think. As we use a comprehensive approach, the brain can become as effective as it was meant to be. As the old sayings go, “A stitch in time saves nine” or “The best defense is a good offense.” And so it is with our brain and nervous system health. While there are some factors beyond our control — childhood abuse, deaths, accidents, etc. — the sooner we begin a lifestyle that reduces the factors that cause illness and increases the factors that cause health, the more likely we’ll be able to turn around any illnesses we may already have, including depression and anxiety, or at least prevent or slow their advancement. We should not look at chronic physical and mental illnesses as diseases to be treated, but instead, should determine how to stop their progression.
  • 14. Then the changes that we drive in the body and the brain will lead to substantial increases in quality of life and longevity. Not only can anxiety and depression affect us mentally, but they can lead to other chronic illnesses as well. Both depression and anxiety lead to prolonged cortisol exposure. Cortisol is the stress hormone that causes the fight or flight reflex that we talked about earlier. Considering that prolonged cortisol exposure can lead to chronic illnesses, this is alarming. So, the thought that “everything bad always happens to me” might end up being a self-fulfilling prophecy, in the sense that chronic negative thoughts can lead to chronic physical ailments. A study published in Biological Psychiatry found that the elevated cortisol levels (referred to as Cushing’s syndrome) caused by depression were associated with nervous system illnesses, cognitive impairment, hippocampal atrophy, and weight gain. Other possible associations were bone loss, hypertension, diabetes, and peptic ulcers. Because stress can be mitigated through positive lifestyle changes, people may finally gain some control over these devastating illnesses. This information may seem overwhelming at first, but it’s good to take a step back and think of it in the context of understanding the connection between the systems in your body. When you know that your body works as a whole system, just like the engine of a car, you can see why, when one part of the system is failing to work efficiently, it will affect other parts of the system as well. Start Living Your Life PAIN FREE! Have you tried different remedies, to END Arthritis Pain but got ZERO improvement… If you’re serious about ending this agonizing joint pain forever >>> click here to see how ordinary people are getting rid of their Arthritis Pain permanently!
  • 15. Foods that Trigger Imbalances in Mental Health Just as there are certain foods that can improve mental wellness, the opposite is also true. A poor diet is one of the main contributors to poor mental health. In all instances, unhealthy foods aggravate symptoms. That’s because these foods all contain substances that worsen the disease process by increasing inflammation and impairing oxygen flow throughout the body. And when the body is struggling with disease, the mind is always impacted. Here are some of the biggest trigger foods. Sugar Sugar also increases inflammation, and it decreases BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor). That means the brain’s ability to have neuroplasticity or change in a healthy way is minimized by sugar. When we think about sugary foods, we usually think about sweets. But even refined carbohydrates (white bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta) are a form of sugar. When our body processes carb-rich snack foods and fast foods, our body-especially our brain- develops inflammation. This causes the brain to not function as well and reduces the neuroplasticity needed for optimal function. Gluten Another major dietary culprit for causing inflammation is eating wheat, which is genetically modified and contains gluten. When someone with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity eats gluten, their immune system jumps into action and triggers inflammation. This inflammation can affect the body’s organs and soft tissue. You may and/or may not notice external signs of inflammation, such as redness and swelling, and skin conditions (acne, psoriasis, etc) and may notice other symptoms, such as joint pain, chronic migraines, brain fog, mood swings, irritability, digestive pain, depression, anxious/intrusive thoughts, etc. Processed Food A major factor in reducing inflammation in the body and combatting deteriorating health issues is learning to cut out processed foods. You may feel that this is a major obstacle for you. It has become quick and easy today to just have a to-go meal that doesn’t take long to prepare or a snack that can satisfy our hunger. Many factors have created this mindset in our society. Our work-driven society tells us that working is more important than taking the time to eat properly prepared meals. While some more affluent citizens may thrive on specially prepared meals, most of the working class of America rely on fast food, microwave meals, or other processed snacks to get through that lunch hour as quickly as possible. When arriving home from an exhausting workday, we often don’t feel like preparing a meal. That’s why processed foods seem like such a lifesaver for us. We are in over our heads and just struggling to stay afloat. It seems there is never enough time, and we feel tired and want to relax.
  • 16. Dairy Dairy is also not good. It causes a lot of inflammation and mucus. And as mentioned, cows are given large doses of hormones and antibiotics that affect the health of humans drinking their milk. Caffein Limit caffeine. Cut out coffee. If you need a little caffeine boost, drink some Matcha green tea or whatever it is you like other than coffee. Coffee can cause a lot of anxiousness and also messes with neurotransmitters and serotonin. Foods that Beat Anxiety and Depression Research on depression and anxiety indicates there’s only one diet that improves these conditions significantly, and it starts to do that in as little as two weeks. That’s a plant-based diet. A plant-based diet is needed for several reasons. Animal products are very harmful because they increase inflammation in the brain. One of the pro-inflammatory mediators from animal products is arachidonic acid which tips the balance towards inflammation, which has been clearly linked to mental health problems like depression. Oxidized cholesterol, which results from eating animal products, is also pro-inflammatory. Eliminating animal products eliminates oxidized cholesterol. Plants don’t have cholesterol. Eating animal products can potentially increase aggression because they trigger inflammation, which increases activity in the limbic system — the emotional part of the brain — which, in turn, increases the potential for aggression and loss of self-control. Animal products also contain hormones. If the balance of hormones in the human body is incorrect, that affects the brain in a significant way and could potentially lead to impulsivity and aggression. Decreasing inflammation decreases the over-activity in the emotional part of the brain and enhances the frontal lobe, which balances the brain so the person can think more clearly, make better decisions, and have better self-control. Studies have clearly shown that the type of diet you consume has a direct impact on brain health and mental wellness. A plant-based diet is usually based on making sure to consume a healthy amount of the following foods:
  • 17. Legume & Whole Grain Legumes are very beneficial for health overall. But they are a staple in the diet of those suffering from depression and/or anxiety. That’s because they contain both the amino acid tryptophan and the mineral magnesium. They have both been linked to improvements in mood and overall mental well-being Whole grains are also naturally rich in an amino acid called tryptophan. The benefit of this amino acid is that your body needs it to produce serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is a “feel- good hormone,” which improves mood and relaxes the brain and body, while melatonin helps establish and maintain steady sleep cycles. Leaf Green Leafy greens are hands down one of the most important nutritious foods to include in your daily diet. They are loaded with powerful antioxidants that help to remove free radicles in the body and help to lower inflammation levels. Researchers at the University of Otago in New Zealand surveyed more than 400 young adults’ ages 18 to 25 about their typical eating habits when it comes to raw versus cooked, canned, or otherwise processed fruits and vegetables. The researchers narrowed down the top 10 raw fruits and vegetables they found to be associated with better mental health and fewer symptoms of depression. These included carrots, dark leafy greens such as spinach, lettuce, cucumber, apples, grapefruit, other citrus fruits, fresh berries, and kiwi fruit. Fruit & Vegetable Many studies have shown that the more raw fruits and vegetables you consume, the better your mental health. A Systematic Review conducted by Dominika Głąbska and colleagues aimed to analyze the correlation between fruit and vegetable intake and mental health in adults. This is probably because fruits and veggies are loaded with vitamins and minerals that are key to boosting mental health. It is recommended that you eat potassium-rich foods, such as pumpkin seeds and bananas, which may help reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. Avocado Avocados are “full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that promote healthy blood flow in the brain, along with several of the brain’s most essential nutrients, including folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and copper.
  • 18. The B vitamins in avocados relieve stress and keep nerves and brain cells healthy. Its high amount of potassium helps lower blood pressure. And according to studies, these mono unsaturated fats also help support information-carrying nerves in your brain. Walnut & Almond Walnuts & Almonds contain a number of neuro protective compounds, including Vitamin E, folate, melatonin, omega-3fats, andantioxidants. These all support brain health, cognition, and memory. Pumpkin Seed Pumpkin Seeds are very beneficial for the functioning of the nervous system. They help to produce GABA, an anti-stress neurochemical in the brain, which affects nervous irritability and other mental health conditions. Pumpkin seed oil exhibits anti-inflammatory effects. Herbs and Spices that Support Mental Wellness Oftentimes, people seeking solutions for mental struggles or neuro-degeneration are led directly to a medicated approach. While in some instances medicines can help, they are not addressing the root causes and so your symptoms are simply being treated but not reversed. And, in some cases, western medicines actually worsen the symptoms. Natural remedies using herbs to help support mental wellbeing have been practiced for years in ancient medicine. In fact, in Ayurveda, complete health is not achieved without the perfect balance of the mind, body, and soul. In Ayurvedic medicine, the mental state of a person plays a huge role in the curing process of every disease. When they address psychological disturbances, their attempt is to discover the state of their patient’s emotions and how these are causally associated with their patient’s illness. Here, we’ll share the most prominent herbs and supplements that have been shown to help support mental wellbeing, many of which have been used in ayurvedic medicine. Ashwagandha Ashwagandha also called winter cherry or Indian ginseng has been one of the most popular natural healing remedies in Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) medicine for almost 5,000 years. Hundreds of published studies prove Ashwagandha is highly effective and is prized for its many neuroprotective, brain-boosting benefits, including supporting brain cell regeneration, alleviating anxiety and depression, reducing stress, lowering cortisol levels, enhancing mood, improving nervous conditions, preventing degenerative diseases and fighting inflammation.
  • 19. Ashwagandha’s ability to protect the body from the toxic effects of physical and emotional stress is what makes it such a popular herb. Bacopa Bacopa has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to reduce stress, improve mood and sharpen focus. Modern research shows that bacopa relieves stress in part by lowering cortisol levels. It is believed to offer neuroprotective benefits and antioxidants for the brain. Passion flower Passion Flower is a calming herb that helps increase brain levels of the neurotransmitter, GABA, for nervous system relaxation. It is used as a dietary supplement for anxiety and sleep problems, as well as for pain, heart rhythm problems, menopausal symptoms, and attention- deficit hyperactivity disorder. Rhodiola Rhodiola, also known as “golden root” or “Arctic root” has been used for centuries to treat stress, anxiety, and depression. It is prized for its ability to improve brain function, benefit mental health, fight fatigue, and enhance physical and intellectual performance. It stimulates the brain and enhances memory, concentration, and energy while fighting anxiety and maintaining calmness. Turmeric Turmeric contains the active ingredient curcumin, which has multiple health benefits affecting virtually every organ system in the body. This remarkable turmeric extract helps balance inflammation, supports immune system function, promotes cardiovascular health, offers potent antioxidant protection, improves your brain health, protects against Alzheimer’s, and much more. Sage Lots of recent studies have shown that sage has anti-inflammatory properties and helps protect the brain against oxidative stress. This herb is particularly useful for depression, memory loss, and Alzheimer’s disease. Lemon Balm This herb that comes from the mint family has a calming and sedative effect. It is also commonly used to help with anxiety, stress, and insomnia. Additionally, lemon balm has also been traditionally used to cure dementia and amnesia.
  • 20. Gotu Kola Also known as Centella Asiatica, a plant that has been used in both Indonesian and Chinese medicine. It is also commonly called the herb of longevity due to its powerful anti- inflammatory benefits. Gotu Kola has been shown to enhance memory and overall cognitive function and also shows potential in treating Alzheimer’s disease. Omega-3 Fatty Acids This is one of the most important supplements to include in your diet as it’s one of the best at protecting your brain against cognitive decline. These oils include EPA and DHA, which are both essential for optimal brain functioning. Flaxseeds are high in the all-important omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for brain development and function. Flax contains alpha-linolenic (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid that boosts the cerebral cortex, an area of the brain that processes sensory information. Magnesium Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and it plays an important role in maintaining brain function. That’s because it acts as a gatekeeper for the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, which are found on your nerve cells and aid brain development, memory, and learning Magnesium sits in these receptors to protect them from being overstimulated, which has been shown to kill nerve cells and cause brain damage. There are different types of magnesium supplements. Magnesium L-threonate is recommended to support brain functioning. It has particularly been shown to help manage and reduce symptoms of depression and age-related memory loss. Zinc Zinc is a key mineral in healthy central nervous system functioning. Zinc imbalances in the body have been shown to increase the risk for depression, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), aging, and other neurodegenerative disorders. Conclusion Coping with anxiety, depression or both can be seriously challenging. Oftentimes, western doctors and psychiatrists are quick to prescribe antidepressants, but they rarely talk about the natural solutions that you could be using. The reason natural solutions are so effective is that they help to tackle the source of mental illnesses - the root causes. This is something that conventional medicines do not do. Numerous
  • 21. studies have shown that natural remedies are just as effective and they don’t cause all the horrible side effects that conventional medicines cause. But, remember that healing depression or anxiety requires a holistic approach. This means that a combined approach is necessary to totally eliminate symptoms. In this eBook, we covered all of these solutions including diet to support brain and mental health, natural remedies, and other really important factors. When you optimize your lifestyle to support your brain, you’ll ultimately lower the inflammation in your body, address those root causes of disease, and experience a complete turnaround in your mood and ability to handle everyday stress. THE END Want to STOP Arthritis Pain? Avoid this Supplement… If you’re tired of spending money on pills, supplement’s or doctor visits just to end Arthritis Pain and you desire to know how you can end this excruciating pain without spending a dime… >>> Then click here to see how you can end your Arthritis Pain forever!