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           User Guide
Included in this guide, you will
                                                        find the following sections:

                                                                   ƒƒ What LinkedIn Can Offer
                                                                   ƒƒ Tool
                                                                   ƒƒ LinkedIn
                                                                     	   •	 Your	LinkedIn	Calendar

                                                                     	   •	 Your	Profile

                                                                    Adding Contacts
                                                                     	   •	 Connecting	to	Clients	and	Prospects

                                                                     	   •	 Connecting	to	Competitors

                                                                     	   •	 Uploading	Contacts

                                                                     	   •	 Sending	Invitations

                                                                     	   •	 Responding	to	Invitations

                                                                     	   •	 Accelerating	Relationships

                                                                     	   •	 Recommend	People

                                                                    Building Your Network

The LinkedIn User Guide was developed by Michelle Golden of Golden Practices, Inc.
Intro:	What	LinkedIn	Can	Offer
This guide is           LinkedIn	is	a	user-profile	based	database	that	houses	users’	
particularly detailed   professional	background	information	and	their	contacts.	
with very specific      It	facilitates	sharing	intellectual	capital	and	other	news	and	
steps, tips and         information	with	contacts,	select	groups	and	LinkedIn’s	broader	
visuals to aid the      membership.	More	than	70	million	people	are	on	LinkedIn	and	
individual/firm         its	usefulness	increases	as	its	user	base	grows.	
deciding to employ
LinkedIn to reach       LinkedIn (or LI, for short) is a perfect entry-point to social media tools because it is purely
an intermediate         business and offers features that mimic elements of Twitter, Facebook and even blogging—status
                        updates, sharing articles and answering questions—allowing you to explore new ways of interacting
usage level.
                        with people. A plus is that it isn’t too time-consuming—LinkedIn only requires moderate interaction.

                        There	are	many	reasons	to	use	LinkedIn:            What	you	can	do	with	it	falls	into	
                                                                           three	main	areas:
                        ƒƒInteract with others so you stay
                          front-of-mind.                                   Manage	Contacts
                                                                           ƒƒSafe place to “collect” a lifetime of
                        ƒƒDemonstrate that you are a credible                business connections.
                                                                           ƒƒMaintain contact with important people
                        ƒƒ into some features that mimic
                          Tap                                                over time, even the most transient.
                          CRM systems.
                                                                           ƒƒInterface with Outlook to import your
                        ƒƒResearch information that helps                    contacts’ updates, which you can accept
                          you connect more deeply with the                   or override.
                          right people.
                                                                           ƒƒConnect to prospective hires to stay in touch
                        ƒƒ more visible through searches,
                          Be                                                 even if they don’t work for you now.
                          groups and recommendations.
                                                                           ƒƒUse and customize “tags” to organize
                                                                             your connections into groups
                                                                             (send content, events and queries
                                                                             only to those you specify).

Research	&	Intelligence                          Deepen	Relationships                                Research prospective
ƒƒResearch prospective clients to identify       ƒƒ“Network Updates” continuously provide
                                                                                                     clients to identify
  possible warm introductions into                 opportunities to engage your contacts
  the organization.                                in dialogue.                                      possible warm
                                                                                                     introductions into
ƒƒLook up referral sources and anyone else you   ƒƒJoin groups to expand reach and participate       the organization.
  meet to see common connections and learn         in group discussions.
  more about them.
                                                 ƒƒExplore and register for events and participate
ƒƒWhen your whole firm loads their contacts,       in related discussions.
  and connects to one another, searches
  include your firm’s extended networks,         ƒƒShare status updates to stay front-of-mind and
  which is usually better populated than a         disseminate tidbits of information in a
  purchased CRM system.                            non-intrusive way.

ƒƒBecome more visible to others who search       ƒƒProvide recommendations to worthy
  by having many contacts.                         service providers and referral sources—
                                                   pay it forward.

                                                 ƒƒDemonstrate expertise by answering
                                                   questions and maybe earning
                                                   “best answer” status.

The Tool
    This is what you’ll find in the navigation at the   Groups Access and manage the groups you
    time of this writing, which is subject to change:   belong to, see some contacts’ recent group
                                                        activity, view discussions you’ve marked to follow,
    Home Your hub. Where you update your                find new groups to join and create a group.
    status and see a summary of:
                                                        Jobs Find or post* jobs.
    ƒƒRecent inbox messages
                                                        Inbox View all types of messages, requests and
    ƒƒQuestions posed that you might answer             invitations sent to you or by you and
                                                        view/manage InMails.*
    ƒƒUpcoming events
    ƒƒJob openings
                                                        ƒƒCompanies – Add companies or search by
    ƒƒAutomated contact suggestions                       name, industry or location.

    ƒƒRecent viewers of your profile                    ƒƒAnswers – Pose a question, answer questions,
      (details* available with paid version)              browse by category, see “experts.”

    ƒƒYour contacts’ recent status updates              ƒƒEvents – See what your contacts are attending.
      and activities
                                                        ƒƒLearning center – Learn more about how to
    ƒƒUpdates from groups you belong to                   leverage LI.

    ƒƒAccess/manage some application access             ƒƒApplication directory – Select from
                                                          applications that interact with your LI account.
    Profile Edit and view your profile.
                                                        ƒƒInstalled applications – Manage third-party
    Contacts See and edit invitations, navigate           applications you’ve installed.
    through connections, access contacts’ profiles,
    see network statistics, manage imported             Search Run quick or advanced searches (paid
    contacts, add new connections and access            level returns hundreds more search results and
    profile organizer.*                                 expanded profiles.*)

                                                        * premium access requires a fee

Using	LinkedIn
Your	LinkedIn	profile	should	be	complete	and	compelling	to	support	                                  Expect to spend two
your	credibility.	Depending	on	the	depth	of	your	bio	on	your	firm’s	                                 to six hours building
website,	this	may	well	be	the	most	robust	information	on	the	Internet	                               a thorough profile.
about	 you.	 LinkedIn	 may	 likely	 rank	 higher	 in	 search	 engines	 than	                         Plan an hour or two
your	firm’s	website.	Therefore,	a	detailed	profile	will	help	support	                                to upload and invite
your	marketing	efforts.	                                                                             your contacts, and a
                                                                                                     few hours (depending
Your LinkedIn Calendar                                                                               on how many
Expect to spend two to six hours building a thorough profile. Plan an hour or two to upload and      contacts you have)
invite your contacts, and a few hours (depending on how many contacts you have) corresponding
                                                                                                     corresponding with
with people who accept your invitation. It’s good to spread this over several weeks.
                                                                                                     people who accept
Focus your efforts in month one to build the foundation: create your profile and invite/correspond   your invitation.
with your contacts. Begin consistent interactions in month two and beyond. The graphics show what
this might look like.

Weekly:                                           Once per month:

  ƒƒUpdate your status at least once.               ƒƒRecommend someone.

  ƒƒInvite new contacts.                            ƒƒAnswer a question or participate in a group.

  ƒƒReview “Network Updates” and correspond       Quarterly:
    with people accordingly.
                                                    ƒƒReview and update your profile.

Write your profile       Your Profile                                      ƒƒ your profile to be visible to all.

in the present tense,    Your profile isn’t your resumé. It should be
                         richer and reflect a different tone. These tips   ƒƒ your contacts to be visible
not past tense. People                                                       (only journalists, recruiters or top secret
                         will help you create a robust, compelling
prefer to hire an “is    profile that also provides search advantages        workers have good reason to hide theirs).
now” than a “has         for you.
been” or “has done.”                                                       ƒƒUse a current photo in which you’re smiling
                         General Guidelines                                  or appear approachable. A tightly cropped
                         ƒƒWrite your profile in the present tense, not      head-shot is best.
                           past tense. People prefer to hire an “is now”
                           than a “has been” or “has done.”                Professional Headline
                                                                           Your professional headline is highly visible so it
                         ƒƒUse the first person, not the third person      should be strong. It’s displayed by your name
                           (s/he or Mr./Ms.).                              on others’ contact lists and questions you ask
                                                                           or answer.
                         ƒƒAvoid too much “I, I” and “we, we”
                           (e.g., Start a sentence with “Solving….”          ƒƒ your personal tagline that should
                           rather than “I solve…”).                            describe what you do and for whom
                                                                               in 120 characters.
                         ƒƒSpell out credentials and organizations,
                           as well as using their acronyms.                  ƒƒDefault is populated by your current job
                                                                               title and company name. You will need to
                         ƒƒ your browser doesn’t have spell-check
                           If                                                  change it because it is usually insufficient
                           built in, use Word and paste into LI                in describing you.
                           when proofed.
                                                                             ƒƒConvey your specific value and market.
                         ƒƒWhen there are more than a couple lines             Good CPA examples are:
                           of text, use bullets and lists.
                                                                                ƒƒ“Tax accountant with more than 20 years
                         ƒƒ spaces on both sides of slash marks
                           Put                                                    of experience serving doctors, lawyers
                           between words (e.g., show “either/or”                  and other professionals.”
                           as “either / or”) so LI and external search
                           engines know they are distinct words.

ƒƒ“Visionary accountant in the real            ƒƒUse commas or hard returns to separate
       estate industry”                               1-3 word descriptive phrases.

     ƒƒ“President, [FIRM]. Mergers and              ƒƒUse alternate terms (e.g., “long-term care
       acquisitions. Growth/succession                facilities” and “assisted living”).
       strategies for privately held companies.”
     ƒƒ“CPA; Licensed Insolvency Practitioner;      ƒƒ all current and past positions.
       Business Restructuring Expert”
                                                    ƒƒThis can reflect key board terms, charity
     ƒƒ“Consummate Wealth Manager”                    involvement and other organizational
       (for a CPA, PFS)                               leadership roles as “Positions.”

Summary                                             ƒƒJob descriptions needn’t be detailed
As you complete your summary and                      (1,000 characters are allotted) – a sentence
experience, list all relevant companies, schools      or two is adequate unless you want to load
and organizations (and years) so LinkedIn can         up on keywords.
notify you when new people whom you may
know join.                                          Additional Information
                                                    ƒƒInclude all associations and organizations – it
“Professional Experience & Goals”                     demonstrates character and it helps people
 Section – 2,000 characters/about                     find you.
 330 words
ƒƒ your story: describe why you’re in
  Tell                                              ƒƒUse organizations’ acronyms, as well as the
  business as it relates to the customer, the         full names spelled out, such as “AICPA” and
  results you deliver and your qualifications         “The American Institute of Certified Public
  for delivering them.                                Accountants.” Also, reflect the years
                                                      of involvement.
ƒƒReinforce the industries or types of businesses
  you serve – the more specific, the better.        ƒƒ all honors and awards, the organizations
                                                      that bestowed them, and when.
“Specialties” Section
ƒƒLinkedIn expects to see your “keywords”           ƒƒConsider bullets or “>” marks and hard
  here – it’s important for search.                   returns to separate multiple items.

              As you complete your summary and experience, list
              all relevant companies, schools and organizations
              (and years) so LinkedIn can notify you when new
              people join whom you may know.

Third-party             Education                                            An additional field appears. In the first empty
                        Include years and activities because it helps        field, enter keywords that describe your link.
applications can
                        people find you.                                     Enter your link in the second empty field.
supplement your
profile. You can        Websites                                           Personal URL
integrate your blogs,   ƒƒ provides three fields for your website and
                          LI                                               A default link is assigned to your profile but
Twitter accounts,         other links of choice. Use them strategically.   it’s difficult to remember and share. Customize
                                                                           your URL by choosing something as close to
reading lists, travel                                                      your name as possible. If BillJones is taken,
                        ƒƒName your links with personal keywords. The
dates/cities, and         default labels (e.g., My Company, My Website)    try BillJonesCPA or Bill-Jones.
sharing of documents      don’t help you but listing “[your name]’s bio”
and presentations.        as link text helps your name come up higher      Appending Your Profile
                          in search engines. To personalize your link      Third-party applications can supplement your
                          name text, add or edit the link and              profile. You can integrate your blogs, Twitter
                          choose “other.”                                  accounts, reading lists, travel dates/cities
                                                                           (useful to connect with others if your contacts
                        ƒƒOpen the drop-down menu where the words          are widespread), and sharing of documents
                          “My Company” appear and select “Other.”          and presentations.

Adding	Contacts
When	it	comes	to	quantity	vs.	quality	of	contacts,	there’s	no	
“right”	approach.	LI	suggests	connecting	only	to	those	whom	
you’d	actually	recommend,	but	that’s	not	how	most	people	use	LI.	
It’s	also	okay	to	connect	to	people	you’ve	just	met.	No	matter	your	
approach,	just	recognize	that	the	context	of	people’s	connections	
cannot	be	assumed.	

Connecting to Clients and Prospects                until you manually select people you wish to
Inviting clients is a personal choice, depending   invite. Note: do NOT “select all” for reasons
on your comfort level. Some CPAs don’t             discussed below.
actively invite clients, but accept invitations
extended by clients. Connecting to them            ƒƒUpload from common email programs or .csv,
and to prospects allows you to see if they’re        .txt or .vcf file formats.
connected to your competitors. But the real
advantage is the extra opportunity to stay         ƒƒ can filter contacts first to remove those
front-of-mind in a non-intrusive way.                you’d never invite, but it’s not necessary.
                                                     Contacts will appear with checkboxes beside
Connecting to Competitors                            each so you can be selective.
Should you connect to a competitor? It’s true
that they can see your contacts. But, you can      ƒƒOnly select people with a LinkedIn logo
see theirs and you would see if they connect         beside their name indicating they already use
to a key client of yours, even if you aren’t         LI. Inviting non-users can trigger a slew of
connected to that client.                            emails from people questioning the invitation,
                                                     the usefulness of LinkedIn, or they may just
Uploading Contacts                                   perceive the invitation as spam from you.
People wonder if bulk uploading to LI is safe.       Avoid this.
It is. When you upload, nothing happens

Sending Invitations                                 Do plan to spend some time corresponding
                           Whenever you invite people, there are some          with people who accept your invitations.
                           approaches that will be much appreciated.           You’ll be amazed at how much good dialogue
                                                                               occurs—it’s not uncommon to unearth new
                           ƒƒ to always personalize your invitations.
                             Try                                               opportunities.

                           ƒƒRemind people where you’ve met—it’s               Responding to Invitations
Read and respond to          considerate to help them with context.            When someone invites you to connect, take a
people’s status updates                                                        moment to thank him or her for extending the
and profile updates                                                            invitation. Again, few people do this and you’ll
                           ƒƒDon’t pitch in the invitation. Even saying,
( job changes, etc.) in
                             “If you ever need a business valuation, keep      stand out. Plus, a nice dialogue can occur as
your weekly “Network
                             me in mind …” is not appropriate.                 a result.
Updates” and/or check
your home page daily.
Comment on things they     ƒƒ gracious. When you’re notified
                             Be                                                If you don’t recognize the name, check the
share, congratulate them     someone accepted your invitation, take            person’s profile to help ring a bell or see who
or just say hello.           a moment to click “View Profile” and              your mutual contacts might be. It’s okay to
                             then send a “thanks for connecting”               ask, “Can you refresh me on where we met?”
                             message. So few people do this—you                Or you can simply archive the invitation. Don’t
                             will stand out!                                   click “I don’t know this person” unless you
                                                                               want to mark them as a spammer to LI—there’s
                                                                               a penalty to them for this.

                           Accelerating Relationships
                           LinkedIn status updates, groups and all its other features provide “reasons” to interact. Let them
                           inspire personal correspondence—digital or handwritten. Read and respond to people’s status
                           updates and profile updates (job changes, etc.) in your weekly “Network Updates” and/or check
                           your home page daily. Comment on things they share, congratulate them or just say hello.

                           Even if this is the limit of your interaction through LI, you will experience some positive responses.
                           Your goal is to leverage the digital world, while always seeking to move interactions from “digital
                           to personal.”

                           Asking Questions
                           Ask questions of all of LI or just your first-degree network. If your question pertains to recruiting,
                           job seeking or promoting your services (you must indicate this), then only your direct contacts will
                           see the question. In the question asking area (found under “Answers”), there are tips for how to
                           ask effective questions.

Answering Questions                                Recommend People                                       Did you know that the
Demonstrate expertise and enhance credibility      Recommendations are powerful. Since                    AICPA has a LinkedIn
through answering questions. Answers that are      recipients don’t modify them, they carry more
                                                                                                          group dedicated to
4,000 characters—that’s about 650 words—           weight than testimonials found elsewhere.
usually are more than sufficient. Answering        Giving recommendations to others builds                current members?
questions on LI provides a taste of what           goodwill. Periodically scan your contact               If you wish to join
blogging is like. If you enjoy it, you might       list and reward someone with kind words.               this group, please
enjoy authoring a blog at some point.              Show appreciation to longtime clients, good
                                                                                                          click this link.
                                                   vendors and referral sources. It’s also a way to
Seek out questions in your areas of expertise.     reciprocate when you cannot refer work back
When answering questions, remember that no         to someone. It benefits you to recommend
one appreciates sales pitches; only answer if      people—especially those with large networks
you can provide new information, perspective       of people you want to know—because your
or ideas. Always take an altruistic approach to    recommendation appears on their profile and
answering questions.                               can draw their connections to your profile.

The asker selects a “best answer.” Earning best    Don’t use LinkedIn’s “Request
answer appears on your profile and may land        Recommendations” feature because
you on a list of experts for your topic. When      it’s impersonal. Personally asking for a
you answer questions, that fact, along with the    recommendation is fine. Do so after a very
category and a link, are included in your recent   positive interaction or when you’ve received
activities so the value and reach of your answer   a nice note of appreciation.
extends well beyond the asker. Few people will
click on the link, but the visual notice of your   NOTE: Wealth managers can’t display
knowledge sharing elevates your credibility.       testimonials (per Rule 206(4) of the Investment
                                                   Advisors Act of 1940).
Contributing to Groups
Only join groups that interest you enough to       Introductions
be participatory. Be sure to join some groups      If you see a connection you’d like to leverage
where your target clients are in addition to       into an introduction, refrain from using LI’s
anywhere other CPAs are. Check the group’s         introduction feature. It’s too impersonal
“discussions” periodically and add comments.       and the context of relationships cannot be
Share articles (not only those your firm has       assumed, so you need to ask. Call your contact
written) and news. But in your interactions,       to explain what you’re looking to do, then ask
remember your primary goal is to help others,      if it’s appropriate for them to facilitate that sort
not to be acting “salesy.” Don’t be overt in       of an introduction.
selling. By being relevant and helpful, you’ll
be viewed as credible, and will build trust.       If you receive an automated introduction
                                                   request, again, pick up the phone to learn more
                                                   before using the built-in mechanism for the
                                                   intro. Your personal handling of it will go far.

As you collect           LI	is	a	third-degree	connector	and	research	will	show	you	whom	
business cards, attend   you	know—or	could	know—and	through	whom.	The	value	is	
events and meet          enormous.	Search	people	or	companies.	Search	industries	to	
people online, invite    identify	targets	in	a	geographical	area.	Clicking	on	the	companies	
them to connect.
                         pulls	up	mutual	contacts.	
Send invites as a way
of saying “Thank         Research can include:
you for a great          ƒƒLooking up prospects, referral sources and clients before meetings for info that might
                           help you connect. Look for mutual acquaintances, schools, causes or common interests.
conversation—it was
nice to meet you,”       ƒƒViewing competitors’ mutual connections. Are they schmoozing your client?
within a day or two.       Or might you be schmoozing theirs without realizing it?

                         ƒƒSee what groups your competitors, peers and clients join. Learn what events they
                           attend and articles or books they read. Should you as well?

                         ƒƒSearch prospective hires’ past employers to see if you know people there who can
                           be references.

                         Try Boolean search operators: AND OR NOT alone or combined with quote “ ” or
                         parenthetical ( ) searches.

                         Building	Your	Network	
                         As you collect business cards, attend events and meet people online, invite them to connect.
                         Send invites as a way of saying, “Thank you for a great conversation—it was nice to meet you,”
                         within a day or two. Check “suggested” contacts regularly—invite appropriate people to join you.

                         Also, print your LI URL on your business cards, add it to your bio, your email signature,
                         in print materials, and include it anywhere else you interact online.

                         Volume matters. Not to impress, but because the more people you’re connected to,
                         the more likely you will come up in a keyword search by their friends.

                         Remember that LinkedIn won’t do anything for you if you don’t interact with others
                         through it. It’s a communication vehicle. And your ultimate goal is to develop these
                         conversations from digital to personal.

T: 888.777.7077 | F: 800.362.5066 | E: | W:

#                                                                                 #

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  • 1. LinkedIn User Guide
  • 2.
  • 3. Included in this guide, you will find the following sections: ƒƒ What LinkedIn Can Offer Intro: ƒƒ Tool The ƒƒ LinkedIn Using • Your LinkedIn Calendar • Your Profile ƒƒ Adding Contacts • Connecting to Clients and Prospects • Connecting to Competitors • Uploading Contacts • Sending Invitations • Responding to Invitations ƒƒ Interacting • Accelerating Relationships • Recommend People ƒƒ Researching ƒƒ Building Your Network The LinkedIn User Guide was developed by Michelle Golden of Golden Practices, Inc. 1
  • 4. Intro: What LinkedIn Can Offer This guide is LinkedIn is a user-profile based database that houses users’ particularly detailed professional background information and their contacts. with very specific It facilitates sharing intellectual capital and other news and steps, tips and information with contacts, select groups and LinkedIn’s broader visuals to aid the membership. More than 70 million people are on LinkedIn and individual/firm its usefulness increases as its user base grows. deciding to employ LinkedIn to reach LinkedIn (or LI, for short) is a perfect entry-point to social media tools because it is purely an intermediate business and offers features that mimic elements of Twitter, Facebook and even blogging—status updates, sharing articles and answering questions—allowing you to explore new ways of interacting usage level. with people. A plus is that it isn’t too time-consuming—LinkedIn only requires moderate interaction. There are many reasons to use LinkedIn: What you can do with it falls into three main areas: ƒƒInteract with others so you stay front-of-mind. Manage Contacts ƒƒSafe place to “collect” a lifetime of ƒƒDemonstrate that you are a credible business connections. professional. ƒƒMaintain contact with important people ƒƒ into some features that mimic Tap over time, even the most transient. CRM systems. ƒƒInterface with Outlook to import your ƒƒResearch information that helps contacts’ updates, which you can accept you connect more deeply with the or override. right people. ƒƒConnect to prospective hires to stay in touch ƒƒ more visible through searches, Be even if they don’t work for you now. groups and recommendations. ƒƒUse and customize “tags” to organize your connections into groups (send content, events and queries only to those you specify). 2
  • 5. Research & Intelligence Deepen Relationships Research prospective ƒƒResearch prospective clients to identify ƒƒ“Network Updates” continuously provide clients to identify possible warm introductions into opportunities to engage your contacts the organization. in dialogue. possible warm introductions into ƒƒLook up referral sources and anyone else you ƒƒJoin groups to expand reach and participate the organization. meet to see common connections and learn in group discussions. more about them. ƒƒExplore and register for events and participate ƒƒWhen your whole firm loads their contacts, in related discussions. and connects to one another, searches include your firm’s extended networks, ƒƒShare status updates to stay front-of-mind and which is usually better populated than a disseminate tidbits of information in a purchased CRM system. non-intrusive way. ƒƒBecome more visible to others who search ƒƒProvide recommendations to worthy by having many contacts. service providers and referral sources— pay it forward. ƒƒDemonstrate expertise by answering questions and maybe earning “best answer” status. 3
  • 6. The Tool This is what you’ll find in the navigation at the Groups Access and manage the groups you time of this writing, which is subject to change: belong to, see some contacts’ recent group activity, view discussions you’ve marked to follow, Home Your hub. Where you update your find new groups to join and create a group. status and see a summary of: Jobs Find or post* jobs. ƒƒRecent inbox messages Inbox View all types of messages, requests and ƒƒQuestions posed that you might answer invitations sent to you or by you and view/manage InMails.* ƒƒUpcoming events More: ƒƒJob openings ƒƒCompanies – Add companies or search by ƒƒAutomated contact suggestions name, industry or location. ƒƒRecent viewers of your profile ƒƒAnswers – Pose a question, answer questions, (details* available with paid version) browse by category, see “experts.” ƒƒYour contacts’ recent status updates ƒƒEvents – See what your contacts are attending. and activities ƒƒLearning center – Learn more about how to ƒƒUpdates from groups you belong to leverage LI. ƒƒAccess/manage some application access ƒƒApplication directory – Select from applications that interact with your LI account. Profile Edit and view your profile. ƒƒInstalled applications – Manage third-party Contacts See and edit invitations, navigate applications you’ve installed. through connections, access contacts’ profiles, see network statistics, manage imported Search Run quick or advanced searches (paid contacts, add new connections and access level returns hundreds more search results and profile organizer.* expanded profiles.*) * premium access requires a fee 4
  • 7. Using LinkedIn Your LinkedIn profile should be complete and compelling to support Expect to spend two your credibility. Depending on the depth of your bio on your firm’s to six hours building website, this may well be the most robust information on the Internet a thorough profile. about you. LinkedIn may likely rank higher in search engines than Plan an hour or two your firm’s website. Therefore, a detailed profile will help support to upload and invite your marketing efforts. your contacts, and a few hours (depending Your LinkedIn Calendar on how many Expect to spend two to six hours building a thorough profile. Plan an hour or two to upload and contacts you have) invite your contacts, and a few hours (depending on how many contacts you have) corresponding corresponding with with people who accept your invitation. It’s good to spread this over several weeks. people who accept Focus your efforts in month one to build the foundation: create your profile and invite/correspond your invitation. with your contacts. Begin consistent interactions in month two and beyond. The graphics show what this might look like. Weekly: Once per month: ƒƒUpdate your status at least once. ƒƒRecommend someone. ƒƒInvite new contacts. ƒƒAnswer a question or participate in a group. ƒƒReview “Network Updates” and correspond Quarterly: with people accordingly. ƒƒReview and update your profile. 5
  • 8. Write your profile Your Profile ƒƒ your profile to be visible to all. Set in the present tense, Your profile isn’t your resumé. It should be richer and reflect a different tone. These tips ƒƒ your contacts to be visible Set not past tense. People (only journalists, recruiters or top secret will help you create a robust, compelling prefer to hire an “is profile that also provides search advantages workers have good reason to hide theirs). now” than a “has for you. been” or “has done.” ƒƒUse a current photo in which you’re smiling General Guidelines or appear approachable. A tightly cropped ƒƒWrite your profile in the present tense, not head-shot is best. past tense. People prefer to hire an “is now” than a “has been” or “has done.” Professional Headline Your professional headline is highly visible so it ƒƒUse the first person, not the third person should be strong. It’s displayed by your name (s/he or Mr./Ms.). on others’ contact lists and questions you ask or answer. ƒƒAvoid too much “I, I” and “we, we” (e.g., Start a sentence with “Solving….” ƒƒ your personal tagline that should It’s rather than “I solve…”). describe what you do and for whom in 120 characters. ƒƒSpell out credentials and organizations, as well as using their acronyms. ƒƒDefault is populated by your current job title and company name. You will need to ƒƒ your browser doesn’t have spell-check If change it because it is usually insufficient built in, use Word and paste into LI in describing you. when proofed. ƒƒConvey your specific value and market. ƒƒWhen there are more than a couple lines Good CPA examples are: of text, use bullets and lists. ƒƒ“Tax accountant with more than 20 years ƒƒ spaces on both sides of slash marks Put of experience serving doctors, lawyers between words (e.g., show “either/or” and other professionals.” as “either / or”) so LI and external search engines know they are distinct words. 6
  • 9. ƒƒ“Visionary accountant in the real ƒƒUse commas or hard returns to separate estate industry” 1-3 word descriptive phrases. ƒƒ“President, [FIRM]. Mergers and ƒƒUse alternate terms (e.g., “long-term care acquisitions. Growth/succession facilities” and “assisted living”). strategies for privately held companies.” Positions ƒƒ“CPA; Licensed Insolvency Practitioner; ƒƒ all current and past positions. List Business Restructuring Expert” ƒƒThis can reflect key board terms, charity ƒƒ“Consummate Wealth Manager” involvement and other organizational (for a CPA, PFS) leadership roles as “Positions.” Summary ƒƒJob descriptions needn’t be detailed As you complete your summary and (1,000 characters are allotted) – a sentence experience, list all relevant companies, schools or two is adequate unless you want to load and organizations (and years) so LinkedIn can up on keywords. notify you when new people whom you may know join. Additional Information ƒƒInclude all associations and organizations – it “Professional Experience & Goals” demonstrates character and it helps people Section – 2,000 characters/about find you. 330 words ƒƒ your story: describe why you’re in Tell ƒƒUse organizations’ acronyms, as well as the business as it relates to the customer, the full names spelled out, such as “AICPA” and results you deliver and your qualifications “The American Institute of Certified Public for delivering them. Accountants.” Also, reflect the years of involvement. ƒƒReinforce the industries or types of businesses you serve – the more specific, the better. ƒƒ all honors and awards, the organizations List that bestowed them, and when. “Specialties” Section ƒƒLinkedIn expects to see your “keywords” ƒƒConsider bullets or “>” marks and hard here – it’s important for search. returns to separate multiple items. As you complete your summary and experience, list all relevant companies, schools and organizations (and years) so LinkedIn can notify you when new people join whom you may know. 7
  • 10. Third-party Education An additional field appears. In the first empty Include years and activities because it helps field, enter keywords that describe your link. applications can people find you. Enter your link in the second empty field. supplement your profile. You can Websites Personal URL integrate your blogs, ƒƒ provides three fields for your website and LI A default link is assigned to your profile but Twitter accounts, other links of choice. Use them strategically. it’s difficult to remember and share. Customize your URL by choosing something as close to reading lists, travel your name as possible. If BillJones is taken, ƒƒName your links with personal keywords. The dates/cities, and default labels (e.g., My Company, My Website) try BillJonesCPA or Bill-Jones. sharing of documents don’t help you but listing “[your name]’s bio” and presentations. as link text helps your name come up higher Appending Your Profile in search engines. To personalize your link Third-party applications can supplement your name text, add or edit the link and profile. You can integrate your blogs, Twitter choose “other.” accounts, reading lists, travel dates/cities (useful to connect with others if your contacts ƒƒOpen the drop-down menu where the words are widespread), and sharing of documents “My Company” appear and select “Other.” and presentations. 8
  • 11. Adding Contacts When it comes to quantity vs. quality of contacts, there’s no “right” approach. LI suggests connecting only to those whom you’d actually recommend, but that’s not how most people use LI. It’s also okay to connect to people you’ve just met. No matter your approach, just recognize that the context of people’s connections cannot be assumed. Connecting to Clients and Prospects until you manually select people you wish to Inviting clients is a personal choice, depending invite. Note: do NOT “select all” for reasons on your comfort level. Some CPAs don’t discussed below. actively invite clients, but accept invitations extended by clients. Connecting to them ƒƒUpload from common email programs or .csv, and to prospects allows you to see if they’re .txt or .vcf file formats. connected to your competitors. But the real advantage is the extra opportunity to stay ƒƒ can filter contacts first to remove those You front-of-mind in a non-intrusive way. you’d never invite, but it’s not necessary. Contacts will appear with checkboxes beside Connecting to Competitors each so you can be selective. Should you connect to a competitor? It’s true that they can see your contacts. But, you can ƒƒOnly select people with a LinkedIn logo see theirs and you would see if they connect beside their name indicating they already use to a key client of yours, even if you aren’t LI. Inviting non-users can trigger a slew of connected to that client. emails from people questioning the invitation, the usefulness of LinkedIn, or they may just Uploading Contacts perceive the invitation as spam from you. People wonder if bulk uploading to LI is safe. Avoid this. It is. When you upload, nothing happens 9
  • 12. Sending Invitations Do plan to spend some time corresponding Whenever you invite people, there are some with people who accept your invitations. approaches that will be much appreciated. You’ll be amazed at how much good dialogue occurs—it’s not uncommon to unearth new ƒƒ to always personalize your invitations. Try opportunities. ƒƒRemind people where you’ve met—it’s Responding to Invitations Read and respond to considerate to help them with context. When someone invites you to connect, take a people’s status updates moment to thank him or her for extending the and profile updates invitation. Again, few people do this and you’ll ƒƒDon’t pitch in the invitation. Even saying, ( job changes, etc.) in “If you ever need a business valuation, keep stand out. Plus, a nice dialogue can occur as your weekly “Network me in mind …” is not appropriate. a result. Updates” and/or check your home page daily. Comment on things they ƒƒ gracious. When you’re notified Be If you don’t recognize the name, check the share, congratulate them someone accepted your invitation, take person’s profile to help ring a bell or see who or just say hello. a moment to click “View Profile” and your mutual contacts might be. It’s okay to then send a “thanks for connecting” ask, “Can you refresh me on where we met?” message. So few people do this—you Or you can simply archive the invitation. Don’t will stand out! click “I don’t know this person” unless you want to mark them as a spammer to LI—there’s a penalty to them for this. Interacting Accelerating Relationships LinkedIn status updates, groups and all its other features provide “reasons” to interact. Let them inspire personal correspondence—digital or handwritten. Read and respond to people’s status updates and profile updates (job changes, etc.) in your weekly “Network Updates” and/or check your home page daily. Comment on things they share, congratulate them or just say hello. Even if this is the limit of your interaction through LI, you will experience some positive responses. Your goal is to leverage the digital world, while always seeking to move interactions from “digital to personal.” Asking Questions Ask questions of all of LI or just your first-degree network. If your question pertains to recruiting, job seeking or promoting your services (you must indicate this), then only your direct contacts will see the question. In the question asking area (found under “Answers”), there are tips for how to ask effective questions. 10
  • 13. Answering Questions Recommend People Did you know that the Demonstrate expertise and enhance credibility Recommendations are powerful. Since AICPA has a LinkedIn through answering questions. Answers that are recipients don’t modify them, they carry more group dedicated to 4,000 characters—that’s about 650 words— weight than testimonials found elsewhere. usually are more than sufficient. Answering Giving recommendations to others builds current members? questions on LI provides a taste of what goodwill. Periodically scan your contact If you wish to join blogging is like. If you enjoy it, you might list and reward someone with kind words. this group, please enjoy authoring a blog at some point. Show appreciation to longtime clients, good click this link. vendors and referral sources. It’s also a way to Seek out questions in your areas of expertise. reciprocate when you cannot refer work back When answering questions, remember that no to someone. It benefits you to recommend one appreciates sales pitches; only answer if people—especially those with large networks you can provide new information, perspective of people you want to know—because your or ideas. Always take an altruistic approach to recommendation appears on their profile and answering questions. can draw their connections to your profile. The asker selects a “best answer.” Earning best Don’t use LinkedIn’s “Request answer appears on your profile and may land Recommendations” feature because you on a list of experts for your topic. When it’s impersonal. Personally asking for a you answer questions, that fact, along with the recommendation is fine. Do so after a very category and a link, are included in your recent positive interaction or when you’ve received activities so the value and reach of your answer a nice note of appreciation. extends well beyond the asker. Few people will click on the link, but the visual notice of your NOTE: Wealth managers can’t display knowledge sharing elevates your credibility. testimonials (per Rule 206(4) of the Investment Advisors Act of 1940). Contributing to Groups Only join groups that interest you enough to Introductions be participatory. Be sure to join some groups If you see a connection you’d like to leverage where your target clients are in addition to into an introduction, refrain from using LI’s anywhere other CPAs are. Check the group’s introduction feature. It’s too impersonal “discussions” periodically and add comments. and the context of relationships cannot be Share articles (not only those your firm has assumed, so you need to ask. Call your contact written) and news. But in your interactions, to explain what you’re looking to do, then ask remember your primary goal is to help others, if it’s appropriate for them to facilitate that sort not to be acting “salesy.” Don’t be overt in of an introduction. selling. By being relevant and helpful, you’ll be viewed as credible, and will build trust. If you receive an automated introduction request, again, pick up the phone to learn more before using the built-in mechanism for the intro. Your personal handling of it will go far. 11
  • 14. Researching As you collect LI is a third-degree connector and research will show you whom business cards, attend you know—or could know—and through whom. The value is events and meet enormous. Search people or companies. Search industries to people online, invite identify targets in a geographical area. Clicking on the companies them to connect. pulls up mutual contacts. Send invites as a way of saying “Thank Research can include: you for a great ƒƒLooking up prospects, referral sources and clients before meetings for info that might help you connect. Look for mutual acquaintances, schools, causes or common interests. conversation—it was nice to meet you,” ƒƒViewing competitors’ mutual connections. Are they schmoozing your client? within a day or two. Or might you be schmoozing theirs without realizing it? ƒƒSee what groups your competitors, peers and clients join. Learn what events they attend and articles or books they read. Should you as well? ƒƒSearch prospective hires’ past employers to see if you know people there who can be references. Try Boolean search operators: AND OR NOT alone or combined with quote “ ” or parenthetical ( ) searches. Building Your Network As you collect business cards, attend events and meet people online, invite them to connect. Send invites as a way of saying, “Thank you for a great conversation—it was nice to meet you,” within a day or two. Check “suggested” contacts regularly—invite appropriate people to join you. Also, print your LI URL on your business cards, add it to your bio, your email signature, in print materials, and include it anywhere else you interact online. Volume matters. Not to impress, but because the more people you’re connected to, the more likely you will come up in a keyword search by their friends. Remember that LinkedIn won’t do anything for you if you don’t interact with others through it. It’s a communication vehicle. And your ultimate goal is to develop these conversations from digital to personal. 12
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  • 16. T: 888.777.7077 | F: 800.362.5066 | E: | W: 10904-312 # #