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Social Media
Chris Clark, Aaron Hathorn & LaBrittany Knight
Part I: The Introduction
By Aaron Hathorn
Biggest Networks: Facebook
 Facebook is one of the most used social
media website. It was founded on February
2004 Cambridge, MA by Mark Zuckerberg.
 Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook while he
was a sophomore in college at Harvard
University. It was originally created to help
people in big Universities to get to know
each other.
 Facebook is still a privately owned company,
and as of December 2016, Facebook had
17,048 employees working full time.
Biggest Networks: Facebook
 Facebook was originally targeting college
students but over time it started targeting
people of all ages. You can access Facebook
from a desktop or as easily from your mobile
 Facebook has many positives like keeping in
touch with friends and family, politics, and
funny memes. One of the biggest downsides of
Facebook is that a lot of people are abusing
fake profile pages.
 Some of the common things users are
complaining about on Facebook are spamming,
fake news, and sharing of too much personal
information. Facebook generate revenue by
sponsors and ads.
Biggest Networks: Twitter
 Twitter is rapidly growing bigger every year.
Twitter was created on March 21, 2006 by
Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Noah Glass, and
Biz Stone.
 Twitter was created when Evan Williams ,ex
Googler, had a startup called Odeo a
podcasting platform, but Apple released
there podcasting platform first making Odeo
 So, Evan, Jack, Noah, and Biz came together
and created a idea today known as Twitter.
Twitter is a social media website that relies
on connecting people by microblogging,
hashtags, shares, and retweets.
Biggest Networks: Twitter
 It is most commonly used for everyday people
to keep up with famous people. Twitter was
originally intended to be a SMS based platform.
 Twitter is a privately owned company. Twitter
has about 3,583 employees working for them
as of 2016. Twitter was intended for teenagers
and adults.
 You can access Twitter from a desktop or as
easily from your mobile device. Twitter is great
for keeping up your favorite celebrity, news,
and family.
 Twitter is getting abused heavy by fake
information. Users complain about Twitter's
hashtags, interface, and hard to use interface.
Twitter makes a bulk of its money by sponsors
and ads.
Biggest Networks: Instagram
 Instagram is one of the newest competitors in
the social media market. Instagram was created
in 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger.
 Kevin had a passion for photography and that
inspired him to create Instagram. Instagram is
photo base sharing website. The website was
intended for people like Kevin that had a
passion for photography.
 Instagram is a privately owned company that is
currently owned by Facebook. Instagram had
only 13 employees, but they had over 30 million
user before they were acquired by Facebook.
Biggest Networks: Instagram
 Instagram was intended for teenagers and
adults. You can access Instagram from a
desktop or as easily from your mobile device.
 Instagram is great for looking a high quality
photography and your friends selfies One of
the ways Instagram is being abused is over
posting. People are posting anything from
food to trash.
 Users complain about Instagram not being
engaging, overusing memes, and user not
using captions.
 Instagram also makes its revenue of
sponsored ad posts.
Part II: The Positive Impact
By Chris Clark
Positive impact on Careers
 Social media can have a huge impact on the
Hiring decisions of employers.
 It can be a very useful tool in learning the
personality of a potential candidate.
 Facebook and other companies have already
started hiring using social media and
creating jobs related to social media, which is
improving the economy and job market.
Positive impact on Careers
 An example of someone who got a career
from social media interaction is Tracy
 She got hired after her involvement starting
#blackbuzzfeed, which is what she believed
BuzzFeed would be like for the black
 She dared to post things that were funny
and bold, which landed her job at BuzzFeed.
Positive impact on Mental Health
 Social media can be a big help in
maintaining the mental health of a lot of
younger people.
 Social media has been used a lot as a way to
inform people on how things like depression
and anxiety effect people.
 YouTube is a big platform for things like this,
as people affected tend to make videos
about their issues.
Positive Impact on Mental Health
 Sometimes movements are created so that
people can describe what its like to have
depression, anxiety, or other mental
 One such movement is the
#Whatyoudontsee movement where people
posted things that happen because of their
condition that no one may know.
 For a lot of people it helped them see they
are not alone and that people understand.
Positive Impacts on Relationships
 Relationships are also effected by social
 Many people use social media to keep up
with friends and family or meet new ones.
 One woman used Facebook to find her
biological mother, who abandoned her at a
burger king in Allentown, Pennsylvania when
she was only hours old.
 Her post on facebook got enough attention
that her biological mom actually found her
and arranged a meeting.
Positive Impacts on Relationships
 Another example is an elementary school kid
named Colin, who told his mother that he
didn’t want a party for his birthday because
he had no friends.
 Well his mom opened a Facebook for him
and surprised him by collecting over 600,000
friends on the account.
 Many even sent him letters to cheer him up
and show that he does indeed have “friends”.
 He gained so much attention that a talk
show threw him a surprise party.
Positive Social Impacts
 Social media by its namesake is also a big
help to the worlds social issues.
 Many teens and young adults believe that
social media isn’t bad and is actually good.
 Many news outlets only focus on negatives
because that’s what gets attention.
Positive Social Impacts
 An example of social media helping with
issues in society, a social media user Jérôme
Jarre was told about a 6 year old girl who
died after her and her mother walked 90
miles to find water in Somolia.
 This caused him to push for water, food, and
airline companies to support the poor and
hungry in other countries using social media.
 #turkishairlineshelpsomolia was the hashtag
he used to push for this assistance and
celebrities and other big names backed the
The Physical Impact
 Social media can be a huge help to people
in finding out physical problems or situations
that could help them.
 One such case is 3-year-old Raylee Taylor,
who's mother posted a picture of her on
Facebook, where she had an odd glow in her
 Someone responded to the post and told
her that the gleam was a sign of an eye
condition that could lead to blindness.
 Her mother later got it checked out and
found out they were right, and had eye
surgery done to fix her eye.
The Physical Impact
 Another Example is how social media was
used to promote the ALS ice bucket
 This challenge was meant to raise awareness
and increase donations to the treatment of
ALS patients and went viral all over social
 This is very important as it shows a huge
positive to the good social media can
Part III: The Negative Impact
By LaBrittany Knight
Negative Impact on Careers
 In 2015, Kaitlyn Walls, a 27-year-old single mom from
Dallas, TX was fired before she started her new job at a
local daycare center.
 Walls made a Facebook post venting about how much she
hates being around a lot of children. Her post read: “I start
my new job today, but I absolutely hate working at day
 Her employer caught wind of the post after it had been
shared countless times on Facebook. She was terminated
before her first day.
Venting about one’s job on a public platform shows a lack
of professional and may affect one’s employment
“I hate my job.”
Woman Fired Over Facebook Post
Negative Impacts on Careers
 A Texas couple, Neely and Andrew Moldovan, wrote horrible
reviews about photographer Andrea Polito’s business and called
her a “scammer” on their social media platforms because of a
“hidden” $125 fee that they had actually agreed to pay.
 Others shared the story and soon joined in on the social media
bashing, leaving bad reviews on Facebook and Yelp. They even
contacted the local news.
 The Moldovans’ actions led to the downfall of Polito’s career as a
photographer. She ultimately had to shut down her business.
She sued in the couple in 2015 and was recently awarded $1
million for defamation.
“Social media ruined my business.”
Photographer Wins Defamation Suit
Negative Impact on Careers
 In 2016, (ex) Yelp employee Talia Jane published an
open letter to Yelp’s CEO and co-founder, Jeremy
Stoppleman on the blog site Medium, venting about
her job’s low wages.
 Jane She revealed that her salary was not a living
wage for San Francisco standards and she
constantly struggled financially while Stoppleman is
worth millions.
 Jane was fired by Yelp’s manager and human
resources leader for “violating Yelp’s Terms of
Conduct.” CEO Jeremy Stopplemen responded to
Jane’s letter and termination on Twitter.
“You don’t pay me enough!”
Yelp Employee Writes Letter to CEO
Negative Impact on Mental Health
 According to research done by both the New Media & Society
Journal and the UK’s Royal Society for Public Health, body image
issues are one of the most common problems that are intensified
by social media platforms.
 The prevalence of filters, Photoshop, “flawless” Instagram models
and fitness pages lead many people to have unrealistic
expectations about their body and appearance.
 These studies show that the biggest impacts are among young
women. Constantly comparing one’s body to others leads to
depression, low self-esteem, eating disorders and other
unhealthy behaviors.
“ Instagram, Self-Esteem & Body Image”
Instagram & Body Image
Social Media & Self Esteem
Negative Impact on Mental Health
 For 8 years, Necole Kane ran a highly successful celebrity
news and gossip blog called
 The pressure to keep up a false image of being happy
about hanging out with celebrities and blogging about the
latest gossip became overwhelming. Although she’d
established a lucrative brand for herself, she was miserable
and wanted a way out.
 Kane made the bold decision to shut down her blog
indefinitely, seek therapy, and take some time away from
social media for healing and self-restoration.
“Running a Celebrity Gossip Blog Led to Depression & Guilt”
Necole’s Story
Necole’s Story Continued
Negative Impact on Mental Health
 Many people both young and old use social media as a
measurement of self-worth through likes, shares and
comments. Unrealistic expectations contribute to depression
and self-esteem issues.
 Because social media is so addictive, we tend to become
sleep deprived by constantly being on our phones instead of
getting rest.
 This interrupts our sleeping patterns and ultimately disrupts
our cognitive skills and performance.
“Social Media Anxiety Disorder”
Social Media Anxiety Disorder
Negative Impact on Relationships
 On September 20, 30-year-old Iowa mother of 4,
Erin Lee Mackee, left her small children (ages 6-12)
home alone with easy access to a firearm while she
took an 11-day vacation to Germany.
 While on her trip, she and her travel buddy posted
photos of their food and tourist spots on social
 Thanks to her Instagram posts and tips to the Iowa
police, Macke returned to the States and was taken
into custody on child endangerment charges. Her
children were removed from her care and placed
with other family members.
“Posts Over Parenting”
Woman Abandons Children for German Vacay
Negative Impact on Relationships
 An Ohio State student got caught cheating on his
girlfriend after he mistakenly shared a private snap
conversation on the university’s main Snapchat channel.
 The student, AJ, was bombarded with snaps and hate
messages from both schoolmates and thousands of
people from around the world who also viewed his
scandalous Snapchat post.
“Cheater, Cheater”
Cheating College Student Busted
Negative Impact on Relationships
 A young woman took to Twitter to express her
frustrations about her longtime childhood friend
who wasn’t very supportive about her new job
 The “friend” saw the tweet and responded with a
series of text messages criticizing the young
woman for getting a new job, paying off her
debts and basically being “disloyal” for
progressing financially and career-wise.
 The two ended their friendship after the online
“Friendship Over”
A Broken Friendship
Negative Social Impact
 According to Dr. Paul Booth, a professor of media
studies at DePaul University, although social media
has actually strengthen the ways we can
communicate with others on a grand scale, it has
weakened an important type of communication:
face-to-face interaction.
 The presence of social media platforms tend to
make us gravitate only towards those with similar
opinions, interest and ideas, ultimately weakening
the diversity we often get with face-to-face
 Social media doesn’t necessarily help build strong,
long-lasting relationships.
“Weak Interactions”
Weak Interactions
Negative Social Impact
 On March 29, 2017, retired American Olympic figure
skater Michelle Kwan found out that her husband,
Clay Pell, filed for divorce…via Twitter.
 The couple had separated earlier, but were still living
together, seeking to resolve things cordially.
 Pell blind-sided Kwan with the divorce filing after
issuing a statement to People Magazine before
personally informing her, his wife.
Miscommunication: “I’ll Tell the Media Instead”
Twitter Divorce
Negative Social Impact
 When it comes to relaying a message, context is very
important. Oftentimes, messages get lost in
translation when posted on social media.
 Twitter, for example, only allows 140 characters per
tweet. Therefore, we must choose our words carefully
to assure we’re typing what we mean.
 One cannot read facial expressions via an Instagram
caption or Facebook comment. Facial expressions and
body language are integral parts of effective
“I Didn’t Mean It Like That”
Context & Social Media
Negative Physical Impact
 In 2012, a 21-year-old aspiring California rapper
named Ervin McKinness sent out a tweet while
driving under the influence.
 He died minutes later when he ran a red light and
crashed into a wall. His 4 friends were also killed in
the crash.
 Three young women in Philadelphia lost their lives in
a deadly car crash on December 20, 2015.
 Prior to their fatal accident, the young women were
posting Snapchat stories, the last one being of them
speeding down a road at more than 70 mph.
“You Only Live Once”
Snapchat Tragedy
Twitter Tragedy
“Snapchat Casualty”
Negative Physical Impact
 In 2012, the popular “Cinnamon Challenge” had
people trying to digest a spoonful of raw ground
cinnamon for likes and laughs.
 According to the American Association of Poison
Control Centers, during the first few months of 2012,
almost 90% of their calls were related to people
being harmed by the “Cinnamon Challenge.” More
than 25% of the callers had to be hospitalized.
 The recent “Hot Water Challenge” led to an 11-year-
old Bronx girl suffering severe burns after being
doused with hot water at a sleepover.
Dangerous Social Media “Challenges”
Cinnamon Challenge
Hot Water Challenge
Facebook Scheme
Do It for Snap
By: LaBrittany Knight

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Social media group assignment

  • 1. Social Media Chris Clark, Aaron Hathorn & LaBrittany Knight
  • 2. Part I: The Introduction By Aaron Hathorn
  • 3. Biggest Networks: Facebook  Facebook is one of the most used social media website. It was founded on February 2004 Cambridge, MA by Mark Zuckerberg.  Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook while he was a sophomore in college at Harvard University. It was originally created to help people in big Universities to get to know each other.  Facebook is still a privately owned company, and as of December 2016, Facebook had 17,048 employees working full time.
  • 4. Biggest Networks: Facebook  Facebook was originally targeting college students but over time it started targeting people of all ages. You can access Facebook from a desktop or as easily from your mobile device.  Facebook has many positives like keeping in touch with friends and family, politics, and funny memes. One of the biggest downsides of Facebook is that a lot of people are abusing fake profile pages.  Some of the common things users are complaining about on Facebook are spamming, fake news, and sharing of too much personal information. Facebook generate revenue by sponsors and ads.
  • 5. Biggest Networks: Twitter  Twitter is rapidly growing bigger every year. Twitter was created on March 21, 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Noah Glass, and Biz Stone.  Twitter was created when Evan Williams ,ex Googler, had a startup called Odeo a podcasting platform, but Apple released there podcasting platform first making Odeo useless.  So, Evan, Jack, Noah, and Biz came together and created a idea today known as Twitter. Twitter is a social media website that relies on connecting people by microblogging, hashtags, shares, and retweets.
  • 6. Biggest Networks: Twitter  It is most commonly used for everyday people to keep up with famous people. Twitter was originally intended to be a SMS based platform.  Twitter is a privately owned company. Twitter has about 3,583 employees working for them as of 2016. Twitter was intended for teenagers and adults.  You can access Twitter from a desktop or as easily from your mobile device. Twitter is great for keeping up your favorite celebrity, news, and family.  Twitter is getting abused heavy by fake information. Users complain about Twitter's hashtags, interface, and hard to use interface. Twitter makes a bulk of its money by sponsors and ads.
  • 7. Biggest Networks: Instagram  Instagram is one of the newest competitors in the social media market. Instagram was created in 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger.  Kevin had a passion for photography and that inspired him to create Instagram. Instagram is photo base sharing website. The website was intended for people like Kevin that had a passion for photography.  Instagram is a privately owned company that is currently owned by Facebook. Instagram had only 13 employees, but they had over 30 million user before they were acquired by Facebook.
  • 8. Biggest Networks: Instagram  Instagram was intended for teenagers and adults. You can access Instagram from a desktop or as easily from your mobile device.  Instagram is great for looking a high quality photography and your friends selfies One of the ways Instagram is being abused is over posting. People are posting anything from food to trash.  Users complain about Instagram not being engaging, overusing memes, and user not using captions.  Instagram also makes its revenue of sponsored ad posts.
  • 9. Part II: The Positive Impact By Chris Clark
  • 10. Positive impact on Careers  Social media can have a huge impact on the Hiring decisions of employers.  It can be a very useful tool in learning the personality of a potential candidate.  Facebook and other companies have already started hiring using social media and creating jobs related to social media, which is improving the economy and job market.
  • 11. Positive impact on Careers  An example of someone who got a career from social media interaction is Tracy Clayton.  She got hired after her involvement starting #blackbuzzfeed, which is what she believed BuzzFeed would be like for the black community.  She dared to post things that were funny and bold, which landed her job at BuzzFeed.
  • 12. Positive impact on Mental Health  Social media can be a big help in maintaining the mental health of a lot of younger people.  Social media has been used a lot as a way to inform people on how things like depression and anxiety effect people.  YouTube is a big platform for things like this, as people affected tend to make videos about their issues.
  • 13. Positive Impact on Mental Health  Sometimes movements are created so that people can describe what its like to have depression, anxiety, or other mental disorders.  One such movement is the #Whatyoudontsee movement where people posted things that happen because of their condition that no one may know.  For a lot of people it helped them see they are not alone and that people understand.
  • 14. Positive Impacts on Relationships  Relationships are also effected by social media.  Many people use social media to keep up with friends and family or meet new ones.  One woman used Facebook to find her biological mother, who abandoned her at a burger king in Allentown, Pennsylvania when she was only hours old.  Her post on facebook got enough attention that her biological mom actually found her and arranged a meeting.
  • 15. Positive Impacts on Relationships  Another example is an elementary school kid named Colin, who told his mother that he didn’t want a party for his birthday because he had no friends.  Well his mom opened a Facebook for him and surprised him by collecting over 600,000 friends on the account.  Many even sent him letters to cheer him up and show that he does indeed have “friends”.  He gained so much attention that a talk show threw him a surprise party.
  • 16. Positive Social Impacts  Social media by its namesake is also a big help to the worlds social issues.  Many teens and young adults believe that social media isn’t bad and is actually good.  Many news outlets only focus on negatives because that’s what gets attention.
  • 17. Positive Social Impacts  An example of social media helping with issues in society, a social media user Jérôme Jarre was told about a 6 year old girl who died after her and her mother walked 90 miles to find water in Somolia.  This caused him to push for water, food, and airline companies to support the poor and hungry in other countries using social media.  #turkishairlineshelpsomolia was the hashtag he used to push for this assistance and celebrities and other big names backed the movement.
  • 18. The Physical Impact  Social media can be a huge help to people in finding out physical problems or situations that could help them.  One such case is 3-year-old Raylee Taylor, who's mother posted a picture of her on Facebook, where she had an odd glow in her eyes.  Someone responded to the post and told her that the gleam was a sign of an eye condition that could lead to blindness.  Her mother later got it checked out and found out they were right, and had eye surgery done to fix her eye.
  • 19. The Physical Impact  Another Example is how social media was used to promote the ALS ice bucket challenge.  This challenge was meant to raise awareness and increase donations to the treatment of ALS patients and went viral all over social media.  This is very important as it shows a huge positive to the good social media can achieve.
  • 20. Part III: The Negative Impact By LaBrittany Knight
  • 21. Negative Impact on Careers  In 2015, Kaitlyn Walls, a 27-year-old single mom from Dallas, TX was fired before she started her new job at a local daycare center.  Walls made a Facebook post venting about how much she hates being around a lot of children. Her post read: “I start my new job today, but I absolutely hate working at day care.”  Her employer caught wind of the post after it had been shared countless times on Facebook. She was terminated before her first day. Venting about one’s job on a public platform shows a lack of professional and may affect one’s employment opportunities. “I hate my job.” Woman Fired Over Facebook Post
  • 22. Negative Impacts on Careers  A Texas couple, Neely and Andrew Moldovan, wrote horrible reviews about photographer Andrea Polito’s business and called her a “scammer” on their social media platforms because of a “hidden” $125 fee that they had actually agreed to pay.  Others shared the story and soon joined in on the social media bashing, leaving bad reviews on Facebook and Yelp. They even contacted the local news.  The Moldovans’ actions led to the downfall of Polito’s career as a photographer. She ultimately had to shut down her business. She sued in the couple in 2015 and was recently awarded $1 million for defamation. “Social media ruined my business.” Photographer Wins Defamation Suit
  • 23. Negative Impact on Careers  In 2016, (ex) Yelp employee Talia Jane published an open letter to Yelp’s CEO and co-founder, Jeremy Stoppleman on the blog site Medium, venting about her job’s low wages.  Jane She revealed that her salary was not a living wage for San Francisco standards and she constantly struggled financially while Stoppleman is worth millions.  Jane was fired by Yelp’s manager and human resources leader for “violating Yelp’s Terms of Conduct.” CEO Jeremy Stopplemen responded to Jane’s letter and termination on Twitter. “You don’t pay me enough!” Yelp Employee Writes Letter to CEO
  • 24. Negative Impact on Mental Health  According to research done by both the New Media & Society Journal and the UK’s Royal Society for Public Health, body image issues are one of the most common problems that are intensified by social media platforms.  The prevalence of filters, Photoshop, “flawless” Instagram models and fitness pages lead many people to have unrealistic expectations about their body and appearance.  These studies show that the biggest impacts are among young women. Constantly comparing one’s body to others leads to depression, low self-esteem, eating disorders and other unhealthy behaviors. “ Instagram, Self-Esteem & Body Image” Instagram & Body Image Social Media & Self Esteem
  • 25. Negative Impact on Mental Health  For 8 years, Necole Kane ran a highly successful celebrity news and gossip blog called  The pressure to keep up a false image of being happy about hanging out with celebrities and blogging about the latest gossip became overwhelming. Although she’d established a lucrative brand for herself, she was miserable and wanted a way out.  Kane made the bold decision to shut down her blog indefinitely, seek therapy, and take some time away from social media for healing and self-restoration. “Running a Celebrity Gossip Blog Led to Depression & Guilt” Necole’s Story Necole’s Story Continued
  • 26. Negative Impact on Mental Health  Many people both young and old use social media as a measurement of self-worth through likes, shares and comments. Unrealistic expectations contribute to depression and self-esteem issues.  Because social media is so addictive, we tend to become sleep deprived by constantly being on our phones instead of getting rest.  This interrupts our sleeping patterns and ultimately disrupts our cognitive skills and performance. “Social Media Anxiety Disorder” Social Media Anxiety Disorder
  • 27. Negative Impact on Relationships  On September 20, 30-year-old Iowa mother of 4, Erin Lee Mackee, left her small children (ages 6-12) home alone with easy access to a firearm while she took an 11-day vacation to Germany.  While on her trip, she and her travel buddy posted photos of their food and tourist spots on social media.  Thanks to her Instagram posts and tips to the Iowa police, Macke returned to the States and was taken into custody on child endangerment charges. Her children were removed from her care and placed with other family members. “Posts Over Parenting” Woman Abandons Children for German Vacay
  • 28. Negative Impact on Relationships  An Ohio State student got caught cheating on his girlfriend after he mistakenly shared a private snap conversation on the university’s main Snapchat channel.  The student, AJ, was bombarded with snaps and hate messages from both schoolmates and thousands of people from around the world who also viewed his scandalous Snapchat post. “Cheater, Cheater” Cheating College Student Busted
  • 29. Negative Impact on Relationships  A young woman took to Twitter to express her frustrations about her longtime childhood friend who wasn’t very supportive about her new job offer.  The “friend” saw the tweet and responded with a series of text messages criticizing the young woman for getting a new job, paying off her debts and basically being “disloyal” for progressing financially and career-wise.  The two ended their friendship after the online dispute. “Friendship Over” A Broken Friendship
  • 30. Negative Social Impact  According to Dr. Paul Booth, a professor of media studies at DePaul University, although social media has actually strengthen the ways we can communicate with others on a grand scale, it has weakened an important type of communication: face-to-face interaction.  The presence of social media platforms tend to make us gravitate only towards those with similar opinions, interest and ideas, ultimately weakening the diversity we often get with face-to-face interactions.  Social media doesn’t necessarily help build strong, long-lasting relationships. “Weak Interactions” Weak Interactions
  • 31. Negative Social Impact  On March 29, 2017, retired American Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan found out that her husband, Clay Pell, filed for divorce…via Twitter.  The couple had separated earlier, but were still living together, seeking to resolve things cordially.  Pell blind-sided Kwan with the divorce filing after issuing a statement to People Magazine before personally informing her, his wife. Miscommunication: “I’ll Tell the Media Instead” Twitter Divorce
  • 32. Negative Social Impact  When it comes to relaying a message, context is very important. Oftentimes, messages get lost in translation when posted on social media.  Twitter, for example, only allows 140 characters per tweet. Therefore, we must choose our words carefully to assure we’re typing what we mean.  One cannot read facial expressions via an Instagram caption or Facebook comment. Facial expressions and body language are integral parts of effective communication. “I Didn’t Mean It Like That” Context & Social Media
  • 33. Negative Physical Impact  In 2012, a 21-year-old aspiring California rapper named Ervin McKinness sent out a tweet while driving under the influence.  He died minutes later when he ran a red light and crashed into a wall. His 4 friends were also killed in the crash.  Three young women in Philadelphia lost their lives in a deadly car crash on December 20, 2015.  Prior to their fatal accident, the young women were posting Snapchat stories, the last one being of them speeding down a road at more than 70 mph. “You Only Live Once” Snapchat Tragedy Twitter Tragedy “Snapchat Casualty”
  • 34. Negative Physical Impact  In 2012, the popular “Cinnamon Challenge” had people trying to digest a spoonful of raw ground cinnamon for likes and laughs.  According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers, during the first few months of 2012, almost 90% of their calls were related to people being harmed by the “Cinnamon Challenge.” More than 25% of the callers had to be hospitalized.  The recent “Hot Water Challenge” led to an 11-year- old Bronx girl suffering severe burns after being doused with hot water at a sleepover. Dangerous Social Media “Challenges” Cinnamon Challenge Hot Water Challenge
  • 37. Do It for Snap By: LaBrittany Knight