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Life Style Inventory (Lsi)
Part I: Personal Thinking Styles
My primary thinking style is dependent. This style fell into the high range of the LSI Style
Circumplex with a 96 percentile score. Dependent thinking style is originates in a need for security
and self–protection: dependent people typically feel that they have very little control over their lives.
This type of behavior may be long–standing, or due to temporary life changes such as a new job, a
promotion, an illness, or the break–up of a close relationship. When dependent behavior occurs as a
result of a temporary life change, the feelings of dependency tend to diminish as the particular
situation is resolved. I feel that the result for dependent style is that the dependent person tend to
feel ... Show more content on ...
I choose the dependent style because this style limit my way of thinking. It show that I am weak and
always needed other for guide, I can not think for myself. I wanted to changed that because I make
decision on my own and be able to have my voice be heard. I wanted to have self–respect, I want to
be able to feel accomplishment. I wanted to show that I could make decision and not to feel
helplessness. I want to learn new things, which would help me acquire new skill to help recognize
that would effort counts, and may reduce my feeling of helplessness. I must realize to trust my own
judgment, and demonstrate that I believe in myself by being more outspoken and speak up in
groups. I want to have a sense of control over my own life, be able to relax around other people.
Have to freedom to be myself, reduced symptoms of stress. When I am able to accomplish that then
I would be able to relax and have more faith in myself.
Part II: Impact On Management Style The impact of the dependent style can have an impact on my
management style. The ability to manage individuals and be an effective leader in very important in
today business world. Managers have to perform many roles in an organization and how they handle
various situations will depend on their style of management. A management style is an overall
method of leadership used by a manager. It is important to have management style to define who I
am, because I have to have a strong management style in order
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Life Style Inventory
LSI Assignment After taking the Life Style Inventory (LSI) assessment, I have come to realized of
the underlying thought patterns that guide an individual's behavior. This quality of an individual's
thinking and behavior contributes greatly to that person's work performance. Part I – Personal
Thinking Styles My primary thinking style is Self–actualizing and I can totally see myself through
the description of this thinking style. The self–actualizing thinkers are characterized by an unusual
high acceptance of self, others and situations "as they are." They have a strong interest in working to
become everything they are capable of being. They have a sense of self–worth, a strong curiosity
about people and things, and an acute ... Show more content on ...
I don't see the need to be approved or recognized by others in order to feel that I'm self–worthy.
Personally, I like to be included wherever I go and do not want to be left out. I always try to achieve
a sense of belonging at work, at school, or whatever organization or group that I would likely to be
in. Whenever I'm in a room of crowd, I always prefer showing up without much attention, sitting
from the back, and listen quietly. I behave in that way not because I just don't want to be seen but I
want to listen and learn about the crowd and situation before I say anything. Though I try to blend in
most of the time, I do not really agree with the LSI's description on Conventional thinker that they
lack originality because I'm totally the opposite of that. Though I try to by "low key" at the
beginning, my true original self would come out in time. I believe that I developed this thinking
style from the influence of my dad because he always said "When you talk a lot, you have more
chances to say something wrong. It's best to listen quietly and say something right once in a while."
I think that my parents' high expectancy in myself had leaded me to be the perfectionistic thinker I
am today. Since first grade, I am always expected to be at the top of my class and I always get a nice
toy as the result for being so. In contrast, I would get some criticism if I am any less than top. So I
always tried my best to be at the top of
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Life Styles Inventory
Personal Thinking Styles The LSI, Life Styles Inventory, measures twelve specific patterns of
thinking that are broken down into three styles described as follows: CONSTRUCTIVE Styles
reflect self–enhancing thinking and behavior that contribute to one 's level of satisfaction, ability to
develop healthy relationships and work effectively with people, and proficiency at accomplishing
tasks. PASSIVE/DEFENSIVE Styles represent self–protecting thinking and behavior that promote
the fulfillment of security needs through interaction with people. AGGRESSIVE/DEFENSIVE
Styles describe self–promoting thinking and behavior used to maintain status/position and fulfill
security needs through task–related activities. (1) After taking the LSI survey I found my Primary
style of thinking falls under Constructive Style (Humanistic–Encouraging). The limiting style of
thinking that could pose challenges for me is Dependence, which falls under Passive/Defensive
style. According to the LSI Results, My primary style is Humanistic and Encouraging at 96%. "The
Humanistic–Encouraging scale measures our interest in people, our tendency to care about others,
and our ability to encourage them to improve. Humanistic–Encouraging people are accepting of
themselves, and accept others for who they are – without question or criticism. In fact, those scoring
higher on this scale have unconditional positive regard for others. This absolute acceptance enables
people to grow the most and take greater
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Learning Style Inventory ( Lsi )
Learning Style is a Term that has been of interest in the past few decades in the field of
Organizational Behavior. It refers to the way individuals perceive to acquire new skills, knowledge,
or education. Scholars of organizational behavior owe David Kolb who is the leading pioneer for the
introduction of such term due to his work since 1970`s.
David Kolb, a Professor of Organizational Behavior at Case Western Reserve University in
Cleveland in the US, established an Experimental theory based on a 17 years search study to
develop and enhance the abilities of educators using the Learning Style Inventory (LSI). Coffieldand
et al (2004).His aim was to improve traditional teaching for management students in perceiving new
learned topics. He ... Show more content on ...
xCoffieldand et al mentioned that the authors were keen to emphasize (2000, 43) that 'no single style
has an overwhelming advantage over any other. Each has strengths and weaknesses but the strengths
may be especially important in one situation, but not in another.
Several scholars disagreed with the idea; that each individual has a unique learning style. They
critiqued the work of Kolb, Honey and Mumford, and others who followed on the road of searching
for improving and classifying educators in to learning categories. They insisted that naming
individual according to learning style prevent them from adapting to new ways of learning.
In this paper I used Honey and Mumford questionnaire to determine a suitable development
program for a candidate. The candidate will answer the Learning style questionnaire (attached in
appendix) as honestly as possible, his educational background and past experience should be taken
into consideration in the development program.
People in organizations are individuals with deferent behavior, values and personality, whereas
organizations "are group of people who works interdependently toward some purpose"
(McShawn,andVonGlinow 4th edition). This workforce diversity needs to be stormed and aligned
through what is called evolving employment relationship, thus resulting in increasing their
flexibility. Employees should also increase their flexibility through
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Personal Narrative: My Learning Style Inventory
Before taking this test, I was not aware of what type of learner I was. Every time I had to study for a
test, I simply used flashcards and continuously re–write the information until i had established a vast
understanding for it. After taking this Learning Style Inventory, I am now more aware of what type
of learner I am and how I can use these styles on a daily basis. As you can see from my results, I
scored highest in logical, social, and aural.
Trying to relate my learning styles from past experiences, I moderately understand how my highest
score was logical. I would not quite classify myself as logical, however, when I study for any
subject, I try to seek for connections and relationships between concepts. In this sense, I will
consider ... Show more content on ...
Whether it is me with a question or a classmate, I am always open to listen, assist, and share my
understanding. My vision of a social learning style is study in a group. Lately, I have been studying
in groups more often, which comes to my attention that it is definitely working. It allows me to
bounce ideas throughout my classmates. When studying in groups, I personally will use this to let
each other to teach other in what one thinks she/he is and "expert" in. Furthermore, this learning
style can also include family, where you can simply ask them to quiz you before exams. This will
provide me social interactions, which is most competent for me, making the process of the
information easier.
Aural learning is definitely one I am aware of. I undoubtedly learn best when teachers give lectures.
I tend to remember and repeat ideas that are verbally presented. When test taking, I recall my voice
and my teacher voice lecturing the information. Discussing the new information given and learning
from my mistakes verbally, allows me to comprehend the information in a more efficient way. This
style of learning can enhance my study skills by simply listening to the lectures given in class and
take notes. So later I can recall back to what information I have to take
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My Learning Style Inventory
According to my Learning Style Inventory (LSI) graph, my learning style profile is located mostly
in the lower right–hand corner of the graph. This means that my preferred mode for learning is in
Mode 2. I believe it is accurate because I like watching and thinking when learning new concepts.
For example, when learning new theories and formulas in Calculus, I need to see how the professor
tackles a question using the formulas. This helps me analyze and master the concepts within the new
lesson. Another example of mode 2 is I like watching Youtube videos that give more details and
facts about a concept, especially in Science. This is because my mind quickly processes the
information that are very visual and important about a topic. Furthermore,
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Life Styles Inventory
| Life Styles Inventory | | | | 11/1/2010 | GM591 Leadership & Organizational Behavior |
CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION Hello, my name is L. Neal. I was very eager to complete my LSI
Survey because I was very curious what my results would be. I know how I am as an individual, and
seeing the results of my survey only proves that you learn something about yourself every day. My
results were quite interesting to say the least. Learning the meanings of the different life styles
showed me that I have more characteristics in areas I never thought of. I hope you enjoy reading
about me as much as I enjoyed learning about myself. Humanistic is when you are thoughtful,
supportive of others and respectful. This ... Show more content on ...
If they know you are looking to receive help from them, the ball is always in their court. This would
explain why some people have problems with controlling managers. For example, you have an
employee who is self reliant and needs minimum supervision; a controlling manager may find that
to be threatening. They may feel like you are not recognizing their authority or they may feel at risk
of losing their job to you. Avoidance is to take few chances on things, has a difficult time being
accepted by others and lacks self–confidence. I scored in the medium range and this means that I'm
not afraid to make decisions, but I'm not very aggressive at doing it either. Sometimes I second
guess myself only because I want to do it right the first time. I'm not afraid of a challenge, and
certainly not perfect, but I tend to dissect things more than I should. To improve in this life style, I
will have to build up a little more confidence when making mistakes and learning from them would
improve this life style for me. To be oppositional is when someone complains a lot, has a negative
attitude and is critical to others. Again, my humanistic score helps balance this style. I scored in the
middle because I can give constructive criticism without making someone feeling worthless. I don't
need to put someone else down to make myself feel great. When people feel you are honest with
them, they respect you more. Power is when a person has to control
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Learning Style Inventory Analysis
After taking the learning style inventory, I was not surprise to find that I am a global learner.
However, I am almost a pretty good split between the two learning styles. But, when it comes to
thinking and test taking I am both analytical and global. Little Susie is working on an assignment in
our classroom she has to have complete silence, while sitting at her desk. She is able to sit still for
long periods of time while working in a well lite area. Little Susie prefers to work independently.
Unlike most of my students Little Susie will remember the directions for the assigned tasks. After
assigning station work, I give Little Susie the option of following the groups to centers or getting the
necessary utensils needed to complete
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Leadership Communication Styles Inventory
Leadership is defined as one's ability to influence others. However, when done well that influence
enlists 4 major ingredients:
[pic] It is an ability to use power effectively and in a responsible manner [pic] It is the ability to
understand that different human beings have different motivational forces at different times and in
different situations. [pic] It is also an ability to inspire people to perform towards a present
objective. [pic] It is the ability to develop a climate conducive to building a positive attitude in the
Research has shown that in the course of a day, the average person tries to assert their influence in at
least 4 decisions (Maxwell, 24). As we mature we develop certain ... Show more content on ...
← Autocratic leaders tend to excel at providing clear expectations, structure, as well as the specifics
of how to perform the tasks. They are also excellent at providing certain controls to monitor
progress, status, etc.
← Autocratic leaders are task–oriented and focused. Their style tends to work well where there is a
need for a lot of structure, with the non–routine and complex tasks, or where there is a production
← They are typically not concerned with the attitude or thinking of the group...and if they is
secondary to meeting the goals at hand.
← New and untrained employees that are unfamiliar with the tasks and procedures benefit most
from the Autocratic leadership style. A sense of security is created when a new employee is
instructed with exact details of the expectations of their performance. This takes the guesswork out
of the job for the individual and allows them to contribute immediately to production.
← Some situations may call for urgent action (crisis, etc), and in these cases an Autocratic style of
leadership may be best. In addition, most people are familiar with Autocratic leadership and
therefore have less trouble adopting that style. Furthermore, in some situations, direct reports may
actually prefer an autocratic style – especially those used to rules, order, and structure.
← Initially this leadership style will produce increased
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Gm 591 Life Style Inventory Report
Keller Graduate School of Management [pic]
GM 591: Life Styles Inventory – Survey results for John Hastings
Instructor: Rick Roechnes
Date: 09–JAN–2010
1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Personal Thinking Styles (Part I) 3 2.1 Primary thinking & Back up thinking
style 4 2.2 Limiting thinking style 4 3.0 Impact on Management Style (Part II) 5 3.1 Planning 5 3.2
Organizing 6 3.3 Leading 6 3.4 Controlling 6 4.0 Genesis of Personal Styles (Part III) 6 5.0
Conclusion and Reflection (Part IV) 8
Human Synergistic International's Life style Inventory survey has provided me with very insightful
information on my thinking and ... Show more content on ...
I usually set realistic and attainable goals while planning. Planning is basically setting objectives
and identifying actions to achieve those objectives. I sometimes get into details while planning
which usually is challenging and time consuming.
4. Organizing
Organizing is dividing up the tasks and arranging resources to accomplish them. I am associating
my medium score on the perfectionistic style with my organizing skills. I tend to have an efficient,
business–like approach to tasks.
5. Leading
Successful managers instill enthusiasm by communicating with others, motivating them to work
hard, maintaining good interpersonal relations. My affiliative style is characterized by my need to
build relationships that are meaningful and reciprocal will help me. I would also have focus on
motivating and developing the team members.
6. Controlling
Effective controlling is the process of monitoring performance and taking action to ensure desired
results. Controlling ensures that the overall directions of individuals and groups are consistent with
short and long range plans. With high percentile power thinking style I am not very effective in
controlling. I plan to use some of the suggestions in the LSI survey to become less power oriented
so I can be effective.
Genesis of Personal Styles (Part
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Life Styles Inventory Paper
Life Styles Inventory
Results Paper
Part I: Personal Thinking Styles As revealed by my personal Life Styles Inventory (Figure 1), my
primary thinking style and back–up thinking style were Conventional (4 o'clock position) and
Affiliative (2 o'clock position) respectively. There are many ways in which both the Conventional
thinking style and Affiliative thinking style manifest in my life and work, none of which were all
that evident until I explored my personal Life Styles Inventory. As stated in the Life Styles
Inventory, my primary thinking style, the Conventional Style "measures our tendency to act in a
conforming way...representing a preoccupation with adhering to rules and established procedures,
maintaining a low profile, and ... Show more content on ...
Part II: Impact on Management Style In relation to the four functions of management: planning,
organizing, leading, and controlling, it is evident how my personal thinking styles impact the way in
which I manage. First and foremost, I think that my Conventional Style of thinking impacts my
management styles the most. Although I am conventional in my practices, I am not dogmatic. I
understand the importance in not remaining steadfast with something if it is continually not
working, and I also understand the importance of being able to adapt to what does work. When it
comes to planning and organizing I do like to stick to the rules before anything else. But as
mentioned before, I often deviate from those rules if they do not appear to be producing adequate
results. I will have to admit that my Conventional Style of thinking does give me comfort in times of
great stress, but I do not see that as a negative practice, but more of a practical application to
individual differences.
Another one of my thinking styles that I feel highly impacts my managing style in relation to
planning and organizing is my Achievement–Oriented Style. Although this style was not identified
as either my primary or back–up thinking styles, I do believe it plays a large role in my effectiveness
as a manager. In
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Notes On Life Styles Inventory
Life Styles Inventory
Jameka S. Carter
Ms. Hallcom
Life Styles Inventory
Individuals possess different skills that have an impact on their thinking and management style. The
style varies from individual to individual depending on their opinions, perceptions, thoughts, and
skills. The Life Style Inventory is a tool, which can be used to analyze and evaluate the management
and leadership skills of an individual. The LSI has different styles and individuals can rate the styles
according to their own skills. It will help in analyzing the management and leadership capabilities of
an individual by evaluating the key skills. I have taken the LSI test to analyze and examine my
skills, which can help in selecting an appropriate management and leadership style to achieve
success and growth.
Personal Thinking Styles The cognitive and thought process of individuals is influenced by the
personal attributes, skills, capabilities, and perceptions of individuals. The personal thinking style
varies from individual to individual depending on various factors and resources. Evaluation of
personal skills helps in developing and enhancing skills so that success can be achieved. The LSI
results have helped me in realizing my personal thinking style, which has a strong impact on my
behavior, perception, and attitude. The LSI result suggests that I belong to the avoidance category,
which means that I use defensive and aggressive strategies to prove my point and
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Life Styles Inventory ( Lsi )
Life Skills Inventory Analysis Who are we? How do we think and behave? What is the impact of
our thinking and behaving styles professionally and personally? How do we change these styles?
These are the questions we ask as leaders. The Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI) is a tool designed to
answer these questions. It is a tool "used to identify a person's strengths and improvement areas
focusing on beliefs, values, behaviors and assumptions about yourself" (Human Synergistics
International, 2010). After completing the assessment, the results provide insight into an individual's
various styles, the impact to others, suggestions to change and there benefits. This narrative is an
analysis of my results, how these styles are manifested in my life, and what actions. Personal
Thinking Styles Primary Style After completing the Life Style Inventory, I was classified in the
constructive cluster, whom will "reflect self–enhancing thinking and behavior that contribute to one
's level of satisfaction, ability to develop healthy relationships and work effectively with people, and
proficiency at accomplishing tasks" (Human Synergistics International, 2010). Within the
constructive style, my primary thinking style is identified as an affiliate, who "reflects an interest in
developing and sustaining pleasant relationships" (Human Synergistics International, 2010).
Professionally, I have demonstrated this style as I have developed relationships and networks
necessary to resolve issues,
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Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory
Heidi Wempen – Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory
What is your total D/I score? Describe your preferred approach for managing conflict.
My D/I score was 41, making my style for managing conflict more direct.
The guide described my conflict style very well. I do prefer to state my needs and my wants in clear
language, in face to face meetings. The booklet doesn't go into why the direct style prefers face to
face, but I know why I prefer face to face interaction. When in conflict, it is simply because
inflection, and tone of voice would be hard to convey though mediators or though writing. The
phone would give me the voice but not the personal presence, and when tensions are high I think it
is helpful to pay attention to expressions ... Show more content on ...
I also feel that reading about the other conflict styles helped me figure out a plan to strengthen those
weaknesses. The first thing that caught my eye was the accommodation style trait of using stories.
One of the last classes I took for my B.A. was one in effective storytelling. A big focus in that class
was using stories to emotionally connect with your audience and to incorporate facts and figures
into the stories so as to make them more relatable. I think that if I practice what I learned in that
class I can combat the weakness of being too logical and unfeeling. Stories, when told well, are
meant to evoke emotions so I think that using stories to elaborate positions and arguments could
allow me to connect with people who are more emotionally expressive in their conflict style
(Hammer, 2003, p.
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Love Styles Inventory, Written By John Allan Lee
Love is a four letter word that has a different meaning for certain people, and cultures. Love also
happens to be an emotion that is very hard for people to understand. Learning what is love, and how
to show love, is something that we learn from our parents, family, and friends. But it is also
something we learn through our own life experiences. I took two surveys, "Love Styles" Inventory,
and "Are you a good listener" survey, both of which will help me to discuss the six different love
styles, proposed by John Allan Lee.
The six different styles of love are; Eros (romantic), Mania (manic), Ludus (egocentric), Pragma
(pragmatic), Storage (companionate), and Agape (altruistic). Eros is more the idea of love at first
sight like you would ... Show more content on ...
To be a good listener you should listen more than you talk, use the others person name, and keep a
positive tone (Zehring,1986,p22–25). I took the "Are you a good listener" survey and probably to
my mother's surprise I scored a 90, which means I am a "strong and effective listener". This means
that I try and help others get through the problems that they are facing, but I need to not draw the
conversation back to myself as much. I do agree with my score because I do try and talk to my
friends and others about their issues, so that I can try and help them get through whatever they might
be experiencing. Also I agree because when I do give advice I do tend to bring it back to myself and
give examples of what I've been through instead of just solely focusing it on the person I am talking
to. Since taking this survey I learned that listening to someone isn't that hard, you've just got to put
the other person's needs at the moment before yours and focus on them. Another thing you should
remember is that if the person is going through a negative situation, you don't want to add anything
negative to it, so stay positive with them and encourage them instead of bringing them down. I also
learned that everyone is different when it comes to their style of
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Kolb Learning Style Inventory Analysis
The test, Learning Styles Inventory, was created by David Kolb in 1984. This test tells you how you
best learn things. There's three results that you can end up with, Auditory, Tactile, and Visual. If you
were a visual learner, you'd learn better by seeing and watching how things are done, or practicing
with flashcards and such. If you were an Auditory learner, you'd learn better by hearing directions or
what to do. It is also helpful if you make a song on what you want to learn. If you were a Tactile
learner, then you learn better hands–on.Touching things, tracing letters to a word with your finger, or
even holding or squeezing something while you study might help. You would take this test to see
how you could study best, or maybe you can't
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Life Styles Inventory
My LSI Styles Complex My "primary" personal thinking style as shown in my circumplex is The
Humanistic–Encouraging Style. This style means that I am "accepting of myself, and accept others
for who they are without question or criticism" (Human 2010). Humanistic–Encouraging individuals
believe they can "assist others in fulfilling their potential by providing a supportive climate that
inspires self–improvement" (Human 2010). I believe that this very accurate summation of myself.
This can easily be seen at my previous job as a waiter. I was often asked to train new employees
because I was considered sensitive to people 's needs, and was willing to devote energy to
counseling and coaching others. I also consider this style accurate about ... Show more content on ...
With many older cousins, I was consistently being compared to how they performed in various
subjects. I was pushed to take on leadership roles in many different clubs and organizations as they
would "look good" on college applications. I learned early on, however, that leading by example and
having faith in others helps gets projects accomplished much more successfully than bullying people
around. For example, in high school, I was appointed chairperson of a school–wide international
fair. I was in charge of organizing all the various multicultural clubs and societies and putting on a
variety food and dance show. Although my competetaive drive was there pushing me to put on the
best show I could, I realized that there was only so much I could do myself and make others do by
forcing them. Instead I assigned tasks to others clubs and had faith that they would get the job done.
I believe that by watching how I did not procrastinate or avoid doing my jobs, other members were
inspired to do the same. Taking the LSI survey has definitely shed some light on my thinking styles.
There are definitely some changes that I could make in order to become a more successful manager
with a high performing team. I have learned that while it is important to be interested in people, to
care about others, and to encourage them to improve, it is also just as important to provide direction
and set goals. As discussed in class, leading
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Personal Style Inventory : My Boyfriend
For Project B, that utilizes the Personal Style Inventory, I choose my boyfriend, Cameron. The
Personal Style Inventory gave information that distinguished the similarities and the differences
between my boyfriend and I in different aspects, such as both of us preferring extraversion versus
introversion. Before completing the Personal Style Inventory, I already felt like my boyfriend and I
had pretty dramatic differences in our personalities. As we completed the Personal Style Inventory, I
discovered that we did have some differences and none of the scores were really close to each other.
In each of the scales, our scores went in opposite directions. My boyfriend, Cameron, and I have
been together for almost five years now and there has been a clear difference between the way we
think. From the Personal Style Inventory, I discovered that I am a more "thinking" person and he is a
more "feeling" person. This really describes our personalities because he says that I can be a little
unemotional sometimes and I see that in myself when we deal with issues. For example, when we
were choosing what colleges to go, he choose a school in Memphis, TN, then wanted to be closer to
me when we were apart for our first semester. He wasn't focused on finding a school that was best
for what he needed, as far as his major or his career path. I believe part of him stills wants to be
close to me and stay here at UTC for the wrong reasons, and I do not think it is best for him and his
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Kolb Learning Style Inventory
The Kolb Learning Style Inventory–Version 3.1 2005 Technical Specifications
Alice Y. Kolb Experience Based Learning Systems, Inc. David A. Kolb Case Western Reserve
University May 15, 2005
The Kolb Learning Style Inventory Version 3.1 (KLSI 3.1), revised in 2005, is the latest revision of
the original Learning Style Inventory developed by David A. Kolb. Like its predecessors, KLSI 3.1
is based on experiential learning theory (Kolb 1984) and is designed to help individuals identify the
way they learn from experience. This revision includes new norms that are based on a larger, more
diverse, and more representative sample of 6977 LSI users. The format, items, scoring and
interpretative booklet remain identical with KLSI 3. The ... Show more content on
In Piaget's terms, learning occurs through equilibration of the dialectic processes of assimilating
new experiences into existing concepts and accommodating existing concepts to new experience. 6.
Learning is the process of creating knowledge. ELT proposes a constructivist theory of learning
whereby social knowledge is created and recreated in the personal knowledge of the learner. This
stands in contrast to the "transmission" model on which much current educational practice is based,
where pre–existing fixed ideas are transmitted to the learner. ELT defines learning as "the process
whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from
the combination of grasping and transforming experience" (Kolb 1984: 41). The ELT model portrays
two dialectically related modes of grasping experience–Concrete Experience (CE) and Abstract
Conceptualization (AC)–and two dialectically related modes of transforming experience–Reflective
Observation (RO) and Active Experimentation (AE). Experiential learning is a process of
constructing knowledge that involves a creative tension among the four learning modes that is
responsive to contextual demands. This process is portrayed as an idealized learning cycle or spiral
where the learner "touches all the bases"–experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and acting–in a
recursive process that is responsive to the learning situation and what is being learned. Immediate or
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The Learning Styles Inventory ( Lsi )
In EDCL 5339, Understanding Self, I took the Learning Styles Inventory (LSI). The results showed
that my confirmed strengths are Oppositional, Power, Competitive and Perfectionist. I do not
demonstrate strong Oppositional self. I tend to keep an open mind and am willing to listen to others'
opinion. Sometimes, I feel I go along with what others want easily. In my close relationships, I am
more opinionated than I am with my colleagues. I would like to develop the ability to be more
analytical and ask tough questions. I think this is an important skill of a leader. As for my lower
Power, Competitive and Perfectionist self, I am content with who I am in those areas. I am a team
player and I work well with individuals. I would not want to change a thing. I am not interested in
controlling or "one–upping" others. I enjoy working with others and celebrating their achievements,
along with mine.
My areas of unrecognized strengths are Humanistic/Encouraging, Affiliate, Conventional and
Achievement. I believe that the biggest issue for me in this area is my tendency to over–analyze my
actions and reactions. I do not have full confidence in myself. In the area of
Humanistic/Encouraging, I feel that I have good people skills. I can get along with people well and
if there is an issue, I approach it with tact. Outside of the work place, I believe that I do this well. In
the work place, I'm struggling with being supportive and encouraging at work. I feel I'm not
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Zara Case
Introduction Zara, the largest retailer within the Inditex portfolio, has been able to maintain a
competitive advantage over its competitors by offering up–to–the–minute fashions in its stores
throughout Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas. Zara is the result of a clothing factory
integrating forward to take advantage of linkages between manufacturing and retailing. These
linkages are facilitated by information technology and Zara has developed a highly automated
production and distribution system to service its stores. The information systems within Zara stores
are easy to use and stable, but much discussion is taking place regarding whether or not to upgrade
them to take advantage of new technologies which could better ... Show more content on ...
Product managers keep track of supply and demand levels for merchandise and order more of an
item if supply is running low or call off additional production if demand slows. Advanced machines
are used to cut cloth into patterns to minimize waste and keep productivity levels high, although no
technology is used to optimize production schedules. Instead, managers set the production schedule
based on given quantities and due dates, offering the opportunity to create further improvements by
utilizing information technology to increase production efficiency. Garments are manufactured in
response to orders from stores and are immediately sent to one of several distribution centers where
computers and conveyor belts sort and move the merchandise to fulfill each order. People only get
involved in the process if there is a shortage of a particular item, in which case a product manager
will determine which stores will receive the merchandise. The automation of the fulfillment process
at distribution centers works very well for assembling the large orders for stores but is not optimal
for small orders so Zara does not sell clothing through its website. 4. In–Store Operating System:
Behind the Times Although Zara utilizes advanced technology to increase the speed in which its
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The Learning Style Inventory ( Lsi )
This assignment came to life because of the two theorists P. Honey and A. Mumford. They
researched on how to put together a project in order to identify the learning styles. The starting point
of this scheme was supported by the Kolb learning style inventory (LSI). Finally, they came up with
the idea of a questionnaire. They gathered eighty questions together, containing four different
learning styles along with characteristics of the person/s that might fit in. The image below
represents the theory along with the learning styles produced. (, 2011)
Many people will argue that the theory discussed is `not a psychometric instrument, but a checklist
about how people learn`; furthermore, it could expose the `danger of labelling people as theorists or
pragmatists, when most people exhibit more than one strong preferences (F.Coffield, 2004, p. 28).
Perhaps that every individual from this Planet is different and unique, this is a fact. The same like
being different means that we have diverse ways of perception towards new concepts and ideas
(learning in general). However, we all have similar ways of approaching and understanding,
therefore learning. The two theorists did not necessarily intended to say that certain people have
certain learning styles; conceivably, they just wanted to help people recognize themselves and other
people around them in order to learn and work more efficiently. As we are so unpredictable, at least
to know from where to start (what
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Soloman Learning Styles Inventory
According to the Felder and Soloman Learning Styles inventory, I am an Active–Intuitive–Visual–
Sequential Learner. However, none of my results were particularly radicalized as I scored 1–3 across
all the dimensions meaning that I'm impartial to a specific learning strategy.
That being said, in order to achieve deep learning as opposed to surface–level retention, I will be
mindful about which dimension I identify with more while in class. For instance, I remember a lot
of the material I see, so flowcharts and other organizational drawings are helpful to cater towards
that need. To appease the Sequential side of me, I often format my notes into an outline as visually it
is more organized and helps me retain information better.
However, when
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Life Styles Inventory: Personal Evaluation
LSI Evaluation Primary and Backup Thinking Styles The area of the LSI evaluation that I ranked
most heavily as a part of was that Humanistic–encouraging style. The fact that this thinking style
was my primary one at 75% came as absolutely no surprise to me as people often compliment me on
my people skills, and I feel like a I care about others to an incredibly strong and aggravated extent,
almost to a fault. I feel energized when I'm encouraging others as I feel that the right encouragement
can help people to realize their dreams and their absolute full potential. "The Humanistic–
Encouraging scale measures our interest in people, our tendency to care about others, and our ability
to encourage them to improve. Humanistic–Encouraging people are accepting of themselves, and
accept others for who they are without question or criticism" (LSI, 2011). I've always found that as a
manager, I can get the best results out of people, not by criticizing them, but by encouraging them
and giving them a ton of positive reinforcement. When people feel like their manager believes in
them and has high standards and expectations for them, they are more likely to meet those
expectations. "In fact, those scoring higher on this scale have unconditional positive regard for
others. This absolute acceptance enables people to grow the most and take greater responsibility for
themselves" (LSI, 2011). This sentiment is absolutely true. As a manager, I view it as my absolute
responsibility to empower
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Reflection Paper On Learning Style Inventory
By taking the learning style inventory and survey, I found that there is a unique way for me to study
and absorb key information. The survey allowed me to learn more about myself as a person and
taught me whether I am a visual, audio, or tactile learner. I found this out by completing and
reviewing the results of the assessment. I could see that the best way for me to study would be by
taking notes, reviewing them and making flash cards as I am more of a visual learner. With this new
information, I will now be able to utilize my study time in a more efficient way. This inventory also
showed me the best ways for me to interact with people and how I will better serve my future career
environment. The learning style inventory and assessment has taught me a great deal about myself
and the best way to learn.
Reflection Style Paper on Learning Style The learning style inventory and assessment was a great
tool in figuring out the best method to study and learn is based on if I am a visual, auditory, or tactile
learner. This survey showed me the best chances of perfecting the way I review and understand the
material I have been assigned. I could take away that I am a visual learner and the best way for me
to prepare for my classes is by taking notes and rereading them continually. I can now study in a
way that will better my effectiveness in going over the notes
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Introduction to Life Styles Inventory
Personal Thinking Styles
The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) was designed to help assess effectiveness in relationships on the job
and support the development of interpersonal skills. This "road map" to self development was the
brainchild of Dr.Clayton Lafferty. This survey of questions measures 12 key thinking styles, that are
regarded to promote performance change and improve personal understanding of how our thinking
affects our behavior. The 12 styles are categorized into three general clusters: Constructive, which
includes Achievement, Self–Actualizing, Humanistic–Encouraging, and Affinitive thinking styles,
Passive/Defensive, which includes Approval, Conventional, Dependent, and Avoidance thinking
styles; Aggressive/Defensive, which ... Show more content on ...
I have watched colleague be terminated for speaking their minds or having different of opinions
from that of our direct report who is new to this role and wants to flex her power. It is disheartening
and discouraging for me. This is a style that needs to be addressed.
Impact on Management Style
Most of my life, I have successful in maintain balance between my personal and professional life.
But as we all know, they overlap and are intertwined. Our management styles whether good or bad
reflect our ability to lead other. To be an effective manager you must have the four basic
management functions: 1) the ability to Plan; 2) Organize; 3) Lead; and 4) Control.
I am not big on procrastination, so planning is very important to me. I need to know the why, when,
how, what to generate a plan and effectively execute it. There is always that need to establish a goal
and a plan of action to accomplish this. This is a process that must be seen through to the end.
No plan successful plan can be executed with proper organization. As a manager it is imperative to
be able to organize the plan for which a goal has been set. Organization is very broad. For me, as
long as there is a plan where it is personal or in my professional environment, I strategically put
resources in place, which will best efficient way to accomplish the plan of action I set up.
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Life Styles Inventory (Lsi) Survey
I GM591– LSI Survey
Life Styles Inventory (LSI) Survey
GM591 ACC_C Miles DVUC MNHTN Leadership and Organizational Behavior
July 22, 2011
This paper reviews Lifetime Inventory survey results. It is definitely the self discovery
tool that has revealed my primary and secondary thinking styles as well as my limiting
style that has a negative impact on my management style. It also gave me a feed back of
my management styles. It provides me with idea of how my personal thinking was
formed and what influence my family or culture or school ... Show more content on
all of the styles mentioned above are the key components to successfully follow the four
functions of the management that are planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
As defined in text book "an effective manager helps others achieve high
levels of both performance and satisfaction"(Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, Uhl–Bien, 11th
edition, 2010) and thus my survey results perfectly shows my ability of being one.
Part III : Genesis of personal life style
Family and culture had a great influence on my personal life style like on
every person I would think. I grew up with the idea that adult knows everything and is
always right ,which turned out totally wrong. Now I realize that it was misunderstanding
of respecting the adults.
I was raised by the parents who had adopted high authoritarian style and
I was always expected to obey rules without questioning them. I think that it had a
negative impact on my self confidence but made me very responsible in every aspect of
life and work. I could not say "no" to others and had to do what I was expected to. But at
the same time I have to mention that individual invents and life time experiences showed
me the
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My Learning Style Inventory
After completing the assessment, the inventory concludes that my learning style is predominantly
feeling and concrete experiences. For concrete experience, my score of 43 reveals my passion to
learn information that I believe is relevant for myself. Subsequently, scoring 34 for active
experimentation indicates my preference for applying and testing ideas to understand a concept.
Additionally, scoring 25 for reflective observation reveals how I learn concepts through observing
others complete a task. Scoring 18 for abstract conceptualization indicates how my learning style
does not depend on facts and figure. With all of these learning styles, my graph illustrates strong
areas in mode 4 and 1, however, it is immensely low in mode 2 and 1. Overall, my results showcase
that I belong in mode 4 learning. The learning style inventory is accurate as it reveals that my
strongest learning style is concrete experience. This ... Show more content on ...
In the learning style assessment, my score of 34 for active experimentation learning shocks me as I
do not learn well through hands on experience such as lab work. However, after reading an in–depth
analysis on active experimentation learning style, I understand how it affects me as I prefer testing
out ideas to see what works in in order to understand a learning concept. The learning style
inventory demonstrates that mode 3 and 2 are my weaknesses. This reveals that I lack in
understanding how theory affects my daily life as well as asking questions in order to understand a
concept. To improve in mode 3, I need to start setting goals for myself. I can accomplish this by
creating a goal map to see the goals I want to achieve, such as joining a new club, and tracking my
progress. In mode 2, I need to supplement any assigned text with other books such as business
magazines and articles. As a result, I will understand the key points in my
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Life Styles Inventory
Introduction I remember being interviewed by a panel of three people and one interviewee asked
me," So tell me five characteristics about yourself?" It was a challenging question because many
people find out their characteristics through employment and life. Just graduating college in April
2013, I myself did not contain a plethora of work experience; therefore, I could not name all five
characteristics corresponding to what she asked. Dr. John Doe created the Life Styles Inventory
(LSI) assignment; the purpose of this assessment is for people to receive a better understanding of
oneself. As stated form the LSI website, Life Styles Inventory (LSI) measures 12 specific styles of
patterns of thinking that can either help or hinder a person from reaching his or her potential. The
system provides a "road map" to properly focus [their] personal development goals and keep [them]
headed in the direction [that they] want to go (Lafferty, 2014).
Personal Thinking Style After completing the LSI assessment, my results in the highest percentile
were: achievement, self–actualizing, humanistic, affiliative, conventional, oppositional, and a
perfectionist. My second highest results were: approval, power, competitiveness, and avoidance. In
this passage I will discuss how my high profile results and second highest profile results tie into my
life/ work and expound if the traits describe who I actually am.
Acheivement 11 O' Clock– The Achievement scale measures a
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The Learning Style Inventory ( Lsi )
The Organizational Behaviour course has managed to properly accomplish teaching the concepts
and theories in the curriculum due to the function of the interactive classes. The way the classes are
run gives a fresh spin on the lessons learned from the lectures by getting the students to participate
in activities and giving us a chance to self–reflect on how the teachings of the course can be
applicable to our daily lives. The interactive teachers do a fantastic job of motivating us to better
understand the material and ensure that the class stays integrative and comfortable.
I need to focus on the concept of individual learning and how it is the building block on my
education. In the course we learned about the adult learning process and how we can figure out what
techniques and approaches are best suitable for each of us. In the interactive class, we were given
worksheets that help us determine what learning style we relate to the most and the benefits that
learning style has in an organization. The Learning Style Inventory (LSI) helped me conclude that I
gear towards the Abstract Conceptualization (or "Thinking") and Active Experimentation (or
"Doing") areas of learning, resulting in being assigned the learning style of converging. The
converging learning style carries the characteristics of being able to solve problems, make decisions
and use logical thinking in a task. This accurately portrays my approach to learning whether
academically or in real–life situations as I
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Life Styles Inventory Interpretation Essay
The Life Styles Inventory Survey is assessed to allow me to answer the question of, "Who am I, and
what causes me to act the way that I do." It gives an insight to one's personality and an insight as to
how we may treat others. By giving my honest opinion of several questions the results are going to
give me an insight on how my thinking styles will influence my behavior as a manager and allow
me to use the results for self–improvement. My results show that I Research has shown that the
styles measured by the LSI are related to a number of indicators of effectiveness and success,
including leadership effectiveness, management effectiveness, problem solving effectiveness,
quality of interpersonal relations, salary, organizational ... Show more content on ...
Within the LSI it listed descriptive words of each style and the words that are associated with the
achievement style were very descriptive of me. Words such as, ambitious, achieving, enjoys a
challenge, learns from mistakes and corrects, and many others were very accurate. I am all of these
things and I strive for being the best and doing it better. An example of this is, in my job, there is
training involved and the way that it was done prior to me joining the team was not effective, at least
not to me and as mentioned by the clients, neither to some of them. So, I took it upon myself to
make it better and I came up with my own documents that would assist the client in learning the new
material. I have received very good feedback from it and it is now used by everyone on our team.
Not only is this achievement style shown in my work habits, but it is also shown in my day to day
life. I love to accomplish and to get things done. Whether, it is beating a game or simply
accomplishing a task, of say, painting a room in my house. I tend not to let anything stand in my
way of achieving something that I have set forth to do. I can completely agree that this style ranked
the highest for me in this survey. My "backup" thinking style, which falls one hour behind my
primary, at the 10 o' clock position, was "perfectionistic." This style did not rank as high as my
primary, but, with a score of 24 out of 40, it still fell pretty high at the 75%
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My Result From Kolb's Learning Style Inventory
My result from Kolb's Learning Style Inventory is that I am a divergent learner. In my professional
life I respect the knowledge and experience of my coworker and what they have to bring to the table
I also encourage co–worker to share their knowledge and experience freely. In my academic
learning my style I love to work in groups, to listen with an open mind and I like to receive feedback
to see what the weakness and strength are of each team's member. This learning style impact the
way in which I develop others because it makes me look at other cultural interest and how they
gather their information and give me a different perspective on how to deal with other. I would
interpret this quote as no matter how good you're as a ... Show more content on ...
I am always flexible, negotiators within the group. My team member perceive me has willingness to
help when needed, co–operation and blending of each others' strengths, positive attitudes, providing
support encouragement and open communication. And example when my group wanted to meet up
it wasn't a good time for me but I was willing to compromise my family obligation so I could meet
with the group and me always try to have positive attitudes toward everyone in the group. The role
that teamwork plays in management in the 21st century is that it represents asset of values that
encourage behaviors such as listening and responding cooperatively to points of view expressed by
others, giving others the benefit of doubt, providing support to those who need it and recognizing
the interests and achievements of others. Teamwork plays a multiplicity of roles in managing
modern organizations. These ranges from; enhanced performance, employee benefits reduced costs,
improved communication, benefits of expanded job training improved employee motivation,
organizational flexibility. transforming public sector organizations into team.
Emotional intelligence does affect successful teamwork. Having emotional intelligence
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Lsi Life Styles Inventory Paper
GM 591 Yvonne Hobbs
LSI Paper
The life styles inventory is a survey of questions that help us to gain an insight into our own
personality and what type of behaviors we exert to others as individuals. It helps us to look at the
positive and negative qualities of our personalities and ways to improve upon them. A look at my
LSI styles complex radiates that my primary thinking style is linked to the avoidance category. The
avoidance scale states that I tend to use the strategy of withdrawal by hiding my feelings and being
shy to express myself. It also states that as things become more threatening to me the more I tend to
avoid those situations. These thinking styles are linked to feelings of denying responsibility for my
own ... Show more content on ...
There are times where I feel the need to dominate and lead the way such as when working with my
dad in his apartment management company. I observe him overruling his tenants and exerting his
power to put people in their place and follow the complex rules and regulations, and have somehow
manifested those qualities into myself, like in example, if I am at work and he is not there then I do
find myself to be quite dominating and exerting my power to get tenants to do what there suppose to
do or pay their rent. I also find myself being dominating to people I know are weaker than me or just
shy and not outspoken about their feelings. The other style that I was tied with is the conventional
scale which measures my tendency to act in a conforming way. These tendencies are characterized
by perceiving rules as a source of comfort and security. There is also a preference for staying unseen
and unnoticed and a tendency to cover up my mistakes. There is also preoccupation with appearing
to be average and just like everyone else. Additionally there is a reduction in originality which is
very true for my behavior. These characteristics are also a bit contrary to my power and authoritarian
style but somehow I find myself being shy as well as authoritarian in certain situations. I would have
to say however that the conventional characteristic is one that I might have to disagree with because
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Learning Style Inventory
From doing the Learning Style Inventory, I learned that I learn better when I write things down and
when I have a visual of the information I am learning. For my writing style way of learning, I found
I should take notes. When the professors give us notes I should write them in my hand writing. I just
need to be able to read my notes because I write so fast some times. I always make a list of things
that need to be done and always carry a notebook with me to take notes. For my visual style way of
learning, I found it is to see the task being done so I can better understand the task at hand by
closing my eyes and try to see the word before I write it. Also to better understand the subject is to
watch videos or movies.
I feel like my results
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Mgmt 591
Life Styles Inventory Assignment
Traya Ransom MGMT591 – Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Brett Gordon
November 11, 2012
This paper discusses the content Life Styles Inventory (LSI) results for Traya Ransom. It identifies
her primary, backup, and limiting thinking styles, the impact her personal styles have on her
management style, and it also explains how she developed the personal styles that were reveled in
her LSI. The LSI results are shown on page 5.
Primary, Backup and Limiting Styles
Traya's primary style is Achievement, with a percentile score of 99. This thinking style describes a
person who has confidence in their ability to improve situations and is not afraid to take action.
They are able ... Show more content on ...
Perfectionistic is Traya's limiting style. The percentile score received for this style was 63. This style
can cause stress because the perfectionist tends to feel as if they have to be more than they are. They
also feel as though they have to prove themselves on a consistent basis. Perfectionists seldom have a
true sense of accomplishment, because they feel that the end product of whatever task they are
working on is never good enough. They also are startle themselves with how irritable and angry they
can get. This style is a hindrance to Traya's work atmosphere because she becomes easily irritated
and can irritate others. If Traya could change one of the behaviors associated with being a
perfectionist, it would be the tendency to become easily irritated. If this could be eliminated, this
would help created a more pleasant atmosphere.
Impact Personal Styles Have on Management Style
Traya is an effective manager in terms of the four functions of management, which include;
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. As an achiever she has the ability to effectively plan
and problem solve as a manager. This also helps her to organize mass amounts of information. By
having the Self–Actualizing style, she is an effective leader because of her confidence and high
acceptance of self. Although the Perfectionist style can be view as negative, it also has a positive
affect on her control of the employees and the organization.
Explanation of Developed of
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Results of Life Styles Inventory: Personal and...
Reactions to and Reflections on My Life Styles Inventory Results: Personal and Professional
Developing not only as a person but as a leader can be a complex and arduous task, and is a life–
long process for those that truly take an active interest in this development. Conscious choices can
be made to improve leadership skills and personality traits that support greater achievement in the
workplace are possible, and thus development in these areas can be made a matter of active
choosing and attention, yet properly engaging in such active development efforts requires an
understanding of how personality works as an internal matter and how specific personality traits
translate into leadership capabilities and effectiveness. While many different tools and methods have
been created to assist in leadership development, few are as truly insightful or as concretely
applicable as the Life Styles Inventory. The Life Styles Inventory provides a clear and effective
means for characterizing one' own personality, and through this certain of their leadership
proclivities and capabilities, and thus can be used as a starting point in making changes towards a
better leadership–oriented personality. As the name implies, it is through different styles of
approaching life that this inventory approaches both personality and leadership, and it is through
understanding one's present set of styles that an individual can make changes towards becoming a
better leader and a
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Intercultural Conflict Styles In Global Communication
This research paper will explain the important learnings of intercultural conflict styles within global
communication. The overall problem that is addressed within intercultural communication is the
conflicts that come about because people may not know how to approach a situation with someone
or a group of people of a different race, gender, ethnicity, or background.
The articles throughout this research has shown the different areas intercultural conflicts effect, who
they effect, and how they can be handled through the different conflict styles. Mitchell
Hammer, Ph. D., who's views we will examine further, breaks up the intercultural conflict styles into
four sections, or a chart, that visually explains how certain cultures handle these conflicts differently.
The mission is for the audience to have a better understanding of intercultural conflict styles and
how they can be used in situations while interacting with others.
A common issue individuals have is interacting with others. Although it is said that communication
is key, whether it is because of a person's gender, sexuality, ethnicity, age, custom backgrounds,
religious beliefs, or their every day norms communication is easily misconstrued amongst humans.
The issue is, people are not aware of the theory of intercultural conflict styles and how these styles
are intended to know how to handle certain situations with people of different cultural backgrounds.
Luckily, the Intercultural Conflict
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Learning Style Inventory Analysis
Before taking the Learning Style Inventory, I always felt I was mostly a tactile learner. I would be
able to learn in a visual fashion if need be, but I would rather learn and by doing and making
mistakes. After taking the Learning Style Inventory, the results definitely supported my initial
thoughts. My tactile preference was 14 points higher than my auditory score, but only 2 points
higher than my visual. Although I believe I will always will be a stronger tactile learner, my visual
learner skills have been improving throughout my college learning experience. Plus, it's important to
note that many tactile learning situations are dependent on visual learning. This means that tactilely
learning has been strengthening my visual learning skills. ... Show more content on
With this set, you could build anything you wanted to or follow the suggested projects. The projects
didn't have step by step instructions, they merely had an image displaying the end result. I remember
struggling at times for hours and hours as I made errors, but through trial and error and careful
observation, I was able to match the images with little or no help from parents. To this day, I believe
this toy (learning tool) was a very important part of my life because it shaped the way I learn.
I am using the tactile and visual learning style almost every day. For instance, during my College
Algebra class last quarter, I left the class every day without any idea of what the instructor was
talking about. However, when I read the notes I took in class, and began working through the
problems on my own, I finally started to understand what was going on, and "why" I was doing it.
Granted, it took some failures, but through trial and error, I was able to learn and adapt to the
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Learning Styles: Modality Preference Inventory Worksheet
When we did the Learning Styles: Modality Preference Inventory worksheet, I scored a 23 in Visual,
a 16 in Auditory, and a 23 in Kinesthetic/Tactile. For me, I always had to write things down in order
to even come close to remembering it. I also had to actually do what was being done to understand. I
always seemed to be both a visual and hands on type of person. Honestly, I will always have to write
things down for me to remember it, so I will continue to write notes and rewrite them to learn and
study them for tests/quizzes. I will try to be an auditory learner as well sometimes because of the
lectures, what the professor says is also important. I learned that when I was doing the summer
bridge program, sometimes examples of what he said
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Life Style Inventory (Lsi)

  • 1. Life Style Inventory (Lsi) Part I: Personal Thinking Styles My primary thinking style is dependent. This style fell into the high range of the LSI Style Circumplex with a 96 percentile score. Dependent thinking style is originates in a need for security and self–protection: dependent people typically feel that they have very little control over their lives. This type of behavior may be long–standing, or due to temporary life changes such as a new job, a promotion, an illness, or the break–up of a close relationship. When dependent behavior occurs as a result of a temporary life change, the feelings of dependency tend to diminish as the particular situation is resolved. I feel that the result for dependent style is that the dependent person tend to feel ... Show more content on ... I choose the dependent style because this style limit my way of thinking. It show that I am weak and always needed other for guide, I can not think for myself. I wanted to changed that because I make decision on my own and be able to have my voice be heard. I wanted to have self–respect, I want to be able to feel accomplishment. I wanted to show that I could make decision and not to feel helplessness. I want to learn new things, which would help me acquire new skill to help recognize that would effort counts, and may reduce my feeling of helplessness. I must realize to trust my own judgment, and demonstrate that I believe in myself by being more outspoken and speak up in groups. I want to have a sense of control over my own life, be able to relax around other people. Have to freedom to be myself, reduced symptoms of stress. When I am able to accomplish that then I would be able to relax and have more faith in myself. Part II: Impact On Management Style The impact of the dependent style can have an impact on my management style. The ability to manage individuals and be an effective leader in very important in today business world. Managers have to perform many roles in an organization and how they handle various situations will depend on their style of management. A management style is an overall method of leadership used by a manager. It is important to have management style to define who I am, because I have to have a strong management style in order ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Life Style Inventory LSI Assignment After taking the Life Style Inventory (LSI) assessment, I have come to realized of the underlying thought patterns that guide an individual's behavior. This quality of an individual's thinking and behavior contributes greatly to that person's work performance. Part I – Personal Thinking Styles My primary thinking style is Self–actualizing and I can totally see myself through the description of this thinking style. The self–actualizing thinkers are characterized by an unusual high acceptance of self, others and situations "as they are." They have a strong interest in working to become everything they are capable of being. They have a sense of self–worth, a strong curiosity about people and things, and an acute ... Show more content on ... I don't see the need to be approved or recognized by others in order to feel that I'm self–worthy. Personally, I like to be included wherever I go and do not want to be left out. I always try to achieve a sense of belonging at work, at school, or whatever organization or group that I would likely to be in. Whenever I'm in a room of crowd, I always prefer showing up without much attention, sitting from the back, and listen quietly. I behave in that way not because I just don't want to be seen but I want to listen and learn about the crowd and situation before I say anything. Though I try to blend in most of the time, I do not really agree with the LSI's description on Conventional thinker that they lack originality because I'm totally the opposite of that. Though I try to by "low key" at the beginning, my true original self would come out in time. I believe that I developed this thinking style from the influence of my dad because he always said "When you talk a lot, you have more chances to say something wrong. It's best to listen quietly and say something right once in a while." I think that my parents' high expectancy in myself had leaded me to be the perfectionistic thinker I am today. Since first grade, I am always expected to be at the top of my class and I always get a nice toy as the result for being so. In contrast, I would get some criticism if I am any less than top. So I always tried my best to be at the top of ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Life Styles Inventory Personal Thinking Styles The LSI, Life Styles Inventory, measures twelve specific patterns of thinking that are broken down into three styles described as follows: CONSTRUCTIVE Styles reflect self–enhancing thinking and behavior that contribute to one 's level of satisfaction, ability to develop healthy relationships and work effectively with people, and proficiency at accomplishing tasks. PASSIVE/DEFENSIVE Styles represent self–protecting thinking and behavior that promote the fulfillment of security needs through interaction with people. AGGRESSIVE/DEFENSIVE Styles describe self–promoting thinking and behavior used to maintain status/position and fulfill security needs through task–related activities. (1) After taking the LSI survey I found my Primary style of thinking falls under Constructive Style (Humanistic–Encouraging). The limiting style of thinking that could pose challenges for me is Dependence, which falls under Passive/Defensive style. According to the LSI Results, My primary style is Humanistic and Encouraging at 96%. "The Humanistic–Encouraging scale measures our interest in people, our tendency to care about others, and our ability to encourage them to improve. Humanistic–Encouraging people are accepting of themselves, and accept others for who they are – without question or criticism. In fact, those scoring higher on this scale have unconditional positive regard for others. This absolute acceptance enables people to grow the most and take greater ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Learning Style Inventory ( Lsi ) Learning Style is a Term that has been of interest in the past few decades in the field of Organizational Behavior. It refers to the way individuals perceive to acquire new skills, knowledge, or education. Scholars of organizational behavior owe David Kolb who is the leading pioneer for the introduction of such term due to his work since 1970`s. David Kolb, a Professor of Organizational Behavior at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland in the US, established an Experimental theory based on a 17 years search study to develop and enhance the abilities of educators using the Learning Style Inventory (LSI). Coffieldand et al (2004).His aim was to improve traditional teaching for management students in perceiving new learned topics. He ... Show more content on ... xCoffieldand et al mentioned that the authors were keen to emphasize (2000, 43) that 'no single style has an overwhelming advantage over any other. Each has strengths and weaknesses but the strengths may be especially important in one situation, but not in another. Several scholars disagreed with the idea; that each individual has a unique learning style. They critiqued the work of Kolb, Honey and Mumford, and others who followed on the road of searching for improving and classifying educators in to learning categories. They insisted that naming individual according to learning style prevent them from adapting to new ways of learning. In this paper I used Honey and Mumford questionnaire to determine a suitable development program for a candidate. The candidate will answer the Learning style questionnaire (attached in appendix) as honestly as possible, his educational background and past experience should be taken into consideration in the development program. MATERIAL AND METHODS People in organizations are individuals with deferent behavior, values and personality, whereas organizations "are group of people who works interdependently toward some purpose" (McShawn,andVonGlinow 4th edition). This workforce diversity needs to be stormed and aligned through what is called evolving employment relationship, thus resulting in increasing their flexibility. Employees should also increase their flexibility through ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Personal Narrative: My Learning Style Inventory Before taking this test, I was not aware of what type of learner I was. Every time I had to study for a test, I simply used flashcards and continuously re–write the information until i had established a vast understanding for it. After taking this Learning Style Inventory, I am now more aware of what type of learner I am and how I can use these styles on a daily basis. As you can see from my results, I scored highest in logical, social, and aural. Trying to relate my learning styles from past experiences, I moderately understand how my highest score was logical. I would not quite classify myself as logical, however, when I study for any subject, I try to seek for connections and relationships between concepts. In this sense, I will consider ... Show more content on ... Whether it is me with a question or a classmate, I am always open to listen, assist, and share my understanding. My vision of a social learning style is study in a group. Lately, I have been studying in groups more often, which comes to my attention that it is definitely working. It allows me to bounce ideas throughout my classmates. When studying in groups, I personally will use this to let each other to teach other in what one thinks she/he is and "expert" in. Furthermore, this learning style can also include family, where you can simply ask them to quiz you before exams. This will provide me social interactions, which is most competent for me, making the process of the information easier. Aural learning is definitely one I am aware of. I undoubtedly learn best when teachers give lectures. I tend to remember and repeat ideas that are verbally presented. When test taking, I recall my voice and my teacher voice lecturing the information. Discussing the new information given and learning from my mistakes verbally, allows me to comprehend the information in a more efficient way. This style of learning can enhance my study skills by simply listening to the lectures given in class and take notes. So later I can recall back to what information I have to take ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. My Learning Style Inventory According to my Learning Style Inventory (LSI) graph, my learning style profile is located mostly in the lower right–hand corner of the graph. This means that my preferred mode for learning is in Mode 2. I believe it is accurate because I like watching and thinking when learning new concepts. For example, when learning new theories and formulas in Calculus, I need to see how the professor tackles a question using the formulas. This helps me analyze and master the concepts within the new lesson. Another example of mode 2 is I like watching Youtube videos that give more details and facts about a concept, especially in Science. This is because my mind quickly processes the information that are very visual and important about a topic. Furthermore, ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Life Styles Inventory | Life Styles Inventory | | | | 11/1/2010 | GM591 Leadership & Organizational Behavior | CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION Hello, my name is L. Neal. I was very eager to complete my LSI Survey because I was very curious what my results would be. I know how I am as an individual, and seeing the results of my survey only proves that you learn something about yourself every day. My results were quite interesting to say the least. Learning the meanings of the different life styles showed me that I have more characteristics in areas I never thought of. I hope you enjoy reading about me as much as I enjoyed learning about myself. Humanistic is when you are thoughtful, supportive of others and respectful. This ... Show more content on ... If they know you are looking to receive help from them, the ball is always in their court. This would explain why some people have problems with controlling managers. For example, you have an employee who is self reliant and needs minimum supervision; a controlling manager may find that to be threatening. They may feel like you are not recognizing their authority or they may feel at risk of losing their job to you. Avoidance is to take few chances on things, has a difficult time being accepted by others and lacks self–confidence. I scored in the medium range and this means that I'm not afraid to make decisions, but I'm not very aggressive at doing it either. Sometimes I second guess myself only because I want to do it right the first time. I'm not afraid of a challenge, and certainly not perfect, but I tend to dissect things more than I should. To improve in this life style, I will have to build up a little more confidence when making mistakes and learning from them would improve this life style for me. To be oppositional is when someone complains a lot, has a negative attitude and is critical to others. Again, my humanistic score helps balance this style. I scored in the middle because I can give constructive criticism without making someone feeling worthless. I don't need to put someone else down to make myself feel great. When people feel you are honest with them, they respect you more. Power is when a person has to control ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Learning Style Inventory Analysis After taking the learning style inventory, I was not surprise to find that I am a global learner. However, I am almost a pretty good split between the two learning styles. But, when it comes to thinking and test taking I am both analytical and global. Little Susie is working on an assignment in our classroom she has to have complete silence, while sitting at her desk. She is able to sit still for long periods of time while working in a well lite area. Little Susie prefers to work independently. Unlike most of my students Little Susie will remember the directions for the assigned tasks. After assigning station work, I give Little Susie the option of following the groups to centers or getting the necessary utensils needed to complete ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Leadership Communication Styles Inventory Leadership is defined as one's ability to influence others. However, when done well that influence enlists 4 major ingredients: [pic] It is an ability to use power effectively and in a responsible manner [pic] It is the ability to understand that different human beings have different motivational forces at different times and in different situations. [pic] It is also an ability to inspire people to perform towards a present objective. [pic] It is the ability to develop a climate conducive to building a positive attitude in the organization. Research has shown that in the course of a day, the average person tries to assert their influence in at least 4 decisions (Maxwell, 24). As we mature we develop certain ... Show more content on ... ← Autocratic leaders tend to excel at providing clear expectations, structure, as well as the specifics of how to perform the tasks. They are also excellent at providing certain controls to monitor progress, status, etc. ← Autocratic leaders are task–oriented and focused. Their style tends to work well where there is a need for a lot of structure, with the non–routine and complex tasks, or where there is a production emphasis. ← They are typically not concerned with the attitude or thinking of the group...and if they is secondary to meeting the goals at hand. ← New and untrained employees that are unfamiliar with the tasks and procedures benefit most from the Autocratic leadership style. A sense of security is created when a new employee is instructed with exact details of the expectations of their performance. This takes the guesswork out of the job for the individual and allows them to contribute immediately to production. ← Some situations may call for urgent action (crisis, etc), and in these cases an Autocratic style of leadership may be best. In addition, most people are familiar with Autocratic leadership and therefore have less trouble adopting that style. Furthermore, in some situations, direct reports may actually prefer an autocratic style – especially those used to rules, order, and structure. ← Initially this leadership style will produce increased
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  • 20. Gm 591 Life Style Inventory Report Keller Graduate School of Management [pic] GM 591: Life Styles Inventory – Survey results for John Hastings Instructor: Rick Roechnes Date: 09–JAN–2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Personal Thinking Styles (Part I) 3 2.1 Primary thinking & Back up thinking style 4 2.2 Limiting thinking style 4 3.0 Impact on Management Style (Part II) 5 3.1 Planning 5 3.2 Organizing 6 3.3 Leading 6 3.4 Controlling 6 4.0 Genesis of Personal Styles (Part III) 6 5.0 Conclusion and Reflection (Part IV) 8 Introduction Human Synergistic International's Life style Inventory survey has provided me with very insightful information on my thinking and ... Show more content on ... I usually set realistic and attainable goals while planning. Planning is basically setting objectives and identifying actions to achieve those objectives. I sometimes get into details while planning which usually is challenging and time consuming. 4. Organizing Organizing is dividing up the tasks and arranging resources to accomplish them. I am associating my medium score on the perfectionistic style with my organizing skills. I tend to have an efficient, business–like approach to tasks. 5. Leading Successful managers instill enthusiasm by communicating with others, motivating them to work hard, maintaining good interpersonal relations. My affiliative style is characterized by my need to build relationships that are meaningful and reciprocal will help me. I would also have focus on motivating and developing the team members.
  • 21. 6. Controlling Effective controlling is the process of monitoring performance and taking action to ensure desired results. Controlling ensures that the overall directions of individuals and groups are consistent with short and long range plans. With high percentile power thinking style I am not very effective in controlling. I plan to use some of the suggestions in the LSI survey to become less power oriented so I can be effective. Genesis of Personal Styles (Part ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Life Styles Inventory Paper Life Styles Inventory Results Paper Part I: Personal Thinking Styles As revealed by my personal Life Styles Inventory (Figure 1), my primary thinking style and back–up thinking style were Conventional (4 o'clock position) and Affiliative (2 o'clock position) respectively. There are many ways in which both the Conventional thinking style and Affiliative thinking style manifest in my life and work, none of which were all that evident until I explored my personal Life Styles Inventory. As stated in the Life Styles Inventory, my primary thinking style, the Conventional Style "measures our tendency to act in a conforming way...representing a preoccupation with adhering to rules and established procedures, maintaining a low profile, and ... Show more content on ... Part II: Impact on Management Style In relation to the four functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, it is evident how my personal thinking styles impact the way in which I manage. First and foremost, I think that my Conventional Style of thinking impacts my management styles the most. Although I am conventional in my practices, I am not dogmatic. I understand the importance in not remaining steadfast with something if it is continually not working, and I also understand the importance of being able to adapt to what does work. When it comes to planning and organizing I do like to stick to the rules before anything else. But as mentioned before, I often deviate from those rules if they do not appear to be producing adequate results. I will have to admit that my Conventional Style of thinking does give me comfort in times of great stress, but I do not see that as a negative practice, but more of a practical application to individual differences. Another one of my thinking styles that I feel highly impacts my managing style in relation to planning and organizing is my Achievement–Oriented Style. Although this style was not identified as either my primary or back–up thinking styles, I do believe it plays a large role in my effectiveness as a manager. In ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Notes On Life Styles Inventory Life Styles Inventory Jameka S. Carter Ms. Hallcom 9/14/14 Life Styles Inventory Introduction Individuals possess different skills that have an impact on their thinking and management style. The style varies from individual to individual depending on their opinions, perceptions, thoughts, and skills. The Life Style Inventory is a tool, which can be used to analyze and evaluate the management and leadership skills of an individual. The LSI has different styles and individuals can rate the styles according to their own skills. It will help in analyzing the management and leadership capabilities of an individual by evaluating the key skills. I have taken the LSI test to analyze and examine my skills, which can help in selecting an appropriate management and leadership style to achieve success and growth. Personal Thinking Styles The cognitive and thought process of individuals is influenced by the personal attributes, skills, capabilities, and perceptions of individuals. The personal thinking style varies from individual to individual depending on various factors and resources. Evaluation of personal skills helps in developing and enhancing skills so that success can be achieved. The LSI results have helped me in realizing my personal thinking style, which has a strong impact on my behavior, perception, and attitude. The LSI result suggests that I belong to the avoidance category, which means that I use defensive and aggressive strategies to prove my point and ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Life Styles Inventory ( Lsi ) Life Skills Inventory Analysis Who are we? How do we think and behave? What is the impact of our thinking and behaving styles professionally and personally? How do we change these styles? These are the questions we ask as leaders. The Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI) is a tool designed to answer these questions. It is a tool "used to identify a person's strengths and improvement areas focusing on beliefs, values, behaviors and assumptions about yourself" (Human Synergistics International, 2010). After completing the assessment, the results provide insight into an individual's various styles, the impact to others, suggestions to change and there benefits. This narrative is an analysis of my results, how these styles are manifested in my life, and what actions. Personal Thinking Styles Primary Style After completing the Life Style Inventory, I was classified in the constructive cluster, whom will "reflect self–enhancing thinking and behavior that contribute to one 's level of satisfaction, ability to develop healthy relationships and work effectively with people, and proficiency at accomplishing tasks" (Human Synergistics International, 2010). Within the constructive style, my primary thinking style is identified as an affiliate, who "reflects an interest in developing and sustaining pleasant relationships" (Human Synergistics International, 2010). Professionally, I have demonstrated this style as I have developed relationships and networks necessary to resolve issues, ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory Heidi Wempen – Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory What is your total D/I score? Describe your preferred approach for managing conflict. My D/I score was 41, making my style for managing conflict more direct. The guide described my conflict style very well. I do prefer to state my needs and my wants in clear language, in face to face meetings. The booklet doesn't go into why the direct style prefers face to face, but I know why I prefer face to face interaction. When in conflict, it is simply because inflection, and tone of voice would be hard to convey though mediators or though writing. The phone would give me the voice but not the personal presence, and when tensions are high I think it is helpful to pay attention to expressions ... Show more content on ... I also feel that reading about the other conflict styles helped me figure out a plan to strengthen those weaknesses. The first thing that caught my eye was the accommodation style trait of using stories. One of the last classes I took for my B.A. was one in effective storytelling. A big focus in that class was using stories to emotionally connect with your audience and to incorporate facts and figures into the stories so as to make them more relatable. I think that if I practice what I learned in that class I can combat the weakness of being too logical and unfeeling. Stories, when told well, are meant to evoke emotions so I think that using stories to elaborate positions and arguments could allow me to connect with people who are more emotionally expressive in their conflict style (Hammer, 2003, p. ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Love Styles Inventory, Written By John Allan Lee Love is a four letter word that has a different meaning for certain people, and cultures. Love also happens to be an emotion that is very hard for people to understand. Learning what is love, and how to show love, is something that we learn from our parents, family, and friends. But it is also something we learn through our own life experiences. I took two surveys, "Love Styles" Inventory, and "Are you a good listener" survey, both of which will help me to discuss the six different love styles, proposed by John Allan Lee. The six different styles of love are; Eros (romantic), Mania (manic), Ludus (egocentric), Pragma (pragmatic), Storage (companionate), and Agape (altruistic). Eros is more the idea of love at first sight like you would ... Show more content on ... To be a good listener you should listen more than you talk, use the others person name, and keep a positive tone (Zehring,1986,p22–25). I took the "Are you a good listener" survey and probably to my mother's surprise I scored a 90, which means I am a "strong and effective listener". This means that I try and help others get through the problems that they are facing, but I need to not draw the conversation back to myself as much. I do agree with my score because I do try and talk to my friends and others about their issues, so that I can try and help them get through whatever they might be experiencing. Also I agree because when I do give advice I do tend to bring it back to myself and give examples of what I've been through instead of just solely focusing it on the person I am talking to. Since taking this survey I learned that listening to someone isn't that hard, you've just got to put the other person's needs at the moment before yours and focus on them. Another thing you should remember is that if the person is going through a negative situation, you don't want to add anything negative to it, so stay positive with them and encourage them instead of bringing them down. I also learned that everyone is different when it comes to their style of ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Kolb Learning Style Inventory Analysis The test, Learning Styles Inventory, was created by David Kolb in 1984. This test tells you how you best learn things. There's three results that you can end up with, Auditory, Tactile, and Visual. If you were a visual learner, you'd learn better by seeing and watching how things are done, or practicing with flashcards and such. If you were an Auditory learner, you'd learn better by hearing directions or what to do. It is also helpful if you make a song on what you want to learn. If you were a Tactile learner, then you learn better hands–on.Touching things, tracing letters to a word with your finger, or even holding or squeezing something while you study might help. You would take this test to see how you could study best, or maybe you can't ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. Life Styles Inventory My LSI Styles Complex My "primary" personal thinking style as shown in my circumplex is The Humanistic–Encouraging Style. This style means that I am "accepting of myself, and accept others for who they are without question or criticism" (Human 2010). Humanistic–Encouraging individuals believe they can "assist others in fulfilling their potential by providing a supportive climate that inspires self–improvement" (Human 2010). I believe that this very accurate summation of myself. This can easily be seen at my previous job as a waiter. I was often asked to train new employees because I was considered sensitive to people 's needs, and was willing to devote energy to counseling and coaching others. I also consider this style accurate about ... Show more content on ... With many older cousins, I was consistently being compared to how they performed in various subjects. I was pushed to take on leadership roles in many different clubs and organizations as they would "look good" on college applications. I learned early on, however, that leading by example and having faith in others helps gets projects accomplished much more successfully than bullying people around. For example, in high school, I was appointed chairperson of a school–wide international fair. I was in charge of organizing all the various multicultural clubs and societies and putting on a variety food and dance show. Although my competetaive drive was there pushing me to put on the best show I could, I realized that there was only so much I could do myself and make others do by forcing them. Instead I assigned tasks to others clubs and had faith that they would get the job done. I believe that by watching how I did not procrastinate or avoid doing my jobs, other members were inspired to do the same. Taking the LSI survey has definitely shed some light on my thinking styles. There are definitely some changes that I could make in order to become a more successful manager with a high performing team. I have learned that while it is important to be interested in people, to care about others, and to encourage them to improve, it is also just as important to provide direction and set goals. As discussed in class, leading ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Personal Style Inventory : My Boyfriend For Project B, that utilizes the Personal Style Inventory, I choose my boyfriend, Cameron. The Personal Style Inventory gave information that distinguished the similarities and the differences between my boyfriend and I in different aspects, such as both of us preferring extraversion versus introversion. Before completing the Personal Style Inventory, I already felt like my boyfriend and I had pretty dramatic differences in our personalities. As we completed the Personal Style Inventory, I discovered that we did have some differences and none of the scores were really close to each other. In each of the scales, our scores went in opposite directions. My boyfriend, Cameron, and I have been together for almost five years now and there has been a clear difference between the way we think. From the Personal Style Inventory, I discovered that I am a more "thinking" person and he is a more "feeling" person. This really describes our personalities because he says that I can be a little unemotional sometimes and I see that in myself when we deal with issues. For example, when we were choosing what colleges to go, he choose a school in Memphis, TN, then wanted to be closer to me when we were apart for our first semester. He wasn't focused on finding a school that was best for what he needed, as far as his major or his career path. I believe part of him stills wants to be close to me and stay here at UTC for the wrong reasons, and I do not think it is best for him and his future. ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Kolb Learning Style Inventory The Kolb Learning Style Inventory–Version 3.1 2005 Technical Specifications Alice Y. Kolb Experience Based Learning Systems, Inc. David A. Kolb Case Western Reserve University May 15, 2005 Abstract The Kolb Learning Style Inventory Version 3.1 (KLSI 3.1), revised in 2005, is the latest revision of the original Learning Style Inventory developed by David A. Kolb. Like its predecessors, KLSI 3.1 is based on experiential learning theory (Kolb 1984) and is designed to help individuals identify the way they learn from experience. This revision includes new norms that are based on a larger, more diverse, and more representative sample of 6977 LSI users. The format, items, scoring and interpretative booklet remain identical with KLSI 3. The ... Show more content on ... In Piaget's terms, learning occurs through equilibration of the dialectic processes of assimilating new experiences into existing concepts and accommodating existing concepts to new experience. 6. Learning is the process of creating knowledge. ELT proposes a constructivist theory of learning whereby social knowledge is created and recreated in the personal knowledge of the learner. This stands in contrast to the "transmission" model on which much current educational practice is based, where pre–existing fixed ideas are transmitted to the learner. ELT defines learning as "the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming experience" (Kolb 1984: 41). The ELT model portrays two dialectically related modes of grasping experience–Concrete Experience (CE) and Abstract Conceptualization (AC)–and two dialectically related modes of transforming experience–Reflective Observation (RO) and Active Experimentation (AE). Experiential learning is a process of constructing knowledge that involves a creative tension among the four learning modes that is responsive to contextual demands. This process is portrayed as an idealized learning cycle or spiral where the learner "touches all the bases"–experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and acting–in a recursive process that is responsive to the learning situation and what is being learned. Immediate or concrete ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Learning Styles Inventory ( Lsi ) In EDCL 5339, Understanding Self, I took the Learning Styles Inventory (LSI). The results showed that my confirmed strengths are Oppositional, Power, Competitive and Perfectionist. I do not demonstrate strong Oppositional self. I tend to keep an open mind and am willing to listen to others' opinion. Sometimes, I feel I go along with what others want easily. In my close relationships, I am more opinionated than I am with my colleagues. I would like to develop the ability to be more analytical and ask tough questions. I think this is an important skill of a leader. As for my lower Power, Competitive and Perfectionist self, I am content with who I am in those areas. I am a team player and I work well with individuals. I would not want to change a thing. I am not interested in controlling or "one–upping" others. I enjoy working with others and celebrating their achievements, along with mine. My areas of unrecognized strengths are Humanistic/Encouraging, Affiliate, Conventional and Achievement. I believe that the biggest issue for me in this area is my tendency to over–analyze my actions and reactions. I do not have full confidence in myself. In the area of Humanistic/Encouraging, I feel that I have good people skills. I can get along with people well and if there is an issue, I approach it with tact. Outside of the work place, I believe that I do this well. In the work place, I'm struggling with being supportive and encouraging at work. I feel I'm not ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Zara Case Introduction Zara, the largest retailer within the Inditex portfolio, has been able to maintain a competitive advantage over its competitors by offering up–to–the–minute fashions in its stores throughout Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas. Zara is the result of a clothing factory integrating forward to take advantage of linkages between manufacturing and retailing. These linkages are facilitated by information technology and Zara has developed a highly automated production and distribution system to service its stores. The information systems within Zara stores are easy to use and stable, but much discussion is taking place regarding whether or not to upgrade them to take advantage of new technologies which could better ... Show more content on ... Product managers keep track of supply and demand levels for merchandise and order more of an item if supply is running low or call off additional production if demand slows. Advanced machines are used to cut cloth into patterns to minimize waste and keep productivity levels high, although no technology is used to optimize production schedules. Instead, managers set the production schedule based on given quantities and due dates, offering the opportunity to create further improvements by utilizing information technology to increase production efficiency. Garments are manufactured in response to orders from stores and are immediately sent to one of several distribution centers where computers and conveyor belts sort and move the merchandise to fulfill each order. People only get involved in the process if there is a shortage of a particular item, in which case a product manager will determine which stores will receive the merchandise. The automation of the fulfillment process at distribution centers works very well for assembling the large orders for stores but is not optimal for small orders so Zara does not sell clothing through its website. 4. In–Store Operating System: Behind the Times Although Zara utilizes advanced technology to increase the speed in which its designs ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Learning Style Inventory ( Lsi ) This assignment came to life because of the two theorists P. Honey and A. Mumford. They researched on how to put together a project in order to identify the learning styles. The starting point of this scheme was supported by the Kolb learning style inventory (LSI). Finally, they came up with the idea of a questionnaire. They gathered eighty questions together, containing four different learning styles along with characteristics of the person/s that might fit in. The image below represents the theory along with the learning styles produced. (, 2011) Many people will argue that the theory discussed is `not a psychometric instrument, but a checklist about how people learn`; furthermore, it could expose the `danger of labelling people as theorists or pragmatists, when most people exhibit more than one strong preferences (F.Coffield, 2004, p. 28). Perhaps that every individual from this Planet is different and unique, this is a fact. The same like being different means that we have diverse ways of perception towards new concepts and ideas (learning in general). However, we all have similar ways of approaching and understanding, therefore learning. The two theorists did not necessarily intended to say that certain people have certain learning styles; conceivably, they just wanted to help people recognize themselves and other people around them in order to learn and work more efficiently. As we are so unpredictable, at least to know from where to start (what ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Soloman Learning Styles Inventory According to the Felder and Soloman Learning Styles inventory, I am an Active–Intuitive–Visual– Sequential Learner. However, none of my results were particularly radicalized as I scored 1–3 across all the dimensions meaning that I'm impartial to a specific learning strategy. That being said, in order to achieve deep learning as opposed to surface–level retention, I will be mindful about which dimension I identify with more while in class. For instance, I remember a lot of the material I see, so flowcharts and other organizational drawings are helpful to cater towards that need. To appease the Sequential side of me, I often format my notes into an outline as visually it is more organized and helps me retain information better. However, when ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Life Styles Inventory: Personal Evaluation LSI Evaluation Primary and Backup Thinking Styles The area of the LSI evaluation that I ranked most heavily as a part of was that Humanistic–encouraging style. The fact that this thinking style was my primary one at 75% came as absolutely no surprise to me as people often compliment me on my people skills, and I feel like a I care about others to an incredibly strong and aggravated extent, almost to a fault. I feel energized when I'm encouraging others as I feel that the right encouragement can help people to realize their dreams and their absolute full potential. "The Humanistic– Encouraging scale measures our interest in people, our tendency to care about others, and our ability to encourage them to improve. Humanistic–Encouraging people are accepting of themselves, and accept others for who they are without question or criticism" (LSI, 2011). I've always found that as a manager, I can get the best results out of people, not by criticizing them, but by encouraging them and giving them a ton of positive reinforcement. When people feel like their manager believes in them and has high standards and expectations for them, they are more likely to meet those expectations. "In fact, those scoring higher on this scale have unconditional positive regard for others. This absolute acceptance enables people to grow the most and take greater responsibility for themselves" (LSI, 2011). This sentiment is absolutely true. As a manager, I view it as my absolute responsibility to empower ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Reflection Paper On Learning Style Inventory Abstract By taking the learning style inventory and survey, I found that there is a unique way for me to study and absorb key information. The survey allowed me to learn more about myself as a person and taught me whether I am a visual, audio, or tactile learner. I found this out by completing and reviewing the results of the assessment. I could see that the best way for me to study would be by taking notes, reviewing them and making flash cards as I am more of a visual learner. With this new information, I will now be able to utilize my study time in a more efficient way. This inventory also showed me the best ways for me to interact with people and how I will better serve my future career environment. The learning style inventory and assessment has taught me a great deal about myself and the best way to learn. Reflection Style Paper on Learning Style The learning style inventory and assessment was a great tool in figuring out the best method to study and learn is based on if I am a visual, auditory, or tactile learner. This survey showed me the best chances of perfecting the way I review and understand the material I have been assigned. I could take away that I am a visual learner and the best way for me to prepare for my classes is by taking notes and rereading them continually. I can now study in a way that will better my effectiveness in going over the notes ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Introduction to Life Styles Inventory Personal Thinking Styles The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) was designed to help assess effectiveness in relationships on the job and support the development of interpersonal skills. This "road map" to self development was the brainchild of Dr.Clayton Lafferty. This survey of questions measures 12 key thinking styles, that are regarded to promote performance change and improve personal understanding of how our thinking affects our behavior. The 12 styles are categorized into three general clusters: Constructive, which includes Achievement, Self–Actualizing, Humanistic–Encouraging, and Affinitive thinking styles, Passive/Defensive, which includes Approval, Conventional, Dependent, and Avoidance thinking styles; Aggressive/Defensive, which ... Show more content on ... I have watched colleague be terminated for speaking their minds or having different of opinions from that of our direct report who is new to this role and wants to flex her power. It is disheartening and discouraging for me. This is a style that needs to be addressed. Impact on Management Style Most of my life, I have successful in maintain balance between my personal and professional life. But as we all know, they overlap and are intertwined. Our management styles whether good or bad reflect our ability to lead other. To be an effective manager you must have the four basic management functions: 1) the ability to Plan; 2) Organize; 3) Lead; and 4) Control. Planning I am not big on procrastination, so planning is very important to me. I need to know the why, when, how, what to generate a plan and effectively execute it. There is always that need to establish a goal and a plan of action to accomplish this. This is a process that must be seen through to the end. Organizing No plan successful plan can be executed with proper organization. As a manager it is imperative to be able to organize the plan for which a goal has been set. Organization is very broad. For me, as long as there is a plan where it is personal or in my professional environment, I strategically put resources in place, which will best efficient way to accomplish the plan of action I set up. Lead Not ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Life Styles Inventory (Lsi) Survey I GM591– LSI Survey Life Styles Inventory (LSI) Survey GM591 ACC_C Miles DVUC MNHTN Leadership and Organizational Behavior July 22, 2011 Abstract This paper reviews Lifetime Inventory survey results. It is definitely the self discovery tool that has revealed my primary and secondary thinking styles as well as my limiting style that has a negative impact on my management style. It also gave me a feed back of my management styles. It provides me with idea of how my personal thinking was formed and what influence my family or culture or school ... Show more content on ... And all of the styles mentioned above are the key components to successfully follow the four functions of the management that are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. As defined in text book "an effective manager helps others achieve high levels of both performance and satisfaction"(Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, Uhl–Bien, 11th edition, 2010) and thus my survey results perfectly shows my ability of being one. Part III : Genesis of personal life style Family and culture had a great influence on my personal life style like on
  • 56. every person I would think. I grew up with the idea that adult knows everything and is always right ,which turned out totally wrong. Now I realize that it was misunderstanding of respecting the adults. I was raised by the parents who had adopted high authoritarian style and I was always expected to obey rules without questioning them. I think that it had a negative impact on my self confidence but made me very responsible in every aspect of life and work. I could not say "no" to others and had to do what I was expected to. But at the same time I have to mention that individual invents and life time experiences showed me the ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. My Learning Style Inventory After completing the assessment, the inventory concludes that my learning style is predominantly feeling and concrete experiences. For concrete experience, my score of 43 reveals my passion to learn information that I believe is relevant for myself. Subsequently, scoring 34 for active experimentation indicates my preference for applying and testing ideas to understand a concept. Additionally, scoring 25 for reflective observation reveals how I learn concepts through observing others complete a task. Scoring 18 for abstract conceptualization indicates how my learning style does not depend on facts and figure. With all of these learning styles, my graph illustrates strong areas in mode 4 and 1, however, it is immensely low in mode 2 and 1. Overall, my results showcase that I belong in mode 4 learning. The learning style inventory is accurate as it reveals that my strongest learning style is concrete experience. This ... Show more content on ... In the learning style assessment, my score of 34 for active experimentation learning shocks me as I do not learn well through hands on experience such as lab work. However, after reading an in–depth analysis on active experimentation learning style, I understand how it affects me as I prefer testing out ideas to see what works in in order to understand a learning concept. The learning style inventory demonstrates that mode 3 and 2 are my weaknesses. This reveals that I lack in understanding how theory affects my daily life as well as asking questions in order to understand a concept. To improve in mode 3, I need to start setting goals for myself. I can accomplish this by creating a goal map to see the goals I want to achieve, such as joining a new club, and tracking my progress. In mode 2, I need to supplement any assigned text with other books such as business magazines and articles. As a result, I will understand the key points in my ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Life Styles Inventory Introduction I remember being interviewed by a panel of three people and one interviewee asked me," So tell me five characteristics about yourself?" It was a challenging question because many people find out their characteristics through employment and life. Just graduating college in April 2013, I myself did not contain a plethora of work experience; therefore, I could not name all five characteristics corresponding to what she asked. Dr. John Doe created the Life Styles Inventory (LSI) assignment; the purpose of this assessment is for people to receive a better understanding of oneself. As stated form the LSI website, Life Styles Inventory (LSI) measures 12 specific styles of patterns of thinking that can either help or hinder a person from reaching his or her potential. The system provides a "road map" to properly focus [their] personal development goals and keep [them] headed in the direction [that they] want to go (Lafferty, 2014). Personal Thinking Style After completing the LSI assessment, my results in the highest percentile were: achievement, self–actualizing, humanistic, affiliative, conventional, oppositional, and a perfectionist. My second highest results were: approval, power, competitiveness, and avoidance. In this passage I will discuss how my high profile results and second highest profile results tie into my life/ work and expound if the traits describe who I actually am. Acheivement 11 O' Clock– The Achievement scale measures a ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Learning Style Inventory ( Lsi ) The Organizational Behaviour course has managed to properly accomplish teaching the concepts and theories in the curriculum due to the function of the interactive classes. The way the classes are run gives a fresh spin on the lessons learned from the lectures by getting the students to participate in activities and giving us a chance to self–reflect on how the teachings of the course can be applicable to our daily lives. The interactive teachers do a fantastic job of motivating us to better understand the material and ensure that the class stays integrative and comfortable. I need to focus on the concept of individual learning and how it is the building block on my education. In the course we learned about the adult learning process and how we can figure out what techniques and approaches are best suitable for each of us. In the interactive class, we were given worksheets that help us determine what learning style we relate to the most and the benefits that learning style has in an organization. The Learning Style Inventory (LSI) helped me conclude that I gear towards the Abstract Conceptualization (or "Thinking") and Active Experimentation (or "Doing") areas of learning, resulting in being assigned the learning style of converging. The converging learning style carries the characteristics of being able to solve problems, make decisions and use logical thinking in a task. This accurately portrays my approach to learning whether academically or in real–life situations as I ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Life Styles Inventory Interpretation Essay The Life Styles Inventory Survey is assessed to allow me to answer the question of, "Who am I, and what causes me to act the way that I do." It gives an insight to one's personality and an insight as to how we may treat others. By giving my honest opinion of several questions the results are going to give me an insight on how my thinking styles will influence my behavior as a manager and allow me to use the results for self–improvement. My results show that I Research has shown that the styles measured by the LSI are related to a number of indicators of effectiveness and success, including leadership effectiveness, management effectiveness, problem solving effectiveness, quality of interpersonal relations, salary, organizational ... Show more content on ... Within the LSI it listed descriptive words of each style and the words that are associated with the achievement style were very descriptive of me. Words such as, ambitious, achieving, enjoys a challenge, learns from mistakes and corrects, and many others were very accurate. I am all of these things and I strive for being the best and doing it better. An example of this is, in my job, there is training involved and the way that it was done prior to me joining the team was not effective, at least not to me and as mentioned by the clients, neither to some of them. So, I took it upon myself to make it better and I came up with my own documents that would assist the client in learning the new material. I have received very good feedback from it and it is now used by everyone on our team. Not only is this achievement style shown in my work habits, but it is also shown in my day to day life. I love to accomplish and to get things done. Whether, it is beating a game or simply accomplishing a task, of say, painting a room in my house. I tend not to let anything stand in my way of achieving something that I have set forth to do. I can completely agree that this style ranked the highest for me in this survey. My "backup" thinking style, which falls one hour behind my primary, at the 10 o' clock position, was "perfectionistic." This style did not rank as high as my primary, but, with a score of 24 out of 40, it still fell pretty high at the 75% ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. My Result From Kolb's Learning Style Inventory My result from Kolb's Learning Style Inventory is that I am a divergent learner. In my professional life I respect the knowledge and experience of my coworker and what they have to bring to the table I also encourage co–worker to share their knowledge and experience freely. In my academic learning my style I love to work in groups, to listen with an open mind and I like to receive feedback to see what the weakness and strength are of each team's member. This learning style impact the way in which I develop others because it makes me look at other cultural interest and how they gather their information and give me a different perspective on how to deal with other. I would interpret this quote as no matter how good you're as a ... Show more content on ... I am always flexible, negotiators within the group. My team member perceive me has willingness to help when needed, co–operation and blending of each others' strengths, positive attitudes, providing support encouragement and open communication. And example when my group wanted to meet up it wasn't a good time for me but I was willing to compromise my family obligation so I could meet with the group and me always try to have positive attitudes toward everyone in the group. The role that teamwork plays in management in the 21st century is that it represents asset of values that encourage behaviors such as listening and responding cooperatively to points of view expressed by others, giving others the benefit of doubt, providing support to those who need it and recognizing the interests and achievements of others. Teamwork plays a multiplicity of roles in managing modern organizations. These ranges from; enhanced performance, employee benefits reduced costs, improved communication, benefits of expanded job training improved employee motivation, organizational flexibility. transforming public sector organizations into team. Emotional intelligence does affect successful teamwork. Having emotional intelligence ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. Lsi Life Styles Inventory Paper GM 591 Yvonne Hobbs LSI Paper The life styles inventory is a survey of questions that help us to gain an insight into our own personality and what type of behaviors we exert to others as individuals. It helps us to look at the positive and negative qualities of our personalities and ways to improve upon them. A look at my LSI styles complex radiates that my primary thinking style is linked to the avoidance category. The avoidance scale states that I tend to use the strategy of withdrawal by hiding my feelings and being shy to express myself. It also states that as things become more threatening to me the more I tend to avoid those situations. These thinking styles are linked to feelings of denying responsibility for my own ... Show more content on ... There are times where I feel the need to dominate and lead the way such as when working with my dad in his apartment management company. I observe him overruling his tenants and exerting his power to put people in their place and follow the complex rules and regulations, and have somehow manifested those qualities into myself, like in example, if I am at work and he is not there then I do find myself to be quite dominating and exerting my power to get tenants to do what there suppose to do or pay their rent. I also find myself being dominating to people I know are weaker than me or just shy and not outspoken about their feelings. The other style that I was tied with is the conventional scale which measures my tendency to act in a conforming way. These tendencies are characterized by perceiving rules as a source of comfort and security. There is also a preference for staying unseen and unnoticed and a tendency to cover up my mistakes. There is also preoccupation with appearing to be average and just like everyone else. Additionally there is a reduction in originality which is very true for my behavior. These characteristics are also a bit contrary to my power and authoritarian style but somehow I find myself being shy as well as authoritarian in certain situations. I would have to say however that the conventional characteristic is one that I might have to disagree with because ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. Learning Style Inventory From doing the Learning Style Inventory, I learned that I learn better when I write things down and when I have a visual of the information I am learning. For my writing style way of learning, I found I should take notes. When the professors give us notes I should write them in my hand writing. I just need to be able to read my notes because I write so fast some times. I always make a list of things that need to be done and always carry a notebook with me to take notes. For my visual style way of learning, I found it is to see the task being done so I can better understand the task at hand by closing my eyes and try to see the word before I write it. Also to better understand the subject is to watch videos or movies. I feel like my results ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Mgmt 591 Life Styles Inventory Assignment Traya Ransom MGMT591 – Leadership and Organizational Behavior Brett Gordon November 11, 2012 This paper discusses the content Life Styles Inventory (LSI) results for Traya Ransom. It identifies her primary, backup, and limiting thinking styles, the impact her personal styles have on her management style, and it also explains how she developed the personal styles that were reveled in her LSI. The LSI results are shown on page 5. Primary, Backup and Limiting Styles Traya's primary style is Achievement, with a percentile score of 99. This thinking style describes a person who has confidence in their ability to improve situations and is not afraid to take action. They are able ... Show more content on ... Perfectionistic is Traya's limiting style. The percentile score received for this style was 63. This style can cause stress because the perfectionist tends to feel as if they have to be more than they are. They also feel as though they have to prove themselves on a consistent basis. Perfectionists seldom have a true sense of accomplishment, because they feel that the end product of whatever task they are working on is never good enough. They also are startle themselves with how irritable and angry they can get. This style is a hindrance to Traya's work atmosphere because she becomes easily irritated and can irritate others. If Traya could change one of the behaviors associated with being a perfectionist, it would be the tendency to become easily irritated. If this could be eliminated, this would help created a more pleasant atmosphere. Impact Personal Styles Have on Management Style Traya is an effective manager in terms of the four functions of management, which include; planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. As an achiever she has the ability to effectively plan and problem solve as a manager. This also helps her to organize mass amounts of information. By having the Self–Actualizing style, she is an effective leader because of her confidence and high acceptance of self. Although the Perfectionist style can be view as negative, it also has a positive affect on her control of the employees and the organization. Explanation of Developed of ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Results of Life Styles Inventory: Personal and... Reactions to and Reflections on My Life Styles Inventory Results: Personal and Professional Implications Introduction Developing not only as a person but as a leader can be a complex and arduous task, and is a life– long process for those that truly take an active interest in this development. Conscious choices can be made to improve leadership skills and personality traits that support greater achievement in the workplace are possible, and thus development in these areas can be made a matter of active choosing and attention, yet properly engaging in such active development efforts requires an understanding of how personality works as an internal matter and how specific personality traits translate into leadership capabilities and effectiveness. While many different tools and methods have been created to assist in leadership development, few are as truly insightful or as concretely applicable as the Life Styles Inventory. The Life Styles Inventory provides a clear and effective means for characterizing one' own personality, and through this certain of their leadership proclivities and capabilities, and thus can be used as a starting point in making changes towards a better leadership–oriented personality. As the name implies, it is through different styles of approaching life that this inventory approaches both personality and leadership, and it is through understanding one's present set of styles that an individual can make changes towards becoming a better leader and a ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Intercultural Conflict Styles In Global Communication Abstract This research paper will explain the important learnings of intercultural conflict styles within global communication. The overall problem that is addressed within intercultural communication is the conflicts that come about because people may not know how to approach a situation with someone or a group of people of a different race, gender, ethnicity, or background. The articles throughout this research has shown the different areas intercultural conflicts effect, who they effect, and how they can be handled through the different conflict styles. Mitchell Hammer, Ph. D., who's views we will examine further, breaks up the intercultural conflict styles into four sections, or a chart, that visually explains how certain cultures handle these conflicts differently. The mission is for the audience to have a better understanding of intercultural conflict styles and how they can be used in situations while interacting with others. Introduction A common issue individuals have is interacting with others. Although it is said that communication is key, whether it is because of a person's gender, sexuality, ethnicity, age, custom backgrounds, religious beliefs, or their every day norms communication is easily misconstrued amongst humans. The issue is, people are not aware of the theory of intercultural conflict styles and how these styles are intended to know how to handle certain situations with people of different cultural backgrounds. Luckily, the Intercultural Conflict ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Learning Style Inventory Analysis Before taking the Learning Style Inventory, I always felt I was mostly a tactile learner. I would be able to learn in a visual fashion if need be, but I would rather learn and by doing and making mistakes. After taking the Learning Style Inventory, the results definitely supported my initial thoughts. My tactile preference was 14 points higher than my auditory score, but only 2 points higher than my visual. Although I believe I will always will be a stronger tactile learner, my visual learner skills have been improving throughout my college learning experience. Plus, it's important to note that many tactile learning situations are dependent on visual learning. This means that tactilely learning has been strengthening my visual learning skills. ... Show more content on ... With this set, you could build anything you wanted to or follow the suggested projects. The projects didn't have step by step instructions, they merely had an image displaying the end result. I remember struggling at times for hours and hours as I made errors, but through trial and error and careful observation, I was able to match the images with little or no help from parents. To this day, I believe this toy (learning tool) was a very important part of my life because it shaped the way I learn. I am using the tactile and visual learning style almost every day. For instance, during my College Algebra class last quarter, I left the class every day without any idea of what the instructor was talking about. However, when I read the notes I took in class, and began working through the problems on my own, I finally started to understand what was going on, and "why" I was doing it. Granted, it took some failures, but through trial and error, I was able to learn and adapt to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Learning Styles: Modality Preference Inventory Worksheet When we did the Learning Styles: Modality Preference Inventory worksheet, I scored a 23 in Visual, a 16 in Auditory, and a 23 in Kinesthetic/Tactile. For me, I always had to write things down in order to even come close to remembering it. I also had to actually do what was being done to understand. I always seemed to be both a visual and hands on type of person. Honestly, I will always have to write things down for me to remember it, so I will continue to write notes and rewrite them to learn and study them for tests/quizzes. I will try to be an auditory learner as well sometimes because of the lectures, what the professor says is also important. I learned that when I was doing the summer bridge program, sometimes examples of what he said ... Get more on ...