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Our goal was to test the effectiveness of social media marketing tactics in
driving value for an online retailer

                     •     Based on cutting-edge research on the science of social networks,
                           Social Influence Marketing aims to help companies use social influence
    The concept            to spread messages through networks to drive product purchase or

                     •    A well-defined learning agenda will enable us to rapidly prototype, test,
                          and iterate our service offering
      The goal       •    We have a customer, Hex Goods, which will allow us to analyze
                          marketing tests to determine the optimal channel, language, and tactics
                          needed to drive desired behaviors

                    •     Regular updates on test plan, execution, and learnings
     The output     •     Final slide deck synthesizing our learning agenda, our findings, and
                          ultimate recommendations

                                                                                                      | 1
The mystery-heuristic-algorithm framework guided our learning agenda

                                     •  Is social media an effective marketing

                                     •  How do we identify influentials within a
             •  How does a network’s structure affect our
                                        ability to spread a message?

                                     •  How do messages in a social network
                                        drive purchase or consideration within a
                 targeted demographic?

                                                                                   | 2
Our customer:

   Hex Goods is an online boutique that features new and unique products from
   independent designers. Hex Goods launched in November 2011 with a collection of
   products for Christmas, followed by a Valetine’s Day collection in January/February
   2012. By taking the concept of a small local design boutique and adding the elements
   of good online retailers (free shipping, a generous return policy, and a satisfaction
   guarantee), we hope to build a brand in a traditionally fragmented market.

                                                                                           | 3
Social media is a great marketing tool if used effectively; however it
requires a real investment of time and energy to bear success

    Social media has                                          Social proof and
                               Network diversity is
    powerful targeting                                      relevance are key to
       capabilities                                         engage communities

 • Social media allows for   • Startups are natural       • Endorsement by
   n-th degree targeting       echo-chambers                community members
                                                            lends social proof
 • Low barriers enable       • Expand network diversity
   broad seeding of            by:                        • Target based on
   messages                      o Adding team              behavioral
                                   members with             demographics, not just
 • Key is finding entry            diverse networks         traditional demographics
   points into relevant          o Earning publicity
   networks for the target       o Just ‘getting out      • Communicate through
   market                          there’                   appropriate social
                                                            channels for maximum

                                                                                 | 4
Social media marketing manual for an entrepreneur

                      Define the key metric or metrics that drive economic outcomes for your
    Define metrics    business

                      Create a network systems map to identify factors and loops that
 Build systems map    positively and negatively influence key business metrics

                      Target high-impact network variables, drivers, and feedback loops for
    Design testing    marketing efforts

                      Embed analytics to enable rapid learning from testing campaigns and
 Test, measure, and   understand how marketing efforts are influencing the network system

                                                                                          | 5
1 Establish proper metrics for the SIM campaign

                             Example of metric selection process for our client

                                              Easy to   Links to bus Useful for Driven by
                             Potential        measure   goals        small      marketing
  Guidelines                 metrics                                 samples
 1.  Easy to measure

 2.  Links to broader
                                                 ü          ü                    ü
     business goals in a     Newsletter
     measurable way (eg,
     awareness, profit)
                             sign-ups            ü          ü
 3.  Useful with small
     sample sizes
                                                             ü          ü        ü
                             Return Visits
 4.  Likely to be driven
     directly by marketing                                   ü                    ü
                             Engaged Visits
                                                 ü          ü          ü        ü
                                                 ü          ü          ü        ü
                                                                                            | 6
2 Create a network systems map to identify factors and loops that
  positively and negatively influence key business metrics

   Guidelines                            Examples from our map

  1.  Develop systems map focused       1.  Focus on engaged visitors
      on optimizing your key metric
                                        2.  Return visitors, newsletter sign-
  2.  Determine the key secondary           ups, purchases, attractiveness,
      metrics                               awareness, referrals, etc
  3.  Determine other key variables     3.  Advertising, value proposition,
      that you can influence                uniqueness, incentives, etc
  4.  Determine the relationship        4.  Incentives drive referrals,
      between variables                     referrals drive publicity
  5.  Identify the key feedback loops   5.  Engaged visitors-referrals-
      that exist                            awareness-new visitors-
                                            engaged visitors
  6.  Identify among the loops, which
      has the greatest impact on the    6.  Referral loop, purchase loop,
      key metric                            incentive loop, etc

                                                                              | 7
2 Example network systems map from our client

                                                Feedback Loops
                                                to focus on:
                                                •  Referral loop
                                                •  Investment loop
                                                •  Awareness loop
                                                •  Publicity loop

                                                Not focused on:
                                                •  Return loop

                                                              | 8
3 Design campaigns: Target high-impact network variables, drivers, and
  feedback loops for marketing efforts


  1.  Determine the top priority loops
      and drivers relevant to your key
      metric                             Our campaigns
  2.  Determine the appropriate          A
                                         •  Facebook campaign
      channels based on
                                         •  Google AdWords
      •    Relevance
                                         •  Blogs
      •    Budget constraints
                                         •  Twitter
      •    Impact on systems map
                                         •  Referral program
  3.  Design pilot campaign
  4.  Iterate campaigns based on

                                                                     | 9
4       Test measure iterate: Embed analytics to enable rapid learning from
        testing campaigns and understand how marketing efforts are
        influencing the network system


                                        | 10
4   Example from Hex Goods

                   •  Iteration: Tested four different marketing campaigns (AdWords, facebook1,
                      facebook2, Z-ferral)
    Build faster   •  Free & open-source software: Used Google Analytics to track visitor
                      behavior; Venisim for network maps; Gephi & NodeXL for twitter analysis

                   •  Measure what matters: Chose profitability-connected metrics from the onset
                   •  Quantify results: Google Analytics allowed us to track connect source of
                      visitor to site activity
     Measure       •  Split tests: Horse-raced facebook campaigns to determine effectiveness

                   •  Hypothesis-based testing: All testing campaigns were grounded in a detailed
                      hypothesis about outcomes
                   •  Simulation testing: Built robust network systems map to understand which
    Learn faster      potential drivers could have the highest impact on our target metrics

                                                                                                  | 11
Campaign Details
                                                 Feedback loops
                Description                      meant to drive    Effectiveness
                                                 Referral loop,
                3 targeted facebook ad           Publicity loop,
     Facebook   campaigns                        Awareness loop
                                                 Investment loop

      Google    Campaigns focused on gifting
                                                 Awareness loop
     AdWords    and product-specific searches

                Targeted design blogs to write
      Blogs                                      Publicity Loop
                stories about Hex Goods

 D              Targeted twitter analysis to     Publicity Loop,
      Twitter   determine optimum communities    Awareness Loop,
                to follow and promote to         Referral Loop

                Developed affiliate program to   Referral Loop,
     Referral                                    Publicity Loop
                incentivize referrals

                                                                             | 12
Campaigns that were both relevant and had an element of
“social proof” were most effective in driving engaged traffic
                                                               Marketing ROI
                                       Cost per                 Bounce                Cost per
 Source       Campaign                 visitor ($)              rate (%)              engaged visitor

 Facebook     Geography                               1.60                      83               9.42
              Untargeted connections      0.45                                  83      2.65
              Targeted connections                    1.64                      83               9.68
              Wall posts                0.08                              48          0.15
 Blogs        Oh, the Lovely Things     0.15                          45               0.28
              LA in the Bay                      1.11                 43                1.96
              MBA Social                       1.02                  25                 1.36
              Nest Eagle Rock             0.45                        36               0.71
              Inventables                  0.61                  9                     0.67
 Google       Headband                         0.86                              93                  12.68
 AdWords                                  0.38                                   93           5.66
              Kindle Fire
 Zferral      Affiliate program                         1.79               60             4.46

                                                                                                     | 13
    Facebook ads were one of the highest return options, but only when we
    used the social graph

Campaigns                               Learnings

    ▪  Geography: Targeted standard      ▪  Geography campaign performed
     Facebook ads to 10 zipcodes that      poorly; click-through rates were low,
     represented our target market         CPC was high, and the target
                                           population was very small
    ▪  Connections: “Sponsored
     stories” presented to people who    ▪  Connections campaign performed very
     are friends with someone who          well; most clicks and connections came
     “likes” Hex Goods                     from friends of friends

    ▪  Targeted connections:             ▪  Targeted connections performed okay;
     “Sponsored stories” presented to      limiting to target demographic put
     people who are friends with           viewers outside of the friend circle
     someone who “likes” Hex Goods,
     and also falls in our target        ▪  Facebook campaigns drive additional
     demographic                           value through “likes” that open up a
                                           marketing channel (wall posts are a
                                           very low cost channel)

                                                                                    | 14
    Geography campaign results

                                 | 15
    Connections and targeted connections campaign results

                                                            | 16
    Google AdWords performed poorly, and led to particularly high bounce
    rates, making them an expensive advertising option

Campaigns                                  Learnings

    ▪  Gift campaign: Hex Goods             ▪  CPC on Google AdWords is driven by
     general advertisement to people          the competition; who else is bidding,
     searching for gift-related keywords      and how much can they afford to pay?

    ▪  Product-specific campaigns:          ▪  Winning on Google AdWords means
     Product-specific advertisements to       having the highest customer LTV and
     people searching for keywords            therefore the highest bid price
     related to those products
                                            ▪  Therefore, Google AdWords is an
                                              ineffective tool for cash-poor start-ups
                                              who don’t have customer histories and
                                              therefore little understanding of
                                              customer LTV

                                            ▪  In addition, bounce rates from Google
                                              AdWords are extremely high

                                                                                         | 17
    AdWords campaign results

                               | 18
    Blogs were an effective marketing campaign, especially when they were
    targeted to the right audience

Campaigns                                Learnings

    ▪  Oh, the Lovely Things: Featured    ▪  Blogs and publicity outperform
      on a design blog that frequently      advertising by a significant margin
      features products from Etsy
      designers                           ▪  Relevance is extremely important in
                                            driving traffic; design blogs dramatically
    ▪  LA in the Bay: Featured on a         outperformed other blogs
      general women’s lifestyle blog
      from LA; contest offering a free    ▪  Because the cost of publicity is mostly
      Hex Goods product                     time, blogs are a great resource for
                                            time-rich, cash-poor start-ups
    ▪  MBA Social: MBA lifestyle blog
    ▪  Nest Eagle Rock: Personal blog
      of one of my designers

    ▪  Inventables: Blog for a local
      Chicago start-up

                                                                                         | 19
    Blog campaign results

                            | 20
    Pinterest is a great way to be seen, but did not drive significant referral

                                                                     140 pins

                                                                                | 21
      A twitter network analysis is helpful in determining which users to invest
      in establishing relationships with

 Analyses                                                                     Learnings

    ▪  Analyzed three key influentials                                           ▪  Twitter analysis helps determine which
       on twitter with a direct reach of                                             of the potentially influential users to
       over 920k design-interested                                                   target
       individuals                                                                       ▪  Just counting followers is
                                                                                            insufficient – followers must also
    ▪  Evaluated network structure to                                                       be a relevant demographic
       find brokers and ‘gate keepers’
       that would impact target’s f-ratio*                                       ▪  For targets with a very low f-ratio*,
                                                                                     attempt to establish relationships with
    ▪  Assessed network makeup to                                                    its follows that have a high ratio
       better understand the                                                             ▪  A high ratio indicates that the
       communities our targeted                                                             individual is more likely to
       influential follows                                                                  reciprocate your follow request

*: F-ratio is a measure of “following-ratio” or ‘approachability’, defined as following relations divided by follower relationships   | 22
    The importance of the f-ratio

Understanding the f-ratio
    The f-ratio is defined as a twitter user's number of following relationships divided by the number of follower
    relationships and is an estimate of a twitter user's likelihood to reciprocally follow you.

    Furthermore, an f-ratio reveals the type of twitter user the individual is:
     •  A high f-ratio (1:many) indicates that the individual uses twitter to broadcast information, as such are very
        influential. These users tend to be celebrities, companies, and established brands.
     •  A low f-ratio (many:1) indicates that this user is primarily a consumer of information. Many individual, passive, and
        unengaged users fall into this category.
     •  A neutral f-ratio (1:1) indicates that this user may regularly engage in a dialogue with the community. These
        users are often respected bloggers, marketers, and smaller brands.

Summary of our analysis

       Twitter user                            Description                            f-ratio     Follower relevance
    @designmilk               Popular modern design blog                             .0014        Low

    @thecoolhunter            Trendspotting blog                                     .003         Low

    @dwell                    Modern home goods and interior design                  .0018        High
                              magazine and blog
    @dwell employees          Employees of dwell corporation                         .34          High

                                                                                                                                | 23
    designmilk’s relationships are primarily one-way and lie outside of our
    target demographic

                                                                Interior design
    Companies &

                                                               # of followers: 470k
                                                               f-ratio: .0014
         Broad design, design blogs, product design
                                                                                  | 24
    thecoolhunter’s had a diverse network and a high f-ratio; however, its
    network lacked communities of the target demographic

                                                           Celebs & bloggers
     Style & fashion

                                                            Ad & marketing agencies

                                                                   # of followers: 172k
        Architecture & design                                      f-ratio: .003
                                              News, travel, info

                                                                                      | 25
    dwell’s network had a small communities of our target demographic and a
    large community of current and former dwell employees

                                                          Interior design
     Museums &

          Employees                                 Architecture

                                                               # of followers: 355k
                                                               f-ratio: .0018

                                                                                  | 26
    dwell’s employees represent an ideal entry point to dwell’s network; they
    were often re-tweeted by dwell and had an average f-ratio of .34:1

          Employee community of dwell’s network

                                                                          | 27
     Referral program through Z-ferral was not as effective as we had hoped
     for driving incentivized referrals

Campaigns                                       Learnings
    Ambassador Program:
    •  Developed an incentivized referral        ▪  Referral program needs significant
       program that required sign-ups by           volume to find appropriate
       existing visitors                           ambassadors
    •  Utilized zferral embedded                 ▪  Rewards may need to be driven from
       software to award 10% “cash                 metrics other than purchases,
       reward” for any purchase driven             especially in a start-up environment
       by referrals
                                                 ▪  Referral needs marketing on its own.   It
    Hello-bar:                                     is not driven much by organic growth
    •  Implemented simple “hello bar” on
       the top of the site to inform visitors
       about the referral program

    Facebook mini-campaign
    •  Attempted to drive ambassadors
       based on personal facebook
       connections and hexgoods fans

                                                                                                | 28
    How to incentivize sharing amongst groups?

     Why would people recommend?

    1.  Available outlet (fbook, twitter,
                                            Guidelines for referral program
    2.  Engage on this outlet               1.  Determine appropriate reward/
                                                incentive system
    3.  Satisfied customer, or                   •  Prizes
        interested customer                      •  Discounts
                                                 •  Points
    4.  Incentivized to share within
                                                 •  Cash rewards
         the network
                                            2.  Determine reward structure,
    5.  Know someone who would like
        the product or service                  including whether to award for
                                                2nd order referrals (eg, pyramid
    6.  Think its relevant for your             structure)
                                            3.  Choose appropriate program
    7.  Think something is cool

                                                                                | 29
    We chose to use Zferral as our affiliate platform, but there are many
    options available
     Options for an affiliate program           Our initial campaign choice

    •  Referral software, easy to integrate   Campaign	
       with ecommerce sites                   1st order      5%	
    •  Based on a monthly subscription        commission	
       plus 3% commission
                                              2ND order      0	
    •  Cash rewards and other options
    Buzz Referral
    •  Referral software
    •  Based on monthly subscription
    •  Referrals, social promo codes, and
    •  Referral and customer loyalty

                                                                                                  | 30
    Example Referral Program page

                                    Hello Bar

                                    Landing Page

                                    Tracking page

                                                    | 31
Executive Summary for Social Influence Marketing
▪  Based on cutting-edge research done on the science of social networks, Social Influence
   Marketing (SIM) aims to help companies use social influence to spread messages through
   networks to drive product purchase or consideration
▪  We have established a customer, Hex Goods, which allowed us to analyze marketing tests to
   determine the optimal channel, language, and tactics needed to drive desired behaviors

▪  The team ran 7 different marketing campaigns across 5 channels: Facebook, Google Adwords,
   Blogs, Twitter, and a referral program
▪  Each marketing campaign was tracked for effectiveness and revised where necessary
▪  The team determined three key takeaways from our work:
   –  Social media marketing channels have powerful targeting capabilities
   –  Network diversity is critical to spread messages, especially for a start-up
   –  Social proof and relevance are very important to engage the target audience and community

Handbook for Social Influence Marketing
▪  The team recommends the approach to effectively run a social influence marketing campaign
   –  Define the key metric or metrics that drive economic outcomes for your business
   –  Create a network systems map to identify factors and loops that influence key metrics
   –  Design testing campaigns to target high-impact network variables, drivers, and feedbacks
   –  Test, measure and iterate using embedded analytics to enable rapid learning from testing
      campaigns and understand how marketing efforts are influencing the network system
                                                                                          | 32

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Social Influence Marketing: A guide to online marketing for start-ups and entrepreneurs

  • 1. Our goal was to test the effectiveness of social media marketing tactics in driving value for an online retailer •  Based on cutting-edge research on the science of social networks, Social Influence Marketing aims to help companies use social influence The concept to spread messages through networks to drive product purchase or consideration •  A well-defined learning agenda will enable us to rapidly prototype, test, and iterate our service offering The goal •  We have a customer, Hex Goods, which will allow us to analyze marketing tests to determine the optimal channel, language, and tactics needed to drive desired behaviors •  Regular updates on test plan, execution, and learnings The output •  Final slide deck synthesizing our learning agenda, our findings, and ultimate recommendations | 1
  • 2. The mystery-heuristic-algorithm framework guided our learning agenda •  Is social media an effective marketing Mystery channel? •  How do we identify influentials within a network? Heuristics •  How does a network’s structure affect our ability to spread a message? •  How do messages in a social network drive purchase or consideration within a Algorithm targeted demographic? | 2
  • 3. Our customer: Hex Goods is an online boutique that features new and unique products from independent designers. Hex Goods launched in November 2011 with a collection of products for Christmas, followed by a Valetine’s Day collection in January/February 2012. By taking the concept of a small local design boutique and adding the elements of good online retailers (free shipping, a generous return policy, and a satisfaction guarantee), we hope to build a brand in a traditionally fragmented market. | 3
  • 4. Social media is a great marketing tool if used effectively; however it requires a real investment of time and energy to bear success Social media has Social proof and Network diversity is powerful targeting relevance are key to critical capabilities engage communities • Social media allows for • Startups are natural • Endorsement by n-th degree targeting echo-chambers community members lends social proof • Low barriers enable • Expand network diversity broad seeding of by: • Target based on messages o Adding team behavioral members with demographics, not just • Key is finding entry diverse networks traditional demographics points into relevant o Earning publicity networks for the target o Just ‘getting out • Communicate through market there’ appropriate social channels for maximum effectiveness | 4
  • 5. Social media marketing manual for an entrepreneur 1 Define the key metric or metrics that drive economic outcomes for your Define metrics business 2 Create a network systems map to identify factors and loops that Build systems map positively and negatively influence key business metrics 3 Target high-impact network variables, drivers, and feedback loops for Design testing marketing efforts campaigns 4 Embed analytics to enable rapid learning from testing campaigns and Test, measure, and understand how marketing efforts are influencing the network system iterate | 5
  • 6. 1 Establish proper metrics for the SIM campaign Example of metric selection process for our client Easy to Links to bus Useful for Driven by Potential measure goals small marketing Guidelines metrics samples Purchases 1.  Easy to measure 2.  Links to broader ü ü ü business goals in a Newsletter measurable way (eg, awareness, profit) sign-ups ü ü Referrals 3.  Useful with small sample sizes ü ü ü Return Visits 4.  Likely to be driven directly by marketing ü ü campaign Engaged Visits ü ü ü ü Visits ü ü ü ü | 6
  • 7. 2 Create a network systems map to identify factors and loops that positively and negatively influence key business metrics Guidelines Examples from our map 1.  Develop systems map focused 1.  Focus on engaged visitors on optimizing your key metric 2.  Return visitors, newsletter sign- 2.  Determine the key secondary ups, purchases, attractiveness, metrics awareness, referrals, etc 3.  Determine other key variables 3.  Advertising, value proposition, that you can influence uniqueness, incentives, etc 4.  Determine the relationship 4.  Incentives drive referrals, between variables referrals drive publicity 5.  Identify the key feedback loops 5.  Engaged visitors-referrals- that exist awareness-new visitors- engaged visitors 6.  Identify among the loops, which has the greatest impact on the 6.  Referral loop, purchase loop, key metric incentive loop, etc | 7
  • 8. 2 Example network systems map from our client Feedback Loops to focus on: •  Referral loop •  Investment loop •  Awareness loop •  Publicity loop Not focused on: •  Return loop | 8
  • 9. 3 Design campaigns: Target high-impact network variables, drivers, and feedback loops for marketing efforts Guidelines 1.  Determine the top priority loops and drivers relevant to your key metric Our campaigns 2.  Determine the appropriate A •  Facebook campaign channels based on B •  Google AdWords •  Relevance C •  Blogs •  Budget constraints •  Twitter D •  Impact on systems map •  Referral program E 3.  Design pilot campaign 4.  Iterate campaigns based on results | 9
  • 10. 4 Test measure iterate: Embed analytics to enable rapid learning from testing campaigns and understand how marketing efforts are influencing the network system Ideas   Learn  faster   Build  faster   Learn   Build   Split  tests   Focus  on  MVP   Customer  interviews   Outsource   Customer  development   Iteration   Root  cause  analysis   Free  &  open  source  software   Robust  advisory  board   Stage-­‐gates   Hypothesis  based  testing     Simulation  testing   Data   Develop               Measure  faster   Split  tests   Measure   Focus  on  analytics   Measure  what  matters   Real  time  analysis   Customer-­‐back  KPIs   Active  marketing   Tie  results  to  profitability   Quantify  results       Adapted  from  &  Eric  Ries  talks       | 10
  • 11. 4 Example from Hex Goods •  Iteration: Tested four different marketing campaigns (AdWords, facebook1, facebook2, Z-ferral) Build faster •  Free & open-source software: Used Google Analytics to track visitor behavior; Venisim for network maps; Gephi & NodeXL for twitter analysis •  Measure what matters: Chose profitability-connected metrics from the onset •  Quantify results: Google Analytics allowed us to track connect source of visitor to site activity Measure •  Split tests: Horse-raced facebook campaigns to determine effectiveness •  Hypothesis-based testing: All testing campaigns were grounded in a detailed hypothesis about outcomes •  Simulation testing: Built robust network systems map to understand which Learn faster potential drivers could have the highest impact on our target metrics | 11
  • 12. Campaign Details Feedback loops Description meant to drive Effectiveness Referral loop, A 3 targeted facebook ad Publicity loop, Facebook campaigns Awareness loop Investment loop B Google Campaigns focused on gifting Awareness loop AdWords and product-specific searches C Targeted design blogs to write Blogs Publicity Loop stories about Hex Goods D Targeted twitter analysis to Publicity Loop, Twitter determine optimum communities Awareness Loop, to follow and promote to Referral Loop E Developed affiliate program to Referral Loop, Referral Publicity Loop incentivize referrals | 12
  • 13. Campaigns that were both relevant and had an element of “social proof” were most effective in driving engaged traffic Marketing ROI Cost per Bounce Cost per Source Campaign visitor ($) rate (%) engaged visitor Facebook Geography 1.60 83 9.42 Untargeted connections 0.45 83 2.65 Targeted connections 1.64 83 9.68 Wall posts 0.08 48 0.15 Blogs Oh, the Lovely Things 0.15 45 0.28 LA in the Bay 1.11 43 1.96 MBA Social 1.02 25 1.36 Nest Eagle Rock 0.45 36 0.71 Inventables 0.61 9 0.67 Google Headband 0.86 93 12.68 AdWords 0.38 93 5.66 Kindle Fire Zferral Affiliate program 1.79 60 4.46 | 13
  • 14. A Facebook ads were one of the highest return options, but only when we used the social graph Campaigns Learnings ▪  Geography: Targeted standard ▪  Geography campaign performed Facebook ads to 10 zipcodes that poorly; click-through rates were low, represented our target market CPC was high, and the target population was very small ▪  Connections: “Sponsored stories” presented to people who ▪  Connections campaign performed very are friends with someone who well; most clicks and connections came “likes” Hex Goods from friends of friends ▪  Targeted connections: ▪  Targeted connections performed okay; “Sponsored stories” presented to limiting to target demographic put people who are friends with viewers outside of the friend circle someone who “likes” Hex Goods, and also falls in our target ▪  Facebook campaigns drive additional demographic value through “likes” that open up a marketing channel (wall posts are a very low cost channel) | 14
  • 15. A Geography campaign results | 15
  • 16. A Connections and targeted connections campaign results | 16
  • 17. B Google AdWords performed poorly, and led to particularly high bounce rates, making them an expensive advertising option Campaigns Learnings ▪  Gift campaign: Hex Goods ▪  CPC on Google AdWords is driven by general advertisement to people the competition; who else is bidding, searching for gift-related keywords and how much can they afford to pay? ▪  Product-specific campaigns: ▪  Winning on Google AdWords means Product-specific advertisements to having the highest customer LTV and people searching for keywords therefore the highest bid price related to those products ▪  Therefore, Google AdWords is an ineffective tool for cash-poor start-ups who don’t have customer histories and therefore little understanding of customer LTV ▪  In addition, bounce rates from Google AdWords are extremely high | 17
  • 18. B AdWords campaign results | 18
  • 19. C Blogs were an effective marketing campaign, especially when they were targeted to the right audience Campaigns Learnings ▪  Oh, the Lovely Things: Featured ▪  Blogs and publicity outperform on a design blog that frequently advertising by a significant margin features products from Etsy designers ▪  Relevance is extremely important in driving traffic; design blogs dramatically ▪  LA in the Bay: Featured on a outperformed other blogs general women’s lifestyle blog from LA; contest offering a free ▪  Because the cost of publicity is mostly Hex Goods product time, blogs are a great resource for time-rich, cash-poor start-ups ▪  MBA Social: MBA lifestyle blog ▪  Nest Eagle Rock: Personal blog of one of my designers ▪  Inventables: Blog for a local Chicago start-up | 19
  • 20. C Blog campaign results | 20
  • 21. C Pinterest is a great way to be seen, but did not drive significant referral traffic 140 pins | 21
  • 22. D A twitter network analysis is helpful in determining which users to invest in establishing relationships with Analyses Learnings ▪  Analyzed three key influentials ▪  Twitter analysis helps determine which on twitter with a direct reach of of the potentially influential users to over 920k design-interested target individuals ▪  Just counting followers is insufficient – followers must also ▪  Evaluated network structure to be a relevant demographic find brokers and ‘gate keepers’ that would impact target’s f-ratio* ▪  For targets with a very low f-ratio*, attempt to establish relationships with ▪  Assessed network makeup to its follows that have a high ratio better understand the ▪  A high ratio indicates that the communities our targeted individual is more likely to influential follows reciprocate your follow request *: F-ratio is a measure of “following-ratio” or ‘approachability’, defined as following relations divided by follower relationships | 22
  • 23. D The importance of the f-ratio Understanding the f-ratio The f-ratio is defined as a twitter user's number of following relationships divided by the number of follower relationships and is an estimate of a twitter user's likelihood to reciprocally follow you. Furthermore, an f-ratio reveals the type of twitter user the individual is: •  A high f-ratio (1:many) indicates that the individual uses twitter to broadcast information, as such are very influential. These users tend to be celebrities, companies, and established brands. •  A low f-ratio (many:1) indicates that this user is primarily a consumer of information. Many individual, passive, and unengaged users fall into this category. •  A neutral f-ratio (1:1) indicates that this user may regularly engage in a dialogue with the community. These users are often respected bloggers, marketers, and smaller brands. Summary of our analysis Twitter user Description f-ratio Follower relevance @designmilk Popular modern design blog .0014 Low @thecoolhunter Trendspotting blog .003 Low @dwell Modern home goods and interior design .0018 High magazine and blog @dwell employees Employees of dwell corporation .34 High | 23
  • 24. D designmilk’s relationships are primarily one-way and lie outside of our target demographic Interior design Companies & institutes # of followers: 470k f-ratio: .0014 Broad design, design blogs, product design | 24
  • 25. D thecoolhunter’s had a diverse network and a high f-ratio; however, its network lacked communities of the target demographic Music Celebs & bloggers Style & fashion Ad & marketing agencies # of followers: 172k Architecture & design f-ratio: .003 News, travel, info | 25
  • 26. D dwell’s network had a small communities of our target demographic and a large community of current and former dwell employees Blogs/websites Interior design Museums & institutes Employees Architecture # of followers: 355k f-ratio: .0018 | 26
  • 27. D dwell’s employees represent an ideal entry point to dwell’s network; they were often re-tweeted by dwell and had an average f-ratio of .34:1 Employee community of dwell’s network | 27
  • 28. E Referral program through Z-ferral was not as effective as we had hoped for driving incentivized referrals Campaigns Learnings Ambassador Program: •  Developed an incentivized referral ▪  Referral program needs significant program that required sign-ups by volume to find appropriate existing visitors ambassadors •  Utilized zferral embedded ▪  Rewards may need to be driven from software to award 10% “cash metrics other than purchases, reward” for any purchase driven especially in a start-up environment by referrals ▪  Referral needs marketing on its own. It Hello-bar: is not driven much by organic growth •  Implemented simple “hello bar” on the top of the site to inform visitors about the referral program Facebook mini-campaign •  Attempted to drive ambassadors based on personal facebook connections and hexgoods fans | 28
  • 29. D How to incentivize sharing amongst groups? Why would people recommend? 1.  Available outlet (fbook, twitter, Guidelines for referral program gmail) 2.  Engage on this outlet 1.  Determine appropriate reward/ incentive system 3.  Satisfied customer, or •  Prizes interested customer •  Discounts •  Points 4.  Incentivized to share within •  Cash rewards the network 2.  Determine reward structure, 5.  Know someone who would like the product or service including whether to award for 2nd order referrals (eg, pyramid 6.  Think its relevant for your structure) community 3.  Choose appropriate program 7.  Think something is cool | 29
  • 30. D We chose to use Zferral as our affiliate platform, but there are many options available Options for an affiliate program Our initial campaign choice Zferral •  Referral software, easy to integrate Campaign   1   2   3   4   with ecommerce sites 1st order 5%   10%   15%   10%   •  Based on a monthly subscription commission   plus 3% commission 2ND order 0   5%   0%   0%   •  Cash rewards and other options commission   available Buzz Referral •  Referral software •  Based on monthly subscription •  Referrals, social promo codes, and sweepstakes/contests NextBee •  Referral and customer loyalty program Vouchfor! ReferralCandy | 30
  • 31. D Example Referral Program page Hello Bar Landing Page Tracking page | 31
  • 32. Executive Summary for Social Influence Marketing Goals: ▪  Based on cutting-edge research done on the science of social networks, Social Influence Marketing (SIM) aims to help companies use social influence to spread messages through networks to drive product purchase or consideration ▪  We have established a customer, Hex Goods, which allowed us to analyze marketing tests to determine the optimal channel, language, and tactics needed to drive desired behaviors Outcome ▪  The team ran 7 different marketing campaigns across 5 channels: Facebook, Google Adwords, Blogs, Twitter, and a referral program ▪  Each marketing campaign was tracked for effectiveness and revised where necessary ▪  The team determined three key takeaways from our work: –  Social media marketing channels have powerful targeting capabilities –  Network diversity is critical to spread messages, especially for a start-up –  Social proof and relevance are very important to engage the target audience and community Handbook for Social Influence Marketing ▪  The team recommends the approach to effectively run a social influence marketing campaign –  Define the key metric or metrics that drive economic outcomes for your business –  Create a network systems map to identify factors and loops that influence key metrics –  Design testing campaigns to target high-impact network variables, drivers, and feedbacks –  Test, measure and iterate using embedded analytics to enable rapid learning from testing campaigns and understand how marketing efforts are influencing the network system | 32