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Sociologist Research
Scientist confine their research to the laboratory, because that is the only environment where their
research would not be contaminated by animals, humans, or weather. The laboratory is their safe
haven. A place where everything is done by a fine–tooth comb. However, Sociologist research is
different when it pertains to how they do their research. Sociologist research is the study of the
world around them. They must go out into the world and conduct surveys, which includes
interviews, and questionnaires, and they must observe (Cite 2). This type of research cannot be done
inside of a laboratory. When sociologist conduct interviews they must go out into the community
that they live in, to public places, to schools, and to different areas of the world, and ask questions
pertaining to their topic that they are studying, and then record the answers. When the sociologist
conduct questionnaires, they must ask their participants a set of questions that they already have
prepared. These are questions that will help them with their research.
Sociologist use observations mainly when they are observing a particular behavior, or an reaction to
a certain situation. When they are observing, the researcher is not talking, or interacting with
anyone, they are just ... Show more content on ...
The disadvantages is that when you have to go into the general public, and gather you research, it
takes a lot of time, and when this happen sometime the data that they have already collected,
becomes outdated, and they are no longer able to use it, and when a researcher acts a certain way it
can affect the participates answers that they are going to
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Major Theoretical Approaches Applied By Sociologists
Discussing Major Theoretical Approaches Applied by Sociologists Morakinyo Ladipo–Ajayi
6345172 Principles of Sociology SOC 1101 C Dr. Liam Kilmurray Discussing Major Theoretical
Approaches Applied by Sociologists Introduction In our world today, many people look at society in
different ways. What one person sees may differ from what another person sees. People may present
one thing in a different way than another would. However, though we approach a topic differently
does not mean we are wrong or right. This is just how society as a whole functions. It has been this
way in the past and is still present now, and will be the same in the future. Sociologists are one of
such people who do this, and ... Show more content on ...
Namely; The Symbolic Interactionism's Perspective, The Conflict Perspective, and The
Functionalist's Perspective. These three perspectives will explain how we as people choose to
analyze a given subject or topic, and how society as a whole plays a role in all of it. Given from a
sociologist point of view the perspectives will be explained in terms of how society has influence on
things. It will be a clear layout as to how society, social forces, and human behavior all play a role.
The Symbolic Interactionism Perspective Symbolic Interactionism is a perspective that allows us to
observe the world and view it in a different light using signs and symbols around us. It is an
explanatory theory, which teaches the understanding of our society by focusing on the micro–level
of society. The reason it is viewed on a micro level is to understand a small part of society in order
for sociologists to understand the society on a macro level. This theory makes the use of symbols in
interacting with other members of the society very important. The use of symbols allows us to place
meanings to things, people and events, while helping us to give interpretations with those symbols.
Sociologists look at the different symbols and small details of everyday life, how symbols relate
with one another and what they mean. They also observe how people interact with each other. These
symbols review how small groups interact
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Sociologists Engage In Secondary Analysis
Sociologists engage in secondary data by reanalyzing data that was collected by others. The
secondary analysis is obtain by many types of data such as; census, historical records, and old
transcripts from interviews and focus groups. Today, thousands of secondary data can be obtain by
the availability of the internet and websites that can show the statistical software for looking at them
in different ways. Sociologists use the secondary data to be able to find many old data that can be
reused and researched much like an archive. In the data that the sociologists use can help them prove
their hypothesis and relate their current researches and see the history. With the data, it is not usual
for one body of the data to lead to hundreds of secondary
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Who Are Sociologists And What Influences They Have Had?
Who are sociologists and what influences they have had? In this paper, we will discuss four
sociologists: Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and George Mead. They are all well–known
and influential thinkers of their time who have greatly contributed to the current sociological
approaches and studies. They differ in their theories, but all of them have a common goal to uncover
the structural and social foundation of the society. What is society? How does it function? What
drives the societal change? –are the questions that those four sociologists will try to answer through
either an approach of "structuralism" or "agency". Agency refers to individuals acting independently
and making their own choices; whereas structuralism refers to the ... Show more content on ...
He believed that the society was too economically driven which resulted in men becoming "an
appendage of the machine ... losing all individual character and all charm for the workman"(Lecture
Marx 1/25/17 slide #14). This had led to an alienation of labor and commodification of labor.
Individuals started making products and working only for the economic purposes rather than for the
emotional joy of creativity and innovation. The technological uses were advanced to reach the
maximum efficiency of mass production and Proletariats were used as tools or as hands to keep the
production going. The class difference was something that Marx believed to be a defining feature of
any society. He stated that "the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class
struggles."(Lecture Marx 1/25/17 slide 8). He believed that class conflict is what drives
progress/change. That because of class difference, and exploitation of the working class, Proletariat
would eventually become aware of their situation and as a result would rebel and revolt against the
capitalist system. Gaining social consciousness was fundamental to creating a social change. Weber
like Marx, identified himself as a political economist. He had a quite different background. He was
an upper middle class German, who has a
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C Wright Mills : An American Sociologist
Q15) Answer, C Wright Mills R–4 Def.– Charles Wright Mills was an American sociologist, and a
teacher of sociology at Columbia University from 1946 until 1962 which is when he died. Mills was
made widely in popular journals, and is remembered for some books that he had written, among
them The Power Elite, which introduced that term and describes the relationships and alliances
among the U.S. political, military, and economic people. He was the one of the major contributors
for the subject of sociology he 's done so much for this it 's unbelievably so much. He was the one of
the major contributors for the subject of sociology he 's done so much for this it 's unbelievably so
much. His papers on the power elite showed us having too much ... Show more content on ...
(Word Count 316)
Q19) Answer, Protestant Ethic Pg. 13 Def.– Protestant ethic, in a sociological theory, the value
attached to hard work, thrift, and efficiency in one's calling, especially in the Calvinist view, were
deemed signs of an individual's election, or eternal salvation. German sociologist Max Weber, in
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism held that the Protestant ethic was an important
factor in the economic success of groups in the early stages of European capitalism because worldly
success could be interpreted as a sign of eternal salvation, it was vigorously pursued. Calvinism's
antipathy to the worship of the flesh, its emphasis on the religious duty to make good use of the
given resources at each individual's disposal, and its orderliness and systemization of ways of life
were also regarded by Weber as economically significant aspects of the ethic. Before given their
lives to this to the many people who just refuse to leave them. It 's their way of life to help people
and it will continue to help people for as long as one person believes in it it will continue to strive it
will never be forgotten and it will help and help and help us until the end of time for all time. This
all ties into religion and hope because hope burns brighter than anything we can imagine. The core
values of others can also help them they all have beliefs that can help and give aid. They can
influence others to help spread joy, love, peace,
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An Explanation Of Why Sociologists Are Interested On Class
Class is important as it can determine various aspects that will have a significant impact and
influence on how people's lives are shaped. Feminists have argued for other things to be included
such as social divisions to show how they intersect with class. Economic inequalities can have an
impact on class as they can determine a person's status, wealth, income and lifestyle. Class is
important as social inequalities exists amongst the rich and poor. Important social factors include
poverty, health and education. A person's identity is just as important as their class. People may face
discrimination due to their identity, whether that may be due to their gender, age, ethnicity or
disability. Social mobility is where people are in a different social class now from which they were
brought up in. However sociologists argue that class is less important in contemporary society today
than it once used to be.
The purpose of this essay is to provide an explanation on why sociologists are interested in class.
This assignment will define what class is and to what extent class matters. Other social divisions
will be explored in this assignment to show how they intersect with class. The social divisions
which intersect with class which will be discussed include economic and social inequalities, social
mobility and identity. The beliefs from well–known theorists, Karl Marx and Max Weber who
disagreed on the nature of class, will also be included to support the main points which are
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Theoretical Perspectives Used By Sociologists
There are five theoretical perspectives used by sociologists in their research: symbolic interaction,
rational choice, structural functionalism, social conflict, and feminist. Actions of the family
members in Family Dinner Date video can be explained by each of these theories.
According to the symbolic interaction theory, people behave and communicate in a particular group
in a proper way, the way that is suitable for that group. Moreover, they do not only communicate
and act in response to the environment, but play an important role in a process of creating and
changing their own environments and their own groups. Based on social communication and
performing functions, people act in ways that appropriate for any given situation. In the video,
members of the family carry out their roles in ways that they have learned and practiced over years.
Daughter decorates a table for the dinner, mother helps her in the kitchen, son gets ready by
finishing his homework, and father comes home and looks forward to the dinner. They already know
what to expect from each other and use symbols–their actions and conversations in order to
communicate with each other. As it was mentioned above, symbolic theory explains that they not
only react to the current environment, such as preparation for dinner, but also create their own
environment; in this setting– it is creating a positive atmosphere and excitement before and during
dinner. Everyone is focused on this event and does everything possible
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Gang Leader For A Day : A Rogue Sociologist
Having read the book Gang Leader for a Day: a rogue sociologist takes to the streets by Venkatesh
(2008), based on my childhood education (formal and informal), life circumstances, personal and
professional life experiences, I perceive JT to be a lawbreaker. Moreover, based on how our society
informally defines a criminal or lawbreaker, JT is clearly someone who does not or will not conform
with our collective legal standards or requirements based on the majority opinion of the wider
public. However, in contrast to this majority opinion, based on an article by Ballmann (2008)
pertaining to the laws that define food culture, we find that based on these rules or laws of food
etiquette in the unbuilt libraries of unpublished books of unwritten rules, there are perhaps volumes
of materials regarding the legal conflict. For example, some may have to do with table manners,
which can and do vary drastically from family to family and culture to culture, so much so that what
is considered polite or appropriate at one table is the opposite at the next table within the same
venue. Based on our collective culture within the United States and Ballman's (2008) individual
subcultural experiences within Southern California, she also finds that women are under the
subjection, in her region of the country, that they are never quite good enough. She perceives that in
order to be a woman and to be accepted into the local sisterhood, that a woman must always be
discontented with herself
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Karl Mannheim : An American Sociologist Essay
Karl Mannheim was a German sociologist, who worked as a professor at Frankfurt University and
C. Wright Mills was an American sociologist, originating from Texas. Both sociologists believed
that power being held by a small group of elites was dangerous. Their views on what could happen
differed, Mannheim feared a dictatorship and Mills a garrison state. Thus, they critiqued modern
society and the power that could be held within the government, military, and big businesses.
Rationality and democracy did not mean that everyone within a modern society would have power
or equality. Karl Mannheim claimed that the earliest stage of democracy was focused on freedom
and rationality. However, with a shift to mass politics, he claimed that it could lead to a dictatorship.
Due to "urbanization, transportation, and the mass media," the lower class could enter the political
sphere (Colins and Makowsky 207). However, it had a negative effect because politics could no
longer be considered intellectual, but based on the emotions of the lower class. Thus, instead of
solutions based on reason for a problem, the solutions were "simplistic" (Colins and Makowsky
207). Another threat to democracy was interdependency. The government, transportation, and media
become centralized and it brings a large amount of people together. Thus, when there is either a
conflict or crisis everyone is affected. Lastly, a concentration of power can threaten democracy.
When there is a concentration of power, the
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Sociologist Janet Poppendieck's The Panthers
Sociologist Janet Poppendieck‟s work on hunger and emergency food services provides crucial
historical grounding and theoretical framing for this discussion, while placing these short–lived
programs in conversation with food politics at the turn of the 21st century.25 The Panthers‟ close
practical alliance with community churches, which often housed the free breakfasts, fosters easy
comparisons between the Survival Programs and the charity work often conducted by religious
organizations. But in contrast to many church–run soup kitchens or food pantries that provide an
outlet for congregants to act charitably toward their less fortunate brethren, the Panthers were not
driven by charitable aspirations, which Poppendieck points out often actually
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Sociologist Personal Statement
I would like to be part of the Puente project in order to achieve the requirements necessary for the
professions I want to study for such as Nephrology and Sociology. I will become a Sociologist in
order to see how different the race , gender , and wealth gap are especially in the time we're living in
when the differences are being made more noticeable and drastic. To try to equal out the those gaps
worldwide or maybe one place at a time would be a small change , a change none the less that's
solving a huge problem increasing as time goes on. By being a sociologist it would involve finding
or "creating" theories that would figure out why a certain social class has more problems for
example: A child coming from a wealthy family is least likely to be suffering from low self–esteem
than a child coming from a family of poverty. ... Show more content on ...
I would start studying the social structure here in the bay area because although it is not always the
best it is my home and to help my home become less poverty stricken I would study its social
structure and change it so it is more equal and less divided then it is now. The other profession I
would like to study is Nephrology, Nephrology is the study of kidneys and all the problems
associated with it like
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Second Ancest By Sociologists
their more favored second cousins There are very few jokes about sociologists. This is frustrating
for the sociologists, especially if they compare themselves with their more favored second cousins,
the psychologists, who have pretty much taken over that sector of American humor that used to be
occupied by clergymen. A psychologist, introduced as such at a party, at once finds himself the
object of considerable attention and uncomfortable mirth. A sociologist in the same circumtance is
likely to meet with no more of a reaction than if he had been announced as an insurance salesman.
He will have to win his attention the hard way, just like everyone else. This is annoying and unfair,
but it may also be instructive. The dearth of jokes about sociologists
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How Do Clinical Sociologists Challenge To Wellness
8. Clinical Sociologists challenge to Wellness
Wellness is defined as an unified nature encompassing physical, psychological/emotional, social,
intellectual, and spiritual dimensions (BC Atlas of Wellness, s.a.:10). The abovementioned
dimensions are discussed below.
8.1 Physical Wellness
Physical wellness includes physical activity, nutrition, and self–care and involves preventative and
proactive actions that take care of one's physical body (BC Atlas of Wellness, s.a.:12). Physical
wellness encompasses maintenance of cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and strength (BC Atlas of
Wellness, s.a.:12). Actions to improve physical wellness include preserving a healthy diet and
becoming in tune with how the body response to various diets (BC Atlas ... Show more content on ...
Spiritual wellness is defined as process of seeking meaning and purpose in existence (BC Atlas of
Wellness, s.a.:14). It includes the appreciation of the depth and expanse of life and the universe,
questioning the meaning and purpose in life, as well as recognising, accepting and tolerating the
difficult nature of the world and accepting that the universe cannot be completely understood (BC
Atlas of Wellness, s.a.:14).
The challenges that clinical sociologists have in South Africa regarding health and wellness is that,
clinical sociologists are not involved in the development of health policy making, not involved in
designing programmes that fit for the different cultures, values and beliefs that exist in South Africa.
The biggest challenge is that medical and clinical sociologists is slowly in South Africa and Africa
growing and it is difficult for the health department /profession to accept medical and clinical
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Marcel Mauss, A French Sociologist
Big round eyes devoid of life stare directly at me. The body lays stiff, unanimated by the pounds of
stuffing and the absence of senses. It's brown fur rubs across my hand as I hold it's existence. With
paws facing forward and the tail posterior to the body, my dog plush was displaying it's anatomical
position. A gift given from my grandmother, my plush's defining feature was it's oversized black
muzzle and the minute tongue that permeated through. Gifts are meant to hold sentimental value,
which is part of the reason why gifts are exchanged today. Yet, is there anything else that makes
gifts more intriguing to what we see today? Marcel Mauss, a French sociologist , published The Gift
in which he studied Polynesian culture and the ... Show more content on ...
Incidentally, one can never fathom a mere thought of cursed gifts. Hau "the spirit of things" (Mauss
pg.13) is a magical phenomenon that possesses gifts. This is due to the fact that, when gifts are
exchanged "it will possess something of him......a kind of personality." To further elaborate on this
point, gifts are essentially a curse in Polynesian culture. Whenever there was an act of trade, the
exchange was viewed upon as a legal tie in which "a tie occurring through things, is one of the soul.
Hence it follows that to make a gift of something to someone is to make a present of some part of
oneself. " (Mauss Pg.12) In a sense, preparing a gift follows this mindset because accepting a gift
means to accept the giver's offering and their feelings concentrated into it. Which in turn can be
linked to my plush that represents a part of my grandmother that was given to me. My grandmother
is Jamaican. The gift I was given came directly from her homeland, Jamaica. I've had my plush for
over a decade. Growing up, I could have decided a long time ago to part with childish items. Yet, I
chose to hold on to this particular gift. Maybe it is due to the amount of years that have passed. Or
perhaps by throwing it away would be the same as throwing away time. I feel as if i'm obligated in a
way to preserve my gift. Why throw away something when it was meant to be used and not
discarded? I guess preserving my gift would consider it a tonga in this situation. Mauss studied
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• How Do Sociologists Define A Social Problem?
My understanding of a social problem is that a substantial group of individuals consider an issue to
be problematic and that the matter in question does not reconcile itself between the good of the
group and what has been done for society. Although the issue can be advantageous for some
members of a culture or community, it can be detrimental to others and therefore must be examined.
b) What are some social problems that currently exist in society? Problems that occur recycle
themselves over time in a society. As an example, in the 1950's many people believed that there
could be a nuclear war at any time. Today, even though we have disarmed many nuclear warheads,
the threat of a war is still a concern from nations who desire to use nuclear power as a weapon.
Another concern is economic stability. During the "Great Depression" many people were out of
work and families stood in soup lines to be fed. Today our economic situation is still a concern and
we have shelters and foundations to feed and care for those unable to find work. Our government
has also provided programs whereby individual and families can obtain food and shelter while
trying to find work. I also recognize that many have given up the quest to find employment. Some
other social concerns in society are: education, wage equality, and human trafficking only to name a
few in the mountain of issues we face today. c) How do sociologists define a social problem? Every
society and culture has roles
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Sociologist Samuel A. Stouffer
Sociologist Samuel A. Stouffer (1900–1960) is credited with developing relative deprivation theory
after World War II. Stouffer first wrote of relative deprivation theory in his study entitled The
American Soldier (1949). Relative deprivation theory belongs to the larger body of interdisciplinary
work called social movement theory. Social movement theory, which began in the late nineteenth
century, refers to the study of social mobilization including its social, cultural, and political
manifestations and consequences. Relative Deprivation occurs where individuals or groups
subjectively perceive themselves as unfairly disadvantaged over others perceived as having similar
attributes and deserving similar rewards (their reference groups). This
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A Rouge Sociologist Takes To The Streets Analysis
In the story of how "A Rouge Sociologist Takes to the Streets", Sudhir Venkatesh finds himself in
the projects of Chicago documenting his first hand experiences of his journey on how he is
introduced to the black culture. Sudhir, a first year college student in the University of Chicago,
decides to take part in a research project about "how young blacks were affected by specific
neighborhood factors", although when he quickly realizes how ineffective these questionnaires are,
he decides to take unconventional ways to retrieve his answers. Sudhir's fascination with the
housing projects in Chicago only grew the longer he stayed. Before long he had befriended a gang
leader and accumulated more information then he had ever thought he would have been able to
acquire. ... Show more content on ...
allowed him to know more about the world in which he claimed to hold power and status of law
enforcer as well as protector. Sudhir soon came to understand how much of an impact the Black
kings had on the Robert Taylor homes, but also took note of how much they also negatively
impacted the community too. Although J.T. held most of the power in Robert Taylor homes, Ms.
Bailey was just as influential, she represented those who did not support the presence of the gang in
Robert Taylor. Despite the people's effort to be unaffiliated with the BK gang and their money, they
found themselves yet still intertwined with the web of dirty money that ran through these housing
projects. In more ways the one Sudhir came to realize that the gang affiliation in these parts were
more than just crimes but a way of survival for the people of Robert Taylor community. In "Gang
Leader for a Day", Sudhir Venkatesh brings forth the truths and mishaps of a life in the Chicago
Housing Projects by allowing the readers to get an insight on how racism, crime, and social class
affected the everyday community and individual
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The Stranger Theory : Sociologist Georg Simmel
In this essay, I will be explaining a social concept called the stranger theory, which is a concept and
idea, that sociologist Georg Simmel came up with. I will be describing what it means in my own
words, based off research that I have done as well as using the information that we gathered and
talked about in our sociological theory class. I will be using a personal story as well as an example
of Muslim Americans, to better explain what the stranger concept is. Then I will be talking about a
case study group such as American Muslims, where I will go into greater detail to better explain the
stranger theory and how frequently this population experiences this concept on a daily basis. Lastly,
I will analyze an academic source which refers ... Show more content on ...
An example where I felt like a stranger was the first two years of High school. I was a three–sport
athlete that always hung around athletes. When we would hang out away from our sport, it was
awful for me. I just could not connect with them, which made me feel like an outsider, and a
stranger. I longed for the special bond they had. But I had a different and odd personality that did not
mesh in with the people that I constantly were surrounded by, and was not really accepted because
of it. The more I tried to put on an image to fit in the worse it got for myself. It was hard for me to
accept the fact that they were never going to accept me for whom I was, and it is not like I could just
make a different me. The more I stuck around and tried to fit in, the more I'd get laughed at,
mocked, etc. I never really felt accepted because of this, and I saw myself as "different." This was a
personal example of what it felt like in my life to be a "stranger." An example that we talked about
in class was with Muslim Americans. We watched a film which gave us a perfect visual and
explained why this group was one of the best examples of the stranger theory that we could come up
with. There are many Muslim Americans that are here in the United States, but feel unwelcomed,
because of their many other American peers and how they perceive Muslim Americans. The source
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Sociologist Pierrs: The Positive Impact Of Online Dating
While the need to belong has always been a basic aspect of being a human, the ways in which we, as
a society, satisfy this need have changed over time. Online communities such as Facebook and
dozens of online dating sites have been arisen from the development of the internet. Some people
think that these online communities are causing our society to lose our sense of community – that
the faceless, anonymous nature of such communities are taking us away from the world and
depriving us of the basic need to feel as though we are part of something bigger than ourselves.
However, these unique communities actually benefit our society. They give us networks of
relationships in a convenient setting and enable our society to function effectively.
Sociologist ... Show more content on ...
The study looks at interviews of online dating users' strategies of self–presentation exploring how
participants manage their online presentation of self in order to accomplish the goal of finding a
romantic partner. Their findings suggest that participants feel tension between impression
management pressures and the desire to be honest about themselves. I have read many horror stories
about people interacting with others online who give false information on their profiles. Originally,
when people create accounts online, they can be so narrowly focused on meeting someone that they
give information that they think will attract other people. These falsehoods can be as little as lying
about height to as big as lying about their marital status. We find it easier to gain support and
approval from others when they see similarities to them within us. It is this common idea that leads
to people showing their "ideal self" online, which may not correlate with their actual
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Difference Between Sociologists And Sociologists
When I was a little girl, I wondered what made us unique and different and how do our behavior
works in our minds. One time in your life, you probably wondered how did humans became
different. Anthropologists take their time out of their day to study what makes us humans.
Sociologists also studies humans but in a different way, they study humans behaviors and
interactions with the environment. Anthropologists and Sociologists both are involved of what I was
curious about when I was little girl, and that are the two jobs that I am interested in.The two careers
I was matched with is an Anthropologists and a Sociologists.
The two careers involved a lot of thinking. An Anthropologists seems like an interesting job to do,
the job may be a lot of thinking but I think it is worth it. Sociologists seem like it will also be an
interesting job too. Sociology will answer some of my questions I have on humans and as well as
Anthropology, that is why I think Sociologists and an anthropologist will fit me the best.
Franz Boas is a German anthropologist, he is known as the "Founder of Anthropology" or the
"Father of American Anthropology". Boas rejected orthogenesis, but he did not reject Charles
Darwin's theory. Boas took the idea of evolution and made his own theory, from Darwin and made a
theory that stated that we are slightly different because of our unique adaptations. " When Boas
applied this to anthology he introduced the principle of Cultural Relativism, the principle stated
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Study of Collective Behavior by Sociologists
Collective behavior can be observed in many forms. In the view of sociologist Neil Smelser,
"collective behavior is the relatively spontaneous and unstructured behavior of a group of people
who are reacting to a common influence in an ambiguous situation". (Stolley, 2005) Other
sociologists define collective behavior as spontaneous activities that involve large numbers of
people violating established norms. This fluidity makes it more difficult for sociologists to
generalize about people's behavior in such situations. (Stolley, 2005) This paper will explore
crowds, fashions, fads, rumors, mass hysteria, panics, crazes and public opinions.
A crowd is a temporary collection of people in physical proximity who interact and have a common
focus (Stolley, 2005). People in the same place only become a crowd, by definition, when they find
that focus. Researchers have identified various types of crowds; casual, conventional and
A casual crowd is a gathering of people who just happen to be at the same place at the same time.
An example of a casual crowd could be when people gather around a car accident. These types of
crowds may be organized around crowd crystals, which are people who draw attention to themselves
in some manner.
Conventional crowds are deliberate gatherings bound by norms of behavior (Stolley, 2005).
Attendees at a birthday party, a high school or college graduation, holiday parties and weddings are
examples of conventional crowds.
Some crowds
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Why Do Sociologists Study Class
Additionally, by studying class, sociologists allow themselves a greater understanding of the
apparent 'class conflict' which is suggested by Marx. Although Marx's understanding of class is
outdated, due to its reliance on people's relationship to the means of production being the main
influence over their class, and its lack of consideration towards the social or cultural aspects of class
(McLellan, 1986), his understanding of the conflicting interests of the classes bridges an important
gap between the personal influence of class on people's lives, and how this impacts society as a
whole. Furthermore, sociologists study class because of its influence over society and its structure,
as Marx said 'the history of all hitherto existing society is a history of class struggles' (Cannadine,
2000, p. 1). Thus, class must be studied in order to ... Show more content on ...
Sociologists study it to contextualise and quantify social relations and divisions. Therefore, they
study class, and what constitutes and contributes to one's class, and how this has changed over time
and has transitioned from an almost entirely economic system of stratification to one that
encompasses economic as well as the social and cultural capital a person holds. Moreover,
sociologists study class to understand its impacts on a systematic basis, as well as an individual one.
Class as a system of social stratification is useful to sociologists to help them understand how the
divisions between classes impact society, as explored through the way in which classes vote and the
conflict they have between each other. Additionally, sociologists study class to gain an insight into
the way in which class affects people personally, and their own social experience of class, through
their day to day life and the culture they consume. Therefore, sociologist study class because it is an
ever–present part of our lives and our society which must be
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Sociologist Personal Statement
The strong connection between APS's key attributes and my interest about civil not only confirms
that this is where I should be but also motivates me to become a sociologist.
Within the foremost learning environment like APU, I will be able to perceive broad social
cognition from elite educational institutions, which constitutes my major background. Besides,
APS's dynamic courses will foster either my thinking ability critically and logically or soft skills by
giving me chances to approach present problems during field–work. Hence, these advantages will
widen my safety zone and enable me to be exposed to numerous opportunities in order to become a
global citizen. Furthermore, through APS, I can utilize the cross–cultural competency to contribute
to the world as a future sociologist: solving cruxes, fighting for worth–living societies and inspiring
Thus, being accepted by APU is the stepping–stone leading me to accomplish my future goals. ...
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Being close to them adds economic profit. Likewise, the presence of nature in public spaces and
conserved destinations around them becomes a vital marketing tool for travel industry. Among safe,
clean public sphere, people are encouraged to walk more, thereby offering health benefits.
Furthermore, it brings communities together, provides meeting places, not only fostering social ties
regardless of age, gender or ethnic origin – which have been disappearing in many urban areas but
also shaping the local cultural identity.
Unfortunately, despite their importance, our public spaces are often neglected. Indispensable actions
should be taken immediately because letting them become shrinkage, unkempt would represent
wasting opportunities to improve life's
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My First Sociologist: Jane Addams
Sociology is the systemic or scientific study of human society and social behavior. Sociologists must
study groups, culture, organizations, social institutions, and processes that people develop to
understand human society and social behavior. In order for them to understand the human life they
must develop a sociological perspective. In this paper, I will be writing about three sociologists that
I found interesting.
The first sociologist I chose was Auguste Comte. He stood out to me because, he was the first to
provide a program for the scientific study of society. Comte played a significant role in the
development of sociology and was the one who helped it all get started. He was also very good with
math, He would give private math lessons and he helped translate a book on geometry from the
English. Comte was an outstanding student and he was studiously devoted to his work. These
characteristics would help him become successful and influence other social thinkers to advance his
work. ... Show more content on ...
I selected her because, she did many things and had really great achievements. She was a member of
the American Sociological Society, a teacher at the University of Chicago, and president of the
Women's International League for peace and freedom. Addams was just a country girl who one day
moved to a big city that would change her life. She helped many people out by opening a
community center in Chicago called the "Hull House." This community center offered shelter,
medical care, legal advice, training, and education to new immigrants, single mothers, and the poor.
She helped found the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People. She helped so many people with the accomplishments she
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Sociologists Do Not Classify A Profession
Sociologists recognize professions as occupation or career. The term professional is also used in
many different ways. Some may say a job is a profession where someone else may say a certain job
title is a professional job, such as professional athlete. However, for sociologists, a profession is a
"high status, knowledge based occupation characterized by abstract, specialized knowledge,
autonomy, authority, and a certain degree of altruism." (Hodson, Sullivan, 2012, p. 260) Just like our
society has division of class and status, there is also a division of the word profession in the
workforce. In the workforce, certain job is considered a profession depending on its high status or its
knowledge based. When someone has an occupation that does ... Show more content on ...
For example, a teacher is semiprofession because it is not considered a dominant profession. An
alternative way for teacher's profession to elevate their status is by transforming their ways of
teaching. First of all, the school system must play a significant role in elevating the status of
teacher's profession. The school system need to support the teachers by providing an extensive
training for teachers that will benefit the student's ability to learn. "They must work to prepare
students for new economic realities, use new and innovative pedagogical techniques and
technologies, adapt their instruction to meet students' increasingly diverse needs, and adjust to
recent policy reforms that directly affect their practice." (Martin, Partelow, Brown, 2015) A school
system must support the teachers by providing a high quality education and training to the teachers,
in order to improve the teacher's skills of
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Erik Erikson : Pursuing A Career As A Sociologist
My name is Erik Erikson. I was born on June 15th, 1902 in Frankfurt, Germany (Thomas, 2015).
Growing up I was raised by my Jewish mother Karla Abrahamsen and by my step father Dr.
Theodor Homberger, who was my former pediatrician (Thomas, 2015). My biological father
abandoned my mother and me before I was born (Thomas, 2015). I don't really know much about
him and I prefer to keep it that way. I fell in love with and married Joan Serson in the 1930s (Cherry,
2015). Together we had three children, 2 boys and a girl; their names were Kai, Jon, and Sue
(Cherry, 2015). Although, I must admit I am most proud of my son Kai T. Erikson for pursuing a
career as a sociologist. No I did not. As a child, I remember dreading the thought of having to go to
school every morning. This is why I decided not to go onto college after finishing high school.
Instead, I chose to pursue a career as an artist (Thomas, 2015). Although, that didn't work out so
well; so, I decided to enroll into an art school back in Germany (Thomas, 2015). But like my career
as an artist, art school didn't last long either. After dropping out of art school I got the opportunity to
work as a teacher at a progressive school created by Dorothy Burlingham (Cherry, 2015). I really
enjoyed working with the young children there. Anyways, I was able to work hand in hand with
Burlingham and Anna Freud, who was a friend of Burlingham. Anna Freud and I became pretty
close, not only did I eventually become her patient, but she
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Sociologists Study A Large Range Of Subjects
Sociologists study a large range of subjects. Merriam–Webster Dictionary defines sociology as "the
systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized
groups of human beings." The way a sociologist may perceive something can change from what
perspective they are using. Is that sociologist using functionalism, symbolic interactionism, or
conflict theory? Sociologists study the history of economics, types of economies, and who is
running them. Sociologists claim that people can find connections between their everyday life and
historical economic changes. A large portion of their studies go into how technology has affected
different time periods. The earliest known form of economy in the Americas came from the Native
Americans. More often than not, these people would travel in groups for hunting and gathering
purposes. The men would hunt while the women would cook and handle other responsibilities at
their campsite. The downside to their society was that they were constantly having to move to look
for more resources. There was also horticultural societies around the same time period. They
focused more on domesticating animals in order to produce more food. These people typically
stayed in one place for a long time as a result of having enough goods to last a while. They also had
more diversity when it came to roles such as; farmers, craftspeople, and traders. These horticultural
societies led to The Agricultural Revolution. This
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What Do Sociologists Mean by Social Stratification?
What do sociologists mean by social stratification? Discuss its consequences for society and for
individuals living within it. Illustrate and support your response with sociological argument and
Sociologists have varying views on social stratification, therefore their approach to how it can
impact society and individuals results in very different concepts. This piece of work will identify
and discuss the key points which are significant to the sociological debate.
Social Stratification is 'a system by which society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy'
(Macionis & Plummer: 2006:190). Stratification involves the layering of society into strata
where a hierarchy emerges. Social stratification involves the ... Show more content on ...
This is imposed upon them by the powerful social groups who wish to remain in their higher strata.
Social class is one of many stratification systems found in modern industrialised societies. Social
class is a concept in which people are grouped into a set of hierarchical social categories who share
similar economic positions in society determined by occupation and wealth. They are also likely to
have similar levels of education and status and these can be known as the upper, middle and lower
classes. Functionalists trust that the social class system makes a positive contribution to the whole of
society; it ensures that the most important positions within society are filled by the individuals with
the attributes most suited for that position. Davis and Moore (1945) support this idea that each
individual's class position is a true reflection of their talents and that the meritocratic principles on
which society are based succeed in finding the right people for the right jobs. They believe that
social class stratification encourages all members of society to work to the best of their ability in
order to receive high rewards of wealth and status within society. Melvin Tumin (1967) argues with
this theory, that the social stratification system can demotivate those in the lower strata, and does not
provide equality of opportunity for everyone.
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Sociologist- Ervin Goffman
A) For many years, sociologists have been studying the importance of human interaction and how it
contributes to society. Sociologist like Erving Goffman and Harold Garfinkel, and Max Weber have
made great contributions to helping us understand how society is created through social interaction,
routines, organization and order. In my report, I will be demonstrating how society and social order
are maintained through social interaction, and relationships in a retail store named "Urban planet".
Throughout my report I will be referring to sociologist to Erving Goffman. I will be observing how
customers and employees demonstrating the importance of Erving Goffman's ideology of Civil
inattention and why individuals demonstrate this ... Show more content on ...
When multiple actors work as a team, it is called a performance team. Performance teams, work
together, to create and preserve front stage performances (Gidden, 1991) The back stage is a
comfortable setting for actors to vent feelings and styles of behavior they keep in check when on the
front stage. (Gidden, 1991) Saving face which is another term created by Erving Goffman is used to
describe when individuals feel embarrassed, and they try to maintain their orderliness by
acknowledging that you have done wrong. The next concept that will be applying to my observation
is cultural objects. The term cultural object is an object or symbol that has multiple meanings; in
society we negotiated around these objects for power purposes. The next term that I will be focusing
on in civil inattention which was created by Erving Goffman, is acknowledging a human being that
is in close proximity, without creating conversation with them and not invading their personal space.
Breeching civil inattention is the breaking of civil inattention. This is interacting that you may or
may not know. Breeching civil inattention commonly happens when males approach female in
public spaces which leads to the concept street remarks. The next concepts that I will be talking
about is public and personal distance. Public distance is beyond twelve feet, preserved by those who
performing to watch a audience. (Gidden, 211). Personal space is from one and half to four feet, is
the zone
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Thinking Like A Sociologist
After having read the first three chapters of "You May Ask Yourself: An Introduction to Thinking
Like A Sociologist," I easily discovered that I have been a budding sociologist since I began forming
my own thoughts. A sociologist questions everything and tries to relate the unknown, and I do that
on a daily basis. Three specific ways in which I have noticed myself thinking like a sociologist have
involved the Conflict Theory, the Reflection Theory, and the idea of "positivism." The sociologist
imagination takes general concepts and makes them connect to the bigger picture of reality and
society. One of the ways in which I utilize these methods of thinking relates to the Conflict Theory:
competing interests and ideas are what make the world go round due to the push and pull of
communication. My mom likes to believe in the possibility of everyone believing the same thing
and working towards the same goal, ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, the Reflection Theory is something that I have unknowingly agreed with before
understanding sociology: culture is contingent on the social norms and structures displayed in the
public sphere. This theory is restrictive, but it is hard to ignore the prevalence of socially accepted
concepts representing the backbone of, in my case, American culture. Another concept I identify
with, is Auguste Comte's idea of positivism: the strength that being positive has on the world is so
crucial for developing the morals by which everyone should live. Being optimistic is something I am
highly associated with. All of these ways of thinking and perceptions of society
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Sociologist Career Research Paper
The career of being a sociologist sparked my interest because I am fascinated by human behaviors. I
think it's amazing that humans are all individual and have their own set of personal traits but also
have certain characteristics and patterns of behavior when they encounter a certain event or obstacle.
To find a common thread amongst a large societal body is somewhat of a puzzle that can reveal
unexpected discoveries and can be used in the future when trying to make decisions and make the
world a better place. As a sociologist, I would have to examine different "groups" of people such as
race, ethnicity, and sex, to try to find out how certain groups respond to situations where changes in
society are present. Perhaps a vast majority of a certain group would spread crime in different ways,
become wealthier than others, become more poverty–stricken than others, be more interested in
certain fields, feel strongly about certain subjects, etc. The sociologist would then see how the group
was affected and why they did were, whether it was from a history of wealth, poverty, or racism.
Comparative ... Show more content on ...
Communication skills, interpersonal skills, and leadership skills are crucial to being able to express
yourself and to get along with others, something that will come up a lot in the career. Analytical
skills, statistic and research design, and computer literacy will come up when working with the
"science–y" part. Sociologists need to be able to develop ways to be able to analyze the situation and
draw conclusions through data. Last, but not least, cross–cultural understanding is essential to
studying sociology. As a sociologist, I would need to be accepting of all cultures and get rid of
traditional stereotypes in order to understand certain diversities
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Sociologists Do NOT Analyze The Ideas
People around the world have certain ideas that seem to be so obvious that they defend them in any
possible way, sometimes without doubting and testing. Sociologists always analyze the ideas and
conduct a scientific study to make sure that information is accurate. They are not trying to find out
what is wrong and what is right, but are looking for the reasons why people act in a specific way.
Just like we have learned from the chapter, sociologists do not ask ethical or moral questions and do
not make any judgments. Instead, they ask questions that can be tested scientifically. In order to be
able to put other ideas to test without assuming that they are true or not just because they match or
mismatch our own ideas, we need to look at the picture from other ... Show more content on ...
We can easily feel the anger, since it is our country, our recourses, and we are here to protect it and
fight for it. This amount of information was quite enough for us to realize how unfair the situation is
and how it has to be fixed. When we hear about Muslims thinking that Americans are there for the
oil only, how rich people are in America while they live in poverty, we already know that
information is not very accurate and it is a little more difficult for us to step into their shoes. But it is
still easy to understand their motivations and hatred toward Americans by looking at the situation
from their perspective. Limited amount of information and misunderstanding are the reasons for
them to feel that way. Again, it is easy for us to step in the shoes of the woman who is receiving the
flag because her loved one has died in the war. Our family members, relatives, friends have been
fighting the war for many years now and many of American citizens got killed. We all know about
this situation, and therefore it is not hard for us to step into this woman's
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Sociologists Interest In Fair Trade
Imagine yourself wondering what exactly fair trade means in sociology. One might think that fair
trade includes trading good for a better price while others typically think fair trade is when fair
prices are paid to producers in developing countries. In this paper I will discuss the summary of the
"fair trade" movie, discuss why a sociologist would be interested in the given subject, and what my
overall reactions include. In the YouTube video,,
the film starts off as a documentary directed by Lauralee Farrer. The moral of the story is about a
successful fair trade businessperson named Tamara. He lost his fiancé by a tragic death and made a
rock–bottom bargain with God to delay suicide in exchange for a meaningful life. Eventually, she
quitted her job at DreamWorks, her twin sister also quit her job as teaching at California University
at Los Angeles, and brother in law quitted his job as a JPL in order to spend days making soap for
staring up their fair trade skincare company. Tamara became an activist for human rights and social
justice cases, but sensitive since her loss remains unchanged for many years. Near the end of her
bargain she made, she takes a trip to Kenya to visit the fair trade co–op in Togo, Africa which is
where ... Show more content on ...
Many sociologists are drawn to this particular concept because they are motivated for consumptions,
which depends on the existence of impulsive, troubled, and knowing the types of consumers. Others
see the Fair Trade as an abundant territory to explore the dynamic connections of ethnics, and
identity. In my opinion, I think that sociologists would be interested in the Fair Trade because one
might enjoy studying social movements and revolutions that can illustrate how communities share
the same beliefs and goals that they form. On the other hand, one might enjoy social movements
simply just happening, which makes them current like historical
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The Iron Cage By Sociologist Max Weber
Have you ever felt trapped within the daily responsibilities and tasks that make up your daily agenda
or planner? Have you ever felt as an individual who's not living his or her own life, but rather living
by the standards and norms opposed and followed by the members of our modern day society? If
your answer is yes to any of the two questions above, then you are experiencing and living what is
known today as the "Iron Cage". The "Iron Cage" refers to a very simple, yet complex theory
developed by sociologist Max Weber. In his theory which addresses a sociological problem
regarding standards of living; Dr. Alana Bibeau further deliberated on how Weber argues, that an
individual's life is being transformed not only by the ideas of efficiency, but shaped by the
increasing means of rationality and calculability. Though it can be argued by some that the
increasing means of efficiency, rationality, and calculability have no impact on the identity and
development of a person, I stand strong to the belief that the increasing means of these three factors,
contribute to an individual's loss of identity; at the same time these three factors also contribute and
shape an individual's life, this of course, going in accordance with what society has been idealized
with within the context of Weber's theory of the "Iron Cage".
For my first experimental project, my group and I focused on how wellness centers are Iron Caged
into the belief of "Women to the cardio machines", and "Men to the
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Sociologists Perceive The Body
Explain why sociologists perceive the body as a principal site of social forces? Provide evidence to
support your argument.
Sociologists perceive the body as a principal site of social forces because discrimination against
particular races and ethnicities remains a major global issue and is still highly prevalent in today's
society. In this essay I am going to focus on racism against black bodies in America, and the critical
impact it has on the welfare of the black racial minority. A race is a socially constructed group that is
treated as distinct in society based on certain characteristics. Because of their biological or cultural
characteristics. Race is often singled out scapegoated. One of the explanations of the root cause of
racial discrimination ... Show more content on ...
Marx's social conflict theory states that a societies' social system functions as an instrument of the
elite class, or in this case race, to protect their power and disproportionate share of society's
resources (Giddens and Sutton, 2013). Institutions like the police force act as an instrument for
white Americans to preserve their power by maintaining the status quo of inequality. This is why
black people are nine times more likely to be arrested for petty crime than white people in America
(American Civil Liberties Union, 2015). There has also been much discussion of white police
unjustly shooting black Americans in the media recently. The elite race in America has adopted a
system that unfairly targets racial minorities, allowing them to maintain domination. The police that
are a tool of the elite race are predominantly white males, and black males who are oppressed by the
elite race are disproportionally dominating the American prison system. According to the US Bureau
of Justice Statistics non–Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the total prison population in
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The Function Of Education By Sociologists And Educators
American education serves both political (power) and economic needs, which dictates the function
of education. Today, there is a huge debate on the function of education by sociologists and
educators. Specifically this paper will not only address the functions of education but also,
educational issues that affect both spectrums of society. Because it is known that education does
promote social inequality through the use of tracking and standardized testing and the impact of its
hidden curriculum that will be used as an example to understand the issue of tracking. Overall,
schools differ widely in their funding and learning conditions, and this in addition to other factors
leads to inequality in learning disparities that reinforces social inequality.
Functions and Conflict in Education
Education serves to fulfill a multitude of society's needs, but upon research, perhaps the most
important function of education is socialization. If children need to learn the , values, norms and
skills they need to function in society, then education is a primary vehicle for such learning.
In the United States, these norms and values that we try to teach child include respect for authority,
patriotism, punctuality, individualism, and competition. Regarding these last two values, American
students from an early age compete as individuals over grades and other rewards. A second function
of education is social integration. For a society to work, functionalists say, people must
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Structural Sociologists vs Interpretive Sociologists Essay
Is it true that structural sociologists use only quantitative methods while interpretive sociologists use
only qualitative methods?
The methods that sociologists use to conduct their research vary and can depend on practical
considerations such as suitability of the method, and theoretical considerations such as the
sociologist's theoretical position.
Interpretive sociologists focus on the meanings and definitions which guide and direct behaviour,
they claim that understanding human behaviour involves seeing the world through the eyes of those
being studied. Structural sociologists can be called positivists. Positivist sociology models itself on
the natural sciences such as physics, it is concerned with behaviour that can be ... Show more
content on ...
However unstructured interviews are more prone to interviewer bias and social desirability effects,
both of which reduce validity. Another method favoured by interpretivists is participant observation
this is because it gives them the opportunity to see the world from the point of view of those being
observed however positivists claim that participant observation is not useful because it produces
hardly any quantifiable data, and the number if people observed is too small to provide a
representative sample and therefore generalisations can not be made.
Positivists favour certain research methods e.g. laboratory experiments because they usually
produce quantifiable results but people are likely to define laboratories as artificial and as a result
their actions may be very different to their behaviour in the real world. In the same way positivists
also favour questionnaires particularly those with closed questions because the results are easily
quantifiable, however it can be argued that questionnaires fail to give people the chance to talk about
their behaviour as they see it.
Therefore it seems that interpretivist sociologists use research methods that produce qualitative data
while positivist sociologists use
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Sociologists of Science Essay
The ethos of science was always been about seeking for the truth. Ptolemy wanted to know what
was in the heavens. Newton wanted to know about motion and force. Einstein wanted to know about
protons and relativity. These scientists and many others have always had that pure desire of wanting
to learn the truth about what they were interested. However, if we were to examine the present,
scientists today are struggling not because of their truth–seeking journeys but because of the need to
produce results so that they can still have the opportunity of keeping their jobs researching the
subjects that they have researching for the past few years. In today's lab, we see researchers
scrounging around for grant money and yelling on the phone with ... Show more content on ...
Merton believed that communalism, universalism, disinterestedness, and organized skepticism
should be the standards that produce good scientific evidence. Communalism is the idea is that all
theories should be commonly owned by all scientists and the original discoverer should trade the
theory for fame and recognition. Communalism is the thinking that a discovery should not be an
individual's but rather the discovery and its products should be shared among the scientific
community. Universalism is the idea that all scientific claims should not be judged based upon the
discoverer's race, class, gender, religion, or nationality, etc. This idea omits favoritism and
discrimination and produces an impartial platform for all scientists and their findings.
Disinterestedness is the notion that good scientists must act unselfish when judging or creating a
new theory. This thought is necessary because there would be too much bias within the theory if the
scientist acted in a selfish manner, such as choosing only data that suspiciously match with one's
hypotheses. Finally, organized skepticism is the opinion that good scientists must test and scrutinize
thoroughly new theories before they become accepted by the scientific community. These scientific
norms sieve out the imperfections of theories to bring forth the most suitable for the community. Let
us use Aristarchus' heliocentric theory as an example to understand the effects of Merton's
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Sociologist Occupations
Of the occupations suggested from each of the five assessments (work interest, leisure interest,
skills, personality, and values), there were no occupations suggested that suited my responses to all
five categories, so my top two occupations suited four of the five. The two suggested occupations
were a school psychologist and a sociologist. Both suggestions apparently follow my work and
leisure interests, skills, and values; however, neither fit my personality, which makes me believe that
these two are not logistically the most fitting. Some majors to become a school psychologist include
education, counseling psychology, and social and would require a Master's degree at minimum.
Sociologists falls under the majors of social work, economics,
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Sociologist Research

  • 1. Sociologist Research Scientist confine their research to the laboratory, because that is the only environment where their research would not be contaminated by animals, humans, or weather. The laboratory is their safe haven. A place where everything is done by a fine–tooth comb. However, Sociologist research is different when it pertains to how they do their research. Sociologist research is the study of the world around them. They must go out into the world and conduct surveys, which includes interviews, and questionnaires, and they must observe (Cite 2). This type of research cannot be done inside of a laboratory. When sociologist conduct interviews they must go out into the community that they live in, to public places, to schools, and to different areas of the world, and ask questions pertaining to their topic that they are studying, and then record the answers. When the sociologist conduct questionnaires, they must ask their participants a set of questions that they already have prepared. These are questions that will help them with their research. Sociologist use observations mainly when they are observing a particular behavior, or an reaction to a certain situation. When they are observing, the researcher is not talking, or interacting with anyone, they are just ... Show more content on ... The disadvantages is that when you have to go into the general public, and gather you research, it takes a lot of time, and when this happen sometime the data that they have already collected, becomes outdated, and they are no longer able to use it, and when a researcher acts a certain way it can affect the participates answers that they are going to ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Major Theoretical Approaches Applied By Sociologists Discussing Major Theoretical Approaches Applied by Sociologists Morakinyo Ladipo–Ajayi 6345172 Principles of Sociology SOC 1101 C Dr. Liam Kilmurray Discussing Major Theoretical Approaches Applied by Sociologists Introduction In our world today, many people look at society in different ways. What one person sees may differ from what another person sees. People may present one thing in a different way than another would. However, though we approach a topic differently does not mean we are wrong or right. This is just how society as a whole functions. It has been this way in the past and is still present now, and will be the same in the future. Sociologists are one of such people who do this, and ... Show more content on ... Namely; The Symbolic Interactionism's Perspective, The Conflict Perspective, and The Functionalist's Perspective. These three perspectives will explain how we as people choose to analyze a given subject or topic, and how society as a whole plays a role in all of it. Given from a sociologist point of view the perspectives will be explained in terms of how society has influence on things. It will be a clear layout as to how society, social forces, and human behavior all play a role. The Symbolic Interactionism Perspective Symbolic Interactionism is a perspective that allows us to observe the world and view it in a different light using signs and symbols around us. It is an explanatory theory, which teaches the understanding of our society by focusing on the micro–level of society. The reason it is viewed on a micro level is to understand a small part of society in order for sociologists to understand the society on a macro level. This theory makes the use of symbols in interacting with other members of the society very important. The use of symbols allows us to place meanings to things, people and events, while helping us to give interpretations with those symbols. Sociologists look at the different symbols and small details of everyday life, how symbols relate with one another and what they mean. They also observe how people interact with each other. These symbols review how small groups interact ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Sociologists Engage In Secondary Analysis Sociologists engage in secondary data by reanalyzing data that was collected by others. The secondary analysis is obtain by many types of data such as; census, historical records, and old transcripts from interviews and focus groups. Today, thousands of secondary data can be obtain by the availability of the internet and websites that can show the statistical software for looking at them in different ways. Sociologists use the secondary data to be able to find many old data that can be reused and researched much like an archive. In the data that the sociologists use can help them prove their hypothesis and relate their current researches and see the history. With the data, it is not usual for one body of the data to lead to hundreds of secondary ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Who Are Sociologists And What Influences They Have Had? Who are sociologists and what influences they have had? In this paper, we will discuss four sociologists: Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and George Mead. They are all well–known and influential thinkers of their time who have greatly contributed to the current sociological approaches and studies. They differ in their theories, but all of them have a common goal to uncover the structural and social foundation of the society. What is society? How does it function? What drives the societal change? –are the questions that those four sociologists will try to answer through either an approach of "structuralism" or "agency". Agency refers to individuals acting independently and making their own choices; whereas structuralism refers to the ... Show more content on ... He believed that the society was too economically driven which resulted in men becoming "an appendage of the machine ... losing all individual character and all charm for the workman"(Lecture Marx 1/25/17 slide #14). This had led to an alienation of labor and commodification of labor. Individuals started making products and working only for the economic purposes rather than for the emotional joy of creativity and innovation. The technological uses were advanced to reach the maximum efficiency of mass production and Proletariats were used as tools or as hands to keep the production going. The class difference was something that Marx believed to be a defining feature of any society. He stated that "the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."(Lecture Marx 1/25/17 slide 8). He believed that class conflict is what drives progress/change. That because of class difference, and exploitation of the working class, Proletariat would eventually become aware of their situation and as a result would rebel and revolt against the capitalist system. Gaining social consciousness was fundamental to creating a social change. Weber like Marx, identified himself as a political economist. He had a quite different background. He was an upper middle class German, who has a ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. C Wright Mills : An American Sociologist Q15) Answer, C Wright Mills R–4 Def.– Charles Wright Mills was an American sociologist, and a teacher of sociology at Columbia University from 1946 until 1962 which is when he died. Mills was made widely in popular journals, and is remembered for some books that he had written, among them The Power Elite, which introduced that term and describes the relationships and alliances among the U.S. political, military, and economic people. He was the one of the major contributors for the subject of sociology he 's done so much for this it 's unbelievably so much. He was the one of the major contributors for the subject of sociology he 's done so much for this it 's unbelievably so much. His papers on the power elite showed us having too much ... Show more content on ... (Word Count 316) Q19) Answer, Protestant Ethic Pg. 13 Def.– Protestant ethic, in a sociological theory, the value attached to hard work, thrift, and efficiency in one's calling, especially in the Calvinist view, were deemed signs of an individual's election, or eternal salvation. German sociologist Max Weber, in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism held that the Protestant ethic was an important factor in the economic success of groups in the early stages of European capitalism because worldly success could be interpreted as a sign of eternal salvation, it was vigorously pursued. Calvinism's antipathy to the worship of the flesh, its emphasis on the religious duty to make good use of the given resources at each individual's disposal, and its orderliness and systemization of ways of life were also regarded by Weber as economically significant aspects of the ethic. Before given their lives to this to the many people who just refuse to leave them. It 's their way of life to help people and it will continue to help people for as long as one person believes in it it will continue to strive it will never be forgotten and it will help and help and help us until the end of time for all time. This all ties into religion and hope because hope burns brighter than anything we can imagine. The core values of others can also help them they all have beliefs that can help and give aid. They can influence others to help spread joy, love, peace, ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. An Explanation Of Why Sociologists Are Interested On Class Class is important as it can determine various aspects that will have a significant impact and influence on how people's lives are shaped. Feminists have argued for other things to be included such as social divisions to show how they intersect with class. Economic inequalities can have an impact on class as they can determine a person's status, wealth, income and lifestyle. Class is important as social inequalities exists amongst the rich and poor. Important social factors include poverty, health and education. A person's identity is just as important as their class. People may face discrimination due to their identity, whether that may be due to their gender, age, ethnicity or disability. Social mobility is where people are in a different social class now from which they were brought up in. However sociologists argue that class is less important in contemporary society today than it once used to be. The purpose of this essay is to provide an explanation on why sociologists are interested in class. This assignment will define what class is and to what extent class matters. Other social divisions will be explored in this assignment to show how they intersect with class. The social divisions which intersect with class which will be discussed include economic and social inequalities, social mobility and identity. The beliefs from well–known theorists, Karl Marx and Max Weber who disagreed on the nature of class, will also be included to support the main points which are ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Theoretical Perspectives Used By Sociologists There are five theoretical perspectives used by sociologists in their research: symbolic interaction, rational choice, structural functionalism, social conflict, and feminist. Actions of the family members in Family Dinner Date video can be explained by each of these theories. According to the symbolic interaction theory, people behave and communicate in a particular group in a proper way, the way that is suitable for that group. Moreover, they do not only communicate and act in response to the environment, but play an important role in a process of creating and changing their own environments and their own groups. Based on social communication and performing functions, people act in ways that appropriate for any given situation. In the video, members of the family carry out their roles in ways that they have learned and practiced over years. Daughter decorates a table for the dinner, mother helps her in the kitchen, son gets ready by finishing his homework, and father comes home and looks forward to the dinner. They already know what to expect from each other and use symbols–their actions and conversations in order to communicate with each other. As it was mentioned above, symbolic theory explains that they not only react to the current environment, such as preparation for dinner, but also create their own environment; in this setting– it is creating a positive atmosphere and excitement before and during dinner. Everyone is focused on this event and does everything possible ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Gang Leader For A Day : A Rogue Sociologist Having read the book Gang Leader for a Day: a rogue sociologist takes to the streets by Venkatesh (2008), based on my childhood education (formal and informal), life circumstances, personal and professional life experiences, I perceive JT to be a lawbreaker. Moreover, based on how our society informally defines a criminal or lawbreaker, JT is clearly someone who does not or will not conform with our collective legal standards or requirements based on the majority opinion of the wider public. However, in contrast to this majority opinion, based on an article by Ballmann (2008) pertaining to the laws that define food culture, we find that based on these rules or laws of food etiquette in the unbuilt libraries of unpublished books of unwritten rules, there are perhaps volumes of materials regarding the legal conflict. For example, some may have to do with table manners, which can and do vary drastically from family to family and culture to culture, so much so that what is considered polite or appropriate at one table is the opposite at the next table within the same venue. Based on our collective culture within the United States and Ballman's (2008) individual subcultural experiences within Southern California, she also finds that women are under the subjection, in her region of the country, that they are never quite good enough. She perceives that in order to be a woman and to be accepted into the local sisterhood, that a woman must always be discontented with herself ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Karl Mannheim : An American Sociologist Essay Karl Mannheim was a German sociologist, who worked as a professor at Frankfurt University and C. Wright Mills was an American sociologist, originating from Texas. Both sociologists believed that power being held by a small group of elites was dangerous. Their views on what could happen differed, Mannheim feared a dictatorship and Mills a garrison state. Thus, they critiqued modern society and the power that could be held within the government, military, and big businesses. Rationality and democracy did not mean that everyone within a modern society would have power or equality. Karl Mannheim claimed that the earliest stage of democracy was focused on freedom and rationality. However, with a shift to mass politics, he claimed that it could lead to a dictatorship. Due to "urbanization, transportation, and the mass media," the lower class could enter the political sphere (Colins and Makowsky 207). However, it had a negative effect because politics could no longer be considered intellectual, but based on the emotions of the lower class. Thus, instead of solutions based on reason for a problem, the solutions were "simplistic" (Colins and Makowsky 207). Another threat to democracy was interdependency. The government, transportation, and media become centralized and it brings a large amount of people together. Thus, when there is either a conflict or crisis everyone is affected. Lastly, a concentration of power can threaten democracy. When there is a concentration of power, the ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Sociologist Janet Poppendieck's The Panthers Sociologist Janet Poppendieck‟s work on hunger and emergency food services provides crucial historical grounding and theoretical framing for this discussion, while placing these short–lived programs in conversation with food politics at the turn of the 21st century.25 The Panthers‟ close practical alliance with community churches, which often housed the free breakfasts, fosters easy comparisons between the Survival Programs and the charity work often conducted by religious organizations. But in contrast to many church–run soup kitchens or food pantries that provide an outlet for congregants to act charitably toward their less fortunate brethren, the Panthers were not driven by charitable aspirations, which Poppendieck points out often actually ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Sociologist Personal Statement I would like to be part of the Puente project in order to achieve the requirements necessary for the professions I want to study for such as Nephrology and Sociology. I will become a Sociologist in order to see how different the race , gender , and wealth gap are especially in the time we're living in when the differences are being made more noticeable and drastic. To try to equal out the those gaps worldwide or maybe one place at a time would be a small change , a change none the less that's solving a huge problem increasing as time goes on. By being a sociologist it would involve finding or "creating" theories that would figure out why a certain social class has more problems for example: A child coming from a wealthy family is least likely to be suffering from low self–esteem than a child coming from a family of poverty. ... Show more content on ... I would start studying the social structure here in the bay area because although it is not always the best it is my home and to help my home become less poverty stricken I would study its social structure and change it so it is more equal and less divided then it is now. The other profession I would like to study is Nephrology, Nephrology is the study of kidneys and all the problems associated with it like ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Second Ancest By Sociologists their more favored second cousins There are very few jokes about sociologists. This is frustrating for the sociologists, especially if they compare themselves with their more favored second cousins, the psychologists, who have pretty much taken over that sector of American humor that used to be occupied by clergymen. A psychologist, introduced as such at a party, at once finds himself the object of considerable attention and uncomfortable mirth. A sociologist in the same circumtance is likely to meet with no more of a reaction than if he had been announced as an insurance salesman. He will have to win his attention the hard way, just like everyone else. This is annoying and unfair, but it may also be instructive. The dearth of jokes about sociologists ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. How Do Clinical Sociologists Challenge To Wellness 8. Clinical Sociologists challenge to Wellness Wellness is defined as an unified nature encompassing physical, psychological/emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions (BC Atlas of Wellness, s.a.:10). The abovementioned dimensions are discussed below. 8.1 Physical Wellness Physical wellness includes physical activity, nutrition, and self–care and involves preventative and proactive actions that take care of one's physical body (BC Atlas of Wellness, s.a.:12). Physical wellness encompasses maintenance of cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and strength (BC Atlas of Wellness, s.a.:12). Actions to improve physical wellness include preserving a healthy diet and becoming in tune with how the body response to various diets (BC Atlas ... Show more content on ... Spiritual wellness is defined as process of seeking meaning and purpose in existence (BC Atlas of Wellness, s.a.:14). It includes the appreciation of the depth and expanse of life and the universe, questioning the meaning and purpose in life, as well as recognising, accepting and tolerating the difficult nature of the world and accepting that the universe cannot be completely understood (BC Atlas of Wellness, s.a.:14). The challenges that clinical sociologists have in South Africa regarding health and wellness is that, clinical sociologists are not involved in the development of health policy making, not involved in designing programmes that fit for the different cultures, values and beliefs that exist in South Africa. The biggest challenge is that medical and clinical sociologists is slowly in South Africa and Africa growing and it is difficult for the health department /profession to accept medical and clinical ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Marcel Mauss, A French Sociologist Big round eyes devoid of life stare directly at me. The body lays stiff, unanimated by the pounds of stuffing and the absence of senses. It's brown fur rubs across my hand as I hold it's existence. With paws facing forward and the tail posterior to the body, my dog plush was displaying it's anatomical position. A gift given from my grandmother, my plush's defining feature was it's oversized black muzzle and the minute tongue that permeated through. Gifts are meant to hold sentimental value, which is part of the reason why gifts are exchanged today. Yet, is there anything else that makes gifts more intriguing to what we see today? Marcel Mauss, a French sociologist , published The Gift in which he studied Polynesian culture and the ... Show more content on ... Incidentally, one can never fathom a mere thought of cursed gifts. Hau "the spirit of things" (Mauss pg.13) is a magical phenomenon that possesses gifts. This is due to the fact that, when gifts are exchanged "it will possess something of him......a kind of personality." To further elaborate on this point, gifts are essentially a curse in Polynesian culture. Whenever there was an act of trade, the exchange was viewed upon as a legal tie in which "a tie occurring through things, is one of the soul. Hence it follows that to make a gift of something to someone is to make a present of some part of oneself. " (Mauss Pg.12) In a sense, preparing a gift follows this mindset because accepting a gift means to accept the giver's offering and their feelings concentrated into it. Which in turn can be linked to my plush that represents a part of my grandmother that was given to me. My grandmother is Jamaican. The gift I was given came directly from her homeland, Jamaica. I've had my plush for over a decade. Growing up, I could have decided a long time ago to part with childish items. Yet, I chose to hold on to this particular gift. Maybe it is due to the amount of years that have passed. Or perhaps by throwing it away would be the same as throwing away time. I feel as if i'm obligated in a way to preserve my gift. Why throw away something when it was meant to be used and not discarded? I guess preserving my gift would consider it a tonga in this situation. Mauss studied items ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. • How Do Sociologists Define A Social Problem? My understanding of a social problem is that a substantial group of individuals consider an issue to be problematic and that the matter in question does not reconcile itself between the good of the group and what has been done for society. Although the issue can be advantageous for some members of a culture or community, it can be detrimental to others and therefore must be examined. b) What are some social problems that currently exist in society? Problems that occur recycle themselves over time in a society. As an example, in the 1950's many people believed that there could be a nuclear war at any time. Today, even though we have disarmed many nuclear warheads, the threat of a war is still a concern from nations who desire to use nuclear power as a weapon. Another concern is economic stability. During the "Great Depression" many people were out of work and families stood in soup lines to be fed. Today our economic situation is still a concern and we have shelters and foundations to feed and care for those unable to find work. Our government has also provided programs whereby individual and families can obtain food and shelter while trying to find work. I also recognize that many have given up the quest to find employment. Some other social concerns in society are: education, wage equality, and human trafficking only to name a few in the mountain of issues we face today. c) How do sociologists define a social problem? Every society and culture has roles ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Sociologist Samuel A. Stouffer Sociologist Samuel A. Stouffer (1900–1960) is credited with developing relative deprivation theory after World War II. Stouffer first wrote of relative deprivation theory in his study entitled The American Soldier (1949). Relative deprivation theory belongs to the larger body of interdisciplinary work called social movement theory. Social movement theory, which began in the late nineteenth century, refers to the study of social mobilization including its social, cultural, and political manifestations and consequences. Relative Deprivation occurs where individuals or groups subjectively perceive themselves as unfairly disadvantaged over others perceived as having similar attributes and deserving similar rewards (their reference groups). This ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. A Rouge Sociologist Takes To The Streets Analysis In the story of how "A Rouge Sociologist Takes to the Streets", Sudhir Venkatesh finds himself in the projects of Chicago documenting his first hand experiences of his journey on how he is introduced to the black culture. Sudhir, a first year college student in the University of Chicago, decides to take part in a research project about "how young blacks were affected by specific neighborhood factors", although when he quickly realizes how ineffective these questionnaires are, he decides to take unconventional ways to retrieve his answers. Sudhir's fascination with the housing projects in Chicago only grew the longer he stayed. Before long he had befriended a gang leader and accumulated more information then he had ever thought he would have been able to acquire. ... Show more content on ... allowed him to know more about the world in which he claimed to hold power and status of law enforcer as well as protector. Sudhir soon came to understand how much of an impact the Black kings had on the Robert Taylor homes, but also took note of how much they also negatively impacted the community too. Although J.T. held most of the power in Robert Taylor homes, Ms. Bailey was just as influential, she represented those who did not support the presence of the gang in Robert Taylor. Despite the people's effort to be unaffiliated with the BK gang and their money, they found themselves yet still intertwined with the web of dirty money that ran through these housing projects. In more ways the one Sudhir came to realize that the gang affiliation in these parts were more than just crimes but a way of survival for the people of Robert Taylor community. In "Gang Leader for a Day", Sudhir Venkatesh brings forth the truths and mishaps of a life in the Chicago Housing Projects by allowing the readers to get an insight on how racism, crime, and social class affected the everyday community and individual ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Stranger Theory : Sociologist Georg Simmel In this essay, I will be explaining a social concept called the stranger theory, which is a concept and idea, that sociologist Georg Simmel came up with. I will be describing what it means in my own words, based off research that I have done as well as using the information that we gathered and talked about in our sociological theory class. I will be using a personal story as well as an example of Muslim Americans, to better explain what the stranger concept is. Then I will be talking about a case study group such as American Muslims, where I will go into greater detail to better explain the stranger theory and how frequently this population experiences this concept on a daily basis. Lastly, I will analyze an academic source which refers ... Show more content on ... An example where I felt like a stranger was the first two years of High school. I was a three–sport athlete that always hung around athletes. When we would hang out away from our sport, it was awful for me. I just could not connect with them, which made me feel like an outsider, and a stranger. I longed for the special bond they had. But I had a different and odd personality that did not mesh in with the people that I constantly were surrounded by, and was not really accepted because of it. The more I tried to put on an image to fit in the worse it got for myself. It was hard for me to accept the fact that they were never going to accept me for whom I was, and it is not like I could just make a different me. The more I stuck around and tried to fit in, the more I'd get laughed at, mocked, etc. I never really felt accepted because of this, and I saw myself as "different." This was a personal example of what it felt like in my life to be a "stranger." An example that we talked about in class was with Muslim Americans. We watched a film which gave us a perfect visual and explained why this group was one of the best examples of the stranger theory that we could come up with. There are many Muslim Americans that are here in the United States, but feel unwelcomed, because of their many other American peers and how they perceive Muslim Americans. The source ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Sociologist Pierrs: The Positive Impact Of Online Dating While the need to belong has always been a basic aspect of being a human, the ways in which we, as a society, satisfy this need have changed over time. Online communities such as Facebook and dozens of online dating sites have been arisen from the development of the internet. Some people think that these online communities are causing our society to lose our sense of community – that the faceless, anonymous nature of such communities are taking us away from the world and depriving us of the basic need to feel as though we are part of something bigger than ourselves. However, these unique communities actually benefit our society. They give us networks of relationships in a convenient setting and enable our society to function effectively. Sociologist ... Show more content on ... The study looks at interviews of online dating users' strategies of self–presentation exploring how participants manage their online presentation of self in order to accomplish the goal of finding a romantic partner. Their findings suggest that participants feel tension between impression management pressures and the desire to be honest about themselves. I have read many horror stories about people interacting with others online who give false information on their profiles. Originally, when people create accounts online, they can be so narrowly focused on meeting someone that they give information that they think will attract other people. These falsehoods can be as little as lying about height to as big as lying about their marital status. We find it easier to gain support and approval from others when they see similarities to them within us. It is this common idea that leads to people showing their "ideal self" online, which may not correlate with their actual ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Difference Between Sociologists And Sociologists When I was a little girl, I wondered what made us unique and different and how do our behavior works in our minds. One time in your life, you probably wondered how did humans became different. Anthropologists take their time out of their day to study what makes us humans. Sociologists also studies humans but in a different way, they study humans behaviors and interactions with the environment. Anthropologists and Sociologists both are involved of what I was curious about when I was little girl, and that are the two jobs that I am interested in.The two careers I was matched with is an Anthropologists and a Sociologists. The two careers involved a lot of thinking. An Anthropologists seems like an interesting job to do, the job may be a lot of thinking but I think it is worth it. Sociologists seem like it will also be an interesting job too. Sociology will answer some of my questions I have on humans and as well as Anthropology, that is why I think Sociologists and an anthropologist will fit me the best. Franz Boas is a German anthropologist, he is known as the "Founder of Anthropology" or the "Father of American Anthropology". Boas rejected orthogenesis, but he did not reject Charles Darwin's theory. Boas took the idea of evolution and made his own theory, from Darwin and made a theory that stated that we are slightly different because of our unique adaptations. " When Boas applied this to anthology he introduced the principle of Cultural Relativism, the principle stated ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Study of Collective Behavior by Sociologists Collective behavior can be observed in many forms. In the view of sociologist Neil Smelser, "collective behavior is the relatively spontaneous and unstructured behavior of a group of people who are reacting to a common influence in an ambiguous situation". (Stolley, 2005) Other sociologists define collective behavior as spontaneous activities that involve large numbers of people violating established norms. This fluidity makes it more difficult for sociologists to generalize about people's behavior in such situations. (Stolley, 2005) This paper will explore crowds, fashions, fads, rumors, mass hysteria, panics, crazes and public opinions. Crowds A crowd is a temporary collection of people in physical proximity who interact and have a common focus (Stolley, 2005). People in the same place only become a crowd, by definition, when they find that focus. Researchers have identified various types of crowds; casual, conventional and expressive. A casual crowd is a gathering of people who just happen to be at the same place at the same time. An example of a casual crowd could be when people gather around a car accident. These types of crowds may be organized around crowd crystals, which are people who draw attention to themselves in some manner. Conventional crowds are deliberate gatherings bound by norms of behavior (Stolley, 2005). Attendees at a birthday party, a high school or college graduation, holiday parties and weddings are examples of conventional crowds. Some crowds ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Why Do Sociologists Study Class Additionally, by studying class, sociologists allow themselves a greater understanding of the apparent 'class conflict' which is suggested by Marx. Although Marx's understanding of class is outdated, due to its reliance on people's relationship to the means of production being the main influence over their class, and its lack of consideration towards the social or cultural aspects of class (McLellan, 1986), his understanding of the conflicting interests of the classes bridges an important gap between the personal influence of class on people's lives, and how this impacts society as a whole. Furthermore, sociologists study class because of its influence over society and its structure, as Marx said 'the history of all hitherto existing society is a history of class struggles' (Cannadine, 2000, p. 1). Thus, class must be studied in order to ... Show more content on ... Sociologists study it to contextualise and quantify social relations and divisions. Therefore, they study class, and what constitutes and contributes to one's class, and how this has changed over time and has transitioned from an almost entirely economic system of stratification to one that encompasses economic as well as the social and cultural capital a person holds. Moreover, sociologists study class to understand its impacts on a systematic basis, as well as an individual one. Class as a system of social stratification is useful to sociologists to help them understand how the divisions between classes impact society, as explored through the way in which classes vote and the conflict they have between each other. Additionally, sociologists study class to gain an insight into the way in which class affects people personally, and their own social experience of class, through their day to day life and the culture they consume. Therefore, sociologist study class because it is an ever–present part of our lives and our society which must be ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Sociologist Personal Statement The strong connection between APS's key attributes and my interest about civil not only confirms that this is where I should be but also motivates me to become a sociologist. Within the foremost learning environment like APU, I will be able to perceive broad social cognition from elite educational institutions, which constitutes my major background. Besides, APS's dynamic courses will foster either my thinking ability critically and logically or soft skills by giving me chances to approach present problems during field–work. Hence, these advantages will widen my safety zone and enable me to be exposed to numerous opportunities in order to become a global citizen. Furthermore, through APS, I can utilize the cross–cultural competency to contribute to the world as a future sociologist: solving cruxes, fighting for worth–living societies and inspiring people. Thus, being accepted by APU is the stepping–stone leading me to accomplish my future goals. ... Show more content on ... Being close to them adds economic profit. Likewise, the presence of nature in public spaces and conserved destinations around them becomes a vital marketing tool for travel industry. Among safe, clean public sphere, people are encouraged to walk more, thereby offering health benefits. Furthermore, it brings communities together, provides meeting places, not only fostering social ties regardless of age, gender or ethnic origin – which have been disappearing in many urban areas but also shaping the local cultural identity. Unfortunately, despite their importance, our public spaces are often neglected. Indispensable actions should be taken immediately because letting them become shrinkage, unkempt would represent wasting opportunities to improve life's ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. My First Sociologist: Jane Addams Sociology is the systemic or scientific study of human society and social behavior. Sociologists must study groups, culture, organizations, social institutions, and processes that people develop to understand human society and social behavior. In order for them to understand the human life they must develop a sociological perspective. In this paper, I will be writing about three sociologists that I found interesting. The first sociologist I chose was Auguste Comte. He stood out to me because, he was the first to provide a program for the scientific study of society. Comte played a significant role in the development of sociology and was the one who helped it all get started. He was also very good with math, He would give private math lessons and he helped translate a book on geometry from the English. Comte was an outstanding student and he was studiously devoted to his work. These characteristics would help him become successful and influence other social thinkers to advance his work. ... Show more content on ... I selected her because, she did many things and had really great achievements. She was a member of the American Sociological Society, a teacher at the University of Chicago, and president of the Women's International League for peace and freedom. Addams was just a country girl who one day moved to a big city that would change her life. She helped many people out by opening a community center in Chicago called the "Hull House." This community center offered shelter, medical care, legal advice, training, and education to new immigrants, single mothers, and the poor. She helped found the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. She helped so many people with the accomplishments she ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Sociologists Do Not Classify A Profession Sociologists recognize professions as occupation or career. The term professional is also used in many different ways. Some may say a job is a profession where someone else may say a certain job title is a professional job, such as professional athlete. However, for sociologists, a profession is a "high status, knowledge based occupation characterized by abstract, specialized knowledge, autonomy, authority, and a certain degree of altruism." (Hodson, Sullivan, 2012, p. 260) Just like our society has division of class and status, there is also a division of the word profession in the workforce. In the workforce, certain job is considered a profession depending on its high status or its knowledge based. When someone has an occupation that does ... Show more content on ... For example, a teacher is semiprofession because it is not considered a dominant profession. An alternative way for teacher's profession to elevate their status is by transforming their ways of teaching. First of all, the school system must play a significant role in elevating the status of teacher's profession. The school system need to support the teachers by providing an extensive training for teachers that will benefit the student's ability to learn. "They must work to prepare students for new economic realities, use new and innovative pedagogical techniques and technologies, adapt their instruction to meet students' increasingly diverse needs, and adjust to recent policy reforms that directly affect their practice." (Martin, Partelow, Brown, 2015) A school system must support the teachers by providing a high quality education and training to the teachers, in order to improve the teacher's skills of ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Erik Erikson : Pursuing A Career As A Sociologist My name is Erik Erikson. I was born on June 15th, 1902 in Frankfurt, Germany (Thomas, 2015). Growing up I was raised by my Jewish mother Karla Abrahamsen and by my step father Dr. Theodor Homberger, who was my former pediatrician (Thomas, 2015). My biological father abandoned my mother and me before I was born (Thomas, 2015). I don't really know much about him and I prefer to keep it that way. I fell in love with and married Joan Serson in the 1930s (Cherry, 2015). Together we had three children, 2 boys and a girl; their names were Kai, Jon, and Sue (Cherry, 2015). Although, I must admit I am most proud of my son Kai T. Erikson for pursuing a career as a sociologist. No I did not. As a child, I remember dreading the thought of having to go to school every morning. This is why I decided not to go onto college after finishing high school. Instead, I chose to pursue a career as an artist (Thomas, 2015). Although, that didn't work out so well; so, I decided to enroll into an art school back in Germany (Thomas, 2015). But like my career as an artist, art school didn't last long either. After dropping out of art school I got the opportunity to work as a teacher at a progressive school created by Dorothy Burlingham (Cherry, 2015). I really enjoyed working with the young children there. Anyways, I was able to work hand in hand with Burlingham and Anna Freud, who was a friend of Burlingham. Anna Freud and I became pretty close, not only did I eventually become her patient, but she ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Sociologists Study A Large Range Of Subjects Sociologists study a large range of subjects. Merriam–Webster Dictionary defines sociology as "the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings." The way a sociologist may perceive something can change from what perspective they are using. Is that sociologist using functionalism, symbolic interactionism, or conflict theory? Sociologists study the history of economics, types of economies, and who is running them. Sociologists claim that people can find connections between their everyday life and historical economic changes. A large portion of their studies go into how technology has affected different time periods. The earliest known form of economy in the Americas came from the Native Americans. More often than not, these people would travel in groups for hunting and gathering purposes. The men would hunt while the women would cook and handle other responsibilities at their campsite. The downside to their society was that they were constantly having to move to look for more resources. There was also horticultural societies around the same time period. They focused more on domesticating animals in order to produce more food. These people typically stayed in one place for a long time as a result of having enough goods to last a while. They also had more diversity when it came to roles such as; farmers, craftspeople, and traders. These horticultural societies led to The Agricultural Revolution. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. What Do Sociologists Mean by Social Stratification? What do sociologists mean by social stratification? Discuss its consequences for society and for individuals living within it. Illustrate and support your response with sociological argument and evidence. Sociologists have varying views on social stratification, therefore their approach to how it can impact society and individuals results in very different concepts. This piece of work will identify and discuss the key points which are significant to the sociological debate. Social Stratification is 'a system by which society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy' (Macionis & Plummer: 2006:190). Stratification involves the layering of society into strata where a hierarchy emerges. Social stratification involves the ... Show more content on ... This is imposed upon them by the powerful social groups who wish to remain in their higher strata. Social class is one of many stratification systems found in modern industrialised societies. Social class is a concept in which people are grouped into a set of hierarchical social categories who share similar economic positions in society determined by occupation and wealth. They are also likely to have similar levels of education and status and these can be known as the upper, middle and lower classes. Functionalists trust that the social class system makes a positive contribution to the whole of society; it ensures that the most important positions within society are filled by the individuals with the attributes most suited for that position. Davis and Moore (1945) support this idea that each individual's class position is a true reflection of their talents and that the meritocratic principles on which society are based succeed in finding the right people for the right jobs. They believe that social class stratification encourages all members of society to work to the best of their ability in order to receive high rewards of wealth and status within society. Melvin Tumin (1967) argues with this theory, that the social stratification system can demotivate those in the lower strata, and does not provide equality of opportunity for everyone. ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Sociologist- Ervin Goffman A) For many years, sociologists have been studying the importance of human interaction and how it contributes to society. Sociologist like Erving Goffman and Harold Garfinkel, and Max Weber have made great contributions to helping us understand how society is created through social interaction, routines, organization and order. In my report, I will be demonstrating how society and social order are maintained through social interaction, and relationships in a retail store named "Urban planet". Throughout my report I will be referring to sociologist to Erving Goffman. I will be observing how customers and employees demonstrating the importance of Erving Goffman's ideology of Civil inattention and why individuals demonstrate this ... Show more content on ... When multiple actors work as a team, it is called a performance team. Performance teams, work together, to create and preserve front stage performances (Gidden, 1991) The back stage is a comfortable setting for actors to vent feelings and styles of behavior they keep in check when on the front stage. (Gidden, 1991) Saving face which is another term created by Erving Goffman is used to describe when individuals feel embarrassed, and they try to maintain their orderliness by acknowledging that you have done wrong. The next concept that will be applying to my observation is cultural objects. The term cultural object is an object or symbol that has multiple meanings; in society we negotiated around these objects for power purposes. The next term that I will be focusing on in civil inattention which was created by Erving Goffman, is acknowledging a human being that is in close proximity, without creating conversation with them and not invading their personal space. Breeching civil inattention is the breaking of civil inattention. This is interacting that you may or may not know. Breeching civil inattention commonly happens when males approach female in public spaces which leads to the concept street remarks. The next concepts that I will be talking about is public and personal distance. Public distance is beyond twelve feet, preserved by those who performing to watch a audience. (Gidden, 211). Personal space is from one and half to four feet, is the zone ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Thinking Like A Sociologist After having read the first three chapters of "You May Ask Yourself: An Introduction to Thinking Like A Sociologist," I easily discovered that I have been a budding sociologist since I began forming my own thoughts. A sociologist questions everything and tries to relate the unknown, and I do that on a daily basis. Three specific ways in which I have noticed myself thinking like a sociologist have involved the Conflict Theory, the Reflection Theory, and the idea of "positivism." The sociologist imagination takes general concepts and makes them connect to the bigger picture of reality and society. One of the ways in which I utilize these methods of thinking relates to the Conflict Theory: competing interests and ideas are what make the world go round due to the push and pull of communication. My mom likes to believe in the possibility of everyone believing the same thing and working towards the same goal, ... Show more content on ... Additionally, the Reflection Theory is something that I have unknowingly agreed with before understanding sociology: culture is contingent on the social norms and structures displayed in the public sphere. This theory is restrictive, but it is hard to ignore the prevalence of socially accepted concepts representing the backbone of, in my case, American culture. Another concept I identify with, is Auguste Comte's idea of positivism: the strength that being positive has on the world is so crucial for developing the morals by which everyone should live. Being optimistic is something I am highly associated with. All of these ways of thinking and perceptions of society ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Sociologist Career Research Paper The career of being a sociologist sparked my interest because I am fascinated by human behaviors. I think it's amazing that humans are all individual and have their own set of personal traits but also have certain characteristics and patterns of behavior when they encounter a certain event or obstacle. To find a common thread amongst a large societal body is somewhat of a puzzle that can reveal unexpected discoveries and can be used in the future when trying to make decisions and make the world a better place. As a sociologist, I would have to examine different "groups" of people such as race, ethnicity, and sex, to try to find out how certain groups respond to situations where changes in society are present. Perhaps a vast majority of a certain group would spread crime in different ways, become wealthier than others, become more poverty–stricken than others, be more interested in certain fields, feel strongly about certain subjects, etc. The sociologist would then see how the group was affected and why they did were, whether it was from a history of wealth, poverty, or racism. Comparative ... Show more content on ... Communication skills, interpersonal skills, and leadership skills are crucial to being able to express yourself and to get along with others, something that will come up a lot in the career. Analytical skills, statistic and research design, and computer literacy will come up when working with the "science–y" part. Sociologists need to be able to develop ways to be able to analyze the situation and draw conclusions through data. Last, but not least, cross–cultural understanding is essential to studying sociology. As a sociologist, I would need to be accepting of all cultures and get rid of traditional stereotypes in order to understand certain diversities ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Sociologists Do NOT Analyze The Ideas People around the world have certain ideas that seem to be so obvious that they defend them in any possible way, sometimes without doubting and testing. Sociologists always analyze the ideas and conduct a scientific study to make sure that information is accurate. They are not trying to find out what is wrong and what is right, but are looking for the reasons why people act in a specific way. Just like we have learned from the chapter, sociologists do not ask ethical or moral questions and do not make any judgments. Instead, they ask questions that can be tested scientifically. In order to be able to put other ideas to test without assuming that they are true or not just because they match or mismatch our own ideas, we need to look at the picture from other ... Show more content on ... We can easily feel the anger, since it is our country, our recourses, and we are here to protect it and fight for it. This amount of information was quite enough for us to realize how unfair the situation is and how it has to be fixed. When we hear about Muslims thinking that Americans are there for the oil only, how rich people are in America while they live in poverty, we already know that information is not very accurate and it is a little more difficult for us to step into their shoes. But it is still easy to understand their motivations and hatred toward Americans by looking at the situation from their perspective. Limited amount of information and misunderstanding are the reasons for them to feel that way. Again, it is easy for us to step in the shoes of the woman who is receiving the flag because her loved one has died in the war. Our family members, relatives, friends have been fighting the war for many years now and many of American citizens got killed. We all know about this situation, and therefore it is not hard for us to step into this woman's ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Sociologists Interest In Fair Trade Imagine yourself wondering what exactly fair trade means in sociology. One might think that fair trade includes trading good for a better price while others typically think fair trade is when fair prices are paid to producers in developing countries. In this paper I will discuss the summary of the "fair trade" movie, discuss why a sociologist would be interested in the given subject, and what my overall reactions include. In the YouTube video,, the film starts off as a documentary directed by Lauralee Farrer. The moral of the story is about a successful fair trade businessperson named Tamara. He lost his fiancé by a tragic death and made a rock–bottom bargain with God to delay suicide in exchange for a meaningful life. Eventually, she quitted her job at DreamWorks, her twin sister also quit her job as teaching at California University at Los Angeles, and brother in law quitted his job as a JPL in order to spend days making soap for staring up their fair trade skincare company. Tamara became an activist for human rights and social justice cases, but sensitive since her loss remains unchanged for many years. Near the end of her bargain she made, she takes a trip to Kenya to visit the fair trade co–op in Togo, Africa which is where ... Show more content on ... Many sociologists are drawn to this particular concept because they are motivated for consumptions, which depends on the existence of impulsive, troubled, and knowing the types of consumers. Others see the Fair Trade as an abundant territory to explore the dynamic connections of ethnics, and identity. In my opinion, I think that sociologists would be interested in the Fair Trade because one might enjoy studying social movements and revolutions that can illustrate how communities share the same beliefs and goals that they form. On the other hand, one might enjoy social movements simply just happening, which makes them current like historical ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Iron Cage By Sociologist Max Weber Have you ever felt trapped within the daily responsibilities and tasks that make up your daily agenda or planner? Have you ever felt as an individual who's not living his or her own life, but rather living by the standards and norms opposed and followed by the members of our modern day society? If your answer is yes to any of the two questions above, then you are experiencing and living what is known today as the "Iron Cage". The "Iron Cage" refers to a very simple, yet complex theory developed by sociologist Max Weber. In his theory which addresses a sociological problem regarding standards of living; Dr. Alana Bibeau further deliberated on how Weber argues, that an individual's life is being transformed not only by the ideas of efficiency, but shaped by the increasing means of rationality and calculability. Though it can be argued by some that the increasing means of efficiency, rationality, and calculability have no impact on the identity and development of a person, I stand strong to the belief that the increasing means of these three factors, contribute to an individual's loss of identity; at the same time these three factors also contribute and shape an individual's life, this of course, going in accordance with what society has been idealized with within the context of Weber's theory of the "Iron Cage". For my first experimental project, my group and I focused on how wellness centers are Iron Caged into the belief of "Women to the cardio machines", and "Men to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Sociologists Perceive The Body Explain why sociologists perceive the body as a principal site of social forces? Provide evidence to support your argument. Sociologists perceive the body as a principal site of social forces because discrimination against particular races and ethnicities remains a major global issue and is still highly prevalent in today's society. In this essay I am going to focus on racism against black bodies in America, and the critical impact it has on the welfare of the black racial minority. A race is a socially constructed group that is treated as distinct in society based on certain characteristics. Because of their biological or cultural characteristics. Race is often singled out scapegoated. One of the explanations of the root cause of racial discrimination ... Show more content on ... Marx's social conflict theory states that a societies' social system functions as an instrument of the elite class, or in this case race, to protect their power and disproportionate share of society's resources (Giddens and Sutton, 2013). Institutions like the police force act as an instrument for white Americans to preserve their power by maintaining the status quo of inequality. This is why black people are nine times more likely to be arrested for petty crime than white people in America (American Civil Liberties Union, 2015). There has also been much discussion of white police unjustly shooting black Americans in the media recently. The elite race in America has adopted a system that unfairly targets racial minorities, allowing them to maintain domination. The police that are a tool of the elite race are predominantly white males, and black males who are oppressed by the elite race are disproportionally dominating the American prison system. According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics non–Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the total prison population in ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Function Of Education By Sociologists And Educators Introduction American education serves both political (power) and economic needs, which dictates the function of education. Today, there is a huge debate on the function of education by sociologists and educators. Specifically this paper will not only address the functions of education but also, educational issues that affect both spectrums of society. Because it is known that education does promote social inequality through the use of tracking and standardized testing and the impact of its hidden curriculum that will be used as an example to understand the issue of tracking. Overall, schools differ widely in their funding and learning conditions, and this in addition to other factors leads to inequality in learning disparities that reinforces social inequality. Functions and Conflict in Education Education serves to fulfill a multitude of society's needs, but upon research, perhaps the most important function of education is socialization. If children need to learn the , values, norms and skills they need to function in society, then education is a primary vehicle for such learning. In the United States, these norms and values that we try to teach child include respect for authority, patriotism, punctuality, individualism, and competition. Regarding these last two values, American students from an early age compete as individuals over grades and other rewards. A second function of education is social integration. For a society to work, functionalists say, people must ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Structural Sociologists vs Interpretive Sociologists Essay Is it true that structural sociologists use only quantitative methods while interpretive sociologists use only qualitative methods? The methods that sociologists use to conduct their research vary and can depend on practical considerations such as suitability of the method, and theoretical considerations such as the sociologist's theoretical position. Interpretive sociologists focus on the meanings and definitions which guide and direct behaviour, they claim that understanding human behaviour involves seeing the world through the eyes of those being studied. Structural sociologists can be called positivists. Positivist sociology models itself on the natural sciences such as physics, it is concerned with behaviour that can be ... Show more content on ... However unstructured interviews are more prone to interviewer bias and social desirability effects, both of which reduce validity. Another method favoured by interpretivists is participant observation this is because it gives them the opportunity to see the world from the point of view of those being observed however positivists claim that participant observation is not useful because it produces hardly any quantifiable data, and the number if people observed is too small to provide a representative sample and therefore generalisations can not be made. Positivists favour certain research methods e.g. laboratory experiments because they usually produce quantifiable results but people are likely to define laboratories as artificial and as a result their actions may be very different to their behaviour in the real world. In the same way positivists also favour questionnaires particularly those with closed questions because the results are easily quantifiable, however it can be argued that questionnaires fail to give people the chance to talk about their behaviour as they see it. Therefore it seems that interpretivist sociologists use research methods that produce qualitative data while positivist sociologists use ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Sociologists of Science Essay The ethos of science was always been about seeking for the truth. Ptolemy wanted to know what was in the heavens. Newton wanted to know about motion and force. Einstein wanted to know about protons and relativity. These scientists and many others have always had that pure desire of wanting to learn the truth about what they were interested. However, if we were to examine the present, scientists today are struggling not because of their truth–seeking journeys but because of the need to produce results so that they can still have the opportunity of keeping their jobs researching the subjects that they have researching for the past few years. In today's lab, we see researchers scrounging around for grant money and yelling on the phone with ... Show more content on ... Merton believed that communalism, universalism, disinterestedness, and organized skepticism should be the standards that produce good scientific evidence. Communalism is the idea is that all theories should be commonly owned by all scientists and the original discoverer should trade the theory for fame and recognition. Communalism is the thinking that a discovery should not be an individual's but rather the discovery and its products should be shared among the scientific community. Universalism is the idea that all scientific claims should not be judged based upon the discoverer's race, class, gender, religion, or nationality, etc. This idea omits favoritism and discrimination and produces an impartial platform for all scientists and their findings. Disinterestedness is the notion that good scientists must act unselfish when judging or creating a new theory. This thought is necessary because there would be too much bias within the theory if the scientist acted in a selfish manner, such as choosing only data that suspiciously match with one's hypotheses. Finally, organized skepticism is the opinion that good scientists must test and scrutinize thoroughly new theories before they become accepted by the scientific community. These scientific norms sieve out the imperfections of theories to bring forth the most suitable for the community. Let us use Aristarchus' heliocentric theory as an example to understand the effects of Merton's ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Sociologist Occupations Of the occupations suggested from each of the five assessments (work interest, leisure interest, skills, personality, and values), there were no occupations suggested that suited my responses to all five categories, so my top two occupations suited four of the five. The two suggested occupations were a school psychologist and a sociologist. Both suggestions apparently follow my work and leisure interests, skills, and values; however, neither fit my personality, which makes me believe that these two are not logistically the most fitting. Some majors to become a school psychologist include education, counseling psychology, and social and would require a Master's degree at minimum. Sociologists falls under the majors of social work, economics, ... Get more on ...